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Tip revision: 83dd780387085f7dae6366d8ad7562f0420a9d95 authored by Paul Gilbert on 17 November 2011, 00:00:00 UTC
version 2011.11-2
Tip revision: 83dd780
\title{Plot Model Roots}
\description{Calculate and plot roots of a model.}
    \method{plot}{roots}(x, pch='*', fuzz=0, ...)}
    \item{x}{An object of class roots (a vector of complex (or real) 
values as returned by the function roots).}
    \item{pch}{character to be used for the plot (passed to plot.default).}
    \item{fuzz}{If non-zero then roots within fuzz distance are considered equal.}
    \item{...}{(further arguments, currently disregarded).}
\section{Side Effects}{The roots and a unit circle are plotted on the complex plane.}
The eigenvalues of the state transition matrix or the inverse of the roots of the
determinant of the AR polynomial are returned invisibly.
    data("", package="dse")
    model <- estVARXls(

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