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Tip revision: c617c4c6108778fdd6904e49f189c3acea912778 authored by Gregory Warnes on 30 January 2008, 00:00:00 UTC
version 2.4.0
Tip revision: c617c4c
CHANGES IN 2.4.0 (2008-01-30)

- The keep() function now includes an 'all' argument to specify how
  objects with names starting with '.' are handled. 

- keep() now shows an informative warning message when a requested
  object does not exist

- New vignette "Mapping Levels of a Factor" describing the use of

- New vignette "Working with Unknown Values" describing the use of
  isUnknown() and unknownToNA().

- Several enhancements to read.xls() (thanks to Gabor Grothendieck):

  - New function xls2csv(), which handles converting an xls file
    to a csv file and returns a connection to the
    temporary csv file

  - xls2csv() and read.xls() both allow a file or a url to be specified

  - read.xls() has a new 'pattern' argument which, if supplied,
    will ignore everything prior to the first line in th csv file
    that matches the pattern.  This is typically used if there
    are a variable number of comment lines prior to the header
    in which case one can specify one of the column
    headings as the pattern.  read.xls should
    be compatible with the old read.xls.

- Minor fixes to drop.levels(), is.what().

- Implementation of unit tests for most functions.

CHANGES IN 2.3.1 (2006-10-29)

- Arguments as well as their position of reorder.factor have been changed
  to conform with reorder.factor method in stats package, due to collision
  bug. Argument 'make.ordered' is now 'order' and old argument 'order' is
  now 'new.order'! Therefore, you have to implicitly specify new.order i.e.

  reorder(trt, new.order=c("PLACEBO", "300 MG", "600 MG", "1200 MG"))

- trim() gains ... argument.

- Added "unknown" methods for matrices.

- Added c() method for factors based on mapLevels() functions.

- Added write.fwf, which writes file in *F*ixed *W*idth *F*ormat.

CHANGES FROM 2.1.X to 2.3.0 (2006-09-19)

- Added mapLevels(), which produces a map with information on levels and/or
  internal integer codes.  Contributed by Gregor Gorjanc.

- Extended dropLevels() to work on the factors contained in a data
  frame, as well as individual factors.

- Add unknown(), which changes given unknown value to NA and vice
  versa. Contributed by Gregor Gorjanc.

- Extended trim() to handle a variety of data types data.frames,
  lists, factors, etc.  Code changes contributed by Gregor Gorjanc.

- Added resample() command that acts like sample() except that it
  _always_ samples from the arguments provided, even if only a single
  argument is present.  This differs from sample() which behaves
  differently in this case.

- Updated my email address.


 - Fixed bug in interleave.R - option to covert 1-column matrices to
   vector (based on Andrew Burgess's suggestion)

 - Updated Greg and Jim's email adresses

 - ll.R: Suppressed warning message in attach() call.

 - frameApply.Rd, reorder.Rd: Remove explicit loading of
   gtools in examples, so that failure to import functions from
   gtools gets properly caught by running the examples.

 - upperTriangle.R, man/upperTriangle.Rd: Add functions for
   extracting and modifying the upper and lower trianglular components of

 - is.what.R: Replaced the "not.using" vector with a more robust
   try(get(test)) to find out whether a particular is.* function
   returns a logical of length one.

-  DESCRIPTION: Added Suggests field

 -  Updated the example in frameApply


 - Added DESCRIPTION and removed

 - Updated ll.Rd documentation

 - Fixed bug in Args.R, is.what.R, ll.R
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