Raw File
Tip revision: fda91864483f39086fa4bbc11a4717325560282d authored by Wolfgang Waltenberger on 09 November 2020, 18:33:00 UTC
Tip revision: fda9186
#                              ======================
#                              | THE SUSYHIT OUTPUT |
#                              ======================
#              ------------------------------------------------------
#              |     This is the output of the SUSY-HIT package     |
#              |  created by A.Djouadi, M.Muehlleitner and M.Spira. |
#              |  In case of problems with SUSY-HIT email to        |
#              |            |
#              |                      |
#              |                  |
#              ------------------------------------------------------
#              ------------------------------------------------------
#              |  SUSY Les Houches Accord - MSSM Spectrum + Decays  |
#              |              based on the decay programs           |
#              |                                                    |
#              |                     SDECAY 1.2                     |
#              |                                                    |
#              |  Authors: M.Muhlleitner, A.Djouadi and Y.Mambrini  |
#              |  Ref.:    Comput.Phys.Commun.168(2005)46           |
#              |           [hep-ph/0311167]                         |
#              |                                                    |
#              |                     HDECAY 3.302                   |
#              |                                                    |
#              |  By: A.Djouadi,J.Kalinowski,M.Muhlleitner,M.Spira  |
#              |  Ref.:    Comput.Phys.Commun.108(1998)56           |
#              |           [hep-ph/9704448]                         |
#              |                                                    |
#              |                                                    |
#              |  If not stated otherwise all DRbar couplings and   |
#              |  soft SUSY breaking masses are given at the scale  |
#              |  Q=  0.29052880E+03
#              |                                                    |
#              ------------------------------------------------------
BLOCK SPINFO  # Spectrum calculator information
     1   MRENNA    # spectrum calculator
     2   1.0.1         # version number
BLOCK MODSEL  # Model selection
     1     1   #
BLOCK MINPAR  # Input parameters - minimal models
         1     2.00000000E+02   # m0
         2     1.60000000E+02   # m12
         3     1.00000000E+01   # tanb
         4     1.00000000E+00   # sign(mu)
         5    -4.00000000E+02   # A0
BLOCK MASS  # Mass Spectrum
# PDG code           mass       particle
        25     1.00000000E+03
        35     1.00000000E+03
        36     1.00000000E+03
        37     1.00000000E+03
   1000001     100000.0          # ~d_L
   2000001     1.00000000E+05   # ~d_R
   1000002     100000.0          # ~u_L
   2000002     1.00000000E+05   # ~u_R
   1000003     100000.0          # ~s_L
   2000003     1.00000000E+05   # ~s_R
   1000004     100000.0          # ~c_L
   2000004     1.00000000E+05   # ~c_R
   1000005     1.00000000E+05   # ~b_1
   2000005     1.10000000E+05   # ~b_2
   1000006     1.00000000E+05   # ~t_1
   2000006     1.10000000E+05   # ~t_2
   1000011     1.00000000E+04   # ~e_L
   2000011     1.00000000E+04   # ~e_R
   1000012     1.00000000E+04   # ~nu_eL
   1000013     1.00000000E+04   # ~mu_L
   2000013     1.00000000E+04   # ~mu_R
   1000014     1.00000000E+04   # ~nu_muL
   1000015     1.00000000E+04   # ~tau_1
   2000015     1.00000000E+04   # ~tau_2
   1000016     1.00000000E+04   # ~nu_tauL
   1000021     675.0          # ~g
   1000022     200.0           # ~chi_10
   1000023     1.00000000E+04   # ~chi_20
   1000025     1.00000000E+04   # ~chi_30
   1000035     1.00000000E+04   # ~chi_40
   1000024     1.00000000E+04   # ~chi_1+
   1000037     1.00000000E+04   # ~chi_2+
BLOCK NMIX  # Neutralino Mixing Matrix
  1  1     9.79183656E-01   # N_11
  1  2    -8.70017948E-02   # N_12
  1  3     1.75813037E-01   # N_13
  1  4    -5.21520034E-02   # N_14
  2  1     1.39174513E-01   # N_21
  2  2     9.44472080E-01   # N_22
  2  3    -2.71658234E-01   # N_23
  2  4     1.21674770E-01   # N_24
  3  1    -7.50233573E-02   # N_31
  3  2     1.16844446E-01   # N_32
  3  3     6.87186106E-01   # N_33
  3  4     7.13087741E-01   # N_34
  4  1    -1.27284400E-01   # N_41
  4  2     2.94534470E-01   # N_42
  4  3     6.50435881E-01   # N_43
  4  4    -6.88462993E-01   # N_44
BLOCK UMIX  # Chargino Mixing Matrix U
  1  1     9.15480281E-01   # U_11
  1  2    -4.02362840E-01   # U_12
  2  1     4.02362840E-01   # U_21
  2  2     9.15480281E-01   # U_22
BLOCK VMIX  # Chargino Mixing Matrix V
  1  1     9.82636204E-01   # V_11
  1  2    -1.85542692E-01   # V_12
  2  1     1.85542692E-01   # V_21
  2  2     9.82636204E-01   # V_22
BLOCK STOPMIX  # Stop Mixing Matrix
  1  1     5.78881371E-01   # cos(theta_t)
  1  2     8.15411772E-01   # sin(theta_t)
  2  1    -8.15411772E-01   # -sin(theta_t)
  2  2     5.78881371E-01   # cos(theta_t)
BLOCK SBOTMIX  # Sbottom Mixing Matrix
  1  1     9.66726392E-01   # cos(theta_b)
  1  2     2.55812594E-01   # sin(theta_b)
  2  1    -2.55812594E-01   # -sin(theta_b)
  2  2     9.66726392E-01   # cos(theta_b)
BLOCK STAUMIX  # Stau Mixing Matrix
  1  1     4.51419848E-01   # cos(theta_tau)
  1  2     8.92311672E-01   # sin(theta_tau)
  2  1    -8.92311672E-01   # -sin(theta_tau)
  2  2     4.51419848E-01   # cos(theta_tau)
BLOCK ALPHA  # Higgs mixing
          -1.13676047E-01   # Mixing angle in the neutral Higgs boson sector
BLOCK HMIX Q=  2.90528802E+02  # DRbar Higgs Parameters
         1     3.05599351E+02   # mu(Q)MSSM
BLOCK AU Q=  2.90528802E+02  # The trilinear couplings
  1  1     0.00000000E+00   # A_u(Q) DRbar
  2  2     0.00000000E+00   # A_c(Q) DRbar
  3  3    -4.46245994E+02   # A_t(Q) DRbar
BLOCK AD Q=  2.90528802E+02  # The trilinear couplings
  1  1     0.00000000E+00   # A_d(Q) DRbar
  2  2     0.00000000E+00   # A_s(Q) DRbar
  3  3    -8.28806503E+02   # A_b(Q) DRbar
BLOCK AE Q=  2.90528802E+02  # The trilinear couplings
  1  1     0.00000000E+00   # A_e(Q) DRbar
  2  2     0.00000000E+00   # A_mu(Q) DRbar
  3  3    -4.92306701E+02   # A_tau(Q) DRbar
BLOCK MSOFT Q=  2.90528802E+02  # The soft SUSY breaking masses at the scale Q
         1     6.39136864E+01   # M_1(Q)
         2     1.22006983E+02   # M_2(Q)
         3     3.90619532E+02   # M_3(Q)
        21     4.42860395E+04   # mH1^2(Q)
        22    -9.76585434E+04   # mH2^2(Q)
        31     2.26648170E+02   # meL(Q)
        32     2.26648170E+02   # mmuL(Q)
        33     2.24355944E+02   # mtauL(Q)
        34     2.08394096E+02   # meR(Q)
        35     2.08394096E+02   # mmuR(Q)
        36     2.03337218E+02   # mtauR(Q)
        41     4.08594291E+02   # mqL1(Q)
        42     4.08594291E+02   # mqL2(Q)
        43     3.46134575E+02   # mqL3(Q)
        44     3.98943379E+02   # muR(Q)
        45     3.98943379E+02   # mcR(Q)
        46     2.58021672E+02   # mtR(Q)
        47     3.95211849E+02   # mdR(Q)
        48     3.95211849E+02   # msR(Q)
        49     3.90320031E+02   # mbR(Q)
#                             =================
#                             |The decay table|
#                             =================
# - The QCD corrections to the decays gluino -> squark  + quark
#                                     squark -> gaugino + quark_prime
#                                     squark -> squark_prime + Higgs
#                                     squark -> gluino  + quark
#   are included.
# - The multi-body decays for the inos, stops and sbottoms are included.
# - The loop induced decays for the gluino, neutralinos and stops
#   are included.
# - The SUSY decays of the top quark are included.
#         PDG            Width
DECAY   1000006     0.00000000E+00   # stop1 decays
DECAY   2000006     0.00000000E+00   # stop2 decays
DECAY   1000005     0.00000000E+00   # sbottom1 decays
DECAY   2000005     0.00000000E+00   # sbottom2 decays
#         PDG            Width
DECAY   1000011     0.00000000E+00   # selectron_L decays
DECAY   2000011     0.00000000E+00   # selectron_R decays
DECAY   1000013     0.00000000E+00   # smuon_L decays
DECAY   2000013     0.00000000E+00   # smuon_R decays
DECAY   1000015     0.00000000E+00   # stau_1 decays
DECAY   2000015     0.00000000E+00   # stau_2 decays
#         PDG            Width
DECAY   1000012     0.00000000E+00   # snu_elL decays
DECAY   1000014     0.00000000E+00   # snu_muL decays
DECAY   1000016     0.00000000E+00   # snu_tauL decays
#         PDG            Width
DECAY   1000021     1.00000000E+00   # gluino decays
#           BR         NDA      ID1       ID2       ID3
      0.50000000E+00    3     1000022        -1         1   # BR(~gl -> N1 dbar d)
      0.50000000E+00    3     1000022        -2         2   # BR(~gl -> N1 ubar u)
#         PDG            Width
DECAY   1000006     7.27235497E+00   # stop1 decays
#          BR         NDA      ID1       ID2
     1.000000000E+00    2     1000022         6   # BR(~t_1 -> ~chi_10 t )
#         PDG            Width
DECAY   2000006     7.27235497E+00   # stop2 decays
#          BR         NDA      ID1       ID2
     1.000000000E+00    2     1000022         6   # BR(~t_2 -> ~chi_10 t )
#         PDG            Width
DECAY   1000005     7.27235497E+00   # sbot1 decays
#          BR         NDA      ID1       ID2
     1.000000000E+00    2     1000022         5   # BR(~b_1 -> ~chi_10 b )
#         PDG            Width
DECAY   2000005     7.27235497E+00   # sbot2 decays
#          BR         NDA      ID1       ID2
     1.000000000E+00    2     1000022         5   # BR(~b_2 -> ~chi_10 b )
#         PDG            Width
DECAY   1000011     6.78035696E+01   # selectron_L decays
#          BR         NDA      ID1       ID2
     1.000000000E+00    2     1000022        11   # BR(~e_L -> ~chi_10 e-)
#         PDG            Width
DECAY   2000011     6.78035696E+01   # selectron_R decays
#          BR         NDA      ID1       ID2
     1.000000000E+00    2     1000022        11   # BR(~e_R -> ~chi_10 e-)
#         PDG            Width
DECAY   1000013     6.78035696E+01   # smuon_L decays
#          BR         NDA      ID1       ID2
     1.000000000E+00    2     1000022        13   # BR(~mu_L -> ~chi_10 mu-)
#         PDG            Width
DECAY   2000013     6.78035696E+01   # smuon_R decays
#          BR         NDA      ID1       ID2
     1.000000000E+00    2     1000022        13   # BR(~mu_R -> ~chi_10 mu-)
#         PDG            Width
DECAY   1000015     3.37170888E+01   # stau_1 decays
#          BR         NDA      ID1       ID2
     1.000000000E+00    2     1000022        15   # BR(~tau_1 -> ~chi_10  tau-)
#         PDG            Width
DECAY   2000015     3.37170888E+01   # stau_2 decays
#          BR         NDA      ID1       ID2
     1.000000000E+00    2     1000022        15   # BR(~tau_2 -> ~chi_10  tau-)
#         PDG            Width
DECAY   1000012     6.78182499E+01   # snu_eL decays
#          BR         NDA      ID1       ID2
     1.000000000E+00    2     1000022        12   # BR(~nu_eL -> ~chi_10 nu_e)
#         PDG            Width
DECAY   1000014     6.78182499E+01   # snu_muL decays
#          BR         NDA      ID1       ID2
     1.000000000E+00    2     1000022        14   # BR(~nu_muL -> ~chi_10 nu_mu)
#         PDG            Width
DECAY   1000016     6.98605523E+01   # snu_tauL decays
#          BR         NDA      ID1       ID2
     1.000000000E+00    2     1000022        16   # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~chi_10 nu_tau)

DECAY   1000022     0.00000000E+00   # neutralino1 decays

XSECTION  8.00E+03  2212 2212 2 1000021 1000021   # Nevts: 10000 xsec unit: pb
	0  2  0  0  0  0    5.72168935E-01 SModelS 0.99
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