Raw File
Tip revision: 95bb84eb250c116201a2115cb2755a8aeb4df479 authored by Garrett M. Dancik on 10 December 2012, 00:00:00 UTC
version 3.1.3
Tip revision: 95bb84e
`mlegp` <-
function(X, Z, constantMean = 1, nugget = NULL, nugget.known = 0, min.nugget = 0, param.names = NULL, gp.names = NULL, 
	PC.UD = NULL, PC.num = NULL, PC.percent = NULL, 
	simplex.ntries = 5, simplex.maxiter = 500, simplex.reltol = 1e-8,  
	BFGS.maxiter = 500, BFGS.tol = 0.01, BFGS.h = 1e-10, seed = 0, verbose = 1, parallel =  FALSE) {

	X = as.matrix(X); orig.X = X
	Z = as.matrix(Z)
	reps = NULL; un.sum = NULL

	if(nrow(X) == 1) {
		stop("error: there must be at least two input values")

	if (!is.null(param.names) && length(param.names) != dim(X)[2]) {
		stop("length of param.names must match number of columns of X")

	if (!is.null(PC.percent)) PC.num = numSingularValues(Z, PC.percent)

	if (!is.null(PC.num)) {
		weights = pcweights(Z,weights.num = PC.num)
		Z = t(weights$Vprime)
		if (PC.num == 1) {
			stop("error: currently not implemented for PC.num = 1 (set PC.num directly)")
		PC.UD = weights$UD

	if (!is.null(dim(Z))){
		numGPs = dim(Z)[2]
	else {
		numGPs = 1
		Z = matrix(Z)
	if (length(seed) != 1 && length(seed) != ncol(Z)) {
		stop("error: seed length must equal dimensions of Z, or 1")

	if (is.null(gp.names)) {
		gp.names = paste("gp #", 1:numGPs)

	if (length(gp.names) != numGPs) {
		stop("length of gp.names must match number of GPs")

	if (dim(X)[1] != dim(Z)[1]) {
		stop("error: X matrix and output matrix must have same number of rows; \n\tfor PC weights, make sure each column of Z is a computer model run")

	if (min(diag(var(Z))) <= 0) {
		stop("error: Z does not vary for at least one column")

	if (dim(Z)[2] > 1 && !is.null(nugget) && length(nugget) > 1) {
		stop("error: cannot handle nugget matrix with multiple field observations; try fitting 1 gp at a time")

	if (!is.null(nugget) && length(nugget) > dim(Z)[1]) {
		stop("length of nugget matrix must match number of observations")

	if ( min(apply(X, 2, max) - apply(X, 2, min)) == 0) {
		stop("error: at least one parameter does not vary in design")

	if (constantMean != 1) {
		ones = rep(1,dim(X)[1])
		dX = cbind(ones, X)
		t = try(solve(t(dX)%*%dX),TRUE)
		if (class(t) == "try-error") {
			stop("error: design matrix with intercept is not full rank; set constantMean = 1")

	### set up means if necessary, in which case we always use nugget matrix ###
	if (nugget.known == 1) {
		if (!is.null(nugget) && length(nugget) > 1 && length(nugget) != nrow(X)) {
			stop("error: for nugget.known = 1, length of nugget matrix must be nrow(X) or 1")	
		un.sum = uniqueSummary(X,Z)
		orig.X = X
		X = un.sum$uniqueX
		Z = un.sum$uniqueMeans
		reps = un.sum$reps
	if (!is.null(nugget) && length(nugget) == 1 && nugget <= 0) {
		## check for ANY reps
		if (anyReps(X)) stop("at least 2 or more inputs are identical...must use nugget!")
	if (is.null(nugget)) {
		if (!anyReps(X)) {
			#nugget = 0
			if (verbose > 0) cat("no reps detected - nugget will not be estimated\n")
		else {
			if (verbose > 0 && nugget.known == 0)  cat("reps detected - nugget will be estimated\n")	

	numEstimates = dim(X)[2] + 1  ## correlation parameters + sig2GP 
	if (anyReps(X) || !is.null(nugget) || length(nugget) > 1) 
		numEstimates = numEstimates + 1   ## add nugget term if needed
	if (constantMean == 1) {
		numEstimates = numEstimates + 1
	else {
		numEstimates = numEstimates + dim(X)[2] + 1

	estimates = rep(0,numEstimates)
	if (verbose > 0) cat("\n")
	l = NULL

	Zlist = list()
	if (length(seed) == 1) seed = rep(seed, ncol(Z))

	for (i in 1:ncol(Z)) {
		Zlist[[i]] = list()
		Zlist[[i]]$Z = matrix(Z[,i])
		Zlist[[i]]$i = i
		Zlist[[i]]$seed = seed[i]

	if (!parallel) {
		l = lapply(Zlist, mlegp2, XX=X, orig.XX = orig.X, nugget = nugget, nugget.known = nugget.known, reps = reps, un.sum = un.sum, numEstimates = numEstimates,constantMean=constantMean, simplex.ntries = simplex.ntries, simplex.maxiter = simplex.maxiter, simplex.reltol = simplex.reltol, BFGS.maxiter = BFGS.maxiter, BFGS.tol = BFGS.tol, BFGS.h = BFGS.h, min.nugget = min.nugget, verbose = verbose, param.names = param.names) 

	if (parallel) {
		cat("fitting "); cat(length(Zlist)); cat(" GPs in parallel mode...\n")
		l = sfLapply(Zlist, mlegp2, XX=X, orig.XX = orig.X, nugget = nugget, nugget.known = nugget.known, reps = reps, un.sum = un.sum, numEstimates = numEstimates,constantMean=constantMean, simplex.ntries = simplex.ntries, simplex.maxiter = simplex.maxiter, simplex.reltol = simplex.reltol, BFGS.maxiter = BFGS.maxiter, BFGS.tol = BFGS.tol, BFGS.h = BFGS.h, min.nugget = min.nugget, verbose = verbose, param.names = param.names)
	if (numGPs == 1) {
		return (l[[1]])
	return (gp.list(l, UD = PC.UD, param.names = param.names, gp.names = gp.names))


mlegp2 <- function(ZZ, XX, orig.XX, nugget, nugget.known, reps, un.sum, numEstimates,constantMean, simplex.ntries, simplex.maxiter, simplex.reltol, BFGS.maxiter, BFGS.tol, BFGS.h, min.nugget, verbose, param.names = param.names) {

	    Z = ZZ$Z
	    i = ZZ$i	
	    seed = ZZ$seed

	    if (verbose > 0) {
		    cat("========== FITTING GP # "); cat(i);
		    cat(" ==============================\n")
	   if (nugget.known == 1 ) { 
		if(is.null(nugget)) {    ## calculate the BLUE of the nugget; each sample variance scaled by (n_i - 1) / (N-k)
			## check that reps > 1 for at least one
			if (max(reps) < 2) {
				stop("error: cannot estimate nugget when replicate runs are not available; set nugget to its known value or include replicate observations")
			index = reps > 1
			nugget = sum( un.sum$uniqueVar[index,i]*(reps[index]-1) / (sum(reps[index]) - sum(index)))
		if (length(nugget) > 1) {   ## nugget matrix is for unique obs
			nugget = uniqueSummary(orig.XX, matrix(nugget))$uniqueMeans	
		nugget = nugget / reps 
	if (is.null(nugget) || (length(nugget) == 1 && nugget != 0)) {
		if (anyReps(XX)) nugget = estimateNugget(XX,Z )	

	    simplex.abstol = -99999

	    success = 0
	    estimates = rep(0,numEstimates)
 	    returnFromC = .C("fitGPfromR", as.double(XX), as.integer(nrow(XX)), as.integer(ncol(XX)),
		as.double(Z), as.integer(nrow(Z)), 
		as.integer(simplex.ntries), as.integer(simplex.maxiter), 
			as.double(simplex.abstol), as.double(simplex.reltol),
		as.integer(BFGS.maxiter), as.double(BFGS.tol), as.double(BFGS.h), 
		as.integer(seed), as.double(nugget), as.integer(length(nugget)), as.double(min.nugget),
		estimates = as.double(estimates), verbose = as.integer(verbose), nugget.known = as.integer(nugget.known), success = as.integer(success), 

	    if (returnFromC$success != 0) {
		cat("ERROR: GP cannot be created\n")
	        return (NULL)
	    estimates = returnFromC$estimates

    	    numParams = dim(XX)[2]
	    regSize = 1
	    meanReg = estimates[1]
	    if (constantMean == 0) {
		regSize = dim(XX)[2] + 1
		meanReg = estimates[1:regSize]

 	    ## remove meanReg params; now we have correlation params, sig2, and (possibly) nugget
	    estimates = estimates[(regSize+1):length(estimates)]   ## remove mean reg params

	    beta = estimates[1:numParams]
	    a = rep(2, numParams)
	    sig2 = estimates[numParams+1]

	    if (is.null(nugget)) nugget = 0

	    if (length(nugget) > 1 && nugget.known == 0) {
		if (verbose > 0) {
			cat(paste("nugget matrix will be scaled by: ", estimates[numParams+2]))
		nugget = nugget * estimates[numParams+2]
	    else {
		if (nugget > 0 && nugget.known == 0) {
			nugget = estimates[numParams+2]

 	    if (is.null(param.names)) param.names = paste("p",1:dim(XX)[2],sep="")

	   nugget = nugget + min.nugget
	    if (verbose > 0) cat("creating gp object...")
	    fit1 = createGP(XX, as.matrix(Z), beta, a, meanReg, sig2, nugget, 
		param.names = param.names, constantMean = constantMean)
	    if(is.null(fit1)) {
		cat("GP #"); cat(i); cat(" cannot be created...exiting mlegp\n")
		return (NULL)
	   ## report nugget for single observation
	   if (nugget.known ==1 ) {
		fit1$nugget = fit1$nugget*reps  
		uniqueNug = unique(fit1$nugget)
		if(length(uniqueNug) == 1) fit1$nugget = as.numeric(uniqueNug)  
	    if (verbose > 0) cat("...done\n\n")


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