Raw File
Tip revision: cffaee83f2132e70d363589d8be217ce70ea1e3a authored by J. O. Ramsay on 02 March 2009, 00:00:00 UTC
version 2.1.2
Tip revision: cffaee8
fRegress.numeric <- function(y, xfdlist, betalist, wt=NULL,
                     y2cMap=NULL, SigmaE=NULL, ...)

#  FREGRESS  Fits a functional linear model using multiple
#  functional independent variables with the dependency being
#  pointwise or concurrent.
#  The case of a scalar independent variable is included by treating
#  it as a functional independent variable with a constant basis
#  and a unit coefficient.
#  Arguments:
#  YFDPAR   ... an object for the dependent variable,
#               which may be:
#                   a functional data object,
#                   a functional parameter (fdPar) object, or
#                   a vector
#  XFDLIST  ... a list object of length p with each list
#               containing an object for an independent variable.
#               the object may be:
#                   a functional data object or
#                   a vector
#               if XFDLIST is a functional data object or a vector,
#               it is converted to a list of length 1.
#  BETALIST ... a list object of length p with each list
#               containing a functional parameter object for
#               the corresponding regression function.  If any of
#               these objects is a functional data object, it is
#               converted to the default functional parameter object.
#               if BETALIST is a functional parameter object
#               it is converted to a list of length 1.
#  WT       ... a vector of nonnegative weights for observations
#  Y2CMAP   ... the matrix mapping from the vector of observed values
#               to the coefficients for the dependent variable.
#               This is output by function SMOOTH_BASIS.  If this is
#               supplied, confidence limits are computed, otherwise not.
#  SIGMAE   ... Estimate of the covariances among the residuals.  This
#               can only be estimated after a preliminary analysis
#               with FREGRESS.
#  Returns FREGRESSLIST  ... A list containing seven members with names:
#    yfdPar      ... first  argument of FREGRESS
#    xfdlist     ... second argument of FREGRESS
#    betalist    ... third  argument of FREGRESS
#    betaestlist ... estimated regression functions
#    yhatfdobj   ... functional data object containing fitted functions
#    Cmatinv     ... inverse of the coefficient matrix, needed for
#                    function FREGRESS.STDERR that computes standard errors
#    wt          ... weights for observations
#    df          ... degrees of freedom for fit

# Last modified 2008.12.26 by Spencer
# previously modified 11 December 2008 by Jim

#  check YFDPAR and compute sample size N
  yfdPar <- y
  if (inherits(yfdPar, "fd")) yfdPar <- fdPar(yfdPar)

  if (!(inherits(yfdPar, "fdPar") || inherits(yfdPar, "numeric")))
    stop("First argument is not of class 'fd', 'fdPar' or 'numeric'.")

  if (inherits(yfdPar, "fdPar")) {
    yfd   <- yfdPar$fd
    ycoef <- yfd$coefs
    N     <- dim(ycoef)[2]
  if (inherits(yfdPar, "numeric")) {
    N <- length(yfdPar)

#  get number of independent variables p

  p <- length(xfdlist)

#  check BETALIST

  if (inherits(betalist, "fd")) betalist <- list(betalist)

  if (!inherits(betalist, "list"))
    stop("Argument BETALIST is not a list object.")

  if (length(betalist) != p)
    stop("Number of regression coefficients does not match\n",
              "  the number of independent variables.")

  berror <- FALSE
  for (j in 1:p) {
    betafdParj <- betalist[[j]]
    if (inherits(betafdParj, "fd") || inherits(betafdParj, "basisfd")) {
      betafdParj    <- fdPar(betafdParj)
      betalist[[j]] <- betafdParj
    if (!inherits(betafdParj, "fdPar")) {
      print(paste("BETALIST[[",j,"]] is not a FDPAR object."))
      berror <- TRUE

  if (berror) stop("bad betalist.")

  betafd1    <- betalist[[1]]$fd
  betabasis1 <- betafd1$basis
  rangeval   <- betabasis1$rangeval

#  check XFDLIST

  if (inherits(xfdlist, "fd") || inherits(xfdlist, "numeric"))
    xfdlist <- list(xfdlist)

  if (!inherits(xfdlist, "list"))
    stop("Argument XFDLIST is not a list object.")

#  check each xfdlist member.  If the object is a vector of length N,
#  it is converted to a functional data object with a
#  constant basis

  onebasis <- create.constant.basis(rangeval)
  onesfd   <- fd(1,onebasis)

  xerror <- FALSE
  for (j in 1:p) {
    xfdj <- xfdlist[[j]]
    if (inherits(xfdj, "fd")) {
      xcoef <- xfdj$coefs
      if (length(dim(xcoef)) > 2)
        stop(paste("Covariate",j,"is not univariate."))
        #  check size of coefficient array
      Nj    <- dim(xcoef)[2]
      if (Nj != N) {
        print(paste("Incorrect number of replications in XFDLIST",
                    "for covariate",j))
        xerror = TRUE
    if (is.numeric(xfdj)) {
      if (!is.matrix(xfdj)) xfdj = as.matrix(xfdj)
      Zdimj <- dim(xfdj)
      if (Zdimj[1] != N) {
        print(paste("Vector in XFDLIST[[",j,"]] has wrong length."))
        xerror = TRUE
      if (Zdimj[2] != 1) {
        print(paste("Matrix in XFDLIST[[", j,
                    "]] has more than one column."))
        xerror = TRUE
      xfdlist[[j]] <- fd(matrix(xfdj,1,N), onebasis)
    if(!(inherits(xfdlist[[j]], "fd") || is.numeric(xfdlist[[j]]))){
      print(paste("XFDLIST[[", j,
                  "]] is neither an FD object nor numeric."))
      xerror = TRUE

  if (xerror) stop("bad xfdlist")

#  check weights

      wt <- rep(1, N)
      wtconstant <- TRUE
    else {
      if (length(wt) != N) stop("Number of weights not equal to N.")
      if (any(wt < 0))     stop("Negative weights found.")
      wtconstant <- (var(wt) == 0)

#  --------------------------------------------------------------
#  branch depending on whether the dependent variable
#  is functional or scalar
#  --------------------------------------------------------------

  if (inherits(yfdPar, "fdPar")) {

#  ----------------------------------------------------------------
#           YFDPAR is a functional parameter object
#  ----------------------------------------------------------------

    #  extract dependent variable information

    yfdobj    <- yfdPar$fd
    ylambda   <- yfdPar$lambda
    yLfdobj   <- yfdPar$Lfd
    ycoef     <- yfdobj$coefs
    ycoefdim  <- dim(ycoef)
    N         <- ycoefdim[2]
    ybasisobj <- yfdobj$basis
    rangeval  <- ybasisobj$rangeval
    ynbasis   <- ybasisobj$nbasis

    if (length(ycoefdim) > 2)
      stop("YFDOBJ from YFDPAR is not univariate.")

    #  -----------------------------------------------------------
    #          set up the linear equations for the solution
    #  -----------------------------------------------------------

    #  compute the total number of coefficients to be estimated

    ncoef <- 0
    for (j in 1:p) {
      betafdParj <- betalist[[j]]
      if (betafdParj$estimate) {
        ncoefj     <- betafdParj$fd$basis$nbasis
        ncoef      <- ncoef + ncoefj

    Cmat <- matrix(0,ncoef,ncoef)
    Dmat <- rep(0,ncoef)

    #  loop through rows of CMAT

    mj2 <- 0
    for (j in 1:p) {
      betafdParj <- betalist[[j]]
      if (betafdParj$estimate) {
        betafdj    <- betafdParj$fd
        betabasisj <- betafdj$basis
        ncoefj     <- betabasisj$nbasis
#  row indices of CMAT and DMAT to fill
        mj1    <- mj2 + 1
        mj2    <- mj2 + ncoefj
        indexj <- mj1:mj2
#  compute right side of equation DMAT
        xfdj <- xfdlist[[j]]
        if (wtconstant) {
          xyfdj <- xfdj*yfdobj
        } else {
          xyfdj <- (xfdj*wt)*yfdobj
        wtfdj <- sum(xyfdj)
        Dmatj <- inprod(betabasisj,onesfd,0,0,rangeval,wtfdj)
        Dmat[indexj] <- Dmatj
#  loop through columns of CMAT
        mk2 <- 0
        for (k in 1:j) {
          betafdPark <- betalist[[k]]
          if (betafdPark$estimate) {
            betafdk    <- betafdPark$fd
            betabasisk <- betafdk$basis
            ncoefk     <- betabasisk$nbasis
#  column indices of CMAT to fill
            mk1 <- mk2 + 1
            mk2 <- mk2 + ncoefk
            indexk <- mk1:mk2
#  set up two weight functions
            xfdk <- xfdlist[[k]]
            if (wtconstant) {
              xxfdjk <- xfdj*xfdk
            } else {
              xxfdjk <- (xfdj*wt)*xfdk
            wtfdjk <- sum(xxfdjk)
            Cmatjk <- inprod(betabasisj, betabasisk, 0, 0, rangeval,
            Cmat[indexj,indexk] <- Cmatjk
            Cmat[indexk,indexj] <- t(Cmatjk)
#  attach penalty term to diagonal block
        lambda <- betafdParj$lambda
        if (lambda > 0) {
          Lfdj  <- betafdParj$Lfd
          Rmatj <- eval.penalty(betafdParj$fd$basis, Lfdj)
          Cmat[indexj,indexj] <- Cmat[indexj,indexj] + lambda*Rmatj

    Cmat    <- (Cmat+t(Cmat))/2

#  check Cmat for singularity


    #  solve for coefficients defining BETA

    Lmat    <- chol(Cmat)
    Lmatinv <- solve(Lmat)
    Cmatinv <- Lmatinv %*% t(Lmatinv)

    betacoef <- Cmatinv %*% Dmat

    #  set up fdPar objects for reg. fns. in BETAESTLIST

    betaestlist <- betalist
    mj2 <- 0
    for (j in 1:p) {
      betafdParj <- betalist[[j]]
      if (betafdParj$estimate) {
        betafdj    <- betafdParj$fd
        ncoefj     <- betafdj$basis$nbasis
        mj1    <- mj2 + 1
        mj2    <- mj2 + ncoefj
        indexj <- mj1:mj2
        coefj  <- betacoef[indexj]
        betafdj$coefs <- as.matrix(coefj)
        betafdParj$fd <- betafdj
      betaestlist[[j]] <- betafdParj

    #  set up fd objects for predicted values in YHATFDOBJ

    nfine     <- max(501,10*ynbasis+1)
    tfine     <- seq(rangeval[1], rangeval[2], len=nfine)
    yhatmat <- matrix(0,nfine,N)
    for (j in 1:p) {
      xfdj       <- xfdlist[[j]]
      xmatj      <- eval.fd(tfine, xfdj)
      betafdParj <- betaestlist[[j]]
      betafdj    <- betafdParj$fd
      betavecj   <- eval.fd(tfine, betafdj)
      yhatmat    <- yhatmat + xmatj*as.vector(betavecj)
    yhatfdobj <- smooth.basis(tfine, yhatmat, ybasisobj)

    #  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    #        Compute pointwise standard errors of regression coefficients
    #               if both y2cMap and SigmaE are supplied.
    #  -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (!(is.null(y2cMap) || is.null(SigmaE))) {

        #  check dimensions of y2cMap and SigmaE

      y2cdim <- dim(y2cMap)
      if (y2cdim[1] != ynbasis ||
          y2cdim[2] != dim(SigmaE)[1])
        stop("Dimensions of Y2CMAP not correct.")

      ybasismat <- eval.basis(tfine, ybasisobj)

      deltat    <- tfine[2] - tfine[1]

        #  compute BASISPRODMAT

      basisprodmat <- matrix(0,ncoef,ynbasis*N)

      mj2 <- 0
      for (j in 1:p) {
        betafdParj <- betalist[[j]]
        betabasisj <- betafdParj$fd$basis
        ncoefj     <- betabasisj$nbasis
        bbasismatj <- eval.basis(tfine, betabasisj)
        xfdj       <- xfdlist[[j]]
        tempj      <- eval.fd(tfine, xfdj)
            #  row indices of BASISPRODMAT to fill
        mj1    <- mj2 + 1
        mj2    <- mj2 + ncoefj
        indexj <- mj1:mj2
            #  inner products of beta basis and response basis
            #    weighted by covariate basis functions
        mk2 <- 0
        for (k in 1:ynbasis) {
                #  row indices of BASISPRODMAT to fill
          mk1    <- mk2 + 1
          mk2    <- mk2 + N
          indexk <- mk1:mk2
          tempk  <- bbasismatj*ybasismat[,k]
          basisprodmat[indexj,indexk] <-

        #  compute variances of regression coefficient function values

      c2bMap    <- Cmatinv %*% basisprodmat
      VarCoef   <- y2cMap %*% SigmaE %*% t(y2cMap)
      CVariance <- kronecker(VarCoef,diag(rep(1,N)))
      bvar      <- c2bMap %*% CVariance %*% t(c2bMap)
      betastderrlist <- vector("list",p)
      mj2 <- 0
      for (j in 1:p) {
        betafdParj <- betalist[[j]]
        betabasisj <- betafdParj$fd$basis
        ncoefj     <- betabasisj$nbasis
        mj1 	     <- mj2 + 1
        mj2 	     <- mj2 + ncoefj
        indexj 	   <- mj1:mj2
        bbasismat  <- eval.basis(tfine, betabasisj)
        bvarj      <- bvar[indexj,indexj]
        bstderrj   <- sqrt(diag(bbasismat %*% bvarj %*% t(bbasismat)))
        bstderrfdj <- smooth.basis(tfine, bstderrj, betabasisj)$fd
        betastderrlist[[j]] <- bstderrfdj
    } else{
      betastderrlist = NULL
      bvar           = NULL
      c2bMap         = NULL

    #  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #                       Set up output list object
    #  -------------------------------------------------------------------

    fRegressList <-
       	list(yfdPar         = yfdPar,
             xfdlist        = xfdlist,
             betalist       = betalist,
             betaestlist    = betaestlist,
             yhatfdobj      = yhatfdobj,
             Cmatinv        = Cmatinv,
             wt             = wt,
             y2cMap         = y2cMap,
             SigmaE         = SigmaE,
             betastderrlist = betastderrlist,
             bvar           = bvar,
             c2bMap         = c2bMap)


 #  -------------------------------------------------------------------

 if (inherits(yfdPar,"numeric")) {

    #  ----------------------------------------------------------------
    #                   YFDPAR is scalar or multivariate
    #  ----------------------------------------------------------------

    ymat <- as.matrix(yfdPar)
    N    <- dim(ymat)[1]

    Zmat  <- NULL
    Rmat  <- NULL
    pjvec <- rep(0,p)
    ncoef <- 0
    for (j in 1:p) {
        xfdj       <- xfdlist[[j]]
        xcoef      <- xfdj$coefs
        xbasis     <- xfdj$basis
        betafdParj <- betalist[[j]]
        bbasis     <- betafdParj$fd$basis
        bnbasis    <- bbasis$nbasis
        pjvec[j]   <- bnbasis
        Jpsithetaj <- inprod(xbasis,bbasis)
        Zmat       <- cbind(Zmat,crossprod(xcoef,Jpsithetaj))
        if (betafdParj$estimate) {
            lambdaj    <- betafdParj$lambda
            if (lambdaj > 0) {
                Lfdj  <- betafdParj$Lfd
                Rmatj <- lambdaj*eval.penalty(bbasis,Lfdj)
            } else {
                Rmatj <- matrix(0,bnbasis,bnbasis)
            if (ncoef > 0) {
                zeromat <- matrix(0,ncoef,bnbasis)
                Rmat    <- rbind(cbind(Rmat,       zeromat),
                                 cbind(t(zeromat), Rmatj))
            } else {
                Rmat  <- Rmatj
                ncoef <- ncoef + bnbasis

    #  -----------------------------------------------------------
    #          set up the linear equations for the solution
    #  -----------------------------------------------------------

    #  solve for coefficients defining BETA

    if (any(wt != 1)) {
        rtwt   <- sqrt(wt)
        Zmatwt <- Zmat*rtwt
        ymatwt <- ymat*rtwt
        Cmat   <- t(Zmatwt) %*% Zmatwt + Rmat
        Dmat   <- t(Zmatwt) %*% ymatwt
    } else {
        Cmat <- t(Zmat) %*% Zmat + Rmat
        Dmat <- t(Zmat) %*% ymat


    Cmatinv  <- solve(Cmat)

    betacoef <- Cmatinv %*% Dmat

    #  compute and print degrees of freedom measure

#    df <- sum(diag(Zmat %*% Cmatinv %*% t(Zmat)))

    hatvals = diag(Zmat %*% Cmatinv %*% t(Zmat))
    df <- sum(hatvals)

    #  set up fdPar object for BETAESTFDPAR

    betaestlist <- betalist
    onebasis    <- create.constant.basis(c(0,1))
    mj2 <- 0
    for (j in 1:p) {
        betafdParj <- betalist[[j]]
        betafdj    <- betafdParj$fd
        ncoefj     <- betafdj$basis$nbasis
        mj1    <- mj2 + 1
        mj2    <- mj2 + ncoefj
        indexj <- mj1:mj2
        betacoefj <- betacoef[indexj]
        if (inherits(xfdj, "fd")) {
            betaestfdj       <- betafdj
            betaestfdj$coefs <- as.matrix(betacoefj)
            betaestfdParj    <- betafdParj
            betaestfdParj$fd <- betaestfdj
            betaestlist[[j]] <- betaestfdParj
            betaestfdj       <- fd(as.matrix(t(betacoefj)),onebasis)
            betaestfdParj    <- betafdParj
            betaestfdParj$fd <- betaestfdj
            betaestlist[[j]] <- betaestfdParj

    #  set up fd object for predicted values

    yhatmat <- matrix(0,N,1)
    for (j in 1:p) {
        xfdj <- xfdlist[[j]]
        if (inherits(xfdj, "fd")) {
            xbasis     <- xfdj$basis
            xnbasis    <- xbasis$nbasis
            xrng       <- xbasis$rangeval
            nfine      <- max(501,10*xnbasis+1)
            tfine      <- seq(xrng[1], xrng[2], len=nfine)
            deltat     <- tfine[2]-tfine[1]
            xmat       <- eval.fd(tfine, xfdj)
            betafdParj <- betaestlist[[j]]
            betafdj    <- betafdParj$fd
            betamat    <- eval.fd(tfine, betafdj)
            fitj       <- deltat*(crossprod(xmat,betamat) -
                                  0.5*(outer(xmat[1,    ],betamat[1,    ]) +
            yhatmat    <- yhatmat + fitj
        } else{
	          betaestfdParj <- betaestlist[[j]]
            betavecj      <- betaestfdParj$fd$coefs
            yhatmat       <- yhatmat + xfdj %*% t(betavecj)
    yhatfdobj <- yhatmat

    # Calculate OCV and GCV scores

    OCV = sum( (ymat-yhatmat)^2/(1-hatvals)^2 )
    GCV = sum( (ymat-yhatmat)^2 )/( (sum(1-hatvals))^2 )

    #  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    #        Compute pointwise standard errors of regression coefficients
    #               if both y2cMap and SigmaE are supplied.
    #  -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (!(is.null(y2cMap) || is.null(SigmaE))) {

        #  check dimensions of y2cMap and SigmaE

        y2cdim <- dim(y2cMap)
        if (y2cdim[1] != ynbasis ||
            y2cdim[2] != dim(SigmaE)[1])  stop(
                         "Dimensions of Y2CMAP not correct.")

        #  compute linear mapping c2bMap takinging coefficients for
        #  response into coefficients for regression functions

        c2bMap <- Cmatinv %*% t(Zmat)
        y2bmap <- c2bMap
        bvar   <- y2bmap %*% as.matrix(SigmaE) %*% t(y2bmap)
        betastderrlist <- vector("list",p)
        mj2 <- 0
        for (j in 1:p) {
	          betafdParj <- betalist[[j]]
            betabasisj <- betafdParj$fd$basis
	          ncoefj <- betabasisj$nbasis
            mj1    <- mj2 + 1
            mj2    <- mj2 + ncoefj
            indexj <- mj1:mj2
            bvarj  <- bvar[indexj,indexj]
            xfdj   <- xfdlist[[j]]
            if (inherits(xfdj,"fd")) {
                betarng    <- betabasisj$rangeval
                nfine      <- max(c(501,10*ncoefj+1))
                tfine      <- seq(betarng[1], betarng[2], len=nfine)
                bbasismat  <- eval.basis(tfine, betabasisj)
                bstderrj   <- sqrt(diag(bbasismat %*% bvarj %*% t(bbasismat)))
                bstderrfdj <- smooth.basis(tfine, bstderrj, betabasisj)$fd
            } else {
	              bsterrj    <- sqrt(diag(bvarj))
	              onebasis   <- create.constant.basis(betabasisj$rangeval)
	              bstderrfdj <- fd(t(bstderrj), onebasis)
            betastderrlist[[j]] <- bstderrfdj

    #  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    #                  Set up output list object
    #  -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    fRegressList <-
       	list(yfdPar      = yfdPar,
             xfdlist     = xfdlist,
             betalist    = betalist,
             betaestlist = betaestlist,
             yhatfdobj   = yhatfdobj,
             Cmatinv     = Cmatinv,
             wt          = wt,
             df          = df,
             OCV         = OCV,
             gcv         = GCV)

 class(fRegressList) <- 'fRegress'


#  ------------------------------------------------------------------------

eigchk <- function(Cmat) {

    #  check Cmat for singularity

    eigval <- eigen(Cmat)$values
    ncoef  <- length(eigval)
    if (eigval[ncoef] < 0) {
	     neig <- min(length(eigval),10)
        cat("\nSmallest eigenvalues:\n")
        cat("\nLargest  eigenvalues:\n")
        stop("Negative eigenvalue of coefficient matrix.")
    if (eigval[ncoef] == 0) stop("Zero eigenvalue of coefficient matrix.")
    logcondition <- log10(eigval[1]) - log10(eigval[ncoef])
    if (logcondition > 12) {
        warning("Near singularity in coefficient matrix.")
        cat(paste("\nLog10 Eigenvalues range from\n",
                  log10(eigval[ncoef])," to ",log10(eigval[1]),"\n"))

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