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Tip revision: 3647ac3d8a4085d9ad826bb7eb912aaa4fd5459a authored by Robert B. Gramacy on 30 March 2011, 00:00:00 UTC
version 2.4-2
Tip revision: 3647ac3

\title{ Lowess 2-d interpolation onto a uniform grid }
  Use the \code{\link[stats]{loess}} function to interpolate the
  two-dimensional \code{x}, \code{y}, and \code{z} data onto a uniform grid.  The output
  produced is an object directly usable by the plotting functions
  \code{\link[graphics]{persp}}, \code{\link[graphics]{image}},
  and \code{\link[graphics]{contour}}, etc.

  This function is designed as an alternative to the
  \code{\link[akima]{interp}} functions from the \pkg{akima}

interp.loess(x, y, z, gridlen = c(40,40), span = 0.1, ...)

  \item{x}{ Vector of \code{X} spatial input locations }
  \item{y}{ Vector of \code{Y} spatial input locations }
  \item{z}{ Vector of \code{Z} responses interpreted as
    \code{Z = f(X,Y)}}
  \item{gridlen}{ Size of the interpolated grid to be produced in x and y.
    The default of \code{gridlen = c(40,40)} causes a \code{40 * 40}
    grid of \code{X}, \code{Y}, and \code{Z} values to be computed.}
    \item{span}{ Kernel span argument to the \code{\link[stats]{loess}}
      function with default setting \code{span = 0.1} set significantly lower than the
      the \code{\link[stats]{loess}} default -- see note below.  }
  \item{\dots}{ Further arguments to be passed to the
    \code{\link[stats]{loess}} function}

  Uses \code{\link[base]{expand.grid}} function to produce a uniform
  grid of size \code{gridlen} with domain equal to the rectangle implied
  by \code{X} and \code{Y}.  Then, a \code{\link[stats]{loess}} a smoother
  is fit to the data \code{Z = f(X,Y)}.  Finally,
  \code{\link[stats]{predict.loess}} is used to  predict onto the grid.
  The output is a list compatible with the 2-d plotting functions
  \code{\link[graphics]{persp}}, \code{\link[graphics]{image}},
  and \code{\link[graphics]{contour}}, etc.

  The list contains...
  \item{x }{Vector of with \code{length(x) == gridlen} of increasing
    \code{X} grid locations}
  \item{y }{Vector of with \code{length(y) == gridlen} of increasing
    \code{Y} grid locations}
  \item{z }{\code{matrix} of interpolated responses \code{Z = f(X,Y)}
    where \code{z[i,j]} contains an estimate of \code{f(x[i],y[j])}}


Robert B. Gramacy, \email{}, and
Matt Taddy, \email{}

  As mentioned above, the default \code{span = 0.1} parameter is 
  significantly smaller that the default \code{\link[stats]{loess}} setting.
   This asserts a tacit assumption that
      the input is densely packed and that the noise in \code{z}'s is small.  
      Such should be the case when the data are output from a \pkg{tgp} regression --
      this function was designed specifically for this situation.
      For data that is random or sparse, simply choose higher setting,
    e.g., the default \code{\link[stats]{loess}} setting of \code{span =
  0.75}, or a more intermediate setting of \code{span = 0.5} as in the example below}

\seealso{ \code{\link[akima]{interp}}, \code{\link[stats]{loess}},
  \code{\link{persp}}, \code{\link{image}}, \code{\link{contour}}

# random data
ed <- exp2d.rand()

# higher span = 0.5 required because the data is sparse
# and was generated randomly
ed.g <- interp.loess(ed$X[,1], ed$X[,2], ed$Z, span=0.5)

# perspective plot

\keyword{ smooth }
\keyword{ loess }
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