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Tip revision: d0e2eaf5ae231191c0d6278ad7b87d4e0dc855f9 authored by Torsten Hothorn on 03 November 2006, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.5-2
Tip revision: d0e2eaf

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> ### Regression tests for the K sample problem, i.e.,
> ### testing the independence of a numeric variable
> ### `y' and a factor `x' (possibly blocked)
> set.seed(290875)
> library(coin)
Loading required package: survival
Loading required package: splines
Loading required package: mvtnorm
Loading required package: modeltools
> isequal <- coin:::isequal
> ### generate data
> dat <- data.frame(x = gl(4, 25), y = rnorm(100), block = gl(5, 20))[sample(1:100, 50),]
> ### Kruskal-Wallis Test
> ### asymptotic distribution
> ptwo <- kruskal.test(y ~ x, data = dat)$p.value
> stopifnot(isequal(pvalue(kruskal_test(y ~ x, data = dat)), ptwo))
> stopifnot(isequal(pvalue(oneway_test(y ~ x, data = dat, distribution = "asympt", 
+                                    teststat = "quad",
+     ytrafo = function(data) trafo(data, numeric_trafo = rank))), ptwo))
> ### approximated distribution
> rtwo <- pvalue(kruskal_test(y ~ x, data = dat, distribution = "approx")) / ptwo
> stopifnot(all(rtwo > 0.9 & 
+               rtwo < 1.1))
> ### <FIXME> add block examples </FIXME>
> ### sanity checks
> try(kruskal_test(x ~ y, data = dat))
Error in check(itp) : ‘object’ does not represent a K sample problem
> try(kruskal_test(x ~ y | y, data = dat))
Error in .local(.Object, ...) : ‘block’ is not a factor
> ### Fligner Test 
> ### asymptotic distribution
> ptwo <- fligner.test(y ~ x, data = dat)$p.value                       
> stopifnot(isequal(pvalue(fligner_test(y ~ x, data = dat)), ptwo))
> dat$yy <- dat$y - tapply(dat$y, dat$x, median)[dat$x]
> stopifnot(isequal(pvalue(oneway_test(yy ~ x, data = dat, distribution = "asympt", 
+                                    teststat = "quad",
+     ytrafo = function(data) trafo(data, numeric_trafo = fligner_trafo))), ptwo))
> ### approximated distribution
> rtwo <- pvalue(fligner_test(y ~ x, data = dat, distribution = "approx")) / ptwo
> stopifnot(all(rtwo > 0.9 &                     
+               rtwo < 1.1))                     
> ### <FIXME> add block examples </FIXME>
> ### sanity checks
> try(fligner_test(x ~ y, data = dat)) 
Error in median.default(X[[1]], ...) : need numeric data
> try(fligner_test(x ~ y | y, data = dat))
Error in .local(.Object, ...) : ‘block’ is not a factor
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