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Tip revision: 6ac5aacfa6b8250c6501b2fe1c24fc9f287f02f3 authored by Duncan Temple Lang on 29 April 2011, 00:00:00 UTC
version 3.4-0
Tip revision: 6ac5aac
\title{Convert an XML node/document to a more R-like list}
 This function is an early and simple approach to converting
an XML node or document into a more typical R list containing
the data values directly (rather than as XML nodes).
It is useful for dealing with data that is returned from
REST requests or other Web queries or generally when parsing
XML and wanting to  be able to access the content
as elements in a list indexed by the name of the node.
For example, if given a node of the form
     <b foo="1"/>
     <c bar="me">
        <d>a phrase</d>
We would end up with a list with elements named "a", "b" and "c".
"a" would be the string "text", b would contain the named character
vector \code{c(foo = "1")} (i.e. the attributes) and "c" would
contain the list with two elements named "d" and ".attrs".
The element corresponding to "d" is a
character vector with the single element "a phrase". 
The ".attrs" element of the list is the character vector of
attributes from the node \code{<c>...</c>}.
xmlToList(node, addAttributes = TRUE, simplify = FALSE)
  \item{node}{the XML node or document to be converted to an R list.
   This can be an "internal" or C-level node (i.e. \code{\link{XMLInternalNode-class}})
   or a regular R-level node (either \code{\link{XMLNode-class}} or \code{XMLHashNode}).}
  \item{addAttributes}{a logical value which controls whether the attributes of an empty node
    are added to the }
  \item{simplify}{a logical value that controls whether we collapse
   the list to a vector if the elements all have a common compatible
   type. Basically, this controls whether we use \code{sapply} or \code{lapply}.
 A list whose elements correspond to the children of the top-level nodes.
\author{Duncan Temple Lang}
 \code{\link{getNodeSet}} and \code{\link{xpathApply}}
 \code{\link{xmlRoot}},  \code{\link{xmlChildren}},  \code{\link{xmlApply}}, \code{[[}, etc. for
 accessing the content of XML nodes.
tt = 
     <b foo="1"/>
     <c bar="me">
        <d>a phrase</d>

  doc = xmlParse(tt)

   # use an R-level node representation
  doc = xmlTreeParse(tt)

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