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Tip revision: a2eb9cb8cac25421beb6ba64ef71b28d3f1e0335 authored by Kurt Hornik on 07 January 2014, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.1-31
Tip revision: a2eb9cb

R version 2.12.0 Patched (2010-12-05 r53790)
Copyright (C) 2010 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
Platform: i486-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)

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> library("slam")
> x <- simple_triplet_diag_matrix(1, nrow = 3L)
> rownames(x) <- letters[1:3]
> identical(as.matrix(cbind(x, x)),
+ 	  cbind(as.matrix(x), as.matrix(x)))
[1] TRUE
> identical(as.matrix(rbind(t(x), t(x))),
+ 	  rbind(as.matrix(t(x)), as.matrix(t(x))))
[1] TRUE
> identical(as.matrix(cbind(x, t(x))),
+ 	  cbind(as.matrix(x), as.matrix(t(x))))
[1] TRUE
> identical(as.matrix(rbind(t(x), x)),
+ 	  rbind(as.matrix(t(x)), as.matrix(x)))
[1] TRUE
> ###
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