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Tip revision: d08460987ea51cdf020292a03d490b7d80b8e579 authored by Patrick Mair on 24 October 2007, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.9-5
Tip revision: d084609
%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
\title{Estimation of Rasch Models}
  This function computes the parameter estimates of a Rasch model for binary item responses by using CML estimation.
RM(X, W, se = TRUE, sum0 = TRUE, etaStart)
  \item{X}{Input 0/1 data matrix or data frame; rows represent individuals, columns represent items. Missing values are inserted as \code{NA}.}
  \item{W}{Design matrix for the Rasch model. If omitted, the function will compute W automatically.}
  \item{se}{If \code{TRUE}, the standard errors are computed.}
  \item{sum0}{If \code{TRUE}, the parameters are normed to sum-0 by specifying
  an appropriate \code{W}. If \code{FALSE}, the first parameter is restricted to 0.}
  \item{etaStart}{A vector of starting values for the eta parameters can be specified. If missing, the 0-vector is used.}
  For estimating the item parameters the CML method is used.
  Available methods for RM-objects are \code{print}, \code{coef}, \code{model.matrix},
  \code{vcov}, \code{summary}, \code{logLik}, \code{person.parameters}, \code{plotICC}, \code{plotjointICC},
  \code{LRtest}, \code{Waldtest}.
  Returns an object of class \code{dRm, Rm, eRm} and contains the log-likelihood value, the parameter estimates and their standard errors.

  \item{loglik}{Conditional log-likelihood.}
  \item{iter}{Number of iterations.}
  \item{npar}{Number of parameters.}
  \item{convergence}{See \code{code} output in \code{\link{nlm}}.}
  \item{etapar}{Estimated basic item parameters.}
  \item{se.eta}{Standard errors of the estimated basic item parameters.}
  \item{betapar}{Estimated item (easiness) parameters.}
  \item{se.beta}{Standard errors of item parameters.}
  \item{hessian}{Hessian matrix if \code{se = TRUE}.}
  \item{W}{Design matrix.}
  \item{X}{Data matrix.}
  \item{X01}{Dichotomized data matrix.}
  \item{call}{The matched call.}

Fischer, G. H., and Molenaar, I. (1995). Rasch Models - Foundations,
Recent Developements, and Applications. Springer.

Mair, P., and Hatzinger, R. (2007). Extended Rasch modeling: The eRm package for the application of IRT models in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 20(9), 1-20.

Mair, P., and Hatzinger, R. (2007). CML based estimation of extended Rasch models with the eRm package in R. Psychology Science, 49, 26-43.
\author{Patrick Mair, Reinhold Hatzinger}
\seealso{\code{\link{RSM}},\code{\link{PCM}}, \code{\link{LRtest}}, \code{\link{Waldtest}}

# Rasch model with beta.1 restricted to 0
res <- RM(raschdat1, sum0 = FALSE)
res$W                                       #generated design matrix

# Rasch model with sum-0 beta restriction; no standard errors computed
res <- RM(raschdat1, se = FALSE, sum0 = TRUE)
res$W                                       #generated design matrix

#Rasch model with missing values
res <- RM(raschdat2)


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