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Tip revision: 15335549340c54fd7b89b28104ddc907e9c64638 authored by jsmall-nvidia on 12 December 2019, 19:53:44 UTC
Use DownstreamCompiler for all downstream compilers (#1152)
Tip revision: 1533554
// attribute.slang

// Tests reflection of user defined attributes.

//DIAGNOSTIC_TEST:REFLECTION:-stage compute -entry main -target hlsl

struct MyStructAttribute
    int iParam;
    float fParam;
struct DefaultValueAttribute
    int iParam;

[MyStruct(0, "stringVal")] // attribute arg type mismatch
struct A
    [MyStruct(0, 10.0)] // attribute does not apply to this construct
    float x;
    [DefaultValue(2.0)] // attribute arg type mismatch
    float y;

ParameterBlock<A> param;

[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void main(
    uint3 dispatchThreadID : SV_DispatchThreadID)
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