Raw File
Tip revision: d2cb4cdc8239487863f27ec455db18216be017d3 authored by Guido Schwarzer on 12 January 2010, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.1-8
Tip revision: d2cb4cd


\title{Meta-analysis of binary outcome data}

  Calculation of fixed and random effects estimates (relative risk, odds
  ratio, risk difference or arcsine difference) for meta-analyses with
  binary outcome data. Mantel-Haenszel, inverse variance and Peto method
  are available for pooling.

metabin(event.e, n.e, event.c, n.c, studlab,
        data = NULL, subset = NULL, method = "MH",
        sm = ifelse(!, c("Peto", "peto"), nomatch = NA)), "OR", "RR"),
        incr = 0.5, allincr = FALSE, addincr = FALSE, allstudies = FALSE,
        MH.exact = FALSE, RR.cochrane = FALSE,
        level = 0.95, level.comb = level,
        comb.fixed=TRUE, comb.random=TRUE,
        title="", complab="", outclab="",
        label.e="Experimental", label.c="Control",
        byvar, bylab, print.byvar=TRUE,
        warn = TRUE)

  \item{event.e}{Number of events in experimental group.}
  \item{n.e}{Number of observations in experimental group.}
  \item{event.c}{Number of events in control group.}
  \item{n.c}{Number of observations in control group.}
  \item{studlab}{An optional vector with study labels.}
  \item{data}{An optional data frame containing the study information,
    i.e., event.e, n.e, event.c, and n.c.}
  \item{subset}{An optional vector specifying a subset of studies to be used.}
  \item{method}{A character string indicating which method is to be used
    for pooling of studies. One of \code{"Inverse"}, \code{"MH"}, or
    \code{"Peto"}, can be abbreviated.}
  \item{sm}{A character string indicating which summary measure
    (\code{"RR"}, \code{"OR"}, \code{"RD"}, or \code{"AS"}) is to be used
    for pooling of studies, see Details.}
  \item{incr}{Could be either a numerical value which is added to each cell
  frequency for studies with a zero cell count or the character string
  \code{"TA"} which stands for treatment arm continuity correction, see
  \item{allincr}{A logical indicating if \code{incr} is added to each
    cell frequency of all studies if at least one study has a zero cell
    count. If false, \code{incr} is added only to each cell frequency of
    studies with a zero cell count.}
  \item{addincr}{A logical indicating if \code{incr} is added to each cell
    frequency of all studies irrespective of zero cell counts.}
  \item{allstudies}{A logical indicating if studies with zero or all
    events in both groups are to be included in the meta-analysis
    (applies only if sm = \code{"RR"} or \code{"OR"}).}
  \item{MH.exact}{A logical indicating if \code{incr} is not to be added
    to all cell frequencies for studies with a zero cell count to
    calculate the pooled estimate based on the Mantel-Haenszel method.}
  \item{RR.cochrane}{A logical indicating if 2*\code{incr} instead of
    1*\code{incr} is to be added to \code{n.e} and \code{n.c} in the
    calculation of the relative risk (i.e., \code{sm="RR"}) for studies
    with a zero cell. This is used in RevMan 5, the
    Cochrane Collaboration's program for preparing and maintaining
    Cochrane reviews.}
  \item{level}{The level used to calculate confidence intervals for
    individual studies.}
  \item{level.comb}{The level used to calculate confidence intervals for
    pooled estimates.}
  \item{comb.fixed}{A logical indicating whether a fixed effect
    meta-analysis should be conducted.}
  \item{comb.random}{A logical indicating whether a random effects
    meta-analysis should be conducted.}
  \item{title}{Title of meta-analysis / systematic review.}
  \item{complab}{Comparison label.}
  \item{outclab}{Outcome label.}
  \item{label.e}{Label for experimental group.}
  \item{label.c}{Label for control group.}
  \item{byvar}{An optional vector containing grouping information (must
    be of same length as \code{event.e}).}
  \item{bylab}{A character string with a label for the grouping variable.}
  \item{print.byvar}{A logical indicating whether the name of the grouping
    variable should be printed in front of the group labels.}
  \item{warn}{A logical indicating whether the addition of \code{incr}
    to studies with zero cell frequencies should result in a warning.}

  Treatment estimates and standard errors are calculated for each
  study. The following measures of treatment effect are available:
  relative risk (if \code{sm="RR"}), odds ratio (\code{sm="OR"}), risk
  difference (\code{sm="RD"}), and arcsine difference (\code{sm="AS"}).

  For studies with a zero cell count, by default, 0.5 is added to
  all cell frequencies of these studies; if \code{incr} is
  \code{"TA"} a treatment arm continuity correction is used instead
  (Sweeting et al., 2004; Diamond et al., 2007). Treatment estimates
  and standard errors are only calculated for studies with zero or all
  events in both groups if \code{allstudies} is \code{TRUE}.
  Internally, both fixed effect and random effects models are calculated
  regardless of values choosen for arguments \code{comb.fixed} and
  \code{comb.random}. Accordingly, the estimate for the random effects
  model can be extracted from component \code{TE.random} of an object
  of class \code{"meta"} even if \code{comb.random=FALSE}. However, all
  functions in R package \code{meta} will adequately consider the values
  for \code{comb.fixed} and \code{comb.random}. E.g. function
  \code{\link{print.meta}} will not print results for the random effects
  model if \code{comb.random=FALSE}.

  By default, both fixed effect and random effects models are considered
  (arguments \code{comb.fixed=TRUE} and \code{comb.random=TRUE}). If
  \code{method} is \code{"MH"} (default), the Mantel-Haenszel method is
  used to calculate the fixed effect estimate; if \code{method} is
  \code{"Inverse"}, inverse variance weighting is used for
  pooling; finally, if \code{method} is \code{"Peto"}, the Peto method
  is used for pooling. The DerSimonian-Laird estimate is used in the
  random effects model. For the Peto method, Peto's log odds ratio,
  i.e. \code{(O-E)/V} and its standard error \code{sqrt(1/V)} with
  \code{O-E} and \code{V} denoting "Observed minus Expected" and
  "V", are utilised in the random effects model. Accordingly, results of
  a random effects model using \code{sm="Peto"} can be (slightly)
  different to results from a random effects model using \code{sm="MH"} or
  For the Mantel-Haenszel method, by default (if \code{MH.exact} is
  FALSE), 0.5 is added to all cell frequencies of a study with a zero cell
  count in the calculation of the pooled estimate. This approach is also
  used in other software, e.g. RevMan 5 and the Stata procedure metan.
  According to Fleiss (in Cooper & Hedges, 1994), there is no need to
  add 0.5 to a cell frequency of zero to calculate the Mantel-Haenszel
  estimate and he advocates the exact method
  (\code{MH.exact}=TRUE). Note, the estimate based on the exact method
  is not defined if the number of events is zero in all studies either
  in the experimental or control group.   

  An object of class \code{c("metabin", "meta")} with corresponding
  \code{print}, \code{summary}, \code{plot} function. The object is a
  list containing the following components:
  \item{event.e, n.e, event.c, n.c, studlab,}{}
  \item{sm, method, incr, allincr, addincr, }{}
  \item{allstudies, MH.exact, RR.cochrane, warn,}{}
  \item{level, level.comb, comb.fixed, comb.random,}{}
  \item{byvar, bylab, print.byvar}{As defined above.}
  \item{TE, seTE}{Estimated treatment effect and standard error of individual studies.}
  \item{w.fixed, w.random}{Weight of individual studies (in fixed and
    random effects model).}
  \item{TE.fixed, seTE.fixed}{Estimated overall treatment effect and
    standard error (fixed effect model).}
  \item{TE.random, seTE.random}{Estimated overall treatment effect and
    standard error (random effects model).}
  \item{k}{Number of studies combined in meta-analysis.}
  \item{Q}{Heterogeneity statistic Q.}
  \item{tau}{Square-root of between-study variance (moment estimator of
  \item{Q.CMH}{Cochrane-Mantel-Haenszel heterogeneity statistic.}
  \item{incr.e, incr.c}{Increment added to cells in the experimental and
    control group, respectively}
  \item{sparse}{Logical flag indicating if any study included in
    meta-analysis has any zero cell frequencies.}
  \item{call}{Function call.}

  Cooper H & Hedges LV (1994),
  \emph{The Handbook of Research Synthesis}.
  Newbury Park, CA: Russell Sage Foundation.

  Diamond GA, Bax L, Kaul S (2007,
  Uncertain Effects of Rosiglitazone on the Risk for Myocardial
  Infarction and Cardiovascular Death.
  \emph{Annals of Internal Medicine}, \bold{147}, 578--581.

  DerSimonian R & Laird N (1986),
  Meta-analysis in clinical trials. \emph{Controlled Clinical Trials},
  \bold{7}, 177--188.

  Fleiss JL (1993),
  The statistical basis of meta-analysis.
  \emph{Statistical Methods in Medical Research}, \bold{2}, 121--145.

  Greenland S & Robins JM (1985),
  Estimation of a common effect parameter from sparse follow-up data.
  \emph{Biometrics}, \bold{41}, 55--68.
  \emph{Review Manager (RevMan)} [Computer program]. Version 5.0. The
  Nordic Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration, 2008.
  Ruecker G, Schwarzer G, Carpenter JR (2008)
  Arcsine test for publication bias in meta-analyses with binary
  outcomes. \emph{Statistics in Medicine}, \bold{27},746--763.
  StataCorp. 2009.
  \emph{Stata Statistical Software: Release 11}. College Station, TX:
  Stata Corporation.

  Sweeting MJ, Sutton AJ, Lambert PC (2004),
  What to add to nothing? Use and avoidance of continuity corrections
  in meta-analysis of sparse data.
  \emph{Statistics in Medicine}, \bold{23}, 1351--1375.

\author{Guido Schwarzer \email{}}

\seealso{\code{\link{funnel}}, \code{\link{metabias}}, \code{\link{metacont}}, \code{\link{metagen}}, \code{\link{print.meta}}}

metabin(10, 20, 15, 20, sm="OR")

## Different results:
metabin(0, 10, 0, 10, sm="OR")
metabin(0, 10, 0, 10, sm="OR", allstudies=TRUE)


meta1 <- metabin(event.e, n.e, event.c, n.c,
                 data=Olkin95, subset=c(41,47,51,59),
                 sm="RR", meth="I")

meta2 <- metabin(event.e, n.e, event.c, n.c,
                 data=Olkin95, subset=Olkin95$year<1970,
                 sm="RR", meth="I")
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