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Tip revision: 3731f74e05027aee152f05c9a3b165b28a44f688 authored by Fabrizio Riguzzi on 04 November 2018, 09:42:41 UTC
binary lib for linux
Tip revision: 3731f74
\title{\texttt{cplint} on SWISH Manual}

%\section{Table of Contents}
%	\item \hyperref[syn]{Syntax} 
%	\item Inference \ref{inf}
%	\item Learning \ref{learning}








\section{Download Query Results through an API}
The results of queries can also be downloaded programmatically by directly
approaching the Pengine API. Example client code is 
\href{}{available}.  For example, the \verb|| client
can be used with bash to download the results for a query in CSV.  The call
below downloads a CSV file for the coin example.
$ bash --server= \   
  example/inference/ Prob "prob(heads(coin),Prob)"
The script can ask queries against Prolog scripts stored in 
\url{} by specifying
the script on the commandline.  User defined files stored
in \texttt{cplint} on SWISH (locations of type
\url{}) can
be directly used, for example:
$ bash --server= \ Prob "prob(heads(coin),Prob)"
Example programs can be used by specifying the folder portion of the url of the example,
as in the first coin example above where the url for the program is 

You can also use an url for the program as in 
$ bash --server= \\  
  master/example/inference/ Prob "prob(heads(coin),Prob)"
Results can be downloaded in JSON using the option \verb|--json-s| or
With the first the output is in a simple string format where Prolog terms are sent using quoted write, the latter serialize responses as HTML strings. E.g.
$ bash --json-s --server= \ Prob "prob(heads(coin),Prob)"
The JSON format can also be modified. See

Prolog can exploit the Pengine API directly.  For example, the above can
be called as:
?- [library(pengines)].
?- pengine_rpc('',
     [ src_url('\  
Prob = 0.51.

\section{Manual in PDF}
A PDF version of the manual is available at
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