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Tip revision: e81ce1728ed5a68c1038eed6200deb1515539822 authored by Stephen Milborrow on 19 July 2011, 00:00:00 UTC
version 3.2-1
Tip revision: e81ce17
Changes to Earth Package

3.2-0  Jul 19, 2011
  Documentation touchups.

3.2-0  Jun 19, 2011
   The PDF file is now a standard vignette (but with no executable code).
   The "Importances" printed by are now a maximum of option("width") wide.
   We no longer warn "effective number of GCV parameters >= number of cases"
       but instead set such GCVs to Inf, so GCVs are now always
       non-decreasing with the number of terms.  Documented as FAQ 12.11.
   The earth C routines now print memory allocations if trace=1.5.
   The pnTrace arg to ForwardPassR is now a double and called pTrace (allowing trace=1.5).
   The default nk is now clipped at 200.  This limits the amount of memory
       needed in the forward pass for large x matrices.  Numerical limits
       will probably kick in before 200 are reached anyway.
   We now force Use.beta.cache=FALSE with a message if the beta cache would
       be more than 3 GB. now warns if illegal arguments are passed.
   Documentation touched up.

3.1-1  Jun 15, 2011
   Documentation emendations.
   We now issue a warning if user uses a CV arg to but no CV data to plot.
   The CV summary print no longer prints the response name for single response models.

3.1-0  Jun 14, 2011
   print.evimp now formats the results a little differently (more clearly).
   "Reached min GRSq" and similar trace messages now also print the number of terms.
   The min auto-calculated ylim in model selection plots is now clamped at -1.
   Added the col.residuals, col.pch.max.oof.rsq, and args to
   Cross validation with wp no longer gives an error message.
   Revised the documentation.

3.0-0  Jun 10, 2011
   Created the vignette earth-notes.pdf which collects and extends
     documentation that was previously in the help files.
   Revamped cross validation.  New argument "ncross" to earth.
   Extended, mostly for cross validation.
   The default for evimp's "sqrt." argument is now TRUE. now uses lowess rather than loess (loess tends to issue ugly warnings).
   Removed earth's Print.pruning.pass argument.
   Earth now uses less memory if passed an x matrix of doubles.  Earth's memory report
     (with trace>=4) was not accurate in all cases and has been removed.
   Tweaked the Author: entry in DESCRIPTION for better results from citation().
   Other minor touchups.

2.6-2  Apr 25, 2011
   Moved to here so the plotmo package is independent of earth.
   Modified test scripts to conform to R 2.13.0's way of printing numbers.

2.6-1  Apr 13, 2011
   Fixed an issue of dependency on the plotmo package.

2.6-0  Apr 12, 2011
   Moved plotmo to the plotmo package, and added "depends plotmo" to earth's DESCRIPTION
   Added the Exhaustive.tol arg as a work-around for leaps.exhaustive error code -999
      (Thanks to David Marra for help tracking this down.)
   The "Exhaustive pruning" pacifier is now printed based on the number of subsets
   Warnings from leaps routines are now treated as errors (because ret val is bad with warning)
   Replaced n=2 and similar in calls to eval with an explicit environment
   The decision to use eval.subsets.xtx is now more automatic and less obtrusive
   The response y is now named in certain situations where it used to be unnamed
   Removed annoying warning "specified nprune 20 is greater than the number of model terms"
   Some code tidying

2.5-1  Mar 25 2011
   Modified handling of illegal arguments

2.5-0  Mar 24 2011
   Changes to plotmo:
     The arguments were reordered (moved the most important arguments first).
     The ycolumn arg is now called nresponse and handled more consistently.
     The degree2="all" setting is now replaced by all2=TRUE, likewise for degree1.
     The default for the type argument is now object dependent.
     The cex parameter is now supported, and text is a little larger for most plots.
     The degree2 graph titles now have a space for readability.
     There is some minor backwards incompatibility in the minor arguments.
     The plotmo graphs are now ordered on the variable order, for all model classes.
     Plotmo now handles a wider range of object classes.
     Factor predictors are now plotted in degree2 plots.
   Miscellaneous other touchups.

2.4-8  Mar 05 2011
   plotmo now handles vector colors better
   plotmo is now better at plotting lda and qda models
   Added the jitter.response argument to plotmo
   Moved plotmo method functions into a new file, plotmo.methods.R.

2.4-7  Feb 02 2011
   Intercept-only models are now better supported, esp. for earth-glm  models.
   Martin Renner and Keith Woolner provided the impetus for this change.

   Legend arguments are now handled better in
   A vector legend.text is now handled correctly and you can use
   values like "topleft" in legend.pos (thanks to Gavin Simpson at ECRC).

   The elements of cv.list in earth's returned value are now named,
   and$cv.list) thus has better legends.

   Cumulative distrib plots in now use the jitter arg, and's (pointless) jitter argument has been removed.

   A few code and doc touchups were also made.

2.4-6 Jan 26 2011
    Made the following changes to plotmo:
      We now print the fixed grid values unless trace < 0.
      The degree1 and degree2 arguments now have an "all" option.
      We now have better support for rpart objects
      The cex arg is now also used for response values (with cex.response!=0).
      Added cex.lab argument.
      For factor predictors we now print the factor levels vertically along the x axis.
    Fixed crossed type.gcv and type.rss args in plot.evimp.
    Fixed to handle vector responses correctly.
    (Thanks to Gavin Simpson at UCL for providing fixes for the above bugs.)
    plot.evimp now doesn't use on.exit(par(no.readonly=TRUE)), so we
      now allow subsequent plots on the same page with mfrow != c(1,1).
    Did the usual document touchups.
    Minor cleanups for R check (partial arg matches).

2.4-5 Oct 30 2010
    Plotmo now better handles the "data" argument for earth.formula models.
    (Thanks to Keith Woolner for spotting that this was previously incorrect.)

2.4-4 Oct 6 2010
    NAs are now allowed in the data passed to  The predicted value
    will be NA unless the NAs are in variables that are unused in the earth model.

2.4-3 Sep 29 2010
    For certain data we were seeing duplicated term names for cuts that
    are very close to each other.  To avoid this you can now use
    options(digits) to increase the number of significant digits used
    when forming term names.  (Thanks to Keith Woolner for spotting this.)

2.4-2 Aug 28 2010
    We now give the correct error message for attempted cross validation of
        paired binomial responses (which is not yet supported).
    Labels on the largest residuals in graphs are now slightly
        better positioned (using plotrix::thigmophobe.labels).
    plotd now handles qda objects in the same manner as lda objects
    Other doc touchups.

2.4-0 Nov 8 2009
    This version of earth will build models SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT FROM PRIOR VERSIONS,
    because I fixed a bug in the calculation of minspan and endspan.
    Use minspan=-1 for backwards compatibility.
    (Thanks to Gints Jekabsons for spotting this.)

2.3-5 Oct 7 2009
    Fixed bug where glm.control args were ignored under certain circumstances
    (Thanks to Jérôme Guélat for letting me know about this.)

2.3-4 Sep 21 2009
    . Fixed bug where of a earth-glm model under R 2.9.0 and higher
      incorrectly gave the message: Object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
      (Thanks to Thomas Brockmeier for help tracking this down.)
    . plotd now correctly ignores the vline if vline.col=0
    . Doc touchups

2.3-2 Mar 23 2009
    Extended plotd
    Doc touchups

2.3-1 Feb 26 2009
    Doc touchups
    Added leaps::: prefix needed for new version of the leaps package
    Added style="max" to
    Added labels param to plotd
    Reordered some of earth's arguments

2.3-0 Feb 18 2009
    Added the plotd function
    Removed some restrictions on type="class" in
    Added sqrt. argument to evimp
    Added more grid lines to cumul density plot in
    Added a help page section on interpreting the graphs in
    Miscellaneous other touchups to code and docs

2.2-3 Feb 2 2009
    Added levels to the return value
    Added type=class and thresh arguments to
    Thanks to Max Kuhn for suggesting these improvements

2.2-2 Jan 30 2009
    Doc touchups
    Cross validation MaxErr is now signed

2.2-1 Jan 22 2009
    Added cross validation i.e. the nfold and stratify parameters.

    We now scale y before the forward pass, for better numeric stability in
    the forward pass with very big or very small y's.
    For the old behaviour, set earth's new argument scale.y=FALSE.

    Added get.pairs.bagEarth so plotmo prints degree2 plots for caret:bagEarth models.

    Changes internal to earth.c:
        High values of trace argument are treated differently
        ServiceR (to allow interrupts) is called more consistently for large datasets
        Delta RSS handling is simplified
        Changed some var names for consistency
     The last two were a byproduct of experimental changes to earth that
     were not included in this release.

     Changed documentation to American English.

2.1-2 Nov 18 2008
    Touched up evimp help page.

2.1-0 Nov 15 2008
    plotmo now has better support for factors and for glm models
    na.action (always is now handled as documented in earth.formula
    Added style="bf" to and
    Fixed a few minor bugs and touched up documentation for evimp

2.0-6 Oct 30 2008
    You can now pass only the needed subset of columns to
    Added plot.evimp
    Removed spurious warning "Need as many rows as columns"

2.0-5 Jul 14 2008
    Touched up documentation for format.lm.

2.0-4 June 22 2008
    Touched up code and documentation for a zero thresh value.

2.0-3 June 22 2008

Zero values are now allowed for earth's "thresh" parameter (previously if
    you used thresh=0, thresh was clamped internally to 1e-10).
    Also, if thresh=0, the MAX_GRSQ forward pass condition is ignored.
    The idea is to get as close to a big nk as possible
Changed "valid.names" argument of and format.lm to "colon.char"
    which achieves the same end more simply.

2.0-2 June 15 2008

Added column names to results of, allows use of evimp.
Added valid.names argument to and format.lm.

2.0-1 June 10 2008

Added "namesx" and "first" arguments to the "allowed" function.
evimp() for a scalar x now returns a matrix (I added a missing drop=FALSE).

2.0-0 June 07 2008

Added support for glms and factors (but plotmo does not yet support factors).
Added variable importance function "evimp".
Added response weights argument "wp" to earth.
Output of has changed to better deal
   with multiple response models, see the "style" argument.
Added namesx and to earth's return value.

1.3-2 Mar 29 2008

Fixed two bad multiple response bugs:
a) for multiple reponse models, earth calculated the wrong null RSS and
   therefore the wrong RSq and GRSq for the sub-models.  (The total
   RSq and GRSq were correct.)
b) the wrong betas were used when pruning multiple response models.

Also fixed a bug where printed the wrong number
of cases for multiple response models.

1.3-1 Mar 22 2008

"" now has a "ponly" argument, to force pruning only.
Because of this change, the "ppenalty" argument to earth is no longer
needed and has been removed.

Revisited text of warnings after I was bamboozled by one of
my own warnings.

Tweaked legend positioning in

1.3-0 Mar 18 2008

Default minspan is now 0 (was 1) for compatibility with mda:mars and
Friedman's MARS paper (I've flip flopped on this one).  This means
that models built with the default args will be little different to

Earth's peak memory is now about 40% less.

Big models are now more responsive to ^C.

For multiple response models, we now print response names in most
places instead of just "Response N".

Removed and get.nused.preds.per.subset from
NAMESPACE and from help pages, to simplify user interface.

Fixed some niggling document issues and extended the FAQ.

1.2-2 Jan 2008 now prints the call even for x,y interface to earth
plotmo now accepts x matrices without column names
Tweaked FindKnot and OrthogResiduals for speed
Removed a few shadowed variables in earth.c after running gcc -Wshadow
Clarified some paras in earth.Rd, reduced page width for better html display


Fixed a newvar.penalty bug introduced in previous release.
Added src/tests/test.earthmain.gcc.bat
More man page tweaks


Added linpreds, allowed, and Use.beta.cache arguments
Anova decomp is now more consistent
Added a few GPL headers
Reinstated the beta cache
More man page tweaks


Fixed bug reported by Joe Ritzer: long predictor names got munged in plotmo
Changed "class" to "response" throughout when used for the
predicted responses in the input y.
Man page tweaks based on user feedback.


Changed as.matrix to data.matrix in earth.default -- grep for FIXED
Extended earth.Rd slightly


Added my web page to DESCRIPTION and to some man pages


Changed \r\n to \n to pacify CMD CHECK


Default minspan is now 1 (was 0)
Fixed potential crash in PrintForwardStep if nTrace>1
Added a missing drop=FALSE to backward()
Minor code, comment, and man page fixups


Fixed bug where plotmo failed under these circumstances:
form <- Volume ~ .; a <- earth(form, data = trees); plotmo(a)


Minor change to formatting.  Man page fixes.

1.0-6  May 11 2007

Initial release
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