Raw File
Tip revision: 1b57c8e01a682145f576e101c868ba84ea38ec1b authored by ah744 on 06 August 2016, 01:41:28 UTC
Fixed Rotation Decomposition Naming and BF Type Mismatch
Tip revision: 1b57c8e
//     Copyright (c) 2012 Vadym Kliuchnikov sqct(dot)software(at)gmail(dot)com, Dmitri Maslov, Michele Mosca
//     This file is part of SQCT.
//     SQCT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//     it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
//     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//     (at your option) any later version.
//     SQCT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
//     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
//     along with SQCT.  If not, see <>.

#include "sk.h"
#include "exactdecomposer.h"
#include "gcommdecomposer.h"

#include "theoremverification.h"
#include "toptimalitytest.h"
#include "hoptimalitytest.h"

#include "netgenerator.h"

#include "output.h"

#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <chrono>

#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <boost/timer/timer.hpp>
#include <cmath>

// command line parcing code based on
// and BOOST_ROOT/libs/program_options/example/first.cpp
namespace po = boost::program_options;
namespace btm = boost::timer;

using namespace std;


/// \brief Option of SK execution
struct SKOptions
    SKOptions() :
            math_fr( false ), write_dot_qc(false), angle(false) {};

    string in_filename; ///< input filename
    string out_filename; ///< output statistics filename
    bool math_fr; ///< should output be mathematica friendly
    int iterations_default; ///< number of SK iterations to perform by default
    bool write_dot_qc;///< should we output dot qc or not
    string out_dir;///< path where we should output dotqc files
    bool angle;///< how we interpret first element \b val of each input line ( Pi/\b val or just \b val)
    int max_sde;///< maximal value of sde to use during basic approximation step


/// \brief Result of application of the SK algorithm
struct ApplicationResult
    circuit c;  ///< Circuit
    int hc;     ///< Hadamard counts
    int tc;     ///< T and inverse of T gates counts
    int pc;     ///< Phase and inverse of Phase gate counts
    int plc;    ///< Pauli matrices counts
    int total;  ///< Total cost using cost function defined by vector gateLibrary::cost
    double dst; ///< Trace distance to approximation
    double tappr; ///< Time required to do an approximation
    double tdecomp; ///< Time required to do a decomposition
    int nr; ///< Number of iterations performed
    int denom_reduction; ///< Difference between \f$ sde(|\cdot|^2) \f$
                         /// before and after conversion to canonical form
    int denom ; ///< \f$ sde(|\cdot|^2) \f$ of resulting unitary
    matrix2x2<mpz_class> exact_uni; /// exact unitary corresponding to the circuit c

    /// \brief Summarize gate statistics for Clifford + T library
    void updateForCliffordT()
        typedef gateLibrary gl;
        total = c.cost();
        auto counts = gl::toCliffordT( c.count() );
        hc = counts[ gl::H ];
        tc = counts[ gl::T ];
        pc = counts[ gl::P ];
        plc =  counts[ gl::Z ] + counts[ gl::X ] + counts[ gl::Y ];

    /// \brief Outputs results in CSV format
    void toCSVStream( std::ostream& out ) const
        out.setf( ios_base::scientific );
        out << nr << ","
            << tc << ","
            << hc << ","
            << pc << ","
            << plc << ","
            << dst << ","
            << tappr << ","
            << tdecomp << "," << denom_reduction << "," << denom ;

    /// \brief Outputs results in Mathematica friendly format
    void toMathematicaStream( std::ostream& out ) const
        out.setf( ios_base::fixed ); // use fixed as mathematica does not understand scientific c++ format
        out << "AppResult["
            << nr << ","
            << tc << ","
            << hc << ","
            << pc << ","
            << plc << ",";
        out << dst << "," ;
        out << tappr << ","
            << tdecomp << "," << denom_reduction << "," << denom << "]";

    /// \brief Outputs dot qc file with circuit and adds information about genration process into comments
    void generateDotQc( std::string filename, std::string circuit_name, std::string symbolic_form )
        ofstream ofs(filename.c_str());
        if( !ofs )
            cout << "Unable to open file:" << filename << " for output" <<endl;

        ofs << "# Computed by SQCT, based on arXiv:1206.5236" << endl;
        ofs << "# Published at:" << endl;
        ofs << "# Symbolic form of unitary to approximate:" << symbolic_form << endl;
        ofs << "# Distance between unitary and approximation:" << dst << endl;
        ofs << "# (Formula (1) in" << endl;
        ofs << "# Total number of gates:" << tc + hc + pc + plc << endl;
        ofs << "# T and T^{Dagger} gates:" << tc << endl;
        ofs << "# Hadamard gates:" << hc << endl;
        ofs << "# Phase and Phase^{Dagger} gates:" << pc << endl;
        ofs << "# Pauli gates:" << plc << endl;
        ofs << "# Total cost: " << total << endl;
        ofs << "# Number of iterations:" << nr << endl;
        ofs << "# Approximation time(seconds):" << tappr << endl;
        ofs << "# Decomposition time(seconds):" << tdecomp << endl;
        ofs << "# Reduction:" << denom_reduction << endl;
        ofs << "# sde(abs(z)^2):" << denom << endl;
        ofs << "# Exact unitary:" << endl << exact_uni << endl;

        ofs << ".v 1" << endl;
        ofs << ".i 1" << endl;
        ofs << ".o 1" << endl;
        ofs << "BEGIN " << circuit_name <<"(1)" << endl;
        ofs << "END " << circuit_name << endl;
        ofs << "BEGIN" << endl;
        ofs << circuit_name << " 1" << endl;
        ofs << "END" << endl;



/// \brief Process input file with inputs for SK in batch mode, outputs statistics etc
class SKApplication
    SKApplication( SKOptions& skopt ) :
        opt( skopt ), skd(skopt.max_sde + 1)

    /// \brief Finds circuit and all supplementary information for unitary
    void calculate( const matrix2x2hpr& matrix, int recursion_level, ApplicationResult& ar )
        boost::timer::cpu_times ct;
        boost::timer::cpu_times ct2;

        sk::Me res;
            boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t;
            ct = t.elapsed();

        int gde_before = res.min_gde_abs2();
        int gde_after = res.min_gde_abs2();
        ar.denom_reduction = gde_before - gde_after;
        ar.denom = res.max_sde_abs2();
        ar.exact_uni = res;

            boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t;
            ct2 = t.elapsed();

        sk::Ma conv(res);

        ar.dst = trace_dist(matrix,conv);
        ar.tappr = (double) ct.wall * 1e-9;
        ar.tdecomp = (double) ct2.wall * 1e-9; = recursion_level;


    /// \brief Process input file defined by opt taking into account specified options
    void process()
        static const double TwoPi = 2. * hprHelpers::toMachine( hprHelpers::pi() );
        ifstream ifs( opt.in_filename.c_str() );
        ofstream ofs( opt.out_filename.c_str() );
        Rotation r;
        int iter = 0;
        ApplicationResult ar;
        int line_number = 0;
        while( true )
            string line;
            iter = opt.iterations_default;
            istringstream ss(line,istringstream::in);
            if( ! ifs ) break;

            double val;
            ss >> val >> r.nx >> r.ny >> >> iter;
            if( ! opt.angle )
                r.num = 1.0;
                r.den = val;
                r.num = val;
                r.den = TwoPi;

            calculate( r.matrix() , iter, ar );

            stringstream fname;
            fname <<  opt.out_dir << "/";
            if( r.isSpecial() != 'N' )
                fname << << "-" << iter;
                fname << opt.out_filename << "." << line_number;
            fname << ".qc" ;

            if( opt.write_dot_qc )
                ar.generateDotQc( fname.str() ,
                               r.symbolic() );

            if( opt.math_fr )
                ofs << "{" << r.Mathematica() << ",";
                ofs << "}" << endl;
                ofs << r.CSV() << ",";
                ofs << endl;

    const SKOptions& opt;
    sk skd;
    exactDecomposer ed;


bool print_help( const string& topic )
    map<string,string> hi;
    hi["in"] = "Each line of input file must have the followoing form:\n"
            "val -- interpreted depending on the value of option --angle\n"
            "       if --angle is specified then val interpreted as rotation\n"
            "       angle phi. Otherwise rotation angle phi = 2 Pi / val.\n"
            "nx -- projection of rotation axis on, x\n"
            "ny -- projection of rotation axis on, y\n"
            "nz -- projection of rotation axis on, z\n"
            "iter -- optional parameter defining number of iterations used for approximation.\n"
            "The matrix that will be approximated is I*cos(phi/2) - \n"
            "i sin(phi/2) (nx * X + ny * Y + nz * Z). If the number of iterations is not specified,\n"
            "the default values is used. It can be set using --iterations option.\n"
            "Default output format is CSV and each line of it contains the following:\n"
            "num,den,nx,ny,nz,N,Tc,Hc,Pc,Plc,dst,tappr,tdecomp,denom_red,denom \n"
            "[num,den,nx,ny,nz] determines input rotation with phi = num * 2Pi / den\n"
            "N -- number of iterations of SK algorithm used"
            "Tc-- number of T gates in the resulting circuit\n"
            "Hc-- number of Hadamard gates in the circuit\n"
            "Pc-- number of Phase gates in the circuit\n"
            "Plc-- number of Pauli gates in the circuit\n"
            "dst-- distance to approximation, see \n"
            "(Formula (1) in\n"
            "tappr-- time required for approximation (seconds) \n"
            "tdecomp-- time required for exact decomposition (seconds)\n"
            "tdecomp-- time required for exact decomposition (seconds)\n"
            "denom_red -- change of the power of sqrt(2) in the denominator\n"
            "after conversion to canonical form.\n"
            "denom -- power of sqrt(2) in the denominator of the exact unitary in\n"
            "the canonical form. In the case of Mathematica output numbers are \n"
            "decorated with Rot and AppResult list headers.\n";
    if( hi.count(topic) )
        cout << hi[topic] << endl;
        return true;

    return false;


struct ResynthOptions
    ResynthOptions() :
    vector<string> circuit_files;
    bool reverse;
    bool math_fr;


/// \brief Resyntheisizes circuits using exact decomposition algoritm
struct ResynthApplication
    ResynthApplication( const ResynthOptions& opt ) :

    void process()
        for( const auto& fn : ro.circuit_files )

    void process( const string& filename )
        const gateLibrary& gl = gateLibrary::instance();
        ifstream ifs(filename.c_str());
        ofstream ofs( (filename + ".out").c_str() );
        // read circuit first
        circuit in, out;

        auto in_cost = in.count();
        int in_total = in.cost();
        in_cost = gl.toCliffordT(in_cost);

        auto out_cost = out.count();
        int out_total = out.cost();
        out_cost = gl.toCliffordT(out_cost);

        string cb = "# ";
        string ce = "";
        if( ro.math_fr )
            cb = "(* ",ce = " *)";

        ofs << cb << "Computed by SQCT, based on arXiv:1206.5236" << ce << endl;
        ofs << cb << "Software published at:"<< ce << endl;
        ofs << cb << "Gate counts for input circuit [T+Td,H,P+Pd,X,Z,Y] : ["
            << in_cost[gl.T] << "," << in_cost[gl.H] << ","
            << in_cost[gl.P] << "," << in_cost[gl.X] << ","
            << in_cost[gl.Z] << "," << in_cost[gl.Y] << "]" << ce << endl;
        ofs << cb << "Total cost of input:" << in_total << ce << endl;

        ofs << cb << "Gate counts for output circuit [T+Td,H,P+Pd,X,Z,Y] : ["
            << out_cost[gl.T] << "," << out_cost[gl.H] << ","
            << out_cost[gl.P] << "," << out_cost[gl.X] << ","
            << out_cost[gl.Z] << "," << out_cost[gl.Y] << "]" << ce << endl;
        ofs << cb << "Total cost of output:" << out_total << ce << endl;

        if( ro.math_fr )


    exactDecomposer ed;
    const ResynthOptions& ro;


/// \brief Options for epsilon net generation
struct enetOptions
    /// \brief If one element specified -- upper bound for sde of epsilon net to be
    /// generated. If two elements specified -- interval of sde to be generated.
    vector<int> epsilon_net_layers;


struct enetApplication
    enetApplication( const enetOptions& options ) :

    /// \brief Checks if all layers generated on initial state are available
    void check_initial()
        initial_ok = true;
        if( m_layers[0] == 0 )
            initial_ok = false;

        for( int i = 2; (i < initial_end) && initial_ok ; ++i )
            if( m_layers[i] == 0 ) initial_ok = false;

    /// \brief Collects information about parts of epsilon net available
    void check_files()
         // collect information about available layers
         for( int i = 0; i < 100; ++i )
             string name = netGenerator::fileName(i);
             ifstream ifs(name);
             if( !ifs )
                 m_layers[i] = 0;
                 m_layers[i] = 1;

    /// \brief Generates all layers with \f$ sde(|\cdot|^2) \f$ in the interval [st,end)
    void generate( int st, int end )
        if( ! initial_ok && st < initial_end )

        for( int i = max(initial_end,st) ; i < end; ++i )
            if( m_layers[i] == 0 )
                epsilonnet base_net;
                base_net.loadFromFile( netGenerator::fileName(i-1).c_str() );
                unique_ptr<epsilonnet> res( netGenerator::generate( base_net ) );
                res->saveToFile( netGenerator::fileName(i).c_str() );

    /// \brief Do the work
    void process()

        int sz  = m_options.epsilon_net_layers.size();
        int b = m_options.epsilon_net_layers[0];
        switch( sz )
        case 1:
            generate(0,b + 1);
        case 2:
            generate(b,m_options.epsilon_net_layers[1] + 1);
            std::cerr << "Wrong number of parameters. See help." << endl;

    void print_error_message()
        cout << "Epsilon net files a not available, use --epsilon-net option" << endl
             << "to generate them." << endl;

    bool check()
        int st  = 0;
        int end = m_options.epsilon_net_layers[0] + 1;

        if( ! initial_ok && st < initial_end )
            return false;

        for( int i = max(initial_end,st) ; i < end; ++i )
            if( m_layers[i] == 0 )
                return false;
        return true;

    const enetOptions& m_options;       ///< Application options
    std::vector<int> m_layers;          ///< Ones for available layers, zeros for not availible layers
    static const int initial_end;       ///< Maximal layer generated on initial state
    bool initial_ok;                    ///< If all initial layers are availible
    netGenerator m_ng;                  ///< Epsilon net generator

const int enetApplication::initial_end = 21;


struct RandomRotationsOpts
    string filename;
    int samples;


struct RotationGeneratorApp
    RotationGeneratorApp( RandomRotationsOpts& opts) :
    /// \brief Generates file with rotations by random angle around random axis
    void process()
        ofstream ofs( m_opt.filename.c_str() );
        unsigned seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
        std::default_random_engine generator (seed);
        static const double PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751;
        normal_distribution<double> nd(0.0,1.0);
        uniform_real_distribution<double> urd( 0.0, 2*PI );

        for( int i = 0; i < m_opt.samples; ++i )
            double x = nd(generator);
            double y = nd(generator);
            double z = nd(generator);
            double norm = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
            x /= norm;
            y /= norm;
            z /= norm;
            double phi = urd(generator);
            ofs << phi << " " << x << " " << y << " " << z << endl;

    const RandomRotationsOpts& m_opt;

struct exactDecompositionOpts
  std::string filename;

struct exactDecompositionApplication
  exactDecompositionApplication( const exactDecompositionOpts& opts ) :

  void run()
    ifstream ifs;
    ifs.exceptions(std::fstream::badbit | std::fstream::failbit);;
    matrix2x2<mpz_class> exact_uni;
    circuit c;
    ifs >> exact_uni;
    cout << exact_uni << endl;

  exactDecompositionOpts m_opts;
  exactDecomposer ed;


void print_about_message()
cout << "Copyright (c) 2012 Vadym Kliuchnikov sqct(dot)software(at)gmail(dot)com" << endl << endl;
cout << "SQCT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify" << endl;
cout << "it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by" << endl;
cout << "the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or" << endl;
cout << "(at your option) any later version." << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "SQCT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful," << endl;
cout << "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of" << endl;
cout << "GNU Lesser General Public License for more details." << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License" << endl;
cout << "along with SQCT.  If not, see <>." << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "The program code based on results of" << endl;
cout << "It also implements the version of Solovay Kitaev algorithm described" << endl;
cout << "in " << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "The list of used libraries, corresponding licenses and authors:" << endl<< endl;
cout << "Boost | Boost Software License" << endl<< endl;
cout << "The GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library | GNU Lesser General Public License v3" << endl;
cout << "(by Free Software Foundation, Inc.)" << endl<< endl;
cout << "The GNU MPFR Library the library | GNU Lesser General Public License v3" << endl;
cout << "(by Free Software Foundation, Inc.," << endl;
cout << " Contributed by the AriC and Caramel projects, INRIA. )" << endl << endl;
cout << "mpfr::real | GNU Lesser General Public License v3" << endl;
cout << "(by Christian Schneider <software(at)chschneider(dot)eu> )" << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "Source code of this program can be obtained from: " << endl;


int main(int ac, char* av[])
    // help
    string help_topic = "";
    // sk application parameters
    SKOptions sko;
    // epsilon net generation
    enetOptions eopt;
    // resynthesise
    ResynthOptions ro;
    // randomized rotations
    RandomRotationsOpts rro;
    // exact decomposition
    exactDecompositionOpts edo;

    try {

        po::options_description desc("Allowed options");

            ("help,H", po::value< string >(&help_topic)->implicit_value(""),
             "Produce help message, see help <option name> for more details "
             "about specific option.")

            ("in,I", po::value< string >(&(sko.in_filename)),
             "File name with unitaries for approximation.")

            ("iterations,N", po::value< int >(&(sko.iterations_default))->default_value(3),
             "Default number of iteration used by the Solovay Kitaev algorithm, "
             "when not specified in input file.")

            ("angle,A", po::value< bool >(&(sko.angle))->zero_tokens(),
             "When true program interprets first entry in each line of input file as "
             "as rotation angle, and as denominator of Pi.")

            ("out,O", po::value< string >(&(sko.out_filename))->default_value("out.csv"),
             "File name with summary about "
             "unitary approximation results.")

            ("math-fr,F", po::value< bool >(&(sko.math_fr))->zero_tokens(),
             "Should output be Mathematica friendly. "
             "Default output format is CSV.")

            ("dotqc,C", po::value< bool >(&(sko.write_dot_qc))->zero_tokens(),
             "Should we output dotqc file for each generated circuit.")

            ("out-dir,D", po::value< string >(&(sko.out_dir))->default_value("out"),
             "Directory to output circuits.")

            ("max-sde,M", po::value< int >(&(sko.max_sde))->default_value(30),
             "Maximal value of sde to use during intial approximation step.")

            ("epsilon-net,E", po::value< vector<int> >(&(eopt.epsilon_net_layers))->multitoken(),
             "Generates epsilon net layers. If one values specified generates all layers "
             "with sde(|.|^2) less or equal than this value. If two values specified then sde(|.|^2) "
             "of result lies in interval [first,second] ")

             "Verifies conjecture about T optimality ")

             "Performs brute force check necessary for proof of result in Appendix 2 "

             "Performs brute force check described by Algoritm 2 "
             "in ( proves Lemma 3 ).")

            ("resynth,S", po::value< vector<string> >(&(ro.circuit_files) )->multitoken(),
             "Resynthesize circuit. Output may differ from original by global phase.")

            ("reverse", po::value< bool >(& (ro.reverse) )->zero_tokens(),
             "True if circuit file should be interpreted in matrix multiplication order.")

            ("random-rot", po::value< int >(&(rro.samples)),
             "Generates file with specified number of random rotations.")

            ("exact", po::value< string >(&(edo.filename)),
             "Performs an exact decomposition of a unitary over the ring.")

            ("about", "Information about the program.")

        po::variables_map vm;
        po::store(po::parse_command_line(ac, av, desc), vm);

        if( vm.count("resynth") ) {
            ro.math_fr = sko.math_fr;
            ResynthApplication ra(ro);
            return 0;

            enetApplication eapp(eopt);
            return 0;

        if( vm.count("theory-correctness") ) {
            cout << is_theorem_true() << endl;
            return 0;

        if( vm.count("theory-topt") ) {
            toptimalitytest tt;
            return 0;

        if( vm.count("theory-hopt") ) {
            hoptimalitytest ht;
            return 0;

        if ( vm.count("random-rot") ) {
            rro.filename = sko.out_filename;
            RotationGeneratorApp rga(rro);
            return 0;

        if( vm.count("about") ) {
            return 0;

        if ( vm.count("in") ) {
            enetApplication ea(eopt);
            if( ea.check() )
                SKApplication app(sko);
            return 0;

        if( vm.count("exact") ) {
          exactDecompositionApplication eda(edo);
          return 0;

        if ( true ) {
            if( !print_help(help_topic) )
                cout << desc << endl;
            return 0;

    catch(exception& e) {
        cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << endl;
        return 1;
    catch(...) {
        cerr << "Exception of unknown type!" << endl;
        return 1;
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