Raw File
Tip revision: 3aca716ce2576a0dab83f08052acd47afed8ee6a authored by Adrian Baddeley on 29 February 2012, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.25-4
Tip revision: 3aca716
#  rhohat.R
#  $Revision: 1.30 $  $Date: 2011/06/22 06:52:54 $
#  Non-parametric estimation of a transformation rho(z) determining
#  the intensity function lambda(u) of a point process in terms of a
#  spatial covariate Z(u) through lambda(u) = rho(Z(u)).
#  More generally allows offsets etc.

rhohat <- function(object, covariate, ...,
                   transform=FALSE, dimyx=NULL, eps=NULL,
                   n=512, bw="nrd0", adjust=1, from=NULL, to=NULL, 
                   bwref=bw, covname) {
    covname <- sensiblevarname(deparse(substitute(covariate)), "X")
  callstring <- paste(deparse(, collapse = "")  
  # validate model
  if(is.ppp(object) || inherits(object, "quad")) {
    model <- ppm(object, ~1)
    reference <- "area"
  } else if(is.ppm(object)) {
    model <- object
    reference <- "model"
    modelcall <- model$call
  } else stop("object should be a point pattern or a point process model")

  if(is.null(adjust)) adjust <- 1
  # evaluate the covariate at data points and at pixels
  if(is.character(covariate) && length(covariate) == 1) {
    covname <- covariate
             covariate <- function(x,y) { x }
             covariate <- function(x,y) { y }
           stop("Unrecognised covariate name")
    cartesian <- TRUE
  } else cartesian <- FALSE
  # evaluate covariate
  stuff <- evalCovar(model, covariate, dimyx=dimyx, eps=eps)
  # unpack
  info   <- stuff$info
  values <- stuff$values
  # values at each data point
  ZX      <- values$ZX
  # values at each pixel
  Zimage  <- values$Zimage
  Zvalues <- values$Zvalues
  lambda  <- values$lambda
  # normalising constants
  nX   <- length(ZX)
  area <- area.owin(as.owin(model))
  baseline <- if(reference == "area") area else (mean(lambda) * area)
  kappahat <- nX/baseline
  # estimate densities
    from <- min(ZX)
    to   <- max(ZX)
  interpolate <- function(x,y) {
    if(inherits(x, "density") && missing(y))
      approxfun(x$x, x$y, rule=2)
      approxfun(x, y, rule=2)
  # reference density
  ghat <- density(Zvalues,weights=lambda/sum(lambda),
                  bw=bwref,adjust=adjust,n=n,from=from,to=to, ...)
  xxx <- ghat$x
  ghatfun <- interpolate(ghat)
  # relative density
  if(!transform) {
    # compute ratio of smoothed densities
    fhat <- density(ZX,bw=bw,adjust=adjust,n=n,from=from, to=to, ...)
    fhatfun <- interpolate(fhat)
    yyy <- kappahat * fhatfun(xxx)/ghatfun(xxx)
    # compute variance approximation
    sigma <- fhat$bw
    fstar <- density(ZX,bw=bw,adjust=adjust/sqrt(2),n=n,from=from, to=to, ...)
    fstarfun <- interpolate(fstar)
    const <- 1/(2 * sigma * sqrt(pi))
    vvv  <- const * nX * fstarfun(xxx)/(baseline * ghatfun(xxx))^2
  } else {
    # probability integral transform
    Gfun <- interpolate(ghat$x, cumsum(ghat$y)/sum(ghat$y))
    GZX <- Gfun(ZX)
    # smooth density on [0,1]
    qhat <- density(GZX,bw=bw,adjust=adjust,n=n,from=0, to=1, ...)
    qhatfun <- interpolate(qhat)
    # edge effect correction
    one <- density(seq(from=0,to=1,length.out=512),
                    bw=qhat$bw, adjust=1, n=n,from=0, to=1, ...)
    onefun <- interpolate(one)
    # apply to transformed values
    Gxxx <- Gfun(xxx)
    yyy <- kappahat * qhatfun(Gxxx)/onefun(Gxxx)
    # compute variance approximation
    sigma <- qhat$bw
    qstar <- density(GZX,bw=bw,adjust=adjust/sqrt(2),n=n,from=0, to=1, ...)
    qstarfun <- interpolate(qstar)
    const <- 1/(2 * sigma * sqrt(pi))
    vvv  <- const * nX * qstarfun(Gxxx)/(baseline * onefun(Gxxx))^2
  sd <- sqrt(vvv)
  # pack into fv object
  df <- data.frame(xxx=xxx, rho=yyy, var=vvv, hi=yyy+2*sd, lo=yyy-2*sd)
  names(df)[1] <- covname
  desc <- c(paste("covariate", covname),
            "Estimated covariate effect",
            "Variance of estimator",
            "Upper limit of pointwise 95%% confidence interval",
            "Lower limit of pointwise 95%% confidence interval")
  rslt <- fv(df,
             ylab=substitute(rho(X), list(,
             fmla= as.formula(paste(". ~ ", covname)),
               paste("%s", paren(covname), sep=""),
               paste("bold(Var)~%s", paren(covname), sep=""),
               paste("%s[hi]", paren(covname), sep=""),
               paste("%s[lo]", paren(covname), sep="")),
             unitname=if(cartesian) unitname(data.ppm(model)) else NULL,
             yexp=substitute(rho(X), list(
  attr(rslt, "dotnames") <- c("rho", "hi", "lo")
  # pack up
  class(rslt) <- c("rhohat", class(rslt))
  attr(rslt,"stuff") <-
    list(reference  = reference,
         modelcall  = if(reference == "model") modelcall else NULL,
         callstring = callstring,
         sigma      = sigma,
         covname    = paste(covname, collapse=""),
         ZX         = ZX,
         Zimage     = Zimage,
         lambda     = lambda,
         transform  = transform)

print.rhohat <- function(x, ...) {
  s <- attr(x, "stuff")
  cat("Intensity function estimate (class rhohat)\n")
  cat(paste("for the covariate", s$covname, "\n"))
         area=cat("Function values are absolute intensities\n"),
           cat("Function values are relative to fitted model\n")
  cat("Estimation method: ")
    cat(paste("probability integral transform,",
              "edge-corrected fixed bandwidth kernel smoothing on [0,1]\n"))
    cat("fixed-bandwidth kernel smoothing\n")
  cat(paste("Call:", s$callstring, "\n"))
  cat(paste("Actual smoothing bandwidth sigma = ", signif(s$sigma,5), "\n"))

plot.rhohat <- function(x, ..., do.rug=TRUE) {
  xname <- deparse(substitute(x))
  s <- attr(x, "stuff")
  covname <- s$covname
  asked.rug <- !missing(do.rug) && identical(rug, TRUE)"plot.fv", resolve.defaults(list(x=x), list(...),
                                      list(main=xname, shade=c("hi", "lo"))))
  if(do.rug) {
    rugx <- ZX <- s$ZX
    # check whether it's the default plot
    argh <- list(...)
    isfo <- unlist(lapply(argh, inherits, what="formula"))
    if(any(isfo)) {
      # a plot formula was given; inspect RHS
      fmla <- argh[[min(which(isfo))]]
      rhs <- rhs.of.formula(fmla)
      vars <- variablesinformula(rhs)
      vars <- vars[vars %in% c(colnames(x), ".x", ".y")]
      if(length(vars) == 1 && vars %in% c(covname, ".x")) {
        # expression in terms of covariate
        rhstr <- as.character(rhs)[2]
        dat <- list(ZX)
        names(dat) <- vars[1]
        rugx <- as.numeric(eval(parse(text=rhstr), dat))
      } else {
        warning("Unable to add rug plot")
        rugx <- NULL
    if(!is.null(rugx)) {
      # restrict to x limits, if given
      if(!is.null(xlim <- list(...)$xlim))
        rugx <- rugx[rugx >= xlim[1] & rugx <= xlim[2]]
      # finally plot the rug
      if(length(rugx) > 0)

predict.rhohat <- function(object, ..., relative=FALSE) {
  if(length(list(...)) > 0)
    warning("Additional arguments ignored in predict.rhohat")
  # extract info
  s <- attr(object, "stuff")
  reference <- s$reference
  # convert to (linearly interpolated) function 
  x <- with(object, .x)
  y <- with(object, .y)
  rho <- approxfun(x, y, rule=2)
  # extract image of covariate
  Z <- s$Zimage
  # apply rho to Z
  Y <-
  # adjust to reference baseline
  if(reference == "model" && !relative) {
    lambda <- s$lambda
    Y <- * lambda)
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