Raw File
Tip revision: 25eeb2cf83067c2e8984fcbc82a7ddf797732894 authored by Kamil BartoĊ„ on 10 February 2011, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.0.0
Tip revision: 25eeb2c
	AICc, beta.weights, dredge, get.models, model.avg, par.avg, QAIC, QAICc,
	getAllTerms, coeffs, tTable, Weights

# including these imports makes this package dependent on 'lme4'
# so, until I figure out how to deal with it, no imports is used....

#importFrom(stats, AIC, as.formula, coef, delete.response, deviance, fitted,
#	formula, logLik, model.frame, model.matrix, na.omit, predict, qnorm, qt,
#	reformulate, residuals, sd, terms, update, weighted.mean)

if (getRversion() >= "2.13.0") importFrom(stats, nobs)

importFrom(methods, slot, slotNames)
#importFrom(lme4, lmer, logLik, terms)
#importMethodsFrom(lme4, deviance, formula, residuals)

S3method(print, averaging)
S3method(summary, averaging)
S3method(predict, averaging)
S3method(coef, averaging)
S3method(fitted, averaging)
S3method(logLik, averaging)
S3method(vcov, averaging)
S3method(model.matrix, averaging)
S3method(print, model.selection)
S3method(subset, model.selection)
S3method("[", model.selection)
S3method(update, model.selection)
S3method(getAllTerms, default)
S3method(getAllTerms, formula)
S3method(getAllTerms, terms)
S3method(getAllTerms, glmer)
S3method(getAllTerms, lme)
S3method(getAllTerms, lmer)
S3method(getAllTerms, mer)
S3method(getAllTerms, coxph)
S3method(coeffs, default)
S3method(coeffs, glmer)
S3method(coeffs, gls)
S3method(coeffs, lme)
S3method(coeffs, lmer)
S3method(coeffs, mer)
S3method(coeffs, spautolm)
S3method(tTable, default)
S3method(tTable, gam)
S3method(tTable, glmer)
S3method(tTable, gls)
S3method(tTable, lme)
S3method(tTable, lmer)
S3method(tTable, mer)
S3method(tTable, spautolm)
S3method(tTable, multinom)
S3method(tTable, coxph)
S3method(logLik, coxph)

S3method(nobs, mer)
S3method(nobs, lme)
S3method(nobs, glmmML)
S3method(nobs, default)

S3method(coefDf, lme)
S3method(coefDf, mer)
S3method(coefDf, gls)
S3method(coefDf, default)
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