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Tip revision: f9d73d9bd225507bcc4a532dc9c2cc3a77a95944 authored by Berend Hasselman on 22 February 2012, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.9.3
Tip revision: f9d73d9


o use QR update routines from opensource library qrupdate.
  The changes should have no effect on results.
o internal change in brsolv: use a different larger workspace for brupdt
  to accomodate different QR updating routines which need a larger workspace
o moved subroutine for query of Lapack dgeqrf of optimal size of work array
  to lautil.f (where it belongs). Changed name to liqsiz.


o made calculation of jacobian when checking user supplied jacobian identical to
  how calculation of numerical jacobian is done
o non finite values in function values when computing numerical derivatives always result in a fatal error
o added link to iteration report in the description of trace=1
o corrected several small irregularities in the documentation


o removed all Fortran internal write statements to avoid R check warnings
o improved output of possible errors by check jacobian
o added error message for jacobian error in manual
o mention Lapack condition estimator in documentation of iteration report


o added a pure Newton or Broyden without global strategy
o use useDynLib in NAMESPACE instead of .onLoad


o added NAMESPACE and changed to use .onLoad function
o removed gamma from iteration report (doesn't provide useful info; eta is sufficient)
o minor internal reorganization of code
o improved documentation of the iteration report


o remove unused variables from Fortran code (thanks to Kurt Hornik for pointing this out).
o improved comments in nwout.c
o avoid use of sprintf for print in E-format since on Windows (at least some)
  three digits are used by default for the exponent even when two suffice.
  That messes up layout of detailed iteration report. Use Rprintf.


o remove unused variables in C function nleqslv.
o tests now only check if a solution has been found with a specified tolerance and avoid
  explicit floating point output.
o corrected small errors in manual.


o nicer output when control argument contains invalid names.
o some examples are now not run by default to avoid problems (bus error) on PowerPC Mac OS X; I cannot test.


o Added code to copy initial values to final values in case of bad jacobian.


o cleanup checking of control argument.
o modified tests/brdban.R and tests/chquad.R to be more robust against small rounding differences.


o internally scaled x-values are now used instead of scaling/unscaling of various
  vectors whenever/wherever required.
  This makes the code much cleaner and easier to maintain.
  Therefore the jacobian matrix used in the code is now scaled.
  The reported condition number will be different.

o added forgotten integer declaration in nwtcvg (nwutil.for).

o corrected documentation errors.


o negative values for stepmax (maximum stepsize) now imply no maximum stepsize.
  The default for stepmax (maximum stepsize) -1.0 so there is no maximum stepsize.

o removed the Levenberg-Marquardt correction for ill-conditioned or singular jacobians.
  The correction hardly ever gave sensible results. The algorithm now returns
  an error condition when a Jacobian is singular or ill-conditioned.


o fixed several incomplete last lines.


o corrected initialization bug.
o corrected parameter error for Cauchy start in examples.
o code cleaning to get rid of fortran statement labels.


o corrected missing/superfluous closing brackets in nleqlsv.Rd.


o correct horrible bug caused by typo in nwnwtn causing dgeqrf to be called
  with an absurd value for the lwork argument. Typical fortran problem.


o use blocked Lapack QR routines.
  Significant speed increase for larger n (500+) in most cases.


o corrected wrong name for the flag for checking an analytical jacobian in  nleqslv.R
  and the documentation.


o the default initial trust region size is now set to the length of the Newton step.

o corrected various errors in the documentation
  * the termination codes were a muddle.
  * several elements of the return list were incorrectly named in the documentation.


o initial version
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