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Tip revision: 4719166ac96865c6f3b3511be87177f70b244656 authored by Martin Maechler on 11 August 2010, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.2-1
Tip revision: 4719166
#### -*- mode: R; kept-new-versions: 25; kept-old-versions: 20 -*-
#### MM: port of Lutz Duembgen's matlab code to R

## concaveRegr <-
## concaveRegression <-
## 'conreg' is analogue to the standard R  'isoreg()'
## also, it now can be convex or concave regression
conreg <- function(x, y = NULL, w = NULL, convex = FALSE,
			tol = 1e-7, maxit = c(200,20),
			adjTol = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
  ## Ported to R and enhanced:
  ## - work for unordered, even duplicated 'x'
  ## - made slightly faster; more options;
  ## - detect infinite loop; auto-adjust tol;
  ## - changed tol (prec) to 1e-7
  ## - new arg.	 convex == FALSE   <==>	 concave == TRUE
  ## - define "class" and many methods, plot, predict, ...

  ## Martin Maechler, 27.-28. Apr 2007

  ## TODO: allow convexity instead of concavity
  ##	 (directly instead of via " y <- -y ")

  ##  2)	use 'call'  in plot, etc...

  ##  4) ------> refind the "shape preserving splines" from numerical analysis!
  ##     and do these as a last step

  ##  5) I have upped tol to 1e-7; and added an 'adjTol' trick.
  ##   Can anyone find an example where  tol = 1e-7 is "too small"
  ##   insofar as it takes less steps than  tol = 1e-10 erronously ?

  ## berechnet zu gegebenen Vektoren x, y, w im R^n mit
  ##	x(1) < x(2) < ... < x(n)
  ## einen Spaltenvektor M im R^n mit minimaler Quadratsumme
  ##	sum(w .* (M - y)^2 )
  ## unter der Nebenbedingung
  ##	     (M[i] - M[i-1]) / (x[i] - x[i-1]) >=
  ##	     (M[i+1] - M[i]) / (x[i+1] - x[i])
  ##	fuer 1 <= i <= n ,
  ## wobei M[0] := M[n+1] := - inf.
  ## Default fuer w ist w[i] = 1.
  ## Die Berechnungsmethode ist ein Active-Set-Verfahren,
  ## TODO {this was 'matlab'}:
  ## --- dessen Zwischenschritte auch graphisch illustriert werden.
  ## iKnots gibt jene Indizes  i  an, wo Vektor M die strikte
  ## Ungleichung
  ##	 (M[i] - M[i-1]) / (x[i] - x[i-1]) >
  ##	 (M[i+1] - M[i]) / (x[i+1] - x[i])
  ## erfuellt.
  ## Lutz Duembgen, 3. Juli 2006

  ## --- use the same code as in smooth.spline() {!}
  xy <- xy.coords(x, y)
  y <- xy$y
  x <- xy$x
  n <- length(x)
  w <-
      if(is.null(w)) rep(1, n)
      else {
	  if(n != length(w)) stop("lengths of 'x' and 'w' must match")
	  if(any(w < 0)) stop("all weights should be non-negative")
	  if(all(w == 0)) stop("some weights should be positive")
	  (w * sum(w > 0))/sum(w)
      }# now sum(w) == #{obs. with weight > 0} == sum(w > 0)

  ## Replace y[] (and w[]) for same x[] (to 6 digits precision) by their mean :
  x <- signif(x, 6)
  x. <- unique(sort(x))
  nx <- length(x.)
  if(nx == 0) stop("need at least one x value")
  ## FIXME: for large n, the following is *very* slow
  ox <- match(x, x.)
  ## Faster, much simplified version of tapply()
  tapply1 <- function (X, INDEX, FUN = NULL, ..., simplify = TRUE) {
      sapply(unname(split(X, INDEX)), FUN, ...,
             simplify = simplify, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  tmp <- matrix(unlist(tapply1(seq_along(y), ox,
			      c(sum(w[i]), sum(w[i]*y[i]))#,sum(w[i]*y[i]^2))
			      ), use.names=FALSE),
		ncol = 2, #3,
  w. <- tmp[, 1]
  y. <- tmp[, 2]/ifelse(w. > 0, w., 1)
  ## yssw <- sum(tmp[, 3] - w.*y.^2) # will be added to RSS for GCV

  if(convex) y. <- - y. # and will revert at the end

  stopifnot(length(maxit) >= 1, maxit == round(maxit))
  if(length(maxit) == 1) maxit <-, 2)

  ## auxiliaries in locEstimate
  i.n <- seq_len(nx)
  rtW <- sqrt(w.)
  rWy <- rtW * y.

  ## rescale 'tol' to be x-scale equivariant:
  if(nx > 1) tol <- tol / sd(x.)

  ## rather work with knot *indices* instead of logical (or 0/1):
  iK <- if(nx > 1) c(1,nx) else 1

  ## M = "current y.hat" :
  M  <- locEstimate(x., rWy, rtW, iK)
  wR <- (M-y.)* w.
  H  <- locDirDeriv(x., wR, iK)

  ## Precision parameter
  ## MM[FIXME]: I think we should have TWO different 'prec' below
  prec <- tol * mean(abs(wR))
  eConv <- prec # should maybe be different
  ## could also use "adaptive" prec:
  ## while (max(H) > (prec <- tol * mean(abs(wR),trim=.1)) && iter < maxit) {

  iter <- innerIt <- 0
  while (max(H) > prec && iter < maxit[1]) {
      ## extend the set of knots - at  max_H location:
      ## isKnot[(im <- which.max(H))] <- TRUE
      iK <- sort(c(iK, im <- which.max(H)))
      if(verbose) cat("#{knots}=",length(iK),"; new knot at", im, "")
      ## compute new candidate:
      M_new <- locEstimate(x., rWy, rtW, iK)

      ## check new candidate's concavity; local convexities, desired <= 0
      Conv	<- locConvexities(x., M)
      Conv_new	<- locConvexities(x., M_new)
      iit <- 0
      while (max(Conv_new) > eConv && iit < maxit[2]) {
	  if(verbose) cat(".")
	  ## modify M_new and (typically!) reduce the set of knots:
	  JJ <- (Conv_new > eConv) # non-empty
	  t <- min(- Conv[JJ] / (Conv_new[JJ] - Conv[JJ]))
	  if(adjTol) oM <- M
	  M <- (1 - t)*M + t*M_new
	  Conv	<- locConvexities(x.,M)
	  oiK <- iK
	  iK <- c(1, i.n[Conv < -eConv], nx) ## = locKnInd(Conv,eConv)
	  if(adjTol && identical(iK, oiK)) { ## may not converge ..
		  cat("inner knot set unchanged; increasing eConv\n\t")
	      eConv <- 8 * eConv
	      next # while

	  M_new	 <- locEstimate(x., rWy, rtW, iK)
	  Conv_new  <- locConvexities(x.,M_new)
	  iit <- iit + 1
      innerIt <- innerIt + iit
      if(verbose) cat("\n")

      if(iit == maxit[2])
	  warning("** inner iterations did *not* converge in ",
		  maxit[2], " steps")
      M <- M_new
      Conv <- Conv_new
      iK <- c(1, i.n[Conv < -eConv], nx) ## = locKnInd(Conv,eConv)
      wR <- (M-y.)* w.
      H	 <- locDirDeriv(x., wR, iK)
      iter <- iter+1
  } ## while (outer iter)

  if(iter == maxit[1])
      warning("*** iterations did *not* converge in ", maxit[1], " steps")
  else if(!iter) { ## did not need any iteration;  e.g. for n = 2
      Conv <- locConvexities(x., M)

  if(convex) {## switch the signs back
      y. <- -y.
      M <- -M
      H <- -H
      Conv <- -Conv
  ## return
  structure(list(x = x., y = y., w = w., yf = M,
		 convex = convex, call =,
		 iKnots = iK, deriv.loc = H, conv.loc = Conv,
		 iter = c(iter, innerIt)),
	    class = "conreg") ## <<- find a better name

## auxiliary routines: Note that we could gain speed if
## ------------------
##  1) these were *local* to the main function
##  2) they would use *updating* {convexities; DD matrix, even qr(rtW * DD) !}

locEstimate <- function(x, rWy, rtW, iK)
    n  <- length(x)
    ## Note that iK == JJ <- which(isKnot)
    p  <- length(iK)
    stopifnot(p >= 1, n >= 1)
    DD	<- matrix(0, n, p)
    DD[1,1] <- 1
    for (i in seq_len(p-1)) {
	if(iK[i]+1 <= iK[i+1]) { ## <- safety check
	    kn.i <- x[iK[i]]
	    ii <- (iK[i]+1):iK[i+1]
	    d2 <- (x[ii] - kn.i) / (x[iK[i+1]] - kn.i)
	    DD[ii, i:(i+1)] <- c(1 - d2, d2)
	else ## does it happen? [--> message]  MM has never seen it - proof?
	    message("locEst: empty between knots ", iK[i]," and ", iK[i+1])
    ## Solve the weighted L.S. problem
    ##	   beta = argmin_b[ sum_i w_i (y_i - (DD %*% b)_i)^2]

    ## qr.coef(.) here equivalent to solve()  {and slightly faster}
    as.vector(DD %*% qr.coef(qr(rtW * DD), rWy))

locDirDeriv <- function(x, wRes, iK) {
  n <- length(x)
  H  <- numeric(n)
  ## Note that iK == JJ <- which(isKnot)
  p  <- length(iK)
  cs <- cumsum(wRes)
  for (i in seq_len(length(iK)-1)) {
      if(iK[i]+2 <= iK[i+1]) { ## <- safety check
	  ii <- iK[i]:(iK[i+1]-2)
	  H[ii+1] <- cumsum((x[ii+1] - x[ii]) * cs[ii])
      ## else ## does happen occasionally
      ## message("DirDeriv: empty between knots ", iK[i]," and ", iK[i+1])

locConvexities <- function(x,y) {
  n <- length(x)
  if(n > 2) {
      tmp  <- (y[-1] - y[-n]) / (x[-1] - x[-n])
      c(0, tmp[-1] - tmp[-(n-1)], 0)
  } else numeric(n)

if(FALSE) # now unused
locKnots <- function(conv, prec) {
    n <- length(conv)
    isKnot <- c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, n-2), TRUE)
    isKnot[conv < -prec] <- TRUE

if(FALSE) # now unused
locKnInd <- function(conv, prec) {
    n <- length(conv)
    c(1, seq_len(n)[conv < -prec], n)

###-------------- Methods for the result object/class : ----------------------

print.conreg <-
    function (x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
    cat("\nCall: ", deparse(x$call), "\n")
    n <- length(x$x)
    nK <- length(iK <- x$iKnots)
    cat(if(x$convex) "Convex" else "Concave",
	"regression: From", n, "separated x-values,",
	"using", nK - 2, "inner knots,\n  ")
    ## FIXME:  mention "original n"
    r <- resid(x)
    RSS <- sum(r^2)
    cat(paste(formatC(x$x[iK[-c(1,nK)]], digits = max(1, digits - 1)),
	      collapse = ", "), ".\n",
	"RSS = ", formatC(RSS, digits=digits),"; R^2 = ",
	formatC(1 - RSS / sum((x$y - mean(x$y))^2), digits = digits),
	";\n needed (",paste(x$iter, collapse=","),") iterations\n",
	sep = "")
    ## TODO: mention 'tol'; summarize 'deriv.loc' and 'conv.loc'

knots.conreg <- function(Fn, ...) Fn$x[Fn$iKnots]
residuals.conreg <- function(object, ...) object$y - object$yf
fitted.conreg <- function(object, ...) object$yf

predict.conreg <- function (object, x, deriv = 0, ...)
    if (missing(x) || is.null(x))
    ## else
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    stopifnot(deriv == round(deriv), deriv >= 0, deriv <= 1)
    iK <- object$iKnots
    xK <- object$x[iK]
    if(deriv == 1) {
	slopes <- diff(object$yf[iK]) / diff(xK)
	approx(xK[-length(xK)], slopes, xout = x, rule = 2,
	       method = "constant")$y
    } else {
	approx(xK, object$yf[iK], xout = x, rule = 2)$y

plot.conreg <-
    function(x, type = "l", col = 2, lwd = 1.5, show.knots = TRUE,
	     add.iSpline = TRUE, force.iSpl = FALSE,
	     xlab = "x", ylab = expression(s[c](x)),
	     sub = "simple concave regression", col.sub = col, ...)
    plot(x$x, x$yf, type=type, col=col, col.sub=col.sub, lwd=lwd,
	 xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, sub = sub, ...) <- x$x [x$iKnots] <- x$yf[x$iKnots]
	points(,, col = "orange", pch = 3, lwd=lwd)
	      .add.ispline(,, lwd, force.iSpl))

.add.ispline <- function(x, y, lwd, force) {
    isp <- splines::interpSpline(x, y)
    if(force || all(coef(isp)[,3] <= 0))
	## quadratic coef -> 2nd derivative <= 0
	lines(predict(isp), col = "gray", lwd=lwd)
    else warning("the cubic spline through the knots is not convex and not drawn",

lines.conreg <-
    function(x, type = "l", col = 2, lwd = 1.5,
	     show.knots = TRUE, add.iSpline = TRUE,
	     force.iSpl = FALSE, ...)
    lines(x$x, x$yf, type=type, col=col, lwd=lwd, ...) <- x$x [x$iKnots] <- x$yf[x$iKnots]
	points(,, col = "orange", pch = 3, lwd=lwd)
	      .add.ispline(,, lwd, force.iSpl))
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