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Tip revision: b291c257929a6544b37be66339a91c35b2479479 authored by Berend Hasselman on 21 April 2009, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.4
Tip revision: b291c25

R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22)
Copyright (C) 2008 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0

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> # Chebyquad functions (no solution for n=8)
> library("nleqslv")
> chebyquad <- function(x) {
+ 	n <- length(x)
+ 	y <- numeric(n)
+   	for(j in 1:n) {
+     	t1 <- 1.0
+     	t2 <- 2.0*x[j] - 1.0
+         tmp <- 2.0*t2
+     	for(i in 1:n) {
+       		y[i] <- y[i] + t2
+       		t3 <- tmp * t2 - t1
+       		t1 <- t2
+       		t2 <- t3
+     	}
+   	}
+   	y = y / n
+   	for(i in 1:n) {
+     	if ( i%%2 == 0 ) {
+       		y[i] = y[i] + 1.0 / (i * i - 1)
+     	}
+   	}  
+ 	y
+ }
> chebyinit <- function(n) {
+     x <- (1:n) / (n + 1)
+ }
> for (k in 1:9) {
+ 	n <- k
+ 	if( k != 8 ) {
+ 		xstart <- chebyinit(n)
+ 		fstart <- chebyquad(xstart)
+ 		zz <- nleqslv(xstart, chebyquad, global="dbldog",
+ 		               control=list(ftol=1e-8,xtol=1e-8,trace=1,btol=.01,delta=-2))
+ 		print(zz)
+ 	}
+ }
  Algorithm parameters
  Method: Broyden  Global strategy: double dogleg (initial trust region = -2)
  Maximum stepsize = 1000
  Scaling: fixed
  ftol = 1e-08 xtol = 1e-08 btol = 0.01

  Iteration report
[1] 0.5

[1] 0

[1] 1

[1] "Function criterion near zero"

[1] 1

[1] 0

[1] 0

  Algorithm parameters
  Method: Broyden  Global strategy: double dogleg (initial trust region = -2)
  Maximum stepsize = 1000
  Scaling: fixed
  ftol = 1e-08 xtol = 1e-08 btol = 0.01

  Iteration report
  Iter         Jac     Lambda    Gamma      Eta     Dlt0     Dltn         Fnorm   Largest |f|
     0                                                             9.876543e-02  4.444444e-01
     1  N(6.6e-01) N            1.0000   1.0000   0.2357   0.4714  2.469136e-02  2.222222e-01
     2  B(4.3e-01) N            1.0000   1.0000   0.0786   0.1571  1.219326e-03  4.938271e-02
     3  B(2.9e-01) N            1.0000   1.0000   0.0143   0.0286  6.745811e-06  3.673094e-03
     4  B(3.8e-01) N            1.0000   1.0000   0.0011   0.0023  2.510688e-09  7.086167e-05
     5  B(3.8e-01) N            1.0000   1.0000   0.0000   0.0000  4.789289e-15  9.787021e-08
     6  B(3.8e-01) N            1.0000   1.0000   0.0000   0.0000  3.381525e-24  2.600586e-12
[1] 0.2113249 0.7886751

[1]  5.551115e-17 -2.600586e-12

[1] 1

[1] "Function criterion near zero"

[1] 1 1

[1] 6

[1] 1

  Algorithm parameters
  Method: Broyden  Global strategy: double dogleg (initial trust region = -2)
  Maximum stepsize = 1000
  Scaling: fixed
  ftol = 1e-08 xtol = 1e-08 btol = 0.01

  Iteration report
  Iter         Jac     Lambda    Gamma      Eta     Dlt0     Dltn         Fnorm   Largest |f|
     0                                                             5.555556e-02  3.333333e-01
     1  N(6.2e-01) N            1.0000   1.0000   0.1768   0.3536  3.472222e-03  8.333333e-02
     2  B(2.2e-01) N            1.0000   1.0000   0.0354   0.0707  8.888888e-05  1.333333e-02
     3  B(1.9e-01) N            1.0000   1.0000   0.0049   0.0098  7.854805e-08  3.963535e-04
     4  B(1.9e-01) N            1.0000   1.0000   0.0001   0.0003  2.006852e-12  2.002435e-06
     5  B(1.9e-01) N            0.9998   0.9998   0.0000   0.0000  1.941897e-15  6.231937e-08
     6  B(2.0e-01) N            0.8982   0.9186   0.0000   0.0000  1.920709e-15  6.197918e-08
     7  B(1.8e-01) N            0.9874   0.9900   0.0000   0.0000  1.204460e-23  4.908074e-12
[1] 0.1464466 0.5000000 0.8535534

[1]  0.000000e+00 -1.054712e-15 -4.908074e-12

[1] 1

[1] "Function criterion near zero"

[1] 1 1 1

[1] 7

[1] 1

  Algorithm parameters
  Method: Broyden  Global strategy: double dogleg (initial trust region = -2)
  Maximum stepsize = 1000
  Scaling: fixed
  ftol = 1e-08 xtol = 1e-08 btol = 0.01

  Iteration report
  Iter         Jac     Lambda    Gamma      Eta     Dlt0     Dltn         Fnorm   Largest |f|
     0                                                             3.559196e-02  2.666667e-01
     1  N(1.5e-01) N            0.3219   0.4576   0.3113   0.0587  1.531799e-01  5.184503e-01
     1             W   0.1841   0.3219   0.4576   0.0587   0.1174  1.591463e-02  1.640140e-01
     2  B(2.6e-01) P            0.5030   0.6024   0.1174   0.1174  8.916142e-03  1.333963e-01
     3  B(2.9e-01) N            0.9778   0.9822   0.0452   0.0904  2.085137e-03  6.456062e-02
     4  B(3.2e-01) N            0.7903   0.8322   0.0429   0.0859  4.491210e-04  2.907485e-02
     5  B(2.0e-01) N            0.9490   0.9592   0.0129   0.0258  8.121345e-06  3.835690e-03
     6  B(3.8e-01) N            0.8440   0.8752   0.0025   0.0025  5.467441e-06  3.291123e-03
     7  B(3.3e-01) N            0.9839   0.9872   0.0011   0.0022  7.929583e-08  3.975658e-04
     8  B(3.6e-01) N            0.9801   0.9841   0.0001   0.0003  1.650647e-10  1.809980e-05
     9  B(3.7e-01) N            0.9726   0.9781   0.0000   0.0000  1.799429e-13  5.987361e-07
    10  B(3.6e-01) N            0.9785   0.9828   0.0000   0.0000  1.400008e-16  1.586812e-08
    11  B(3.7e-01) N            0.9577   0.9662   0.0000   0.0000  1.136984e-17  4.768072e-09
[1] 0.1026728 0.4062038 0.5937962 0.8973272

[1]  2.775558e-17  4.718503e-12 -4.768072e-09  7.176022e-11

[1] 1

[1] "Function criterion near zero"

[1] 1 1 1 1

[1] 12

[1] 1

  Algorithm parameters
  Method: Broyden  Global strategy: double dogleg (initial trust region = -2)
  Maximum stepsize = 1000
  Scaling: fixed
  ftol = 1e-08 xtol = 1e-08 btol = 0.01

  Iteration report
  Iter         Jac     Lambda    Gamma      Eta     Dlt0     Dltn         Fnorm   Largest |f|
     0                                                             2.547173e-02  2.222222e-01
     1  N(3.4e-02) N            0.4770   0.5816   0.1943   0.0328  1.253747e-01  4.970955e-01
     1             C            0.4770   0.5816   0.0328   0.0656  1.615362e-02  1.665803e-01
     2  B(3.4e-02) C            0.8141   0.8513   0.0656   0.1312  1.949505e-03  6.000229e-02
     3  B(3.1e-02) N            0.9438   0.9551   0.0327   0.0327  9.506728e-04  4.335219e-02
     4  B(2.9e-02) N            0.9302   0.9442   0.0171   0.0343  1.859215e-04  1.927822e-02
     5  B(2.8e-02) N            0.9660   0.9728   0.0055   0.0109  1.164102e-07  4.636408e-04
     6  B(2.8e-02) N            0.9999   0.9999   0.0001   0.0003  1.455617e-10  1.652031e-05
     7  B(2.8e-02) N            0.9998   0.9999   0.0000   0.0000  5.024639e-14  3.098588e-07
     8  B(2.8e-02) N            0.7233   0.7787   0.0000   0.0000  1.310706e-13  5.050849e-07
     9  N(1.2e-01) N            0.8734   0.8987   0.0000   0.0000  1.683207e-27  4.952982e-14
[1] 0.08375126 0.31272930 0.50000000 0.68727070 0.91624874

[1]  2.220446e-16  2.886580e-14 -8.348877e-15 -4.952982e-14 -3.197442e-15

[1] 1

[1] "Function criterion near zero"

[1] 1 1 1 1 1

[1] 10

[1] 2

  Algorithm parameters
  Method: Broyden  Global strategy: double dogleg (initial trust region = -2)
  Maximum stepsize = 1000
  Scaling: fixed
  ftol = 1e-08 xtol = 1e-08 btol = 0.01

  Iteration report
  Iter         Jac     Lambda    Gamma      Eta     Dlt0     Dltn         Fnorm   Largest |f|
     0                                                             2.321409e-02  1.904762e-01
     1  N(2.0e-02) N            0.3829   0.5063   0.6403   0.0640  4.026097e-01  6.801793e-01
     1             W   0.1768   0.3829   0.5063   0.0640   0.1281  1.070473e-02  1.429390e-01
     2  B(3.4e-02) P            0.2469   0.3976   0.1281   0.2561  3.483563e-03  5.223273e-02
     2             P            0.2469   0.3976   0.2561   0.1281  3.483563e-03  5.223273e-02
     3  B(4.8e-02) N            0.5577   0.6462   0.0986   0.0986  1.413497e-03  3.553200e-02
     4  B(3.1e-02) N            0.5820   0.6656   0.0388   0.0775  8.832579e-06  3.026860e-03
     5  B(3.0e-02) N            0.7101   0.7681   0.0022   0.0022  6.027928e-06  2.968564e-03
     6  B(3.8e-02) N            0.6465   0.7172   0.0013   0.0013  1.264252e-05  4.085266e-03
     7  N(1.1e-01) N            0.6560   0.7248   0.0032   0.0063  1.625019e-09  5.426159e-05
     8  B(6.9e-02) N            0.4113   0.5290   0.0001   0.0001  8.446441e-13  1.243621e-06
     9  B(7.0e-02) N            0.4460   0.5568   0.0000   0.0000  1.696865e-18  1.820433e-09
[1] 0.06687659 0.36668230 0.28874067 0.71125933 0.63331770 0.93312341

[1]  7.401487e-17 -8.218598e-11  2.136809e-13  2.701828e-10 -7.247721e-13
[6]  1.820433e-09

[1] 1

[1] "Function criterion near zero"

[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1

[1] 11

[1] 2

  Algorithm parameters
  Method: Broyden  Global strategy: double dogleg (initial trust region = -2)
  Maximum stepsize = 1000
  Scaling: fixed
  ftol = 1e-08 xtol = 1e-08 btol = 0.01

  Iteration report
  Iter         Jac     Lambda    Gamma      Eta     Dlt0     Dltn         Fnorm   Largest |f|
     0                                                             1.688532e-02  1.666667e-01
     1  N(6.2e-03) N            0.3115   0.4492   0.3176   0.0318  1.637167e-01  4.007329e-01
     1             W   0.1365   0.3115   0.4492   0.0318   0.0635  9.589743e-03  1.327628e-01
     2  B(5.7e-03) W   0.4640   0.3592   0.4874   0.0635   0.1270  2.078664e-03  6.116033e-02
     3  B(5.7e-03) N            0.3138   0.4511   0.0485   0.0124  6.030862e-03  9.884848e-02
     3             W   0.3005   0.3138   0.4511   0.0124   0.0248  9.875376e-04  4.243127e-02
     4  B(6.4e-03) P            0.5605   0.6484   0.0248   0.0248  3.103245e-04  2.145349e-02
     5  B(6.5e-03) N            0.5958   0.6767   0.0152   0.0304  1.920260e-05  5.852412e-03
     6  B(6.5e-03) N            0.8258   0.8606   0.0025   0.0025  1.271411e-05  4.648403e-03
     7  B(6.2e-03) N            0.9645   0.9716   0.0015   0.0030  1.370759e-06  1.448646e-03
     8  B(6.3e-03) N            0.8892   0.9114   0.0007   0.0015  3.070567e-09  6.122675e-05
     9  B(6.3e-03) N            0.7329   0.7863   0.0000   0.0000  1.121116e-09  4.659021e-05
    10  B(1.4e-02) N            0.9312   0.9450   0.0000   0.0001  1.972581e-10  1.951967e-05
    11  B(1.9e-02) N            0.9277   0.9422   0.0000   0.0000  1.127291e-13  4.687153e-07
    12  B(1.9e-02) N            0.9351   0.9480   0.0000   0.0000  3.234732e-17  7.194626e-09
[1] 0.05806915 0.23517161 0.33804409 0.50000000 0.66195590 0.76482839 0.94193085

[1]  3.172066e-17  2.513934e-12 -1.518235e-09 -3.537588e-10  3.150633e-09
[6] -7.584909e-10 -7.194626e-09

[1] 1

[1] "Function criterion near zero"

[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

[1] 14

[1] 1

  Algorithm parameters
  Method: Broyden  Global strategy: double dogleg (initial trust region = -2)
  Maximum stepsize = 1000
  Scaling: fixed
  ftol = 1e-08 xtol = 1e-08 btol = 0.01

  Iteration report
  Iter         Jac     Lambda    Gamma      Eta     Dlt0     Dltn         Fnorm   Largest |f|
     0                                                             1.444149e-02  1.333333e-01
     1  N(1.7e-03) N            0.4540   0.5632   0.7124   0.0712  2.432181e+01  6.262290e+00
     1             W   0.1690   0.4540   0.5632   0.0712   0.1425  5.676012e-03  1.033924e-01
     2  B(1.4e-03) P            0.1128   0.2902   0.1425   0.0152  2.468746e-02  1.671788e-01
     2             W   0.1103   0.1128   0.2902   0.0152   0.0304  4.238132e-03  8.727709e-02
     3  B(1.4e-03) W   0.6716   0.2107   0.3685   0.0304   0.0304  2.878634e-03  5.896533e-02
     4  B(1.4e-03) W   0.7540   0.2833   0.4267   0.0304   0.0607  1.506291e-03  3.756848e-02
     5  B(1.4e-03) N            0.4117   0.5293   0.0447   0.0220  1.549006e-03  4.567568e-02
     5             W   0.9222   0.4117   0.5293   0.0220   0.0220  9.854438e-04  2.999437e-02
     6  B(1.4e-03) P            0.6509   0.7208   0.0220   0.0441  1.274643e-04  1.244720e-02
     7  B(1.4e-03) N            0.7602   0.8082   0.0055   0.0110  1.761815e-06  1.661531e-03
     8  B(1.4e-03) N            0.6780   0.7424   0.0010   0.0010  2.890591e-06  2.237297e-03
     9  N(9.7e-03) N            0.4290   0.5432   0.0022   0.0043  9.801871e-10  4.214575e-05
    10  B(6.8e-03) N            0.2044   0.3635   0.0001   0.0001  1.123954e-12  1.425304e-06
    11  B(6.8e-03) N            0.2119   0.3695   0.0000   0.0000  3.293231e-18  1.838171e-09
[1] 0.04420535 0.23561911 0.19949067 0.41604691 0.50000000 0.58395309 0.80050933
[8] 0.76438089 0.95579465

[1]  0.000000e+00 -1.062749e-10 -3.258543e-10 -1.721074e-10  2.572347e-10
[6]  7.349079e-10  1.268005e-09  9.199986e-10 -1.838171e-09

[1] 1

[1] "Function criterion near zero"

[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

[1] 14

[1] 2

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