Raw File
Tip revision: 6d5d2d081cd28e52993f946d3e05fd0dc8b43c48 authored by Robert B. Gramacy on 03 November 2005, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.0
Tip revision: 6d5d2d0
 * Bayesian Regression and Adaptive Sampling with Gaussian Process Trees
 * Copyright (C) 2005, University of California
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Questions? Contact Robert B. Gramacy (

extern "C"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "all_draws.h"
#include "rand_draws.h"
#include "gen_covar.h"
#include "rhelp.h"
#include "model.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>

//#define LONGSTATE
//#define RSTATE
#define DNORM true
#define MEDBUFF 256

/* stuff for printing booleans and betas out to a file */
bool bprint = false;

 * Model:
 * the usual constructor function

Model::Model(Params* params, unsigned int d, double **X, unsigned int n, double *Z, 
		double** rect, int Id, unsigned short *state_to_init_consumer)
	this->params = new Params(params);
	col = d+1;
	this->Id = Id;
	this->iface_rect = new_dup_matrix(rect, 2, d);

	/* copy input and predictive data; and NORMALIZE */
	double **Xc = new_normd_matrix(X,n,d,rect,NORMSCALE);
	double *Zc = new_dup_vector(Z, n);

	/* mu = zeros(1,col)'; */
	/* TREE.b0 = zeros(col,1); */
	b0 = new_zero_vector(col);
	mu = new_zero_vector(col);
	rho = col+1;

	/* Ci = diag(ones(1,col)); */
	Ci = new_id_matrix(col);

	/* V = diag(2*ones(1,col)); */
	V = new_id_matrix(col);

	/* TREE.Ti = diag(ones(col,1)); */
	if(this->params->BetaPrior() == BFLAT) {
		Ti = new_zero_matrix(col, col);
		T = new_zero_matrix(col, col);
		Tchol = new_zero_matrix(col, col);
	} else {
		Ti = new_id_matrix(col);
		T = new_id_matrix(col);
		Tchol = new_id_matrix(col);

	/* fill V */
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<col; i++) V[i][i] = 2;

	/* compute rectangle */
	Rect* newRect = new_rect(d);
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<d; i++) {
		newRect->boundary[0][i] = 0.0;
		newRect->boundary[1][i] = NORMSCALE;
		newRect->opl[i] = GEQ;
		newRect->opr[i] = LEQ;

	/* parallel prediction implementation ? */
	#ifdef PARALLEL 
	parallel = true;
	#ifdef RRAND
	if(NUMTHREADS > 1) {
	  myprintf(stderr, "ERROR: using thread unsafe unif_rand() with pthreads\n");
	parallel = false;
	this->state_to_init_consumer = state_to_init_consumer;
	if(parallel) { init_parallel_preds(); consumer_start(); }

	/* hierarchical variance parameters */
	s2_a0 = &(this->params->s2_a0);
	s2_g0 = &(this->params->s2_g0);
	s2_a0_l = &(this->params->s2_a0_lambda);
	s2_g0_l = &(this->params->s2_g0_lambda);

	/* hierarchical linear variance parameters */
	tau2_a0 = &(this->params->tau2_a0);
	tau2_g0 = &(this->params->tau2_g0);
	tau2_a0_l = &(this->params->tau2_a0_lambda);
	tau2_g0_l = &(this->params->tau2_g0_lambda);

	/* tree process prior parameters */
	t_alpha = &(this->params->t_alpha);
	t_beta = &(this->params->t_beta);
	t_minpart = &(this->params->t_minpart);

	/* stuff for printing partitions and other to files */
	printparts = PRINTPARTS;
	OUTFILE = stdout;

	/* initialization of the (main) tree part of the model */
	int *p = iseq(0,n-1);
	this->t = new Tree(Xc, p, n, d, Zc, newRect, NULL, this);

	/* initialize tree operation statistics */
	swap = prune = change = grow = swap_try = change_try = grow_try = prune_try = 0;

	/* init best tree posteriors and the areas under the LLM */
	posteriors = new_posteriors();
	linarea = LINAREA;
	lin_area = NULL;
	if(linarea) new_linarea();

 * ~Model:
 * the usual class deletion function

	if(parallel) {
	delete t;
	delete params;
	if(linarea) delete_linarea();

 * rounds:
 * MCMC rounds master function 
 * ZZ and ZZp are the predictions for rounds B:T
 * must be pre-allocated.

void Model::rounds(Preds *preds, unsigned int B, unsigned int T, unsigned short *state)
	/* check for well-allocated preds module */
	if(T>B) { assert(preds); assert((T-B) / preds->R == preds->mult); }
	unsigned int numLeaves = 1;

	if(printparts && T > B) PARTSFILE = OpenPartsfile();
	partitions = 0;

	/* zero-out the Delta-sigma matrix */
	if(preds) {
	  if(preds->Ds2xy) zero(preds->Ds2xy, preds->nn, preds->nn);
	  if(preds->ego) zerov(preds->ego, preds->nn);

	/* every round, do ... */
	for(int r=0; r<(int)T; r++) {

		/* propose tree changes */
		bool treemod = false;
		if((r+1)%4 == 0) treemod = modify_tree(state);

		/* get leaves of the tree */
		Tree **leaves = t->leavesList(&numLeaves);

		/* for each leaf: draw params first compute marginal params as necessary */
		int index = (int)r-B;
		bool success = false;
		for(unsigned int i=0; i<numLeaves; i++) {
			if(! ((r+1)/4==0)) leaves[i]->compute_marginal_params();

			/* draws for the leaves of the tree */
			if(!(success = leaves[i]->Draw(state))) break;

			/* predict for each leaf */
			predict_master(leaves[i], preds, index, state);

		/* check to see if draws from leaves was successful */
		if(!success) {
			if(parallel) { if(PP) produce(); wrap_up_predictions(); }
			cut_root(); partitions = 0; r = -1; 

		/* produce leaves for parallel prediction */
		if(parallel && PP && PP->Len() > PPMAX) produce();

		/* draw hierarchical parameters */
		hierarchical_draws(leaves, numLeaves, r, state);

		/* process full posterior, and calculate linear area */
		if(T>B) Posterior();
		if(linarea && T>B) process_linarea(numLeaves, leaves);

		/* get the leaves of the tree (the partitions) */
		if(r>=(int)B) {
			partitions = ((r-B)*partitions + numLeaves)/(r-B+1);
			if((r+1)%4 == 0 && treemod && partitions > 1) 

		/* clean up the garbage */

	if(parallel && PP) produce();

	/* dump some tree statistics to standard output */
	if(T>B) {
		else PrintBestPartitions();

	if(parallel) wrap_up_predictions(); 

 * hierarchical_draws:
 * draws for the parameters to the hierarchical priors
 * depends on the top level-leaf parameters.
 * Also prints the state based on round r

void Model::hierarchical_draws(Tree** leaves, unsigned int numLeaves, int r, unsigned short *state)
	double **b, **bmle, *s2, *tau2;
	Corr **corr;
	/* allocate temporary parameters for each leaf node */
	allocate_leaf_params(&b, &s2, &tau2, &corr, numLeaves);
	if(params->BetaPrior() == BMLE) bmle = new_matrix(numLeaves, col);
	else bmle = NULL;

	/* for use in b0 and Ti draws */

	/* collect paramsters from the leaves */
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<numLeaves; i++) {
		dupv(b[i], leaves[i]->all_params(&(s2[i]), &(tau2[i]), &(corr[i])), col);
		if(params->BetaPrior() == BMLE) dupv(bmle[i], leaves[i]->Bmle(), col);

	/* draw hierarchical parameters */
	if(params->BetaPrior() == B0 || params->BetaPrior() == BMLE) { 
		b0_draw(b0, col, numLeaves, b, s2, Ti, tau2, mu, Ci, state);
		Ti_draw(Ti, col, numLeaves, b, bmle, b0, rho, V, s2, tau2, state);
		inverse_chol(Ti, (this->T), Tchol, col);

	/* update the corr and sigma^2 prior params */
	update_hierarchical_priors(s2, tau2, corr, numLeaves, state);

	/* print progress meter */
	if((r+1) % 1000 == 0 && r>0) printState(r+1, numLeaves, leaves, corr, s2, tau2);

	/* clean up the garbage */
	deallocate_leaf_params(b, s2, tau2, corr);
	if(params->BetaPrior() == BMLE) delete_matrix(bmle);

 * allocate_leaf_params:
 * allocate arrays to hold the current parameter
 * values at each leaf (of numLeaves) of the tree

void Model::allocate_leaf_params(double ***b, double **s2, 
		double **tau2, Corr ***corr, unsigned int numLeaves)
	*b = new_matrix(numLeaves, col);
	*s2 = new_vector(numLeaves);
	*tau2 = new_vector(numLeaves);
	*corr = (Corr **) malloc(sizeof(Corr *) * numLeaves);

 * deallocate_leaf_params:
 * deallocate arrays used to hold the current parameter
 * values at each leaf of numLeaves

void Model::deallocate_leaf_params(double **b, double *s2, double *tau2, Corr **corr)

 * update_hierarchical_priors:
 * (as long as they have not beein "fixed" ...)
 * update the mixture priors for the width parameter
 * and the nugget parameter nug based on the alpha
 * and beta hyperparameters

void Model::update_hierarchical_priors(double *s2, double *tau2, Corr **corr, 
		unsigned int numLeaves, unsigned short *state)
	if(!params->fix_tau2 && params->BetaPrior() != BFLAT && params->BetaPrior() != BCART) 
	corr[0]->priorDraws(corr, numLeaves, state);

 * predict_master:
 * chooses parallel prediction;
 * first determines whether or not to do a prediction
 * based on the prediction index (>0) and the preds module
 * indication of how many predictions it wants.

void Model::predict_master(Tree *leaf, Preds *preds, int index, unsigned short* state)
	if(index < 0) return;
	if(index % preds->mult != 0) return;
	unsigned int r = index/preds->mult;
	if(r >= preds->R) return;
	if(parallel) predict_producer(leaf, this->T, preds, r, DNORM);
	else predict_xx(leaf, this->T, preds, r, DNORM, state);

 * predict:
 * predict at one of the leaves of the tree.
 * this was made into a function in order to help simplify 
 * the rounds() function.

void Model::predict(Tree* leaf, double **T, Preds* preds, unsigned int index, 
		bool dnorm, unsigned short *state)
	double ** ZZ = preds->ZZ; 
	double ** Zp = preds->Zp; 
	double ** Ds2xy = preds->Ds2xy;
	double *ego = preds->ego;
	if(ZZ && Zp) leaf->predict(ZZ[index], Zp[index], Ds2xy, ego, T, dnorm, state);
	else if(Zp) leaf->predict(NULL, Zp[index], Ds2xy, ego, T, dnorm, state);
	else if(ZZ) leaf->predict(ZZ[index], NULL, Ds2xy, ego, T, dnorm, state);

 * modify_tree:
 * Propose structural changes to the tree via 
 * GROW, PRUNE, CHANGE, and SWAP operations
 * chosen randomly 

bool Model::modify_tree(unsigned short *state)
	/* since we may modify the tree we need to 
	 * update the marginal parameters now! */
	unsigned int numLeaves;
	Tree **leaves = t->leavesList(&numLeaves);
	assert(numLeaves >= 1);

	for(unsigned int i=0; i<numLeaves; i++) leaves[i]->compute_marginal_params();
	/* end marginal parameter computations */

	/* probability distribution for each tree operation ("action") */
	double probs[4] = {1.0/5, 1.0/5, 2.0/5, 1.0/5};
	int actions[4] = {1,2,3,4};

	/* sample an action */
	int action;
	unsigned int indx;
	isample(&action, &indx, 1, 4, actions, probs, state);

	/* do the chosen action */
	switch(action) {
		case 1: /* grow */ return grow_tree(state);
		case 2: /* prune */ return prune_tree(state);
		case 3: /* change */ return change_tree(state);
		case 4: /* swap */ return swap_tree(state);
		default: myprintf(stderr, "action %d not supported", action); exit(0);

 * swap_tree:
 * Choose which INTERNAL node should have its split-point
 * moved.

bool Model::swap_tree(unsigned short *state)
	unsigned int len;
	Tree** nodes = t->swapableList(&len);	
	if(len == 0) return false;	
	unsigned int k = (unsigned int) sample_seq(0,len-1, state);
	bool success = nodes[k]->swap(state);

	if(success) swap++;
	return success;

 * change_tree:
 * Choose which INTERNAL node should have its split-point
 * moved.

bool Model::change_tree(unsigned short *state)
	unsigned int len;
	Tree** nodes = t->internalsList(&len);	
	if(len == 0) return false;
	unsigned int k = (unsigned int) sample_seq(0,len-1, state);
	bool success = nodes[k]->change(state);

	if(success) change++;
	return success;

 * prune_tree:
 * Choose which part of the tree to attempt to prune

bool Model::prune_tree(unsigned short *state)
	unsigned int len;
	Tree** nodes = t->prunableList(&len);
	if(len == 0) return false;

	double q_fwd = 1.0/len;
	double q_bak = 1.0/(t->numLeaves()-1);

	unsigned int k = (unsigned int) sample_seq(0,len-1, state);
	unsigned int depth = nodes[k]->getDepth() + 1;
	double pEtaT = *t_alpha * pow(1+depth,0.0-(*t_beta));
	double pEtaPT = *t_alpha * pow(1+depth-1,0.0-(*t_beta));
	double diff = 1-pEtaT;
	double pTreeRatio =  (1-pEtaPT) / ((diff*diff) * pEtaPT);
	bool success = nodes[k]->prune((q_bak/q_fwd)*pTreeRatio, state);

	if(success) prune++;
	return success;

 * grow_tree:
 * Choose which part of the tree to attempt to grow on

bool Model::grow_tree(unsigned short *state)
	if(*t_alpha == 0 || *t_beta == 0) return false;
	unsigned int len;
	Tree** nodes = t->leavesList(&len);

	double q_fwd = 1.0/len;
	double q_bak = 1.0/(t->numPrunable()+1);

	unsigned int k = (unsigned int) sample_seq(0,len-1, state);
	unsigned int depth = nodes[k]->getDepth();
	double pEtaT = *t_alpha * pow(1+depth,0.0-(*t_beta));
	double pEtaCT = *t_alpha * pow(1+depth+1,0.0-(*t_beta));
	double diff = 1-pEtaCT;
	double pTreeRatio =  pEtaT * (diff*diff) / (1-pEtaT);
	bool success = nodes[k]->grow((q_bak/q_fwd)*pTreeRatio, state);

	if(success) grow++;
	return success;

 * cut_branch:
 * randomly cut a branch (swath) of the tree off
 * an internal node is selected, and its children
 * are cut (removed) from the tree

void Model::cut_branch(unsigned short *state)
	unsigned int len;
	Tree** nodes = t->internalsList(&len);	
	if(len == 0) return;	
	unsigned int k = (unsigned int) sample_seq(0,len,state);
	if(k == len) 
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "tree unchanged (no branches removed)\n");
	else {
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "removed %d leaves from the tree\n", nodes[k]->numLeaves());

 * cut_root:
 * cut_branch, but from the root of the tree

void Model::cut_root(void)
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "removed 0 leaves from the tree\n");
	else {
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "removed %d leaves from the tree\n", t->numLeaves());

 * new_data:
 * adding new data to the model
 * (and thus also to the tree)

void Model::new_data(double **X, unsigned int n, unsigned int d, double* Z, double **rect)
	/* copy input and predictive data; and NORMALIZE */
	double **Xc = new_normd_matrix(X,n,d,rect,NORMSCALE);
	double *Zc = new_dup_vector(Z, n); 
	int *p = iseq(0,n-1);
	t->new_data(Xc, n, d, Zc, p);

	/* reset the MAP per height bookeeping */
	posteriors = new_posteriors();

 * printTreeStats:
 * printing out tree operation stats

void Model::printTreeStats(FILE* outfile)
	if(grow_try > 0) myprintf(outfile, "Grow: %.4g%c, ", (double)grow/grow_try, '%');
	if(prune_try > 0) myprintf(outfile, "Prune: %.4g%c, ", (double)prune/prune_try, '%');
	if(change_try > 0) myprintf(outfile, "Change: %.4g%c, ", (double)change/change_try, '%');
	if(swap_try > 0) myprintf(outfile, "Swap: %.4g%c", (double)swap/swap_try, '%');
	if(grow_try > 0) myprintf(outfile, "\n");

 * get_TreeRoot:
 * return the root of the tree in this model

Tree* Model::get_TreeRoot(void)
	return t;

 * set_TreeRoot:
 * return the root of the tree in this model

void Model::set_TreeRoot(Tree *t)
	this->t = t;

 * get_Ti:
 * return Ti: inverse of the covariance matrix 
 * for Beta prior

double** Model::get_Ti(void)
	return Ti;

 * get_T:
 * return T: covariance matrix for the Beta prior

double** Model::get_T(void)
	return T;

 * get_b0:
 * return b0: prior mean for Beta

double* Model::get_b0(void)
	return b0;

 * printState:
 * Print the state for the current round

void Model::printState(unsigned int r, unsigned int numLeaves, Tree** leaves, Corr** corr, 
		double *s2, double *tau2)
	#ifdef PARALLEL
	if(num_produced - num_consumed > 0)
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "(r,l)=(%d,%d) d=", r, num_produced - num_consumed);
	else myprintf(OUTFILE, "r=%d d=", r);
	myprintf(OUTFILE, "r=%d corr=", r);

	for(unsigned int i=0; i<numLeaves; i++) {
		#ifdef LONGSTATE
		char *state = corr[i]->State();
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "%s ", state);
	myprintf(OUTFILE, " s2 = ");
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<numLeaves; i++) 
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "%g ", s2[i]);
	if(params->BetaPrior() != BCART && params->BetaPrior() != BFLAT) {
		myprintf(OUTFILE, " tau2 = ");
		for(unsigned int i=0; i<numLeaves; i++) 
			myprintf(OUTFILE, "%g ", tau2[i]);
	myprintf(OUTFILE, ": ");
	/* print maximum posterior prob tree height */
	Tree *maxt = maxPosteriors();
	if(maxt) myprintf(OUTFILE, "mh=%d ", maxt->Height());
	/* print partition sizes */
	myprintf(OUTFILE, "n = ");
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<numLeaves; i++)
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "%d ", leaves[i]->getN());

	if(params->BetaPrior() != BCART && params->BetaPrior() != BFLAT) 
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "; s2_a0=%g s2_g0=%g tau2_a0=%g tau2_g0=%g", 
			*s2_a0, *s2_g0, *tau2_a0, *tau2_g0);
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "; s2_a0=%g s2_g0=%g", *s2_a0, *s2_g0);

	/* cap off the printing */
	myprintf(OUTFILE, "\n");

	#ifdef RSTATE
	printRState(r, numLeaves, leaves, corr, s2, tau2);

 * printRState:
 * Print the a more comprehenesive state for the current round
 * in a format that can be used as input to R

void Model::printRState(unsigned int r, unsigned int numLeaves, Tree** leaves, Corr** corr, 
		double *s2, double *tau2)
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<numLeaves; i++) {
		//myprintf(OUTFILE, "r=%d, ", r);
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "\tn=%d, ", leaves[i]->getN());
		char *state = corr[i]->State();
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "corr=");
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "%s, ", state);
		double *bmle = leaves[i]->Bmle();
				myprintf(OUTFILE, "s2=%.4f, ", s2[i]);
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "hprior=list(");
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "tau2=%.4f, ", tau2[i]);
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "a0=%.4f, g0=%.4f, ", *s2_a0, *s2_g0);
		//myprintf(OUTFILE, "tau2.a0=%g, tau2.g0=%g, ", *tau2_a0, *tau2_g0);

		if(params->BetaPrior() == B0) {
			myprintf(OUTFILE, "B0=c(");
			for(unsigned int k=0; k<col-1; k++) myprintf(OUTFILE, "%.4f, ", b0[k]);
				myprintf(OUTFILE, "%.4f), ", b0[col-1]);
		if(params->BetaPrior() == B0 || params->BetaPrior() == BMLE) {
			myprintf(OUTFILE, "Ti=matrix(c(");
			for(unsigned int k=0; k<col; k++) 
				for(unsigned int j=0; j<col; j++) {
					if(k==col-1 && j==col-1) break;
					myprintf(OUTFILE, "%.4f, ", Ti[k][j]);
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "%.4f), nrow=%d)", Ti[col-1][col-1], col);
		myprintf(OUTFILE, ")\n");
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "\t\tlog.pleaf=%g, lambda=%g, ", 
				leaves[i]->RPosterior(), leaves[i]->Lambda());
		double *bmu = leaves[i]->Bmu();
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "bmu=c(");
		for(unsigned int k=0; k<col-1; k++) myprintf(OUTFILE, "%.4f, ", bmu[k]);
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "%.4f), ", bmu[col-1]);
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "bmle=c(");
		for(unsigned int k=0; k<col-1; k++) myprintf(OUTFILE, "%.4f, ", bmle[k]);
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "%.4f)\n", bmle[col-1]);
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "\t\tlog.pleaf=%g, lambda=%g, ", 
				leaves[i]->RPosterior(), leaves[i]->Lambda());
		bmu = leaves[i]->Bmu();
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "bmu=c(");
		for(unsigned int k=0; k<col-1; k++) myprintf(OUTFILE, "%.4f, ", bmu[k]);
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "%.4f), ", bmu[col-1]);
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "bmle=c(");
		for(unsigned int k=0; k<col-1; k++) myprintf(OUTFILE, "%.4f, ", bmle[k]);
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "%.4f)\n", bmle[col-1]);


 * get_params:
 * return a pointer to the fixed input parameters 

Params* Model::get_params()
	return params;

 * new_preds:
 * new preds structure makes it easier to pass around
 * the storage for the predictions and the delta
 * statistics

Preds* new_preds(double **XX, unsigned int nn, unsigned int n, unsigned int d, double **rect, 
		 unsigned int R, bool delta_s2, bool ego, unsigned int every)
	Preds* preds = (Preds*) malloc(sizeof(struct preds));
	preds->nn = nn;
	preds->n = n;
	preds->d = d;
	if(rect) preds->XX = new_normd_matrix(XX,nn,d,rect,NORMSCALE);
	else preds->XX = new_dup_matrix(XX,nn,d);
	preds->R = R/every;
	preds->mult = every;
	preds->ZZ = new_zero_matrix(preds->R, nn);
	preds->Zp = new_zero_matrix(preds->R, n);
	if(delta_s2) preds->Ds2xy = new_zero_matrix(nn, nn);
	else preds->Ds2xy = NULL;
	if(ego) preds->ego = new_zero_vector(nn);
	else preds->ego = NULL;
	return preds;

 * import_preds:
 * copy preds data from from to to
 * in the case of Ds2xy and ego add.

void import_preds(Preds* to, unsigned int where, Preds *from)
	assert(where >= 0);
	assert(where <= to->R);
	assert(where + from->R <= to->R);
	assert(to->nn == from->nn);
	assert(to->n == from->n);

	if(from->ZZ) dupv(to->ZZ[where], from->ZZ[0], from->R * from->nn);
	if(from->Zp) dupv(to->Zp[where], from->Zp[0], from->R * from->n);
	if(from->Ds2xy) add_matrix(1.0, to->Ds2xy, 1.0, from->Ds2xy, to->nn, to->nn);
	if(from->ego) add_vector(1.0, to->ego, 1.0, from->ego, to->nn);

 * combine_preds:
 * create and return a new preds structure with the
 * combined contents of preds to and preds from.
 * (to and from must be of same dimenstion, but may
 * be of different size)

Preds *combine_preds(Preds *to, Preds *from)
	if(to == NULL) return from;

	if(to->nn != from->nn) myprintf(stderr, "to->nn=%d, from->nn=%d\n", to->nn, from->nn);
	assert(to->nn == from->nn);  
	assert(to->d == from->d); 
	assert(to->mult == from->mult);
	Preds *preds = new_preds(to->XX, to->nn, to->n, to->d, NULL, (to->R + from->R)*to->mult, 
				 (bool) to->Ds2xy, (bool) to->ego, to->mult);
	import_preds(preds, 0, to);
	import_preds(preds, to->R, from);
	return preds;

 * delete_preds:
 * destructor for preds structure

void delete_preds(Preds* preds)
	if(preds->XX) delete_matrix(preds->XX);
	if(preds->ZZ) delete_matrix(preds->ZZ);
	if(preds->Zp) delete_matrix(preds->Zp);
	if(preds->Ds2xy) delete_matrix(preds->Ds2xy);
	if(preds->ego) free(preds->ego);

 * close_parallel_preds:
 * close down and destroy producer & consumer
 * data, queues and pthreads

void Model::close_parallel_preds(void)
	#ifdef PARALLEL
	delete tlist; tlist = NULL;
	delete PP; PP = NULL;
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<NUMTHREADS; i++) free(consumer[i]);
	myprintf(stderr, "ERROR: not compiled for pthreads\n");

 * init_parallel_preds:
 * initialize producer & consumer parallel prediction
 * data, queues and pthreads

void Model::init_parallel_preds(void)
	#ifdef PARALLEL
	l_mut = (pthread_mutex_t*) malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
	l_cond_nonempty = (pthread_cond_t*) malloc(sizeof(pthread_cond_t));
	l_cond_notfull = (pthread_cond_t*) malloc(sizeof(pthread_cond_t));
	pthread_mutex_init(l_mut, NULL);
	pthread_cond_init(l_cond_nonempty, NULL);
	pthread_cond_init(l_cond_notfull, NULL);
	tlist = new List();  assert(tlist);
	PP = new List();  assert(PP);
	consumer = (pthread_t**) malloc(sizeof(pthread_t*) * NUMTHREADS);
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<NUMTHREADS; i++)
		consumer[i] = (pthread_t*) malloc(sizeof(pthread_t));
	num_consumed = num_produced = 0;
	myprintf(stderr, "ERROR: not compiled for pthreads\n");

 * predict_producer:
 * puts leaf nodes (and output pointers) in the list (queue)
 * for prediction at a later time (perhaps in parallel);
 * list consumed by predict_consumer

void Model::predict_producer(Tree *leaf, double **T, Preds *preds, int index, bool dnorm)
	#ifdef PARALLEL
	Tree *newleaf = new Tree(leaf, false);
	newleaf->add_XX(preds->XX, preds->nn,col);
	double **Tdup = new_dup_matrix(T, col, col);
	LArgs *largs = (LArgs*) malloc(sizeof(struct largs));
	fill_larg(largs, newleaf, Tdup, preds, index, dnorm);
	PP->EnQueue((void*) largs);
	myprintf(stderr, "ERROR: not compiled for pthreads\n");

 * produce:
 * collect tree leaves for prediction in a list before
 * putting the into another list (tlist) for consumption

void Model::produce(void)
	#ifdef PARALLEL
	if(PP->isEmpty()) return;
	while (tlist->Len() >= QUEUEMAX) pthread_cond_wait(l_cond_notfull, l_mut);
	assert(tlist->Len() < QUEUEMAX);
	unsigned int pp_len = PP->Len();
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<pp_len; i++) tlist->EnQueue(PP->DeQueue());	
	myprintf(stderr, "ERROR: not compiled for pthreads\n");

 * predict_consumer:
 * is awakened when there is a leaf node (and ooutput pointers)
 * in the list (queue) and calls the predict routine on it;
 * list produced by predict_producer in main thread.

void Model::predict_consumer(void)
	#ifdef PARALLEL
	unsigned int nc = 0;

	/* each consumer needs its on random state variable dor erand48 */
	unsigned short state[3];
	state[0] = (unsigned short)(100*runi(this->state_to_init_consumer));
	state[1] = (unsigned short)(100*runi(this->state_to_init_consumer));
	state[2] = (unsigned short)(100*runi(this->state_to_init_consumer));

	while(1) {

		pthread_mutex_lock (l_mut);

		/* increment num_consumed from the previous iteration */
		num_consumed += nc;
		assert(num_consumed <= num_produced);
		nc = 0;

		while (tlist->isEmpty()) pthread_cond_wait (l_cond_nonempty, l_mut);

		/* dequeue half of the waiting leaves into LL */
		unsigned int len = tlist->Len();
		List* LL = new List();
		void *entry = NULL;
		unsigned int i;
		for(i=0; i<ceil(((double)len)/NUMTHREADS); i++) {
			entry = tlist->DeQueue();
			if(entry == NULL) break;

		/* release lock and signal */
		if(len - i < QUEUEMAX) pthread_cond_signal(l_cond_notfull);
		if(len - i > 0) pthread_cond_signal(l_cond_nonempty);

		/* take care of each leaf */
		while(!(LL->isEmpty())) {
			LArgs* l = (LArgs*) LL->DeQueue();
			predict(l->leaf, l->T, l->preds, l->index, l->dnorm, state);
			delete l->leaf;

		delete LL;
		if(entry == NULL) return;
	myprintf(stderr, "ERROR: not compiled for pthreads\n");

 * predict_consumer_c:
 * a dummy c-style function that calls the
 * consumer function from the Model class

void* predict_consumer_c(void* m)
	Model* model = (Model*) m;
	return NULL;

 * consumer_finish:
 * wait for the consumer to finish predicting 

void Model::consumer_finish(void)
	#ifdef PARALLEL
	/* send a null terminating entry into the queue */
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<NUMTHREADS; i++)

	for(unsigned int i=0; i<NUMTHREADS; i++) {
		pthread_join(*consumer[i], NULL);
	myprintf(stderr, "ERROR: not compiled for pthreads\n");

 * consumer_start:
 * start the consumer threads 

void Model::consumer_start(void)
	#ifdef PARALLEL
	int success;
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<NUMTHREADS; i++) {
		success = pthread_create(consumer[i], NULL, predict_consumer_c, (void*) this);
		assert(success == 0);
	myprintf(stderr, "ERROR: not compiled for pthreads\n");

 * wrap_up_predictions:
 * create a new consumer to help finish off the remainig predictions 
 * and then join the threads

void Model::wrap_up_predictions(void)
	#ifdef PARALLEL
	unsigned int tlen = 0;
	int diff = -1;
	while(1) {
		if(num_produced == num_consumed) break;
		if(tlist->Len() != tlen || diff != (int)num_produced-(int)num_consumed) {
			tlen = tlist->Len();
			diff = num_produced - num_consumed;
			myprintf(OUTFILE, "waiting for (%d, %d) predictions\n", tlen, diff); 
	num_consumed = num_produced = 0;
	myprintf(stderr, "ERROR: not compiled for pthreads\n");

 * fill_larg:
 * full an LArg structure with the parameters to
 * the each_leaf function that will be forked using
 * pthreads

void fill_larg(LArgs* larg, Tree *leaf, double **T, Preds* preds, int index, bool dnorm)
	larg->leaf = leaf;
	larg->T = T;
	larg->preds = preds;
	larg->index = index;
	larg->dnorm = dnorm;

 * CopyPartitions:
 * return COPIES of the leaves of the tree
 * (i.e. the partitions)

Tree** Model::CopyPartitions(unsigned int *numLeaves)
	Tree* maxt = maxPosteriors();
	Tree** leaves = maxt->leavesList(numLeaves);
	Tree** copies = (Tree**) malloc(sizeof(Tree*) * *numLeaves);
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<*numLeaves; i++) {
		copies[i] = new Tree(leaves[i], false);
	return copies;

 * PrintBestPartitions:
 * print rectangles covered by leaves of the tree
 * with the highest posterior probability
 * (i.e. the partitions)

void Model::PrintBestPartitions()
	Tree *maxt = maxPosteriors();
	PARTSFILE = OpenPartsfile();
	print_parts(PARTSFILE, maxt, iface_rect);

 * print_parts
 * print the partitions of the leaves of the tree
 * specified PARTSFILE

void print_parts(FILE *PARTSFILE, Tree *t, double** iface_rect)
	unsigned int numLeaves;
	Tree** leaves = t->leavesList(&numLeaves);
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<numLeaves; i++) {
		Rect* rect = new_dup_rect(leaves[i]->GetRect());
		rect_unnorm(rect, iface_rect, NORMSCALE);
		print_rect(rect, PARTSFILE);

 * PrintPartitions:
 * print rectangles covered by leaves of the tree
 * (i.e. the partitions)

void Model::PrintPartitions(FILE* PARTSFILE)
	if(!PARTSFILE) return;
	print_parts(PARTSFILE, t, iface_rect);

 * predict_xx:
 * usual non-parallel predict function that copies the leaf 
 * before adding XX to it, and then predicts

void Model::predict_xx(Tree* ll, double **T, Preds* preds, int index, 
		bool dnorm, unsigned short *state)
	//Tree* leaf = new Tree(ll, false);
	Tree* leaf = ll;
	leaf->add_XX(preds->XX, preds->nn, col);
	if(index >= 0) predict(leaf, T, preds, index, dnorm, state);
	//delete leaf;

 * Outfile:
 * return file handle to model outfile

FILE* Model::Outfile(void)
	return OUTFILE;

 * Outfile:
 * set outfile handle

void Model::Outfile(FILE *file)
	OUTFILE = file;

 * Partitions:
 * return the current number of partitions

double Model::Partitions(void)
	return partitions;

 * norm_Ds2xy:
 * turn a sum into an average,
 * and then take the square root

void norm_Ds2xy(double **Ds2xy, unsigned int R, unsigned int nn)
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<nn; i++) 
		for(unsigned int j=0; j<nn; j++) 
			Ds2xy[i][j] = sqrt(Ds2xy[i][j]/R);

 * OpenPartsfile:
 * open a the partitions file for writing

FILE* Model::OpenPartsfile(void)
	char outfile_str[BUFFMAX];
	sprintf(outfile_str, "parts_%d.out", Id+1);
	FILE* PARTSFILE = fopen(outfile_str, "w");
	return PARTSFILE;

 * PrintTree:
 * print the tree in the R CART tree structure format

void Model::printTree(FILE* outfile)
	myprintf(outfile, "rows\t var\t n\t dev\t yval\t splits.cutleft splits.cutright\n");
	this->t->printTree(outfile, iface_rect, NORMSCALE, 1);

 * Posterior:
 * Compute (and return) full posterior of the model.
 * Main component is the tree posterior.
 * Record best posterior as a function of tree height.

double Model::Posterior(void)
	double full_post = t->FullPosterior(*t_alpha, *t_beta);
	register_posterior(posteriors, t, full_post);
	return full_post;

 * new_posteriors:
 * creade a new Posteriors data structure for 
 * recording the posteriors of different tree depths
 * and initialize

Posteriors* new_posteriors(void)
	Posteriors* posteriors = (Posteriors*) malloc(sizeof(struct posteriors));
	posteriors->maxd = 1;
	posteriors->posts = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * posteriors->maxd);
	posteriors->trees = (Tree **) malloc(sizeof(Tree*) * posteriors->maxd);
	posteriors->posts[0] = -1e300*1e300;
	posteriors->trees[0] = NULL;
	return posteriors;

 * delete_posteriors:
 * free the memory used by the posteriors
 * data structure, and delete the trees saved therein

void delete_posteriors(Posteriors* posteriors)
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<posteriors->maxd; i++) {
		if(posteriors->trees[i]) delete posteriors->trees[i];

 * register_posterior:
 * if the posterior for the tree *t is the current largest
 * seen (for its height), then save it in the Posteriors
 * data structure

void register_posterior(Posteriors* posteriors, Tree* t, double post)
	unsigned int height = t->Height();

	/* reallocate necessary memory */
	if(height > posteriors->maxd) {
		posteriors->posts = (double*) realloc(posteriors->posts, sizeof(double) * height);
		posteriors->trees = (Tree**) realloc(posteriors->trees, sizeof(Tree*) * height);
		for(unsigned int i=posteriors->maxd; i<height; i++) {
			posteriors->posts[i] = -1e300*1e300;
			posteriors->trees[i] = NULL;
		posteriors->maxd = height;

	/* if this posterior is better, record it */
	if(posteriors->posts[height-1] < post) {
		posteriors->posts[height-1] = post;
		if(posteriors->trees[height-1]) delete posteriors->trees[height-1];
		posteriors->trees[height-1] = new Tree(t, false);

 * PrintPosteriors:
 * print the highest posterior trees for each height
 * in the R CART tree structure format
 * doesn't do anything if no posteriors were recorded

void Model::printPosteriors(void)
	system("rm -rf tree_*.out");

	char filestr[MEDBUFF];
	sprintf(filestr, "tree_m%d_posts.out", Id);
	FILE *postsfile = fopen(filestr, "w");
	myprintf(postsfile, "height\t lpost\n");
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<posteriors->maxd; i++) {
		if(posteriors->trees[i] == NULL) continue;
		sprintf(filestr, "tree_m%d_%d.out", Id, i+1);
		FILE *treefile = fopen(filestr, "w");
		myprintf(treefile, "rows\t var\t n\t dev\t yval\t splits.cutleft splits.cutright\n");
		posteriors->trees[i]->printTree(treefile, iface_rect, NORMSCALE, 1);
		myprintf(postsfile, "%d\t %g\n", posteriors->trees[i]->Height(), 
				posteriors->trees[i]->FullPosterior(*t_alpha, *t_beta));

 * maxPosteriors:
 * return a pointer to the maximum posterior tree

Tree* Model::maxPosteriors(void)
	Tree *maxt = NULL;
	double maxp = -1e300*1e300;

	for(unsigned int i=0; i<posteriors->maxd; i++) {
		if(posteriors->trees[i] == NULL) continue;
		if(posteriors->posts[i] > maxp) {
			maxt = posteriors->trees[i];
			maxp = posteriors->posts[i];

	return maxt;

 * Linear:
 * change prior to preferr all linear models force leaves (partitions) 
 * to use the linear model; if gamlin[0] == 0, then do nothing and 
 * return 0, becuase the linear is model not allowed

double Model::Linear(void)
	if(params->gamlin[0] == 0) return 0;
	unsigned int numLeaves = 1;
	Tree **leaves = t->leavesList(&numLeaves);

	double gam = params->gamlin[0];
	params->gamlin[0] = -1;

	for(unsigned int i=0; i<numLeaves; i++) {
		if(! leaves[i]->Linear()) {
 		} else {

	return gam;

 * GP: (unlinearize)
 * does not change all leaves to full GP models;
 * instead simply changes the prior gamma (from gamlin)
 * to allow for non-linear models

void Model::GP(double gam)
	params->gamlin[0] = gam;

 * new_linarea:
 * allocate memory for the linarea structure
 * that keep tabs on how much of the input domain
 * is under the linear model

void Model::new_linarea(void)
	assert(lin_area == NULL);
	lin_area = (Linarea*) malloc(sizeof(struct linarea));
	lin_area->total = 1000;
	lin_area->ba = new_zero_vector(lin_area->total);
	lin_area->la = new_zero_vector(lin_area->total);
	lin_area->counts = (unsigned int *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * lin_area->total);

 * new_linarea:
 * reallocate memory for the linarea structure
 * that keep tabs on how much of the input domain
 * is under the linear model

void Model::realloc_linarea(void)
	assert(lin_area != NULL);
	lin_area->total *= 2;
	lin_area->ba = 
		(double*) realloc(lin_area->ba, sizeof(double) * lin_area->total);
	lin_area->la = 
		(double*) realloc(lin_area->la, sizeof(double) * lin_area->total);
	lin_area->counts = (unsigned int *) 
		realloc(lin_area->counts,sizeof(unsigned int)*lin_area->total);
	for(unsigned int i=lin_area->size; i<lin_area->total; i++) {
		lin_area->ba[i] = 0;
		lin_area->la[i] = 0;
		lin_area->counts[i] = 0;

 * deleta_linarea:
 * free the linarea data structure and
 * all of its fields

void Model::delete_linarea(void)
	lin_area = NULL;

 * reset_linearea:
 * re-initialize the lineara data structure

void Model::reset_linarea(void)
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<lin_area->total; i++) lin_area->counts[i] = 0;
	zerov(lin_area->ba, lin_area->total);
	zerov(lin_area->la, lin_area->total);
	lin_area->size = 0;

 * process_linarea:
 * tabulate the area of the leaves which are under the 
 * linear model (and the gp model) as well as the count of linear
 * boolean for each dimension

void Model::process_linarea(unsigned int numLeaves, Tree** leaves)
	if(lin_area->size + 1 > lin_area->total) realloc_linarea();
	double ba = 0.0;
	double la = 0.0;
	unsigned int sumi = 0;
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<numLeaves; i++) {
		unsigned int sum_b = leaves[i]->get_Corr()->sum_b();
		double area = leaves[i]->Area();
		la += area * leaves[i]->get_Corr()->Linear();
		ba += sum_b * area;
		sumi += sum_b;
	lin_area->ba[lin_area->size] = ba;
	lin_area->la[lin_area->size] = la;
	lin_area->counts[lin_area->size] = sumi;

 * print_linarea:
 * print linarea stats to the outfile
 * doesn't do anything if linarea is false

void Model::print_linarea(void)
	if(!linarea) return;
	char filestr[MEDBUFF];
	sprintf(filestr, "linarea_%d.out", Id);
	FILE *outfile = fopen(filestr, "w");
	myprintf(outfile, "count\t la ba\n");
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<lin_area->size; i++) {
		myprintf(outfile, "%d\t %g %g\n", 
			lin_area->counts[i], lin_area->la[i], lin_area->ba[i]);

 * Linburn:
 * forced initialization of the Markov Chain using
 * the Bayesian Linear CART model.  Must undo linear
 * settings before returning.  Does nothing if Linear()
 * determines that the original gamlin[0] was 0

void Model::Linburn(unsigned int B, unsigned short *state)
	double gam = Linear();
	if(gam) {
		myprintf(OUTFILE, "\nlinear model init:\n");
		rounds(NULL, B, B, state);

 * Burnin:
 * B rounds of burning (with NULL preds)

void Model::Burnin(unsigned int B, unsigned short *state)
	myprintf(OUTFILE, "\nburn in:\n");
	rounds(NULL, B, B, state);

 * Sample:
 * Gather R samples from the Markov Chain, for predictive data
 * provided by the preds variable.

void Model::Sample(Preds *preds, unsigned int R, unsigned short *state)
	myprintf(OUTFILE, "\nObtaining samples (nn=%d predictive locations):\n", preds->nn);
	rounds(preds, 0, R, state);

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