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Tip revision: 6b54fa39438c296f80049dc937ca966746eded68 authored by Miles Stoudenmire on 11 April 2016, 18:02:29 UTC
Updated localop.h diag method to correctly use delta function to tie indices. Fixes #96 - thanks to Xiongjie Yu for reporting it.
Tip revision: 6b54fa3
// Distributed under the ITensor Library License, Version 1.2
//    (See accompanying LICENSE file.)

// Template Method Implementations

namespace itensor {

//template <typename... IVals>
//ITensorT(const IndexVal& iv1, 
//         const IVals&... rest)
//  : scale_(1.)
//    {
//    const size_t size = 1+sizeof...(rest);
//    auto ivs = std::array<IndexVal,size>{{iv1,rest...}};
//    std::array<Index,size> inds;
//    for(size_t j = 0; j < size; ++j) inds[j] = ivs[j].index;
//    is_ = IndexSet(inds);
//    store_ = newITData<DenseReal>(area(is_),0.);
//    set(iv1,rest...,1.);
//    }

// TODO: implement special code for doing this operation
//       more efficiently
inline ITensor& 
operator*=(ITensor & T, IndexVal const& iv) { return T *= setElt(iv); } 
ITensor inline
operator*(IndexVal const& iv, ITensor const& B) 
    auto A = setElt(iv);
    A *= B; 
    return A; 

ITensor inline
operator*(IndexVal const& iv1, IndexVal const& iv2) 
    auto t = setElt(iv1);
    return (t *= iv2); 

ITensor inline
operator*(IndexVal const& iv1, Real val) 
    auto res = setElt(iv1);
    res *= val; 
    return res; 

template<typename... Inds>
delta(Index const& i1,
      Inds const&... inds)
    auto is = IndexSet(i1,inds...);
    auto len = minM(is);
    return ITensor(std::move(is),DiagReal(len,1.));

template<typename Container, typename... Inds, class>
diagTensor(Container const& C, 
           Index const& i1,
           Inds &&... inds)
    auto is = IndexSet(i1,std::forward<Inds>(inds)...);
#ifdef DEBUG
    using size_type = decltype(C.size());
    //Compute min of all index dimensions
    auto minm = i1.m();
    for(const auto& ind : is)
        if(ind.m() < minm) minm = ind.m();
    if(C.size() != size_type(minm))
        println("minm = ",minm);
        println("C.size() = ",C.size());
        Error("Wrong size of data in diagonal ITensor constructor");
    using value_type = typename Container::value_type;
    return ITensor(std::move(is),Diag<value_type>(C.begin(),C.end()));

template<typename IndexT>
randomTensor(const IndexSetT<IndexT>& inds)
    return random(ITensorT<IndexT>{inds});

template<typename V, typename... Indxs>
ordered_impl(ITensor & T, Indxs&&... inds)
    auto getData = [](Dense<V> & d) -> DataRange<V> 
        return makeDataRange(,d.size()); 
    auto d = applyFunc(getData,;
    constexpr auto size = sizeof...(inds);
    auto indarr = std::array<Index,size>{{static_cast<Index>(inds)...}};
    auto P = Permutation(T.r());
    return makeRef(d,permuteRangeTo<Range1>(T.inds(),P));

template<typename... Indxs>
ordered(ITensor & T, Indxs&&... inds)
    if(isComplex(T)) Error("ITensor is complex; use orderedC instead of ordered");
    return ordered_impl<Real>(T,std::forward<Indxs>(inds)...);

template<typename... Indxs>
orderedC(ITensor & T, Indxs&&... inds)
    if(!isComplex(T)) Error("ITensor is real; use ordered instead of orderedC");
    return ordered_impl<Cplx>(T,std::forward<Indxs>(inds)...);

} //namespace itensor

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