Raw File
Tip revision: dddb84fae1582d9e7ff2b2b1a246c924c8c1f437 authored by Chris Fraley on 08 February 2006, 00:00:00 UTC
version 2.1
Tip revision: dddb84f
"fitBMAgamma0" <-
function(ensembleData, control = controlBMAgamma0(), 
         exchangeable = NULL, popData = NULL) 
  if (is.null(exchangeable)) exchangeable <- ensembleGroups(ensembleData)

  if (length(unique(exchangeable)) == length(exchangeable))
    exchangeable <- NULL

  if (!(nullX <- is.null(exchangeable))) {
    namX <- as.character(exchangeable)
    uniqueX <- unique(namX)
    nX <- length(uniqueX)

  if (!(nullPOP <- is.null(popData))) {
      if (!is.null(dim(popData))) {
        if (length(dim(popData)) == 2) {
          popData <- list(popData)
       else {
         popData <- apply(popData, 3, list)

  maxIter <- control$maxIter
  tol <- eps <- control$eps
  nEsteps <- control$nEsteps

  ensMemNames <- ensembleMemberLabels(ensembleData)
  nForecasts <- length(ensMemNames)

  obs <- ensembleVerifObs(ensembleData)
  nObs <- length(obs)
  Y0 <- obs == 0
  n0obs <- sum(Y0)

# untransformed weather data for variance model  

  ensembleData <- ensembleForecasts(ensembleData)

  Xvar <- ensembleData[!Y0, ]

  LM0 <- function(coefs, Xy, XX, R)(crossprod(R %*% coefs) - 2*sum(coefs*Xy))/2

  LM1 <- function(coefs, Xy, XX, R) XX %*% coefs - Xy

  LM2 <- function(coefs, Xy, XX, R) XX

 inverseLogit <- function(x) {
# logit function safeguared against underflow and overflow
              if (x >= 0) {
                if (-x >= log(.Machine$double.eps)) {
                  x <- exp(-x)
                else 1
             else {
                if (x >= log(.Machine$double.xmin)) {
                  x <- exp(x)
                else 0

  LR0 <- function(coefs, X, y)
    linearPredictor <- X %*% coefs
    z <- sapply(linearPredictor, function(x) {
                     if (x >= 0) {
                        if (-x >= log(.Machine$double.eps)) {
                          log(exp(-x)+1) + x 
                        else x
                     else {
                       if (x >= log(.Machine$double.eps)) {
                      else 0
    sum(z - y*(linearPredictor))

  LR1 <- function(coefs, X, y)
    z <-  sapply(X %*% coefs,
                    function(x) {
                      if (x >= 0) {
                        if (-x >= log(.Machine$double.eps)) {
                        else 1
                     else {
                       if (x >= log(.Machine$double.xmin)) {
                         x <- exp(x)
                      else 0

  LR2 <- function(coefs, X, y)
    d <- sapply(X %*% coefs,
                    function(x) {
                      if (x >= 0) {
                        if (-x >= log(.Machine$double.xmin)) {
                          x <- exp(-x)
                        else 0
                     else {
                       if (x >= log(.Machine$double.xmin)) {
                         x <- exp(x)
                      else 0
    crossprod(sweep(X, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=sqrt(d)))
  ensembleData <- apply(ensembleData, 2, 
                       function(x) sapply(x,control$transformation))

  if (nullX) {
    prob0fit <- apply(ensembleData, 2, function(x, y0) {
    glm(y0~x+(x==0),family=binomial(logit))}, y0 = Y0)

    if (nullPOP) {

      prob0fit <- lapply( prob0fit, function(x, components) x[components],
                     components = c("coefficients","fitted.values","model"))

      prob0check <- unlist(lapply(prob0fit, function(z) {
                                coefs <- z$coefficients
                                coefs[2] <= 0 && coefs[3] >= 0
      if (any(!prob0check)) {
        prob0fit[!prob0check] <- lapply(prob0fit[!prob0check],
                       coefs <- z$coefficients
                       coefs[2] <- min(coefs[2],0)
                       coefs[3] <- max(coefs[3],0)
                       X <- model.matrix(y0~x+(x==0), data = z$model)
                       opt <- nlminb(coefs, ob=LR0, gr=LR1, he=LR2, 
                                     lower = c(-Inf,-Inf,0), 
                                     upper =c(Inf,0,Inf),
                                     X = X, y = z$model$y)
                       if (opt$convergence)  print(opt$message)
                       coefs <- z$coefficients <- opt$par
                       z$fitted.values <- sapply(X %*% coefs, inverseLogit)

    else {
      for (j in 1:nForecasts) {
         prob0fit[[j]] <- update(prob0fit[[j]], . ~ . - (x == 0))
         popi <-"cbind", lapply( popData, function(x,j) x[,j], j = j))
         prob0fit[[j]] <- update(prob0fit[[j]], . ~ . + popi)

      prob0fit <- lapply( prob0fit, function(x, components) x[components],
                        components = c("coefficients","fitted.values","model"))


    prob0coefs <- lapply(prob0fit, function(x) x$coefficients)
    prob0coefs <- as.matrix(data.frame(prob0coefs))
    dimnames(prob0coefs) <- NULL

    PROB0 <- lapply(prob0fit, function(x) x$fitted.values)
    PROB0 <- as.matrix(data.frame(PROB0))
    dimnames(PROB0) <- NULL
  else {

    logisticFunc <- function(x, y, popData = NULL) {
      x <- as.matrix(x)
      n <- ncol(x)
      x <- as.vector(x)
      y <- rep(y,n)
      if (is.null(popData)) {
        glm(y ~ x + (x==0))
      else {
        glm(y ~ x + popData)

    logisticOpt <- function(x, y, fit) {
                            x <- as.matrix(x)
                            n <- ncol(x)
                            x <- as.vector(x)
                            y <- rep(y,n)
                            coefs <- fit$coefficients
                            coefs[2] <- min(coefs[2],0)
                            coefs[3] <- max(coefs[3],0)
                            X <- model.matrix(y~x+(x==0), data = fit$model)
                            opt <- nlminb(coefs, ob=LR0, gr=LR1, he=LR2, 
                                          lower = c(-Inf,-Inf,0), 
                                          upper =c(Inf,0,Inf),
                                          X = X, y = y)
                            if (opt$convergence)  print(opt$message)
                            coefs <- fit$coefficients <- opt$par
                        fit$fitted.values <- sapply(X %*% coefs, inverseLogit)
                            fit[c("coefficients", "fitted.values")]

    prob0coefs <- matrix(NA, 3, nForecasts)
    dimnames(prob0coefs) <- NULL

    PROB0 <- matrix(NA, nObs, nForecasts)
    dimnames(PROB0) <- NULL

    for (labX in uniqueX) {
       I <- namX == labX
       fit <- logisticFunc(ensembleData[, I, drop = F], Y0, popData)
       if (!is.null(popData) &&
          !(fit$coefficients[2] <= 0 && fit$coefficients[3] >= 0)) {
          fit <- logisticOpt(ensembleData[, I, drop = F], Y0, fit)
      prob0coefs[, I] <- fit$coefficients
      PROB0[,I] <- fit$fitted.values


  PROB1 <- (1-PROB0)[!Y0,]
  PROB0 <- PROB0[Y0,]

  obs <- sapply(obs, function(x) sapply(x,control$transformation))
  obs <- obs[!Y0]

  ensembleData <- ensembleData[!Y0,]

# means determined as a bias-corrrrection step

  if (nullX) {
    meanFit <- apply(ensembleData, 2, function(x, y) {
                     components <- c("coefficients","fitted.values","model")
                     lm(y~x)[components]}, y = obs)

    meanCheck1 <- unlist(lapply(meanFit, function(z) {
                                coefs <- z$coefficients
                                coefs[1] >= 0 && coefs[2] >= 0 
    if (any(!meanCheck1)) {
      meanFit[!meanCheck1] <- lapply(meanFit[!meanCheck1],
              function(z) {
                           y <- z$model$y
# x is the cube root of the forecasts; y is the cube root of the obs
                           X <- model.matrix(y~x, data = z$model)
                           coefs    <- z$coefficients 
                           coefs[1] <- max(coefs[1],0)
                           coefs[2] <- max(coefs[2],0)
                           opt <- nlminb(coefs, ob=LM0, gr=LM1, he=LM2,
                                         lower = c(0,0), upper =c(Inf,Inf),
                                       Xy = crossprod(X,y), XX = crossprod(X), 
                                         R = qr.R(qr(X)))
                           if (opt$convergence) print(opt$message)
                           coefs <- z$coefficients <- opt$par
                           z$fitted.values <- X %*% coefs

     biasCoefs <- lapply(meanFit, function(x) x$coefficients)
     biasCoefs <- as.matrix(data.frame(biasCoefs))
     dimnames(biasCoefs) <- NULL

     MEAN <- lapply(meanFit, function(x) x$fitted.values)
     MEAN <- as.matrix(data.frame(MEAN))
     dimnames(MEAN) <- NULL
  else {

    lmFunc <- function(x, y) {
      x <- as.matrix(x)
      n <- ncol(x)
      x <- as.vector(x)
      y <- rep(y,n)
      lm(y ~ x)

    biasCoefs <- matrix( NA, 2, nForecasts)
    dimnames(biasCoefs) <- NULL

    MEAN <- matrix(NA, length(obs), nForecasts)
    dimnames(MEAN) <- NULL

    for (labX in uniqueX) {
       I <- namX == labX
       fit <- lmFunc(ensembleData[, I, drop = F], obs)
       biasCoefs[, I] <- fit$coefficients
       MEAN[,I] <- fit$fitted.values


#  gammaLoglikEM <- function(par, w, m, p, X, Y)
  gammaLoglikEM <- function(w, m, p1, X, Y)
  objective <- function(par)
    v <- par[1]^2+(par[2]^2)*X

    g <- array(0,dim(v))
    rate <- m/v
    g <- dgamma(Y, shape=rate*m, rate=rate, log=TRUE)
    gmax <- max(g)
    g <- p1 * exp(g - gmax) # safeguard for over/underflow
    g  <- sweep(g, MARGIN=2, FUN= "*", STATS = w)

# gammaLoglikEMgrad <- function(par, w, m, p, X, Y)
 gammaLoglikEMgrad <- function(w, m, p1, X, Y)
  gradient <- function(par)
    v <- par[1]^2+(par[2]^2)*X

    g <- array(0,dim(v))
    alpha <- m^2/v
    g <- dgamma(Y, shape=alpha, rate=alpha/m, log=TRUE)
    gmax <- max(g)
    g <- p1*exp(g - gmax) # safeguard for over/underflow
    denom <- sum(gmax+log(apply(sweep(g,MARGIN=2,FUN= "*",STATS = w),1,sum)))
    g <- g * sweep(-digamma(alpha) + log(alpha-m) -
                   sweep(1/m, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS = Y[!Y0]),
                   MARGIN=1, FUN="+", STATS = log(Y)+1) * alpha/v
    g  <- sweep(g, MARGIN=2, FUN= "*", STATS = w)
  varCoefs <- if(is.null(control$start$varCoefs)) c(1,1) else control$start$varCoefs
  varCoefs <- pmax(varCoefs,1.e-4)

  names(varCoefs) <- names(weights) <- NULL

  # set all latent variables equal initially, 
  # and "new weights" (used later to compare changes in weights) to zero

  weights <- if (is.null(control$start$weights)) 1 else control$start$weights
  if (length(weights) == 1) weights <- rep(weights,nForecasts) 
  weights <- pmax(weights,1.e-4)
  weights <- weights/sum(weights)
  if (!is.null(names(weights))) weights <- weights[ensMemNames]

  if (!nullX) {
    for (labX in uniqueX) {
      I <- namX == labX
      weights[I] <- mean(weights[I])

  nIter <- 0
  z <- matrix( 1/nForecasts, ncol=nForecasts, nrow=nObs)
  objold <- 0

 # main EM algorithm
    VAR= varCoefs[1]+varCoefs[2]*Xvar

    # set latent variables as weight times probability non-zero times gamma pdf
    # at that Y, # with the mean and variance parameters coming from each model
    # note that if Y equals zero, dgamma returns NaN since we only want our 
    # dgamma values for non-zero Y, and at zero Y we want weight times 
    # probability zero, we can now use the NaN entries as indicators of where 
    # to set latent variables to weight times probability zero

#   z=t(w*t((1-p)*dgamma((Y^(1/3)), shape=(m^2/v), rate=m/v)))
#   z[Y==0]=t(w*t(p))[Y==0]

# changed to compute at only non-zero values of observations (Chris F 8/06)


 for (i in 1:nEsteps) {

    z[!Y0,] <- dgamma(obs, shape=SHAPE, rate=RATE, log=TRUE) 
    z[!Y0,] <- sweep(z[!Y0,], MARGIN=1, FUN="-", STATS=apply(z[!Y0,],1,max))  
    z[!Y0,] <- sweep(PROB1, MARGIN=2, FUN="*", STATS=weights)*exp(z[!Y0,])
    z[Y0,] <- sweep(PROB0, MARGIN=2, FUN="*", STATS=weights)
    # normalize the latent variables
    z <- z/apply(z, 1, sum)

    # calculate new weights based on latent variables
    wold <- weights
    weights <- apply(z, 2, sum)/nObs

    if (!nullX) {

        weights <- sapply(split(weights,namX),mean)[namX]
##      for (labX in uniqueX) {
##        I <- namX == labX
##        weights[I] <- mean(weights[I])
##      }

    weps <- max(abs(wold - weights)/(1+abs(weights)))


      fn <- gammaLoglikEM(weights, MEAN, PROB1, Xvar, obs)
#     gr <- gammaLoglikEMgrad(weights, MEAN, PROB1, Xvar, obs)
      optimResult = optim(sqrt(varCoefs), fn=fn, method = "BFGS") 
      if (optimResult$convergence) warning("optim does not converge")
      varOld <- varCoefs
      varCoefs <- optimResult$par^2
      veps <- max(abs(varOld - varCoefs)/(1+abs(varCoefs)))
      ERROR <- abs(objold - optimResult$value)/(1 + abs(optimResult$value))
      objold <- optimResult$value

# calculate change from last iteration to this one, 
# and then set weights to the new values

#   if (weps < tol && veps < tol) break

    nIter <- nIter + 1

    if (nIter > 1 & ERROR < eps) break
    if (nIter >= maxIter) break

## if (nIter >= maxIter && ERROR >= eps && max(c(veps,weps)) >= tol)
  if (nIter >= maxIter && ERROR >= eps)
    warning("iteration limit reached")

 dimnames(biasCoefs) <- list(NULL, ensMemNames)
 dimnames(prob0coefs) <- list(NULL, ensMemNames)
 names(weights) <- ensMemNames

  list(prob0coefs = prob0coefs, biasCoefs = biasCoefs, varCoefs = varCoefs,
       weights = weights, nIter = nIter, 
       transformation = control$transformation,
       inverseTransformation = control$inverseTransformation),
       class = "fitBMAgamma0")

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