Raw File
Tip revision: c34a6ff5a78401b7e5681b8eca1ff3fda6b01dc9 authored by Kamil Bartoń on 23 January 2013, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.9.0
Tip revision: c34a6ff

\title{Updateable \code{gamm}}
Enables updating of the model objects fitted by \code{gamm} and \code{gamm4}
from packages \pkg{mgcv} and \pkg{gamm4}.

gamm(formula, random = NULL, ..., lme4 = inherits(random, "formula"))

  \item{formula, random, \dots}{ arguments passed to \code{gamm} or
	\code{gamm4}. }
  \item{lme4}{ logical, if \code{TRUE} \code{gamm4} is used rather than
	\code{gamm}. If \code{TRUE}, the \code{random} argument must be provided as
	a \code{formula}.

	Depending on the value of the 'lme4' switch, either a \code{gamm} or
	\code{gamm4} fitted model object. The only difference from the original
	object is an addition of the \code{call} component.

This function is just a wrapper for \code{gamm} and \code{gamm4}. The only
purpose of it is to add a \code{call} component, that is not provided by
\code{gamm*} as such. It allows \code{update} on the returned object, so also
makes possible using it in model selection with \code{dredge}.

This is only a temporary workaround and it is likely be removed soon.

To assure \code{gamm} is called \emph{via} this wrapper, in case it is masked by
the original \code{gamm} from \pkg{mgcv} (when \pkg{MuMIn} was loaded after
\pkg{mgcv}), use \code{MuMIn::\link[MuMIn]{gamm}} syntax.

\code{logLik} method for \code{gamm} models returns log-likelihood value from the
\code{lme} component.

\author{Kamil Barto\enc{ń}{n}}

\code{\link[mgcv]{gamm}} and \code{\link[gamm4]{gamm4}}

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