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Tip revision: fc01bbbac3c2d057385ffd4922eeed602a7e2973 authored by Peter Teuben on 02 April 2001, 00:02:03 UTC
import NEMO V3
Tip revision: fc01bbb
 * IMAGE.H: structured binary file definitions for standard
 * 	    2- and 3D- images
 *  30-Jun-87    V2.0 structures format for 2D maps, also allows series of maps  PJT
 *  23-dec-88	 V2.3 velocity added to header
 *  18-jan-89	 V3.0 added 3D
 *  30-jan-89    V3.1 Vel deleted from image struct
 *   1-feb-89    V4.0 Fortran definition to store matrices (it's simple to
 *		      to switch : use #define FORDEF or CDEF (default is FORDEF)
 *  16-may-92    -- made include file re-entrant
 *  12-aug-92   toyed with alternate storage method : pointers to pointers (ala NumRecC)
 *              works only for 2D images now
 *  30-jul-93    V4.3 Added Unit member - should be upward compatible
 *  21-feb-94    V4.4 ANSI
 *  13-apr-96    V5.0 support for non-linear axes
 *  18-may-99	 V6.0 placement for the CD_i_j matrix used in FITS
 *  21-feb-00    V6.1 added mapX_image() routines to return pointer arrays 
#ifndef _h_image
#define _h_image

#include <matdef.h>

typedef struct {
    int    nr;
    string name;
    string unit;

    int  beamtype;
    real beamsize;

    int   type;		/* axis type: linear, array */
    real  rmin;             /* 'crval' at 0 ; linear axis */
    real  dr;               /* 'cdelt' */
    real  refpix;           /* normally 0, but like 'crpix' in FITS */
    real  refval;           /* normally rmin, but like 'crval' in FITS */

    real *val;              /* array of length 'nr' for coordinates */
} image_ax, *image_axptr;

typedef struct {
    real  *frame;	/* pointer to a contiguous block of data */
    real  **matrix;     /* 2D special case: pointers to pointers */
    real  ***cube;      /* 3D special case: ptr to ptr to ptr's  */
    int   nx;		/* dimensions in X, Y and Z */
    int   ny;
    int   nz;
    real  xmin;         /* coordinates of first pixel (0,0,0)    */
    real  ymin;	        /*   --- which is center of cell --- !!  */
    real  zmin;
    real  dx;           /* grid spacing */
    real  dy;
    real  dz;
#if 0
    matrix cd;          /* note, this can only handle NDIM by NDIM */
    real  map_min;	/* data min and max in cube */
    real  map_max;
    int   beamtype;	/* beams - not very well used yet */
    real  beamx;        /* smoothing beams */
    real  beamy;
    real  beamz;
    string namex;       /* name of axes (could be a NULL) */
    string namey;
    string namez;
    string unit;        /* units (could be a NULL) */
    real   time;	/* time tag */
    string storage;	/* array stored in Fortran or C definition */
} image, *imageptr;

typedef struct {
    void  *frame;	/* pointer to a contiguous block of data */
    void  **matrix;     /* 2D special case: pointers to pointers */
    void  ***cube;      /* 3D special case: ptr to ptr to ptr's  */

    int	type;		/* data-type of the data */

    image_ax  x;        /* axis descriptors */
    image_ax  y;
    image_ax  z;


    real  map_min;	/* data min and max in cube */
    real  map_max;

    string unit;        /* map units (could be a NULL) */
    real   time;	/* time tag */
    string storage;	/* array stored in Fortran or C definition */
} new_image, *new_imageptr;

#define Frame(iptr)	((iptr)->frame)
#define Nx(iptr)	((iptr)->nx)
#define Ny(iptr)	((iptr)->ny)
#define Nz(iptr)	((iptr)->nz)
#define Xmin(iptr) 	((iptr)->xmin)
#define Ymin(iptr) 	((iptr)->ymin)
#define Zmin(iptr) 	((iptr)->zmin)
#define Dx(iptr)	((iptr)->dx)
#define Dy(iptr)	((iptr)->dy)
#define Dz(iptr)	((iptr)->dz)
#define MapMin(iptr)	((iptr)->map_min)
#define MapMax(iptr)	((iptr)->map_max)
#define BeamType(iptr)	((iptr)->beamtype)
#define Beamx(iptr)	((iptr)->beamx)
#define Beamy(iptr)	((iptr)->beamy)
#define Beamz(iptr)	((iptr)->beamz)
#define Namex(iptr)     ((iptr)->namex)
#define Namey(iptr)     ((iptr)->namey)
#define Namez(iptr)     ((iptr)->namez)
#define Unit(iptr)      ((iptr)->unit)
#define Time(iptr)	((iptr)->time)
#define Storage(iptr)   ((iptr)->storage)

#if defined(CDEF)
#define MapValue(iptr,ix,iy)	(*( (iptr)->frame + iy + Ny(iptr)*(ix)))
#define CubeValue(iptr,ix,iy,iz) (*( (iptr)->frame + iz + Nz(iptr)*(iy + Ny(iptr)*(ix))))

#if defined(FORDEF)
#define MapValue(iptr,ix,iy)	 (*( (iptr)->frame + ix + Nx(iptr)*(iy)) )
#define CubeValue(iptr,ix,iy,iz) (*( (iptr)->frame + ix + Nx(iptr)*(iy+Ny(iptr)*(iz))))

 *  BeamTypes -- not really used though

#define NONE	       -1
#define ANYBEAM		0
#define	HANNING		1
#define GAUSS		2

 *  DataTypes -- for new 5.0 images

#define BYTE_IMAGE	1
#define SHORT_IMAGE	2
#define INT_IMAGE	3
#define LONG_IMAGE	4
#define FLOAT_IMAGE	5
#define DOUBLE_IMAGE	6
#define REAL_IMAGE	7

 * Item tags for Image components.

#define ImageTag		"Image"

#define   ParametersTag		"Parameters"
#define     NxTag		"Nx"
#define     NyTag		"Ny"
#define     NzTag		"Nz"
#define	    XminTag		"Xmin"
#define	    YminTag		"Ymin"
#define	    ZminTag		"Zmin"
#define     DxTag		"Dx"
#define	    DyTag		"Dy"
#define	    DzTag		"Dz"
#define	    MapMinTag		"MapMin"
#define	    MapMaxTag		"MapMax"
#define	    BeamTypeTag		"BeamType"
#define	    BeamxTag		"Beamx"
#define     BeamyTag	  	"Beamy"
#define     BeamzTag	  	"Beamz"
#define     NamexTag		"Namex"
#define     NameyTag		"Namey"
#define     NamezTag		"Namez"
#define     UnitTag             "Unit"
#define	    TimeTag		"Time"		/* note: from snapshot.h  */
#define     StorageTag	        "Storage"

#define     MapTag		"Map"
#define     MapValuesTag	"MapValues"

int write_image  ( stream, imageptr );
int read_image   ( stream, imageptr * );
int free_image   ( imageptr );
int create_image ( imageptr *, int, int );
int create_cube  ( imageptr *, int, int, int );

real **map2_image( imageptr );
real ***map3_image( imageptr );

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