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Tip revision: c05a126b928efa99455c3f01b7fdebd5a1970256 authored by Olaf Mersmann on 19 October 2011, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.1-3
Tip revision: c05a126
\title{Sub-millisecond accurate timing of expression evaluation.}
\usage{microbenchmark(..., list, times=100, control=list())
\description{Sub-millisecond accurate timing of expression evaluation.}
\details{\code{microbenchmark} serves as a more accurate replacement of the
often seen \code{system.time(replicate(1000, expr))}
expression. It tries hard to accurately measure only the time it
takes to evaluate \code{expr}. To achieved this, the
sub-millisecond (supposedly nanosecond) accurate timing functions
most modern operating systems provide are used. Additionally all
evaluations of the expressions are done in C code to minimze any

This function is only meant for micro-benchmarking small pieces of
source code and to compare their relative performance
characteristics. You should generally avoid benchmarking larger
chunks of your code using this function. Instead, try using the R
profiler to detect hot spots and consider rewriting them in C/C++

The \code{control} list can contain the following entries:
\item{order}{the order in which the expressions are evaluated.
\dQuote{random} (the default) randomizes the execution order,
\dQuote{inorder} executes each expression in order and
\dQuote{block} executes all repetitions of each expression
as one block.}
\item{warmup}{the number of warm-up iterations performed before
the actual benchmark. These are used to estimate the timing
overhead as well as spinning up the processor from any sleep
or idle states it might be in. The default value is 2^}
\note{Depending on the underlying operating system, different
methods are used for timing. On Windows the
\code{QueryPerformanceCounter} interface is used to measure the
time passed. For Linux the \code{clock_gettime} API is used and on
Solaris the \code{gethrtime} function. Finally on MacOS X the,
undocumented, \code{mach_absolute_time} function is used to avoid
a dependency on the CoreServices Framework.

Before evaluating each expression \code{times} times, the overhead
of calling the timing functions and the C function call overhead
are estimated. This estimated overhead is subtracted from each
measured evaluation time. Should the resulting timing be negative,
a warning is thrown and the respective value is replaced by

If the example does not work for you, please consult
\link{timing_issues} for a list of reasons why the example might
fail and how to fix this.}
\value{Object of class \sQuote{microbenchmark}, a matrix with one
column per exoression. Each row contains the time it took to
evaluate the respective expression one time in nanoseconds.}
\seealso{\code{\link{print.microbenchmark}} to display and
\code{\link{boxplot.microbenchmark}} to plot the results.}
\author{Olaf Mersmann \email{olafm@datensplitter.ner}}
\arguments{\item{...}{Expressions to benchmark.}
\item{list}{List of unevaluated expression to benchmark.}
\item{times}{Number of times to evaluate the expression.}
\item{control}{List of control arguments. See Details.}
## Measure the time it takes to dispatch a simple function call
## compared to evaluating the constant \code{NULL}
f <- function() NULL
res <- microbenchmark(NULL, f(), times=1000L)

## Print results:

## Plot results:

## Pretty plot:
if (require("ggplot2")) {
plt <- ggplot2::qplot(y=time, data=res, colour=expr)
plt <- plt + ggplot2::scale_y_log10()

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