Raw File
Tip revision: ee167ed0715366b07b1f870cd75b67669662f708 authored by Bjarni Jóhann Vilhjálmsson on 26 October 2018, 07:23:50 UTC
Merge branch 'master' of
Tip revision: ee167ed
#!/usr/bin/env python
    Takes (or effect estimates, and (validation) genotypes in PLINK bed format as input.  
    The script then works out overlap and outputs predictions or risk scores as well as some prediction 
    accuracy statistics.
    Note that for maximal accuracy all SNPs with LDpred weights should be included in the validation dataset.
    If they are a subset of the validation dataset, then we suggest recalculate LDpred for the overlapping SNPs.

                    --split_by_chrom --pf=PHEN_FILE --pf_format=STANDARD --cov_file=COVARIATE_FILE --pcs_file=PCS_FILE 
                    --PS=FRACTIONS_CAUSAL  --TS=PVAL_THRESHOLDS --adjust_for_sex  --adjust_for_covariates  --adjust_for_pcs]
 - PLINK_VAL_GENOTYPE_FILE: PLINK formatted genotypes for which we want to calculate risk scores.
 - RESULT_FILE_PREFIX: SNP weights file, e.g. LDpred SNP weights.

 - OUTPUT_FILE_PREFIX:  The prefix of output file.  

 - RESULT_FILE_FORMAT: The format to expect the results to be in.  The default format is LDPRED, which refers to the format which
   running LDpred output. LDPRED-INF and P+T (LD-pruning + p-value thresholding) are also implemented.
 - PHEN_FILE: Is a file with individual IDs and phenotypes.  Two formats are supported a (PLINK) FAM format, 
              and STANDARD format (default), which is a whitespace/tab delimited file with two columns IID and PHEN.  
 - PVAL_THRESHOLDS: This option is only valid if a P+T result file prefix is supplied.  It's a list of p-value thresholds, 
                    separated by a comma (without space), to be used for LDpred. Default values are 

 - FRACTIONS_CAUSAL: This option is only valid if a LDPRED result file prefix is supplied.  A list of comma separated 
                     (without space) values between 1 and 0, excluding 0.  1 corresponds to the infinitesimal model 
                     and will yield results similar to LDpred-inf.  Default values are 
 2015 (c) Bjarni J Vilhjalmsson:

import getopt
import sys
import os
import traceback
import scipy as sp
from scipy import linalg
from plinkio import plinkfile
import itertools as it
import time
import h5py

ok_nts = ['A', 'T', 'C', 'G']
opp_strand_dict = {'A': 'T', 'G': 'C', 'T': 'A', 'C': 'G'}

def parse_parameters():
    Parse the parameters into a dict, etc.
    long_options_list = ['vgf=', 'rf=', 'res_format=', 'out=', 'indiv_filter=', 'split_by_chrom', 'pf=', 'pf_format=', 'cov_file=',
                         'pcs_file=', 'PS=', 'TS=', 'adjust_for_sex', 'adjust_for_covariates', 'adjust_for_pcs', 'h', 'help']

    p_dict = {'vgf': None, 'rf': None, 'out': None, 'res_format': 'LDPRED', 'indiv_filter': None, 'split_by_chrom': False,
              'pf': None, 'pf_format': 'STANDARD', 'cov_file': None, 'pcs_file': None, 'PS': [1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01, 0.003, 0.001],
              'TS': [1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01, 0.003, 0.001, 3 * 1E-4, 1E-4, 3 * 1E-5, 1E-5, 1E-6, 1E-7, 1E-8],
              'adjust_for_sex': False, 'adjust_for_covariates': False, 'adjust_for_pcs': False}

    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", long_options_list)

            print "Some problems with parameters.  Please read the usage documentation carefully."
            print "Use the -h option for usage information."

        for opt, arg in opts:
            if opt == "-h" or opt == "--h" or opt == '--help':
                print __doc__
            elif opt in ("--vgf"):
                p_dict['vgf'] = arg
            elif opt in ("--rf"):
                p_dict['rf'] = arg
            elif opt in ("--res_format"):
                p_dict['res_format'] = arg
            elif opt in ("--indiv_filter"):
                p_dict['indiv_filter'] = arg
            elif opt in ("--out"):
                p_dict['out'] = arg
            elif opt in ("--split_by_chrom"):
                p_dict['split_by_chrom'] = True
            elif opt in ("--PS"):
                p_dict['PS'] = map(float, arg.split(','))
            elif opt in ("--TS"):
                p_dict['TS'] = map(float, arg.split(','))
            elif opt in ("--pf"):
                p_dict['pf'] = arg
            elif opt in ("--pf_format"):
                p_dict['pf_format'] = arg
            elif opt in ("--cov_file"):
                p_dict['cov_file'] = arg
            elif opt in ("--pcs_file"):
                p_dict['pcs_file'] = arg
            elif opt in ("--adjust_for_sex"):
                p_dict['adjust_for_sex'] = True
            elif opt in ("--adjust_for_covariates"):
                p_dict['adjust_for_covariates'] = True
            elif opt in ("--adjust_for_pcs"):
                p_dict['adjust_for_pcs'] = True
                print "Unkown option:", opt
                print "Use -h option for usage information."
        print __doc__
    return p_dict

def get_prs(genotype_file, rs_id_map, phen_map=None):
    plinkf = plinkfile.PlinkFile(genotype_file)
    samples = plinkf.get_samples()

    # 1. Figure out indiv filter and get true phenotypes
    indiv_filter = sp.zeros(len(samples), dtype='bool8')
    true_phens = []
    iids = []
    if phen_map is not None:
        pcs = []
        sex = []
        covariates = []
        phen_iids = set(phen_map.keys())
        for samp_i, sample in enumerate(samples):
            if sample.iid in phen_iids:
                indiv_filter[samp_i] = True
                if 'pcs' in phen_map[sample.iid].keys():
                if 'sex' in phen_map[sample.iid].keys():
                if 'covariates' in phen_map[sample.iid].keys():
        if len(pcs) > 0:
            assert len(pcs) == len(
                true_phens), 'PC information missing for some individuals with phenotypes'
        if len(sex) > 0:
            assert len(sex) == len(
                true_phens), 'Sex information missing for some individuals with phenotypes'
        if len(covariates) > 0:
            assert len(covariates) == len(
                true_phens), 'Covariates missing for some individuals with phenotypes'
        for samp_i, sample in enumerate(samples):
            if sample.affection != 2:
                indiv_filter[samp_i] = True

    num_individs = sp.sum(indiv_filter)
    assert num_individs > 0, 'Issues in parsing the phenotypes and/or PCs?'

    assert not sp.any(sp.isnan(
        true_phens)), 'Phenotypes appear to have some NaNs, or parsing failed.'

    print '%d individuals have phenotype and genotype information.' % num_individs

    num_non_matching_nts = 0
    num_flipped_nts = 0

    raw_effects_prs = sp.zeros(num_individs)
    pval_derived_effects_prs = sp.zeros(num_individs)
    # If these indices are not in order then we place them in the right place
    # while parsing SNPs.
    print 'Iterating over BED file to calculate risk scores.'
    locus_list = plinkf.get_loci()
    snp_i = 0

    for locus, row in it.izip(locus_list, plinkf):
        upd_pval_beta = 0
            # Check rs-ID
            sid =
            rs_info = rs_id_map[sid]
        except Exception:  # Move on if rsID not found.

        if rs_info['upd_pval_beta'] == 0:

        # Check whether the nucleotides are OK, and potentially flip it.
        ss_nt = rs_info['nts']
        g_nt = [locus.allele1, locus.allele2]
        flip_nts = False
        os_g_nt = sp.array(
            [opp_strand_dict[g_nt[0]], opp_strand_dict[g_nt[1]]])
        if not (sp.all(g_nt == ss_nt) or sp.all(os_g_nt == ss_nt)):
            # Opposite strand nucleotides
            flip_nts = (g_nt[1] == ss_nt[0] and g_nt[0] == ss_nt[1]) or (
                os_g_nt[1] == ss_nt[0] and os_g_nt[0] == ss_nt[1])
            if flip_nts:
                raw_beta = -rs_info['raw_beta']
                upd_pval_beta = -rs_info['upd_pval_beta']
                num_flipped_nts += 1
                num_non_matching_nts += 1
            raw_beta = rs_info['raw_beta']
            upd_pval_beta = rs_info['upd_pval_beta']

        # Parse SNP, and fill in the blanks if necessary.
        snp = sp.array(row, dtype='int8')[indiv_filter]
        bin_counts = row.allele_counts()
        if bin_counts[-1] > 0:
            mode_v = sp.argmax(bin_counts[:2])
            snp[snp == 3] = mode_v

        # Update scores and move on.
        raw_effects_prs += snp * raw_beta
        assert not sp.any(sp.isnan(raw_effects_prs)
                          ), 'Some individual raw effects risk scores are NANs (not a number).  They are corrupted.'
        pval_derived_effects_prs += snp * upd_pval_beta
        assert not sp.any(sp.isnan(pval_derived_effects_prs)
                          ), 'Some individual weighted effects risk scores are NANs (not a number).  They are corrupted.'

        if snp_i > 0 and snp_i % 100000 == 0:
            print snp_i
            print 'Number of non-matching NTs: %d' % num_non_matching_nts
            raw_eff_r2 = (sp.corrcoef(raw_effects_prs, true_phens)[0, 1]) ** 2
            pval_eff_r2 = (sp.corrcoef(
                pval_derived_effects_prs, true_phens)[0, 1]) ** 2
            print 'Raw effects PRS r2: %0.4f' % raw_eff_r2
            print 'Weigted effects PRS r2: %0.4f' % pval_eff_r2

        snp_i += 1


    print "DONE!"
    print 'Number of non-matching NTs: %d' % num_non_matching_nts
    print 'Number of flipped NTs: %d' % num_flipped_nts
    raw_eff_corr = sp.corrcoef(raw_effects_prs, true_phens)[0, 1]
    raw_eff_r2 = raw_eff_corr ** 2
    pval_eff_corr = sp.corrcoef(pval_derived_effects_prs, true_phens)[0, 1]
    pval_eff_r2 = pval_eff_corr ** 2

    print 'Raw effects PRS correlation: %0.4f' % raw_eff_corr
    print 'Raw effects PRS r2: %0.4f' % raw_eff_r2
    print 'Weigted effects PRS correlation: %0.4f' % pval_eff_corr
    print 'Weigted effects PRS r2: %0.4f' % pval_eff_r2

    ret_dict = {'raw_effects_prs': raw_effects_prs.copy(), 'pval_derived_effects_prs': pval_derived_effects_prs.copy(),
                'true_phens': true_phens[:], 'iids': iids}

    if len(pcs) > 0:
        ret_dict['pcs'] = pcs
    if len(sex) > 0:
        ret_dict['sex'] = sex
    if len(covariates) > 0:
        ret_dict['covariates'] = covariates

    return ret_dict

def parse_phen_file(pf, pf_format):
    print pf
    phen_map = {}
    if pf != None:
        if pf_format == 'FAM':
            Individual's family ID ('FID')
            Individual's within-family ID ('IID'; cannot be '0')
            Within-family ID of father ('0' if father isn't in dataset)
            Within-family ID of mother ('0' if mother isn't in dataset)
            Sex code ('1' = male, '2' = female, '0' = unknown)
            Phenotype value ('1' = control, '2' = case, '-9'/'0'/non-numeric = missing data if case/control)
            print 'Parsing phenotypes'
            with open(pf, 'r') as f:
                for line in f:
                    l = line.split()
                    iid = l[1]
                    # iid = iid[:-4]
                    sex = int(l[4])
                    phen = float(l[5])
                    if sex != 0 and phen != -9:
                        phen_map[iid] = {'phen': phen, 'sex': sex}

            iids = set(phen_map.keys())

        if pf_format == 'STANDARD':
            IID   PHE
            print 'Parsing phenotypes'
            with open(pf, 'r') as f:
                for line in f:
                    l = line.split()
                    iid = l[0]
                    phen = float(l[1])
                    phen_map[iid] = {'phen': phen}

            iids = set(phen_map.keys())

        elif pf_format == 'S2':
            IID Age Sex Height_Inches
            with open(pf, 'r') as f:
                for line in f:
                    l = line.split()
                    iid = l[0]
                    age = float(l[1])
                    if l[2] == 'Male':
                        sex = 1
                    elif l[2] == 'Female':
                        sex = 2
                        raise Exception('Sex missing')
                    phen = float(l[3])
                    phen_map[iid] = {'phen': phen, 'age': age, 'sex': sex}

    return phen_map

def parse_ldpred_res(file_name):
    rs_id_map = {}
    chrom    pos    sid    nt1    nt2    raw_beta    ldpred_inf_beta    ldpred_beta
    1, 798959, rs11240777, C, T, -1.1901e-02, 3.2443e-03, 2.6821e-04
    with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            l = line.split()
            chrom_str = l[0]
            chrom = int(chrom_str[6:])
            pos = int(l[1])
            rs_id = l[2].strip()
            nt1 = l[3].strip()
            nt2 = l[4].strip()
            nts = [nt1, nt2]
            raw_beta = float(l[5])
            upd_pval_beta = float(l[6])
            rs_id_map[rs_id] = {'chrom': chrom, 'pos': pos, 'nts': nts, 'raw_beta': raw_beta,
                                'upd_pval_beta': upd_pval_beta}
    return rs_id_map

def parse_pt_res(file_name):
    non_zero_chromosomes = set()
    rs_id_map = {}
    chrom    pos    sid    nt1    nt2    raw_beta    raw_pval_beta    upd_beta    upd_pval_beta
    1    798959    rs11240777    C    T    -1.1901e-02    -1.1901e-02    2.6821e-04    2.6821e-04
    with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            l = line.split()
            chrom_str = l[0]
            chrom = int(chrom_str[6:])
            pos = int(l[1])
            rs_id = l[2].strip()
            nt1 = l[3].strip()
            nt2 = l[4].strip()
            nts = [nt1, nt2]
            raw_beta = float(l[5])
            upd_pval_beta = float(l[8])
            if raw_beta != 0:
                rs_id_map[rs_id] = {'chrom': chrom, 'pos': pos, 'nts': nts, 'raw_beta': raw_beta,
                                    'upd_pval_beta': upd_pval_beta}

    return rs_id_map, non_zero_chromosomes

def calc_risk_scores(bed_file, rs_id_map, phen_map, out_file=None, split_by_chrom=False, adjust_for_sex=False,
                     adjust_for_covariates=False, adjust_for_pcs=False, non_zero_chromosomes=None):
    print 'Parsing PLINK bed file: %s' % bed_file
    num_individs = len(phen_map)
    assert num_individs > 0, 'No individuals found.  Problems parsing the phenotype file?'

    if split_by_chrom:
        raw_effects_prs = sp.zeros(num_individs)
        pval_derived_effects_prs = sp.zeros(num_individs)

        for i in range(1, 23):
            if non_zero_chromosomes is None or i in non_zero_chromosomes:
                genotype_file = bed_file + '_%i_keep' % i
                if os.path.isfile(genotype_file + '.bed'):
                    print 'Working on chromosome %d' % i
                    prs_dict = get_prs(genotype_file, rs_id_map, phen_map)

                    raw_effects_prs += prs_dict['raw_effects_prs']
                    pval_derived_effects_prs += prs_dict['pval_derived_effects_prs']
                print 'Skipping chromosome'

        prs_dict = get_prs(bed_file, rs_id_map, phen_map)
        raw_effects_prs = prs_dict['raw_effects_prs']
        pval_derived_effects_prs = prs_dict['pval_derived_effects_prs']
        true_phens = prs_dict['true_phens']

    # Report prediction accuracy
    raw_eff_corr = sp.corrcoef(raw_effects_prs, prs_dict['true_phens'])[0, 1]
    raw_eff_r2 = raw_eff_corr ** 2
    pval_eff_corr = sp.corrcoef(
        pval_derived_effects_prs, prs_dict['true_phens'])[0, 1]
    pval_eff_r2 = pval_eff_corr ** 2

    print 'Final raw effects PRS correlation: %0.4f' % raw_eff_corr
    print 'Final raw effects PRS r2: %0.4f' % raw_eff_r2
    print 'Final weighted effects PRS correlation: %0.4f' % pval_eff_corr
    print 'Final weighted effects PRS r2: %0.4f' % pval_eff_r2

    res_dict = {'pred_r2': pval_eff_r2}

    raw_effects_prs.shape = (len(raw_effects_prs), 1)
    pval_derived_effects_prs.shape = (len(pval_derived_effects_prs), 1)
    true_phens = sp.array(true_phens)
    true_phens.shape = (len(true_phens), 1)

    # Store covariate weights, slope, etc.
    weights_dict = {}

    # Store Adjusted predictions
    adj_pred_dict = {}

    # Direct effect
    Xs = sp.hstack([pval_derived_effects_prs, sp.ones((len(true_phens), 1))])
    (betas, rss00, r, s) = linalg.lstsq(
        sp.ones((len(true_phens), 1)), true_phens)
    (betas, rss, r, s) = linalg.lstsq(Xs, true_phens)
    pred_r2 = 1 - rss / rss00
    weights_dict['unadjusted'] = {
        'Intercept': betas[1][0], 'ldpred_prs_effect': betas[0][0]}

    # Adjust for sex
    if adjust_for_sex and 'sex' in prs_dict and len(prs_dict['sex']) > 0:
        sex = sp.array(prs_dict['sex'])
        sex.shape = (len(sex), 1)
        (betas, rss0, r, s) = linalg.lstsq(
            sp.hstack([sex, sp.ones((len(true_phens), 1))]), true_phens)
        (betas, rss, r, s) = linalg.lstsq(
            sp.hstack([raw_effects_prs, sex, sp.ones((len(true_phens), 1))]), true_phens)
        Xs = sp.hstack([pval_derived_effects_prs, sex,
                        sp.ones((len(true_phens), 1))])
        (betas, rss_pd, r, s) = linalg.lstsq(Xs, true_phens)
        weights_dict['sex_adj'] = {
            'Intercept': betas[2][0], 'ldpred_prs_effect': betas[0][0], 'sex': betas[1][0]}
        print 'Fitted effects (betas) for PRS, sex, and intercept on true phenotype:', betas
        adj_pred_dict['sex_adj'] =, betas)
        pred_r2 = 1 - rss / rss0
        print 'Sex adjusted prediction accuracy (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with raw effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
        pred_r2 = 1 - rss / rss00
        print 'Sex adjusted prediction + Sex (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with raw effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
        pred_r2 = 1 - rss_pd / rss0
        print 'Sex adjusted prediction accuracy (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with weighted effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
        res_dict['PC_adj_pred_r2'] = pred_r2
        pred_r2 = 1 - rss_pd / rss00
        print 'Sex adjusted prediction + Sex (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with weighted effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
        res_dict['PC_adj_pred_r2+PC'] = pred_r2

    # Adjust for PCs
    if adjust_for_pcs and 'pcs' in prs_dict and len(prs_dict['pcs']) > 0:
        pcs = prs_dict['pcs']
        (betas, rss0, r, s) = linalg.lstsq(
            sp.hstack([pcs, sp.ones((len(true_phens), 1))]), true_phens)
        (betas, rss, r, s) = linalg.lstsq(
            sp.hstack([raw_effects_prs, pcs, sp.ones((len(true_phens), 1))]), true_phens)
        Xs = sp.hstack([pval_derived_effects_prs,
                        sp.ones((len(true_phens), 1)), pcs])
        (betas, rss_pd, r, s) = linalg.lstsq(Xs, true_phens)
        weights_dict['pc_adj'] = {
            'Intercept': betas[1][0], 'ldpred_prs_effect': betas[0][0], 'pcs': betas[2][0]}
        adj_pred_dict['pc_adj'] =, betas)
        pred_r2 = 1 - rss / rss0
        print 'PC adjusted prediction accuracy (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with raw effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
        pred_r2 = 1 - rss / rss00
        print 'PC adjusted prediction + PCs (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with raw effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
        pred_r2 = 1 - rss_pd / rss0
        print 'PC adjusted prediction accuracy (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with weighted effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
        res_dict['PC_adj_pred_r2'] = pred_r2
        pred_r2 = 1 - rss_pd / rss00
        print 'PC adjusted prediction + PCs (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with weighted effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
        res_dict['PC_adj_pred_r2+PC'] = pred_r2

        # Adjust for both PCs and Sex
        if adjust_for_sex and 'sex' in prs_dict and len(prs_dict['sex']) > 0:
            sex = sp.array(prs_dict['sex'])
            sex.shape = (len(sex), 1)
            (betas, rss0, r, s) = linalg.lstsq(
                sp.hstack([sex, pcs, sp.ones((len(true_phens), 1))]), true_phens)
            (betas, rss, r, s) = linalg.lstsq(sp.hstack(
                [raw_effects_prs, sex, pcs, sp.ones((len(true_phens), 1))]), true_phens)
            Xs = sp.hstack([pval_derived_effects_prs, sex,
                            sp.ones((len(true_phens), 1)), pcs])
            (betas, rss_pd, r, s) = linalg.lstsq(Xs, true_phens)
            weights_dict['sex_pc_adj'] = {
                'Intercept': betas[2][0], 'ldpred_prs_effect': betas[0][0], 'sex': betas[1][0], 'pcs': betas[3][0]}
            adj_pred_dict['sex_pc_adj'] =, betas)
            pred_r2 = 1 - rss / rss0
            print 'PCs+Sex adjusted prediction accuracy (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with raw effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
            pred_r2 = 1 - rss / rss00
            print 'PCs+Sex adjusted prediction and PCs+Sex (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with raw effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
            pred_r2 = 1 - rss_pd / rss0
            print 'PCs+Sex adjusted prediction accuracy (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with weighted effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
            res_dict['PC_Sex_adj_pred_r2'] = pred_r2
            pred_r2 = 1 - rss_pd / rss00
            print 'PCs+Sex adjusted prediction and PCs+Sex (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with weighted effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
            res_dict['PC_Sex_adj_pred_r2+PC_Sex'] = pred_r2

    # Adjust for covariates
    if adjust_for_covariates and 'covariates' in prs_dict and len(prs_dict['covariates']) > 0:
        covariates = prs_dict['covariates']
        (betas, rss0, r, s) = linalg.lstsq(
            sp.hstack([covariates, sp.ones((len(true_phens), 1))]), true_phens)
        (betas, rss, r, s) = linalg.lstsq(sp.hstack(
            [raw_effects_prs, covariates, sp.ones((len(true_phens), 1))]), true_phens)
        Xs = sp.hstack([pval_derived_effects_prs, covariates,
                        sp.ones((len(true_phens), 1))])
        (betas, rss_pd, r, s) = linalg.lstsq(Xs, true_phens)
        adj_pred_dict['cov_adj'] =, betas)
        pred_r2 = 1 - rss / rss0
        print 'Cov adjusted prediction accuracy (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with raw effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
        pred_r2 = 1 - rss / rss00
        print 'Cov adjusted prediction + Cov (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with raw effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
        pred_r2 = 1 - rss_pd / rss0
        print 'Cov adjusted prediction accuracy (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with weighted effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
        res_dict['Cov_adj_pred_r2'] = pred_r2
        pred_r2 = 1 - rss_pd / rss00
        print 'Cov adjusted prediction + Cov (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with weighted effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
        res_dict['Cov_adj_pred_r2+Cov'] = pred_r2

        if adjust_for_pcs and 'pcs' in prs_dict and len(prs_dict['pcs']) and 'sex' in prs_dict and len(prs_dict['sex']) > 0:
            pcs = prs_dict['pcs']
            sex = sp.array(prs_dict['sex'])
            sex.shape = (len(sex), 1)
            (betas, rss0, r, s) = linalg.lstsq(
                sp.hstack([covariates, sex, pcs, sp.ones((len(true_phens), 1))]), true_phens)
            (betas, rss, r, s) = linalg.lstsq(sp.hstack(
                [raw_effects_prs, covariates, sex, pcs, sp.ones((len(true_phens), 1))]), true_phens)
            Xs = sp.hstack([pval_derived_effects_prs, covariates,
                            sex, pcs, sp.ones((len(true_phens), 1))])
            (betas, rss_pd, r, s) = linalg.lstsq(Xs, true_phens)
            adj_pred_dict['cov_sex_pc_adj'] =, betas)
            pred_r2 = 1 - rss / rss0
            print 'Cov+PCs+Sex adjusted prediction accuracy (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with raw effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
            pred_r2 = 1 - rss / rss00
            print 'Cov+PCs+Sex adjusted prediction and PCs+Sex (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with raw effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
            pred_r2 = 1 - rss_pd / rss0
            print 'Cov+PCs+Sex adjusted prediction accuracy (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with weighted effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
            res_dict['Cov_PC_Sex_adj_pred_r2'] = pred_r2
            pred_r2 = 1 - rss_pd / rss00
            print 'Cov+PCs+Sex adjusted prediction and PCs+Sex (R^2) for the whole genome PRS with weighted effects was: %0.4f (%0.6f)' % (pred_r2, (1 - pred_r2) / sp.sqrt(num_individs))
            res_dict['Cov_PC_Sex_adj_pred_r2+Cov_PC_Sex'] = pred_r2

    # Now calibration
    y_norm = (true_phens - sp.mean(true_phens)) / sp.std(true_phens)
    denominator =, raw_effects_prs)
    numerator =, y_norm)
    regression_slope = (numerator / denominator)[0][0]
    print 'The slope for predictions with raw effects is:', regression_slope

    denominator =, pval_derived_effects_prs)
    numerator =, y_norm)
    regression_slope = (numerator / denominator)[0][0]
    print 'The slope for predictions with weighted effects is:', regression_slope

    num_individs = len(prs_dict['pval_derived_effects_prs'])

    # Write PRS out to file.
    if out_file != None:
        with open(out_file, 'w') as f:
            out_str = 'IID, true_phens, raw_effects_prs, pval_derived_effects_prs'
            if 'sex' in prs_dict:
                out_str = out_str + ', sex'
            if 'pcs' in prs_dict:
                pcs_str = ', '.join(['PC%d' % (1 + pc_i)
                                     for pc_i in range(len(prs_dict['pcs'][0]))])
                out_str = out_str + ', ' + pcs_str
            out_str += '\n'
            for i in range(num_individs):
                out_str = '%s, %0.6e, %0.6e, %0.6e, ' % (prs_dict['iids'][i], prs_dict['true_phens'][i], raw_effects_prs[i],
                if 'sex' in prs_dict:
                    out_str = out_str + '%d, ' % prs_dict['sex'][i]
                if 'pcs' in prs_dict:
                    pcs_str = ', '.join(map(str, prs_dict['pcs'][i]))
                    out_str = out_str + pcs_str
                out_str += '\n'

        if len(adj_pred_dict.keys()) > 0:
            with open(out_file + '.adj', 'w') as f:
                adj_prs_labels = adj_pred_dict.keys()
                out_str = 'IID, true_phens, raw_effects_prs, pval_derived_effects_prs, ' + \
                    ', '.join(adj_prs_labels)
                out_str += '\n'
                for i in range(num_individs):
                    out_str = '%s, %0.6e, %0.6e, %0.6e' % (prs_dict['iids'][i], prs_dict['true_phens'][i], raw_effects_prs[i],
                    for adj_prs in adj_prs_labels:
                        out_str += ', %0.4f' % adj_pred_dict[adj_prs][i]
                    out_str += '\n'
        if weights_dict != None:
            oh5f = h5py.File(out_file + '.weights.hdf5', 'w')
            for k1 in weights_dict.keys():
                kg = oh5f.create_group(k1)
                for k2 in weights_dict[k1]:
                    kg.create_dataset(k2, data=sp.array(weights_dict[k1][k2]))
    return res_dict

def main():
    p_dict = parse_parameters()
    non_zero_chromosomes = set()

    # Parse phenotypes
    if p_dict['pf'] is None:
        if p_dict['vgf'] is not None:
            phen_map = parse_phen_file(p_dict['vgf'] + '.fam', 'FAM')
            raise Exception('Validation phenotypes were not found.')
        phen_map = parse_phen_file(p_dict['pf'], p_dict['pf_format'])
    iids = set(phen_map.keys())

    if p_dict['cov_file'] != None:
        print 'Parsing additional covariates'

        with open(p_dict['cov_file'], 'r') as f:
            num_missing = 0
            for line in f:
                l = line.split()
                iid = l[0]
                if iid in phen_map:
                    covariates = map(float, l[1:])
                    phen_map[iid]['covariates'] = covariates
                    num_missing += 1
            if num_missing > 0:
                print 'Unable to find %d iids in phen file!' % num_missing

    if p_dict['pcs_file']:
        print 'Parsing PCs'

        with open(p_dict['pcs_file'], 'r') as f:
            num_missing = 0
            for line in f:
                l = line.split()
                iid = l[1]
                if iid in phen_map:
                    pcs = map(float, l[2:])
                    phen_map[iid]['pcs'] = pcs
                    num_missing += 1
            if num_missing > 0:
                print 'Unable to find %d iids in phen file!' % num_missing

    num_individs = len(phen_map)
    assert num_individs > 0, 'No phenotypes were found!'

    res_dict = {}
    if p_dict['res_format'] == 'LDPRED':
        weights_file = '%s_LDpred-inf.txt' % (p_dict['rf'])
        if os.path.isfile(weights_file):
            print ''
            print 'Calculating LDpred-inf risk scores'
            rs_id_map = parse_ldpred_res(weights_file)
            out_file = '%s_LDpred-inf.txt' % (p_dict['out'])
            calc_risk_scores(p_dict['vgf'], rs_id_map, phen_map, out_file=out_file, split_by_chrom=p_dict['split_by_chrom'],
                             adjust_for_sex=p_dict['adjust_for_sex'], adjust_for_covariates=p_dict['adjust_for_covariates'],

        for p in p_dict['PS']:
            weights_file = '%s_LDpred_p%0.4e.txt' % (p_dict['rf'], p)
            if os.path.isfile(weights_file):
                print ''
                print 'Calculating LDpred risk scores using p=%0.3e' % p
                rs_id_map = parse_ldpred_res(weights_file)
                out_file = '%s_LDpred_p%0.4e.txt' % (p_dict['out'], p)
                method_str = 'LDpred_p%0.4e' % (p)
                res_dict[method_str] = calc_risk_scores(p_dict['vgf'], rs_id_map, phen_map, out_file=out_file,
                                                        split_by_chrom=p_dict['split_by_chrom'], adjust_for_sex=p_dict['adjust_for_sex'],

        # Plot results?

    elif p_dict['res_format'] == 'P+T':
        weights_file = '%s_all_snps.txt' % (p_dict['rf'])
        if os.path.isfile(weights_file):
            print ''
            print 'Calculating risk scores using all SNPs'
            rs_id_map = parse_ldpred_res(weights_file)
            out_file = '%s_all_snps.txt' % (p_dict['out'])
            res_dict['all_snps'] = calc_risk_scores(p_dict['vgf'], rs_id_map, phen_map, out_file=out_file,
                                                    split_by_chrom=p_dict['split_by_chrom'], adjust_for_sex=p_dict['adjust_for_sex'],

        for p_thres in p_dict['TS']:
            weights_file = '%s_P+T_p%0.4e.txt' % (p_dict['rf'], p_thres)
            print weights_file
            if os.path.isfile(weights_file):
                print ''
                print 'Calculating P+T risk scores using p-value threshold of %0.3e' % p_thres
                rs_id_map, non_zero_chromosomes = parse_pt_res(weights_file)
                out_file = '%s_P+T_p%0.4e.txt' % (p_dict['out'], p_thres)
                method_str = 'P+T_p%0.4e' % (p_thres)
                res_dict[method_str] = calc_risk_scores(p_dict['vgf'], rs_id_map, phen_map, out_file=out_file,
                                                        split_by_chrom=p_dict['split_by_chrom'], adjust_for_sex=p_dict['adjust_for_sex'],

        # Plot results?
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Results file format missing or unknown: %s' % p_dict['res_format'])

if __name__ == '__main__':
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