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Tip revision: c7212c9bb00ec391e23e801e03977a021120dc25 authored by Friedrich Leisch on 31 October 2005, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.1-1
Tip revision: c7212c9
%  Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Friedrich Leisch
%  $Id: stepFlexmix.Rd 1664 2005-06-13 06:11:03Z leisch $
\title{Run FlexMix Repeatedly}
  Runs flexmix repeatedly for different numbers of components and return
  the maximum likelihood solution for each.}
stepFlexmix(..., K=NULL, nrep=3,
            compare=c("logLik", "BIC", "AIC"), verbose=TRUE)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
  \item{\dots}{passed to \code{\link{flexmix}}}
  \item{K}{A vector of integers passed in turn to the \code{k} argument
    of \code{\link{flexmix}}}
  \item{nrep}{For each value of \code{k} run \code{\link{flexmix}}
    \code{nrep} times and keep only the solution with maximum
  \item{compare}{Goodness of fit measure used to select the best model,
    one of \code{"logLik"}, \code{"BIC"} or \code{"AIC"}.}
  \item{verbose}{If \code{TRUE}, show progress information during
  A list of objects of class \code{"flexmix"} if \code{length(K)>1},
  else directly an object of class \code{"flexmix"}.
\author{Friedrich Leisch}
  Friedrich Leisch. FlexMix: A general framework for finite mixture
  models and latent class regression in R. Journal of Statistical
  Software, 11(8), 2004.

## try 5 times for k=2
ex1 <- stepFlexmix(yn~x+I(x^2), data=NPreg, K=2, nrep=5)

## now for k=2,3,4,5
## low nrep to have reasonable execution time of example
## even on slow systems
ex2 <- stepFlexmix(yn~x+I(x^2), data=NPreg, K=2:5, nrep=2)
sapply(ex2, logLik)

## model selection:
sapply(ex2, AIC)
sapply(ex2, BIC)
\keyword{cluster}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS
\keyword{regression}% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line
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