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Tip revision: 26d96c3868d0d4d8ab2013705abbc6b26721ece8 authored by Brent Pedersen on 04 January 2017, 02:46:41 UTC
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Tip revision: 26d96c3
#CGO_ENABLED=0 GOARCH=amd64 go build -o goleft_linux64 --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' main.go
#GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o goleft_osx --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' main.go
# goleft

goleft is a collection of bioinformatics tools written in
[go]( distributed together
as a single binary under a liberal (MIT) license.

Running the binary `goleft` will give a list of subcommands
with a short description. Running any subcommand without
arguments will give a full help for that command.

# Installation

The easiest way to install goleft is to download the latest binary from
the [releases]( and make sure to chmod +x the resulting binary.

If you are using [go](, you can build from source with:
go get -u
go install

`goleft` is also available in [bioconda](

# Commands

### depth

depth parallelizes calls to [samtools]( in user-defined windows.

##### Usage 

goleft depth -Q 1 --reference $fasta --prefix t $bam -p 32 -w 50 --stats
will use 32 cpus to parallelize the depth coverage counting only reads
with a mapping quality (-Q) of 1 or greater. The output bed files
will have 3 additional columns for the GC content, CpG content, and fraction
of masked (lower-case) bases in the reference.

### depthwed

`depthwed` takes output from `depth` and makes a matrix -file of n-sites * n-samples

### covmed

covmed calculates median coverage by reading the bam index and getting mean read length.
It outputs median coverage, mean insert-size, sd of insert-size, mean of template length, sd of template length
to stdout.

##### Usage 

goleft covmed $bam
This will output an estimate of median coverage to stdout.

### indexcov

quickly estimate coverage from the bam index.

##### Usage 

goleft indexcov -c $chrom *.bam > depth.bed

This will create a bed file where each additional column is the normalized, estimated depth for each

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