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Tip revision: 39d01bb5ea8196f0eb4f7036b3d4a956bc156290 authored by Richard Chandler on 16 February 2013, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.10-1
Tip revision: 39d01bb
Fit the generalized distance sampling model of Chandler et al. (2011).
Extends the distance sampling model of Royle et al. (2004) to estimate
the probability of being available for detection. Also allows abundance
to be modeled using the negative binomial distribution.
gdistsamp(lambdaformula, phiformula, pformula, data, keyfun =
c("halfnorm", "exp", "hazard", "uniform"), output = c("abund",
"density"), unitsOut = c("ha", "kmsq"), mixture = c("P", "NB"), K,
starts, method = "BFGS", se = TRUE, rel.tol=1e-4, ...)
      A right-hand side formula describing the abundance covariates.
      A right-hand side formula describing the availability covariates.
      A right-hand side formula describing the detection function covariates.
      An object of class \code{unmarkedFrameGDS}
      One of the following detection functions: "halfnorm", "hazard", "exp",
          or "uniform." See details.
      Model either "density" or "abund"
      Units of density. Either "ha" or "kmsq" for hectares and square
          kilometers, respectively.
      Either "P" or "NB" for the Poisson and negative binomial models of
      An integer value specifying the upper bound used in the integration.
      A numeric vector of starting values for the model parameters.
      Optimization method used by \code{\link{optim}}.
      logical specifying whether or not to compute standard errors.
\item{rel.tol}{relative accuracy for the integration of the detection function.
    See \link{integrate}. You might try adjusting this if you get an error
    message related to the integral. Alternatively, try providing
    different starting values.}
\item{\dots}{Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper

  This model extends the model of Royle et al. (2004) by estimating the
  probability of being available for detection \eqn{\phi}{phi}. This
  effectively relaxes the assumption that \eqn{g(0)=1}. In other words,
  inividuals at a distance of 0 are not assumed to be detected with
  certainty. To estimate this additional parameter, replicate distance
  sampling data must be collected at each transect. Thus the data are
  collected at i = 1, 2, ..., R transects on t = 1, 2, ..., T
  occassions. As with the model of Royle et al. (2004), the detections
  must be binned into distance classes. These data must be formatted in
  a matrix with R rows, and JT columns where J is the number of distance
  classses. See \code{\link{unmarkedFrameGDS}} for more information.

  If you aren't interested in estimating phi, but you want to
  use the negative binomial distribution, simply set numPrimary=1 when
  formatting the data.

    An object of class unmarkedFitGDS.
    Royle, J. A., D. K. Dawson, and S. Bates. 2004. Modeling
    abundance effects in distance sampling. \emph{Ecology}

    Chandler, R. B, J. A. Royle, and D. I. King. 2011. Inference about
    density and temporary emigration in unmarked
    populations. \emph{Ecology}  92:1429--1435.
    Richard Chandler \email{}
    You cannot use obsCovs, but you can use yearlySiteCovs (a confusing name
    since this model isn't for multi-year data. It's just a hold-over
    from the colext methods of formatting data upon which it is based.)

# Simulate some line-transect data


R <- 50 # number of transects
T <- 5  # number of replicates
strip.width <- 50
transect.length <- 100
breaks <- seq(0, 50, by=10)

lambda <- 5 # Abundance
phi <- 0.6  # Availability
sigma <- 30 # Half-normal shape parameter

J <- length(breaks)-1
y <- array(0, c(R, J, T))
for(i in 1:R) {
    M <- rpois(1, lambda) # Individuals within the 1-ha strip
    for(t in 1:T) {
        # Distances from point
        d <- runif(M, 0, strip.width)
        # Detection process
        if(length(d)) {
            cp <- phi*exp(-d^2 / (2 * sigma^2)) # half-normal w/ g(0)<1
            d <- d[rbinom(length(d), 1, cp) == 1]
            y[i,,t] <- table(cut(d, breaks, include.lowest=TRUE))
y <- matrix(y, nrow=R) # convert array to matrix

# Organize data
umf <- unmarkedFrameGDS(y = y, survey="line", unitsIn="m",
    dist.breaks=breaks, tlength=rep(transect.length, R), numPrimary=T)

# Fit the model
m1 <- gdistsamp(~1, ~1, ~1, umf, output="density", K=50)


backTransform(m1, type="lambda")
backTransform(m1, type="phi")
backTransform(m1, type="det")

# Empirical Bayes estimates of abundance at each site
re <- ranef(m1)
plot(re, layout=c(10,5), xlim=c(-1, 20))

\keyword{ models }

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