Raw File
Tip revision: b2c372d1aa1949a560004ea3dbc4dfc0f5785a24 authored by Christian Legnitto on 15 December 2011, 23:47:29 UTC
ckout c3081b5db3d1 (bug 572652) and 4c77addce789 (bug 655628), as they cause bug 657153 and we are worried about the impact. The reward for keeping this in seems really low as well. a=LegNeato
Tip revision: b2c372d
/* -*- Mode: C++ -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is ``interval_map''
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
 * Communications Corp.  Portions created by the Initial Developer are
 * Copyright (C) 2001 the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *   Chris Waterson <>
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */

#ifndef interval_map_h__
#define interval_map_h__


  A utility class that maps an interval to an object, allowing clients
  to look up the object by a point within the interval.


// TODO:
//   - removing intervals
//   - container iterators

#include <fstream>
#include <assert.h>

template<class coord, class T>
class interval_map {
    class const_iterator;
    friend class const_iterator;

    struct node {
        T      m_data;
        coord  m_min;
        coord  m_max;
        node  *m_before; // intervals before this one
        node  *m_within; // intervals within this one
        node  *m_after;  // intervals after this one
        int    m_bal;

     * A unidirectional const iterator that is used to enumerate the
     * intervals that overlap a specific point.
    class const_iterator {
        const node  *m_node;
        const coord  m_point;

        friend class interval_map;
        const_iterator(const node *n, const coord &point)
            : m_node(n), m_point(point) {}

        void advance();

        const_iterator() : m_node(0), m_point(0) {}

        const_iterator(const const_iterator &iter)
            : m_node(iter.m_node), m_point(iter.m_point) {}

        const_iterator &
        operator=(const const_iterator &iter) {
            m_node = iter.m_node;
            m_point = iter.m_point; }

        const T &
        operator*() const { return m_node->m_data; }

        const T *
        operator->() const { return &m_node->m_data; }

        const_iterator &
        operator++() { advance(); return *this; }

        operator++(int) {
            const_iterator temp(*this);
            return temp; }

        operator==(const const_iterator &iter) const {
            return m_node == iter.m_node; }

        operator!=(const const_iterator &iter) const {
            return !iter.operator==(*this); }

    interval_map() : m_root(0) {}

    ~interval_map() { delete m_root; }

     * Insert aData for the interval [aMin, aMax]
    void put(coord min, coord max, const T &data) {
        put_into(&m_root, min, max, data);
#ifdef DEBUG
        verify(m_root, 0);

     * Return an iterator that will enumerate the data for all intervals
     * intersecting |aPoint|.
    const_iterator get(coord point) const;

     * Return an iterator that marks the end-point of iteration.
    const_iterator end() const {
        return const_iterator(0, 0); }

    void put_into(node **link, coord min, coord max, const T &data, bool *subsumed = 0);

    void left_rotate(node **link, node *node);
    void right_rotate(node **link, node *node);
#ifdef DEBUG
    void verify(node *node, int depth);
    node *m_root;

template<class coord, class T>
interval_map<coord, T>::put_into(node **root, coord min, coord max, const T &data, bool *subsumed)
    assert(min < max);
    node *interval = *root;

    if (interval) {
        bool before = min < interval->m_min;
        bool after = max > interval->m_max;

        if (!before || !after) {
            // The interval we're adding does not completely subsume
            // the |interval|. So we've got one of these situations:
            //      |======|   |======|   |======|
            //   |------|        |--|        |------|
            // where |==| is the existing interval, and |--| is the
            // new interval we're inserting. If there's left or right
            // slop, then we ``split'' the new interval in half:
            //      |======|              |======|
            //   |--|---|                    |---|--|
            // and insert it both in the ``within'' and ``before'' (or
            // ``after'') subtrees.
            if (before) {
                if (max > interval->m_min) {
                    put_into(&interval->m_within, interval->m_min, max, data);
                    max = interval->m_min;

                bool was_subsumed = true;
                put_into(&interval->m_before, min, max, data, &was_subsumed);

                if (! was_subsumed) {
                    if (interval->m_bal < 0) {
                        if (interval->m_before->m_bal > 0)
                            left_rotate(&interval->m_before, interval->m_before);

                        right_rotate(root, interval);

                    if (subsumed)
                        *subsumed = (interval->m_bal == 0);


            if (after) {
                if (min < interval->m_max) {
                    put_into(&interval->m_within, min, interval->m_max, data);
                    min = interval->m_max;

                bool was_subsumed = true;
                put_into(&interval->m_after, min, max, data, &was_subsumed);

                if (! was_subsumed) {
                    if (interval->m_bal > 0) {
                        if (interval->m_after->m_bal < 0)
                            right_rotate(&interval->m_after, interval->m_after);

                        left_rotate(root, interval);

                    if (subsumed)
                        *subsumed = (interval->m_bal == 0);


            put_into(&interval->m_within, min, max, data);

        // If we get here, the interval we're adding completely
        // subsumes |interval|. We'll go ahead and insert a new
        // interval immediately above |interval|, with |interval| as
        // the new interval's |m_within|.

    if (subsumed)
        *subsumed = false;

    node *n = new node();
    n->m_data   = data;
    n->m_before = n->m_after = 0;
    n->m_min    = min;
    n->m_max    = max;
    n->m_within = interval;
    n->m_bal    = 0;
    *root = n;

 *    (*link)                               (*link)
 *       |         == left rotate ==>          |
 *      (x)                                   (y)
 *     /   \                                 /   \
 *    a    (y)    <== right rotate ==      (x)    c
 *        /   \                           /   \
 *       b     c                         a     b
template<class coord, class T>
interval_map<coord, T>::left_rotate(node **link, node *x)
    node *y = x->m_after;
    x->m_after = y->m_before;
    *link = y;
    y->m_before = x;

template<class coord, class T>
interval_map<coord, T>::right_rotate(node **link, node *y)
    node *x = y->m_before;
    y->m_before = x->m_after;
    *link = x;
    x->m_after = y;

template<class coord, class T>
interval_map<coord, T>::const_iterator
interval_map<coord, T>::get(coord point) const
    node *interval = m_root;

    while (interval) {
        if (point < interval->m_min)
            interval = interval->m_before;
        else if (point > interval->m_max)
            interval = interval->m_after;

    return const_iterator(interval, point);

template<class coord, class T>
interval_map<coord, T>::const_iterator::advance()

    m_node = m_node->m_within;

    while (m_node) {
        if (m_point < m_node->m_min)
            m_node = m_node->m_before;
        else if (m_point > m_node->m_max)
            m_node = m_node->m_after;

#ifdef DEBUG
template<class coord, class T>
interval_map<coord, T>::verify(node<coord, T> *node, int depth)
    if (node->m_after)
        verify(node->m_after, depth + 1);

    for (int i = 0; i < depth; ++i)
        cout << "  ";

    cout << node << "(";
    cout << node->m_bal << ")";
    cout << "[" << node->m_min << "," << node->m_max << "]";
    cout << "@" << node->m_data;
    cout << endl;

    if (node->m_before)
        verify(node->m_before, depth + 1);
#endif // DEBUG

#endif // interval_map_h__
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