Raw File
Tip revision: bfab618181025dd6e12c8cbb020824b92a13f841 authored by Scott Chamberlain on 08 June 2015, 14:49:01 UTC
removed not used figures from *figure/
Tip revision: bfab618
#' Get data for specific GBIF occurrences.
#' @export
#' @param key Occurrence key
#' @param return One of data, hier, meta, or all. If 'data', a data.frame with the
#'    data. 'hier' returns the classifications in a list for each record. meta
#'    returns the metadata for the entire call. 'all' gives all data back in a list.
#'    Ignored if \code{verbatim=TRUE}.
#' @param verbatim Return verbatim object (TRUE) or cleaned up object (FALSE, default).
#' @param fields (character) Default ('minimal') will return just taxon name, key, latitude, and
#'    longitute. 'all' returns all fields. Or specify each field you want returned by name, e.g.
#'    fields = c('name','decimalLatitude','altitude').
#' @param ... Further named parameters, such as \code{query}, \code{path}, etc, passed on to
#' \code{\link[httr]{modify_url}} within \code{\link[httr]{GET}} call. Unnamed parameters will be
#' combined with \code{\link[httr]{config}}.
#' @return A data.frame or list of data.frame's.
#' @references \url{}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' occ_get(key=766766824, return='data')
#' occ_get(key=766766824, 'hier')
#' occ_get(key=766766824, 'all')
#' # many occurrences
#' occ_get(key=c(101010, 240713150, 855998194), return='data')
#' # Verbatim data
#' occ_get(key=766766824, verbatim=TRUE)
#' occ_get(key=766766824, fields='all', verbatim=TRUE)
#' occ_get(key=766766824, fields=c('scientificName', 'lastCrawled', 'county'), verbatim=TRUE)
#' occ_get(key=c(766766824, 620594291, 766420684), verbatim=TRUE)
#' occ_get(key=c(766766824, 620594291, 766420684), fields='all', verbatim=TRUE)
#' occ_get(key=c(766766824, 620594291, 766420684),
#'    fields=c('scientificName', 'decimalLatitude', 'basisOfRecord'), verbatim=TRUE)
#' # Pass in curl options
#' library("httr")
#' occ_get(key=766766824, config=verbose())
#' occ_get(key=766766824, config=progress())
#' }

occ_get <- function(key=NULL, return='all', verbatim=FALSE, fields='minimal', ...) {

  return <- match.arg(return, c("meta", "data", "hier", "all"))

  # Define function to get data
  getdata <- function(x) {
    if (verbatim) {
      url <- sprintf('%s/occurrence/%s/verbatim', gbif_base(), x)
    } else {
      url <- sprintf('%s/occurrence/%s', gbif_base(), x)
    gbif_GET(url, list(), FALSE, ...)

  # Get data
  if (length(key) == 1) {
    out <- getdata(key)
  } else {
    out <- lapply(key, getdata)

  # parse data
  if (verbatim) {
    gbifparser_verbatim(out, fields = fields)
  } else {
    data <- gbifparser(out, fields = fields)

    if (return == 'data') {
      if (length(key) == 1) {
      } else {
        ldfast(lapply(data, "[[", "data"))
    } else
      if (return == 'hier') {
        if (length(key) == 1) {
        } else {
          ldfast(lapply(data, "[[", "hierarchy"))
      } else {
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