Raw File
Tip revision: d2c91525c6b3660773d112cc2de2e8a3ed3b55d0 authored by Duncan Brown on 29 September 2015, 01:13:42 UTC
Set release version to 1.2.0
Tip revision: d2c9152
# Copyright (C) 2013 Alex Nitz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
This modules contains functions reading, generating, and segmenting strain data
import copy
import logging, numpy, lal
import pycbc.noise
from pycbc import psd
from pycbc.types import float32
from pycbc.types import MultiDetOptionAppendAction, MultiDetOptionAction
from pycbc.types import MultiDetOptionActionSpecial
from pycbc.types import required_opts, required_opts_multi_ifo
from pycbc.types import ensure_one_opt, ensure_one_opt_multi_ifo
from pycbc.types import copy_opts_for_single_ifo
from pycbc.frame import read_frame, query_and_read_frame
from pycbc.inject import InjectionSet, SGBurstInjectionSet
from pycbc.filter import resample_to_delta_t, highpass, make_frequency_series
from pycbc.filter.zpk import filter_zpk

def from_cli(opt, dyn_range_fac=1, precision='single'):
    """Parses the CLI options related to strain data reading and conditioning.

    opt : object
        Result of parsing the CLI with OptionParser, or any object with the
        required attributes  (gps-start-time, gps-end-time, strain-high-pass, 
        pad-data, sample-rate, (frame-cache or frame-files), channel-name, 
        fake-strain, fake-strain-seed, gating_file).

    dyn_range_fac: {float, 1}, optional
        A large constant to reduce the dynamic range of the strain.

    strain : TimeSeries
        The time series containing the conditioned strain data.
    if opt.frame_cache or opt.frame_files or opt.frame_type:
        if opt.frame_cache:
            frame_source = opt.frame_cache
        if opt.frame_files:
            frame_source = opt.frame_files"Reading Frames")
        if opt.frame_type:
            strain = query_and_read_frame(opt.frame_type, opt.channel_name,
            strain = read_frame(frame_source, opt.channel_name,

        if opt.zpk_z and opt.zpk_p and opt.zpk_k:
  "Highpass Filtering")
            strain = highpass(strain, frequency=opt.strain_high_pass)

  "Applying zpk filter")
            z = numpy.array(opt.zpk_z)
            p = numpy.array(opt.zpk_p)
            k = float(opt.zpk_k)
            strain = filter_zpk(strain.astype(numpy.float64), z, p, k)

        if opt.normalize_strain:
  "Dividing strain by constant")
            l = opt.normalize_strain
            strain = strain / l

        if opt.injection_file:
  "Applying injections")
            injections = InjectionSet(opt.injection_file)
            injections.apply(strain, opt.channel_name[0:2])

        if opt.sgburst_injection_file:
  "Applying sine-Gaussian burst injections")
            injections = SGBurstInjectionSet(opt.sgburst_injection_file)
            injections.apply(strain, opt.channel_name[0:2])"Highpass Filtering")
        strain = highpass(strain, frequency=opt.strain_high_pass)

        if precision == 'single':
  "Converting to float32")
            strain = (strain * dyn_range_fac).astype(float32)

        if opt.gating_file is not None:
  "Gating glitches")
            gate_params = numpy.loadtxt(opt.gating_file)
            if len(gate_params.shape) == 1:
                gate_params = [gate_params]
            strain = gate_data(
                strain, gate_params,
                data_start_time=(opt.gps_start_time - opt.pad_data))"Resampling data")
        strain = resample_to_delta_t(strain, 1.0/opt.sample_rate, method='ldas')"Highpass Filtering")
        strain = highpass(strain, frequency=opt.strain_high_pass)"Remove Padding")
        start = opt.pad_data*opt.sample_rate
        end = len(strain)-opt.sample_rate*opt.pad_data
        strain = strain[start:end]

    if opt.fake_strain:"Generating Fake Strain")
        duration = opt.gps_end_time - opt.gps_start_time
        tlen = duration * opt.sample_rate
        pdf = 1.0/128
        plen = int(opt.sample_rate / pdf) / 2 + 1"Making PSD for strain")
        strain_psd = psd.from_string(opt.fake_strain, plen,
                                     pdf, opt.low_frequency_cutoff)"Making colored noise")
        strain = pycbc.noise.noise_from_psd(tlen, 1.0/opt.sample_rate,
        strain._epoch = lal.LIGOTimeGPS(opt.gps_start_time)

        if opt.injection_file:
  "Applying injections")
            injections = InjectionSet(opt.injection_file)
            injections.apply(strain, opt.channel_name[0:2])

        if opt.sgburst_injection_file:
  "Applying sine-Gaussian burst injections")
            injections = SGBurstInjectionSet(opt.sgburst_injection_file)
            injections.apply(strain, opt.channel_name[0:2])

        if precision == 'single':
  "Converting to float32")
            strain = (dyn_range_fac * strain).astype(float32)

    if opt.injection_file:
        strain.injections = injections

    return strain

def from_cli_single_ifo(opt, ifo, **kwargs):
    Get the strain for a single ifo when using the multi-detector CLI
    single_det_opt = copy_opts_for_single_ifo(opt, ifo)
    return from_cli(single_det_opt, **kwargs)

def from_cli_multi_ifos(opt, ifos, **kwargs):
    Get the PSD for all ifos when using the multi-detector CLI
    strain = {}
    for ifo in ifos:
        strain[ifo] = from_cli_single_ifo(opt, ifo, **kwargs)
    return strain

def insert_strain_option_group(parser, gps_times=True):
    Adds the options used to call the pycbc.strain.from_cli function to an
    optparser as an OptionGroup. This should be used if you
    want to use these options in your code.

    parser : object
        OptionParser instance.

    data_reading_group = parser.add_argument_group("Options for obtaining h(t)",
                  "These options are used for generating h(t) either by "
                  "reading from a file or by generating it. This is only "
                  "needed if the PSD is to be estimated from the data, ie. "
                  " if the --psd-estimation option is given.")

    # Required options
    if gps_times:
                                help="The gps start time of the data "
                                     "(integer seconds)", type=int)
                                help="The gps end time of the data "
                                     " (integer seconds)", type=int)
    data_reading_group.add_argument("--strain-high-pass", type=float,
                            help="High pass frequency")
              help="Extra padding to remove highpass corruption "
                   "(integer seconds)", type=int)
    data_reading_group.add_argument("--sample-rate", type=int,
                            help="The sample rate to use for h(t) generation (integer Hz).")
    data_reading_group.add_argument("--channel-name", type=str,
                   help="The channel containing the gravitational strain data")

    #Read from cache file
    data_reading_group.add_argument("--frame-cache", type=str, nargs="+",
                            help="Cache file containing the frame locations.")

    #Read from frame files
                            type=str, nargs="+",
                            help="list of frame files")

    #Use datafind to get frame files 
                            help="(optional), replaces frame-files. Use datafind "
                                 "to get the needed frame file(s) of this type.")

    #Generate gaussian noise with given psd
                help="Name of model PSD for generating fake gaussian noise.",
    data_reading_group.add_argument("--fake-strain-seed", type=int, default=0,
                help="Seed value for the generation of fake colored"
                     " gaussian noise")

    data_reading_group.add_argument("--injection-file", type=str,
                      help="(optional) Injection file used to add "
                           "waveforms into the strain")

    data_reading_group.add_argument("--sgburst-injection-file", type=str,
                      help="(optional) Injection file used to add "
                      "sine-Gaussian burst waveforms into the strain")

    data_reading_group.add_argument("--gating-file", type=str,
                    help="(optional) Text file of gating segments to apply."
                        " Format of each line is (all times in secs):"
                        "  gps_time zeros_half_width pad_half_width")

    data_reading_group.add_argument("--normalize-strain", type=float,
                    help="(optional) Divide frame data by constant.")

    data_reading_group.add_argument("--zpk-z", type=float, nargs="+",
                    help="(optional) Zero-pole-gain (zpk) filter strain. "
                        "A list of zeros for transfer function")

    data_reading_group.add_argument("--zpk-p", type=float, nargs="+",
                    help="(optional) Zero-pole-gain (zpk) filter strain. "
                        "A list of poles for transfer function")

    data_reading_group.add_argument("--zpk-k", type=float,
                    help="(optional) Zero-pole-gain (zpk) filter strain. "
                        "Transfer function gain")

    return data_reading_group

# FIXME: This repeats almost all of the options above. Any nice way of reducing
#        this?
def insert_strain_option_group_multi_ifo(parser):
    Adds the options used to call the pycbc.strain.from_cli function to an
    optparser as an OptionGroup. This should be used if you
    want to use these options in your code.

    -----------    parser : object
        OptionParser instance.

    data_reading_group = parser.add_argument_group("Options for obtaining h(t)",
                  "These options are used for generating h(t) either by "
                  "reading from a file or by generating it. This is only "
                  "needed if the PSD is to be estimated from the data, ie. "
                  "if the --psd-estimation option is given. This group "
                  "supports reading from multiple ifos simultaneously.")

    # Required options
    data_reading_group.add_argument("--gps-start-time", nargs='+',
                            action=MultiDetOptionAction, metavar='IFO:TIME',
                            help="The gps start time of the data "
                                 "(integer seconds)", type=int)
    data_reading_group.add_argument("--gps-end-time", nargs='+', type=int,
                            action=MultiDetOptionAction, metavar='IFO:TIME',
                            help="The gps end time of the data "
                                 "(integer seconds)")
    data_reading_group.add_argument("--strain-high-pass", nargs='+',
                            type=float, metavar='IFO:FREQUENCY',
                            help="High pass frequency")
    data_reading_group.add_argument("--pad-data", nargs='+',
                            type=int, metavar='IFO:LENGTH',
                            help="Extra padding to remove highpass corruption "
                                "(integer seconds)")
    data_reading_group.add_argument("--sample-rate", type=int, nargs='+',
                            action=MultiDetOptionAction, metavar='IFO:RATE',
                            help="The sample rate to use for h(t) generation "
                                " (integer Hz).")
    data_reading_group.add_argument("--channel-name", type=str, nargs='+',
                            help="The channel containing the gravitational "
                                "strain data")

    #Read from cache file
    data_reading_group.add_argument("--frame-cache", type=str, nargs="+",
                            help="Cache file containing the frame locations.")

    #Read from frame files
    data_reading_group.add_argument("--frame-files", type=str, nargs="+",
                            help="list of frame files")

    #Generate gaussian noise with given psd
    data_reading_group.add_argument("--fake-strain", type=str, nargs="+",
                            action=MultiDetOptionAction, metavar='IFO:CHOICE',
                            help="Name of model PSD for generating fake "
                            "gaussian noise. Choose from %s" \
                            %((', ').join(psd.get_lalsim_psd_list()),) )
    data_reading_group.add_argument("--fake-strain-seed", type=int, default=0,
                            action=MultiDetOptionAction, metavar='IFO:SEED',
                            help="Seed value for the generation of fake "
                            "colored gaussian noise")

    data_reading_group.add_argument("--injection-file", type=str, nargs="+",
                            action=MultiDetOptionAction, metavar='IFO:FILE',
                            help="(optional) Injection file used to add "
                            "waveforms into the strain")

    data_reading_group.add_argument("--sgburst-injection-file", type=str,
                      nargs="+", action=MultiDetOptionAction,
                      help="(optional) Injection file used to add "
                      "sine-Gaussian burst waveforms into the strain")

    data_reading_group.add_argument("--gating-file", type=str,
                      nargs="+", action=MultiDetOptionAction,
                      help="(optional) Text file of gating segments to apply."
                          " Format of each line is (all times in secs):"
                          "  gps_time zeros_half_width pad_half_width")

    data_reading_group.add_argument("--normalize-strain", type=float,
                     nargs="+", action=MultiDetOptionAction,
                     help="(optional) Divide frame data by constant.")

    data_reading_group.add_argument("--zpk-z", type=float,
                     nargs="+", action=MultiDetOptionAppendAction,
                     help="(optional) Zero-pole-gain (zpk) filter strain. "
                         "A list of zeros for transfer function")

    data_reading_group.add_argument("--zpk-p", type=float,
                     nargs="+", action=MultiDetOptionAppendAction,
                     help="(optional) Zero-pole-gain (zpk) filter strain. "
                         "A list of poles for transfer function")

    data_reading_group.add_argument("--zpk-k", type=float,
                     nargs="+", action=MultiDetOptionAppendAction,
                     help="(optional) Zero-pole-gain (zpk) filter strain. "
                         "Transfer function gain")

    return data_reading_group

ensure_one_opt_groups = []
ensure_one_opt_groups.append(['--frame-cache','--fake-strain','--frame-files', '--frame-type'])

required_opts_list = ['--gps-start-time', '--gps-end-time',
                      '--strain-high-pass', '--pad-data', '--sample-rate',

def verify_strain_options(opts, parser):
    """Parses the strain data CLI options and verifies that they are consistent
    and reasonable.

    opt : object
        Result of parsing the CLI with OptionParser, or any object with the
        required attributes (gps-start-time, gps-end-time, strain-high-pass, 
        pad-data, sample-rate, frame-cache, channel-name, fake-strain, 
    parser : object
        OptionParser instance.
    for opt_group in ensure_one_opt_groups:
        ensure_one_opt(opts, parser, opt_group)
    required_opts(opts, parser, required_opts_list)

def verify_strain_options_multi_ifo(opts, parser, ifos):
    """Parses the strain data CLI options and verifies that they are consistent
    and reasonable.

    opt : object
        Result of parsing the CLI with OptionParser, or any object with the
        required attributes (gps-start-time, gps-end-time, strain-high-pass, 
        pad-data, sample-rate, frame-cache, channel-name, fake-strain, 
    parser : object
        OptionParser instance.
    ifos : list of strings
        List of ifos for which to verify options for
    for ifo in ifos:
        for opt_group in ensure_one_opt_groups:
            ensure_one_opt_multi_ifo(opts, parser, ifo, opt_group)
        required_opts_multi_ifo(opts, parser, ifo, required_opts_list)

def gate_data(data, gate_params, data_start_time):
    def inverted_tukey(M, n_pad):
        midlen = M - 2*n_pad
        if midlen < 1:
            raise ValueError("No zeros left after applying padding.")
        padarr = 0.5*(1.+numpy.cos(numpy.pi*numpy.arange(n_pad)/n_pad))
        return numpy.concatenate((padarr,numpy.zeros(midlen),padarr[::-1]))

    sample_rate = 1./data.delta_t
    temp =
    for glitch_time, glitch_width, pad_width in gate_params:
        t_start = glitch_time - glitch_width - pad_width - data_start_time
        t_end = glitch_time + glitch_width + pad_width - data_start_time
        if t_start > data.duration or t_end < 0.:
            continue # Skip gate segments that don't overlap
        win_samples = int(2*sample_rate*(glitch_width+pad_width))
        pad_samples = int(sample_rate*pad_width)
        window = inverted_tukey(win_samples, pad_samples)
        offset = int(t_start * sample_rate)
        idx1 = max(0, -offset)
        idx2 = min(len(window), len(data)-offset)
        temp[idx1+offset:idx2+offset] *= window[idx1:idx2]

    return data

class StrainSegments(object):
    """ Class for managing manipulation of strain data for the purpose of
        matched filtering. This includes methods for segmenting and
    def __init__(self, strain, segment_length=None, segment_start_pad=0,
                 segment_end_pad=0, trigger_start=None, trigger_end=None,
                 filter_inj_only=False, injection_window=None):
        """ Determine how to chop up the strain data into smaller segments
            for analysis.
        self._fourier_segments = None
        self.strain = strain

        self.delta_t = strain.delta_t
        self.sample_rate = strain.sample_rate

        if segment_length:
            seg_len = segment_length
            seg_len = strain.duration

        self.delta_f = 1.0 / seg_len
        self.time_len = seg_len * self.sample_rate
        self.freq_len = self.time_len / 2 + 1

        seg_end_pad = segment_end_pad
        seg_start_pad = segment_start_pad

        if not trigger_start:
            trigger_start = int(strain.start_time)

        if not trigger_end:
            trigger_end = int(strain.end_time)

        throwaway_size = seg_start_pad + seg_end_pad
        seg_width = seg_len - throwaway_size

        # The amount of time we can actually analyze given the
        # amount of padding that is needed
        analyzable = strain.duration - throwaway_size

        #number of segments we need to analyze this data
        num_segs = int(numpy.ceil(float(analyzable) / float(seg_width)))

        # The offset we will use between segments
        seg_offset = int(numpy.ceil(analyzable / float(num_segs)))
        self.segment_slices = []
        self.analyze_slices = []

        # Determine how to chop up the strain into smaller segments
        for nseg in range(num_segs-1):
            # boundaries for time slices into the strain
            seg_start = int((nseg*seg_offset) * strain.sample_rate)
            seg_end = int(seg_start + seg_len * strain.sample_rate)
            seg_slice = slice(seg_start, seg_end)

            # boundaries for the analyzable portion of the segment
            ana_start = int(seg_start_pad * strain.sample_rate)
            ana_end = int(ana_start + seg_offset * strain.sample_rate)
            ana_slice = slice(ana_start, ana_end)

        # The last segment takes up any integer boundary slop
        seg_end = len(strain)
        seg_start = int(seg_end - seg_len * strain.sample_rate)
        seg_slice = slice(seg_start, seg_end)

        remaining = (strain.duration - ((num_segs - 1) * seg_offset + seg_start_pad))
        ana_start = int((seg_len - remaining) * strain.sample_rate)
        ana_end = int((seg_len - seg_end_pad) * strain.sample_rate)
        ana_slice = slice(ana_start, ana_end)
        self.full_segment_slices = copy.deepcopy(self.segment_slices)

        #Remove segments that are outside trig start and end
        segment_slices_red = []
        analyze_slices_red = []
        trig_start_idx = (trigger_start - int(strain.start_time)) * strain.sample_rate
        trig_end_idx = (trigger_end - int(strain.start_time)) * strain.sample_rate

        if filter_inj_only and hasattr(strain, 'injections'):
            inj = strain.injections
            end_times= inj.end_times()
            end_times = [time for time in end_times if float(time) < trigger_end and float(time) > trigger_start]

            inj_idx = [(float(time) - float(strain.start_time)) * strain.sample_rate for time in end_times]

        for seg, ana in zip(self.segment_slices, self.analyze_slices):
            start = ana.start
            stop = ana.stop
            cum_start = start + seg.start
            cum_end = stop + seg.start

            # adjust first segment
            if trig_start_idx > cum_start:
                start += (trig_start_idx - cum_start)

            # adjust last segment
            if trig_end_idx < cum_end:
                stop -= (cum_end - trig_end_idx)

            injections_in_segment = 0
            if filter_inj_only and hasattr(strain, 'injections'):
                analyze_this = False
                for inj_id in inj_idx:
                    if inj_id < cum_end and inj_id > cum_start:
                        analyze_this = True

                        # This can only optimize the case of 1 injection in a segment
                        # If there are more, the entire segment is analyzed
                        #if injection_window is not None:
                        #    injections_in_segment += 1
                        #    inj_pos = inj_id - seg.start
                        #    win_points = int(injection_window * strain.sample_rate)
                        #    inj_start = int(inj_pos - win_points)
                        #    inj_end = int(inj_pos + win_points)
                        #    if inj_start < start:
                        #        inj_start = start
                        #    if inj_end > stop:
                        #        inj_end = stop

                if injections_in_segment == 1:
                    start = inj_start
                    stop = inj_end

                if not analyze_this:

            if start < stop:
                analyze_slices_red.append(slice(start, stop))

        self.segment_slices = segment_slices_red
        self.analyze_slices = analyze_slices_red

    def fourier_segments(self):
        """ Return a list of the FFT'd segments.

        Return the list of FrequencySeries. Additional properties are
        added that describe the strain segment. The property 'analyze'
        is a slice corresponding to the portion of the time domain equivelant
        of the segment to analyze for triggers. The value 'cumulative_index'
        indexes from the beginning of the original strain series.
        if not self._fourier_segments:
            self._fourier_segments = []
            for seg_slice, ana in zip(self.segment_slices, self.analyze_slices):
                freq_seg = make_frequency_series(self.strain[seg_slice])
                freq_seg.analyze = ana
                freq_seg.cumulative_index = seg_slice.start + ana.start
                freq_seg.seg_slice = seg_slice

        return self._fourier_segments

    def from_cli(cls, opt, strain):
        """Calculate the segmentation of the strain data for analysis from
        the command line options.
        return cls(strain, segment_length=opt.segment_length,

    def insert_segment_option_group(cls, parser):
        segment_group = parser.add_argument_group(
                                   "Options for segmenting the strain",
                                  "These options are used to determine how to "
                                  "segment the strain into smaller chunks, "
                                  "and for determining the portion of each to "
                                  "analyze for triggers. ")
        segment_group.add_argument("--trig-start-time", type=int, default=0,
                    help="(optional) The gps time to start recording triggers")
        segment_group.add_argument("--trig-end-time", type=int, default=0,
                    help="(optional) The gps time to stop recording triggers")
        segment_group.add_argument("--segment-length", type=int,
                          help="The length of each strain segment in seconds.")
        segment_group.add_argument("--segment-start-pad", type=int,
                          help="The time in seconds to ignore of the "
                               "beginning of each segment in seconds. ")
        segment_group.add_argument("--segment-end-pad", type=int,
                          help="The time in seconds to ignore at the "
                               "end of each segment in seconds.")
        segment_group.add_argument("--filter-inj-only", action='store_true',
                          help="Analyze only segments that contain an injection.")
        segment_group.add_argument("--injection-window", default=None,
                          type=float, help="""If using --filter-inj-only then
                          only search for injections within +/- injection
                          window of the injections's end time. This is useful
                          to speed up a coherent search or a search where we
                          initially filter at lower sample rate, and then
                          filter at full rate where needed. NOTE: Reverts to
                          full analysis if two injections are in the same

    def from_cli_single_ifo(cls, opt, strain, ifo):
        """Calculate the segmentation of the strain data for analysis from
        the command line options.
        return cls(strain, segment_length=opt.segment_length[ifo],

    def from_cli_multi_ifos(cls, opt, strain_dict, ifos):
        """Calculate the segmentation of the strain data for analysis from
        the command line options.
        strain_segments = {}
        for ifo in ifos:
            strain_segments[ifo] = cls.from_cli_single_ifo(opt,
                                                         strain_dict[ifo], ifo)
        return strain_segments

    def insert_segment_option_group_multi_ifo(cls, parser):
        segment_group = parser.add_argument_group(
                                   "Options for segmenting the strain",
                                  "These options are used to determine how to "
                                  "segment the strain into smaller chunks, "
                                  "and for determining the portion of each to "
                                  "analyze for triggers. ")
        segment_group.add_argument("--trig-start-time", type=int, default=0,
                    nargs='+', action=MultiDetOptionAction, metavar='IFO:TIME',
                    help="(optional) The gps time to start recording triggers")
        segment_group.add_argument("--trig-end-time", type=int, default=0,
                    nargs='+', action=MultiDetOptionAction, metavar='IFO:TIME',
                    help="(optional) The gps time to stop recording triggers")
        segment_group.add_argument("--segment-length", type=int,
                    nargs='+', action=MultiDetOptionAction,
                    help="The length of each strain segment in seconds.")
        segment_group.add_argument("--segment-start-pad", type=int,
                    nargs='+', action=MultiDetOptionAction, metavar='IFO:TIME',
                    help="The time in seconds to ignore of the "
                        "beginning of each segment in seconds. ")
        segment_group.add_argument("--segment-end-pad", type=int,
                    nargs='+', action=MultiDetOptionAction, metavar='IFO:TIME',
                    help="The time in seconds to ignore at the "
                         "end of each segment in seconds.")
        segment_group.add_argument("--filter-inj-only", action='store_true',
                    help="Analyze only segments that contain an injection.")

    required_opts_list = ['--segment-length',

    def verify_segment_options(cls, opt, parser):
        required_opts(opt, parser, cls.required_opts_list)

    def verify_segment_options_multi_ifo(cls, opt, parser, ifos):
        for ifo in ifos:
            required_opts_multi_ifo(opt, parser, ifo, cls.required_opts_list)
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