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Tip revision: 8a508b7bc6fdca5cf258612b6eb03c99b66e7c46 authored by Daniel W. Barowy on 28 January 2019, 00:45:25 UTC
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Tip revision: 8a508b7
module CUSTODESGrammar
    open FParsec
    open System.Collections.Generic

    // a convenient type alias
    type P<'t> = Parser<'t, unit>  

    // a debug parser
    let private (<!>) (p: P<_>) label : P<_> =
        #if DEBUG
            fun stream ->
                let before = stream.PeekString 1000000
                let reply = p stream
                let after = stream.PeekString 1000000
                let consumed = before.[0..before.Length - after.Length - 1]
                let consumed_msg = sprintf "%d %s consumed \"%s\" (%A)" (stream.Index) label consumed reply.Status

//    let (<!>) (p: Parser<_,_>) label : Parser<_,_> =
//        fun stream ->
//            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(sprintf "%A: Entering %s" stream.Position label)
//            let reply = p stream
//            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(sprintf "%A: Leaving %s (%A)" stream.Position label reply.Status)
//            reply

    // CUSTODES output datatypes
    type Worksheet = string
    type Address = string
    type CUSTODESSmells = Dictionary<Worksheet,Address[]>

    let private analysisStart : P<Worksheet> =
            (pstring "----procesing worksheet '")
            (pstring "'----" .>> spaces)
            (charsTillString "'----" false 100)
        <!> "analysisStart"

    let private clusterStart : P<string> =
        pstring "---- Stage I clustering begined ----" .>> spaces
        <!> "clusterStart"
    let private clusterEnd : P<string> =
        pstring "---- Stage I finished ----" .>> spaces
        <!> "clusterEnd"
    let private clustersFound : P<int> =
            (pstring "found ")
            (pstring " clusters" .>> spaces)
        <!> "clustersFound"
    let private clusters : P<int> =
        clusterStart >>. (clusterEnd >>. clustersFound)
        <!> "clusters"

    let private smellStart : P<string> =
        pstring "---- Stage II begined ----" .>> spaces
        <!> "smellStart"
    let private smellsFound : P<int> =
            (pstring "detected ")
            (pstring " smells:" .>> spaces)
        <!> "smellsFound"
    let private smellCell : P<Address> =
        many1Satisfy (fun c -> isLetter(c) || isDigit(c)) .>> spaces
        <!> "smellCell"
    let private smellCells : P<Address[]> =
        many smellCell |>> (fun cells -> cells |> List.toArray)
        <!> "smellCells"
    let private smellEnd : P<string> =
        pstring "---Analysis Finished---" .>> spaces
        <!> "smellEnd"
    let private noSmells : P<Address[]> = (fun _ -> Reply [||]) <!> "noSmells"
    let private smells : P<Address[]> =
        smellStart >>.
                (attempt (smellsFound >>. (smellCells .>> smellEnd)))
                <|> (noSmells .>> smellEnd)
        <!> "smells"

    let private worksheetSomeSmells : P<CUSTODESSmells> =
            (analysisStart .>> clusters)
            (fun w smells ->
                let d = new CUSTODESSmells()
                d.Add(w, smells)
        <!> "worksheetSomeSmells"

    let private worksheetNoSmells : P<CUSTODESSmells> =
            (fun w ->
                let d = new CUSTODESSmells()
                d.Add(w, [||])
        <!> "worksheetNoSmells"

    let private worksheet : P<CUSTODESSmells> =
        (attempt worksheetSomeSmells) <|> worksheetNoSmells
        <!> "worksheet"

    let private worksheets : P<CUSTODESSmells> =
        (many1 worksheet |>>
            (fun (cslist: CUSTODESSmells list) ->
                let d = new CUSTODESSmells()
                for cs in cslist do
                    for pair in cs do
                        d.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value)
        <!> "worksheets"

    let private start : P<CUSTODESSmells> =
        worksheets .>> eof
        <!> "start"

    let exceptionParser : P<string> =
        skipManyTill anyChar (pstring "Exception in thread") >>.
                (many1 anyChar) |>>
                (fun stacktrace -> "Exception in thread " + System.String.Join("", stacktrace))
        <!> "exceptionParser"

    type CUSTODESParse =
    | CSuccess of CUSTODESSmells
    | CFailure of string

    let parseException(output: string) : string option =
        match run exceptionParser output with
        | Success(excptn,_,_) -> Some(excptn)
        | Failure(other_failure,_,_) -> None

    let parse(output: string) : CUSTODESParse =
        // before parsing, look for exceptions
        match run exceptionParser output with
        | Success(excptn,_,_) -> CFailure(excptn)
        | Failure(noexcptn,_,_) -> 
            // good, now parse output
            match run start output with
            | Success(smells,_,_) -> CSuccess(smells)
            | Failure(err,_,_) -> CFailure(err)
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