Raw File
Tip revision: b2c372d1aa1949a560004ea3dbc4dfc0f5785a24 authored by Christian Legnitto on 15 December 2011, 23:47:29 UTC
ckout c3081b5db3d1 (bug 572652) and 4c77addce789 (bug 655628), as they cause bug 657153 and we are worried about the impact. The reward for keeping this in seems really low as well. a=LegNeato
Tip revision: b2c372d
/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is code.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
 * Netscape Communications Corporation.
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
 * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
 * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
 * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
 * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
 * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
 * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
 * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
 * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
 * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
 * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */

 * Header for JavaScript Debugging support - Internal ONLY declarations

#ifndef jsd_h___
#define jsd_h___

* NOTE: This is a *private* header file and should only be included by
* the sources in js/jsd. Defining EXPORT_JSD_API in an outside module
* using jsd would be bad.
#define EXPORT_JSD_API 1 /* if used, must be set before include of jsdebug.h */

* These can be controled by the makefile, but this allows a place to set
* the values always used in the mozilla client, but perhaps done differently
* in other embeddings.
#endif /* MOZILLA_CLIENT */

/* Get jstypes.h included first. After that we can use PR macros for doing
*  this extern "C" stuff!
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#include "jstypes.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus

#include "jsprf.h"
#include "jsutil.h" /* Added by JSIFY */
#include "jshash.h" /* Added by JSIFY */
#include "jsclist.h"
#include "jsdebug.h"
#include "jsapi.h"
#include "jsdbgapi.h"
#include "jsd_lock.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <base/pblock.h>
#include <base/session.h>
#include <frame/log.h>
#include <frame/req.h>
#endif /* LIVEWIRE */



/* handy macros */
#define CHECK_BIT_FLAG(f,b) ((f)&(b))
#undef  SET_BIT_FLAG
#define SET_BIT_FLAG(f,b)   ((f)|=(b))
#define CLEAR_BIT_FLAG(f,b) ((f)&=(~(b)))

#define JSD_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED(jsdc,jsdscript)                                   \
        (!(((jsdc->flags & JSD_DEBUG_WHEN_SET) ? 1 : 0)  ^                     \
           ((jsdscript->flags & JSD_SCRIPT_DEBUG_BIT) ?  1 : 0)))
#define JSD_IS_PROFILE_ENABLED(jsdc,jsdscript)                                 \
        ((jsdc->flags & JSD_COLLECT_PROFILE_DATA) &&                           \
         (!(((jsdc->flags & JSD_PROFILE_WHEN_SET) ? 1 : 0) ^                   \
            ((jsdscript->flags & JSD_SCRIPT_PROFILE_BIT) ? 1 : 0))))

/* These are not exposed in jsdebug.h - typedef here for consistency */

typedef struct JSDExecHook          JSDExecHook;
typedef struct JSDAtom              JSDAtom;
typedef struct JSDProfileData       JSDProfileData;
/* Our structures */

* XXX What I'm calling a JSDContext is really more of a JSDTaskState. 

struct JSDContext
    JSCList                 links;      /* we are part of a JSCList */
    JSBool                  inited;
    void*                   data;
    uint32                  flags;
    JSD_ScriptHookProc      scriptHook;
    void*                   scriptHookData;
    JSD_ExecutionHookProc   interruptHook;
    void*                   interruptHookData;
    JSRuntime*              jsrt;
    JSD_ErrorReporter       errorReporter;
    void*                   errorReporterData;
    JSCList                 threadsStates;
    JSD_ExecutionHookProc   debugBreakHook;
    void*                   debugBreakHookData;
    JSD_ExecutionHookProc   debuggerHook;
    void*                   debuggerHookData;
    JSD_ExecutionHookProc   throwHook;
    void*                   throwHookData;
    JSD_CallHookProc        functionHook;
    void*                   functionHookData;
    JSD_CallHookProc        toplevelHook;
    void*                   toplevelHookData;
    JSContext*              dumbContext;
    JSObject*               glob;
    JSD_UserCallbacks       userCallbacks;
    void*                   user;
    JSCList                 scripts;
    JSHashTable*            scriptsTable;
    JSCList                 sources;
    JSCList                 removedSources;
    uintN                   sourceAlterCount;
    JSHashTable*            atoms;
    JSCList                 objectsList;
    JSHashTable*            objectsTable;
    JSDProfileData*         callingFunctionPData;
    int64                   lastReturnTime;
    void*                   scriptsLock;
    void*                   sourceTextLock;
    void*                   objectsLock;
    void*                   atomsLock;
    void*                   threadStatesLock;
#endif /* JSD_THREADSAFE */
    void*                   dangerousThread;


struct JSDScript
    JSCList     links;      /* we are part of a JSCList */
    JSDContext* jsdc;       /* JSDContext for this jsdscript */
    JSScript*   script;     /* script we are wrapping */
    JSFunction* function;   /* back pointer to owning function (can be NULL) */
    uintN       lineBase;   /* we cache this */
    uintN       lineExtent; /* we cache this */
    JSCList     hooks;      /* JSCList of JSDExecHooks for this script */
    char*       url;
    uint32      flags;
    void*       data;

    JSDProfileData  *profileData;

    LWDBGApp*    app;
    LWDBGScript* lwscript;

struct JSDProfileData
    JSDProfileData* caller;
    int64    lastCallStart;
    int64    runningTime;
    uintN    callCount;
    uintN    recurseDepth;
    uintN    maxRecurseDepth;
    jsdouble minExecutionTime;
    jsdouble maxExecutionTime;
    jsdouble totalExecutionTime;
    jsdouble minOwnExecutionTime;
    jsdouble maxOwnExecutionTime;
    jsdouble totalOwnExecutionTime;

struct JSDSourceText
    JSCList          links;      /* we are part of a JSCList */
    char*            url;
    char*            text;
    uintN            textLength;
    uintN            textSpace;
    JSBool           dirty;
    JSDSourceStatus  status;
    uintN            alterCount;
    JSBool           doingEval;

struct JSDExecHook
    JSCList               links;        /* we are part of a JSCList */
    JSDScript*            jsdscript;
    jsuword               pc;
    JSD_ExecutionHookProc hook;
    void*                 callerdata;


struct JSDThreadState
    JSCList             links;        /* we are part of a JSCList */
    JSContext*          context;
    void*               thread;
    JSCList             stack;
    uintN               stackDepth;
    uintN               flags;

struct JSDStackFrameInfo
    JSCList             links;        /* we are part of a JSCList */
    JSDThreadState*     jsdthreadstate;
    JSDScript*          jsdscript;
    jsuword             pc;
    JSStackFrame*       fp;

#define GOT_PROTO   ((short) (1 << 0))
#define GOT_PROPS   ((short) (1 << 1))
#define GOT_PARENT  ((short) (1 << 2))
#define GOT_CTOR    ((short) (1 << 3))

struct JSDValue
    jsval       val;
    intN        nref;
    JSCList     props;
    JSString*   string;
    JSString*   funName;
    const char* className;
    JSDValue*   proto;
    JSDValue*   parent;
    JSDValue*   ctor;
    uintN       flags;

struct JSDProperty
    JSCList     links;      /* we are part of a JSCList */
    intN        nref;
    JSDValue*   val;
    JSDValue*   name;
    JSDValue*   alias;
    uintN       slot;
    uintN       flags;

struct JSDAtom
    char* str;      /* must be first element in struct for compare */
    intN  refcount;

struct JSDObject
    JSCList     links;      /* we are part of a JSCList */
    JSObject*   obj;
    JSDAtom*    newURL;
    uintN       newLineno;
    JSDAtom*    ctorURL;
    uintN       ctorLineno;
    JSDAtom*    ctorName;

/* Code validation support */

#ifdef DEBUG
extern void JSD_ASSERT_VALID_CONTEXT(JSDContext* jsdc);
extern void JSD_ASSERT_VALID_SCRIPT(JSDScript* jsdscript);
extern void JSD_ASSERT_VALID_SOURCE_TEXT(JSDSourceText* jsdsrc);
extern void JSD_ASSERT_VALID_THREAD_STATE(JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate);
extern void JSD_ASSERT_VALID_STACK_FRAME(JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe);
extern void JSD_ASSERT_VALID_EXEC_HOOK(JSDExecHook* jsdhook);
extern void JSD_ASSERT_VALID_VALUE(JSDValue* jsdval);
extern void JSD_ASSERT_VALID_PROPERTY(JSDProperty* jsdprop);
extern void JSD_ASSERT_VALID_OBJECT(JSDObject* jsdobj);
#define JSD_ASSERT_VALID_CONTEXT(x)     ((void)0)
#define JSD_ASSERT_VALID_SCRIPT(x)      ((void)0)
#define JSD_ASSERT_VALID_SOURCE_TEXT(x) ((void)0)
#define JSD_ASSERT_VALID_STACK_FRAME(x) ((void)0)
#define JSD_ASSERT_VALID_EXEC_HOOK(x)   ((void)0)
#define JSD_ASSERT_VALID_VALUE(x)       ((void)0)
#define JSD_ASSERT_VALID_PROPERTY(x)    ((void)0)
#define JSD_ASSERT_VALID_OBJECT(x)      ((void)0)

/* higher level functions */

extern JSDContext*
jsd_DebuggerOnForUser(JSRuntime*         jsrt,
                      JSD_UserCallbacks* callbacks,
                      void*              user,
                      JSObject*          scopeobj);

extern JSDContext*

extern void
jsd_DebuggerOff(JSDContext* jsdc);

extern void
jsd_DebuggerPause(JSDContext* jsdc, JSBool forceAllHooksOff);

extern void
jsd_DebuggerUnpause(JSDContext* jsdc);

extern void
jsd_SetUserCallbacks(JSRuntime* jsrt, JSD_UserCallbacks* callbacks, void* user);

extern JSDContext*
jsd_JSDContextForJSContext(JSContext* context);

extern void*
jsd_SetContextPrivate(JSDContext* jsdc, void *data);

extern void*
jsd_GetContextPrivate(JSDContext* jsdc);

extern void
jsd_ClearAllProfileData(JSDContext* jsdc);

extern JSBool
jsd_SetErrorReporter(JSDContext*       jsdc,
                     JSD_ErrorReporter reporter,
                     void*             callerdata);

extern JSBool
jsd_GetErrorReporter(JSDContext*        jsdc,
                     JSD_ErrorReporter* reporter,
                     void**             callerdata);

static JSBool
jsd_DebugErrorHook(JSContext *cx, const char *message,
                   JSErrorReport *report, void *closure);

/* Script functions */

extern JSBool
jsd_InitScriptManager(JSDContext *jsdc);

extern void
jsd_DestroyScriptManager(JSDContext* jsdc);

extern JSDScript*
jsd_FindJSDScript(JSDContext*  jsdc,
                  JSScript     *script);

extern JSDScript*
jsd_FindOrCreateJSDScript(JSDContext    *jsdc,
                          JSContext     *cx,
                          JSScript      *script,
                          JSStackFrame  *fp);

extern JSDProfileData*
jsd_GetScriptProfileData(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript *script);

extern uint32
jsd_GetScriptFlags(JSDContext *jsdc, JSDScript *script);

extern void
jsd_SetScriptFlags(JSDContext *jsdc, JSDScript *script, uint32 flags);

extern uintN
jsd_GetScriptCallCount(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript *script);

extern  uintN
jsd_GetScriptMaxRecurseDepth(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript *script);

extern jsdouble
jsd_GetScriptMinExecutionTime(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript *script);

extern jsdouble
jsd_GetScriptMaxExecutionTime(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript *script);

extern jsdouble
jsd_GetScriptTotalExecutionTime(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript *script);

extern jsdouble
jsd_GetScriptMinOwnExecutionTime(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript *script);

extern jsdouble
jsd_GetScriptMaxOwnExecutionTime(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript *script);

extern jsdouble
jsd_GetScriptTotalOwnExecutionTime(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript *script);

extern void
jsd_ClearScriptProfileData(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript *script);

extern JSScript *
jsd_GetJSScript (JSDContext *jsdc, JSDScript *script);

extern JSFunction *
jsd_GetJSFunction (JSDContext *jsdc, JSDScript *script);

extern JSDScript*
jsd_IterateScripts(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript **iterp);

extern void *
jsd_SetScriptPrivate (JSDScript *jsdscript, void *data);

extern void *
jsd_GetScriptPrivate (JSDScript *jsdscript);

extern JSBool
jsd_IsActiveScript(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript *jsdscript);

extern const char*
jsd_GetScriptFilename(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript *jsdscript);

extern JSString*
jsd_GetScriptFunctionId(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript *jsdscript);

extern uintN
jsd_GetScriptBaseLineNumber(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript *jsdscript);

extern uintN
jsd_GetScriptLineExtent(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript *jsdscript);

extern JSBool
jsd_SetScriptHook(JSDContext* jsdc, JSD_ScriptHookProc hook, void* callerdata);

extern JSBool
jsd_GetScriptHook(JSDContext* jsdc, JSD_ScriptHookProc* hook, void** callerdata);

extern jsuword
jsd_GetClosestPC(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript* jsdscript, uintN line);

extern uintN
jsd_GetClosestLine(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript* jsdscript, jsuword pc);

extern JSBool
jsd_GetLinePCs(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript* jsdscript,
               uintN startLine, uintN maxLines,
               uintN* count, uintN** lines, jsuword** pcs);

extern void
                JSContext   *cx,
                const char  *filename,      /* URL this script loads from */
                uintN       lineno,         /* line where this script starts */
                JSScript    *script,
                JSFunction  *fun,
                void*       callerdata);

extern void
                JSContext   *cx,
                JSScript    *script,
                void*       callerdata);

/* Script execution hook functions */

extern JSBool
jsd_SetExecutionHook(JSDContext*           jsdc,
                     JSDScript*            jsdscript,
                     jsuword               pc,
                     JSD_ExecutionHookProc hook,
                     void*                 callerdata);

extern JSBool
jsd_ClearExecutionHook(JSDContext*           jsdc,
                       JSDScript*            jsdscript,
                       jsuword               pc);

extern JSBool
jsd_ClearAllExecutionHooksForScript(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript* jsdscript);

extern JSBool
jsd_ClearAllExecutionHooks(JSDContext* jsdc);

extern void
jsd_ScriptCreated(JSDContext* jsdc,
                  JSContext   *cx,
                  const char  *filename,    /* URL this script loads from */
                  uintN       lineno,       /* line where this script starts */
                  JSScript    *script,
                  JSFunction  *fun);

extern void
jsd_ScriptDestroyed(JSDContext* jsdc,
                    JSContext   *cx,
                    JSScript    *script);

/* Source Text functions */

extern JSDSourceText*
jsd_IterateSources(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDSourceText **iterp);

extern JSDSourceText*
jsd_FindSourceForURL(JSDContext* jsdc, const char* url);

extern const char*
jsd_GetSourceURL(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDSourceText* jsdsrc);

extern JSBool
jsd_GetSourceText(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDSourceText* jsdsrc,
                  const char** ppBuf, intN* pLen);

extern void
jsd_ClearSourceText(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDSourceText* jsdsrc);

extern JSDSourceStatus
jsd_GetSourceStatus(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDSourceText* jsdsrc);

extern JSBool
jsd_IsSourceDirty(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDSourceText* jsdsrc);

extern void
jsd_SetSourceDirty(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDSourceText* jsdsrc, JSBool dirty);

extern uintN
jsd_GetSourceAlterCount(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDSourceText* jsdsrc);

extern uintN
jsd_IncrementSourceAlterCount(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDSourceText* jsdsrc);

extern JSDSourceText*
jsd_NewSourceText(JSDContext* jsdc, const char* url);

extern JSDSourceText*
jsd_AppendSourceText(JSDContext* jsdc,
                     JSDSourceText* jsdsrc,
                     const char* text,       /* *not* zero terminated */
                     size_t length,
                     JSDSourceStatus status);

extern JSDSourceText*
jsd_AppendUCSourceText(JSDContext* jsdc,
                       JSDSourceText* jsdsrc,
                       const jschar* text,       /* *not* zero terminated */
                       size_t length,
                       JSDSourceStatus status);

/* convienence function for adding complete source of url in one call */
extern JSBool
jsd_AddFullSourceText(JSDContext* jsdc,
                      const char* text,       /* *not* zero terminated */
                      size_t      length,
                      const char* url);

extern void
jsd_DestroyAllSources(JSDContext* jsdc);

extern char*
jsd_BuildNormalizedURL(const char* url_string);

extern void
jsd_StartingEvalUsingFilename(JSDContext* jsdc, const char* url);

extern void
jsd_FinishedEvalUsingFilename(JSDContext* jsdc, const char* url);

/* Interrupt Hook functions */

extern JSBool
jsd_SetInterruptHook(JSDContext*           jsdc,
                     JSD_ExecutionHookProc hook,
                     void*                 callerdata);

extern JSBool
jsd_ClearInterruptHook(JSDContext* jsdc);

extern JSBool
jsd_EnableSingleStepInterrupts(JSDContext* jsdc,
                               JSDScript*  jsdscript,
                               JSBool      enable);

extern JSBool
jsd_SetDebugBreakHook(JSDContext*           jsdc,
                      JSD_ExecutionHookProc hook,
                      void*                 callerdata);

extern JSBool
jsd_ClearDebugBreakHook(JSDContext* jsdc);

extern JSBool
jsd_SetDebuggerHook(JSDContext*           jsdc,
                    JSD_ExecutionHookProc hook,
                    void*                 callerdata);

extern JSBool
jsd_ClearDebuggerHook(JSDContext* jsdc);

extern JSTrapStatus
jsd_CallExecutionHook(JSDContext*           jsdc,
                      JSContext*            cx,
                      uintN                 type,
                      JSD_ExecutionHookProc hook,
                      void*                 hookData,
                      jsval*                rval);

extern JSBool
jsd_CallCallHook (JSDContext*      jsdc,
                  JSContext*       cx,
                  uintN            type,
                  JSD_CallHookProc hook,
                  void*            hookData);

extern JSBool
jsd_SetThrowHook(JSDContext*           jsdc,
                 JSD_ExecutionHookProc hook,
                 void*                 callerdata);
extern JSBool
jsd_ClearThrowHook(JSDContext* jsdc);

extern JSTrapStatus
jsd_DebuggerHandler(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script, jsbytecode *pc,
                    jsval *rval, void *closure);

extern JSTrapStatus
jsd_ThrowHandler(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script, jsbytecode *pc,
                 jsval *rval, void *closure);

extern JSBool
jsd_SetFunctionHook(JSDContext*      jsdc,
                    JSD_CallHookProc hook,
                    void*            callerdata);

extern JSBool
jsd_ClearFunctionHook(JSDContext* jsdc);

extern JSBool
jsd_SetTopLevelHook(JSDContext*      jsdc,
                    JSD_CallHookProc hook,
                    void*            callerdata);

extern JSBool
jsd_ClearTopLevelHook(JSDContext* jsdc);

/* Stack Frame functions */

extern uintN
jsd_GetCountOfStackFrames(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate);

extern JSDStackFrameInfo*
jsd_GetStackFrame(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate);

extern JSContext*
jsd_GetJSContext(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate);

extern JSDStackFrameInfo*
jsd_GetCallingStackFrame(JSDContext* jsdc,
                         JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate,
                         JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe);

extern JSDScript*
jsd_GetScriptForStackFrame(JSDContext* jsdc,
                           JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate,
                           JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe);

extern jsuword
jsd_GetPCForStackFrame(JSDContext* jsdc,
                       JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate,
                       JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe);

extern JSDValue*
jsd_GetCallObjectForStackFrame(JSDContext* jsdc,
                               JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate,
                               JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe);

extern JSDValue*
jsd_GetScopeChainForStackFrame(JSDContext* jsdc,
                               JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate,
                               JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe);

extern JSBool
jsd_IsStackFrameDebugger(JSDContext* jsdc, 
                         JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate,
                         JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe);

extern JSBool
jsd_IsStackFrameConstructing(JSDContext* jsdc, 
                             JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate,
                             JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe);

extern JSDValue*
jsd_GetThisForStackFrame(JSDContext* jsdc,
                         JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate,
                         JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe);

extern JSString*
jsd_GetIdForStackFrame(JSDContext* jsdc, 
                       JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate,
                       JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe);

extern JSDThreadState*
jsd_NewThreadState(JSDContext* jsdc, JSContext *cx);

extern void
jsd_DestroyThreadState(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate);

extern JSBool
jsd_EvaluateUCScriptInStackFrame(JSDContext* jsdc,
                                 JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate,
                                 JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe,
                                 const jschar *bytes, uintN length,
                                 const char *filename, uintN lineno,
                                 JSBool eatExceptions, jsval *rval);

extern JSBool
jsd_EvaluateScriptInStackFrame(JSDContext* jsdc,
                               JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate,
                               JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe,
                               const char *bytes, uintN length,
                               const char *filename, uintN lineno,
                               JSBool eatExceptions, jsval *rval);

extern JSString*
jsd_ValToStringInStackFrame(JSDContext* jsdc,
                            JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate,
                            JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe,
                            jsval val);

extern JSBool
jsd_IsValidThreadState(JSDContext*        jsdc,
                       JSDThreadState*    jsdthreadstate);

extern JSBool
jsd_IsValidFrameInThreadState(JSDContext*        jsdc,
                              JSDThreadState*    jsdthreadstate,
                              JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe);

extern JSDValue*
jsd_GetException(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate);

extern JSBool
jsd_SetException(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate, 
                 JSDValue* jsdval);

/* Locking support */

/* protos are in js_lock.h for:
 *      jsd_CreateLock
 *      jsd_Lock
 *      jsd_Unlock
 *      jsd_IsLocked
 *      jsd_CurrentThread


/* the system-wide lock */
extern void* _jsd_global_lock;
#define JSD_LOCK()                               \
    JS_BEGIN_MACRO                               \
        if(!_jsd_global_lock)                    \
            _jsd_global_lock = jsd_CreateLock(); \
        JS_ASSERT(_jsd_global_lock);             \
        jsd_Lock(_jsd_global_lock);              \

#define JSD_UNLOCK()                             \
    JS_BEGIN_MACRO                               \
        JS_ASSERT(_jsd_global_lock);             \
        jsd_Unlock(_jsd_global_lock);            \

/* locks for the subsystems of a given context */
#define JSD_INIT_LOCKS(jsdc)                                    \
    ( (NULL != (jsdc->scriptsLock      = jsd_CreateLock())) &&  \
      (NULL != (jsdc->sourceTextLock   = jsd_CreateLock())) &&  \
      (NULL != (jsdc->atomsLock        = jsd_CreateLock())) &&  \
      (NULL != (jsdc->objectsLock      = jsd_CreateLock())) &&  \
      (NULL != (jsdc->threadStatesLock = jsd_CreateLock())) )

#define JSD_LOCK_SCRIPTS(jsdc)        jsd_Lock(jsdc->scriptsLock)
#define JSD_UNLOCK_SCRIPTS(jsdc)      jsd_Unlock(jsdc->scriptsLock)

#define JSD_LOCK_SOURCE_TEXT(jsdc)    jsd_Lock(jsdc->sourceTextLock)
#define JSD_UNLOCK_SOURCE_TEXT(jsdc)  jsd_Unlock(jsdc->sourceTextLock)

#define JSD_LOCK_ATOMS(jsdc)          jsd_Lock(jsdc->atomsLock)
#define JSD_UNLOCK_ATOMS(jsdc)        jsd_Unlock(jsdc->atomsLock)

#define JSD_LOCK_OBJECTS(jsdc)        jsd_Lock(jsdc->objectsLock)
#define JSD_UNLOCK_OBJECTS(jsdc)      jsd_Unlock(jsdc->objectsLock)

#define JSD_LOCK_THREADSTATES(jsdc)   jsd_Lock(jsdc->threadStatesLock)
#define JSD_UNLOCK_THREADSTATES(jsdc) jsd_Unlock(jsdc->threadStatesLock)

#else  /* !JSD_THREADSAFE */

#define JSD_LOCK()                    ((void)0)
#define JSD_UNLOCK()                  ((void)0)

#define JSD_INIT_LOCKS(jsdc)          1

#define JSD_LOCK_SCRIPTS(jsdc)        ((void)0)
#define JSD_UNLOCK_SCRIPTS(jsdc)      ((void)0)

#define JSD_LOCK_SOURCE_TEXT(jsdc)    ((void)0)
#define JSD_UNLOCK_SOURCE_TEXT(jsdc)  ((void)0)

#define JSD_LOCK_ATOMS(jsdc)          ((void)0)
#define JSD_UNLOCK_ATOMS(jsdc)        ((void)0)

#define JSD_LOCK_OBJECTS(jsdc)        ((void)0)
#define JSD_UNLOCK_OBJECTS(jsdc)      ((void)0)

#define JSD_LOCK_THREADSTATES(jsdc)   ((void)0)
#define JSD_UNLOCK_THREADSTATES(jsdc) ((void)0)

#endif /* JSD_THREADSAFE */

/* NOTE: These are intended for ASSERTs. Thus we supply checks for both
 * LOCKED and UNLOCKED (rather that just LOCKED and !LOCKED) so that in
 * the DEBUG non-Threadsafe case we can have an ASSERT that always succeeds
 * without having to special case things in the code.
#if defined(JSD_THREADSAFE) && defined(DEBUG)
#define JSD_SCRIPTS_LOCKED(jsdc)        (jsd_IsLocked(jsdc->scriptsLock))
#define JSD_SOURCE_TEXT_LOCKED(jsdc)    (jsd_IsLocked(jsdc->sourceTextLock))
#define JSD_ATOMS_LOCKED(jsdc)          (jsd_IsLocked(jsdc->atomsLock))
#define JSD_OBJECTS_LOCKED(jsdc)        (jsd_IsLocked(jsdc->objectsLock))
#define JSD_THREADSTATES_LOCKED(jsdc)   (jsd_IsLocked(jsdc->threadStatesLock))
#define JSD_SCRIPTS_UNLOCKED(jsdc)      (!jsd_IsLocked(jsdc->scriptsLock))
#define JSD_SOURCE_TEXT_UNLOCKED(jsdc)  (!jsd_IsLocked(jsdc->sourceTextLock))
#define JSD_ATOMS_UNLOCKED(jsdc)        (!jsd_IsLocked(jsdc->atomsLock))
#define JSD_OBJECTS_UNLOCKED(jsdc)      (!jsd_IsLocked(jsdc->objectsLock))
#define JSD_THREADSTATES_UNLOCKED(jsdc) (!jsd_IsLocked(jsdc->threadStatesLock))
#define JSD_SCRIPTS_LOCKED(jsdc)        1
#define JSD_SOURCE_TEXT_LOCKED(jsdc)    1
#define JSD_ATOMS_LOCKED(jsdc)          1
#define JSD_OBJECTS_LOCKED(jsdc)        1
#define JSD_SCRIPTS_UNLOCKED(jsdc)      1
#define JSD_ATOMS_UNLOCKED(jsdc)        1
#define JSD_OBJECTS_UNLOCKED(jsdc)      1
#endif /* defined(JSD_THREADSAFE) && defined(DEBUG) */

/* Threading support */


#define JSD_CURRENT_THREAD()        jsd_CurrentThread()

#else  /* !JSD_THREADSAFE */

#define JSD_CURRENT_THREAD()        ((void*)0)

#endif /* JSD_THREADSAFE */

/* Dangerous thread support */


    (JSD_CURRENT_THREAD() == jsdc->dangerousThread)


#define JSD_IS_DANGEROUS_THREAD(jsdc)   0


/* Value and Property Functions */

extern JSDValue*
jsd_NewValue(JSDContext* jsdc, jsval val);

extern void
jsd_DropValue(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern jsval
jsd_GetValueWrappedJSVal(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern void
jsd_RefreshValue(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);


extern JSBool
jsd_IsValueObject(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern JSBool
jsd_IsValueNumber(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern JSBool
jsd_IsValueInt(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern JSBool
jsd_IsValueDouble(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern JSBool
jsd_IsValueString(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern JSBool
jsd_IsValueBoolean(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern JSBool
jsd_IsValueNull(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern JSBool
jsd_IsValueVoid(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern JSBool
jsd_IsValuePrimitive(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern JSBool
jsd_IsValueFunction(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern JSBool
jsd_IsValueNative(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);


extern JSBool
jsd_GetValueBoolean(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern int32
jsd_GetValueInt(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern jsdouble
jsd_GetValueDouble(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern JSString*
jsd_GetValueString(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern JSString*
jsd_GetValueFunctionId(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern JSFunction*
jsd_GetValueFunction(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);


extern uintN
jsd_GetCountOfProperties(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern JSDProperty*
jsd_IterateProperties(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval, JSDProperty **iterp);

extern JSDProperty*
jsd_GetValueProperty(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval, JSString* name);

extern JSDValue*
jsd_GetValuePrototype(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern JSDValue*
jsd_GetValueParent(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern JSDValue*
jsd_GetValueConstructor(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern const char*
jsd_GetValueClassName(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

extern JSDScript*
jsd_GetScriptForValue(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);


extern void
jsd_DropProperty(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDProperty* jsdprop);

extern JSDValue*
jsd_GetPropertyName(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDProperty* jsdprop);

extern JSDValue*
jsd_GetPropertyValue(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDProperty* jsdprop);

extern JSDValue*
jsd_GetPropertyAlias(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDProperty* jsdprop);

extern uintN
jsd_GetPropertyFlags(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDProperty* jsdprop);

extern uintN
jsd_GetPropertyVarArgSlot(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDProperty* jsdprop);

/* Stepping Functions */

extern void *
jsd_FunctionCallHook(JSContext *cx, JSStackFrame *fp, JSBool before,
                     JSBool *ok, void *closure);

extern void *
jsd_TopLevelCallHook(JSContext *cx, JSStackFrame *fp, JSBool before,
                     JSBool *ok, void *closure);

/* Object Functions */

extern JSBool
jsd_InitObjectManager(JSDContext* jsdc);

extern void
jsd_DestroyObjectManager(JSDContext* jsdc);

extern void
jsd_DestroyObjects(JSDContext* jsdc);

extern void
jsd_Constructing(JSDContext* jsdc, JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj,
                 JSStackFrame *fp);

extern JSDObject*
jsd_IterateObjects(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDObject** iterp);

extern JSObject*
jsd_GetWrappedObject(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDObject* jsdobj);

extern const char*
jsd_GetObjectNewURL(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDObject* jsdobj);

extern uintN
jsd_GetObjectNewLineNumber(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDObject* jsdobj);

extern const char*
jsd_GetObjectConstructorURL(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDObject* jsdobj);

extern uintN
jsd_GetObjectConstructorLineNumber(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDObject* jsdobj);

extern const char*
jsd_GetObjectConstructorName(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDObject* jsdobj);

extern JSDObject*
jsd_GetJSDObjectForJSObject(JSDContext* jsdc, JSObject* jsobj);

extern JSDObject*
jsd_GetObjectForValue(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDValue* jsdval);

* returns new refcounted JSDValue
extern JSDValue*
jsd_GetValueForObject(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDObject* jsdobj);

/* Atom Functions */

extern JSBool
jsd_CreateAtomTable(JSDContext* jsdc);

extern void
jsd_DestroyAtomTable(JSDContext* jsdc);

extern JSDAtom*
jsd_AddAtom(JSDContext* jsdc, const char* str);

extern JSDAtom*
jsd_CloneAtom(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDAtom* atom);

extern void
jsd_DropAtom(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDAtom* atom);

#define JSD_ATOM_TO_STRING(a) ((const char*)((a)->str))

/* Livewire specific API */

extern LWDBGScript*
jsdlw_GetLWScript(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript* jsdscript);

extern char*
jsdlw_BuildAppRelativeFilename(LWDBGApp* app, const char* filename);

extern JSDSourceText*
jsdlw_PreLoadSource(JSDContext* jsdc, LWDBGApp* app,
                     const char* filename, JSBool clear);

extern JSDSourceText*
jsdlw_ForceLoadSource(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDSourceText* jsdsrc);

extern JSBool
jsdlw_UserCodeAtPC(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript* jsdscript, jsuword pc);

extern JSBool
jsdlw_RawToProcessedLineNumber(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript* jsdscript,
                               uintN lineIn, uintN* lineOut);

extern JSBool
jsdlw_ProcessedToRawLineNumber(JSDContext* jsdc, JSDScript* jsdscript,
                               uintN lineIn, uintN* lineOut);

#if 0
/* our hook proc for LiveWire app start/stop */
extern void
jsdlw_AppHookProc(LWDBGApp* app,
                  JSBool created,
                  void *callerdata);



#endif /* jsd_h___ */
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