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Tip revision: 602c094dcecf3042c25f8d367fa959aa601ae8af authored by Spencer Graves on 12 January 2009, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.4-4
Tip revision: 602c094
\title{ financial time series for Tsay (2005, chapter 9[text]) }
  Financial time series used in examples in chapter 9.
#data(m.bnd) <- documented with ch08, also used in ch09

      a zoo object of 168 observations giving simple excess returns of
      13 stocks and the Standard and Poor's 500 index over the monthly
      series of three-month Treasury bill rates of the secondary market
      as the risk-free rate from January 1990 to December 2003.  (These
      numbers are used in Table 9.1.)

	\item{AGE}{A. G. Edwards}
	\item{F}{Ford Motor}
	\item{GM}{General Motors}
	\item{MEL}{Mellon Financial}
	\item{NYT}{New York Times}
	\item{PG}{Proctor & Gamble}
	\item{TRB}{Chicago Tribune}
	\item{TXN}{Texas Instruments}
	\item{SP5}{Standard & Poor's 500 index}

      a zoo object of 168 monthly on two macroeconomic variables from
      January 1975 through December 2002 (p. 412):

	  consumer price index for all urban consumers:  all items and
	  with index 1982-1984 = 100
	  Civilian employment numbers 16 years and over:  measured in
      a zoo object giving monthly excess returns of ten stocks from
      January 1990 through December 2003:

	\item{AGE}{A. G. Edwards}
	\item{MWD}{Morgan Stanley}
	\item{MER}{Merrill Lynch}
	\item{DELL}{Dell, Inc.}
	\item{IBM}{International Business Machines}
	\item{PG}{Proctor & Gamble}
      a zoo object giving monthly log returns in percentages of 5 stocks
      from January 1990 through December 1999:

	\item{IBM}{International Business Machines}
	\item{MER}{Merrill Lynch}
	\item{MWD}{Morgan Stanley Dean Witter}
      data.frame of monthly simple returns of 40 stocks from January
      2001 through December 2003, discussed in sect. 9.6.2, pp. 437ff.

	\item{CompanyID}{5-digit company identification code}
	\item{date}{the last workday of the month}
	\item{return}{in percent}
  Ruey Tsay (2005)
  Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, ch. 7)
# 1440 3;  1440 = 40*36
# Are the dates all the same?
sameDates <- rep(NA, 39)
for(i in 1:39)
   sameDates[i] <- with(m.apca0103, all.equal(date[1:36],
M.apca0103 <- with(m.apca0103, array(return, dim=c(36, 40), dimnames=
        list(NULL, paste("Co", CompanyID[seq(1, 1440, 36)], sep=""))))

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