Raw File
Tip revision: f029fd525a43547b3e9ce32fa846604b89d5df65 authored by Roger Bivand on 30 January 2008, 00:00:00 UTC
version 2.01-24
Tip revision: f029fd5
R splancs package (Roger Bivand,

This is a port to R of the splancs code described in Rowlingson, B. and 
Diggle, P. 1993 Splancs: spatial point pattern analysis code in S-Plus. 
Computers and Geosciences, 19, 627--655, (Barry Rowlingson 
<>); the original sources can be accessed at:

The port is partial, with examples added for most of the 2d spatial
functions, but not for 3d or raised incidence functions. Please let
me know if you have useful suggestions.

In 2.01-3/4 and later, Poisson Cluster Process by Giovanni Petris 
<> has been added, and inout() supplemented with an
alternative algoritm (about 4 times slower) for assigning points falling
on polygon boundaries either in or out rather than default arbitrary.

The original code also includes a uk() function and polygon data for a
UK county map. This is also omitted here, and should be re-introduced
to the map package, rather than this one.

The copyright situation is as follows: the original code has restrictions
regarding re-distribution, but these have been removed by Barry Rowlingson;
I have taken up the matter with Martin Maechler:

Martin Maechler (19 Sep 2000):

    Roger> but still has the original copyright texts, and has not been
    Roger> released to CRAN. Barry Rowlingson has said (13 Sep 1998):

      BaRo> "I'm happy to release the code under an 'unlimited distribution'
      BaRo> license. I'm not sure about copyright - as long as my name,
      BaRo> email, and web address is in there somewhere I'm happy. I think
      BaRo> some mention of zero-warranty shuold go in there too."

    Roger> and (22 Feb 2000):

      BaRo> "Splancs is free. Take it, use it, modify it, but make sure
      BaRo> anyone who gets it can find out where it first came from easily
      BaRo> enough."

    Roger> but I'm not sure that that is enough for CRAN. 

I think it is.
I even think you can release it under the GNU public License,
*adding* to a Copyright for Barry Rowlingson (and yourself if you want).

Consequently, the following comment has been added to the component files:

# Copyright Barry Rowlingson <> and 
# Peter Diggle (c) 1991-3;
# R port: copyright 1998-2000 by Roger S. Bivand

All files are copyright are subject to the following licence:


    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

The file COPYING in the R top-level directory is a copy of the "GNU
General Public License".

Data files have been made available as noted in their manual pages, chiefly 
by the authors of Bailey, T. C. and Gatrell, A. C. 1995, Interactive spatial 
data analysis. Longman, Harlow.


  S P L A N C S

This section contains some functions and data for the analysis
and display of point patterns.  

 Code is copyright Barry Rowlingson and Peter Diggle (c) 1991

 Not for redistribution without prior permission of the authors.


Installing Splancs                                      BSR Dec '91

 Splancs takes the form of an S-Plus library. It might be useful to read
the section of the S manual on libraries before continuing.

 To correctly install Splancs it is neccessary that you are logged in
under an account that can write to the S-Plus directories. 

To install splancs, all that should be needed is to extract the files
from the tar archive (which you have probably done already if you are
reading this), edit the Makefile, and then run the shell script 

 1. Edit the makefile.

     It may be necessary to change the definition of F77 in the makefile
to point to your compiler. 

 2. Run the script 'Splancs.install'

 This shell script may take some time to do the installation of the S
functions. Be patient.

 If any part of the installation fails, try and correct the problem and
rerun the script.

 Possible danger areas are:

1. Compilation: the fortran code uses certain Sun Fortran extensions,
such as DO and END DO. Your compiler may not like this.

2. Dynamic loading: Since this code has only been tested on a
sparcstation, I cannot guarantee that the dynamic loading will work on
your machine. I found that some functions needed to be loaded with the
math library to find certain trig functions. The code for these
functions is loaded using mathlib.dynam, a modified library.dynam that
links with the libm.a. There may be problems with this on other

Solaris2 (Sunos 5) (and other machines) Problems:

 If you have problems with everything compiling with the Makefile, try
this approach:
 Join all the Fortran into one big Fortran file with:

 cat *.f >splancs.f

 Now compile this with the '-c' option:

 f77 -c splancs.f

 This should create a splancs.o file.

 Now create a file First.lib.s in the splancs library directory  with
 the following:
 .First.lib <- function(library, section) {
# dynamically load file library/section/section_l.o
obj <- paste(library, "/", section, "/splancs.o", sep="")
cat("\nSpatial Point Pattern Analysis Code in S-Plus\n")
cat("\n Version 2.5 - Spatial and Space-Time analysis\n")

 Run Splus in this directory, and do 'source("First.lib.s")' to read it into
the .Data directory.

 Edit the following files and comment out any calls to mathlib.dynam or 

area.S   inout.S   k12hat.S  kernel2d.S  kernel3d.S
khat.S   khvc.S    khvmat.S  mse2d.S     n2dist.S
nndistF.S          nndistG.S stkhat.S    stvmat.S

 Run Splus in the library directory again and do 'source("Splancs.install.S")'
to read the modified functions.

 Now quit and run Splus from another directory. Try 'library(splancs)'. If this
produces errors with dyn.load then change First.lib.S to 'dyn.load2' and redo the
source command. Try again.

 When library(splancs) works, try the following:

Splus>  pts_spoints(runif(1000))
Splus>  pol_ sbox(pts)
Splus>  s_seq(0,.3,len=100)
Splus>  khat(pts,pol,s)

 If that produces an error then there's something else wrong. Contact me for

 Barry Rowlingson                   December 1991 - Revised Feb 96


This release of Splancs includes the space-time clustering analysis
and the raised incidence modelling functions.

The polygon and kernel2d bugs have also been fixed.


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