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Tip revision: a0f20e50f08f1cb37bc636092dfc8f46eb3f0187 authored by Kamil Bartoń on 14 June 2009, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.12.2
Tip revision: a0f20e5
Multi model inference
The \code{MuMIn} contains functions for model selection and model averaging, based on information criteria (AIC alike).

User level functions include:\cr
\code{model.avg} - does model averaging.\cr
\code{get.models} - evaluates models from the table returned by dredge.\cr
\code{dredge} - runs models with combinations of terms of the supplied \sQuote{global} model.\cr
\code{AICc} - calculates second-order Akaike information criterion for one or several fitted model objects.\cr


\author{ Kamil Bartoń \email{}}

Burnham, K. P. and Anderson, D. R (2002) \emph{Model selection and multimodel inference: a practical information-theoretic approach}. 2nd ed. 

\code{\link[stats]{AIC}}, \code{\link[stats]{step}}


fm1 <- lm(Fertility ~ . , data = swiss)

dd <- dredge(fm1)
#list of models with delta.aicc < 4
top.models.1 <- get.models(dd, subset = delta < 4)
model.avg(top.models.1) # get averaged coefficients

#or as a 95\% confidence set:
top.models.2 <- get.models(dd, cumsum(weight) <= .95)

model.avg(top.models.2) # get averaged coefficients

# Mixed models:

data(Orthodont, package="nlme")

fm2 <- lme(distance ~ age + Sex, data = Orthodont, random = ~ 1 | Subject, method="ML")

fm3 <- lmer(distance ~ age + Sex + (1 | Subject), data = Orthodont, REML=FALSE)
dd3 <- dredge(fm3)

# Get top-most models, but fitted by REML:
(top.models.3 <- get.models(dd3, subset = delta < 4, REML=TRUE))
# use: method = "REML" for older versions of lme4

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