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Tip revision: 1671d34e15260b06c1dbb75f9829c1813e7959a1 authored by Parker Moore on 13 February 2014, 23:02:53 UTC
Release 2.0.0.alpha.1
Tip revision: 1671d34
# [Jekyll](

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By Tom Preston-Werner, Nick Quaranto, and many [awesome contributors](!

Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator perfect for personal, project, or organization sites. Think of it like a file-based CMS, without all the complexity. Jekyll takes your content, renders Markdown and Liquid templates, and spits out a complete, static website ready to be served by Apache, Nginx or another web server. Jekyll is the engine behind [GitHub Pages](, which you can use to host sites right from your GitHub repositories.

## Philosophy

Jekyll does what you tell it to do — no more, no less. It doesn't try to outsmart users by making bold assumptions, nor does it burden them with needless complexity and configuration. Put simply, Jekyll gets out of your way and allows you to concentrate on what truly matters: your content.

## Getting Started

* [Install]( the gem
* Read up about its [Usage]( and [Configuration](
* Take a gander at some existing [Sites](
* Fork and [Contribute]( your own modifications
* Have questions? Check out `#jekyll` on

## Diving In

* [Migrate]( from your previous system
* Learn how the [YAML Front Matter]( works
* Put information on your site with [Variables](
* Customize the [Permalinks]( your posts are generated with
* Use the built-in [Liquid Extensions]( to make your life easier
* Use custom [Plugins]( to generate content specific to your site

## Runtime Dependencies

* Commander: Command-line interface constructor (Ruby)
* Colorator: Colorizes command line output (Ruby)
* Classifier: Generating related posts (Ruby)
* Directory Watcher: Auto-regeneration of sites (Ruby)
* Liquid: Templating system (Ruby)
* Maruku: Default markdown engine (Ruby)
* Pygments.rb: Syntax highlighting (Ruby/Python)
* RedCarpet: Markdown engine (Ruby)
* Safe YAML: YAML Parser built for security (Ruby)

## Developer Dependencies

* Kramdown: Markdown-superset converter (Ruby)
* Launchy: Cross-platform file launcher (Ruby)
* RDiscount: Discount Markdown Processor (Ruby)
* RedCloth: Textile support (Ruby)
* RedGreen: Nicer test output (Ruby)
* RR: Mocking (Ruby)
* Shoulda: Test framework (Ruby)
* SimpleCov: Coverage framework (Ruby)

## License

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