Raw File
Tip revision: a79f9aeb6de046ca12210d26317fab59c175d0dd authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 08 July 2014, 09:43:21 UTC
Fix bug w.r.t. _tools presence detection.
Tip revision: a79f9ae
(* Copyright (c) - 2012-2014 - IMDEA Software Institute and INRIA
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license *)

(* Copyright The Coq Development Team, 1999-2010
 * Copyright INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS, 1999-2010
 * This file is distributed under the terms of the:
 *   GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
 * This file originates from the `Coq Proof Assistant'
 * It has been modified for the needs of EasyCrypt

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcMaps
open Big_int

type pexpr = 
  | PEc of big_int 
  | PEX of int
  | PEadd of pexpr * pexpr 
  | PEsub of pexpr * pexpr
  | PEmul of pexpr * pexpr
  | PEopp of pexpr 
  | PEpow of pexpr * int

let rec pp_pe fmt = function
  | PEc c -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (string_of_big_int c)
  | PEX i -> Format.fprintf fmt "x_%i" i
  | PEadd(p1,p2) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a + %a" pp_pe p1 pp_pe p2
  | PEsub(p1,p2) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a - %a" pp_pe p1 pp_pe p2
  | PEmul(p1,p2) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a * %a" pp_pe p1 pp_pe p2
  | PEopp p -> Format.fprintf fmt "-%a" pp_pe p
  | PEpow(p,i) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a^%i" pp_pe p i

let rec pexpr_eq (e1 : pexpr) (e2 : pexpr) : bool =
  match (e1,e2) with
  | (PEc c, PEc c') -> eq_big_int c c'
  | (PEX p1, PEX p2) -> p1 = p2
  | (PEadd (e3,e5), PEadd (e4,e6)) -> pexpr_eq e3 e4 && pexpr_eq e5 e6
  | (PEsub (e3,e5), PEsub (e4,e6)) -> pexpr_eq e3 e4 && pexpr_eq e5 e6 
  | (PEmul (e3,e5), PEmul (e4,e6)) -> pexpr_eq e3 e4 && pexpr_eq e5 e6 
  | (PEopp e3, PEopp e4) -> pexpr_eq e3 e4
  | (PEpow (e3,n3), PEpow (e4,n4)) -> n3 = n4 && pexpr_eq e3 e4 
  | (_,_) -> false

let fv_pe = 
  let rec aux fv = function
    | PEc _        -> fv
    | PEX i        -> Sint.add i fv
    | PEadd(e1,e2) -> aux (aux fv e1) e2
    | PEsub(e1,e2) -> aux (aux fv e1) e2
    | PEmul(e1,e2) -> aux (aux fv e1) e2
    | PEopp e1     -> aux fv e1
    | PEpow(e1,_)  -> aux fv e1 in
  aux Sint.empty 

type 'a cmp_sub = 
  | Eq 
  | Lt of 'a
  | Gt of 'a
module type Coef = sig
  type c 
  val cofint : big_int -> c
  val ctoint : c -> big_int
  val c0 : c
  val c1 : c
  val cadd : c -> c -> c
  val csub : c -> c -> c
  val cmul : c -> c -> c
  val copp : c -> c 
  val ceq  : c -> c -> bool
  val cdiv : c -> c -> c*c

  type p 
  val pofint : int -> p
  val ptoint : p -> int 
  val padd : p -> p -> p
  val peq  : p -> p -> bool
  val pcmp : p -> p -> p cmp_sub
module Cint = struct
  type c = big_int
  let cofint c = c
  let ctoint c = c
  let c0 = zero_big_int
  let c1 = unit_big_int

  let cadd a b = add_big_int a  b
  let csub a b = sub_big_int a  b
  let cmul a b = mult_big_int a  b
  let copp a =  minus_big_int a
  let ceq a b = eq_big_int a b
  let cdiv a b = quomod_big_int a b
  type p = int
  let pofint p = p
  let ptoint p = p
  let padd p1 p2 = p1 + p2
  let peq (p1:p) p2 = p1 = p2
  let pcmp p1 p2 = 
    if p1 = p2 then Eq
    else if p1 < p2 then Lt (p2 - p1)
    else Gt (p1 - p2)

module Cbool = struct
  type c = int

  let cofint c = 
    int_of_big_int (and_big_int unit_big_int (abs_big_int c))
  let ctoint c = big_int_of_int c
  let c0 = 0
  let c1 = 1

  let cadd x y = x lxor y
  let csub x y = x lxor y
  let cmul x y = x land y
  let copp x = x
  let ceq (x:c) y = x = y
  let cdiv x y = 
    assert (y <> 0);
    (x, 0)

  type p = unit

  let pofint p = 
    assert (1 <= p);
  let ptoint _p = 1

  let padd _p1 _p2 = ()

  let peq _p1 _p2 = true
  let pcmp _p1 _p2 = Eq


module Make(C:Coef) = struct

  module C = C
  open C

  type pol =
  | Pc of c 
  | Pinj of int * pol
  | PX of pol * p * pol
  let rec pp_pol fmt = function
    | Pc c -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (string_of_big_int (ctoint c))
    | Pinj(i,p) -> 
      Format.fprintf fmt "%i(%a)" i pp_pol p
    | PX(q,i,p) -> 
      Format.fprintf fmt "(%a^%i + %a)" pp_pol q (ptoint i) pp_pol p
  type mon = Mon0 | Zmon of (int * mon) | Vmon of (p * mon)
  let p0 = Pc c0
  let p1 = Pc c1

  let mkXi i = 
    assert (1 <= i);
    PX (p1,pofint i,p0) (* 1 * x_0 ^ i + 0  *)

  let mkX = mkXi 1 (* ~= x ^ 1 *)

  let mkPinj_pred j p = 
    if j=1 then p else Pinj(j-1,p)
  let mk_X j = mkPinj_pred j mkX
  let rec peq (p : pol) (q:pol) : bool =
    match (p,q) with
    | (Pc c1, Pc c2) -> ceq c1 c2
    | (Pinj (j1,q1),Pinj (j2,q2)) -> j1 = j2 && peq q1 q2
    | (PX (p1,i1,q1), PX (p2,i2,q2)) -> C.peq i1 i2 && peq p1 p2 && peq q1 q2
    | _ -> false

  let mkPinj (j : int) (p : pol) : pol =
    match p with
    | Pc _ -> p
    | Pinj (j',q) -> Pinj ((j+j'),q)
    | _ -> Pinj (j,p)

  let mkPX p i q =
    match p with
    | Pc c -> if ceq c c0 then mkPinj 1 q else PX(p,i,q)
    | Pinj _ -> PX(p,i,q)
    | PX (p',i',q') -> 
      if peq q' p0 then PX (p',padd i i',q) else PX(p,i,q) 

  (* Opposite  *)

  let rec popp ( p : pol) : pol =
    match p with
    | Pc c -> Pc (copp c)
    | Pinj (j,q) -> Pinj (j, popp q)
    | PX (p,j,q) -> PX (popp p, j, popp q)

  (* Addition and Subs *)

  let rec paddc (p : pol) (c : c) : pol =
    match p with
    | Pc c' -> Pc (cadd c' c)
    | Pinj (j,q) -> Pinj (j,paddc q c)
    | PX (p,j,q) -> PX (p,j, paddc q c)

  let rec psubc (p : pol) (c : c) : pol =
    match p with
    | Pc c' -> Pc (csub c' c)
    | Pinj (j,q) -> Pinj (j,psubc q c)
    | PX (p,j,q) -> PX (p,j, psubc q c)

  let rec padd (p : pol) (p' : pol) : pol =
    match p' with
    | Pc c -> paddc p c
    | Pinj (j',q') -> paddi q' j' p
    | PX (p',i',q') -> 
      match p with
      | Pc c ->  PX (p',i',paddc q' c)
      | Pinj (j,q) -> 
        if j = 1 then PX (p',i', padd q q') 
        else PX(p',i', padd (Pinj (j-1,q)) q')
      | PX (p,i,q) -> 
        match pcmp i i' with
        | Eq -> mkPX (padd p p') i (padd q q')
        | Lt s -> mkPX (paddx p' s p) i (padd q q')
        | Gt s -> mkPX (padd (PX (p,s,p0)) p') i' (padd q q')

  and paddi (q : pol) (j : int)  (p : pol) : pol =
    match p with
    | Pc c -> mkPinj j (paddc q c)
    | Pinj (j',q') -> 
      if j' = j then mkPinj j (padd q' q)
      else if j' > j then mkPinj j (padd (Pinj (j'-j,q')) q)
      else mkPinj j' (paddi q (j-j') q')
    | PX (p,i,q') -> 
      if j = 1 then PX (p,i,padd q' q)
      else PX (p,i,paddi q (j-1) q')

  and paddx (p' : pol) (i' : C.p) (p : pol) : pol =
    match p with
    | Pc _ ->  PX (p',i',p)
    | Pinj (j,q') -> 
      if j=1 then PX (p',i',q')
      else PX (p',i', Pinj (j-1,q'))
    | PX (p,i,q') -> 
      match pcmp i i' with
      | Eq -> mkPX (padd p p') i q'
      | Gt s -> mkPX (padd (PX (p,s,p0)) p') i' q'
      | Lt s -> mkPX (paddx p' s p) i q'

  let rec psub (p : pol) (p' : pol) : pol =
    match p' with
    | Pc c -> psubc p c
    | Pinj (j',q') -> psubi q' j' p
    | PX (p',i',q') -> 
      match p with
      | Pc c -> PX (popp p', i', paddc (popp q') c)
      | Pinj (j,q) -> 
        if j=1 then PX (popp p',i',psub q q') 
        else PX (popp p',i', psub (Pinj (j-1,q)) q')
      | PX (p,i,q) -> 
        match pcmp i i' with
        | Eq -> mkPX  (psub p p') i (psub q q')
        | Gt s -> mkPX (psub (PX (p,s,p0)) p') i' (psub q q')
        | Lt s -> mkPX (psubx p' s p) i (psub q q')

  and psubi (q : pol) (j : int) ( p : pol) : pol =
    match p with
    | Pc c -> mkPinj j (paddc (popp q) c)
    | Pinj (j',q') -> 
      if j' = j then mkPinj j (psub q' q)
      else if j' > j then mkPinj j (psub (Pinj (j' - j,q')) q)   
      else mkPinj j' (psubi q (j-j') q')
    | PX (p,i,q') -> 
      if j = 1 then PX (p,i,psub q' q) 
      else PX (p,i, psubi q (j-1) q')

  and psubx (p' : pol) (i' : C.p) (p : pol) : pol =
    match p with
    | Pc _ -> PX (popp p,i',p)
    | Pinj (j,q') -> 
      if j = 1 then PX (popp p',i',q') 
      else PX (popp p',i', Pinj (j-1,q'))
    | PX (p,i,q') -> 
      match pcmp i i' with
      | Eq -> mkPX (psub p p') i q'
      | Gt s -> mkPX (psub (PX (p,s,p0)) p') i' q'
      | Lt s -> mkPX (psubx p' s  p) i q'

  let rec pmulc_aux (p : pol) (c : c) :pol =
    match p with
    | Pc c' -> Pc (cmul c' c)
    | Pinj (j,q) -> mkPinj j (pmulc_aux q c)
    | PX (p,i,q) -> mkPX (pmulc_aux p c) i (pmulc_aux q c)

  let pmulc (p : pol) (c :c ) : pol =
    if ceq c c0 then p0 
    else if ceq c c1 then p else pmulc_aux p c

  let rec pmul (p : pol) (p'' : pol) : pol =
    match p'' with
    | Pc c -> pmulc p c
    | Pinj (j',q') -> pmuli q' j' p
    | PX (p',i',q') -> 
      match p with
      | Pc c -> pmulc p'' c
      | Pinj (j,q) -> 
        let qq' = if j = 1 then pmul q q' else pmul (Pinj (j-1,q)) q' in
        mkPX (pmul p p') i' qq'
      | PX (p,i,q) -> 
        let qq' = pmul q q' in
        let pq' = pmuli q' 1 p in
        let qp' = pmul (mkPinj 1 q) p' in
        let pp' = pmul p p' in
        padd (mkPX (padd (mkPX pp' i p0) qp') i' p0) (mkPX pq' i qq')

  and pmuli (q : pol) (j : int) (p:pol) : pol =
    match p with
    | Pc c -> mkPinj j (pmulc q c)
    | Pinj (j',q') -> 
      if j' = j then mkPinj j (pmul q' q) 
      else if j' > j then mkPinj j (pmul (Pinj (j'-j,q')) q) 
      else mkPinj j' (pmuli q (j-j') q')
    | PX (p',i',q') -> 
      if j = 1 then mkPX (pmuli q 1 p') i' (pmul q' q) 
      else mkPX (pmuli q j p') i' (pmuli q (j-1) q')

  let rec ppow_pos (res : pol) (p : pol) (t : int) : pol =
    if t = 1 then pmul res p 
    else ppow_pos (pmul res p) p (t-1)

  let rec ppow_n (p : pol) (n : int) : pol =
    if (n = 0) then p1 else ppow_pos p1 p n

  let ppow_n (p:pol) (n:C.p) : pol =
    ppow_n p (ptoint n)
  (* Monomial *)

  let mkZmon j m =
    match m with
    | Mon0 -> Mon0
    | Zmon(j',m) -> Zmon(j + j', m)
    | _ -> Zmon (j,m)

  let zmon_pred j m =
    if j = 1 then m else mkZmon (j-1) m
  let mkVmon i m =
    match m with
    | Mon0 -> Vmon (i,Mon0)
    | Zmon (j,m) -> Vmon (i,zmon_pred j m)
    | Vmon (i',m) -> Vmon (C.padd i i',m)

  let rec cfactor (p : pol) ( c : c) : (pol * pol) =
    match p with
    | Pc c' ->
      let (q,r) = cdiv c' c in
      (Pc r, Pc q) 
    | Pinj (j1,p1) ->
      let (r,s) = cfactor p1 c in
      (mkPinj j1 r, mkPinj j1 s)
    | PX (p1,i,q1) ->
      let (r1,s1) = cfactor p1 c in
      let (r2,s2) = cfactor q1 c in
      (mkPX r1 i r2, mkPX s1 i s2)

  let rec mfactor (p : pol) (c : c) (m : mon) : pol * pol =
    match p,m with
    | _, Mon0 -> if (ceq c c1) then (Pc c0, p) else cfactor p c
    | Pc _, _ -> (p, Pc c0)
    | Pinj (j1,p1), Zmon (j2,m1) ->
      if j1 = j2 then
        let (r,s) = mfactor p1 c m1 in
        (mkPinj j1 r, mkPinj j1 s)
      else if j1 < j2 then
        let (r,s) = mfactor p1 c (Zmon ((j2-j1),m1)) in
        (mkPinj j1 r, mkPinj j1 s)
        (p, Pc c0)
    | Pinj _ , Vmon _ -> 
      p, Pc c0
    | PX (p1,i,q1), Zmon (j,m1) ->
      let m2 = zmon_pred j m1 in
      let (r1,s1) = mfactor p1 c m in
      let (r2,s2) = mfactor q1 c m2 in
      (mkPX r1 i r2, mkPX s1 i s2)
    | PX (p1,i,q1), Vmon (j,m1) ->
      match pcmp i j with
      | Eq -> 
        let (r1,s1) = mfactor p1 c (mkZmon 1 m1) in
        (mkPX r1 i q1, s1)
      | Lt s -> 
        let (r1,s1) = mfactor p1 c (Vmon (s,m1)) in
        (mkPX r1 i q1, s1)
      | Gt s ->
        let (r1,s1) = mfactor p1 c (mkZmon 1 m1) in
        (mkPX r1 i q1, mkPX s1 s (Pc c0)) 

  let ponesubst (p1 : pol) ((c,m1) : c * mon) (p2 : pol) : pol option =    
    let (q1,r1) = mfactor p1 c m1 in
    match r1 with
    | Pc c -> 
      if ceq c c0 then None
      else Some (padd q1 (pmul p2 r1))
    | _ -> 
      Some (padd q1 (pmul p2 r1))
  let rec pnsubstl (p1 : pol) (cm1 : c * mon) (p2 : pol) (n : int) : pol =
    match ponesubst p1 cm1 p2 with
    | Some p3 -> 
      if n = 0 then p3 else
        pnsubstl p3 cm1 p2 (n-1)
    | _ -> p1
  let pnsubst (p1 : pol) (cm1 : c * mon) (p2 :pol) (n : int) : pol option =
    match ponesubst p1 cm1 p2 with
    | Some p3 -> 
      if n = 0 then None
      else Some (pnsubstl p3 cm1 p2 (n-1))
    | _ -> None

  let rec psubstl1 (p1 : pol) (lm1 : ((c * mon) * pol) list ) (n : int) : pol =
    match lm1 with
    | [] -> p1
    | (m1,p2) :: lm2 -> psubstl1 (pnsubstl p1 m1 p2 n) lm2 n

  let rec psubstl (p1 : pol) (lm1 : ((c * mon) * pol) list) (n : int) : pol option =
    match lm1 with
    | [] -> None
    | (m1,p2) :: lm2 -> 
      match pnsubst p1 m1 p2 n with
      | Some p3 -> Some (psubstl1 p3 lm2 n)
      | None -> psubstl p1 lm2 n

  let rec pnsubstl (p1 : pol) (lm1 : ((c * mon) * pol) list) (m : int) (n : int) : pol =
    match psubstl p1 lm1 n with
    | Some p3 -> if m = 0 then p3 else pnsubstl p3 lm1 (m-1) n
    | _ -> p1
  let rec norm_aux (e : pexpr) : pol =
    match e with
    | PEc c -> Pc (cofint c)
    | PEX i -> mk_X i
    | PEadd (PEopp e1, e2) -> psub (norm_aux e2) (norm_aux e1) 
    | PEadd (e1, PEopp e2) -> psub (norm_aux e1) (norm_aux e2)
    | PEadd (e1,e2) -> padd (norm_aux e1) (norm_aux e2)
    | PEmul (e1,e2) -> pmul (norm_aux e1) (norm_aux e2)
    | PEsub (e1,e2) -> psub (norm_aux e1) (norm_aux e2)
    | PEopp e1 -> popp (norm_aux e1)
    | PEpow (e1,p) -> ppow_n (norm_aux e1) (pofint p) 

  let norm_subst (n : int) (lmp : ((c * mon) * pol) list) (p : pexpr) : pol  = 
    pnsubstl (norm_aux p) lmp n n

(* [mon_of_pol p = (c, m, r)] => p = c*m + r *)
  let rec mon_of_pol (p : pol) : (c * mon * pol) =
    match p with
    | Pc c -> c, Mon0, p0
    | Pinj(j,p) ->
      let c,m,r = mon_of_pol p in
      c, mkZmon j m, mkPinj j r
    | PX(p,i,q) ->
      let c,m,r = mon_of_pol p in
      c, mkVmon i m, mkPX r i q 

  let rec mk_monpol_list (lpe : (pexpr * pexpr) list) : ((c * mon) * pol) list =
    match lpe with
    | [] -> []
    | (me,pe) :: lpe ->
      let c,m,r = mon_of_pol (norm_subst 0 [] me) in
      if ceq c c0 then mk_monpol_list lpe
      else ((c,m),psub (norm_subst 0 [] pe) r)::mk_monpol_list lpe

  let norm p lp = norm_subst 1000 (mk_monpol_list lp) p

  let topexpr p = 
    let rec doit idx = function
      | Pc c -> PEc (ctoint c)
      | Pinj (j, e) -> doit (idx+j) e
      | PX (p, i, q) ->
        let f = PEX idx in
        let f = match ptoint i with 1 -> f | i -> PEpow(f, i) in
        let f = if peq p p1 then f else PEmul(doit idx p, f) in
        let f = if peq q p0 then f else PEadd(f, doit (idx+1) q) in
    doit 1 p

  let norm_pe p lp = topexpr (norm p lp)

module type Rnorm = sig

  module C : Coef 
  type pol =
  | Pc of C.c 
  | Pinj of int * pol
  | PX of pol * C.p * pol

  val peq    : pol -> pol -> bool
  val norm   : pexpr -> (pexpr * pexpr) list -> pol
  val norm_pe: pexpr -> (pexpr * pexpr) list -> pexpr
  val pp_pol : Format.formatter -> pol -> unit

module Iring = Make(Cint)
module Bring = Make(Cbool)

type c = big_int
let c0 = zero_big_int
let c1 = unit_big_int

let cadd a b = add_big_int a  b
let csub a b = sub_big_int a  b
let cmul a b = mult_big_int a  b
let copp a =  minus_big_int a
let ceq a b = eq_big_int a b
let cdiv a b = quomod_big_int a b
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