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Tip revision: d1a0c2b4462828682e9a3cff127a1e8a273ee6e1 authored by Bryan Lewis on 29 July 2013, 21:39:33 UTC
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<h2>Simple SciDB HTTP API</h2>
The SciDB HTTP Service implements a very simple API that clients may use
to interact with SciDB.  The API consists of seven URIs (described in
detail below): /new_session, /release_session, /execute_query, /cancel,
/read_lines, /read_bytes, and /upload_file.
Clients always begin by requesting a <b>session ID</b> from the service, then
running a query and releasing the session ID when done. Note that session IDs
are distinct from SciDB query IDs--a session ID groups a SciDB query together
with server resources for input and output to the client.

<h2>Example API Workflow</h2>

<li> <b>/new_session</b>
<li> <b>/execute_query</b>
<li> <b>/read_lines</b> or <b>/read_bytes</b>
<li> <b>/release_session</b>

<h2>API Reference</h2>
We use the example URL http://scidb:8080 below.  Parameters are required unless marked <i>optional</i>.
<div class="api">
<table class="api-param-values">
<td colspan="2">
<td>Request a new HTTP session from the service.
<td>Success: HTTP 200 and text session ID value in text/plain payload
Failure (out of resources): HTTP 503
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Length: 3
Content-Type: text/plain


<td colspan="2">

<td>Release an HTTP session
<td><b>id</b> (an HTTP session ID)
<td>Success: HTTP 200
Failure (Session not found): HTTP 404
Failure (invalid http query): HTTP 400
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: text/plain


<td colspan="2">

<td>Execute a SciDB query
<b>id</b> (an HTTP session ID)<br/>
<b>query</b> (query string, encoded for use in URL as required)<br/>
<b>save</b> <i>optional</i> (format string) Save the query output in the specified
format for subsequent by read_lines or read_bytes. If the save parameter is not
specified, don't save the query output. <br/>
<b>release</b>  <i>optional</i> 0 or 1: if 1 then release_session as soon as query completes.
The default value is 0 if not specified.<br/>
Success: HTTP 200 text/plain (SciDB Query ID)<br/>
Failure (SciDB connect error): HTTP 503 text/plain (SCIDB ERROR TEXT)
Failure (SciDB query error): HTTP 500 text/plain (SCIDB ERROR TEXT)
Failure (Invalid session): HTTP 404
Failure (invalid http query): HTTP 400
<td>500 and 503 errors result in removal of the web session ID and related resources (thus, release_session
does not have to be called after such an error). This
method blocks until the query completes. Do not specifiy the option relase=1 when the save option
is also set, or output will not be available to read_bytes or read_lines. Instead, explicitly call
release_session after reading is complete.
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Length: 13
Content-Type: text/plain

HTTP/1.0 500 ERROR
Content-Length: 286
Content-Type: text/plain

UserQueryException in file: src/query/parser/ALTranslator.cpp function: createArrayReferenceParam line: 863
Error description: Query processor error. Array 'x' does not exist.
Failed query id: 1100994052246


<td>Cancel a SciDB query associated with a session
<td><b>id</b> (an HTTP session ID)
<td>Success: HTTP 200
Failure (session not found): HTTP 404
Failure (invalid http query): HTTP 400
Failure (could not connect to SciDB): HTTP 503
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: text/plain



<td>Read text lines from a query that saves its output
<b>id</b> (an HTTP session ID)<br/>
<b>n</b> (maximum number of lines to read and return) <br/>
<td>Success: HTTP 200 followed by text/plain query result (up to <b>n</b> lines)
Failure (invalid HTTP query string): HTTP 400 <br/>
Failure (session not found): HTTP 404 <br/>
Failure (end of file): HTTP 410 <br/>
Failure (invalid request): HTTP 414 <br/>
Failure (SciDB server error): HTTP 500<br/>
Failure (could not connect to SciDB server error): HTTP 503<br/>
Failure (server out of memory): HTTP 507<br/>
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Length: 903
Content-Type: text/plain

{No} name,profile,deterministic,library
{0} "%","double %(double,double)",true,"scidb"
{1} "%","int16 %(int16,int16)",true,"scidb"
{2} "%","int32 %(int32,int32)",true,"scidb"
{3} "%","int64 %(int64,int64)",true,"scidb"
{4} "%","int8 %(int8,int8)",true,"scidb"
{5} "%","uint16 %(uint16,uint16)",true,"scidb"
{6} "%","uint32 %(uint32,uint32)",true,"scidb"
{7} "%","uint64 %(uint64,uint64)",true,"scidb"
{8} "%","uint8 %(uint8,uint8)",true,"scidb"
{9} "*","double *(double,double)",true,"scidb"
{10} "*","float *(float,float)",true,"scidb"
{11} "*","int16 *(int16,int16)",true,"scidb"
{12} "*","int32 *(int32,int32)",true,"scidb"
{13} "*","int64 *(int64,int64)",true,"scidb"
{14} "*","int8 *(int8,int8)",true,"scidb"
{15} "*","uint16 *(uint16,uint16)",true,"scidb"
{16} "*","uint32 *(uint32,uint32)",true,"scidb"
{17} "*","uint64 *(uint64,uint64)",true,"scidb"
{18} "*","uint8 *(uint8,uint8)",true,"scidb"
<li>Set n=0 to download the entire output buffer.
<li>Be sure to properly url-encode special characters like the plus sign (+) in the request.
<li>When n&gt;0, iterative requests to read_lines are allowed,
and will return at most the next n lines of output.
Use the 410 error code to detect end of file output.


<td>Read bytes from a query that saves its output
<b>id</b> (an HTTP session ID)<br/>
<b>n</b> (maximum number of bytes to read and return) <br/>
<td>Success: HTTP 200 followed by application/octet-stream binary query result (up to <b>n</b> bytes)
Failure (invalid HTTP query string): HTTP 400 <br/>
Failure (session not found): HTTP 404 <br/>
Failure (end of file): HTTP 410 <br/>
Failure (invalid request): HTTP 414 <br/>
Failure (SciDB server error): HTTP 500<br/>
Failure (could not connect to SciDB server error): HTTP 503<br/>
Failure (server out of memory): HTTP 507<br/>
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Length: 20
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<li>Iterative requests to read_lines are allowed, and will print at most the next n bytes of output.
Use the 410 error code to detect the end of output.
<li>Be sure to properly url-encode special characters in the request.


<td>Upload a file to the HTTP service
<b>id</b> (an HTTP session ID)<br/>
A valid file-upload HTTP POST message.
<td>Success: HTTP 200 and the name of the file uploaded to the server in a text/plain response.
Failure (invalid HTTP query string): HTTP 400 <br/>
Failure (Session not found): HTTP 404 <br/>
Failure (Server error): HTTP 500
<b>Example POST to session id=0:</b>
POST /upload_file?id=0 HTTP/1.1
Host: scidb:8080
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 526
Expect: 100-continue
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----------------------------d1f47951faa4

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="data.csv"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream



<b>Example response:</b>
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Length: 23
Content-Type: text/plain

The file to upload can be binary. Use the returned server-side file name in a
subsequent SciDB load query, for example. The file does not persist after the
HTTP session is released.



      <br/><br/><p>&copy; Paradigm4 2013</p>

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