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Tip revision: 4d028ba2211e27c98228c62d20a35ff854d1c128 authored by Adelchi Azzalini on 07 April 2005, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.33
Tip revision: 4d028ba
\title{Internal sn functions}
 Internal functions of package \emph{sn}
\usage{, X, y, freq, trace=FALSE), X, y, freq, trace=FALSE), X, y, freq, fixed.df=NA, trace=FALSE), X, y, freq, fixed.df=NA, trace=FALSE)
num.deriv(coefficients, FUN, ...), X, y, freq, trace=FALSE, fixed.comp=NA, fixed.values=NA), X, y, trace=FALSE), X, y, trace=FALSE, hessian=FALSE)
sn.logL.grouped(param, breaks, freq, trace=FALSE)
st.logL.grouped(param, breaks, freq, trace=FALSE)
sn.SFscore(shape, data, trace=FALSE)
\item{param,cp, coefficients, shape}{
a numeric vector of parameter values.

a matrix of explanatory variables; must have \code{col(X)} equal to
\code{length(y)}. Missing values (\code{NA}) are not allowed.
If \code{X} is missing, a one-column matrix of 1's is created.
a numeric vector or matrix. Missing values (\code{NA}s) are not allowed.
a vector of frequencies.
logical value which controls printing of the algorithm convergence.
If \code{trace=TRUE}, details are printed. Default value is \code{FALSE}.
a vector of suitably re-parametrized parameters, not to be kept fixed during 
a vector containing the subset of the parameters for which the
profile log-likelihood function is required; it can be of length 1 or 2.
a numeric vector of values or a matrix with two columns, giving the
range spanned by the selected parameters. 
a scalar value contaning the degrees of freedom (df), if these must
be taked as fixed, or \code{NA} (deafult value) if df is a parameter
to be estimated.
a vector contaning the cut points of the groups, given
in ascending order. The last value can be \code{Inf}, the
first one can be \code{-Inf}
  A numeric value or a vector or a list.

  These functions are not intended to be called directly by the user.

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