Raw File
Tip revision: cc81fa76ff822bd4ea1be41b4ed9c61346984fd0 authored by Mohamed Hegazy on 08 November 2016, 00:52:19 UTC
Update LKG
Tip revision: cc81fa7
/*! *****************************************************************************
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See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions
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***************************************************************************** */

var ts;
(function (ts) {
    var OperationCanceledException = (function () {
        function OperationCanceledException() {
        return OperationCanceledException;
    ts.OperationCanceledException = OperationCanceledException;
    (function (ExitStatus) {
        ExitStatus[ExitStatus["Success"] = 0] = "Success";
        ExitStatus[ExitStatus["DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped"] = 1] = "DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped";
        ExitStatus[ExitStatus["DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsGenerated"] = 2] = "DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsGenerated";
    })(ts.ExitStatus || (ts.ExitStatus = {}));
    var ExitStatus = ts.ExitStatus;
    (function (TypeReferenceSerializationKind) {
        TypeReferenceSerializationKind[TypeReferenceSerializationKind["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown";
        TypeReferenceSerializationKind[TypeReferenceSerializationKind["TypeWithConstructSignatureAndValue"] = 1] = "TypeWithConstructSignatureAndValue";
        TypeReferenceSerializationKind[TypeReferenceSerializationKind["VoidType"] = 2] = "VoidType";
        TypeReferenceSerializationKind[TypeReferenceSerializationKind["NumberLikeType"] = 3] = "NumberLikeType";
        TypeReferenceSerializationKind[TypeReferenceSerializationKind["StringLikeType"] = 4] = "StringLikeType";
        TypeReferenceSerializationKind[TypeReferenceSerializationKind["BooleanType"] = 5] = "BooleanType";
        TypeReferenceSerializationKind[TypeReferenceSerializationKind["ArrayLikeType"] = 6] = "ArrayLikeType";
        TypeReferenceSerializationKind[TypeReferenceSerializationKind["ESSymbolType"] = 7] = "ESSymbolType";
        TypeReferenceSerializationKind[TypeReferenceSerializationKind["TypeWithCallSignature"] = 8] = "TypeWithCallSignature";
        TypeReferenceSerializationKind[TypeReferenceSerializationKind["ObjectType"] = 9] = "ObjectType";
    })(ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind || (ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind = {}));
    var TypeReferenceSerializationKind = ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind;
    (function (DiagnosticCategory) {
        DiagnosticCategory[DiagnosticCategory["Warning"] = 0] = "Warning";
        DiagnosticCategory[DiagnosticCategory["Error"] = 1] = "Error";
        DiagnosticCategory[DiagnosticCategory["Message"] = 2] = "Message";
    })(ts.DiagnosticCategory || (ts.DiagnosticCategory = {}));
    var DiagnosticCategory = ts.DiagnosticCategory;
    (function (ModuleResolutionKind) {
        ModuleResolutionKind[ModuleResolutionKind["Classic"] = 1] = "Classic";
        ModuleResolutionKind[ModuleResolutionKind["NodeJs"] = 2] = "NodeJs";
    })(ts.ModuleResolutionKind || (ts.ModuleResolutionKind = {}));
    var ModuleResolutionKind = ts.ModuleResolutionKind;
    (function (ModuleKind) {
        ModuleKind[ModuleKind["None"] = 0] = "None";
        ModuleKind[ModuleKind["CommonJS"] = 1] = "CommonJS";
        ModuleKind[ModuleKind["AMD"] = 2] = "AMD";
        ModuleKind[ModuleKind["UMD"] = 3] = "UMD";
        ModuleKind[ModuleKind["System"] = 4] = "System";
        ModuleKind[ModuleKind["ES6"] = 5] = "ES6";
        ModuleKind[ModuleKind["ES2015"] = 5] = "ES2015";
    })(ts.ModuleKind || (ts.ModuleKind = {}));
    var ModuleKind = ts.ModuleKind;
})(ts || (ts = {}));
var ts;
(function (ts) {
    ts.timestamp = typeof performance !== "undefined" && ? function () { return; } : ? : function () { return +(new Date()); };
})(ts || (ts = {}));
var ts;
(function (ts) {
    var performance;
    (function (performance) {
        var profilerEvent = typeof onProfilerEvent === "function" && onProfilerEvent.profiler === true
            ? onProfilerEvent
            : function (markName) { };
        var enabled = false;
        var profilerStart = 0;
        var counts;
        var marks;
        var measures;
        function mark(markName) {
            if (enabled) {
                marks[markName] = ts.timestamp();
                counts[markName] = (counts[markName] || 0) + 1;
        performance.mark = mark;
        function measure(measureName, startMarkName, endMarkName) {
            if (enabled) {
                var end = endMarkName && marks[endMarkName] || ts.timestamp();
                var start = startMarkName && marks[startMarkName] || profilerStart;
                measures[measureName] = (measures[measureName] || 0) + (end - start);
        performance.measure = measure;
        function getCount(markName) {
            return counts && counts[markName] || 0;
        performance.getCount = getCount;
        function getDuration(measureName) {
            return measures && measures[measureName] || 0;
        performance.getDuration = getDuration;
        function forEachMeasure(cb) {
            for (var key in measures) {
                cb(key, measures[key]);
        performance.forEachMeasure = forEachMeasure;
        function enable() {
            counts = ts.createMap();
            marks = ts.createMap();
            measures = ts.createMap();
            enabled = true;
            profilerStart = ts.timestamp();
        performance.enable = enable;
        function disable() {
            enabled = false;
        performance.disable = disable;
    })(performance = ts.performance || (ts.performance = {}));
})(ts || (ts = {}));
var ts;
(function (ts) {
    var createObject = Object.create;
    ts.collator = typeof Intl === "object" && typeof Intl.Collator === "function" ? new Intl.Collator() : undefined;
    function createMap(template) {
        var map = createObject(null);
        map["__"] = undefined;
        delete map["__"];
        for (var key in template)
            if (, key)) {
                map[key] = template[key];
        return map;
    ts.createMap = createMap;
    function createFileMap(keyMapper) {
        var files = createMap();
        return {
            get: get,
            set: set,
            contains: contains,
            remove: remove,
            forEachValue: forEachValueInMap,
            getKeys: getKeys,
            clear: clear
        function forEachValueInMap(f) {
            for (var key in files) {
                f(key, files[key]);
        function getKeys() {
            var keys = [];
            for (var key in files) {
            return keys;
        function get(path) {
            return files[toKey(path)];
        function set(path, value) {
            files[toKey(path)] = value;
        function contains(path) {
            return toKey(path) in files;
        function remove(path) {
            var key = toKey(path);
            delete files[key];
        function clear() {
            files = createMap();
        function toKey(path) {
            return keyMapper ? keyMapper(path) : path;
    ts.createFileMap = createFileMap;
    function toPath(fileName, basePath, getCanonicalFileName) {
        var nonCanonicalizedPath = isRootedDiskPath(fileName)
            ? normalizePath(fileName)
            : getNormalizedAbsolutePath(fileName, basePath);
        return getCanonicalFileName(nonCanonicalizedPath);
    ts.toPath = toPath;
    function forEach(array, callback) {
        if (array) {
            for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
                var result = callback(array[i], i);
                if (result) {
                    return result;
        return undefined;
    ts.forEach = forEach;
    function find(array, predicate) {
        for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
            var value = array[i];
            if (predicate(value, i)) {
                return value;
        return undefined;
    ts.find = find;
    function findMap(array, callback) {
        for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
            var result = callback(array[i], i);
            if (result) {
                return result;
    ts.findMap = findMap;
    function contains(array, value) {
        if (array) {
            for (var _i = 0, array_1 = array; _i < array_1.length; _i++) {
                var v = array_1[_i];
                if (v === value) {
                    return true;
        return false;
    ts.contains = contains;
    function indexOf(array, value) {
        if (array) {
            for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
                if (array[i] === value) {
                    return i;
        return -1;
    ts.indexOf = indexOf;
    function indexOfAnyCharCode(text, charCodes, start) {
        for (var i = start || 0, len = text.length; i < len; i++) {
            if (contains(charCodes, text.charCodeAt(i))) {
                return i;
        return -1;
    ts.indexOfAnyCharCode = indexOfAnyCharCode;
    function countWhere(array, predicate) {
        var count = 0;
        if (array) {
            for (var _i = 0, array_2 = array; _i < array_2.length; _i++) {
                var v = array_2[_i];
                if (predicate(v)) {
        return count;
    ts.countWhere = countWhere;
    function filter(array, f) {
        if (array) {
            var len = array.length;
            var i = 0;
            while (i < len && f(array[i]))
            if (i < len) {
                var result = array.slice(0, i);
                while (i < len) {
                    var item = array[i];
                    if (f(item)) {
                return result;
        return array;
    ts.filter = filter;
    function removeWhere(array, f) {
        var outIndex = 0;
        for (var _i = 0, array_3 = array; _i < array_3.length; _i++) {
            var item = array_3[_i];
            if (!f(item)) {
                array[outIndex] = item;
        if (outIndex !== array.length) {
            array.length = outIndex;
            return true;
        return false;
    ts.removeWhere = removeWhere;
    function filterMutate(array, f) {
        var outIndex = 0;
        for (var _i = 0, array_4 = array; _i < array_4.length; _i++) {
            var item = array_4[_i];
            if (f(item)) {
                array[outIndex] = item;
        array.length = outIndex;
    ts.filterMutate = filterMutate;
    function map(array, f) {
        var result;
        if (array) {
            result = [];
            for (var _i = 0, array_5 = array; _i < array_5.length; _i++) {
                var v = array_5[_i];
        return result;
    } = map;
    function concatenate(array1, array2) {
        if (!array2 || !array2.length)
            return array1;
        if (!array1 || !array1.length)
            return array2;
        return array1.concat(array2);
    ts.concatenate = concatenate;
    function deduplicate(array, areEqual) {
        var result;
        if (array) {
            result = [];
            loop: for (var _i = 0, array_6 = array; _i < array_6.length; _i++) {
                var item = array_6[_i];
                for (var _a = 0, result_1 = result; _a < result_1.length; _a++) {
                    var res = result_1[_a];
                    if (areEqual ? areEqual(res, item) : res === item) {
                        continue loop;
        return result;
    ts.deduplicate = deduplicate;
    function sum(array, prop) {
        var result = 0;
        for (var _i = 0, array_7 = array; _i < array_7.length; _i++) {
            var v = array_7[_i];
            result += v[prop];
        return result;
    ts.sum = sum;
    function addRange(to, from) {
        if (to && from) {
            for (var _i = 0, from_1 = from; _i < from_1.length; _i++) {
                var v = from_1[_i];
    ts.addRange = addRange;
    function rangeEquals(array1, array2, pos, end) {
        while (pos < end) {
            if (array1[pos] !== array2[pos]) {
                return false;
        return true;
    ts.rangeEquals = rangeEquals;
    function lastOrUndefined(array) {
        if (array.length === 0) {
            return undefined;
        return array[array.length - 1];
    ts.lastOrUndefined = lastOrUndefined;
    function binarySearch(array, value, comparer) {
        if (!array || array.length === 0) {
            return -1;
        var low = 0;
        var high = array.length - 1;
        comparer = comparer !== undefined
            ? comparer
            : function (v1, v2) { return (v1 < v2 ? -1 : (v1 > v2 ? 1 : 0)); };
        while (low <= high) {
            var middle = low + ((high - low) >> 1);
            var midValue = array[middle];
            if (comparer(midValue, value) === 0) {
                return middle;
            else if (comparer(midValue, value) > 0) {
                high = middle - 1;
            else {
                low = middle + 1;
        return ~low;
    ts.binarySearch = binarySearch;
    function reduceLeft(array, f, initial) {
        if (array) {
            var count = array.length;
            if (count > 0) {
                var pos = 0;
                var result = void 0;
                if (arguments.length <= 2) {
                    result = array[pos];
                else {
                    result = initial;
                while (pos < count) {
                    result = f(result, array[pos]);
                return result;
        return initial;
    ts.reduceLeft = reduceLeft;
    function reduceRight(array, f, initial) {
        if (array) {
            var pos = array.length - 1;
            if (pos >= 0) {
                var result = void 0;
                if (arguments.length <= 2) {
                    result = array[pos];
                else {
                    result = initial;
                while (pos >= 0) {
                    result = f(result, array[pos]);
                return result;
        return initial;
    ts.reduceRight = reduceRight;
    var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
    function hasProperty(map, key) {
        return, key);
    ts.hasProperty = hasProperty;
    function getProperty(map, key) {
        return, key) ? map[key] : undefined;
    ts.getProperty = getProperty;
    function getOwnKeys(map) {
        var keys = [];
        for (var key in map)
            if (, key)) {
        return keys;
    ts.getOwnKeys = getOwnKeys;
    function forEachProperty(map, callback) {
        var result;
        for (var key in map) {
            if (result = callback(map[key], key))
        return result;
    ts.forEachProperty = forEachProperty;
    function someProperties(map, predicate) {
        for (var key in map) {
            if (!predicate || predicate(map[key], key))
                return true;
        return false;
    ts.someProperties = someProperties;
    function copyProperties(source, target) {
        for (var key in source) {
            target[key] = source[key];
    ts.copyProperties = copyProperties;
    function reduceProperties(map, callback, initial) {
        var result = initial;
        for (var key in map) {
            result = callback(result, map[key], String(key));
        return result;
    ts.reduceProperties = reduceProperties;
    function reduceOwnProperties(map, callback, initial) {
        var result = initial;
        for (var key in map)
            if (, key)) {
                result = callback(result, map[key], String(key));
        return result;
    ts.reduceOwnProperties = reduceOwnProperties;
    function equalOwnProperties(left, right, equalityComparer) {
        if (left === right)
            return true;
        if (!left || !right)
            return false;
        for (var key in left)
            if (, key)) {
                if (!, key) === undefined)
                    return false;
                if (equalityComparer ? !equalityComparer(left[key], right[key]) : left[key] !== right[key])
                    return false;
        for (var key in right)
            if (, key)) {
                if (!, key))
                    return false;
        return true;
    ts.equalOwnProperties = equalOwnProperties;
    function arrayToMap(array, makeKey, makeValue) {
        var result = createMap();
        for (var _i = 0, array_8 = array; _i < array_8.length; _i++) {
            var value = array_8[_i];
            result[makeKey(value)] = makeValue ? makeValue(value) : value;
        return result;
    ts.arrayToMap = arrayToMap;
    function cloneMap(map) {
        var clone = createMap();
        copyProperties(map, clone);
        return clone;
    ts.cloneMap = cloneMap;
    function clone(object) {
        var result = {};
        for (var id in object) {
            if (, id)) {
                result[id] = object[id];
        return result;
    ts.clone = clone;
    function extend(first, second) {
        var result = {};
        for (var id in second)
            if (, id)) {
                result[id] = second[id];
        for (var id in first)
            if (, id)) {
                result[id] = first[id];
        return result;
    ts.extend = extend;
    function isArray(value) {
        return Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(value) : value instanceof Array;
    ts.isArray = isArray;
    function memoize(callback) {
        var value;
        return function () {
            if (callback) {
                value = callback();
                callback = undefined;
            return value;
    ts.memoize = memoize;
    function formatStringFromArgs(text, args, baseIndex) {
        baseIndex = baseIndex || 0;
        return text.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, index) { return args[+index + baseIndex]; });
    ts.localizedDiagnosticMessages = undefined;
    function getLocaleSpecificMessage(message) {
        return ts.localizedDiagnosticMessages && ts.localizedDiagnosticMessages[message.key] || message.message;
    ts.getLocaleSpecificMessage = getLocaleSpecificMessage;
    function createFileDiagnostic(file, start, length, message) {
        var end = start + length;
        Debug.assert(start >= 0, "start must be non-negative, is " + start);
        Debug.assert(length >= 0, "length must be non-negative, is " + length);
        if (file) {
            Debug.assert(start <= file.text.length, "start must be within the bounds of the file. " + start + " > " + file.text.length);
            Debug.assert(end <= file.text.length, "end must be the bounds of the file. " + end + " > " + file.text.length);
        var text = getLocaleSpecificMessage(message);
        if (arguments.length > 4) {
            text = formatStringFromArgs(text, arguments, 4);
        return {
            file: file,
            start: start,
            length: length,
            messageText: text,
            category: message.category,
            code: message.code
    ts.createFileDiagnostic = createFileDiagnostic;
    function formatMessage(dummy, message) {
        var text = getLocaleSpecificMessage(message);
        if (arguments.length > 2) {
            text = formatStringFromArgs(text, arguments, 2);
        return text;
    ts.formatMessage = formatMessage;
    function createCompilerDiagnostic(message) {
        var text = getLocaleSpecificMessage(message);
        if (arguments.length > 1) {
            text = formatStringFromArgs(text, arguments, 1);
        return {
            file: undefined,
            start: undefined,
            length: undefined,
            messageText: text,
            category: message.category,
            code: message.code
    ts.createCompilerDiagnostic = createCompilerDiagnostic;
    function chainDiagnosticMessages(details, message) {
        var text = getLocaleSpecificMessage(message);
        if (arguments.length > 2) {
            text = formatStringFromArgs(text, arguments, 2);
        return {
            messageText: text,
            category: message.category,
            code: message.code,
            next: details
    ts.chainDiagnosticMessages = chainDiagnosticMessages;
    function concatenateDiagnosticMessageChains(headChain, tailChain) {
        var lastChain = headChain;
        while ( {
            lastChain =;
        } = tailChain;
        return headChain;
    ts.concatenateDiagnosticMessageChains = concatenateDiagnosticMessageChains;
    function compareValues(a, b) {
        if (a === b)
            return 0;
        if (a === undefined)
            return -1;
        if (b === undefined)
            return 1;
        return a < b ? -1 : 1;
    ts.compareValues = compareValues;
    function compareStrings(a, b, ignoreCase) {
        if (a === b)
            return 0;
        if (a === undefined)
            return -1;
        if (b === undefined)
            return 1;
        if (ignoreCase) {
            if (ts.collator && String.prototype.localeCompare) {
                var result = a.localeCompare(b, undefined, { usage: "sort", sensitivity: "accent" });
                return result < 0 ? -1 : result > 0 ? 1 : 0;
            a = a.toUpperCase();
            b = b.toUpperCase();
            if (a === b)
                return 0;
        return a < b ? -1 : 1;
    ts.compareStrings = compareStrings;
    function compareStringsCaseInsensitive(a, b) {
        return compareStrings(a, b, true);
    ts.compareStringsCaseInsensitive = compareStringsCaseInsensitive;
    function getDiagnosticFileName(diagnostic) {
        return diagnostic.file ? diagnostic.file.fileName : undefined;
    function compareDiagnostics(d1, d2) {
        return compareValues(getDiagnosticFileName(d1), getDiagnosticFileName(d2)) ||
            compareValues(d1.start, d2.start) ||
            compareValues(d1.length, d2.length) ||
            compareValues(d1.code, d2.code) ||
            compareMessageText(d1.messageText, d2.messageText) ||
    ts.compareDiagnostics = compareDiagnostics;
    function compareMessageText(text1, text2) {
        while (text1 && text2) {
            var string1 = typeof text1 === "string" ? text1 : text1.messageText;
            var string2 = typeof text2 === "string" ? text2 : text2.messageText;
            var res = compareValues(string1, string2);
            if (res) {
                return res;
            text1 = typeof text1 === "string" ? undefined :;
            text2 = typeof text2 === "string" ? undefined :;
        if (!text1 && !text2) {
            return 0;
        return text1 ? 1 : -1;
    function sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(diagnostics) {
        return deduplicateSortedDiagnostics(diagnostics.sort(compareDiagnostics));
    ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics = sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics;
    function deduplicateSortedDiagnostics(diagnostics) {
        if (diagnostics.length < 2) {
            return diagnostics;
        var newDiagnostics = [diagnostics[0]];
        var previousDiagnostic = diagnostics[0];
        for (var i = 1; i < diagnostics.length; i++) {
            var currentDiagnostic = diagnostics[i];
            var isDupe = compareDiagnostics(currentDiagnostic, previousDiagnostic) === 0;
            if (!isDupe) {
                previousDiagnostic = currentDiagnostic;
        return newDiagnostics;
    ts.deduplicateSortedDiagnostics = deduplicateSortedDiagnostics;
    function normalizeSlashes(path) {
        return path.replace(/\\/g, "/");
    ts.normalizeSlashes = normalizeSlashes;
    function getRootLength(path) {
        if (path.charCodeAt(0) === 47) {
            if (path.charCodeAt(1) !== 47)
                return 1;
            var p1 = path.indexOf("/", 2);
            if (p1 < 0)
                return 2;
            var p2 = path.indexOf("/", p1 + 1);
            if (p2 < 0)
                return p1 + 1;
            return p2 + 1;
        if (path.charCodeAt(1) === 58) {
            if (path.charCodeAt(2) === 47)
                return 3;
            return 2;
        if (path.lastIndexOf("file:///", 0) === 0) {
            return "file:///".length;
        var idx = path.indexOf("://");
        if (idx !== -1) {
            return idx + "://".length;
        return 0;
    ts.getRootLength = getRootLength;
    ts.directorySeparator = "/";
    function getNormalizedParts(normalizedSlashedPath, rootLength) {
        var parts = normalizedSlashedPath.substr(rootLength).split(ts.directorySeparator);
        var normalized = [];
        for (var _i = 0, parts_1 = parts; _i < parts_1.length; _i++) {
            var part = parts_1[_i];
            if (part !== ".") {
                if (part === ".." && normalized.length > 0 && lastOrUndefined(normalized) !== "..") {
                else {
                    if (part) {
        return normalized;
    function normalizePath(path) {
        path = normalizeSlashes(path);
        var rootLength = getRootLength(path);
        var normalized = getNormalizedParts(path, rootLength);
        return path.substr(0, rootLength) + normalized.join(ts.directorySeparator);
    ts.normalizePath = normalizePath;
    function getDirectoryPath(path) {
        return path.substr(0, Math.max(getRootLength(path), path.lastIndexOf(ts.directorySeparator)));
    ts.getDirectoryPath = getDirectoryPath;
    function isUrl(path) {
        return path && !isRootedDiskPath(path) && path.indexOf("://") !== -1;
    ts.isUrl = isUrl;
    function isRootedDiskPath(path) {
        return getRootLength(path) !== 0;
    ts.isRootedDiskPath = isRootedDiskPath;
    function normalizedPathComponents(path, rootLength) {
        var normalizedParts = getNormalizedParts(path, rootLength);
        return [path.substr(0, rootLength)].concat(normalizedParts);
    function getNormalizedPathComponents(path, currentDirectory) {
        path = normalizeSlashes(path);
        var rootLength = getRootLength(path);
        if (rootLength === 0) {
            path = combinePaths(normalizeSlashes(currentDirectory), path);
            rootLength = getRootLength(path);
        return normalizedPathComponents(path, rootLength);
    ts.getNormalizedPathComponents = getNormalizedPathComponents;
    function getNormalizedAbsolutePath(fileName, currentDirectory) {
        return getNormalizedPathFromPathComponents(getNormalizedPathComponents(fileName, currentDirectory));
    ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath = getNormalizedAbsolutePath;
    function getNormalizedPathFromPathComponents(pathComponents) {
        if (pathComponents && pathComponents.length) {
            return pathComponents[0] + pathComponents.slice(1).join(ts.directorySeparator);
    ts.getNormalizedPathFromPathComponents = getNormalizedPathFromPathComponents;
    function getNormalizedPathComponentsOfUrl(url) {
        var urlLength = url.length;
        var rootLength = url.indexOf("://") + "://".length;
        while (rootLength < urlLength) {
            if (url.charCodeAt(rootLength) === 47) {
            else {
        if (rootLength === urlLength) {
            return [url];
        var indexOfNextSlash = url.indexOf(ts.directorySeparator, rootLength);
        if (indexOfNextSlash !== -1) {
            rootLength = indexOfNextSlash + 1;
            return normalizedPathComponents(url, rootLength);
        else {
            return [url + ts.directorySeparator];
    function getNormalizedPathOrUrlComponents(pathOrUrl, currentDirectory) {
        if (isUrl(pathOrUrl)) {
            return getNormalizedPathComponentsOfUrl(pathOrUrl);
        else {
            return getNormalizedPathComponents(pathOrUrl, currentDirectory);
    function getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl(directoryPathOrUrl, relativeOrAbsolutePath, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName, isAbsolutePathAnUrl) {
        var pathComponents = getNormalizedPathOrUrlComponents(relativeOrAbsolutePath, currentDirectory);
        var directoryComponents = getNormalizedPathOrUrlComponents(directoryPathOrUrl, currentDirectory);
        if (directoryComponents.length > 1 && lastOrUndefined(directoryComponents) === "") {
        var joinStartIndex;
        for (joinStartIndex = 0; joinStartIndex < pathComponents.length && joinStartIndex < directoryComponents.length; joinStartIndex++) {
            if (getCanonicalFileName(directoryComponents[joinStartIndex]) !== getCanonicalFileName(pathComponents[joinStartIndex])) {
        if (joinStartIndex) {
            var relativePath = "";
            var relativePathComponents = pathComponents.slice(joinStartIndex, pathComponents.length);
            for (; joinStartIndex < directoryComponents.length; joinStartIndex++) {
                if (directoryComponents[joinStartIndex] !== "") {
                    relativePath = relativePath + ".." + ts.directorySeparator;
            return relativePath + relativePathComponents.join(ts.directorySeparator);
        var absolutePath = getNormalizedPathFromPathComponents(pathComponents);
        if (isAbsolutePathAnUrl && isRootedDiskPath(absolutePath)) {
            absolutePath = "file:///" + absolutePath;
        return absolutePath;
    ts.getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl = getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl;
    function getBaseFileName(path) {
        if (path === undefined) {
            return undefined;
        var i = path.lastIndexOf(ts.directorySeparator);
        return i < 0 ? path : path.substring(i + 1);
    ts.getBaseFileName = getBaseFileName;
    function combinePaths(path1, path2) {
        if (!(path1 && path1.length))
            return path2;
        if (!(path2 && path2.length))
            return path1;
        if (getRootLength(path2) !== 0)
            return path2;
        if (path1.charAt(path1.length - 1) === ts.directorySeparator)
            return path1 + path2;
        return path1 + ts.directorySeparator + path2;
    ts.combinePaths = combinePaths;
    function removeTrailingDirectorySeparator(path) {
        if (path.charAt(path.length - 1) === ts.directorySeparator) {
            return path.substr(0, path.length - 1);
        return path;
    ts.removeTrailingDirectorySeparator = removeTrailingDirectorySeparator;
    function ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator(path) {
        if (path.charAt(path.length - 1) !== ts.directorySeparator) {
            return path + ts.directorySeparator;
        return path;
    ts.ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator = ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator;
    function comparePaths(a, b, currentDirectory, ignoreCase) {
        if (a === b)
            return 0;
        if (a === undefined)
            return -1;
        if (b === undefined)
            return 1;
        a = removeTrailingDirectorySeparator(a);
        b = removeTrailingDirectorySeparator(b);
        var aComponents = getNormalizedPathComponents(a, currentDirectory);
        var bComponents = getNormalizedPathComponents(b, currentDirectory);
        var sharedLength = Math.min(aComponents.length, bComponents.length);
        for (var i = 0; i < sharedLength; i++) {
            var result = compareStrings(aComponents[i], bComponents[i], ignoreCase);
            if (result !== 0) {
                return result;
        return compareValues(aComponents.length, bComponents.length);
    ts.comparePaths = comparePaths;
    function containsPath(parent, child, currentDirectory, ignoreCase) {
        if (parent === undefined || child === undefined)
            return false;
        if (parent === child)
            return true;
        parent = removeTrailingDirectorySeparator(parent);
        child = removeTrailingDirectorySeparator(child);
        if (parent === child)
            return true;
        var parentComponents = getNormalizedPathComponents(parent, currentDirectory);
        var childComponents = getNormalizedPathComponents(child, currentDirectory);
        if (childComponents.length < parentComponents.length) {
            return false;
        for (var i = 0; i < parentComponents.length; i++) {
            var result = compareStrings(parentComponents[i], childComponents[i], ignoreCase);
            if (result !== 0) {
                return false;
        return true;
    ts.containsPath = containsPath;
    function startsWith(str, prefix) {
        return str.lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) === 0;
    ts.startsWith = startsWith;
    function endsWith(str, suffix) {
        var expectedPos = str.length - suffix.length;
        return expectedPos >= 0 && str.indexOf(suffix, expectedPos) === expectedPos;
    ts.endsWith = endsWith;
    function fileExtensionIs(path, extension) {
        return path.length > extension.length && endsWith(path, extension);
    ts.fileExtensionIs = fileExtensionIs;
    function fileExtensionIsAny(path, extensions) {
        for (var _i = 0, extensions_1 = extensions; _i < extensions_1.length; _i++) {
            var extension = extensions_1[_i];
            if (fileExtensionIs(path, extension)) {
                return true;
        return false;
    ts.fileExtensionIsAny = fileExtensionIsAny;
    var reservedCharacterPattern = /[^\w\s\/]/g;
    var wildcardCharCodes = [42, 63];
    var singleAsteriskRegexFragmentFiles = "([^./]|(\\.(?!min\\.js$))?)*";
    var singleAsteriskRegexFragmentOther = "[^/]*";
    function getRegularExpressionForWildcard(specs, basePath, usage) {
        if (specs === undefined || specs.length === 0) {
            return undefined;
        var replaceWildcardCharacter = usage === "files" ? replaceWildCardCharacterFiles : replaceWildCardCharacterOther;
        var singleAsteriskRegexFragment = usage === "files" ? singleAsteriskRegexFragmentFiles : singleAsteriskRegexFragmentOther;
        var doubleAsteriskRegexFragment = usage === "exclude" ? "(/.+?)?" : "(/[^/.][^/]*)*?";
        var pattern = "";
        var hasWrittenSubpattern = false;
        spec: for (var _i = 0, specs_1 = specs; _i < specs_1.length; _i++) {
            var spec = specs_1[_i];
            if (!spec) {
            var subpattern = "";
            var hasRecursiveDirectoryWildcard = false;
            var hasWrittenComponent = false;
            var components = getNormalizedPathComponents(spec, basePath);
            if (usage !== "exclude" && components[components.length - 1] === "**") {
                continue spec;
            components[0] = removeTrailingDirectorySeparator(components[0]);
            var optionalCount = 0;
            for (var _a = 0, components_1 = components; _a < components_1.length; _a++) {
                var component = components_1[_a];
                if (component === "**") {
                    if (hasRecursiveDirectoryWildcard) {
                        continue spec;
                    subpattern += doubleAsteriskRegexFragment;
                    hasRecursiveDirectoryWildcard = true;
                    hasWrittenComponent = true;
                else {
                    if (usage === "directories") {
                        subpattern += "(";
                    if (hasWrittenComponent) {
                        subpattern += ts.directorySeparator;
                    if (usage !== "exclude") {
                        if (component.charCodeAt(0) === 42) {
                            subpattern += "([^./]" + singleAsteriskRegexFragment + ")?";
                            component = component.substr(1);
                        else if (component.charCodeAt(0) === 63) {
                            subpattern += "[^./]";
                            component = component.substr(1);
                    subpattern += component.replace(reservedCharacterPattern, replaceWildcardCharacter);
                    hasWrittenComponent = true;
            while (optionalCount > 0) {
                subpattern += ")?";
            if (hasWrittenSubpattern) {
                pattern += "|";
            pattern += "(" + subpattern + ")";
            hasWrittenSubpattern = true;
        if (!pattern) {
            return undefined;
        return "^(" + pattern + (usage === "exclude" ? ")($|/)" : ")$");
    ts.getRegularExpressionForWildcard = getRegularExpressionForWildcard;
    function replaceWildCardCharacterFiles(match) {
        return replaceWildcardCharacter(match, singleAsteriskRegexFragmentFiles);
    function replaceWildCardCharacterOther(match) {
        return replaceWildcardCharacter(match, singleAsteriskRegexFragmentOther);
    function replaceWildcardCharacter(match, singleAsteriskRegexFragment) {
        return match === "*" ? singleAsteriskRegexFragment : match === "?" ? "[^/]" : "\\" + match;
    function getFileMatcherPatterns(path, extensions, excludes, includes, useCaseSensitiveFileNames, currentDirectory) {
        path = normalizePath(path);
        currentDirectory = normalizePath(currentDirectory);
        var absolutePath = combinePaths(currentDirectory, path);
        return {
            includeFilePattern: getRegularExpressionForWildcard(includes, absolutePath, "files"),
            includeDirectoryPattern: getRegularExpressionForWildcard(includes, absolutePath, "directories"),
            excludePattern: getRegularExpressionForWildcard(excludes, absolutePath, "exclude"),
            basePaths: getBasePaths(path, includes, useCaseSensitiveFileNames)
    ts.getFileMatcherPatterns = getFileMatcherPatterns;
    function matchFiles(path, extensions, excludes, includes, useCaseSensitiveFileNames, currentDirectory, getFileSystemEntries) {
        path = normalizePath(path);
        currentDirectory = normalizePath(currentDirectory);
        var patterns = getFileMatcherPatterns(path, extensions, excludes, includes, useCaseSensitiveFileNames, currentDirectory);
        var regexFlag = useCaseSensitiveFileNames ? "" : "i";
        var includeFileRegex = patterns.includeFilePattern && new RegExp(patterns.includeFilePattern, regexFlag);
        var includeDirectoryRegex = patterns.includeDirectoryPattern && new RegExp(patterns.includeDirectoryPattern, regexFlag);
        var excludeRegex = patterns.excludePattern && new RegExp(patterns.excludePattern, regexFlag);
        var result = [];
        for (var _i = 0, _a = patterns.basePaths; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
            var basePath = _a[_i];
            visitDirectory(basePath, combinePaths(currentDirectory, basePath));
        return result;
        function visitDirectory(path, absolutePath) {
            var _a = getFileSystemEntries(path), files = _a.files, directories = _a.directories;
            for (var _i = 0, files_1 = files; _i < files_1.length; _i++) {
                var current = files_1[_i];
                var name_1 = combinePaths(path, current);
                var absoluteName = combinePaths(absolutePath, current);
                if ((!extensions || fileExtensionIsAny(name_1, extensions)) &&
                    (!includeFileRegex || includeFileRegex.test(absoluteName)) &&
                    (!excludeRegex || !excludeRegex.test(absoluteName))) {
            for (var _b = 0, directories_1 = directories; _b < directories_1.length; _b++) {
                var current = directories_1[_b];
                var name_2 = combinePaths(path, current);
                var absoluteName = combinePaths(absolutePath, current);
                if ((!includeDirectoryRegex || includeDirectoryRegex.test(absoluteName)) &&
                    (!excludeRegex || !excludeRegex.test(absoluteName))) {
                    visitDirectory(name_2, absoluteName);
    ts.matchFiles = matchFiles;
    function getBasePaths(path, includes, useCaseSensitiveFileNames) {
        var basePaths = [path];
        if (includes) {
            var includeBasePaths = [];
            for (var _i = 0, includes_1 = includes; _i < includes_1.length; _i++) {
                var include = includes_1[_i];
                var absolute = isRootedDiskPath(include) ? include : normalizePath(combinePaths(path, include));
                var wildcardOffset = indexOfAnyCharCode(absolute, wildcardCharCodes);
                var includeBasePath = wildcardOffset < 0
                    ? removeTrailingDirectorySeparator(getDirectoryPath(absolute))
                    : absolute.substring(0, absolute.lastIndexOf(ts.directorySeparator, wildcardOffset));
            includeBasePaths.sort(useCaseSensitiveFileNames ? compareStrings : compareStringsCaseInsensitive);
            include: for (var i = 0; i < includeBasePaths.length; i++) {
                var includeBasePath = includeBasePaths[i];
                for (var j = 0; j < basePaths.length; j++) {
                    if (containsPath(basePaths[j], includeBasePath, path, !useCaseSensitiveFileNames)) {
                        continue include;
        return basePaths;
    function ensureScriptKind(fileName, scriptKind) {
        return (scriptKind || getScriptKindFromFileName(fileName)) || 3;
    ts.ensureScriptKind = ensureScriptKind;
    function getScriptKindFromFileName(fileName) {
        var ext = fileName.substr(fileName.lastIndexOf("."));
        switch (ext.toLowerCase()) {
            case ".js":
                return 1;
            case ".jsx":
                return 2;
            case ".ts":
                return 3;
            case ".tsx":
                return 4;
                return 0;
    ts.getScriptKindFromFileName = getScriptKindFromFileName;
    ts.supportedTypeScriptExtensions = [".ts", ".tsx", ".d.ts"];
    ts.supportedTypescriptExtensionsForExtractExtension = [".d.ts", ".ts", ".tsx"];
    ts.supportedJavascriptExtensions = [".js", ".jsx"];
    var allSupportedExtensions = ts.supportedTypeScriptExtensions.concat(ts.supportedJavascriptExtensions);
    function getSupportedExtensions(options) {
        return options && options.allowJs ? allSupportedExtensions : ts.supportedTypeScriptExtensions;
    ts.getSupportedExtensions = getSupportedExtensions;
    function hasJavaScriptFileExtension(fileName) {
        return forEach(ts.supportedJavascriptExtensions, function (extension) { return fileExtensionIs(fileName, extension); });
    ts.hasJavaScriptFileExtension = hasJavaScriptFileExtension;
    function hasTypeScriptFileExtension(fileName) {
        return forEach(ts.supportedTypeScriptExtensions, function (extension) { return fileExtensionIs(fileName, extension); });
    ts.hasTypeScriptFileExtension = hasTypeScriptFileExtension;
    function isSupportedSourceFileName(fileName, compilerOptions) {
        if (!fileName) {
            return false;
        for (var _i = 0, _a = getSupportedExtensions(compilerOptions); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
            var extension = _a[_i];
            if (fileExtensionIs(fileName, extension)) {
                return true;
        return false;
    ts.isSupportedSourceFileName = isSupportedSourceFileName;
    function getExtensionPriority(path, supportedExtensions) {
        for (var i = supportedExtensions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (fileExtensionIs(path, supportedExtensions[i])) {
                return adjustExtensionPriority(i);
        return 0;
    ts.getExtensionPriority = getExtensionPriority;
    function adjustExtensionPriority(extensionPriority) {
        if (extensionPriority < 2) {
            return 0;
        else if (extensionPriority < 5) {
            return 2;
        else {
            return 5;
    ts.adjustExtensionPriority = adjustExtensionPriority;
    function getNextLowestExtensionPriority(extensionPriority) {
        if (extensionPriority < 2) {
            return 2;
        else {
            return 5;
    ts.getNextLowestExtensionPriority = getNextLowestExtensionPriority;
    var extensionsToRemove = [".d.ts", ".ts", ".js", ".tsx", ".jsx"];
    function removeFileExtension(path) {
        for (var _i = 0, extensionsToRemove_1 = extensionsToRemove; _i < extensionsToRemove_1.length; _i++) {
            var ext = extensionsToRemove_1[_i];
            var extensionless = tryRemoveExtension(path, ext);
            if (extensionless !== undefined) {
                return extensionless;
        return path;
    ts.removeFileExtension = removeFileExtension;
    function tryRemoveExtension(path, extension) {
        return fileExtensionIs(path, extension) ? removeExtension(path, extension) : undefined;
    ts.tryRemoveExtension = tryRemoveExtension;
    function removeExtension(path, extension) {
        return path.substring(0, path.length - extension.length);
    ts.removeExtension = removeExtension;
    function isJsxOrTsxExtension(ext) {
        return ext === ".jsx" || ext === ".tsx";
    ts.isJsxOrTsxExtension = isJsxOrTsxExtension;
    function changeExtension(path, newExtension) {
        return (removeFileExtension(path) + newExtension);
    ts.changeExtension = changeExtension;
    function Symbol(flags, name) {
        this.flags = flags; = name;
        this.declarations = undefined;
    function Type(checker, flags) {
        this.flags = flags;
    function Signature(checker) {
    function Node(kind, pos, end) {
        this.kind = kind;
        this.pos = pos;
        this.end = end;
        this.flags = 0;
        this.parent = undefined;
    ts.objectAllocator = {
        getNodeConstructor: function () { return Node; },
        getTokenConstructor: function () { return Node; },
        getIdentifierConstructor: function () { return Node; },
        getSourceFileConstructor: function () { return Node; },
        getSymbolConstructor: function () { return Symbol; },
        getTypeConstructor: function () { return Type; },
        getSignatureConstructor: function () { return Signature; }
    var Debug;
    (function (Debug) {
        var currentAssertionLevel = 0;
        function shouldAssert(level) {
            return currentAssertionLevel >= level;
        Debug.shouldAssert = shouldAssert;
        function assert(expression, message, verboseDebugInfo) {
            if (!expression) {
                var verboseDebugString = "";
                if (verboseDebugInfo) {
                    verboseDebugString = "\r\nVerbose Debug Information: " + verboseDebugInfo();
                throw new Error("Debug Failure. False expression: " + (message || "") + verboseDebugString);
        Debug.assert = assert;
        function fail(message) {
            Debug.assert(false, message);
        } = fail;
    })(Debug = ts.Debug || (ts.Debug = {}));
    function copyListRemovingItem(item, list) {
        var copiedList = [];
        for (var _i = 0, list_1 = list; _i < list_1.length; _i++) {
            var e = list_1[_i];
            if (e !== item) {
        return copiedList;
    ts.copyListRemovingItem = copyListRemovingItem;
    function createGetCanonicalFileName(useCaseSensitivefileNames) {
        return useCaseSensitivefileNames
            ? (function (fileName) { return fileName; })
            : (function (fileName) { return fileName.toLowerCase(); });
    ts.createGetCanonicalFileName = createGetCanonicalFileName;
    function trace(host, message) {
        host.trace(formatMessage.apply(undefined, arguments));
    ts.trace = trace;
    function isTraceEnabled(compilerOptions, host) {
        return compilerOptions.traceResolution && host.trace !== undefined;
    ts.isTraceEnabled = isTraceEnabled;
    function hasZeroOrOneAsteriskCharacter(str) {
        var seenAsterisk = false;
        for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
            if (str.charCodeAt(i) === 42) {
                if (!seenAsterisk) {
                    seenAsterisk = true;
                else {
                    return false;
        return true;
    ts.hasZeroOrOneAsteriskCharacter = hasZeroOrOneAsteriskCharacter;
    function createResolvedModule(resolvedFileName, isExternalLibraryImport, failedLookupLocations) {
        return { resolvedModule: resolvedFileName ? { resolvedFileName: resolvedFileName, isExternalLibraryImport: isExternalLibraryImport } : undefined, failedLookupLocations: failedLookupLocations };
    ts.createResolvedModule = createResolvedModule;
    function isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleName) {
        return /^\.\.?($|[\\/])/.test(moduleName);
    ts.isExternalModuleNameRelative = isExternalModuleNameRelative;
    function readJson(path, host) {
        try {
            var jsonText = host.readFile(path);
            return jsonText ? JSON.parse(jsonText) : {};
        catch (e) {
            return {};
    ts.readJson = readJson;
    function getEmitModuleKind(compilerOptions) {
        return typeof compilerOptions.module === "number" ?
            compilerOptions.module :
            getEmitScriptTarget(compilerOptions) === 2 ? ts.ModuleKind.ES6 : ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS;
    ts.getEmitModuleKind = getEmitModuleKind;
    function getEmitScriptTarget(compilerOptions) {
        return || 0;
    ts.getEmitScriptTarget = getEmitScriptTarget;
})(ts || (ts = {}));
var ts;
(function (ts) {
    ts.sys = (function () {
        function getWScriptSystem() {
            var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
            var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
            var fileStream = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
            fileStream.Type = 2;
            var binaryStream = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
            binaryStream.Type = 1;
            var args = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < WScript.Arguments.length; i++) {
                args[i] = WScript.Arguments.Item(i);
            function readFile(fileName, encoding) {
                if (!fso.FileExists(fileName)) {
                    return undefined;
                try {
                    if (encoding) {
                        fileStream.Charset = encoding;
                    else {
                        fileStream.Charset = "x-ansi";
                        var bom = fileStream.ReadText(2) || "";
                        fileStream.Position = 0;
                        fileStream.Charset = bom.length >= 2 && (bom.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFF && bom.charCodeAt(1) === 0xFE || bom.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFE && bom.charCodeAt(1) === 0xFF) ? "unicode" : "utf-8";
                    return fileStream.ReadText();
                catch (e) {
                    throw e;
                finally {
            function writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark) {
                try {
                    fileStream.Charset = "utf-8";
                    if (writeByteOrderMark) {
                        fileStream.Position = 0;
                    else {
                        fileStream.Position = 3;
                    binaryStream.SaveToFile(fileName, 2);
                finally {
            function getNames(collection) {
                var result = [];
                for (var e = new Enumerator(collection); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
                return result.sort();
            function getDirectories(path) {
                var folder = fso.GetFolder(path);
                return getNames(folder.subfolders);
            function getAccessibleFileSystemEntries(path) {
                try {
                    var folder = fso.GetFolder(path || ".");
                    var files = getNames(folder.files);
                    var directories = getNames(folder.subfolders);
                    return { files: files, directories: directories };
                catch (e) {
                    return { files: [], directories: [] };
            function readDirectory(path, extensions, excludes, includes) {
                return ts.matchFiles(path, extensions, excludes, includes, false, shell.CurrentDirectory, getAccessibleFileSystemEntries);
            var wscriptSystem = {
                args: args,
                newLine: "\r\n",
                useCaseSensitiveFileNames: false,
                write: function (s) {
                readFile: readFile,
                writeFile: writeFile,
                resolvePath: function (path) {
                    return fso.GetAbsolutePathName(path);
                fileExists: function (path) {
                    return fso.FileExists(path);
                directoryExists: function (path) {
                    return fso.FolderExists(path);
                createDirectory: function (directoryName) {
                    if (!wscriptSystem.directoryExists(directoryName)) {
                getExecutingFilePath: function () {
                    return WScript.ScriptFullName;
                getCurrentDirectory: function () {
                    return shell.CurrentDirectory;
                getDirectories: getDirectories,
                readDirectory: readDirectory,
                exit: function (exitCode) {
                    try {
                    catch (e) {
            return wscriptSystem;
        function getNodeSystem() {
            var _fs = require("fs");
            var _path = require("path");
            var _os = require("os");
            var _crypto = require("crypto");
            var useNonPollingWatchers = process.env["TSC_NONPOLLING_WATCHER"];
            function createWatchedFileSet() {
                var dirWatchers = ts.createMap();
                var fileWatcherCallbacks = ts.createMap();
                return { addFile: addFile, removeFile: removeFile };
                function reduceDirWatcherRefCountForFile(fileName) {
                    var dirName = ts.getDirectoryPath(fileName);
                    var watcher = dirWatchers[dirName];
                    if (watcher) {
                        watcher.referenceCount -= 1;
                        if (watcher.referenceCount <= 0) {
                            delete dirWatchers[dirName];
                function addDirWatcher(dirPath) {
                    var watcher = dirWatchers[dirPath];
                    if (watcher) {
                        watcher.referenceCount += 1;
                    watcher =, { persistent: true }, function (eventName, relativeFileName) { return fileEventHandler(eventName, relativeFileName, dirPath); });
                    watcher.referenceCount = 1;
                    dirWatchers[dirPath] = watcher;
                function addFileWatcherCallback(filePath, callback) {
                    (fileWatcherCallbacks[filePath] || (fileWatcherCallbacks[filePath] = [])).push(callback);
                function addFile(fileName, callback) {
                    addFileWatcherCallback(fileName, callback);
                    return { fileName: fileName, callback: callback };
                function removeFile(watchedFile) {
                    removeFileWatcherCallback(watchedFile.fileName, watchedFile.callback);
                function removeFileWatcherCallback(filePath, callback) {
                    var callbacks = fileWatcherCallbacks[filePath];
                    if (callbacks) {
                        var newCallbacks = ts.copyListRemovingItem(callback, callbacks);
                        if (newCallbacks.length === 0) {
                            delete fileWatcherCallbacks[filePath];
                        else {
                            fileWatcherCallbacks[filePath] = newCallbacks;
                function fileEventHandler(eventName, relativeFileName, baseDirPath) {
                    var fileName = typeof relativeFileName !== "string"
                        ? undefined
                        : ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(relativeFileName, baseDirPath);
                    if ((eventName === "change" || eventName === "rename") && fileWatcherCallbacks[fileName]) {
                        for (var _i = 0, _a = fileWatcherCallbacks[fileName]; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                            var fileCallback = _a[_i];
            var watchedFileSet = createWatchedFileSet();
            function isNode4OrLater() {
                return parseInt(process.version.charAt(1)) >= 4;
            var platform = _os.platform();
            var useCaseSensitiveFileNames = platform !== "win32" && platform !== "win64" && platform !== "darwin";
            function readFile(fileName, encoding) {
                if (!fileExists(fileName)) {
                    return undefined;
                var buffer = _fs.readFileSync(fileName);
                var len = buffer.length;
                if (len >= 2 && buffer[0] === 0xFE && buffer[1] === 0xFF) {
                    len &= ~1;
                    for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
                        var temp = buffer[i];
                        buffer[i] = buffer[i + 1];
                        buffer[i + 1] = temp;
                    return buffer.toString("utf16le", 2);
                if (len >= 2 && buffer[0] === 0xFF && buffer[1] === 0xFE) {
                    return buffer.toString("utf16le", 2);
                if (len >= 3 && buffer[0] === 0xEF && buffer[1] === 0xBB && buffer[2] === 0xBF) {
                    return buffer.toString("utf8", 3);
                return buffer.toString("utf8");
            function writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark) {
                if (writeByteOrderMark) {
                    data = "\uFEFF" + data;
                var fd;
                try {
                    fd = _fs.openSync(fileName, "w");
                    _fs.writeSync(fd, data, undefined, "utf8");
                finally {
                    if (fd !== undefined) {
            function getAccessibleFileSystemEntries(path) {
                try {
                    var entries = _fs.readdirSync(path || ".").sort();
                    var files = [];
                    var directories = [];
                    for (var _i = 0, entries_1 = entries; _i < entries_1.length; _i++) {
                        var entry = entries_1[_i];
                        if (entry === "." || entry === "..") {
                        var name_3 = ts.combinePaths(path, entry);
                        var stat = void 0;
                        try {
                            stat = _fs.statSync(name_3);
                        catch (e) {
                        if (stat.isFile()) {
                        else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
                    return { files: files, directories: directories };
                catch (e) {
                    return { files: [], directories: [] };
            function readDirectory(path, extensions, excludes, includes) {
                return ts.matchFiles(path, extensions, excludes, includes, useCaseSensitiveFileNames, process.cwd(), getAccessibleFileSystemEntries);
            function fileSystemEntryExists(path, entryKind) {
                try {
                    var stat = _fs.statSync(path);
                    switch (entryKind) {
                        case 0: return stat.isFile();
                        case 1: return stat.isDirectory();
                catch (e) {
                    return false;
            function fileExists(path) {
                return fileSystemEntryExists(path, 0);
            function directoryExists(path) {
                return fileSystemEntryExists(path, 1);
            function getDirectories(path) {
                return ts.filter(_fs.readdirSync(path), function (p) { return fileSystemEntryExists(ts.combinePaths(path, p), 1); });
            var nodeSystem = {
                args: process.argv.slice(2),
                newLine: _os.EOL,
                useCaseSensitiveFileNames: useCaseSensitiveFileNames,
                write: function (s) {
                readFile: readFile,
                writeFile: writeFile,
                watchFile: function (fileName, callback, pollingInterval) {
                    if (useNonPollingWatchers) {
                        var watchedFile_1 = watchedFileSet.addFile(fileName, callback);
                        return {
                            close: function () { return watchedFileSet.removeFile(watchedFile_1); }
                    else {
                        _fs.watchFile(fileName, { persistent: true, interval: pollingInterval || 250 }, fileChanged);
                        return {
                            close: function () { return _fs.unwatchFile(fileName, fileChanged); }
                    function fileChanged(curr, prev) {
                        if (+curr.mtime <= +prev.mtime) {
                watchDirectory: function (directoryName, callback, recursive) {
                    var options;
                    if (!directoryExists(directoryName)) {
                    if (isNode4OrLater() && (process.platform === "win32" || process.platform === "darwin")) {
                        options = { persistent: true, recursive: !!recursive };
                    else {
                        options = { persistent: true };
                    return, options, function (eventName, relativeFileName) {
                        if (eventName === "rename") {
                            callback(!relativeFileName ? relativeFileName : ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(directoryName, relativeFileName)));
                resolvePath: function (path) {
                    return _path.resolve(path);
                fileExists: fileExists,
                directoryExists: directoryExists,
                createDirectory: function (directoryName) {
                    if (!nodeSystem.directoryExists(directoryName)) {
                getExecutingFilePath: function () {
                    return __filename;
                getCurrentDirectory: function () {
                    return process.cwd();
                getDirectories: getDirectories,
                readDirectory: readDirectory,
                getModifiedTime: function (path) {
                    try {
                        return _fs.statSync(path).mtime;
                    catch (e) {
                        return undefined;
                createHash: function (data) {
                    var hash = _crypto.createHash("md5");
                    return hash.digest("hex");
                getMemoryUsage: function () {
                    if (global.gc) {
                    return process.memoryUsage().heapUsed;
                getFileSize: function (path) {
                    try {
                        var stat = _fs.statSync(path);
                        if (stat.isFile()) {
                            return stat.size;
                    catch (e) { }
                    return 0;
                exit: function (exitCode) {
                realpath: function (path) {
                    return _fs.realpathSync(path);
            return nodeSystem;
        function getChakraSystem() {
            var realpath = ChakraHost.realpath && (function (path) { return ChakraHost.realpath(path); });
            return {
                newLine: ChakraHost.newLine || "\r\n",
                args: ChakraHost.args,
                useCaseSensitiveFileNames: !!ChakraHost.useCaseSensitiveFileNames,
                write: ChakraHost.echo,
                readFile: function (path, encoding) {
                    return ChakraHost.readFile(path);
                writeFile: function (path, data, writeByteOrderMark) {
                    if (writeByteOrderMark) {
                        data = "\uFEFF" + data;
                    ChakraHost.writeFile(path, data);
                resolvePath: ChakraHost.resolvePath,
                fileExists: ChakraHost.fileExists,
                directoryExists: ChakraHost.directoryExists,
                createDirectory: ChakraHost.createDirectory,
                getExecutingFilePath: function () { return ChakraHost.executingFile; },
                getCurrentDirectory: function () { return ChakraHost.currentDirectory; },
                getDirectories: ChakraHost.getDirectories,
                readDirectory: function (path, extensions, excludes, includes) {
                    var pattern = ts.getFileMatcherPatterns(path, extensions, excludes, includes, !!ChakraHost.useCaseSensitiveFileNames, ChakraHost.currentDirectory);
                    return ChakraHost.readDirectory(path, extensions, pattern.basePaths, pattern.excludePattern, pattern.includeFilePattern, pattern.includeDirectoryPattern);
                exit: ChakraHost.quit,
                realpath: realpath
        function recursiveCreateDirectory(directoryPath, sys) {
            var basePath = ts.getDirectoryPath(directoryPath);
            var shouldCreateParent = directoryPath !== basePath && !sys.directoryExists(basePath);
            if (shouldCreateParent) {
                recursiveCreateDirectory(basePath, sys);
            if (shouldCreateParent || !sys.directoryExists(directoryPath)) {
        var sys;
        if (typeof ChakraHost !== "undefined") {
            sys = getChakraSystem();
        else if (typeof WScript !== "undefined" && typeof ActiveXObject === "function") {
            sys = getWScriptSystem();
        else if (typeof process !== "undefined" && process.nextTick && !process.browser && typeof require !== "undefined") {
            sys = getNodeSystem();
        if (sys) {
            var originalWriteFile_1 = sys.writeFile;
            sys.writeFile = function (path, data, writeBom) {
                var directoryPath = ts.getDirectoryPath(ts.normalizeSlashes(path));
                if (directoryPath && !sys.directoryExists(directoryPath)) {
                    recursiveCreateDirectory(directoryPath, sys);
      , path, data, writeBom);
        return sys;
})(ts || (ts = {}));
var ts;
(function (ts) {
    ts.Diagnostics = {
        Unterminated_string_literal: { code: 1002, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unterminated_string_literal_1002", message: "Unterminated string literal." },
        Identifier_expected: { code: 1003, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Identifier_expected_1003", message: "Identifier expected." },
        _0_expected: { code: 1005, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_expected_1005", message: "'{0}' expected." },
        A_file_cannot_have_a_reference_to_itself: { code: 1006, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_file_cannot_have_a_reference_to_itself_1006", message: "A file cannot have a reference to itself." },
        Trailing_comma_not_allowed: { code: 1009, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Trailing_comma_not_allowed_1009", message: "Trailing comma not allowed." },
        Asterisk_Slash_expected: { code: 1010, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Asterisk_Slash_expected_1010", message: "'*/' expected." },
        Unexpected_token: { code: 1012, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unexpected_token_1012", message: "Unexpected token." },
        A_rest_parameter_must_be_last_in_a_parameter_list: { code: 1014, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_rest_parameter_must_be_last_in_a_parameter_list_1014", message: "A rest parameter must be last in a parameter list." },
        Parameter_cannot_have_question_mark_and_initializer: { code: 1015, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_cannot_have_question_mark_and_initializer_1015", message: "Parameter cannot have question mark and initializer." },
        A_required_parameter_cannot_follow_an_optional_parameter: { code: 1016, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_required_parameter_cannot_follow_an_optional_parameter_1016", message: "A required parameter cannot follow an optional parameter." },
        An_index_signature_cannot_have_a_rest_parameter: { code: 1017, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_index_signature_cannot_have_a_rest_parameter_1017", message: "An index signature cannot have a rest parameter." },
        An_index_signature_parameter_cannot_have_an_accessibility_modifier: { code: 1018, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_index_signature_parameter_cannot_have_an_accessibility_modifier_1018", message: "An index signature parameter cannot have an accessibility modifier." },
        An_index_signature_parameter_cannot_have_a_question_mark: { code: 1019, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_index_signature_parameter_cannot_have_a_question_mark_1019", message: "An index signature parameter cannot have a question mark." },
        An_index_signature_parameter_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1020, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_index_signature_parameter_cannot_have_an_initializer_1020", message: "An index signature parameter cannot have an initializer." },
        An_index_signature_must_have_a_type_annotation: { code: 1021, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_index_signature_must_have_a_type_annotation_1021", message: "An index signature must have a type annotation." },
        An_index_signature_parameter_must_have_a_type_annotation: { code: 1022, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_index_signature_parameter_must_have_a_type_annotation_1022", message: "An index signature parameter must have a type annotation." },
        An_index_signature_parameter_type_must_be_string_or_number: { code: 1023, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_index_signature_parameter_type_must_be_string_or_number_1023", message: "An index signature parameter type must be 'string' or 'number'." },
        readonly_modifier_can_only_appear_on_a_property_declaration_or_index_signature: { code: 1024, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "readonly_modifier_can_only_appear_on_a_property_declaration_or_index_signature_1024", message: "'readonly' modifier can only appear on a property declaration or index signature." },
        Accessibility_modifier_already_seen: { code: 1028, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Accessibility_modifier_already_seen_1028", message: "Accessibility modifier already seen." },
        _0_modifier_must_precede_1_modifier: { code: 1029, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_modifier_must_precede_1_modifier_1029", message: "'{0}' modifier must precede '{1}' modifier." },
        _0_modifier_already_seen: { code: 1030, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_modifier_already_seen_1030", message: "'{0}' modifier already seen." },
        _0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_class_element: { code: 1031, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_class_element_1031", message: "'{0}' modifier cannot appear on a class element." },
        super_must_be_followed_by_an_argument_list_or_member_access: { code: 1034, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "super_must_be_followed_by_an_argument_list_or_member_access_1034", message: "'super' must be followed by an argument list or member access." },
        Only_ambient_modules_can_use_quoted_names: { code: 1035, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Only_ambient_modules_can_use_quoted_names_1035", message: "Only ambient modules can use quoted names." },
        Statements_are_not_allowed_in_ambient_contexts: { code: 1036, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Statements_are_not_allowed_in_ambient_contexts_1036", message: "Statements are not allowed in ambient contexts." },
        A_declare_modifier_cannot_be_used_in_an_already_ambient_context: { code: 1038, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_declare_modifier_cannot_be_used_in_an_already_ambient_context_1038", message: "A 'declare' modifier cannot be used in an already ambient context." },
        Initializers_are_not_allowed_in_ambient_contexts: { code: 1039, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Initializers_are_not_allowed_in_ambient_contexts_1039", message: "Initializers are not allowed in ambient contexts." },
        _0_modifier_cannot_be_used_in_an_ambient_context: { code: 1040, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_modifier_cannot_be_used_in_an_ambient_context_1040", message: "'{0}' modifier cannot be used in an ambient context." },
        _0_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_a_class_declaration: { code: 1041, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_a_class_declaration_1041", message: "'{0}' modifier cannot be used with a class declaration." },
        _0_modifier_cannot_be_used_here: { code: 1042, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_modifier_cannot_be_used_here_1042", message: "'{0}' modifier cannot be used here." },
        _0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_data_property: { code: 1043, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_data_property_1043", message: "'{0}' modifier cannot appear on a data property." },
        _0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_module_or_namespace_element: { code: 1044, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_module_or_namespace_element_1044", message: "'{0}' modifier cannot appear on a module or namespace element." },
        A_0_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_an_interface_declaration: { code: 1045, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_0_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_an_interface_declaration_1045", message: "A '{0}' modifier cannot be used with an interface declaration." },
        A_declare_modifier_is_required_for_a_top_level_declaration_in_a_d_ts_file: { code: 1046, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_declare_modifier_is_required_for_a_top_level_declaration_in_a_d_ts_file_1046", message: "A 'declare' modifier is required for a top level declaration in a .d.ts file." },
        A_rest_parameter_cannot_be_optional: { code: 1047, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_rest_parameter_cannot_be_optional_1047", message: "A rest parameter cannot be optional." },
        A_rest_parameter_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1048, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_rest_parameter_cannot_have_an_initializer_1048", message: "A rest parameter cannot have an initializer." },
        A_set_accessor_must_have_exactly_one_parameter: { code: 1049, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_set_accessor_must_have_exactly_one_parameter_1049", message: "A 'set' accessor must have exactly one parameter." },
        A_set_accessor_cannot_have_an_optional_parameter: { code: 1051, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_set_accessor_cannot_have_an_optional_parameter_1051", message: "A 'set' accessor cannot have an optional parameter." },
        A_set_accessor_parameter_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1052, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_set_accessor_parameter_cannot_have_an_initializer_1052", message: "A 'set' accessor parameter cannot have an initializer." },
        A_set_accessor_cannot_have_rest_parameter: { code: 1053, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_set_accessor_cannot_have_rest_parameter_1053", message: "A 'set' accessor cannot have rest parameter." },
        A_get_accessor_cannot_have_parameters: { code: 1054, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_get_accessor_cannot_have_parameters_1054", message: "A 'get' accessor cannot have parameters." },
        Type_0_is_not_a_valid_async_function_return_type: { code: 1055, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_0_is_not_a_valid_async_function_return_type_1055", message: "Type '{0}' is not a valid async function return type." },
        Accessors_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_5_and_higher: { code: 1056, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Accessors_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_5_and_higher_1056", message: "Accessors are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher." },
        An_async_function_or_method_must_have_a_valid_awaitable_return_type: { code: 1057, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_async_function_or_method_must_have_a_valid_awaitable_return_type_1057", message: "An async function or method must have a valid awaitable return type." },
        Operand_for_await_does_not_have_a_valid_callable_then_member: { code: 1058, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Operand_for_await_does_not_have_a_valid_callable_then_member_1058", message: "Operand for 'await' does not have a valid callable 'then' member." },
        Return_expression_in_async_function_does_not_have_a_valid_callable_then_member: { code: 1059, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_expression_in_async_function_does_not_have_a_valid_callable_then_member_1059", message: "Return expression in async function does not have a valid callable 'then' member." },
        Expression_body_for_async_arrow_function_does_not_have_a_valid_callable_then_member: { code: 1060, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Expression_body_for_async_arrow_function_does_not_have_a_valid_callable_then_member_1060", message: "Expression body for async arrow function does not have a valid callable 'then' member." },
        Enum_member_must_have_initializer: { code: 1061, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Enum_member_must_have_initializer_1061", message: "Enum member must have initializer." },
        _0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_the_fulfillment_callback_of_its_own_then_method: { code: 1062, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_the_fulfillment_callback_of_its_own_then_method_1062", message: "{0} is referenced directly or indirectly in the fulfillment callback of its own 'then' method." },
        An_export_assignment_cannot_be_used_in_a_namespace: { code: 1063, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_export_assignment_cannot_be_used_in_a_namespace_1063", message: "An export assignment cannot be used in a namespace." },
        The_return_type_of_an_async_function_or_method_must_be_the_global_Promise_T_type: { code: 1064, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_return_type_of_an_async_function_or_method_must_be_the_global_Promise_T_type_1064", message: "The return type of an async function or method must be the global Promise<T> type." },
        In_ambient_enum_declarations_member_initializer_must_be_constant_expression: { code: 1066, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "In_ambient_enum_declarations_member_initializer_must_be_constant_expression_1066", message: "In ambient enum declarations member initializer must be constant expression." },
        Unexpected_token_A_constructor_method_accessor_or_property_was_expected: { code: 1068, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unexpected_token_A_constructor_method_accessor_or_property_was_expected_1068", message: "Unexpected token. A constructor, method, accessor, or property was expected." },
        _0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_type_member: { code: 1070, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_type_member_1070", message: "'{0}' modifier cannot appear on a type member." },
        _0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_an_index_signature: { code: 1071, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_an_index_signature_1071", message: "'{0}' modifier cannot appear on an index signature." },
        A_0_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_an_import_declaration: { code: 1079, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_0_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_an_import_declaration_1079", message: "A '{0}' modifier cannot be used with an import declaration." },
        Invalid_reference_directive_syntax: { code: 1084, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid_reference_directive_syntax_1084", message: "Invalid 'reference' directive syntax." },
        Octal_literals_are_not_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_5_and_higher: { code: 1085, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Octal_literals_are_not_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_5_and_higher_1085", message: "Octal literals are not available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher." },
        An_accessor_cannot_be_declared_in_an_ambient_context: { code: 1086, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_accessor_cannot_be_declared_in_an_ambient_context_1086", message: "An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context." },
        _0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration: { code: 1089, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration_1089", message: "'{0}' modifier cannot appear on a constructor declaration." },
        _0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_parameter: { code: 1090, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_parameter_1090", message: "'{0}' modifier cannot appear on a parameter." },
        Only_a_single_variable_declaration_is_allowed_in_a_for_in_statement: { code: 1091, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Only_a_single_variable_declaration_is_allowed_in_a_for_in_statement_1091", message: "Only a single variable declaration is allowed in a '' statement." },
        Type_parameters_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration: { code: 1092, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_parameters_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration_1092", message: "Type parameters cannot appear on a constructor declaration." },
        Type_annotation_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration: { code: 1093, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_annotation_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration_1093", message: "Type annotation cannot appear on a constructor declaration." },
        An_accessor_cannot_have_type_parameters: { code: 1094, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_accessor_cannot_have_type_parameters_1094", message: "An accessor cannot have type parameters." },
        A_set_accessor_cannot_have_a_return_type_annotation: { code: 1095, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_set_accessor_cannot_have_a_return_type_annotation_1095", message: "A 'set' accessor cannot have a return type annotation." },
        An_index_signature_must_have_exactly_one_parameter: { code: 1096, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_index_signature_must_have_exactly_one_parameter_1096", message: "An index signature must have exactly one parameter." },
        _0_list_cannot_be_empty: { code: 1097, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_list_cannot_be_empty_1097", message: "'{0}' list cannot be empty." },
        Type_parameter_list_cannot_be_empty: { code: 1098, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_parameter_list_cannot_be_empty_1098", message: "Type parameter list cannot be empty." },
        Type_argument_list_cannot_be_empty: { code: 1099, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_argument_list_cannot_be_empty_1099", message: "Type argument list cannot be empty." },
        Invalid_use_of_0_in_strict_mode: { code: 1100, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid_use_of_0_in_strict_mode_1100", message: "Invalid use of '{0}' in strict mode." },
        with_statements_are_not_allowed_in_strict_mode: { code: 1101, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "with_statements_are_not_allowed_in_strict_mode_1101", message: "'with' statements are not allowed in strict mode." },
        delete_cannot_be_called_on_an_identifier_in_strict_mode: { code: 1102, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "delete_cannot_be_called_on_an_identifier_in_strict_mode_1102", message: "'delete' cannot be called on an identifier in strict mode." },
        A_continue_statement_can_only_be_used_within_an_enclosing_iteration_statement: { code: 1104, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_continue_statement_can_only_be_used_within_an_enclosing_iteration_statement_1104", message: "A 'continue' statement can only be used within an enclosing iteration statement." },
        A_break_statement_can_only_be_used_within_an_enclosing_iteration_or_switch_statement: { code: 1105, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_break_statement_can_only_be_used_within_an_enclosing_iteration_or_switch_statement_1105", message: "A 'break' statement can only be used within an enclosing iteration or switch statement." },
        Jump_target_cannot_cross_function_boundary: { code: 1107, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Jump_target_cannot_cross_function_boundary_1107", message: "Jump target cannot cross function boundary." },
        A_return_statement_can_only_be_used_within_a_function_body: { code: 1108, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_return_statement_can_only_be_used_within_a_function_body_1108", message: "A 'return' statement can only be used within a function body." },
        Expression_expected: { code: 1109, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Expression_expected_1109", message: "Expression expected." },
        Type_expected: { code: 1110, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_expected_1110", message: "Type expected." },
        A_default_clause_cannot_appear_more_than_once_in_a_switch_statement: { code: 1113, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_default_clause_cannot_appear_more_than_once_in_a_switch_statement_1113", message: "A 'default' clause cannot appear more than once in a 'switch' statement." },
        Duplicate_label_0: { code: 1114, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate_label_0_1114", message: "Duplicate label '{0}'" },
        A_continue_statement_can_only_jump_to_a_label_of_an_enclosing_iteration_statement: { code: 1115, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_continue_statement_can_only_jump_to_a_label_of_an_enclosing_iteration_statement_1115", message: "A 'continue' statement can only jump to a label of an enclosing iteration statement." },
        A_break_statement_can_only_jump_to_a_label_of_an_enclosing_statement: { code: 1116, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_break_statement_can_only_jump_to_a_label_of_an_enclosing_statement_1116", message: "A 'break' statement can only jump to a label of an enclosing statement." },
        An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_properties_with_the_same_name_in_strict_mode: { code: 1117, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_properties_with_the_same_name_in_strict_mode_1117", message: "An object literal cannot have multiple properties with the same name in strict mode." },
        An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_get_Slashset_accessors_with_the_same_name: { code: 1118, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_get_Slashset_accessors_with_the_same_name_1118", message: "An object literal cannot have multiple get/set accessors with the same name." },
        An_object_literal_cannot_have_property_and_accessor_with_the_same_name: { code: 1119, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_object_literal_cannot_have_property_and_accessor_with_the_same_name_1119", message: "An object literal cannot have property and accessor with the same name." },
        An_export_assignment_cannot_have_modifiers: { code: 1120, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_export_assignment_cannot_have_modifiers_1120", message: "An export assignment cannot have modifiers." },
        Octal_literals_are_not_allowed_in_strict_mode: { code: 1121, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Octal_literals_are_not_allowed_in_strict_mode_1121", message: "Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode." },
        A_tuple_type_element_list_cannot_be_empty: { code: 1122, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_tuple_type_element_list_cannot_be_empty_1122", message: "A tuple type element list cannot be empty." },
        Variable_declaration_list_cannot_be_empty: { code: 1123, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Variable_declaration_list_cannot_be_empty_1123", message: "Variable declaration list cannot be empty." },
        Digit_expected: { code: 1124, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Digit_expected_1124", message: "Digit expected." },
        Hexadecimal_digit_expected: { code: 1125, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Hexadecimal_digit_expected_1125", message: "Hexadecimal digit expected." },
        Unexpected_end_of_text: { code: 1126, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unexpected_end_of_text_1126", message: "Unexpected end of text." },
        Invalid_character: { code: 1127, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid_character_1127", message: "Invalid character." },
        Declaration_or_statement_expected: { code: 1128, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Declaration_or_statement_expected_1128", message: "Declaration or statement expected." },
        Statement_expected: { code: 1129, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Statement_expected_1129", message: "Statement expected." },
        case_or_default_expected: { code: 1130, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "case_or_default_expected_1130", message: "'case' or 'default' expected." },
        Property_or_signature_expected: { code: 1131, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_or_signature_expected_1131", message: "Property or signature expected." },
        Enum_member_expected: { code: 1132, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Enum_member_expected_1132", message: "Enum member expected." },
        Variable_declaration_expected: { code: 1134, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Variable_declaration_expected_1134", message: "Variable declaration expected." },
        Argument_expression_expected: { code: 1135, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Argument_expression_expected_1135", message: "Argument expression expected." },
        Property_assignment_expected: { code: 1136, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_assignment_expected_1136", message: "Property assignment expected." },
        Expression_or_comma_expected: { code: 1137, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Expression_or_comma_expected_1137", message: "Expression or comma expected." },
        Parameter_declaration_expected: { code: 1138, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_declaration_expected_1138", message: "Parameter declaration expected." },
        Type_parameter_declaration_expected: { code: 1139, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_parameter_declaration_expected_1139", message: "Type parameter declaration expected." },
        Type_argument_expected: { code: 1140, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_argument_expected_1140", message: "Type argument expected." },
        String_literal_expected: { code: 1141, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "String_literal_expected_1141", message: "String literal expected." },
        Line_break_not_permitted_here: { code: 1142, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Line_break_not_permitted_here_1142", message: "Line break not permitted here." },
        or_expected: { code: 1144, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "or_expected_1144", message: "'{' or ';' expected." },
        Declaration_expected: { code: 1146, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Declaration_expected_1146", message: "Declaration expected." },
        Import_declarations_in_a_namespace_cannot_reference_a_module: { code: 1147, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Import_declarations_in_a_namespace_cannot_reference_a_module_1147", message: "Import declarations in a namespace cannot reference a module." },
        Cannot_use_imports_exports_or_module_augmentations_when_module_is_none: { code: 1148, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_use_imports_exports_or_module_augmentations_when_module_is_none_1148", message: "Cannot use imports, exports, or module augmentations when '--module' is 'none'." },
        File_name_0_differs_from_already_included_file_name_1_only_in_casing: { code: 1149, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "File_name_0_differs_from_already_included_file_name_1_only_in_casing_1149", message: "File name '{0}' differs from already included file name '{1}' only in casing" },
        new_T_cannot_be_used_to_create_an_array_Use_new_Array_T_instead: { code: 1150, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "new_T_cannot_be_used_to_create_an_array_Use_new_Array_T_instead_1150", message: "'new T[]' cannot be used to create an array. Use 'new Array<T>()' instead." },
        const_declarations_must_be_initialized: { code: 1155, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "const_declarations_must_be_initialized_1155", message: "'const' declarations must be initialized" },
        const_declarations_can_only_be_declared_inside_a_block: { code: 1156, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "const_declarations_can_only_be_declared_inside_a_block_1156", message: "'const' declarations can only be declared inside a block." },
        let_declarations_can_only_be_declared_inside_a_block: { code: 1157, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "let_declarations_can_only_be_declared_inside_a_block_1157", message: "'let' declarations can only be declared inside a block." },
        Unterminated_template_literal: { code: 1160, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unterminated_template_literal_1160", message: "Unterminated template literal." },
        Unterminated_regular_expression_literal: { code: 1161, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unterminated_regular_expression_literal_1161", message: "Unterminated regular expression literal." },
        An_object_member_cannot_be_declared_optional: { code: 1162, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_object_member_cannot_be_declared_optional_1162", message: "An object member cannot be declared optional." },
        A_yield_expression_is_only_allowed_in_a_generator_body: { code: 1163, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_yield_expression_is_only_allowed_in_a_generator_body_1163", message: "A 'yield' expression is only allowed in a generator body." },
        Computed_property_names_are_not_allowed_in_enums: { code: 1164, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Computed_property_names_are_not_allowed_in_enums_1164", message: "Computed property names are not allowed in enums." },
        A_computed_property_name_in_an_ambient_context_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol: { code: 1165, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_computed_property_name_in_an_ambient_context_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol_1165", message: "A computed property name in an ambient context must directly refer to a built-in symbol." },
        A_computed_property_name_in_a_class_property_declaration_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol: { code: 1166, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_computed_property_name_in_a_class_property_declaration_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol_1166", message: "A computed property name in a class property declaration must directly refer to a built-in symbol." },
        A_computed_property_name_in_a_method_overload_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol: { code: 1168, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_computed_property_name_in_a_method_overload_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol_1168", message: "A computed property name in a method overload must directly refer to a built-in symbol." },
        A_computed_property_name_in_an_interface_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol: { code: 1169, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_computed_property_name_in_an_interface_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol_1169", message: "A computed property name in an interface must directly refer to a built-in symbol." },
        A_computed_property_name_in_a_type_literal_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol: { code: 1170, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_computed_property_name_in_a_type_literal_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol_1170", message: "A computed property name in a type literal must directly refer to a built-in symbol." },
        A_comma_expression_is_not_allowed_in_a_computed_property_name: { code: 1171, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_comma_expression_is_not_allowed_in_a_computed_property_name_1171", message: "A comma expression is not allowed in a computed property name." },
        extends_clause_already_seen: { code: 1172, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "extends_clause_already_seen_1172", message: "'extends' clause already seen." },
        extends_clause_must_precede_implements_clause: { code: 1173, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "extends_clause_must_precede_implements_clause_1173", message: "'extends' clause must precede 'implements' clause." },
        Classes_can_only_extend_a_single_class: { code: 1174, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Classes_can_only_extend_a_single_class_1174", message: "Classes can only extend a single class." },
        implements_clause_already_seen: { code: 1175, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "implements_clause_already_seen_1175", message: "'implements' clause already seen." },
        Interface_declaration_cannot_have_implements_clause: { code: 1176, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Interface_declaration_cannot_have_implements_clause_1176", message: "Interface declaration cannot have 'implements' clause." },
        Binary_digit_expected: { code: 1177, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Binary_digit_expected_1177", message: "Binary digit expected." },
        Octal_digit_expected: { code: 1178, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Octal_digit_expected_1178", message: "Octal digit expected." },
        Unexpected_token_expected: { code: 1179, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unexpected_token_expected_1179", message: "Unexpected token. '{' expected." },
        Property_destructuring_pattern_expected: { code: 1180, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_destructuring_pattern_expected_1180", message: "Property destructuring pattern expected." },
        Array_element_destructuring_pattern_expected: { code: 1181, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Array_element_destructuring_pattern_expected_1181", message: "Array element destructuring pattern expected." },
        A_destructuring_declaration_must_have_an_initializer: { code: 1182, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_destructuring_declaration_must_have_an_initializer_1182", message: "A destructuring declaration must have an initializer." },
        An_implementation_cannot_be_declared_in_ambient_contexts: { code: 1183, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_implementation_cannot_be_declared_in_ambient_contexts_1183", message: "An implementation cannot be declared in ambient contexts." },
        Modifiers_cannot_appear_here: { code: 1184, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Modifiers_cannot_appear_here_1184", message: "Modifiers cannot appear here." },
        Merge_conflict_marker_encountered: { code: 1185, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Merge_conflict_marker_encountered_1185", message: "Merge conflict marker encountered." },
        A_rest_element_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1186, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_rest_element_cannot_have_an_initializer_1186", message: "A rest element cannot have an initializer." },
        A_parameter_property_may_not_be_declared_using_a_binding_pattern: { code: 1187, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_parameter_property_may_not_be_declared_using_a_binding_pattern_1187", message: "A parameter property may not be declared using a binding pattern." },
        Only_a_single_variable_declaration_is_allowed_in_a_for_of_statement: { code: 1188, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Only_a_single_variable_declaration_is_allowed_in_a_for_of_statement_1188", message: "Only a single variable declaration is allowed in a 'for...of' statement." },
        The_variable_declaration_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1189, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_variable_declaration_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_have_an_initializer_1189", message: "The variable declaration of a '' statement cannot have an initializer." },
        The_variable_declaration_of_a_for_of_statement_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1190, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_variable_declaration_of_a_for_of_statement_cannot_have_an_initializer_1190", message: "The variable declaration of a 'for...of' statement cannot have an initializer." },
        An_import_declaration_cannot_have_modifiers: { code: 1191, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_import_declaration_cannot_have_modifiers_1191", message: "An import declaration cannot have modifiers." },
        Module_0_has_no_default_export: { code: 1192, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Module_0_has_no_default_export_1192", message: "Module '{0}' has no default export." },
        An_export_declaration_cannot_have_modifiers: { code: 1193, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_export_declaration_cannot_have_modifiers_1193", message: "An export declaration cannot have modifiers." },
        Export_declarations_are_not_permitted_in_a_namespace: { code: 1194, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Export_declarations_are_not_permitted_in_a_namespace_1194", message: "Export declarations are not permitted in a namespace." },
        Catch_clause_variable_name_must_be_an_identifier: { code: 1195, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Catch_clause_variable_name_must_be_an_identifier_1195", message: "Catch clause variable name must be an identifier." },
        Catch_clause_variable_cannot_have_a_type_annotation: { code: 1196, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Catch_clause_variable_cannot_have_a_type_annotation_1196", message: "Catch clause variable cannot have a type annotation." },
        Catch_clause_variable_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1197, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Catch_clause_variable_cannot_have_an_initializer_1197", message: "Catch clause variable cannot have an initializer." },
        An_extended_Unicode_escape_value_must_be_between_0x0_and_0x10FFFF_inclusive: { code: 1198, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_extended_Unicode_escape_value_must_be_between_0x0_and_0x10FFFF_inclusive_1198", message: "An extended Unicode escape value must be between 0x0 and 0x10FFFF inclusive." },
        Unterminated_Unicode_escape_sequence: { code: 1199, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unterminated_Unicode_escape_sequence_1199", message: "Unterminated Unicode escape sequence." },
        Line_terminator_not_permitted_before_arrow: { code: 1200, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Line_terminator_not_permitted_before_arrow_1200", message: "Line terminator not permitted before arrow." },
        Import_assignment_cannot_be_used_when_targeting_ECMAScript_2015_modules_Consider_using_import_Asterisk_as_ns_from_mod_import_a_from_mod_import_d_from_mod_or_another_module_format_instead: { code: 1202, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Import_assignment_cannot_be_used_when_targeting_ECMAScript_2015_modules_Consider_using_import_Asteri_1202", message: "Import assignment cannot be used when targeting ECMAScript 2015 modules. Consider using 'import * as ns from \"mod\"', 'import {a} from \"mod\"', 'import d from \"mod\"', or another module format instead." },
        Export_assignment_cannot_be_used_when_targeting_ECMAScript_2015_modules_Consider_using_export_default_or_another_module_format_instead: { code: 1203, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Export_assignment_cannot_be_used_when_targeting_ECMAScript_2015_modules_Consider_using_export_defaul_1203", message: "Export assignment cannot be used when targeting ECMAScript 2015 modules. Consider using 'export default' or another module format instead." },
        Decorators_are_not_valid_here: { code: 1206, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Decorators_are_not_valid_here_1206", message: "Decorators are not valid here." },
        Decorators_cannot_be_applied_to_multiple_get_Slashset_accessors_of_the_same_name: { code: 1207, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Decorators_cannot_be_applied_to_multiple_get_Slashset_accessors_of_the_same_name_1207", message: "Decorators cannot be applied to multiple get/set accessors of the same name." },
        Cannot_compile_namespaces_when_the_isolatedModules_flag_is_provided: { code: 1208, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_compile_namespaces_when_the_isolatedModules_flag_is_provided_1208", message: "Cannot compile namespaces when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided." },
        Ambient_const_enums_are_not_allowed_when_the_isolatedModules_flag_is_provided: { code: 1209, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Ambient_const_enums_are_not_allowed_when_the_isolatedModules_flag_is_provided_1209", message: "Ambient const enums are not allowed when the '--isolatedModules' flag is provided." },
        Invalid_use_of_0_Class_definitions_are_automatically_in_strict_mode: { code: 1210, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid_use_of_0_Class_definitions_are_automatically_in_strict_mode_1210", message: "Invalid use of '{0}'. Class definitions are automatically in strict mode." },
        A_class_declaration_without_the_default_modifier_must_have_a_name: { code: 1211, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_class_declaration_without_the_default_modifier_must_have_a_name_1211", message: "A class declaration without the 'default' modifier must have a name" },
        Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode: { code: 1212, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_1212", message: "Identifier expected. '{0}' is a reserved word in strict mode" },
        Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_Class_definitions_are_automatically_in_strict_mode: { code: 1213, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_Class_definitions_are_automatically_in_stric_1213", message: "Identifier expected. '{0}' is a reserved word in strict mode. Class definitions are automatically in strict mode." },
        Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode: { code: 1214, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode_1214", message: "Identifier expected. '{0}' is a reserved word in strict mode. Modules are automatically in strict mode." },
        Invalid_use_of_0_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode: { code: 1215, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid_use_of_0_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode_1215", message: "Invalid use of '{0}'. Modules are automatically in strict mode." },
        Export_assignment_is_not_supported_when_module_flag_is_system: { code: 1218, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Export_assignment_is_not_supported_when_module_flag_is_system_1218", message: "Export assignment is not supported when '--module' flag is 'system'." },
        Experimental_support_for_decorators_is_a_feature_that_is_subject_to_change_in_a_future_release_Set_the_experimentalDecorators_option_to_remove_this_warning: { code: 1219, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Experimental_support_for_decorators_is_a_feature_that_is_subject_to_change_in_a_future_release_Set_t_1219", message: "Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the 'experimentalDecorators' option to remove this warning." },
        Generators_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_2015_or_higher: { code: 1220, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Generators_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_2015_or_higher_1220", message: "Generators are only available when targeting ECMAScript 2015 or higher." },
        Generators_are_not_allowed_in_an_ambient_context: { code: 1221, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Generators_are_not_allowed_in_an_ambient_context_1221", message: "Generators are not allowed in an ambient context." },
        An_overload_signature_cannot_be_declared_as_a_generator: { code: 1222, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_overload_signature_cannot_be_declared_as_a_generator_1222", message: "An overload signature cannot be declared as a generator." },
        _0_tag_already_specified: { code: 1223, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_tag_already_specified_1223", message: "'{0}' tag already specified." },
        Signature_0_must_have_a_type_predicate: { code: 1224, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Signature_0_must_have_a_type_predicate_1224", message: "Signature '{0}' must have a type predicate." },
        Cannot_find_parameter_0: { code: 1225, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_find_parameter_0_1225", message: "Cannot find parameter '{0}'." },
        Type_predicate_0_is_not_assignable_to_1: { code: 1226, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_predicate_0_is_not_assignable_to_1_1226", message: "Type predicate '{0}' is not assignable to '{1}'." },
        Parameter_0_is_not_in_the_same_position_as_parameter_1: { code: 1227, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_is_not_in_the_same_position_as_parameter_1_1227", message: "Parameter '{0}' is not in the same position as parameter '{1}'." },
        A_type_predicate_is_only_allowed_in_return_type_position_for_functions_and_methods: { code: 1228, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_type_predicate_is_only_allowed_in_return_type_position_for_functions_and_methods_1228", message: "A type predicate is only allowed in return type position for functions and methods." },
        A_type_predicate_cannot_reference_a_rest_parameter: { code: 1229, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_type_predicate_cannot_reference_a_rest_parameter_1229", message: "A type predicate cannot reference a rest parameter." },
        A_type_predicate_cannot_reference_element_0_in_a_binding_pattern: { code: 1230, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_type_predicate_cannot_reference_element_0_in_a_binding_pattern_1230", message: "A type predicate cannot reference element '{0}' in a binding pattern." },
        An_export_assignment_can_only_be_used_in_a_module: { code: 1231, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_export_assignment_can_only_be_used_in_a_module_1231", message: "An export assignment can only be used in a module." },
        An_import_declaration_can_only_be_used_in_a_namespace_or_module: { code: 1232, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_import_declaration_can_only_be_used_in_a_namespace_or_module_1232", message: "An import declaration can only be used in a namespace or module." },
        An_export_declaration_can_only_be_used_in_a_module: { code: 1233, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_export_declaration_can_only_be_used_in_a_module_1233", message: "An export declaration can only be used in a module." },
        An_ambient_module_declaration_is_only_allowed_at_the_top_level_in_a_file: { code: 1234, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_ambient_module_declaration_is_only_allowed_at_the_top_level_in_a_file_1234", message: "An ambient module declaration is only allowed at the top level in a file." },
        A_namespace_declaration_is_only_allowed_in_a_namespace_or_module: { code: 1235, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_namespace_declaration_is_only_allowed_in_a_namespace_or_module_1235", message: "A namespace declaration is only allowed in a namespace or module." },
        The_return_type_of_a_property_decorator_function_must_be_either_void_or_any: { code: 1236, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_return_type_of_a_property_decorator_function_must_be_either_void_or_any_1236", message: "The return type of a property decorator function must be either 'void' or 'any'." },
        The_return_type_of_a_parameter_decorator_function_must_be_either_void_or_any: { code: 1237, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_return_type_of_a_parameter_decorator_function_must_be_either_void_or_any_1237", message: "The return type of a parameter decorator function must be either 'void' or 'any'." },
        Unable_to_resolve_signature_of_class_decorator_when_called_as_an_expression: { code: 1238, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unable_to_resolve_signature_of_class_decorator_when_called_as_an_expression_1238", message: "Unable to resolve signature of class decorator when called as an expression." },
        Unable_to_resolve_signature_of_parameter_decorator_when_called_as_an_expression: { code: 1239, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unable_to_resolve_signature_of_parameter_decorator_when_called_as_an_expression_1239", message: "Unable to resolve signature of parameter decorator when called as an expression." },
        Unable_to_resolve_signature_of_property_decorator_when_called_as_an_expression: { code: 1240, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unable_to_resolve_signature_of_property_decorator_when_called_as_an_expression_1240", message: "Unable to resolve signature of property decorator when called as an expression." },
        Unable_to_resolve_signature_of_method_decorator_when_called_as_an_expression: { code: 1241, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unable_to_resolve_signature_of_method_decorator_when_called_as_an_expression_1241", message: "Unable to resolve signature of method decorator when called as an expression." },
        abstract_modifier_can_only_appear_on_a_class_method_or_property_declaration: { code: 1242, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "abstract_modifier_can_only_appear_on_a_class_method_or_property_declaration_1242", message: "'abstract' modifier can only appear on a class, method, or property declaration." },
        _0_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_1_modifier: { code: 1243, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_1_modifier_1243", message: "'{0}' modifier cannot be used with '{1}' modifier." },
        Abstract_methods_can_only_appear_within_an_abstract_class: { code: 1244, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Abstract_methods_can_only_appear_within_an_abstract_class_1244", message: "Abstract methods can only appear within an abstract class." },
        Method_0_cannot_have_an_implementation_because_it_is_marked_abstract: { code: 1245, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Method_0_cannot_have_an_implementation_because_it_is_marked_abstract_1245", message: "Method '{0}' cannot have an implementation because it is marked abstract." },
        An_interface_property_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1246, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_interface_property_cannot_have_an_initializer_1246", message: "An interface property cannot have an initializer." },
        A_type_literal_property_cannot_have_an_initializer: { code: 1247, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_type_literal_property_cannot_have_an_initializer_1247", message: "A type literal property cannot have an initializer." },
        A_class_member_cannot_have_the_0_keyword: { code: 1248, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_class_member_cannot_have_the_0_keyword_1248", message: "A class member cannot have the '{0}' keyword." },
        A_decorator_can_only_decorate_a_method_implementation_not_an_overload: { code: 1249, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_decorator_can_only_decorate_a_method_implementation_not_an_overload_1249", message: "A decorator can only decorate a method implementation, not an overload." },
        Function_declarations_are_not_allowed_inside_blocks_in_strict_mode_when_targeting_ES3_or_ES5: { code: 1250, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function_declarations_are_not_allowed_inside_blocks_in_strict_mode_when_targeting_ES3_or_ES5_1250", message: "Function declarations are not allowed inside blocks in strict mode when targeting 'ES3' or 'ES5'." },
        Function_declarations_are_not_allowed_inside_blocks_in_strict_mode_when_targeting_ES3_or_ES5_Class_definitions_are_automatically_in_strict_mode: { code: 1251, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function_declarations_are_not_allowed_inside_blocks_in_strict_mode_when_targeting_ES3_or_ES5_Class_d_1251", message: "Function declarations are not allowed inside blocks in strict mode when targeting 'ES3' or 'ES5'. Class definitions are automatically in strict mode." },
        Function_declarations_are_not_allowed_inside_blocks_in_strict_mode_when_targeting_ES3_or_ES5_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode: { code: 1252, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function_declarations_are_not_allowed_inside_blocks_in_strict_mode_when_targeting_ES3_or_ES5_Modules_1252", message: "Function declarations are not allowed inside blocks in strict mode when targeting 'ES3' or 'ES5'. Modules are automatically in strict mode." },
        _0_tag_cannot_be_used_independently_as_a_top_level_JSDoc_tag: { code: 1253, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_tag_cannot_be_used_independently_as_a_top_level_JSDoc_tag_1253", message: "'{0}' tag cannot be used independently as a top level JSDoc tag." },
        with_statements_are_not_allowed_in_an_async_function_block: { code: 1300, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "with_statements_are_not_allowed_in_an_async_function_block_1300", message: "'with' statements are not allowed in an async function block." },
        await_expression_is_only_allowed_within_an_async_function: { code: 1308, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "await_expression_is_only_allowed_within_an_async_function_1308", message: "'await' expression is only allowed within an async function." },
        Async_functions_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_2015_or_higher: { code: 1311, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Async_functions_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_2015_or_higher_1311", message: "Async functions are only available when targeting ECMAScript 2015 or higher." },
        can_only_be_used_in_an_object_literal_property_inside_a_destructuring_assignment: { code: 1312, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "can_only_be_used_in_an_object_literal_property_inside_a_destructuring_assignment_1312", message: "'=' can only be used in an object literal property inside a destructuring assignment." },
        The_body_of_an_if_statement_cannot_be_the_empty_statement: { code: 1313, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_body_of_an_if_statement_cannot_be_the_empty_statement_1313", message: "The body of an 'if' statement cannot be the empty statement." },
        Global_module_exports_may_only_appear_in_module_files: { code: 1314, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Global_module_exports_may_only_appear_in_module_files_1314", message: "Global module exports may only appear in module files." },
        Global_module_exports_may_only_appear_in_declaration_files: { code: 1315, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Global_module_exports_may_only_appear_in_declaration_files_1315", message: "Global module exports may only appear in declaration files." },
        Global_module_exports_may_only_appear_at_top_level: { code: 1316, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Global_module_exports_may_only_appear_at_top_level_1316", message: "Global module exports may only appear at top level." },
        A_parameter_property_cannot_be_declared_using_a_rest_parameter: { code: 1317, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_parameter_property_cannot_be_declared_using_a_rest_parameter_1317", message: "A parameter property cannot be declared using a rest parameter." },
        Duplicate_identifier_0: { code: 2300, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate_identifier_0_2300", message: "Duplicate identifier '{0}'." },
        Initializer_of_instance_member_variable_0_cannot_reference_identifier_1_declared_in_the_constructor: { code: 2301, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Initializer_of_instance_member_variable_0_cannot_reference_identifier_1_declared_in_the_constructor_2301", message: "Initializer of instance member variable '{0}' cannot reference identifier '{1}' declared in the constructor." },
        Static_members_cannot_reference_class_type_parameters: { code: 2302, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Static_members_cannot_reference_class_type_parameters_2302", message: "Static members cannot reference class type parameters." },
        Circular_definition_of_import_alias_0: { code: 2303, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Circular_definition_of_import_alias_0_2303", message: "Circular definition of import alias '{0}'." },
        Cannot_find_name_0: { code: 2304, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_find_name_0_2304", message: "Cannot find name '{0}'." },
        Module_0_has_no_exported_member_1: { code: 2305, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Module_0_has_no_exported_member_1_2305", message: "Module '{0}' has no exported member '{1}'." },
        File_0_is_not_a_module: { code: 2306, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "File_0_is_not_a_module_2306", message: "File '{0}' is not a module." },
        Cannot_find_module_0: { code: 2307, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_find_module_0_2307", message: "Cannot find module '{0}'." },
        Module_0_has_already_exported_a_member_named_1_Consider_explicitly_re_exporting_to_resolve_the_ambiguity: { code: 2308, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Module_0_has_already_exported_a_member_named_1_Consider_explicitly_re_exporting_to_resolve_the_ambig_2308", message: "Module {0} has already exported a member named '{1}'. Consider explicitly re-exporting to resolve the ambiguity." },
        An_export_assignment_cannot_be_used_in_a_module_with_other_exported_elements: { code: 2309, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_export_assignment_cannot_be_used_in_a_module_with_other_exported_elements_2309", message: "An export assignment cannot be used in a module with other exported elements." },
        Type_0_recursively_references_itself_as_a_base_type: { code: 2310, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_0_recursively_references_itself_as_a_base_type_2310", message: "Type '{0}' recursively references itself as a base type." },
        A_class_may_only_extend_another_class: { code: 2311, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_class_may_only_extend_another_class_2311", message: "A class may only extend another class." },
        An_interface_may_only_extend_a_class_or_another_interface: { code: 2312, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_interface_may_only_extend_a_class_or_another_interface_2312", message: "An interface may only extend a class or another interface." },
        Type_parameter_0_has_a_circular_constraint: { code: 2313, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_parameter_0_has_a_circular_constraint_2313", message: "Type parameter '{0}' has a circular constraint." },
        Generic_type_0_requires_1_type_argument_s: { code: 2314, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Generic_type_0_requires_1_type_argument_s_2314", message: "Generic type '{0}' requires {1} type argument(s)." },
        Type_0_is_not_generic: { code: 2315, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_0_is_not_generic_2315", message: "Type '{0}' is not generic." },
        Global_type_0_must_be_a_class_or_interface_type: { code: 2316, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Global_type_0_must_be_a_class_or_interface_type_2316", message: "Global type '{0}' must be a class or interface type." },
        Global_type_0_must_have_1_type_parameter_s: { code: 2317, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Global_type_0_must_have_1_type_parameter_s_2317", message: "Global type '{0}' must have {1} type parameter(s)." },
        Cannot_find_global_type_0: { code: 2318, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_find_global_type_0_2318", message: "Cannot find global type '{0}'." },
        Named_property_0_of_types_1_and_2_are_not_identical: { code: 2319, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Named_property_0_of_types_1_and_2_are_not_identical_2319", message: "Named property '{0}' of types '{1}' and '{2}' are not identical." },
        Interface_0_cannot_simultaneously_extend_types_1_and_2: { code: 2320, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Interface_0_cannot_simultaneously_extend_types_1_and_2_2320", message: "Interface '{0}' cannot simultaneously extend types '{1}' and '{2}'." },
        Excessive_stack_depth_comparing_types_0_and_1: { code: 2321, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Excessive_stack_depth_comparing_types_0_and_1_2321", message: "Excessive stack depth comparing types '{0}' and '{1}'." },
        Type_0_is_not_assignable_to_type_1: { code: 2322, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_0_is_not_assignable_to_type_1_2322", message: "Type '{0}' is not assignable to type '{1}'." },
        Cannot_redeclare_exported_variable_0: { code: 2323, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_redeclare_exported_variable_0_2323", message: "Cannot redeclare exported variable '{0}'." },
        Property_0_is_missing_in_type_1: { code: 2324, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_is_missing_in_type_1_2324", message: "Property '{0}' is missing in type '{1}'." },
        Property_0_is_private_in_type_1_but_not_in_type_2: { code: 2325, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_is_private_in_type_1_but_not_in_type_2_2325", message: "Property '{0}' is private in type '{1}' but not in type '{2}'." },
        Types_of_property_0_are_incompatible: { code: 2326, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Types_of_property_0_are_incompatible_2326", message: "Types of property '{0}' are incompatible." },
        Property_0_is_optional_in_type_1_but_required_in_type_2: { code: 2327, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_is_optional_in_type_1_but_required_in_type_2_2327", message: "Property '{0}' is optional in type '{1}' but required in type '{2}'." },
        Types_of_parameters_0_and_1_are_incompatible: { code: 2328, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Types_of_parameters_0_and_1_are_incompatible_2328", message: "Types of parameters '{0}' and '{1}' are incompatible." },
        Index_signature_is_missing_in_type_0: { code: 2329, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Index_signature_is_missing_in_type_0_2329", message: "Index signature is missing in type '{0}'." },
        Index_signatures_are_incompatible: { code: 2330, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Index_signatures_are_incompatible_2330", message: "Index signatures are incompatible." },
        this_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_module_or_namespace_body: { code: 2331, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "this_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_module_or_namespace_body_2331", message: "'this' cannot be referenced in a module or namespace body." },
        this_cannot_be_referenced_in_current_location: { code: 2332, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "this_cannot_be_referenced_in_current_location_2332", message: "'this' cannot be referenced in current location." },
        this_cannot_be_referenced_in_constructor_arguments: { code: 2333, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "this_cannot_be_referenced_in_constructor_arguments_2333", message: "'this' cannot be referenced in constructor arguments." },
        this_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_static_property_initializer: { code: 2334, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "this_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_static_property_initializer_2334", message: "'this' cannot be referenced in a static property initializer." },
        super_can_only_be_referenced_in_a_derived_class: { code: 2335, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "super_can_only_be_referenced_in_a_derived_class_2335", message: "'super' can only be referenced in a derived class." },
        super_cannot_be_referenced_in_constructor_arguments: { code: 2336, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "super_cannot_be_referenced_in_constructor_arguments_2336", message: "'super' cannot be referenced in constructor arguments." },
        Super_calls_are_not_permitted_outside_constructors_or_in_nested_functions_inside_constructors: { code: 2337, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Super_calls_are_not_permitted_outside_constructors_or_in_nested_functions_inside_constructors_2337", message: "Super calls are not permitted outside constructors or in nested functions inside constructors." },
        super_property_access_is_permitted_only_in_a_constructor_member_function_or_member_accessor_of_a_derived_class: { code: 2338, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "super_property_access_is_permitted_only_in_a_constructor_member_function_or_member_accessor_of_a_der_2338", message: "'super' property access is permitted only in a constructor, member function, or member accessor of a derived class." },
        Property_0_does_not_exist_on_type_1: { code: 2339, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_does_not_exist_on_type_1_2339", message: "Property '{0}' does not exist on type '{1}'." },
        Only_public_and_protected_methods_of_the_base_class_are_accessible_via_the_super_keyword: { code: 2340, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Only_public_and_protected_methods_of_the_base_class_are_accessible_via_the_super_keyword_2340", message: "Only public and protected methods of the base class are accessible via the 'super' keyword." },
        Property_0_is_private_and_only_accessible_within_class_1: { code: 2341, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_is_private_and_only_accessible_within_class_1_2341", message: "Property '{0}' is private and only accessible within class '{1}'." },
        An_index_expression_argument_must_be_of_type_string_number_symbol_or_any: { code: 2342, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_index_expression_argument_must_be_of_type_string_number_symbol_or_any_2342", message: "An index expression argument must be of type 'string', 'number', 'symbol', or 'any'." },
        Type_0_does_not_satisfy_the_constraint_1: { code: 2344, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_0_does_not_satisfy_the_constraint_1_2344", message: "Type '{0}' does not satisfy the constraint '{1}'." },
        Argument_of_type_0_is_not_assignable_to_parameter_of_type_1: { code: 2345, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Argument_of_type_0_is_not_assignable_to_parameter_of_type_1_2345", message: "Argument of type '{0}' is not assignable to parameter of type '{1}'." },
        Supplied_parameters_do_not_match_any_signature_of_call_target: { code: 2346, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Supplied_parameters_do_not_match_any_signature_of_call_target_2346", message: "Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target." },
        Untyped_function_calls_may_not_accept_type_arguments: { code: 2347, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Untyped_function_calls_may_not_accept_type_arguments_2347", message: "Untyped function calls may not accept type arguments." },
        Value_of_type_0_is_not_callable_Did_you_mean_to_include_new: { code: 2348, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Value_of_type_0_is_not_callable_Did_you_mean_to_include_new_2348", message: "Value of type '{0}' is not callable. Did you mean to include 'new'?" },
        Cannot_invoke_an_expression_whose_type_lacks_a_call_signature: { code: 2349, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_invoke_an_expression_whose_type_lacks_a_call_signature_2349", message: "Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature." },
        Only_a_void_function_can_be_called_with_the_new_keyword: { code: 2350, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Only_a_void_function_can_be_called_with_the_new_keyword_2350", message: "Only a void function can be called with the 'new' keyword." },
        Cannot_use_new_with_an_expression_whose_type_lacks_a_call_or_construct_signature: { code: 2351, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_use_new_with_an_expression_whose_type_lacks_a_call_or_construct_signature_2351", message: "Cannot use 'new' with an expression whose type lacks a call or construct signature." },
        Type_0_cannot_be_converted_to_type_1: { code: 2352, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_0_cannot_be_converted_to_type_1_2352", message: "Type '{0}' cannot be converted to type '{1}'." },
        Object_literal_may_only_specify_known_properties_and_0_does_not_exist_in_type_1: { code: 2353, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Object_literal_may_only_specify_known_properties_and_0_does_not_exist_in_type_1_2353", message: "Object literal may only specify known properties, and '{0}' does not exist in type '{1}'." },
        No_best_common_type_exists_among_return_expressions: { code: 2354, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "No_best_common_type_exists_among_return_expressions_2354", message: "No best common type exists among return expressions." },
        A_function_whose_declared_type_is_neither_void_nor_any_must_return_a_value: { code: 2355, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_function_whose_declared_type_is_neither_void_nor_any_must_return_a_value_2355", message: "A function whose declared type is neither 'void' nor 'any' must return a value." },
        An_arithmetic_operand_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type: { code: 2356, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_arithmetic_operand_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type_2356", message: "An arithmetic operand must be of type 'any', 'number' or an enum type." },
        The_operand_of_an_increment_or_decrement_operator_must_be_a_variable_property_or_indexer: { code: 2357, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_operand_of_an_increment_or_decrement_operator_must_be_a_variable_property_or_indexer_2357", message: "The operand of an increment or decrement operator must be a variable, property or indexer." },
        The_left_hand_side_of_an_instanceof_expression_must_be_of_type_any_an_object_type_or_a_type_parameter: { code: 2358, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_left_hand_side_of_an_instanceof_expression_must_be_of_type_any_an_object_type_or_a_type_paramete_2358", message: "The left-hand side of an 'instanceof' expression must be of type 'any', an object type or a type parameter." },
        The_right_hand_side_of_an_instanceof_expression_must_be_of_type_any_or_of_a_type_assignable_to_the_Function_interface_type: { code: 2359, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_right_hand_side_of_an_instanceof_expression_must_be_of_type_any_or_of_a_type_assignable_to_the_F_2359", message: "The right-hand side of an 'instanceof' expression must be of type 'any' or of a type assignable to the 'Function' interface type." },
        The_left_hand_side_of_an_in_expression_must_be_of_type_any_string_number_or_symbol: { code: 2360, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_left_hand_side_of_an_in_expression_must_be_of_type_any_string_number_or_symbol_2360", message: "The left-hand side of an 'in' expression must be of type 'any', 'string', 'number', or 'symbol'." },
        The_right_hand_side_of_an_in_expression_must_be_of_type_any_an_object_type_or_a_type_parameter: { code: 2361, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_right_hand_side_of_an_in_expression_must_be_of_type_any_an_object_type_or_a_type_parameter_2361", message: "The right-hand side of an 'in' expression must be of type 'any', an object type or a type parameter" },
        The_left_hand_side_of_an_arithmetic_operation_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type: { code: 2362, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_left_hand_side_of_an_arithmetic_operation_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type_2362", message: "The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number' or an enum type." },
        The_right_hand_side_of_an_arithmetic_operation_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type: { code: 2363, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_right_hand_side_of_an_arithmetic_operation_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type_2363", message: "The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number' or an enum type." },
        Invalid_left_hand_side_of_assignment_expression: { code: 2364, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid_left_hand_side_of_assignment_expression_2364", message: "Invalid left-hand side of assignment expression." },
        Operator_0_cannot_be_applied_to_types_1_and_2: { code: 2365, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Operator_0_cannot_be_applied_to_types_1_and_2_2365", message: "Operator '{0}' cannot be applied to types '{1}' and '{2}'." },
        Function_lacks_ending_return_statement_and_return_type_does_not_include_undefined: { code: 2366, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function_lacks_ending_return_statement_and_return_type_does_not_include_undefined_2366", message: "Function lacks ending return statement and return type does not include 'undefined'." },
        Type_parameter_name_cannot_be_0: { code: 2368, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_parameter_name_cannot_be_0_2368", message: "Type parameter name cannot be '{0}'" },
        A_parameter_property_is_only_allowed_in_a_constructor_implementation: { code: 2369, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_parameter_property_is_only_allowed_in_a_constructor_implementation_2369", message: "A parameter property is only allowed in a constructor implementation." },
        A_rest_parameter_must_be_of_an_array_type: { code: 2370, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_rest_parameter_must_be_of_an_array_type_2370", message: "A rest parameter must be of an array type." },
        A_parameter_initializer_is_only_allowed_in_a_function_or_constructor_implementation: { code: 2371, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_parameter_initializer_is_only_allowed_in_a_function_or_constructor_implementation_2371", message: "A parameter initializer is only allowed in a function or constructor implementation." },
        Parameter_0_cannot_be_referenced_in_its_initializer: { code: 2372, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_cannot_be_referenced_in_its_initializer_2372", message: "Parameter '{0}' cannot be referenced in its initializer." },
        Initializer_of_parameter_0_cannot_reference_identifier_1_declared_after_it: { code: 2373, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Initializer_of_parameter_0_cannot_reference_identifier_1_declared_after_it_2373", message: "Initializer of parameter '{0}' cannot reference identifier '{1}' declared after it." },
        Duplicate_string_index_signature: { code: 2374, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate_string_index_signature_2374", message: "Duplicate string index signature." },
        Duplicate_number_index_signature: { code: 2375, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate_number_index_signature_2375", message: "Duplicate number index signature." },
        A_super_call_must_be_the_first_statement_in_the_constructor_when_a_class_contains_initialized_properties_or_has_parameter_properties: { code: 2376, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_super_call_must_be_the_first_statement_in_the_constructor_when_a_class_contains_initialized_proper_2376", message: "A 'super' call must be the first statement in the constructor when a class contains initialized properties or has parameter properties." },
        Constructors_for_derived_classes_must_contain_a_super_call: { code: 2377, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Constructors_for_derived_classes_must_contain_a_super_call_2377", message: "Constructors for derived classes must contain a 'super' call." },
        A_get_accessor_must_return_a_value: { code: 2378, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_get_accessor_must_return_a_value_2378", message: "A 'get' accessor must return a value." },
        Getter_and_setter_accessors_do_not_agree_in_visibility: { code: 2379, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Getter_and_setter_accessors_do_not_agree_in_visibility_2379", message: "Getter and setter accessors do not agree in visibility." },
        get_and_set_accessor_must_have_the_same_type: { code: 2380, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "get_and_set_accessor_must_have_the_same_type_2380", message: "'get' and 'set' accessor must have the same type." },
        A_signature_with_an_implementation_cannot_use_a_string_literal_type: { code: 2381, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_signature_with_an_implementation_cannot_use_a_string_literal_type_2381", message: "A signature with an implementation cannot use a string literal type." },
        Specialized_overload_signature_is_not_assignable_to_any_non_specialized_signature: { code: 2382, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Specialized_overload_signature_is_not_assignable_to_any_non_specialized_signature_2382", message: "Specialized overload signature is not assignable to any non-specialized signature." },
        Overload_signatures_must_all_be_exported_or_non_exported: { code: 2383, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Overload_signatures_must_all_be_exported_or_non_exported_2383", message: "Overload signatures must all be exported or non-exported." },
        Overload_signatures_must_all_be_ambient_or_non_ambient: { code: 2384, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Overload_signatures_must_all_be_ambient_or_non_ambient_2384", message: "Overload signatures must all be ambient or non-ambient." },
        Overload_signatures_must_all_be_public_private_or_protected: { code: 2385, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Overload_signatures_must_all_be_public_private_or_protected_2385", message: "Overload signatures must all be public, private or protected." },
        Overload_signatures_must_all_be_optional_or_required: { code: 2386, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Overload_signatures_must_all_be_optional_or_required_2386", message: "Overload signatures must all be optional or required." },
        Function_overload_must_be_static: { code: 2387, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function_overload_must_be_static_2387", message: "Function overload must be static." },
        Function_overload_must_not_be_static: { code: 2388, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function_overload_must_not_be_static_2388", message: "Function overload must not be static." },
        Function_implementation_name_must_be_0: { code: 2389, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function_implementation_name_must_be_0_2389", message: "Function implementation name must be '{0}'." },
        Constructor_implementation_is_missing: { code: 2390, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Constructor_implementation_is_missing_2390", message: "Constructor implementation is missing." },
        Function_implementation_is_missing_or_not_immediately_following_the_declaration: { code: 2391, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function_implementation_is_missing_or_not_immediately_following_the_declaration_2391", message: "Function implementation is missing or not immediately following the declaration." },
        Multiple_constructor_implementations_are_not_allowed: { code: 2392, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Multiple_constructor_implementations_are_not_allowed_2392", message: "Multiple constructor implementations are not allowed." },
        Duplicate_function_implementation: { code: 2393, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate_function_implementation_2393", message: "Duplicate function implementation." },
        Overload_signature_is_not_compatible_with_function_implementation: { code: 2394, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Overload_signature_is_not_compatible_with_function_implementation_2394", message: "Overload signature is not compatible with function implementation." },
        Individual_declarations_in_merged_declaration_0_must_be_all_exported_or_all_local: { code: 2395, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Individual_declarations_in_merged_declaration_0_must_be_all_exported_or_all_local_2395", message: "Individual declarations in merged declaration '{0}' must be all exported or all local." },
        Duplicate_identifier_arguments_Compiler_uses_arguments_to_initialize_rest_parameters: { code: 2396, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate_identifier_arguments_Compiler_uses_arguments_to_initialize_rest_parameters_2396", message: "Duplicate identifier 'arguments'. Compiler uses 'arguments' to initialize rest parameters." },
        Declaration_name_conflicts_with_built_in_global_identifier_0: { code: 2397, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Declaration_name_conflicts_with_built_in_global_identifier_0_2397", message: "Declaration name conflicts with built-in global identifier '{0}'." },
        Duplicate_identifier_this_Compiler_uses_variable_declaration_this_to_capture_this_reference: { code: 2399, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate_identifier_this_Compiler_uses_variable_declaration_this_to_capture_this_reference_2399", message: "Duplicate identifier '_this'. Compiler uses variable declaration '_this' to capture 'this' reference." },
        Expression_resolves_to_variable_declaration_this_that_compiler_uses_to_capture_this_reference: { code: 2400, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Expression_resolves_to_variable_declaration_this_that_compiler_uses_to_capture_this_reference_2400", message: "Expression resolves to variable declaration '_this' that compiler uses to capture 'this' reference." },
        Duplicate_identifier_super_Compiler_uses_super_to_capture_base_class_reference: { code: 2401, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate_identifier_super_Compiler_uses_super_to_capture_base_class_reference_2401", message: "Duplicate identifier '_super'. Compiler uses '_super' to capture base class reference." },
        Expression_resolves_to_super_that_compiler_uses_to_capture_base_class_reference: { code: 2402, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Expression_resolves_to_super_that_compiler_uses_to_capture_base_class_reference_2402", message: "Expression resolves to '_super' that compiler uses to capture base class reference." },
        Subsequent_variable_declarations_must_have_the_same_type_Variable_0_must_be_of_type_1_but_here_has_type_2: { code: 2403, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Subsequent_variable_declarations_must_have_the_same_type_Variable_0_must_be_of_type_1_but_here_has_t_2403", message: "Subsequent variable declarations must have the same type.  Variable '{0}' must be of type '{1}', but here has type '{2}'." },
        The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_use_a_type_annotation: { code: 2404, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_use_a_type_annotation_2404", message: "The left-hand side of a '' statement cannot use a type annotation." },
        The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_must_be_of_type_string_or_any: { code: 2405, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_must_be_of_type_string_or_any_2405", message: "The left-hand side of a '' statement must be of type 'string' or 'any'." },
        Invalid_left_hand_side_in_for_in_statement: { code: 2406, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid_left_hand_side_in_for_in_statement_2406", message: "Invalid left-hand side in '' statement." },
        The_right_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_must_be_of_type_any_an_object_type_or_a_type_parameter: { code: 2407, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_right_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_must_be_of_type_any_an_object_type_or_a_type_parameter_2407", message: "The right-hand side of a '' statement must be of type 'any', an object type or a type parameter." },
        Setters_cannot_return_a_value: { code: 2408, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Setters_cannot_return_a_value_2408", message: "Setters cannot return a value." },
        Return_type_of_constructor_signature_must_be_assignable_to_the_instance_type_of_the_class: { code: 2409, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_constructor_signature_must_be_assignable_to_the_instance_type_of_the_class_2409", message: "Return type of constructor signature must be assignable to the instance type of the class" },
        All_symbols_within_a_with_block_will_be_resolved_to_any: { code: 2410, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "All_symbols_within_a_with_block_will_be_resolved_to_any_2410", message: "All symbols within a 'with' block will be resolved to 'any'." },
        Property_0_of_type_1_is_not_assignable_to_string_index_type_2: { code: 2411, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_of_type_1_is_not_assignable_to_string_index_type_2_2411", message: "Property '{0}' of type '{1}' is not assignable to string index type '{2}'." },
        Property_0_of_type_1_is_not_assignable_to_numeric_index_type_2: { code: 2412, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_of_type_1_is_not_assignable_to_numeric_index_type_2_2412", message: "Property '{0}' of type '{1}' is not assignable to numeric index type '{2}'." },
        Numeric_index_type_0_is_not_assignable_to_string_index_type_1: { code: 2413, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Numeric_index_type_0_is_not_assignable_to_string_index_type_1_2413", message: "Numeric index type '{0}' is not assignable to string index type '{1}'." },
        Class_name_cannot_be_0: { code: 2414, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class_name_cannot_be_0_2414", message: "Class name cannot be '{0}'" },
        Class_0_incorrectly_extends_base_class_1: { code: 2415, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class_0_incorrectly_extends_base_class_1_2415", message: "Class '{0}' incorrectly extends base class '{1}'." },
        Class_static_side_0_incorrectly_extends_base_class_static_side_1: { code: 2417, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class_static_side_0_incorrectly_extends_base_class_static_side_1_2417", message: "Class static side '{0}' incorrectly extends base class static side '{1}'." },
        Class_0_incorrectly_implements_interface_1: { code: 2420, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class_0_incorrectly_implements_interface_1_2420", message: "Class '{0}' incorrectly implements interface '{1}'." },
        A_class_may_only_implement_another_class_or_interface: { code: 2422, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_class_may_only_implement_another_class_or_interface_2422", message: "A class may only implement another class or interface." },
        Class_0_defines_instance_member_function_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_accessor: { code: 2423, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class_0_defines_instance_member_function_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_access_2423", message: "Class '{0}' defines instance member function '{1}', but extended class '{2}' defines it as instance member accessor." },
        Class_0_defines_instance_member_function_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_property: { code: 2424, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class_0_defines_instance_member_function_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_proper_2424", message: "Class '{0}' defines instance member function '{1}', but extended class '{2}' defines it as instance member property." },
        Class_0_defines_instance_member_property_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_function: { code: 2425, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class_0_defines_instance_member_property_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_functi_2425", message: "Class '{0}' defines instance member property '{1}', but extended class '{2}' defines it as instance member function." },
        Class_0_defines_instance_member_accessor_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_function: { code: 2426, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Class_0_defines_instance_member_accessor_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_functi_2426", message: "Class '{0}' defines instance member accessor '{1}', but extended class '{2}' defines it as instance member function." },
        Interface_name_cannot_be_0: { code: 2427, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Interface_name_cannot_be_0_2427", message: "Interface name cannot be '{0}'" },
        All_declarations_of_0_must_have_identical_type_parameters: { code: 2428, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "All_declarations_of_0_must_have_identical_type_parameters_2428", message: "All declarations of '{0}' must have identical type parameters." },
        Interface_0_incorrectly_extends_interface_1: { code: 2430, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Interface_0_incorrectly_extends_interface_1_2430", message: "Interface '{0}' incorrectly extends interface '{1}'." },
        Enum_name_cannot_be_0: { code: 2431, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Enum_name_cannot_be_0_2431", message: "Enum name cannot be '{0}'" },
        In_an_enum_with_multiple_declarations_only_one_declaration_can_omit_an_initializer_for_its_first_enum_element: { code: 2432, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "In_an_enum_with_multiple_declarations_only_one_declaration_can_omit_an_initializer_for_its_first_enu_2432", message: "In an enum with multiple declarations, only one declaration can omit an initializer for its first enum element." },
        A_namespace_declaration_cannot_be_in_a_different_file_from_a_class_or_function_with_which_it_is_merged: { code: 2433, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_namespace_declaration_cannot_be_in_a_different_file_from_a_class_or_function_with_which_it_is_merg_2433", message: "A namespace declaration cannot be in a different file from a class or function with which it is merged" },
        A_namespace_declaration_cannot_be_located_prior_to_a_class_or_function_with_which_it_is_merged: { code: 2434, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_namespace_declaration_cannot_be_located_prior_to_a_class_or_function_with_which_it_is_merged_2434", message: "A namespace declaration cannot be located prior to a class or function with which it is merged" },
        Ambient_modules_cannot_be_nested_in_other_modules_or_namespaces: { code: 2435, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Ambient_modules_cannot_be_nested_in_other_modules_or_namespaces_2435", message: "Ambient modules cannot be nested in other modules or namespaces." },
        Ambient_module_declaration_cannot_specify_relative_module_name: { code: 2436, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Ambient_module_declaration_cannot_specify_relative_module_name_2436", message: "Ambient module declaration cannot specify relative module name." },
        Module_0_is_hidden_by_a_local_declaration_with_the_same_name: { code: 2437, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Module_0_is_hidden_by_a_local_declaration_with_the_same_name_2437", message: "Module '{0}' is hidden by a local declaration with the same name" },
        Import_name_cannot_be_0: { code: 2438, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Import_name_cannot_be_0_2438", message: "Import name cannot be '{0}'" },
        Import_or_export_declaration_in_an_ambient_module_declaration_cannot_reference_module_through_relative_module_name: { code: 2439, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Import_or_export_declaration_in_an_ambient_module_declaration_cannot_reference_module_through_relati_2439", message: "Import or export declaration in an ambient module declaration cannot reference module through relative module name." },
        Import_declaration_conflicts_with_local_declaration_of_0: { code: 2440, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Import_declaration_conflicts_with_local_declaration_of_0_2440", message: "Import declaration conflicts with local declaration of '{0}'" },
        Duplicate_identifier_0_Compiler_reserves_name_1_in_top_level_scope_of_a_module: { code: 2441, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate_identifier_0_Compiler_reserves_name_1_in_top_level_scope_of_a_module_2441", message: "Duplicate identifier '{0}'. Compiler reserves name '{1}' in top level scope of a module." },
        Types_have_separate_declarations_of_a_private_property_0: { code: 2442, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Types_have_separate_declarations_of_a_private_property_0_2442", message: "Types have separate declarations of a private property '{0}'." },
        Property_0_is_protected_but_type_1_is_not_a_class_derived_from_2: { code: 2443, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_is_protected_but_type_1_is_not_a_class_derived_from_2_2443", message: "Property '{0}' is protected but type '{1}' is not a class derived from '{2}'." },
        Property_0_is_protected_in_type_1_but_public_in_type_2: { code: 2444, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_is_protected_in_type_1_but_public_in_type_2_2444", message: "Property '{0}' is protected in type '{1}' but public in type '{2}'." },
        Property_0_is_protected_and_only_accessible_within_class_1_and_its_subclasses: { code: 2445, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_is_protected_and_only_accessible_within_class_1_and_its_subclasses_2445", message: "Property '{0}' is protected and only accessible within class '{1}' and its subclasses." },
        Property_0_is_protected_and_only_accessible_through_an_instance_of_class_1: { code: 2446, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_is_protected_and_only_accessible_through_an_instance_of_class_1_2446", message: "Property '{0}' is protected and only accessible through an instance of class '{1}'." },
        The_0_operator_is_not_allowed_for_boolean_types_Consider_using_1_instead: { code: 2447, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_0_operator_is_not_allowed_for_boolean_types_Consider_using_1_instead_2447", message: "The '{0}' operator is not allowed for boolean types. Consider using '{1}' instead." },
        Block_scoped_variable_0_used_before_its_declaration: { code: 2448, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Block_scoped_variable_0_used_before_its_declaration_2448", message: "Block-scoped variable '{0}' used before its declaration." },
        The_operand_of_an_increment_or_decrement_operator_cannot_be_a_constant_or_a_read_only_property: { code: 2449, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_operand_of_an_increment_or_decrement_operator_cannot_be_a_constant_or_a_read_only_property_2449", message: "The operand of an increment or decrement operator cannot be a constant or a read-only property." },
        Left_hand_side_of_assignment_expression_cannot_be_a_constant_or_a_read_only_property: { code: 2450, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Left_hand_side_of_assignment_expression_cannot_be_a_constant_or_a_read_only_property_2450", message: "Left-hand side of assignment expression cannot be a constant or a read-only property." },
        Cannot_redeclare_block_scoped_variable_0: { code: 2451, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_redeclare_block_scoped_variable_0_2451", message: "Cannot redeclare block-scoped variable '{0}'." },
        An_enum_member_cannot_have_a_numeric_name: { code: 2452, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_enum_member_cannot_have_a_numeric_name_2452", message: "An enum member cannot have a numeric name." },
        The_type_argument_for_type_parameter_0_cannot_be_inferred_from_the_usage_Consider_specifying_the_type_arguments_explicitly: { code: 2453, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_type_argument_for_type_parameter_0_cannot_be_inferred_from_the_usage_Consider_specifying_the_typ_2453", message: "The type argument for type parameter '{0}' cannot be inferred from the usage. Consider specifying the type arguments explicitly." },
        Variable_0_is_used_before_being_assigned: { code: 2454, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Variable_0_is_used_before_being_assigned_2454", message: "Variable '{0}' is used before being assigned." },
        Type_argument_candidate_1_is_not_a_valid_type_argument_because_it_is_not_a_supertype_of_candidate_0: { code: 2455, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_argument_candidate_1_is_not_a_valid_type_argument_because_it_is_not_a_supertype_of_candidate_0_2455", message: "Type argument candidate '{1}' is not a valid type argument because it is not a supertype of candidate '{0}'." },
        Type_alias_0_circularly_references_itself: { code: 2456, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_alias_0_circularly_references_itself_2456", message: "Type alias '{0}' circularly references itself." },
        Type_alias_name_cannot_be_0: { code: 2457, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_alias_name_cannot_be_0_2457", message: "Type alias name cannot be '{0}'" },
        An_AMD_module_cannot_have_multiple_name_assignments: { code: 2458, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_AMD_module_cannot_have_multiple_name_assignments_2458", message: "An AMD module cannot have multiple name assignments." },
        Type_0_has_no_property_1_and_no_string_index_signature: { code: 2459, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_0_has_no_property_1_and_no_string_index_signature_2459", message: "Type '{0}' has no property '{1}' and no string index signature." },
        Type_0_has_no_property_1: { code: 2460, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_0_has_no_property_1_2460", message: "Type '{0}' has no property '{1}'." },
        Type_0_is_not_an_array_type: { code: 2461, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_0_is_not_an_array_type_2461", message: "Type '{0}' is not an array type." },
        A_rest_element_must_be_last_in_an_array_destructuring_pattern: { code: 2462, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_rest_element_must_be_last_in_an_array_destructuring_pattern_2462", message: "A rest element must be last in an array destructuring pattern" },
        A_binding_pattern_parameter_cannot_be_optional_in_an_implementation_signature: { code: 2463, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_binding_pattern_parameter_cannot_be_optional_in_an_implementation_signature_2463", message: "A binding pattern parameter cannot be optional in an implementation signature." },
        A_computed_property_name_must_be_of_type_string_number_symbol_or_any: { code: 2464, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_computed_property_name_must_be_of_type_string_number_symbol_or_any_2464", message: "A computed property name must be of type 'string', 'number', 'symbol', or 'any'." },
        this_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_computed_property_name: { code: 2465, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "this_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_computed_property_name_2465", message: "'this' cannot be referenced in a computed property name." },
        super_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_computed_property_name: { code: 2466, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "super_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_computed_property_name_2466", message: "'super' cannot be referenced in a computed property name." },
        A_computed_property_name_cannot_reference_a_type_parameter_from_its_containing_type: { code: 2467, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_computed_property_name_cannot_reference_a_type_parameter_from_its_containing_type_2467", message: "A computed property name cannot reference a type parameter from its containing type." },
        Cannot_find_global_value_0: { code: 2468, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_find_global_value_0_2468", message: "Cannot find global value '{0}'." },
        The_0_operator_cannot_be_applied_to_type_symbol: { code: 2469, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_0_operator_cannot_be_applied_to_type_symbol_2469", message: "The '{0}' operator cannot be applied to type 'symbol'." },
        Symbol_reference_does_not_refer_to_the_global_Symbol_constructor_object: { code: 2470, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Symbol_reference_does_not_refer_to_the_global_Symbol_constructor_object_2470", message: "'Symbol' reference does not refer to the global Symbol constructor object." },
        A_computed_property_name_of_the_form_0_must_be_of_type_symbol: { code: 2471, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_computed_property_name_of_the_form_0_must_be_of_type_symbol_2471", message: "A computed property name of the form '{0}' must be of type 'symbol'." },
        Spread_operator_in_new_expressions_is_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_5_and_higher: { code: 2472, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Spread_operator_in_new_expressions_is_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_5_and_higher_2472", message: "Spread operator in 'new' expressions is only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher." },
        Enum_declarations_must_all_be_const_or_non_const: { code: 2473, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Enum_declarations_must_all_be_const_or_non_const_2473", message: "Enum declarations must all be const or non-const." },
        In_const_enum_declarations_member_initializer_must_be_constant_expression: { code: 2474, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "In_const_enum_declarations_member_initializer_must_be_constant_expression_2474", message: "In 'const' enum declarations member initializer must be constant expression." },
        const_enums_can_only_be_used_in_property_or_index_access_expressions_or_the_right_hand_side_of_an_import_declaration_or_export_assignment: { code: 2475, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "const_enums_can_only_be_used_in_property_or_index_access_expressions_or_the_right_hand_side_of_an_im_2475", message: "'const' enums can only be used in property or index access expressions or the right hand side of an import declaration or export assignment." },
        A_const_enum_member_can_only_be_accessed_using_a_string_literal: { code: 2476, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_const_enum_member_can_only_be_accessed_using_a_string_literal_2476", message: "A const enum member can only be accessed using a string literal." },
        const_enum_member_initializer_was_evaluated_to_a_non_finite_value: { code: 2477, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "const_enum_member_initializer_was_evaluated_to_a_non_finite_value_2477", message: "'const' enum member initializer was evaluated to a non-finite value." },
        const_enum_member_initializer_was_evaluated_to_disallowed_value_NaN: { code: 2478, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "const_enum_member_initializer_was_evaluated_to_disallowed_value_NaN_2478", message: "'const' enum member initializer was evaluated to disallowed value 'NaN'." },
        Property_0_does_not_exist_on_const_enum_1: { code: 2479, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_does_not_exist_on_const_enum_1_2479", message: "Property '{0}' does not exist on 'const' enum '{1}'." },
        let_is_not_allowed_to_be_used_as_a_name_in_let_or_const_declarations: { code: 2480, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "let_is_not_allowed_to_be_used_as_a_name_in_let_or_const_declarations_2480", message: "'let' is not allowed to be used as a name in 'let' or 'const' declarations." },
        Cannot_initialize_outer_scoped_variable_0_in_the_same_scope_as_block_scoped_declaration_1: { code: 2481, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_initialize_outer_scoped_variable_0_in_the_same_scope_as_block_scoped_declaration_1_2481", message: "Cannot initialize outer scoped variable '{0}' in the same scope as block scoped declaration '{1}'." },
        The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_of_statement_cannot_use_a_type_annotation: { code: 2483, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_of_statement_cannot_use_a_type_annotation_2483", message: "The left-hand side of a 'for...of' statement cannot use a type annotation." },
        Export_declaration_conflicts_with_exported_declaration_of_0: { code: 2484, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Export_declaration_conflicts_with_exported_declaration_of_0_2484", message: "Export declaration conflicts with exported declaration of '{0}'" },
        The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_of_statement_cannot_be_a_constant_or_a_read_only_property: { code: 2485, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_of_statement_cannot_be_a_constant_or_a_read_only_property_2485", message: "The left-hand side of a 'for...of' statement cannot be a constant or a read-only property." },
        The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_be_a_constant_or_a_read_only_property: { code: 2486, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_be_a_constant_or_a_read_only_property_2486", message: "The left-hand side of a '' statement cannot be a constant or a read-only property." },
        Invalid_left_hand_side_in_for_of_statement: { code: 2487, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid_left_hand_side_in_for_of_statement_2487", message: "Invalid left-hand side in 'for...of' statement." },
        Type_must_have_a_Symbol_iterator_method_that_returns_an_iterator: { code: 2488, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_must_have_a_Symbol_iterator_method_that_returns_an_iterator_2488", message: "Type must have a '[Symbol.iterator]()' method that returns an iterator." },
        An_iterator_must_have_a_next_method: { code: 2489, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_iterator_must_have_a_next_method_2489", message: "An iterator must have a 'next()' method." },
        The_type_returned_by_the_next_method_of_an_iterator_must_have_a_value_property: { code: 2490, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_type_returned_by_the_next_method_of_an_iterator_must_have_a_value_property_2490", message: "The type returned by the 'next()' method of an iterator must have a 'value' property." },
        The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_be_a_destructuring_pattern: { code: 2491, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_be_a_destructuring_pattern_2491", message: "The left-hand side of a '' statement cannot be a destructuring pattern." },
        Cannot_redeclare_identifier_0_in_catch_clause: { code: 2492, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_redeclare_identifier_0_in_catch_clause_2492", message: "Cannot redeclare identifier '{0}' in catch clause" },
        Tuple_type_0_with_length_1_cannot_be_assigned_to_tuple_with_length_2: { code: 2493, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Tuple_type_0_with_length_1_cannot_be_assigned_to_tuple_with_length_2_2493", message: "Tuple type '{0}' with length '{1}' cannot be assigned to tuple with length '{2}'." },
        Using_a_string_in_a_for_of_statement_is_only_supported_in_ECMAScript_5_and_higher: { code: 2494, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Using_a_string_in_a_for_of_statement_is_only_supported_in_ECMAScript_5_and_higher_2494", message: "Using a string in a 'for...of' statement is only supported in ECMAScript 5 and higher." },
        Type_0_is_not_an_array_type_or_a_string_type: { code: 2495, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_0_is_not_an_array_type_or_a_string_type_2495", message: "Type '{0}' is not an array type or a string type." },
        The_arguments_object_cannot_be_referenced_in_an_arrow_function_in_ES3_and_ES5_Consider_using_a_standard_function_expression: { code: 2496, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_arguments_object_cannot_be_referenced_in_an_arrow_function_in_ES3_and_ES5_Consider_using_a_stand_2496", message: "The 'arguments' object cannot be referenced in an arrow function in ES3 and ES5. Consider using a standard function expression." },
        Module_0_resolves_to_a_non_module_entity_and_cannot_be_imported_using_this_construct: { code: 2497, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Module_0_resolves_to_a_non_module_entity_and_cannot_be_imported_using_this_construct_2497", message: "Module '{0}' resolves to a non-module entity and cannot be imported using this construct." },
        Module_0_uses_export_and_cannot_be_used_with_export_Asterisk: { code: 2498, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Module_0_uses_export_and_cannot_be_used_with_export_Asterisk_2498", message: "Module '{0}' uses 'export =' and cannot be used with 'export *'." },
        An_interface_can_only_extend_an_identifier_Slashqualified_name_with_optional_type_arguments: { code: 2499, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_interface_can_only_extend_an_identifier_Slashqualified_name_with_optional_type_arguments_2499", message: "An interface can only extend an identifier/qualified-name with optional type arguments." },
        A_class_can_only_implement_an_identifier_Slashqualified_name_with_optional_type_arguments: { code: 2500, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_class_can_only_implement_an_identifier_Slashqualified_name_with_optional_type_arguments_2500", message: "A class can only implement an identifier/qualified-name with optional type arguments." },
        A_rest_element_cannot_contain_a_binding_pattern: { code: 2501, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_rest_element_cannot_contain_a_binding_pattern_2501", message: "A rest element cannot contain a binding pattern." },
        _0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_type_annotation: { code: 2502, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_type_annotation_2502", message: "'{0}' is referenced directly or indirectly in its own type annotation." },
        Cannot_find_namespace_0: { code: 2503, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_find_namespace_0_2503", message: "Cannot find namespace '{0}'." },
        No_best_common_type_exists_among_yield_expressions: { code: 2504, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "No_best_common_type_exists_among_yield_expressions_2504", message: "No best common type exists among yield expressions." },
        A_generator_cannot_have_a_void_type_annotation: { code: 2505, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_generator_cannot_have_a_void_type_annotation_2505", message: "A generator cannot have a 'void' type annotation." },
        _0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_base_expression: { code: 2506, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_base_expression_2506", message: "'{0}' is referenced directly or indirectly in its own base expression." },
        Type_0_is_not_a_constructor_function_type: { code: 2507, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_0_is_not_a_constructor_function_type_2507", message: "Type '{0}' is not a constructor function type." },
        No_base_constructor_has_the_specified_number_of_type_arguments: { code: 2508, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "No_base_constructor_has_the_specified_number_of_type_arguments_2508", message: "No base constructor has the specified number of type arguments." },
        Base_constructor_return_type_0_is_not_a_class_or_interface_type: { code: 2509, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Base_constructor_return_type_0_is_not_a_class_or_interface_type_2509", message: "Base constructor return type '{0}' is not a class or interface type." },
        Base_constructors_must_all_have_the_same_return_type: { code: 2510, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Base_constructors_must_all_have_the_same_return_type_2510", message: "Base constructors must all have the same return type." },
        Cannot_create_an_instance_of_the_abstract_class_0: { code: 2511, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_create_an_instance_of_the_abstract_class_0_2511", message: "Cannot create an instance of the abstract class '{0}'." },
        Overload_signatures_must_all_be_abstract_or_non_abstract: { code: 2512, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Overload_signatures_must_all_be_abstract_or_non_abstract_2512", message: "Overload signatures must all be abstract or non-abstract." },
        Abstract_method_0_in_class_1_cannot_be_accessed_via_super_expression: { code: 2513, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Abstract_method_0_in_class_1_cannot_be_accessed_via_super_expression_2513", message: "Abstract method '{0}' in class '{1}' cannot be accessed via super expression." },
        Classes_containing_abstract_methods_must_be_marked_abstract: { code: 2514, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Classes_containing_abstract_methods_must_be_marked_abstract_2514", message: "Classes containing abstract methods must be marked abstract." },
        Non_abstract_class_0_does_not_implement_inherited_abstract_member_1_from_class_2: { code: 2515, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Non_abstract_class_0_does_not_implement_inherited_abstract_member_1_from_class_2_2515", message: "Non-abstract class '{0}' does not implement inherited abstract member '{1}' from class '{2}'." },
        All_declarations_of_an_abstract_method_must_be_consecutive: { code: 2516, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "All_declarations_of_an_abstract_method_must_be_consecutive_2516", message: "All declarations of an abstract method must be consecutive." },
        Cannot_assign_an_abstract_constructor_type_to_a_non_abstract_constructor_type: { code: 2517, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_assign_an_abstract_constructor_type_to_a_non_abstract_constructor_type_2517", message: "Cannot assign an abstract constructor type to a non-abstract constructor type." },
        A_this_based_type_guard_is_not_compatible_with_a_parameter_based_type_guard: { code: 2518, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_this_based_type_guard_is_not_compatible_with_a_parameter_based_type_guard_2518", message: "A 'this'-based type guard is not compatible with a parameter-based type guard." },
        Duplicate_identifier_0_Compiler_uses_declaration_1_to_support_async_functions: { code: 2520, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate_identifier_0_Compiler_uses_declaration_1_to_support_async_functions_2520", message: "Duplicate identifier '{0}'. Compiler uses declaration '{1}' to support async functions." },
        Expression_resolves_to_variable_declaration_0_that_compiler_uses_to_support_async_functions: { code: 2521, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Expression_resolves_to_variable_declaration_0_that_compiler_uses_to_support_async_functions_2521", message: "Expression resolves to variable declaration '{0}' that compiler uses to support async functions." },
        The_arguments_object_cannot_be_referenced_in_an_async_arrow_function_Consider_using_a_standard_async_function_expression: { code: 2522, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_arguments_object_cannot_be_referenced_in_an_async_arrow_function_Consider_using_a_standard_async_2522", message: "The 'arguments' object cannot be referenced in an async arrow function. Consider using a standard async function expression." },
        yield_expressions_cannot_be_used_in_a_parameter_initializer: { code: 2523, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "yield_expressions_cannot_be_used_in_a_parameter_initializer_2523", message: "'yield' expressions cannot be used in a parameter initializer." },
        await_expressions_cannot_be_used_in_a_parameter_initializer: { code: 2524, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "await_expressions_cannot_be_used_in_a_parameter_initializer_2524", message: "'await' expressions cannot be used in a parameter initializer." },
        Initializer_provides_no_value_for_this_binding_element_and_the_binding_element_has_no_default_value: { code: 2525, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Initializer_provides_no_value_for_this_binding_element_and_the_binding_element_has_no_default_value_2525", message: "Initializer provides no value for this binding element and the binding element has no default value." },
        A_this_type_is_available_only_in_a_non_static_member_of_a_class_or_interface: { code: 2526, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_this_type_is_available_only_in_a_non_static_member_of_a_class_or_interface_2526", message: "A 'this' type is available only in a non-static member of a class or interface." },
        The_inferred_type_of_0_references_an_inaccessible_this_type_A_type_annotation_is_necessary: { code: 2527, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_inferred_type_of_0_references_an_inaccessible_this_type_A_type_annotation_is_necessary_2527", message: "The inferred type of '{0}' references an inaccessible 'this' type. A type annotation is necessary." },
        A_module_cannot_have_multiple_default_exports: { code: 2528, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_module_cannot_have_multiple_default_exports_2528", message: "A module cannot have multiple default exports." },
        Duplicate_identifier_0_Compiler_reserves_name_1_in_top_level_scope_of_a_module_containing_async_functions: { code: 2529, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Duplicate_identifier_0_Compiler_reserves_name_1_in_top_level_scope_of_a_module_containing_async_func_2529", message: "Duplicate identifier '{0}'. Compiler reserves name '{1}' in top level scope of a module containing async functions." },
        Property_0_is_incompatible_with_index_signature: { code: 2530, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_is_incompatible_with_index_signature_2530", message: "Property '{0}' is incompatible with index signature." },
        Object_is_possibly_null: { code: 2531, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Object_is_possibly_null_2531", message: "Object is possibly 'null'." },
        Object_is_possibly_undefined: { code: 2532, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Object_is_possibly_undefined_2532", message: "Object is possibly 'undefined'." },
        Object_is_possibly_null_or_undefined: { code: 2533, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Object_is_possibly_null_or_undefined_2533", message: "Object is possibly 'null' or 'undefined'." },
        A_function_returning_never_cannot_have_a_reachable_end_point: { code: 2534, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_function_returning_never_cannot_have_a_reachable_end_point_2534", message: "A function returning 'never' cannot have a reachable end point." },
        Enum_type_0_has_members_with_initializers_that_are_not_literals: { code: 2535, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Enum_type_0_has_members_with_initializers_that_are_not_literals_2535", message: "Enum type '{0}' has members with initializers that are not literals." },
        JSX_element_attributes_type_0_may_not_be_a_union_type: { code: 2600, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "JSX_element_attributes_type_0_may_not_be_a_union_type_2600", message: "JSX element attributes type '{0}' may not be a union type." },
        The_return_type_of_a_JSX_element_constructor_must_return_an_object_type: { code: 2601, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_return_type_of_a_JSX_element_constructor_must_return_an_object_type_2601", message: "The return type of a JSX element constructor must return an object type." },
        JSX_element_implicitly_has_type_any_because_the_global_type_JSX_Element_does_not_exist: { code: 2602, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "JSX_element_implicitly_has_type_any_because_the_global_type_JSX_Element_does_not_exist_2602", message: "JSX element implicitly has type 'any' because the global type 'JSX.Element' does not exist." },
        Property_0_in_type_1_is_not_assignable_to_type_2: { code: 2603, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_in_type_1_is_not_assignable_to_type_2_2603", message: "Property '{0}' in type '{1}' is not assignable to type '{2}'" },
        JSX_element_type_0_does_not_have_any_construct_or_call_signatures: { code: 2604, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "JSX_element_type_0_does_not_have_any_construct_or_call_signatures_2604", message: "JSX element type '{0}' does not have any construct or call signatures." },
        JSX_element_type_0_is_not_a_constructor_function_for_JSX_elements: { code: 2605, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "JSX_element_type_0_is_not_a_constructor_function_for_JSX_elements_2605", message: "JSX element type '{0}' is not a constructor function for JSX elements." },
        Property_0_of_JSX_spread_attribute_is_not_assignable_to_target_property: { code: 2606, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_of_JSX_spread_attribute_is_not_assignable_to_target_property_2606", message: "Property '{0}' of JSX spread attribute is not assignable to target property." },
        JSX_element_class_does_not_support_attributes_because_it_does_not_have_a_0_property: { code: 2607, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "JSX_element_class_does_not_support_attributes_because_it_does_not_have_a_0_property_2607", message: "JSX element class does not support attributes because it does not have a '{0}' property" },
        The_global_type_JSX_0_may_not_have_more_than_one_property: { code: 2608, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_global_type_JSX_0_may_not_have_more_than_one_property_2608", message: "The global type 'JSX.{0}' may not have more than one property" },
        Cannot_emit_namespaced_JSX_elements_in_React: { code: 2650, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_emit_namespaced_JSX_elements_in_React_2650", message: "Cannot emit namespaced JSX elements in React" },
        A_member_initializer_in_a_enum_declaration_cannot_reference_members_declared_after_it_including_members_defined_in_other_enums: { code: 2651, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_member_initializer_in_a_enum_declaration_cannot_reference_members_declared_after_it_including_memb_2651", message: "A member initializer in a enum declaration cannot reference members declared after it, including members defined in other enums." },
        Merged_declaration_0_cannot_include_a_default_export_declaration_Consider_adding_a_separate_export_default_0_declaration_instead: { code: 2652, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Merged_declaration_0_cannot_include_a_default_export_declaration_Consider_adding_a_separate_export_d_2652", message: "Merged declaration '{0}' cannot include a default export declaration. Consider adding a separate 'export default {0}' declaration instead." },
        Non_abstract_class_expression_does_not_implement_inherited_abstract_member_0_from_class_1: { code: 2653, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Non_abstract_class_expression_does_not_implement_inherited_abstract_member_0_from_class_1_2653", message: "Non-abstract class expression does not implement inherited abstract member '{0}' from class '{1}'." },
        Exported_external_package_typings_file_cannot_contain_tripleslash_references_Please_contact_the_package_author_to_update_the_package_definition: { code: 2654, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Exported_external_package_typings_file_cannot_contain_tripleslash_references_Please_contact_the_pack_2654", message: "Exported external package typings file cannot contain tripleslash references. Please contact the package author to update the package definition." },
        Exported_external_package_typings_file_0_is_not_a_module_Please_contact_the_package_author_to_update_the_package_definition: { code: 2656, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Exported_external_package_typings_file_0_is_not_a_module_Please_contact_the_package_author_to_update_2656", message: "Exported external package typings file '{0}' is not a module. Please contact the package author to update the package definition." },
        JSX_expressions_must_have_one_parent_element: { code: 2657, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "JSX_expressions_must_have_one_parent_element_2657", message: "JSX expressions must have one parent element" },
        Type_0_provides_no_match_for_the_signature_1: { code: 2658, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_0_provides_no_match_for_the_signature_1_2658", message: "Type '{0}' provides no match for the signature '{1}'" },
        super_is_only_allowed_in_members_of_object_literal_expressions_when_option_target_is_ES2015_or_higher: { code: 2659, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "super_is_only_allowed_in_members_of_object_literal_expressions_when_option_target_is_ES2015_or_highe_2659", message: "'super' is only allowed in members of object literal expressions when option 'target' is 'ES2015' or higher." },
        super_can_only_be_referenced_in_members_of_derived_classes_or_object_literal_expressions: { code: 2660, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "super_can_only_be_referenced_in_members_of_derived_classes_or_object_literal_expressions_2660", message: "'super' can only be referenced in members of derived classes or object literal expressions." },
        Cannot_export_0_Only_local_declarations_can_be_exported_from_a_module: { code: 2661, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_export_0_Only_local_declarations_can_be_exported_from_a_module_2661", message: "Cannot export '{0}'. Only local declarations can be exported from a module." },
        Cannot_find_name_0_Did_you_mean_the_static_member_1_0: { code: 2662, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_find_name_0_Did_you_mean_the_static_member_1_0_2662", message: "Cannot find name '{0}'. Did you mean the static member '{1}.{0}'?" },
        Cannot_find_name_0_Did_you_mean_the_instance_member_this_0: { code: 2663, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_find_name_0_Did_you_mean_the_instance_member_this_0_2663", message: "Cannot find name '{0}'. Did you mean the instance member 'this.{0}'?" },
        Invalid_module_name_in_augmentation_module_0_cannot_be_found: { code: 2664, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid_module_name_in_augmentation_module_0_cannot_be_found_2664", message: "Invalid module name in augmentation, module '{0}' cannot be found." },
        Exports_and_export_assignments_are_not_permitted_in_module_augmentations: { code: 2666, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Exports_and_export_assignments_are_not_permitted_in_module_augmentations_2666", message: "Exports and export assignments are not permitted in module augmentations." },
        Imports_are_not_permitted_in_module_augmentations_Consider_moving_them_to_the_enclosing_external_module: { code: 2667, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Imports_are_not_permitted_in_module_augmentations_Consider_moving_them_to_the_enclosing_external_mod_2667", message: "Imports are not permitted in module augmentations. Consider moving them to the enclosing external module." },
        export_modifier_cannot_be_applied_to_ambient_modules_and_module_augmentations_since_they_are_always_visible: { code: 2668, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "export_modifier_cannot_be_applied_to_ambient_modules_and_module_augmentations_since_they_are_always__2668", message: "'export' modifier cannot be applied to ambient modules and module augmentations since they are always visible." },
        Augmentations_for_the_global_scope_can_only_be_directly_nested_in_external_modules_or_ambient_module_declarations: { code: 2669, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Augmentations_for_the_global_scope_can_only_be_directly_nested_in_external_modules_or_ambient_module_2669", message: "Augmentations for the global scope can only be directly nested in external modules or ambient module declarations." },
        Augmentations_for_the_global_scope_should_have_declare_modifier_unless_they_appear_in_already_ambient_context: { code: 2670, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Augmentations_for_the_global_scope_should_have_declare_modifier_unless_they_appear_in_already_ambien_2670", message: "Augmentations for the global scope should have 'declare' modifier unless they appear in already ambient context." },
        Cannot_augment_module_0_because_it_resolves_to_a_non_module_entity: { code: 2671, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_augment_module_0_because_it_resolves_to_a_non_module_entity_2671", message: "Cannot augment module '{0}' because it resolves to a non-module entity." },
        Cannot_assign_a_0_constructor_type_to_a_1_constructor_type: { code: 2672, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_assign_a_0_constructor_type_to_a_1_constructor_type_2672", message: "Cannot assign a '{0}' constructor type to a '{1}' constructor type." },
        Constructor_of_class_0_is_private_and_only_accessible_within_the_class_declaration: { code: 2673, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Constructor_of_class_0_is_private_and_only_accessible_within_the_class_declaration_2673", message: "Constructor of class '{0}' is private and only accessible within the class declaration." },
        Constructor_of_class_0_is_protected_and_only_accessible_within_the_class_declaration: { code: 2674, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Constructor_of_class_0_is_protected_and_only_accessible_within_the_class_declaration_2674", message: "Constructor of class '{0}' is protected and only accessible within the class declaration." },
        Cannot_extend_a_class_0_Class_constructor_is_marked_as_private: { code: 2675, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_extend_a_class_0_Class_constructor_is_marked_as_private_2675", message: "Cannot extend a class '{0}'. Class constructor is marked as private." },
        Accessors_must_both_be_abstract_or_non_abstract: { code: 2676, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Accessors_must_both_be_abstract_or_non_abstract_2676", message: "Accessors must both be abstract or non-abstract." },
        A_type_predicate_s_type_must_be_assignable_to_its_parameter_s_type: { code: 2677, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_type_predicate_s_type_must_be_assignable_to_its_parameter_s_type_2677", message: "A type predicate's type must be assignable to its parameter's type." },
        Type_0_is_not_comparable_to_type_1: { code: 2678, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_0_is_not_comparable_to_type_1_2678", message: "Type '{0}' is not comparable to type '{1}'." },
        A_function_that_is_called_with_the_new_keyword_cannot_have_a_this_type_that_is_void: { code: 2679, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_function_that_is_called_with_the_new_keyword_cannot_have_a_this_type_that_is_void_2679", message: "A function that is called with the 'new' keyword cannot have a 'this' type that is 'void'." },
        A_this_parameter_must_be_the_first_parameter: { code: 2680, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_this_parameter_must_be_the_first_parameter_2680", message: "A 'this' parameter must be the first parameter." },
        A_constructor_cannot_have_a_this_parameter: { code: 2681, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_constructor_cannot_have_a_this_parameter_2681", message: "A constructor cannot have a 'this' parameter." },
        get_and_set_accessor_must_have_the_same_this_type: { code: 2682, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "get_and_set_accessor_must_have_the_same_this_type_2682", message: "'get' and 'set' accessor must have the same 'this' type." },
        this_implicitly_has_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_type_annotation: { code: 2683, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "this_implicitly_has_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_type_annotation_2683", message: "'this' implicitly has type 'any' because it does not have a type annotation." },
        The_this_context_of_type_0_is_not_assignable_to_method_s_this_of_type_1: { code: 2684, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_this_context_of_type_0_is_not_assignable_to_method_s_this_of_type_1_2684", message: "The 'this' context of type '{0}' is not assignable to method's 'this' of type '{1}'." },
        The_this_types_of_each_signature_are_incompatible: { code: 2685, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_this_types_of_each_signature_are_incompatible_2685", message: "The 'this' types of each signature are incompatible." },
        Identifier_0_must_be_imported_from_a_module: { code: 2686, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Identifier_0_must_be_imported_from_a_module_2686", message: "Identifier '{0}' must be imported from a module" },
        All_declarations_of_0_must_have_identical_modifiers: { code: 2687, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "All_declarations_of_0_must_have_identical_modifiers_2687", message: "All declarations of '{0}' must have identical modifiers." },
        Cannot_find_type_definition_file_for_0: { code: 2688, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_find_type_definition_file_for_0_2688", message: "Cannot find type definition file for '{0}'." },
        Cannot_extend_an_interface_0_Did_you_mean_implements: { code: 2689, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_extend_an_interface_0_Did_you_mean_implements_2689", message: "Cannot extend an interface '{0}'. Did you mean 'implements'?" },
        A_class_must_be_declared_after_its_base_class: { code: 2690, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_class_must_be_declared_after_its_base_class_2690", message: "A class must be declared after its base class." },
        An_import_path_cannot_end_with_a_0_extension_Consider_importing_1_instead: { code: 2691, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_import_path_cannot_end_with_a_0_extension_Consider_importing_1_instead_2691", message: "An import path cannot end with a '{0}' extension. Consider importing '{1}' instead." },
        _0_is_a_primitive_but_1_is_a_wrapper_object_Prefer_using_0_when_possible: { code: 2692, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_is_a_primitive_but_1_is_a_wrapper_object_Prefer_using_0_when_possible_2692", message: "'{0}' is a primitive, but '{1}' is a wrapper object. Prefer using '{0}' when possible." },
        Import_declaration_0_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4000, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Import_declaration_0_is_using_private_name_1_4000", message: "Import declaration '{0}' is using private name '{1}'." },
        Type_parameter_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4002, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_parameter_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4002", message: "Type parameter '{0}' of exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Type_parameter_0_of_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4004, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_parameter_0_of_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4004", message: "Type parameter '{0}' of exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Type_parameter_0_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4006, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_parameter_0_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4006", message: "Type parameter '{0}' of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Type_parameter_0_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4008, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_parameter_0_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4008", message: "Type parameter '{0}' of call signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Type_parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4010, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4010", message: "Type parameter '{0}' of public static method from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Type_parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4012, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4012", message: "Type parameter '{0}' of public method from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Type_parameter_0_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4014, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_parameter_0_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4014", message: "Type parameter '{0}' of method from exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Type_parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4016, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Type_parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4016", message: "Type parameter '{0}' of exported function has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Implements_clause_of_exported_class_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4019, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Implements_clause_of_exported_class_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4019", message: "Implements clause of exported class '{0}' has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Extends_clause_of_exported_class_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4020, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Extends_clause_of_exported_class_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4020", message: "Extends clause of exported class '{0}' has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Extends_clause_of_exported_interface_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4022, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Extends_clause_of_exported_interface_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4022", message: "Extends clause of exported interface '{0}' has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Exported_variable_0_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4023, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Exported_variable_0_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named_4023", message: "Exported variable '{0}' has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." },
        Exported_variable_0_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4024, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Exported_variable_0_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2_4024", message: "Exported variable '{0}' has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
        Exported_variable_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4025, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Exported_variable_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4025", message: "Exported variable '{0}' has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Public_static_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4026, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Public_static_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot__4026", message: "Public static property '{0}' of exported class has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." },
        Public_static_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4027, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Public_static_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2_4027", message: "Public static property '{0}' of exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
        Public_static_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4028, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Public_static_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4028", message: "Public static property '{0}' of exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Public_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4029, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Public_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_name_4029", message: "Public property '{0}' of exported class has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." },
        Public_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4030, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Public_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2_4030", message: "Public property '{0}' of exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
        Public_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4031, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Public_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4031", message: "Public property '{0}' of exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Property_0_of_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4032, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_of_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2_4032", message: "Property '{0}' of exported interface has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
        Property_0_of_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4033, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_of_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4033", message: "Property '{0}' of exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Parameter_0_of_public_static_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4034, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_public_static_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_4034", message: "Parameter '{0}' of public static property setter from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
        Parameter_0_of_public_static_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4035, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_public_static_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4035", message: "Parameter '{0}' of public static property setter from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Parameter_0_of_public_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4036, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_public_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_4036", message: "Parameter '{0}' of public property setter from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
        Parameter_0_of_public_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4037, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_public_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4037", message: "Parameter '{0}' of public property setter from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Return_type_of_public_static_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4038, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_public_static_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_externa_4038", message: "Return type of public static property getter from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from external module {1} but cannot be named." },
        Return_type_of_public_static_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4039, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_public_static_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_4039", message: "Return type of public static property getter from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." },
        Return_type_of_public_static_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4040, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_public_static_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0_4040", message: "Return type of public static property getter from exported class has or is using private name '{0}'." },
        Return_type_of_public_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4041, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_public_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_modul_4041", message: "Return type of public property getter from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from external module {1} but cannot be named." },
        Return_type_of_public_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4042, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_public_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_4042", message: "Return type of public property getter from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." },
        Return_type_of_public_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4043, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_public_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0_4043", message: "Return type of public property getter from exported class has or is using private name '{0}'." },
        Return_type_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4044, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_mod_4044", message: "Return type of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." },
        Return_type_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4045, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0_4045", message: "Return type of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{0}'." },
        Return_type_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4046, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1_4046", message: "Return type of call signature from exported interface has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." },
        Return_type_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4047, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0_4047", message: "Return type of call signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{0}'." },
        Return_type_of_index_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4048, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_index_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1_4048", message: "Return type of index signature from exported interface has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." },
        Return_type_of_index_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4049, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_index_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0_4049", message: "Return type of index signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{0}'." },
        Return_type_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4050, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module__4050", message: "Return type of public static method from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from external module {1} but cannot be named." },
        Return_type_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4051, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1_4051", message: "Return type of public static method from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." },
        Return_type_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4052, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0_4052", message: "Return type of public static method from exported class has or is using private name '{0}'." },
        Return_type_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4053, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_c_4053", message: "Return type of public method from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from external module {1} but cannot be named." },
        Return_type_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4054, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1_4054", message: "Return type of public method from exported class has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." },
        Return_type_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4055, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_0_4055", message: "Return type of public method from exported class has or is using private name '{0}'." },
        Return_type_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4056, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1_4056", message: "Return type of method from exported interface has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." },
        Return_type_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4057, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_0_4057", message: "Return type of method from exported interface has or is using private name '{0}'." },
        Return_type_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4058, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named_4058", message: "Return type of exported function has or is using name '{0}' from external module {1} but cannot be named." },
        Return_type_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1: { code: 4059, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1_4059", message: "Return type of exported function has or is using name '{0}' from private module '{1}'." },
        Return_type_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4060, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Return_type_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_private_name_0_4060", message: "Return type of exported function has or is using private name '{0}'." },
        Parameter_0_of_constructor_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4061, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_constructor_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_can_4061", message: "Parameter '{0}' of constructor from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." },
        Parameter_0_of_constructor_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4062, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_constructor_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2_4062", message: "Parameter '{0}' of constructor from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
        Parameter_0_of_constructor_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4063, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_constructor_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4063", message: "Parameter '{0}' of constructor from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Parameter_0_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4064, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_mod_4064", message: "Parameter '{0}' of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
        Parameter_0_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4065, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4065", message: "Parameter '{0}' of constructor signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Parameter_0_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4066, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2_4066", message: "Parameter '{0}' of call signature from exported interface has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
        Parameter_0_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4067, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4067", message: "Parameter '{0}' of call signature from exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4068, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module__4068", message: "Parameter '{0}' of public static method from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." },
        Parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4069, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2_4069", message: "Parameter '{0}' of public static method from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
        Parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4070, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4070", message: "Parameter '{0}' of public static method from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4071, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_c_4071", message: "Parameter '{0}' of public method from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." },
        Parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4072, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2_4072", message: "Parameter '{0}' of public method from exported class has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
        Parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4073, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4073", message: "Parameter '{0}' of public method from exported class has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Parameter_0_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4074, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2_4074", message: "Parameter '{0}' of method from exported interface has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
        Parameter_0_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4075, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4075", message: "Parameter '{0}' of method from exported interface has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named: { code: 4076, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named_4076", message: "Parameter '{0}' of exported function has or is using name '{1}' from external module {2} but cannot be named." },
        Parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2: { code: 4077, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2_4077", message: "Parameter '{0}' of exported function has or is using name '{1}' from private module '{2}'." },
        Parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4078, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4078", message: "Parameter '{0}' of exported function has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Exported_type_alias_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1: { code: 4081, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Exported_type_alias_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1_4081", message: "Exported type alias '{0}' has or is using private name '{1}'." },
        Default_export_of_the_module_has_or_is_using_private_name_0: { code: 4082, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Default_export_of_the_module_has_or_is_using_private_name_0_4082", message: "Default export of the module has or is using private name '{0}'." },
        Conflicting_definitions_for_0_found_at_1_and_2_Consider_installing_a_specific_version_of_this_library_to_resolve_the_conflict: { code: 4090, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Conflicting_definitions_for_0_found_at_1_and_2_Consider_installing_a_specific_version_of_this_librar_4090", message: "Conflicting definitions for '{0}' found at '{1}' and '{2}'. Consider installing a specific version of this library to resolve the conflict." },
        The_current_host_does_not_support_the_0_option: { code: 5001, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_current_host_does_not_support_the_0_option_5001", message: "The current host does not support the '{0}' option." },
        Cannot_find_the_common_subdirectory_path_for_the_input_files: { code: 5009, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_find_the_common_subdirectory_path_for_the_input_files_5009", message: "Cannot find the common subdirectory path for the input files." },
        File_specification_cannot_end_in_a_recursive_directory_wildcard_Asterisk_Asterisk_Colon_0: { code: 5010, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "File_specification_cannot_end_in_a_recursive_directory_wildcard_Asterisk_Asterisk_Colon_0_5010", message: "File specification cannot end in a recursive directory wildcard ('**'): '{0}'." },
        File_specification_cannot_contain_multiple_recursive_directory_wildcards_Asterisk_Asterisk_Colon_0: { code: 5011, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "File_specification_cannot_contain_multiple_recursive_directory_wildcards_Asterisk_Asterisk_Colon_0_5011", message: "File specification cannot contain multiple recursive directory wildcards ('**'): '{0}'." },
        Cannot_read_file_0_Colon_1: { code: 5012, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_read_file_0_Colon_1_5012", message: "Cannot read file '{0}': {1}" },
        Unsupported_file_encoding: { code: 5013, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unsupported_file_encoding_5013", message: "Unsupported file encoding." },
        Failed_to_parse_file_0_Colon_1: { code: 5014, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Failed_to_parse_file_0_Colon_1_5014", message: "Failed to parse file '{0}': {1}." },
        Unknown_compiler_option_0: { code: 5023, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unknown_compiler_option_0_5023", message: "Unknown compiler option '{0}'." },
        Compiler_option_0_requires_a_value_of_type_1: { code: 5024, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Compiler_option_0_requires_a_value_of_type_1_5024", message: "Compiler option '{0}' requires a value of type {1}." },
        Could_not_write_file_0_Colon_1: { code: 5033, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Could_not_write_file_0_Colon_1_5033", message: "Could not write file '{0}': {1}" },
        Option_project_cannot_be_mixed_with_source_files_on_a_command_line: { code: 5042, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option_project_cannot_be_mixed_with_source_files_on_a_command_line_5042", message: "Option 'project' cannot be mixed with source files on a command line." },
        Option_isolatedModules_can_only_be_used_when_either_option_module_is_provided_or_option_target_is_ES2015_or_higher: { code: 5047, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option_isolatedModules_can_only_be_used_when_either_option_module_is_provided_or_option_target_is_ES_5047", message: "Option 'isolatedModules' can only be used when either option '--module' is provided or option 'target' is 'ES2015' or higher." },
        Option_0_can_only_be_used_when_either_option_inlineSourceMap_or_option_sourceMap_is_provided: { code: 5051, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option_0_can_only_be_used_when_either_option_inlineSourceMap_or_option_sourceMap_is_provided_5051", message: "Option '{0} can only be used when either option '--inlineSourceMap' or option '--sourceMap' is provided." },
        Option_0_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_option_1: { code: 5052, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option_0_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_option_1_5052", message: "Option '{0}' cannot be specified without specifying option '{1}'." },
        Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1: { code: 5053, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1_5053", message: "Option '{0}' cannot be specified with option '{1}'." },
        A_tsconfig_json_file_is_already_defined_at_Colon_0: { code: 5054, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_tsconfig_json_file_is_already_defined_at_Colon_0_5054", message: "A 'tsconfig.json' file is already defined at: '{0}'." },
        Cannot_write_file_0_because_it_would_overwrite_input_file: { code: 5055, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_write_file_0_because_it_would_overwrite_input_file_5055", message: "Cannot write file '{0}' because it would overwrite input file." },
        Cannot_write_file_0_because_it_would_be_overwritten_by_multiple_input_files: { code: 5056, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_write_file_0_because_it_would_be_overwritten_by_multiple_input_files_5056", message: "Cannot write file '{0}' because it would be overwritten by multiple input files." },
        Cannot_find_a_tsconfig_json_file_at_the_specified_directory_Colon_0: { code: 5057, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_find_a_tsconfig_json_file_at_the_specified_directory_Colon_0_5057", message: "Cannot find a tsconfig.json file at the specified directory: '{0}'" },
        The_specified_path_does_not_exist_Colon_0: { code: 5058, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_specified_path_does_not_exist_Colon_0_5058", message: "The specified path does not exist: '{0}'" },
        Invalid_value_for_reactNamespace_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier: { code: 5059, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Invalid_value_for_reactNamespace_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_5059", message: "Invalid value for '--reactNamespace'. '{0}' is not a valid identifier." },
        Option_paths_cannot_be_used_without_specifying_baseUrl_option: { code: 5060, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option_paths_cannot_be_used_without_specifying_baseUrl_option_5060", message: "Option 'paths' cannot be used without specifying '--baseUrl' option." },
        Pattern_0_can_have_at_most_one_Asterisk_character: { code: 5061, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Pattern_0_can_have_at_most_one_Asterisk_character_5061", message: "Pattern '{0}' can have at most one '*' character" },
        Substitution_0_in_pattern_1_in_can_have_at_most_one_Asterisk_character: { code: 5062, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Substitution_0_in_pattern_1_in_can_have_at_most_one_Asterisk_character_5062", message: "Substitution '{0}' in pattern '{1}' in can have at most one '*' character" },
        Substitutions_for_pattern_0_should_be_an_array: { code: 5063, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Substitutions_for_pattern_0_should_be_an_array_5063", message: "Substitutions for pattern '{0}' should be an array." },
        Substitution_0_for_pattern_1_has_incorrect_type_expected_string_got_2: { code: 5064, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Substitution_0_for_pattern_1_has_incorrect_type_expected_string_got_2_5064", message: "Substitution '{0}' for pattern '{1}' has incorrect type, expected 'string', got '{2}'." },
        File_specification_cannot_contain_a_parent_directory_that_appears_after_a_recursive_directory_wildcard_Asterisk_Asterisk_Colon_0: { code: 5065, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "File_specification_cannot_contain_a_parent_directory_that_appears_after_a_recursive_directory_wildca_5065", message: "File specification cannot contain a parent directory ('..') that appears after a recursive directory wildcard ('**'): '{0}'." },
        Substitutions_for_pattern_0_shouldn_t_be_an_empty_array: { code: 5066, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Substitutions_for_pattern_0_shouldn_t_be_an_empty_array_5066", message: "Substitutions for pattern '{0}' shouldn't be an empty array." },
        Concatenate_and_emit_output_to_single_file: { code: 6001, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Concatenate_and_emit_output_to_single_file_6001", message: "Concatenate and emit output to single file." },
        Generates_corresponding_d_ts_file: { code: 6002, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Generates_corresponding_d_ts_file_6002", message: "Generates corresponding '.d.ts' file." },
        Specify_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_map_files_instead_of_generated_locations: { code: 6003, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Specify_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_map_files_instead_of_generated_locations_6003", message: "Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations." },
        Specify_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_TypeScript_files_instead_of_source_locations: { code: 6004, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Specify_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_TypeScript_files_instead_of_source_locations_6004", message: "Specify the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations." },
        Watch_input_files: { code: 6005, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Watch_input_files_6005", message: "Watch input files." },
        Redirect_output_structure_to_the_directory: { code: 6006, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Redirect_output_structure_to_the_directory_6006", message: "Redirect output structure to the directory." },
        Do_not_erase_const_enum_declarations_in_generated_code: { code: 6007, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Do_not_erase_const_enum_declarations_in_generated_code_6007", message: "Do not erase const enum declarations in generated code." },
        Do_not_emit_outputs_if_any_errors_were_reported: { code: 6008, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Do_not_emit_outputs_if_any_errors_were_reported_6008", message: "Do not emit outputs if any errors were reported." },
        Do_not_emit_comments_to_output: { code: 6009, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Do_not_emit_comments_to_output_6009", message: "Do not emit comments to output." },
        Do_not_emit_outputs: { code: 6010, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Do_not_emit_outputs_6010", message: "Do not emit outputs." },
        Allow_default_imports_from_modules_with_no_default_export_This_does_not_affect_code_emit_just_typechecking: { code: 6011, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Allow_default_imports_from_modules_with_no_default_export_This_does_not_affect_code_emit_just_typech_6011", message: "Allow default imports from modules with no default export. This does not affect code emit, just typechecking." },
        Skip_type_checking_of_declaration_files: { code: 6012, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Skip_type_checking_of_declaration_files_6012", message: "Skip type checking of declaration files." },
        Specify_ECMAScript_target_version_Colon_ES3_default_ES5_or_ES2015: { code: 6015, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Specify_ECMAScript_target_version_Colon_ES3_default_ES5_or_ES2015_6015", message: "Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', or 'ES2015'" },
        Specify_module_code_generation_Colon_commonjs_amd_system_umd_or_es2015: { code: 6016, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Specify_module_code_generation_Colon_commonjs_amd_system_umd_or_es2015_6016", message: "Specify module code generation: 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd' or 'es2015'" },
        Print_this_message: { code: 6017, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Print_this_message_6017", message: "Print this message." },
        Print_the_compiler_s_version: { code: 6019, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Print_the_compiler_s_version_6019", message: "Print the compiler's version." },
        Compile_the_project_in_the_given_directory: { code: 6020, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Compile_the_project_in_the_given_directory_6020", message: "Compile the project in the given directory." },
        Syntax_Colon_0: { code: 6023, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Syntax_Colon_0_6023", message: "Syntax: {0}" },
        options: { code: 6024, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "options_6024", message: "options" },
        file: { code: 6025, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "file_6025", message: "file" },
        Examples_Colon_0: { code: 6026, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Examples_Colon_0_6026", message: "Examples: {0}" },
        Options_Colon: { code: 6027, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Options_Colon_6027", message: "Options:" },
        Version_0: { code: 6029, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Version_0_6029", message: "Version {0}" },
        Insert_command_line_options_and_files_from_a_file: { code: 6030, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Insert_command_line_options_and_files_from_a_file_6030", message: "Insert command line options and files from a file." },
        File_change_detected_Starting_incremental_compilation: { code: 6032, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "File_change_detected_Starting_incremental_compilation_6032", message: "File change detected. Starting incremental compilation..." },
        KIND: { code: 6034, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "KIND_6034", message: "KIND" },
        FILE: { code: 6035, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "FILE_6035", message: "FILE" },
        VERSION: { code: 6036, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "VERSION_6036", message: "VERSION" },
        LOCATION: { code: 6037, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "LOCATION_6037", message: "LOCATION" },
        DIRECTORY: { code: 6038, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "DIRECTORY_6038", message: "DIRECTORY" },
        Compilation_complete_Watching_for_file_changes: { code: 6042, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Compilation_complete_Watching_for_file_changes_6042", message: "Compilation complete. Watching for file changes." },
        Generates_corresponding_map_file: { code: 6043, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Generates_corresponding_map_file_6043", message: "Generates corresponding '.map' file." },
        Compiler_option_0_expects_an_argument: { code: 6044, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Compiler_option_0_expects_an_argument_6044", message: "Compiler option '{0}' expects an argument." },
        Unterminated_quoted_string_in_response_file_0: { code: 6045, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unterminated_quoted_string_in_response_file_0_6045", message: "Unterminated quoted string in response file '{0}'." },
        Argument_for_0_option_must_be_Colon_1: { code: 6046, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Argument_for_0_option_must_be_Colon_1_6046", message: "Argument for '{0}' option must be: {1}" },
        Locale_must_be_of_the_form_language_or_language_territory_For_example_0_or_1: { code: 6048, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Locale_must_be_of_the_form_language_or_language_territory_For_example_0_or_1_6048", message: "Locale must be of the form <language> or <language>-<territory>. For example '{0}' or '{1}'." },
        Unsupported_locale_0: { code: 6049, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unsupported_locale_0_6049", message: "Unsupported locale '{0}'." },
        Unable_to_open_file_0: { code: 6050, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unable_to_open_file_0_6050", message: "Unable to open file '{0}'." },
        Corrupted_locale_file_0: { code: 6051, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Corrupted_locale_file_0_6051", message: "Corrupted locale file {0}." },
        Raise_error_on_expressions_and_declarations_with_an_implied_any_type: { code: 6052, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Raise_error_on_expressions_and_declarations_with_an_implied_any_type_6052", message: "Raise error on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type." },
        File_0_not_found: { code: 6053, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "File_0_not_found_6053", message: "File '{0}' not found." },
        File_0_has_unsupported_extension_The_only_supported_extensions_are_1: { code: 6054, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "File_0_has_unsupported_extension_The_only_supported_extensions_are_1_6054", message: "File '{0}' has unsupported extension. The only supported extensions are {1}." },
        Suppress_noImplicitAny_errors_for_indexing_objects_lacking_index_signatures: { code: 6055, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Suppress_noImplicitAny_errors_for_indexing_objects_lacking_index_signatures_6055", message: "Suppress noImplicitAny errors for indexing objects lacking index signatures." },
        Do_not_emit_declarations_for_code_that_has_an_internal_annotation: { code: 6056, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Do_not_emit_declarations_for_code_that_has_an_internal_annotation_6056", message: "Do not emit declarations for code that has an '@internal' annotation." },
        Specify_the_root_directory_of_input_files_Use_to_control_the_output_directory_structure_with_outDir: { code: 6058, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Specify_the_root_directory_of_input_files_Use_to_control_the_output_directory_structure_with_outDir_6058", message: "Specify the root directory of input files. Use to control the output directory structure with --outDir." },
        File_0_is_not_under_rootDir_1_rootDir_is_expected_to_contain_all_source_files: { code: 6059, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "File_0_is_not_under_rootDir_1_rootDir_is_expected_to_contain_all_source_files_6059", message: "File '{0}' is not under 'rootDir' '{1}'. 'rootDir' is expected to contain all source files." },
        Specify_the_end_of_line_sequence_to_be_used_when_emitting_files_Colon_CRLF_dos_or_LF_unix: { code: 6060, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Specify_the_end_of_line_sequence_to_be_used_when_emitting_files_Colon_CRLF_dos_or_LF_unix_6060", message: "Specify the end of line sequence to be used when emitting files: 'CRLF' (dos) or 'LF' (unix)." },
        NEWLINE: { code: 6061, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "NEWLINE_6061", message: "NEWLINE" },
        Option_0_can_only_be_specified_in_tsconfig_json_file: { code: 6064, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option_0_can_only_be_specified_in_tsconfig_json_file_6064", message: "Option '{0}' can only be specified in 'tsconfig.json' file." },
        Enables_experimental_support_for_ES7_decorators: { code: 6065, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Enables_experimental_support_for_ES7_decorators_6065", message: "Enables experimental support for ES7 decorators." },
        Enables_experimental_support_for_emitting_type_metadata_for_decorators: { code: 6066, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Enables_experimental_support_for_emitting_type_metadata_for_decorators_6066", message: "Enables experimental support for emitting type metadata for decorators." },
        Enables_experimental_support_for_ES7_async_functions: { code: 6068, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Enables_experimental_support_for_ES7_async_functions_6068", message: "Enables experimental support for ES7 async functions." },
        Specify_module_resolution_strategy_Colon_node_Node_js_or_classic_TypeScript_pre_1_6: { code: 6069, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Specify_module_resolution_strategy_Colon_node_Node_js_or_classic_TypeScript_pre_1_6_6069", message: "Specify module resolution strategy: 'node' (Node.js) or 'classic' (TypeScript pre-1.6)." },
        Initializes_a_TypeScript_project_and_creates_a_tsconfig_json_file: { code: 6070, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Initializes_a_TypeScript_project_and_creates_a_tsconfig_json_file_6070", message: "Initializes a TypeScript project and creates a tsconfig.json file." },
        Successfully_created_a_tsconfig_json_file: { code: 6071, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Successfully_created_a_tsconfig_json_file_6071", message: "Successfully created a tsconfig.json file." },
        Suppress_excess_property_checks_for_object_literals: { code: 6072, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Suppress_excess_property_checks_for_object_literals_6072", message: "Suppress excess property checks for object literals." },
        Stylize_errors_and_messages_using_color_and_context_experimental: { code: 6073, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Stylize_errors_and_messages_using_color_and_context_experimental_6073", message: "Stylize errors and messages using color and context. (experimental)" },
        Do_not_report_errors_on_unused_labels: { code: 6074, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Do_not_report_errors_on_unused_labels_6074", message: "Do not report errors on unused labels." },
        Report_error_when_not_all_code_paths_in_function_return_a_value: { code: 6075, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Report_error_when_not_all_code_paths_in_function_return_a_value_6075", message: "Report error when not all code paths in function return a value." },
        Report_errors_for_fallthrough_cases_in_switch_statement: { code: 6076, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Report_errors_for_fallthrough_cases_in_switch_statement_6076", message: "Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statement." },
        Do_not_report_errors_on_unreachable_code: { code: 6077, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Do_not_report_errors_on_unreachable_code_6077", message: "Do not report errors on unreachable code." },
        Disallow_inconsistently_cased_references_to_the_same_file: { code: 6078, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Disallow_inconsistently_cased_references_to_the_same_file_6078", message: "Disallow inconsistently-cased references to the same file." },
        Specify_library_files_to_be_included_in_the_compilation_Colon: { code: 6079, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Specify_library_files_to_be_included_in_the_compilation_Colon_6079", message: "Specify library files to be included in the compilation: " },
        Specify_JSX_code_generation_Colon_preserve_or_react: { code: 6080, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Specify_JSX_code_generation_Colon_preserve_or_react_6080", message: "Specify JSX code generation: 'preserve' or 'react'" },
        Only_amd_and_system_modules_are_supported_alongside_0: { code: 6082, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Only_amd_and_system_modules_are_supported_alongside_0_6082", message: "Only 'amd' and 'system' modules are supported alongside --{0}." },
        Base_directory_to_resolve_non_absolute_module_names: { code: 6083, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Base_directory_to_resolve_non_absolute_module_names_6083", message: "Base directory to resolve non-absolute module names." },
        Specify_the_object_invoked_for_createElement_and_spread_when_targeting_react_JSX_emit: { code: 6084, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Specify_the_object_invoked_for_createElement_and_spread_when_targeting_react_JSX_emit_6084", message: "Specify the object invoked for createElement and __spread when targeting 'react' JSX emit" },
        Enable_tracing_of_the_name_resolution_process: { code: 6085, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Enable_tracing_of_the_name_resolution_process_6085", message: "Enable tracing of the name resolution process." },
        Resolving_module_0_from_1: { code: 6086, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Resolving_module_0_from_1_6086", message: "======== Resolving module '{0}' from '{1}'. ========" },
        Explicitly_specified_module_resolution_kind_Colon_0: { code: 6087, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Explicitly_specified_module_resolution_kind_Colon_0_6087", message: "Explicitly specified module resolution kind: '{0}'." },
        Module_resolution_kind_is_not_specified_using_0: { code: 6088, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Module_resolution_kind_is_not_specified_using_0_6088", message: "Module resolution kind is not specified, using '{0}'." },
        Module_name_0_was_successfully_resolved_to_1: { code: 6089, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Module_name_0_was_successfully_resolved_to_1_6089", message: "======== Module name '{0}' was successfully resolved to '{1}'. ========" },
        Module_name_0_was_not_resolved: { code: 6090, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Module_name_0_was_not_resolved_6090", message: "======== Module name '{0}' was not resolved. ========" },
        paths_option_is_specified_looking_for_a_pattern_to_match_module_name_0: { code: 6091, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "paths_option_is_specified_looking_for_a_pattern_to_match_module_name_0_6091", message: "'paths' option is specified, looking for a pattern to match module name '{0}'." },
        Module_name_0_matched_pattern_1: { code: 6092, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Module_name_0_matched_pattern_1_6092", message: "Module name '{0}', matched pattern '{1}'." },
        Trying_substitution_0_candidate_module_location_Colon_1: { code: 6093, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Trying_substitution_0_candidate_module_location_Colon_1_6093", message: "Trying substitution '{0}', candidate module location: '{1}'." },
        Resolving_module_name_0_relative_to_base_url_1_2: { code: 6094, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Resolving_module_name_0_relative_to_base_url_1_2_6094", message: "Resolving module name '{0}' relative to base url '{1}' - '{2}'." },
        Loading_module_as_file_Slash_folder_candidate_module_location_0: { code: 6095, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Loading_module_as_file_Slash_folder_candidate_module_location_0_6095", message: "Loading module as file / folder, candidate module location '{0}'." },
        File_0_does_not_exist: { code: 6096, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "File_0_does_not_exist_6096", message: "File '{0}' does not exist." },
        File_0_exist_use_it_as_a_name_resolution_result: { code: 6097, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "File_0_exist_use_it_as_a_name_resolution_result_6097", message: "File '{0}' exist - use it as a name resolution result." },
        Loading_module_0_from_node_modules_folder: { code: 6098, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Loading_module_0_from_node_modules_folder_6098", message: "Loading module '{0}' from 'node_modules' folder." },
        Found_package_json_at_0: { code: 6099, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Found_package_json_at_0_6099", message: "Found 'package.json' at '{0}'." },
        package_json_does_not_have_types_field: { code: 6100, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "package_json_does_not_have_types_field_6100", message: "'package.json' does not have 'types' field." },
        package_json_has_0_field_1_that_references_2: { code: 6101, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "package_json_has_0_field_1_that_references_2_6101", message: "'package.json' has '{0}' field '{1}' that references '{2}'." },
        Allow_javascript_files_to_be_compiled: { code: 6102, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Allow_javascript_files_to_be_compiled_6102", message: "Allow javascript files to be compiled." },
        Option_0_should_have_array_of_strings_as_a_value: { code: 6103, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Option_0_should_have_array_of_strings_as_a_value_6103", message: "Option '{0}' should have array of strings as a value." },
        Checking_if_0_is_the_longest_matching_prefix_for_1_2: { code: 6104, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Checking_if_0_is_the_longest_matching_prefix_for_1_2_6104", message: "Checking if '{0}' is the longest matching prefix for '{1}' - '{2}'." },
        Expected_type_of_0_field_in_package_json_to_be_string_got_1: { code: 6105, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Expected_type_of_0_field_in_package_json_to_be_string_got_1_6105", message: "Expected type of '{0}' field in 'package.json' to be 'string', got '{1}'." },
        baseUrl_option_is_set_to_0_using_this_value_to_resolve_non_relative_module_name_1: { code: 6106, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "baseUrl_option_is_set_to_0_using_this_value_to_resolve_non_relative_module_name_1_6106", message: "'baseUrl' option is set to '{0}', using this value to resolve non-relative module name '{1}'" },
        rootDirs_option_is_set_using_it_to_resolve_relative_module_name_0: { code: 6107, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "rootDirs_option_is_set_using_it_to_resolve_relative_module_name_0_6107", message: "'rootDirs' option is set, using it to resolve relative module name '{0}'" },
        Longest_matching_prefix_for_0_is_1: { code: 6108, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Longest_matching_prefix_for_0_is_1_6108", message: "Longest matching prefix for '{0}' is '{1}'" },
        Loading_0_from_the_root_dir_1_candidate_location_2: { code: 6109, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Loading_0_from_the_root_dir_1_candidate_location_2_6109", message: "Loading '{0}' from the root dir '{1}', candidate location '{2}'" },
        Trying_other_entries_in_rootDirs: { code: 6110, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Trying_other_entries_in_rootDirs_6110", message: "Trying other entries in 'rootDirs'" },
        Module_resolution_using_rootDirs_has_failed: { code: 6111, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Module_resolution_using_rootDirs_has_failed_6111", message: "Module resolution using 'rootDirs' has failed" },
        Do_not_emit_use_strict_directives_in_module_output: { code: 6112, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Do_not_emit_use_strict_directives_in_module_output_6112", message: "Do not emit 'use strict' directives in module output." },
        Enable_strict_null_checks: { code: 6113, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Enable_strict_null_checks_6113", message: "Enable strict null checks." },
        Unknown_option_excludes_Did_you_mean_exclude: { code: 6114, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unknown_option_excludes_Did_you_mean_exclude_6114", message: "Unknown option 'excludes'. Did you mean 'exclude'?" },
        Raise_error_on_this_expressions_with_an_implied_any_type: { code: 6115, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Raise_error_on_this_expressions_with_an_implied_any_type_6115", message: "Raise error on 'this' expressions with an implied 'any' type." },
        Resolving_type_reference_directive_0_containing_file_1_root_directory_2: { code: 6116, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Resolving_type_reference_directive_0_containing_file_1_root_directory_2_6116", message: "======== Resolving type reference directive '{0}', containing file '{1}', root directory '{2}'. ========" },
        Resolving_using_primary_search_paths: { code: 6117, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Resolving_using_primary_search_paths_6117", message: "Resolving using primary search paths..." },
        Resolving_from_node_modules_folder: { code: 6118, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Resolving_from_node_modules_folder_6118", message: "Resolving from node_modules folder..." },
        Type_reference_directive_0_was_successfully_resolved_to_1_primary_Colon_2: { code: 6119, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Type_reference_directive_0_was_successfully_resolved_to_1_primary_Colon_2_6119", message: "======== Type reference directive '{0}' was successfully resolved to '{1}', primary: {2}. ========" },
        Type_reference_directive_0_was_not_resolved: { code: 6120, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Type_reference_directive_0_was_not_resolved_6120", message: "======== Type reference directive '{0}' was not resolved. ========" },
        Resolving_with_primary_search_path_0: { code: 6121, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Resolving_with_primary_search_path_0_6121", message: "Resolving with primary search path '{0}'" },
        Root_directory_cannot_be_determined_skipping_primary_search_paths: { code: 6122, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Root_directory_cannot_be_determined_skipping_primary_search_paths_6122", message: "Root directory cannot be determined, skipping primary search paths." },
        Resolving_type_reference_directive_0_containing_file_1_root_directory_not_set: { code: 6123, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Resolving_type_reference_directive_0_containing_file_1_root_directory_not_set_6123", message: "======== Resolving type reference directive '{0}', containing file '{1}', root directory not set. ========" },
        Type_declaration_files_to_be_included_in_compilation: { code: 6124, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Type_declaration_files_to_be_included_in_compilation_6124", message: "Type declaration files to be included in compilation." },
        Looking_up_in_node_modules_folder_initial_location_0: { code: 6125, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Looking_up_in_node_modules_folder_initial_location_0_6125", message: "Looking up in 'node_modules' folder, initial location '{0}'" },
        Containing_file_is_not_specified_and_root_directory_cannot_be_determined_skipping_lookup_in_node_modules_folder: { code: 6126, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Containing_file_is_not_specified_and_root_directory_cannot_be_determined_skipping_lookup_in_node_mod_6126", message: "Containing file is not specified and root directory cannot be determined, skipping lookup in 'node_modules' folder." },
        Resolving_type_reference_directive_0_containing_file_not_set_root_directory_1: { code: 6127, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Resolving_type_reference_directive_0_containing_file_not_set_root_directory_1_6127", message: "======== Resolving type reference directive '{0}', containing file not set, root directory '{1}'. ========" },
        Resolving_type_reference_directive_0_containing_file_not_set_root_directory_not_set: { code: 6128, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Resolving_type_reference_directive_0_containing_file_not_set_root_directory_not_set_6128", message: "======== Resolving type reference directive '{0}', containing file not set, root directory not set. ========" },
        The_config_file_0_found_doesn_t_contain_any_source_files: { code: 6129, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "The_config_file_0_found_doesn_t_contain_any_source_files_6129", message: "The config file '{0}' found doesn't contain any source files." },
        Resolving_real_path_for_0_result_1: { code: 6130, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Resolving_real_path_for_0_result_1_6130", message: "Resolving real path for '{0}', result '{1}'" },
        Cannot_compile_modules_using_option_0_unless_the_module_flag_is_amd_or_system: { code: 6131, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_compile_modules_using_option_0_unless_the_module_flag_is_amd_or_system_6131", message: "Cannot compile modules using option '{0}' unless the '--module' flag is 'amd' or 'system'." },
        File_name_0_has_a_1_extension_stripping_it: { code: 6132, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "File_name_0_has_a_1_extension_stripping_it_6132", message: "File name '{0}' has a '{1}' extension - stripping it" },
        _0_is_declared_but_never_used: { code: 6133, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_is_declared_but_never_used_6133", message: "'{0}' is declared but never used." },
        Report_errors_on_unused_locals: { code: 6134, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Report_errors_on_unused_locals_6134", message: "Report errors on unused locals." },
        Report_errors_on_unused_parameters: { code: 6135, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "Report_errors_on_unused_parameters_6135", message: "Report errors on unused parameters." },
        The_maximum_dependency_depth_to_search_under_node_modules_and_load_JavaScript_files: { code: 6136, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "The_maximum_dependency_depth_to_search_under_node_modules_and_load_JavaScript_files_6136", message: "The maximum dependency depth to search under node_modules and load JavaScript files" },
        No_types_specified_in_package_json_but_allowJs_is_set_so_returning_main_value_of_0: { code: 6137, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message, key: "No_types_specified_in_package_json_but_allowJs_is_set_so_returning_main_value_of_0_6137", message: "No types specified in 'package.json' but 'allowJs' is set, so returning 'main' value of '{0}'" },
        Property_0_is_declared_but_never_used: { code: 6138, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_is_declared_but_never_used_6138", message: "Property '{0}' is declared but never used." },
        Auto_discovery_for_typings_is_enabled_in_project_0_Running_extra_resolution_pass_for_module_1_using_cache_location_2: { code: 6139, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Auto_discovery_for_typings_is_enabled_in_project_0_Running_extra_resolution_pass_for_module_1_using__6139", message: "Auto discovery for typings is enabled in project '{0}'. Running extra resolution pass for module '{1}' using cache location '{2}'." },
        Variable_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type: { code: 7005, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Variable_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type_7005", message: "Variable '{0}' implicitly has an '{1}' type." },
        Parameter_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type: { code: 7006, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Parameter_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type_7006", message: "Parameter '{0}' implicitly has an '{1}' type." },
        Member_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type: { code: 7008, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Member_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type_7008", message: "Member '{0}' implicitly has an '{1}' type." },
        new_expression_whose_target_lacks_a_construct_signature_implicitly_has_an_any_type: { code: 7009, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "new_expression_whose_target_lacks_a_construct_signature_implicitly_has_an_any_type_7009", message: "'new' expression, whose target lacks a construct signature, implicitly has an 'any' type." },
        _0_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_1_return_type: { code: 7010, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_1_return_type_7010", message: "'{0}', which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an '{1}' return type." },
        Function_expression_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_0_return_type: { code: 7011, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function_expression_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_0_return_type_7011", message: "Function expression, which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an '{0}' return type." },
        Construct_signature_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_any_return_type: { code: 7013, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Construct_signature_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_any_return_type_7013", message: "Construct signature, which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an 'any' return type." },
        Element_implicitly_has_an_any_type_because_index_expression_is_not_of_type_number: { code: 7015, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Element_implicitly_has_an_any_type_because_index_expression_is_not_of_type_number_7015", message: "Element implicitly has an 'any' type because index expression is not of type 'number'." },
        Index_signature_of_object_type_implicitly_has_an_any_type: { code: 7017, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Index_signature_of_object_type_implicitly_has_an_any_type_7017", message: "Index signature of object type implicitly has an 'any' type." },
        Object_literal_s_property_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type: { code: 7018, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Object_literal_s_property_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type_7018", message: "Object literal's property '{0}' implicitly has an '{1}' type." },
        Rest_parameter_0_implicitly_has_an_any_type: { code: 7019, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Rest_parameter_0_implicitly_has_an_any_type_7019", message: "Rest parameter '{0}' implicitly has an 'any[]' type." },
        Call_signature_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_any_return_type: { code: 7020, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Call_signature_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_any_return_type_7020", message: "Call signature, which lacks return-type annotation, implicitly has an 'any' return type." },
        _0_implicitly_has_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_type_annotation_and_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_initializer: { code: 7022, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_implicitly_has_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_type_annotation_and_is_referenced_directly_or__7022", message: "'{0}' implicitly has type 'any' because it does not have a type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in its own initializer." },
        _0_implicitly_has_return_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_return_type_annotation_and_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_one_of_its_return_expressions: { code: 7023, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_implicitly_has_return_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_return_type_annotation_and_is_reference_7023", message: "'{0}' implicitly has return type 'any' because it does not have a return type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in one of its return expressions." },
        Function_implicitly_has_return_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_return_type_annotation_and_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_one_of_its_return_expressions: { code: 7024, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Function_implicitly_has_return_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_return_type_annotation_and_is_ref_7024", message: "Function implicitly has return type 'any' because it does not have a return type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in one of its return expressions." },
        Generator_implicitly_has_type_0_because_it_does_not_yield_any_values_Consider_supplying_a_return_type: { code: 7025, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Generator_implicitly_has_type_0_because_it_does_not_yield_any_values_Consider_supplying_a_return_typ_7025", message: "Generator implicitly has type '{0}' because it does not yield any values. Consider supplying a return type." },
        JSX_element_implicitly_has_type_any_because_no_interface_JSX_0_exists: { code: 7026, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "JSX_element_implicitly_has_type_any_because_no_interface_JSX_0_exists_7026", message: "JSX element implicitly has type 'any' because no interface 'JSX.{0}' exists" },
        Unreachable_code_detected: { code: 7027, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unreachable_code_detected_7027", message: "Unreachable code detected." },
        Unused_label: { code: 7028, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unused_label_7028", message: "Unused label." },
        Fallthrough_case_in_switch: { code: 7029, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Fallthrough_case_in_switch_7029", message: "Fallthrough case in switch." },
        Not_all_code_paths_return_a_value: { code: 7030, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Not_all_code_paths_return_a_value_7030", message: "Not all code paths return a value." },
        Binding_element_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type: { code: 7031, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Binding_element_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type_7031", message: "Binding element '{0}' implicitly has an '{1}' type." },
        Property_0_implicitly_has_type_any_because_its_set_accessor_lacks_a_parameter_type_annotation: { code: 7032, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_implicitly_has_type_any_because_its_set_accessor_lacks_a_parameter_type_annotation_7032", message: "Property '{0}' implicitly has type 'any', because its set accessor lacks a parameter type annotation." },
        Property_0_implicitly_has_type_any_because_its_get_accessor_lacks_a_return_type_annotation: { code: 7033, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Property_0_implicitly_has_type_any_because_its_get_accessor_lacks_a_return_type_annotation_7033", message: "Property '{0}' implicitly has type 'any', because its get accessor lacks a return type annotation." },
        You_cannot_rename_this_element: { code: 8000, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "You_cannot_rename_this_element_8000", message: "You cannot rename this element." },
        You_cannot_rename_elements_that_are_defined_in_the_standard_TypeScript_library: { code: 8001, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "You_cannot_rename_elements_that_are_defined_in_the_standard_TypeScript_library_8001", message: "You cannot rename elements that are defined in the standard TypeScript library." },
        import_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file: { code: 8002, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "import_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file_8002", message: "'import ... =' can only be used in a .ts file." },
        export_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file: { code: 8003, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "export_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file_8003", message: "'export=' can only be used in a .ts file." },
        type_parameter_declarations_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file: { code: 8004, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "type_parameter_declarations_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file_8004", message: "'type parameter declarations' can only be used in a .ts file." },
        implements_clauses_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file: { code: 8005, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "implements_clauses_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file_8005", message: "'implements clauses' can only be used in a .ts file." },
        interface_declarations_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file: { code: 8006, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "interface_declarations_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file_8006", message: "'interface declarations' can only be used in a .ts file." },
        module_declarations_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file: { code: 8007, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "module_declarations_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file_8007", message: "'module declarations' can only be used in a .ts file." },
        type_aliases_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file: { code: 8008, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "type_aliases_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file_8008", message: "'type aliases' can only be used in a .ts file." },
        _0_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file: { code: 8009, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "_0_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file_8009", message: "'{0}' can only be used in a .ts file." },
        types_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file: { code: 8010, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "types_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file_8010", message: "'types' can only be used in a .ts file." },
        type_arguments_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file: { code: 8011, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "type_arguments_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file_8011", message: "'type arguments' can only be used in a .ts file." },
        parameter_modifiers_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file: { code: 8012, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "parameter_modifiers_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file_8012", message: "'parameter modifiers' can only be used in a .ts file." },
        enum_declarations_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file: { code: 8015, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "enum_declarations_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file_8015", message: "'enum declarations' can only be used in a .ts file." },
        type_assertion_expressions_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file: { code: 8016, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "type_assertion_expressions_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file_8016", message: "'type assertion expressions' can only be used in a .ts file." },
        Only_identifiers_Slashqualified_names_with_optional_type_arguments_are_currently_supported_in_a_class_extends_clauses: { code: 9002, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Only_identifiers_Slashqualified_names_with_optional_type_arguments_are_currently_supported_in_a_clas_9002", message: "Only identifiers/qualified-names with optional type arguments are currently supported in a class 'extends' clauses." },
        class_expressions_are_not_currently_supported: { code: 9003, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "class_expressions_are_not_currently_supported_9003", message: "'class' expressions are not currently supported." },
        JSX_attributes_must_only_be_assigned_a_non_empty_expression: { code: 17000, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "JSX_attributes_must_only_be_assigned_a_non_empty_expression_17000", message: "JSX attributes must only be assigned a non-empty 'expression'." },
        JSX_elements_cannot_have_multiple_attributes_with_the_same_name: { code: 17001, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "JSX_elements_cannot_have_multiple_attributes_with_the_same_name_17001", message: "JSX elements cannot have multiple attributes with the same name." },
        Expected_corresponding_JSX_closing_tag_for_0: { code: 17002, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Expected_corresponding_JSX_closing_tag_for_0_17002", message: "Expected corresponding JSX closing tag for '{0}'." },
        JSX_attribute_expected: { code: 17003, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "JSX_attribute_expected_17003", message: "JSX attribute expected." },
        Cannot_use_JSX_unless_the_jsx_flag_is_provided: { code: 17004, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Cannot_use_JSX_unless_the_jsx_flag_is_provided_17004", message: "Cannot use JSX unless the '--jsx' flag is provided." },
        A_constructor_cannot_contain_a_super_call_when_its_class_extends_null: { code: 17005, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_constructor_cannot_contain_a_super_call_when_its_class_extends_null_17005", message: "A constructor cannot contain a 'super' call when its class extends 'null'" },
        An_unary_expression_with_the_0_operator_is_not_allowed_in_the_left_hand_side_of_an_exponentiation_expression_Consider_enclosing_the_expression_in_parentheses: { code: 17006, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "An_unary_expression_with_the_0_operator_is_not_allowed_in_the_left_hand_side_of_an_exponentiation_ex_17006", message: "An unary expression with the '{0}' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses." },
        A_type_assertion_expression_is_not_allowed_in_the_left_hand_side_of_an_exponentiation_expression_Consider_enclosing_the_expression_in_parentheses: { code: 17007, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "A_type_assertion_expression_is_not_allowed_in_the_left_hand_side_of_an_exponentiation_expression_Con_17007", message: "A type assertion expression is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses." },
        JSX_element_0_has_no_corresponding_closing_tag: { code: 17008, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "JSX_element_0_has_no_corresponding_closing_tag_17008", message: "JSX element '{0}' has no corresponding closing tag." },
        super_must_be_called_before_accessing_this_in_the_constructor_of_a_derived_class: { code: 17009, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "super_must_be_called_before_accessing_this_in_the_constructor_of_a_derived_class_17009", message: "'super' must be called before accessing 'this' in the constructor of a derived class." },
        Unknown_typing_option_0: { code: 17010, category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error, key: "Unknown_typing_option_0_17010", message: "Unknown typing option '{0}'." }
})(ts || (ts = {}));
var ts;
(function (ts) {
    function tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token) {
        return token >= 69;
    ts.tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword = tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword;
    var textToToken = ts.createMap({
        "abstract": 115,
        "any": 117,
        "as": 116,
        "boolean": 120,
        "break": 70,
        "case": 71,
        "catch": 72,
        "class": 73,
        "continue": 75,
        "const": 74,
        "constructor": 121,
        "debugger": 76,
        "declare": 122,
        "default": 77,
        "delete": 78,
        "do": 79,
        "else": 80,
        "enum": 81,
        "export": 82,
        "extends": 83,
        "false": 84,
        "finally": 85,
        "for": 86,
        "from": 136,
        "function": 87,
        "get": 123,
        "if": 88,
        "implements": 106,
        "import": 89,
        "in": 90,
        "instanceof": 91,
        "interface": 107,
        "is": 124,
        "let": 108,
        "module": 125,
        "namespace": 126,
        "never": 127,
        "new": 92,
        "null": 93,
        "number": 130,
        "package": 109,
        "private": 110,
        "protected": 111,
        "public": 112,
        "readonly": 128,
        "require": 129,
        "global": 137,
        "return": 94,
        "set": 131,
        "static": 113,
        "string": 132,
        "super": 95,
        "switch": 96,
        "symbol": 133,
        "this": 97,
        "throw": 98,
        "true": 99,
        "try": 100,
        "type": 134,
        "typeof": 101,
        "undefined": 135,
        "var": 102,
        "void": 103,
        "while": 104,
        "with": 105,
        "yield": 114,
        "async": 118,
        "await": 119,
        "of": 138,
        "{": 15,
        "}": 16,
        "(": 17,
        ")": 18,
        "[": 19,
        "]": 20,
        ".": 21,
        "...": 22,
        ";": 23,
        ",": 24,
        "<": 25,
        ">": 27,
        "<=": 28,
        ">=": 29,
        "==": 30,
        "!=": 31,
        "===": 32,
        "!==": 33,
        "=>": 34,
        "+": 35,
        "-": 36,
        "**": 38,
        "*": 37,
        "/": 39,
        "%": 40,
        "++": 41,
        "--": 42,
        "<<": 43,
        "</": 26,
        ">>": 44,
        ">>>": 45,
        "&": 46,
        "|": 47,
        "^": 48,
        "!": 49,
        "~": 50,
        "&&": 51,
        "||": 52,
        "?": 53,
        ":": 54,
        "=": 56,
        "+=": 57,
        "-=": 58,
        "*=": 59,
        "**=": 60,
        "/=": 61,
        "%=": 62,
        "<<=": 63,
        ">>=": 64,
        ">>>=": 65,
        "&=": 66,
        "|=": 67,
        "^=": 68,
        "@": 55
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3507, 3515, 3517, 3517, 3520, 3526, 3530, 3530, 3535, 3540, 3542, 3542, 3544, 3551, 3570, 3571, 3585, 3642, 3648, 3662, 3664, 3673, 3713, 3714, 3716, 3716, 3719, 3720, 3722, 3722, 3725, 3725, 3732, 3735, 3737, 3743, 3745, 3747, 3749, 3749, 3751, 3751, 3754, 3755, 3757, 3769, 3771, 3773, 3776, 3780, 3782, 3782, 3784, 3789, 3792, 3801, 3804, 3807, 3840, 3840, 3864, 3865, 3872, 3881, 3893, 3893, 3895, 3895, 3897, 3897, 3902, 3911, 3913, 3948, 3953, 3972, 3974, 3991, 3993, 4028, 4038, 4038, 4096, 4169, 4176, 4253, 4256, 4293, 4295, 4295, 4301, 4301, 4304, 4346, 4348, 4680, 4682, 4685, 4688, 4694, 4696, 4696, 4698, 4701, 4704, 4744, 4746, 4749, 4752, 4784, 4786, 4789, 4792, 4798, 4800, 4800, 4802, 4805, 4808, 4822, 4824, 4880, 4882, 4885, 4888, 4954, 4957, 4959, 4992, 5007, 5024, 5108, 5121, 5740, 5743, 5759, 5761, 5786, 5792, 5866, 5870, 5872, 5888, 5900, 5902, 5908, 5920, 5940, 5952, 5971, 5984, 5996, 5998, 6000, 6002, 6003, 6016, 6099, 6103, 6103, 6108, 6109, 6112, 6121, 6155, 6157, 6160, 6169, 6176, 6263, 6272, 6314, 6320, 6389, 6400, 6428, 6432, 6443, 6448, 6459, 6470, 6509, 6512, 6516, 6528, 6571, 6576, 6601, 6608, 6617, 6656, 6683, 6688, 6750, 6752, 6780, 6783, 6793, 6800, 6809, 6823, 6823, 6912, 6987, 6992, 7001, 7019, 7027, 7040, 7155, 7168, 7223, 7232, 7241, 7245, 7293, 7376, 7378, 7380, 7414, 7424, 7654, 7676, 7957, 7960, 7965, 7968, 8005, 8008, 8013, 8016, 8023, 8025, 8025, 8027, 8027, 8029, 8029, 8031, 8061, 8064, 8116, 8118, 8124, 8126, 8126, 8130, 8132, 8134, 8140, 8144, 8147, 8150, 8155, 8160, 8172, 8178, 8180, 8182, 8188, 8204, 8205, 8255, 8256, 8276, 8276, 8305, 8305, 8319, 8319, 8336, 8348, 8400, 8412, 8417, 8417, 8421, 8432, 8450, 8450, 8455, 8455, 8458, 8467, 8469, 8469, 8473, 8477, 8484, 8484, 8486, 8486, 8488, 8488, 8490, 8493, 8495, 8505, 8508, 8511, 8517, 8521, 8526, 8526, 8544, 8584, 11264, 11310, 11312, 11358, 11360, 11492, 11499, 11507, 11520, 11557, 11559, 11559, 11565, 11565, 11568, 11623, 11631, 11631, 11647, 11670, 11680, 11686, 11688, 11694, 11696, 11702, 11704, 11710, 11712, 11718, 11720, 11726, 11728, 11734, 11736, 11742, 11744, 11775, 11823, 11823, 12293, 12295, 12321, 12335, 12337, 12341, 12344, 12348, 12353, 12438, 12441, 12442, 12445, 12447, 12449, 12538, 12540, 12543, 12549, 12589, 12593, 12686, 12704, 12730, 12784, 12799, 13312, 19893, 19968, 40908, 40960, 42124, 42192, 42237, 42240, 42508, 42512, 42539, 42560, 42607, 42612, 42621, 42623, 42647, 42655, 42737, 42775, 42783, 42786, 42888, 42891, 42894, 42896, 42899, 42912, 42922, 43000, 43047, 43072, 43123, 43136, 43204, 43216, 43225, 43232, 43255, 43259, 43259, 43264, 43309, 43312, 43347, 43360, 43388, 43392, 43456, 43471, 43481, 43520, 43574, 43584, 43597, 43600, 43609, 43616, 43638, 43642, 43643, 43648, 43714, 43739, 43741, 43744, 43759, 43762, 43766, 43777, 43782, 43785, 43790, 43793, 43798, 43808, 43814, 43816, 43822, 43968, 44010, 44012, 44013, 44016, 44025, 44032, 55203, 55216, 55238, 55243, 55291, 63744, 64109, 64112, 64217, 64256, 64262, 64275, 64279, 64285, 64296, 64298, 64310, 64312, 64316, 64318, 64318, 64320, 64321, 64323, 64324, 64326, 64433, 64467, 64829, 64848, 64911, 64914, 64967, 65008, 65019, 65024, 65039, 65056, 65062, 65075, 65076, 65101, 65103, 65136, 65140, 65142, 65276, 65296, 65305, 65313, 65338, 65343, 65343, 65345, 65370, 65382, 65470, 65474, 65479, 65482, 65487, 65490, 65495, 65498, 65500,];
    function lookupInUnicodeMap(code, map) {
        if (code < map[0]) {
            return false;
        var lo = 0;
        var hi = map.length;
        var mid;
        while (lo + 1 < hi) {
            mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
            mid -= mid % 2;
            if (map[mid] <= code && code <= map[mid + 1]) {
                return true;
            if (code < map[mid]) {
                hi = mid;
            else {
                lo = mid + 2;
        return false;
    function isUnicodeIdentifierStart(code, languageVersion) {
        return languageVersion >= 1 ?
            lookupInUnicodeMap(code, unicodeES5IdentifierStart) :
            lookupInUnicodeMap(code, unicodeES3IdentifierStart);
    ts.isUnicodeIdentifierStart = isUnicodeIdentifierStart;
    function isUnicodeIdentifierPart(code, languageVersion) {
        return languageVersion >= 1 ?
            lookupInUnicodeMap(code, unicodeES5IdentifierPart) :
            lookupInUnicodeMap(code, unicodeES3IdentifierPart);
    function makeReverseMap(source) {
        var result = [];
        for (var name_4 in source) {
            result[source[name_4]] = name_4;
        return result;
    var tokenStrings = makeReverseMap(textToToken);
    function tokenToString(t) {
        return tokenStrings[t];
    ts.tokenToString = tokenToString;
    function stringToToken(s) {
        return textToToken[s];
    ts.stringToToken = stringToToken;
    function computeLineStarts(text) {
        var result = new Array();
        var pos = 0;
        var lineStart = 0;
        while (pos < text.length) {
            var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos);
            switch (ch) {
                case 13:
                    if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 10) {
                case 10:
                    lineStart = pos;
                    if (ch > 127 && isLineBreak(ch)) {
                        lineStart = pos;
        return result;
    ts.computeLineStarts = computeLineStarts;
    function getPositionOfLineAndCharacter(sourceFile, line, character) {
        return computePositionOfLineAndCharacter(getLineStarts(sourceFile), line, character);
    ts.getPositionOfLineAndCharacter = getPositionOfLineAndCharacter;
    function computePositionOfLineAndCharacter(lineStarts, line, character) {
        ts.Debug.assert(line >= 0 && line < lineStarts.length);
        return lineStarts[line] + character;
    ts.computePositionOfLineAndCharacter = computePositionOfLineAndCharacter;
    function getLineStarts(sourceFile) {
        return sourceFile.lineMap || (sourceFile.lineMap = computeLineStarts(sourceFile.text));
    ts.getLineStarts = getLineStarts;
    function computeLineAndCharacterOfPosition(lineStarts, position) {
        var lineNumber = ts.binarySearch(lineStarts, position);
        if (lineNumber < 0) {
            lineNumber = ~lineNumber - 1;
            ts.Debug.assert(lineNumber !== -1, "position cannot precede the beginning of the file");
        return {
            line: lineNumber,
            character: position - lineStarts[lineNumber]
    ts.computeLineAndCharacterOfPosition = computeLineAndCharacterOfPosition;
    function getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, position) {
        return computeLineAndCharacterOfPosition(getLineStarts(sourceFile), position);
    ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition = getLineAndCharacterOfPosition;
    var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
    function isWhiteSpace(ch) {
        return isWhiteSpaceSingleLine(ch) || isLineBreak(ch);
    ts.isWhiteSpace = isWhiteSpace;
    function isWhiteSpaceSingleLine(ch) {
        return ch === 32 ||
            ch === 9 ||
            ch === 11 ||
            ch === 12 ||
            ch === 160 ||
            ch === 133 ||
            ch === 5760 ||
            ch >= 8192 && ch <= 8203 ||
            ch === 8239 ||
            ch === 8287 ||
            ch === 12288 ||
            ch === 65279;
    ts.isWhiteSpaceSingleLine = isWhiteSpaceSingleLine;
    function isLineBreak(ch) {
        return ch === 10 ||
            ch === 13 ||
            ch === 8232 ||
            ch === 8233;
    ts.isLineBreak = isLineBreak;
    function isDigit(ch) {
        return ch >= 48 && ch <= 57;
    function isOctalDigit(ch) {
        return ch >= 48 && ch <= 55;
    ts.isOctalDigit = isOctalDigit;
    function couldStartTrivia(text, pos) {
        var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos);
        switch (ch) {
            case 13:
            case 10:
            case 9:
            case 11:
            case 12:
            case 32:
            case 47:
            case 60:
            case 61:
            case 62:
                return true;
            case 35:
                return pos === 0;
                return ch > 127;
    ts.couldStartTrivia = couldStartTrivia;
    function skipTrivia(text, pos, stopAfterLineBreak, stopAtComments) {
        if (stopAtComments === void 0) { stopAtComments = false; }
        if (!(pos >= 0)) {
            return pos;
        while (true) {
            var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos);
            switch (ch) {
                case 13:
                    if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 10) {
                case 10:
                    if (stopAfterLineBreak) {
                        return pos;
                case 9:
                case 11:
                case 12:
                case 32:
                case 47:
                    if (stopAtComments) {
                    if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 47) {
                        pos += 2;
                        while (pos < text.length) {
                            if (isLineBreak(text.charCodeAt(pos))) {
                    if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 42) {
                        pos += 2;
                        while (pos < text.length) {
                            if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 42 && text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 47) {
                                pos += 2;
                case 60:
                case 61:
                case 62:
                    if (isConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos)) {
                        pos = scanConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos);
                case 35:
                    if (pos === 0 && isShebangTrivia(text, pos)) {
                        pos = scanShebangTrivia(text, pos);
                    if (ch > 127 && (isWhiteSpace(ch))) {
            return pos;
    ts.skipTrivia = skipTrivia;
    var mergeConflictMarkerLength = "<<<<<<<".length;
    function isConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos) {
        ts.Debug.assert(pos >= 0);
        if (pos === 0 || isLineBreak(text.charCodeAt(pos - 1))) {
            var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos);
            if ((pos + mergeConflictMarkerLength) < text.length) {
                for (var i = 0, n = mergeConflictMarkerLength; i < n; i++) {
                    if (text.charCodeAt(pos + i) !== ch) {
                        return false;
                return ch === 61 ||
                    text.charCodeAt(pos + mergeConflictMarkerLength) === 32;
        return false;
    function scanConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos, error) {
        if (error) {
            error(ts.Diagnostics.Merge_conflict_marker_encountered, mergeConflictMarkerLength);
        var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos);
        var len = text.length;
        if (ch === 60 || ch === 62) {
            while (pos < len && !isLineBreak(text.charCodeAt(pos))) {
        else {
            ts.Debug.assert(ch === 61);
            while (pos < len) {
                var ch_1 = text.charCodeAt(pos);
                if (ch_1 === 62 && isConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos)) {
        return pos;
    var shebangTriviaRegex = /^#!.*/;
    function isShebangTrivia(text, pos) {
        ts.Debug.assert(pos === 0);
        return shebangTriviaRegex.test(text);
    function scanShebangTrivia(text, pos) {
        var shebang = shebangTriviaRegex.exec(text)[0];
        pos = pos + shebang.length;
        return pos;
    function getCommentRanges(text, pos, trailing) {
        var result;
        var collecting = trailing || pos === 0;
        while (pos < text.length) {
            var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos);
            switch (ch) {
                case 13:
                    if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 10) {
                case 10:
                    if (trailing) {
                        return result;
                    collecting = true;
                    if (result && result.length) {
                        ts.lastOrUndefined(result).hasTrailingNewLine = true;
                case 9:
                case 11:
                case 12:
                case 32:
                case 47:
                    var nextChar = text.charCodeAt(pos + 1);
                    var hasTrailingNewLine = false;
                    if (nextChar === 47 || nextChar === 42) {
                        var kind = nextChar === 47 ? 2 : 3;
                        var startPos = pos;
                        pos += 2;
                        if (nextChar === 47) {
                            while (pos < text.length) {
                                if (isLineBreak(text.charCodeAt(pos))) {
                                    hasTrailingNewLine = true;
                        else {
                            while (pos < text.length) {
                                if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 42 && text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 47) {
                                    pos += 2;
                        if (collecting) {
                            if (!result) {
                                result = [];
                            result.push({ pos: startPos, end: pos, hasTrailingNewLine: hasTrailingNewLine, kind: kind });
                    if (ch > 127 && (isWhiteSpace(ch))) {
                        if (result && result.length && isLineBreak(ch)) {
                            ts.lastOrUndefined(result).hasTrailingNewLine = true;
            return result;
        return result;
    function getLeadingCommentRanges(text, pos) {
        return getCommentRanges(text, pos, false);
    ts.getLeadingCommentRanges = getLeadingCommentRanges;
    function getTrailingCommentRanges(text, pos) {
        return getCommentRanges(text, pos, true);
    ts.getTrailingCommentRanges = getTrailingCommentRanges;
    function getShebang(text) {
        return shebangTriviaRegex.test(text)
            ? shebangTriviaRegex.exec(text)[0]
            : undefined;
    ts.getShebang = getShebang;
    function isIdentifierStart(ch, languageVersion) {
        return ch >= 65 && ch <= 90 || ch >= 97 && ch <= 122 ||
            ch === 36 || ch === 95 ||
            ch > 127 && isUnicodeIdentifierStart(ch, languageVersion);
    ts.isIdentifierStart = isIdentifierStart;
    function isIdentifierPart(ch, languageVersion) {
        return ch >= 65 && ch <= 90 || ch >= 97 && ch <= 122 ||
            ch >= 48 && ch <= 57 || ch === 36 || ch === 95 ||
            ch > 127 && isUnicodeIdentifierPart(ch, languageVersion);
    ts.isIdentifierPart = isIdentifierPart;
    function isIdentifier(name, languageVersion) {
        if (!isIdentifierStart(name.charCodeAt(0), languageVersion)) {
            return false;
        for (var i = 1, n = name.length; i < n; i++) {
            if (!isIdentifierPart(name.charCodeAt(i), languageVersion)) {
                return false;
        return true;
    ts.isIdentifier = isIdentifier;
    function createScanner(languageVersion, skipTrivia, languageVariant, text, onError, start, length) {
        if (languageVariant === void 0) { languageVariant = 0; }
        var pos;
        var end;
        var startPos;
        var tokenPos;
        var token;
        var tokenValue;
        var precedingLineBreak;
        var hasExtendedUnicodeEscape;
        var tokenIsUnterminated;
        setText(text, start, length);
        return {
            getStartPos: function () { return startPos; },
            getTextPos: function () { return pos; },
            getToken: function () { return token; },
            getTokenPos: function () { return tokenPos; },
            getTokenText: function () { return text.substring(tokenPos, pos); },
            getTokenValue: function () { return tokenValue; },
            hasExtendedUnicodeEscape: function () { return hasExtendedUnicodeEscape; },
            hasPrecedingLineBreak: function () { return precedingLineBreak; },
            isIdentifier: function () { return token === 69 || token > 105; },
            isReservedWord: function () { return token >= 70 && token <= 105; },
            isUnterminated: function () { return tokenIsUnterminated; },
            reScanGreaterToken: reScanGreaterToken,
            reScanSlashToken: reScanSlashToken,
            reScanTemplateToken: reScanTemplateToken,
            scanJsxIdentifier: scanJsxIdentifier,
            reScanJsxToken: reScanJsxToken,
            scanJsxToken: scanJsxToken,
            scanJSDocToken: scanJSDocToken,
            scan: scan,
            getText: getText,
            setText: setText,
            setScriptTarget: setScriptTarget,
            setLanguageVariant: setLanguageVariant,
            setOnError: setOnError,
            setTextPos: setTextPos,
            tryScan: tryScan,
            lookAhead: lookAhead,
            scanRange: scanRange
        function error(message, length) {
            if (onError) {
                onError(message, length || 0);
        function scanNumber() {
            var start = pos;
            while (isDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos)))
            if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 46) {
                while (isDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos)))
            var end = pos;
            if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 69 || text.charCodeAt(pos) === 101) {
                if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 43 || text.charCodeAt(pos) === 45)
                if (isDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos))) {
                    while (isDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos)))
                    end = pos;
                else {
            return "" + +(text.substring(start, end));
        function scanOctalDigits() {
            var start = pos;
            while (isOctalDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos))) {
            return +(text.substring(start, pos));
        function scanExactNumberOfHexDigits(count) {
            return scanHexDigits(count, false);
        function scanMinimumNumberOfHexDigits(count) {
            return scanHexDigits(count, true);
        function scanHexDigits(minCount, scanAsManyAsPossible) {
            var digits = 0;
            var value = 0;
            while (digits < minCount || scanAsManyAsPossible) {
                var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos);
                if (ch >= 48 && ch <= 57) {
                    value = value * 16 + ch - 48;
                else if (ch >= 65 && ch <= 70) {
                    value = value * 16 + ch - 65 + 10;
                else if (ch >= 97 && ch <= 102) {
                    value = value * 16 + ch - 97 + 10;
                else {
            if (digits < minCount) {
                value = -1;
            return value;
        function scanString() {
            var quote = text.charCodeAt(pos);
            var result = "";
            var start = pos;
            while (true) {
                if (pos >= end) {
                    result += text.substring(start, pos);
                    tokenIsUnterminated = true;
                var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos);
                if (ch === quote) {
                    result += text.substring(start, pos);
                if (ch === 92) {
                    result += text.substring(start, pos);
                    result += scanEscapeSequence();
                    start = pos;
                if (isLineBreak(ch)) {
                    result += text.substring(start, pos);
                    tokenIsUnterminated = true;
            return result;
        function scanTemplateAndSetTokenValue() {
            var startedWithBacktick = text.charCodeAt(pos) === 96;
            var start = pos;
            var contents = "";
            var resultingToken;
            while (true) {
                if (pos >= end) {
                    contents += text.substring(start, pos);
                    tokenIsUnterminated = true;
                    resultingToken = startedWithBacktick ? 11 : 14;
                var currChar = text.charCodeAt(pos);
                if (currChar === 96) {
                    contents += text.substring(start, pos);
                    resultingToken = startedWithBacktick ? 11 : 14;
                if (currChar === 36 && pos + 1 < end && text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 123) {
                    contents += text.substring(start, pos);
                    pos += 2;
                    resultingToken = startedWithBacktick ? 12 : 13;
                if (currChar === 92) {
                    contents += text.substring(start, pos);
                    contents += scanEscapeSequence();
                    start = pos;
                if (currChar === 13) {
                    contents += text.substring(start, pos);
                    if (pos < end && text.charCodeAt(pos) === 10) {
                    contents += "\n";
                    start = pos;
            ts.Debug.assert(resultingToken !== undefined);
            tokenValue = contents;
            return resultingToken;
        function scanEscapeSequence() {
            if (pos >= end) {
                return "";
            var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos);
            switch (ch) {
                case 48:
                    return "\0";
                case 98:
                    return "\b";
                case 116:
                    return "\t";
                case 110:
                    return "\n";
                case 118:
                    return "\v";
                case 102:
                    return "\f";
                case 114:
                    return "\r";
                case 39:
                    return "\'";
                case 34:
                    return "\"";
                case 117:
                    if (pos < end && text.charCodeAt(pos) === 123) {
                        hasExtendedUnicodeEscape = true;
                        return scanExtendedUnicodeEscape();
                    return scanHexadecimalEscape(4);
                case 120:
                    return scanHexadecimalEscape(2);
                case 13:
                    if (pos < end && text.charCodeAt(pos) === 10) {
                case 10:
                case 8232:
                case 8233:
                    return "";
                    return String.fromCharCode(ch);
        function scanHexadecimalEscape(numDigits) {
            var escapedValue = scanExactNumberOfHexDigits(numDigits);
            if (escapedValue >= 0) {
                return String.fromCharCode(escapedValue);
            else {
                return "";
        function scanExtendedUnicodeEscape() {
            var escapedValue = scanMinimumNumberOfHexDigits(1);
            var isInvalidExtendedEscape = false;
            if (escapedValue < 0) {
                isInvalidExtendedEscape = true;
            else if (escapedValue > 0x10FFFF) {
                isInvalidExtendedEscape = true;
            if (pos >= end) {
                isInvalidExtendedEscape = true;
            else if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 125) {
            else {
                isInvalidExtendedEscape = true;
            if (isInvalidExtendedEscape) {
                return "";
            return utf16EncodeAsString(escapedValue);
        function utf16EncodeAsString(codePoint) {
            ts.Debug.assert(0x0 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0x10FFFF);
            if (codePoint <= 65535) {
                return String.fromCharCode(codePoint);
            var codeUnit1 = Math.floor((codePoint - 65536) / 1024) + 0xD800;
            var codeUnit2 = ((codePoint - 65536) % 1024) + 0xDC00;
            return String.fromCharCode(codeUnit1, codeUnit2);
        function peekUnicodeEscape() {
            if (pos + 5 < end && text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 117) {
                var start_1 = pos;
                pos += 2;
                var value = scanExactNumberOfHexDigits(4);
                pos = start_1;
                return value;
            return -1;
        function scanIdentifierParts() {
            var result = "";
            var start = pos;
            while (pos < end) {
                var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos);
                if (isIdentifierPart(ch, languageVersion)) {
                else if (ch === 92) {
                    ch = peekUnicodeEscape();
                    if (!(ch >= 0 && isIdentifierPart(ch, languageVersion))) {
                    result += text.substring(start, pos);
                    result += String.fromCharCode(ch);
                    pos += 6;
                    start = pos;
                else {
            result += text.substring(start, pos);
            return result;
        function getIdentifierToken() {
            var len = tokenValue.length;
            if (len >= 2 && len <= 11) {
                var ch = tokenValue.charCodeAt(0);
                if (ch >= 97 && ch <= 122 &&, tokenValue)) {
                    return token = textToToken[tokenValue];
            return token = 69;
        function scanBinaryOrOctalDigits(base) {
            ts.Debug.assert(base !== 2 || base !== 8, "Expected either base 2 or base 8");
            var value = 0;
            var numberOfDigits = 0;
            while (true) {
                var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos);
                var valueOfCh = ch - 48;
                if (!isDigit(ch) || valueOfCh >= base) {
                value = value * base + valueOfCh;
            if (numberOfDigits === 0) {
                return -1;
            return value;
        function scan() {
            startPos = pos;
            hasExtendedUnicodeEscape = false;
            precedingLineBreak = false;
            tokenIsUnterminated = false;
            while (true) {
                tokenPos = pos;
                if (pos >= end) {
                    return token = 1;
                var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos);
                if (ch === 35 && pos === 0 && isShebangTrivia(text, pos)) {
                    pos = scanShebangTrivia(text, pos);
                    if (skipTrivia) {
                    else {
                        return token = 6;
                switch (ch) {
                    case 10:
                    case 13:
                        precedingLineBreak = true;
                        if (skipTrivia) {
                        else {
                            if (ch === 13 && pos + 1 < end && text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 10) {
                                pos += 2;
                            else {
                            return token = 4;
                    case 9:
                    case 11:
                    case 12:
                    case 32:
                        if (skipTrivia) {
                        else {
                            while (pos < end && isWhiteSpaceSingleLine(text.charCodeAt(pos))) {
                            return token = 5;
                    case 33:
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) {
                            if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 2) === 61) {
                                return pos += 3, token = 33;
                            return pos += 2, token = 31;
                        return token = 49;
                    case 34:
                    case 39:
                        tokenValue = scanString();
                        return token = 9;
                    case 96:
                        return token = scanTemplateAndSetTokenValue();
                    case 37:
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) {
                            return pos += 2, token = 62;
                        return token = 40;
                    case 38:
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 38) {
                            return pos += 2, token = 51;
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) {
                            return pos += 2, token = 66;
                        return token = 46;
                    case 40:
                        return token = 17;
                    case 41:
                        return token = 18;
                    case 42:
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) {
                            return pos += 2, token = 59;
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 42) {
                            if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 2) === 61) {
                                return pos += 3, token = 60;
                            return pos += 2, token = 38;
                        return token = 37;
                    case 43:
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 43) {
                            return pos += 2, token = 41;
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) {
                            return pos += 2, token = 57;
                        return token = 35;
                    case 44:
                        return token = 24;
                    case 45:
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 45) {
                            return pos += 2, token = 42;
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) {
                            return pos += 2, token = 58;
                        return token = 36;
                    case 46:
                        if (isDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos + 1))) {
                            tokenValue = scanNumber();
                            return token = 8;
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 46 && text.charCodeAt(pos + 2) === 46) {
                            return pos += 3, token = 22;
                        return token = 21;
                    case 47:
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 47) {
                            pos += 2;
                            while (pos < end) {
                                if (isLineBreak(text.charCodeAt(pos))) {
                            if (skipTrivia) {
                            else {
                                return token = 2;
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 42) {
                            pos += 2;
                            var commentClosed = false;
                            while (pos < end) {
                                var ch_2 = text.charCodeAt(pos);
                                if (ch_2 === 42 && text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 47) {
                                    pos += 2;
                                    commentClosed = true;
                                if (isLineBreak(ch_2)) {
                                    precedingLineBreak = true;
                            if (!commentClosed) {
                            if (skipTrivia) {
                            else {
                                tokenIsUnterminated = !commentClosed;
                                return token = 3;
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) {
                            return pos += 2, token = 61;
                        return token = 39;
                    case 48:
                        if (pos + 2 < end && (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 88 || text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 120)) {
                            pos += 2;
                            var value = scanMinimumNumberOfHexDigits(1);
                            if (value < 0) {
                                value = 0;
                            tokenValue = "" + value;
                            return token = 8;
                        else if (pos + 2 < end && (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 66 || text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 98)) {
                            pos += 2;
                            var value = scanBinaryOrOctalDigits(2);
                            if (value < 0) {
                                value = 0;
                            tokenValue = "" + value;
                            return token = 8;
                        else if (pos + 2 < end && (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 79 || text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 111)) {
                            pos += 2;
                            var value = scanBinaryOrOctalDigits(8);
                            if (value < 0) {
                                value = 0;
                            tokenValue = "" + value;
                            return token = 8;
                        if (pos + 1 < end && isOctalDigit(text.charCodeAt(pos + 1))) {
                            tokenValue = "" + scanOctalDigits();
                            return token = 8;
                    case 49:
                    case 50:
                    case 51:
                    case 52:
                    case 53:
                    case 54:
                    case 55:
                    case 56:
                    case 57:
                        tokenValue = scanNumber();
                        return token = 8;
                    case 58:
                        return token = 54;
                    case 59:
                        return token = 23;
                    case 60:
                        if (isConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos)) {
                            pos = scanConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos, error);
                            if (skipTrivia) {
                            else {
                                return token = 7;
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 60) {
                            if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 2) === 61) {
                                return pos += 3, token = 63;
                            return pos += 2, token = 43;
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) {
                            return pos += 2, token = 28;
                        if (languageVariant === 1 &&
                            text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 47 &&
                            text.charCodeAt(pos + 2) !== 42) {
                            return pos += 2, token = 26;
                        return token = 25;
                    case 61:
                        if (isConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos)) {
                            pos = scanConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos, error);
                            if (skipTrivia) {
                            else {
                                return token = 7;
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) {
                            if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 2) === 61) {
                                return pos += 3, token = 32;
                            return pos += 2, token = 30;
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 62) {
                            return pos += 2, token = 34;
                        return token = 56;
                    case 62:
                        if (isConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos)) {
                            pos = scanConflictMarkerTrivia(text, pos, error);
                            if (skipTrivia) {
                            else {
                                return token = 7;
                        return token = 27;
                    case 63:
                        return token = 53;
                    case 91:
                        return token = 19;
                    case 93:
                        return token = 20;
                    case 94:
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) {
                            return pos += 2, token = 68;
                        return token = 48;
                    case 123:
                        return token = 15;
                    case 124:
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 124) {
                            return pos += 2, token = 52;
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) {
                            return pos += 2, token = 67;
                        return token = 47;
                    case 125:
                        return token = 16;
                    case 126:
                        return token = 50;
                    case 64:
                        return token = 55;
                    case 92:
                        var cookedChar = peekUnicodeEscape();
                        if (cookedChar >= 0 && isIdentifierStart(cookedChar, languageVersion)) {
                            pos += 6;
                            tokenValue = String.fromCharCode(cookedChar) + scanIdentifierParts();
                            return token = getIdentifierToken();
                        return token = 0;
                        if (isIdentifierStart(ch, languageVersion)) {
                            while (pos < end && isIdentifierPart(ch = text.charCodeAt(pos), languageVersion))
                            tokenValue = text.substring(tokenPos, pos);
                            if (ch === 92) {
                                tokenValue += scanIdentifierParts();
                            return token = getIdentifierToken();
                        else if (isWhiteSpaceSingleLine(ch)) {
                        else if (isLineBreak(ch)) {
                            precedingLineBreak = true;
                        return token = 0;
        function reScanGreaterToken() {
            if (token === 27) {
                if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 62) {
                    if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 62) {
                        if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 2) === 61) {
                            return pos += 3, token = 65;
                        return pos += 2, token = 45;
                    if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 61) {
                        return pos += 2, token = 64;
                    return token = 44;
                if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 61) {
                    return token = 29;
            return token;
        function reScanSlashToken() {
            if (token === 39 || token === 61) {
                var p = tokenPos + 1;
                var inEscape = false;
                var inCharacterClass = false;
                while (true) {
                    if (p >= end) {
                        tokenIsUnterminated = true;
                    var ch = text.charCodeAt(p);
                    if (isLineBreak(ch)) {
                        tokenIsUnterminated = true;
                    if (inEscape) {
                        inEscape = false;
                    else if (ch === 47 && !inCharacterClass) {
                    else if (ch === 91) {
                        inCharacterClass = true;
                    else if (ch === 92) {
                        inEscape = true;
                    else if (ch === 93) {
                        inCharacterClass = false;
                while (p < end && isIdentifierPart(text.charCodeAt(p), languageVersion)) {
                pos = p;
                tokenValue = text.substring(tokenPos, pos);
                token = 10;
            return token;
        function reScanTemplateToken() {
            ts.Debug.assert(token === 16, "'reScanTemplateToken' should only be called on a '}'");
            pos = tokenPos;
            return token = scanTemplateAndSetTokenValue();
        function reScanJsxToken() {
            pos = tokenPos = startPos;
            return token = scanJsxToken();
        function scanJsxToken() {
            startPos = tokenPos = pos;
            if (pos >= end) {
                return token = 1;
            var char = text.charCodeAt(pos);
            if (char === 60) {
                if (text.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === 47) {
                    pos += 2;
                    return token = 26;
                return token = 25;
            if (char === 123) {
                return token = 15;
            while (pos < end) {
                char = text.charCodeAt(pos);
                if ((char === 123) || (char === 60)) {
            return token = 244;
        function scanJsxIdentifier() {
            if (tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token)) {
                var firstCharPosition = pos;
                while (pos < end) {
                    var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos);
                    if (ch === 45 || ((firstCharPosition === pos) ? isIdentifierStart(ch, languageVersion) : isIdentifierPart(ch, languageVersion))) {
                    else {
                tokenValue += text.substr(firstCharPosition, pos - firstCharPosition);
            return token;
        function scanJSDocToken() {
            if (pos >= end) {
                return token = 1;
            startPos = pos;
            var ch = text.charCodeAt(pos);
            while (pos < end) {
                ch = text.charCodeAt(pos);
                if (isWhiteSpaceSingleLine(ch)) {
                else {
            tokenPos = pos;
            switch (ch) {
                case 64:
                    return pos += 1, token = 55;
                case 10:
                case 13:
                    return pos += 1, token = 4;
                case 42:
                    return pos += 1, token = 37;
                case 123:
                    return pos += 1, token = 15;
                case 125:
                    return pos += 1, token = 16;
                case 91:
                    return pos += 1, token = 19;
                case 93:
                    return pos += 1, token = 20;
                case 61:
                    return pos += 1, token = 56;
                case 44:
                    return pos += 1, token = 24;
            if (isIdentifierStart(ch, 2)) {
                while (isIdentifierPart(text.charCodeAt(pos), 2) && pos < end) {
                return token = 69;
            else {
                return pos += 1, token = 0;
        function speculationHelper(callback, isLookahead) {
            var savePos = pos;
            var saveStartPos = startPos;
            var saveTokenPos = tokenPos;
            var saveToken = token;
            var saveTokenValue = tokenValue;
            var savePrecedingLineBreak = precedingLineBreak;
            var result = callback();
            if (!result || isLookahead) {
                pos = savePos;
                startPos = saveStartPos;
                tokenPos = saveTokenPos;
                token = saveToken;
                tokenValue = saveTokenValue;
                precedingLineBreak = savePrecedingLineBreak;
            return result;
        function scanRange(start, length, callback) {
            var saveEnd = end;
            var savePos = pos;
            var saveStartPos = startPos;
            var saveTokenPos = tokenPos;
            var saveToken = token;
            var savePrecedingLineBreak = precedingLineBreak;
            var saveTokenValue = tokenValue;
            var saveHasExtendedUnicodeEscape = hasExtendedUnicodeEscape;
            var saveTokenIsUnterminated = tokenIsUnterminated;
            setText(text, start, length);
            var result = callback();
            end = saveEnd;
            pos = savePos;
            startPos = saveStartPos;
            tokenPos = saveTokenPos;
            token = saveToken;
            precedingLineBreak = savePrecedingLineBreak;
            tokenValue = saveTokenValue;
            hasExtendedUnicodeEscape = saveHasExtendedUnicodeEscape;
            tokenIsUnterminated = saveTokenIsUnterminated;
            return result;
        function lookAhead(callback) {
            return speculationHelper(callback, true);
        function tryScan(callback) {
            return speculationHelper(callback, false);
        function getText() {
            return text;
        function setText(newText, start, length) {
            text = newText || "";
            end = length === undefined ? text.length : start + length;
            setTextPos(start || 0);
        function setOnError(errorCallback) {
            onError = errorCallback;
        function setScriptTarget(scriptTarget) {
            languageVersion = scriptTarget;
        function setLanguageVariant(variant) {
            languageVariant = variant;
        function setTextPos(textPos) {
            ts.Debug.assert(textPos >= 0);
            pos = textPos;
            startPos = textPos;
            tokenPos = textPos;
            token = 0;
            precedingLineBreak = false;
            tokenValue = undefined;
            hasExtendedUnicodeEscape = false;
            tokenIsUnterminated = false;
    ts.createScanner = createScanner;
})(ts || (ts = {}));
var ts;
(function (ts) {
    function getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, kind) {
        var declarations = symbol.declarations;
        if (declarations) {
            for (var _i = 0, declarations_1 = declarations; _i < declarations_1.length; _i++) {
                var declaration = declarations_1[_i];
                if (declaration.kind === kind) {
                    return declaration;
        return undefined;
    ts.getDeclarationOfKind = getDeclarationOfKind;
    var stringWriters = [];
    function getSingleLineStringWriter() {
        if (stringWriters.length === 0) {
            var str_1 = "";
            var writeText = function (text) { return str_1 += text; };
            return {
                string: function () { return str_1; },
                writeKeyword: writeText,
                writeOperator: writeText,
                writePunctuation: writeText,
                writeSpace: writeText,
                writeStringLiteral: writeText,
                writeParameter: writeText,
                writeSymbol: writeText,
                writeLine: function () { return str_1 += " "; },
                increaseIndent: function () { },
                decreaseIndent: function () { },
                clear: function () { return str_1 = ""; },
                trackSymbol: function () { },
                reportInaccessibleThisError: function () { }
        return stringWriters.pop();
    ts.getSingleLineStringWriter = getSingleLineStringWriter;
    function releaseStringWriter(writer) {
    ts.releaseStringWriter = releaseStringWriter;
    function getFullWidth(node) {
        return node.end - node.pos;
    ts.getFullWidth = getFullWidth;
    function arrayIsEqualTo(array1, array2, equaler) {
        if (!array1 || !array2) {
            return array1 === array2;
        if (array1.length !== array2.length) {
            return false;
        for (var i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) {
            var equals = equaler ? equaler(array1[i], array2[i]) : array1[i] === array2[i];
            if (!equals) {
                return false;
        return true;
    ts.arrayIsEqualTo = arrayIsEqualTo;
    function hasResolvedModule(sourceFile, moduleNameText) {
        return !!(sourceFile.resolvedModules && sourceFile.resolvedModules[moduleNameText]);
    ts.hasResolvedModule = hasResolvedModule;
    function getResolvedModule(sourceFile, moduleNameText) {
        return hasResolvedModule(sourceFile, moduleNameText) ? sourceFile.resolvedModules[moduleNameText] : undefined;
    ts.getResolvedModule = getResolvedModule;
    function setResolvedModule(sourceFile, moduleNameText, resolvedModule) {
        if (!sourceFile.resolvedModules) {
            sourceFile.resolvedModules = ts.createMap();
        sourceFile.resolvedModules[moduleNameText] = resolvedModule;
    ts.setResolvedModule = setResolvedModule;
    function setResolvedTypeReferenceDirective(sourceFile, typeReferenceDirectiveName, resolvedTypeReferenceDirective) {
        if (!sourceFile.resolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveNames) {
            sourceFile.resolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveNames = ts.createMap();
        sourceFile.resolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveNames[typeReferenceDirectiveName] = resolvedTypeReferenceDirective;
    ts.setResolvedTypeReferenceDirective = setResolvedTypeReferenceDirective;
    function moduleResolutionIsEqualTo(oldResolution, newResolution) {
        return oldResolution.resolvedFileName === newResolution.resolvedFileName && oldResolution.isExternalLibraryImport === newResolution.isExternalLibraryImport;
    ts.moduleResolutionIsEqualTo = moduleResolutionIsEqualTo;
    function typeDirectiveIsEqualTo(oldResolution, newResolution) {
        return oldResolution.resolvedFileName === newResolution.resolvedFileName && oldResolution.primary === newResolution.primary;
    ts.typeDirectiveIsEqualTo = typeDirectiveIsEqualTo;
    function hasChangesInResolutions(names, newResolutions, oldResolutions, comparer) {
        if (names.length !== newResolutions.length) {
            return false;
        for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
            var newResolution = newResolutions[i];
            var oldResolution = oldResolutions && oldResolutions[names[i]];
            var changed = oldResolution
                ? !newResolution || !comparer(oldResolution, newResolution)
                : newResolution;
            if (changed) {
                return true;
        return false;
    ts.hasChangesInResolutions = hasChangesInResolutions;
    function containsParseError(node) {
        return (node.flags & 268435456) !== 0;
    ts.containsParseError = containsParseError;
    function aggregateChildData(node) {
        if (!(node.flags & 536870912)) {
            var thisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError = ((node.flags & 67108864) !== 0) ||
                ts.forEachChild(node, containsParseError);
            if (thisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError) {
                node.flags |= 268435456;
            node.flags |= 536870912;
    function getSourceFileOfNode(node) {
        while (node && node.kind !== 256) {
            node = node.parent;
        return node;
    ts.getSourceFileOfNode = getSourceFileOfNode;
    function isStatementWithLocals(node) {
        switch (node.kind) {
            case 199:
            case 227:
            case 206:
            case 207:
            case 208:
                return true;
        return false;
    ts.isStatementWithLocals = isStatementWithLocals;
    function getStartPositionOfLine(line, sourceFile) {
        ts.Debug.assert(line >= 0);
        return ts.getLineStarts(sourceFile)[line];
    ts.getStartPositionOfLine = getStartPositionOfLine;
    function nodePosToString(node) {
        var file = getSourceFileOfNode(node);
        var loc = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, node.pos);
        return file.fileName + "(" + (loc.line + 1) + "," + (loc.character + 1) + ")";
    ts.nodePosToString = nodePosToString;
    function getStartPosOfNode(node) {
        return node.pos;
    ts.getStartPosOfNode = getStartPosOfNode;
    function getEndLinePosition(line, sourceFile) {
        ts.Debug.assert(line >= 0);
        var lineStarts = ts.getLineStarts(sourceFile);
        var lineIndex = line;
        var sourceText = sourceFile.text;
        if (lineIndex + 1 === lineStarts.length) {
            return sourceText.length - 1;
        else {
            var start = lineStarts[lineIndex];
            var pos = lineStarts[lineIndex + 1] - 1;
            while (start <= pos && ts.isLineBreak(sourceText.charCodeAt(pos))) {
            return pos;
    ts.getEndLinePosition = getEndLinePosition;
    function nodeIsMissing(node) {
        if (!node) {
            return true;
        return node.pos === node.end && node.pos >= 0 && node.kind !== 1;
    ts.nodeIsMissing = nodeIsMissing;
    function nodeIsPresent(node) {
        return !nodeIsMissing(node);
    ts.nodeIsPresent = nodeIsPresent;
    function getTokenPosOfNode(node, sourceFile, includeJsDocComment) {
        if (nodeIsMissing(node)) {
            return node.pos;
        if (isJSDocNode(node)) {
            return ts.skipTrivia((sourceFile || getSourceFileOfNode(node)).text, node.pos, false, true);
        if (includeJsDocComment && node.jsDocComments && node.jsDocComments.length > 0) {
            return getTokenPosOfNode(node.jsDocComments[0]);
        if (node.kind === 286 && node._children.length > 0) {
            return getTokenPosOfNode(node._children[0], sourceFile, includeJsDocComment);
        return ts.skipTrivia((sourceFile || getSourceFileOfNode(node)).text, node.pos);
    ts.getTokenPosOfNode = getTokenPosOfNode;
    function isJSDocNode(node) {
        return node.kind >= 257 && node.kind <= 282;
    ts.isJSDocNode = isJSDocNode;
    function isJSDocTag(node) {
        return node.kind >= 273 && node.kind <= 285;
    ts.isJSDocTag = isJSDocTag;
    function getNonDecoratorTokenPosOfNode(node, sourceFile) {
        if (nodeIsMissing(node) || !node.decorators) {
            return getTokenPosOfNode(node, sourceFile);
        return ts.skipTrivia((sourceFile || getSourceFileOfNode(node)).text, node.decorators.end);
    ts.getNonDecoratorTokenPosOfNode = getNonDecoratorTokenPosOfNode;
    function getSourceTextOfNodeFromSourceFile(sourceFile, node, includeTrivia) {
        if (includeTrivia === void 0) { includeTrivia = false; }
        if (nodeIsMissing(node)) {
            return "";
        var text = sourceFile.text;
        return text.substring(includeTrivia ? node.pos : ts.skipTrivia(text, node.pos), node.end);
    ts.getSourceTextOfNodeFromSourceFile = getSourceTextOfNodeFromSourceFile;
    function getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(sourceText, node) {
        if (nodeIsMissing(node)) {
            return "";
        return sourceText.substring(ts.skipTrivia(sourceText, node.pos), node.end);
    ts.getTextOfNodeFromSourceText = getTextOfNodeFromSourceText;
    function getTextOfNode(node, includeTrivia) {
        if (includeTrivia === void 0) { includeTrivia = false; }
        return getSourceTextOfNodeFromSourceFile(getSourceFileOfNode(node), node, includeTrivia);
    ts.getTextOfNode = getTextOfNode;
    function escapeIdentifier(identifier) {
        return identifier.length >= 2 && identifier.charCodeAt(0) === 95 && identifier.charCodeAt(1) === 95 ? "_" + identifier : identifier;
    ts.escapeIdentifier = escapeIdentifier;
    function unescapeIdentifier(identifier) {
        return identifier.length >= 3 && identifier.charCodeAt(0) === 95 && identifier.charCodeAt(1) === 95 && identifier.charCodeAt(2) === 95 ? identifier.substr(1) : identifier;
    ts.unescapeIdentifier = unescapeIdentifier;
    function makeIdentifierFromModuleName(moduleName) {
        return ts.getBaseFileName(moduleName).replace(/^(\d)/, "_$1").replace(/\W/g, "_");
    ts.makeIdentifierFromModuleName = makeIdentifierFromModuleName;
    function isBlockOrCatchScoped(declaration) {
        return (getCombinedNodeFlags(declaration) & 3072) !== 0 ||
    ts.isBlockOrCatchScoped = isBlockOrCatchScoped;
    function isAmbientModule(node) {
        return node && node.kind === 225 &&
            ( === 9 || isGlobalScopeAugmentation(node));
    ts.isAmbientModule = isAmbientModule;
    function isShorthandAmbientModuleSymbol(moduleSymbol) {
        return isShorthandAmbientModule(moduleSymbol.valueDeclaration);
    ts.isShorthandAmbientModuleSymbol = isShorthandAmbientModuleSymbol;
    function isShorthandAmbientModule(node) {
        return node.kind === 225 && (!node.body);
    function isBlockScopedContainerTopLevel(node) {
        return node.kind === 256 ||
            node.kind === 225 ||
            isFunctionLike(node) ||
    ts.isBlockScopedContainerTopLevel = isBlockScopedContainerTopLevel;
    function isGlobalScopeAugmentation(module) {
        return !!(module.flags & 131072);
    ts.isGlobalScopeAugmentation = isGlobalScopeAugmentation;
    function isExternalModuleAugmentation(node) {
        if (!node || !isAmbientModule(node)) {
            return false;
        switch (node.parent.kind) {
            case 256:
                return ts.isExternalModule(node.parent);
            case 226:
                return isAmbientModule(node.parent.parent) && !ts.isExternalModule(node.parent.parent.parent);
        return false;
    ts.isExternalModuleAugmentation = isExternalModuleAugmentation;
    function getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer(node) {
        var current = node.parent;
        while (current) {
            if (isFunctionLike(current)) {
                return current;
            switch (current.kind) {
                case 256:
                case 227:
                case 252:
                case 225:
                case 206:
                case 207:
                case 208:
                    return current;
                case 199:
                    if (!isFunctionLike(current.parent)) {
                        return current;
            current = current.parent;
    ts.getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer = getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer;
    function isCatchClauseVariableDeclaration(declaration) {
        return declaration &&
            declaration.kind === 218 &&
            declaration.parent &&
            declaration.parent.kind === 252;
    ts.isCatchClauseVariableDeclaration = isCatchClauseVariableDeclaration;
    function declarationNameToString(name) {
        return getFullWidth(name) === 0 ? "(Missing)" : getTextOfNode(name);
    ts.declarationNameToString = declarationNameToString;
    function createDiagnosticForNode(node, message, arg0, arg1, arg2) {
        var sourceFile = getSourceFileOfNode(node);
        var span = getErrorSpanForNode(sourceFile, node);
        return ts.createFileDiagnostic(sourceFile, span.start, span.length, message, arg0, arg1, arg2);
    ts.createDiagnosticForNode = createDiagnosticForNode;
    function createDiagnosticForNodeFromMessageChain(node, messageChain) {
        var sourceFile = getSourceFileOfNode(node);
        var span = getErrorSpanForNode(sourceFile, node);
        return {
            file: sourceFile,
            start: span.start,
            length: span.length,
            code: messageChain.code,
            category: messageChain.category,
            messageText: ? messageChain : messageChain.messageText
    ts.createDiagnosticForNodeFromMessageChain = createDiagnosticForNodeFromMessageChain;
    function getSpanOfTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, pos) {
        var scanner = ts.createScanner(sourceFile.languageVersion, true, sourceFile.languageVariant, sourceFile.text, undefined, pos);
        var start = scanner.getTokenPos();
        return ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(start, scanner.getTextPos());
    ts.getSpanOfTokenAtPosition = getSpanOfTokenAtPosition;
    function getErrorSpanForArrowFunction(sourceFile, node) {
        var pos = ts.skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, node.pos);
        if (node.body && node.body.kind === 199) {
            var startLine = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, node.body.pos).line;
            var endLine = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, node.body.end).line;
            if (startLine < endLine) {
                return ts.createTextSpan(pos, getEndLinePosition(startLine, sourceFile) - pos + 1);
        return ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(pos, node.end);
    function getErrorSpanForNode(sourceFile, node) {
        var errorNode = node;
        switch (node.kind) {
            case 256:
                var pos_1 = ts.skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, 0, false);
                if (pos_1 === sourceFile.text.length) {
                    return ts.createTextSpan(0, 0);
                return getSpanOfTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, pos_1);
            case 218:
            case 169:
            case 221:
            case 192:
            case 222:
            case 225:
            case 224:
            case 255:
            case 220:
            case 179:
            case 147:
            case 149:
            case 150:
            case 223:
                errorNode =;
            case 180:
                return getErrorSpanForArrowFunction(sourceFile, node);
        if (errorNode === undefined) {
            return getSpanOfTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, node.pos);
        var pos = nodeIsMissing(errorNode)
            ? errorNode.pos
            : ts.skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, errorNode.pos);
        return ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(pos, errorNode.end);
    ts.getErrorSpanForNode = getErrorSpanForNode;
    function isExternalOrCommonJsModule(file) {
        return (file.externalModuleIndicator || file.commonJsModuleIndicator) !== undefined;
    ts.isExternalOrCommonJsModule = isExternalOrCommonJsModule;
    function isDeclarationFile(file) {
        return file.isDeclarationFile;
    ts.isDeclarationFile = isDeclarationFile;
    function isConstEnumDeclaration(node) {
        return node.kind === 224 && isConst(node);
    ts.isConstEnumDeclaration = isConstEnumDeclaration;
    function walkUpBindingElementsAndPatterns(node) {
        while (node && (node.kind === 169 || isBindingPattern(node))) {
            node = node.parent;
        return node;
    function getCombinedNodeFlags(node) {
        node = walkUpBindingElementsAndPatterns(node);
        var flags = node.flags;
        if (node.kind === 218) {
            node = node.parent;
        if (node && node.kind === 219) {
            flags |= node.flags;
            node = node.parent;
        if (node && node.kind === 200) {
            flags |= node.flags;
        return flags;
    ts.getCombinedNodeFlags = getCombinedNodeFlags;
    function isConst(node) {
        return !!(getCombinedNodeFlags(node) & 2048);
    ts.isConst = isConst;
    function isLet(node) {
        return !!(getCombinedNodeFlags(node) & 1024);
    ts.isLet = isLet;
    function isSuperCallExpression(n) {
        return n.kind === 174 && n.expression.kind === 95;
    ts.isSuperCallExpression = isSuperCallExpression;
    function isPrologueDirective(node) {
        return node.kind === 202 && node.expression.kind === 9;
    ts.isPrologueDirective = isPrologueDirective;
    function getLeadingCommentRangesOfNode(node, sourceFileOfNode) {
        return ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(sourceFileOfNode.text, node.pos);
    ts.getLeadingCommentRangesOfNode = getLeadingCommentRangesOfNode;
    function getLeadingCommentRangesOfNodeFromText(node, text) {
        return ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(text, node.pos);
    ts.getLeadingCommentRangesOfNodeFromText = getLeadingCommentRangesOfNodeFromText;
    function getJsDocComments(node, sourceFileOfNode) {
        return getJsDocCommentsFromText(node, sourceFileOfNode.text);
    ts.getJsDocComments = getJsDocComments;
    function getJsDocCommentsFromText(node, text) {
        var commentRanges = (node.kind === 142 ||
            node.kind === 141 ||
            node.kind === 179 ||
            node.kind === 180) ?
            ts.concatenate(ts.getTrailingCommentRanges(text, node.pos), ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(text, node.pos)) :
            getLeadingCommentRangesOfNodeFromText(node, text);
        return ts.filter(commentRanges, isJsDocComment);
        function isJsDocComment(comment) {
            return text.charCodeAt(comment.pos + 1) === 42 &&
                text.charCodeAt(comment.pos + 2) === 42 &&
                text.charCodeAt(comment.pos + 3) !== 47;
    ts.getJsDocCommentsFromText = getJsDocCommentsFromText;
    ts.fullTripleSlashReferencePathRegEx = /^(\/\/\/\s*<reference\s+path\s*=\s*)('|")(.+?)\2.*?\/>/;
    ts.fullTripleSlashReferenceTypeReferenceDirectiveRegEx = /^(\/\/\/\s*<reference\s+types\s*=\s*)('|")(.+?)\2.*?\/>/;
    ts.fullTripleSlashAMDReferencePathRegEx = /^(\/\/\/\s*<amd-dependency\s+path\s*=\s*)('|")(.+?)\2.*?\/>/;
    function isTypeNode(node) {
        if (154 <= node.kind && node.kind <= 166) {
            return true;
        switch (node.kind) {
            case 117:
            case 130:
            case 132:
            case 120:
            case 133:
            case 135:
            case 127:
                return true;
            case 103:
                return node.parent.kind !== 183;
            case 194:
                return !isExpressionWithTypeArgumentsInClassExtendsClause(node);
            case 69:
                if (node.parent.kind === 139 && node.parent.right === node) {
                    node = node.parent;
                else if (node.parent.kind === 172 && === node) {
                    node = node.parent;
                ts.Debug.assert(node.kind === 69 || node.kind === 139 || node.kind === 172, "'node' was expected to be a qualified name, identifier or property access in 'isTypeNode'.");
            case 139:
            case 172:
            case 97:
                var parent_1 = node.parent;
                if (parent_1.kind === 158) {
                    return false;
                if (154 <= parent_1.kind && parent_1.kind <= 166) {
                    return true;
                switch (parent_1.kind) {
                    case 194:
                        return !isExpressionWithTypeArgumentsInClassExtendsClause(parent_1);
                    case 141:
                        return node === parent_1.constraint;
                    case 145:
                    case 144:
                    case 142:
                    case 218:
                        return node === parent_1.type;
                    case 220:
                    case 179:
                    case 180:
                    case 148:
                    case 147:
                    case 146:
                    case 149:
                    case 150:
                        return node === parent_1.type;
                    case 151:
                    case 152:
                    case 153:
                        return node === parent_1.type;
                    case 177:
                        return node === parent_1.type;
                    case 174:
                    case 175:
                        return parent_1.typeArguments && ts.indexOf(parent_1.typeArguments, node) >= 0;
                    case 176:
                        return false;
        return false;
    ts.isTypeNode = isTypeNode;
    function forEachReturnStatement(body, visitor) {
        return traverse(body);
        function traverse(node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 211:
                    return visitor(node);
                case 227:
                case 199:
                case 203:
                case 204:
                case 205:
                case 206:
                case 207:
                case 208:
                case 212:
                case 213:
                case 249:
                case 250:
                case 214:
                case 216:
                case 252:
                    return ts.forEachChild(node, traverse);
    ts.forEachReturnStatement = forEachReturnStatement;
    function forEachYieldExpression(body, visitor) {
        return traverse(body);
        function traverse(node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 190:
                    var operand = node.expression;
                    if (operand) {
                case 224:
                case 222:
                case 225:
                case 223:
                case 221:
                case 192:
                    if (isFunctionLike(node)) {
                        var name_5 =;
                        if (name_5 && name_5.kind === 140) {
                    else if (!isTypeNode(node)) {
                        ts.forEachChild(node, traverse);
    ts.forEachYieldExpression = forEachYieldExpression;
    function isVariableLike(node) {
        if (node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 169:
                case 255:
                case 142:
                case 253:
                case 145:
                case 144:
                case 254:
                case 218:
                    return true;
        return false;
    ts.isVariableLike = isVariableLike;
    function isAccessor(node) {
        return node && (node.kind === 149 || node.kind === 150);
    ts.isAccessor = isAccessor;
    function isClassLike(node) {
        return node && (node.kind === 221 || node.kind === 192);
    ts.isClassLike = isClassLike;
    function isFunctionLike(node) {
        return node && isFunctionLikeKind(node.kind);
    ts.isFunctionLike = isFunctionLike;
    function isFunctionLikeKind(kind) {
        switch (kind) {
            case 148:
            case 179:
            case 220:
            case 180:
            case 147:
            case 146:
            case 149:
            case 150:
            case 151:
            case 152:
            case 153:
            case 156:
            case 157:
                return true;
        return false;
    ts.isFunctionLikeKind = isFunctionLikeKind;
    function introducesArgumentsExoticObject(node) {
        switch (node.kind) {
            case 147:
            case 146:
            case 148:
            case 149:
            case 150:
            case 220:
            case 179:
                return true;
        return false;
    ts.introducesArgumentsExoticObject = introducesArgumentsExoticObject;
    function isIterationStatement(node, lookInLabeledStatements) {
        switch (node.kind) {
            case 206:
            case 207:
            case 208:
            case 204:
            case 205:
                return true;
            case 214:
                return lookInLabeledStatements && isIterationStatement(node.statement, lookInLabeledStatements);
        return false;
    ts.isIterationStatement = isIterationStatement;
    function isFunctionBlock(node) {
        return node && node.kind === 199 && isFunctionLike(node.parent);
    ts.isFunctionBlock = isFunctionBlock;
    function isObjectLiteralMethod(node) {
        return node && node.kind === 147 && node.parent.kind === 171;
    ts.isObjectLiteralMethod = isObjectLiteralMethod;
    function isIdentifierTypePredicate(predicate) {
        return predicate && predicate.kind === 1;
    ts.isIdentifierTypePredicate = isIdentifierTypePredicate;
    function isThisTypePredicate(predicate) {
        return predicate && predicate.kind === 0;
    ts.isThisTypePredicate = isThisTypePredicate;
    function getContainingFunction(node) {
        while (true) {
            node = node.parent;
            if (!node || isFunctionLike(node)) {
                return node;
    ts.getContainingFunction = getContainingFunction;
    function getContainingClass(node) {
        while (true) {
            node = node.parent;
            if (!node || isClassLike(node)) {
                return node;
    ts.getContainingClass = getContainingClass;
    function getThisContainer(node, includeArrowFunctions) {
        while (true) {
            node = node.parent;
            if (!node) {
                return undefined;
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 140:
                    if (isClassLike(node.parent.parent)) {
                        return node;
                    node = node.parent;
                case 143:
                    if (node.parent.kind === 142 && isClassElement(node.parent.parent)) {
                        node = node.parent.parent;
                    else if (isClassElement(node.parent)) {
                        node = node.parent;
                case 180:
                    if (!includeArrowFunctions) {
                case 220:
                case 179:
                case 225:
                case 145:
                case 144:
                case 147:
                case 146:
                case 148:
                case 149:
                case 150:
                case 151:
                case 152:
                case 153:
                case 224:
                case 256:
                    return node;
    ts.getThisContainer = getThisContainer;
    function getSuperContainer(node, stopOnFunctions) {
        while (true) {
            node = node.parent;
            if (!node) {
                return node;
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 140:
                    node = node.parent;
                case 220:
                case 179:
                case 180:
                    if (!stopOnFunctions) {
                case 145:
                case 144:
                case 147:
                case 146:
                case 148:
                case 149:
                case 150:
                    return node;
                case 143:
                    if (node.parent.kind === 142 && isClassElement(node.parent.parent)) {
                        node = node.parent.parent;
                    else if (isClassElement(node.parent)) {
                        node = node.parent;
    ts.getSuperContainer = getSuperContainer;
    function getImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression(func) {
        if (func.kind === 179 || func.kind === 180) {
            var prev = func;
            var parent_2 = func.parent;
            while (parent_2.kind === 178) {
                prev = parent_2;
                parent_2 = parent_2.parent;
            if (parent_2.kind === 174 && parent_2.expression === prev) {
                return parent_2;
    ts.getImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression = getImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression;
    function isSuperPropertyOrElementAccess(node) {
        return (node.kind === 172
            || node.kind === 173)
            && node.expression.kind === 95;
    ts.isSuperPropertyOrElementAccess = isSuperPropertyOrElementAccess;
    function getEntityNameFromTypeNode(node) {
        if (node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 155:
                    return node.typeName;
                case 194:
                    return node.expression;
                case 69:
                case 139:
                    return node;
        return undefined;
    ts.getEntityNameFromTypeNode = getEntityNameFromTypeNode;
    function getInvokedExpression(node) {
        if (node.kind === 176) {
            return node.tag;
        return node.expression;
    ts.getInvokedExpression = getInvokedExpression;
    function nodeCanBeDecorated(node) {
        switch (node.kind) {
            case 221:
                return true;
            case 145:
                return node.parent.kind === 221;
            case 149:
            case 150:
            case 147:
                return node.body !== undefined
                    && node.parent.kind === 221;
            case 142:
                return node.parent.body !== undefined
                    && (node.parent.kind === 148
                        || node.parent.kind === 147
                        || node.parent.kind === 150)
                    && node.parent.parent.kind === 221;
        return false;
    ts.nodeCanBeDecorated = nodeCanBeDecorated;
    function nodeIsDecorated(node) {
        return node.decorators !== undefined
            && nodeCanBeDecorated(node);
    ts.nodeIsDecorated = nodeIsDecorated;
    function isPropertyAccessExpression(node) {
        return node.kind === 172;
    ts.isPropertyAccessExpression = isPropertyAccessExpression;
    function isElementAccessExpression(node) {
        return node.kind === 173;
    ts.isElementAccessExpression = isElementAccessExpression;
    function isJSXTagName(node) {
        var parent = node.parent;
        if (parent.kind === 243 ||
            parent.kind === 242 ||
            parent.kind === 245) {
            return parent.tagName === node;
        return false;
    ts.isJSXTagName = isJSXTagName;
    function isExpression(node) {
        switch (node.kind) {
            case 97:
            case 95:
            case 93:
            case 99:
            case 84:
            case 10:
            case 170:
            case 171:
            case 172:
            case 173:
            case 174:
            case 175:
            case 176:
            case 195:
            case 177:
            case 196:
            case 178:
            case 179:
            case 192:
            case 180:
            case 183:
            case 181:
            case 182:
            case 185:
            case 186:
            case 187:
            case 188:
            case 191:
            case 189:
            case 11:
            case 193:
            case 241:
            case 242:
            case 190:
            case 184:
                return true;
            case 139:
                while (node.parent.kind === 139) {
                    node = node.parent;
                return node.parent.kind === 158 || isJSXTagName(node);
            case 69:
                if (node.parent.kind === 158 || isJSXTagName(node)) {
                    return true;
            case 8:
            case 9:
            case 97:
                var parent_3 = node.parent;
                switch (parent_3.kind) {
                    case 218:
                    case 142:
                    case 145:
                    case 144:
                    case 255:
                    case 253:
                    case 169:
                        return parent_3.initializer === node;
                    case 202:
                    case 203:
                    case 204:
                    case 205:
                    case 211:
                    case 212:
                    case 213:
                    case 249:
                    case 215:
                    case 213:
                        return parent_3.expression === node;
                    case 206:
                        var forStatement = parent_3;
                        return (forStatement.initializer === node && forStatement.initializer.kind !== 219) ||
                            forStatement.condition === node ||
                            forStatement.incrementor === node;
                    case 207:
                    case 208:
                        var forInStatement = parent_3;
                        return (forInStatement.initializer === node && forInStatement.initializer.kind !== 219) ||
                            forInStatement.expression === node;
                    case 177:
                    case 195:
                        return node === parent_3.expression;
                    case 197:
                        return node === parent_3.expression;
                    case 140:
                        return node === parent_3.expression;
                    case 143:
                    case 248:
                    case 247:
                        return true;
                    case 194:
                        return parent_3.expression === node && isExpressionWithTypeArgumentsInClassExtendsClause(parent_3);
                        if (isExpression(parent_3)) {
                            return true;
        return false;
    ts.isExpression = isExpression;
    function isInstantiatedModule(node, preserveConstEnums) {
        var moduleState = ts.getModuleInstanceState(node);
        return moduleState === 1 ||
            (preserveConstEnums && moduleState === 2);
    ts.isInstantiatedModule = isInstantiatedModule;
    function isExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node) {
        return node.kind === 229 && node.moduleReference.kind === 240;
    ts.isExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration = isExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration;
    function getExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclarationExpression(node) {
        return node.moduleReference.expression;
    ts.getExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclarationExpression = getExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclarationExpression;
    function isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node) {
        return node.kind === 229 && node.moduleReference.kind !== 240;
    ts.isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration = isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration;
    function isSourceFileJavaScript(file) {
        return isInJavaScriptFile(file);
    ts.isSourceFileJavaScript = isSourceFileJavaScript;
    function isInJavaScriptFile(node) {
        return node && !!(node.flags & 134217728);
    ts.isInJavaScriptFile = isInJavaScriptFile;
    function isRequireCall(expression, checkArgumentIsStringLiteral) {
        var isRequire = expression.kind === 174 &&
            expression.expression.kind === 69 &&
            expression.expression.text === "require" &&
            expression.arguments.length === 1;
        return isRequire && (!checkArgumentIsStringLiteral || expression.arguments[0].kind === 9);
    ts.isRequireCall = isRequireCall;
    function isSingleOrDoubleQuote(charCode) {
        return charCode === 39 || charCode === 34;
    ts.isSingleOrDoubleQuote = isSingleOrDoubleQuote;
    function isDeclarationOfFunctionExpression(s) {
        if (s.valueDeclaration && s.valueDeclaration.kind === 218) {
            var declaration = s.valueDeclaration;
            return declaration.initializer && declaration.initializer.kind === 179;
        return false;
    ts.isDeclarationOfFunctionExpression = isDeclarationOfFunctionExpression;
    function getSpecialPropertyAssignmentKind(expression) {
        if (!isInJavaScriptFile(expression)) {
            return 0;
        if (expression.kind !== 187) {
            return 0;
        var expr = expression;
        if (expr.operatorToken.kind !== 56 || expr.left.kind !== 172) {
            return 0;
        var lhs = expr.left;
        if (lhs.expression.kind === 69) {
            var lhsId = lhs.expression;
            if (lhsId.text === "exports") {
                return 1;
            else if (lhsId.text === "module" && === "exports") {
                return 2;
        else if (lhs.expression.kind === 97) {
            return 4;
        else if (lhs.expression.kind === 172) {
            var innerPropertyAccess = lhs.expression;
            if (innerPropertyAccess.expression.kind === 69) {
                var innerPropertyAccessIdentifier = innerPropertyAccess.expression;
                if (innerPropertyAccessIdentifier.text === "module" && === "exports") {
                    return 1;
                if ( === "prototype") {
                    return 3;
        return 0;
    ts.getSpecialPropertyAssignmentKind = getSpecialPropertyAssignmentKind;
    function getExternalModuleName(node) {
        if (node.kind === 230) {
            return node.moduleSpecifier;
        if (node.kind === 229) {
            var reference = node.moduleReference;
            if (reference.kind === 240) {
                return reference.expression;
        if (node.kind === 236) {
            return node.moduleSpecifier;
        if (node.kind === 225 && === 9) {
    ts.getExternalModuleName = getExternalModuleName;
    function hasQuestionToken(node) {
        if (node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 142:
                case 147:
                case 146:
                case 254:
                case 253:
                case 145:
                case 144:
                    return node.questionToken !== undefined;
        return false;
    ts.hasQuestionToken = hasQuestionToken;
    function isJSDocConstructSignature(node) {
        return node.kind === 269 &&
            node.parameters.length > 0 &&
            node.parameters[0].type.kind === 271;
    ts.isJSDocConstructSignature = isJSDocConstructSignature;
    function getJSDocTag(node, kind, checkParentVariableStatement) {
        if (!node) {
            return undefined;
        var jsDocComments = getJSDocComments(node, checkParentVariableStatement);
        if (!jsDocComments) {
            return undefined;
        for (var _i = 0, jsDocComments_1 = jsDocComments; _i < jsDocComments_1.length; _i++) {
            var jsDocComment = jsDocComments_1[_i];
            for (var _a = 0, _b = jsDocComment.tags; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                var tag = _b[_a];
                if (tag.kind === kind) {
                    return tag;
    function getJSDocComments(node, checkParentVariableStatement) {
        if (node.jsDocComments) {
            return node.jsDocComments;
        if (checkParentVariableStatement) {
            var isInitializerOfVariableDeclarationInStatement = node.parent.kind === 218 &&
                node.parent.initializer === node &&
                node.parent.parent.parent.kind === 200;
            var variableStatementNode = isInitializerOfVariableDeclarationInStatement ? node.parent.parent.parent : undefined;
            if (variableStatementNode) {
                return variableStatementNode.jsDocComments;
            var parent_4 = node.parent;
            var isSourceOfAssignmentExpressionStatement = parent_4 && parent_4.parent &&
                parent_4.kind === 187 &&
                parent_4.operatorToken.kind === 56 &&
                parent_4.parent.kind === 202;
            if (isSourceOfAssignmentExpressionStatement) {
                return parent_4.parent.jsDocComments;
            var isPropertyAssignmentExpression = parent_4 && parent_4.kind === 253;
            if (isPropertyAssignmentExpression) {
                return parent_4.jsDocComments;
        return undefined;
    function getJSDocTypeTag(node) {
        return getJSDocTag(node, 277, false);
    ts.getJSDocTypeTag = getJSDocTypeTag;
    function getJSDocReturnTag(node) {
        return getJSDocTag(node, 276, true);
    ts.getJSDocReturnTag = getJSDocReturnTag;
    function getJSDocTemplateTag(node) {
        return getJSDocTag(node, 278, false);
    ts.getJSDocTemplateTag = getJSDocTemplateTag;
    function getCorrespondingJSDocParameterTag(parameter) {
        if ( && === 69) {
            var parameterName =;
            var jsDocComments = getJSDocComments(parameter.parent, true);
            if (jsDocComments) {
                for (var _i = 0, jsDocComments_2 = jsDocComments; _i < jsDocComments_2.length; _i++) {
                    var jsDocComment = jsDocComments_2[_i];
                    for (var _a = 0, _b = jsDocComment.tags; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                        var tag = _b[_a];
                        if (tag.kind === 275) {
                            var parameterTag = tag;
                            var name_6 = parameterTag.preParameterName || parameterTag.postParameterName;
                            if (name_6.text === parameterName) {
                                return parameterTag;
        return undefined;
    ts.getCorrespondingJSDocParameterTag = getCorrespondingJSDocParameterTag;
    function hasRestParameter(s) {
        return isRestParameter(ts.lastOrUndefined(s.parameters));
    ts.hasRestParameter = hasRestParameter;
    function hasDeclaredRestParameter(s) {
        return isDeclaredRestParam(ts.lastOrUndefined(s.parameters));
    ts.hasDeclaredRestParameter = hasDeclaredRestParameter;
    function isRestParameter(node) {
        if (node && (node.flags & 134217728)) {
            if (node.type && node.type.kind === 270) {
                return true;
            var paramTag = getCorrespondingJSDocParameterTag(node);
            if (paramTag && paramTag.typeExpression) {
                return paramTag.typeExpression.type.kind === 270;
        return isDeclaredRestParam(node);
    ts.isRestParameter = isRestParameter;
    function isDeclaredRestParam(node) {
        return node && node.dotDotDotToken !== undefined;
    ts.isDeclaredRestParam = isDeclaredRestParam;
    function isLiteralKind(kind) {
        return 8 <= kind && kind <= 11;
    ts.isLiteralKind = isLiteralKind;
    function isTextualLiteralKind(kind) {
        return kind === 9 || kind === 11;
    ts.isTextualLiteralKind = isTextualLiteralKind;
    function isTemplateLiteralKind(kind) {
        return 11 <= kind && kind <= 14;
    ts.isTemplateLiteralKind = isTemplateLiteralKind;
    function isBindingPattern(node) {
        return !!node && (node.kind === 168 || node.kind === 167);
    ts.isBindingPattern = isBindingPattern;
    function isAssignmentTarget(node) {
        while (node.parent.kind === 178) {
            node = node.parent;
        while (true) {
            var parent_5 = node.parent;
            if (parent_5.kind === 170 || parent_5.kind === 191) {
                node = parent_5;
            if (parent_5.kind === 253 || parent_5.kind === 254) {
                node = parent_5.parent;
            return parent_5.kind === 187 &&
                isAssignmentOperator(parent_5.operatorToken.kind) &&
                parent_5.left === node ||
                (parent_5.kind === 207 || parent_5.kind === 208) &&
                    parent_5.initializer === node;
    ts.isAssignmentTarget = isAssignmentTarget;
    function isNodeDescendentOf(node, ancestor) {
        while (node) {
            if (node === ancestor)
                return true;
            node = node.parent;
        return false;
    ts.isNodeDescendentOf = isNodeDescendentOf;
    function isInAmbientContext(node) {
        while (node) {
            if (node.flags & 2 || (node.kind === 256 && node.isDeclarationFile)) {
                return true;
            node = node.parent;
        return false;
    ts.isInAmbientContext = isInAmbientContext;
    function isDeclaration(node) {
        switch (node.kind) {
            case 180:
            case 169:
            case 221:
            case 192:
            case 148:
            case 224:
            case 255:
            case 238:
            case 220:
            case 179:
            case 149:
            case 231:
            case 229:
            case 234:
            case 222:
            case 147:
            case 146:
            case 225:
            case 232:
            case 228:
            case 142:
            case 253:
            case 145:
            case 144:
            case 150:
            case 254:
            case 223:
            case 141:
            case 218:
            case 279:
                return true;
        return false;
    ts.isDeclaration = isDeclaration;
    function isStatement(n) {
        switch (n.kind) {
            case 210:
            case 209:
            case 217:
            case 204:
            case 202:
            case 201:
            case 207:
            case 208:
            case 206:
            case 203:
            case 214:
            case 211:
            case 213:
            case 215:
            case 216:
            case 200:
            case 205:
            case 212:
            case 235:
                return true;
                return false;
    ts.isStatement = isStatement;
    function isClassElement(n) {
        switch (n.kind) {
            case 148:
            case 145:
            case 147:
            case 149:
            case 150:
            case 146:
            case 153:
                return true;
                return false;
    ts.isClassElement = isClassElement;
    function isDeclarationName(name) {
        if (name.kind !== 69 && name.kind !== 9 && name.kind !== 8) {
            return false;
        var parent = name.parent;
        if (parent.kind === 234 || parent.kind === 238) {
            if (parent.propertyName) {
                return true;
        if (isDeclaration(parent)) {
            return === name;
        return false;
    ts.isDeclarationName = isDeclarationName;
    function isLiteralComputedPropertyDeclarationName(node) {
        return (node.kind === 9 || node.kind === 8) &&
            node.parent.kind === 140 &&
    ts.isLiteralComputedPropertyDeclarationName = isLiteralComputedPropertyDeclarationName;
    function isIdentifierName(node) {
        var parent = node.parent;
        switch (parent.kind) {
            case 145:
            case 144:
            case 147:
            case 146:
            case 149:
            case 150:
            case 255:
            case 253:
            case 172:
                return === node;
            case 139:
                if (parent.right === node) {
                    while (parent.kind === 139) {
                        parent = parent.parent;
                    return parent.kind === 158;
                return false;
            case 169:
            case 234:
                return parent.propertyName === node;
            case 238:
                return true;
        return false;
    ts.isIdentifierName = isIdentifierName;
    function isAliasSymbolDeclaration(node) {
        return node.kind === 229 ||
            node.kind === 228 ||
            node.kind === 231 && !! ||
            node.kind === 232 ||
            node.kind === 234 ||
            node.kind === 238 ||
            node.kind === 235 && exportAssignmentIsAlias(node);
    ts.isAliasSymbolDeclaration = isAliasSymbolDeclaration;
    function exportAssignmentIsAlias(node) {
        return isEntityNameExpression(node.expression);
    ts.exportAssignmentIsAlias = exportAssignmentIsAlias;
    function getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(node) {
        var heritageClause = getHeritageClause(node.heritageClauses, 83);
        return heritageClause && heritageClause.types.length > 0 ? heritageClause.types[0] : undefined;
    ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement = getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement;
    function getClassImplementsHeritageClauseElements(node) {
        var heritageClause = getHeritageClause(node.heritageClauses, 106);
        return heritageClause ? heritageClause.types : undefined;
    ts.getClassImplementsHeritageClauseElements = getClassImplementsHeritageClauseElements;
    function getInterfaceBaseTypeNodes(node) {
        var heritageClause = getHeritageClause(node.heritageClauses, 83);
        return heritageClause ? heritageClause.types : undefined;
    ts.getInterfaceBaseTypeNodes = getInterfaceBaseTypeNodes;
    function getHeritageClause(clauses, kind) {
        if (clauses) {
            for (var _i = 0, clauses_1 = clauses; _i < clauses_1.length; _i++) {
                var clause = clauses_1[_i];
                if (clause.token === kind) {
                    return clause;
        return undefined;
    ts.getHeritageClause = getHeritageClause;
    function tryResolveScriptReference(host, sourceFile, reference) {
        if (!host.getCompilerOptions().noResolve) {
            var referenceFileName = ts.isRootedDiskPath(reference.fileName) ? reference.fileName : ts.combinePaths(ts.getDirectoryPath(sourceFile.fileName), reference.fileName);
            return host.getSourceFile(referenceFileName);
    ts.tryResolveScriptReference = tryResolveScriptReference;
    function getAncestor(node, kind) {
        while (node) {
            if (node.kind === kind) {
                return node;
            node = node.parent;
        return undefined;
    ts.getAncestor = getAncestor;
    function getFileReferenceFromReferencePath(comment, commentRange) {
        var simpleReferenceRegEx = /^\/\/\/\s*<reference\s+/gim;
        var isNoDefaultLibRegEx = /^(\/\/\/\s*<reference\s+no-default-lib\s*=\s*)('|")(.+?)\2\s*\/>/gim;
        if (simpleReferenceRegEx.test(comment)) {
            if (isNoDefaultLibRegEx.test(comment)) {
                return {
                    isNoDefaultLib: true
            else {
                var refMatchResult = ts.fullTripleSlashReferencePathRegEx.exec(comment);
                var refLibResult = !refMatchResult && ts.fullTripleSlashReferenceTypeReferenceDirectiveRegEx.exec(comment);
                if (refMatchResult || refLibResult) {
                    var start = commentRange.pos;
                    var end = commentRange.end;
                    return {
                        fileReference: {
                            pos: start,
                            end: end,
                            fileName: (refMatchResult || refLibResult)[3]
                        isNoDefaultLib: false,
                        isTypeReferenceDirective: !!refLibResult
                return {
                    diagnosticMessage: ts.Diagnostics.Invalid_reference_directive_syntax,
                    isNoDefaultLib: false
        return undefined;
    ts.getFileReferenceFromReferencePath = getFileReferenceFromReferencePath;
    function isKeyword(token) {
        return 70 <= token && token <= 138;
    ts.isKeyword = isKeyword;
    function isTrivia(token) {
        return 2 <= token && token <= 7;
    ts.isTrivia = isTrivia;
    function isAsyncFunctionLike(node) {
        return isFunctionLike(node) && (node.flags & 256) !== 0 && !isAccessor(node);
    ts.isAsyncFunctionLike = isAsyncFunctionLike;
    function isStringOrNumericLiteral(kind) {
        return kind === 9 || kind === 8;
    ts.isStringOrNumericLiteral = isStringOrNumericLiteral;
    function hasDynamicName(declaration) {
        return && isDynamicName(;
    ts.hasDynamicName = hasDynamicName;
    function isDynamicName(name) {
        return name.kind === 140 &&
            !isStringOrNumericLiteral(name.expression.kind) &&
    ts.isDynamicName = isDynamicName;
    function isWellKnownSymbolSyntactically(node) {
        return isPropertyAccessExpression(node) && isESSymbolIdentifier(node.expression);
    ts.isWellKnownSymbolSyntactically = isWellKnownSymbolSyntactically;
    function getPropertyNameForPropertyNameNode(name) {
        if (name.kind === 69 || name.kind === 9 || name.kind === 8 || name.kind === 142) {
            return name.text;
        if (name.kind === 140) {
            var nameExpression = name.expression;
            if (isWellKnownSymbolSyntactically(nameExpression)) {
                var rightHandSideName =;
                return getPropertyNameForKnownSymbolName(rightHandSideName);
            else if (nameExpression.kind === 9 || nameExpression.kind === 8) {
                return nameExpression.text;
        return undefined;
    ts.getPropertyNameForPropertyNameNode = getPropertyNameForPropertyNameNode;
    function getPropertyNameForKnownSymbolName(symbolName) {
        return "__@" + symbolName;
    ts.getPropertyNameForKnownSymbolName = getPropertyNameForKnownSymbolName;
    function isESSymbolIdentifier(node) {
        return node.kind === 69 && node.text === "Symbol";
    ts.isESSymbolIdentifier = isESSymbolIdentifier;
    function isModifierKind(token) {
        switch (token) {
            case 115:
            case 118:
            case 74:
            case 122:
            case 77:
            case 82:
            case 112:
            case 110:
            case 111:
            case 128:
            case 113:
                return true;
        return false;
    ts.isModifierKind = isModifierKind;
    function isParameterDeclaration(node) {
        var root = getRootDeclaration(node);
        return root.kind === 142;
    ts.isParameterDeclaration = isParameterDeclaration;
    function getRootDeclaration(node) {
        while (node.kind === 169) {
            node = node.parent.parent;
        return node;
    ts.getRootDeclaration = getRootDeclaration;
    function nodeStartsNewLexicalEnvironment(n) {
        return isFunctionLike(n) || n.kind === 225 || n.kind === 256;
    ts.nodeStartsNewLexicalEnvironment = nodeStartsNewLexicalEnvironment;
    function cloneNode(node, location, flags, parent) {
        var clone = location !== undefined
            ? ts.createNode(node.kind, location.pos, location.end)
            : createSynthesizedNode(node.kind);
        for (var key in node) {
            if (clone.hasOwnProperty(key) || !node.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            clone[key] = node[key];
        if (flags !== undefined) {
            clone.flags = flags;
        if (parent !== undefined) {
            clone.parent = parent;
        return clone;
    ts.cloneNode = cloneNode;
    function cloneEntityName(node, parent) {
        var clone = cloneNode(node, node, node.flags, parent);
        if (isQualifiedName(clone)) {
            var left = clone.left, right = clone.right;
            clone.left = cloneEntityName(left, clone);
            clone.right = cloneNode(right, right, right.flags, parent);
        return clone;
    ts.cloneEntityName = cloneEntityName;
    function isQualifiedName(node) {
        return node.kind === 139;
    ts.isQualifiedName = isQualifiedName;
    function nodeIsSynthesized(node) {
        return node.pos === -1;
    ts.nodeIsSynthesized = nodeIsSynthesized;
    function createSynthesizedNode(kind, startsOnNewLine) {
        var node = ts.createNode(kind, -1, -1);
        node.startsOnNewLine = startsOnNewLine;
        return node;
    ts.createSynthesizedNode = createSynthesizedNode;
    function createSynthesizedNodeArray() {
        var array = [];
        array.pos = -1;
        array.end = -1;
        return array;
    ts.createSynthesizedNodeArray = createSynthesizedNodeArray;
    function createDiagnosticCollection() {
        var nonFileDiagnostics = [];
        var fileDiagnostics = ts.createMap();
        var diagnosticsModified = false;
        var modificationCount = 0;
        return {
            add: add,
            getGlobalDiagnostics: getGlobalDiagnostics,
            getDiagnostics: getDiagnostics,
            getModificationCount: getModificationCount,
            reattachFileDiagnostics: reattachFileDiagnostics
        function getModificationCount() {
            return modificationCount;
        function reattachFileDiagnostics(newFile) {
            var diagnostics = fileDiagnostics[newFile.fileName];
            if (diagnostics) {
                for (var _i = 0, diagnostics_1 = diagnostics; _i < diagnostics_1.length; _i++) {
                    var diagnostic = diagnostics_1[_i];
                    diagnostic.file = newFile;
        function add(diagnostic) {
            var diagnostics;
            if (diagnostic.file) {
                diagnostics = fileDiagnostics[diagnostic.file.fileName];
                if (!diagnostics) {
                    diagnostics = [];
                    fileDiagnostics[diagnostic.file.fileName] = diagnostics;
            else {
                diagnostics = nonFileDiagnostics;
            diagnosticsModified = true;
        function getGlobalDiagnostics() {
            return nonFileDiagnostics;
        function getDiagnostics(fileName) {
            if (fileName) {
                return fileDiagnostics[fileName] || [];
            var allDiagnostics = [];
            function pushDiagnostic(d) {
            ts.forEach(nonFileDiagnostics, pushDiagnostic);
            for (var key in fileDiagnostics) {
                ts.forEach(fileDiagnostics[key], pushDiagnostic);
            return ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(allDiagnostics);
        function sortAndDeduplicate() {
            if (!diagnosticsModified) {
            diagnosticsModified = false;
            nonFileDiagnostics = ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(nonFileDiagnostics);
            for (var key in fileDiagnostics) {
                fileDiagnostics[key] = ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(fileDiagnostics[key]);
    ts.createDiagnosticCollection = createDiagnosticCollection;
    var escapedCharsRegExp = /[\\\"\u0000-\u001f\t\v\f\b\r\n\u2028\u2029\u0085]/g;
    var escapedCharsMap = ts.createMap({
        "\0": "\\0",
        "\t": "\\t",
        "\v": "\\v",
        "\f": "\\f",
        "\b": "\\b",
        "\r": "\\r",
        "\n": "\\n",
        "\\": "\\\\",
        "\"": "\\\"",
        "\u2028": "\\u2028",
        "\u2029": "\\u2029",
        "\u0085": "\\u0085"
    function escapeString(s) {
        s = escapedCharsRegExp.test(s) ? s.replace(escapedCharsRegExp, getReplacement) : s;
        return s;
        function getReplacement(c) {
            return escapedCharsMap[c] || get16BitUnicodeEscapeSequence(c.charCodeAt(0));
    ts.escapeString = escapeString;
    function isIntrinsicJsxName(name) {
        var ch = name.substr(0, 1);
        return ch.toLowerCase() === ch;
    ts.isIntrinsicJsxName = isIntrinsicJsxName;
    function get16BitUnicodeEscapeSequence(charCode) {
        var hexCharCode = charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase();
        var paddedHexCode = ("0000" + hexCharCode).slice(-4);
        return "\\u" + paddedHexCode;
    var nonAsciiCharacters = /[^\u0000-\u007F]/g;
    function escapeNonAsciiCharacters(s) {
        return nonAsciiCharacters.test(s) ?
            s.replace(nonAsciiCharacters, function (c) { return get16BitUnicodeEscapeSequence(c.charCodeAt(0)); }) :
    ts.escapeNonAsciiCharacters = escapeNonAsciiCharacters;
    var indentStrings = ["", "    "];
    function getIndentString(level) {
        if (indentStrings[level] === undefined) {
            indentStrings[level] = getIndentString(level - 1) + indentStrings[1];
        return indentStrings[level];
    ts.getIndentString = getIndentString;
    function getIndentSize() {
        return indentStrings[1].length;
    ts.getIndentSize = getIndentSize;
    function createTextWriter(newLine) {
        var output;
        var indent;
        var lineStart;
        var lineCount;
        var linePos;
        function write(s) {
            if (s && s.length) {
                if (lineStart) {
                    output += getIndentString(indent);
                    lineStart = false;
                output += s;
        function reset() {
            output = "";
            indent = 0;
            lineStart = true;
            lineCount = 0;
            linePos = 0;
        function rawWrite(s) {
            if (s !== undefined) {
                if (lineStart) {
                    lineStart = false;
                output += s;
        function writeLiteral(s) {
            if (s && s.length) {
                var lineStartsOfS = ts.computeLineStarts(s);
                if (lineStartsOfS.length > 1) {
                    lineCount = lineCount + lineStartsOfS.length - 1;
                    linePos = output.length - s.length + ts.lastOrUndefined(lineStartsOfS);
        function writeLine() {
            if (!lineStart) {
                output += newLine;
                linePos = output.length;
                lineStart = true;
        function writeTextOfNode(text, node) {
            write(getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(text, node));
        return {
            write: write,
            rawWrite: rawWrite,
            writeTextOfNode: writeTextOfNode,
            writeLiteral: writeLiteral,
            writeLine: writeLine,
            increaseIndent: function () { indent++; },
            decreaseIndent: function () { indent--; },
            getIndent: function () { return indent; },
            getTextPos: function () { return output.length; },
            getLine: function () { return lineCount + 1; },
            getColumn: function () { return lineStart ? indent * getIndentSize() + 1 : output.length - linePos + 1; },
            getText: function () { return output; },
            reset: reset
    ts.createTextWriter = createTextWriter;
    function getExternalModuleNameFromPath(host, fileName) {
        var getCanonicalFileName = function (f) { return host.getCanonicalFileName(f); };
        var dir = ts.toPath(host.getCommonSourceDirectory(), host.getCurrentDirectory(), getCanonicalFileName);
        var filePath = ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(fileName, host.getCurrentDirectory());
        var relativePath = ts.getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl(dir, filePath, dir, getCanonicalFileName, false);
        return ts.removeFileExtension(relativePath);
    ts.getExternalModuleNameFromPath = getExternalModuleNameFromPath;
    function getOwnEmitOutputFilePath(sourceFile, host, extension) {
        var compilerOptions = host.getCompilerOptions();
        var emitOutputFilePathWithoutExtension;
        if (compilerOptions.outDir) {
            emitOutputFilePathWithoutExtension = ts.removeFileExtension(getSourceFilePathInNewDir(sourceFile, host, compilerOptions.outDir));
        else {
            emitOutputFilePathWithoutExtension = ts.removeFileExtension(sourceFile.fileName);
        return emitOutputFilePathWithoutExtension + extension;
    ts.getOwnEmitOutputFilePath = getOwnEmitOutputFilePath;
    function getDeclarationEmitOutputFilePath(sourceFile, host) {
        var options = host.getCompilerOptions();
        var outputDir = options.declarationDir || options.outDir;
        var path = outputDir
            ? getSourceFilePathInNewDir(sourceFile, host, outputDir)
            : sourceFile.fileName;
        return ts.removeFileExtension(path) + ".d.ts";
    ts.getDeclarationEmitOutputFilePath = getDeclarationEmitOutputFilePath;
    function forEachExpectedEmitFile(host, action, targetSourceFile, emitOnlyDtsFiles) {
        var options = host.getCompilerOptions();
        if (options.outFile || options.out) {
        else {
            var sourceFiles = targetSourceFile === undefined ? host.getSourceFiles() : [targetSourceFile];
            for (var _i = 0, sourceFiles_1 = sourceFiles; _i < sourceFiles_1.length; _i++) {
                var sourceFile = sourceFiles_1[_i];
                if (!isDeclarationFile(sourceFile) && !host.isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary(sourceFile)) {
                    onSingleFileEmit(host, sourceFile);
        function onSingleFileEmit(host, sourceFile) {
            var extension = ".js";
            if (options.jsx === 1) {
                if (isSourceFileJavaScript(sourceFile)) {
                    if (ts.fileExtensionIs(sourceFile.fileName, ".jsx")) {
                        extension = ".jsx";
                else if (sourceFile.languageVariant === 1) {
                    extension = ".jsx";
            var jsFilePath = getOwnEmitOutputFilePath(sourceFile, host, extension);
            var declarationFilePath = !isSourceFileJavaScript(sourceFile) && (emitOnlyDtsFiles || options.declaration) ? getDeclarationEmitOutputFilePath(sourceFile, host) : undefined;
            var emitFileNames = {
                jsFilePath: jsFilePath,
                sourceMapFilePath: getSourceMapFilePath(jsFilePath, options),
                declarationFilePath: declarationFilePath
            action(emitFileNames, [sourceFile], false, emitOnlyDtsFiles);
        function onBundledEmit(host) {
            var bundledSources = ts.filter(host.getSourceFiles(), function (sourceFile) { return !isDeclarationFile(sourceFile) &&
                !host.isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary(sourceFile) &&
                (!ts.isExternalModule(sourceFile) ||
                    !!ts.getEmitModuleKind(options)); });
            if (bundledSources.length) {
                var jsFilePath = options.outFile || options.out;
                var emitFileNames = {
                    jsFilePath: jsFilePath,
                    sourceMapFilePath: getSourceMapFilePath(jsFilePath, options),
                    declarationFilePath: options.declaration ? ts.removeFileExtension(jsFilePath) + ".d.ts" : undefined
                action(emitFileNames, bundledSources, true, emitOnlyDtsFiles);
        function getSourceMapFilePath(jsFilePath, options) {
            return options.sourceMap ? jsFilePath + ".map" : undefined;
    ts.forEachExpectedEmitFile = forEachExpectedEmitFile;
    function getSourceFilePathInNewDir(sourceFile, host, newDirPath) {
        var sourceFilePath = ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(sourceFile.fileName, host.getCurrentDirectory());
        var commonSourceDirectory = host.getCommonSourceDirectory();
        var isSourceFileInCommonSourceDirectory = host.getCanonicalFileName(sourceFilePath).indexOf(host.getCanonicalFileName(commonSourceDirectory)) === 0;
        sourceFilePath = isSourceFileInCommonSourceDirectory ? sourceFilePath.substring(commonSourceDirectory.length) : sourceFilePath;
        return ts.combinePaths(newDirPath, sourceFilePath);
    ts.getSourceFilePathInNewDir = getSourceFilePathInNewDir;
    function writeFile(host, diagnostics, fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, sourceFiles) {
        host.writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, function (hostErrorMessage) {
            diagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Could_not_write_file_0_Colon_1, fileName, hostErrorMessage));
        }, sourceFiles);
    ts.writeFile = writeFile;
    function getLineOfLocalPosition(currentSourceFile, pos) {
        return ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(currentSourceFile, pos).line;
    ts.getLineOfLocalPosition = getLineOfLocalPosition;
    function getLineOfLocalPositionFromLineMap(lineMap, pos) {
        return ts.computeLineAndCharacterOfPosition(lineMap, pos).line;
    ts.getLineOfLocalPositionFromLineMap = getLineOfLocalPositionFromLineMap;
    function getFirstConstructorWithBody(node) {
        return ts.forEach(node.members, function (member) {
            if (member.kind === 148 && nodeIsPresent(member.body)) {
                return member;
    ts.getFirstConstructorWithBody = getFirstConstructorWithBody;
    function getSetAccessorTypeAnnotationNode(accessor) {
        if (accessor && accessor.parameters.length > 0) {
            var hasThis = accessor.parameters.length === 2 &&
                accessor.parameters[0].name.kind === 69 &&
                accessor.parameters[0].name.originalKeywordKind === 97;
            return accessor.parameters[hasThis ? 1 : 0].type;
    ts.getSetAccessorTypeAnnotationNode = getSetAccessorTypeAnnotationNode;
    function getAllAccessorDeclarations(declarations, accessor) {
        var firstAccessor;
        var secondAccessor;
        var getAccessor;
        var setAccessor;
        if (hasDynamicName(accessor)) {
            firstAccessor = accessor;
            if (accessor.kind === 149) {
                getAccessor = accessor;
            else if (accessor.kind === 150) {
                setAccessor = accessor;
            else {
      "Accessor has wrong kind");
        else {
            ts.forEach(declarations, function (member) {
                if ((member.kind === 149 || member.kind === 150)
                    && (member.flags & 32) === (accessor.flags & 32)) {
                    var memberName = getPropertyNameForPropertyNameNode(;
                    var accessorName = getPropertyNameForPropertyNameNode(;
                    if (memberName === accessorName) {
                        if (!firstAccessor) {
                            firstAccessor = member;
                        else if (!secondAccessor) {
                            secondAccessor = member;
                        if (member.kind === 149 && !getAccessor) {
                            getAccessor = member;
                        if (member.kind === 150 && !setAccessor) {
                            setAccessor = member;
        return {
            firstAccessor: firstAccessor,
            secondAccessor: secondAccessor,
            getAccessor: getAccessor,
            setAccessor: setAccessor
    ts.getAllAccessorDeclarations = getAllAccessorDeclarations;
    function emitNewLineBeforeLeadingComments(lineMap, writer, node, leadingComments) {
        if (leadingComments && leadingComments.length && node.pos !== leadingComments[0].pos &&
            getLineOfLocalPositionFromLineMap(lineMap, node.pos) !== getLineOfLocalPositionFromLineMap(lineMap, leadingComments[0].pos)) {
    ts.emitNewLineBeforeLeadingComments = emitNewLineBeforeLeadingComments;
    function emitComments(text, lineMap, writer, comments, trailingSeparator, newLine, writeComment) {
        var emitLeadingSpace = !trailingSeparator;
        ts.forEach(comments, function (comment) {
            if (emitLeadingSpace) {
                writer.write(" ");
                emitLeadingSpace = false;
            writeComment(text, lineMap, writer, comment, newLine);
            if (comment.hasTrailingNewLine) {
            else if (trailingSeparator) {
                writer.write(" ");
            else {
                emitLeadingSpace = true;
    ts.emitComments = emitComments;
    function emitDetachedComments(text, lineMap, writer, writeComment, node, newLine, removeComments) {
        var leadingComments;
        var currentDetachedCommentInfo;
        if (removeComments) {
            if (node.pos === 0) {
                leadingComments = ts.filter(ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(text, node.pos), isPinnedComment);
        else {
            leadingComments = ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(text, node.pos);
        if (leadingComments) {
            var detachedComments = [];
            var lastComment = void 0;
            for (var _i = 0, leadingComments_1 = leadingComments; _i < leadingComments_1.length; _i++) {
                var comment = leadingComments_1[_i];
                if (lastComment) {
                    var lastCommentLine = getLineOfLocalPositionFromLineMap(lineMap, lastComment.end);
                    var commentLine = getLineOfLocalPositionFromLineMap(lineMap, comment.pos);
                    if (commentLine >= lastCommentLine + 2) {
                lastComment = comment;
            if (detachedComments.length) {
                var lastCommentLine = getLineOfLocalPositionFromLineMap(lineMap, ts.lastOrUndefined(detachedComments).end);
                var nodeLine = getLineOfLocalPositionFromLineMap(lineMap, ts.skipTrivia(text, node.pos));
                if (nodeLine >= lastCommentLine + 2) {
                    emitNewLineBeforeLeadingComments(lineMap, writer, node, leadingComments);
                    emitComments(text, lineMap, writer, detachedComments, true, newLine, writeComment);
                    currentDetachedCommentInfo = { nodePos: node.pos, detachedCommentEndPos: ts.lastOrUndefined(detachedComments).end };
        return currentDetachedCommentInfo;
        function isPinnedComment(comment) {
            return text.charCodeAt(comment.pos + 1) === 42 &&
                text.charCodeAt(comment.pos + 2) === 33;
    ts.emitDetachedComments = emitDetachedComments;
    function writeCommentRange(text, lineMap, writer, comment, newLine) {
        if (text.charCodeAt(comment.pos + 1) === 42) {
            var firstCommentLineAndCharacter = ts.computeLineAndCharacterOfPosition(lineMap, comment.pos);
            var lineCount = lineMap.length;
            var firstCommentLineIndent = void 0;
            for (var pos = comment.pos, currentLine = firstCommentLineAndCharacter.line; pos < comment.end; currentLine++) {
                var nextLineStart = (currentLine + 1) === lineCount
                    ? text.length + 1
                    : lineMap[currentLine + 1];
                if (pos !== comment.pos) {
                    if (firstCommentLineIndent === undefined) {
                        firstCommentLineIndent = calculateIndent(text, lineMap[firstCommentLineAndCharacter.line], comment.pos);
                    var currentWriterIndentSpacing = writer.getIndent() * getIndentSize();
                    var spacesToEmit = currentWriterIndentSpacing - firstCommentLineIndent + calculateIndent(text, pos, nextLineStart);
                    if (spacesToEmit > 0) {
                        var numberOfSingleSpacesToEmit = spacesToEmit % getIndentSize();
                        var indentSizeSpaceString = getIndentString((spacesToEmit - numberOfSingleSpacesToEmit) / getIndentSize());
                        while (numberOfSingleSpacesToEmit) {
                            writer.rawWrite(" ");
                    else {
                writeTrimmedCurrentLine(text, comment, writer, newLine, pos, nextLineStart);
                pos = nextLineStart;
        else {
            writer.write(text.substring(comment.pos, comment.end));
    ts.writeCommentRange = writeCommentRange;
    function writeTrimmedCurrentLine(text, comment, writer, newLine, pos, nextLineStart) {
        var end = Math.min(comment.end, nextLineStart - 1);
        var currentLineText = text.substring(pos, end).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
        if (currentLineText) {
            if (end !== comment.end) {
        else {
    function calculateIndent(text, pos, end) {
        var currentLineIndent = 0;
        for (; pos < end && ts.isWhiteSpaceSingleLine(text.charCodeAt(pos)); pos++) {
            if (text.charCodeAt(pos) === 9) {
                currentLineIndent += getIndentSize() - (currentLineIndent % getIndentSize());
            else {
        return currentLineIndent;
    function modifierToFlag(token) {
        switch (token) {
            case 113: return 32;
            case 112: return 4;
            case 111: return 16;
            case 110: return 8;
            case 115: return 128;
            case 82: return 1;
            case 122: return 2;
            case 74: return 2048;
            case 77: return 512;
            case 118: return 256;
            case 128: return 64;
        return 0;
    ts.modifierToFlag = modifierToFlag;
    function isLeftHandSideExpression(expr) {
        if (expr) {
            switch (expr.kind) {
                case 172:
                case 173:
                case 175:
                case 174:
                case 196:
                case 241:
                case 242:
                case 176:
                case 170:
                case 178:
                case 171:
                case 192:
                case 179:
                case 69:
                case 10:
                case 8:
                case 9:
                case 11:
                case 189:
                case 84:
                case 93:
                case 97:
                case 99:
                case 95:
                    return true;
        return false;
    ts.isLeftHandSideExpression = isLeftHandSideExpression;
    function isAssignmentOperator(token) {
        return token >= 56 && token <= 68;
    ts.isAssignmentOperator = isAssignmentOperator;
    function isExpressionWithTypeArgumentsInClassExtendsClause(node) {
        return node.kind === 194 &&
            node.parent.token === 83 &&
    ts.isExpressionWithTypeArgumentsInClassExtendsClause = isExpressionWithTypeArgumentsInClassExtendsClause;
    function isEntityNameExpression(node) {
        return node.kind === 69 ||
            node.kind === 172 && isEntityNameExpression(node.expression);
    ts.isEntityNameExpression = isEntityNameExpression;
    function isRightSideOfQualifiedNameOrPropertyAccess(node) {
        return (node.parent.kind === 139 && node.parent.right === node) ||
            (node.parent.kind === 172 && === node);
    ts.isRightSideOfQualifiedNameOrPropertyAccess = isRightSideOfQualifiedNameOrPropertyAccess;
    function isEmptyObjectLiteralOrArrayLiteral(expression) {
        var kind = expression.kind;
        if (kind === 171) {
            return === 0;
        if (kind === 170) {
            return expression.elements.length === 0;
        return false;
    ts.isEmptyObjectLiteralOrArrayLiteral = isEmptyObjectLiteralOrArrayLiteral;
    function getLocalSymbolForExportDefault(symbol) {
        return symbol && symbol.valueDeclaration && (symbol.valueDeclaration.flags & 512) ? symbol.valueDeclaration.localSymbol : undefined;
    ts.getLocalSymbolForExportDefault = getLocalSymbolForExportDefault;
    function tryExtractTypeScriptExtension(fileName) {
        return ts.find(ts.supportedTypescriptExtensionsForExtractExtension, function (extension) { return ts.fileExtensionIs(fileName, extension); });
    ts.tryExtractTypeScriptExtension = tryExtractTypeScriptExtension;
    function getExpandedCharCodes(input) {
        var output = [];
        var length = input.length;
        for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            var charCode = input.charCodeAt(i);
            if (charCode < 0x80) {
            else if (charCode < 0x800) {
                output.push((charCode >> 6) | 192);
                output.push((charCode & 63) | 128);
            else if (charCode < 0x10000) {
                output.push((charCode >> 12) | 224);
                output.push(((charCode >> 6) & 63) | 128);
                output.push((charCode & 63) | 128);
            else if (charCode < 0x20000) {
                output.push((charCode >> 18) | 240);
                output.push(((charCode >> 12) & 63) | 128);
                output.push(((charCode >> 6) & 63) | 128);
                output.push((charCode & 63) | 128);
            else {
                ts.Debug.assert(false, "Unexpected code point");
        return output;
    ts.stringify = typeof JSON !== "undefined" && JSON.stringify
        ? JSON.stringify
        : stringifyFallback;
    function stringifyFallback(value) {
        return value === undefined ? undefined : stringifyValue(value);
    function stringifyValue(value) {
        return typeof value === "string" ? "\"" + escapeString(value) + "\""
            : typeof value === "number" ? isFinite(value) ? String(value) : "null"
                : typeof value === "boolean" ? value ? "true" : "false"
                    : typeof value === "object" && value ? ts.isArray(value) ? cycleCheck(stringifyArray, value) : cycleCheck(stringifyObject, value)
                        : "null";
    function cycleCheck(cb, value) {
        ts.Debug.assert(!value.hasOwnProperty("__cycle"), "Converting circular structure to JSON");
        value.__cycle = true;
        var result = cb(value);
        delete value.__cycle;
        return result;
    function stringifyArray(value) {
        return "[" + ts.reduceLeft(value, stringifyElement, "") + "]";
    function stringifyElement(memo, value) {
        return (memo ? memo + "," : memo) + stringifyValue(value);
    function stringifyObject(value) {
        return "{" + ts.reduceOwnProperties(value, stringifyProperty, "") + "}";
    function stringifyProperty(memo, value, key) {
        return value === undefined || typeof value === "function" || key === "__cycle" ? memo
            : (memo ? memo + "," : memo) + ("\"" + escapeString(key) + "\":" + stringifyValue(value));
    var base64Digits = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
    function convertToBase64(input) {
        var result = "";
        var charCodes = getExpandedCharCodes(input);
        var i = 0;
        var length = charCodes.length;
        var byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4;
        while (i < length) {
            byte1 = charCodes[i] >> 2;
            byte2 = (charCodes[i] & 3) << 4 | charCodes[i + 1] >> 4;
            byte3 = (charCodes[i + 1] & 15) << 2 | charCodes[i + 2] >> 6;
            byte4 = charCodes[i + 2] & 63;
            if (i + 1 >= length) {
                byte3 = byte4 = 64;
            else if (i + 2 >= length) {
                byte4 = 64;
            result += base64Digits.charAt(byte1) + base64Digits.charAt(byte2) + base64Digits.charAt(byte3) + base64Digits.charAt(byte4);
            i += 3;
        return result;
    ts.convertToBase64 = convertToBase64;
    function convertToRelativePath(absoluteOrRelativePath, basePath, getCanonicalFileName) {
        return !ts.isRootedDiskPath(absoluteOrRelativePath)
            ? absoluteOrRelativePath
            : ts.getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl(basePath, absoluteOrRelativePath, basePath, getCanonicalFileName, false);
    ts.convertToRelativePath = convertToRelativePath;
    var carriageReturnLineFeed = "\r\n";
    var lineFeed = "\n";
    function getNewLineCharacter(options) {
        if (options.newLine === 0) {
            return carriageReturnLineFeed;
        else if (options.newLine === 1) {
            return lineFeed;
        else if (ts.sys) {
            return ts.sys.newLine;
        return carriageReturnLineFeed;
    ts.getNewLineCharacter = getNewLineCharacter;
    function isWatchSet(options) {
        return && options.hasOwnProperty("watch");
    ts.isWatchSet = isWatchSet;
})(ts || (ts = {}));
var ts;
(function (ts) {
    function getDefaultLibFileName(options) {
        return === 2 ? "lib.es6.d.ts" : "lib.d.ts";
    ts.getDefaultLibFileName = getDefaultLibFileName;
    function textSpanEnd(span) {
        return span.start + span.length;
    ts.textSpanEnd = textSpanEnd;
    function textSpanIsEmpty(span) {
        return span.length === 0;
    ts.textSpanIsEmpty = textSpanIsEmpty;
    function textSpanContainsPosition(span, position) {
        return position >= span.start && position < textSpanEnd(span);
    ts.textSpanContainsPosition = textSpanContainsPosition;
    function textSpanContainsTextSpan(span, other) {
        return other.start >= span.start && textSpanEnd(other) <= textSpanEnd(span);
    ts.textSpanContainsTextSpan = textSpanContainsTextSpan;
    function textSpanOverlapsWith(span, other) {
        var overlapStart = Math.max(span.start, other.start);
        var overlapEnd = Math.min(textSpanEnd(span), textSpanEnd(other));
        return overlapStart < overlapEnd;
    ts.textSpanOverlapsWith = textSpanOverlapsWith;
    function textSpanOverlap(span1, span2) {
        var overlapStart = Math.max(span1.start, span2.start);
        var overlapEnd = Math.min(textSpanEnd(span1), textSpanEnd(span2));
        if (overlapStart < overlapEnd) {
            return createTextSpanFromBounds(overlapStart, overlapEnd);
        return undefined;
    ts.textSpanOverlap = textSpanOverlap;
    function textSpanIntersectsWithTextSpan(span, other) {
        return other.start <= textSpanEnd(span) && textSpanEnd(other) >= span.start;
    ts.textSpanIntersectsWithTextSpan = textSpanIntersectsWithTextSpan;
    function textSpanIntersectsWith(span, start, length) {
        var end = start + length;
        return start <= textSpanEnd(span) && end >= span.start;
    ts.textSpanIntersectsWith = textSpanIntersectsWith;
    function decodedTextSpanIntersectsWith(start1, length1, start2, length2) {
        var end1 = start1 + length1;
        var end2 = start2 + length2;
        return start2 <= end1 && end2 >= start1;
    ts.decodedTextSpanIntersectsWith = decodedTextSpanIntersectsWith;
    function textSpanIntersectsWithPosition(span, position) {
        return position <= textSpanEnd(span) && position >= span.start;
    ts.textSpanIntersectsWithPosition = textSpanIntersectsWithPosition;
    function textSpanIntersection(span1, span2) {
        var intersectStart = Math.max(span1.start, span2.start);
        var intersectEnd = Math.min(textSpanEnd(span1), textSpanEnd(span2));
        if (intersectStart <= intersectEnd) {
            return createTextSpanFromBounds(intersectStart, intersectEnd);
        return undefined;
    ts.textSpanIntersection = textSpanIntersection;
    function createTextSpan(start, length) {
        if (start < 0) {
            throw new Error("start < 0");
        if (length < 0) {
            throw new Error("length < 0");
        return { start: start, length: length };
    ts.createTextSpan = createTextSpan;
    function createTextSpanFromBounds(start, end) {
        return createTextSpan(start, end - start);
    ts.createTextSpanFromBounds = createTextSpanFromBounds;
    function textChangeRangeNewSpan(range) {
        return createTextSpan(range.span.start, range.newLength);
    ts.textChangeRangeNewSpan = textChangeRangeNewSpan;
    function textChangeRangeIsUnchanged(range) {
        return textSpanIsEmpty(range.span) && range.newLength === 0;
    ts.textChangeRangeIsUnchanged = textChangeRangeIsUnchanged;
    function createTextChangeRange(span, newLength) {
        if (newLength < 0) {
            throw new Error("newLength < 0");
        return { span: span, newLength: newLength };
    ts.createTextChangeRange = createTextChangeRange;
    ts.unchangedTextChangeRange = createTextChangeRange(createTextSpan(0, 0), 0);
    function collapseTextChangeRangesAcrossMultipleVersions(changes) {
        if (changes.length === 0) {
            return ts.unchangedTextChangeRange;
        if (changes.length === 1) {
            return changes[0];
        var change0 = changes[0];
        var oldStartN = change0.span.start;
        var oldEndN = textSpanEnd(change0.span);
        var newEndN = oldStartN + change0.newLength;
        for (var i = 1; i < changes.length; i++) {
            var nextChange = changes[i];
            var oldStart1 = oldStartN;
            var oldEnd1 = oldEndN;
            var newEnd1 = newEndN;
            var oldStart2 = nextChange.span.start;
            var oldEnd2 = textSpanEnd(nextChange.span);
            var newEnd2 = oldStart2 + nextChange.newLength;
            oldStartN = Math.min(oldStart1, oldStart2);
            oldEndN = Math.max(oldEnd1, oldEnd1 + (oldEnd2 - newEnd1));
            newEndN = Math.max(newEnd2, newEnd2 + (newEnd1 - oldEnd2));
        return createTextChangeRange(createTextSpanFromBounds(oldStartN, oldEndN), newEndN - oldStartN);
    ts.collapseTextChangeRangesAcrossMultipleVersions = collapseTextChangeRangesAcrossMultipleVersions;
    function getTypeParameterOwner(d) {
        if (d && d.kind === 141) {
            for (var current = d; current; current = current.parent) {
                if (ts.isFunctionLike(current) || ts.isClassLike(current) || current.kind === 222) {
                    return current;
    ts.getTypeParameterOwner = getTypeParameterOwner;
    function isParameterPropertyDeclaration(node) {
        return node.flags & 92 && node.parent.kind === 148 && ts.isClassLike(node.parent.parent);
    ts.isParameterPropertyDeclaration = isParameterPropertyDeclaration;
})(ts || (ts = {}));
var ts;
(function (ts) {
    var NodeConstructor;
    var TokenConstructor;
    var IdentifierConstructor;
    var SourceFileConstructor;
    function createNode(kind, pos, end) {
        if (kind === 256) {
            return new (SourceFileConstructor || (SourceFileConstructor = ts.objectAllocator.getSourceFileConstructor()))(kind, pos, end);
        else if (kind === 69) {
            return new (IdentifierConstructor || (IdentifierConstructor = ts.objectAllocator.getIdentifierConstructor()))(kind, pos, end);
        else if (kind < 139) {
            return new (TokenConstructor || (TokenConstructor = ts.objectAllocator.getTokenConstructor()))(kind, pos, end);
        else {
            return new (NodeConstructor || (NodeConstructor = ts.objectAllocator.getNodeConstructor()))(kind, pos, end);
    ts.createNode = createNode;
    function visitNode(cbNode, node) {
        if (node) {
            return cbNode(node);
    function visitNodeArray(cbNodes, nodes) {
        if (nodes) {
            return cbNodes(nodes);
    function visitEachNode(cbNode, nodes) {
        if (nodes) {
            for (var _i = 0, nodes_1 = nodes; _i < nodes_1.length; _i++) {
                var node = nodes_1[_i];
                var result = cbNode(node);
                if (result) {
                    return result;
    function forEachChild(node, cbNode, cbNodeArray) {
        if (!node) {
        var visitNodes = cbNodeArray ? visitNodeArray : visitEachNode;
        var cbNodes = cbNodeArray || cbNode;
        switch (node.kind) {
            case 139:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.left) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.right);
            case 141:
                return visitNode(cbNode, ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.constraint) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 254:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.questionToken) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.equalsToken) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.objectAssignmentInitializer);
            case 142:
            case 145:
            case 144:
            case 253:
            case 218:
            case 169:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.propertyName) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.dotDotDotToken) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.questionToken) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.type) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer);
            case 156:
            case 157:
            case 151:
            case 152:
            case 153:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.typeParameters) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.parameters) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.type);
            case 147:
            case 146:
            case 148:
            case 149:
            case 150:
            case 179:
            case 220:
            case 180:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.asteriskToken) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.questionToken) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.typeParameters) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.parameters) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.type) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.equalsGreaterThanToken) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.body);
            case 155:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.typeName) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.typeArguments);
            case 154:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.parameterName) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.type);
            case 158:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.exprName);
            case 159:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.members);
            case 160:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.elementType);
            case 161:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.elementTypes);
            case 162:
            case 163:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.types);
            case 164:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.type);
            case 166:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.literal);
            case 167:
            case 168:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.elements);
            case 170:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.elements);
            case 171:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes,;
            case 172:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) ||
            case 173:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.argumentExpression);
            case 174:
            case 175:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.typeArguments) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.arguments);
            case 176:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.tag) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.template);
            case 177:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.type) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 178:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 181:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 182:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 183:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 185:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.operand);
            case 190:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.asteriskToken) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 184:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 186:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.operand);
            case 187:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.left) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.operatorToken) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.right);
            case 195:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.type);
            case 196:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 188:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.condition) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.questionToken) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.whenTrue) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.colonToken) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.whenFalse);
            case 191:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 199:
            case 226:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.statements);
            case 256:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.statements) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.endOfFileToken);
            case 200:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.declarationList);
            case 219:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.declarations);
            case 202:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 203:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.thenStatement) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.elseStatement);
            case 204:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.statement) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 205:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.statement);
            case 206:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.condition) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.incrementor) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.statement);
            case 207:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.statement);
            case 208:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.statement);
            case 209:
            case 210:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.label);
            case 211:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 212:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.statement);
            case 213:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.caseBlock);
            case 227:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.clauses);
            case 249:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.statements);
            case 250:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.statements);
            case 214:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.label) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.statement);
            case 215:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 216:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.tryBlock) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.catchClause) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.finallyBlock);
            case 252:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.variableDeclaration) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.block);
            case 143:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 221:
            case 192:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.typeParameters) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.heritageClauses) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.members);
            case 222:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.typeParameters) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.heritageClauses) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.members);
            case 223:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.typeParameters) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.type);
            case 224:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.members);
            case 255:
                return visitNode(cbNode, ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer);
            case 225:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.body);
            case 229:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.moduleReference);
            case 230:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.importClause) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.moduleSpecifier);
            case 231:
                return visitNode(cbNode, ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.namedBindings);
            case 228:
                return visitNode(cbNode,;
            case 232:
                return visitNode(cbNode,;
            case 233:
            case 237:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.elements);
            case 236:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.exportClause) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.moduleSpecifier);
            case 234:
            case 238:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.propertyName) ||
            case 235:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.modifiers) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 189:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.head) || visitNodes(cbNodes, node.templateSpans);
            case 197:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || visitNode(cbNode, node.literal);
            case 140:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 251:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.types);
            case 194:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.typeArguments);
            case 240:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 239:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.decorators);
            case 241:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.openingElement) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.children) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.closingElement);
            case 242:
            case 243:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.tagName) ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.attributes);
            case 246:
                return visitNode(cbNode, ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer);
            case 247:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 248:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression);
            case 245:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.tagName);
            case 257:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.type);
            case 261:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.types);
            case 262:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.types);
            case 260:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.elementType);
            case 264:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.type);
            case 263:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.type);
            case 265:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.members);
            case 267:
                return visitNode(cbNode, ||
                    visitNodes(cbNodes, node.typeArguments);
            case 268:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.type);
            case 269:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.parameters) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.type);
            case 270:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.type);
            case 271:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.type);
            case 272:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.type);
            case 266:
                return visitNode(cbNode, ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.type);
            case 273:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.tags);
            case 275:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.preParameterName) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.typeExpression) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.postParameterName);
            case 276:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.typeExpression);
            case 277:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.typeExpression);
            case 278:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.typeParameters);
            case 279:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.typeExpression) ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, ||
                    visitNode(cbNode, node.jsDocTypeLiteral);
            case 281:
                return visitNodes(cbNodes, node.jsDocPropertyTags);
            case 280:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.typeExpression) ||
            case 282:
                return visitNode(cbNode, node.literal);
    ts.forEachChild = forEachChild;
    function createSourceFile(fileName, sourceText, languageVersion, setParentNodes, scriptKind) {
        if (setParentNodes === void 0) { setParentNodes = false; }
        var result = Parser.parseSourceFile(fileName, sourceText, languageVersion, undefined, setParentNodes, scriptKind);
        ts.performance.measure("Parse", "beforeParse", "afterParse");
        return result;
    ts.createSourceFile = createSourceFile;
    function isExternalModule(file) {
        return file.externalModuleIndicator !== undefined;
    ts.isExternalModule = isExternalModule;
    function updateSourceFile(sourceFile, newText, textChangeRange, aggressiveChecks) {
        return IncrementalParser.updateSourceFile(sourceFile, newText, textChangeRange, aggressiveChecks);
    ts.updateSourceFile = updateSourceFile;
    function parseIsolatedJSDocComment(content, start, length) {
        var result = Parser.JSDocParser.parseIsolatedJSDocComment(content, start, length);
        if (result && result.jsDocComment) {
        return result;
    ts.parseIsolatedJSDocComment = parseIsolatedJSDocComment;
    function parseJSDocTypeExpressionForTests(content, start, length) {
        return Parser.JSDocParser.parseJSDocTypeExpressionForTests(content, start, length);
    ts.parseJSDocTypeExpressionForTests = parseJSDocTypeExpressionForTests;
    function fixupParentReferences(rootNode) {
        var parent = rootNode;
        forEachChild(rootNode, visitNode);
        function visitNode(n) {
            if (n.parent !== parent) {
                n.parent = parent;
                var saveParent = parent;
                parent = n;
                forEachChild(n, visitNode);
                if (n.jsDocComments) {
                    for (var _i = 0, _a = n.jsDocComments; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                        var jsDocComment = _a[_i];
                        jsDocComment.parent = n;
                        parent = jsDocComment;
                        forEachChild(jsDocComment, visitNode);
                parent = saveParent;
    ts.fixupParentReferences = fixupParentReferences;
    var Parser;
    (function (Parser) {
        var scanner = ts.createScanner(2, true);
        var disallowInAndDecoratorContext = 4194304 | 16777216;
        var NodeConstructor;
        var TokenConstructor;
        var IdentifierConstructor;
        var SourceFileConstructor;
        var sourceFile;
        var parseDiagnostics;
        var syntaxCursor;
        var currentToken;
        var sourceText;
        var nodeCount;
        var identifiers;
        var identifierCount;
        var parsingContext;
        var contextFlags;
        var parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = false;
        function parseSourceFile(fileName, _sourceText, languageVersion, _syntaxCursor, setParentNodes, scriptKind) {
            scriptKind = ts.ensureScriptKind(fileName, scriptKind);
            initializeState(fileName, _sourceText, languageVersion, _syntaxCursor, scriptKind);
            var result = parseSourceFileWorker(fileName, languageVersion, setParentNodes, scriptKind);
            return result;
        Parser.parseSourceFile = parseSourceFile;
        function getLanguageVariant(scriptKind) {
            return scriptKind === 4 || scriptKind === 2 || scriptKind === 1 ? 1 : 0;
        function initializeState(fileName, _sourceText, languageVersion, _syntaxCursor, scriptKind) {
            NodeConstructor = ts.objectAllocator.getNodeConstructor();
            TokenConstructor = ts.objectAllocator.getTokenConstructor();
            IdentifierConstructor = ts.objectAllocator.getIdentifierConstructor();
            SourceFileConstructor = ts.objectAllocator.getSourceFileConstructor();
            sourceText = _sourceText;
            syntaxCursor = _syntaxCursor;
            parseDiagnostics = [];
            parsingContext = 0;
            identifiers = ts.createMap();
            identifierCount = 0;
            nodeCount = 0;
            contextFlags = scriptKind === 1 || scriptKind === 2 ? 134217728 : 0;
            parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = false;
        function clearState() {
            parseDiagnostics = undefined;
            sourceFile = undefined;
            identifiers = undefined;
            syntaxCursor = undefined;
            sourceText = undefined;
        function parseSourceFileWorker(fileName, languageVersion, setParentNodes, scriptKind) {
            sourceFile = createSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion, scriptKind);
            sourceFile.flags = contextFlags;
            sourceFile.statements = parseList(0, parseStatement);
            ts.Debug.assert(token() === 1);
            sourceFile.endOfFileToken = parseTokenNode();
            sourceFile.nodeCount = nodeCount;
            sourceFile.identifierCount = identifierCount;
            sourceFile.identifiers = identifiers;
            sourceFile.parseDiagnostics = parseDiagnostics;
            if (setParentNodes) {
            return sourceFile;
        function addJSDocComment(node) {
            if (contextFlags & 134217728) {
                var comments = ts.getLeadingCommentRangesOfNode(node, sourceFile);
                if (comments) {
                    for (var _i = 0, comments_1 = comments; _i < comments_1.length; _i++) {
                        var comment = comments_1[_i];
                        var jsDocComment = JSDocParser.parseJSDocComment(node, comment.pos, comment.end - comment.pos);
                        if (!jsDocComment) {
                        if (!node.jsDocComments) {
                            node.jsDocComments = [];
            return node;
        function createSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion, scriptKind) {
            var sourceFile = new SourceFileConstructor(256, 0, sourceText.length);
            sourceFile.text = sourceText;
            sourceFile.bindDiagnostics = [];
            sourceFile.languageVersion = languageVersion;
            sourceFile.fileName = ts.normalizePath(fileName);
            sourceFile.languageVariant = getLanguageVariant(scriptKind);
            sourceFile.isDeclarationFile = ts.fileExtensionIs(sourceFile.fileName, ".d.ts");
            sourceFile.scriptKind = scriptKind;
            return sourceFile;
        function setContextFlag(val, flag) {
            if (val) {
                contextFlags |= flag;
            else {
                contextFlags &= ~flag;
        function setDisallowInContext(val) {
            setContextFlag(val, 4194304);
        function setYieldContext(val) {
            setContextFlag(val, 8388608);
        function setDecoratorContext(val) {
            setContextFlag(val, 16777216);
        function setAwaitContext(val) {
            setContextFlag(val, 33554432);
        function doOutsideOfContext(context, func) {
            var contextFlagsToClear = context & contextFlags;
            if (contextFlagsToClear) {
                setContextFlag(false, contextFlagsToClear);
                var result = func();
                setContextFlag(true, contextFlagsToClear);
                return result;
            return func();
        function doInsideOfContext(context, func) {
            var contextFlagsToSet = context & ~contextFlags;
            if (contextFlagsToSet) {
                setContextFlag(true, contextFlagsToSet);
                var result = func();
                setContextFlag(false, contextFlagsToSet);
                return result;
            return func();
        function allowInAnd(func) {
            return doOutsideOfContext(4194304, func);
        function disallowInAnd(func) {
            return doInsideOfContext(4194304, func);
        function doInYieldContext(func) {
            return doInsideOfContext(8388608, func);
        function doInDecoratorContext(func) {
            return doInsideOfContext(16777216, func);
        function doInAwaitContext(func) {
            return doInsideOfContext(33554432, func);
        function doOutsideOfAwaitContext(func) {
            return doOutsideOfContext(33554432, func);
        function doInYieldAndAwaitContext(func) {
            return doInsideOfContext(8388608 | 33554432, func);
        function inContext(flags) {
            return (contextFlags & flags) !== 0;
        function inYieldContext() {
            return inContext(8388608);
        function inDisallowInContext() {
            return inContext(4194304);
        function inDecoratorContext() {
            return inContext(16777216);
        function inAwaitContext() {
            return inContext(33554432);
        function parseErrorAtCurrentToken(message, arg0) {
            var start = scanner.getTokenPos();
            var length = scanner.getTextPos() - start;
            parseErrorAtPosition(start, length, message, arg0);
        function parseErrorAtPosition(start, length, message, arg0) {
            var lastError = ts.lastOrUndefined(parseDiagnostics);
            if (!lastError || start !== lastError.start) {
                parseDiagnostics.push(ts.createFileDiagnostic(sourceFile, start, length, message, arg0));
            parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = true;
        function scanError(message, length) {
            var pos = scanner.getTextPos();
            parseErrorAtPosition(pos, length || 0, message);
        function getNodePos() {
            return scanner.getStartPos();
        function getNodeEnd() {
            return scanner.getStartPos();
        function token() {
            return currentToken;
        function nextToken() {
            return currentToken = scanner.scan();
        function reScanGreaterToken() {
            return currentToken = scanner.reScanGreaterToken();
        function reScanSlashToken() {
            return currentToken = scanner.reScanSlashToken();
        function reScanTemplateToken() {
            return currentToken = scanner.reScanTemplateToken();
        function scanJsxIdentifier() {
            return currentToken = scanner.scanJsxIdentifier();
        function scanJsxText() {
            return currentToken = scanner.scanJsxToken();
        function speculationHelper(callback, isLookAhead) {
            var saveToken = currentToken;
            var saveParseDiagnosticsLength = parseDiagnostics.length;
            var saveParseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode;
            var saveContextFlags = contextFlags;
            var result = isLookAhead
                ? scanner.lookAhead(callback)
                : scanner.tryScan(callback);
            ts.Debug.assert(saveContextFlags === contextFlags);
            if (!result || isLookAhead) {
                currentToken = saveToken;
                parseDiagnostics.length = saveParseDiagnosticsLength;
                parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = saveParseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode;
            return result;
        function lookAhead(callback) {
            return speculationHelper(callback, true);
        function tryParse(callback) {
            return speculationHelper(callback, false);
        function isIdentifier() {
            if (token() === 69) {
                return true;
            if (token() === 114 && inYieldContext()) {
                return false;
            if (token() === 119 && inAwaitContext()) {
                return false;
            return token() > 105;
        function parseExpected(kind, diagnosticMessage, shouldAdvance) {
            if (shouldAdvance === void 0) { shouldAdvance = true; }
            if (token() === kind) {
                if (shouldAdvance) {
                return true;
            if (diagnosticMessage) {
            else {
                parseErrorAtCurrentToken(ts.Diagnostics._0_expected, ts.tokenToString(kind));
            return false;
        function parseOptional(t) {
            if (token() === t) {
                return true;
            return false;
        function parseOptionalToken(t) {
            if (token() === t) {
                return parseTokenNode();
            return undefined;
        function parseExpectedToken(t, reportAtCurrentPosition, diagnosticMessage, arg0) {
            return parseOptionalToken(t) ||
                createMissingNode(t, reportAtCurrentPosition, diagnosticMessage, arg0);
        function parseTokenNode() {
            var node = createNode(token());
            return finishNode(node);
        function canParseSemicolon() {
            if (token() === 23) {
                return true;
            return token() === 16 || token() === 1 || scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak();
        function parseSemicolon() {
            if (canParseSemicolon()) {
                if (token() === 23) {
                return true;
            else {
                return parseExpected(23);
        function createNode(kind, pos) {
            if (!(pos >= 0)) {
                pos = scanner.getStartPos();
            return kind >= 139 ? new NodeConstructor(kind, pos, pos) :
                kind === 69 ? new IdentifierConstructor(kind, pos, pos) :
                    new TokenConstructor(kind, pos, pos);
        function finishNode(node, end) {
            node.end = end === undefined ? scanner.getStartPos() : end;
            if (contextFlags) {
                node.flags |= contextFlags;
            if (parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode) {
                parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = false;
                node.flags |= 67108864;
            return node;
        function createMissingNode(kind, reportAtCurrentPosition, diagnosticMessage, arg0) {
            if (reportAtCurrentPosition) {
                parseErrorAtPosition(scanner.getStartPos(), 0, diagnosticMessage, arg0);
            else {
                parseErrorAtCurrentToken(diagnosticMessage, arg0);
            var result = createNode(kind, scanner.getStartPos());
            result.text = "";
            return finishNode(result);
        function internIdentifier(text) {
            text = ts.escapeIdentifier(text);
            return identifiers[text] || (identifiers[text] = text);
        function createIdentifier(isIdentifier, diagnosticMessage) {
            if (isIdentifier) {
                var node = createNode(69);
                if (token() !== 69) {
                    node.originalKeywordKind = token();
                node.text = internIdentifier(scanner.getTokenValue());
                return finishNode(node);
            return createMissingNode(69, false, diagnosticMessage || ts.Diagnostics.Identifier_expected);
        function parseIdentifier(diagnosticMessage) {
            return createIdentifier(isIdentifier(), diagnosticMessage);
        function parseIdentifierName() {
            return createIdentifier(ts.tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()));
        function isLiteralPropertyName() {
            return ts.tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()) ||
                token() === 9 ||
                token() === 8;
        function parsePropertyNameWorker(allowComputedPropertyNames) {
            if (token() === 9 || token() === 8) {
                return parseLiteralNode(true);
            if (allowComputedPropertyNames && token() === 19) {
                return parseComputedPropertyName();
            return parseIdentifierName();
        function parsePropertyName() {
            return parsePropertyNameWorker(true);
        function parseSimplePropertyName() {
            return parsePropertyNameWorker(false);
        function isSimplePropertyName() {
            return token() === 9 || token() === 8 || ts.tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token());
        function parseComputedPropertyName() {
            var node = createNode(140);
            node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseContextualModifier(t) {
            return token() === t && tryParse(nextTokenCanFollowModifier);
        function nextTokenIsOnSameLineAndCanFollowModifier() {
            if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) {
                return false;
            return canFollowModifier();
        function nextTokenCanFollowModifier() {
            if (token() === 74) {
                return nextToken() === 81;
            if (token() === 82) {
                if (token() === 77) {
                    return lookAhead(nextTokenIsClassOrFunctionOrAsync);
                return token() !== 37 && token() !== 116 && token() !== 15 && canFollowModifier();
            if (token() === 77) {
                return nextTokenIsClassOrFunctionOrAsync();
            if (token() === 113) {
                return canFollowModifier();
            return nextTokenIsOnSameLineAndCanFollowModifier();
        function parseAnyContextualModifier() {
            return ts.isModifierKind(token()) && tryParse(nextTokenCanFollowModifier);
        function canFollowModifier() {
            return token() === 19
                || token() === 15
                || token() === 37
                || token() === 22
                || isLiteralPropertyName();
        function nextTokenIsClassOrFunctionOrAsync() {
            return token() === 73 || token() === 87 ||
                (token() === 118 && lookAhead(nextTokenIsFunctionKeywordOnSameLine));
        function isListElement(parsingContext, inErrorRecovery) {
            var node = currentNode(parsingContext);
            if (node) {
                return true;
            switch (parsingContext) {
                case 0:
                case 1:
                case 3:
                    return !(token() === 23 && inErrorRecovery) && isStartOfStatement();
                case 2:
                    return token() === 71 || token() === 77;
                case 4:
                    return lookAhead(isTypeMemberStart);
                case 5:
                    return lookAhead(isClassMemberStart) || (token() === 23 && !inErrorRecovery);
                case 6:
                    return token() === 19 || isLiteralPropertyName();
                case 12:
                    return token() === 19 || token() === 37 || isLiteralPropertyName();
                case 9:
                    return token() === 19 || isLiteralPropertyName();
                case 7:
                    if (token() === 15) {
                        return lookAhead(isValidHeritageClauseObjectLiteral);
                    if (!inErrorRecovery) {
                        return isStartOfLeftHandSideExpression() && !isHeritageClauseExtendsOrImplementsKeyword();
                    else {
                        return isIdentifier() && !isHeritageClauseExtendsOrImplementsKeyword();
                case 8:
                    return isIdentifierOrPattern();
                case 10:
                    return token() === 24 || token() === 22 || isIdentifierOrPattern();
                case 17:
                    return isIdentifier();
                case 11:
                case 15:
                    return token() === 24 || token() === 22 || isStartOfExpression();
                case 16:
                    return isStartOfParameter();
                case 18:
                case 19:
                    return token() === 24 || isStartOfType();
                case 20:
                    return isHeritageClause();
                case 21:
                    return ts.tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token());
                case 13:
                    return ts.tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()) || token() === 15;
                case 14:
                    return true;
                case 22:
                case 23:
                case 25:
                    return JSDocParser.isJSDocType();
                case 24:
                    return isSimplePropertyName();
  "Non-exhaustive case in 'isListElement'.");
        function isValidHeritageClauseObjectLiteral() {
            ts.Debug.assert(token() === 15);
            if (nextToken() === 16) {
                var next = nextToken();
                return next === 24 || next === 15 || next === 83 || next === 106;
            return true;
        function nextTokenIsIdentifier() {
            return isIdentifier();
        function nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword() {
            return ts.tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token());
        function isHeritageClauseExtendsOrImplementsKeyword() {
            if (token() === 106 ||
                token() === 83) {
                return lookAhead(nextTokenIsStartOfExpression);
            return false;
        function nextTokenIsStartOfExpression() {
            return isStartOfExpression();
        function isListTerminator(kind) {
            if (token() === 1) {
                return true;
            switch (kind) {
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 4:
                case 5:
                case 6:
                case 12:
                case 9:
                case 21:
                    return token() === 16;
                case 3:
                    return token() === 16 || token() === 71 || token() === 77;
                case 7:
                    return token() === 15 || token() === 83 || token() === 106;
                case 8:
                    return isVariableDeclaratorListTerminator();
                case 17:
                    return token() === 27 || token() === 17 || token() === 15 || token() === 83 || token() === 106;
                case 11:
                    return token() === 18 || token() === 23;
                case 15:
                case 19:
                case 10:
                    return token() === 20;
                case 16:
                    return token() === 18 || token() === 20;
                case 18:
                    return token() !== 24;
                case 20:
                    return token() === 15 || token() === 16;
                case 13:
                    return token() === 27 || token() === 39;
                case 14:
                    return token() === 25 && lookAhead(nextTokenIsSlash);
                case 22:
                    return token() === 18 || token() === 54 || token() === 16;
                case 23:
                    return token() === 27 || token() === 16;
                case 25:
                    return token() === 20 || token() === 16;
                case 24:
                    return token() === 16;
        function isVariableDeclaratorListTerminator() {
            if (canParseSemicolon()) {
                return true;
            if (isInOrOfKeyword(token())) {
                return true;
            if (token() === 34) {
                return true;
            return false;
        function isInSomeParsingContext() {
            for (var kind = 0; kind < 26; kind++) {
                if (parsingContext & (1 << kind)) {
                    if (isListElement(kind, true) || isListTerminator(kind)) {
                        return true;
            return false;
        function parseList(kind, parseElement) {
            var saveParsingContext = parsingContext;
            parsingContext |= 1 << kind;
            var result = [];
            result.pos = getNodePos();
            while (!isListTerminator(kind)) {
                if (isListElement(kind, false)) {
                    var element = parseListElement(kind, parseElement);
                if (abortParsingListOrMoveToNextToken(kind)) {
            result.end = getNodeEnd();
            parsingContext = saveParsingContext;
            return result;
        function parseListElement(parsingContext, parseElement) {
            var node = currentNode(parsingContext);
            if (node) {
                return consumeNode(node);
            return parseElement();
        function currentNode(parsingContext) {
            if (parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode) {
                return undefined;
            if (!syntaxCursor) {
                return undefined;
            var node = syntaxCursor.currentNode(scanner.getStartPos());
            if (ts.nodeIsMissing(node)) {
                return undefined;
            if (node.intersectsChange) {
                return undefined;
            if (ts.containsParseError(node)) {
                return undefined;
            var nodeContextFlags = node.flags & 197132288;
            if (nodeContextFlags !== contextFlags) {
                return undefined;
            if (!canReuseNode(node, parsingContext)) {
                return undefined;
            return node;
        function consumeNode(node) {
            return node;
        function canReuseNode(node, parsingContext) {
            switch (parsingContext) {
                case 5:
                    return isReusableClassMember(node);
                case 2:
                    return isReusableSwitchClause(node);
                case 0:
                case 1:
                case 3:
                    return isReusableStatement(node);
                case 6:
                    return isReusableEnumMember(node);
                case 4:
                    return isReusableTypeMember(node);
                case 8:
                    return isReusableVariableDeclaration(node);
                case 16:
                    return isReusableParameter(node);
                case 20:
                case 17:
                case 19:
                case 18:
                case 11:
                case 12:
                case 7:
                case 13:
                case 14:
            return false;
        function isReusableClassMember(node) {
            if (node) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 148:
                    case 153:
                    case 149:
                    case 150:
                    case 145:
                    case 198:
                        return true;
                    case 147:
                        var methodDeclaration = node;
                        var nameIsConstructor = === 69 &&
                   === 121;
                        return !nameIsConstructor;
            return false;
        function isReusableSwitchClause(node) {
            if (node) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 249:
                    case 250:
                        return true;
            return false;
        function isReusableStatement(node) {
            if (node) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 220:
                    case 200:
                    case 199:
                    case 203:
                    case 202:
                    case 215:
                    case 211:
                    case 213:
                    case 210:
                    case 209:
                    case 207:
                    case 208:
                    case 206:
                    case 205:
                    case 212:
                    case 201:
                    case 216:
                    case 214:
                    case 204:
                    case 217:
                    case 230:
                    case 229:
                    case 236:
                    case 235:
                    case 225:
                    case 221:
                    case 222:
                    case 224:
                    case 223:
                        return true;
            return false;
        function isReusableEnumMember(node) {
            return node.kind === 255;
        function isReusableTypeMember(node) {
            if (node) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 152:
                    case 146:
                    case 153:
                    case 144:
                    case 151:
                        return true;
            return false;
        function isReusableVariableDeclaration(node) {
            if (node.kind !== 218) {
                return false;
            var variableDeclarator = node;
            return variableDeclarator.initializer === undefined;
        function isReusableParameter(node) {
            if (node.kind !== 142) {
                return false;
            var parameter = node;
            return parameter.initializer === undefined;
        function abortParsingListOrMoveToNextToken(kind) {
            if (isInSomeParsingContext()) {
                return true;
            return false;
        function parsingContextErrors(context) {
            switch (context) {
                case 0: return ts.Diagnostics.Declaration_or_statement_expected;
                case 1: return ts.Diagnostics.Declaration_or_statement_expected;
                case 2: return ts.Diagnostics.case_or_default_expected;
                case 3: return ts.Diagnostics.Statement_expected;
                case 4: return ts.Diagnostics.Property_or_signature_expected;
                case 5: return ts.Diagnostics.Unexpected_token_A_constructor_method_accessor_or_property_was_expected;
                case 6: return ts.Diagnostics.Enum_member_expected;
                case 7: return ts.Diagnostics.Expression_expected;
                case 8: return ts.Diagnostics.Variable_declaration_expected;
                case 9: return ts.Diagnostics.Property_destructuring_pattern_expected;
                case 10: return ts.Diagnostics.Array_element_destructuring_pattern_expected;
                case 11: return ts.Diagnostics.Argument_expression_expected;
                case 12: return ts.Diagnostics.Property_assignment_expected;
                case 15: return ts.Diagnostics.Expression_or_comma_expected;
                case 16: return ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_declaration_expected;
                case 17: return ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_declaration_expected;
                case 18: return ts.Diagnostics.Type_argument_expected;
                case 19: return ts.Diagnostics.Type_expected;
                case 20: return ts.Diagnostics.Unexpected_token_expected;
                case 21: return ts.Diagnostics.Identifier_expected;
                case 13: return ts.Diagnostics.Identifier_expected;
                case 14: return ts.Diagnostics.Identifier_expected;
                case 22: return ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_declaration_expected;
                case 23: return ts.Diagnostics.Type_argument_expected;
                case 25: return ts.Diagnostics.Type_expected;
                case 24: return ts.Diagnostics.Property_assignment_expected;
        function parseDelimitedList(kind, parseElement, considerSemicolonAsDelimiter) {
            var saveParsingContext = parsingContext;
            parsingContext |= 1 << kind;
            var result = [];
            result.pos = getNodePos();
            var commaStart = -1;
            while (true) {
                if (isListElement(kind, false)) {
                    result.push(parseListElement(kind, parseElement));
                    commaStart = scanner.getTokenPos();
                    if (parseOptional(24)) {
                    commaStart = -1;
                    if (isListTerminator(kind)) {
                    if (considerSemicolonAsDelimiter && token() === 23 && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) {
                if (isListTerminator(kind)) {
                if (abortParsingListOrMoveToNextToken(kind)) {
            if (commaStart >= 0) {
                result.hasTrailingComma = true;
            result.end = getNodeEnd();
            parsingContext = saveParsingContext;
            return result;
        function createMissingList() {
            var pos = getNodePos();
            var result = [];
            result.pos = pos;
            result.end = pos;
            return result;
        function parseBracketedList(kind, parseElement, open, close) {
            if (parseExpected(open)) {
                var result = parseDelimitedList(kind, parseElement);
                return result;
            return createMissingList();
        function parseEntityName(allowReservedWords, diagnosticMessage) {
            var entity = parseIdentifier(diagnosticMessage);
            while (parseOptional(21)) {
                var node = createNode(139, entity.pos);
                node.left = entity;
                node.right = parseRightSideOfDot(allowReservedWords);
                entity = finishNode(node);
            return entity;
        function parseRightSideOfDot(allowIdentifierNames) {
            if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && ts.tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token())) {
                var matchesPattern = lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOnSameLine);
                if (matchesPattern) {
                    return createMissingNode(69, true, ts.Diagnostics.Identifier_expected);
            return allowIdentifierNames ? parseIdentifierName() : parseIdentifier();
        function parseTemplateExpression() {
            var template = createNode(189);
            template.head = parseTemplateLiteralFragment();
            ts.Debug.assert(template.head.kind === 12, "Template head has wrong token kind");
            var templateSpans = [];
            templateSpans.pos = getNodePos();
            do {
            } while (ts.lastOrUndefined(templateSpans).literal.kind === 13);
            templateSpans.end = getNodeEnd();
            template.templateSpans = templateSpans;
            return finishNode(template);
        function parseTemplateSpan() {
            var span = createNode(197);
            span.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression);
            var literal;
            if (token() === 16) {
                literal = parseTemplateLiteralFragment();
            else {
                literal = parseExpectedToken(14, false, ts.Diagnostics._0_expected, ts.tokenToString(16));
            span.literal = literal;
            return finishNode(span);
        function parseLiteralNode(internName) {
            return parseLiteralLikeNode(token(), internName);
        function parseTemplateLiteralFragment() {
            return parseLiteralLikeNode(token(), false);
        function parseLiteralLikeNode(kind, internName) {
            var node = createNode(kind);
            var text = scanner.getTokenValue();
            node.text = internName ? internIdentifier(text) : text;
            if (scanner.hasExtendedUnicodeEscape()) {
                node.hasExtendedUnicodeEscape = true;
            if (scanner.isUnterminated()) {
                node.isUnterminated = true;
            var tokenPos = scanner.getTokenPos();
            if (node.kind === 8
                && sourceText.charCodeAt(tokenPos) === 48
                && ts.isOctalDigit(sourceText.charCodeAt(tokenPos + 1))) {
                node.isOctalLiteral = true;
            return node;
        function parseTypeReference() {
            var typeName = parseEntityName(false, ts.Diagnostics.Type_expected);
            var node = createNode(155, typeName.pos);
            node.typeName = typeName;
            if (!scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && token() === 25) {
                node.typeArguments = parseBracketedList(18, parseType, 25, 27);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseThisTypePredicate(lhs) {
            var node = createNode(154, lhs.pos);
            node.parameterName = lhs;
            node.type = parseType();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseThisTypeNode() {
            var node = createNode(165);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseTypeQuery() {
            var node = createNode(158);
            node.exprName = parseEntityName(true);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseTypeParameter() {
            var node = createNode(141);
   = parseIdentifier();
            if (parseOptional(83)) {
                if (isStartOfType() || !isStartOfExpression()) {
                    node.constraint = parseType();
                else {
                    node.expression = parseUnaryExpressionOrHigher();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseTypeParameters() {
            if (token() === 25) {
                return parseBracketedList(17, parseTypeParameter, 25, 27);
        function parseParameterType() {
            if (parseOptional(54)) {
                return parseType();
            return undefined;
        function isStartOfParameter() {
            return token() === 22 || isIdentifierOrPattern() || ts.isModifierKind(token()) || token() === 55 || token() === 97;
        function setModifiers(node, modifiers) {
            if (modifiers) {
                node.flags |= modifiers.flags;
                node.modifiers = modifiers;
        function parseParameter() {
            var node = createNode(142);
            if (token() === 97) {
       = createIdentifier(true, undefined);
                node.type = parseParameterType();
                return finishNode(node);
            node.decorators = parseDecorators();
            setModifiers(node, parseModifiers());
            node.dotDotDotToken = parseOptionalToken(22);
   = parseIdentifierOrPattern();
            if (ts.getFullWidth( === 0 && node.flags === 0 && ts.isModifierKind(token())) {
            node.questionToken = parseOptionalToken(53);
            node.type = parseParameterType();
            node.initializer = parseBindingElementInitializer(true);
            return addJSDocComment(finishNode(node));
        function parseBindingElementInitializer(inParameter) {
            return inParameter ? parseParameterInitializer() : parseNonParameterInitializer();
        function parseParameterInitializer() {
            return parseInitializer(true);
        function fillSignature(returnToken, yieldContext, awaitContext, requireCompleteParameterList, signature) {
            var returnTokenRequired = returnToken === 34;
            signature.typeParameters = parseTypeParameters();
            signature.parameters = parseParameterList(yieldContext, awaitContext, requireCompleteParameterList);
            if (returnTokenRequired) {
                signature.type = parseTypeOrTypePredicate();
            else if (parseOptional(returnToken)) {
                signature.type = parseTypeOrTypePredicate();
        function parseParameterList(yieldContext, awaitContext, requireCompleteParameterList) {
            if (parseExpected(17)) {
                var savedYieldContext = inYieldContext();
                var savedAwaitContext = inAwaitContext();
                var result = parseDelimitedList(16, parseParameter);
                if (!parseExpected(18) && requireCompleteParameterList) {
                    return undefined;
                return result;
            return requireCompleteParameterList ? undefined : createMissingList();
        function parseTypeMemberSemicolon() {
            if (parseOptional(24)) {
        function parseSignatureMember(kind) {
            var node = createNode(kind);
            if (kind === 152) {
            fillSignature(54, false, false, false, node);
            return finishNode(node);
        function isIndexSignature() {
            if (token() !== 19) {
                return false;
            return lookAhead(isUnambiguouslyIndexSignature);
        function isUnambiguouslyIndexSignature() {
            if (token() === 22 || token() === 20) {
                return true;
            if (ts.isModifierKind(token())) {
                if (isIdentifier()) {
                    return true;
            else if (!isIdentifier()) {
                return false;
            else {
            if (token() === 54 || token() === 24) {
                return true;
            if (token() !== 53) {
                return false;
            return token() === 54 || token() === 24 || token() === 20;
        function parseIndexSignatureDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) {
            var node = createNode(153, fullStart);
            node.decorators = decorators;
            setModifiers(node, modifiers);
            node.parameters = parseBracketedList(16, parseParameter, 19, 20);
            node.type = parseTypeAnnotation();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parsePropertyOrMethodSignature(fullStart, modifiers) {
            var name = parsePropertyName();
            var questionToken = parseOptionalToken(53);
            if (token() === 17 || token() === 25) {
                var method = createNode(146, fullStart);
                setModifiers(method, modifiers);
       = name;
                method.questionToken = questionToken;
                fillSignature(54, false, false, false, method);
                return finishNode(method);
            else {
                var property = createNode(144, fullStart);
                setModifiers(property, modifiers);
       = name;
                property.questionToken = questionToken;
                property.type = parseTypeAnnotation();
                if (token() === 56) {
                    property.initializer = parseNonParameterInitializer();
                return finishNode(property);
        function isTypeMemberStart() {
            var idToken;
            if (token() === 17 || token() === 25) {
                return true;
            while (ts.isModifierKind(token())) {
                idToken = token();
            if (token() === 19) {
                return true;
            if (isLiteralPropertyName()) {
                idToken = token();
            if (idToken) {
                return token() === 17 ||
                    token() === 25 ||
                    token() === 53 ||
                    token() === 54 ||
                    token() === 24 ||
            return false;
        function parseTypeMember() {
            if (token() === 17 || token() === 25) {
                return parseSignatureMember(151);
            if (token() === 92 && lookAhead(isStartOfConstructSignature)) {
                return parseSignatureMember(152);
            var fullStart = getNodePos();
            var modifiers = parseModifiers();
            if (isIndexSignature()) {
                return parseIndexSignatureDeclaration(fullStart, undefined, modifiers);
            return parsePropertyOrMethodSignature(fullStart, modifiers);
        function isStartOfConstructSignature() {
            return token() === 17 || token() === 25;
        function parseTypeLiteral() {
            var node = createNode(159);
            node.members = parseObjectTypeMembers();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseObjectTypeMembers() {
            var members;
            if (parseExpected(15)) {
                members = parseList(4, parseTypeMember);
            else {
                members = createMissingList();
            return members;
        function parseTupleType() {
            var node = createNode(161);
            node.elementTypes = parseBracketedList(19, parseType, 19, 20);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseParenthesizedType() {
            var node = createNode(164);
            node.type = parseType();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseFunctionOrConstructorType(kind) {
            var node = createNode(kind);
            if (kind === 157) {
            fillSignature(34, false, false, false, node);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseKeywordAndNoDot() {
            var node = parseTokenNode();
            return token() === 21 ? undefined : node;
        function parseLiteralTypeNode() {
            var node = createNode(166);
            node.literal = parseSimpleUnaryExpression();
            return node;
        function nextTokenIsNumericLiteral() {
            return nextToken() === 8;
        function parseNonArrayType() {
            switch (token()) {
                case 117:
                case 132:
                case 130:
                case 120:
                case 133:
                case 135:
                case 127:
                    var node = tryParse(parseKeywordAndNoDot);
                    return node || parseTypeReference();
                case 9:
                case 8:
                case 99:
                case 84:
                    return parseLiteralTypeNode();
                case 36:
                    return lookAhead(nextTokenIsNumericLiteral) ? parseLiteralTypeNode() : parseTypeReference();
                case 103:
                case 93:
                    return parseTokenNode();
                case 97: {
                    var thisKeyword = parseThisTypeNode();
                    if (token() === 124 && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) {
                        return parseThisTypePredicate(thisKeyword);
                    else {
                        return thisKeyword;
                case 101:
                    return parseTypeQuery();
                case 15:
                    return parseTypeLiteral();
                case 19:
                    return parseTupleType();
                case 17:
                    return parseParenthesizedType();
                    return parseTypeReference();
        function isStartOfType() {
            switch (token()) {
                case 117:
                case 132:
                case 130:
                case 120:
                case 133:
                case 103:
                case 135:
                case 93:
                case 97:
                case 101:
                case 127:
                case 15:
                case 19:
                case 25:
                case 92:
                case 9:
                case 8:
                case 99:
                case 84:
                    return true;
                case 36:
                    return lookAhead(nextTokenIsNumericLiteral);
                case 17:
                    return lookAhead(isStartOfParenthesizedOrFunctionType);
                    return isIdentifier();
        function isStartOfParenthesizedOrFunctionType() {
            return token() === 18 || isStartOfParameter() || isStartOfType();
        function parseArrayTypeOrHigher() {
            var type = parseNonArrayType();
            while (!scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && parseOptional(19)) {
                var node = createNode(160, type.pos);
                node.elementType = type;
                type = finishNode(node);
            return type;
        function parseUnionOrIntersectionType(kind, parseConstituentType, operator) {
            var type = parseConstituentType();
            if (token() === operator) {
                var types = [type];
                types.pos = type.pos;
                while (parseOptional(operator)) {
                types.end = getNodeEnd();
                var node = createNode(kind, type.pos);
                node.types = types;
                type = finishNode(node);
            return type;
        function parseIntersectionTypeOrHigher() {
            return parseUnionOrIntersectionType(163, parseArrayTypeOrHigher, 46);
        function parseUnionTypeOrHigher() {
            return parseUnionOrIntersectionType(162, parseIntersectionTypeOrHigher, 47);
        function isStartOfFunctionType() {
            if (token() === 25) {
                return true;
            return token() === 17 && lookAhead(isUnambiguouslyStartOfFunctionType);
        function skipParameterStart() {
            if (ts.isModifierKind(token())) {
            if (isIdentifier() || token() === 97) {
                return true;
            if (token() === 19 || token() === 15) {
                var previousErrorCount = parseDiagnostics.length;
                return previousErrorCount === parseDiagnostics.length;
            return false;
        function isUnambiguouslyStartOfFunctionType() {
            if (token() === 18 || token() === 22) {
                return true;
            if (skipParameterStart()) {
                if (token() === 54 || token() === 24 ||
                    token() === 53 || token() === 56) {
                    return true;
                if (token() === 18) {
                    if (token() === 34) {
                        return true;
            return false;
        function parseTypeOrTypePredicate() {
            var typePredicateVariable = isIdentifier() && tryParse(parseTypePredicatePrefix);
            var type = parseType();
            if (typePredicateVariable) {
                var node = createNode(154, typePredicateVariable.pos);
                node.parameterName = typePredicateVariable;
                node.type = type;
                return finishNode(node);
            else {
                return type;
        function parseTypePredicatePrefix() {
            var id = parseIdentifier();
            if (token() === 124 && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) {
                return id;
        function parseType() {
            return doOutsideOfContext(41943040, parseTypeWorker);
        function parseTypeWorker() {
            if (isStartOfFunctionType()) {
                return parseFunctionOrConstructorType(156);
            if (token() === 92) {
                return parseFunctionOrConstructorType(157);
            return parseUnionTypeOrHigher();
        function parseTypeAnnotation() {
            return parseOptional(54) ? parseType() : undefined;
        function isStartOfLeftHandSideExpression() {
            switch (token()) {
                case 97:
                case 95:
                case 93:
                case 99:
                case 84:
                case 8:
                case 9:
                case 11:
                case 12:
                case 17:
                case 19:
                case 15:
                case 87:
                case 73:
                case 92:
                case 39:
                case 61:
                case 69:
                    return true;
                    return isIdentifier();
        function isStartOfExpression() {
            if (isStartOfLeftHandSideExpression()) {
                return true;
            switch (token()) {
                case 35:
                case 36:
                case 50:
                case 49:
                case 78:
                case 101:
                case 103:
                case 41:
                case 42:
                case 25:
                case 119:
                case 114:
                    return true;
                    if (isBinaryOperator()) {
                        return true;
                    return isIdentifier();
        function isStartOfExpressionStatement() {
            return token() !== 15 &&
                token() !== 87 &&
                token() !== 73 &&
                token() !== 55 &&
        function parseExpression() {
            var saveDecoratorContext = inDecoratorContext();
            if (saveDecoratorContext) {
            var expr = parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher();
            var operatorToken;
            while ((operatorToken = parseOptionalToken(24))) {
                expr = makeBinaryExpression(expr, operatorToken, parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher());
            if (saveDecoratorContext) {
            return expr;
        function parseInitializer(inParameter) {
            if (token() !== 56) {
                if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() || (inParameter && token() === 15) || !isStartOfExpression()) {
                    return undefined;
            return parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher();
        function parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher() {
            if (isYieldExpression()) {
                return parseYieldExpression();
            var arrowExpression = tryParseParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression() || tryParseAsyncSimpleArrowFunctionExpression();
            if (arrowExpression) {
                return arrowExpression;
            var expr = parseBinaryExpressionOrHigher(0);
            if (expr.kind === 69 && token() === 34) {
                return parseSimpleArrowFunctionExpression(expr);
            if (ts.isLeftHandSideExpression(expr) && ts.isAssignmentOperator(reScanGreaterToken())) {
                return makeBinaryExpression(expr, parseTokenNode(), parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher());
            return parseConditionalExpressionRest(expr);
        function isYieldExpression() {
            if (token() === 114) {
                if (inYieldContext()) {
                    return true;
                return lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOrNumberOnSameLine);
            return false;
        function nextTokenIsIdentifierOnSameLine() {
            return !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && isIdentifier();
        function parseYieldExpression() {
            var node = createNode(190);
            if (!scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() &&
                (token() === 37 || isStartOfExpression())) {
                node.asteriskToken = parseOptionalToken(37);
                node.expression = parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher();
                return finishNode(node);
            else {
                return finishNode(node);
        function parseSimpleArrowFunctionExpression(identifier, asyncModifier) {
            ts.Debug.assert(token() === 34, "parseSimpleArrowFunctionExpression should only have been called if we had a =>");
            var node;
            if (asyncModifier) {
                node = createNode(180, asyncModifier.pos);
                setModifiers(node, asyncModifier);
            else {
                node = createNode(180, identifier.pos);
            var parameter = createNode(142, identifier.pos);
   = identifier;
            node.parameters = [parameter];
            node.parameters.pos = parameter.pos;
            node.parameters.end = parameter.end;
            node.equalsGreaterThanToken = parseExpectedToken(34, false, ts.Diagnostics._0_expected, "=>");
            node.body = parseArrowFunctionExpressionBody(!!asyncModifier);
            return finishNode(node);
        function tryParseParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression() {
            var triState = isParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression();
            if (triState === 0) {
                return undefined;
            var arrowFunction = triState === 1
                ? parseParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpressionHead(true)
                : tryParse(parsePossibleParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpressionHead);
            if (!arrowFunction) {
                return undefined;
            var isAsync = !!(arrowFunction.flags & 256);
            var lastToken = token();
            arrowFunction.equalsGreaterThanToken = parseExpectedToken(34, false, ts.Diagnostics._0_expected, "=>");
            arrowFunction.body = (lastToken === 34 || lastToken === 15)
                ? parseArrowFunctionExpressionBody(isAsync)
                : parseIdentifier();
            return finishNode(arrowFunction);
        function isParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression() {
            if (token() === 17 || token() === 25 || token() === 118) {
                return lookAhead(isParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpressionWorker);
            if (token() === 34) {
                return 1;
            return 0;
        function isParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpressionWorker() {
            if (token() === 118) {
                if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) {
                    return 0;
                if (token() !== 17 && token() !== 25) {
                    return 0;
            var first = token();
            var second = nextToken();
            if (first === 17) {
                if (second === 18) {
                    var third = nextToken();
                    switch (third) {
                        case 34:
                        case 54:
                        case 15:
                            return 1;
                            return 0;
                if (second === 19 || second === 15) {
                    return 2;
                if (second === 22) {
                    return 1;
                if (!isIdentifier()) {
                    return 0;
                if (nextToken() === 54) {
                    return 1;
                return 2;
            else {
                ts.Debug.assert(first === 25);
                if (!isIdentifier()) {
                    return 0;
                if (sourceFile.languageVariant === 1) {
                    var isArrowFunctionInJsx = lookAhead(function () {
                        var third = nextToken();
                        if (third === 83) {
                            var fourth = nextToken();
                            switch (fourth) {
                                case 56:
                                case 27:
                                    return false;
                                    return true;
                        else if (third === 24) {
                            return true;
                        return false;
                    if (isArrowFunctionInJsx) {
                        return 1;
                    return 0;
                return 2;
        function parsePossibleParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpressionHead() {
            return parseParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpressionHead(false);
        function tryParseAsyncSimpleArrowFunctionExpression() {
            if (token() === 118) {
                var isUnParenthesizedAsyncArrowFunction = lookAhead(isUnParenthesizedAsyncArrowFunctionWorker);
                if (isUnParenthesizedAsyncArrowFunction === 1) {
                    var asyncModifier = parseModifiersForArrowFunction();
                    var expr = parseBinaryExpressionOrHigher(0);
                    return parseSimpleArrowFunctionExpression(expr, asyncModifier);
            return undefined;
        function isUnParenthesizedAsyncArrowFunctionWorker() {
            if (token() === 118) {
                if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() || token() === 34) {
                    return 0;
                var expr = parseBinaryExpressionOrHigher(0);
                if (!scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && expr.kind === 69 && token() === 34) {
                    return 1;
            return 0;
        function parseParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpressionHead(allowAmbiguity) {
            var node = createNode(180);
            setModifiers(node, parseModifiersForArrowFunction());
            var isAsync = !!(node.flags & 256);
            fillSignature(54, false, isAsync, !allowAmbiguity, node);
            if (!node.parameters) {
                return undefined;
            if (!allowAmbiguity && token() !== 34 && token() !== 15) {
                return undefined;
            return node;
        function parseArrowFunctionExpressionBody(isAsync) {
            if (token() === 15) {
                return parseFunctionBlock(false, isAsync, false);
            if (token() !== 23 &&
                token() !== 87 &&
                token() !== 73 &&
                isStartOfStatement() &&
                !isStartOfExpressionStatement()) {
                return parseFunctionBlock(false, isAsync, true);
            return isAsync
                ? doInAwaitContext(parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher)
                : doOutsideOfAwaitContext(parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher);
        function parseConditionalExpressionRest(leftOperand) {
            var questionToken = parseOptionalToken(53);
            if (!questionToken) {
                return leftOperand;
            var node = createNode(188, leftOperand.pos);
            node.condition = leftOperand;
            node.questionToken = questionToken;
            node.whenTrue = doOutsideOfContext(disallowInAndDecoratorContext, parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher);
            node.colonToken = parseExpectedToken(54, false, ts.Diagnostics._0_expected, ts.tokenToString(54));
            node.whenFalse = parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseBinaryExpressionOrHigher(precedence) {
            var leftOperand = parseUnaryExpressionOrHigher();
            return parseBinaryExpressionRest(precedence, leftOperand);
        function isInOrOfKeyword(t) {
            return t === 90 || t === 138;
        function parseBinaryExpressionRest(precedence, leftOperand) {
            while (true) {
                var newPrecedence = getBinaryOperatorPrecedence();
                var consumeCurrentOperator = token() === 38 ?
                    newPrecedence >= precedence :
                    newPrecedence > precedence;
                if (!consumeCurrentOperator) {
                if (token() === 90 && inDisallowInContext()) {
                if (token() === 116) {
                    if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) {
                    else {
                        leftOperand = makeAsExpression(leftOperand, parseType());
                else {
                    leftOperand = makeBinaryExpression(leftOperand, parseTokenNode(), parseBinaryExpressionOrHigher(newPrecedence));
            return leftOperand;
        function isBinaryOperator() {
            if (inDisallowInContext() && token() === 90) {
                return false;
            return getBinaryOperatorPrecedence() > 0;
        function getBinaryOperatorPrecedence() {
            switch (token()) {
                case 52:
                    return 1;
                case 51:
                    return 2;
                case 47:
                    return 3;
                case 48:
                    return 4;
                case 46:
                    return 5;
                case 30:
                case 31:
                case 32:
                case 33:
                    return 6;
                case 25:
                case 27:
                case 28:
                case 29:
                case 91:
                case 90:
                case 116:
                    return 7;
                case 43:
                case 44:
                case 45:
                    return 8;
                case 35:
                case 36:
                    return 9;
                case 37:
                case 39:
                case 40:
                    return 10;
                case 38:
                    return 11;
            return -1;
        function makeBinaryExpression(left, operatorToken, right) {
            var node = createNode(187, left.pos);
            node.left = left;
            node.operatorToken = operatorToken;
            node.right = right;
            return finishNode(node);
        function makeAsExpression(left, right) {
            var node = createNode(195, left.pos);
            node.expression = left;
            node.type = right;
            return finishNode(node);
        function parsePrefixUnaryExpression() {
            var node = createNode(185);
            node.operator = token();
            node.operand = parseSimpleUnaryExpression();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseDeleteExpression() {
            var node = createNode(181);
            node.expression = parseSimpleUnaryExpression();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseTypeOfExpression() {
            var node = createNode(182);
            node.expression = parseSimpleUnaryExpression();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseVoidExpression() {
            var node = createNode(183);
            node.expression = parseSimpleUnaryExpression();
            return finishNode(node);
        function isAwaitExpression() {
            if (token() === 119) {
                if (inAwaitContext()) {
                    return true;
                return lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOnSameLine);
            return false;
        function parseAwaitExpression() {
            var node = createNode(184);
            node.expression = parseSimpleUnaryExpression();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseUnaryExpressionOrHigher() {
            if (isUpdateExpression()) {
                var incrementExpression = parseIncrementExpression();
                return token() === 38 ?
                    parseBinaryExpressionRest(getBinaryOperatorPrecedence(), incrementExpression) :
            var unaryOperator = token();
            var simpleUnaryExpression = parseSimpleUnaryExpression();
            if (token() === 38) {
                var start = ts.skipTrivia(sourceText, simpleUnaryExpression.pos);
                if (simpleUnaryExpression.kind === 177) {
                    parseErrorAtPosition(start, simpleUnaryExpression.end - start, ts.Diagnostics.A_type_assertion_expression_is_not_allowed_in_the_left_hand_side_of_an_exponentiation_expression_Consider_enclosing_the_expression_in_parentheses);
                else {
                    parseErrorAtPosition(start, simpleUnaryExpression.end - start, ts.Diagnostics.An_unary_expression_with_the_0_operator_is_not_allowed_in_the_left_hand_side_of_an_exponentiation_expression_Consider_enclosing_the_expression_in_parentheses, ts.tokenToString(unaryOperator));
            return simpleUnaryExpression;
        function parseSimpleUnaryExpression() {
            switch (token()) {
                case 35:
                case 36:
                case 50:
                case 49:
                    return parsePrefixUnaryExpression();
                case 78:
                    return parseDeleteExpression();
                case 101:
                    return parseTypeOfExpression();
                case 103:
                    return parseVoidExpression();
                case 25:
                    return parseTypeAssertion();
                case 119:
                    if (isAwaitExpression()) {
                        return parseAwaitExpression();
                    return parseIncrementExpression();
        function isUpdateExpression() {
            switch (token()) {
                case 35:
                case 36:
                case 50:
                case 49:
                case 78:
                case 101:
                case 103:
                case 119:
                    return false;
                case 25:
                    if (sourceFile.languageVariant !== 1) {
                        return false;
                    return true;
        function parseIncrementExpression() {
            if (token() === 41 || token() === 42) {
                var node = createNode(185);
                node.operator = token();
                node.operand = parseLeftHandSideExpressionOrHigher();
                return finishNode(node);
            else if (sourceFile.languageVariant === 1 && token() === 25 && lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword)) {
                return parseJsxElementOrSelfClosingElement(true);
            var expression = parseLeftHandSideExpressionOrHigher();
            if ((token() === 41 || token() === 42) && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) {
                var node = createNode(186, expression.pos);
                node.operand = expression;
                node.operator = token();
                return finishNode(node);
            return expression;
        function parseLeftHandSideExpressionOrHigher() {
            var expression = token() === 95
                ? parseSuperExpression()
                : parseMemberExpressionOrHigher();
            return parseCallExpressionRest(expression);
        function parseMemberExpressionOrHigher() {
            var expression = parsePrimaryExpression();
            return parseMemberExpressionRest(expression);
        function parseSuperExpression() {
            var expression = parseTokenNode();
            if (token() === 17 || token() === 21 || token() === 19) {
                return expression;
            var node = createNode(172, expression.pos);
            node.expression = expression;
            parseExpectedToken(21, false, ts.Diagnostics.super_must_be_followed_by_an_argument_list_or_member_access);
   = parseRightSideOfDot(true);
            return finishNode(node);
        function tagNamesAreEquivalent(lhs, rhs) {
            if (lhs.kind !== rhs.kind) {
                return false;
            if (lhs.kind === 69) {
                return lhs.text === rhs.text;
            if (lhs.kind === 97) {
                return true;
            return === &&
                tagNamesAreEquivalent(lhs.expression, rhs.expression);
        function parseJsxElementOrSelfClosingElement(inExpressionContext) {
            var opening = parseJsxOpeningOrSelfClosingElement(inExpressionContext);
            var result;
            if (opening.kind === 243) {
                var node = createNode(241, opening.pos);
                node.openingElement = opening;
                node.children = parseJsxChildren(node.openingElement.tagName);
                node.closingElement = parseJsxClosingElement(inExpressionContext);
                if (!tagNamesAreEquivalent(node.openingElement.tagName, node.closingElement.tagName)) {
                    parseErrorAtPosition(node.closingElement.pos, node.closingElement.end - node.closingElement.pos, ts.Diagnostics.Expected_corresponding_JSX_closing_tag_for_0, ts.getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(sourceText, node.openingElement.tagName));
                result = finishNode(node);
            else {
                ts.Debug.assert(opening.kind === 242);
                result = opening;
            if (inExpressionContext && token() === 25) {
                var invalidElement = tryParse(function () { return parseJsxElementOrSelfClosingElement(true); });
                if (invalidElement) {
                    var badNode = createNode(187, result.pos);
                    badNode.end = invalidElement.end;
                    badNode.left = result;
                    badNode.right = invalidElement;
                    badNode.operatorToken = createMissingNode(24, false, undefined);
                    badNode.operatorToken.pos = badNode.operatorToken.end = badNode.right.pos;
                    return badNode;
            return result;
        function parseJsxText() {
            var node = createNode(244, scanner.getStartPos());
            currentToken = scanner.scanJsxToken();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseJsxChild() {
            switch (token()) {
                case 244:
                    return parseJsxText();
                case 15:
                    return parseJsxExpression(false);
                case 25:
                    return parseJsxElementOrSelfClosingElement(false);
  "Unknown JSX child kind " + token());
        function parseJsxChildren(openingTagName) {
            var result = [];
            result.pos = scanner.getStartPos();
            var saveParsingContext = parsingContext;
            parsingContext |= 1 << 14;
            while (true) {
                currentToken = scanner.reScanJsxToken();
                if (token() === 26) {
                else if (token() === 1) {
                    parseErrorAtPosition(openingTagName.pos, openingTagName.end - openingTagName.pos, ts.Diagnostics.JSX_element_0_has_no_corresponding_closing_tag, ts.getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(sourceText, openingTagName));
            result.end = scanner.getTokenPos();
            parsingContext = saveParsingContext;
            return result;
        function parseJsxOpeningOrSelfClosingElement(inExpressionContext) {
            var fullStart = scanner.getStartPos();
            var tagName = parseJsxElementName();
            var attributes = parseList(13, parseJsxAttribute);
            var node;
            if (token() === 27) {
                node = createNode(243, fullStart);
            else {
                if (inExpressionContext) {
                else {
                    parseExpected(27, undefined, false);
                node = createNode(242, fullStart);
            node.tagName = tagName;
            node.attributes = attributes;
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseJsxElementName() {
            var expression = token() === 97 ?
                parseTokenNode() : parseIdentifierName();
            while (parseOptional(21)) {
                var propertyAccess = createNode(172, expression.pos);
                propertyAccess.expression = expression;
       = parseRightSideOfDot(true);
                expression = finishNode(propertyAccess);
            return expression;
        function parseJsxExpression(inExpressionContext) {
            var node = createNode(248);
            if (token() !== 16) {
                node.expression = parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher();
            if (inExpressionContext) {
            else {
                parseExpected(16, undefined, false);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseJsxAttribute() {
            if (token() === 15) {
                return parseJsxSpreadAttribute();
            var node = createNode(246);
   = parseIdentifierName();
            if (parseOptional(56)) {
                switch (token()) {
                    case 9:
                        node.initializer = parseLiteralNode();
                        node.initializer = parseJsxExpression(true);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseJsxSpreadAttribute() {
            var node = createNode(247);
            node.expression = parseExpression();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseJsxClosingElement(inExpressionContext) {
            var node = createNode(245);
            node.tagName = parseJsxElementName();
            if (inExpressionContext) {
            else {
                parseExpected(27, undefined, false);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseTypeAssertion() {
            var node = createNode(177);
            node.type = parseType();
            node.expression = parseSimpleUnaryExpression();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseMemberExpressionRest(expression) {
            while (true) {
                var dotToken = parseOptionalToken(21);
                if (dotToken) {
                    var propertyAccess = createNode(172, expression.pos);
                    propertyAccess.expression = expression;
           = parseRightSideOfDot(true);
                    expression = finishNode(propertyAccess);
                if (token() === 49 && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) {
                    var nonNullExpression = createNode(196, expression.pos);
                    nonNullExpression.expression = expression;
                    expression = finishNode(nonNullExpression);
                if (!inDecoratorContext() && parseOptional(19)) {
                    var indexedAccess = createNode(173, expression.pos);
                    indexedAccess.expression = expression;
                    if (token() !== 20) {
                        indexedAccess.argumentExpression = allowInAnd(parseExpression);
                        if (indexedAccess.argumentExpression.kind === 9 || indexedAccess.argumentExpression.kind === 8) {
                            var literal = indexedAccess.argumentExpression;
                            literal.text = internIdentifier(literal.text);
                    expression = finishNode(indexedAccess);
                if (token() === 11 || token() === 12) {
                    var tagExpression = createNode(176, expression.pos);
                    tagExpression.tag = expression;
                    tagExpression.template = token() === 11
                        ? parseLiteralNode()
                        : parseTemplateExpression();
                    expression = finishNode(tagExpression);
                return expression;
        function parseCallExpressionRest(expression) {
            while (true) {
                expression = parseMemberExpressionRest(expression);
                if (token() === 25) {
                    var typeArguments = tryParse(parseTypeArgumentsInExpression);
                    if (!typeArguments) {
                        return expression;
                    var callExpr = createNode(174, expression.pos);
                    callExpr.expression = expression;
                    callExpr.typeArguments = typeArguments;
                    callExpr.arguments = parseArgumentList();
                    expression = finishNode(callExpr);
                else if (token() === 17) {
                    var callExpr = createNode(174, expression.pos);
                    callExpr.expression = expression;
                    callExpr.arguments = parseArgumentList();
                    expression = finishNode(callExpr);
                return expression;
        function parseArgumentList() {
            var result = parseDelimitedList(11, parseArgumentExpression);
            return result;
        function parseTypeArgumentsInExpression() {
            if (!parseOptional(25)) {
                return undefined;
            var typeArguments = parseDelimitedList(18, parseType);
            if (!parseExpected(27)) {
                return undefined;
            return typeArguments && canFollowTypeArgumentsInExpression()
                ? typeArguments
                : undefined;
        function canFollowTypeArgumentsInExpression() {
            switch (token()) {
                case 17:
                case 21:
                case 18:
                case 20:
                case 54:
                case 23:
                case 53:
                case 30:
                case 32:
                case 31:
                case 33:
                case 51:
                case 52:
                case 48:
                case 46:
                case 47:
                case 16:
                case 1:
                    return true;
                case 24:
                case 15:
                    return false;
        function parsePrimaryExpression() {
            switch (token()) {
                case 8:
                case 9:
                case 11:
                    return parseLiteralNode();
                case 97:
                case 95:
                case 93:
                case 99:
                case 84:
                    return parseTokenNode();
                case 17:
                    return parseParenthesizedExpression();
                case 19:
                    return parseArrayLiteralExpression();
                case 15:
                    return parseObjectLiteralExpression();
                case 118:
                    if (!lookAhead(nextTokenIsFunctionKeywordOnSameLine)) {
                    return parseFunctionExpression();
                case 73:
                    return parseClassExpression();
                case 87:
                    return parseFunctionExpression();
                case 92:
                    return parseNewExpression();
                case 39:
                case 61:
                    if (reScanSlashToken() === 10) {
                        return parseLiteralNode();
                case 12:
                    return parseTemplateExpression();
            return parseIdentifier(ts.Diagnostics.Expression_expected);
        function parseParenthesizedExpression() {
            var node = createNode(178);
            node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseSpreadElement() {
            var node = createNode(191);
            node.expression = parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseArgumentOrArrayLiteralElement() {
            return token() === 22 ? parseSpreadElement() :
                token() === 24 ? createNode(193) :
        function parseArgumentExpression() {
            return doOutsideOfContext(disallowInAndDecoratorContext, parseArgumentOrArrayLiteralElement);
        function parseArrayLiteralExpression() {
            var node = createNode(170);
            if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) {
                node.multiLine = true;
            node.elements = parseDelimitedList(15, parseArgumentOrArrayLiteralElement);
            return finishNode(node);
        function tryParseAccessorDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) {
            if (parseContextualModifier(123)) {
                return addJSDocComment(parseAccessorDeclaration(149, fullStart, decorators, modifiers));
            else if (parseContextualModifier(131)) {
                return parseAccessorDeclaration(150, fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
            return undefined;
        function parseObjectLiteralElement() {
            var fullStart = scanner.getStartPos();
            var decorators = parseDecorators();
            var modifiers = parseModifiers();
            var accessor = tryParseAccessorDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
            if (accessor) {
                return accessor;
            var asteriskToken = parseOptionalToken(37);
            var tokenIsIdentifier = isIdentifier();
            var propertyName = parsePropertyName();
            var questionToken = parseOptionalToken(53);
            if (asteriskToken || token() === 17 || token() === 25) {
                return parseMethodDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, asteriskToken, propertyName, questionToken);
            var isShorthandPropertyAssignment = tokenIsIdentifier && (token() === 24 || token() === 16 || token() === 56);
            if (isShorthandPropertyAssignment) {
                var shorthandDeclaration = createNode(254, fullStart);
       = propertyName;
                shorthandDeclaration.questionToken = questionToken;
                var equalsToken = parseOptionalToken(56);
                if (equalsToken) {
                    shorthandDeclaration.equalsToken = equalsToken;
                    shorthandDeclaration.objectAssignmentInitializer = allowInAnd(parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher);
                return addJSDocComment(finishNode(shorthandDeclaration));
            else {
                var propertyAssignment = createNode(253, fullStart);
                propertyAssignment.modifiers = modifiers;
       = propertyName;
                propertyAssignment.questionToken = questionToken;
                propertyAssignment.initializer = allowInAnd(parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher);
                return addJSDocComment(finishNode(propertyAssignment));
        function parseObjectLiteralExpression() {
            var node = createNode(171);
            if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) {
                node.multiLine = true;
   = parseDelimitedList(12, parseObjectLiteralElement, true);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseFunctionExpression() {
            var saveDecoratorContext = inDecoratorContext();
            if (saveDecoratorContext) {
            var node = createNode(179);
            setModifiers(node, parseModifiers());
            node.asteriskToken = parseOptionalToken(37);
            var isGenerator = !!node.asteriskToken;
            var isAsync = !!(node.flags & 256);
                isGenerator && isAsync ? doInYieldAndAwaitContext(parseOptionalIdentifier) :
                    isGenerator ? doInYieldContext(parseOptionalIdentifier) :
                        isAsync ? doInAwaitContext(parseOptionalIdentifier) :
            fillSignature(54, isGenerator, isAsync, false, node);
            node.body = parseFunctionBlock(isGenerator, isAsync, false);
            if (saveDecoratorContext) {
            return addJSDocComment(finishNode(node));
        function parseOptionalIdentifier() {
            return isIdentifier() ? parseIdentifier() : undefined;
        function parseNewExpression() {
            var node = createNode(175);
            node.expression = parseMemberExpressionOrHigher();
            node.typeArguments = tryParse(parseTypeArgumentsInExpression);
            if (node.typeArguments || token() === 17) {
                node.arguments = parseArgumentList();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseBlock(ignoreMissingOpenBrace, diagnosticMessage) {
            var node = createNode(199);
            if (parseExpected(15, diagnosticMessage) || ignoreMissingOpenBrace) {
                node.statements = parseList(1, parseStatement);
            else {
                node.statements = createMissingList();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseFunctionBlock(allowYield, allowAwait, ignoreMissingOpenBrace, diagnosticMessage) {
            var savedYieldContext = inYieldContext();
            var savedAwaitContext = inAwaitContext();
            var saveDecoratorContext = inDecoratorContext();
            if (saveDecoratorContext) {
            var block = parseBlock(ignoreMissingOpenBrace, diagnosticMessage);
            if (saveDecoratorContext) {
            return block;
        function parseEmptyStatement() {
            var node = createNode(201);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseIfStatement() {
            var node = createNode(203);
            node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression);
            node.thenStatement = parseStatement();
            node.elseStatement = parseOptional(80) ? parseStatement() : undefined;
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseDoStatement() {
            var node = createNode(204);
            node.statement = parseStatement();
            node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseWhileStatement() {
            var node = createNode(205);
            node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression);
            node.statement = parseStatement();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseForOrForInOrForOfStatement() {
            var pos = getNodePos();
            var initializer = undefined;
            if (token() !== 23) {
                if (token() === 102 || token() === 108 || token() === 74) {
                    initializer = parseVariableDeclarationList(true);
                else {
                    initializer = disallowInAnd(parseExpression);
            var forOrForInOrForOfStatement;
            if (parseOptional(90)) {
                var forInStatement = createNode(207, pos);
                forInStatement.initializer = initializer;
                forInStatement.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression);
                forOrForInOrForOfStatement = forInStatement;
            else if (parseOptional(138)) {
                var forOfStatement = createNode(208, pos);
                forOfStatement.initializer = initializer;
                forOfStatement.expression = allowInAnd(parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher);
                forOrForInOrForOfStatement = forOfStatement;
            else {
                var forStatement = createNode(206, pos);
                forStatement.initializer = initializer;
                if (token() !== 23 && token() !== 18) {
                    forStatement.condition = allowInAnd(parseExpression);
                if (token() !== 18) {
                    forStatement.incrementor = allowInAnd(parseExpression);
                forOrForInOrForOfStatement = forStatement;
            forOrForInOrForOfStatement.statement = parseStatement();
            return finishNode(forOrForInOrForOfStatement);
        function parseBreakOrContinueStatement(kind) {
            var node = createNode(kind);
            parseExpected(kind === 210 ? 70 : 75);
            if (!canParseSemicolon()) {
                node.label = parseIdentifier();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseReturnStatement() {
            var node = createNode(211);
            if (!canParseSemicolon()) {
                node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseWithStatement() {
            var node = createNode(212);
            node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression);
            node.statement = parseStatement();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseCaseClause() {
            var node = createNode(249);
            node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression);
            node.statements = parseList(3, parseStatement);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseDefaultClause() {
            var node = createNode(250);
            node.statements = parseList(3, parseStatement);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseCaseOrDefaultClause() {
            return token() === 71 ? parseCaseClause() : parseDefaultClause();
        function parseSwitchStatement() {
            var node = createNode(213);
            node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression);
            var caseBlock = createNode(227, scanner.getStartPos());
            caseBlock.clauses = parseList(2, parseCaseOrDefaultClause);
            node.caseBlock = finishNode(caseBlock);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseThrowStatement() {
            var node = createNode(215);
            node.expression = scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() ? undefined : allowInAnd(parseExpression);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseTryStatement() {
            var node = createNode(216);
            node.tryBlock = parseBlock(false);
            node.catchClause = token() === 72 ? parseCatchClause() : undefined;
            if (!node.catchClause || token() === 85) {
                node.finallyBlock = parseBlock(false);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseCatchClause() {
            var result = createNode(252);
            if (parseExpected(17)) {
                result.variableDeclaration = parseVariableDeclaration();
            result.block = parseBlock(false);
            return finishNode(result);
        function parseDebuggerStatement() {
            var node = createNode(217);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseExpressionOrLabeledStatement() {
            var fullStart = scanner.getStartPos();
            var expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression);
            if (expression.kind === 69 && parseOptional(54)) {
                var labeledStatement = createNode(214, fullStart);
                labeledStatement.label = expression;
                labeledStatement.statement = parseStatement();
                return addJSDocComment(finishNode(labeledStatement));
            else {
                var expressionStatement = createNode(202, fullStart);
                expressionStatement.expression = expression;
                return addJSDocComment(finishNode(expressionStatement));
        function nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOnSameLine() {
            return ts.tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()) && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak();
        function nextTokenIsFunctionKeywordOnSameLine() {
            return token() === 87 && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak();
        function nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOrNumberOnSameLine() {
            return (ts.tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()) || token() === 8) && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak();
        function isDeclaration() {
            while (true) {
                switch (token()) {
                    case 102:
                    case 108:
                    case 74:
                    case 87:
                    case 73:
                    case 81:
                        return true;
                    case 107:
                    case 134:
                        return nextTokenIsIdentifierOnSameLine();
                    case 125:
                    case 126:
                        return nextTokenIsIdentifierOrStringLiteralOnSameLine();
                    case 115:
                    case 118:
                    case 122:
                    case 110:
                    case 111:
                    case 112:
                    case 128:
                        if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) {
                            return false;
                    case 137:
                        return token() === 15 || token() === 69 || token() === 82;
                    case 89:
                        return token() === 9 || token() === 37 ||
                            token() === 15 || ts.tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token());
                    case 82:
                        if (token() === 56 || token() === 37 ||
                            token() === 15 || token() === 77 ||
                            token() === 116) {
                            return true;
                    case 113:
                        return false;
        function isStartOfDeclaration() {
            return lookAhead(isDeclaration);
        function isStartOfStatement() {
            switch (token()) {
                case 55:
                case 23:
                case 15:
                case 102:
                case 108:
                case 87:
                case 73:
                case 81:
                case 88:
                case 79:
                case 104:
                case 86:
                case 75:
                case 70:
                case 94:
                case 105:
                case 96:
                case 98:
                case 100:
                case 76:
                case 72:
                case 85:
                    return true;
                case 74:
                case 82:
                case 89:
                    return isStartOfDeclaration();
                case 118:
                case 122:
                case 107:
                case 125:
                case 126:
                case 134:
                case 137:
                    return true;
                case 112:
                case 110:
                case 111:
                case 113:
                case 128:
                    return isStartOfDeclaration() || !lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOnSameLine);
                    return isStartOfExpression();
        function nextTokenIsIdentifierOrStartOfDestructuring() {
            return isIdentifier() || token() === 15 || token() === 19;
        function isLetDeclaration() {
            return lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrStartOfDestructuring);
        function parseStatement() {
            switch (token()) {
                case 23:
                    return parseEmptyStatement();
                case 15:
                    return parseBlock(false);
                case 102:
                    return parseVariableStatement(scanner.getStartPos(), undefined, undefined);
                case 108:
                    if (isLetDeclaration()) {
                        return parseVariableStatement(scanner.getStartPos(), undefined, undefined);
                case 87:
                    return parseFunctionDeclaration(scanner.getStartPos(), undefined, undefined);
                case 73:
                    return parseClassDeclaration(scanner.getStartPos(), undefined, undefined);
                case 88:
                    return parseIfStatement();
                case 79:
                    return parseDoStatement();
                case 104:
                    return parseWhileStatement();
                case 86:
                    return parseForOrForInOrForOfStatement();
                case 75:
                    return parseBreakOrContinueStatement(209);
                case 70:
                    return parseBreakOrContinueStatement(210);
                case 94:
                    return parseReturnStatement();
                case 105:
                    return parseWithStatement();
                case 96:
                    return parseSwitchStatement();
                case 98:
                    return parseThrowStatement();
                case 100:
                case 72:
                case 85:
                    return parseTryStatement();
                case 76:
                    return parseDebuggerStatement();
                case 55:
                    return parseDeclaration();
                case 118:
                case 107:
                case 134:
                case 125:
                case 126:
                case 122:
                case 74:
                case 81:
                case 82:
                case 89:
                case 110:
                case 111:
                case 112:
                case 115:
                case 113:
                case 128:
                case 137:
                    if (isStartOfDeclaration()) {
                        return parseDeclaration();
            return parseExpressionOrLabeledStatement();
        function parseDeclaration() {
            var fullStart = getNodePos();
            var decorators = parseDecorators();
            var modifiers = parseModifiers();
            switch (token()) {
                case 102:
                case 108:
                case 74:
                    return parseVariableStatement(fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
                case 87:
                    return parseFunctionDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
                case 73:
                    return parseClassDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
                case 107:
                    return parseInterfaceDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
                case 134:
                    return parseTypeAliasDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
                case 81:
                    return parseEnumDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
                case 137:
                case 125:
                case 126:
                    return parseModuleDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
                case 89:
                    return parseImportDeclarationOrImportEqualsDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
                case 82:
                    switch (token()) {
                        case 77:
                        case 56:
                            return parseExportAssignment(fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
                        case 116:
                            return parseNamespaceExportDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
                            return parseExportDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
                    if (decorators || modifiers) {
                        var node = createMissingNode(239, true, ts.Diagnostics.Declaration_expected);
                        node.pos = fullStart;
                        node.decorators = decorators;
                        setModifiers(node, modifiers);
                        return finishNode(node);
        function nextTokenIsIdentifierOrStringLiteralOnSameLine() {
            return !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && (isIdentifier() || token() === 9);
        function parseFunctionBlockOrSemicolon(isGenerator, isAsync, diagnosticMessage) {
            if (token() !== 15 && canParseSemicolon()) {
            return parseFunctionBlock(isGenerator, isAsync, false, diagnosticMessage);
        function parseArrayBindingElement() {
            if (token() === 24) {
                return createNode(193);
            var node = createNode(169);
            node.dotDotDotToken = parseOptionalToken(22);
   = parseIdentifierOrPattern();
            node.initializer = parseBindingElementInitializer(false);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseObjectBindingElement() {
            var node = createNode(169);
            var tokenIsIdentifier = isIdentifier();
            var propertyName = parsePropertyName();
            if (tokenIsIdentifier && token() !== 54) {
       = propertyName;
            else {
                node.propertyName = propertyName;
       = parseIdentifierOrPattern();
            node.initializer = parseBindingElementInitializer(false);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseObjectBindingPattern() {
            var node = createNode(167);
            node.elements = parseDelimitedList(9, parseObjectBindingElement);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseArrayBindingPattern() {
            var node = createNode(168);
            node.elements = parseDelimitedList(10, parseArrayBindingElement);
            return finishNode(node);
        function isIdentifierOrPattern() {
            return token() === 15 || token() === 19 || isIdentifier();
        function parseIdentifierOrPattern() {
            if (token() === 19) {
                return parseArrayBindingPattern();
            if (token() === 15) {
                return parseObjectBindingPattern();
            return parseIdentifier();
        function parseVariableDeclaration() {
            var node = createNode(218);
   = parseIdentifierOrPattern();
            node.type = parseTypeAnnotation();
            if (!isInOrOfKeyword(token())) {
                node.initializer = parseInitializer(false);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseVariableDeclarationList(inForStatementInitializer) {
            var node = createNode(219);
            switch (token()) {
                case 102:
                case 108:
                    node.flags |= 1024;
                case 74:
                    node.flags |= 2048;
            if (token() === 138 && lookAhead(canFollowContextualOfKeyword)) {
                node.declarations = createMissingList();
            else {
                var savedDisallowIn = inDisallowInContext();
                node.declarations = parseDelimitedList(8, parseVariableDeclaration);
            return finishNode(node);
        function canFollowContextualOfKeyword() {
            return nextTokenIsIdentifier() && nextToken() === 18;
        function parseVariableStatement(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) {
            var node = createNode(200, fullStart);
            node.decorators = decorators;
            setModifiers(node, modifiers);
            node.declarationList = parseVariableDeclarationList(false);
            return addJSDocComment(finishNode(node));
        function parseFunctionDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) {
            var node = createNode(220, fullStart);
            node.decorators = decorators;
            setModifiers(node, modifiers);
            node.asteriskToken = parseOptionalToken(37);
   = node.flags & 512 ? parseOptionalIdentifier() : parseIdentifier();
            var isGenerator = !!node.asteriskToken;
            var isAsync = !!(node.flags & 256);
            fillSignature(54, isGenerator, isAsync, false, node);
            node.body = parseFunctionBlockOrSemicolon(isGenerator, isAsync, ts.Diagnostics.or_expected);
            return addJSDocComment(finishNode(node));
        function parseConstructorDeclaration(pos, decorators, modifiers) {
            var node = createNode(148, pos);
            node.decorators = decorators;
            setModifiers(node, modifiers);
            fillSignature(54, false, false, false, node);
            node.body = parseFunctionBlockOrSemicolon(false, false, ts.Diagnostics.or_expected);
            return addJSDocComment(finishNode(node));
        function parseMethodDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, asteriskToken, name, questionToken, diagnosticMessage) {
            var method = createNode(147, fullStart);
            method.decorators = decorators;
            setModifiers(method, modifiers);
            method.asteriskToken = asteriskToken;
   = name;
            method.questionToken = questionToken;
            var isGenerator = !!asteriskToken;
            var isAsync = !!(method.flags & 256);
            fillSignature(54, isGenerator, isAsync, false, method);
            method.body = parseFunctionBlockOrSemicolon(isGenerator, isAsync, diagnosticMessage);
            return addJSDocComment(finishNode(method));
        function parsePropertyDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, name, questionToken) {
            var property = createNode(145, fullStart);
            property.decorators = decorators;
            setModifiers(property, modifiers);
   = name;
            property.questionToken = questionToken;
            property.type = parseTypeAnnotation();
            property.initializer = modifiers && modifiers.flags & 32
                ? allowInAnd(parseNonParameterInitializer)
                : doOutsideOfContext(8388608 | 4194304, parseNonParameterInitializer);
            return finishNode(property);
        function parsePropertyOrMethodDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) {
            var asteriskToken = parseOptionalToken(37);
            var name = parsePropertyName();
            var questionToken = parseOptionalToken(53);
            if (asteriskToken || token() === 17 || token() === 25) {
                return parseMethodDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, asteriskToken, name, questionToken, ts.Diagnostics.or_expected);
            else {
                return parsePropertyDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, name, questionToken);
        function parseNonParameterInitializer() {
            return parseInitializer(false);
        function parseAccessorDeclaration(kind, fullStart, decorators, modifiers) {
            var node = createNode(kind, fullStart);
            node.decorators = decorators;
            setModifiers(node, modifiers);
   = parsePropertyName();
            fillSignature(54, false, false, false, node);
            node.body = parseFunctionBlockOrSemicolon(false, false);
            return finishNode(node);
        function isClassMemberModifier(idToken) {
            switch (idToken) {
                case 112:
                case 110:
                case 111:
                case 113:
                case 128:
                    return true;
                    return false;
        function isClassMemberStart() {
            var idToken;
            if (token() === 55) {
                return true;
            while (ts.isModifierKind(token())) {
                idToken = token();
                if (isClassMemberModifier(idToken)) {
                    return true;
            if (token() === 37) {
                return true;
            if (isLiteralPropertyName()) {
                idToken = token();
            if (token() === 19) {
                return true;
            if (idToken !== undefined) {
                if (!ts.isKeyword(idToken) || idToken === 131 || idToken === 123) {
                    return true;
                switch (token()) {
                    case 17:
                    case 25:
                    case 54:
                    case 56:
                    case 53:
                        return true;
                        return canParseSemicolon();
            return false;
        function parseDecorators() {
            var decorators;
            while (true) {
                var decoratorStart = getNodePos();
                if (!parseOptional(55)) {
                if (!decorators) {
                    decorators = [];
                    decorators.pos = decoratorStart;
                var decorator = createNode(143, decoratorStart);
                decorator.expression = doInDecoratorContext(parseLeftHandSideExpressionOrHigher);
            if (decorators) {
                decorators.end = getNodeEnd();
            return decorators;
        function parseModifiers(permitInvalidConstAsModifier) {
            var flags = 0;
            var modifiers;
            while (true) {
                var modifierStart = scanner.getStartPos();
                var modifierKind = token();
                if (token() === 74 && permitInvalidConstAsModifier) {
                    if (!tryParse(nextTokenIsOnSameLineAndCanFollowModifier)) {
                else {
                    if (!parseAnyContextualModifier()) {
                if (!modifiers) {
                    modifiers = [];
                    modifiers.pos = modifierStart;
                flags |= ts.modifierToFlag(modifierKind);
                modifiers.push(finishNode(createNode(modifierKind, modifierStart)));
            if (modifiers) {
                modifiers.flags = flags;
                modifiers.end = scanner.getStartPos();
            return modifiers;
        function parseModifiersForArrowFunction() {
            var flags = 0;
            var modifiers;
            if (token() === 118) {
                var modifierStart = scanner.getStartPos();
                var modifierKind = token();
                modifiers = [];
                modifiers.pos = modifierStart;
                flags |= ts.modifierToFlag(modifierKind);
                modifiers.push(finishNode(createNode(modifierKind, modifierStart)));
                modifiers.flags = flags;
                modifiers.end = scanner.getStartPos();
            return modifiers;
        function parseClassElement() {
            if (token() === 23) {
                var result = createNode(198);
                return finishNode(result);
            var fullStart = getNodePos();
            var decorators = parseDecorators();
            var modifiers = parseModifiers(true);
            var accessor = tryParseAccessorDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
            if (accessor) {
                return accessor;
            if (token() === 121) {
                return parseConstructorDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
            if (isIndexSignature()) {
                return parseIndexSignatureDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
            if (ts.tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()) ||
                token() === 9 ||
                token() === 8 ||
                token() === 37 ||
                token() === 19) {
                return parsePropertyOrMethodDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
            if (decorators || modifiers) {
                var name_7 = createMissingNode(69, true, ts.Diagnostics.Declaration_expected);
                return parsePropertyDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, name_7, undefined);
  "Should not have attempted to parse class member declaration.");
        function parseClassExpression() {
            return parseClassDeclarationOrExpression(scanner.getStartPos(), undefined, undefined, 192);
        function parseClassDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) {
            return parseClassDeclarationOrExpression(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, 221);
        function parseClassDeclarationOrExpression(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, kind) {
            var node = createNode(kind, fullStart);
            node.decorators = decorators;
            setModifiers(node, modifiers);
   = parseNameOfClassDeclarationOrExpression();
            node.typeParameters = parseTypeParameters();
            node.heritageClauses = parseHeritageClauses(true);
            if (parseExpected(15)) {
                node.members = parseClassMembers();
            else {
                node.members = createMissingList();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseNameOfClassDeclarationOrExpression() {
            return isIdentifier() && !isImplementsClause()
                ? parseIdentifier()
                : undefined;
        function isImplementsClause() {
            return token() === 106 && lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword);
        function parseHeritageClauses(isClassHeritageClause) {
            if (isHeritageClause()) {
                return parseList(20, parseHeritageClause);
            return undefined;
        function parseHeritageClause() {
            if (token() === 83 || token() === 106) {
                var node = createNode(251);
                node.token = token();
                node.types = parseDelimitedList(7, parseExpressionWithTypeArguments);
                return finishNode(node);
            return undefined;
        function parseExpressionWithTypeArguments() {
            var node = createNode(194);
            node.expression = parseLeftHandSideExpressionOrHigher();
            if (token() === 25) {
                node.typeArguments = parseBracketedList(18, parseType, 25, 27);
            return finishNode(node);
        function isHeritageClause() {
            return token() === 83 || token() === 106;
        function parseClassMembers() {
            return parseList(5, parseClassElement);
        function parseInterfaceDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) {
            var node = createNode(222, fullStart);
            node.decorators = decorators;
            setModifiers(node, modifiers);
   = parseIdentifier();
            node.typeParameters = parseTypeParameters();
            node.heritageClauses = parseHeritageClauses(false);
            node.members = parseObjectTypeMembers();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseTypeAliasDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) {
            var node = createNode(223, fullStart);
            node.decorators = decorators;
            setModifiers(node, modifiers);
   = parseIdentifier();
            node.typeParameters = parseTypeParameters();
            node.type = parseType();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseEnumMember() {
            var node = createNode(255, scanner.getStartPos());
   = parsePropertyName();
            node.initializer = allowInAnd(parseNonParameterInitializer);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseEnumDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) {
            var node = createNode(224, fullStart);
            node.decorators = decorators;
            setModifiers(node, modifiers);
   = parseIdentifier();
            if (parseExpected(15)) {
                node.members = parseDelimitedList(6, parseEnumMember);
            else {
                node.members = createMissingList();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseModuleBlock() {
            var node = createNode(226, scanner.getStartPos());
            if (parseExpected(15)) {
                node.statements = parseList(1, parseStatement);
            else {
                node.statements = createMissingList();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseModuleOrNamespaceDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, flags) {
            var node = createNode(225, fullStart);
            var namespaceFlag = flags & 4096;
            node.decorators = decorators;
            setModifiers(node, modifiers);
            node.flags |= flags;
   = parseIdentifier();
            node.body = parseOptional(21)
                ? parseModuleOrNamespaceDeclaration(getNodePos(), undefined, undefined, 1 | namespaceFlag)
                : parseModuleBlock();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseAmbientExternalModuleDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) {
            var node = createNode(225, fullStart);
            node.decorators = decorators;
            setModifiers(node, modifiers);
            if (token() === 137) {
       = parseIdentifier();
                node.flags |= 131072;
            else {
       = parseLiteralNode(true);
            if (token() === 15) {
                node.body = parseModuleBlock();
            else {
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseModuleDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) {
            var flags = modifiers ? modifiers.flags : 0;
            if (token() === 137) {
                return parseAmbientExternalModuleDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
            else if (parseOptional(126)) {
                flags |= 4096;
            else {
                if (token() === 9) {
                    return parseAmbientExternalModuleDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers);
            return parseModuleOrNamespaceDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers, flags);
        function isExternalModuleReference() {
            return token() === 129 &&
        function nextTokenIsOpenParen() {
            return nextToken() === 17;
        function nextTokenIsSlash() {
            return nextToken() === 39;
        function parseNamespaceExportDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) {
            var exportDeclaration = createNode(228, fullStart);
            exportDeclaration.decorators = decorators;
            exportDeclaration.modifiers = modifiers;
   = parseIdentifier();
            return finishNode(exportDeclaration);
        function parseImportDeclarationOrImportEqualsDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) {
            var afterImportPos = scanner.getStartPos();
            var identifier;
            if (isIdentifier()) {
                identifier = parseIdentifier();
                if (token() !== 24 && token() !== 136) {
                    var importEqualsDeclaration = createNode(229, fullStart);
                    importEqualsDeclaration.decorators = decorators;
                    setModifiers(importEqualsDeclaration, modifiers);
           = identifier;
                    importEqualsDeclaration.moduleReference = parseModuleReference();
                    return finishNode(importEqualsDeclaration);
            var importDeclaration = createNode(230, fullStart);
            importDeclaration.decorators = decorators;
            setModifiers(importDeclaration, modifiers);
            if (identifier ||
                token() === 37 ||
                token() === 15) {
                importDeclaration.importClause = parseImportClause(identifier, afterImportPos);
            importDeclaration.moduleSpecifier = parseModuleSpecifier();
            return finishNode(importDeclaration);
        function parseImportClause(identifier, fullStart) {
            var importClause = createNode(231, fullStart);
            if (identifier) {
       = identifier;
            if (! ||
                parseOptional(24)) {
                importClause.namedBindings = token() === 37 ? parseNamespaceImport() : parseNamedImportsOrExports(233);
            return finishNode(importClause);
        function parseModuleReference() {
            return isExternalModuleReference()
                ? parseExternalModuleReference()
                : parseEntityName(false);
        function parseExternalModuleReference() {
            var node = createNode(240);
            node.expression = parseModuleSpecifier();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseModuleSpecifier() {
            if (token() === 9) {
                var result = parseLiteralNode();
                return result;
            else {
                return parseExpression();
        function parseNamespaceImport() {
            var namespaceImport = createNode(232);
   = parseIdentifier();
            return finishNode(namespaceImport);
        function parseNamedImportsOrExports(kind) {
            var node = createNode(kind);
            node.elements = parseBracketedList(21, kind === 233 ? parseImportSpecifier : parseExportSpecifier, 15, 16);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseExportSpecifier() {
            return parseImportOrExportSpecifier(238);
        function parseImportSpecifier() {
            return parseImportOrExportSpecifier(234);
        function parseImportOrExportSpecifier(kind) {
            var node = createNode(kind);
            var checkIdentifierIsKeyword = ts.isKeyword(token()) && !isIdentifier();
            var checkIdentifierStart = scanner.getTokenPos();
            var checkIdentifierEnd = scanner.getTextPos();
            var identifierName = parseIdentifierName();
            if (token() === 116) {
                node.propertyName = identifierName;
                checkIdentifierIsKeyword = ts.isKeyword(token()) && !isIdentifier();
                checkIdentifierStart = scanner.getTokenPos();
                checkIdentifierEnd = scanner.getTextPos();
       = parseIdentifierName();
            else {
       = identifierName;
            if (kind === 234 && checkIdentifierIsKeyword) {
                parseErrorAtPosition(checkIdentifierStart, checkIdentifierEnd - checkIdentifierStart, ts.Diagnostics.Identifier_expected);
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseExportDeclaration(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) {
            var node = createNode(236, fullStart);
            node.decorators = decorators;
            setModifiers(node, modifiers);
            if (parseOptional(37)) {
                node.moduleSpecifier = parseModuleSpecifier();
            else {
                node.exportClause = parseNamedImportsOrExports(237);
                if (token() === 136 || (token() === 9 && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak())) {
                    node.moduleSpecifier = parseModuleSpecifier();
            return finishNode(node);
        function parseExportAssignment(fullStart, decorators, modifiers) {
            var node = createNode(235, fullStart);
            node.decorators = decorators;
            setModifiers(node, modifiers);
            if (parseOptional(56)) {
                node.isExportEquals = true;
            else {
            node.expression = parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher();
            return finishNode(node);
        function processReferenceComments(sourceFile) {
            var triviaScanner = ts.createScanner(sourceFile.languageVersion, false, 0, sourceText);
            var referencedFiles = [];
            var typeReferenceDirectives = [];
            var amdDependencies = [];
            var amdModuleName;
            while (true) {
                var kind = triviaScanner.scan();
                if (kind !== 2) {
                    if (ts.isTrivia(kind)) {
                    else {
                var range = { pos: triviaScanner.getTokenPos(), end: triviaScanner.getTextPos(), kind: triviaScanner.getToken() };
                var comment = sourceText.substring(range.pos, range.end);
                var referencePathMatchResult = ts.getFileReferenceFromReferencePath(comment, range);
                if (referencePathMatchResult) {
                    var fileReference = referencePathMatchResult.fileReference;
                    sourceFile.hasNoDefaultLib = referencePathMatchResult.isNoDefaultLib;
                    var diagnosticMessage = referencePathMatchResult.diagnosticMessage;
                    if (fileReference) {
                        if (referencePathMatchResult.isTypeReferenceDirective) {
                        else {
                    if (diagnosticMessage) {
                        parseDiagnostics.push(ts.createFileDiagnostic(sourceFile, range.pos, range.end - range.pos, diagnosticMessage));
                else {
                    var amdModuleNameRegEx = /^\/\/\/\s*<amd-module\s+name\s*=\s*('|")(.+?)\1/gim;
                    var amdModuleNameMatchResult = amdModuleNameRegEx.exec(comment);
                    if (amdModuleNameMatchResult) {
                        if (amdModuleName) {
                            parseDiagnostics.push(ts.createFileDiagnostic(sourceFile, range.pos, range.end - range.pos, ts.Diagnostics.An_AMD_module_cannot_have_multiple_name_assignments));
                        amdModuleName = amdModuleNameMatchResult[2];
                    var amdDependencyRegEx = /^\/\/\/\s*<amd-dependency\s/gim;
                    var pathRegex = /\spath\s*=\s*('|")(.+?)\1/gim;
                    var nameRegex = /\sname\s*=\s*('|")(.+?)\1/gim;
                    var amdDependencyMatchResult = amdDependencyRegEx.exec(comment);
                    if (amdDependencyMatchResult) {
                        var pathMatchResult = pathRegex.exec(comment);
                        var nameMatchResult = nameRegex.exec(comment);
                        if (pathMatchResult) {
                            var amdDependency = { path: pathMatchResult[2], name: nameMatchResult ? nameMatchResult[2] : undefined };
            sourceFile.referencedFiles = referencedFiles;
            sourceFile.typeReferenceDirectives = typeReferenceDirectives;
            sourceFile.amdDependencies = amdDependencies;
            sourceFile.moduleName = amdModuleName;
        function setExternalModuleIndicator(sourceFile) {
            sourceFile.externalModuleIndicator = ts.forEach(sourceFile.statements, function (node) {
                return node.flags & 1
                    || node.kind === 229 && node.moduleReference.kind === 240
                    || node.kind === 230
                    || node.kind === 235
                    || node.kind === 236
                    ? node
                    : undefined;
        var JSDocParser;
        (function (JSDocParser) {
            function isJSDocType() {
                switch (token()) {
                    case 37:
                    case 53:
                    case 17:
                    case 19:
                    case 49:
                    case 15:
                    case 87:
                    case 22:
                    case 92:
                    case 97:
                        return true;
                return ts.tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token());
            JSDocParser.isJSDocType = isJSDocType;
            function parseJSDocTypeExpressionForTests(content, start, length) {
                initializeState("file.js", content, 2, undefined, 1);
                scanner.setText(content, start, length);
                currentToken = scanner.scan();
                var jsDocTypeExpression = parseJSDocTypeExpression();
                var diagnostics = parseDiagnostics;
                return jsDocTypeExpression ? { jsDocTypeExpression: jsDocTypeExpression, diagnostics: diagnostics } : undefined;
            JSDocParser.parseJSDocTypeExpressionForTests = parseJSDocTypeExpressionForTests;
            function parseJSDocTypeExpression() {
                var result = createNode(257, scanner.getTokenPos());
                result.type = parseJSDocTopLevelType();
                return finishNode(result);
            JSDocParser.parseJSDocTypeExpression = parseJSDocTypeExpression;
            function parseJSDocTopLevelType() {
                var type = parseJSDocType();
                if (token() === 47) {
                    var unionType = createNode(261, type.pos);
                    unionType.types = parseJSDocTypeList(type);
                    type = finishNode(unionType);
                if (token() === 56) {
                    var optionalType = createNode(268, type.pos);
                    optionalType.type = type;
                    type = finishNode(optionalType);
                return type;
            function parseJSDocType() {
                var type = parseBasicTypeExpression();
                while (true) {
                    if (token() === 19) {
                        var arrayType = createNode(260, type.pos);
                        arrayType.elementType = type;
                        type = finishNode(arrayType);
                    else if (token() === 53) {
                        var nullableType = createNode(263, type.pos);
                        nullableType.type = type;
                        type = finishNode(nullableType);
                    else if (token() === 49) {
                        var nonNullableType = createNode(264, type.pos);
                        nonNullableType.type = type;
                        type = finishNode(nonNullableType);
                    else {
                return type;
            function parseBasicTypeExpression() {
                switch (token()) {
                    case 37:
                        return parseJSDocAllType();
                    case 53:
                        return parseJSDocUnknownOrNullableType();
                    case 17:
                        return parseJSDocUnionType();
                    case 19:
                        return parseJSDocTupleType();
                    case 49:
                        return parseJSDocNonNullableType();
                    case 15:
                        return parseJSDocRecordType();
                    case 87:
                        return parseJSDocFunctionType();
                    case 22:
                        return parseJSDocVariadicType();
                    case 92:
                        return parseJSDocConstructorType();
                    case 97:
                        return parseJSDocThisType();
                    case 117:
                    case 132:
                    case 130:
                    case 120:
                    case 133:
                    case 103:
                    case 93:
                    case 135:
                    case 127:
                        return parseTokenNode();
                    case 9:
                    case 8:
                    case 99:
                    case 84:
                        return parseJSDocLiteralType();
                return parseJSDocTypeReference();
            function parseJSDocThisType() {
                var result = createNode(272);
                result.type = parseJSDocType();
                return finishNode(result);
            function parseJSDocConstructorType() {
                var result = createNode(271);
                result.type = parseJSDocType();
                return finishNode(result);
            function parseJSDocVariadicType() {
                var result = createNode(270);
                result.type = parseJSDocType();
                return finishNode(result);
            function parseJSDocFunctionType() {
                var result = createNode(269);
                result.parameters = parseDelimitedList(22, parseJSDocParameter);
                if (token() === 54) {
                    result.type = parseJSDocType();
                return finishNode(result);
            function parseJSDocParameter() {
                var parameter = createNode(142);
                parameter.type = parseJSDocType();
                if (parseOptional(56)) {
                    parameter.questionToken = createNode(56);
                return finishNode(parameter);
            function parseJSDocTypeReference() {
                var result = createNode(267);
       = parseSimplePropertyName();
                if (token() === 25) {
                    result.typeArguments = parseTypeArguments();
                else {
                    while (parseOptional(21)) {
                        if (token() === 25) {
                            result.typeArguments = parseTypeArguments();
                        else {
                   = parseQualifiedName(;
                return finishNode(result);
            function parseTypeArguments() {
                var typeArguments = parseDelimitedList(23, parseJSDocType);
                return typeArguments;
            function checkForEmptyTypeArgumentList(typeArguments) {
                if (parseDiagnostics.length === 0 && typeArguments && typeArguments.length === 0) {
                    var start = typeArguments.pos - "<".length;
                    var end = ts.skipTrivia(sourceText, typeArguments.end) + ">".length;
                    return parseErrorAtPosition(start, end - start, ts.Diagnostics.Type_argument_list_cannot_be_empty);
            function parseQualifiedName(left) {
                var result = createNode(139, left.pos);
                result.left = left;
                result.right = parseIdentifierName();
                return finishNode(result);
            function parseJSDocRecordType() {
                var result = createNode(265);
                result.members = parseDelimitedList(24, parseJSDocRecordMember);
                return finishNode(result);
            function parseJSDocRecordMember() {
                var result = createNode(266);
       = parseSimplePropertyName();
                if (token() === 54) {
                    result.type = parseJSDocType();
                return finishNode(result);
            function parseJSDocNonNullableType() {
                var result = createNode(264);
                result.type = parseJSDocType();
                return finishNode(result);
            function parseJSDocTupleType() {
                var result = createNode(262);
                result.types = parseDelimitedList(25, parseJSDocType);
                return finishNode(result);
            function checkForTrailingComma(list) {
                if (parseDiagnostics.length === 0 && list.hasTrailingComma) {
                    var start = list.end - ",".length;
                    parseErrorAtPosition(start, ",".length, ts.Diagnostics.Trailing_comma_not_allowed);
            function parseJSDocUnionType() {
                var result = createNode(261);
                result.types = parseJSDocTypeList(parseJSDocType());
                return finishNode(result);
            function parseJSDocTypeList(firstType) {
                var types = [];
                types.pos = firstType.pos;
                while (parseOptional(47)) {
                types.end = scanner.getStartPos();
                return types;
            function parseJSDocAllType() {
                var result = createNode(258);
                return finishNode(result);
            function parseJSDocLiteralType() {
                var result = createNode(282);
                result.literal = parseLiteralTypeNode();
                return finishNode(result);
            function parseJSDocUnknownOrNullableType() {
                var pos = scanner.getStartPos();
                if (token() === 24 ||
                    token() === 16 ||
                    token() === 18 ||
                    token() === 27 ||
                    token() === 56 ||
                    token() === 47) {
                    var result = createNode(259, pos);
                    return finishNode(result);
                else {
                    var result = createNode(263, pos);
                    result.type = parseJSDocType();
                    return finishNode(result);
            function parseIsolatedJSDocComment(content, start, length) {
                initializeState("file.js", content, 2, undefined, 1);
                sourceFile = { languageVariant: 0, text: content };
                var jsDocComment = parseJSDocCommentWorker(start, length);
                var diagnostics = parseDiagnostics;
                return jsDocComment ? { jsDocComment: jsDocComment, diagnostics: diagnostics } : undefined;
            JSDocParser.parseIsolatedJSDocComment = parseIsolatedJSDocComment;
            function parseJSDocComment(parent, start, length) {
                var saveToken = currentToken;
                var saveParseDiagnosticsLength = parseDiagnostics.length;
                var saveParseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode;
                var comment = parseJSDocCommentWorker(start, length);
                if (comment) {
                    comment.parent = parent;
                currentToken = saveToken;
                parseDiagnostics.length = saveParseDiagnosticsLength;
                parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = saveParseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode;
                return comment;
            JSDocParser.parseJSDocComment = parseJSDocComment;
            function parseJSDocCommentWorker(start, length) {
                var content = sourceText;
                start = start || 0;
                var end = length === undefined ? content.length : start + length;
                length = end - start;
                ts.Debug.assert(start >= 0);
                ts.Debug.assert(start <= end);
                ts.Debug.assert(end <= content.length);
                var tags;
                var result;
                if (content.charCodeAt(start) === 47 &&
                    content.charCodeAt(start + 1) === 42 &&
                    content.charCodeAt(start + 2) === 42 &&
                    content.charCodeAt(start + 3) !== 42) {
                    scanner.scanRange(start + 3, length - 5, function () {
                        var canParseTag = true;
                        var seenAsterisk = true;
                        while (token() !== 1) {
                            switch (token()) {
                                case 55:
                                    if (canParseTag) {
                                    seenAsterisk = false;
                                case 4:
                                    canParseTag = true;
                                    seenAsterisk = false;
                                case 37:
                                    if (seenAsterisk) {
                                        canParseTag = false;
                                    seenAsterisk = true;
                                case 69:
                                    canParseTag = false;
                                case 1:
                        result = createJSDocComment();
                return result;
                function createJSDocComment() {
                    if (!tags) {
                        return undefined;
                    var result = createNode(273, start);
                    result.tags = tags;
                    return finishNode(result, end);
                function skipWhitespace() {
                    while (token() === 5 || token() === 4) {
                function parseTag() {
                    ts.Debug.assert(token() === 55);
                    var atToken = createNode(55, scanner.getTokenPos());
                    atToken.end = scanner.getTextPos();
                    var tagName = parseJSDocIdentifierName();
                    if (!tagName) {
                    var tag = handleTag(atToken, tagName) || handleUnknownTag(atToken, tagName);
                function handleTag(atToken, tagName) {
                    if (tagName) {
                        switch (tagName.text) {
                            case "param":
                                return handleParamTag(atToken, tagName);
                            case "return":
                            case "returns":
                                return handleReturnTag(atToken, tagName);
                            case "template":
                                return handleTemplateTag(atToken, tagName);
                            case "type":
                                return handleTypeTag(atToken, tagName);
                            case "typedef":
                                return handleTypedefTag(atToken, tagName);
                    return undefined;
                function handleUnknownTag(atToken, tagName) {
                    var result = createNode(274, atToken.pos);
                    result.atToken = atToken;
                    result.tagName = tagName;
                    return finishNode(result);
                function addTag(tag) {
                    if (tag) {
                        if (!tags) {
                            tags = [];
                            tags.pos = tag.pos;
                        tags.end = tag.end;
                function tryParseTypeExpression() {
                    if (token() !== 15) {
                        return undefined;
                    var typeExpression = parseJSDocTypeExpression();
                    return typeExpression;
                function handleParamTag(atToken, tagName) {
                    var typeExpression = tryParseTypeExpression();
                    var name;
                    var isBracketed;
                    if (parseOptionalToken(19)) {
                        name = parseJSDocIdentifierName();
                        isBracketed = true;
                        if (parseOptionalToken(56)) {
                    else if (ts.tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token())) {
                        name = parseJSDocIdentifierName();
                    if (!name) {
                        parseErrorAtPosition(scanner.getStartPos(), 0, ts.Diagnostics.Identifier_expected);
                        return undefined;
                    var preName, postName;
                    if (typeExpression) {
                        postName = name;
                    else {
                        preName = name;
                    if (!typeExpression) {
                        typeExpression = tryParseTypeExpression();
                    var result = createNode(275, atToken.pos);
                    result.atToken = atToken;
                    result.tagName = tagName;
                    result.preParameterName = preName;
                    result.typeExpression = typeExpression;
                    result.postParameterName = postName;
                    result.isBracketed = isBracketed;
                    return finishNode(result);
                function handleReturnTag(atToken, tagName) {
                    if (ts.forEach(tags, function (t) { return t.kind === 276; })) {
                        parseErrorAtPosition(tagName.pos, scanner.getTokenPos() - tagName.pos, ts.Diagnostics._0_tag_already_specified, tagName.text);
                    var result = createNode(276, atToken.pos);
                    result.atToken = atToken;
                    result.tagName = tagName;
                    result.typeExpression = tryParseTypeExpression();
                    return finishNode(result);
                function handleTypeTag(atToken, tagName) {
                    if (ts.forEach(tags, function (t) { return t.kind === 277; })) {
                        parseErrorAtPosition(tagName.pos, scanner.getTokenPos() - tagName.pos, ts.Diagnostics._0_tag_already_specified, tagName.text);
                    var result = createNode(277, atToken.pos);
                    result.atToken = atToken;
                    result.tagName = tagName;
                    result.typeExpression = tryParseTypeExpression();
                    return finishNode(result);
                function handlePropertyTag(atToken, tagName) {
                    var typeExpression = tryParseTypeExpression();
                    var name = parseJSDocIdentifierName();
                    if (!name) {
                        parseErrorAtPosition(scanner.getStartPos(), 0, ts.Diagnostics.Identifier_expected);
                        return undefined;
                    var result = createNode(280, atToken.pos);
                    result.atToken = atToken;
                    result.tagName = tagName;
           = name;
                    result.typeExpression = typeExpression;
                    return finishNode(result);
                function handleTypedefTag(atToken, tagName) {
                    var typeExpression = tryParseTypeExpression();
                    var typedefTag = createNode(279, atToken.pos);
                    typedefTag.atToken = atToken;
                    typedefTag.tagName = tagName;
           = parseJSDocIdentifierName();
                    typedefTag.typeExpression = typeExpression;
                    if (typeExpression) {
                        if (typeExpression.type.kind === 267) {
                            var jsDocTypeReference = typeExpression.type;
                            if ( === 69) {
                                var name_8 =;
                                if (name_8.text === "Object") {
                                    typedefTag.jsDocTypeLiteral = scanChildTags();
                        if (!typedefTag.jsDocTypeLiteral) {
                            typedefTag.jsDocTypeLiteral = typeExpression.type;
                    else {
                        typedefTag.jsDocTypeLiteral = scanChildTags();
                    return finishNode(typedefTag);
                    function scanChildTags() {
                        var jsDocTypeLiteral = createNode(281, scanner.getStartPos());
                        var resumePos = scanner.getStartPos();
                        var canParseTag = true;
                        var seenAsterisk = false;
                        var parentTagTerminated = false;
                        while (token() !== 1 && !parentTagTerminated) {
                            switch (token()) {
                                case 55:
                                    if (canParseTag) {
                                        parentTagTerminated = !tryParseChildTag(jsDocTypeLiteral);
                                        if (!parentTagTerminated) {
                                            resumePos = scanner.getStartPos();
                                    seenAsterisk = false;
                                case 4:
                                    resumePos = scanner.getStartPos() - 1;
                                    canParseTag = true;
                                    seenAsterisk = false;
                                case 37:
                                    if (seenAsterisk) {
                                        canParseTag = false;
                                    seenAsterisk = true;
                                case 69:
                                    canParseTag = false;
                                case 1:
                        return finishNode(jsDocTypeLiteral);
                function tryParseChildTag(parentTag) {
                    ts.Debug.assert(token() === 55);
                    var atToken = createNode(55, scanner.getStartPos());
                    atToken.end = scanner.getTextPos();
                    var tagName = parseJSDocIdentifierName();
                    if (!tagName) {
                        return false;
                    switch (tagName.text) {
                        case "type":
                            if (parentTag.jsDocTypeTag) {
                                return false;
                            parentTag.jsDocTypeTag = handleTypeTag(atToken, tagName);
                            return true;
                        case "prop":
                        case "property":
                            if (!parentTag.jsDocPropertyTags) {
                                parentTag.jsDocPropertyTags = [];
                            var propertyTag = handlePropertyTag(atToken, tagName);
                            return true;
                    return false;
                function handleTemplateTag(atToken, tagName) {
                    if (ts.forEach(tags, function (t) { return t.kind === 278; })) {
                        parseErrorAtPosition(tagName.pos, scanner.getTokenPos() - tagName.pos, ts.Diagnostics._0_tag_already_specified, tagName.text);
                    var typeParameters = [];
                    typeParameters.pos = scanner.getStartPos();
                    while (true) {
                        var name_9 = parseJSDocIdentifierName();
                        if (!name_9) {
                            parseErrorAtPosition(scanner.getStartPos(), 0, ts.Diagnostics.Identifier_expected);
                            return undefined;
                        var typeParameter = createNode(141, name_9.pos);
               = name_9;
                        if (token() === 24) {
                        else {
                    var result = createNode(278, atToken.pos);
                    result.atToken = atToken;
                    result.tagName = tagName;
                    result.typeParameters = typeParameters;
                    typeParameters.end = result.end;
                    return result;
                function nextJSDocToken() {
                    return currentToken = scanner.scanJSDocToken();
                function parseJSDocIdentifierName() {
                    return createJSDocIdentifier(ts.tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()));
                function createJSDocIdentifier(isIdentifier) {
                    if (!isIdentifier) {
                        return undefined;
                    var pos = scanner.getTokenPos();
                    var end = scanner.getTextPos();
                    var result = createNode(69, pos);
                    result.text = content.substring(pos, end);
                    finishNode(result, end);
                    return result;
            JSDocParser.parseJSDocCommentWorker = parseJSDocCommentWorker;
        })(JSDocParser = Parser.JSDocParser || (Parser.JSDocParser = {}));
    })(Parser || (Parser = {}));
    var IncrementalParser;
    (function (IncrementalParser) {
        function updateSourceFile(sourceFile, newText, textChangeRange, aggressiveChecks) {
            aggressiveChecks = aggressiveChecks || ts.Debug.shouldAssert(2);
            checkChangeRange(sourceFile, newText, textChangeRange, aggressiveChecks);
            if (ts.textChangeRangeIsUnchanged(textChangeRange)) {
                return sourceFile;
            if (sourceFile.statements.length === 0) {
                return Parser.parseSourceFile(sourceFile.fileName, newText, sourceFile.languageVersion, undefined, true, sourceFile.scriptKind);
            var incrementalSourceFile = sourceFile;
            incrementalSourceFile.hasBeenIncrementallyParsed = true;
            var oldText = sourceFile.text;
            var syntaxCursor = createSyntaxCursor(sourceFile);
            var changeRange = extendToAffectedRange(sourceFile, textChangeRange);
            checkChangeRange(sourceFile, newText, changeRange, aggressiveChecks);
            ts.Debug.assert(changeRange.span.start <= textChangeRange.span.start);
            ts.Debug.assert(ts.textSpanEnd(changeRange.span) === ts.textSpanEnd(textChangeRange.span));
            ts.Debug.assert(ts.textSpanEnd(ts.textChangeRangeNewSpan(changeRange)) === ts.textSpanEnd(ts.textChangeRangeNewSpan(textChangeRange)));
            var delta = ts.textChangeRangeNewSpan(changeRange).length - changeRange.span.length;
            updateTokenPositionsAndMarkElements(incrementalSourceFile, changeRange.span.start, ts.textSpanEnd(changeRange.span), ts.textSpanEnd(ts.textChangeRangeNewSpan(changeRange)), delta, oldText, newText, aggressiveChecks);
            var result = Parser.parseSourceFile(sourceFile.fileName, newText, sourceFile.languageVersion, syntaxCursor, true, sourceFile.scriptKind);
            return result;
        IncrementalParser.updateSourceFile = updateSourceFile;
        function moveElementEntirelyPastChangeRange(element, isArray, delta, oldText, newText, aggressiveChecks) {
            if (isArray) {
            else {
            function visitNode(node) {
                var text = "";
                if (aggressiveChecks && shouldCheckNode(node)) {
                    text = oldText.substring(node.pos, node.end);
                if (node._children) {
                    node._children = undefined;
                node.pos += delta;
                node.end += delta;
                if (aggressiveChecks && shouldCheckNode(node)) {
                    ts.Debug.assert(text === newText.substring(node.pos, node.end));
                forEachChild(node, visitNode, visitArray);
                if (node.jsDocComments) {
                    for (var _i = 0, _a = node.jsDocComments; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                        var jsDocComment = _a[_i];
                        forEachChild(jsDocComment, visitNode, visitArray);
                checkNodePositions(node, aggressiveChecks);
            function visitArray(array) {
                array._children = undefined;
                array.pos += delta;
                array.end += delta;
                for (var _i = 0, array_9 = array; _i < array_9.length; _i++) {
                    var node = array_9[_i];
        function shouldCheckNode(node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 9:
                case 8:
                case 69:
                    return true;
            return false;
        function adjustIntersectingElement(element, changeStart, changeRangeOldEnd, changeRangeNewEnd, delta) {
            ts.Debug.assert(element.end >= changeStart, "Adjusting an element that was entirely before the change range");
            ts.Debug.assert(element.pos <= changeRangeOldEnd, "Adjusting an element that was entirely after the change range");
            ts.Debug.assert(element.pos <= element.end);
            element.pos = Math.min(element.pos, changeRangeNewEnd);
            if (element.end >= changeRangeOldEnd) {
                element.end += delta;
            else {
                element.end = Math.min(element.end, changeRangeNewEnd);
            ts.Debug.assert(element.pos <= element.end);
            if (element.parent) {
                ts.Debug.assert(element.pos >= element.parent.pos);
                ts.Debug.assert(element.end <= element.parent.end);
        function checkNodePositions(node, aggressiveChecks) {
            if (aggressiveChecks) {
                var pos_2 = node.pos;
                forEachChild(node, function (child) {
                    ts.Debug.assert(child.pos >= pos_2);
                    pos_2 = child.end;
                ts.Debug.assert(pos_2 <= node.end);
        function updateTokenPositionsAndMarkElements(sourceFile, changeStart, changeRangeOldEnd, changeRangeNewEnd, delta, oldText, newText, aggressiveChecks) {
            function visitNode(child) {
                ts.Debug.assert(child.pos <= child.end);
                if (child.pos > changeRangeOldEnd) {
                    moveElementEntirelyPastChangeRange(child, false, delta, oldText, newText, aggressiveChecks);
                var fullEnd = child.end;
                if (fullEnd >= changeStart) {
                    child.intersectsChange = true;
                    child._children = undefined;
                    adjustIntersectingElement(child, changeStart, changeRangeOldEnd, changeRangeNewEnd, delta);
                    forEachChild(child, visitNode, visitArray);
                    checkNodePositions(child, aggressiveChecks);
                ts.Debug.assert(fullEnd < changeStart);
            function visitArray(array) {
                ts.Debug.assert(array.pos <= array.end);
                if (array.pos > changeRangeOldEnd) {
                    moveElementEntirelyPastChangeRange(array, true, delta, oldText, newText, aggressiveChecks);
                var fullEnd = array.end;
                if (fullEnd >= changeStart) {
                    array.intersectsChange = true;
                    array._children = undefined;
                    adjustIntersectingElement(array, changeStart, changeRangeOldEnd, changeRangeNewEnd, delta);
                    for (var _i = 0, array_10 = array; _i < array_10.length; _i++) {
                        var node = array_10[_i];
                ts.Debug.assert(fullEnd < changeStart);
        function extendToAffectedRange(sourceFile, changeRange) {
            var maxLookahead = 1;
            var start = changeRange.span.start;
            for (var i = 0; start > 0 && i <= maxLookahead; i++) {
                var nearestNode = findNearestNodeStartingBeforeOrAtPosition(sourceFile, start);
                ts.Debug.assert(nearestNode.pos <= start);
                var position = nearestNode.pos;
                start = Math.max(0, position - 1);
            var finalSpan = ts.createTextSpanFromBounds(start, ts.textSpanEnd(changeRange.span));
            var finalLength = changeRange.newLength + (changeRange.span.start - start);
            return ts.createTextChangeRange(finalSpan, finalLength);
        function findNearestNodeStartingBeforeOrAtPosition(sourceFile, position) {
            var bestResult = sourceFile;
            var lastNodeEntirelyBeforePosition;
            forEachChild(sourceFile, visit);
            if (lastNodeEntirelyBeforePosition) {
                var lastChildOfLastEntireNodeBeforePosition = getLastChild(lastNodeEntirelyBeforePosition);
                if (lastChildOfLastEntireNodeBeforePosition.pos > bestResult.pos) {
                    bestResult = lastChildOfLastEntireNodeBeforePosition;
            return bestResult;
            function getLastChild(node) {
                while (true) {
                    var lastChild = getLastChildWorker(node);
                    if (lastChild) {
                        node = lastChild;
                    else {
                        return node;
            function getLastChildWorker(node) {
                var last = undefined;
                forEachChild(node, function (child) {
                    if (ts.nodeIsPresent(child)) {
                        last = child;
                return last;
            function visit(child) {
                if (ts.nodeIsMissing(child)) {
                if (child.pos <= position) {
                    if (child.pos >= bestResult.pos) {
                        bestResult = child;
                    if (position < child.end) {
                        forEachChild(child, visit);
                        return true;
                    else {
                        ts.Debug.assert(child.end <= position);
                        lastNodeEntirelyBeforePosition = child;
                else {
                    ts.Debug.assert(child.pos > position);
                    return true;
        function checkChangeRange(sourceFile, newText, textChangeRange, aggressiveChecks) {
            var oldText = sourceFile.text;
            if (textChangeRange) {
                ts.Debug.assert((oldText.length - textChangeRange.span.length + textChangeRange.newLength) === newText.length);
                if (aggressiveChecks || ts.Debug.shouldAssert(3)) {
                    var oldTextPrefix = oldText.substr(0, textChangeRange.span.start);
                    var newTextPrefix = newText.substr(0, textChangeRange.span.start);
                    ts.Debug.assert(oldTextPrefix === newTextPrefix);
                    var oldTextSuffix = oldText.substring(ts.textSpanEnd(textChangeRange.span), oldText.length);
                    var newTextSuffix = newText.substring(ts.textSpanEnd(ts.textChangeRangeNewSpan(textChangeRange)), newText.length);
                    ts.Debug.assert(oldTextSuffix === newTextSuffix);
        function createSyntaxCursor(sourceFile) {
            var currentArray = sourceFile.statements;
            var currentArrayIndex = 0;
            ts.Debug.assert(currentArrayIndex < currentArray.length);
            var current = currentArray[currentArrayIndex];
            var lastQueriedPosition = -1;
            return {
                currentNode: function (position) {
                    if (position !== lastQueriedPosition) {
                        if (current && current.end === position && currentArrayIndex < (currentArray.length - 1)) {
                            current = currentArray[currentArrayIndex];
                        if (!current || current.pos !== position) {
                    lastQueriedPosition = position;
                    ts.Debug.assert(!current || current.pos === position);
                    return current;
            function findHighestListElementThatStartsAtPosition(position) {
                currentArray = undefined;
                currentArrayIndex = -1;
                current = undefined;
                forEachChild(sourceFile, visitNode, visitArray);
                function visitNode(node) {
                    if (position >= node.pos && position < node.end) {
                        forEachChild(node, visitNode, visitArray);
                        return true;
                    return false;
                function visitArray(array) {
                    if (position >= array.pos && position < array.end) {
                        for (var i = 0, n = array.length; i < n; i++) {
                            var child = array[i];
                            if (child) {
                                if (child.pos === position) {
                                    currentArray = array;
                                    currentArrayIndex = i;
                                    current = child;
                                    return true;
                                else {
                                    if (child.pos < position && position < child.end) {
                                        forEachChild(child, visitNode, visitArray);
                                        return true;
                    return false;
    })(IncrementalParser || (IncrementalParser = {}));
})(ts || (ts = {}));
var ts;
(function (ts) {
    function tryReadTypesSection(packageJsonPath, baseDirectory, state) {
        var jsonContent = ts.readJson(packageJsonPath,;
        function tryReadFromField(fieldName) {
            if (ts.hasProperty(jsonContent, fieldName)) {
                var typesFile = jsonContent[fieldName];
                if (typeof typesFile === "string") {
                    var typesFilePath_1 = ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(baseDirectory, typesFile));
                    if (state.traceEnabled) {
                        ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.package_json_has_0_field_1_that_references_2, fieldName, typesFile, typesFilePath_1);
                    return typesFilePath_1;
                else {
                    if (state.traceEnabled) {
                        ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.Expected_type_of_0_field_in_package_json_to_be_string_got_1, fieldName, typeof typesFile);
        var typesFilePath = tryReadFromField("typings") || tryReadFromField("types");
        if (typesFilePath) {
            return typesFilePath;
        if (state.compilerOptions.allowJs && jsonContent.main && typeof jsonContent.main === "string") {
            if (state.traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.No_types_specified_in_package_json_but_allowJs_is_set_so_returning_main_value_of_0, jsonContent.main);
            var mainFilePath = ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(baseDirectory, jsonContent.main));
            return mainFilePath;
        return undefined;
    function tryFile(fileName, failedLookupLocation, onlyRecordFailures, state) {
        if (!onlyRecordFailures && {
            if (state.traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.File_0_exist_use_it_as_a_name_resolution_result, fileName);
            return fileName;
        else {
            if (state.traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.File_0_does_not_exist, fileName);
            return undefined;
    function tryAddingExtensions(candidate, extensions, failedLookupLocation, onlyRecordFailures, state) {
        if (!onlyRecordFailures) {
            var directory = ts.getDirectoryPath(candidate);
            if (directory) {
                onlyRecordFailures = !directoryProbablyExists(directory,;
        return ts.forEach(extensions, function (ext) {
            return !(state.skipTsx && ts.isJsxOrTsxExtension(ext)) && tryFile(candidate + ext, failedLookupLocation, onlyRecordFailures, state);
    function loadModuleFromFile(candidate, extensions, failedLookupLocation, onlyRecordFailures, state) {
        var resolvedByAddingExtension = tryAddingExtensions(candidate, extensions, failedLookupLocation, onlyRecordFailures, state);
        if (resolvedByAddingExtension) {
            return resolvedByAddingExtension;
        if (ts.hasJavaScriptFileExtension(candidate)) {
            var extensionless = ts.removeFileExtension(candidate);
            if (state.traceEnabled) {
                var extension = candidate.substring(extensionless.length);
                ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.File_name_0_has_a_1_extension_stripping_it, candidate, extension);
            return tryAddingExtensions(extensionless, extensions, failedLookupLocation, onlyRecordFailures, state);
    function loadNodeModuleFromDirectory(extensions, candidate, failedLookupLocation, onlyRecordFailures, state) {
        var packageJsonPath = pathToPackageJson(candidate);
        var directoryExists = !onlyRecordFailures && directoryProbablyExists(candidate,;
        if (directoryExists && {
            if (state.traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.Found_package_json_at_0, packageJsonPath);
            var typesFile = tryReadTypesSection(packageJsonPath, candidate, state);
            if (typesFile) {
                var onlyRecordFailures_1 = !directoryProbablyExists(ts.getDirectoryPath(typesFile),;
                var result = tryFile(typesFile, failedLookupLocation, onlyRecordFailures_1, state) ||
                    tryAddingExtensions(typesFile, extensions, failedLookupLocation, onlyRecordFailures_1, state);
                if (result) {
                    return result;
            else {
                if (state.traceEnabled) {
                    ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.package_json_does_not_have_types_field);
        else {
            if (state.traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.File_0_does_not_exist, packageJsonPath);
        return loadModuleFromFile(ts.combinePaths(candidate, "index"), extensions, failedLookupLocation, !directoryExists, state);
    ts.loadNodeModuleFromDirectory = loadNodeModuleFromDirectory;
    function loadModuleFromNodeModulesFolder(moduleName, directory, failedLookupLocations, state) {
        var nodeModulesFolder = ts.combinePaths(directory, "node_modules");
        var nodeModulesFolderExists = directoryProbablyExists(nodeModulesFolder,;
        var candidate = ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(nodeModulesFolder, moduleName));
        var supportedExtensions = ts.getSupportedExtensions(state.compilerOptions);
        var result = loadModuleFromFile(candidate, supportedExtensions, failedLookupLocations, !nodeModulesFolderExists, state);
        if (result) {
            return result;
        result = loadNodeModuleFromDirectory(supportedExtensions, candidate, failedLookupLocations, !nodeModulesFolderExists, state);
        if (result) {
            return result;
    function loadModuleFromNodeModules(moduleName, directory, failedLookupLocations, state, checkOneLevel) {
        directory = ts.normalizeSlashes(directory);
        while (true) {
            var baseName = ts.getBaseFileName(directory);
            if (baseName !== "node_modules") {
                var packageResult = loadModuleFromNodeModulesFolder(moduleName, directory, failedLookupLocations, state);
                if (packageResult && ts.hasTypeScriptFileExtension(packageResult)) {
                    return packageResult;
                else {
                    var typesResult = loadModuleFromNodeModulesFolder(ts.combinePaths("@types", moduleName), directory, failedLookupLocations, state);
                    if (typesResult || packageResult) {
                        return typesResult || packageResult;
            var parentPath = ts.getDirectoryPath(directory);
            if (parentPath === directory || checkOneLevel) {
            directory = parentPath;
        return undefined;
    ts.loadModuleFromNodeModules = loadModuleFromNodeModules;
    function moduleHasNonRelativeName(moduleName) {
        return !(ts.isRootedDiskPath(moduleName) || ts.isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleName));
    function classicNameResolver(moduleName, containingFile, compilerOptions, host) {
        var traceEnabled = ts.isTraceEnabled(compilerOptions, host);
        var state = { compilerOptions: compilerOptions, host: host, traceEnabled: traceEnabled, skipTsx: !compilerOptions.jsx };
        var failedLookupLocations = [];
        var supportedExtensions = ts.getSupportedExtensions(compilerOptions);
        var containingDirectory = ts.getDirectoryPath(containingFile);
        var resolvedFileName = tryLoadModuleUsingOptionalResolutionSettings(moduleName, containingDirectory, loadModuleFromFile, failedLookupLocations, supportedExtensions, state);
        if (resolvedFileName) {
            return ts.createResolvedModule(resolvedFileName, false, failedLookupLocations);
        var referencedSourceFile;
        if (moduleHasNonRelativeName(moduleName)) {
            while (true) {
                var searchName = ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(containingDirectory, moduleName));
                referencedSourceFile = loadModuleFromFile(searchName, supportedExtensions, failedLookupLocations, false, state);
                if (referencedSourceFile) {
                var parentPath = ts.getDirectoryPath(containingDirectory);
                if (parentPath === containingDirectory) {
                containingDirectory = parentPath;
        else {
            var candidate = ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(containingDirectory, moduleName));
            referencedSourceFile = loadModuleFromFile(candidate, supportedExtensions, failedLookupLocations, false, state);
        return referencedSourceFile
            ? { resolvedModule: { resolvedFileName: referencedSourceFile }, failedLookupLocations: failedLookupLocations }
            : { resolvedModule: undefined, failedLookupLocations: failedLookupLocations };
    ts.classicNameResolver = classicNameResolver;
    function nodeModuleNameResolver(moduleName, containingFile, compilerOptions, host) {
        var containingDirectory = ts.getDirectoryPath(containingFile);
        var supportedExtensions = ts.getSupportedExtensions(compilerOptions);
        var traceEnabled = ts.isTraceEnabled(compilerOptions, host);
        var failedLookupLocations = [];
        var state = { compilerOptions: compilerOptions, host: host, traceEnabled: traceEnabled, skipTsx: false };
        var resolvedFileName = tryLoadModuleUsingOptionalResolutionSettings(moduleName, containingDirectory, nodeLoadModuleByRelativeName, failedLookupLocations, supportedExtensions, state);
        var isExternalLibraryImport = false;
        if (!resolvedFileName) {
            if (moduleHasNonRelativeName(moduleName)) {
                if (traceEnabled) {
                    ts.trace(host, ts.Diagnostics.Loading_module_0_from_node_modules_folder, moduleName);
                resolvedFileName = loadModuleFromNodeModules(moduleName, containingDirectory, failedLookupLocations, state, false);
                isExternalLibraryImport = resolvedFileName !== undefined;
            else {
                var candidate = ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(containingDirectory, moduleName));
                resolvedFileName = nodeLoadModuleByRelativeName(candidate, supportedExtensions, failedLookupLocations, false, state);
        if (resolvedFileName && host.realpath) {
            var originalFileName = resolvedFileName;
            resolvedFileName = ts.normalizePath(host.realpath(resolvedFileName));
            if (traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(host, ts.Diagnostics.Resolving_real_path_for_0_result_1, originalFileName, resolvedFileName);
        return ts.createResolvedModule(resolvedFileName, isExternalLibraryImport, failedLookupLocations);
    ts.nodeModuleNameResolver = nodeModuleNameResolver;
    function nodeLoadModuleByRelativeName(candidate, supportedExtensions, failedLookupLocations, onlyRecordFailures, state) {
        if (state.traceEnabled) {
            ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.Loading_module_as_file_Slash_folder_candidate_module_location_0, candidate);
        var resolvedFileName = loadModuleFromFile(candidate, supportedExtensions, failedLookupLocations, onlyRecordFailures, state);
        return resolvedFileName || loadNodeModuleFromDirectory(supportedExtensions, candidate, failedLookupLocations, onlyRecordFailures, state);
    function tryLoadModuleUsingRootDirs(moduleName, containingDirectory, loader, failedLookupLocations, supportedExtensions, state) {
        if (!state.compilerOptions.rootDirs) {
            return undefined;
        if (state.traceEnabled) {
            ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.rootDirs_option_is_set_using_it_to_resolve_relative_module_name_0, moduleName);
        var candidate = ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(containingDirectory, moduleName));
        var matchedRootDir;
        var matchedNormalizedPrefix;
        for (var _i = 0, _a = state.compilerOptions.rootDirs; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
            var rootDir = _a[_i];
            var normalizedRoot = ts.normalizePath(rootDir);
            if (!ts.endsWith(normalizedRoot, ts.directorySeparator)) {
                normalizedRoot += ts.directorySeparator;
            var isLongestMatchingPrefix = ts.startsWith(candidate, normalizedRoot) &&
                (matchedNormalizedPrefix === undefined || matchedNormalizedPrefix.length < normalizedRoot.length);
            if (state.traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.Checking_if_0_is_the_longest_matching_prefix_for_1_2, normalizedRoot, candidate, isLongestMatchingPrefix);
            if (isLongestMatchingPrefix) {
                matchedNormalizedPrefix = normalizedRoot;
                matchedRootDir = rootDir;
        if (matchedNormalizedPrefix) {
            if (state.traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.Longest_matching_prefix_for_0_is_1, candidate, matchedNormalizedPrefix);
            var suffix = candidate.substr(matchedNormalizedPrefix.length);
            if (state.traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.Loading_0_from_the_root_dir_1_candidate_location_2, suffix, matchedNormalizedPrefix, candidate);
            var resolvedFileName = loader(candidate, supportedExtensions, failedLookupLocations, !directoryProbablyExists(containingDirectory,, state);
            if (resolvedFileName) {
                return resolvedFileName;
            if (state.traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.Trying_other_entries_in_rootDirs);
            for (var _b = 0, _c = state.compilerOptions.rootDirs; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
                var rootDir = _c[_b];
                if (rootDir === matchedRootDir) {
                var candidate_1 = ts.combinePaths(ts.normalizePath(rootDir), suffix);
                if (state.traceEnabled) {
                    ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.Loading_0_from_the_root_dir_1_candidate_location_2, suffix, rootDir, candidate_1);
                var baseDirectory = ts.getDirectoryPath(candidate_1);
                var resolvedFileName_1 = loader(candidate_1, supportedExtensions, failedLookupLocations, !directoryProbablyExists(baseDirectory,, state);
                if (resolvedFileName_1) {
                    return resolvedFileName_1;
            if (state.traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.Module_resolution_using_rootDirs_has_failed);
        return undefined;
    function tryLoadModuleUsingBaseUrl(moduleName, loader, failedLookupLocations, supportedExtensions, state) {
        if (!state.compilerOptions.baseUrl) {
            return undefined;
        if (state.traceEnabled) {
            ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.baseUrl_option_is_set_to_0_using_this_value_to_resolve_non_relative_module_name_1, state.compilerOptions.baseUrl, moduleName);
        var matchedPattern = undefined;
        if (state.compilerOptions.paths) {
            if (state.traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.paths_option_is_specified_looking_for_a_pattern_to_match_module_name_0, moduleName);
            matchedPattern = matchPatternOrExact(ts.getOwnKeys(state.compilerOptions.paths), moduleName);
        if (matchedPattern) {
            var matchedStar = typeof matchedPattern === "string" ? undefined : matchedText(matchedPattern, moduleName);
            var matchedPatternText = typeof matchedPattern === "string" ? matchedPattern : patternText(matchedPattern);
            if (state.traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.Module_name_0_matched_pattern_1, moduleName, matchedPatternText);
            for (var _i = 0, _a = state.compilerOptions.paths[matchedPatternText]; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var subst = _a[_i];
                var path = matchedStar ? subst.replace("*", matchedStar) : subst;
                var candidate = ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(state.compilerOptions.baseUrl, path));
                if (state.traceEnabled) {
                    ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.Trying_substitution_0_candidate_module_location_Colon_1, subst, path);
                var resolvedFileName = loader(candidate, supportedExtensions, failedLookupLocations, !directoryProbablyExists(ts.getDirectoryPath(candidate),, state);
                if (resolvedFileName) {
                    return resolvedFileName;
            return undefined;
        else {
            var candidate = ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(state.compilerOptions.baseUrl, moduleName));
            if (state.traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(, ts.Diagnostics.Resolving_module_name_0_relative_to_base_url_1_2, moduleName, state.compilerOptions.baseUrl, candidate);
            return loader(candidate, supportedExtensions, failedLookupLocations, !directoryProbablyExists(ts.getDirectoryPath(candidate),, state);
    function tryLoadModuleUsingOptionalResolutionSettings(moduleName, containingDirectory, loader, failedLookupLocations, supportedExtensions, state) {
        if (moduleHasNonRelativeName(moduleName)) {
            return tryLoadModuleUsingBaseUrl(moduleName, loader, failedLookupLocations, supportedExtensions, state);
        else {
            return tryLoadModuleUsingRootDirs(moduleName, containingDirectory, loader, failedLookupLocations, supportedExtensions, state);
    function resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile, compilerOptions, host) {
        var traceEnabled = ts.isTraceEnabled(compilerOptions, host);
        if (traceEnabled) {
            ts.trace(host, ts.Diagnostics.Resolving_module_0_from_1, moduleName, containingFile);
        var moduleResolution = compilerOptions.moduleResolution;
        if (moduleResolution === undefined) {
            moduleResolution = ts.getEmitModuleKind(compilerOptions) === ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS ? ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs : ts.ModuleResolutionKind.Classic;
            if (traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(host, ts.Diagnostics.Module_resolution_kind_is_not_specified_using_0, ts.ModuleResolutionKind[moduleResolution]);
        else {
            if (traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(host, ts.Diagnostics.Explicitly_specified_module_resolution_kind_Colon_0, ts.ModuleResolutionKind[moduleResolution]);
        var result;
        switch (moduleResolution) {
            case ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs:
                result = nodeModuleNameResolver(moduleName, containingFile, compilerOptions, host);
            case ts.ModuleResolutionKind.Classic:
                result = classicNameResolver(moduleName, containingFile, compilerOptions, host);
        if (traceEnabled) {
            if (result.resolvedModule) {
                ts.trace(host, ts.Diagnostics.Module_name_0_was_successfully_resolved_to_1, moduleName, result.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName);
            else {
                ts.trace(host, ts.Diagnostics.Module_name_0_was_not_resolved, moduleName);
        return result;
    ts.resolveModuleName = resolveModuleName;
    function matchPatternOrExact(patternStrings, candidate) {
        var patterns = [];
        for (var _i = 0, patternStrings_1 = patternStrings; _i < patternStrings_1.length; _i++) {
            var patternString = patternStrings_1[_i];
            var pattern = tryParsePattern(patternString);
            if (pattern) {
            else if (patternString === candidate) {
                return patternString;
        return findBestPatternMatch(patterns, function (_) { return _; }, candidate);
    function patternText(_a) {
        var prefix = _a.prefix, suffix = _a.suffix;
        return prefix + "*" + suffix;
    function matchedText(pattern, candidate) {
        ts.Debug.assert(isPatternMatch(pattern, candidate));
        return candidate.substr(pattern.prefix.length, candidate.length - pattern.suffix.length);
    function findBestPatternMatch(values, getPattern, candidate) {
        var matchedValue = undefined;
        var longestMatchPrefixLength = -1;
        for (var _i = 0, values_1 = values; _i < values_1.length; _i++) {
            var v = values_1[_i];
            var pattern = getPattern(v);
            if (isPatternMatch(pattern, candidate) && pattern.prefix.length > longestMatchPrefixLength) {
                longestMatchPrefixLength = pattern.prefix.length;
                matchedValue = v;
        return matchedValue;
    ts.findBestPatternMatch = findBestPatternMatch;
    function isPatternMatch(_a, candidate) {
        var prefix = _a.prefix, suffix = _a.suffix;
        return candidate.length >= prefix.length + suffix.length &&
            ts.startsWith(candidate, prefix) &&
            ts.endsWith(candidate, suffix);
    function tryParsePattern(pattern) {
        var indexOfStar = pattern.indexOf("*");
        return indexOfStar === -1 ? undefined : {
            prefix: pattern.substr(0, indexOfStar),
            suffix: pattern.substr(indexOfStar + 1)
    ts.tryParsePattern = tryParsePattern;
    function directoryProbablyExists(directoryName, host) {
        return !host.directoryExists || host.directoryExists(directoryName);
    ts.directoryProbablyExists = directoryProbablyExists;
    function pathToPackageJson(directory) {
        return ts.combinePaths(directory, "package.json");
    ts.pathToPackageJson = pathToPackageJson;
})(ts || (ts = {}));
var ts;
(function (ts) {
    function getModuleInstanceState(node) {
        if (node.kind === 222 || node.kind === 223) {
            return 0;
        else if (ts.isConstEnumDeclaration(node)) {
            return 2;
        else if ((node.kind === 230 || node.kind === 229) && !(node.flags & 1)) {
            return 0;
        else if (node.kind === 226) {
            var state_1 = 0;
            ts.forEachChild(node, function (n) {
                switch (getModuleInstanceState(n)) {
                    case 0:
                        return false;
                    case 2:
                        state_1 = 2;
                        return false;
                    case 1:
                        state_1 = 1;
                        return true;
            return state_1;
        else if (node.kind === 225) {
            var body = node.body;
            return body ? getModuleInstanceState(body) : 1;
        else {
            return 1;
    ts.getModuleInstanceState = getModuleInstanceState;
    var binder = createBinder();
    function bindSourceFile(file, options) {
        binder(file, options);
        ts.performance.measure("Bind", "beforeBind", "afterBind");
    ts.bindSourceFile = bindSourceFile;
    function createBinder() {
        var file;
        var options;
        var languageVersion;
        var parent;
        var container;
        var blockScopeContainer;
        var lastContainer;
        var seenThisKeyword;
        var currentFlow;
        var currentBreakTarget;
        var currentContinueTarget;
        var currentReturnTarget;
        var currentTrueTarget;
        var currentFalseTarget;
        var preSwitchCaseFlow;
        var activeLabels;
        var hasExplicitReturn;
        var emitFlags;
        var inStrictMode;
        var symbolCount = 0;
        var Symbol;
        var classifiableNames;
        var unreachableFlow = { flags: 1 };
        var reportedUnreachableFlow = { flags: 1 };
        function bindSourceFile(f, opts) {
            file = f;
            options = opts;
            languageVersion = ts.getEmitScriptTarget(options);
            inStrictMode = !!file.externalModuleIndicator;
            classifiableNames = ts.createMap();
            symbolCount = 0;
            Symbol = ts.objectAllocator.getSymbolConstructor();
            if (!file.locals) {
                file.symbolCount = symbolCount;
                file.classifiableNames = classifiableNames;
            file = undefined;
            options = undefined;
            languageVersion = undefined;
            parent = undefined;
            container = undefined;
            blockScopeContainer = undefined;
            lastContainer = undefined;
            seenThisKeyword = false;
            currentFlow = undefined;
            currentBreakTarget = undefined;
            currentContinueTarget = undefined;
            currentReturnTarget = undefined;
            currentTrueTarget = undefined;
            currentFalseTarget = undefined;
            activeLabels = undefined;
            hasExplicitReturn = false;
            emitFlags = 0;
        return bindSourceFile;
        function createSymbol(flags, name) {
            return new Symbol(flags, name);
        function addDeclarationToSymbol(symbol, node, symbolFlags) {
            symbol.flags |= symbolFlags;
            node.symbol = symbol;
            if (!symbol.declarations) {
                symbol.declarations = [];
            if (symbolFlags & 1952 && !symbol.exports) {
                symbol.exports = ts.createMap();
            if (symbolFlags & 6240 && !symbol.members) {
                symbol.members = ts.createMap();
            if (symbolFlags & 107455) {
                var valueDeclaration = symbol.valueDeclaration;
                if (!valueDeclaration ||
                    (valueDeclaration.kind !== node.kind && valueDeclaration.kind === 225)) {
                    symbol.valueDeclaration = node;
        function getDeclarationName(node) {
            if ( {
                if (ts.isAmbientModule(node)) {
                    return ts.isGlobalScopeAugmentation(node) ? "__global" : "\"" + + "\"";
                if ( === 140) {
                    var nameExpression =;
                    if (ts.isStringOrNumericLiteral(nameExpression.kind)) {
                        return nameExpression.text;
                    return ts.getPropertyNameForKnownSymbolName(;
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 148:
                    return "__constructor";
                case 156:
                case 151:
                    return "__call";
                case 157:
                case 152:
                    return "__new";
                case 153:
                    return "__index";
                case 236:
                    return "__export";
                case 235:
                    return node.isExportEquals ? "export=" : "default";
                case 187:
                    switch (ts.getSpecialPropertyAssignmentKind(node)) {
                        case 2:
                            return "export=";
                        case 1:
                        case 4:
                        case 3:
          "Unknown binary declaration kind");
                case 220:
                case 221:
                    return node.flags & 512 ? "default" : undefined;
                case 269:
                    return ts.isJSDocConstructSignature(node) ? "__new" : "__call";
                case 142:
                    ts.Debug.assert(node.parent.kind === 269);
                    var functionType = node.parent;
                    var index = ts.indexOf(functionType.parameters, node);
                    return "p" + index;
                case 279:
                    var parentNode = node.parent && node.parent.parent;
                    var nameFromParentNode = void 0;
                    if (parentNode && parentNode.kind === 200) {
                        if (parentNode.declarationList.declarations.length > 0) {
                            var nameIdentifier = parentNode.declarationList.declarations[0].name;
                            if (nameIdentifier.kind === 69) {
                                nameFromParentNode = nameIdentifier.text;
                    return nameFromParentNode;
        function getDisplayName(node) {
            return ? ts.declarationNameToString( : getDeclarationName(node);
        function declareSymbol(symbolTable, parent, node, includes, excludes) {
            var isDefaultExport = node.flags & 512;
            var name = isDefaultExport && parent ? "default" : getDeclarationName(node);
            var symbol;
            if (name === undefined) {
                symbol = createSymbol(0, "__missing");
            else {
                symbol = symbolTable[name] || (symbolTable[name] = createSymbol(0, name));
                if (name && (includes & 788448)) {
                    classifiableNames[name] = name;
                if (symbol.flags & excludes) {
                    if (symbol.isReplaceableByMethod) {
                        symbol = symbolTable[name] = createSymbol(0, name);
                    else {
                        if ( {
                   = node;
                        var message_1 = symbol.flags & 2
                            ? ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_redeclare_block_scoped_variable_0
                            : ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_0;
                        ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (declaration) {
                            if (declaration.flags & 512) {
                                message_1 = ts.Diagnostics.A_module_cannot_have_multiple_default_exports;
                        ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (declaration) {
                            file.bindDiagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode( || declaration, message_1, getDisplayName(declaration)));
                        file.bindDiagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode( || node, message_1, getDisplayName(node)));
                        symbol = createSymbol(0, name);
            addDeclarationToSymbol(symbol, node, includes);
            symbol.parent = parent;
            return symbol;
        function declareModuleMember(node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes) {
            var hasExportModifier = ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(node) & 1;
            if (symbolFlags & 8388608) {
                if (node.kind === 238 || (node.kind === 229 && hasExportModifier)) {
                    return declareSymbol(container.symbol.exports, container.symbol, node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes);
                else {
                    return declareSymbol(container.locals, undefined, node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes);
            else {
                if (!ts.isAmbientModule(node) && (hasExportModifier || container.flags & 8192)) {
                    var exportKind = (symbolFlags & 107455 ? 1048576 : 0) |
                        (symbolFlags & 793064 ? 2097152 : 0) |
                        (symbolFlags & 1920 ? 4194304 : 0);
                    var local = declareSymbol(container.locals, undefined, node, exportKind, symbolExcludes);
                    local.exportSymbol = declareSymbol(container.symbol.exports, container.symbol, node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes);
                    node.localSymbol = local;
                    return local;
                else {
                    return declareSymbol(container.locals, undefined, node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes);
        function bindContainer(node, containerFlags) {
            var saveContainer = container;
            var savedBlockScopeContainer = blockScopeContainer;
            if (containerFlags & 1) {
                container = blockScopeContainer = node;
                if (containerFlags & 32) {
                    container.locals = ts.createMap();
            else if (containerFlags & 2) {
                blockScopeContainer = node;
                blockScopeContainer.locals = undefined;
            if (containerFlags & 4) {
                var saveCurrentFlow = currentFlow;
                var saveBreakTarget = currentBreakTarget;
                var saveContinueTarget = currentContinueTarget;
                var saveReturnTarget = currentReturnTarget;
                var saveActiveLabels = activeLabels;
                var saveHasExplicitReturn = hasExplicitReturn;
                var isIIFE = containerFlags & 16 && !!ts.getImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression(node);
                if (isIIFE) {
                    currentReturnTarget = createBranchLabel();
                else {
                    currentFlow = { flags: 2 };
                    if (containerFlags & 16) {
                        currentFlow.container = node;
                    currentReturnTarget = undefined;
                currentBreakTarget = undefined;
                currentContinueTarget = undefined;
                activeLabels = undefined;
                hasExplicitReturn = false;
                node.flags &= ~4030464;
                if (!(currentFlow.flags & 1) && containerFlags & 8 && ts.nodeIsPresent(node.body)) {
                    node.flags |= 32768;
                    if (hasExplicitReturn)
                        node.flags |= 65536;
                if (node.kind === 256) {
                    node.flags |= emitFlags;
                if (isIIFE) {
                    addAntecedent(currentReturnTarget, currentFlow);
                    currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(currentReturnTarget);
                else {
                    currentFlow = saveCurrentFlow;
                currentBreakTarget = saveBreakTarget;
                currentContinueTarget = saveContinueTarget;
                currentReturnTarget = saveReturnTarget;
                activeLabels = saveActiveLabels;
                hasExplicitReturn = saveHasExplicitReturn;
            else if (containerFlags & 64) {
                seenThisKeyword = false;
                node.flags = seenThisKeyword ? node.flags | 16384 : node.flags & ~16384;
            else {
            container = saveContainer;
            blockScopeContainer = savedBlockScopeContainer;
        function bindChildren(node) {
            if (ts.isInJavaScriptFile(node) && node.jsDocComments) {
                for (var _i = 0, _a = node.jsDocComments; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var jsDocComment = _a[_i];
            if (checkUnreachable(node)) {
                ts.forEachChild(node, bind);
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 205:
                case 204:
                case 206:
                case 207:
                case 208:
                case 203:
                case 211:
                case 215:
                case 210:
                case 209:
                case 216:
                case 213:
                case 227:
                case 249:
                case 214:
                case 185:
                case 187:
                case 181:
                case 188:
                case 218:
                case 174:
                    ts.forEachChild(node, bind);
        function isNarrowingExpression(expr) {
            switch (expr.kind) {
                case 69:
                case 97:
                case 172:
                    return isNarrowableReference(expr);
                case 174:
                    return hasNarrowableArgument(expr);
                case 178:
                    return isNarrowingExpression(expr.expression);
                case 187:
                    return isNarrowingBinaryExpression(expr);
                case 185:
                    return expr.operator === 49 && isNarrowingExpression(expr.operand);
            return false;
        function isNarrowableReference(expr) {
            return expr.kind === 69 ||
                expr.kind === 97 ||
                expr.kind === 172 && isNarrowableReference(expr.expression);
        function hasNarrowableArgument(expr) {
            if (expr.arguments) {
                for (var _i = 0, _a = expr.arguments; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var argument = _a[_i];
                    if (isNarrowableReference(argument)) {
                        return true;
            if (expr.expression.kind === 172 &&
                isNarrowableReference(expr.expression.expression)) {
                return true;
            return false;
        function isNarrowingTypeofOperands(expr1, expr2) {
            return expr1.kind === 182 && isNarrowableOperand(expr1.expression) && expr2.kind === 9;
        function isNarrowingBinaryExpression(expr) {
            switch (expr.operatorToken.kind) {
                case 56:
                    return isNarrowableReference(expr.left);
                case 30:
                case 31:
                case 32:
                case 33:
                    return isNarrowableOperand(expr.left) || isNarrowableOperand(expr.right) ||
                        isNarrowingTypeofOperands(expr.right, expr.left) || isNarrowingTypeofOperands(expr.left, expr.right);
                case 91:
                    return isNarrowableOperand(expr.left);
                case 24:
                    return isNarrowingExpression(expr.right);
            return false;
        function isNarrowableOperand(expr) {
            switch (expr.kind) {
                case 178:
                    return isNarrowableOperand(expr.expression);
                case 187:
                    switch (expr.operatorToken.kind) {
                        case 56:
                            return isNarrowableOperand(expr.left);
                        case 24:
                            return isNarrowableOperand(expr.right);
            return isNarrowableReference(expr);
        function createBranchLabel() {
            return {
                flags: 4,
                antecedents: undefined
        function createLoopLabel() {
            return {
                flags: 8,
                antecedents: undefined
        function setFlowNodeReferenced(flow) {
            flow.flags |= flow.flags & 256 ? 512 : 256;
        function addAntecedent(label, antecedent) {
            if (!(antecedent.flags & 1) && !ts.contains(label.antecedents, antecedent)) {
                (label.antecedents || (label.antecedents = [])).push(antecedent);
        function createFlowCondition(flags, antecedent, expression) {
            if (antecedent.flags & 1) {
                return antecedent;
            if (!expression) {
                return flags & 32 ? antecedent : unreachableFlow;
            if (expression.kind === 99 && flags & 64 ||
                expression.kind === 84 && flags & 32) {
                return unreachableFlow;
            if (!isNarrowingExpression(expression)) {
                return antecedent;
            return {
                flags: flags,
                expression: expression,
                antecedent: antecedent
        function createFlowSwitchClause(antecedent, switchStatement, clauseStart, clauseEnd) {
            if (!isNarrowingExpression(switchStatement.expression)) {
                return antecedent;
            return {
                flags: 128,
                switchStatement: switchStatement,
                clauseStart: clauseStart,
                clauseEnd: clauseEnd,
                antecedent: antecedent
        function createFlowAssignment(antecedent, node) {
            return {
                flags: 16,
                antecedent: antecedent,
                node: node
        function finishFlowLabel(flow) {
            var antecedents = flow.antecedents;
            if (!antecedents) {
                return unreachableFlow;
            if (antecedents.length === 1) {
                return antecedents[0];
            return flow;
        function isStatementCondition(node) {
            var parent = node.parent;
            switch (parent.kind) {
                case 203:
                case 205:
                case 204:
                    return parent.expression === node;
                case 206:
                case 188:
                    return parent.condition === node;
            return false;
        function isLogicalExpression(node) {
            while (true) {
                if (node.kind === 178) {
                    node = node.expression;
                else if (node.kind === 185 && node.operator === 49) {
                    node = node.operand;
                else {
                    return node.kind === 187 && (node.operatorToken.kind === 51 ||
                        node.operatorToken.kind === 52);
        function isTopLevelLogicalExpression(node) {
            while (node.parent.kind === 178 ||
                node.parent.kind === 185 &&
                    node.parent.operator === 49) {
                node = node.parent;
            return !isStatementCondition(node) && !isLogicalExpression(node.parent);
        function bindCondition(node, trueTarget, falseTarget) {
            var saveTrueTarget = currentTrueTarget;
            var saveFalseTarget = currentFalseTarget;
            currentTrueTarget = trueTarget;
            currentFalseTarget = falseTarget;
            currentTrueTarget = saveTrueTarget;
            currentFalseTarget = saveFalseTarget;
            if (!node || !isLogicalExpression(node)) {
                addAntecedent(trueTarget, createFlowCondition(32, currentFlow, node));
                addAntecedent(falseTarget, createFlowCondition(64, currentFlow, node));
        function bindIterativeStatement(node, breakTarget, continueTarget) {
            var saveBreakTarget = currentBreakTarget;
            var saveContinueTarget = currentContinueTarget;
            currentBreakTarget = breakTarget;
            currentContinueTarget = continueTarget;
            currentBreakTarget = saveBreakTarget;
            currentContinueTarget = saveContinueTarget;
        function bindWhileStatement(node) {
            var preWhileLabel = createLoopLabel();
            var preBodyLabel = createBranchLabel();
            var postWhileLabel = createBranchLabel();
            addAntecedent(preWhileLabel, currentFlow);
            currentFlow = preWhileLabel;
            bindCondition(node.expression, preBodyLabel, postWhileLabel);
            currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(preBodyLabel);
            bindIterativeStatement(node.statement, postWhileLabel, preWhileLabel);
            addAntecedent(preWhileLabel, currentFlow);
            currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(postWhileLabel);
        function bindDoStatement(node) {
            var preDoLabel = createLoopLabel();
            var preConditionLabel = createBranchLabel();
            var postDoLabel = createBranchLabel();
            addAntecedent(preDoLabel, currentFlow);
            currentFlow = preDoLabel;
            bindIterativeStatement(node.statement, postDoLabel, preConditionLabel);
            addAntecedent(preConditionLabel, currentFlow);
            currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(preConditionLabel);
            bindCondition(node.expression, preDoLabel, postDoLabel);
            currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(postDoLabel);
        function bindForStatement(node) {
            var preLoopLabel = createLoopLabel();
            var preBodyLabel = createBranchLabel();
            var postLoopLabel = createBranchLabel();
            addAntecedent(preLoopLabel, currentFlow);
            currentFlow = preLoopLabel;
            bindCondition(node.condition, preBodyLabel, postLoopLabel);
            currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(preBodyLabel);
            bindIterativeStatement(node.statement, postLoopLabel, preLoopLabel);
            addAntecedent(preLoopLabel, currentFlow);
            currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(postLoopLabel);
        function bindForInOrForOfStatement(node) {
            var preLoopLabel = createLoopLabel();
            var postLoopLabel = createBranchLabel();
            addAntecedent(preLoopLabel, currentFlow);
            currentFlow = preLoopLabel;
            addAntecedent(postLoopLabel, currentFlow);
            if (node.initializer.kind !== 219) {
            bindIterativeStatement(node.statement, postLoopLabel, preLoopLabel);
            addAntecedent(preLoopLabel, currentFlow);
            currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(postLoopLabel);
        function bindIfStatement(node) {
            var thenLabel = createBranchLabel();
            var elseLabel = createBranchLabel();
            var postIfLabel = createBranchLabel();
            bindCondition(node.expression, thenLabel, elseLabel);
            currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(thenLabel);
            addAntecedent(postIfLabel, currentFlow);
            currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(elseLabel);
            addAntecedent(postIfLabel, currentFlow);
            currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(postIfLabel);
        function bindReturnOrThrow(node) {
            if (node.kind === 211) {
                hasExplicitReturn = true;
                if (currentReturnTarget) {
                    addAntecedent(currentReturnTarget, currentFlow);
            currentFlow = unreachableFlow;
        function findActiveLabel(name) {
            if (activeLabels) {
                for (var _i = 0, activeLabels_1 = activeLabels; _i < activeLabels_1.length; _i++) {
                    var label = activeLabels_1[_i];
                    if ( === name) {
                        return label;
            return undefined;
        function bindbreakOrContinueFlow(node, breakTarget, continueTarget) {
            var flowLabel = node.kind === 210 ? breakTarget : continueTarget;
            if (flowLabel) {
                addAntecedent(flowLabel, currentFlow);
                currentFlow = unreachableFlow;
        function bindBreakOrContinueStatement(node) {
            if (node.label) {
                var activeLabel = findActiveLabel(node.label.text);
                if (activeLabel) {
                    activeLabel.referenced = true;
                    bindbreakOrContinueFlow(node, activeLabel.breakTarget, activeLabel.continueTarget);
            else {
                bindbreakOrContinueFlow(node, currentBreakTarget, currentContinueTarget);
        function bindTryStatement(node) {
            var postFinallyLabel = createBranchLabel();
            var preTryFlow = currentFlow;
            addAntecedent(postFinallyLabel, currentFlow);
            if (node.catchClause) {
                currentFlow = preTryFlow;
                addAntecedent(postFinallyLabel, currentFlow);
            if (node.finallyBlock) {
                currentFlow = preTryFlow;
            currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(postFinallyLabel);
        function bindSwitchStatement(node) {
            var postSwitchLabel = createBranchLabel();
            var saveBreakTarget = currentBreakTarget;
            var savePreSwitchCaseFlow = preSwitchCaseFlow;
            currentBreakTarget = postSwitchLabel;
            preSwitchCaseFlow = currentFlow;
            addAntecedent(postSwitchLabel, currentFlow);
            var hasDefault = ts.forEach(node.caseBlock.clauses, function (c) { return c.kind === 250; });
            node.possiblyExhaustive = !hasDefault && !postSwitchLabel.antecedents;
            if (!hasDefault) {
                addAntecedent(postSwitchLabel, createFlowSwitchClause(preSwitchCaseFlow, node, 0, 0));
            currentBreakTarget = saveBreakTarget;
            preSwitchCaseFlow = savePreSwitchCaseFlow;
            currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(postSwitchLabel);
        function bindCaseBlock(node) {
            var clauses = node.clauses;
            var fallthroughFlow = unreachableFlow;
            for (var i = 0; i < clauses.length; i++) {
                var clauseStart = i;
                while (!clauses[i].statements.length && i + 1 < clauses.length) {
                var preCaseLabel = createBranchLabel();
                addAntecedent(preCaseLabel, createFlowSwitchClause(preSwitchCaseFlow, node.parent, clauseStart, i + 1));
                addAntecedent(preCaseLabel, fallthroughFlow);
                currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(preCaseLabel);
                var clause = clauses[i];
                fallthroughFlow = currentFlow;
                if (!(currentFlow.flags & 1) && i !== clauses.length - 1 && options.noFallthroughCasesInSwitch) {
                    errorOnFirstToken(clause, ts.Diagnostics.Fallthrough_case_in_switch);
        function bindCaseClause(node) {
            var saveCurrentFlow = currentFlow;
            currentFlow = preSwitchCaseFlow;
            currentFlow = saveCurrentFlow;
            ts.forEach(node.statements, bind);
        function pushActiveLabel(name, breakTarget, continueTarget) {
            var activeLabel = {
                name: name,
                breakTarget: breakTarget,
                continueTarget: continueTarget,
                referenced: false
            (activeLabels || (activeLabels = [])).push(activeLabel);
            return activeLabel;
        function popActiveLabel() {
        function bindLabeledStatement(node) {
            var preStatementLabel = createLoopLabel();
            var postStatementLabel = createBranchLabel();
            addAntecedent(preStatementLabel, currentFlow);
            var activeLabel = pushActiveLabel(node.label.text, postStatementLabel, preStatementLabel);
            if (!activeLabel.referenced && !options.allowUnusedLabels) {
                file.bindDiagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node.label, ts.Diagnostics.Unused_label));
            addAntecedent(postStatementLabel, currentFlow);
            currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(postStatementLabel);
        function bindDestructuringTargetFlow(node) {
            if (node.kind === 187 && node.operatorToken.kind === 56) {
            else {
        function bindAssignmentTargetFlow(node) {
            if (isNarrowableReference(node)) {
                currentFlow = createFlowAssignment(currentFlow, node);
            else if (node.kind === 170) {
                for (var _i = 0, _a = node.elements; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var e = _a[_i];
                    if (e.kind === 191) {
                    else {
            else if (node.kind === 171) {
                for (var _b = 0, _c =; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
                    var p = _c[_b];
                    if (p.kind === 253) {
                    else if (p.kind === 254) {
        function bindLogicalExpression(node, trueTarget, falseTarget) {
            var preRightLabel = createBranchLabel();
            if (node.operatorToken.kind === 51) {
                bindCondition(node.left, preRightLabel, falseTarget);
            else {
                bindCondition(node.left, trueTarget, preRightLabel);
            currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(preRightLabel);
            bindCondition(node.right, trueTarget, falseTarget);
        function bindPrefixUnaryExpressionFlow(node) {
            if (node.operator === 49) {
                var saveTrueTarget = currentTrueTarget;
                currentTrueTarget = currentFalseTarget;
                currentFalseTarget = saveTrueTarget;
                ts.forEachChild(node, bind);
                currentFalseTarget = currentTrueTarget;
                currentTrueTarget = saveTrueTarget;
            else {
                ts.forEachChild(node, bind);
        function bindBinaryExpressionFlow(node) {
            var operator = node.operatorToken.kind;
            if (operator === 51 || operator === 52) {
                if (isTopLevelLogicalExpression(node)) {
                    var postExpressionLabel = createBranchLabel();
                    bindLogicalExpression(node, postExpressionLabel, postExpressionLabel);
                    currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(postExpressionLabel);
                else {
                    bindLogicalExpression(node, currentTrueTarget, currentFalseTarget);
            else {
                ts.forEachChild(node, bind);
                if (operator === 56 && !ts.isAssignmentTarget(node)) {
        function bindDeleteExpressionFlow(node) {
            ts.forEachChild(node, bind);
            if (node.expression.kind === 172) {
        function bindConditionalExpressionFlow(node) {
            var trueLabel = createBranchLabel();
            var falseLabel = createBranchLabel();
            var postExpressionLabel = createBranchLabel();
            bindCondition(node.condition, trueLabel, falseLabel);
            currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(trueLabel);
            addAntecedent(postExpressionLabel, currentFlow);
            currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(falseLabel);
            addAntecedent(postExpressionLabel, currentFlow);
            currentFlow = finishFlowLabel(postExpressionLabel);
        function bindInitializedVariableFlow(node) {
            var name =;
            if (ts.isBindingPattern(name)) {
                for (var _i = 0, _a = name.elements; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var child = _a[_i];
            else {
                currentFlow = createFlowAssignment(currentFlow, node);
        function bindVariableDeclarationFlow(node) {
            ts.forEachChild(node, bind);
            if (node.initializer || node.parent.parent.kind === 207 || node.parent.parent.kind === 208) {
        function bindCallExpressionFlow(node) {
            var expr = node.expression;
            while (expr.kind === 178) {
                expr = expr.expression;
            if (expr.kind === 179 || expr.kind === 180) {
                ts.forEach(node.typeArguments, bind);
                ts.forEach(node.arguments, bind);
            else {
                ts.forEachChild(node, bind);
        function getContainerFlags(node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 192:
                case 221:
                case 224:
                case 171:
                case 159:
                case 281:
                case 265:
                    return 1;
                case 222:
                    return 1 | 64;
                case 269:
                case 225:
                case 223:
                    return 1 | 32;
                case 256:
                    return 1 | 4 | 32;
                case 148:
                case 220:
                case 147:
                case 146:
                case 149:
                case 150:
                case 151:
                case 152:
                case 153:
                case 156:
                case 157:
                    return 1 | 4 | 32 | 8;
                case 179:
                case 180:
                    return 1 | 4 | 32 | 8 | 16;
                case 226:
                    return 4;
                case 145:
                    return node.initializer ? 4 : 0;
                case 252:
                case 206:
                case 207:
                case 208:
                case 227:
                    return 2;
                case 199:
                    return ts.isFunctionLike(node.parent) ? 0 : 2;
            return 0;
        function addToContainerChain(next) {
            if (lastContainer) {
                lastContainer.nextContainer = next;
            lastContainer = next;
        function declareSymbolAndAddToSymbolTable(node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes) {
            return declareSymbolAndAddToSymbolTableWorker(node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes);
        function declareSymbolAndAddToSymbolTableWorker(node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes) {
            switch (container.kind) {
                case 225:
                    return declareModuleMember(node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes);
                case 256:
                    return declareSourceFileMember(node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes);
                case 192:
                case 221:
                    return declareClassMember(node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes);
                case 224:
                    return declareSymbol(container.symbol.exports, container.symbol, node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes);
                case 159:
                case 171:
                case 222:
                case 265:
                case 281:
                    return declareSymbol(container.symbol.members, container.symbol, node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes);
                case 156:
                case 157:
                case 151:
                case 152:
                case 153:
                case 147:
                case 146:
                case 148:
                case 149:
                case 150:
                case 220:
                case 179:
                case 180:
                case 269:
                case 223:
                    return declareSymbol(container.locals, undefined, node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes);
        function declareClassMember(node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes) {
            return node.flags & 32
                ? declareSymbol(container.symbol.exports, container.symbol, node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes)
                : declareSymbol(container.symbol.members, container.symbol, node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes);
        function declareSourceFileMember(node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes) {
            return ts.isExternalModule(file)
                ? declareModuleMember(node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes)
                : declareSymbol(file.locals, undefined, node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes);
        function hasExportDeclarations(node) {
            var body = node.kind === 256 ? node : node.body;
            if (body && (body.kind === 256 || body.kind === 226)) {
                for (var _i = 0, _a = body.statements; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var stat = _a[_i];
                    if (stat.kind === 236 || stat.kind === 235) {
                        return true;
            return false;
        function setExportContextFlag(node) {
            if (ts.isInAmbientContext(node) && !hasExportDeclarations(node)) {
                node.flags |= 8192;
            else {
                node.flags &= ~8192;
        function bindModuleDeclaration(node) {
            if (ts.isAmbientModule(node)) {
                if (node.flags & 1) {
                    errorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.export_modifier_cannot_be_applied_to_ambient_modules_and_module_augmentations_since_they_are_always_visible);
                if (ts.isExternalModuleAugmentation(node)) {
                    declareSymbolAndAddToSymbolTable(node, 1024, 0);
                else {
                    var pattern = void 0;
                    if ( === 9) {
                        var text =;
                        if (ts.hasZeroOrOneAsteriskCharacter(text)) {
                            pattern = ts.tryParsePattern(text);
                        else {
                            errorOnFirstToken(, ts.Diagnostics.Pattern_0_can_have_at_most_one_Asterisk_character, text);
                    var symbol = declareSymbolAndAddToSymbolTable(node, 512, 106639);
                    if (pattern) {
                        (file.patternAmbientModules || (file.patternAmbientModules = [])).push({ pattern: pattern, symbol: symbol });
            else {
                var state = getModuleInstanceState(node);
                if (state === 0) {
                    declareSymbolAndAddToSymbolTable(node, 1024, 0);
                else {
                    declareSymbolAndAddToSymbolTable(node, 512, 106639);
                    if (node.symbol.flags & (16 | 32 | 256)) {
                        node.symbol.constEnumOnlyModule = false;
                    else {
                        var currentModuleIsConstEnumOnly = state === 2;
                        if (node.symbol.constEnumOnlyModule === undefined) {
                            node.symbol.constEnumOnlyModule = currentModuleIsConstEnumOnly;
                        else {
                            node.symbol.constEnumOnlyModule = node.symbol.constEnumOnlyModule && currentModuleIsConstEnumOnly;
        function bindFunctionOrConstructorType(node) {
            var symbol = createSymbol(131072, getDeclarationName(node));
            addDeclarationToSymbol(symbol, node, 131072);
            var typeLiteralSymbol = createSymbol(2048, "__type");
            addDeclarationToSymbol(typeLiteralSymbol, node, 2048);
            typeLiteralSymbol.members = ts.createMap();
            typeLiteralSymbol.members[] = symbol;
        function bindObjectLiteralExpression(node) {
            if (inStrictMode) {
                var seen = ts.createMap();
                for (var _i = 0, _a =; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var prop = _a[_i];
                    if ( !== 69) {
                    var identifier =;
                    var currentKind = prop.kind === 253 || prop.kind === 254 || prop.kind === 147
                        ? 1
                        : 2;
                    var existingKind = seen[identifier.text];
                    if (!existingKind) {
                        seen[identifier.text] = currentKind;
                    if (currentKind === 1 && existingKind === 1) {
                        var span = ts.getErrorSpanForNode(file, identifier);
                        file.bindDiagnostics.push(ts.createFileDiagnostic(file, span.start, span.length, ts.Diagnostics.An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_properties_with_the_same_name_in_strict_mode));
            return bindAnonymousDeclaration(node, 4096, "__object");
        function bindAnonymousDeclaration(node, symbolFlags, name) {
            var symbol = createSymbol(symbolFlags, name);
            addDeclarationToSymbol(symbol, node, symbolFlags);
        function bindBlockScopedDeclaration(node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes) {
            switch (blockScopeContainer.kind) {
                case 225:
                    declareModuleMember(node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes);
                case 256:
                    if (ts.isExternalModule(container)) {
                        declareModuleMember(node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes);
                    if (!blockScopeContainer.locals) {
                        blockScopeContainer.locals = ts.createMap();
                    declareSymbol(blockScopeContainer.locals, undefined, node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes);
        function bindBlockScopedVariableDeclaration(node) {
            bindBlockScopedDeclaration(node, 2, 107455);
        function checkStrictModeIdentifier(node) {
            if (inStrictMode &&
                node.originalKeywordKind >= 106 &&
                node.originalKeywordKind <= 114 &&
                !ts.isIdentifierName(node) &&
                !ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) {
                if (!file.parseDiagnostics.length) {
                    file.bindDiagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node, getStrictModeIdentifierMessage(node), ts.declarationNameToString(node)));
        function getStrictModeIdentifierMessage(node) {
            if (ts.getContainingClass(node)) {
                return ts.Diagnostics.Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_Class_definitions_are_automatically_in_strict_mode;
            if (file.externalModuleIndicator) {
                return ts.Diagnostics.Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode;
            return ts.Diagnostics.Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode;
        function checkStrictModeBinaryExpression(node) {
            if (inStrictMode && ts.isLeftHandSideExpression(node.left) && ts.isAssignmentOperator(node.operatorToken.kind)) {
                checkStrictModeEvalOrArguments(node, node.left);
        function checkStrictModeCatchClause(node) {
            if (inStrictMode && node.variableDeclaration) {
        function checkStrictModeDeleteExpression(node) {
            if (inStrictMode && node.expression.kind === 69) {
                var span = ts.getErrorSpanForNode(file, node.expression);
                file.bindDiagnostics.push(ts.createFileDiagnostic(file, span.start, span.length, ts.Diagnostics.delete_cannot_be_called_on_an_identifier_in_strict_mode));
        function isEvalOrArgumentsIdentifier(node) {
            return node.kind === 69 &&
                (node.text === "eval" || node.text === "arguments");
        function checkStrictModeEvalOrArguments(contextNode, name) {
            if (name && name.kind === 69) {
                var identifier = name;
                if (isEvalOrArgumentsIdentifier(identifier)) {
                    var span = ts.getErrorSpanForNode(file, name);
                    file.bindDiagnostics.push(ts.createFileDiagnostic(file, span.start, span.length, getStrictModeEvalOrArgumentsMessage(contextNode), identifier.text));
        function getStrictModeEvalOrArgumentsMessage(node) {
            if (ts.getContainingClass(node)) {
                return ts.Diagnostics.Invalid_use_of_0_Class_definitions_are_automatically_in_strict_mode;
            if (file.externalModuleIndicator) {
                return ts.Diagnostics.Invalid_use_of_0_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode;
            return ts.Diagnostics.Invalid_use_of_0_in_strict_mode;
        function checkStrictModeFunctionName(node) {
            if (inStrictMode) {
        function getStrictModeBlockScopeFunctionDeclarationMessage(node) {
            if (ts.getContainingClass(node)) {
                return ts.Diagnostics.Function_declarations_are_not_allowed_inside_blocks_in_strict_mode_when_targeting_ES3_or_ES5_Class_definitions_are_automatically_in_strict_mode;
            if (file.externalModuleIndicator) {
                return ts.Diagnostics.Function_declarations_are_not_allowed_inside_blocks_in_strict_mode_when_targeting_ES3_or_ES5_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode;
            return ts.Diagnostics.Function_declarations_are_not_allowed_inside_blocks_in_strict_mode_when_targeting_ES3_or_ES5;
        function checkStrictModeFunctionDeclaration(node) {
            if (languageVersion < 2) {
                if (blockScopeContainer.kind !== 256 &&
                    blockScopeContainer.kind !== 225 &&
                    !ts.isFunctionLike(blockScopeContainer)) {
                    var errorSpan = ts.getErrorSpanForNode(file, node);
                    file.bindDiagnostics.push(ts.createFileDiagnostic(file, errorSpan.start, errorSpan.length, getStrictModeBlockScopeFunctionDeclarationMessage(node)));
        function checkStrictModeNumericLiteral(node) {
            if (inStrictMode && node.isOctalLiteral) {
                file.bindDiagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Octal_literals_are_not_allowed_in_strict_mode));
        function checkStrictModePostfixUnaryExpression(node) {
            if (inStrictMode) {
                checkStrictModeEvalOrArguments(node, node.operand);
        function checkStrictModePrefixUnaryExpression(node) {
            if (inStrictMode) {
                if (node.operator === 41 || node.operator === 42) {
                    checkStrictModeEvalOrArguments(node, node.operand);
        function checkStrictModeWithStatement(node) {
            if (inStrictMode) {
                errorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.with_statements_are_not_allowed_in_strict_mode);
        function errorOnFirstToken(node, message, arg0, arg1, arg2) {
            var span = ts.getSpanOfTokenAtPosition(file, node.pos);
            file.bindDiagnostics.push(ts.createFileDiagnostic(file, span.start, span.length, message, arg0, arg1, arg2));
        function getDestructuringParameterName(node) {
            return "__" + ts.indexOf(node.parent.parameters, node);
        function bind(node) {
            if (!node) {
            node.parent = parent;
            var saveInStrictMode = inStrictMode;
            if (node.kind > 138) {
                var saveParent = parent;
                parent = node;
                var containerFlags = getContainerFlags(node);
                if (containerFlags === 0) {
                else {
                    bindContainer(node, containerFlags);
                parent = saveParent;
            inStrictMode = saveInStrictMode;
        function updateStrictModeStatementList(statements) {
            if (!inStrictMode) {
                for (var _i = 0, statements_1 = statements; _i < statements_1.length; _i++) {
                    var statement = statements_1[_i];
                    if (!ts.isPrologueDirective(statement)) {
                    if (isUseStrictPrologueDirective(statement)) {
                        inStrictMode = true;
        function isUseStrictPrologueDirective(node) {
            var nodeText = ts.getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(file.text, node.expression);
            return nodeText === '"use strict"' || nodeText === "'use strict'";
        function bindWorker(node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 69:
                case 97:
                    if (currentFlow && (ts.isExpression(node) || parent.kind === 254)) {
                        node.flowNode = currentFlow;
                    return checkStrictModeIdentifier(node);
                case 172:
                    if (currentFlow && isNarrowableReference(node)) {
                        node.flowNode = currentFlow;
                case 187:
                    if (ts.isInJavaScriptFile(node)) {
                        var specialKind = ts.getSpecialPropertyAssignmentKind(node);
                        switch (specialKind) {
                            case 1:
                            case 2:
                            case 3:
                            case 4:
                            case 0:
                      "Unknown special property assignment kind");
                    return checkStrictModeBinaryExpression(node);
                case 252:
                    return checkStrictModeCatchClause(node);
                case 181:
                    return checkStrictModeDeleteExpression(node);
                case 8:
                    return checkStrictModeNumericLiteral(node);
                case 186:
                    return checkStrictModePostfixUnaryExpression(node);
                case 185:
                    return checkStrictModePrefixUnaryExpression(node);
                case 212:
                    return checkStrictModeWithStatement(node);
                case 165:
                    seenThisKeyword = true;
                case 154:
                    return checkTypePredicate(node);
                case 141:
                    return declareSymbolAndAddToSymbolTable(node, 262144, 530920);
                case 142:
                    return bindParameter(node);
                case 218:
                case 169:
                    return bindVariableDeclarationOrBindingElement(node);
                case 145:
                case 144:
                case 266:
                    return bindPropertyOrMethodOrAccessor(node, 4 | (node.questionToken ? 536870912 : 0), 0);
                case 280:
                    return bindJSDocProperty(node);
                case 253:
                case 254:
                    return bindPropertyOrMethodOrAccessor(node, 4, 0);
                case 255:
                    return bindPropertyOrMethodOrAccessor(node, 8, 900095);
                case 247:
                    emitFlags |= 1073741824;
                case 151:
                case 152:
                case 153:
                    return declareSymbolAndAddToSymbolTable(node, 131072, 0);
                case 147:
                case 146:
                    return bindPropertyOrMethodOrAccessor(node, 8192 | (node.questionToken ? 536870912 : 0), ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(node) ? 0 : 99263);
                case 220:
                    return bindFunctionDeclaration(node);
                case 148:
                    return declareSymbolAndAddToSymbolTable(node, 16384, 0);
                case 149:
                    return bindPropertyOrMethodOrAccessor(node, 32768, 41919);
                case 150:
                    return bindPropertyOrMethodOrAccessor(node, 65536, 74687);
                case 156:
                case 157:
                case 269:
                    return bindFunctionOrConstructorType(node);
                case 159:
                case 281:
                case 265:
                    return bindAnonymousDeclaration(node, 2048, "__type");
                case 171:
                    return bindObjectLiteralExpression(node);
                case 179:
                case 180:
                    return bindFunctionExpression(node);
                case 174:
                    if (ts.isInJavaScriptFile(node)) {
                case 192:
                case 221:
                    inStrictMode = true;
                    return bindClassLikeDeclaration(node);
                case 222:
                    return bindBlockScopedDeclaration(node, 64, 792968);
                case 279:
                case 223:
                    return bindBlockScopedDeclaration(node, 524288, 793064);
                case 224:
                    return bindEnumDeclaration(node);
                case 225:
                    return bindModuleDeclaration(node);
                case 229:
                case 232:
                case 234:
                case 238:
                    return declareSymbolAndAddToSymbolTable(node, 8388608, 8388608);
                case 228:
                    return bindNamespaceExportDeclaration(node);
                case 231:
                    return bindImportClause(node);
                case 236:
                    return bindExportDeclaration(node);
                case 235:
                    return bindExportAssignment(node);
                case 256:
                    return bindSourceFileIfExternalModule();
                case 199:
                    if (!ts.isFunctionLike(node.parent)) {
                case 226:
                    return updateStrictModeStatementList(node.statements);
        function checkTypePredicate(node) {
            var parameterName = node.parameterName, type = node.type;
            if (parameterName && parameterName.kind === 69) {
            if (parameterName && parameterName.kind === 165) {
                seenThisKeyword = true;
        function bindSourceFileIfExternalModule() {
            if (ts.isExternalModule(file)) {
        function bindSourceFileAsExternalModule() {
            bindAnonymousDeclaration(file, 512, "\"" + ts.removeFileExtension(file.fileName) + "\"");
        function bindExportAssignment(node) {
            if (!container.symbol || !container.symbol.exports) {
                bindAnonymousDeclaration(node, 8388608, getDeclarationName(node));
            else {
                var flags = node.kind === 235 && ts.exportAssignmentIsAlias(node)
                    ? 8388608
                    : 4;
                declareSymbol(container.symbol.exports, container.symbol, node, flags, 0 | 8388608);
        function bindNamespaceExportDeclaration(node) {
            if (node.modifiers && node.modifiers.length) {
                file.bindDiagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Modifiers_cannot_appear_here));
            if (node.parent.kind !== 256) {
                file.bindDiagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Global_module_exports_may_only_appear_at_top_level));
            else {
                var parent_6 = node.parent;
                if (!ts.isExternalModule(parent_6)) {
                    file.bindDiagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Global_module_exports_may_only_appear_in_module_files));
                if (!parent_6.isDeclarationFile) {
                    file.bindDiagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Global_module_exports_may_only_appear_in_declaration_files));
            file.symbol.globalExports = file.symbol.globalExports || ts.createMap();
            declareSymbol(file.symbol.globalExports, file.symbol, node, 8388608, 8388608);
        function bindExportDeclaration(node) {
            if (!container.symbol || !container.symbol.exports) {
                bindAnonymousDeclaration(node, 1073741824, getDeclarationName(node));
            else if (!node.exportClause) {
                declareSymbol(container.symbol.exports, container.symbol, node, 1073741824, 0);
        function bindImportClause(node) {
            if ( {
                declareSymbolAndAddToSymbolTable(node, 8388608, 8388608);
        function setCommonJsModuleIndicator(node) {
            if (!file.commonJsModuleIndicator) {
                file.commonJsModuleIndicator = node;
        function bindExportsPropertyAssignment(node) {
            declareSymbol(file.symbol.exports, file.symbol, node.left, 4 | 7340032, 0);
        function bindModuleExportsAssignment(node) {
            declareSymbol(file.symbol.exports, file.symbol, node, 4 | 7340032 | 512, 0);
        function bindThisPropertyAssignment(node) {
            if (container.kind === 220 || container.kind === 179) {
                container.symbol.members = container.symbol.members || ts.createMap();
                declareSymbol(container.symbol.members, container.symbol, node, 4, 0 & ~4);
            else if (container.kind === 148) {
                var saveContainer = container;
                container = container.parent;
                var symbol = bindPropertyOrMethodOrAccessor(node, 4, 0);
                if (symbol) {
                    symbol.isReplaceableByMethod = true;
                container = saveContainer;
        function bindPrototypePropertyAssignment(node) {
            var leftSideOfAssignment = node.left;
            var classPrototype = leftSideOfAssignment.expression;
            var constructorFunction = classPrototype.expression;
            leftSideOfAssignment.parent = node;
            constructorFunction.parent = classPrototype;
            classPrototype.parent = leftSideOfAssignment;
            var funcSymbol = container.locals[constructorFunction.text];
            if (!funcSymbol || !(funcSymbol.flags & 16 || ts.isDeclarationOfFunctionExpression(funcSymbol))) {
            if (!funcSymbol.members) {
                funcSymbol.members = ts.createMap();
            declareSymbol(funcSymbol.members, funcSymbol, leftSideOfAssignment, 4, 0);
        function bindCallExpression(node) {
            if (!file.commonJsModuleIndicator && ts.isRequireCall(node, false)) {
        function bindClassLikeDeclaration(node) {
            if (!ts.isDeclarationFile(file) && !ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) {
                if (ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(node) !== undefined) {
                    emitFlags |= 262144;
                if (ts.nodeIsDecorated(node)) {
                    emitFlags |= 524288;
            if (node.kind === 221) {
                bindBlockScopedDeclaration(node, 32, 899519);
            else {
                var bindingName = ? : "__class";
                bindAnonymousDeclaration(node, 32, bindingName);
                if ( {
                    classifiableNames[] =;
            var symbol = node.symbol;
            var prototypeSymbol = createSymbol(4 | 134217728, "prototype");
            if (symbol.exports[]) {
                if ( {
           = node;
                file.bindDiagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(symbol.exports[].declarations[0], ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_0,;
            symbol.exports[] = prototypeSymbol;
            prototypeSymbol.parent = symbol;
        function bindEnumDeclaration(node) {
            return ts.isConst(node)
                ? bindBlockScopedDeclaration(node, 128, 899967)
                : bindBlockScopedDeclaration(node, 256, 899327);
        function bindVariableDeclarationOrBindingElement(node) {
            if (inStrictMode) {
            if (!ts.isBindingPattern( {
                if (ts.isBlockOrCatchScoped(node)) {
                else if (ts.isParameterDeclaration(node)) {
                    declareSymbolAndAddToSymbolTable(node, 1, 107455);
                else {
                    declareSymbolAndAddToSymbolTable(node, 1, 107454);
        function bindParameter(node) {
            if (!ts.isDeclarationFile(file) &&
                !ts.isInAmbientContext(node) &&
                ts.nodeIsDecorated(node)) {
                emitFlags |= (524288 | 1048576);
            if (inStrictMode) {
            if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                bindAnonymousDeclaration(node, 1, getDestructuringParameterName(node));
            else {
                declareSymbolAndAddToSymbolTable(node, 1, 107455);
            if (ts.isParameterPropertyDeclaration(node)) {
                var classDeclaration = node.parent.parent;
                declareSymbol(classDeclaration.symbol.members, classDeclaration.symbol, node, 4 | (node.questionToken ? 536870912 : 0), 0);
        function bindFunctionDeclaration(node) {
            if (!ts.isDeclarationFile(file) && !ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) {
                if (ts.isAsyncFunctionLike(node)) {
                    emitFlags |= 2097152;
            if (inStrictMode) {
                bindBlockScopedDeclaration(node, 16, 106927);
            else {
                declareSymbolAndAddToSymbolTable(node, 16, 106927);
        function bindFunctionExpression(node) {
            if (!ts.isDeclarationFile(file) && !ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) {
                if (ts.isAsyncFunctionLike(node)) {
                    emitFlags |= 2097152;
            if (currentFlow) {
                node.flowNode = currentFlow;
            var bindingName = ? : "__function";
            return bindAnonymousDeclaration(node, 16, bindingName);
        function bindPropertyOrMethodOrAccessor(node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes) {
            if (!ts.isDeclarationFile(file) && !ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) {
                if (ts.isAsyncFunctionLike(node)) {
                    emitFlags |= 2097152;
                if (ts.nodeIsDecorated(node)) {
                    emitFlags |= 524288;
            return ts.hasDynamicName(node)
                ? bindAnonymousDeclaration(node, symbolFlags, "__computed")
                : declareSymbolAndAddToSymbolTable(node, symbolFlags, symbolExcludes);
        function bindJSDocProperty(node) {
            return declareSymbolAndAddToSymbolTable(node, 4, 0);
        function shouldReportErrorOnModuleDeclaration(node) {
            var instanceState = getModuleInstanceState(node);
            return instanceState === 1 || (instanceState === 2 && options.preserveConstEnums);
        function checkUnreachable(node) {
            if (!(currentFlow.flags & 1)) {
                return false;
            if (currentFlow === unreachableFlow) {
                var reportError = (ts.isStatement(node) && node.kind !== 201) ||
                    node.kind === 221 ||
                    (node.kind === 225 && shouldReportErrorOnModuleDeclaration(node)) ||
                    (node.kind === 224 && (!ts.isConstEnumDeclaration(node) || options.preserveConstEnums));
                if (reportError) {
                    currentFlow = reportedUnreachableFlow;
                    var reportUnreachableCode = !options.allowUnreachableCode &&
                        !ts.isInAmbientContext(node) &&
                        (node.kind !== 200 ||
                            ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(node.declarationList) & 3072 ||
                            ts.forEach(node.declarationList.declarations, function (d) { return d.initializer; }));
                    if (reportUnreachableCode) {
                        errorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.Unreachable_code_detected);
            return true;
})(ts || (ts = {}));
var ts;
(function (ts) {
    var ambientModuleSymbolRegex = /^".+"$/;
    var nextSymbolId = 1;
    var nextNodeId = 1;
    var nextMergeId = 1;
    var nextFlowId = 1;
    function getNodeId(node) {
        if (! {
   = nextNodeId;
    ts.getNodeId = getNodeId;
    function getSymbolId(symbol) {
        if (! {
   = nextSymbolId;
    ts.getSymbolId = getSymbolId;
    function createTypeChecker(host, produceDiagnostics) {
        var cancellationToken;
        var Symbol = ts.objectAllocator.getSymbolConstructor();
        var Type = ts.objectAllocator.getTypeConstructor();
        var Signature = ts.objectAllocator.getSignatureConstructor();
        var typeCount = 0;
        var symbolCount = 0;
        var emptyArray = [];
        var emptySymbols = ts.createMap();
        var compilerOptions = host.getCompilerOptions();
        var languageVersion = || 0;
        var modulekind = ts.getEmitModuleKind(compilerOptions);
        var noUnusedIdentifiers = !!compilerOptions.noUnusedLocals || !!compilerOptions.noUnusedParameters;
        var allowSyntheticDefaultImports = typeof compilerOptions.allowSyntheticDefaultImports !== "undefined" ? compilerOptions.allowSyntheticDefaultImports : modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.System;
        var strictNullChecks = compilerOptions.strictNullChecks;
        var emitResolver = createResolver();
        var undefinedSymbol = createSymbol(4 | 67108864, "undefined");
        undefinedSymbol.declarations = [];
        var argumentsSymbol = createSymbol(4 | 67108864, "arguments");
        var checker = {
            getNodeCount: function () { return ts.sum(host.getSourceFiles(), "nodeCount"); },
            getIdentifierCount: function () { return ts.sum(host.getSourceFiles(), "identifierCount"); },
            getSymbolCount: function () { return ts.sum(host.getSourceFiles(), "symbolCount") + symbolCount; },
            getTypeCount: function () { return typeCount; },
            isUndefinedSymbol: function (symbol) { return symbol === undefinedSymbol; },
            isArgumentsSymbol: function (symbol) { return symbol === argumentsSymbol; },
            isUnknownSymbol: function (symbol) { return symbol === unknownSymbol; },
            getDiagnostics: getDiagnostics,
            getGlobalDiagnostics: getGlobalDiagnostics,
            getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation: getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation,
            getSymbolsOfParameterPropertyDeclaration: getSymbolsOfParameterPropertyDeclaration,
            getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol: getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol,
            getPropertiesOfType: getPropertiesOfType,
            getPropertyOfType: getPropertyOfType,
            getSignaturesOfType: getSignaturesOfType,
            getIndexTypeOfType: getIndexTypeOfType,
            getBaseTypes: getBaseTypes,
            getReturnTypeOfSignature: getReturnTypeOfSignature,
            getNonNullableType: getNonNullableType,
            getSymbolsInScope: getSymbolsInScope,
            getSymbolAtLocation: getSymbolAtLocation,
            getShorthandAssignmentValueSymbol: getShorthandAssignmentValueSymbol,
            getExportSpecifierLocalTargetSymbol: getExportSpecifierLocalTargetSymbol,
            getTypeAtLocation: getTypeOfNode,
            getPropertySymbolOfDestructuringAssignment: getPropertySymbolOfDestructuringAssignment,
            typeToString: typeToString,
            getSymbolDisplayBuilder: getSymbolDisplayBuilder,
            symbolToString: symbolToString,
            getAugmentedPropertiesOfType: getAugmentedPropertiesOfType,
            getRootSymbols: getRootSymbols,
            getContextualType: getContextualType,
            getFullyQualifiedName: getFullyQualifiedName,
            getResolvedSignature: getResolvedSignature,
            getConstantValue: getConstantValue,
            isValidPropertyAccess: isValidPropertyAccess,
            getSignatureFromDeclaration: getSignatureFromDeclaration,
            isImplementationOfOverload: isImplementationOfOverload,
            getAliasedSymbol: resolveAlias,
            getEmitResolver: getEmitResolver,
            getExportsOfModule: getExportsOfModuleAsArray,
            getAmbientModules: getAmbientModules,
            getJsxElementAttributesType: getJsxElementAttributesType,
            getJsxIntrinsicTagNames: getJsxIntrinsicTagNames,
            isOptionalParameter: isOptionalParameter
        var tupleTypes = [];
        var unionTypes = ts.createMap();
        var intersectionTypes = ts.createMap();
        var stringLiteralTypes = ts.createMap();
        var numericLiteralTypes = ts.createMap();
        var unknownSymbol = createSymbol(4 | 67108864, "unknown");
        var resolvingSymbol = createSymbol(67108864, "__resolving__");
        var anyType = createIntrinsicType(1, "any");
        var unknownType = createIntrinsicType(1, "unknown");
        var undefinedType = createIntrinsicType(2048, "undefined");
        var undefinedWideningType = strictNullChecks ? undefinedType : createIntrinsicType(2048 | 33554432, "undefined");
        var nullType = createIntrinsicType(4096, "null");
        var nullWideningType = strictNullChecks ? nullType : createIntrinsicType(4096 | 33554432, "null");
        var stringType = createIntrinsicType(2, "string");
        var numberType = createIntrinsicType(4, "number");
        var trueType = createIntrinsicType(128, "true");
        var falseType = createIntrinsicType(128, "false");
        var booleanType = createBooleanType([trueType, falseType]);
        var esSymbolType = createIntrinsicType(512, "symbol");
        var voidType = createIntrinsicType(1024, "void");
        var neverType = createIntrinsicType(8192, "never");
        var emptyObjectType = createAnonymousType(undefined, emptySymbols, emptyArray, emptyArray, undefined, undefined);
        var emptyGenericType = createAnonymousType(undefined, emptySymbols, emptyArray, emptyArray, undefined, undefined);
        emptyGenericType.instantiations = ts.createMap();
        var anyFunctionType = createAnonymousType(undefined, emptySymbols, emptyArray, emptyArray, undefined, undefined);
        anyFunctionType.flags |= 134217728;
        var noConstraintType = createAnonymousType(undefined, emptySymbols, emptyArray, emptyArray, undefined, undefined);
        var anySignature = createSignature(undefined, undefined, undefined, emptyArray, anyType, undefined, 0, false, false);
        var unknownSignature = createSignature(undefined, undefined, undefined, emptyArray, unknownType, undefined, 0, false, false);
        var resolvingSignature = createSignature(undefined, undefined, undefined, emptyArray, anyType, undefined, 0, false, false);
        var enumNumberIndexInfo = createIndexInfo(stringType, true);
        var globals = ts.createMap();
        var patternAmbientModules;
        var getGlobalESSymbolConstructorSymbol;
        var getGlobalPromiseConstructorSymbol;
        var globalObjectType;
        var globalFunctionType;
        var globalArrayType;
        var globalReadonlyArrayType;
        var globalStringType;
        var globalNumberType;
        var globalBooleanType;
        var globalRegExpType;
        var anyArrayType;
        var anyReadonlyArrayType;
        var getGlobalTemplateStringsArrayType;
        var getGlobalESSymbolType;
        var getGlobalIterableType;
        var getGlobalIteratorType;
        var getGlobalIterableIteratorType;
        var getGlobalClassDecoratorType;
        var getGlobalParameterDecoratorType;
        var getGlobalPropertyDecoratorType;
        var getGlobalMethodDecoratorType;
        var getGlobalTypedPropertyDescriptorType;
        var getGlobalPromiseType;
        var tryGetGlobalPromiseType;
        var getGlobalPromiseLikeType;
        var getInstantiatedGlobalPromiseLikeType;
        var getGlobalPromiseConstructorLikeType;
        var getGlobalThenableType;
        var jsxElementClassType;
        var deferredNodes;
        var deferredUnusedIdentifierNodes;
        var flowLoopStart = 0;
        var flowLoopCount = 0;
        var visitedFlowCount = 0;
        var emptyStringType = getLiteralTypeForText(32, "");
        var zeroType = getLiteralTypeForText(64, "0");
        var resolutionTargets = [];
        var resolutionResults = [];
        var resolutionPropertyNames = [];
        var mergedSymbols = [];
        var symbolLinks = [];
        var nodeLinks = [];
        var flowLoopCaches = [];
        var flowLoopNodes = [];
        var flowLoopKeys = [];
        var flowLoopTypes = [];
        var visitedFlowNodes = [];
        var visitedFlowTypes = [];
        var potentialThisCollisions = [];
        var awaitedTypeStack = [];
        var diagnostics = ts.createDiagnosticCollection();
        var typeofEQFacts = ts.createMap({
            "string": 1,
            "number": 2,
            "boolean": 4,
            "symbol": 8,
            "undefined": 16384,
            "object": 16,
            "function": 32
        var typeofNEFacts = ts.createMap({
            "string": 128,
            "number": 256,
            "boolean": 512,
            "symbol": 1024,
            "undefined": 131072,
            "object": 2048,
            "function": 4096
        var typeofTypesByName = ts.createMap({
            "string": stringType,
            "number": numberType,
            "boolean": booleanType,
            "symbol": esSymbolType,
            "undefined": undefinedType
        var jsxElementType;
        var jsxTypes = ts.createMap();
        var JsxNames = {
            JSX: "JSX",
            IntrinsicElements: "IntrinsicElements",
            ElementClass: "ElementClass",
            ElementAttributesPropertyNameContainer: "ElementAttributesProperty",
            Element: "Element",
            IntrinsicAttributes: "IntrinsicAttributes",
            IntrinsicClassAttributes: "IntrinsicClassAttributes"
        var subtypeRelation = ts.createMap();
        var assignableRelation = ts.createMap();
        var comparableRelation = ts.createMap();
        var identityRelation = ts.createMap();
        var enumRelation = ts.createMap();
        var _displayBuilder;
        var builtinGlobals = ts.createMap();
        builtinGlobals[] = undefinedSymbol;
        return checker;
        function getEmitResolver(sourceFile, cancellationToken) {
            getDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
            return emitResolver;
        function error(location, message, arg0, arg1, arg2) {
            var diagnostic = location
                ? ts.createDiagnosticForNode(location, message, arg0, arg1, arg2)
                : ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(message, arg0, arg1, arg2);
        function createSymbol(flags, name) {
            return new Symbol(flags, name);
        function getExcludedSymbolFlags(flags) {
            var result = 0;
            if (flags & 2)
                result |= 107455;
            if (flags & 1)
                result |= 107454;
            if (flags & 4)
                result |= 0;
            if (flags & 8)
                result |= 900095;
            if (flags & 16)
                result |= 106927;
            if (flags & 32)
                result |= 899519;
            if (flags & 64)
                result |= 792968;
            if (flags & 256)
                result |= 899327;
            if (flags & 128)
                result |= 899967;
            if (flags & 512)
                result |= 106639;
            if (flags & 8192)
                result |= 99263;
            if (flags & 32768)
                result |= 41919;
            if (flags & 65536)
                result |= 74687;
            if (flags & 262144)
                result |= 530920;
            if (flags & 524288)
                result |= 793064;
            if (flags & 8388608)
                result |= 8388608;
            return result;
        function recordMergedSymbol(target, source) {
            if (!source.mergeId) {
                source.mergeId = nextMergeId;
            mergedSymbols[source.mergeId] = target;
        function cloneSymbol(symbol) {
            var result = createSymbol(symbol.flags | 33554432,;
            result.declarations = symbol.declarations.slice(0);
            result.parent = symbol.parent;
            if (symbol.valueDeclaration)
                result.valueDeclaration = symbol.valueDeclaration;
            if (symbol.constEnumOnlyModule)
                result.constEnumOnlyModule = true;
            if (symbol.members)
                result.members = ts.cloneMap(symbol.members);
            if (symbol.exports)
                result.exports = ts.cloneMap(symbol.exports);
            recordMergedSymbol(result, symbol);
            return result;
        function mergeSymbol(target, source) {
            if (!(target.flags & getExcludedSymbolFlags(source.flags))) {
                if (source.flags & 512 && target.flags & 512 && target.constEnumOnlyModule && !source.constEnumOnlyModule) {
                    target.constEnumOnlyModule = false;
                target.flags |= source.flags;
                if (source.valueDeclaration &&
                    (!target.valueDeclaration ||
                        (target.valueDeclaration.kind === 225 && source.valueDeclaration.kind !== 225))) {
                    target.valueDeclaration = source.valueDeclaration;
                ts.forEach(source.declarations, function (node) {
                if (source.members) {
                    if (!target.members)
                        target.members = ts.createMap();
                    mergeSymbolTable(target.members, source.members);
                if (source.exports) {
                    if (!target.exports)
                        target.exports = ts.createMap();
                    mergeSymbolTable(target.exports, source.exports);
                recordMergedSymbol(target, source);
            else {
                var message_2 = target.flags & 2 || source.flags & 2
                    ? ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_redeclare_block_scoped_variable_0 : ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_0;
                ts.forEach(source.declarations, function (node) {
                    error( ? : node, message_2, symbolToString(source));
                ts.forEach(target.declarations, function (node) {
                    error( ? : node, message_2, symbolToString(source));
        function mergeSymbolTable(target, source) {
            for (var id in source) {
                var targetSymbol = target[id];
                if (!targetSymbol) {
                    target[id] = source[id];
                else {
                    if (!(targetSymbol.flags & 33554432)) {
                        target[id] = targetSymbol = cloneSymbol(targetSymbol);
                    mergeSymbol(targetSymbol, source[id]);
        function mergeModuleAugmentation(moduleName) {
            var moduleAugmentation = moduleName.parent;
            if (moduleAugmentation.symbol.declarations[0] !== moduleAugmentation) {
                ts.Debug.assert(moduleAugmentation.symbol.declarations.length > 1);
            if (ts.isGlobalScopeAugmentation(moduleAugmentation)) {
                mergeSymbolTable(globals, moduleAugmentation.symbol.exports);
            else {
                var moduleNotFoundError = !ts.isInAmbientContext(moduleName.parent.parent)
                    ? ts.Diagnostics.Invalid_module_name_in_augmentation_module_0_cannot_be_found
                    : undefined;
                var mainModule = resolveExternalModuleNameWorker(moduleName, moduleName, moduleNotFoundError);
                if (!mainModule) {
                mainModule = resolveExternalModuleSymbol(mainModule);
                if (mainModule.flags & 1920) {
                    mainModule = mainModule.flags & 33554432 ? mainModule : cloneSymbol(mainModule);
                    mergeSymbol(mainModule, moduleAugmentation.symbol);
                else {
                    error(moduleName, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_augment_module_0_because_it_resolves_to_a_non_module_entity, moduleName.text);
        function addToSymbolTable(target, source, message) {
            for (var id in source) {
                if (target[id]) {
                    ts.forEach(target[id].declarations, addDeclarationDiagnostic(id, message));
                else {
                    target[id] = source[id];
            function addDeclarationDiagnostic(id, message) {
                return function (declaration) { return diagnostics.add(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(declaration, message, id)); };
        function getSymbolLinks(symbol) {
            if (symbol.flags & 67108864)
                return symbol;
            var id = getSymbolId(symbol);
            return symbolLinks[id] || (symbolLinks[id] = {});
        function getNodeLinks(node) {
            var nodeId = getNodeId(node);
            return nodeLinks[nodeId] || (nodeLinks[nodeId] = { flags: 0 });
        function isGlobalSourceFile(node) {
            return node.kind === 256 && !ts.isExternalOrCommonJsModule(node);
        function getSymbol(symbols, name, meaning) {
            if (meaning) {
                var symbol = symbols[name];
                if (symbol) {
                    ts.Debug.assert((symbol.flags & 16777216) === 0, "Should never get an instantiated symbol here.");
                    if (symbol.flags & meaning) {
                        return symbol;
                    if (symbol.flags & 8388608) {
                        var target = resolveAlias(symbol);
                        if (target === unknownSymbol || target.flags & meaning) {
                            return symbol;
        function getSymbolsOfParameterPropertyDeclaration(parameter, parameterName) {
            var constructorDeclaration = parameter.parent;
            var classDeclaration = parameter.parent.parent;
            var parameterSymbol = getSymbol(constructorDeclaration.locals, parameterName, 107455);
            var propertySymbol = getSymbol(classDeclaration.symbol.members, parameterName, 107455);
            if (parameterSymbol && propertySymbol) {
                return [parameterSymbol, propertySymbol];
  "There should exist two symbols, one as property declaration and one as parameter declaration");
        function isBlockScopedNameDeclaredBeforeUse(declaration, usage) {
            var declarationFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(declaration);
            var useFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(usage);
            if (declarationFile !== useFile) {
                if ((modulekind && (declarationFile.externalModuleIndicator || useFile.externalModuleIndicator)) ||
                    (!compilerOptions.outFile && !compilerOptions.out)) {
                    return true;
                var sourceFiles = host.getSourceFiles();
                return ts.indexOf(sourceFiles, declarationFile) <= ts.indexOf(sourceFiles, useFile);
            if (declaration.pos <= usage.pos) {
                return declaration.kind !== 218 ||
                    !isImmediatelyUsedInInitializerOfBlockScopedVariable(declaration, usage);
            return isUsedInFunctionOrNonStaticProperty(declaration, usage);
            function isImmediatelyUsedInInitializerOfBlockScopedVariable(declaration, usage) {
                var container = ts.getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer(declaration);
                switch (declaration.parent.parent.kind) {
                    case 200:
                    case 206:
                    case 208:
                        if (isSameScopeDescendentOf(usage, declaration, container)) {
                            return true;
                switch (declaration.parent.parent.kind) {
                    case 207:
                    case 208:
                        if (isSameScopeDescendentOf(usage, declaration.parent.parent.expression, container)) {
                            return true;
                return false;
            function isUsedInFunctionOrNonStaticProperty(declaration, usage) {
                var container = ts.getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer(declaration);
                var current = usage;
                while (current) {
                    if (current === container) {
                        return false;
                    if (ts.isFunctionLike(current)) {
                        return true;
                    var initializerOfNonStaticProperty = current.parent &&
                        current.parent.kind === 145 &&
                        (current.parent.flags & 32) === 0 &&
                        current.parent.initializer === current;
                    if (initializerOfNonStaticProperty) {
                        return true;
                    current = current.parent;
                return false;
        function resolveName(location, name, meaning, nameNotFoundMessage, nameArg) {
            var result;
            var lastLocation;
            var propertyWithInvalidInitializer;
            var errorLocation = location;
            var grandparent;
            var isInExternalModule = false;
            loop: while (location) {
                if (location.locals && !isGlobalSourceFile(location)) {
                    if (result = getSymbol(location.locals, name, meaning)) {
                        var useResult = true;
                        if (ts.isFunctionLike(location) && lastLocation && lastLocation !== location.body) {
                            if (meaning & result.flags & 793064 && lastLocation.kind !== 273) {
                                useResult = result.flags & 262144
                                    ? lastLocation === location.type ||
                                        lastLocation.kind === 142 ||
                                        lastLocation.kind === 141
                                    : false;
                            if (meaning & 107455 && result.flags & 1) {
                                useResult =
                                    lastLocation.kind === 142 ||
                                        (lastLocation === location.type &&
                                            result.valueDeclaration.kind === 142);
                        if (useResult) {
                            break loop;
                        else {
                            result = undefined;
                switch (location.kind) {
                    case 256:
                        if (!ts.isExternalOrCommonJsModule(location))
                        isInExternalModule = true;
                    case 225:
                        var moduleExports = getSymbolOfNode(location).exports;
                        if (location.kind === 256 || ts.isAmbientModule(location)) {
                            if (result = moduleExports["default"]) {
                                var localSymbol = ts.getLocalSymbolForExportDefault(result);
                                if (localSymbol && (result.flags & meaning) && === name) {
                                    break loop;
                                result = undefined;
                            if (moduleExports[name] &&
                                moduleExports[name].flags === 8388608 &&
                                ts.getDeclarationOfKind(moduleExports[name], 238)) {
                        if (result = getSymbol(moduleExports, name, meaning & 8914931)) {
                            break loop;
                    case 224:
                        if (result = getSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(location).exports, name, meaning & 8)) {
                            break loop;
                    case 145:
                    case 144:
                        if (ts.isClassLike(location.parent) && !(location.flags & 32)) {
                            var ctor = findConstructorDeclaration(location.parent);
                            if (ctor && ctor.locals) {
                                if (getSymbol(ctor.locals, name, meaning & 107455)) {
                                    propertyWithInvalidInitializer = location;
                    case 221:
                    case 192:
                    case 222:
                        if (result = getSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(location).members, name, meaning & 793064)) {
                            if (lastLocation && lastLocation.flags & 32) {
                                error(errorLocation, ts.Diagnostics.Static_members_cannot_reference_class_type_parameters);
                                return undefined;
                            break loop;
                        if (location.kind === 192 && meaning & 32) {
                            var className =;
                            if (className && name === className.text) {
                                result = location.symbol;
                                break loop;
                    case 140:
                        grandparent = location.parent.parent;
                        if (ts.isClassLike(grandparent) || grandparent.kind === 222) {
                            if (result = getSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(grandparent).members, name, meaning & 793064)) {
                                error(errorLocation, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_cannot_reference_a_type_parameter_from_its_containing_type);
                                return undefined;
                    case 147:
                    case 146:
                    case 148:
                    case 149:
                    case 150:
                    case 220:
                    case 180:
                        if (meaning & 3 && name === "arguments") {
                            result = argumentsSymbol;
                            break loop;
                    case 179:
                        if (meaning & 3 && name === "arguments") {
                            result = argumentsSymbol;
                            break loop;
                        if (meaning & 16) {
                            var functionName =;
                            if (functionName && name === functionName.text) {
                                result = location.symbol;
                                break loop;
                    case 143:
                        if (location.parent && location.parent.kind === 142) {
                            location = location.parent;
                        if (location.parent && ts.isClassElement(location.parent)) {
                            location = location.parent;
                lastLocation = location;
                location = location.parent;
            if (result && nameNotFoundMessage && noUnusedIdentifiers) {
                result.isReferenced = true;
            if (!result) {
                result = getSymbol(globals, name, meaning);
            if (!result) {
                if (nameNotFoundMessage) {
                    if (!errorLocation ||
                        !checkAndReportErrorForMissingPrefix(errorLocation, name, nameArg) &&
                            !checkAndReportErrorForExtendingInterface(errorLocation)) {
                        error(errorLocation, nameNotFoundMessage, typeof nameArg === "string" ? nameArg : ts.declarationNameToString(nameArg));
                return undefined;
            if (nameNotFoundMessage) {
                if (propertyWithInvalidInitializer) {
                    var propertyName =;
                    error(errorLocation, ts.Diagnostics.Initializer_of_instance_member_variable_0_cannot_reference_identifier_1_declared_in_the_constructor, ts.declarationNameToString(propertyName), typeof nameArg === "string" ? nameArg : ts.declarationNameToString(nameArg));
                    return undefined;
                if (meaning & 2) {
                    var exportOrLocalSymbol = getExportSymbolOfValueSymbolIfExported(result);
                    if (exportOrLocalSymbol.flags & 2) {
                        checkResolvedBlockScopedVariable(exportOrLocalSymbol, errorLocation);
                if (result && isInExternalModule && (meaning & 107455) === 107455) {
                    var decls = result.declarations;
                    if (decls && decls.length === 1 && decls[0].kind === 228) {
                        error(errorLocation, ts.Diagnostics.Identifier_0_must_be_imported_from_a_module, name);
            return result;
        function checkAndReportErrorForMissingPrefix(errorLocation, name, nameArg) {
            if ((errorLocation.kind === 69 && (isTypeReferenceIdentifier(errorLocation)) || isInTypeQuery(errorLocation))) {
                return false;
            var container = ts.getThisContainer(errorLocation, true);
            var location = container;
            while (location) {
                if (ts.isClassLike(location.parent)) {
                    var classSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(location.parent);
                    if (!classSymbol) {
                    var constructorType = getTypeOfSymbol(classSymbol);
                    if (getPropertyOfType(constructorType, name)) {
                        error(errorLocation, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_name_0_Did_you_mean_the_static_member_1_0, typeof nameArg === "string" ? nameArg : ts.declarationNameToString(nameArg), symbolToString(classSymbol));
                        return true;
                    if (location === container && !(location.flags & 32)) {
                        var instanceType = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(classSymbol).thisType;
                        if (getPropertyOfType(instanceType, name)) {
                            error(errorLocation, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_name_0_Did_you_mean_the_instance_member_this_0, typeof nameArg === "string" ? nameArg : ts.declarationNameToString(nameArg));
                            return true;
                location = location.parent;
            return false;
        function checkAndReportErrorForExtendingInterface(errorLocation) {
            var expression = getEntityNameForExtendingInterface(errorLocation);
            var isError = !!(expression && resolveEntityName(expression, 64, true));
            if (isError) {
                error(errorLocation, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_extend_an_interface_0_Did_you_mean_implements, ts.getTextOfNode(expression));
            return isError;
        function getEntityNameForExtendingInterface(node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 69:
                case 172:
                    return node.parent ? getEntityNameForExtendingInterface(node.parent) : undefined;
                case 194:
                    return node.expression;
                    return undefined;
        function checkResolvedBlockScopedVariable(result, errorLocation) {
            ts.Debug.assert((result.flags & 2) !== 0);
            var declaration = ts.forEach(result.declarations, function (d) { return ts.isBlockOrCatchScoped(d) ? d : undefined; });
            ts.Debug.assert(declaration !== undefined, "Block-scoped variable declaration is undefined");
            if (!ts.isInAmbientContext(declaration) && !isBlockScopedNameDeclaredBeforeUse(ts.getAncestor(declaration, 218), errorLocation)) {
                error(errorLocation, ts.Diagnostics.Block_scoped_variable_0_used_before_its_declaration, ts.declarationNameToString(;
        function isSameScopeDescendentOf(initial, parent, stopAt) {
            if (!parent) {
                return false;
            for (var current = initial; current && current !== stopAt && !ts.isFunctionLike(current); current = current.parent) {
                if (current === parent) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        function getAnyImportSyntax(node) {
            if (ts.isAliasSymbolDeclaration(node)) {
                if (node.kind === 229) {
                    return node;
                while (node && node.kind !== 230) {
                    node = node.parent;
                return node;
        function getDeclarationOfAliasSymbol(symbol) {
            return ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (d) { return ts.isAliasSymbolDeclaration(d) ? d : undefined; });
        function getTargetOfImportEqualsDeclaration(node) {
            if (node.moduleReference.kind === 240) {
                return resolveExternalModuleSymbol(resolveExternalModuleName(node, ts.getExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclarationExpression(node)));
            return getSymbolOfPartOfRightHandSideOfImportEquals(node.moduleReference, node);
        function getTargetOfImportClause(node) {
            var moduleSymbol = resolveExternalModuleName(node, node.parent.moduleSpecifier);
            if (moduleSymbol) {
                var exportDefaultSymbol = ts.isShorthandAmbientModuleSymbol(moduleSymbol) ?
                    moduleSymbol :
                    moduleSymbol.exports["export="] ?
                        getPropertyOfType(getTypeOfSymbol(moduleSymbol.exports["export="]), "default") :
                if (!exportDefaultSymbol && !allowSyntheticDefaultImports) {
                    error(, ts.Diagnostics.Module_0_has_no_default_export, symbolToString(moduleSymbol));
                else if (!exportDefaultSymbol && allowSyntheticDefaultImports) {
                    return resolveExternalModuleSymbol(moduleSymbol) || resolveSymbol(moduleSymbol);
                return exportDefaultSymbol;
        function getTargetOfNamespaceImport(node) {
            var moduleSpecifier = node.parent.parent.moduleSpecifier;
            return resolveESModuleSymbol(resolveExternalModuleName(node, moduleSpecifier), moduleSpecifier);
        function combineValueAndTypeSymbols(valueSymbol, typeSymbol) {
            if (valueSymbol.flags & (793064 | 1920)) {
                return valueSymbol;
            var result = createSymbol(valueSymbol.flags | typeSymbol.flags,;
            result.declarations = ts.concatenate(valueSymbol.declarations, typeSymbol.declarations);
            result.parent = valueSymbol.parent || typeSymbol.parent;
            if (valueSymbol.valueDeclaration)
                result.valueDeclaration = valueSymbol.valueDeclaration;
            if (typeSymbol.members)
                result.members = typeSymbol.members;
            if (valueSymbol.exports)
                result.exports = valueSymbol.exports;
            return result;
        function getExportOfModule(symbol, name) {
            if (symbol.flags & 1536) {
                var exportedSymbol = getExportsOfSymbol(symbol)[name];
                if (exportedSymbol) {
                    return resolveSymbol(exportedSymbol);
        function getPropertyOfVariable(symbol, name) {
            if (symbol.flags & 3) {
                var typeAnnotation = symbol.valueDeclaration.type;
                if (typeAnnotation) {
                    return resolveSymbol(getPropertyOfType(getTypeFromTypeNode(typeAnnotation), name));
        function getExternalModuleMember(node, specifier) {
            var moduleSymbol = resolveExternalModuleName(node, node.moduleSpecifier);
            var targetSymbol = resolveESModuleSymbol(moduleSymbol, node.moduleSpecifier);
            if (targetSymbol) {
                var name_10 = specifier.propertyName ||;
                if (name_10.text) {
                    if (ts.isShorthandAmbientModuleSymbol(moduleSymbol)) {
                        return moduleSymbol;
                    var symbolFromVariable = void 0;
                    if (moduleSymbol && moduleSymbol.exports && moduleSymbol.exports["export="]) {
                        symbolFromVariable = getPropertyOfType(getTypeOfSymbol(targetSymbol), name_10.text);
                    else {
                        symbolFromVariable = getPropertyOfVariable(targetSymbol, name_10.text);
                    symbolFromVariable = resolveSymbol(symbolFromVariable);
                    var symbolFromModule = getExportOfModule(targetSymbol, name_10.text);
                    if (!symbolFromModule && allowSyntheticDefaultImports && name_10.text === "default") {
                        symbolFromModule = resolveExternalModuleSymbol(moduleSymbol) || resolveSymbol(moduleSymbol);
                    var symbol = symbolFromModule && symbolFromVariable ?
                        combineValueAndTypeSymbols(symbolFromVariable, symbolFromModule) :
                        symbolFromModule || symbolFromVariable;
                    if (!symbol) {
                        error(name_10, ts.Diagnostics.Module_0_has_no_exported_member_1, getFullyQualifiedName(moduleSymbol), ts.declarationNameToString(name_10));
                    return symbol;
        function getTargetOfImportSpecifier(node) {
            return getExternalModuleMember(node.parent.parent.parent, node);
        function getTargetOfNamespaceExportDeclaration(node) {
            return resolveExternalModuleSymbol(node.parent.symbol);
        function getTargetOfExportSpecifier(node) {
            return node.parent.parent.moduleSpecifier ?
                getExternalModuleMember(node.parent.parent, node) :
                resolveEntityName(node.propertyName ||, 107455 | 793064 | 1920);
        function getTargetOfExportAssignment(node) {
            return resolveEntityName(node.expression, 107455 | 793064 | 1920);
        function getTargetOfAliasDeclaration(node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 229:
                    return getTargetOfImportEqualsDeclaration(node);
                case 231:
                    return getTargetOfImportClause(node);
                case 232:
                    return getTargetOfNamespaceImport(node);
                case 234:
                    return getTargetOfImportSpecifier(node);
                case 238:
                    return getTargetOfExportSpecifier(node);
                case 235:
                    return getTargetOfExportAssignment(node);
                case 228:
                    return getTargetOfNamespaceExportDeclaration(node);
        function resolveSymbol(symbol) {
            return symbol && symbol.flags & 8388608 && !(symbol.flags & (107455 | 793064 | 1920)) ? resolveAlias(symbol) : symbol;
        function resolveAlias(symbol) {
            ts.Debug.assert((symbol.flags & 8388608) !== 0, "Should only get Alias here.");
            var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
            if (! {
       = resolvingSymbol;
                var node = getDeclarationOfAliasSymbol(symbol);
                var target = getTargetOfAliasDeclaration(node);
                if ( === resolvingSymbol) {
           = target || unknownSymbol;
                else {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Circular_definition_of_import_alias_0, symbolToString(symbol));
            else if ( === resolvingSymbol) {
       = unknownSymbol;
        function markExportAsReferenced(node) {
            var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
            var target = resolveAlias(symbol);
            if (target) {
                var markAlias = target === unknownSymbol ||
                    ((target.flags & 107455) && !isConstEnumOrConstEnumOnlyModule(target));
                if (markAlias) {
        function markAliasSymbolAsReferenced(symbol) {
            var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
            if (!links.referenced) {
                links.referenced = true;
                var node = getDeclarationOfAliasSymbol(symbol);
                if (node.kind === 235) {
                else if (node.kind === 238) {
                    checkExpressionCached(node.propertyName ||;
                else if (ts.isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node)) {
        function getSymbolOfPartOfRightHandSideOfImportEquals(entityName, importDeclaration, dontResolveAlias) {
            if (entityName.kind === 69 && ts.isRightSideOfQualifiedNameOrPropertyAccess(entityName)) {
                entityName = entityName.parent;
            if (entityName.kind === 69 || entityName.parent.kind === 139) {
                return resolveEntityName(entityName, 1920, false, dontResolveAlias);
            else {
                ts.Debug.assert(entityName.parent.kind === 229);
                return resolveEntityName(entityName, 107455 | 793064 | 1920, false, dontResolveAlias);
        function getFullyQualifiedName(symbol) {
            return symbol.parent ? getFullyQualifiedName(symbol.parent) + "." + symbolToString(symbol) : symbolToString(symbol);
        function resolveEntityName(name, meaning, ignoreErrors, dontResolveAlias) {
            if (ts.nodeIsMissing(name)) {
                return undefined;
            var symbol;
            if (name.kind === 69) {
                var message = meaning === 1920 ? ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_namespace_0 : ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_name_0;
                symbol = resolveName(name, name.text, meaning, ignoreErrors ? undefined : message, name);
                if (!symbol) {
                    return undefined;
            else if (name.kind === 139 || name.kind === 172) {
                var left = name.kind === 139 ? name.left : name.expression;
                var right = name.kind === 139 ? name.right :;
                var namespace = resolveEntityName(left, 1920, ignoreErrors);
                if (!namespace || ts.nodeIsMissing(right)) {
                    return undefined;
                else if (namespace === unknownSymbol) {
                    return namespace;
                symbol = getSymbol(getExportsOfSymbol(namespace), right.text, meaning);
                if (!symbol) {
                    if (!ignoreErrors) {
                        error(right, ts.Diagnostics.Module_0_has_no_exported_member_1, getFullyQualifiedName(namespace), ts.declarationNameToString(right));
                    return undefined;
            else {
      "Unknown entity name kind.");
            ts.Debug.assert((symbol.flags & 16777216) === 0, "Should never get an instantiated symbol here.");
            return (symbol.flags & meaning) || dontResolveAlias ? symbol : resolveAlias(symbol);
        function resolveExternalModuleName(location, moduleReferenceExpression) {
            return resolveExternalModuleNameWorker(location, moduleReferenceExpression, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_module_0);
        function resolveExternalModuleNameWorker(location, moduleReferenceExpression, moduleNotFoundError) {
            if (moduleReferenceExpression.kind !== 9) {
            var moduleReferenceLiteral = moduleReferenceExpression;
            var moduleName = ts.escapeIdentifier(moduleReferenceLiteral.text);
            if (moduleName === undefined) {
            var isRelative = ts.isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleName);
            if (!isRelative) {
                var symbol = getSymbol(globals, '"' + moduleName + '"', 512);
                if (symbol) {
                    return getMergedSymbol(symbol);
            var resolvedModule = ts.getResolvedModule(ts.getSourceFileOfNode(location), moduleReferenceLiteral.text);
            var sourceFile = resolvedModule && host.getSourceFile(resolvedModule.resolvedFileName);
            if (sourceFile) {
                if (sourceFile.symbol) {
                    return getMergedSymbol(sourceFile.symbol);
                if (moduleNotFoundError) {
                    error(moduleReferenceLiteral, ts.Diagnostics.File_0_is_not_a_module, sourceFile.fileName);
                return undefined;
            if (patternAmbientModules) {
                var pattern = ts.findBestPatternMatch(patternAmbientModules, function (_) { return _.pattern; }, moduleName);
                if (pattern) {
                    return getMergedSymbol(pattern.symbol);
            if (moduleNotFoundError) {
                var tsExtension = ts.tryExtractTypeScriptExtension(moduleName);
                if (tsExtension) {
                    var diag = ts.Diagnostics.An_import_path_cannot_end_with_a_0_extension_Consider_importing_1_instead;
                    error(moduleReferenceLiteral, diag, tsExtension, ts.removeExtension(moduleName, tsExtension));
                else {
                    error(moduleReferenceLiteral, moduleNotFoundError, moduleName);
            return undefined;
        function resolveExternalModuleSymbol(moduleSymbol) {
            return moduleSymbol && getMergedSymbol(resolveSymbol(moduleSymbol.exports["export="])) || moduleSymbol;
        function resolveESModuleSymbol(moduleSymbol, moduleReferenceExpression) {
            var symbol = resolveExternalModuleSymbol(moduleSymbol);
            if (symbol && !(symbol.flags & (1536 | 3))) {
                error(moduleReferenceExpression, ts.Diagnostics.Module_0_resolves_to_a_non_module_entity_and_cannot_be_imported_using_this_construct, symbolToString(moduleSymbol));
                symbol = undefined;
            return symbol;
        function hasExportAssignmentSymbol(moduleSymbol) {
            return moduleSymbol.exports["export="] !== undefined;
        function getExportsOfModuleAsArray(moduleSymbol) {
            return symbolsToArray(getExportsOfModule(moduleSymbol));
        function getExportsOfSymbol(symbol) {
            return symbol.flags & 1536 ? getExportsOfModule(symbol) : symbol.exports || emptySymbols;
        function getExportsOfModule(moduleSymbol) {
            var links = getSymbolLinks(moduleSymbol);
            return links.resolvedExports || (links.resolvedExports = getExportsForModule(moduleSymbol));
        function extendExportSymbols(target, source, lookupTable, exportNode) {
            for (var id in source) {
                if (id !== "default" && !target[id]) {
                    target[id] = source[id];
                    if (lookupTable && exportNode) {
                        lookupTable[id] = {
                            specifierText: ts.getTextOfNode(exportNode.moduleSpecifier)
                else if (lookupTable && exportNode && id !== "default" && target[id] && resolveSymbol(target[id]) !== resolveSymbol(source[id])) {
                    if (!lookupTable[id].exportsWithDuplicate) {
                        lookupTable[id].exportsWithDuplicate = [exportNode];
                    else {
        function getExportsForModule(moduleSymbol) {
            var visitedSymbols = [];
            return visit(moduleSymbol) || moduleSymbol.exports;
            function visit(symbol) {
                if (!(symbol && symbol.flags & 1952 && !ts.contains(visitedSymbols, symbol))) {
                var symbols = ts.cloneMap(symbol.exports);
                var exportStars = symbol.exports["__export"];
                if (exportStars) {
                    var nestedSymbols = ts.createMap();
                    var lookupTable = ts.createMap();
                    for (var _i = 0, _a = exportStars.declarations; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                        var node = _a[_i];
                        var resolvedModule = resolveExternalModuleName(node, node.moduleSpecifier);
                        var exportedSymbols = visit(resolvedModule);
                        extendExportSymbols(nestedSymbols, exportedSymbols, lookupTable, node);
                    for (var id in lookupTable) {
                        var exportsWithDuplicate = lookupTable[id].exportsWithDuplicate;
                        if (id === "export=" || !(exportsWithDuplicate && exportsWithDuplicate.length) || symbols[id]) {
                        for (var _b = 0, exportsWithDuplicate_1 = exportsWithDuplicate; _b < exportsWithDuplicate_1.length; _b++) {
                            var node = exportsWithDuplicate_1[_b];
                            diagnostics.add(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Module_0_has_already_exported_a_member_named_1_Consider_explicitly_re_exporting_to_resolve_the_ambiguity, lookupTable[id].specifierText, id));
                    extendExportSymbols(symbols, nestedSymbols);
                return symbols;
        function getMergedSymbol(symbol) {
            var merged;
            return symbol && symbol.mergeId && (merged = mergedSymbols[symbol.mergeId]) ? merged : symbol;
        function getSymbolOfNode(node) {
            return getMergedSymbol(node.symbol);
        function getParentOfSymbol(symbol) {
            return getMergedSymbol(symbol.parent);
        function getExportSymbolOfValueSymbolIfExported(symbol) {
            return symbol && (symbol.flags & 1048576) !== 0
                ? getMergedSymbol(symbol.exportSymbol)
                : symbol;
        function symbolIsValue(symbol) {
            if (symbol.flags & 16777216) {
                return symbolIsValue(getSymbolLinks(symbol).target);
            if (symbol.flags & 107455) {
                return true;
            if (symbol.flags & 8388608) {
                return (resolveAlias(symbol).flags & 107455) !== 0;
            return false;
        function findConstructorDeclaration(node) {
            var members = node.members;
            for (var _i = 0, members_1 = members; _i < members_1.length; _i++) {
                var member = members_1[_i];
                if (member.kind === 148 && ts.nodeIsPresent(member.body)) {
                    return member;
        function createType(flags) {
            var result = new Type(checker, flags);
   = typeCount;
            return result;
        function createIntrinsicType(kind, intrinsicName) {
            var type = createType(kind);
            type.intrinsicName = intrinsicName;
            return type;
        function createBooleanType(trueFalseTypes) {
            var type = getUnionType(trueFalseTypes);
            type.flags |= 8;
            type.intrinsicName = "boolean";
            return type;
        function createObjectType(kind, symbol) {
            var type = createType(kind);
            type.symbol = symbol;
            return type;
        function isReservedMemberName(name) {
            return name.charCodeAt(0) === 95 &&
                name.charCodeAt(1) === 95 &&
                name.charCodeAt(2) !== 95 &&
                name.charCodeAt(2) !== 64;
        function getNamedMembers(members) {
            var result;
            for (var id in members) {
                if (!isReservedMemberName(id)) {
                    if (!result)
                        result = [];
                    var symbol = members[id];
                    if (symbolIsValue(symbol)) {
            return result || emptyArray;
        function setObjectTypeMembers(type, members, callSignatures, constructSignatures, stringIndexInfo, numberIndexInfo) {
            type.members = members;
   = getNamedMembers(members);
            type.callSignatures = callSignatures;
            type.constructSignatures = constructSignatures;
            if (stringIndexInfo)
                type.stringIndexInfo = stringIndexInfo;
            if (numberIndexInfo)
                type.numberIndexInfo = numberIndexInfo;
            return type;
        function createAnonymousType(symbol, members, callSignatures, constructSignatures, stringIndexInfo, numberIndexInfo) {
            return setObjectTypeMembers(createObjectType(2097152, symbol), members, callSignatures, constructSignatures, stringIndexInfo, numberIndexInfo);
        function forEachSymbolTableInScope(enclosingDeclaration, callback) {
            var result;
            for (var location_1 = enclosingDeclaration; location_1; location_1 = location_1.parent) {
                if (location_1.locals && !isGlobalSourceFile(location_1)) {
                    if (result = callback(location_1.locals)) {
                        return result;
                switch (location_1.kind) {
                    case 256:
                        if (!ts.isExternalOrCommonJsModule(location_1)) {
                    case 225:
                        if (result = callback(getSymbolOfNode(location_1).exports)) {
                            return result;
            return callback(globals);
        function getQualifiedLeftMeaning(rightMeaning) {
            return rightMeaning === 107455 ? 107455 : 1920;
        function getAccessibleSymbolChain(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning, useOnlyExternalAliasing) {
            function getAccessibleSymbolChainFromSymbolTable(symbols) {
                function canQualifySymbol(symbolFromSymbolTable, meaning) {
                    if (!needsQualification(symbolFromSymbolTable, enclosingDeclaration, meaning)) {
                        return true;
                    var accessibleParent = getAccessibleSymbolChain(symbolFromSymbolTable.parent, enclosingDeclaration, getQualifiedLeftMeaning(meaning), useOnlyExternalAliasing);
                    return !!accessibleParent;
                function isAccessible(symbolFromSymbolTable, resolvedAliasSymbol) {
                    if (symbol === (resolvedAliasSymbol || symbolFromSymbolTable)) {
                        return !ts.forEach(symbolFromSymbolTable.declarations, hasExternalModuleSymbol) &&
                            canQualifySymbol(symbolFromSymbolTable, meaning);
                if (isAccessible(symbols[])) {
                    return [symbol];
                return ts.forEachProperty(symbols, function (symbolFromSymbolTable) {
                    if (symbolFromSymbolTable.flags & 8388608
                        && !== "export="
                        && !ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbolFromSymbolTable, 238)) {
                        if (!useOnlyExternalAliasing ||
                            ts.forEach(symbolFromSymbolTable.declarations, ts.isExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration)) {
                            var resolvedImportedSymbol = resolveAlias(symbolFromSymbolTable);
                            if (isAccessible(symbolFromSymbolTable, resolveAlias(symbolFromSymbolTable))) {
                                return [symbolFromSymbolTable];
                            var accessibleSymbolsFromExports = resolvedImportedSymbol.exports ? getAccessibleSymbolChainFromSymbolTable(resolvedImportedSymbol.exports) : undefined;
                            if (accessibleSymbolsFromExports && canQualifySymbol(symbolFromSymbolTable, getQualifiedLeftMeaning(meaning))) {
                                return [symbolFromSymbolTable].concat(accessibleSymbolsFromExports);
            if (symbol) {
                if (!(isPropertyOrMethodDeclarationSymbol(symbol))) {
                    return forEachSymbolTableInScope(enclosingDeclaration, getAccessibleSymbolChainFromSymbolTable);
        function needsQualification(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning) {
            var qualify = false;
            forEachSymbolTableInScope(enclosingDeclaration, function (symbolTable) {
                var symbolFromSymbolTable = symbolTable[];
                if (!symbolFromSymbolTable) {
                    return false;
                if (symbolFromSymbolTable === symbol) {
                    return true;
                symbolFromSymbolTable = (symbolFromSymbolTable.flags & 8388608 && !ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbolFromSymbolTable, 238)) ? resolveAlias(symbolFromSymbolTable) : symbolFromSymbolTable;
                if (symbolFromSymbolTable.flags & meaning) {
                    qualify = true;
                    return true;
                return false;
            return qualify;
        function isPropertyOrMethodDeclarationSymbol(symbol) {
            if (symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations.length) {
                for (var _i = 0, _a = symbol.declarations; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var declaration = _a[_i];
                    switch (declaration.kind) {
                        case 145:
                        case 147:
                        case 149:
                        case 150:
                            return false;
                return true;
            return false;
        function isSymbolAccessible(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning, shouldComputeAliasesToMakeVisible) {
            if (symbol && enclosingDeclaration && !(symbol.flags & 262144)) {
                var initialSymbol = symbol;
                var meaningToLook = meaning;
                while (symbol) {
                    var accessibleSymbolChain = getAccessibleSymbolChain(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaningToLook, false);
                    if (accessibleSymbolChain) {
                        var hasAccessibleDeclarations = hasVisibleDeclarations(accessibleSymbolChain[0], shouldComputeAliasesToMakeVisible);
                        if (!hasAccessibleDeclarations) {
                            return {
                                accessibility: 1,
                                errorSymbolName: symbolToString(initialSymbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning),
                                errorModuleName: symbol !== initialSymbol ? symbolToString(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, 1920) : undefined
                        return hasAccessibleDeclarations;
                    meaningToLook = getQualifiedLeftMeaning(meaning);
                    symbol = getParentOfSymbol(symbol);
                var symbolExternalModule = ts.forEach(initialSymbol.declarations, getExternalModuleContainer);
                if (symbolExternalModule) {
                    var enclosingExternalModule = getExternalModuleContainer(enclosingDeclaration);
                    if (symbolExternalModule !== enclosingExternalModule) {
                        return {
                            accessibility: 2,
                            errorSymbolName: symbolToString(initialSymbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning),
                            errorModuleName: symbolToString(symbolExternalModule)
                return {
                    accessibility: 1,
                    errorSymbolName: symbolToString(initialSymbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning)
            return { accessibility: 0 };
            function getExternalModuleContainer(declaration) {
                for (; declaration; declaration = declaration.parent) {
                    if (hasExternalModuleSymbol(declaration)) {
                        return getSymbolOfNode(declaration);
        function hasExternalModuleSymbol(declaration) {
            return ts.isAmbientModule(declaration) || (declaration.kind === 256 && ts.isExternalOrCommonJsModule(declaration));
        function hasVisibleDeclarations(symbol, shouldComputeAliasToMakeVisible) {
            var aliasesToMakeVisible;
            if (ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (declaration) { return !getIsDeclarationVisible(declaration); })) {
                return undefined;
            return { accessibility: 0, aliasesToMakeVisible: aliasesToMakeVisible };
            function getIsDeclarationVisible(declaration) {
                if (!isDeclarationVisible(declaration)) {
                    var anyImportSyntax = getAnyImportSyntax(declaration);
                    if (anyImportSyntax &&
                        !(anyImportSyntax.flags & 1) &&
                        isDeclarationVisible(anyImportSyntax.parent)) {
                        if (shouldComputeAliasToMakeVisible) {
                            getNodeLinks(declaration).isVisible = true;
                            if (aliasesToMakeVisible) {
                                if (!ts.contains(aliasesToMakeVisible, anyImportSyntax)) {
                            else {
                                aliasesToMakeVisible = [anyImportSyntax];
                        return true;
                    return false;
                return true;
        function isEntityNameVisible(entityName, enclosingDeclaration) {
            var meaning;
            if (entityName.parent.kind === 158 || ts.isExpressionWithTypeArgumentsInClassExtendsClause(entityName.parent)) {
                meaning = 107455 | 1048576;
            else if (entityName.kind === 139 || entityName.kind === 172 ||
                entityName.parent.kind === 229) {
                meaning = 1920;
            else {
                meaning = 793064;
            var firstIdentifier = getFirstIdentifier(entityName);
            var symbol = resolveName(enclosingDeclaration, firstIdentifier.text, meaning, undefined, undefined);
            return (symbol && hasVisibleDeclarations(symbol, true)) || {
                accessibility: 1,
                errorSymbolName: ts.getTextOfNode(firstIdentifier),
                errorNode: firstIdentifier
        function writeKeyword(writer, kind) {
        function writePunctuation(writer, kind) {
        function writeSpace(writer) {
            writer.writeSpace(" ");
        function symbolToString(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning) {
            var writer = ts.getSingleLineStringWriter();
            getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildSymbolDisplay(symbol, writer, enclosingDeclaration, meaning);
            var result = writer.string();
            return result;
        function signatureToString(signature, enclosingDeclaration, flags, kind) {
            var writer = ts.getSingleLineStringWriter();
            getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildSignatureDisplay(signature, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, kind);
            var result = writer.string();
            return result;
        function typeToString(type, enclosingDeclaration, flags) {
            var writer = ts.getSingleLineStringWriter();
            getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildTypeDisplay(type, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags);
            var result = writer.string();
            var maxLength = compilerOptions.noErrorTruncation || flags & 4 ? undefined : 100;
            if (maxLength && result.length >= maxLength) {
                result = result.substr(0, maxLength - "...".length) + "...";
            return result;
        function typePredicateToString(typePredicate, enclosingDeclaration, flags) {
            var writer = ts.getSingleLineStringWriter();
            getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildTypePredicateDisplay(typePredicate, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags);
            var result = writer.string();
            return result;
        function formatUnionTypes(types) {
            var result = [];
            var flags = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
                var t = types[i];
                flags |= t.flags;
                if (!(t.flags & 6144)) {
                    if (t.flags & (128 | 256)) {
                        var baseType = t.flags & 128 ? booleanType : t.baseType;
                        var count = baseType.types.length;
                        if (i + count <= types.length && types[i + count - 1] === baseType.types[count - 1]) {
                            i += count - 1;
            if (flags & 4096)
            if (flags & 2048)
            return result || types;
        function visibilityToString(flags) {
            if (flags === 8) {
                return "private";
            if (flags === 16) {
                return "protected";
            return "public";
        function getTypeAliasForTypeLiteral(type) {
            if (type.symbol && type.symbol.flags & 2048) {
                var node = type.symbol.declarations[0].parent;
                while (node.kind === 164) {
                    node = node.parent;
                if (node.kind === 223) {
                    return getSymbolOfNode(node);
            return undefined;
        function isTopLevelInExternalModuleAugmentation(node) {
            return node && node.parent &&
                node.parent.kind === 226 &&
        function getSymbolDisplayBuilder() {
            function getNameOfSymbol(symbol) {
                if (symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations.length) {
                    var declaration = symbol.declarations[0];
                    if ( {
                        return ts.declarationNameToString(;
                    switch (declaration.kind) {
                        case 192:
                            return "(Anonymous class)";
                        case 179:
                        case 180:
                            return "(Anonymous function)";
            function appendSymbolNameOnly(symbol, writer) {
                writer.writeSymbol(getNameOfSymbol(symbol), symbol);
            function appendPropertyOrElementAccessForSymbol(symbol, writer) {
                var symbolName = getNameOfSymbol(symbol);
                var firstChar = symbolName.charCodeAt(0);
                var needsElementAccess = !ts.isIdentifierStart(firstChar, languageVersion);
                if (needsElementAccess) {
                    writePunctuation(writer, 19);
                    if (ts.isSingleOrDoubleQuote(firstChar)) {
                    else {
                        writer.writeSymbol(symbolName, symbol);
                    writePunctuation(writer, 20);
                else {
                    writePunctuation(writer, 21);
                    writer.writeSymbol(symbolName, symbol);
            function buildSymbolDisplay(symbol, writer, enclosingDeclaration, meaning, flags, typeFlags) {
                var parentSymbol;
                function appendParentTypeArgumentsAndSymbolName(symbol) {
                    if (parentSymbol) {
                        if (flags & 1) {
                            if (symbol.flags & 16777216) {
                                buildDisplayForTypeArgumentsAndDelimiters(getTypeParametersOfClassOrInterface(parentSymbol), symbol.mapper, writer, enclosingDeclaration);
                            else {
                                buildTypeParameterDisplayFromSymbol(parentSymbol, writer, enclosingDeclaration);
                        appendPropertyOrElementAccessForSymbol(symbol, writer);
                    else {
                        appendSymbolNameOnly(symbol, writer);
                    parentSymbol = symbol;
                writer.trackSymbol(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning);
                function walkSymbol(symbol, meaning) {
                    if (symbol) {
                        var accessibleSymbolChain = getAccessibleSymbolChain(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning, !!(flags & 2));
                        if (!accessibleSymbolChain ||
                            needsQualification(accessibleSymbolChain[0], enclosingDeclaration, accessibleSymbolChain.length === 1 ? meaning : getQualifiedLeftMeaning(meaning))) {
                            walkSymbol(getParentOfSymbol(accessibleSymbolChain ? accessibleSymbolChain[0] : symbol), getQualifiedLeftMeaning(meaning));
                        if (accessibleSymbolChain) {
                            for (var _i = 0, accessibleSymbolChain_1 = accessibleSymbolChain; _i < accessibleSymbolChain_1.length; _i++) {
                                var accessibleSymbol = accessibleSymbolChain_1[_i];
                        else {
                            if (!parentSymbol && ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, hasExternalModuleSymbol)) {
                            if (symbol.flags & 2048 || symbol.flags & 4096) {
                var isTypeParameter = symbol.flags & 262144;
                var typeFormatFlag = 128 & typeFlags;
                if (!isTypeParameter && (enclosingDeclaration || typeFormatFlag)) {
                    walkSymbol(symbol, meaning);
                return appendParentTypeArgumentsAndSymbolName(symbol);
            function buildTypeDisplay(type, writer, enclosingDeclaration, globalFlags, symbolStack) {
                var globalFlagsToPass = globalFlags & 16;
                var inObjectTypeLiteral = false;
                return writeType(type, globalFlags);
                function writeType(type, flags) {
                    var nextFlags = flags & ~512;
                    if (type.flags & 16015) {
                        writer.writeKeyword(!(globalFlags & 16) && isTypeAny(type)
                            ? "any"
                            : type.intrinsicName);
                    else if (type.flags & 268435456) {
                        if (inObjectTypeLiteral) {
                    else if (type.flags & 131072) {
                        writeTypeReference(type, nextFlags);
                    else if (type.flags & 256) {
                        buildSymbolDisplay(getParentOfSymbol(type.symbol), writer, enclosingDeclaration, 793064, 0, nextFlags);
                        writePunctuation(writer, 21);
                        appendSymbolNameOnly(type.symbol, writer);
                    else if (type.flags & (32768 | 65536 | 16 | 16384)) {
                        buildSymbolDisplay(type.symbol, writer, enclosingDeclaration, 793064, 0, nextFlags);
                    else if (!(flags & 512) && ((type.flags & 2097152 && ! || type.flags & 1572864) && type.aliasSymbol &&
                        isSymbolAccessible(type.aliasSymbol, enclosingDeclaration, 793064, false).accessibility === 0) {
                        var typeArguments = type.aliasTypeArguments;
                        writeSymbolTypeReference(type.aliasSymbol, typeArguments, 0, typeArguments ? typeArguments.length : 0, nextFlags);
                    else if (type.flags & 1572864) {
                        writeUnionOrIntersectionType(type, nextFlags);
                    else if (type.flags & 2097152) {
                        writeAnonymousType(type, nextFlags);
                    else if (type.flags & 32) {
                        writer.writeStringLiteral("\"" + ts.escapeString(type.text) + "\"");
                    else if (type.flags & 64) {
                    else {
                        writePunctuation(writer, 15);
                        writePunctuation(writer, 22);
                        writePunctuation(writer, 16);
                function writeTypeList(types, delimiter) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
                        if (i > 0) {
                            if (delimiter !== 24) {
                            writePunctuation(writer, delimiter);
                        writeType(types[i], delimiter === 24 ? 0 : 64);
                function writeSymbolTypeReference(symbol, typeArguments, pos, end, flags) {
                    if (symbol.flags & 32 || !isReservedMemberName( {
                        buildSymbolDisplay(symbol, writer, enclosingDeclaration, 793064, 0, flags);
                    if (pos < end) {
                        writePunctuation(writer, 25);
                        writeType(typeArguments[pos], 256);
                        while (pos < end) {
                            writePunctuation(writer, 24);
                            writeType(typeArguments[pos], 0);
                        writePunctuation(writer, 27);
                function writeTypeReference(type, flags) {
                    var typeArguments = type.typeArguments || emptyArray;
                    if ( === globalArrayType && !(flags & 1)) {
                        writeType(typeArguments[0], 64);
                        writePunctuation(writer, 19);
                        writePunctuation(writer, 20);
                    else if ( & 262144) {
                        writePunctuation(writer, 19);
                        writeTypeList(type.typeArguments.slice(0, getTypeReferenceArity(type)), 24);
                        writePunctuation(writer, 20);
                    else {
                        var outerTypeParameters =;
                        var i = 0;
                        if (outerTypeParameters) {
                            var length_1 = outerTypeParameters.length;
                            while (i < length_1) {
                                var start = i;
                                var parent_7 = getParentSymbolOfTypeParameter(outerTypeParameters[i]);
                                do {
                                } while (i < length_1 && getParentSymbolOfTypeParameter(outerTypeParameters[i]) === parent_7);
                                if (!ts.rangeEquals(outerTypeParameters, typeArguments, start, i)) {
                                    writeSymbolTypeReference(parent_7, typeArguments, start, i, flags);
                                    writePunctuation(writer, 21);
                        var typeParameterCount = ( || emptyArray).length;
                        writeSymbolTypeReference(type.symbol, typeArguments, i, typeParameterCount, flags);
                function writeUnionOrIntersectionType(type, flags) {
                    if (flags & 64) {
                        writePunctuation(writer, 17);
                    if (type.flags & 524288) {
                        writeTypeList(formatUnionTypes(type.types), 47);
                    else {
                        writeTypeList(type.types, 46);
                    if (flags & 64) {
                        writePunctuation(writer, 18);
                function writeAnonymousType(type, flags) {
                    var symbol = type.symbol;
                    if (symbol) {
                        if (symbol.flags & (32 | 384 | 512)) {
                            writeTypeOfSymbol(type, flags);
                        else if (shouldWriteTypeOfFunctionSymbol()) {
                            writeTypeOfSymbol(type, flags);
                        else if (ts.contains(symbolStack, symbol)) {
                            var typeAlias = getTypeAliasForTypeLiteral(type);
                            if (typeAlias) {
                                buildSymbolDisplay(typeAlias, writer, enclosingDeclaration, 793064, 0, flags);
                            else {
                                writeKeyword(writer, 117);
                        else {
                            if (!symbolStack) {
                                symbolStack = [];
                            writeLiteralType(type, flags);
                    else {
                        writeLiteralType(type, flags);
                    function shouldWriteTypeOfFunctionSymbol() {
                        var isStaticMethodSymbol = !!(symbol.flags & 8192 &&
                            ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (declaration) { return declaration.flags & 32; }));
                        var isNonLocalFunctionSymbol = !!(symbol.flags & 16) &&
                            (symbol.parent ||
                                ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (declaration) {
                                    return declaration.parent.kind === 256 || declaration.parent.kind === 226;
                        if (isStaticMethodSymbol || isNonLocalFunctionSymbol) {
                            return !!(flags & 2) ||
                                (ts.contains(symbolStack, symbol));
                function writeTypeOfSymbol(type, typeFormatFlags) {
                    writeKeyword(writer, 101);
                    buildSymbolDisplay(type.symbol, writer, enclosingDeclaration, 107455, 0, typeFormatFlags);
                function writeIndexSignature(info, keyword) {
                    if (info) {
                        if (info.isReadonly) {
                            writeKeyword(writer, 128);
                        writePunctuation(writer, 19);
                        writer.writeParameter(info.declaration ? ts.declarationNameToString(info.declaration.parameters[0].name) : "x");
                        writePunctuation(writer, 54);
                        writeKeyword(writer, keyword);
                        writePunctuation(writer, 20);
                        writePunctuation(writer, 54);
                        writeType(info.type, 0);
                        writePunctuation(writer, 23);
                function writePropertyWithModifiers(prop) {
                    if (isReadonlySymbol(prop)) {
                        writeKeyword(writer, 128);
                    buildSymbolDisplay(prop, writer);
                    if (prop.flags & 536870912) {
                        writePunctuation(writer, 53);
                function shouldAddParenthesisAroundFunctionType(callSignature, flags) {
                    if (flags & 64) {
                        return true;
                    else if (flags & 256) {
                        var typeParameters = && (flags & 32) ?
                   : callSignature.typeParameters;
                        return typeParameters && typeParameters.length !== 0;
                    return false;
                function writeLiteralType(type, flags) {
                    var resolved = resolveStructuredTypeMembers(type);
                    if (! && !resolved.stringIndexInfo && !resolved.numberIndexInfo) {
                        if (!resolved.callSignatures.length && !resolved.constructSignatures.length) {
                            writePunctuation(writer, 15);
                            writePunctuation(writer, 16);
                        if (resolved.callSignatures.length === 1 && !resolved.constructSignatures.length) {
                            var parenthesizeSignature = shouldAddParenthesisAroundFunctionType(resolved.callSignatures[0], flags);
                            if (parenthesizeSignature) {
                                writePunctuation(writer, 17);
                            buildSignatureDisplay(resolved.callSignatures[0], writer, enclosingDeclaration, globalFlagsToPass | 8, undefined, symbolStack);
                            if (parenthesizeSignature) {
                                writePunctuation(writer, 18);
                        if (resolved.constructSignatures.length === 1 && !resolved.callSignatures.length) {
                            if (flags & 64) {
                                writePunctuation(writer, 17);
                            writeKeyword(writer, 92);
                            buildSignatureDisplay(resolved.constructSignatures[0], writer, enclosingDeclaration, globalFlagsToPass | 8, undefined, symbolStack);
                            if (flags & 64) {
                                writePunctuation(writer, 18);
                    var saveInObjectTypeLiteral = inObjectTypeLiteral;
                    inObjectTypeLiteral = true;
                    writePunctuation(writer, 15);
                    for (var _i = 0, _a = resolved.callSignatures; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                        var signature = _a[_i];
                        buildSignatureDisplay(signature, writer, enclosingDeclaration, globalFlagsToPass, undefined, symbolStack);
                        writePunctuation(writer, 23);
                    for (var _b = 0, _c = resolved.constructSignatures; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
                        var signature = _c[_b];
                        buildSignatureDisplay(signature, writer, enclosingDeclaration, globalFlagsToPass, 1, symbolStack);
                        writePunctuation(writer, 23);
                    writeIndexSignature(resolved.stringIndexInfo, 132);
                    writeIndexSignature(resolved.numberIndexInfo, 130);
                    for (var _d = 0, _e =; _d < _e.length; _d++) {
                        var p = _e[_d];
                        var t = getTypeOfSymbol(p);
                        if (p.flags & (16 | 8192) && !getPropertiesOfObjectType(t).length) {
                            var signatures = getSignaturesOfType(t, 0);
                            for (var _f = 0, signatures_1 = signatures; _f < signatures_1.length; _f++) {
                                var signature = signatures_1[_f];
                                buildSignatureDisplay(signature, writer, enclosingDeclaration, globalFlagsToPass, undefined, symbolStack);
                                writePunctuation(writer, 23);
                        else {
                            writePunctuation(writer, 54);
                            writeType(t, 0);
                            writePunctuation(writer, 23);
                    writePunctuation(writer, 16);
                    inObjectTypeLiteral = saveInObjectTypeLiteral;
            function buildTypeParameterDisplayFromSymbol(symbol, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags) {
                var targetSymbol = getTargetSymbol(symbol);
                if (targetSymbol.flags & 32 || targetSymbol.flags & 64 || targetSymbol.flags & 524288) {
                    buildDisplayForTypeParametersAndDelimiters(getLocalTypeParametersOfClassOrInterfaceOrTypeAlias(symbol), writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags);
            function buildTypeParameterDisplay(tp, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack) {
                appendSymbolNameOnly(tp.symbol, writer);
                var constraint = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(tp);
                if (constraint) {
                    writeKeyword(writer, 83);
                    buildTypeDisplay(constraint, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack);
            function buildParameterDisplay(p, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack) {
                var parameterNode = p.valueDeclaration;
                if (ts.isRestParameter(parameterNode)) {
                    writePunctuation(writer, 22);
                if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                    buildBindingPatternDisplay(, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack);
                else {
                    appendSymbolNameOnly(p, writer);
                if (isOptionalParameter(parameterNode)) {
                    writePunctuation(writer, 53);
                writePunctuation(writer, 54);
                buildTypeDisplay(getTypeOfSymbol(p), writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack);
            function buildBindingPatternDisplay(bindingPattern, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack) {
                if (bindingPattern.kind === 167) {
                    writePunctuation(writer, 15);
                    buildDisplayForCommaSeparatedList(bindingPattern.elements, writer, function (e) { return buildBindingElementDisplay(e, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack); });
                    writePunctuation(writer, 16);
                else if (bindingPattern.kind === 168) {
                    writePunctuation(writer, 19);
                    var elements = bindingPattern.elements;
                    buildDisplayForCommaSeparatedList(elements, writer, function (e) { return buildBindingElementDisplay(e, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack); });
                    if (elements && elements.hasTrailingComma) {
                        writePunctuation(writer, 24);
                    writePunctuation(writer, 20);
            function buildBindingElementDisplay(bindingElement, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack) {
                if (bindingElement.kind === 193) {
                ts.Debug.assert(bindingElement.kind === 169);
                if (bindingElement.propertyName) {
                    writer.writeSymbol(ts.getTextOfNode(bindingElement.propertyName), bindingElement.symbol);
                    writePunctuation(writer, 54);
                if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                    buildBindingPatternDisplay(, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack);
                else {
                    if (bindingElement.dotDotDotToken) {
                        writePunctuation(writer, 22);
                    appendSymbolNameOnly(bindingElement.symbol, writer);
            function buildDisplayForTypeParametersAndDelimiters(typeParameters, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack) {
                if (typeParameters && typeParameters.length) {
                    writePunctuation(writer, 25);
                    buildDisplayForCommaSeparatedList(typeParameters, writer, function (p) { return buildTypeParameterDisplay(p, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack); });
                    writePunctuation(writer, 27);
            function buildDisplayForCommaSeparatedList(list, writer, action) {
                for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                    if (i > 0) {
                        writePunctuation(writer, 24);
            function buildDisplayForTypeArgumentsAndDelimiters(typeParameters, mapper, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack) {
                if (typeParameters && typeParameters.length) {
                    writePunctuation(writer, 25);
                    var flags_1 = 256;
                    for (var i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) {
                        if (i > 0) {
                            writePunctuation(writer, 24);
                            flags_1 = 0;
                        buildTypeDisplay(mapper(typeParameters[i]), writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags_1);
                    writePunctuation(writer, 27);
            function buildDisplayForParametersAndDelimiters(thisParameter, parameters, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack) {
                writePunctuation(writer, 17);
                if (thisParameter) {
                    buildParameterDisplay(thisParameter, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack);
                for (var i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
                    if (i > 0 || thisParameter) {
                        writePunctuation(writer, 24);
                    buildParameterDisplay(parameters[i], writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack);
                writePunctuation(writer, 18);
            function buildTypePredicateDisplay(predicate, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack) {
                if (ts.isIdentifierTypePredicate(predicate)) {
                else {
                    writeKeyword(writer, 97);
                writeKeyword(writer, 124);
                buildTypeDisplay(predicate.type, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack);
            function buildReturnTypeDisplay(signature, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack) {
                if (flags & 8) {
                    writePunctuation(writer, 34);
                else {
                    writePunctuation(writer, 54);
                if (signature.typePredicate) {
                    buildTypePredicateDisplay(signature.typePredicate, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack);
                else {
                    var returnType = getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature);
                    buildTypeDisplay(returnType, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack);
            function buildSignatureDisplay(signature, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, kind, symbolStack) {
                if (kind === 1) {
                    writeKeyword(writer, 92);
                if ( && (flags & 32)) {
                    buildDisplayForTypeArgumentsAndDelimiters(, signature.mapper, writer, enclosingDeclaration);
                else {
                    buildDisplayForTypeParametersAndDelimiters(signature.typeParameters, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack);
                buildDisplayForParametersAndDelimiters(signature.thisParameter, signature.parameters, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack);
                buildReturnTypeDisplay(signature, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags, symbolStack);
            return _displayBuilder || (_displayBuilder = {
                buildSymbolDisplay: buildSymbolDisplay,
                buildTypeDisplay: buildTypeDisplay,
                buildTypeParameterDisplay: buildTypeParameterDisplay,
                buildTypePredicateDisplay: buildTypePredicateDisplay,
                buildParameterDisplay: buildParameterDisplay,
                buildDisplayForParametersAndDelimiters: buildDisplayForParametersAndDelimiters,
                buildDisplayForTypeParametersAndDelimiters: buildDisplayForTypeParametersAndDelimiters,
                buildTypeParameterDisplayFromSymbol: buildTypeParameterDisplayFromSymbol,
                buildSignatureDisplay: buildSignatureDisplay,
                buildReturnTypeDisplay: buildReturnTypeDisplay
        function isDeclarationVisible(node) {
            if (node) {
                var links = getNodeLinks(node);
                if (links.isVisible === undefined) {
                    links.isVisible = !!determineIfDeclarationIsVisible();
                return links.isVisible;
            return false;
            function determineIfDeclarationIsVisible() {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 169:
                        return isDeclarationVisible(node.parent.parent);
                    case 218:
                        if (ts.isBindingPattern( &&
                            ! {
                            return false;
                    case 225:
                    case 221:
                    case 222:
                    case 223:
                    case 220:
                    case 224:
                    case 229:
                        if (ts.isExternalModuleAugmentation(node)) {
                            return true;
                        var parent_8 = getDeclarationContainer(node);
                        if (!(ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(node) & 1) &&
                            !(node.kind !== 229 && parent_8.kind !== 256 && ts.isInAmbientContext(parent_8))) {
                            return isGlobalSourceFile(parent_8);
                        return isDeclarationVisible(parent_8);
                    case 145:
                    case 144:
                    case 149:
                    case 150:
                    case 147:
                    case 146:
                        if (node.flags & (8 | 16)) {
                            return false;
                    case 148:
                    case 152:
                    case 151:
                    case 153:
                    case 142:
                    case 226:
                    case 156:
                    case 157:
                    case 159:
                    case 155:
                    case 160:
                    case 161:
                    case 162:
                    case 163:
                    case 164:
                        return isDeclarationVisible(node.parent);
                    case 231:
                    case 232:
                    case 234:
                        return false;
                    case 141:
                    case 256:
                        return true;
                    case 235:
                        return false;
                        return false;
        function collectLinkedAliases(node) {
            var exportSymbol;
            if (node.parent && node.parent.kind === 235) {
                exportSymbol = resolveName(node.parent, node.text, 107455 | 793064 | 1920 | 8388608, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_name_0, node);
            else if (node.parent.kind === 238) {
                var exportSpecifier = node.parent;
                exportSymbol = exportSpecifier.parent.parent.moduleSpecifier ?
                    getExternalModuleMember(exportSpecifier.parent.parent, exportSpecifier) :
                    resolveEntityName(exportSpecifier.propertyName ||, 107455 | 793064 | 1920 | 8388608);
            var result = [];
            if (exportSymbol) {
            return result;
            function buildVisibleNodeList(declarations) {
                ts.forEach(declarations, function (declaration) {
                    getNodeLinks(declaration).isVisible = true;
                    var resultNode = getAnyImportSyntax(declaration) || declaration;
                    if (!ts.contains(result, resultNode)) {
                    if (ts.isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(declaration)) {
                        var internalModuleReference = declaration.moduleReference;
                        var firstIdentifier = getFirstIdentifier(internalModuleReference);
                        var importSymbol = resolveName(declaration, firstIdentifier.text, 107455 | 793064 | 1920, undefined, undefined);
                        if (importSymbol) {
        function pushTypeResolution(target, propertyName) {
            var resolutionCycleStartIndex = findResolutionCycleStartIndex(target, propertyName);
            if (resolutionCycleStartIndex >= 0) {
                var length_2 = resolutionTargets.length;
                for (var i = resolutionCycleStartIndex; i < length_2; i++) {
                    resolutionResults[i] = false;
                return false;
            return true;
        function findResolutionCycleStartIndex(target, propertyName) {
            for (var i = resolutionTargets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (hasType(resolutionTargets[i], resolutionPropertyNames[i])) {
                    return -1;
                if (resolutionTargets[i] === target && resolutionPropertyNames[i] === propertyName) {
                    return i;
            return -1;
        function hasType(target, propertyName) {
            if (propertyName === 0) {
                return getSymbolLinks(target).type;
            if (propertyName === 2) {
                return getSymbolLinks(target).declaredType;
            if (propertyName === 1) {
                ts.Debug.assert(!!(target.flags & 32768));
                return target.resolvedBaseConstructorType;
            if (propertyName === 3) {
                return target.resolvedReturnType;
  "Unhandled TypeSystemPropertyName " + propertyName);
        function popTypeResolution() {
            return resolutionResults.pop();
        function getDeclarationContainer(node) {
            node = ts.getRootDeclaration(node);
            while (node) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 218:
                    case 219:
                    case 234:
                    case 233:
                    case 232:
                    case 231:
                        node = node.parent;
                        return node.parent;
        function getTypeOfPrototypeProperty(prototype) {
            var classType = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(getParentOfSymbol(prototype));
            return classType.typeParameters ? createTypeReference(classType,, function (_) { return anyType; })) : classType;
        function getTypeOfPropertyOfType(type, name) {
            var prop = getPropertyOfType(type, name);
            return prop ? getTypeOfSymbol(prop) : undefined;
        function isTypeAny(type) {
            return type && (type.flags & 1) !== 0;
        function isTypeNever(type) {
            return type && (type.flags & 8192) !== 0;
        function getTypeForBindingElementParent(node) {
            var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
            return symbol && getSymbolLinks(symbol).type || getTypeForVariableLikeDeclaration(node, false);
        function getTextOfPropertyName(name) {
            switch (name.kind) {
                case 69:
                    return name.text;
                case 9:
                case 8:
                    return name.text;
                case 140:
                    if (ts.isStringOrNumericLiteral(name.expression.kind)) {
                        return name.expression.text;
            return undefined;
        function isComputedNonLiteralName(name) {
            return name.kind === 140 && !ts.isStringOrNumericLiteral(name.expression.kind);
        function getTypeForBindingElement(declaration) {
            var pattern = declaration.parent;
            var parentType = getTypeForBindingElementParent(pattern.parent);
            if (parentType === unknownType) {
                return unknownType;
            if (!parentType || isTypeAny(parentType)) {
                if (declaration.initializer) {
                    return checkExpressionCached(declaration.initializer);
                return parentType;
            var type;
            if (pattern.kind === 167) {
                var name_11 = declaration.propertyName ||;
                if (isComputedNonLiteralName(name_11)) {
                    return anyType;
                if (declaration.initializer) {
                var text = getTextOfPropertyName(name_11);
                type = getTypeOfPropertyOfType(parentType, text) ||
                    isNumericLiteralName(text) && getIndexTypeOfType(parentType, 1) ||
                    getIndexTypeOfType(parentType, 0);
                if (!type) {
                    error(name_11, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_has_no_property_1_and_no_string_index_signature, typeToString(parentType), ts.declarationNameToString(name_11));
                    return unknownType;
            else {
                var elementType = checkIteratedTypeOrElementType(parentType, pattern, false);
                if (!declaration.dotDotDotToken) {
                    var propName = "" + ts.indexOf(pattern.elements, declaration);
                    type = isTupleLikeType(parentType)
                        ? getTypeOfPropertyOfType(parentType, propName)
                        : elementType;
                    if (!type) {
                        if (isTupleType(parentType)) {
                            error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Tuple_type_0_with_length_1_cannot_be_assigned_to_tuple_with_length_2, typeToString(parentType), getTypeReferenceArity(parentType), pattern.elements.length);
                        else {
                            error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_has_no_property_1, typeToString(parentType), propName);
                        return unknownType;
                else {
                    type = createArrayType(elementType);
            if (strictNullChecks && declaration.initializer && !(getFalsyFlags(checkExpressionCached(declaration.initializer)) & 2048)) {
                type = getTypeWithFacts(type, 131072);
            return declaration.initializer ?
                getUnionType([type, checkExpressionCached(declaration.initializer)], true) :
        function getTypeForVariableLikeDeclarationFromJSDocComment(declaration) {
            var jsDocType = getJSDocTypeForVariableLikeDeclarationFromJSDocComment(declaration);
            if (jsDocType) {
                return getTypeFromTypeNode(jsDocType);
        function getJSDocTypeForVariableLikeDeclarationFromJSDocComment(declaration) {
            var typeTag = ts.getJSDocTypeTag(declaration);
            if (typeTag && typeTag.typeExpression) {
                return typeTag.typeExpression.type;
            if (declaration.kind === 218 &&
                declaration.parent.kind === 219 &&
                declaration.parent.parent.kind === 200) {
                var annotation = ts.getJSDocTypeTag(declaration.parent.parent);
                if (annotation && annotation.typeExpression) {
                    return annotation.typeExpression.type;
            else if (declaration.kind === 142) {
                var paramTag = ts.getCorrespondingJSDocParameterTag(declaration);
                if (paramTag && paramTag.typeExpression) {
                    return paramTag.typeExpression.type;
            return undefined;
        function addOptionality(type, optional) {
            return strictNullChecks && optional ? includeFalsyTypes(type, 2048) : type;
        function getTypeForVariableLikeDeclaration(declaration, includeOptionality) {
            if (declaration.flags & 134217728) {
                var type = getTypeForVariableLikeDeclarationFromJSDocComment(declaration);
                if (type && type !== unknownType) {
                    return type;
            if (declaration.parent.parent.kind === 207) {
                return stringType;
            if (declaration.parent.parent.kind === 208) {
                return checkRightHandSideOfForOf(declaration.parent.parent.expression) || anyType;
            if (ts.isBindingPattern(declaration.parent)) {
                return getTypeForBindingElement(declaration);
            if (declaration.type) {
                return addOptionality(getTypeFromTypeNode(declaration.type), declaration.questionToken && includeOptionality);
            if (declaration.kind === 142) {
                var func = declaration.parent;
                if (func.kind === 150 && !ts.hasDynamicName(func)) {
                    var getter = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(declaration.parent.symbol, 149);
                    if (getter) {
                        var getterSignature = getSignatureFromDeclaration(getter);
                        var thisParameter = getAccessorThisParameter(func);
                        if (thisParameter && declaration === thisParameter) {
                            return getTypeOfSymbol(getterSignature.thisParameter);
                        return getReturnTypeOfSignature(getterSignature);
                var type = void 0;
                if ( === "this") {
                    var thisParameter = getContextualThisParameter(func);
                    type = thisParameter ? getTypeOfSymbol(thisParameter) : undefined;
                else {
                    type = getContextuallyTypedParameterType(declaration);
                if (type) {
                    return addOptionality(type, declaration.questionToken && includeOptionality);
            if (declaration.initializer) {
                return addOptionality(checkExpressionCached(declaration.initializer), declaration.questionToken && includeOptionality);
            if (declaration.kind === 254) {
                return checkIdentifier(;
            if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                return getTypeFromBindingPattern(, false, true);
            return undefined;
        function getTypeFromBindingElement(element, includePatternInType, reportErrors) {
            if (element.initializer) {
                return checkExpressionCached(element.initializer);
            if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                return getTypeFromBindingPattern(, includePatternInType, reportErrors);
            if (reportErrors && compilerOptions.noImplicitAny && !declarationBelongsToPrivateAmbientMember(element)) {
                reportImplicitAnyError(element, anyType);
            return anyType;
        function getTypeFromObjectBindingPattern(pattern, includePatternInType, reportErrors) {
            var members = ts.createMap();
            var hasComputedProperties = false;
            ts.forEach(pattern.elements, function (e) {
                var name = e.propertyName ||;
                if (isComputedNonLiteralName(name)) {
                    hasComputedProperties = true;
                var text = getTextOfPropertyName(name);
                var flags = 4 | 67108864 | (e.initializer ? 536870912 : 0);
                var symbol = createSymbol(flags, text);
                symbol.type = getTypeFromBindingElement(e, includePatternInType, reportErrors);
                symbol.bindingElement = e;
                members[] = symbol;
            var result = createAnonymousType(undefined, members, emptyArray, emptyArray, undefined, undefined);
            if (includePatternInType) {
                result.pattern = pattern;
            if (hasComputedProperties) {
                result.flags |= 536870912;
            return result;
        function getTypeFromArrayBindingPattern(pattern, includePatternInType, reportErrors) {
            var elements = pattern.elements;
            if (elements.length === 0 || elements[elements.length - 1].dotDotDotToken) {
                return languageVersion >= 2 ? createIterableType(anyType) : anyArrayType;
            var elementTypes =, function (e) { return e.kind === 193 ? anyType : getTypeFromBindingElement(e, includePatternInType, reportErrors); });
            var result = createTupleType(elementTypes);
            if (includePatternInType) {
                result = cloneTypeReference(result);
                result.pattern = pattern;
            return result;
        function getTypeFromBindingPattern(pattern, includePatternInType, reportErrors) {
            return pattern.kind === 167
                ? getTypeFromObjectBindingPattern(pattern, includePatternInType, reportErrors)
                : getTypeFromArrayBindingPattern(pattern, includePatternInType, reportErrors);
        function getWidenedTypeForVariableLikeDeclaration(declaration, reportErrors) {
            var type = getTypeForVariableLikeDeclaration(declaration, true);
            if (type) {
                if (reportErrors) {
                    reportErrorsFromWidening(declaration, type);
                if (declaration.kind === 253) {
                    return type;
                return getWidenedType(type);
            type = declaration.dotDotDotToken ? anyArrayType : anyType;
            if (reportErrors && compilerOptions.noImplicitAny) {
                if (!declarationBelongsToPrivateAmbientMember(declaration)) {
                    reportImplicitAnyError(declaration, type);
            return type;
        function declarationBelongsToPrivateAmbientMember(declaration) {
            var root = ts.getRootDeclaration(declaration);
            var memberDeclaration = root.kind === 142 ? root.parent : root;
            return isPrivateWithinAmbient(memberDeclaration);
        function getTypeOfVariableOrParameterOrProperty(symbol) {
            var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
            if (!links.type) {
                if (symbol.flags & 134217728) {
                    return links.type = getTypeOfPrototypeProperty(symbol);
                var declaration = symbol.valueDeclaration;
                if (declaration.parent.kind === 252) {
                    return links.type = anyType;
                if (declaration.kind === 235) {
                    return links.type = checkExpression(declaration.expression);
                if (declaration.flags & 134217728 && declaration.kind === 280 && declaration.typeExpression) {
                    return links.type = getTypeFromTypeNode(declaration.typeExpression.type);
                if (!pushTypeResolution(symbol, 0)) {
                    return unknownType;
                var type = void 0;
                if (declaration.kind === 187 ||
                    declaration.kind === 172 && declaration.parent.kind === 187) {
                    if (declaration.flags & 134217728) {
                        var typeTag = ts.getJSDocTypeTag(declaration.parent);
                        if (typeTag && typeTag.typeExpression) {
                            return links.type = getTypeFromTypeNode(typeTag.typeExpression.type);
                    var declaredTypes =, function (decl) { return decl.kind === 187 ?
                        checkExpressionCached(decl.right) :
                        checkExpressionCached(decl.parent.right); });
                    type = getUnionType(declaredTypes, true);
                else {
                    type = getWidenedTypeForVariableLikeDeclaration(declaration, true);
                if (!popTypeResolution()) {
                    if (symbol.valueDeclaration.type) {
                        type = unknownType;
                        error(symbol.valueDeclaration, ts.Diagnostics._0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_type_annotation, symbolToString(symbol));
                    else {
                        type = anyType;
                        if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny) {
                            error(symbol.valueDeclaration, ts.Diagnostics._0_implicitly_has_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_type_annotation_and_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_initializer, symbolToString(symbol));
                links.type = type;
            return links.type;
        function getAnnotatedAccessorType(accessor) {
            if (accessor) {
                if (accessor.kind === 149) {
                    return accessor.type && getTypeFromTypeNode(accessor.type);
                else {
                    var setterTypeAnnotation = ts.getSetAccessorTypeAnnotationNode(accessor);
                    return setterTypeAnnotation && getTypeFromTypeNode(setterTypeAnnotation);
            return undefined;
        function getAnnotatedAccessorThisParameter(accessor) {
            var parameter = getAccessorThisParameter(accessor);
            return parameter && parameter.symbol;
        function getThisTypeOfDeclaration(declaration) {
            return getThisTypeOfSignature(getSignatureFromDeclaration(declaration));
        function getTypeOfAccessors(symbol) {
            var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
            if (!links.type) {
                var getter = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, 149);
                var setter = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, 150);
                if (getter && getter.flags & 134217728) {
                    var jsDocType = getTypeForVariableLikeDeclarationFromJSDocComment(getter);
                    if (jsDocType) {
                        return links.type = jsDocType;
                if (!pushTypeResolution(symbol, 0)) {
                    return unknownType;
                var type = void 0;
                var getterReturnType = getAnnotatedAccessorType(getter);
                if (getterReturnType) {
                    type = getterReturnType;
                else {
                    var setterParameterType = getAnnotatedAccessorType(setter);
                    if (setterParameterType) {
                        type = setterParameterType;
                    else {
                        if (getter && getter.body) {
                            type = getReturnTypeFromBody(getter);
                        else {
                            if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny) {
                                if (setter) {
                                    error(setter, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_implicitly_has_type_any_because_its_set_accessor_lacks_a_parameter_type_annotation, symbolToString(symbol));
                                else {
                                    ts.Debug.assert(!!getter, "there must existed getter as we are current checking either setter or getter in this function");
                                    error(getter, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_implicitly_has_type_any_because_its_get_accessor_lacks_a_return_type_annotation, symbolToString(symbol));
                            type = anyType;
                if (!popTypeResolution()) {
                    type = anyType;
                    if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny) {
                        var getter_1 = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, 149);
                        error(getter_1, ts.Diagnostics._0_implicitly_has_return_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_return_type_annotation_and_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_one_of_its_return_expressions, symbolToString(symbol));
                links.type = type;
            return links.type;
        function getTypeOfFuncClassEnumModule(symbol) {
            var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
            if (!links.type) {
                if (symbol.valueDeclaration.kind === 225 && ts.isShorthandAmbientModuleSymbol(symbol)) {
                    links.type = anyType;
                else {
                    var type = createObjectType(2097152, symbol);
                    links.type = strictNullChecks && symbol.flags & 536870912 ?
                        includeFalsyTypes(type, 2048) : type;
            return links.type;
        function getTypeOfEnumMember(symbol) {
            var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
            if (!links.type) {
                links.type = getDeclaredTypeOfEnum(getParentOfSymbol(symbol));
            return links.type;
        function getTypeOfAlias(symbol) {
            var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
            if (!links.type) {
                var targetSymbol = resolveAlias(symbol);
                links.type = targetSymbol.flags & 107455
                    ? getTypeOfSymbol(targetSymbol)
                    : unknownType;
            return links.type;
        function getTypeOfInstantiatedSymbol(symbol) {
            var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
            if (!links.type) {
                links.type = instantiateType(getTypeOfSymbol(, links.mapper);
            return links.type;
        function getTypeOfSymbol(symbol) {
            if (symbol.flags & 16777216) {
                return getTypeOfInstantiatedSymbol(symbol);
            if (symbol.flags & (3 | 4)) {
                return getTypeOfVariableOrParameterOrProperty(symbol);
            if (symbol.flags & (16 | 8192 | 32 | 384 | 512)) {
                return getTypeOfFuncClassEnumModule(symbol);
            if (symbol.flags & 8) {
                return getTypeOfEnumMember(symbol);
            if (symbol.flags & 98304) {
                return getTypeOfAccessors(symbol);
            if (symbol.flags & 8388608) {
                return getTypeOfAlias(symbol);
            return unknownType;
        function getTargetType(type) {
            return type.flags & 131072 ? : type;
        function hasBaseType(type, checkBase) {
            return check(type);
            function check(type) {
                var target = getTargetType(type);
                return target === checkBase || ts.forEach(getBaseTypes(target), check);
        function appendTypeParameters(typeParameters, declarations) {
            for (var _i = 0, declarations_2 = declarations; _i < declarations_2.length; _i++) {
                var declaration = declarations_2[_i];
                var tp = getDeclaredTypeOfTypeParameter(getSymbolOfNode(declaration));
                if (!typeParameters) {
                    typeParameters = [tp];
                else if (!ts.contains(typeParameters, tp)) {
            return typeParameters;
        function appendOuterTypeParameters(typeParameters, node) {
            while (true) {
                node = node.parent;
                if (!node) {
                    return typeParameters;
                if (node.kind === 221 || node.kind === 192 ||
                    node.kind === 220 || node.kind === 179 ||
                    node.kind === 147 || node.kind === 180) {
                    var declarations = node.typeParameters;
                    if (declarations) {
                        return appendTypeParameters(appendOuterTypeParameters(typeParameters, node), declarations);
        function getOuterTypeParametersOfClassOrInterface(symbol) {
            var declaration = symbol.flags & 32 ? symbol.valueDeclaration : ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, 222);
            return appendOuterTypeParameters(undefined, declaration);
        function getLocalTypeParametersOfClassOrInterfaceOrTypeAlias(symbol) {
            var result;
            for (var _i = 0, _a = symbol.declarations; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var node = _a[_i];
                if (node.kind === 222 || node.kind === 221 ||
                    node.kind === 192 || node.kind === 223) {
                    var declaration = node;
                    if (declaration.typeParameters) {
                        result = appendTypeParameters(result, declaration.typeParameters);
            return result;
        function getTypeParametersOfClassOrInterface(symbol) {
            return ts.concatenate(getOuterTypeParametersOfClassOrInterface(symbol), getLocalTypeParametersOfClassOrInterfaceOrTypeAlias(symbol));
        function isConstructorType(type) {
            return type.flags & 2588672 && getSignaturesOfType(type, 1).length > 0;
        function getBaseTypeNodeOfClass(type) {
            return ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(type.symbol.valueDeclaration);
        function getConstructorsForTypeArguments(type, typeArgumentNodes) {
            var typeArgCount = typeArgumentNodes ? typeArgumentNodes.length : 0;
            return ts.filter(getSignaturesOfType(type, 1), function (sig) { return (sig.typeParameters ? sig.typeParameters.length : 0) === typeArgCount; });
        function getInstantiatedConstructorsForTypeArguments(type, typeArgumentNodes) {
            var signatures = getConstructorsForTypeArguments(type, typeArgumentNodes);
            if (typeArgumentNodes) {
                var typeArguments_1 =, getTypeFromTypeNode);
                signatures =, function (sig) { return getSignatureInstantiation(sig, typeArguments_1); });
            return signatures;
        function getBaseConstructorTypeOfClass(type) {
            if (!type.resolvedBaseConstructorType) {
                var baseTypeNode = getBaseTypeNodeOfClass(type);
                if (!baseTypeNode) {
                    return type.resolvedBaseConstructorType = undefinedType;
                if (!pushTypeResolution(type, 1)) {
                    return unknownType;
                var baseConstructorType = checkExpression(baseTypeNode.expression);
                if (baseConstructorType.flags & 2588672) {
                if (!popTypeResolution()) {
                    error(type.symbol.valueDeclaration, ts.Diagnostics._0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_base_expression, symbolToString(type.symbol));
                    return type.resolvedBaseConstructorType = unknownType;
                if (baseConstructorType !== unknownType && baseConstructorType !== nullWideningType && !isConstructorType(baseConstructorType)) {
                    error(baseTypeNode.expression, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_is_not_a_constructor_function_type, typeToString(baseConstructorType));
                    return type.resolvedBaseConstructorType = unknownType;
                type.resolvedBaseConstructorType = baseConstructorType;
            return type.resolvedBaseConstructorType;
        function getBaseTypes(type) {
            if (!type.resolvedBaseTypes) {
                if (type.flags & 262144) {
                    type.resolvedBaseTypes = [createArrayType(getUnionType(type.typeParameters))];
                else if (type.symbol.flags & (32 | 64)) {
                    if (type.symbol.flags & 32) {
                    if (type.symbol.flags & 64) {
                else {
          "type must be class or interface");
            return type.resolvedBaseTypes;
        function resolveBaseTypesOfClass(type) {
            type.resolvedBaseTypes = type.resolvedBaseTypes || emptyArray;
            var baseConstructorType = getBaseConstructorTypeOfClass(type);
            if (!(baseConstructorType.flags & 2588672)) {
            var baseTypeNode = getBaseTypeNodeOfClass(type);
            var baseType;
            var originalBaseType = baseConstructorType && baseConstructorType.symbol ? getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(baseConstructorType.symbol) : undefined;
            if (baseConstructorType.symbol && baseConstructorType.symbol.flags & 32 &&
                areAllOuterTypeParametersApplied(originalBaseType)) {
                baseType = getTypeFromClassOrInterfaceReference(baseTypeNode, baseConstructorType.symbol);
            else {
                var constructors = getInstantiatedConstructorsForTypeArguments(baseConstructorType, baseTypeNode.typeArguments);
                if (!constructors.length) {
                    error(baseTypeNode.expression, ts.Diagnostics.No_base_constructor_has_the_specified_number_of_type_arguments);
                baseType = getReturnTypeOfSignature(constructors[0]);
            if (baseType === unknownType) {
            if (!(getTargetType(baseType).flags & (32768 | 65536))) {
                error(baseTypeNode.expression, ts.Diagnostics.Base_constructor_return_type_0_is_not_a_class_or_interface_type, typeToString(baseType));
            if (type === baseType || hasBaseType(baseType, type)) {
                error(type.symbol.valueDeclaration, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_recursively_references_itself_as_a_base_type, typeToString(type, undefined, 1));
            if (type.resolvedBaseTypes === emptyArray) {
                type.resolvedBaseTypes = [baseType];
            else {
        function areAllOuterTypeParametersApplied(type) {
            var outerTypeParameters = type.outerTypeParameters;
            if (outerTypeParameters) {
                var last = outerTypeParameters.length - 1;
                var typeArguments = type.typeArguments;
                return outerTypeParameters[last].symbol !== typeArguments[last].symbol;
            return true;
        function resolveBaseTypesOfInterface(type) {
            type.resolvedBaseTypes = type.resolvedBaseTypes || emptyArray;
            for (var _i = 0, _a = type.symbol.declarations; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var declaration = _a[_i];
                if (declaration.kind === 222 && ts.getInterfaceBaseTypeNodes(declaration)) {
                    for (var _b = 0, _c = ts.getInterfaceBaseTypeNodes(declaration); _b < _c.length; _b++) {
                        var node = _c[_b];
                        var baseType = getTypeFromTypeNode(node);
                        if (baseType !== unknownType) {
                            if (getTargetType(baseType).flags & (32768 | 65536)) {
                                if (type !== baseType && !hasBaseType(baseType, type)) {
                                    if (type.resolvedBaseTypes === emptyArray) {
                                        type.resolvedBaseTypes = [baseType];
                                    else {
                                else {
                                    error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_recursively_references_itself_as_a_base_type, typeToString(type, undefined, 1));
                            else {
                                error(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_interface_may_only_extend_a_class_or_another_interface);
        function isIndependentInterface(symbol) {
            for (var _i = 0, _a = symbol.declarations; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var declaration = _a[_i];
                if (declaration.kind === 222) {
                    if (declaration.flags & 16384) {
                        return false;
                    var baseTypeNodes = ts.getInterfaceBaseTypeNodes(declaration);
                    if (baseTypeNodes) {
                        for (var _b = 0, baseTypeNodes_1 = baseTypeNodes; _b < baseTypeNodes_1.length; _b++) {
                            var node = baseTypeNodes_1[_b];
                            if (ts.isEntityNameExpression(node.expression)) {
                                var baseSymbol = resolveEntityName(node.expression, 793064, true);
                                if (!baseSymbol || !(baseSymbol.flags & 64) || getDeclaredTypeOfClassOrInterface(baseSymbol).thisType) {
                                    return false;
            return true;
        function getDeclaredTypeOfClassOrInterface(symbol) {
            var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
            if (!links.declaredType) {
                var kind = symbol.flags & 32 ? 32768 : 65536;
                var type = links.declaredType = createObjectType(kind, symbol);
                var outerTypeParameters = getOuterTypeParametersOfClassOrInterface(symbol);
                var localTypeParameters = getLocalTypeParametersOfClassOrInterfaceOrTypeAlias(symbol);
                if (outerTypeParameters || localTypeParameters || kind === 32768 || !isIndependentInterface(symbol)) {
                    type.flags |= 131072;
                    type.typeParameters = ts.concatenate(outerTypeParameters, localTypeParameters);
                    type.outerTypeParameters = outerTypeParameters;
                    type.localTypeParameters = localTypeParameters;
                    type.instantiations = ts.createMap();
                    type.instantiations[getTypeListId(type.typeParameters)] = type;
           = type;
                    type.typeArguments = type.typeParameters;
                    type.thisType = createType(16384 | 268435456);
                    type.thisType.symbol = symbol;
                    type.thisType.constraint = type;
            return links.declaredType;
        function getDeclaredTypeOfTypeAlias(symbol) {
            var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
            if (!links.declaredType) {
                if (!pushTypeResolution(symbol, 2)) {
                    return unknownType;
                var typeParameters = getLocalTypeParametersOfClassOrInterfaceOrTypeAlias(symbol);
                var declaration = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, 279);
                var type = void 0;
                if (declaration) {
                    if (declaration.jsDocTypeLiteral) {
                        type = getTypeFromTypeNode(declaration.jsDocTypeLiteral);
                    else {
                        type = getTypeFromTypeNode(declaration.typeExpression.type);
                else {
                    declaration = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, 223);
                    type = getTypeFromTypeNode(declaration.type, symbol, typeParameters);
                if (popTypeResolution()) {
                    links.typeParameters = typeParameters;
                    if (typeParameters) {
                        links.instantiations = ts.createMap();
                        links.instantiations[getTypeListId(links.typeParameters)] = type;
                else {
                    type = unknownType;
                    error(, ts.Diagnostics.Type_alias_0_circularly_references_itself, symbolToString(symbol));
                links.declaredType = type;
            return links.declaredType;
        function isLiteralEnumMember(symbol, member) {
            var expr = member.initializer;
            if (!expr) {
                return !ts.isInAmbientContext(member);
            return expr.kind === 8 ||
                expr.kind === 185 && expr.operator === 36 &&
                    expr.operand.kind === 8 ||
                expr.kind === 69 && !!symbol.exports[expr.text];
        function enumHasLiteralMembers(symbol) {
            for (var _i = 0, _a = symbol.declarations; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var declaration = _a[_i];
                if (declaration.kind === 224) {
                    for (var _b = 0, _c = declaration.members; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
                        var member = _c[_b];
                        if (!isLiteralEnumMember(symbol, member)) {
                            return false;
            return true;
        function getDeclaredTypeOfEnum(symbol) {
            var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
            if (!links.declaredType) {
                var enumType = links.declaredType = createType(16);
                enumType.symbol = symbol;
                if (enumHasLiteralMembers(symbol)) {
                    var memberTypeList = [];
                    var memberTypes = ts.createMap();
                    for (var _i = 0, _a = enumType.symbol.declarations; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                        var declaration = _a[_i];
                        if (declaration.kind === 224) {
                            for (var _b = 0, _c = declaration.members; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
                                var member = _c[_b];
                                var memberSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(member);
                                var value = getEnumMemberValue(member);
                                if (!memberTypes[value]) {
                                    var memberType = memberTypes[value] = createType(256);
                                    memberType.symbol = memberSymbol;
                                    memberType.baseType = enumType;
                                    memberType.text = "" + value;
                    enumType.memberTypes = memberTypes;
                    if (memberTypeList.length > 1) {
                        enumType.flags |= 524288;
                        enumType.types = memberTypeList;
                        unionTypes[getTypeListId(memberTypeList)] = enumType;
            return links.declaredType;
        function getDeclaredTypeOfEnumMember(symbol) {
            var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
            if (!links.declaredType) {
                var enumType = getDeclaredTypeOfEnum(getParentOfSymbol(symbol));
                links.declaredType = enumType.flags & 524288 ?
                    enumType.memberTypes[getEnumMemberValue(symbol.valueDeclaration)] :
            return links.declaredType;
        function getDeclaredTypeOfTypeParameter(symbol) {
            var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
            if (!links.declaredType) {
                var type = createType(16384);
                type.symbol = symbol;
                if (!ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, 141).constraint) {
                    type.constraint = noConstraintType;
                links.declaredType = type;
            return links.declaredType;
        function getDeclaredTypeOfAlias(symbol) {
            var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
            if (!links.declaredType) {
                links.declaredType = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(resolveAlias(symbol));
            return links.declaredType;
        function getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol) {
            ts.Debug.assert((symbol.flags & 16777216) === 0);
            if (symbol.flags & (32 | 64)) {
                return getDeclaredTypeOfClassOrInterface(symbol);
            if (symbol.flags & 524288) {
                return getDeclaredTypeOfTypeAlias(symbol);
            if (symbol.flags & 262144) {
                return getDeclaredTypeOfTypeParameter(symbol);
            if (symbol.flags & 384) {
                return getDeclaredTypeOfEnum(symbol);
            if (symbol.flags & 8) {
                return getDeclaredTypeOfEnumMember(symbol);
            if (symbol.flags & 8388608) {
                return getDeclaredTypeOfAlias(symbol);
            return unknownType;
        function isIndependentTypeReference(node) {
            if (node.typeArguments) {
                for (var _i = 0, _a = node.typeArguments; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var typeNode = _a[_i];
                    if (!isIndependentType(typeNode)) {
                        return false;
            return true;
        function isIndependentType(node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 117:
                case 132:
                case 130:
                case 120:
                case 133:
                case 103:
                case 135:
                case 93:
                case 127:
                case 166:
                    return true;
                case 160:
                    return isIndependentType(node.elementType);
                case 155:
                    return isIndependentTypeReference(node);
            return false;
        function isIndependentVariableLikeDeclaration(node) {
            return node.type && isIndependentType(node.type) || !node.type && !node.initializer;
        function isIndependentFunctionLikeDeclaration(node) {
            if (node.kind !== 148 && (!node.type || !isIndependentType(node.type))) {
                return false;
            for (var _i = 0, _a = node.parameters; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var parameter = _a[_i];
                if (!isIndependentVariableLikeDeclaration(parameter)) {
                    return false;
            return true;
        function isIndependentMember(symbol) {
            if (symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations.length === 1) {
                var declaration = symbol.declarations[0];
                if (declaration) {
                    switch (declaration.kind) {
                        case 145:
                        case 144:
                            return isIndependentVariableLikeDeclaration(declaration);
                        case 147:
                        case 146:
                        case 148:
                            return isIndependentFunctionLikeDeclaration(declaration);
            return false;
        function createSymbolTable(symbols) {
            var result = ts.createMap();
            for (var _i = 0, symbols_1 = symbols; _i < symbols_1.length; _i++) {
                var symbol = symbols_1[_i];
                result[] = symbol;
            return result;
        function createInstantiatedSymbolTable(symbols, mapper, mappingThisOnly) {
            var result = ts.createMap();
            for (var _i = 0, symbols_2 = symbols; _i < symbols_2.length; _i++) {
                var symbol = symbols_2[_i];
                result[] = mappingThisOnly && isIndependentMember(symbol) ? symbol : instantiateSymbol(symbol, mapper);
            return result;
        function addInheritedMembers(symbols, baseSymbols) {
            for (var _i = 0, baseSymbols_1 = baseSymbols; _i < baseSymbols_1.length; _i++) {
                var s = baseSymbols_1[_i];
                if (!symbols[]) {
                    symbols[] = s;
        function resolveDeclaredMembers(type) {
            if (!type.declaredProperties) {
                var symbol = type.symbol;
                type.declaredProperties = getNamedMembers(symbol.members);
                type.declaredCallSignatures = getSignaturesOfSymbol(symbol.members["__call"]);
                type.declaredConstructSignatures = getSignaturesOfSymbol(symbol.members["__new"]);
                type.declaredStringIndexInfo = getIndexInfoOfSymbol(symbol, 0);
                type.declaredNumberIndexInfo = getIndexInfoOfSymbol(symbol, 1);
            return type;
        function getTypeWithThisArgument(type, thisArgument) {
            if (type.flags & 131072) {
                return createTypeReference(, ts.concatenate(type.typeArguments, [thisArgument ||]));
            return type;
        function resolveObjectTypeMembers(type, source, typeParameters, typeArguments) {
            var mapper;
            var members;
            var callSignatures;
            var constructSignatures;
            var stringIndexInfo;
            var numberIndexInfo;
            if (ts.rangeEquals(typeParameters, typeArguments, 0, typeParameters.length)) {
                mapper = identityMapper;
                members = source.symbol ? source.symbol.members : createSymbolTable(source.declaredProperties);
                callSignatures = source.declaredCallSignatures;
                constructSignatures = source.declaredConstructSignatures;
                stringIndexInfo = source.declaredStringIndexInfo;
                numberIndexInfo = source.declaredNumberIndexInfo;
            else {
                mapper = createTypeMapper(typeParameters, typeArguments);
                members = createInstantiatedSymbolTable(source.declaredProperties, mapper, typeParameters.length === 1);
                callSignatures = instantiateList(source.declaredCallSignatures, mapper, instantiateSignature);
                constructSignatures = instantiateList(source.declaredConstructSignatures, mapper, instantiateSignature);
                stringIndexInfo = instantiateIndexInfo(source.declaredStringIndexInfo, mapper);
                numberIndexInfo = instantiateIndexInfo(source.declaredNumberIndexInfo, mapper);
            var baseTypes = getBaseTypes(source);
            if (baseTypes.length) {
                if (source.symbol && members === source.symbol.members) {
                    members = createSymbolTable(source.declaredProperties);
                var thisArgument = ts.lastOrUndefined(typeArguments);
                for (var _i = 0, baseTypes_1 = baseTypes; _i < baseTypes_1.length; _i++) {
                    var baseType = baseTypes_1[_i];
                    var instantiatedBaseType = thisArgument ? getTypeWithThisArgument(instantiateType(baseType, mapper), thisArgument) : baseType;
                    addInheritedMembers(members, getPropertiesOfObjectType(instantiatedBaseType));
                    callSignatures = ts.concatenate(callSignatures, getSignaturesOfType(instantiatedBaseType, 0));
                    constructSignatures = ts.concatenate(constructSignatures, getSignaturesOfType(instantiatedBaseType, 1));
                    stringIndexInfo = stringIndexInfo || getIndexInfoOfType(instantiatedBaseType, 0);
                    numberIndexInfo = numberIndexInfo || getIndexInfoOfType(instantiatedBaseType, 1);
            setObjectTypeMembers(type, members, callSignatures, constructSignatures, stringIndexInfo, numberIndexInfo);
        function resolveClassOrInterfaceMembers(type) {
            resolveObjectTypeMembers(type, resolveDeclaredMembers(type), emptyArray, emptyArray);
        function resolveTypeReferenceMembers(type) {
            var source = resolveDeclaredMembers(;
            var typeParameters = ts.concatenate(source.typeParameters, [source.thisType]);
            var typeArguments = type.typeArguments && type.typeArguments.length === typeParameters.length ?
                type.typeArguments : ts.concatenate(type.typeArguments, [type]);
            resolveObjectTypeMembers(type, source, typeParameters, typeArguments);
        function createSignature(declaration, typeParameters, thisParameter, parameters, resolvedReturnType, typePredicate, minArgumentCount, hasRestParameter, hasLiteralTypes) {
            var sig = new Signature(checker);
            sig.declaration = declaration;
            sig.typeParameters = typeParameters;
            sig.parameters = parameters;
            sig.thisParameter = thisParameter;
            sig.resolvedReturnType = resolvedReturnType;
            sig.typePredicate = typePredicate;
            sig.minArgumentCount = minArgumentCount;
            sig.hasRestParameter = hasRestParameter;
            sig.hasLiteralTypes = hasLiteralTypes;
            return sig;
        function cloneSignature(sig) {
            return createSignature(sig.declaration, sig.typeParameters, sig.thisParameter, sig.parameters, sig.resolvedReturnType, sig.typePredicate, sig.minArgumentCount, sig.hasRestParameter, sig.hasLiteralTypes);
        function getDefaultConstructSignatures(classType) {
            var baseConstructorType = getBaseConstructorTypeOfClass(classType);
            var baseSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(baseConstructorType, 1);
            if (baseSignatures.length === 0) {
                return [createSignature(undefined, classType.localTypeParameters, undefined, emptyArray, classType, undefined, 0, false, false)];
            var baseTypeNode = getBaseTypeNodeOfClass(classType);
            var typeArguments =, getTypeFromTypeNode);
            var typeArgCount = typeArguments ? typeArguments.length : 0;
            var result = [];
            for (var _i = 0, baseSignatures_1 = baseSignatures; _i < baseSignatures_1.length; _i++) {
                var baseSig = baseSignatures_1[_i];
                var typeParamCount = baseSig.typeParameters ? baseSig.typeParameters.length : 0;
                if (typeParamCount === typeArgCount) {
                    var sig = typeParamCount ? getSignatureInstantiation(baseSig, typeArguments) : cloneSignature(baseSig);
                    sig.typeParameters = classType.localTypeParameters;
                    sig.resolvedReturnType = classType;
            return result;
        function findMatchingSignature(signatureList, signature, partialMatch, ignoreThisTypes, ignoreReturnTypes) {
            for (var _i = 0, signatureList_1 = signatureList; _i < signatureList_1.length; _i++) {
                var s = signatureList_1[_i];
                if (compareSignaturesIdentical(s, signature, partialMatch, ignoreThisTypes, ignoreReturnTypes, compareTypesIdentical)) {
                    return s;
        function findMatchingSignatures(signatureLists, signature, listIndex) {
            if (signature.typeParameters) {
                if (listIndex > 0) {
                    return undefined;
                for (var i = 1; i < signatureLists.length; i++) {
                    if (!findMatchingSignature(signatureLists[i], signature, false, false, false)) {
                        return undefined;
                return [signature];
            var result = undefined;
            for (var i = 0; i < signatureLists.length; i++) {
                var match = i === listIndex ? signature : findMatchingSignature(signatureLists[i], signature, true, true, true);
                if (!match) {
                    return undefined;
                if (!ts.contains(result, match)) {
                    (result || (result = [])).push(match);
            return result;
        function getUnionSignatures(types, kind) {
            var signatureLists =, function (t) { return getSignaturesOfType(t, kind); });
            var result = undefined;
            for (var i = 0; i < signatureLists.length; i++) {
                for (var _i = 0, _a = signatureLists[i]; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var signature = _a[_i];
                    if (!result || !findMatchingSignature(result, signature, false, true, true)) {
                        var unionSignatures = findMatchingSignatures(signatureLists, signature, i);
                        if (unionSignatures) {
                            var s = signature;
                            if (unionSignatures.length > 1) {
                                s = cloneSignature(signature);
                                if (ts.forEach(unionSignatures, function (sig) { return sig.thisParameter; })) {
                                    var thisType = getUnionType(, function (sig) { return getTypeOfSymbol(sig.thisParameter) || anyType; }), true);
                                    s.thisParameter = createTransientSymbol(signature.thisParameter, thisType);
                                s.resolvedReturnType = undefined;
                                s.unionSignatures = unionSignatures;
                            (result || (result = [])).push(s);
            return result || emptyArray;
        function getUnionIndexInfo(types, kind) {
            var indexTypes = [];
            var isAnyReadonly = false;
            for (var _i = 0, types_1 = types; _i < types_1.length; _i++) {
                var type = types_1[_i];
                var indexInfo = getIndexInfoOfType(type, kind);
                if (!indexInfo) {
                    return undefined;
                isAnyReadonly = isAnyReadonly || indexInfo.isReadonly;
            return createIndexInfo(getUnionType(indexTypes, true), isAnyReadonly);
        function resolveUnionTypeMembers(type) {
            var callSignatures = getUnionSignatures(type.types, 0);
            var constructSignatures = getUnionSignatures(type.types, 1);
            var stringIndexInfo = getUnionIndexInfo(type.types, 0);
            var numberIndexInfo = getUnionIndexInfo(type.types, 1);
            setObjectTypeMembers(type, emptySymbols, callSignatures, constructSignatures, stringIndexInfo, numberIndexInfo);
        function intersectTypes(type1, type2) {
            return !type1 ? type2 : !type2 ? type1 : getIntersectionType([type1, type2]);
        function intersectIndexInfos(info1, info2) {
            return !info1 ? info2 : !info2 ? info1 : createIndexInfo(getIntersectionType([info1.type, info2.type]), info1.isReadonly && info2.isReadonly);
        function resolveIntersectionTypeMembers(type) {
            var callSignatures = emptyArray;
            var constructSignatures = emptyArray;
            var stringIndexInfo = undefined;
            var numberIndexInfo = undefined;
            for (var _i = 0, _a = type.types; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var t = _a[_i];
                callSignatures = ts.concatenate(callSignatures, getSignaturesOfType(t, 0));
                constructSignatures = ts.concatenate(constructSignatures, getSignaturesOfType(t, 1));
                stringIndexInfo = intersectIndexInfos(stringIndexInfo, getIndexInfoOfType(t, 0));
                numberIndexInfo = intersectIndexInfos(numberIndexInfo, getIndexInfoOfType(t, 1));
            setObjectTypeMembers(type, emptySymbols, callSignatures, constructSignatures, stringIndexInfo, numberIndexInfo);
        function resolveAnonymousTypeMembers(type) {
            var symbol = type.symbol;
            if ( {
                var members = createInstantiatedSymbolTable(getPropertiesOfObjectType(, type.mapper, false);
                var callSignatures = instantiateList(getSignaturesOfType(, 0), type.mapper, instantiateSignature);
                var constructSignatures = instantiateList(getSignaturesOfType(, 1), type.mapper, instantiateSignature);
                var stringIndexInfo = instantiateIndexInfo(getIndexInfoOfType(, 0), type.mapper);
                var numberIndexInfo = instantiateIndexInfo(getIndexInfoOfType(, 1), type.mapper);
                setObjectTypeMembers(type, members, callSignatures, constructSignatures, stringIndexInfo, numberIndexInfo);
            else if (symbol.flags & 2048) {
                var members = symbol.members;
                var callSignatures = getSignaturesOfSymbol(members["__call"]);
                var constructSignatures = getSignaturesOfSymbol(members["__new"]);
                var stringIndexInfo = getIndexInfoOfSymbol(symbol, 0);
                var numberIndexInfo = getIndexInfoOfSymbol(symbol, 1);
                setObjectTypeMembers(type, members, callSignatures, constructSignatures, stringIndexInfo, numberIndexInfo);
            else {
                var members = emptySymbols;
                var constructSignatures = emptyArray;
                if (symbol.flags & 1952) {
                    members = getExportsOfSymbol(symbol);
                if (symbol.flags & 32) {
                    var classType = getDeclaredTypeOfClassOrInterface(symbol);
                    constructSignatures = getSignaturesOfSymbol(symbol.members["__constructor"]);
                    if (!constructSignatures.length) {
                        constructSignatures = getDefaultConstructSignatures(classType);
                    var baseConstructorType = getBaseConstructorTypeOfClass(classType);
                    if (baseConstructorType.flags & 2588672) {
                        members = createSymbolTable(getNamedMembers(members));
                        addInheritedMembers(members, getPropertiesOfObjectType(baseConstructorType));
                var numberIndexInfo = symbol.flags & 384 ? enumNumberIndexInfo : undefined;
                setObjectTypeMembers(type, members, emptyArray, constructSignatures, undefined, numberIndexInfo);
                if (symbol.flags & (16 | 8192)) {
                    type.callSignatures = getSignaturesOfSymbol(symbol);
        function resolveStructuredTypeMembers(type) {
            if (!type.members) {
                if (type.flags & 131072) {
                else if (type.flags & (32768 | 65536)) {
                else if (type.flags & 2097152) {
                else if (type.flags & 524288) {
                else if (type.flags & 1048576) {
            return type;
        function getPropertiesOfObjectType(type) {
            if (type.flags & 2588672) {
                return resolveStructuredTypeMembers(type).properties;
            return emptyArray;
        function getPropertyOfObjectType(type, name) {
            if (type.flags & 2588672) {
                var resolved = resolveStructuredTypeMembers(type);
                var symbol = resolved.members[name];
                if (symbol && symbolIsValue(symbol)) {
                    return symbol;
        function getPropertiesOfUnionOrIntersectionType(type) {
            for (var _i = 0, _a = type.types; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var current = _a[_i];
                for (var _b = 0, _c = getPropertiesOfType(current); _b < _c.length; _b++) {
                    var prop = _c[_b];
                if (type.flags & 524288) {
            return type.resolvedProperties ? symbolsToArray(type.resolvedProperties) : emptyArray;
        function getPropertiesOfType(type) {
            type = getApparentType(type);
            return type.flags & 1572864 ? getPropertiesOfUnionOrIntersectionType(type) : getPropertiesOfObjectType(type);
        function getApparentTypeOfTypeParameter(type) {
            if (!type.resolvedApparentType) {
                var constraintType = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(type);
                while (constraintType && constraintType.flags & 16384) {
                    constraintType = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(constraintType);
                type.resolvedApparentType = getTypeWithThisArgument(constraintType || emptyObjectType, type);
            return type.resolvedApparentType;
        function getApparentType(type) {
            if (type.flags & 16384) {
                type = getApparentTypeOfTypeParameter(type);
            if (type.flags & 34) {
                type = globalStringType;
            else if (type.flags & 340) {
                type = globalNumberType;
            else if (type.flags & 136) {
                type = globalBooleanType;
            else if (type.flags & 512) {
                type = getGlobalESSymbolType();
            return type;
        function createUnionOrIntersectionProperty(containingType, name) {
            var types = containingType.types;
            var props;
            var commonFlags = (containingType.flags & 1048576) ? 536870912 : 0;
            var isReadonly = false;
            for (var _i = 0, types_2 = types; _i < types_2.length; _i++) {
                var current = types_2[_i];
                var type = getApparentType(current);
                if (type !== unknownType) {
                    var prop = getPropertyOfType(type, name);
                    if (prop && !(getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(prop) & (8 | 16))) {
                        commonFlags &= prop.flags;
                        if (!props) {
                            props = [prop];
                        else if (!ts.contains(props, prop)) {
                        if (isReadonlySymbol(prop)) {
                            isReadonly = true;
                    else if (containingType.flags & 524288) {
                        return undefined;
            if (!props) {
                return undefined;
            if (props.length === 1) {
                return props[0];
            var propTypes = [];
            var declarations = [];
            var commonType = undefined;
            var hasCommonType = true;
            for (var _a = 0, props_1 = props; _a < props_1.length; _a++) {
                var prop = props_1[_a];
                if (prop.declarations) {
                    ts.addRange(declarations, prop.declarations);
                var type = getTypeOfSymbol(prop);
                if (!commonType) {
                    commonType = type;
                else if (type !== commonType) {
                    hasCommonType = false;
            var result = createSymbol(4 |
                67108864 |
                268435456 |
                commonFlags, name);
            result.containingType = containingType;
            result.hasCommonType = hasCommonType;
            result.declarations = declarations;
            result.isReadonly = isReadonly;
            result.type = containingType.flags & 524288 ? getUnionType(propTypes) : getIntersectionType(propTypes);
            return result;
        function getPropertyOfUnionOrIntersectionType(type, name) {
            var properties = type.resolvedProperties || (type.resolvedProperties = ts.createMap());
            var property = properties[name];
            if (!property) {
                property = createUnionOrIntersectionProperty(type, name);
                if (property) {
                    properties[name] = property;
            return property;
        function getPropertyOfType(type, name) {
            type = getApparentType(type);
            if (type.flags & 2588672) {
                var resolved = resolveStructuredTypeMembers(type);
                var symbol = resolved.members[name];
                if (symbol && symbolIsValue(symbol)) {
                    return symbol;
                if (resolved === anyFunctionType || resolved.callSignatures.length || resolved.constructSignatures.length) {
                    var symbol_1 = getPropertyOfObjectType(globalFunctionType, name);
                    if (symbol_1) {
                        return symbol_1;
                return getPropertyOfObjectType(globalObjectType, name);
            if (type.flags & 1572864) {
                return getPropertyOfUnionOrIntersectionType(type, name);
            return undefined;
        function getSignaturesOfStructuredType(type, kind) {
            if (type.flags & 4161536) {
                var resolved = resolveStructuredTypeMembers(type);
                return kind === 0 ? resolved.callSignatures : resolved.constructSignatures;
            return emptyArray;
        function getSignaturesOfType(type, kind) {
            return getSignaturesOfStructuredType(getApparentType(type), kind);
        function getIndexInfoOfStructuredType(type, kind) {
            if (type.flags & 4161536) {
                var resolved = resolveStructuredTypeMembers(type);
                return kind === 0 ? resolved.stringIndexInfo : resolved.numberIndexInfo;
        function getIndexTypeOfStructuredType(type, kind) {
            var info = getIndexInfoOfStructuredType(type, kind);
            return info && info.type;
        function getIndexInfoOfType(type, kind) {
            return getIndexInfoOfStructuredType(getApparentType(type), kind);
        function getIndexTypeOfType(type, kind) {
            return getIndexTypeOfStructuredType(getApparentType(type), kind);
        function getImplicitIndexTypeOfType(type, kind) {
            if (isObjectLiteralType(type)) {
                var propTypes = [];
                for (var _i = 0, _a = getPropertiesOfType(type); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var prop = _a[_i];
                    if (kind === 0 || isNumericLiteralName( {
                if (propTypes.length) {
                    return getUnionType(propTypes, true);
            return undefined;
        function getTypeParametersFromJSDocTemplate(declaration) {
            if (declaration.flags & 134217728) {
                var templateTag = ts.getJSDocTemplateTag(declaration);
                if (templateTag) {
                    return getTypeParametersFromDeclaration(templateTag.typeParameters);
            return undefined;
        function getTypeParametersFromDeclaration(typeParameterDeclarations) {
            var result = [];
            ts.forEach(typeParameterDeclarations, function (node) {
                var tp = getDeclaredTypeOfTypeParameter(node.symbol);
                if (!ts.contains(result, tp)) {
            return result;
        function symbolsToArray(symbols) {
            var result = [];
            for (var id in symbols) {
                if (!isReservedMemberName(id)) {
            return result;
        function isJSDocOptionalParameter(node) {
            if (node.flags & 134217728) {
                if (node.type && node.type.kind === 268) {
                    return true;
                var paramTag = ts.getCorrespondingJSDocParameterTag(node);
                if (paramTag) {
                    if (paramTag.isBracketed) {
                        return true;
                    if (paramTag.typeExpression) {
                        return paramTag.typeExpression.type.kind === 268;
        function isOptionalParameter(node) {
            if (ts.hasQuestionToken(node) || isJSDocOptionalParameter(node)) {
                return true;
            if (node.initializer) {
                var signatureDeclaration = node.parent;
                var signature = getSignatureFromDeclaration(signatureDeclaration);
                var parameterIndex = ts.indexOf(signatureDeclaration.parameters, node);
                ts.Debug.assert(parameterIndex >= 0);
                return parameterIndex >= signature.minArgumentCount;
            return false;
        function createTypePredicateFromTypePredicateNode(node) {
            if (node.parameterName.kind === 69) {
                var parameterName = node.parameterName;
                return {
                    kind: 1,
                    parameterName: parameterName ? parameterName.text : undefined,
                    parameterIndex: parameterName ? getTypePredicateParameterIndex(node.parent.parameters, parameterName) : undefined,
                    type: getTypeFromTypeNode(node.type)
            else {
                return {
                    kind: 0,
                    type: getTypeFromTypeNode(node.type)
        function getSignatureFromDeclaration(declaration) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(declaration);
            if (!links.resolvedSignature) {
                var parameters = [];
                var hasLiteralTypes = false;
                var minArgumentCount = -1;
                var thisParameter = undefined;
                var hasThisParameter = void 0;
                var isJSConstructSignature = ts.isJSDocConstructSignature(declaration);
                for (var i = isJSConstructSignature ? 1 : 0, n = declaration.parameters.length; i < n; i++) {
                    var param = declaration.parameters[i];
                    var paramSymbol = param.symbol;
                    if (paramSymbol && !!(paramSymbol.flags & 4) && !ts.isBindingPattern( {
                        var resolvedSymbol = resolveName(param,, 107455, undefined, undefined);
                        paramSymbol = resolvedSymbol;
                    if (i === 0 && === "this") {
                        hasThisParameter = true;
                        thisParameter = param.symbol;
                    else {
                    if (param.type && param.type.kind === 166) {
                        hasLiteralTypes = true;
                    if (param.initializer || param.questionToken || param.dotDotDotToken || isJSDocOptionalParameter(param)) {
                        if (minArgumentCount < 0) {
                            minArgumentCount = i - (hasThisParameter ? 1 : 0);
                    else {
                        minArgumentCount = -1;
                if ((declaration.kind === 149 || declaration.kind === 150) &&
                    !ts.hasDynamicName(declaration) &&
                    (!hasThisParameter || !thisParameter)) {
                    var otherKind = declaration.kind === 149 ? 150 : 149;
                    var other = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(declaration.symbol, otherKind);
                    if (other) {
                        thisParameter = getAnnotatedAccessorThisParameter(other);
                if (minArgumentCount < 0) {
                    minArgumentCount = declaration.parameters.length - (hasThisParameter ? 1 : 0);
                if (isJSConstructSignature) {
                if (!thisParameter && ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(declaration)) {
                    thisParameter = getContextualThisParameter(declaration);
                var classType = declaration.kind === 148 ?
                    : undefined;
                var typeParameters = classType ? classType.localTypeParameters :
                    declaration.typeParameters ? getTypeParametersFromDeclaration(declaration.typeParameters) :
                var returnType = getSignatureReturnTypeFromDeclaration(declaration, minArgumentCount, isJSConstructSignature, classType);
                var typePredicate = declaration.type && declaration.type.kind === 154 ?
                    createTypePredicateFromTypePredicateNode(declaration.type) :
                links.resolvedSignature = createSignature(declaration, typeParameters, thisParameter, parameters, returnType, typePredicate, minArgumentCount, ts.hasRestParameter(declaration), hasLiteralTypes);
            return links.resolvedSignature;
        function getSignatureReturnTypeFromDeclaration(declaration, minArgumentCount, isJSConstructSignature, classType) {
            if (isJSConstructSignature) {
                return getTypeFromTypeNode(declaration.parameters[0].type);
            else if (classType) {
                return classType;
            else if (declaration.type) {
                return getTypeFromTypeNode(declaration.type);
            if (declaration.flags & 134217728) {
                var type = getReturnTypeFromJSDocComment(declaration);
                if (type && type !== unknownType) {
                    return type;
            if (declaration.kind === 149 && !ts.hasDynamicName(declaration)) {
                var setter = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(declaration.symbol, 150);
                return getAnnotatedAccessorType(setter);
            if (ts.nodeIsMissing(declaration.body)) {
                return anyType;
        function getSignaturesOfSymbol(symbol) {
            if (!symbol)
                return emptyArray;
            var result = [];
            for (var i = 0, len = symbol.declarations.length; i < len; i++) {
                var node = symbol.declarations[i];
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 156:
                    case 157:
                    case 220:
                    case 147:
                    case 146:
                    case 148:
                    case 151:
                    case 152:
                    case 153:
                    case 149:
                    case 150:
                    case 179:
                    case 180:
                    case 269:
                        if (i > 0 && node.body) {
                            var previous = symbol.declarations[i - 1];
                            if (node.parent === previous.parent && node.kind === previous.kind && node.pos === previous.end) {
            return result;
        function resolveExternalModuleTypeByLiteral(name) {
            var moduleSym = resolveExternalModuleName(name, name);
            if (moduleSym) {
                var resolvedModuleSymbol = resolveExternalModuleSymbol(moduleSym);
                if (resolvedModuleSymbol) {
                    return getTypeOfSymbol(resolvedModuleSymbol);
            return anyType;
        function getThisTypeOfSignature(signature) {
            if (signature.thisParameter) {
                return getTypeOfSymbol(signature.thisParameter);
        function getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature) {
            if (!signature.resolvedReturnType) {
                if (!pushTypeResolution(signature, 3)) {
                    return unknownType;
                var type = void 0;
                if ( {
                    type = instantiateType(getReturnTypeOfSignature(, signature.mapper);
                else if (signature.unionSignatures) {
                    type = getUnionType(, getReturnTypeOfSignature), true);
                else {
                    type = getReturnTypeFromBody(signature.declaration);
                if (!popTypeResolution()) {
                    type = anyType;
                    if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny) {
                        var declaration = signature.declaration;
                        if ( {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics._0_implicitly_has_return_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_return_type_annotation_and_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_one_of_its_return_expressions, ts.declarationNameToString(;
                        else {
                            error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Function_implicitly_has_return_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_return_type_annotation_and_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_one_of_its_return_expressions);
                signature.resolvedReturnType = type;
            return signature.resolvedReturnType;
        function getRestTypeOfSignature(signature) {
            if (signature.hasRestParameter) {
                var type = getTypeOfSymbol(ts.lastOrUndefined(signature.parameters));
                if (type.flags & 131072 && === globalArrayType) {
                    return type.typeArguments[0];
            return anyType;
        function getSignatureInstantiation(signature, typeArguments) {
            return instantiateSignature(signature, createTypeMapper(signature.typeParameters, typeArguments), true);
        function getErasedSignature(signature) {
            if (!signature.typeParameters)
                return signature;
            if (!signature.erasedSignatureCache) {
                signature.erasedSignatureCache = instantiateSignature(signature, createTypeEraser(signature.typeParameters), true);
            return signature.erasedSignatureCache;
        function getOrCreateTypeFromSignature(signature) {
            if (!signature.isolatedSignatureType) {
                var isConstructor = signature.declaration.kind === 148 || signature.declaration.kind === 152;
                var type = createObjectType(2097152);
                type.members = emptySymbols;
       = emptyArray;
                type.callSignatures = !isConstructor ? [signature] : emptyArray;
                type.constructSignatures = isConstructor ? [signature] : emptyArray;
                signature.isolatedSignatureType = type;
            return signature.isolatedSignatureType;
        function getIndexSymbol(symbol) {
            return symbol.members["__index"];
        function getIndexDeclarationOfSymbol(symbol, kind) {
            var syntaxKind = kind === 1 ? 130 : 132;
            var indexSymbol = getIndexSymbol(symbol);
            if (indexSymbol) {
                for (var _i = 0, _a = indexSymbol.declarations; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var decl = _a[_i];
                    var node = decl;
                    if (node.parameters.length === 1) {
                        var parameter = node.parameters[0];
                        if (parameter && parameter.type && parameter.type.kind === syntaxKind) {
                            return node;
            return undefined;
        function createIndexInfo(type, isReadonly, declaration) {
            return { type: type, isReadonly: isReadonly, declaration: declaration };
        function getIndexInfoOfSymbol(symbol, kind) {
            var declaration = getIndexDeclarationOfSymbol(symbol, kind);
            if (declaration) {
                return createIndexInfo(declaration.type ? getTypeFromTypeNode(declaration.type) : anyType, (declaration.flags & 64) !== 0, declaration);
            return undefined;
        function getConstraintDeclaration(type) {
            return ts.getDeclarationOfKind(type.symbol, 141).constraint;
        function hasConstraintReferenceTo(type, target) {
            var checked;
            while (type && !(type.flags & 268435456) && type.flags & 16384 && !ts.contains(checked, type)) {
                if (type === target) {
                    return true;
                (checked || (checked = [])).push(type);
                var constraintDeclaration = getConstraintDeclaration(type);
                type = constraintDeclaration && getTypeFromTypeNode(constraintDeclaration);
            return false;
        function getConstraintOfTypeParameter(typeParameter) {
            if (!typeParameter.constraint) {
                if ( {
                    var targetConstraint = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(;
                    typeParameter.constraint = targetConstraint ? instantiateType(targetConstraint, typeParameter.mapper) : noConstraintType;
                else {
                    var constraintDeclaration = getConstraintDeclaration(typeParameter);
                    var constraint = getTypeFromTypeNode(constraintDeclaration);
                    if (hasConstraintReferenceTo(constraint, typeParameter)) {
                        error(constraintDeclaration, ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_0_has_a_circular_constraint, typeToString(typeParameter));
                        constraint = unknownType;
                    typeParameter.constraint = constraint;
            return typeParameter.constraint === noConstraintType ? undefined : typeParameter.constraint;
        function getParentSymbolOfTypeParameter(typeParameter) {
            return getSymbolOfNode(ts.getDeclarationOfKind(typeParameter.symbol, 141).parent);
        function getTypeListId(types) {
            var result = "";
            if (types) {
                var length_3 = types.length;
                var i = 0;
                while (i < length_3) {
                    var startId = types[i].id;
                    var count = 1;
                    while (i + count < length_3 && types[i + count].id === startId + count) {
                    if (result.length) {
                        result += ",";
                    result += startId;
                    if (count > 1) {
                        result += ":" + count;
                    i += count;
            return result;
        function getPropagatingFlagsOfTypes(types, excludeKinds) {
            var result = 0;
            for (var _i = 0, types_3 = types; _i < types_3.length; _i++) {
                var type = types_3[_i];
                if (!(type.flags & excludeKinds)) {
                    result |= type.flags;
            return result & 234881024;
        function createTypeReference(target, typeArguments) {
            var id = getTypeListId(typeArguments);
            var type = target.instantiations[id];
            if (!type) {
                var propagatedFlags = typeArguments ? getPropagatingFlagsOfTypes(typeArguments, 0) : 0;
                var flags = 131072 | propagatedFlags;
                type = target.instantiations[id] = createObjectType(flags, target.symbol);
       = target;
                type.typeArguments = typeArguments;
            return type;
        function cloneTypeReference(source) {
            var type = createObjectType(source.flags, source.symbol);
            type.typeArguments = source.typeArguments;
            return type;
        function getTypeReferenceArity(type) {
            return ? : 0;
        function getTypeFromClassOrInterfaceReference(node, symbol) {
            var type = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(getMergedSymbol(symbol));
            var typeParameters = type.localTypeParameters;
            if (typeParameters) {
                if (!node.typeArguments || node.typeArguments.length !== typeParameters.length) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Generic_type_0_requires_1_type_argument_s, typeToString(type, undefined, 1), typeParameters.length);
                    return unknownType;
                return createTypeReference(type, ts.concatenate(type.outerTypeParameters,, getTypeFromTypeNode)));
            if (node.typeArguments) {
                error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_is_not_generic, typeToString(type));
                return unknownType;
            return type;
        function getTypeFromTypeAliasReference(node, symbol) {
            var type = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol);
            var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
            var typeParameters = links.typeParameters;
            if (typeParameters) {
                if (!node.typeArguments || node.typeArguments.length !== typeParameters.length) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Generic_type_0_requires_1_type_argument_s, symbolToString(symbol), typeParameters.length);
                    return unknownType;
                var typeArguments =, getTypeFromTypeNode);
                var id = getTypeListId(typeArguments);
                return links.instantiations[id] || (links.instantiations[id] = instantiateType(type, createTypeMapper(typeParameters, typeArguments)));
            if (node.typeArguments) {
                error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_is_not_generic, symbolToString(symbol));
                return unknownType;
            return type;
        function getTypeFromNonGenericTypeReference(node, symbol) {
            if (node.typeArguments) {
                error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_is_not_generic, symbolToString(symbol));
                return unknownType;
            return getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol);
        function getTypeReferenceName(node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 155:
                    return node.typeName;
                case 267:
                case 194:
                    var expr = node.expression;
                    if (ts.isEntityNameExpression(expr)) {
                        return expr;
            return undefined;
        function resolveTypeReferenceName(node, typeReferenceName) {
            if (!typeReferenceName) {
                return unknownSymbol;
            return resolveEntityName(typeReferenceName, 793064) || unknownSymbol;
        function getTypeReferenceType(node, symbol) {
            if (symbol === unknownSymbol) {
                return unknownType;
            if (symbol.flags & (32 | 64)) {
                return getTypeFromClassOrInterfaceReference(node, symbol);
            if (symbol.flags & 524288) {
                return getTypeFromTypeAliasReference(node, symbol);
            if (symbol.flags & 107455 && node.kind === 267) {
                return getTypeOfSymbol(symbol);
            return getTypeFromNonGenericTypeReference(node, symbol);
        function getTypeFromTypeReference(node) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            if (!links.resolvedType) {
                var symbol = void 0;
                var type = void 0;
                if (node.kind === 267) {
                    var typeReferenceName = getTypeReferenceName(node);
                    symbol = resolveTypeReferenceName(node, typeReferenceName);
                    type = getTypeReferenceType(node, symbol);
                else {
                    var typeNameOrExpression = node.kind === 155
                        ? node.typeName
                        : ts.isEntityNameExpression(node.expression)
                            ? node.expression
                            : undefined;
                    symbol = typeNameOrExpression && resolveEntityName(typeNameOrExpression, 793064) || unknownSymbol;
                    type = symbol === unknownSymbol ? unknownType :
                        symbol.flags & (32 | 64) ? getTypeFromClassOrInterfaceReference(node, symbol) :
                            symbol.flags & 524288 ? getTypeFromTypeAliasReference(node, symbol) :
                                getTypeFromNonGenericTypeReference(node, symbol);
                links.resolvedSymbol = symbol;
                links.resolvedType = type;
            return links.resolvedType;
        function getTypeFromTypeQueryNode(node) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            if (!links.resolvedType) {
                links.resolvedType = getWidenedType(checkExpression(node.exprName));
            return links.resolvedType;
        function getTypeOfGlobalSymbol(symbol, arity) {
            function getTypeDeclaration(symbol) {
                var declarations = symbol.declarations;
                for (var _i = 0, declarations_3 = declarations; _i < declarations_3.length; _i++) {
                    var declaration = declarations_3[_i];
                    switch (declaration.kind) {
                        case 221:
                        case 222:
                        case 224:
                            return declaration;
            if (!symbol) {
                return arity ? emptyGenericType : emptyObjectType;
            var type = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol);
            if (!(type.flags & 2588672)) {
                error(getTypeDeclaration(symbol), ts.Diagnostics.Global_type_0_must_be_a_class_or_interface_type,;
                return arity ? emptyGenericType : emptyObjectType;
            if ((type.typeParameters ? type.typeParameters.length : 0) !== arity) {
                error(getTypeDeclaration(symbol), ts.Diagnostics.Global_type_0_must_have_1_type_parameter_s,, arity);
                return arity ? emptyGenericType : emptyObjectType;
            return type;
        function getGlobalValueSymbol(name) {
            return getGlobalSymbol(name, 107455, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_global_value_0);
        function getGlobalTypeSymbol(name) {
            return getGlobalSymbol(name, 793064, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_global_type_0);
        function getGlobalSymbol(name, meaning, diagnostic) {
            return resolveName(undefined, name, meaning, diagnostic, name);
        function getGlobalType(name, arity) {
            if (arity === void 0) { arity = 0; }
            return getTypeOfGlobalSymbol(getGlobalTypeSymbol(name), arity);
        function getExportedTypeFromNamespace(namespace, name) {
            var namespaceSymbol = getGlobalSymbol(namespace, 1920, undefined);
            var typeSymbol = namespaceSymbol && getSymbol(namespaceSymbol.exports, name, 793064);
            return typeSymbol && getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(typeSymbol);
        function createTypedPropertyDescriptorType(propertyType) {
            var globalTypedPropertyDescriptorType = getGlobalTypedPropertyDescriptorType();
            return globalTypedPropertyDescriptorType !== emptyGenericType
                ? createTypeReference(globalTypedPropertyDescriptorType, [propertyType])
                : emptyObjectType;
        function createTypeFromGenericGlobalType(genericGlobalType, typeArguments) {
            return genericGlobalType !== emptyGenericType ? createTypeReference(genericGlobalType, typeArguments) : emptyObjectType;
        function createIterableType(elementType) {
            return createTypeFromGenericGlobalType(getGlobalIterableType(), [elementType]);
        function createIterableIteratorType(elementType) {
            return createTypeFromGenericGlobalType(getGlobalIterableIteratorType(), [elementType]);
        function createArrayType(elementType) {
            return createTypeFromGenericGlobalType(globalArrayType, [elementType]);
        function getTypeFromArrayTypeNode(node) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            if (!links.resolvedType) {
                links.resolvedType = createArrayType(getTypeFromTypeNode(node.elementType));
            return links.resolvedType;
        function createTupleTypeOfArity(arity) {
            var typeParameters = [];
            var properties = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < arity; i++) {
                var typeParameter = createType(16384);
                var property = createSymbol(4 | 67108864, "" + i);
                property.type = typeParameter;
            var type = createObjectType(262144 | 131072);
            type.typeParameters = typeParameters;
            type.outerTypeParameters = undefined;
            type.localTypeParameters = typeParameters;
            type.instantiations = ts.createMap();
            type.instantiations[getTypeListId(type.typeParameters)] = type;
   = type;
            type.typeArguments = type.typeParameters;
            type.thisType = createType(16384 | 268435456);
            type.thisType.constraint = type;
            type.declaredProperties = properties;
            type.declaredCallSignatures = emptyArray;
            type.declaredConstructSignatures = emptyArray;
            type.declaredStringIndexInfo = undefined;
            type.declaredNumberIndexInfo = undefined;
            return type;
        function getTupleTypeOfArity(arity) {
            return tupleTypes[arity] || (tupleTypes[arity] = createTupleTypeOfArity(arity));
        function createTupleType(elementTypes) {
            return createTypeReference(getTupleTypeOfArity(elementTypes.length), elementTypes);
        function getTypeFromTupleTypeNode(node) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            if (!links.resolvedType) {
                links.resolvedType = createTupleType(, getTypeFromTypeNode));
            return links.resolvedType;
        function binarySearchTypes(types, type) {
            var low = 0;
            var high = types.length - 1;
            var typeId =;
            while (low <= high) {
                var middle = low + ((high - low) >> 1);
                var id = types[middle].id;
                if (id === typeId) {
                    return middle;
                else if (id > typeId) {
                    high = middle - 1;
                else {
                    low = middle + 1;
            return ~low;
        function containsType(types, type) {
            return binarySearchTypes(types, type) >= 0;
        function addTypeToUnion(typeSet, type) {
            if (type.flags & 524288) {
                addTypesToUnion(typeSet, type.types);
            else if (type.flags & 1) {
                typeSet.containsAny = true;
            else if (!strictNullChecks && type.flags & 6144) {
                if (type.flags & 2048)
                    typeSet.containsUndefined = true;
                if (type.flags & 4096)
                    typeSet.containsNull = true;
                if (!(type.flags & 33554432))
                    typeSet.containsNonWideningType = true;
            else if (!(type.flags & 8192)) {
                var len = typeSet.length;
                var index = len && > typeSet[len - 1].id ? ~len : binarySearchTypes(typeSet, type);
                if (index < 0) {
                    if (!(type.flags & 2097152 && type.symbol && type.symbol.flags & (16 | 8192) && containsIdenticalType(typeSet, type))) {
                        typeSet.splice(~index, 0, type);
        function addTypesToUnion(typeSet, types) {
            for (var _i = 0, types_4 = types; _i < types_4.length; _i++) {
                var type = types_4[_i];
                addTypeToUnion(typeSet, type);
        function containsIdenticalType(types, type) {
            for (var _i = 0, types_5 = types; _i < types_5.length; _i++) {
                var t = types_5[_i];
                if (isTypeIdenticalTo(t, type)) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        function isSubtypeOfAny(candidate, types) {
            for (var i = 0, len = types.length; i < len; i++) {
                if (candidate !== types[i] && isTypeSubtypeOf(candidate, types[i])) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        function isSetOfLiteralsFromSameEnum(types) {
            var first = types[0];
            if (first.flags & 256) {
                var firstEnum = getParentOfSymbol(first.symbol);
                for (var i = 1; i < types.length; i++) {
                    var other = types[i];
                    if (!(other.flags & 256) || (firstEnum !== getParentOfSymbol(other.symbol))) {
                        return false;
                return true;
            return false;
        function removeSubtypes(types) {
            if (types.length === 0 || isSetOfLiteralsFromSameEnum(types)) {
            var i = types.length;
            while (i > 0) {
                if (isSubtypeOfAny(types[i], types)) {
                    types.splice(i, 1);
        function getUnionType(types, subtypeReduction, aliasSymbol, aliasTypeArguments) {
            if (types.length === 0) {
                return neverType;
            if (types.length === 1) {
                return types[0];
            var typeSet = [];
            addTypesToUnion(typeSet, types);
            if (typeSet.containsAny) {
                return anyType;
            if (subtypeReduction) {
            if (typeSet.length === 0) {
                return typeSet.containsNull ? typeSet.containsNonWideningType ? nullType : nullWideningType :
                    typeSet.containsUndefined ? typeSet.containsNonWideningType ? undefinedType : undefinedWideningType :
            return getUnionTypeFromSortedList(typeSet, aliasSymbol, aliasTypeArguments);
        function getUnionTypeFromSortedList(types, aliasSymbol, aliasTypeArguments) {
            if (types.length === 0) {
                return neverType;
            if (types.length === 1) {
                return types[0];
            var id = getTypeListId(types);
            var type = unionTypes[id];
            if (!type) {
                var propagatedFlags = getPropagatingFlagsOfTypes(types, 6144);
                type = unionTypes[id] = createObjectType(524288 | propagatedFlags);
                type.types = types;
                type.aliasSymbol = aliasSymbol;
                type.aliasTypeArguments = aliasTypeArguments;
            return type;
        function getTypeFromUnionTypeNode(node, aliasSymbol, aliasTypeArguments) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            if (!links.resolvedType) {
                links.resolvedType = getUnionType(, getTypeFromTypeNode), false, aliasSymbol, aliasTypeArguments);
            return links.resolvedType;
        function addTypeToIntersection(typeSet, type) {
            if (type.flags & 1048576) {
                addTypesToIntersection(typeSet, type.types);
            else if (type.flags & 1) {
                typeSet.containsAny = true;
            else if (!(type.flags & 8192) && (strictNullChecks || !(type.flags & 6144)) && !ts.contains(typeSet, type)) {
        function addTypesToIntersection(typeSet, types) {
            for (var _i = 0, types_6 = types; _i < types_6.length; _i++) {
                var type = types_6[_i];
                addTypeToIntersection(typeSet, type);
        function getIntersectionType(types, aliasSymbol, aliasTypeArguments) {
            if (types.length === 0) {
                return emptyObjectType;
            var typeSet = [];
            addTypesToIntersection(typeSet, types);
            if (typeSet.containsAny) {
                return anyType;
            if (typeSet.length === 1) {
                return typeSet[0];
            var id = getTypeListId(typeSet);
            var type = intersectionTypes[id];
            if (!type) {
                var propagatedFlags = getPropagatingFlagsOfTypes(typeSet, 6144);
                type = intersectionTypes[id] = createObjectType(1048576 | propagatedFlags);
                type.types = typeSet;
                type.aliasSymbol = aliasSymbol;
                type.aliasTypeArguments = aliasTypeArguments;
            return type;
        function getTypeFromIntersectionTypeNode(node, aliasSymbol, aliasTypeArguments) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            if (!links.resolvedType) {
                links.resolvedType = getIntersectionType(, getTypeFromTypeNode), aliasSymbol, aliasTypeArguments);
            return links.resolvedType;
        function getTypeFromTypeLiteralOrFunctionOrConstructorTypeNode(node, aliasSymbol, aliasTypeArguments) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            if (!links.resolvedType) {
                var type = createObjectType(2097152, node.symbol);
                type.aliasSymbol = aliasSymbol;
                type.aliasTypeArguments = aliasTypeArguments;
                links.resolvedType = type;
            return links.resolvedType;
        function createLiteralType(flags, text) {
            var type = createType(flags);
            type.text = text;
            return type;
        function getLiteralTypeForText(flags, text) {
            var map = flags & 32 ? stringLiteralTypes : numericLiteralTypes;
            return map[text] || (map[text] = createLiteralType(flags, text));
        function getTypeFromLiteralTypeNode(node) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            if (!links.resolvedType) {
                links.resolvedType = checkExpression(node.literal);
            return links.resolvedType;
        function getTypeFromJSDocVariadicType(node) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            if (!links.resolvedType) {
                var type = getTypeFromTypeNode(node.type);
                links.resolvedType = type ? createArrayType(type) : unknownType;
            return links.resolvedType;
        function getTypeFromJSDocTupleType(node) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            if (!links.resolvedType) {
                var types =, getTypeFromTypeNode);
                links.resolvedType = createTupleType(types);
            return links.resolvedType;
        function getThisType(node) {
            var container = ts.getThisContainer(node, false);
            var parent = container && container.parent;
            if (parent && (ts.isClassLike(parent) || parent.kind === 222)) {
                if (!(container.flags & 32) &&
                    (container.kind !== 148 || ts.isNodeDescendentOf(node, container.body))) {
                    return getDeclaredTypeOfClassOrInterface(getSymbolOfNode(parent)).thisType;
            error(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_this_type_is_available_only_in_a_non_static_member_of_a_class_or_interface);
            return unknownType;
        function getTypeFromThisTypeNode(node) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            if (!links.resolvedType) {
                links.resolvedType = getThisType(node);
            return links.resolvedType;
        function getTypeFromTypeNode(node, aliasSymbol, aliasTypeArguments) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 117:
                case 258:
                case 259:
                    return anyType;
                case 132:
                    return stringType;
                case 130:
                    return numberType;
                case 120:
                    return booleanType;
                case 133:
                    return esSymbolType;
                case 103:
                    return voidType;
                case 135:
                    return undefinedType;
                case 93:
                    return nullType;
                case 127:
                    return neverType;
                case 283:
                    return nullType;
                case 284:
                    return undefinedType;
                case 285:
                    return neverType;
                case 165:
                case 97:
                    return getTypeFromThisTypeNode(node);
                case 166:
                    return getTypeFromLiteralTypeNode(node);
                case 282:
                    return getTypeFromLiteralTypeNode(node.literal);
                case 155:
                case 267:
                    return getTypeFromTypeReference(node);
                case 154:
                    return booleanType;
                case 194:
                    return getTypeFromTypeReference(node);
                case 158:
                    return getTypeFromTypeQueryNode(node);
                case 160:
                case 260:
                    return getTypeFromArrayTypeNode(node);
                case 161:
                    return getTypeFromTupleTypeNode(node);
                case 162:
                case 261:
                    return getTypeFromUnionTypeNode(node, aliasSymbol, aliasTypeArguments);
                case 163:
                    return getTypeFromIntersectionTypeNode(node, aliasSymbol, aliasTypeArguments);
                case 164:
                case 263:
                case 264:
                case 271:
                case 272:
                case 268:
                    return getTypeFromTypeNode(node.type);
                case 156:
                case 157:
                case 159:
                case 281:
                case 269:
                case 265:
                    return getTypeFromTypeLiteralOrFunctionOrConstructorTypeNode(node, aliasSymbol, aliasTypeArguments);
                case 69:
                case 139:
                    var symbol = getSymbolAtLocation(node);
                    return symbol && getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol);
                case 262:
                    return getTypeFromJSDocTupleType(node);
                case 270:
                    return getTypeFromJSDocVariadicType(node);
                    return unknownType;
        function instantiateList(items, mapper, instantiator) {
            if (items && items.length) {
                var result = [];
                for (var _i = 0, items_1 = items; _i < items_1.length; _i++) {
                    var v = items_1[_i];
                    result.push(instantiator(v, mapper));
                return result;
            return items;
        function createUnaryTypeMapper(source, target) {
            return function (t) { return t === source ? target : t; };
        function createBinaryTypeMapper(source1, target1, source2, target2) {
            return function (t) { return t === source1 ? target1 : t === source2 ? target2 : t; };
        function createArrayTypeMapper(sources, targets) {
            return function (t) {
                for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) {
                    if (t === sources[i]) {
                        return targets ? targets[i] : anyType;
                return t;
        function createTypeMapper(sources, targets) {
            var count = sources.length;
            var mapper = count == 1 ? createUnaryTypeMapper(sources[0], targets ? targets[0] : anyType) :
                count == 2 ? createBinaryTypeMapper(sources[0], targets ? targets[0] : anyType, sources[1], targets ? targets[1] : anyType) :
                    createArrayTypeMapper(sources, targets);
            mapper.mappedTypes = sources;
            mapper.targetTypes = targets;
            return mapper;
        function createTypeEraser(sources) {
            return createTypeMapper(sources, undefined);
        function getInferenceMapper(context) {
            if (!context.mapper) {
                var mapper = function (t) {
                    var typeParameters = context.typeParameters;
                    for (var i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) {
                        if (t === typeParameters[i]) {
                            context.inferences[i].isFixed = true;
                            return getInferredType(context, i);
                    return t;
                mapper.mappedTypes = context.typeParameters;
                mapper.context = context;
                context.mapper = mapper;
            return context.mapper;
        function identityMapper(type) {
            return type;
        function combineTypeMappers(mapper1, mapper2) {
            var mapper = function (t) { return instantiateType(mapper1(t), mapper2); };
            mapper.mappedTypes = mapper1.mappedTypes;
            return mapper;
        function cloneTypeParameter(typeParameter) {
            var result = createType(16384);
            result.symbol = typeParameter.symbol;
   = typeParameter;
            return result;
        function cloneTypePredicate(predicate, mapper) {
            if (ts.isIdentifierTypePredicate(predicate)) {
                return {
                    kind: 1,
                    parameterName: predicate.parameterName,
                    parameterIndex: predicate.parameterIndex,
                    type: instantiateType(predicate.type, mapper)
            else {
                return {
                    kind: 0,
                    type: instantiateType(predicate.type, mapper)
        function instantiateSignature(signature, mapper, eraseTypeParameters) {
            var freshTypeParameters;
            var freshTypePredicate;
            if (signature.typeParameters && !eraseTypeParameters) {
                freshTypeParameters =, cloneTypeParameter);
                mapper = combineTypeMappers(createTypeMapper(signature.typeParameters, freshTypeParameters), mapper);
                for (var _i = 0, freshTypeParameters_1 = freshTypeParameters; _i < freshTypeParameters_1.length; _i++) {
                    var tp = freshTypeParameters_1[_i];
                    tp.mapper = mapper;
            if (signature.typePredicate) {
                freshTypePredicate = cloneTypePredicate(signature.typePredicate, mapper);
            var result = createSignature(signature.declaration, freshTypeParameters, signature.thisParameter && instantiateSymbol(signature.thisParameter, mapper), instantiateList(signature.parameters, mapper, instantiateSymbol), instantiateType(signature.resolvedReturnType, mapper), freshTypePredicate, signature.minArgumentCount, signature.hasRestParameter, signature.hasLiteralTypes);
   = signature;
            result.mapper = mapper;
            return result;
        function instantiateSymbol(symbol, mapper) {
            if (symbol.flags & 16777216) {
                var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
                symbol =;
                mapper = combineTypeMappers(links.mapper, mapper);
            var result = createSymbol(16777216 | 67108864 | symbol.flags,;
            result.declarations = symbol.declarations;
            result.parent = symbol.parent;
   = symbol;
            result.mapper = mapper;
            if (symbol.valueDeclaration) {
                result.valueDeclaration = symbol.valueDeclaration;
            return result;
        function instantiateAnonymousType(type, mapper) {
            if (mapper.instantiations) {
                var cachedType = mapper.instantiations[];
                if (cachedType) {
                    return cachedType;
            else {
                mapper.instantiations = [];
            var result = createObjectType(2097152 | 4194304, type.symbol);
   = type;
            result.mapper = mapper;
            result.aliasSymbol = type.aliasSymbol;
            result.aliasTypeArguments = mapper.targetTypes;
            mapper.instantiations[] = result;
            return result;
        function isSymbolInScopeOfMappedTypeParameter(symbol, mapper) {
            var mappedTypes = mapper.mappedTypes;
            var node = symbol.declarations[0].parent;
            while (node) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 156:
                    case 157:
                    case 220:
                    case 147:
                    case 146:
                    case 148:
                    case 151:
                    case 152:
                    case 153:
                    case 149:
                    case 150:
                    case 179:
                    case 180:
                    case 221:
                    case 192:
                    case 222:
                    case 223:
                        var declaration = node;
                        if (declaration.typeParameters) {
                            for (var _i = 0, _a = declaration.typeParameters; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                                var d = _a[_i];
                                if (ts.contains(mappedTypes, getDeclaredTypeOfTypeParameter(getSymbolOfNode(d)))) {
                                    return true;
                        if (ts.isClassLike(node) || node.kind === 222) {
                            var thisType = getDeclaredTypeOfClassOrInterface(getSymbolOfNode(node)).thisType;
                            if (thisType && ts.contains(mappedTypes, thisType)) {
                                return true;
                    case 225:
                    case 256:
                        return false;
                node = node.parent;
            return false;
        function instantiateType(type, mapper) {
            if (type && mapper !== identityMapper) {
                if (type.flags & 16384) {
                    return mapper(type);
                if (type.flags & 2097152) {
                    return type.symbol &&
                        type.symbol.flags & (16 | 8192 | 32 | 2048 | 4096) &&
                        (type.flags & 4194304 || isSymbolInScopeOfMappedTypeParameter(type.symbol, mapper)) ?
                        instantiateAnonymousType(type, mapper) : type;
                if (type.flags & 131072) {
                    return createTypeReference(, instantiateList(type.typeArguments, mapper, instantiateType));
                if (type.flags & 524288 && !(type.flags & 8190)) {
                    return getUnionType(instantiateList(type.types, mapper, instantiateType), false, type.aliasSymbol, mapper.targetTypes);
                if (type.flags & 1048576) {
                    return getIntersectionType(instantiateList(type.types, mapper, instantiateType), type.aliasSymbol, mapper.targetTypes);
            return type;
        function instantiateIndexInfo(info, mapper) {
            return info && createIndexInfo(instantiateType(info.type, mapper), info.isReadonly, info.declaration);
        function isContextSensitive(node) {
            ts.Debug.assert(node.kind !== 147 || ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(node));
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 179:
                case 180:
                    return isContextSensitiveFunctionLikeDeclaration(node);
                case 171:
                    return ts.forEach(, isContextSensitive);
                case 170:
                    return ts.forEach(node.elements, isContextSensitive);
                case 188:
                    return isContextSensitive(node.whenTrue) ||
                case 187:
                    return node.operatorToken.kind === 52 &&
                        (isContextSensitive(node.left) || isContextSensitive(node.right));
                case 253:
                    return isContextSensitive(node.initializer);
                case 147:
                case 146:
                    return isContextSensitiveFunctionLikeDeclaration(node);
                case 178:
                    return isContextSensitive(node.expression);
            return false;
        function isContextSensitiveFunctionLikeDeclaration(node) {
            var areAllParametersUntyped = !ts.forEach(node.parameters, function (p) { return p.type; });
            var isNullaryArrow = node.kind === 180 && !node.parameters.length;
            return !node.typeParameters && areAllParametersUntyped && !isNullaryArrow;
        function isContextSensitiveFunctionOrObjectLiteralMethod(func) {
            return (isFunctionExpressionOrArrowFunction(func) || ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(func)) && isContextSensitiveFunctionLikeDeclaration(func);
        function getTypeWithoutSignatures(type) {
            if (type.flags & 2588672) {
                var resolved = resolveStructuredTypeMembers(type);
                if (resolved.constructSignatures.length) {
                    var result = createObjectType(2097152, type.symbol);
                    result.members = resolved.members;
                    result.callSignatures = emptyArray;
                    result.constructSignatures = emptyArray;
                    type = result;
            return type;
        function isTypeIdenticalTo(source, target) {
            return isTypeRelatedTo(source, target, identityRelation);
        function compareTypesIdentical(source, target) {
            return isTypeRelatedTo(source, target, identityRelation) ? -1 : 0;
        function compareTypesAssignable(source, target) {
            return isTypeRelatedTo(source, target, assignableRelation) ? -1 : 0;
        function isTypeSubtypeOf(source, target) {
            return isTypeRelatedTo(source, target, subtypeRelation);
        function isTypeAssignableTo(source, target) {
            return isTypeRelatedTo(source, target, assignableRelation);
        function isTypeInstanceOf(source, target) {
            return source === target || isTypeSubtypeOf(source, target) && !isTypeIdenticalTo(source, target);
        function isTypeComparableTo(source, target) {
            return isTypeRelatedTo(source, target, comparableRelation);
        function areTypesComparable(type1, type2) {
            return isTypeComparableTo(type1, type2) || isTypeComparableTo(type2, type1);
        function checkTypeSubtypeOf(source, target, errorNode, headMessage, containingMessageChain) {
            return checkTypeRelatedTo(source, target, subtypeRelation, errorNode, headMessage, containingMessageChain);
        function checkTypeAssignableTo(source, target, errorNode, headMessage, containingMessageChain) {
            return checkTypeRelatedTo(source, target, assignableRelation, errorNode, headMessage, containingMessageChain);
        function checkTypeComparableTo(source, target, errorNode, headMessage, containingMessageChain) {
            return checkTypeRelatedTo(source, target, comparableRelation, errorNode, headMessage, containingMessageChain);
        function isSignatureAssignableTo(source, target, ignoreReturnTypes) {
            return compareSignaturesRelated(source, target, ignoreReturnTypes, false, undefined, compareTypesAssignable) !== 0;
        function compareSignaturesRelated(source, target, ignoreReturnTypes, reportErrors, errorReporter, compareTypes) {
            if (source === target) {
                return -1;
            if (!target.hasRestParameter && source.minArgumentCount > target.parameters.length) {
                return 0;
            source = getErasedSignature(source);
            target = getErasedSignature(target);
            var result = -1;
            var sourceThisType = getThisTypeOfSignature(source);
            if (sourceThisType && sourceThisType !== voidType) {
                var targetThisType = getThisTypeOfSignature(target);
                if (targetThisType) {
                    var related = compareTypes(sourceThisType, targetThisType, false)
                        || compareTypes(targetThisType, sourceThisType, reportErrors);
                    if (!related) {
                        if (reportErrors) {
                        return 0;
                    result &= related;
            var sourceMax = getNumNonRestParameters(source);
            var targetMax = getNumNonRestParameters(target);
            var checkCount = getNumParametersToCheckForSignatureRelatability(source, sourceMax, target, targetMax);
            var sourceParams = source.parameters;
            var targetParams = target.parameters;
            for (var i = 0; i < checkCount; i++) {
                var s = i < sourceMax ? getTypeOfParameter(sourceParams[i]) : getRestTypeOfSignature(source);
                var t = i < targetMax ? getTypeOfParameter(targetParams[i]) : getRestTypeOfSignature(target);
                var related = compareTypes(s, t, false) || compareTypes(t, s, reportErrors);
                if (!related) {
                    if (reportErrors) {
                        errorReporter(ts.Diagnostics.Types_of_parameters_0_and_1_are_incompatible, sourceParams[i < sourceMax ? i : sourceMax].name, targetParams[i < targetMax ? i : targetMax].name);
                    return 0;
                result &= related;
            if (!ignoreReturnTypes) {
                var targetReturnType = getReturnTypeOfSignature(target);
                if (targetReturnType === voidType) {
                    return result;
                var sourceReturnType = getReturnTypeOfSignature(source);
                if (target.typePredicate) {
                    if (source.typePredicate) {
                        result &= compareTypePredicateRelatedTo(source.typePredicate, target.typePredicate, reportErrors, errorReporter, compareTypes);
                    else if (ts.isIdentifierTypePredicate(target.typePredicate)) {
                        if (reportErrors) {
                            errorReporter(ts.Diagnostics.Signature_0_must_have_a_type_predicate, signatureToString(source));
                        return 0;
                else {
                    result &= compareTypes(sourceReturnType, targetReturnType, reportErrors);
            return result;
        function compareTypePredicateRelatedTo(source, target, reportErrors, errorReporter, compareTypes) {
            if (source.kind !== target.kind) {
                if (reportErrors) {
                    errorReporter(ts.Diagnostics.Type_predicate_0_is_not_assignable_to_1, typePredicateToString(source), typePredicateToString(target));
                return 0;
            if (source.kind === 1) {
                var sourceIdentifierPredicate = source;
                var targetIdentifierPredicate = target;
                if (sourceIdentifierPredicate.parameterIndex !== targetIdentifierPredicate.parameterIndex) {
                    if (reportErrors) {
                        errorReporter(ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_is_not_in_the_same_position_as_parameter_1, sourceIdentifierPredicate.parameterName, targetIdentifierPredicate.parameterName);
                        errorReporter(ts.Diagnostics.Type_predicate_0_is_not_assignable_to_1, typePredicateToString(source), typePredicateToString(target));
                    return 0;
            var related = compareTypes(source.type, target.type, reportErrors);
            if (related === 0 && reportErrors) {
                errorReporter(ts.Diagnostics.Type_predicate_0_is_not_assignable_to_1, typePredicateToString(source), typePredicateToString(target));
            return related;
        function isImplementationCompatibleWithOverload(implementation, overload) {
            var erasedSource = getErasedSignature(implementation);
            var erasedTarget = getErasedSignature(overload);
            var sourceReturnType = getReturnTypeOfSignature(erasedSource);
            var targetReturnType = getReturnTypeOfSignature(erasedTarget);
            if (targetReturnType === voidType
                || isTypeRelatedTo(targetReturnType, sourceReturnType, assignableRelation)
                || isTypeRelatedTo(sourceReturnType, targetReturnType, assignableRelation)) {
                return isSignatureAssignableTo(erasedSource, erasedTarget, true);
            return false;
        function getNumNonRestParameters(signature) {
            var numParams = signature.parameters.length;
            return signature.hasRestParameter ?
                numParams - 1 :
        function getNumParametersToCheckForSignatureRelatability(source, sourceNonRestParamCount, target, targetNonRestParamCount) {
            if (source.hasRestParameter === target.hasRestParameter) {
                if (source.hasRestParameter) {
                    return Math.max(sourceNonRestParamCount, targetNonRestParamCount) + 1;
                else {
                    return Math.min(sourceNonRestParamCount, targetNonRestParamCount);
            else {
                return source.hasRestParameter ?
                    targetNonRestParamCount :
        function isEnumTypeRelatedTo(source, target, errorReporter) {
            if (source === target) {
                return true;
            var id = + "," +;
            if (enumRelation[id] !== undefined) {
                return enumRelation[id];
            if ( !== ||
                !(source.symbol.flags & 256) || !(target.symbol.flags & 256) ||
                (source.flags & 524288) !== (target.flags & 524288)) {
                return enumRelation[id] = false;
            var targetEnumType = getTypeOfSymbol(target.symbol);
            for (var _i = 0, _a = getPropertiesOfType(getTypeOfSymbol(source.symbol)); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var property = _a[_i];
                if (property.flags & 8) {
                    var targetProperty = getPropertyOfType(targetEnumType,;
                    if (!targetProperty || !(targetProperty.flags & 8)) {
                        if (errorReporter) {
                            errorReporter(ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_missing_in_type_1,, typeToString(target, undefined, 128));
                        return enumRelation[id] = false;
            return enumRelation[id] = true;
        function isSimpleTypeRelatedTo(source, target, relation, errorReporter) {
            if (target.flags & 8192)
                return false;
            if (target.flags & 1 || source.flags & 8192)
                return true;
            if (source.flags & 34 && target.flags & 2)
                return true;
            if (source.flags & 340 && target.flags & 4)
                return true;
            if (source.flags & 136 && target.flags & 8)
                return true;
            if (source.flags & 256 && target.flags & 16 && source.baseType === target)
                return true;
            if (source.flags & 16 && target.flags & 16 && isEnumTypeRelatedTo(source, target, errorReporter))
                return true;
            if (source.flags & 2048 && (!strictNullChecks || target.flags & (2048 | 1024)))
                return true;
            if (source.flags & 4096 && (!strictNullChecks || target.flags & 4096))
                return true;
            if (relation === assignableRelation || relation === comparableRelation) {
                if (source.flags & 1)
                    return true;
                if ((source.flags & 4 | source.flags & 64) && target.flags & 272)
                    return true;
                if (source.flags & 256 &&
                    target.flags & 256 &&
                    source.text === target.text &&
                    isEnumTypeRelatedTo(source.baseType, target.baseType, errorReporter)) {
                    return true;
                if (source.flags & 256 &&
                    target.flags & 16 &&
                    isEnumTypeRelatedTo(target, source.baseType, errorReporter)) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        function isTypeRelatedTo(source, target, relation) {
            if (source === target || relation !== identityRelation && isSimpleTypeRelatedTo(source, target, relation)) {
                return true;
            if (source.flags & 2588672 && target.flags & 2588672) {
                var id = relation !== identityRelation || < ? + "," + : + "," +;
                var related = relation[id];
                if (related !== undefined) {
                    return related === 1;
            if (source.flags & 4177920 || target.flags & 4177920) {
                return checkTypeRelatedTo(source, target, relation, undefined, undefined, undefined);
            return false;
        function checkTypeRelatedTo(source, target, relation, errorNode, headMessage, containingMessageChain) {
            var errorInfo;
            var sourceStack;
            var targetStack;
            var maybeStack;
            var expandingFlags;
            var depth = 0;
            var overflow = false;
            ts.Debug.assert(relation !== identityRelation || !errorNode, "no error reporting in identity checking");
            var result = isRelatedTo(source, target, !!errorNode, headMessage);
            if (overflow) {
                error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.Excessive_stack_depth_comparing_types_0_and_1, typeToString(source), typeToString(target));
            else if (errorInfo) {
                if (containingMessageChain) {
                    errorInfo = ts.concatenateDiagnosticMessageChains(containingMessageChain, errorInfo);
                diagnostics.add(ts.createDiagnosticForNodeFromMessageChain(errorNode, errorInfo));
            return result !== 0;
            function reportError(message, arg0, arg1, arg2) {
                errorInfo = ts.chainDiagnosticMessages(errorInfo, message, arg0, arg1, arg2);
            function reportRelationError(message, source, target) {
                var sourceType = typeToString(source);
                var targetType = typeToString(target);
                if (sourceType === targetType) {
                    sourceType = typeToString(source, undefined, 128);
                    targetType = typeToString(target, undefined, 128);
                if (!message) {
                    message = relation === comparableRelation ?
                        ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_is_not_comparable_to_type_1 :
                reportError(message, sourceType, targetType);
            function tryElaborateErrorsForPrimitivesAndObjects(source, target) {
                var sourceType = typeToString(source);
                var targetType = typeToString(target);
                if ((globalStringType === source && stringType === target) ||
                    (globalNumberType === source && numberType === target) ||
                    (globalBooleanType === source && booleanType === target) ||
                    (getGlobalESSymbolType() === source && esSymbolType === target)) {
                    reportError(ts.Diagnostics._0_is_a_primitive_but_1_is_a_wrapper_object_Prefer_using_0_when_possible, targetType, sourceType);
            function isRelatedTo(source, target, reportErrors, headMessage) {
                var result;
                if (source === target)
                    return -1;
                if (relation === identityRelation) {
                    return isIdenticalTo(source, target);
                if (isSimpleTypeRelatedTo(source, target, relation, reportErrors ? reportError : undefined))
                    return -1;
                if (source.flags & 16777216) {
                    if (hasExcessProperties(source, target, reportErrors)) {
                        if (reportErrors) {
                            reportRelationError(headMessage, source, target);
                        return 0;
                    if (target.flags & 1572864) {
                        source = getRegularTypeOfObjectLiteral(source);
                var saveErrorInfo = errorInfo;
                if (source.flags & 524288) {
                    if (relation === comparableRelation) {
                        result = someTypeRelatedToType(source, target, reportErrors && !(source.flags & 8190));
                    else {
                        result = eachTypeRelatedToType(source, target, reportErrors && !(source.flags & 8190));
                    if (result) {
                        return result;
                else if (target.flags & 1048576) {
                    result = typeRelatedToEachType(source, target, reportErrors);
                    if (result) {
                        return result;
                else {
                    if (source.flags & 1048576) {
                        if (result = someTypeRelatedToType(source, target, false)) {
                            return result;
                    if (target.flags & 524288) {
                        if (result = typeRelatedToSomeType(source, target, reportErrors && !(source.flags & 8190) && !(target.flags & 8190))) {
                            return result;
                if (source.flags & 16384) {
                    var constraint = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(source);
                    if (!constraint || constraint.flags & 1) {
                        constraint = emptyObjectType;
                    constraint = getTypeWithThisArgument(constraint, source);
                    var reportConstraintErrors = reportErrors && constraint !== emptyObjectType;
                    if (result = isRelatedTo(constraint, target, reportConstraintErrors)) {
                        errorInfo = saveErrorInfo;
                        return result;
                else {
                    if (source.flags & 131072 && target.flags & 131072 && === {
                        if (result = typeArgumentsRelatedTo(source, target, reportErrors)) {
                            return result;
                    var apparentSource = getApparentType(source);
                    if (apparentSource.flags & (2588672 | 1048576) && target.flags & 2588672) {
                        var reportStructuralErrors = reportErrors && errorInfo === saveErrorInfo && !(source.flags & 8190);
                        if (result = objectTypeRelatedTo(apparentSource, source, target, reportStructuralErrors)) {
                            errorInfo = saveErrorInfo;
                            return result;
                if (reportErrors) {
                    if (source.flags & 2588672 && target.flags & 8190) {
                        tryElaborateErrorsForPrimitivesAndObjects(source, target);
                    reportRelationError(headMessage, source, target);
                return 0;
            function isIdenticalTo(source, target) {
                var result;
                if (source.flags & 2588672 && target.flags & 2588672) {
                    if (source.flags & 131072 && target.flags & 131072 && === {
                        if (result = typeArgumentsRelatedTo(source, target, false)) {
                            return result;
                    return objectTypeRelatedTo(source, source, target, false);
                if (source.flags & 524288 && target.flags & 524288 ||
                    source.flags & 1048576 && target.flags & 1048576) {
                    if (result = eachTypeRelatedToSomeType(source, target, false)) {
                        if (result &= eachTypeRelatedToSomeType(target, source, false)) {
                            return result;
                return 0;
            function isKnownProperty(type, name) {
                if (type.flags & 2588672) {
                    var resolved = resolveStructuredTypeMembers(type);
                    if ((relation === assignableRelation || relation === comparableRelation) && (type === globalObjectType || isEmptyObjectType(resolved)) ||
                        resolved.stringIndexInfo ||
                        (resolved.numberIndexInfo && isNumericLiteralName(name)) ||
                        getPropertyOfType(type, name)) {
                        return true;
                else if (type.flags & 1572864) {
                    for (var _i = 0, _a = type.types; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                        var t = _a[_i];
                        if (isKnownProperty(t, name)) {
                            return true;
                return false;
            function isEmptyObjectType(t) {
                return === 0 &&
                    t.callSignatures.length === 0 &&
                    t.constructSignatures.length === 0 &&
                    !t.stringIndexInfo &&
            function hasExcessProperties(source, target, reportErrors) {
                if (!(target.flags & 536870912) && maybeTypeOfKind(target, 2588672)) {
                    for (var _i = 0, _a = getPropertiesOfObjectType(source); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                        var prop = _a[_i];
                        if (!isKnownProperty(target, {
                            if (reportErrors) {
                                errorNode = prop.valueDeclaration;
                                reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Object_literal_may_only_specify_known_properties_and_0_does_not_exist_in_type_1, symbolToString(prop), typeToString(target));
                            return true;
                return false;
            function eachTypeRelatedToSomeType(source, target, reportErrors) {
                var result = -1;
                var sourceTypes = source.types;
                for (var _i = 0, sourceTypes_1 = sourceTypes; _i < sourceTypes_1.length; _i++) {
                    var sourceType = sourceTypes_1[_i];
                    var related = typeRelatedToSomeType(sourceType, target, false);
                    if (!related) {
                        return 0;
                    result &= related;
                return result;
            function typeRelatedToSomeType(source, target, reportErrors) {
                var targetTypes = target.types;
                if (target.flags & 524288 && containsType(targetTypes, source)) {
                    return -1;
                var len = targetTypes.length;
                for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    var related = isRelatedTo(source, targetTypes[i], reportErrors && i === len - 1);
                    if (related) {
                        return related;
                return 0;
            function typeRelatedToEachType(source, target, reportErrors) {
                var result = -1;
                var targetTypes = target.types;
                for (var _i = 0, targetTypes_1 = targetTypes; _i < targetTypes_1.length; _i++) {
                    var targetType = targetTypes_1[_i];
                    var related = isRelatedTo(source, targetType, reportErrors);
                    if (!related) {
                        return 0;
                    result &= related;
                return result;
            function someTypeRelatedToType(source, target, reportErrors) {
                var sourceTypes = source.types;
                if (source.flags & 524288 && containsType(sourceTypes, target)) {
                    return -1;
                var len = sourceTypes.length;
                for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    var related = isRelatedTo(sourceTypes[i], target, reportErrors && i === len - 1);
                    if (related) {
                        return related;
                return 0;
            function eachTypeRelatedToType(source, target, reportErrors) {
                var result = -1;
                var sourceTypes = source.types;
                for (var _i = 0, sourceTypes_2 = sourceTypes; _i < sourceTypes_2.length; _i++) {
                    var sourceType = sourceTypes_2[_i];
                    var related = isRelatedTo(sourceType, target, reportErrors);
                    if (!related) {
                        return 0;
                    result &= related;
                return result;
            function typeArgumentsRelatedTo(source, target, reportErrors) {
                var sources = source.typeArguments || emptyArray;
                var targets = target.typeArguments || emptyArray;
                if (sources.length !== targets.length && relation === identityRelation) {
                    return 0;
                var length = sources.length <= targets.length ? sources.length : targets.length;
                var result = -1;
                for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                    var related = isRelatedTo(sources[i], targets[i], reportErrors);
                    if (!related) {
                        return 0;
                    result &= related;
                return result;
            function objectTypeRelatedTo(source, originalSource, target, reportErrors) {
                if (overflow) {
                    return 0;
                var id = relation !== identityRelation || < ? + "," + : + "," +;
                var related = relation[id];
                if (related !== undefined) {
                    if (reportErrors && related === 2) {
                        relation[id] = 3;
                    else {
                        return related === 1 ? -1 : 0;
                if (depth > 0) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
                        if (maybeStack[i][id]) {
                            return 1;
                    if (depth === 100) {
                        overflow = true;
                        return 0;
                else {
                    sourceStack = [];
                    targetStack = [];
                    maybeStack = [];
                    expandingFlags = 0;
                sourceStack[depth] = source;
                targetStack[depth] = target;
                maybeStack[depth] = ts.createMap();
                maybeStack[depth][id] = 1;
                var saveExpandingFlags = expandingFlags;
                if (!(expandingFlags & 1) && isDeeplyNestedGeneric(source, sourceStack, depth))
                    expandingFlags |= 1;
                if (!(expandingFlags & 2) && isDeeplyNestedGeneric(target, targetStack, depth))
                    expandingFlags |= 2;
                var result;
                if (expandingFlags === 3) {
                    result = 1;
                else {
                    result = propertiesRelatedTo(source, target, reportErrors);
                    if (result) {
                        result &= signaturesRelatedTo(source, target, 0, reportErrors);
                        if (result) {
                            result &= signaturesRelatedTo(source, target, 1, reportErrors);
                            if (result) {
                                result &= indexTypesRelatedTo(source, originalSource, target, 0, reportErrors);
                                if (result) {
                                    result &= indexTypesRelatedTo(source, originalSource, target, 1, reportErrors);
                expandingFlags = saveExpandingFlags;
                if (result) {
                    var maybeCache = maybeStack[depth];
                    var destinationCache = (result === -1 || depth === 0) ? relation : maybeStack[depth - 1];
                    ts.copyProperties(maybeCache, destinationCache);
                else {
                    relation[id] = reportErrors ? 3 : 2;
                return result;
            function propertiesRelatedTo(source, target, reportErrors) {
                if (relation === identityRelation) {
                    return propertiesIdenticalTo(source, target);
                var result = -1;
                var properties = getPropertiesOfObjectType(target);
                var requireOptionalProperties = relation === subtypeRelation && !(source.flags & 8388608);
                for (var _i = 0, properties_1 = properties; _i < properties_1.length; _i++) {
                    var targetProp = properties_1[_i];
                    var sourceProp = getPropertyOfType(source,;
                    if (sourceProp !== targetProp) {
                        if (!sourceProp) {
                            if (!(targetProp.flags & 536870912) || requireOptionalProperties) {
                                if (reportErrors) {
                                    reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_missing_in_type_1, symbolToString(targetProp), typeToString(source));
                                return 0;
                        else if (!(targetProp.flags & 134217728)) {
                            var sourcePropFlags = getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(sourceProp);
                            var targetPropFlags = getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(targetProp);
                            if (sourcePropFlags & 8 || targetPropFlags & 8) {
                                if (sourceProp.valueDeclaration !== targetProp.valueDeclaration) {
                                    if (reportErrors) {
                                        if (sourcePropFlags & 8 && targetPropFlags & 8) {
                                            reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Types_have_separate_declarations_of_a_private_property_0, symbolToString(targetProp));
                                        else {
                                            reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_private_in_type_1_but_not_in_type_2, symbolToString(targetProp), typeToString(sourcePropFlags & 8 ? source : target), typeToString(sourcePropFlags & 8 ? target : source));
                                    return 0;
                            else if (targetPropFlags & 16) {
                                var sourceDeclaredInClass = sourceProp.parent && sourceProp.parent.flags & 32;
                                var sourceClass = sourceDeclaredInClass ? getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(getParentOfSymbol(sourceProp)) : undefined;
                                var targetClass = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(getParentOfSymbol(targetProp));
                                if (!sourceClass || !hasBaseType(sourceClass, targetClass)) {
                                    if (reportErrors) {
                                        reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_protected_but_type_1_is_not_a_class_derived_from_2, symbolToString(targetProp), typeToString(sourceClass || source), typeToString(targetClass));
                                    return 0;
                            else if (sourcePropFlags & 16) {
                                if (reportErrors) {
                                    reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_protected_in_type_1_but_public_in_type_2, symbolToString(targetProp), typeToString(source), typeToString(target));
                                return 0;
                            var related = isRelatedTo(getTypeOfSymbol(sourceProp), getTypeOfSymbol(targetProp), reportErrors);
                            if (!related) {
                                if (reportErrors) {
                                    reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Types_of_property_0_are_incompatible, symbolToString(targetProp));
                                return 0;
                            result &= related;
                            if (sourceProp.flags & 536870912 && !(targetProp.flags & 536870912)) {
                                if (reportErrors) {
                                    reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_optional_in_type_1_but_required_in_type_2, symbolToString(targetProp), typeToString(source), typeToString(target));
                                return 0;
                return result;
            function propertiesIdenticalTo(source, target) {
                if (!(source.flags & 2588672 && target.flags & 2588672)) {
                    return 0;
                var sourceProperties = getPropertiesOfObjectType(source);
                var targetProperties = getPropertiesOfObjectType(target);
                if (sourceProperties.length !== targetProperties.length) {
                    return 0;
                var result = -1;
                for (var _i = 0, sourceProperties_1 = sourceProperties; _i < sourceProperties_1.length; _i++) {
                    var sourceProp = sourceProperties_1[_i];
                    var targetProp = getPropertyOfObjectType(target,;
                    if (!targetProp) {
                        return 0;
                    var related = compareProperties(sourceProp, targetProp, isRelatedTo);
                    if (!related) {
                        return 0;
                    result &= related;
                return result;
            function signaturesRelatedTo(source, target, kind, reportErrors) {
                if (relation === identityRelation) {
                    return signaturesIdenticalTo(source, target, kind);
                if (target === anyFunctionType || source === anyFunctionType) {
                    return -1;
                var sourceSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(source, kind);
                var targetSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(target, kind);
                if (kind === 1 && sourceSignatures.length && targetSignatures.length) {
                    if (isAbstractConstructorType(source) && !isAbstractConstructorType(target)) {
                        if (reportErrors) {
                        return 0;
                    if (!constructorVisibilitiesAreCompatible(sourceSignatures[0], targetSignatures[0], reportErrors)) {
                        return 0;
                var result = -1;
                var saveErrorInfo = errorInfo;
                outer: for (var _i = 0, targetSignatures_1 = targetSignatures; _i < targetSignatures_1.length; _i++) {
                    var t = targetSignatures_1[_i];
                    var shouldElaborateErrors = reportErrors;
                    for (var _a = 0, sourceSignatures_1 = sourceSignatures; _a < sourceSignatures_1.length; _a++) {
                        var s = sourceSignatures_1[_a];
                        var related = signatureRelatedTo(s, t, shouldElaborateErrors);
                        if (related) {
                            result &= related;
                            errorInfo = saveErrorInfo;
                            continue outer;
                        shouldElaborateErrors = false;
                    if (shouldElaborateErrors) {
                        reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_provides_no_match_for_the_signature_1, typeToString(source), signatureToString(t, undefined, undefined, kind));
                    return 0;
                return result;
            function signatureRelatedTo(source, target, reportErrors) {
                return compareSignaturesRelated(source, target, false, reportErrors, reportError, isRelatedTo);
            function signaturesIdenticalTo(source, target, kind) {
                var sourceSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(source, kind);
                var targetSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(target, kind);
                if (sourceSignatures.length !== targetSignatures.length) {
                    return 0;
                var result = -1;
                for (var i = 0, len = sourceSignatures.length; i < len; i++) {
                    var related = compareSignaturesIdentical(sourceSignatures[i], targetSignatures[i], false, false, false, isRelatedTo);
                    if (!related) {
                        return 0;
                    result &= related;
                return result;
            function eachPropertyRelatedTo(source, target, kind, reportErrors) {
                var result = -1;
                for (var _i = 0, _a = getPropertiesOfObjectType(source); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var prop = _a[_i];
                    if (kind === 0 || isNumericLiteralName( {
                        var related = isRelatedTo(getTypeOfSymbol(prop), target, reportErrors);
                        if (!related) {
                            if (reportErrors) {
                                reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_incompatible_with_index_signature, symbolToString(prop));
                            return 0;
                        result &= related;
                return result;
            function indexInfoRelatedTo(sourceInfo, targetInfo, reportErrors) {
                var related = isRelatedTo(sourceInfo.type, targetInfo.type, reportErrors);
                if (!related && reportErrors) {
                return related;
            function indexTypesRelatedTo(source, originalSource, target, kind, reportErrors) {
                if (relation === identityRelation) {
                    return indexTypesIdenticalTo(source, target, kind);
                var targetInfo = getIndexInfoOfType(target, kind);
                if (!targetInfo || ((targetInfo.type.flags & 1) && !(originalSource.flags & 8190))) {
                    return -1;
                var sourceInfo = getIndexInfoOfType(source, kind) ||
                    kind === 1 && getIndexInfoOfType(source, 0);
                if (sourceInfo) {
                    return indexInfoRelatedTo(sourceInfo, targetInfo, reportErrors);
                if (isObjectLiteralType(source)) {
                    var related = -1;
                    if (kind === 0) {
                        var sourceNumberInfo = getIndexInfoOfType(source, 1);
                        if (sourceNumberInfo) {
                            related = indexInfoRelatedTo(sourceNumberInfo, targetInfo, reportErrors);
                    if (related) {
                        related &= eachPropertyRelatedTo(source, targetInfo.type, kind, reportErrors);
                    return related;
                if (reportErrors) {
                    reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Index_signature_is_missing_in_type_0, typeToString(source));
                return 0;
            function indexTypesIdenticalTo(source, target, indexKind) {
                var targetInfo = getIndexInfoOfType(target, indexKind);
                var sourceInfo = getIndexInfoOfType(source, indexKind);
                if (!sourceInfo && !targetInfo) {
                    return -1;
                if (sourceInfo && targetInfo && sourceInfo.isReadonly === targetInfo.isReadonly) {
                    return isRelatedTo(sourceInfo.type, targetInfo.type);
                return 0;
            function constructorVisibilitiesAreCompatible(sourceSignature, targetSignature, reportErrors) {
                if (!sourceSignature.declaration || !targetSignature.declaration) {
                    return true;
                var sourceAccessibility = sourceSignature.declaration.flags & (8 | 16);
                var targetAccessibility = targetSignature.declaration.flags & (8 | 16);
                if (targetAccessibility === 8) {
                    return true;
                if (targetAccessibility === 16 && sourceAccessibility !== 8) {
                    return true;
                if (targetAccessibility !== 16 && !sourceAccessibility) {
                    return true;
                if (reportErrors) {
                    reportError(ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_assign_a_0_constructor_type_to_a_1_constructor_type, visibilityToString(sourceAccessibility), visibilityToString(targetAccessibility));
                return false;
        function isAbstractConstructorType(type) {
            if (type.flags & 2097152) {
                var symbol = type.symbol;
                if (symbol && symbol.flags & 32) {
                    var declaration = getClassLikeDeclarationOfSymbol(symbol);
                    if (declaration && declaration.flags & 128) {
                        return true;
            return false;
        function isDeeplyNestedGeneric(type, stack, depth) {
            if (type.flags & (131072 | 4194304) && depth >= 5) {
                var symbol = type.symbol;
                var count = 0;
                for (var i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
                    var t = stack[i];
                    if (t.flags & (131072 | 4194304) && t.symbol === symbol) {
                        if (count >= 5)
                            return true;
            return false;
        function isPropertyIdenticalTo(sourceProp, targetProp) {
            return compareProperties(sourceProp, targetProp, compareTypesIdentical) !== 0;
        function compareProperties(sourceProp, targetProp, compareTypes) {
            if (sourceProp === targetProp) {
                return -1;
            var sourcePropAccessibility = getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(sourceProp) & (8 | 16);
            var targetPropAccessibility = getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(targetProp) & (8 | 16);
            if (sourcePropAccessibility !== targetPropAccessibility) {
                return 0;
            if (sourcePropAccessibility) {
                if (getTargetSymbol(sourceProp) !== getTargetSymbol(targetProp)) {
                    return 0;
            else {
                if ((sourceProp.flags & 536870912) !== (targetProp.flags & 536870912)) {
                    return 0;
            if (isReadonlySymbol(sourceProp) !== isReadonlySymbol(targetProp)) {
                return 0;
            return compareTypes(getTypeOfSymbol(sourceProp), getTypeOfSymbol(targetProp));
        function isMatchingSignature(source, target, partialMatch) {
            if (source.parameters.length === target.parameters.length &&
                source.minArgumentCount === target.minArgumentCount &&
                source.hasRestParameter === target.hasRestParameter) {
                return true;
            var sourceRestCount = source.hasRestParameter ? 1 : 0;
            var targetRestCount = target.hasRestParameter ? 1 : 0;
            if (partialMatch && source.minArgumentCount <= target.minArgumentCount && (sourceRestCount > targetRestCount ||
                sourceRestCount === targetRestCount && source.parameters.length >= target.parameters.length)) {
                return true;
            return false;
        function compareSignaturesIdentical(source, target, partialMatch, ignoreThisTypes, ignoreReturnTypes, compareTypes) {
            if (source === target) {
                return -1;
            if (!(isMatchingSignature(source, target, partialMatch))) {
                return 0;
            if ((source.typeParameters ? source.typeParameters.length : 0) !== (target.typeParameters ? target.typeParameters.length : 0)) {
                return 0;
            source = getErasedSignature(source);
            target = getErasedSignature(target);
            var result = -1;
            if (!ignoreThisTypes) {
                var sourceThisType = getThisTypeOfSignature(source);
                if (sourceThisType) {
                    var targetThisType = getThisTypeOfSignature(target);
                    if (targetThisType) {
                        var related = compareTypes(sourceThisType, targetThisType);
                        if (!related) {
                            return 0;
                        result &= related;
            var targetLen = target.parameters.length;
            for (var i = 0; i < targetLen; i++) {
                var s = isRestParameterIndex(source, i) ? getRestTypeOfSignature(source) : getTypeOfParameter(source.parameters[i]);
                var t = isRestParameterIndex(target, i) ? getRestTypeOfSignature(target) : getTypeOfParameter(target.parameters[i]);
                var related = compareTypes(s, t);
                if (!related) {
                    return 0;
                result &= related;
            if (!ignoreReturnTypes) {
                result &= compareTypes(getReturnTypeOfSignature(source), getReturnTypeOfSignature(target));
            return result;
        function isRestParameterIndex(signature, parameterIndex) {
            return signature.hasRestParameter && parameterIndex >= signature.parameters.length - 1;
        function isSupertypeOfEach(candidate, types) {
            for (var _i = 0, types_7 = types; _i < types_7.length; _i++) {
                var t = types_7[_i];
                if (candidate !== t && !isTypeSubtypeOf(t, candidate))
                    return false;
            return true;
        function getCommonSupertype(types) {
            if (!strictNullChecks) {
                return ts.forEach(types, function (t) { return isSupertypeOfEach(t, types) ? t : undefined; });
            var primaryTypes = ts.filter(types, function (t) { return !(t.flags & 6144); });
            if (!primaryTypes.length) {
                return getUnionType(types, true);
            var supertype = ts.forEach(primaryTypes, function (t) { return isSupertypeOfEach(t, primaryTypes) ? t : undefined; });
            return supertype && includeFalsyTypes(supertype, getFalsyFlagsOfTypes(types) & 6144);
        function reportNoCommonSupertypeError(types, errorLocation, errorMessageChainHead) {
            var bestSupertype;
            var bestSupertypeDownfallType;
            var bestSupertypeScore = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
                var score = 0;
                var downfallType = undefined;
                for (var j = 0; j < types.length; j++) {
                    if (isTypeSubtypeOf(types[j], types[i])) {
                    else if (!downfallType) {
                        downfallType = types[j];
                ts.Debug.assert(!!downfallType, "If there is no common supertype, each type should have a downfallType");
                if (score > bestSupertypeScore) {
                    bestSupertype = types[i];
                    bestSupertypeDownfallType = downfallType;
                    bestSupertypeScore = score;
                if (bestSupertypeScore === types.length - 1) {
            checkTypeSubtypeOf(bestSupertypeDownfallType, bestSupertype, errorLocation, ts.Diagnostics.Type_argument_candidate_1_is_not_a_valid_type_argument_because_it_is_not_a_supertype_of_candidate_0, errorMessageChainHead);
        function isArrayType(type) {
            return type.flags & 131072 && === globalArrayType;
        function isArrayLikeType(type) {
            return type.flags & 131072 && ( === globalArrayType || === globalReadonlyArrayType) ||
                !(type.flags & 6144) && isTypeAssignableTo(type, anyReadonlyArrayType);
        function isTupleLikeType(type) {
            return !!getPropertyOfType(type, "0");
        function isUnitType(type) {
            return (type.flags & (480 | 2048 | 4096)) !== 0;
        function isUnitUnionType(type) {
            return type.flags & 8 ? true :
                type.flags & 524288 ? type.flags & 16 ? true : !ts.forEach(type.types, function (t) { return !isUnitType(t); }) :
        function getBaseTypeOfUnitType(type) {
            return type.flags & 32 ? stringType :
                type.flags & 64 ? numberType :
                    type.flags & 128 ? booleanType :
                        type.flags & 256 ? type.baseType :
                            type.flags & 524288 && !(type.flags & 16) ? getUnionType(, getBaseTypeOfUnitType)) :
        function isTupleType(type) {
            return !!(type.flags & 131072 && & 262144);
        function getFalsyFlagsOfTypes(types) {
            var result = 0;
            for (var _i = 0, types_8 = types; _i < types_8.length; _i++) {
                var t = types_8[_i];
                result |= getFalsyFlags(t);
            return result;
        function getFalsyFlags(type) {
            return type.flags & 524288 ? getFalsyFlagsOfTypes(type.types) :
                type.flags & 32 ? type === emptyStringType ? 32 : 0 :
                    type.flags & 64 ? type === zeroType ? 64 : 0 :
                        type.flags & 128 ? type === falseType ? 128 : 0 :
                            type.flags & 7406;
        function includeFalsyTypes(type, flags) {
            if ((getFalsyFlags(type) & flags) === flags) {
                return type;
            var types = [type];
            if (flags & 34)
            if (flags & 340)
            if (flags & 136)
            if (flags & 1024)
            if (flags & 2048)
            if (flags & 4096)
            return getUnionType(types, true);
        function removeDefinitelyFalsyTypes(type) {
            return getFalsyFlags(type) & 7392 ?
                filterType(type, function (t) { return !(getFalsyFlags(t) & 7392); }) :
        function getNonNullableType(type) {
            return strictNullChecks ? getTypeWithFacts(type, 524288) : type;
        function isObjectLiteralType(type) {
            return type.symbol && (type.symbol.flags & (4096 | 2048)) !== 0 &&
                getSignaturesOfType(type, 0).length === 0 &&
                getSignaturesOfType(type, 1).length === 0;
        function createTransientSymbol(source, type) {
            var symbol = createSymbol(source.flags | 67108864,;
            symbol.declarations = source.declarations;
            symbol.parent = source.parent;
            symbol.type = type;
   = source;
            if (source.valueDeclaration) {
                symbol.valueDeclaration = source.valueDeclaration;
            return symbol;
        function transformTypeOfMembers(type, f) {
            var members = ts.createMap();
            for (var _i = 0, _a = getPropertiesOfObjectType(type); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var property = _a[_i];
                var original = getTypeOfSymbol(property);
                var updated = f(original);
                members[] = updated === original ? property : createTransientSymbol(property, updated);
            return members;
        function getRegularTypeOfObjectLiteral(type) {
            if (!(type.flags & 16777216)) {
                return type;
            var regularType = type.regularType;
            if (regularType) {
                return regularType;
            var resolved = type;
            var members = transformTypeOfMembers(type, getRegularTypeOfObjectLiteral);
            var regularNew = createAnonymousType(resolved.symbol, members, resolved.callSignatures, resolved.constructSignatures, resolved.stringIndexInfo, resolved.numberIndexInfo);
            regularNew.flags = resolved.flags & ~16777216;
            type.regularType = regularNew;
            return regularNew;
        function getWidenedTypeOfObjectLiteral(type) {
            var members = transformTypeOfMembers(type, function (prop) {
                var widened = getWidenedType(prop);
                return prop === widened ? prop : widened;
            var stringIndexInfo = getIndexInfoOfType(type, 0);
            var numberIndexInfo = getIndexInfoOfType(type, 1);
            return createAnonymousType(type.symbol, members, emptyArray, emptyArray, stringIndexInfo && createIndexInfo(getWidenedType(stringIndexInfo.type), stringIndexInfo.isReadonly), numberIndexInfo && createIndexInfo(getWidenedType(numberIndexInfo.type), numberIndexInfo.isReadonly));
        function getWidenedConstituentType(type) {
            return type.flags & 6144 ? type : getWidenedType(type);
        function getWidenedType(type) {
            if (type.flags & 100663296) {
                if (type.flags & 6144) {
                    return anyType;
                if (type.flags & 8388608) {
                    return getWidenedTypeOfObjectLiteral(type);
                if (type.flags & 524288) {
                    return getUnionType(, getWidenedConstituentType));
                if (isArrayType(type) || isTupleType(type)) {
                    return createTypeReference(,, getWidenedType));
            return type;
        function reportWideningErrorsInType(type) {
            var errorReported = false;
            if (type.flags & 524288) {
                for (var _i = 0, _a = type.types; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var t = _a[_i];
                    if (reportWideningErrorsInType(t)) {
                        errorReported = true;
            if (isArrayType(type) || isTupleType(type)) {
                for (var _b = 0, _c = type.typeArguments; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
                    var t = _c[_b];
                    if (reportWideningErrorsInType(t)) {
                        errorReported = true;
            if (type.flags & 8388608) {
                for (var _d = 0, _e = getPropertiesOfObjectType(type); _d < _e.length; _d++) {
                    var p = _e[_d];
                    var t = getTypeOfSymbol(p);
                    if (t.flags & 33554432) {
                        if (!reportWideningErrorsInType(t)) {
                            error(p.valueDeclaration, ts.Diagnostics.Object_literal_s_property_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type,, typeToString(getWidenedType(t)));
                        errorReported = true;
            return errorReported;
        function reportImplicitAnyError(declaration, type) {
            var typeAsString = typeToString(getWidenedType(type));
            var diagnostic;
            switch (declaration.kind) {
                case 145:
                case 144:
                    diagnostic = ts.Diagnostics.Member_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type;
                case 142:
                    diagnostic = declaration.dotDotDotToken ?
                        ts.Diagnostics.Rest_parameter_0_implicitly_has_an_any_type :
                case 169:
                    diagnostic = ts.Diagnostics.Binding_element_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type;
                case 220:
                case 147:
                case 146:
                case 149:
                case 150:
                case 179:
                case 180:
                    if (! {
                        error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Function_expression_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_0_return_type, typeAsString);
                    diagnostic = ts.Diagnostics._0_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_1_return_type;
                    diagnostic = ts.Diagnostics.Variable_0_implicitly_has_an_1_type;
            error(declaration, diagnostic, ts.declarationNameToString(, typeAsString);
        function reportErrorsFromWidening(declaration, type) {
            if (produceDiagnostics && compilerOptions.noImplicitAny && type.flags & 33554432) {
                if (!reportWideningErrorsInType(type)) {
                    reportImplicitAnyError(declaration, type);
        function forEachMatchingParameterType(source, target, callback) {
            var sourceMax = source.parameters.length;
            var targetMax = target.parameters.length;
            var count;
            if (source.hasRestParameter && target.hasRestParameter) {
                count = Math.max(sourceMax, targetMax);
            else if (source.hasRestParameter) {
                count = targetMax;
            else if (target.hasRestParameter) {
                count = sourceMax;
            else {
                count = Math.min(sourceMax, targetMax);
            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                callback(getTypeAtPosition(source, i), getTypeAtPosition(target, i));
        function createInferenceContext(typeParameters, inferUnionTypes) {
            var inferences =, createTypeInferencesObject);
            return {
                typeParameters: typeParameters,
                inferUnionTypes: inferUnionTypes,
                inferences: inferences,
                inferredTypes: new Array(typeParameters.length)
        function createTypeInferencesObject() {
            return {
                primary: undefined,
                secondary: undefined,
                isFixed: false
        function couldContainTypeParameters(type) {
            return !!(type.flags & 16384 ||
                type.flags & 131072 && ts.forEach(type.typeArguments, couldContainTypeParameters) ||
                type.flags & 2097152 && type.symbol && type.symbol.flags & (8192 | 2048 | 32) ||
                type.flags & 1572864 && couldUnionOrIntersectionContainTypeParameters(type));
        function couldUnionOrIntersectionContainTypeParameters(type) {
            if (type.couldContainTypeParameters === undefined) {
                type.couldContainTypeParameters = ts.forEach(type.types, couldContainTypeParameters);
            return type.couldContainTypeParameters;
        function inferTypes(context, source, target) {
            var sourceStack;
            var targetStack;
            var depth = 0;
            var inferiority = 0;
            var visited = ts.createMap();
            inferFromTypes(source, target);
            function isInProcess(source, target) {
                for (var i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
                    if (source === sourceStack[i] && target === targetStack[i]) {
                        return true;
                return false;
            function inferFromTypes(source, target) {
                if (!couldContainTypeParameters(target)) {
                if (source.flags & 524288 && target.flags & 524288 && !(source.flags & 16 && target.flags & 16) ||
                    source.flags & 1048576 && target.flags & 1048576) {
                    if (source === target) {
                        for (var _i = 0, _a = source.types; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                            var t = _a[_i];
                            inferFromTypes(t, t);
                    var matchingTypes = void 0;
                    for (var _b = 0, _c = target.types; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
                        var t = _c[_b];
                        if (typeIdenticalToSomeType(t, source.types)) {
                            (matchingTypes || (matchingTypes = [])).push(t);
                            inferFromTypes(t, t);
                    if (matchingTypes) {
                        source = removeTypesFromUnionOrIntersection(source, matchingTypes);
                        target = removeTypesFromUnionOrIntersection(target, matchingTypes);
                if (target.flags & 16384) {
                    if (source.flags & 134217728) {
                    var typeParameters = context.typeParameters;
                    for (var i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) {
                        if (target === typeParameters[i]) {
                            var inferences = context.inferences[i];
                            if (!inferences.isFixed) {
                                var candidates = inferiority ?
                                    inferences.secondary || (inferences.secondary = []) :
                                    inferences.primary || (inferences.primary = []);
                                if (!ts.contains(candidates, source)) {
                else if (source.flags & 131072 && target.flags & 131072 && === {
                    var sourceTypes = source.typeArguments || emptyArray;
                    var targetTypes = target.typeArguments || emptyArray;
                    var count = sourceTypes.length < targetTypes.length ? sourceTypes.length : targetTypes.length;
                    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                        inferFromTypes(sourceTypes[i], targetTypes[i]);
                else if (target.flags & 1572864) {
                    var targetTypes = target.types;
                    var typeParameterCount = 0;
                    var typeParameter = void 0;
                    for (var _d = 0, targetTypes_2 = targetTypes; _d < targetTypes_2.length; _d++) {
                        var t = targetTypes_2[_d];
                        if (t.flags & 16384 && ts.contains(context.typeParameters, t)) {
                            typeParameter = t;
                        else {
                            inferFromTypes(source, t);
                    if (typeParameterCount === 1) {
                        inferFromTypes(source, typeParameter);
                else if (source.flags & 1572864) {
                    var sourceTypes = source.types;
                    for (var _e = 0, sourceTypes_3 = sourceTypes; _e < sourceTypes_3.length; _e++) {
                        var sourceType = sourceTypes_3[_e];
                        inferFromTypes(sourceType, target);
                else {
                    source = getApparentType(source);
                    if (source.flags & 2588672) {
                        if (isInProcess(source, target)) {
                        if (isDeeplyNestedGeneric(source, sourceStack, depth) && isDeeplyNestedGeneric(target, targetStack, depth)) {
                        var key = + "," +;
                        if (visited[key]) {
                        visited[key] = true;
                        if (depth === 0) {
                            sourceStack = [];
                            targetStack = [];
                        sourceStack[depth] = source;
                        targetStack[depth] = target;
                        inferFromProperties(source, target);
                        inferFromSignatures(source, target, 0);
                        inferFromSignatures(source, target, 1);
                        inferFromIndexTypes(source, target);
            function inferFromProperties(source, target) {
                var properties = getPropertiesOfObjectType(target);
                for (var _i = 0, properties_2 = properties; _i < properties_2.length; _i++) {
                    var targetProp = properties_2[_i];
                    var sourceProp = getPropertyOfObjectType(source,;
                    if (sourceProp) {
                        inferFromTypes(getTypeOfSymbol(sourceProp), getTypeOfSymbol(targetProp));
            function inferFromSignatures(source, target, kind) {
                var sourceSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(source, kind);
                var targetSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(target, kind);
                var sourceLen = sourceSignatures.length;
                var targetLen = targetSignatures.length;
                var len = sourceLen < targetLen ? sourceLen : targetLen;
                for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    inferFromSignature(getErasedSignature(sourceSignatures[sourceLen - len + i]), getErasedSignature(targetSignatures[targetLen - len + i]));
            function inferFromSignature(source, target) {
                forEachMatchingParameterType(source, target, inferFromTypes);
                if (source.typePredicate && target.typePredicate && source.typePredicate.kind === target.typePredicate.kind) {
                    inferFromTypes(source.typePredicate.type, target.typePredicate.type);
                else {
                    inferFromTypes(getReturnTypeOfSignature(source), getReturnTypeOfSignature(target));
            function inferFromIndexTypes(source, target) {
                var targetStringIndexType = getIndexTypeOfType(target, 0);
                if (targetStringIndexType) {
                    var sourceIndexType = getIndexTypeOfType(source, 0) ||
                        getImplicitIndexTypeOfType(source, 0);
                    if (sourceIndexType) {
                        inferFromTypes(sourceIndexType, targetStringIndexType);
                var targetNumberIndexType = getIndexTypeOfType(target, 1);
                if (targetNumberIndexType) {
                    var sourceIndexType = getIndexTypeOfType(source, 1) ||
                        getIndexTypeOfType(source, 0) ||
                        getImplicitIndexTypeOfType(source, 1);
                    if (sourceIndexType) {
                        inferFromTypes(sourceIndexType, targetNumberIndexType);
        function typeIdenticalToSomeType(type, types) {
            for (var _i = 0, types_9 = types; _i < types_9.length; _i++) {
                var t = types_9[_i];
                if (isTypeIdenticalTo(t, type)) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        function removeTypesFromUnionOrIntersection(type, typesToRemove) {
            var reducedTypes = [];
            for (var _i = 0, _a = type.types; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var t = _a[_i];
                if (!typeIdenticalToSomeType(t, typesToRemove)) {
            return type.flags & 524288 ? getUnionType(reducedTypes) : getIntersectionType(reducedTypes);
        function getInferenceCandidates(context, index) {
            var inferences = context.inferences[index];
            return inferences.primary || inferences.secondary || emptyArray;
        function getInferredType(context, index) {
            var inferredType = context.inferredTypes[index];
            var inferenceSucceeded;
            if (!inferredType) {
                var inferences = getInferenceCandidates(context, index);
                if (inferences.length) {
                    var unionOrSuperType = context.inferUnionTypes ? getUnionType(inferences, true) : getCommonSupertype(inferences);
                    inferredType = unionOrSuperType ? getWidenedType(unionOrSuperType) : unknownType;
                    inferenceSucceeded = !!unionOrSuperType;
                else {
                    inferredType = emptyObjectType;
                    inferenceSucceeded = true;
                context.inferredTypes[index] = inferredType;
                if (inferenceSucceeded) {
                    var constraint = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(context.typeParameters[index]);
                    if (constraint) {
                        var instantiatedConstraint = instantiateType(constraint, getInferenceMapper(context));
                        if (!isTypeAssignableTo(inferredType, getTypeWithThisArgument(instantiatedConstraint, inferredType))) {
                            context.inferredTypes[index] = inferredType = instantiatedConstraint;
                else if (context.failedTypeParameterIndex === undefined || context.failedTypeParameterIndex > index) {
                    context.failedTypeParameterIndex = index;
            return inferredType;
        function getInferredTypes(context) {
            for (var i = 0; i < context.inferredTypes.length; i++) {
                getInferredType(context, i);
            return context.inferredTypes;
        function getResolvedSymbol(node) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            if (!links.resolvedSymbol) {
                links.resolvedSymbol = !ts.nodeIsMissing(node) && resolveName(node, node.text, 107455 | 1048576, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_name_0, node) || unknownSymbol;
            return links.resolvedSymbol;
        function isInTypeQuery(node) {
            while (node) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 158:
                        return true;
                    case 69:
                    case 139:
                        node = node.parent;
                        return false;
  "should not get here");
        function getFlowCacheKey(node) {
            if (node.kind === 69) {
                var symbol = getResolvedSymbol(node);
                return symbol !== unknownSymbol ? "" + getSymbolId(symbol) : undefined;
            if (node.kind === 97) {
                return "0";
            if (node.kind === 172) {
                var key = getFlowCacheKey(node.expression);
                return key && key + "." +;
            return undefined;
        function getLeftmostIdentifierOrThis(node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 69:
                case 97:
                    return node;
                case 172:
                    return getLeftmostIdentifierOrThis(node.expression);
            return undefined;
        function isMatchingReference(source, target) {
            switch (source.kind) {
                case 69:
                    return target.kind === 69 && getResolvedSymbol(source) === getResolvedSymbol(target) ||
                        (target.kind === 218 || target.kind === 169) &&
                            getExportSymbolOfValueSymbolIfExported(getResolvedSymbol(source)) === getSymbolOfNode(target);
                case 97:
                    return target.kind === 97;
                case 172:
                    return target.kind === 172 &&
               === &&
                        isMatchingReference(source.expression, target.expression);
            return false;
        function containsMatchingReference(source, target) {
            while (source.kind === 172) {
                source = source.expression;
                if (isMatchingReference(source, target)) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        function containsMatchingReferenceDiscriminant(source, target) {
            return target.kind === 172 &&
                containsMatchingReference(source, target.expression) &&
        function getDeclaredTypeOfReference(expr) {
            if (expr.kind === 69) {
                return getTypeOfSymbol(getResolvedSymbol(expr));
            if (expr.kind === 172) {
                var type = getDeclaredTypeOfReference(expr.expression);
                return type && getTypeOfPropertyOfType(type,;
            return undefined;
        function isDiscriminantProperty(type, name) {
            if (type && type.flags & 524288) {
                var prop = getPropertyOfType(type, name);
                if (!prop) {
                    var filteredType = getTypeWithFacts(type, 4194304);
                    if (filteredType !== type && filteredType.flags & 524288) {
                        prop = getPropertyOfType(filteredType, name);
                if (prop && prop.flags & 268435456) {
                    if (prop.isDiscriminantProperty === undefined) {
                        prop.isDiscriminantProperty = !prop.hasCommonType &&
                    return prop.isDiscriminantProperty;
            return false;
        function isOrContainsMatchingReference(source, target) {
            return isMatchingReference(source, target) || containsMatchingReference(source, target);
        function hasMatchingArgument(callExpression, reference) {
            if (callExpression.arguments) {
                for (var _i = 0, _a = callExpression.arguments; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var argument = _a[_i];
                    if (isOrContainsMatchingReference(reference, argument)) {
                        return true;
            if (callExpression.expression.kind === 172 &&
                isOrContainsMatchingReference(reference, callExpression.expression.expression)) {
                return true;
            return false;
        function getFlowNodeId(flow) {
            if (! {
       = nextFlowId;
        function typeMaybeAssignableTo(source, target) {
            if (!(source.flags & 524288)) {
                return isTypeAssignableTo(source, target);
            for (var _i = 0, _a = source.types; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var t = _a[_i];
                if (isTypeAssignableTo(t, target)) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        function getAssignmentReducedType(declaredType, assignedType) {
            if (declaredType !== assignedType) {
                var reducedType = filterType(declaredType, function (t) { return typeMaybeAssignableTo(assignedType, t); });
                if (reducedType !== neverType) {
                    return reducedType;
            return declaredType;
        function getTypeFactsOfTypes(types) {
            var result = 0;
            for (var _i = 0, types_10 = types; _i < types_10.length; _i++) {
                var t = types_10[_i];
                result |= getTypeFacts(t);
            return result;
        function isFunctionObjectType(type) {
            var resolved = resolveStructuredTypeMembers(type);
            return !!(resolved.callSignatures.length || resolved.constructSignatures.length ||
                resolved.members["bind"] && isTypeSubtypeOf(type, globalFunctionType));
        function getTypeFacts(type) {
            var flags = type.flags;
            if (flags & 2) {
                return strictNullChecks ? 4079361 : 4194049;
            if (flags & 32) {
                return strictNullChecks ?
                    type === emptyStringType ? 3030785 : 1982209 :
                    type === emptyStringType ? 3145473 : 4194049;
            if (flags & (4 | 16)) {
                return strictNullChecks ? 4079234 : 4193922;
            if (flags & (64 | 256)) {
                var isZero = type === zeroType || type.flags & 256 && type.text === "0";
                return strictNullChecks ?
                    isZero ? 3030658 : 1982082 :
                    isZero ? 3145346 : 4193922;
            if (flags & 8) {
                return strictNullChecks ? 4078980 : 4193668;
            if (flags & 136) {
                return strictNullChecks ?
                    type === falseType ? 3030404 : 1981828 :
                    type === falseType ? 3145092 : 4193668;
            if (flags & 2588672) {
                return isFunctionObjectType(type) ?
                    strictNullChecks ? 6164448 : 8376288 :
                    strictNullChecks ? 6166480 : 8378320;
            if (flags & (1024 | 2048)) {
                return 2457472;
            if (flags & 4096) {
                return 2340752;
            if (flags & 512) {
                return strictNullChecks ? 1981320 : 4193160;
            if (flags & 16384) {
                var constraint = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(type);
                return getTypeFacts(constraint || emptyObjectType);
            if (flags & 1572864) {
                return getTypeFactsOfTypes(type.types);
            return 8388607;
        function getTypeWithFacts(type, include) {
            return filterType(type, function (t) { return (getTypeFacts(t) & include) !== 0; });
        function getTypeWithDefault(type, defaultExpression) {
            if (defaultExpression) {
                var defaultType = checkExpression(defaultExpression);
                return getUnionType([getTypeWithFacts(type, 131072), defaultType]);
            return type;
        function getTypeOfDestructuredProperty(type, name) {
            var text = getTextOfPropertyName(name);
            return getTypeOfPropertyOfType(type, text) ||
                isNumericLiteralName(text) && getIndexTypeOfType(type, 1) ||
                getIndexTypeOfType(type, 0) ||
        function getTypeOfDestructuredArrayElement(type, index) {
            return isTupleLikeType(type) && getTypeOfPropertyOfType(type, "" + index) ||
                checkIteratedTypeOrElementType(type, undefined, false) ||
        function getTypeOfDestructuredSpreadElement(type) {
            return createArrayType(checkIteratedTypeOrElementType(type, undefined, false) || unknownType);
        function getAssignedTypeOfBinaryExpression(node) {
            return node.parent.kind === 170 || node.parent.kind === 253 ?
                getTypeWithDefault(getAssignedType(node), node.right) :
        function getAssignedTypeOfArrayLiteralElement(node, element) {
            return getTypeOfDestructuredArrayElement(getAssignedType(node), ts.indexOf(node.elements, element));
        function getAssignedTypeOfSpreadElement(node) {
            return getTypeOfDestructuredSpreadElement(getAssignedType(node.parent));
        function getAssignedTypeOfPropertyAssignment(node) {
            return getTypeOfDestructuredProperty(getAssignedType(node.parent),;
        function getAssignedTypeOfShorthandPropertyAssignment(node) {
            return getTypeWithDefault(getAssignedTypeOfPropertyAssignment(node), node.objectAssignmentInitializer);
        function getAssignedType(node) {
            var parent = node.parent;
            switch (parent.kind) {
                case 207:
                    return stringType;
                case 208:
                    return checkRightHandSideOfForOf(parent.expression) || unknownType;
                case 187:
                    return getAssignedTypeOfBinaryExpression(parent);
                case 181:
                    return undefinedType;
                case 170:
                    return getAssignedTypeOfArrayLiteralElement(parent, node);
                case 191:
                    return getAssignedTypeOfSpreadElement(parent);
                case 253:
                    return getAssignedTypeOfPropertyAssignment(parent);
                case 254:
                    return getAssignedTypeOfShorthandPropertyAssignment(parent);
            return unknownType;
        function getInitialTypeOfBindingElement(node) {
            var pattern = node.parent;
            var parentType = getInitialType(pattern.parent);
            var type = pattern.kind === 167 ?
                getTypeOfDestructuredProperty(parentType, node.propertyName || :
                !node.dotDotDotToken ?
                    getTypeOfDestructuredArrayElement(parentType, ts.indexOf(pattern.elements, node)) :
            return getTypeWithDefault(type, node.initializer);
        function getTypeOfInitializer(node) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            return links.resolvedType || checkExpression(node);
        function getInitialTypeOfVariableDeclaration(node) {
            if (node.initializer) {
                return getTypeOfInitializer(node.initializer);
            if (node.parent.parent.kind === 207) {
                return stringType;
            if (node.parent.parent.kind === 208) {
                return checkRightHandSideOfForOf(node.parent.parent.expression) || unknownType;
            return unknownType;
        function getInitialType(node) {
            return node.kind === 218 ?
                getInitialTypeOfVariableDeclaration(node) :
        function getInitialOrAssignedType(node) {
            return node.kind === 218 || node.kind === 169 ?
                getInitialType(node) :
        function getReferenceCandidate(node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 178:
                    return getReferenceCandidate(node.expression);
                case 187:
                    switch (node.operatorToken.kind) {
                        case 56:
                            return getReferenceCandidate(node.left);
                        case 24:
                            return getReferenceCandidate(node.right);
            return node;
        function getTypeOfSwitchClause(clause) {
            if (clause.kind === 249) {
                var caseType = checkExpression(clause.expression);
                return isUnitType(caseType) ? caseType : undefined;
            return neverType;
        function getSwitchClauseTypes(switchStatement) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(switchStatement);
            if (!links.switchTypes) {
                var types =, getTypeOfSwitchClause);
                links.switchTypes = !ts.contains(types, undefined) ? types : emptyArray;
            return links.switchTypes;
        function eachTypeContainedIn(source, types) {
            return source.flags & 524288 ? !ts.forEach(source.types, function (t) { return !ts.contains(types, t); }) : ts.contains(types, source);
        function isTypeSubsetOf(source, target) {
            return source === target || target.flags & 524288 && isTypeSubsetOfUnion(source, target);
        function isTypeSubsetOfUnion(source, target) {
            if (source.flags & 524288) {
                for (var _i = 0, _a = source.types; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var t = _a[_i];
                    if (!containsType(target.types, t)) {
                        return false;
                return true;
            if (source.flags & 256 && target.flags & 16 && source.baseType === target) {
                return true;
            return containsType(target.types, source);
        function filterType(type, f) {
            if (type.flags & 524288) {
                var types = type.types;
                var filtered = ts.filter(types, f);
                return filtered === types ? type : getUnionTypeFromSortedList(filtered);
            return f(type) ? type : neverType;
        function isIncomplete(flowType) {
            return flowType.flags === 0;
        function getTypeFromFlowType(flowType) {
            return flowType.flags === 0 ? flowType.type : flowType;
        function createFlowType(type, incomplete) {
            return incomplete ? { flags: 0, type: type } : type;
        function getFlowTypeOfReference(reference, declaredType, assumeInitialized, flowContainer) {
            var key;
            if (!reference.flowNode || assumeInitialized && !(declaredType.flags & 4178943)) {
                return declaredType;
            var initialType = assumeInitialized ? declaredType : includeFalsyTypes(declaredType, 2048);
            var visitedFlowStart = visitedFlowCount;
            var result = getTypeFromFlowType(getTypeAtFlowNode(reference.flowNode));
            visitedFlowCount = visitedFlowStart;
            if (reference.parent.kind === 196 && getTypeWithFacts(result, 524288) === neverType) {
                return declaredType;
            return result;
            function getTypeAtFlowNode(flow) {
                while (true) {
                    if (flow.flags & 512) {
                        for (var i = visitedFlowStart; i < visitedFlowCount; i++) {
                            if (visitedFlowNodes[i] === flow) {
                                return visitedFlowTypes[i];
                    var type = void 0;
                    if (flow.flags & 16) {
                        type = getTypeAtFlowAssignment(flow);
                        if (!type) {
                            flow = flow.antecedent;
                    else if (flow.flags & 96) {
                        type = getTypeAtFlowCondition(flow);
                    else if (flow.flags & 128) {
                        type = getTypeAtSwitchClause(flow);
                    else if (flow.flags & 12) {
                        if (flow.antecedents.length === 1) {
                            flow = flow.antecedents[0];
                        type = flow.flags & 4 ?
                            getTypeAtFlowBranchLabel(flow) :
                    else if (flow.flags & 2) {
                        var container = flow.container;
                        if (container && container !== flowContainer && reference.kind !== 172) {
                            flow = container.flowNode;
                        type = initialType;
                    else {
                        type = declaredType;
                    if (flow.flags & 512) {
                        visitedFlowNodes[visitedFlowCount] = flow;
                        visitedFlowTypes[visitedFlowCount] = type;
                    return type;
            function getTypeAtFlowAssignment(flow) {
                var node = flow.node;
                if (isMatchingReference(reference, node)) {
                    return declaredType.flags & 524288 ?
                        getAssignmentReducedType(declaredType, getInitialOrAssignedType(node)) :
                if (containsMatchingReference(reference, node)) {
                    return declaredType;
                return undefined;
            function getTypeAtFlowCondition(flow) {
                var flowType = getTypeAtFlowNode(flow.antecedent);
                var type = getTypeFromFlowType(flowType);
                if (type !== neverType) {
                    var assumeTrue = (flow.flags & 32) !== 0;
                    type = narrowType(type, flow.expression, assumeTrue);
                    if (type === neverType && isIncomplete(flowType)) {
                        type = narrowType(declaredType, flow.expression, assumeTrue);
                return createFlowType(type, isIncomplete(flowType));
            function getTypeAtSwitchClause(flow) {
                var flowType = getTypeAtFlowNode(flow.antecedent);
                var type = getTypeFromFlowType(flowType);
                var expr = flow.switchStatement.expression;
                if (isMatchingReference(reference, expr)) {
                    type = narrowTypeBySwitchOnDiscriminant(type, flow.switchStatement, flow.clauseStart, flow.clauseEnd);
                else if (isMatchingReferenceDiscriminant(expr)) {
                    type = narrowTypeByDiscriminant(type, expr, function (t) { return narrowTypeBySwitchOnDiscriminant(t, flow.switchStatement, flow.clauseStart, flow.clauseEnd); });
                return createFlowType(type, isIncomplete(flowType));
            function getTypeAtFlowBranchLabel(flow) {
                var antecedentTypes = [];
                var subtypeReduction = false;
                var seenIncomplete = false;
                for (var _i = 0, _a = flow.antecedents; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var antecedent = _a[_i];
                    var flowType = getTypeAtFlowNode(antecedent);
                    var type = getTypeFromFlowType(flowType);
                    if (type === declaredType && declaredType === initialType) {
                        return type;
                    if (!ts.contains(antecedentTypes, type)) {
                    if (!isTypeSubsetOf(type, declaredType)) {
                        subtypeReduction = true;
                    if (isIncomplete(flowType)) {
                        seenIncomplete = true;
                return createFlowType(getUnionType(antecedentTypes, subtypeReduction), seenIncomplete);
            function getTypeAtFlowLoopLabel(flow) {
                var id = getFlowNodeId(flow);
                var cache = flowLoopCaches[id] || (flowLoopCaches[id] = ts.createMap());
                if (!key) {
                    key = getFlowCacheKey(reference);
                if (cache[key]) {
                    return cache[key];
                for (var i = flowLoopStart; i < flowLoopCount; i++) {
                    if (flowLoopNodes[i] === flow && flowLoopKeys[i] === key) {
                        return createFlowType(getUnionType(flowLoopTypes[i]), true);
                var antecedentTypes = [];
                var subtypeReduction = false;
                var firstAntecedentType;
                flowLoopNodes[flowLoopCount] = flow;
                flowLoopKeys[flowLoopCount] = key;
                flowLoopTypes[flowLoopCount] = antecedentTypes;
                for (var _i = 0, _a = flow.antecedents; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var antecedent = _a[_i];
                    var flowType = getTypeAtFlowNode(antecedent);
                    if (!firstAntecedentType) {
                        firstAntecedentType = flowType;
                    var type = getTypeFromFlowType(flowType);
                    if (cache[key]) {
                        return cache[key];
                    if (!ts.contains(antecedentTypes, type)) {
                    if (!isTypeSubsetOf(type, declaredType)) {
                        subtypeReduction = true;
                    if (type === declaredType) {
                var result = getUnionType(antecedentTypes, subtypeReduction);
                if (isIncomplete(firstAntecedentType)) {
                    return createFlowType(result, true);
                return cache[key] = result;
            function isMatchingReferenceDiscriminant(expr) {
                return expr.kind === 172 &&
                    declaredType.flags & 524288 &&
                    isMatchingReference(reference, expr.expression) &&
            function narrowTypeByDiscriminant(type, propAccess, narrowType) {
                var propName =;
                var propType = getTypeOfPropertyOfType(type, propName);
                var narrowedPropType = propType && narrowType(propType);
                return propType === narrowedPropType ? type : filterType(type, function (t) { return isTypeComparableTo(getTypeOfPropertyOfType(t, propName), narrowedPropType); });
            function narrowTypeByTruthiness(type, expr, assumeTrue) {
                if (isMatchingReference(reference, expr)) {
                    return getTypeWithFacts(type, assumeTrue ? 1048576 : 2097152);
                if (isMatchingReferenceDiscriminant(expr)) {
                    return narrowTypeByDiscriminant(type, expr, function (t) { return getTypeWithFacts(t, assumeTrue ? 1048576 : 2097152); });
                if (containsMatchingReferenceDiscriminant(reference, expr)) {
                    return declaredType;
                return type;
            function narrowTypeByBinaryExpression(type, expr, assumeTrue) {
                switch (expr.operatorToken.kind) {
                    case 56:
                        return narrowTypeByTruthiness(type, expr.left, assumeTrue);
                    case 30:
                    case 31:
                    case 32:
                    case 33:
                        var operator_1 = expr.operatorToken.kind;
                        var left_1 = getReferenceCandidate(expr.left);
                        var right_1 = getReferenceCandidate(expr.right);
                        if (left_1.kind === 182 && right_1.kind === 9) {
                            return narrowTypeByTypeof(type, left_1, operator_1, right_1, assumeTrue);
                        if (right_1.kind === 182 && left_1.kind === 9) {
                            return narrowTypeByTypeof(type, right_1, operator_1, left_1, assumeTrue);
                        if (isMatchingReference(reference, left_1)) {
                            return narrowTypeByEquality(type, operator_1, right_1, assumeTrue);
                        if (isMatchingReference(reference, right_1)) {
                            return narrowTypeByEquality(type, operator_1, left_1, assumeTrue);
                        if (isMatchingReferenceDiscriminant(left_1)) {
                            return narrowTypeByDiscriminant(type, left_1, function (t) { return narrowTypeByEquality(t, operator_1, right_1, assumeTrue); });
                        if (isMatchingReferenceDiscriminant(right_1)) {
                            return narrowTypeByDiscriminant(type, right_1, function (t) { return narrowTypeByEquality(t, operator_1, left_1, assumeTrue); });
                        if (containsMatchingReferenceDiscriminant(reference, left_1) || containsMatchingReferenceDiscriminant(reference, right_1)) {
                            return declaredType;
                    case 91:
                        return narrowTypeByInstanceof(type, expr, assumeTrue);
                    case 24:
                        return narrowType(type, expr.right, assumeTrue);
                return type;
            function narrowTypeByEquality(type, operator, value, assumeTrue) {
                if (type.flags & 1) {
                    return type;
                if (operator === 31 || operator === 33) {
                    assumeTrue = !assumeTrue;
                var valueType = checkExpression(value);
                if (valueType.flags & 6144) {
                    if (!strictNullChecks) {
                        return type;
                    var doubleEquals = operator === 30 || operator === 31;
                    var facts = doubleEquals ?
                        assumeTrue ? 65536 : 524288 :
                        value.kind === 93 ?
                            assumeTrue ? 32768 : 262144 :
                            assumeTrue ? 16384 : 131072;
                    return getTypeWithFacts(type, facts);
                if (type.flags & 2589191) {
                    return type;
                if (assumeTrue) {
                    var narrowedType = filterType(type, function (t) { return areTypesComparable(t, valueType); });
                    return narrowedType !== neverType ? narrowedType : type;
                return isUnitType(valueType) ? filterType(type, function (t) { return t !== valueType; }) : type;
            function narrowTypeByTypeof(type, typeOfExpr, operator, literal, assumeTrue) {
                var target = getReferenceCandidate(typeOfExpr.expression);
                if (!isMatchingReference(reference, target)) {
                    if (containsMatchingReference(reference, target)) {
                        return declaredType;
                    return type;
                if (operator === 31 || operator === 33) {
                    assumeTrue = !assumeTrue;
                if (assumeTrue && !(type.flags & 524288)) {
                    var targetType = typeofTypesByName[literal.text];
                    if (targetType && isTypeSubtypeOf(targetType, type)) {
                        return targetType;
                var facts = assumeTrue ?
                    typeofEQFacts[literal.text] || 64 :
                    typeofNEFacts[literal.text] || 8192;
                return getTypeWithFacts(type, facts);
            function narrowTypeBySwitchOnDiscriminant(type, switchStatement, clauseStart, clauseEnd) {
                var switchTypes = getSwitchClauseTypes(switchStatement);
                if (!switchTypes.length) {
                    return type;
                var clauseTypes = switchTypes.slice(clauseStart, clauseEnd);
                var hasDefaultClause = clauseStart === clauseEnd || ts.contains(clauseTypes, neverType);
                var discriminantType = getUnionType(clauseTypes);
                var caseType = discriminantType === neverType ? neverType : filterType(type, function (t) { return isTypeComparableTo(discriminantType, t); });
                if (!hasDefaultClause) {
                    return caseType;
                var defaultType = filterType(type, function (t) { return !(isUnitType(t) && ts.contains(switchTypes, t)); });
                return caseType === neverType ? defaultType : getUnionType([caseType, defaultType]);
            function narrowTypeByInstanceof(type, expr, assumeTrue) {
                var left = getReferenceCandidate(expr.left);
                if (!isMatchingReference(reference, left)) {
                    if (containsMatchingReference(reference, left)) {
                        return declaredType;
                    return type;
                var rightType = checkExpression(expr.right);
                if (!isTypeSubtypeOf(rightType, globalFunctionType)) {
                    return type;
                var targetType;
                var prototypeProperty = getPropertyOfType(rightType, "prototype");
                if (prototypeProperty) {
                    var prototypePropertyType = getTypeOfSymbol(prototypeProperty);
                    if (!isTypeAny(prototypePropertyType)) {
                        targetType = prototypePropertyType;
                if (isTypeAny(type) && (targetType === globalObjectType || targetType === globalFunctionType)) {
                    return type;
                if (!targetType) {
                    var constructSignatures = void 0;
                    if (rightType.flags & 65536) {
                        constructSignatures = resolveDeclaredMembers(rightType).declaredConstructSignatures;
                    else if (rightType.flags & 2097152) {
                        constructSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(rightType, 1);
                    if (constructSignatures && constructSignatures.length) {
                        targetType = getUnionType(, function (signature) { return getReturnTypeOfSignature(getErasedSignature(signature)); }));
                if (targetType) {
                    return getNarrowedType(type, targetType, assumeTrue);
                return type;
            function getNarrowedType(type, candidate, assumeTrue) {
                if (!assumeTrue) {
                    return filterType(type, function (t) { return !isTypeInstanceOf(t, candidate); });
                if (type.flags & 524288) {
                    var assignableType = filterType(type, function (t) { return isTypeInstanceOf(t, candidate); });
                    if (assignableType !== neverType) {
                        return assignableType;
                var targetType = type.flags & 16384 ? getApparentType(type) : type;
                return isTypeSubtypeOf(candidate, type) ? candidate :
                    isTypeAssignableTo(type, candidate) ? type :
                        isTypeAssignableTo(candidate, targetType) ? candidate :
                            getIntersectionType([type, candidate]);
            function narrowTypeByTypePredicate(type, callExpression, assumeTrue) {
                if (!hasMatchingArgument(callExpression, reference)) {
                    return type;
                var signature = getResolvedSignature(callExpression);
                var predicate = signature.typePredicate;
                if (!predicate) {
                    return type;
                if (isTypeAny(type) && (predicate.type === globalObjectType || predicate.type === globalFunctionType)) {
                    return type;
                if (ts.isIdentifierTypePredicate(predicate)) {
                    var predicateArgument = callExpression.arguments[predicate.parameterIndex];
                    if (predicateArgument) {
                        if (isMatchingReference(reference, predicateArgument)) {
                            return getNarrowedType(type, predicate.type, assumeTrue);
                        if (containsMatchingReference(reference, predicateArgument)) {
                            return declaredType;
                else {
                    var invokedExpression = skipParenthesizedNodes(callExpression.expression);
                    if (invokedExpression.kind === 173 || invokedExpression.kind === 172) {
                        var accessExpression = invokedExpression;
                        var possibleReference = skipParenthesizedNodes(accessExpression.expression);
                        if (isMatchingReference(reference, possibleReference)) {
                            return getNarrowedType(type, predicate.type, assumeTrue);
                        if (containsMatchingReference(reference, possibleReference)) {
                            return declaredType;
                return type;
            function narrowType(type, expr, assumeTrue) {
                switch (expr.kind) {
                    case 69:
                    case 97:
                    case 172:
                        return narrowTypeByTruthiness(type, expr, assumeTrue);
                    case 174:
                        return narrowTypeByTypePredicate(type, expr, assumeTrue);
                    case 178:
                        return narrowType(type, expr.expression, assumeTrue);
                    case 187:
                        return narrowTypeByBinaryExpression(type, expr, assumeTrue);
                    case 185:
                        if (expr.operator === 49) {
                            return narrowType(type, expr.operand, !assumeTrue);
                return type;
        function getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(symbol, location) {
            if (location.kind === 69) {
                if (ts.isRightSideOfQualifiedNameOrPropertyAccess(location)) {
                    location = location.parent;
                if (ts.isExpression(location) && !ts.isAssignmentTarget(location)) {
                    var type = checkExpression(location);
                    if (getExportSymbolOfValueSymbolIfExported(getNodeLinks(location).resolvedSymbol) === symbol) {
                        return type;
            return getTypeOfSymbol(symbol);
        function skipParenthesizedNodes(expression) {
            while (expression.kind === 178) {
                expression = expression.expression;
            return expression;
        function getControlFlowContainer(node) {
            while (true) {
                node = node.parent;
                if (ts.isFunctionLike(node) && !ts.getImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression(node) ||
                    node.kind === 226 ||
                    node.kind === 256 ||
                    node.kind === 145) {
                    return node;
        function isParameterAssigned(symbol) {
            var func = ts.getRootDeclaration(symbol.valueDeclaration).parent;
            var links = getNodeLinks(func);
            if (!(links.flags & 4194304)) {
                links.flags |= 4194304;
                if (!hasParentWithAssignmentsMarked(func)) {
            return symbol.isAssigned || false;
        function hasParentWithAssignmentsMarked(node) {
            while (true) {
                node = node.parent;
                if (!node) {
                    return false;
                if (ts.isFunctionLike(node) && getNodeLinks(node).flags & 4194304) {
                    return true;
        function markParameterAssignments(node) {
            if (node.kind === 69) {
                if (ts.isAssignmentTarget(node)) {
                    var symbol = getResolvedSymbol(node);
                    if (symbol.valueDeclaration && ts.getRootDeclaration(symbol.valueDeclaration).kind === 142) {
                        symbol.isAssigned = true;
            else {
                ts.forEachChild(node, markParameterAssignments);
        function checkIdentifier(node) {
            var symbol = getResolvedSymbol(node);
            if (symbol === argumentsSymbol) {
                var container = ts.getContainingFunction(node);
                if (container.kind === 180) {
                    if (languageVersion < 2) {
                        error(node, ts.Diagnostics.The_arguments_object_cannot_be_referenced_in_an_arrow_function_in_ES3_and_ES5_Consider_using_a_standard_function_expression);
                if (node.flags & 33554432) {
                    getNodeLinks(container).flags |= 8192;
            if (symbol.flags & 8388608 && !isInTypeQuery(node) && !isConstEnumOrConstEnumOnlyModule(resolveAlias(symbol))) {
            var localOrExportSymbol = getExportSymbolOfValueSymbolIfExported(symbol);
            if (languageVersion === 2
                && localOrExportSymbol.flags & 32
                && localOrExportSymbol.valueDeclaration.kind === 221
                && ts.nodeIsDecorated(localOrExportSymbol.valueDeclaration)) {
                var container = ts.getContainingClass(node);
                while (container !== undefined) {
                    if (container === localOrExportSymbol.valueDeclaration && !== node) {
                        getNodeLinks(container).flags |= 524288;
                        getNodeLinks(node).flags |= 1048576;
                    container = ts.getContainingClass(container);
            checkCollisionWithCapturedSuperVariable(node, node);
            checkCollisionWithCapturedThisVariable(node, node);
            checkNestedBlockScopedBinding(node, symbol);
            var type = getTypeOfSymbol(localOrExportSymbol);
            var declaration = localOrExportSymbol.valueDeclaration;
            if (!(localOrExportSymbol.flags & 3) || ts.isAssignmentTarget(node) || !declaration) {
                return type;
            var isParameter = ts.getRootDeclaration(declaration).kind === 142;
            var declarationContainer = getControlFlowContainer(declaration);
            var flowContainer = getControlFlowContainer(node);
            var isOuterVariable = flowContainer !== declarationContainer;
            while (flowContainer !== declarationContainer &&
                (flowContainer.kind === 179 || flowContainer.kind === 180) &&
                (isReadonlySymbol(localOrExportSymbol) || isParameter && !isParameterAssigned(localOrExportSymbol))) {
                flowContainer = getControlFlowContainer(flowContainer);
            var assumeInitialized = !strictNullChecks || (type.flags & 1) !== 0 || isParameter ||
                isOuterVariable || ts.isInAmbientContext(declaration);
            var flowType = getFlowTypeOfReference(node, type, assumeInitialized, flowContainer);
            if (!assumeInitialized && !(getFalsyFlags(type) & 2048) && getFalsyFlags(flowType) & 2048) {
                error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Variable_0_is_used_before_being_assigned, symbolToString(symbol));
                return type;
            return flowType;
        function isInsideFunction(node, threshold) {
            var current = node;
            while (current && current !== threshold) {
                if (ts.isFunctionLike(current)) {
                    return true;
                current = current.parent;
            return false;
        function checkNestedBlockScopedBinding(node, symbol) {
            if (languageVersion >= 2 ||
                (symbol.flags & (2 | 32)) === 0 ||
                symbol.valueDeclaration.parent.kind === 252) {
            var container = ts.getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer(symbol.valueDeclaration);
            var usedInFunction = isInsideFunction(node.parent, container);
            var current = container;
            var containedInIterationStatement = false;
            while (current && !ts.nodeStartsNewLexicalEnvironment(current)) {
                if (ts.isIterationStatement(current, false)) {
                    containedInIterationStatement = true;
                current = current.parent;
            if (containedInIterationStatement) {
                if (usedInFunction) {
                    getNodeLinks(current).flags |= 65536;
                if (container.kind === 206 &&
                    ts.getAncestor(symbol.valueDeclaration, 219).parent === container &&
                    isAssignedInBodyOfForStatement(node, container)) {
                    getNodeLinks(symbol.valueDeclaration).flags |= 2097152;
                getNodeLinks(symbol.valueDeclaration).flags |= 262144;
            if (usedInFunction) {
                getNodeLinks(symbol.valueDeclaration).flags |= 131072;
        function isAssignedInBodyOfForStatement(node, container) {
            var current = node;
            while (current.parent.kind === 178) {
                current = current.parent;
            var isAssigned = false;
            if (ts.isAssignmentTarget(current)) {
                isAssigned = true;
            else if ((current.parent.kind === 185 || current.parent.kind === 186)) {
                var expr = current.parent;
                isAssigned = expr.operator === 41 || expr.operator === 42;
            if (!isAssigned) {
                return false;
            while (current !== container) {
                if (current === container.statement) {
                    return true;
                else {
                    current = current.parent;
            return false;
        function captureLexicalThis(node, container) {
            getNodeLinks(node).flags |= 2;
            if (container.kind === 145 || container.kind === 148) {
                var classNode = container.parent;
                getNodeLinks(classNode).flags |= 4;
            else {
                getNodeLinks(container).flags |= 4;
        function findFirstSuperCall(n) {
            if (ts.isSuperCallExpression(n)) {
                return n;
            else if (ts.isFunctionLike(n)) {
                return undefined;
            return ts.forEachChild(n, findFirstSuperCall);
        function getSuperCallInConstructor(constructor) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(constructor);
            if (links.hasSuperCall === undefined) {
                links.superCall = findFirstSuperCall(constructor.body);
                links.hasSuperCall = links.superCall ? true : false;
            return links.superCall;
        function classDeclarationExtendsNull(classDecl) {
            var classSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(classDecl);
            var classInstanceType = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(classSymbol);
            var baseConstructorType = getBaseConstructorTypeOfClass(classInstanceType);
            return baseConstructorType === nullWideningType;
        function checkThisExpression(node) {
            var container = ts.getThisContainer(node, true);
            var needToCaptureLexicalThis = false;
            if (container.kind === 148) {
                var containingClassDecl = container.parent;
                var baseTypeNode = ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(containingClassDecl);
                if (baseTypeNode && !classDeclarationExtendsNull(containingClassDecl)) {
                    var superCall = getSuperCallInConstructor(container);
                    if (!superCall || superCall.end > node.pos) {
                        error(node, ts.Diagnostics.super_must_be_called_before_accessing_this_in_the_constructor_of_a_derived_class);
            if (container.kind === 180) {
                container = ts.getThisContainer(container, false);
                needToCaptureLexicalThis = (languageVersion < 2);
            switch (container.kind) {
                case 225:
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.this_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_module_or_namespace_body);
                case 224:
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.this_cannot_be_referenced_in_current_location);
                case 148:
                    if (isInConstructorArgumentInitializer(node, container)) {
                        error(node, ts.Diagnostics.this_cannot_be_referenced_in_constructor_arguments);
                case 145:
                case 144:
                    if (container.flags & 32) {
                        error(node, ts.Diagnostics.this_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_static_property_initializer);
                case 140:
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.this_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_computed_property_name);
            if (needToCaptureLexicalThis) {
                captureLexicalThis(node, container);
            if (ts.isFunctionLike(container) &&
                (!isInParameterInitializerBeforeContainingFunction(node) || getFunctionLikeThisParameter(container))) {
                if (container.kind === 179 &&
                    ts.isInJavaScriptFile(container.parent) &&
                    ts.getSpecialPropertyAssignmentKind(container.parent) === 3) {
                    var className = container.parent
                    var classSymbol = checkExpression(className).symbol;
                    if (classSymbol && classSymbol.members && (classSymbol.flags & 16)) {
                        return getInferredClassType(classSymbol);
                var thisType = getThisTypeOfDeclaration(container);
                if (thisType) {
                    return thisType;
            if (ts.isClassLike(container.parent)) {
                var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(container.parent);
                var type = container.flags & 32 ? getTypeOfSymbol(symbol) : getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol).thisType;
                return getFlowTypeOfReference(node, type, true, undefined);
            if (ts.isInJavaScriptFile(node)) {
                var type = getTypeForThisExpressionFromJSDoc(container);
                if (type && type !== unknownType) {
                    return type;
            if (compilerOptions.noImplicitThis) {
                error(node, ts.Diagnostics.this_implicitly_has_type_any_because_it_does_not_have_a_type_annotation);
            return anyType;
        function getTypeForThisExpressionFromJSDoc(node) {
            var typeTag = ts.getJSDocTypeTag(node);
            if (typeTag && typeTag.typeExpression && typeTag.typeExpression.type && typeTag.typeExpression.type.kind === 269) {
                var jsDocFunctionType = typeTag.typeExpression.type;
                if (jsDocFunctionType.parameters.length > 0 && jsDocFunctionType.parameters[0].type.kind === 272) {
                    return getTypeFromTypeNode(jsDocFunctionType.parameters[0].type);
        function isInConstructorArgumentInitializer(node, constructorDecl) {
            for (var n = node; n && n !== constructorDecl; n = n.parent) {
                if (n.kind === 142) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        function checkSuperExpression(node) {
            var isCallExpression = node.parent.kind === 174 && node.parent.expression === node;
            var container = ts.getSuperContainer(node, true);
            var needToCaptureLexicalThis = false;
            if (!isCallExpression) {
                while (container && container.kind === 180) {
                    container = ts.getSuperContainer(container, true);
                    needToCaptureLexicalThis = languageVersion < 2;
            var canUseSuperExpression = isLegalUsageOfSuperExpression(container);
            var nodeCheckFlag = 0;
            if (!canUseSuperExpression) {
                var current = node;
                while (current && current !== container && current.kind !== 140) {
                    current = current.parent;
                if (current && current.kind === 140) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.super_cannot_be_referenced_in_a_computed_property_name);
                else if (isCallExpression) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Super_calls_are_not_permitted_outside_constructors_or_in_nested_functions_inside_constructors);
                else if (!container || !container.parent || !(ts.isClassLike(container.parent) || container.parent.kind === 171)) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.super_can_only_be_referenced_in_members_of_derived_classes_or_object_literal_expressions);
                else {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.super_property_access_is_permitted_only_in_a_constructor_member_function_or_member_accessor_of_a_derived_class);
                return unknownType;
            if ((container.flags & 32) || isCallExpression) {
                nodeCheckFlag = 512;
            else {
                nodeCheckFlag = 256;
            getNodeLinks(node).flags |= nodeCheckFlag;
            if (container.kind === 147 && container.flags & 256) {
                if (ts.isSuperPropertyOrElementAccess(node.parent) && ts.isAssignmentTarget(node.parent)) {
                    getNodeLinks(container).flags |= 4096;
                else {
                    getNodeLinks(container).flags |= 2048;
            if (needToCaptureLexicalThis) {
                captureLexicalThis(node.parent, container);
            if (container.parent.kind === 171) {
                if (languageVersion < 2) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.super_is_only_allowed_in_members_of_object_literal_expressions_when_option_target_is_ES2015_or_higher);
                    return unknownType;
                else {
                    return anyType;
            var classLikeDeclaration = container.parent;
            var classType = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(classLikeDeclaration));
            var baseClassType = classType && getBaseTypes(classType)[0];
            if (!baseClassType) {
                if (!ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(classLikeDeclaration)) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.super_can_only_be_referenced_in_a_derived_class);
                return unknownType;
            if (container.kind === 148 && isInConstructorArgumentInitializer(node, container)) {
                error(node, ts.Diagnostics.super_cannot_be_referenced_in_constructor_arguments);
                return unknownType;
            return nodeCheckFlag === 512
                ? getBaseConstructorTypeOfClass(classType)
                : getTypeWithThisArgument(baseClassType, classType.thisType);
            function isLegalUsageOfSuperExpression(container) {
                if (!container) {
                    return false;
                if (isCallExpression) {
                    return container.kind === 148;
                else {
                    if (ts.isClassLike(container.parent) || container.parent.kind === 171) {
                        if (container.flags & 32) {
                            return container.kind === 147 ||
                                container.kind === 146 ||
                                container.kind === 149 ||
                                container.kind === 150;
                        else {
                            return container.kind === 147 ||
                                container.kind === 146 ||
                                container.kind === 149 ||
                                container.kind === 150 ||
                                container.kind === 145 ||
                                container.kind === 144 ||
                                container.kind === 148;
                return false;
        function getContextualThisParameter(func) {
            if (isContextSensitiveFunctionOrObjectLiteralMethod(func) && func.kind !== 180) {
                var contextualSignature = getContextualSignature(func);
                if (contextualSignature) {
                    return contextualSignature.thisParameter;
            return undefined;
        function getContextuallyTypedParameterType(parameter) {
            var func = parameter.parent;
            if (isContextSensitiveFunctionOrObjectLiteralMethod(func)) {
                var iife = ts.getImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression(func);
                if (iife) {
                    var indexOfParameter = ts.indexOf(func.parameters, parameter);
                    if (iife.arguments && indexOfParameter < iife.arguments.length) {
                        if (parameter.dotDotDotToken) {
                            var restTypes = [];
                            for (var i = indexOfParameter; i < iife.arguments.length; i++) {
                            return createArrayType(getUnionType(restTypes));
                        var links = getNodeLinks(iife);
                        var cached = links.resolvedSignature;
                        links.resolvedSignature = anySignature;
                        var type = checkExpression(iife.arguments[indexOfParameter]);
                        links.resolvedSignature = cached;
                        return type;
                var contextualSignature = getContextualSignature(func);
                if (contextualSignature) {
                    var funcHasRestParameters = ts.hasRestParameter(func);
                    var len = func.parameters.length - (funcHasRestParameters ? 1 : 0);
                    var indexOfParameter = ts.indexOf(func.parameters, parameter);
                    if (indexOfParameter < len) {
                        return getTypeAtPosition(contextualSignature, indexOfParameter);
                    if (funcHasRestParameters &&
                        indexOfParameter === (func.parameters.length - 1) &&
                        isRestParameterIndex(contextualSignature, func.parameters.length - 1)) {
                        return getTypeOfSymbol(ts.lastOrUndefined(contextualSignature.parameters));
            return undefined;
        function getContextualTypeForInitializerExpression(node) {
            var declaration = node.parent;
            if (node === declaration.initializer) {
                if (declaration.type) {
                    return getTypeFromTypeNode(declaration.type);
                if (declaration.kind === 142) {
                    var type = getContextuallyTypedParameterType(declaration);
                    if (type) {
                        return type;
                if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                    return getTypeFromBindingPattern(, true, false);
                if (ts.isBindingPattern(declaration.parent)) {
                    var parentDeclaration = declaration.parent.parent;
                    var name_12 = declaration.propertyName ||;
                    if (ts.isVariableLike(parentDeclaration) &&
                        parentDeclaration.type &&
                        !ts.isBindingPattern(name_12)) {
                        var text = getTextOfPropertyName(name_12);
                        if (text) {
                            return getTypeOfPropertyOfType(getTypeFromTypeNode(parentDeclaration.type), text);
            return undefined;
        function getContextualTypeForReturnExpression(node) {
            var func = ts.getContainingFunction(node);
            if (ts.isAsyncFunctionLike(func)) {
                var contextualReturnType = getContextualReturnType(func);
                if (contextualReturnType) {
                    return getPromisedType(contextualReturnType);
                return undefined;
            if (func && !func.asteriskToken) {
                return getContextualReturnType(func);
            return undefined;
        function getContextualTypeForYieldOperand(node) {
            var func = ts.getContainingFunction(node);
            if (func) {
                var contextualReturnType = getContextualReturnType(func);
                if (contextualReturnType) {
                    return node.asteriskToken
                        ? contextualReturnType
                        : getElementTypeOfIterableIterator(contextualReturnType);
            return undefined;
        function isInParameterInitializerBeforeContainingFunction(node) {
            while (node.parent && !ts.isFunctionLike(node.parent)) {
                if (node.parent.kind === 142 && node.parent.initializer === node) {
                    return true;
                node = node.parent;
            return false;
        function getContextualReturnType(functionDecl) {
            if (functionDecl.type ||
                functionDecl.kind === 148 ||
                functionDecl.kind === 149 && ts.getSetAccessorTypeAnnotationNode(ts.getDeclarationOfKind(functionDecl.symbol, 150))) {
                return getReturnTypeOfSignature(getSignatureFromDeclaration(functionDecl));
            var signature = getContextualSignatureForFunctionLikeDeclaration(functionDecl);
            if (signature) {
                return getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature);
            return undefined;
        function getContextualTypeForArgument(callTarget, arg) {
            var args = getEffectiveCallArguments(callTarget);
            var argIndex = ts.indexOf(args, arg);
            if (argIndex >= 0) {
                var signature = getResolvedOrAnySignature(callTarget);
                return getTypeAtPosition(signature, argIndex);
            return undefined;
        function getContextualTypeForSubstitutionExpression(template, substitutionExpression) {
            if (template.parent.kind === 176) {
                return getContextualTypeForArgument(template.parent, substitutionExpression);
            return undefined;
        function getContextualTypeForBinaryOperand(node) {
            var binaryExpression = node.parent;
            var operator = binaryExpression.operatorToken.kind;
            if (operator >= 56 && operator <= 68) {
                if (ts.getSpecialPropertyAssignmentKind(binaryExpression) !== 0) {
                    return undefined;
                if (node === binaryExpression.right) {
                    return checkExpression(binaryExpression.left);
            else if (operator === 52) {
                var type = getContextualType(binaryExpression);
                if (!type && node === binaryExpression.right) {
                    type = checkExpression(binaryExpression.left);
                return type;
            else if (operator === 51 || operator === 24) {
                if (node === binaryExpression.right) {
                    return getContextualType(binaryExpression);
            return undefined;
        function applyToContextualType(type, mapper) {
            if (!(type.flags & 524288)) {
                return mapper(type);
            var types = type.types;
            var mappedType;
            var mappedTypes;
            for (var _i = 0, types_11 = types; _i < types_11.length; _i++) {
                var current = types_11[_i];
                var t = mapper(current);
                if (t) {
                    if (!mappedType) {
                        mappedType = t;
                    else if (!mappedTypes) {
                        mappedTypes = [mappedType, t];
                    else {
            return mappedTypes ? getUnionType(mappedTypes) : mappedType;
        function getTypeOfPropertyOfContextualType(type, name) {
            return applyToContextualType(type, function (t) {
                var prop = t.flags & 4161536 ? getPropertyOfType(t, name) : undefined;
                return prop ? getTypeOfSymbol(prop) : undefined;
        function getIndexTypeOfContextualType(type, kind) {
            return applyToContextualType(type, function (t) { return getIndexTypeOfStructuredType(t, kind); });
        function contextualTypeIsTupleLikeType(type) {
            return !!(type.flags & 524288 ? ts.forEach(type.types, isTupleLikeType) : isTupleLikeType(type));
        function getContextualTypeForObjectLiteralMethod(node) {
            if (isInsideWithStatementBody(node)) {
                return undefined;
            return getContextualTypeForObjectLiteralElement(node);
        function getContextualTypeForObjectLiteralElement(element) {
            var objectLiteral = element.parent;
            var type = getApparentTypeOfContextualType(objectLiteral);
            if (type) {
                if (!ts.hasDynamicName(element)) {
                    var symbolName = getSymbolOfNode(element).name;
                    var propertyType = getTypeOfPropertyOfContextualType(type, symbolName);
                    if (propertyType) {
                        return propertyType;
                return isNumericName( && getIndexTypeOfContextualType(type, 1) ||
                    getIndexTypeOfContextualType(type, 0);
            return undefined;
        function getContextualTypeForElementExpression(node) {
            var arrayLiteral = node.parent;
            var type = getApparentTypeOfContextualType(arrayLiteral);
            if (type) {
                var index = ts.indexOf(arrayLiteral.elements, node);
                return getTypeOfPropertyOfContextualType(type, "" + index)
                    || getIndexTypeOfContextualType(type, 1)
                    || (languageVersion >= 2 ? getElementTypeOfIterable(type, undefined) : undefined);
            return undefined;
        function getContextualTypeForConditionalOperand(node) {
            var conditional = node.parent;
            return node === conditional.whenTrue || node === conditional.whenFalse ? getContextualType(conditional) : undefined;
        function getContextualTypeForJsxAttribute(attribute) {
            var kind = attribute.kind;
            var jsxElement = attribute.parent;
            var attrsType = getJsxElementAttributesType(jsxElement);
            if (attribute.kind === 246) {
                if (!attrsType || isTypeAny(attrsType)) {
                    return undefined;
                return getTypeOfPropertyOfType(attrsType,;
            else if (attribute.kind === 247) {
                return attrsType;
  "Expected JsxAttribute or JsxSpreadAttribute, got ts.SyntaxKind[" + kind + "]");
        function getApparentTypeOfContextualType(node) {
            var type = getContextualType(node);
            return type && getApparentType(type);
        function getContextualType(node) {
            if (isInsideWithStatementBody(node)) {
                return undefined;
            if (node.contextualType) {
                return node.contextualType;
            var parent = node.parent;
            switch (parent.kind) {
                case 218:
                case 142:
                case 145:
                case 144:
                case 169:
                    return getContextualTypeForInitializerExpression(node);
                case 180:
                case 211:
                    return getContextualTypeForReturnExpression(node);
                case 190:
                    return getContextualTypeForYieldOperand(parent);
                case 174:
                case 175:
                    return getContextualTypeForArgument(parent, node);
                case 177:
                case 195:
                    return getTypeFromTypeNode(parent.type);
                case 187:
                    return getContextualTypeForBinaryOperand(node);
                case 253:
                    return getContextualTypeForObjectLiteralElement(parent);
                case 170:
                    return getContextualTypeForElementExpression(node);
                case 188:
                    return getContextualTypeForConditionalOperand(node);
                case 197:
                    ts.Debug.assert(parent.parent.kind === 189);
                    return getContextualTypeForSubstitutionExpression(parent.parent, node);
                case 178:
                    return getContextualType(parent);
                case 248:
                    return getContextualType(parent);
                case 246:
                case 247:
                    return getContextualTypeForJsxAttribute(parent);
            return undefined;
        function isLiteralTypeLocation(node) {
            var parent = node.parent;
            switch (parent.kind) {
                case 187:
                    switch (parent.operatorToken.kind) {
                        case 32:
                        case 33:
                        case 30:
                        case 31:
                            return true;
                case 188:
                    return (node === parent.whenTrue ||
                        node === parent.whenFalse) &&
                case 178:
                    return isLiteralTypeLocation(parent);
                case 249:
                case 166:
                    return true;
            return false;
        function getNonGenericSignature(type) {
            var signatures = getSignaturesOfStructuredType(type, 0);
            if (signatures.length === 1) {
                var signature = signatures[0];
                if (!signature.typeParameters) {
                    return signature;
        function isFunctionExpressionOrArrowFunction(node) {
            return node.kind === 179 || node.kind === 180;
        function getContextualSignatureForFunctionLikeDeclaration(node) {
            return isFunctionExpressionOrArrowFunction(node) || ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(node)
                ? getContextualSignature(node)
                : undefined;
        function getContextualTypeForFunctionLikeDeclaration(node) {
            return ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(node) ?
                getContextualTypeForObjectLiteralMethod(node) :
        function getContextualSignature(node) {
            ts.Debug.assert(node.kind !== 147 || ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(node));
            var type = getContextualTypeForFunctionLikeDeclaration(node);
            if (!type) {
                return undefined;
            if (!(type.flags & 524288)) {
                return getNonGenericSignature(type);
            var signatureList;
            var types = type.types;
            for (var _i = 0, types_12 = types; _i < types_12.length; _i++) {
                var current = types_12[_i];
                var signature = getNonGenericSignature(current);
                if (signature) {
                    if (!signatureList) {
                        signatureList = [signature];
                    else if (!compareSignaturesIdentical(signatureList[0], signature, false, true, true, compareTypesIdentical)) {
                        return undefined;
                    else {
            var result;
            if (signatureList) {
                result = cloneSignature(signatureList[0]);
                result.resolvedReturnType = undefined;
                result.unionSignatures = signatureList;
            return result;
        function isInferentialContext(mapper) {
            return mapper && mapper.context;
        function checkSpreadElementExpression(node, contextualMapper) {
            var arrayOrIterableType = checkExpressionCached(node.expression, contextualMapper);
            return checkIteratedTypeOrElementType(arrayOrIterableType, node.expression, false);
        function hasDefaultValue(node) {
            return (node.kind === 169 && !!node.initializer) ||
                (node.kind === 187 && node.operatorToken.kind === 56);
        function checkArrayLiteral(node, contextualMapper) {
            var elements = node.elements;
            var hasSpreadElement = false;
            var elementTypes = [];
            var inDestructuringPattern = ts.isAssignmentTarget(node);
            for (var _i = 0, elements_1 = elements; _i < elements_1.length; _i++) {
                var e = elements_1[_i];
                if (inDestructuringPattern && e.kind === 191) {
                    var restArrayType = checkExpression(e.expression, contextualMapper);
                    var restElementType = getIndexTypeOfType(restArrayType, 1) ||
                        (languageVersion >= 2 ? getElementTypeOfIterable(restArrayType, undefined) : undefined);
                    if (restElementType) {
                else {
                    var type = checkExpression(e, contextualMapper);
                hasSpreadElement = hasSpreadElement || e.kind === 191;
            if (!hasSpreadElement) {
                if (inDestructuringPattern && elementTypes.length) {
                    var type = cloneTypeReference(createTupleType(elementTypes));
                    type.pattern = node;
                    return type;
                var contextualType = getApparentTypeOfContextualType(node);
                if (contextualType && contextualTypeIsTupleLikeType(contextualType)) {
                    var pattern = contextualType.pattern;
                    if (pattern && (pattern.kind === 168 || pattern.kind === 170)) {
                        var patternElements = pattern.elements;
                        for (var i = elementTypes.length; i < patternElements.length; i++) {
                            var patternElement = patternElements[i];
                            if (hasDefaultValue(patternElement)) {
                            else {
                                if (patternElement.kind !== 193) {
                                    error(patternElement, ts.Diagnostics.Initializer_provides_no_value_for_this_binding_element_and_the_binding_element_has_no_default_value);
                    if (elementTypes.length) {
                        return createTupleType(elementTypes);
            return createArrayType(elementTypes.length ?
                getUnionType(elementTypes, true) :
                strictNullChecks ? neverType : undefinedWideningType);
        function isNumericName(name) {
            return name.kind === 140 ? isNumericComputedName(name) : isNumericLiteralName(name.text);
        function isNumericComputedName(name) {
            return isTypeAnyOrAllConstituentTypesHaveKind(checkComputedPropertyName(name), 340);
        function isTypeAnyOrAllConstituentTypesHaveKind(type, kind) {
            return isTypeAny(type) || isTypeOfKind(type, kind);
        function isNumericLiteralName(name) {
            return (+name).toString() === name;
        function checkComputedPropertyName(node) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node.expression);
            if (!links.resolvedType) {
                links.resolvedType = checkExpression(node.expression);
                if (!isTypeAnyOrAllConstituentTypesHaveKind(links.resolvedType, 340 | 34 | 512)) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_must_be_of_type_string_number_symbol_or_any);
                else {
                    checkThatExpressionIsProperSymbolReference(node.expression, links.resolvedType, true);
            return links.resolvedType;
        function getObjectLiteralIndexInfo(node, properties, kind) {
            var propTypes = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
                if (kind === 0 || isNumericName([i].name)) {
            var unionType = propTypes.length ? getUnionType(propTypes, true) : undefinedType;
            return createIndexInfo(unionType, false);
        function checkObjectLiteral(node, contextualMapper) {
            var inDestructuringPattern = ts.isAssignmentTarget(node);
            checkGrammarObjectLiteralExpression(node, inDestructuringPattern);
            var propertiesTable = ts.createMap();
            var propertiesArray = [];
            var contextualType = getApparentTypeOfContextualType(node);
            var contextualTypeHasPattern = contextualType && contextualType.pattern &&
                (contextualType.pattern.kind === 167 || contextualType.pattern.kind === 171);
            var typeFlags = 0;
            var patternWithComputedProperties = false;
            var hasComputedStringProperty = false;
            var hasComputedNumberProperty = false;
            for (var _i = 0, _a =; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var memberDecl = _a[_i];
                var member = memberDecl.symbol;
                if (memberDecl.kind === 253 ||
                    memberDecl.kind === 254 ||
                    ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(memberDecl)) {
                    var type = void 0;
                    if (memberDecl.kind === 253) {
                        type = checkPropertyAssignment(memberDecl, contextualMapper);
                    else if (memberDecl.kind === 147) {
                        type = checkObjectLiteralMethod(memberDecl, contextualMapper);
                    else {
                        ts.Debug.assert(memberDecl.kind === 254);
                        type = checkExpression(, contextualMapper);
                    typeFlags |= type.flags;
                    var prop = createSymbol(4 | 67108864 | member.flags,;
                    if (inDestructuringPattern) {
                        var isOptional = (memberDecl.kind === 253 && hasDefaultValue(memberDecl.initializer)) ||
                            (memberDecl.kind === 254 && memberDecl.objectAssignmentInitializer);
                        if (isOptional) {
                            prop.flags |= 536870912;
                        if (ts.hasDynamicName(memberDecl)) {
                            patternWithComputedProperties = true;
                    else if (contextualTypeHasPattern && !(contextualType.flags & 536870912)) {
                        var impliedProp = getPropertyOfType(contextualType,;
                        if (impliedProp) {
                            prop.flags |= impliedProp.flags & 536870912;
                        else if (!compilerOptions.suppressExcessPropertyErrors) {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics.Object_literal_may_only_specify_known_properties_and_0_does_not_exist_in_type_1, symbolToString(member), typeToString(contextualType));
                    prop.declarations = member.declarations;
                    prop.parent = member.parent;
                    if (member.valueDeclaration) {
                        prop.valueDeclaration = member.valueDeclaration;
                    prop.type = type;
           = member;
                    member = prop;
                else {
                    ts.Debug.assert(memberDecl.kind === 149 || memberDecl.kind === 150);
                if (ts.hasDynamicName(memberDecl)) {
                    if (isNumericName( {
                        hasComputedNumberProperty = true;
                    else {
                        hasComputedStringProperty = true;
                else {
                    propertiesTable[] = member;
            if (contextualTypeHasPattern) {
                for (var _b = 0, _c = getPropertiesOfType(contextualType); _b < _c.length; _b++) {
                    var prop = _c[_b];
                    if (!propertiesTable[]) {
                        if (!(prop.flags & 536870912)) {
                            error(prop.valueDeclaration || prop.bindingElement, ts.Diagnostics.Initializer_provides_no_value_for_this_binding_element_and_the_binding_element_has_no_default_value);
                        propertiesTable[] = prop;
            var stringIndexInfo = hasComputedStringProperty ? getObjectLiteralIndexInfo(node, propertiesArray, 0) : undefined;
            var numberIndexInfo = hasComputedNumberProperty ? getObjectLiteralIndexInfo(node, propertiesArray, 1) : undefined;
            var result = createAnonymousType(node.symbol, propertiesTable, emptyArray, emptyArray, stringIndexInfo, numberIndexInfo);
            var freshObjectLiteralFlag = compilerOptions.suppressExcessPropertyErrors ? 0 : 16777216;
            result.flags |= 8388608 | 67108864 | freshObjectLiteralFlag | (typeFlags & 234881024) | (patternWithComputedProperties ? 536870912 : 0);
            if (inDestructuringPattern) {
                result.pattern = node;
            return result;
        function checkJsxSelfClosingElement(node) {
            return jsxElementType || anyType;
        function checkJsxElement(node) {
            if (isJsxIntrinsicIdentifier(node.closingElement.tagName)) {
            else {
            for (var _i = 0, _a = node.children; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var child = _a[_i];
                switch (child.kind) {
                    case 248:
                    case 241:
                    case 242:
            return jsxElementType || anyType;
        function isUnhyphenatedJsxName(name) {
            return name.indexOf("-") < 0;
        function isJsxIntrinsicIdentifier(tagName) {
            if (tagName.kind === 172 || tagName.kind === 97) {
                return false;
            else {
                return ts.isIntrinsicJsxName(tagName.text);
        function checkJsxAttribute(node, elementAttributesType, nameTable) {
            var correspondingPropType = undefined;
            if (elementAttributesType === emptyObjectType && isUnhyphenatedJsxName( {
                error(node.parent, ts.Diagnostics.JSX_element_class_does_not_support_attributes_because_it_does_not_have_a_0_property, getJsxElementPropertiesName());
            else if (elementAttributesType && !isTypeAny(elementAttributesType)) {
                var correspondingPropSymbol = getPropertyOfType(elementAttributesType,;
                correspondingPropType = correspondingPropSymbol && getTypeOfSymbol(correspondingPropSymbol);
                if (isUnhyphenatedJsxName( {
                    var attributeType = getTypeOfPropertyOfType(elementAttributesType, getTextOfPropertyName( || getIndexTypeOfType(elementAttributesType, 0);
                    if (attributeType) {
                        correspondingPropType = attributeType;
                    else {
                        if (!correspondingPropType) {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_does_not_exist_on_type_1,, typeToString(elementAttributesType));
                            return unknownType;
            var exprType;
            if (node.initializer) {
                exprType = checkExpression(node.initializer);
            else {
                exprType = booleanType;
            if (correspondingPropType) {
                checkTypeAssignableTo(exprType, correspondingPropType, node);
            nameTable[] = true;
            return exprType;
        function checkJsxSpreadAttribute(node, elementAttributesType, nameTable) {
            var type = checkExpression(node.expression);
            var props = getPropertiesOfType(type);
            for (var _i = 0, props_2 = props; _i < props_2.length; _i++) {
                var prop = props_2[_i];
                if (!nameTable[]) {
                    var targetPropSym = getPropertyOfType(elementAttributesType,;
                    if (targetPropSym) {
                        var msg = ts.chainDiagnosticMessages(undefined, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_of_JSX_spread_attribute_is_not_assignable_to_target_property,;
                        checkTypeAssignableTo(getTypeOfSymbol(prop), getTypeOfSymbol(targetPropSym), node, undefined, msg);
                    nameTable[] = true;
            return type;
        function getJsxType(name) {
            if (jsxTypes[name] === undefined) {
                return jsxTypes[name] = getExportedTypeFromNamespace(JsxNames.JSX, name) || unknownType;
            return jsxTypes[name];
        function getIntrinsicTagSymbol(node) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            if (!links.resolvedSymbol) {
                var intrinsicElementsType = getJsxType(JsxNames.IntrinsicElements);
                if (intrinsicElementsType !== unknownType) {
                    var intrinsicProp = getPropertyOfType(intrinsicElementsType, node.tagName.text);
                    if (intrinsicProp) {
                        links.jsxFlags |= 1;
                        return links.resolvedSymbol = intrinsicProp;
                    var indexSignatureType = getIndexTypeOfType(intrinsicElementsType, 0);
                    if (indexSignatureType) {
                        links.jsxFlags |= 2;
                        return links.resolvedSymbol = intrinsicElementsType.symbol;
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_does_not_exist_on_type_1, node.tagName.text, "JSX." + JsxNames.IntrinsicElements);
                    return links.resolvedSymbol = unknownSymbol;
                else {
                    if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny) {
                        error(node, ts.Diagnostics.JSX_element_implicitly_has_type_any_because_no_interface_JSX_0_exists, JsxNames.IntrinsicElements);
                    return links.resolvedSymbol = unknownSymbol;
            return links.resolvedSymbol;
        function getJsxElementInstanceType(node, valueType) {
            ts.Debug.assert(!(valueType.flags & 524288));
            if (isTypeAny(valueType)) {
                return anyType;
            var signatures = getSignaturesOfType(valueType, 1);
            if (signatures.length === 0) {
                signatures = getSignaturesOfType(valueType, 0);
                if (signatures.length === 0) {
                    error(node.tagName, ts.Diagnostics.JSX_element_type_0_does_not_have_any_construct_or_call_signatures, ts.getTextOfNode(node.tagName));
                    return unknownType;
            return getUnionType(, true);
        function getJsxElementPropertiesName() {
            var jsxNamespace = getGlobalSymbol(JsxNames.JSX, 1920, undefined);
            var attribsPropTypeSym = jsxNamespace && getSymbol(jsxNamespace.exports, JsxNames.ElementAttributesPropertyNameContainer, 793064);
            var attribPropType = attribsPropTypeSym && getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(attribsPropTypeSym);
            var attribProperties = attribPropType && getPropertiesOfType(attribPropType);
            if (attribProperties) {
                if (attribProperties.length === 0) {
                    return "";
                else if (attribProperties.length === 1) {
                    return attribProperties[0].name;
                else {
                    error(attribsPropTypeSym.declarations[0], ts.Diagnostics.The_global_type_JSX_0_may_not_have_more_than_one_property, JsxNames.ElementAttributesPropertyNameContainer);
                    return undefined;
            else {
                return undefined;
        function getResolvedJsxType(node, elemType, elemClassType) {
            if (!elemType) {
                elemType = checkExpression(node.tagName);
            if (elemType.flags & 524288) {
                var types = elemType.types;
                return getUnionType( (type) {
                    return getResolvedJsxType(node, type, elemClassType);
                }), true);
            if (elemType.flags & 2) {
                return anyType;
            else if (elemType.flags & 32) {
                var intrinsicElementsType = getJsxType(JsxNames.IntrinsicElements);
                if (intrinsicElementsType !== unknownType) {
                    var stringLiteralTypeName = elemType.text;
                    var intrinsicProp = getPropertyOfType(intrinsicElementsType, stringLiteralTypeName);
                    if (intrinsicProp) {
                        return getTypeOfSymbol(intrinsicProp);
                    var indexSignatureType = getIndexTypeOfType(intrinsicElementsType, 0);
                    if (indexSignatureType) {
                        return indexSignatureType;
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_does_not_exist_on_type_1, stringLiteralTypeName, "JSX." + JsxNames.IntrinsicElements);
                return anyType;
            var elemInstanceType = getJsxElementInstanceType(node, elemType);
            if (!elemClassType || !isTypeAssignableTo(elemInstanceType, elemClassType)) {
                if (jsxElementType) {
                    var callSignatures = elemType && getSignaturesOfType(elemType, 0);
                    var callSignature = callSignatures && callSignatures.length > 0 && callSignatures[0];
                    var callReturnType = callSignature && getReturnTypeOfSignature(callSignature);
                    var paramType = callReturnType && (callSignature.parameters.length === 0 ? emptyObjectType : getTypeOfSymbol(callSignature.parameters[0]));
                    if (callReturnType && isTypeAssignableTo(callReturnType, jsxElementType)) {
                        var intrinsicAttributes = getJsxType(JsxNames.IntrinsicAttributes);
                        if (intrinsicAttributes !== unknownType) {
                            paramType = intersectTypes(intrinsicAttributes, paramType);
                        return paramType;
            if (elemClassType) {
                checkTypeRelatedTo(elemInstanceType, elemClassType, assignableRelation, node, ts.Diagnostics.JSX_element_type_0_is_not_a_constructor_function_for_JSX_elements);
            if (isTypeAny(elemInstanceType)) {
                return elemInstanceType;
            var propsName = getJsxElementPropertiesName();
            if (propsName === undefined) {
                return anyType;
            else if (propsName === "") {
                return elemInstanceType;
            else {
                var attributesType = getTypeOfPropertyOfType(elemInstanceType, propsName);
                if (!attributesType) {
                    return emptyObjectType;
                else if (isTypeAny(attributesType) || (attributesType === unknownType)) {
                    return attributesType;
                else if (attributesType.flags & 524288) {
                    error(node.tagName, ts.Diagnostics.JSX_element_attributes_type_0_may_not_be_a_union_type, typeToString(attributesType));
                    return anyType;
                else {
                    var apparentAttributesType = attributesType;
                    var intrinsicClassAttribs = getJsxType(JsxNames.IntrinsicClassAttributes);
                    if (intrinsicClassAttribs !== unknownType) {
                        var typeParams = getLocalTypeParametersOfClassOrInterfaceOrTypeAlias(intrinsicClassAttribs.symbol);
                        if (typeParams) {
                            if (typeParams.length === 1) {
                                apparentAttributesType = intersectTypes(createTypeReference(intrinsicClassAttribs, [elemInstanceType]), apparentAttributesType);
                        else {
                            apparentAttributesType = intersectTypes(attributesType, intrinsicClassAttribs);
                    var intrinsicAttribs = getJsxType(JsxNames.IntrinsicAttributes);
                    if (intrinsicAttribs !== unknownType) {
                        apparentAttributesType = intersectTypes(intrinsicAttribs, apparentAttributesType);
                    return apparentAttributesType;
        function getJsxElementAttributesType(node) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            if (!links.resolvedJsxType) {
                if (isJsxIntrinsicIdentifier(node.tagName)) {
                    var symbol = getIntrinsicTagSymbol(node);
                    if (links.jsxFlags & 1) {
                        return links.resolvedJsxType = getTypeOfSymbol(symbol);
                    else if (links.jsxFlags & 2) {
                        return links.resolvedJsxType = getIndexInfoOfSymbol(symbol, 0).type;
                    else {
                        return links.resolvedJsxType = unknownType;
                else {
                    var elemClassType = getJsxGlobalElementClassType();
                    return links.resolvedJsxType = getResolvedJsxType(node, undefined, elemClassType);
            return links.resolvedJsxType;
        function getJsxAttributePropertySymbol(attrib) {
            var attributesType = getJsxElementAttributesType(attrib.parent);
            var prop = getPropertyOfType(attributesType,;
            return prop || unknownSymbol;
        function getJsxGlobalElementClassType() {
            if (!jsxElementClassType) {
                jsxElementClassType = getExportedTypeFromNamespace(JsxNames.JSX, JsxNames.ElementClass);
            return jsxElementClassType;
        function getJsxIntrinsicTagNames() {
            var intrinsics = getJsxType(JsxNames.IntrinsicElements);
            return intrinsics ? getPropertiesOfType(intrinsics) : emptyArray;
        function checkJsxPreconditions(errorNode) {
            if ((compilerOptions.jsx || 0) === 0) {
                error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_use_JSX_unless_the_jsx_flag_is_provided);
            if (jsxElementType === undefined) {
                if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny) {
                    error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.JSX_element_implicitly_has_type_any_because_the_global_type_JSX_Element_does_not_exist);
        function checkJsxOpeningLikeElement(node) {
            var reactRefErr = compilerOptions.jsx === 2 ? ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_name_0 : undefined;
            var reactNamespace = compilerOptions.reactNamespace ? compilerOptions.reactNamespace : "React";
            var reactSym = resolveName(node.tagName, reactNamespace, 107455, reactRefErr, reactNamespace);
            if (reactSym) {
                getSymbolLinks(reactSym).referenced = true;
            var targetAttributesType = getJsxElementAttributesType(node);
            var nameTable = ts.createMap();
            var sawSpreadedAny = false;
            for (var i = node.attributes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (node.attributes[i].kind === 246) {
                    checkJsxAttribute((node.attributes[i]), targetAttributesType, nameTable);
                else {
                    ts.Debug.assert(node.attributes[i].kind === 247);
                    var spreadType = checkJsxSpreadAttribute((node.attributes[i]), targetAttributesType, nameTable);
                    if (isTypeAny(spreadType)) {
                        sawSpreadedAny = true;
            if (targetAttributesType && !sawSpreadedAny) {
                var targetProperties = getPropertiesOfType(targetAttributesType);
                for (var i = 0; i < targetProperties.length; i++) {
                    if (!(targetProperties[i].flags & 536870912) &&
                        !nameTable[targetProperties[i].name]) {
                        error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_missing_in_type_1, targetProperties[i].name, typeToString(targetAttributesType));
        function checkJsxExpression(node) {
            if (node.expression) {
                return checkExpression(node.expression);
            else {
                return unknownType;
        function getDeclarationKindFromSymbol(s) {
            return s.valueDeclaration ? s.valueDeclaration.kind : 145;
        function getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(s) {
            return s.valueDeclaration ? ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(s.valueDeclaration) : s.flags & 134217728 ? 4 | 32 : 0;
        function checkClassPropertyAccess(node, left, type, prop) {
            var flags = getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(prop);
            var declaringClass = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(getParentOfSymbol(prop));
            var errorNode = node.kind === 172 || node.kind === 218 ?
            if (left.kind === 95) {
                if (languageVersion < 2 && getDeclarationKindFromSymbol(prop) !== 147) {
                    error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.Only_public_and_protected_methods_of_the_base_class_are_accessible_via_the_super_keyword);
                    return false;
                if (flags & 128) {
                    error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.Abstract_method_0_in_class_1_cannot_be_accessed_via_super_expression, symbolToString(prop), typeToString(declaringClass));
                    return false;
            if (!(flags & (8 | 16))) {
                return true;
            if (flags & 8) {
                var declaringClassDeclaration = getClassLikeDeclarationOfSymbol(getParentOfSymbol(prop));
                if (!isNodeWithinClass(node, declaringClassDeclaration)) {
                    error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_private_and_only_accessible_within_class_1, symbolToString(prop), typeToString(declaringClass));
                    return false;
                return true;
            if (left.kind === 95) {
                return true;
            var enclosingClass = forEachEnclosingClass(node, function (enclosingDeclaration) {
                var enclosingClass = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(enclosingDeclaration));
                return hasBaseType(enclosingClass, declaringClass) ? enclosingClass : undefined;
            if (!enclosingClass) {
                error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_protected_and_only_accessible_within_class_1_and_its_subclasses, symbolToString(prop), typeToString(declaringClass));
                return false;
            if (flags & 32) {
                return true;
            if (type.flags & 268435456) {
                type = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(type);
            if (!(getTargetType(type).flags & (32768 | 65536) && hasBaseType(type, enclosingClass))) {
                error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_protected_and_only_accessible_through_an_instance_of_class_1, symbolToString(prop), typeToString(enclosingClass));
                return false;
            return true;
        function checkNonNullExpression(node) {
            var type = checkExpression(node);
            if (strictNullChecks) {
                var kind = getFalsyFlags(type) & 6144;
                if (kind) {
                    error(node, kind & 2048 ? kind & 4096 ?
                        ts.Diagnostics.Object_is_possibly_null_or_undefined :
                        ts.Diagnostics.Object_is_possibly_undefined :
                return getNonNullableType(type);
            return type;
        function checkPropertyAccessExpression(node) {
            return checkPropertyAccessExpressionOrQualifiedName(node, node.expression,;
        function checkQualifiedName(node) {
            return checkPropertyAccessExpressionOrQualifiedName(node, node.left, node.right);
        function checkPropertyAccessExpressionOrQualifiedName(node, left, right) {
            var type = checkNonNullExpression(left);
            if (isTypeAny(type)) {
                return type;
            var apparentType = getApparentType(getWidenedType(type));
            if (apparentType === unknownType || (type.flags & 16384 && isTypeAny(apparentType))) {
                return apparentType;
            var prop = getPropertyOfType(apparentType, right.text);
            if (!prop) {
                if (right.text && !checkAndReportErrorForExtendingInterface(node)) {
                    error(right, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_does_not_exist_on_type_1, ts.declarationNameToString(right), typeToString(type.flags & 268435456 ? apparentType : type));
                return unknownType;
            if (noUnusedIdentifiers &&
                (prop.flags & 106500) &&
                prop.valueDeclaration && (prop.valueDeclaration.flags & 8)) {
                if (prop.flags & 16777216) {
                    getSymbolLinks(prop).target.isReferenced = true;
                else {
                    prop.isReferenced = true;
            getNodeLinks(node).resolvedSymbol = prop;
            if (prop.parent && prop.parent.flags & 32) {
                checkClassPropertyAccess(node, left, apparentType, prop);
            var propType = getTypeOfSymbol(prop);
            if (prop.flags & 8 && isLiteralContextForType(node, propType)) {
                propType = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(prop);
            if (node.kind !== 172 || ts.isAssignmentTarget(node) ||
                !(prop.flags & (3 | 4 | 98304)) &&
                    !(prop.flags & 8192 && propType.flags & 524288)) {
                return propType;
            return getFlowTypeOfReference(node, propType, true, undefined);
        function isValidPropertyAccess(node, propertyName) {
            var left = node.kind === 172
                ? node.expression
                : node.left;
            var type = checkExpression(left);
            if (type !== unknownType && !isTypeAny(type)) {
                var prop = getPropertyOfType(getWidenedType(type), propertyName);
                if (prop && prop.parent && prop.parent.flags & 32) {
                    return checkClassPropertyAccess(node, left, type, prop);
            return true;
        function getForInVariableSymbol(node) {
            var initializer = node.initializer;
            if (initializer.kind === 219) {
                var variable = initializer.declarations[0];
                if (variable && !ts.isBindingPattern( {
                    return getSymbolOfNode(variable);
            else if (initializer.kind === 69) {
                return getResolvedSymbol(initializer);
            return undefined;
        function hasNumericPropertyNames(type) {
            return getIndexTypeOfType(type, 1) && !getIndexTypeOfType(type, 0);
        function isForInVariableForNumericPropertyNames(expr) {
            var e = skipParenthesizedNodes(expr);
            if (e.kind === 69) {
                var symbol = getResolvedSymbol(e);
                if (symbol.flags & 3) {
                    var child = expr;
                    var node = expr.parent;
                    while (node) {
                        if (node.kind === 207 &&
                            child === node.statement &&
                            getForInVariableSymbol(node) === symbol &&
                            hasNumericPropertyNames(checkExpression(node.expression))) {
                            return true;
                        child = node;
                        node = node.parent;
            return false;
        function checkIndexedAccess(node) {
            if (!node.argumentExpression) {
                var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node);
                if (node.parent.kind === 175 && node.parent.expression === node) {
                    var start = ts.skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, node.expression.end);
                    var end = node.end;
                    grammarErrorAtPos(sourceFile, start, end - start, ts.Diagnostics.new_T_cannot_be_used_to_create_an_array_Use_new_Array_T_instead);
                else {
                    var start = node.end - "]".length;
                    var end = node.end;
                    grammarErrorAtPos(sourceFile, start, end - start, ts.Diagnostics.Expression_expected);
            var objectType = getApparentType(checkNonNullExpression(node.expression));
            var indexType = node.argumentExpression ? checkExpression(node.argumentExpression) : unknownType;
            if (objectType === unknownType) {
                return unknownType;
            var isConstEnum = isConstEnumObjectType(objectType);
            if (isConstEnum &&
                (!node.argumentExpression || node.argumentExpression.kind !== 9)) {
                error(node.argumentExpression, ts.Diagnostics.A_const_enum_member_can_only_be_accessed_using_a_string_literal);
                return unknownType;
            if (node.argumentExpression) {
                var name_13 = getPropertyNameForIndexedAccess(node.argumentExpression, indexType);
                if (name_13 !== undefined) {
                    var prop = getPropertyOfType(objectType, name_13);
                    if (prop) {
                        getNodeLinks(node).resolvedSymbol = prop;
                        return getTypeOfSymbol(prop);
                    else if (isConstEnum) {
                        error(node.argumentExpression, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_does_not_exist_on_const_enum_1, name_13, symbolToString(objectType.symbol));
                        return unknownType;
            var allowedNullableFlags = strictNullChecks ? 0 : 6144;
            if (isTypeAnyOrAllConstituentTypesHaveKind(indexType, 34 | 340 | 512 | allowedNullableFlags)) {
                if (isTypeAnyOrAllConstituentTypesHaveKind(indexType, 340 | allowedNullableFlags) || isForInVariableForNumericPropertyNames(node.argumentExpression)) {
                    var numberIndexInfo = getIndexInfoOfType(objectType, 1);
                    if (numberIndexInfo) {
                        getNodeLinks(node).resolvedIndexInfo = numberIndexInfo;
                        return numberIndexInfo.type;
                var stringIndexInfo = getIndexInfoOfType(objectType, 0);
                if (stringIndexInfo) {
                    getNodeLinks(node).resolvedIndexInfo = stringIndexInfo;
                    return stringIndexInfo.type;
                if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny && !compilerOptions.suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors && !isTypeAny(objectType)) {
                    error(node, getIndexTypeOfType(objectType, 1) ?
                        ts.Diagnostics.Element_implicitly_has_an_any_type_because_index_expression_is_not_of_type_number :
                return anyType;
            error(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_expression_argument_must_be_of_type_string_number_symbol_or_any);
            return unknownType;
        function getPropertyNameForIndexedAccess(indexArgumentExpression, indexArgumentType) {
            if (indexArgumentExpression.kind === 9 || indexArgumentExpression.kind === 8) {
                return indexArgumentExpression.text;
            if (indexArgumentExpression.kind === 173 || indexArgumentExpression.kind === 172) {
                var value = getConstantValue(indexArgumentExpression);
                if (value !== undefined) {
                    return value.toString();
            if (checkThatExpressionIsProperSymbolReference(indexArgumentExpression, indexArgumentType, false)) {
                var rightHandSideName =;
                return ts.getPropertyNameForKnownSymbolName(rightHandSideName);
            return undefined;
        function checkThatExpressionIsProperSymbolReference(expression, expressionType, reportError) {
            if (expressionType === unknownType) {
                return false;
            if (!ts.isWellKnownSymbolSyntactically(expression)) {
                return false;
            if ((expressionType.flags & 512) === 0) {
                if (reportError) {
                    error(expression, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_of_the_form_0_must_be_of_type_symbol, ts.getTextOfNode(expression));
                return false;
            var leftHandSide = expression.expression;
            var leftHandSideSymbol = getResolvedSymbol(leftHandSide);
            if (!leftHandSideSymbol) {
                return false;
            var globalESSymbol = getGlobalESSymbolConstructorSymbol();
            if (!globalESSymbol) {
                return false;
            if (leftHandSideSymbol !== globalESSymbol) {
                if (reportError) {
                    error(leftHandSide, ts.Diagnostics.Symbol_reference_does_not_refer_to_the_global_Symbol_constructor_object);
                return false;
            return true;
        function resolveUntypedCall(node) {
            if (node.kind === 176) {
            else if (node.kind !== 143) {
                ts.forEach(node.arguments, function (argument) {
            return anySignature;
        function resolveErrorCall(node) {
            return unknownSignature;
        function reorderCandidates(signatures, result) {
            var lastParent;
            var lastSymbol;
            var cutoffIndex = 0;
            var index;
            var specializedIndex = -1;
            var spliceIndex;
            for (var _i = 0, signatures_2 = signatures; _i < signatures_2.length; _i++) {
                var signature = signatures_2[_i];
                var symbol = signature.declaration && getSymbolOfNode(signature.declaration);
                var parent_9 = signature.declaration && signature.declaration.parent;
                if (!lastSymbol || symbol === lastSymbol) {
                    if (lastParent && parent_9 === lastParent) {
                    else {
                        lastParent = parent_9;
                        index = cutoffIndex;
                else {
                    index = cutoffIndex = result.length;
                    lastParent = parent_9;
                lastSymbol = symbol;
                if (signature.hasLiteralTypes) {
                    spliceIndex = specializedIndex;
                else {
                    spliceIndex = index;
                result.splice(spliceIndex, 0, signature);
        function getSpreadArgumentIndex(args) {
            for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                var arg = args[i];
                if (arg && arg.kind === 191) {
                    return i;
            return -1;
        function hasCorrectArity(node, args, signature, signatureHelpTrailingComma) {
            if (signatureHelpTrailingComma === void 0) { signatureHelpTrailingComma = false; }
            var argCount;
            var typeArguments;
            var callIsIncomplete;
            var isDecorator;
            var spreadArgIndex = -1;
            if (node.kind === 176) {
                var tagExpression = node;
                argCount = args.length;
                typeArguments = undefined;
                if (tagExpression.template.kind === 189) {
                    var templateExpression = tagExpression.template;
                    var lastSpan = ts.lastOrUndefined(templateExpression.templateSpans);
                    ts.Debug.assert(lastSpan !== undefined);
                    callIsIncomplete = ts.nodeIsMissing(lastSpan.literal) || !!lastSpan.literal.isUnterminated;
                else {
                    var templateLiteral = tagExpression.template;
                    ts.Debug.assert(templateLiteral.kind === 11);
                    callIsIncomplete = !!templateLiteral.isUnterminated;
            else if (node.kind === 143) {
                isDecorator = true;
                typeArguments = undefined;
                argCount = getEffectiveArgumentCount(node, undefined, signature);
            else {
                var callExpression = node;
                if (!callExpression.arguments) {
                    ts.Debug.assert(callExpression.kind === 175);
                    return signature.minArgumentCount === 0;
                argCount = signatureHelpTrailingComma ? args.length + 1 : args.length;
                callIsIncomplete = callExpression.arguments.end === callExpression.end;
                typeArguments = callExpression.typeArguments;
                spreadArgIndex = getSpreadArgumentIndex(args);
            var hasRightNumberOfTypeArgs = !typeArguments ||
                (signature.typeParameters && typeArguments.length === signature.typeParameters.length);
            if (!hasRightNumberOfTypeArgs) {
                return false;
            if (spreadArgIndex >= 0) {
                return isRestParameterIndex(signature, spreadArgIndex);
            if (!signature.hasRestParameter && argCount > signature.parameters.length) {
                return false;
            var hasEnoughArguments = argCount >= signature.minArgumentCount;
            return callIsIncomplete || hasEnoughArguments;
        function getSingleCallSignature(type) {
            if (type.flags & 2588672) {
                var resolved = resolveStructuredTypeMembers(type);
                if (resolved.callSignatures.length === 1 && resolved.constructSignatures.length === 0 &&
           === 0 && !resolved.stringIndexInfo && !resolved.numberIndexInfo) {
                    return resolved.callSignatures[0];
            return undefined;
        function instantiateSignatureInContextOf(signature, contextualSignature, contextualMapper) {
            var context = createInferenceContext(signature.typeParameters, true);
            forEachMatchingParameterType(contextualSignature, signature, function (source, target) {
                inferTypes(context, instantiateType(source, contextualMapper), target);
            return getSignatureInstantiation(signature, getInferredTypes(context));
        function inferTypeArguments(node, signature, args, excludeArgument, context) {
            var typeParameters = signature.typeParameters;
            var inferenceMapper = getInferenceMapper(context);
            for (var i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) {
                if (!context.inferences[i].isFixed) {
                    context.inferredTypes[i] = undefined;
            if (context.failedTypeParameterIndex !== undefined && !context.inferences[context.failedTypeParameterIndex].isFixed) {
                context.failedTypeParameterIndex = undefined;
            var thisType = getThisTypeOfSignature(signature);
            if (thisType) {
                var thisArgumentNode = getThisArgumentOfCall(node);
                var thisArgumentType = thisArgumentNode ? checkExpression(thisArgumentNode) : voidType;
                inferTypes(context, thisArgumentType, thisType);
            var argCount = getEffectiveArgumentCount(node, args, signature);
            for (var i = 0; i < argCount; i++) {
                var arg = getEffectiveArgument(node, args, i);
                if (arg === undefined || arg.kind !== 193) {
                    var paramType = getTypeAtPosition(signature, i);
                    var argType = getEffectiveArgumentType(node, i, arg);
                    if (argType === undefined) {
                        var mapper = excludeArgument && excludeArgument[i] !== undefined ? identityMapper : inferenceMapper;
                        argType = checkExpressionWithContextualType(arg, paramType, mapper);
                    inferTypes(context, argType, paramType);
            if (excludeArgument) {
                for (var i = 0; i < argCount; i++) {
                    if (excludeArgument[i] === false) {
                        var arg = args[i];
                        var paramType = getTypeAtPosition(signature, i);
                        inferTypes(context, checkExpressionWithContextualType(arg, paramType, inferenceMapper), paramType);
        function checkTypeArguments(signature, typeArgumentNodes, typeArgumentTypes, reportErrors, headMessage) {
            var typeParameters = signature.typeParameters;
            var typeArgumentsAreAssignable = true;
            var mapper;
            for (var i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) {
                if (typeArgumentsAreAssignable) {
                    var constraint = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(typeParameters[i]);
                    if (constraint) {
                        var errorInfo = void 0;
                        var typeArgumentHeadMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_does_not_satisfy_the_constraint_1;
                        if (reportErrors && headMessage) {
                            errorInfo = ts.chainDiagnosticMessages(errorInfo, typeArgumentHeadMessage);
                            typeArgumentHeadMessage = headMessage;
                        if (!mapper) {
                            mapper = createTypeMapper(typeParameters, typeArgumentTypes);
                        var typeArgument = typeArgumentTypes[i];
                        typeArgumentsAreAssignable = checkTypeAssignableTo(typeArgument, getTypeWithThisArgument(instantiateType(constraint, mapper), typeArgument), reportErrors ? typeArgumentNodes[i] : undefined, typeArgumentHeadMessage, errorInfo);
            return typeArgumentsAreAssignable;
        function checkApplicableSignature(node, args, signature, relation, excludeArgument, reportErrors) {
            var thisType = getThisTypeOfSignature(signature);
            if (thisType && thisType !== voidType && node.kind !== 175) {
                var thisArgumentNode = getThisArgumentOfCall(node);
                var thisArgumentType = thisArgumentNode ? checkExpression(thisArgumentNode) : voidType;
                var errorNode = reportErrors ? (thisArgumentNode || node) : undefined;
                var headMessage_1 = ts.Diagnostics.The_this_context_of_type_0_is_not_assignable_to_method_s_this_of_type_1;
                if (!checkTypeRelatedTo(thisArgumentType, getThisTypeOfSignature(signature), relation, errorNode, headMessage_1)) {
                    return false;
            var headMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Argument_of_type_0_is_not_assignable_to_parameter_of_type_1;
            var argCount = getEffectiveArgumentCount(node, args, signature);
            for (var i = 0; i < argCount; i++) {
                var arg = getEffectiveArgument(node, args, i);
                if (arg === undefined || arg.kind !== 193) {
                    var paramType = getTypeAtPosition(signature, i);
                    var argType = getEffectiveArgumentType(node, i, arg);
                    if (argType === undefined) {
                        argType = checkExpressionWithContextualType(arg, paramType, excludeArgument && excludeArgument[i] ? identityMapper : undefined);
                    var errorNode = reportErrors ? getEffectiveArgumentErrorNode(node, i, arg) : undefined;
                    if (!checkTypeRelatedTo(argType, paramType, relation, errorNode, headMessage)) {
                        return false;
            return true;
        function getThisArgumentOfCall(node) {
            if (node.kind === 174) {
                var callee = node.expression;
                if (callee.kind === 172) {
                    return callee.expression;
                else if (callee.kind === 173) {
                    return callee.expression;
        function getEffectiveCallArguments(node) {
            var args;
            if (node.kind === 176) {
                var template = node.template;
                args = [undefined];
                if (template.kind === 189) {
                    ts.forEach(template.templateSpans, function (span) {
            else if (node.kind === 143) {
                return undefined;
            else {
                args = node.arguments || emptyArray;
            return args;
        function getEffectiveArgumentCount(node, args, signature) {
            if (node.kind === 143) {
                switch (node.parent.kind) {
                    case 221:
                    case 192:
                        return 1;
                    case 145:
                        return 2;
                    case 147:
                    case 149:
                    case 150:
                        if (languageVersion === 0) {
                            return 2;
                        return signature.parameters.length >= 3 ? 3 : 2;
                    case 142:
                        return 3;
            else {
                return args.length;
        function getEffectiveDecoratorFirstArgumentType(node) {
            if (node.kind === 221) {
                var classSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
                return getTypeOfSymbol(classSymbol);
            if (node.kind === 142) {
                node = node.parent;
                if (node.kind === 148) {
                    var classSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
                    return getTypeOfSymbol(classSymbol);
            if (node.kind === 145 ||
                node.kind === 147 ||
                node.kind === 149 ||
                node.kind === 150) {
                return getParentTypeOfClassElement(node);
  "Unsupported decorator target.");
            return unknownType;
        function getEffectiveDecoratorSecondArgumentType(node) {
            if (node.kind === 221) {
      "Class decorators should not have a second synthetic argument.");
                return unknownType;
            if (node.kind === 142) {
                node = node.parent;
                if (node.kind === 148) {
                    return anyType;
            if (node.kind === 145 ||
                node.kind === 147 ||
                node.kind === 149 ||
                node.kind === 150) {
                var element = node;
                switch ( {
                    case 69:
                    case 8:
                    case 9:
                        return getLiteralTypeForText(32,;
                    case 140:
                        var nameType = checkComputedPropertyName(;
                        if (isTypeOfKind(nameType, 512)) {
                            return nameType;
                        else {
                            return stringType;
              "Unsupported property name.");
                        return unknownType;
  "Unsupported decorator target.");
            return unknownType;
        function getEffectiveDecoratorThirdArgumentType(node) {
            if (node.kind === 221) {
      "Class decorators should not have a third synthetic argument.");
                return unknownType;
            if (node.kind === 142) {
                return numberType;
            if (node.kind === 145) {
      "Property decorators should not have a third synthetic argument.");
                return unknownType;
            if (node.kind === 147 ||
                node.kind === 149 ||
                node.kind === 150) {
                var propertyType = getTypeOfNode(node);
                return createTypedPropertyDescriptorType(propertyType);
  "Unsupported decorator target.");
            return unknownType;
        function getEffectiveDecoratorArgumentType(node, argIndex) {
            if (argIndex === 0) {
                return getEffectiveDecoratorFirstArgumentType(node.parent);
            else if (argIndex === 1) {
                return getEffectiveDecoratorSecondArgumentType(node.parent);
            else if (argIndex === 2) {
                return getEffectiveDecoratorThirdArgumentType(node.parent);
  "Decorators should not have a fourth synthetic argument.");
            return unknownType;
        function getEffectiveArgumentType(node, argIndex, arg) {
            if (node.kind === 143) {
                return getEffectiveDecoratorArgumentType(node, argIndex);
            else if (argIndex === 0 && node.kind === 176) {
                return getGlobalTemplateStringsArrayType();
            return undefined;
        function getEffectiveArgument(node, args, argIndex) {
            if (node.kind === 143 ||
                (argIndex === 0 && node.kind === 176)) {
                return undefined;
            return args[argIndex];
        function getEffectiveArgumentErrorNode(node, argIndex, arg) {
            if (node.kind === 143) {
                return node.expression;
            else if (argIndex === 0 && node.kind === 176) {
                return node.template;
            else {
                return arg;
        function resolveCall(node, signatures, candidatesOutArray, headMessage) {
            var isTaggedTemplate = node.kind === 176;
            var isDecorator = node.kind === 143;
            var typeArguments;
            if (!isTaggedTemplate && !isDecorator) {
                typeArguments = node.typeArguments;
                if (node.expression.kind !== 95) {
                    ts.forEach(typeArguments, checkSourceElement);
            var candidates = candidatesOutArray || [];
            reorderCandidates(signatures, candidates);
            if (!candidates.length) {
                return resolveErrorCall(node);
            var args = getEffectiveCallArguments(node);
            var excludeArgument;
            if (!isDecorator) {
                for (var i = isTaggedTemplate ? 1 : 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                    if (isContextSensitive(args[i])) {
                        if (!excludeArgument) {
                            excludeArgument = new Array(args.length);
                        excludeArgument[i] = true;
            var candidateForArgumentError;
            var candidateForTypeArgumentError;
            var resultOfFailedInference;
            var result;
            var signatureHelpTrailingComma = candidatesOutArray && node.kind === 174 && node.arguments.hasTrailingComma;
            if (candidates.length > 1) {
                result = chooseOverload(candidates, subtypeRelation, signatureHelpTrailingComma);
            if (!result) {
                candidateForArgumentError = undefined;
                candidateForTypeArgumentError = undefined;
                resultOfFailedInference = undefined;
                result = chooseOverload(candidates, assignableRelation, signatureHelpTrailingComma);
            if (result) {
                return result;
            if (candidateForArgumentError) {
                checkApplicableSignature(node, args, candidateForArgumentError, assignableRelation, undefined, true);
            else if (candidateForTypeArgumentError) {
                if (!isTaggedTemplate && !isDecorator && typeArguments) {
                    var typeArguments_2 = node.typeArguments;
                    checkTypeArguments(candidateForTypeArgumentError, typeArguments_2,, getTypeFromTypeNode), true, headMessage);
                else {
                    ts.Debug.assert(resultOfFailedInference.failedTypeParameterIndex >= 0);
                    var failedTypeParameter = candidateForTypeArgumentError.typeParameters[resultOfFailedInference.failedTypeParameterIndex];
                    var inferenceCandidates = getInferenceCandidates(resultOfFailedInference, resultOfFailedInference.failedTypeParameterIndex);
                    var diagnosticChainHead = ts.chainDiagnosticMessages(undefined, ts.Diagnostics.The_type_argument_for_type_parameter_0_cannot_be_inferred_from_the_usage_Consider_specifying_the_type_arguments_explicitly, typeToString(failedTypeParameter));
                    if (headMessage) {
                        diagnosticChainHead = ts.chainDiagnosticMessages(diagnosticChainHead, headMessage);
                    reportNoCommonSupertypeError(inferenceCandidates, node.expression || node.tag, diagnosticChainHead);
            else {
            if (!produceDiagnostics) {
                for (var _i = 0, candidates_1 = candidates; _i < candidates_1.length; _i++) {
                    var candidate = candidates_1[_i];
                    if (hasCorrectArity(node, args, candidate)) {
                        if (candidate.typeParameters && typeArguments) {
                            candidate = getSignatureInstantiation(candidate,, getTypeFromTypeNode));
                        return candidate;
            return resolveErrorCall(node);
            function reportError(message, arg0, arg1, arg2) {
                var errorInfo;
                errorInfo = ts.chainDiagnosticMessages(errorInfo, message, arg0, arg1, arg2);
                if (headMessage) {
                    errorInfo = ts.chainDiagnosticMessages(errorInfo, headMessage);
                diagnostics.add(ts.createDiagnosticForNodeFromMessageChain(node, errorInfo));
            function chooseOverload(candidates, relation, signatureHelpTrailingComma) {
                if (signatureHelpTrailingComma === void 0) { signatureHelpTrailingComma = false; }
                for (var _i = 0, candidates_2 = candidates; _i < candidates_2.length; _i++) {
                    var originalCandidate = candidates_2[_i];
                    if (!hasCorrectArity(node, args, originalCandidate, signatureHelpTrailingComma)) {
                    var candidate = void 0;
                    var typeArgumentsAreValid = void 0;
                    var inferenceContext = originalCandidate.typeParameters
                        ? createInferenceContext(originalCandidate.typeParameters, false)
                        : undefined;
                    while (true) {
                        candidate = originalCandidate;
                        if (candidate.typeParameters) {
                            var typeArgumentTypes = void 0;
                            if (typeArguments) {
                                typeArgumentTypes =, getTypeFromTypeNode);
                                typeArgumentsAreValid = checkTypeArguments(candidate, typeArguments, typeArgumentTypes, false);
                            else {
                                inferTypeArguments(node, candidate, args, excludeArgument, inferenceContext);
                                typeArgumentsAreValid = inferenceContext.failedTypeParameterIndex === undefined;
                                typeArgumentTypes = inferenceContext.inferredTypes;
                            if (!typeArgumentsAreValid) {
                            candidate = getSignatureInstantiation(candidate, typeArgumentTypes);
                        if (!checkApplicableSignature(node, args, candidate, relation, excludeArgument, false)) {
                        var index = excludeArgument ? ts.indexOf(excludeArgument, true) : -1;
                        if (index < 0) {
                            return candidate;
                        excludeArgument[index] = false;
                    if (originalCandidate.typeParameters) {
                        var instantiatedCandidate = candidate;
                        if (typeArgumentsAreValid) {
                            candidateForArgumentError = instantiatedCandidate;
                        else {
                            candidateForTypeArgumentError = originalCandidate;
                            if (!typeArguments) {
                                resultOfFailedInference = inferenceContext;
                    else {
                        ts.Debug.assert(originalCandidate === candidate);
                        candidateForArgumentError = originalCandidate;
                return undefined;
        function resolveCallExpression(node, candidatesOutArray) {
            if (node.expression.kind === 95) {
                var superType = checkSuperExpression(node.expression);
                if (superType !== unknownType) {
                    var baseTypeNode = ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(ts.getContainingClass(node));
                    if (baseTypeNode) {
                        var baseConstructors = getInstantiatedConstructorsForTypeArguments(superType, baseTypeNode.typeArguments);
                        return resolveCall(node, baseConstructors, candidatesOutArray);
                return resolveUntypedCall(node);
            var funcType = checkNonNullExpression(node.expression);
            var apparentType = getApparentType(funcType);
            if (apparentType === unknownType) {
                return resolveErrorCall(node);
            var callSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(apparentType, 0);
            var constructSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(apparentType, 1);
            if (isUntypedFunctionCall(funcType, apparentType, callSignatures.length, constructSignatures.length)) {
                if (funcType !== unknownType && node.typeArguments) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Untyped_function_calls_may_not_accept_type_arguments);
                return resolveUntypedCall(node);
            if (!callSignatures.length) {
                if (constructSignatures.length) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Value_of_type_0_is_not_callable_Did_you_mean_to_include_new, typeToString(funcType));
                else {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_invoke_an_expression_whose_type_lacks_a_call_signature);
                return resolveErrorCall(node);
            return resolveCall(node, callSignatures, candidatesOutArray);
        function isUntypedFunctionCall(funcType, apparentFuncType, numCallSignatures, numConstructSignatures) {
            if (isTypeAny(funcType)) {
                return true;
            if (isTypeAny(apparentFuncType) && funcType.flags & 16384) {
                return true;
            if (!numCallSignatures && !numConstructSignatures) {
                if (funcType.flags & 524288) {
                    return false;
                return isTypeAssignableTo(funcType, globalFunctionType);
            return false;
        function resolveNewExpression(node, candidatesOutArray) {
            if (node.arguments && languageVersion < 1) {
                var spreadIndex = getSpreadArgumentIndex(node.arguments);
                if (spreadIndex >= 0) {
                    error(node.arguments[spreadIndex], ts.Diagnostics.Spread_operator_in_new_expressions_is_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_5_and_higher);
            var expressionType = checkNonNullExpression(node.expression);
            expressionType = getApparentType(expressionType);
            if (expressionType === unknownType) {
                return resolveErrorCall(node);
            var valueDecl = expressionType.symbol && getClassLikeDeclarationOfSymbol(expressionType.symbol);
            if (valueDecl && valueDecl.flags & 128) {
                error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_create_an_instance_of_the_abstract_class_0, ts.declarationNameToString(;
                return resolveErrorCall(node);
            if (isTypeAny(expressionType)) {
                if (node.typeArguments) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Untyped_function_calls_may_not_accept_type_arguments);
                return resolveUntypedCall(node);
            var constructSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(expressionType, 1);
            if (constructSignatures.length) {
                if (!isConstructorAccessible(node, constructSignatures[0])) {
                    return resolveErrorCall(node);
                return resolveCall(node, constructSignatures, candidatesOutArray);
            var callSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(expressionType, 0);
            if (callSignatures.length) {
                var signature = resolveCall(node, callSignatures, candidatesOutArray);
                if (getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature) !== voidType) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Only_a_void_function_can_be_called_with_the_new_keyword);
                if (getThisTypeOfSignature(signature) === voidType) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_function_that_is_called_with_the_new_keyword_cannot_have_a_this_type_that_is_void);
                return signature;
            error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_use_new_with_an_expression_whose_type_lacks_a_call_or_construct_signature);
            return resolveErrorCall(node);
        function isConstructorAccessible(node, signature) {
            if (!signature || !signature.declaration) {
                return true;
            var declaration = signature.declaration;
            var flags = declaration.flags;
            if (!(flags & (8 | 16))) {
                return true;
            var declaringClassDeclaration = getClassLikeDeclarationOfSymbol(declaration.parent.symbol);
            var declaringClass = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(declaration.parent.symbol);
            if (!isNodeWithinClass(node, declaringClassDeclaration)) {
                var containingClass = ts.getContainingClass(node);
                if (containingClass) {
                    var containingType = getTypeOfNode(containingClass);
                    var baseTypes = getBaseTypes(containingType);
                    if (baseTypes.length) {
                        var baseType = baseTypes[0];
                        if (flags & 16 &&
                            baseType.symbol === declaration.parent.symbol) {
                            return true;
                if (flags & 8) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Constructor_of_class_0_is_private_and_only_accessible_within_the_class_declaration, typeToString(declaringClass));
                if (flags & 16) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Constructor_of_class_0_is_protected_and_only_accessible_within_the_class_declaration, typeToString(declaringClass));
                return false;
            return true;
        function resolveTaggedTemplateExpression(node, candidatesOutArray) {
            var tagType = checkExpression(node.tag);
            var apparentType = getApparentType(tagType);
            if (apparentType === unknownType) {
                return resolveErrorCall(node);
            var callSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(apparentType, 0);
            var constructSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(apparentType, 1);
            if (isUntypedFunctionCall(tagType, apparentType, callSignatures.length, constructSignatures.length)) {
                return resolveUntypedCall(node);
            if (!callSignatures.length) {
                error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_invoke_an_expression_whose_type_lacks_a_call_signature);
                return resolveErrorCall(node);
            return resolveCall(node, callSignatures, candidatesOutArray);
        function getDiagnosticHeadMessageForDecoratorResolution(node) {
            switch (node.parent.kind) {
                case 221:
                case 192:
                    return ts.Diagnostics.Unable_to_resolve_signature_of_class_decorator_when_called_as_an_expression;
                case 142:
                    return ts.Diagnostics.Unable_to_resolve_signature_of_parameter_decorator_when_called_as_an_expression;
                case 145:
                    return ts.Diagnostics.Unable_to_resolve_signature_of_property_decorator_when_called_as_an_expression;
                case 147:
                case 149:
                case 150:
                    return ts.Diagnostics.Unable_to_resolve_signature_of_method_decorator_when_called_as_an_expression;
        function resolveDecorator(node, candidatesOutArray) {
            var funcType = checkExpression(node.expression);
            var apparentType = getApparentType(funcType);
            if (apparentType === unknownType) {
                return resolveErrorCall(node);
            var callSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(apparentType, 0);
            var constructSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(apparentType, 1);
            if (isUntypedFunctionCall(funcType, apparentType, callSignatures.length, constructSignatures.length)) {
                return resolveUntypedCall(node);
            var headMessage = getDiagnosticHeadMessageForDecoratorResolution(node);
            if (!callSignatures.length) {
                var errorInfo = void 0;
                errorInfo = ts.chainDiagnosticMessages(errorInfo, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_invoke_an_expression_whose_type_lacks_a_call_signature);
                errorInfo = ts.chainDiagnosticMessages(errorInfo, headMessage);
                diagnostics.add(ts.createDiagnosticForNodeFromMessageChain(node, errorInfo));
                return resolveErrorCall(node);
            return resolveCall(node, callSignatures, candidatesOutArray, headMessage);
        function resolveSignature(node, candidatesOutArray) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 174:
                    return resolveCallExpression(node, candidatesOutArray);
                case 175:
                    return resolveNewExpression(node, candidatesOutArray);
                case 176:
                    return resolveTaggedTemplateExpression(node, candidatesOutArray);
                case 143:
                    return resolveDecorator(node, candidatesOutArray);
  "Branch in 'resolveSignature' should be unreachable.");
        function getResolvedSignature(node, candidatesOutArray) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            var cached = links.resolvedSignature;
            if (cached && cached !== resolvingSignature && !candidatesOutArray) {
                return cached;
            links.resolvedSignature = resolvingSignature;
            var result = resolveSignature(node, candidatesOutArray);
            links.resolvedSignature = flowLoopStart === flowLoopCount ? result : cached;
            return result;
        function getResolvedOrAnySignature(node) {
            return getNodeLinks(node).resolvedSignature === resolvingSignature ? resolvingSignature : getResolvedSignature(node);
        function getInferredClassType(symbol) {
            var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
            if (!links.inferredClassType) {
                links.inferredClassType = createAnonymousType(symbol, symbol.members, emptyArray, emptyArray, undefined, undefined);
            return links.inferredClassType;
        function checkCallExpression(node) {
            checkGrammarTypeArguments(node, node.typeArguments) || checkGrammarArguments(node, node.arguments);
            var signature = getResolvedSignature(node);
            if (node.expression.kind === 95) {
                return voidType;
            if (node.kind === 175) {
                var declaration = signature.declaration;
                if (declaration &&
                    declaration.kind !== 148 &&
                    declaration.kind !== 152 &&
                    declaration.kind !== 157 &&
                    !ts.isJSDocConstructSignature(declaration)) {
                    var funcSymbol = node.expression.kind === 69 ?
                        getResolvedSymbol(node.expression) :
                    if (funcSymbol && funcSymbol.members && (funcSymbol.flags & 16 || ts.isDeclarationOfFunctionExpression(funcSymbol))) {
                        return getInferredClassType(funcSymbol);
                    else if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny) {
                        error(node, ts.Diagnostics.new_expression_whose_target_lacks_a_construct_signature_implicitly_has_an_any_type);
                    return anyType;
            if (ts.isInJavaScriptFile(node) && ts.isRequireCall(node, true)) {
                return resolveExternalModuleTypeByLiteral(node.arguments[0]);
            return getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature);
        function checkTaggedTemplateExpression(node) {
            return getReturnTypeOfSignature(getResolvedSignature(node));
        function checkAssertion(node) {
            var exprType = getRegularTypeOfObjectLiteral(checkExpression(node.expression));
            var targetType = getTypeFromTypeNode(node.type);
            if (produceDiagnostics && targetType !== unknownType) {
                var widenedType = getWidenedType(exprType);
                if (!isTypeComparableTo(targetType, widenedType)) {
                    checkTypeComparableTo(exprType, targetType, node, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_cannot_be_converted_to_type_1);
            return targetType;
        function checkNonNullAssertion(node) {
            return getNonNullableType(checkExpression(node.expression));
        function getTypeOfParameter(symbol) {
            var type = getTypeOfSymbol(symbol);
            if (strictNullChecks) {
                var declaration = symbol.valueDeclaration;
                if (declaration && declaration.initializer) {
                    return includeFalsyTypes(type, 2048);
            return type;
        function getTypeAtPosition(signature, pos) {
            return signature.hasRestParameter ?
                pos < signature.parameters.length - 1 ? getTypeOfParameter(signature.parameters[pos]) : getRestTypeOfSignature(signature) :
                pos < signature.parameters.length ? getTypeOfParameter(signature.parameters[pos]) : anyType;
        function assignContextualParameterTypes(signature, context, mapper) {
            var len = signature.parameters.length - (signature.hasRestParameter ? 1 : 0);
            if (context.thisParameter) {
                if (!signature.thisParameter) {
                    signature.thisParameter = createTransientSymbol(context.thisParameter, undefined);
                assignTypeToParameterAndFixTypeParameters(signature.thisParameter, getTypeOfSymbol(context.thisParameter), mapper);
            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                var parameter = signature.parameters[i];
                var contextualParameterType = getTypeAtPosition(context, i);
                assignTypeToParameterAndFixTypeParameters(parameter, contextualParameterType, mapper);
            if (signature.hasRestParameter && isRestParameterIndex(context, signature.parameters.length - 1)) {
                var parameter = ts.lastOrUndefined(signature.parameters);
                var contextualParameterType = getTypeOfSymbol(ts.lastOrUndefined(context.parameters));
                assignTypeToParameterAndFixTypeParameters(parameter, contextualParameterType, mapper);
        function assignBindingElementTypes(node) {
            if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                for (var _i = 0, _a =; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var element = _a[_i];
                    if (element.kind !== 193) {
                        if ( === 69) {
                            getSymbolLinks(getSymbolOfNode(element)).type = getTypeForBindingElement(element);
        function assignTypeToParameterAndFixTypeParameters(parameter, contextualType, mapper) {
            var links = getSymbolLinks(parameter);
            if (!links.type) {
                links.type = instantiateType(contextualType, mapper);
                if (links.type === emptyObjectType &&
                    ( === 167 ||
               === 168)) {
                    links.type = getTypeFromBindingPattern(;
            else if (isInferentialContext(mapper)) {
                inferTypes(mapper.context, links.type, instantiateType(contextualType, mapper));
        function getReturnTypeFromJSDocComment(func) {
            var returnTag = ts.getJSDocReturnTag(func);
            if (returnTag && returnTag.typeExpression) {
                return getTypeFromTypeNode(returnTag.typeExpression.type);
            return undefined;
        function createPromiseType(promisedType) {
            var globalPromiseType = getGlobalPromiseType();
            if (globalPromiseType !== emptyGenericType) {
                promisedType = getAwaitedType(promisedType);
                return createTypeReference(globalPromiseType, [promisedType]);
            return emptyObjectType;
        function createPromiseReturnType(func, promisedType) {
            var promiseType = createPromiseType(promisedType);
            if (promiseType === emptyObjectType) {
                error(func, ts.Diagnostics.An_async_function_or_method_must_have_a_valid_awaitable_return_type);
                return unknownType;
            return promiseType;
        function getReturnTypeFromBody(func, contextualMapper) {
            var contextualSignature = getContextualSignatureForFunctionLikeDeclaration(func);
            if (!func.body) {
                return unknownType;
            var isAsync = ts.isAsyncFunctionLike(func);
            var type;
            if (func.body.kind !== 199) {
                type = checkExpressionCached(func.body, contextualMapper);
                if (isAsync) {
                    type = checkAwaitedType(type, func, ts.Diagnostics.Return_expression_in_async_function_does_not_have_a_valid_callable_then_member);
            else {
                var types = void 0;
                var funcIsGenerator = !!func.asteriskToken;
                if (funcIsGenerator) {
                    types = checkAndAggregateYieldOperandTypes(func, contextualMapper);
                    if (types.length === 0) {
                        var iterableIteratorAny = createIterableIteratorType(anyType);
                        if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny) {
                            error(func.asteriskToken, ts.Diagnostics.Generator_implicitly_has_type_0_because_it_does_not_yield_any_values_Consider_supplying_a_return_type, typeToString(iterableIteratorAny));
                        return iterableIteratorAny;
                else {
                    types = checkAndAggregateReturnExpressionTypes(func, contextualMapper);
                    if (!types) {
                        return isAsync ? createPromiseReturnType(func, neverType) : neverType;
                    if (types.length === 0) {
                        return isAsync ? createPromiseReturnType(func, voidType) : voidType;
                type = contextualSignature ? getUnionType(types, true) : getCommonSupertype(types);
                if (!type) {
                    if (funcIsGenerator) {
                        error(func, ts.Diagnostics.No_best_common_type_exists_among_yield_expressions);
                        return createIterableIteratorType(unknownType);
                    else {
                        error(func, ts.Diagnostics.No_best_common_type_exists_among_return_expressions);
                        return isAsync ? createPromiseReturnType(func, getUnionType(types, true)) : getUnionType(types, true);
                if (funcIsGenerator) {
                    type = createIterableIteratorType(type);
            if (!contextualSignature) {
                reportErrorsFromWidening(func, type);
            var widenedType = getWidenedType(type);
            return isAsync ? createPromiseReturnType(func, widenedType) : widenedType;
        function checkAndAggregateYieldOperandTypes(func, contextualMapper) {
            var aggregatedTypes = [];
            ts.forEachYieldExpression(func.body, function (yieldExpression) {
                var expr = yieldExpression.expression;
                if (expr) {
                    var type = checkExpressionCached(expr, contextualMapper);
                    if (yieldExpression.asteriskToken) {
                        type = checkElementTypeOfIterable(type, yieldExpression.expression);
                    if (!ts.contains(aggregatedTypes, type)) {
            return aggregatedTypes;
        function isExhaustiveSwitchStatement(node) {
            if (!node.possiblyExhaustive) {
                return false;
            var type = checkExpression(node.expression);
            if (!isUnitUnionType(type)) {
                return false;
            var switchTypes = getSwitchClauseTypes(node);
            if (!switchTypes.length) {
                return false;
            return eachTypeContainedIn(type, switchTypes);
        function functionHasImplicitReturn(func) {
            if (!(func.flags & 32768)) {
                return false;
            var lastStatement = ts.lastOrUndefined(func.body.statements);
            if (lastStatement && lastStatement.kind === 213 && isExhaustiveSwitchStatement(lastStatement)) {
                return false;
            return true;
        function checkAndAggregateReturnExpressionTypes(func, contextualMapper) {
            var isAsync = ts.isAsyncFunctionLike(func);
            var aggregatedTypes = [];
            var hasReturnWithNoExpression = functionHasImplicitReturn(func);
            var hasReturnOfTypeNever = false;
            ts.forEachReturnStatement(func.body, function (returnStatement) {
                var expr = returnStatement.expression;
                if (expr) {
                    var type = checkExpressionCached(expr, contextualMapper);
                    if (isAsync) {
                        type = checkAwaitedType(type, func, ts.Diagnostics.Return_expression_in_async_function_does_not_have_a_valid_callable_then_member);
                    if (type === neverType) {
                        hasReturnOfTypeNever = true;
                    else if (!ts.contains(aggregatedTypes, type)) {
                else {
                    hasReturnWithNoExpression = true;
            if (aggregatedTypes.length === 0 && !hasReturnWithNoExpression && (hasReturnOfTypeNever ||
                func.kind === 179 || func.kind === 180)) {
                return undefined;
            if (strictNullChecks && aggregatedTypes.length && hasReturnWithNoExpression) {
                if (!ts.contains(aggregatedTypes, undefinedType)) {
            return aggregatedTypes;
        function checkAllCodePathsInNonVoidFunctionReturnOrThrow(func, returnType) {
            if (!produceDiagnostics) {
            if (returnType && maybeTypeOfKind(returnType, 1 | 1024)) {
            if (ts.nodeIsMissing(func.body) || func.body.kind !== 199 || !functionHasImplicitReturn(func)) {
            var hasExplicitReturn = func.flags & 65536;
            if (returnType === neverType) {
                error(func.type, ts.Diagnostics.A_function_returning_never_cannot_have_a_reachable_end_point);
            else if (returnType && !hasExplicitReturn) {
                error(func.type, ts.Diagnostics.A_function_whose_declared_type_is_neither_void_nor_any_must_return_a_value);
            else if (returnType && strictNullChecks && !isTypeAssignableTo(undefinedType, returnType)) {
                error(func.type, ts.Diagnostics.Function_lacks_ending_return_statement_and_return_type_does_not_include_undefined);
            else if (compilerOptions.noImplicitReturns) {
                if (!returnType) {
                    if (!hasExplicitReturn) {
                    var inferredReturnType = getReturnTypeOfSignature(getSignatureFromDeclaration(func));
                    if (isUnwrappedReturnTypeVoidOrAny(func, inferredReturnType)) {
                error(func.type || func, ts.Diagnostics.Not_all_code_paths_return_a_value);
        function checkFunctionExpressionOrObjectLiteralMethod(node, contextualMapper) {
            ts.Debug.assert(node.kind !== 147 || ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(node));
            var hasGrammarError = checkGrammarFunctionLikeDeclaration(node);
            if (!hasGrammarError && node.kind === 179) {
            if (contextualMapper === identityMapper && isContextSensitive(node)) {
                return anyFunctionType;
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            var type = getTypeOfSymbol(node.symbol);
            var contextSensitive = isContextSensitive(node);
            var mightFixTypeParameters = contextSensitive && isInferentialContext(contextualMapper);
            if (mightFixTypeParameters || !(links.flags & 1024)) {
                var contextualSignature = getContextualSignature(node);
                var contextChecked = !!(links.flags & 1024);
                if (mightFixTypeParameters || !contextChecked) {
                    links.flags |= 1024;
                    if (contextualSignature) {
                        var signature = getSignaturesOfType(type, 0)[0];
                        if (contextSensitive) {
                            assignContextualParameterTypes(signature, contextualSignature, contextualMapper || identityMapper);
                        if (mightFixTypeParameters || !node.type && !signature.resolvedReturnType) {
                            var returnType = getReturnTypeFromBody(node, contextualMapper);
                            if (!signature.resolvedReturnType) {
                                signature.resolvedReturnType = returnType;
                    if (!contextChecked) {
            if (produceDiagnostics && node.kind !== 147 && node.kind !== 146) {
            return type;
        function checkFunctionExpressionOrObjectLiteralMethodDeferred(node) {
            ts.Debug.assert(node.kind !== 147 || ts.isObjectLiteralMethod(node));
            var isAsync = ts.isAsyncFunctionLike(node);
            var returnOrPromisedType = node.type && (isAsync ? checkAsyncFunctionReturnType(node) : getTypeFromTypeNode(node.type));
            if (!node.asteriskToken) {
                checkAllCodePathsInNonVoidFunctionReturnOrThrow(node, returnOrPromisedType);
            if (node.body) {
                if (!node.type) {
                if (node.body.kind === 199) {
                else {
                    var exprType = checkExpression(node.body);
                    if (returnOrPromisedType) {
                        if (isAsync) {
                            var awaitedType = checkAwaitedType(exprType, node.body, ts.Diagnostics.Expression_body_for_async_arrow_function_does_not_have_a_valid_callable_then_member);
                            checkTypeAssignableTo(awaitedType, returnOrPromisedType, node.body);
                        else {
                            checkTypeAssignableTo(exprType, returnOrPromisedType, node.body);
        function checkArithmeticOperandType(operand, type, diagnostic) {
            if (!isTypeAnyOrAllConstituentTypesHaveKind(type, 340)) {
                error(operand, diagnostic);
                return false;
            return true;
        function isReadonlySymbol(symbol) {
            return symbol.isReadonly ||
                symbol.flags & 4 && (getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(symbol) & 64) !== 0 ||
                symbol.flags & 3 && (getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(symbol) & 2048) !== 0 ||
                symbol.flags & 98304 && !(symbol.flags & 65536) ||
                (symbol.flags & 8) !== 0;
        function isReferenceToReadonlyEntity(expr, symbol) {
            if (isReadonlySymbol(symbol)) {
                if (symbol.flags & 4 &&
                    (expr.kind === 172 || expr.kind === 173) &&
                    expr.expression.kind === 97) {
                    var func = ts.getContainingFunction(expr);
                    if (!(func && func.kind === 148))
                        return true;
                    return !(func.parent === symbol.valueDeclaration.parent || func === symbol.valueDeclaration.parent);
                return true;
            return false;
        function isReferenceThroughNamespaceImport(expr) {
            if (expr.kind === 172 || expr.kind === 173) {
                var node = skipParenthesizedNodes(expr.expression);
                if (node.kind === 69) {
                    var symbol = getNodeLinks(node).resolvedSymbol;
                    if (symbol.flags & 8388608) {
                        var declaration = getDeclarationOfAliasSymbol(symbol);
                        return declaration && declaration.kind === 232;
            return false;
        function checkReferenceExpression(expr, invalidReferenceMessage, constantVariableMessage) {
            var node = skipParenthesizedNodes(expr);
            if (node.kind !== 69 && node.kind !== 172 && node.kind !== 173) {
                error(expr, invalidReferenceMessage);
                return false;
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            var symbol = getExportSymbolOfValueSymbolIfExported(links.resolvedSymbol);
            if (symbol) {
                if (symbol !== unknownSymbol && symbol !== argumentsSymbol) {
                    if (node.kind === 69 && !(symbol.flags & 3)) {
                        error(expr, invalidReferenceMessage);
                        return false;
                    if (isReferenceToReadonlyEntity(node, symbol) || isReferenceThroughNamespaceImport(node)) {
                        error(expr, constantVariableMessage);
                        return false;
            else if (node.kind === 173) {
                if (links.resolvedIndexInfo && links.resolvedIndexInfo.isReadonly) {
                    error(expr, constantVariableMessage);
                    return false;
            return true;
        function checkDeleteExpression(node) {
            return booleanType;
        function checkTypeOfExpression(node) {
            return stringType;
        function checkVoidExpression(node) {
            return undefinedWideningType;
        function checkAwaitExpression(node) {
            if (produceDiagnostics) {
                if (!(node.flags & 33554432)) {
                    grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.await_expression_is_only_allowed_within_an_async_function);
                if (isInParameterInitializerBeforeContainingFunction(node)) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.await_expressions_cannot_be_used_in_a_parameter_initializer);
            var operandType = checkExpression(node.expression);
            return checkAwaitedType(operandType, node);
        function checkPrefixUnaryExpression(node) {
            var operandType = checkExpression(node.operand);
            if (node.operator === 36 && node.operand.kind === 8 && isLiteralContextForType(node, numberType)) {
                return getLiteralTypeForText(64, "" + -node.operand.text);
            switch (node.operator) {
                case 35:
                case 36:
                case 50:
                    if (maybeTypeOfKind(operandType, 512)) {
                        error(node.operand, ts.Diagnostics.The_0_operator_cannot_be_applied_to_type_symbol, ts.tokenToString(node.operator));
                    return numberType;
                case 49:
                    var facts = getTypeFacts(operandType) & (1048576 | 2097152);
                    return facts === 1048576 ? falseType :
                        facts === 2097152 ? trueType :
                case 41:
                case 42:
                    var ok = checkArithmeticOperandType(node.operand, getNonNullableType(operandType), ts.Diagnostics.An_arithmetic_operand_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type);
                    if (ok) {
                        checkReferenceExpression(node.operand, ts.Diagnostics.The_operand_of_an_increment_or_decrement_operator_must_be_a_variable_property_or_indexer, ts.Diagnostics.The_operand_of_an_increment_or_decrement_operator_cannot_be_a_constant_or_a_read_only_property);
                    return numberType;
            return unknownType;
        function checkPostfixUnaryExpression(node) {
            var operandType = checkExpression(node.operand);
            var ok = checkArithmeticOperandType(node.operand, getNonNullableType(operandType), ts.Diagnostics.An_arithmetic_operand_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type);
            if (ok) {
                checkReferenceExpression(node.operand, ts.Diagnostics.The_operand_of_an_increment_or_decrement_operator_must_be_a_variable_property_or_indexer, ts.Diagnostics.The_operand_of_an_increment_or_decrement_operator_cannot_be_a_constant_or_a_read_only_property);
            return numberType;
        function maybeTypeOfKind(type, kind) {
            if (type.flags & kind) {
                return true;
            if (type.flags & 1572864) {
                var types = type.types;
                for (var _i = 0, types_13 = types; _i < types_13.length; _i++) {
                    var t = types_13[_i];
                    if (maybeTypeOfKind(t, kind)) {
                        return true;
            return false;
        function isTypeOfKind(type, kind) {
            if (type.flags & kind) {
                return true;
            if (type.flags & 524288) {
                var types = type.types;
                for (var _i = 0, types_14 = types; _i < types_14.length; _i++) {
                    var t = types_14[_i];
                    if (!isTypeOfKind(t, kind)) {
                        return false;
                return true;
            if (type.flags & 1048576) {
                var types = type.types;
                for (var _a = 0, types_15 = types; _a < types_15.length; _a++) {
                    var t = types_15[_a];
                    if (isTypeOfKind(t, kind)) {
                        return true;
            return false;
        function isConstEnumObjectType(type) {
            return type.flags & (2588672 | 2097152) && type.symbol && isConstEnumSymbol(type.symbol);
        function isConstEnumSymbol(symbol) {
            return (symbol.flags & 128) !== 0;
        function checkInstanceOfExpression(left, right, leftType, rightType) {
            if (isTypeOfKind(leftType, 8190)) {
                error(left, ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_an_instanceof_expression_must_be_of_type_any_an_object_type_or_a_type_parameter);
            if (!(isTypeAny(rightType) || isTypeSubtypeOf(rightType, globalFunctionType))) {
                error(right, ts.Diagnostics.The_right_hand_side_of_an_instanceof_expression_must_be_of_type_any_or_of_a_type_assignable_to_the_Function_interface_type);
            return booleanType;
        function checkInExpression(left, right, leftType, rightType) {
            if (!isTypeAnyOrAllConstituentTypesHaveKind(leftType, 34 | 340 | 512)) {
                error(left, ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_an_in_expression_must_be_of_type_any_string_number_or_symbol);
            if (!isTypeAnyOrAllConstituentTypesHaveKind(rightType, 2588672 | 16384)) {
                error(right, ts.Diagnostics.The_right_hand_side_of_an_in_expression_must_be_of_type_any_an_object_type_or_a_type_parameter);
            return booleanType;
        function checkObjectLiteralAssignment(node, sourceType, contextualMapper) {
            var properties =;
            for (var _i = 0, properties_3 = properties; _i < properties_3.length; _i++) {
                var p = properties_3[_i];
                checkObjectLiteralDestructuringPropertyAssignment(sourceType, p, contextualMapper);
            return sourceType;
        function checkObjectLiteralDestructuringPropertyAssignment(objectLiteralType, property, contextualMapper) {
            if (property.kind === 253 || property.kind === 254) {
                var name_14 =;
                if (name_14.kind === 140) {
                if (isComputedNonLiteralName(name_14)) {
                    return undefined;
                var text = getTextOfPropertyName(name_14);
                var type = isTypeAny(objectLiteralType)
                    ? objectLiteralType
                    : getTypeOfPropertyOfType(objectLiteralType, text) ||
                        isNumericLiteralName(text) && getIndexTypeOfType(objectLiteralType, 1) ||
                        getIndexTypeOfType(objectLiteralType, 0);
                if (type) {
                    if (property.kind === 254) {
                        return checkDestructuringAssignment(property, type);
                    else {
                        return checkDestructuringAssignment(property.initializer, type);
                else {
                    error(name_14, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_has_no_property_1_and_no_string_index_signature, typeToString(objectLiteralType), ts.declarationNameToString(name_14));
            else {
                error(property, ts.Diagnostics.Property_assignment_expected);
        function checkArrayLiteralAssignment(node, sourceType, contextualMapper) {
            var elementType = checkIteratedTypeOrElementType(sourceType, node, false) || unknownType;
            var elements = node.elements;
            for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
                checkArrayLiteralDestructuringElementAssignment(node, sourceType, i, elementType, contextualMapper);
            return sourceType;
        function checkArrayLiteralDestructuringElementAssignment(node, sourceType, elementIndex, elementType, contextualMapper) {
            var elements = node.elements;
            var element = elements[elementIndex];
            if (element.kind !== 193) {
                if (element.kind !== 191) {
                    var propName = "" + elementIndex;
                    var type = isTypeAny(sourceType)
                        ? sourceType
                        : isTupleLikeType(sourceType)
                            ? getTypeOfPropertyOfType(sourceType, propName)
                            : elementType;
                    if (type) {
                        return checkDestructuringAssignment(element, type, contextualMapper);
                    else {
                        if (isTupleType(sourceType)) {
                            error(element, ts.Diagnostics.Tuple_type_0_with_length_1_cannot_be_assigned_to_tuple_with_length_2, typeToString(sourceType), getTypeReferenceArity(sourceType), elements.length);
                        else {
                            error(element, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_has_no_property_1, typeToString(sourceType), propName);
                else {
                    if (elementIndex < elements.length - 1) {
                        error(element, ts.Diagnostics.A_rest_element_must_be_last_in_an_array_destructuring_pattern);
                    else {
                        var restExpression = element.expression;
                        if (restExpression.kind === 187 && restExpression.operatorToken.kind === 56) {
                            error(restExpression.operatorToken, ts.Diagnostics.A_rest_element_cannot_have_an_initializer);
                        else {
                            return checkDestructuringAssignment(restExpression, createArrayType(elementType), contextualMapper);
            return undefined;
        function checkDestructuringAssignment(exprOrAssignment, sourceType, contextualMapper) {
            var target;
            if (exprOrAssignment.kind === 254) {
                var prop = exprOrAssignment;
                if (prop.objectAssignmentInitializer) {
                    if (strictNullChecks &&
                        !(getFalsyFlags(checkExpression(prop.objectAssignmentInitializer)) & 2048)) {
                        sourceType = getTypeWithFacts(sourceType, 131072);
                    checkBinaryLikeExpression(, prop.equalsToken, prop.objectAssignmentInitializer, contextualMapper);
                target =;
            else {
                target = exprOrAssignment;
            if (target.kind === 187 && target.operatorToken.kind === 56) {
                checkBinaryExpression(target, contextualMapper);
                target = target.left;
            if (target.kind === 171) {
                return checkObjectLiteralAssignment(target, sourceType, contextualMapper);
            if (target.kind === 170) {
                return checkArrayLiteralAssignment(target, sourceType, contextualMapper);
            return checkReferenceAssignment(target, sourceType, contextualMapper);
        function checkReferenceAssignment(target, sourceType, contextualMapper) {
            var targetType = checkExpression(target, contextualMapper);
            if (checkReferenceExpression(target, ts.Diagnostics.Invalid_left_hand_side_of_assignment_expression, ts.Diagnostics.Left_hand_side_of_assignment_expression_cannot_be_a_constant_or_a_read_only_property)) {
                checkTypeAssignableTo(sourceType, targetType, target, undefined);
            return sourceType;
        function isTypeEqualityComparableTo(source, target) {
            return (target.flags & 6144) !== 0 || isTypeComparableTo(source, target);
        function getBestChoiceType(type1, type2) {
            var firstAssignableToSecond = isTypeAssignableTo(type1, type2);
            var secondAssignableToFirst = isTypeAssignableTo(type2, type1);
            return secondAssignableToFirst && !firstAssignableToSecond ? type1 :
                firstAssignableToSecond && !secondAssignableToFirst ? type2 :
                    getUnionType([type1, type2], true);
        function checkBinaryExpression(node, contextualMapper) {
            return checkBinaryLikeExpression(node.left, node.operatorToken, node.right, contextualMapper, node);
        function checkBinaryLikeExpression(left, operatorToken, right, contextualMapper, errorNode) {
            var operator = operatorToken.kind;
            if (operator === 56 && (left.kind === 171 || left.kind === 170)) {
                return checkDestructuringAssignment(left, checkExpression(right, contextualMapper), contextualMapper);
            var leftType = checkExpression(left, contextualMapper);
            var rightType = checkExpression(right, contextualMapper);
            switch (operator) {
                case 37:
                case 38:
                case 59:
                case 60:
                case 39:
                case 61:
                case 40:
                case 62:
                case 36:
                case 58:
                case 43:
                case 63:
                case 44:
                case 64:
                case 45:
                case 65:
                case 47:
                case 67:
                case 48:
                case 68:
                case 46:
                case 66:
                    if (leftType.flags & 6144)
                        leftType = rightType;
                    if (rightType.flags & 6144)
                        rightType = leftType;
                    leftType = getNonNullableType(leftType);
                    rightType = getNonNullableType(rightType);
                    var suggestedOperator = void 0;
                    if ((leftType.flags & 136) &&
                        (rightType.flags & 136) &&
                        (suggestedOperator = getSuggestedBooleanOperator(operatorToken.kind)) !== undefined) {
                        error(errorNode || operatorToken, ts.Diagnostics.The_0_operator_is_not_allowed_for_boolean_types_Consider_using_1_instead, ts.tokenToString(operatorToken.kind), ts.tokenToString(suggestedOperator));
                    else {
                        var leftOk = checkArithmeticOperandType(left, leftType, ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_an_arithmetic_operation_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type);
                        var rightOk = checkArithmeticOperandType(right, rightType, ts.Diagnostics.The_right_hand_side_of_an_arithmetic_operation_must_be_of_type_any_number_or_an_enum_type);
                        if (leftOk && rightOk) {
                    return numberType;
                case 35:
                case 57:
                    if (leftType.flags & 6144)
                        leftType = rightType;
                    if (rightType.flags & 6144)
                        rightType = leftType;
                    leftType = getNonNullableType(leftType);
                    rightType = getNonNullableType(rightType);
                    var resultType = void 0;
                    if (isTypeOfKind(leftType, 340) && isTypeOfKind(rightType, 340)) {
                        resultType = numberType;
                    else {
                        if (isTypeOfKind(leftType, 34) || isTypeOfKind(rightType, 34)) {
                            resultType = stringType;
                        else if (isTypeAny(leftType) || isTypeAny(rightType)) {
                            resultType = leftType === unknownType || rightType === unknownType ? unknownType : anyType;
                        if (resultType && !checkForDisallowedESSymbolOperand(operator)) {
                            return resultType;
                    if (!resultType) {
                        return anyType;
                    if (operator === 57) {
                    return resultType;
                case 25:
                case 27:
                case 28:
                case 29:
                    if (checkForDisallowedESSymbolOperand(operator)) {
                        if (!isTypeComparableTo(leftType, rightType) && !isTypeComparableTo(rightType, leftType)) {
                    return booleanType;
                case 30:
                case 31:
                case 32:
                case 33:
                    var leftIsUnit = isUnitUnionType(leftType);
                    var rightIsUnit = isUnitUnionType(rightType);
                    if (!leftIsUnit || !rightIsUnit) {
                        leftType = leftIsUnit ? getBaseTypeOfUnitType(leftType) : leftType;
                        rightType = rightIsUnit ? getBaseTypeOfUnitType(rightType) : rightType;
                    if (!isTypeEqualityComparableTo(leftType, rightType) && !isTypeEqualityComparableTo(rightType, leftType)) {
                    return booleanType;
                case 91:
                    return checkInstanceOfExpression(left, right, leftType, rightType);
                case 90:
                    return checkInExpression(left, right, leftType, rightType);
                case 51:
                    return getTypeFacts(leftType) & 1048576 ?
                        includeFalsyTypes(rightType, getFalsyFlags(strictNullChecks ? leftType : getBaseTypeOfUnitType(rightType))) :
                case 52:
                    return getTypeFacts(leftType) & 2097152 ?
                        getBestChoiceType(removeDefinitelyFalsyTypes(leftType), rightType) :
                case 56:
                    return getRegularTypeOfObjectLiteral(rightType);
                case 24:
                    return rightType;
            function checkForDisallowedESSymbolOperand(operator) {
                var offendingSymbolOperand = maybeTypeOfKind(leftType, 512) ? left :
                    maybeTypeOfKind(rightType, 512) ? right :
                if (offendingSymbolOperand) {
                    error(offendingSymbolOperand, ts.Diagnostics.The_0_operator_cannot_be_applied_to_type_symbol, ts.tokenToString(operator));
                    return false;
                return true;
            function getSuggestedBooleanOperator(operator) {
                switch (operator) {
                    case 47:
                    case 67:
                        return 52;
                    case 48:
                    case 68:
                        return 33;
                    case 46:
                    case 66:
                        return 51;
                        return undefined;
            function checkAssignmentOperator(valueType) {
                if (produceDiagnostics && operator >= 56 && operator <= 68) {
                    var ok = checkReferenceExpression(left, ts.Diagnostics.Invalid_left_hand_side_of_assignment_expression, ts.Diagnostics.Left_hand_side_of_assignment_expression_cannot_be_a_constant_or_a_read_only_property);
                    if (ok) {
                        checkTypeAssignableTo(valueType, leftType, left, undefined);
            function reportOperatorError() {
                error(errorNode || operatorToken, ts.Diagnostics.Operator_0_cannot_be_applied_to_types_1_and_2, ts.tokenToString(operatorToken.kind), typeToString(leftType), typeToString(rightType));
        function isYieldExpressionInClass(node) {
            var current = node;
            var parent = node.parent;
            while (parent) {
                if (ts.isFunctionLike(parent) && current === parent.body) {
                    return false;
                else if (ts.isClassLike(current)) {
                    return true;
                current = parent;
                parent = parent.parent;
            return false;
        function checkYieldExpression(node) {
            if (produceDiagnostics) {
                if (!(node.flags & 8388608) || isYieldExpressionInClass(node)) {
                    grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_yield_expression_is_only_allowed_in_a_generator_body);
                if (isInParameterInitializerBeforeContainingFunction(node)) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.yield_expressions_cannot_be_used_in_a_parameter_initializer);
            if (node.expression) {
                var func = ts.getContainingFunction(node);
                if (func && func.asteriskToken) {
                    var expressionType = checkExpressionCached(node.expression, undefined);
                    var expressionElementType = void 0;
                    var nodeIsYieldStar = !!node.asteriskToken;
                    if (nodeIsYieldStar) {
                        expressionElementType = checkElementTypeOfIterable(expressionType, node.expression);
                    if (func.type) {
                        var signatureElementType = getElementTypeOfIterableIterator(getTypeFromTypeNode(func.type)) || anyType;
                        if (nodeIsYieldStar) {
                            checkTypeAssignableTo(expressionElementType, signatureElementType, node.expression, undefined);
                        else {
                            checkTypeAssignableTo(expressionType, signatureElementType, node.expression, undefined);
            return anyType;
        function checkConditionalExpression(node, contextualMapper) {
            var type1 = checkExpression(node.whenTrue, contextualMapper);
            var type2 = checkExpression(node.whenFalse, contextualMapper);
            return getBestChoiceType(type1, type2);
        function typeContainsLiteralFromEnum(type, enumType) {
            if (type.flags & 524288) {
                for (var _i = 0, _a = type.types; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var t = _a[_i];
                    if (t.flags & 256 && t.baseType === enumType) {
                        return true;
            if (type.flags & 256) {
                return type.baseType === enumType;
            return false;
        function isLiteralContextForType(node, type) {
            if (isLiteralTypeLocation(node)) {
                return true;
            var contextualType = getContextualType(node);
            if (contextualType) {
                if (contextualType.flags & 16384) {
                    var apparentType = getApparentTypeOfTypeParameter(contextualType);
                    if (type === apparentType) {
                        return true;
                    contextualType = apparentType;
                if (type.flags & 2) {
                    return maybeTypeOfKind(contextualType, 32);
                if (type.flags & 4) {
                    return maybeTypeOfKind(contextualType, (64 | 256));
                if (type.flags & 8) {
                    return maybeTypeOfKind(contextualType, 128);
                if (type.flags & 16) {
                    return typeContainsLiteralFromEnum(contextualType, type);
            return false;
        function checkLiteralExpression(node) {
            if (node.kind === 8) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 9:
                    return isLiteralContextForType(node, stringType) ? getLiteralTypeForText(32, node.text) : stringType;
                case 8:
                    return isLiteralContextForType(node, numberType) ? getLiteralTypeForText(64, node.text) : numberType;
                case 99:
                case 84:
                    return isLiteralContextForType(node, booleanType) ? node.kind === 99 ? trueType : falseType : booleanType;
        function checkTemplateExpression(node) {
            ts.forEach(node.templateSpans, function (templateSpan) {
            return stringType;
        function checkExpressionWithContextualType(node, contextualType, contextualMapper) {
            var saveContextualType = node.contextualType;
            node.contextualType = contextualType;
            var result = checkExpression(node, contextualMapper);
            node.contextualType = saveContextualType;
            return result;
        function checkExpressionCached(node, contextualMapper) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            if (!links.resolvedType) {
                var saveFlowLoopStart = flowLoopStart;
                flowLoopStart = flowLoopCount;
                links.resolvedType = checkExpression(node, contextualMapper);
                flowLoopStart = saveFlowLoopStart;
            return links.resolvedType;
        function checkPropertyAssignment(node, contextualMapper) {
            if ( === 140) {
            return checkExpression(node.initializer, contextualMapper);
        function checkObjectLiteralMethod(node, contextualMapper) {
            if ( === 140) {
            var uninstantiatedType = checkFunctionExpressionOrObjectLiteralMethod(node, contextualMapper);
            return instantiateTypeWithSingleGenericCallSignature(node, uninstantiatedType, contextualMapper);
        function instantiateTypeWithSingleGenericCallSignature(node, type, contextualMapper) {
            if (isInferentialContext(contextualMapper)) {
                var signature = getSingleCallSignature(type);
                if (signature && signature.typeParameters) {
                    var contextualType = getApparentTypeOfContextualType(node);
                    if (contextualType) {
                        var contextualSignature = getSingleCallSignature(contextualType);
                        if (contextualSignature && !contextualSignature.typeParameters) {
                            return getOrCreateTypeFromSignature(instantiateSignatureInContextOf(signature, contextualSignature, contextualMapper));
            return type;
        function checkExpression(node, contextualMapper) {
            var type;
            if (node.kind === 139) {
                type = checkQualifiedName(node);
            else {
                var uninstantiatedType = checkExpressionWorker(node, contextualMapper);
                type = instantiateTypeWithSingleGenericCallSignature(node, uninstantiatedType, contextualMapper);
            if (isConstEnumObjectType(type)) {
                var ok = (node.parent.kind === 172 && node.parent.expression === node) ||
                    (node.parent.kind === 173 && node.parent.expression === node) ||
                    ((node.kind === 69 || node.kind === 139) && isInRightSideOfImportOrExportAssignment(node));
                if (!ok) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.const_enums_can_only_be_used_in_property_or_index_access_expressions_or_the_right_hand_side_of_an_import_declaration_or_export_assignment);
            return type;
        function checkExpressionWorker(node, contextualMapper) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 69:
                    return checkIdentifier(node);
                case 97:
                    return checkThisExpression(node);
                case 95:
                    return checkSuperExpression(node);
                case 93:
                    return nullWideningType;
                case 9:
                case 8:
                case 99:
                case 84:
                    return checkLiteralExpression(node);
                case 189:
                    return checkTemplateExpression(node);
                case 11:
                    return stringType;
                case 10:
                    return globalRegExpType;
                case 170:
                    return checkArrayLiteral(node, contextualMapper);
                case 171:
                    return checkObjectLiteral(node, contextualMapper);
                case 172:
                    return checkPropertyAccessExpression(node);
                case 173:
                    return checkIndexedAccess(node);
                case 174:
                case 175:
                    return checkCallExpression(node);
                case 176:
                    return checkTaggedTemplateExpression(node);
                case 178:
                    return checkExpression(node.expression, contextualMapper);
                case 192:
                    return checkClassExpression(node);
                case 179:
                case 180:
                    return checkFunctionExpressionOrObjectLiteralMethod(node, contextualMapper);
                case 182:
                    return checkTypeOfExpression(node);
                case 177:
                case 195:
                    return checkAssertion(node);
                case 196:
                    return checkNonNullAssertion(node);
                case 181:
                    return checkDeleteExpression(node);
                case 183:
                    return checkVoidExpression(node);
                case 184:
                    return checkAwaitExpression(node);
                case 185:
                    return checkPrefixUnaryExpression(node);
                case 186:
                    return checkPostfixUnaryExpression(node);
                case 187:
                    return checkBinaryExpression(node, contextualMapper);
                case 188:
                    return checkConditionalExpression(node, contextualMapper);
                case 191:
                    return checkSpreadElementExpression(node, contextualMapper);
                case 193:
                    return undefinedWideningType;
                case 190:
                    return checkYieldExpression(node);
                case 248:
                    return checkJsxExpression(node);
                case 241:
                    return checkJsxElement(node);
                case 242:
                    return checkJsxSelfClosingElement(node);
                case 243:
          "Shouldn't ever directly check a JsxOpeningElement");
            return unknownType;
        function checkTypeParameter(node) {
            if (node.expression) {
                grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node.expression, ts.Diagnostics.Type_expected);
            if (produceDiagnostics) {
                checkTypeNameIsReserved(, ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_name_cannot_be_0);
        function checkParameter(node) {
            checkGrammarDecorators(node) || checkGrammarModifiers(node);
            var func = ts.getContainingFunction(node);
            if (node.flags & 92) {
                func = ts.getContainingFunction(node);
                if (!(func.kind === 148 && ts.nodeIsPresent(func.body))) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_parameter_property_is_only_allowed_in_a_constructor_implementation);
            if (node.questionToken && ts.isBindingPattern( && func.body) {
                error(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_binding_pattern_parameter_cannot_be_optional_in_an_implementation_signature);
            if ( === "this") {
                if (ts.indexOf(func.parameters, node) !== 0) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_this_parameter_must_be_the_first_parameter);
                if (func.kind === 148 || func.kind === 152 || func.kind === 157) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_constructor_cannot_have_a_this_parameter);
            if (node.dotDotDotToken && !ts.isBindingPattern( && !isArrayType(getTypeOfSymbol(node.symbol))) {
                error(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_rest_parameter_must_be_of_an_array_type);
        function isSyntacticallyValidGenerator(node) {
            if (!node.asteriskToken || !node.body) {
                return false;
            return node.kind === 147 ||
                node.kind === 220 ||
                node.kind === 179;
        function getTypePredicateParameterIndex(parameterList, parameter) {
            if (parameterList) {
                for (var i = 0; i < parameterList.length; i++) {
                    var param = parameterList[i];
                    if ( === 69 &&
               === parameter.text) {
                        return i;
            return -1;
        function checkTypePredicate(node) {
            var parent = getTypePredicateParent(node);
            if (!parent) {
                error(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_type_predicate_is_only_allowed_in_return_type_position_for_functions_and_methods);
            var typePredicate = getSignatureFromDeclaration(parent).typePredicate;
            if (!typePredicate) {
            var parameterName = node.parameterName;
            if (ts.isThisTypePredicate(typePredicate)) {
            else {
                if (typePredicate.parameterIndex >= 0) {
                    if (parent.parameters[typePredicate.parameterIndex].dotDotDotToken) {
                        error(parameterName, ts.Diagnostics.A_type_predicate_cannot_reference_a_rest_parameter);
                    else {
                        var leadingError = ts.chainDiagnosticMessages(undefined, ts.Diagnostics.A_type_predicate_s_type_must_be_assignable_to_its_parameter_s_type);
                        checkTypeAssignableTo(typePredicate.type, getTypeOfNode(parent.parameters[typePredicate.parameterIndex]), node.type, undefined, leadingError);
                else if (parameterName) {
                    var hasReportedError = false;
                    for (var _i = 0, _a = parent.parameters; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                        var name_15 = _a[_i].name;
                        if (ts.isBindingPattern(name_15) &&
                            checkIfTypePredicateVariableIsDeclaredInBindingPattern(name_15, parameterName, typePredicate.parameterName)) {
                            hasReportedError = true;
                    if (!hasReportedError) {
                        error(node.parameterName, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_parameter_0, typePredicate.parameterName);
        function getTypePredicateParent(node) {
            switch (node.parent.kind) {
                case 180:
                case 151:
                case 220:
                case 179:
                case 156:
                case 147:
                case 146:
                    var parent_10 = node.parent;
                    if (node === parent_10.type) {
                        return parent_10;
        function checkIfTypePredicateVariableIsDeclaredInBindingPattern(pattern, predicateVariableNode, predicateVariableName) {
            for (var _i = 0, _a = pattern.elements; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var name_16 = _a[_i].name;
                if (name_16.kind === 69 &&
                    name_16.text === predicateVariableName) {
                    error(predicateVariableNode, ts.Diagnostics.A_type_predicate_cannot_reference_element_0_in_a_binding_pattern, predicateVariableName);
                    return true;
                else if (name_16.kind === 168 ||
                    name_16.kind === 167) {
                    if (checkIfTypePredicateVariableIsDeclaredInBindingPattern(name_16, predicateVariableNode, predicateVariableName)) {
                        return true;
        function checkSignatureDeclaration(node) {
            if (node.kind === 153) {
            else if (node.kind === 156 || node.kind === 220 || node.kind === 157 ||
                node.kind === 151 || node.kind === 148 ||
                node.kind === 152) {
            ts.forEach(node.parameters, checkParameter);
            if (node.type) {
            if (produceDiagnostics) {
                if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny && !node.type) {
                    switch (node.kind) {
                        case 152:
                            error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Construct_signature_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_any_return_type);
                        case 151:
                            error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Call_signature_which_lacks_return_type_annotation_implicitly_has_an_any_return_type);
                if (node.type) {
                    if (languageVersion >= 2 && isSyntacticallyValidGenerator(node)) {
                        var returnType = getTypeFromTypeNode(node.type);
                        if (returnType === voidType) {
                            error(node.type, ts.Diagnostics.A_generator_cannot_have_a_void_type_annotation);
                        else {
                            var generatorElementType = getElementTypeOfIterableIterator(returnType) || anyType;
                            var iterableIteratorInstantiation = createIterableIteratorType(generatorElementType);
                            checkTypeAssignableTo(iterableIteratorInstantiation, returnType, node.type);
                    else if (ts.isAsyncFunctionLike(node)) {
                if (noUnusedIdentifiers && !node.body) {
        function checkClassForDuplicateDeclarations(node) {
            var instanceNames = ts.createMap();
            var staticNames = ts.createMap();
            for (var _i = 0, _a = node.members; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var member = _a[_i];
                if (member.kind === 148) {
                    for (var _b = 0, _c = member.parameters; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
                        var param = _c[_b];
                        if (ts.isParameterPropertyDeclaration(param)) {
                            addName(instanceNames,,, 3);
                else {
                    var isStatic = ts.forEach(member.modifiers, function (m) { return m.kind === 113; });
                    var names = isStatic ? staticNames : instanceNames;
                    var memberName = && ts.getPropertyNameForPropertyNameNode(;
                    if (memberName) {
                        switch (member.kind) {
                            case 149:
                                addName(names,, memberName, 1);
                            case 150:
                                addName(names,, memberName, 2);
                            case 145:
                                addName(names,, memberName, 3);
            function addName(names, location, name, meaning) {
                var prev = names[name];
                if (prev) {
                    if (prev & meaning) {
                        error(location, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_0, ts.getTextOfNode(location));
                    else {
                        names[name] = prev | meaning;
                else {
                    names[name] = meaning;
        function checkObjectTypeForDuplicateDeclarations(node) {
            var names = ts.createMap();
            for (var _i = 0, _a = node.members; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var member = _a[_i];
                if (member.kind == 144) {
                    var memberName = void 0;
                    switch ( {
                        case 9:
                        case 8:
                        case 69:
                            memberName =;
                    if (names[memberName]) {
                        error(, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_0, memberName);
                        error(, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_0, memberName);
                    else {
                        names[memberName] = true;
        function checkTypeForDuplicateIndexSignatures(node) {
            if (node.kind === 222) {
                var nodeSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
                if (nodeSymbol.declarations.length > 0 && nodeSymbol.declarations[0] !== node) {
            var indexSymbol = getIndexSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(node));
            if (indexSymbol) {
                var seenNumericIndexer = false;
                var seenStringIndexer = false;
                for (var _i = 0, _a = indexSymbol.declarations; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var decl = _a[_i];
                    var declaration = decl;
                    if (declaration.parameters.length === 1 && declaration.parameters[0].type) {
                        switch (declaration.parameters[0].type.kind) {
                            case 132:
                                if (!seenStringIndexer) {
                                    seenStringIndexer = true;
                                else {
                                    error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_string_index_signature);
                            case 130:
                                if (!seenNumericIndexer) {
                                    seenNumericIndexer = true;
                                else {
                                    error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_number_index_signature);
        function checkPropertyDeclaration(node) {
            checkGrammarDecorators(node) || checkGrammarModifiers(node) || checkGrammarProperty(node) || checkGrammarComputedPropertyName(;
        function checkMethodDeclaration(node) {
            checkGrammarMethod(node) || checkGrammarComputedPropertyName(;
            if (node.flags & 128 && node.body) {
                error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Method_0_cannot_have_an_implementation_because_it_is_marked_abstract, ts.declarationNameToString(;
        function checkConstructorDeclaration(node) {
            checkGrammarConstructorTypeParameters(node) || checkGrammarConstructorTypeAnnotation(node);
            var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
            var firstDeclaration = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, node.kind);
            if (node === firstDeclaration) {
            if (ts.nodeIsMissing(node.body)) {
            if (!produceDiagnostics) {
            function containsSuperCallAsComputedPropertyName(n) {
                return && containsSuperCall(;
            function containsSuperCall(n) {
                if (ts.isSuperCallExpression(n)) {
                    return true;
                else if (ts.isFunctionLike(n)) {
                    return false;
                else if (ts.isClassLike(n)) {
                    return ts.forEach(n.members, containsSuperCallAsComputedPropertyName);
                return ts.forEachChild(n, containsSuperCall);
            function markThisReferencesAsErrors(n) {
                if (n.kind === 97) {
                    error(n, ts.Diagnostics.this_cannot_be_referenced_in_current_location);
                else if (n.kind !== 179 && n.kind !== 220) {
                    ts.forEachChild(n, markThisReferencesAsErrors);
            function isInstancePropertyWithInitializer(n) {
                return n.kind === 145 &&
                    !(n.flags & 32) &&
            var containingClassDecl = node.parent;
            if (ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(containingClassDecl)) {
                var classExtendsNull = classDeclarationExtendsNull(containingClassDecl);
                var superCall = getSuperCallInConstructor(node);
                if (superCall) {
                    if (classExtendsNull) {
                        error(superCall, ts.Diagnostics.A_constructor_cannot_contain_a_super_call_when_its_class_extends_null);
                    var superCallShouldBeFirst = ts.forEach(node.parent.members, isInstancePropertyWithInitializer) ||
                        ts.forEach(node.parameters, function (p) { return p.flags & 92; });
                    if (superCallShouldBeFirst) {
                        var statements = node.body.statements;
                        var superCallStatement = void 0;
                        for (var _i = 0, statements_2 = statements; _i < statements_2.length; _i++) {
                            var statement = statements_2[_i];
                            if (statement.kind === 202 && ts.isSuperCallExpression(statement.expression)) {
                                superCallStatement = statement;
                            if (!ts.isPrologueDirective(statement)) {
                        if (!superCallStatement) {
                            error(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_super_call_must_be_the_first_statement_in_the_constructor_when_a_class_contains_initialized_properties_or_has_parameter_properties);
                else if (!classExtendsNull) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Constructors_for_derived_classes_must_contain_a_super_call);
        function checkAccessorDeclaration(node) {
            if (produceDiagnostics) {
                checkGrammarFunctionLikeDeclaration(node) || checkGrammarAccessor(node) || checkGrammarComputedPropertyName(;
                if (node.kind === 149) {
                    if (!ts.isInAmbientContext(node) && ts.nodeIsPresent(node.body) && (node.flags & 32768)) {
                        if (!(node.flags & 65536)) {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics.A_get_accessor_must_return_a_value);
                if ( === 140) {
                if (!ts.hasDynamicName(node)) {
                    var otherKind = node.kind === 149 ? 150 : 149;
                    var otherAccessor = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(node.symbol, otherKind);
                    if (otherAccessor) {
                        if (((node.flags & 28) !== (otherAccessor.flags & 28))) {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics.Getter_and_setter_accessors_do_not_agree_in_visibility);
                        if (((node.flags & 128) !== (otherAccessor.flags & 128))) {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics.Accessors_must_both_be_abstract_or_non_abstract);
                        checkAccessorDeclarationTypesIdentical(node, otherAccessor, getAnnotatedAccessorType, ts.Diagnostics.get_and_set_accessor_must_have_the_same_type);
                        checkAccessorDeclarationTypesIdentical(node, otherAccessor, getThisTypeOfDeclaration, ts.Diagnostics.get_and_set_accessor_must_have_the_same_this_type);
                var returnType = getTypeOfAccessors(getSymbolOfNode(node));
                if (node.kind === 149) {
                    checkAllCodePathsInNonVoidFunctionReturnOrThrow(node, returnType);
            if (node.parent.kind !== 171) {
            else {
        function checkAccessorDeclarationTypesIdentical(first, second, getAnnotatedType, message) {
            var firstType = getAnnotatedType(first);
            var secondType = getAnnotatedType(second);
            if (firstType && secondType && !isTypeIdenticalTo(firstType, secondType)) {
                error(first, message);
        function checkAccessorDeferred(node) {
        function checkMissingDeclaration(node) {
        function checkTypeArgumentConstraints(typeParameters, typeArgumentNodes) {
            var typeArguments;
            var mapper;
            var result = true;
            for (var i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) {
                var constraint = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(typeParameters[i]);
                if (constraint) {
                    if (!typeArguments) {
                        typeArguments =, getTypeFromTypeNode);
                        mapper = createTypeMapper(typeParameters, typeArguments);
                    var typeArgument = typeArguments[i];
                    result = result && checkTypeAssignableTo(typeArgument, getTypeWithThisArgument(instantiateType(constraint, mapper), typeArgument), typeArgumentNodes[i], ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_does_not_satisfy_the_constraint_1);
            return result;
        function checkTypeReferenceNode(node) {
            checkGrammarTypeArguments(node, node.typeArguments);
            var type = getTypeFromTypeReference(node);
            if (type !== unknownType) {
                if (node.typeArguments) {
                    ts.forEach(node.typeArguments, checkSourceElement);
                    if (produceDiagnostics) {
                        var symbol = getNodeLinks(node).resolvedSymbol;
                        var typeParameters = symbol.flags & 524288 ? getSymbolLinks(symbol).typeParameters :;
                        checkTypeArgumentConstraints(typeParameters, node.typeArguments);
                if (type.flags & 16 && !type.memberTypes && getNodeLinks(node).resolvedSymbol.flags & 8) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Enum_type_0_has_members_with_initializers_that_are_not_literals, typeToString(type));
        function checkTypeQuery(node) {
        function checkTypeLiteral(node) {
            ts.forEach(node.members, checkSourceElement);
            if (produceDiagnostics) {
                var type = getTypeFromTypeLiteralOrFunctionOrConstructorTypeNode(node);
        function checkArrayType(node) {
        function checkTupleType(node) {
            var hasErrorFromDisallowedTrailingComma = checkGrammarForDisallowedTrailingComma(node.elementTypes);
            if (!hasErrorFromDisallowedTrailingComma && node.elementTypes.length === 0) {
                grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_tuple_type_element_list_cannot_be_empty);
            ts.forEach(node.elementTypes, checkSourceElement);
        function checkUnionOrIntersectionType(node) {
            ts.forEach(node.types, checkSourceElement);
        function isPrivateWithinAmbient(node) {
            return (node.flags & 8) && ts.isInAmbientContext(node);
        function getEffectiveDeclarationFlags(n, flagsToCheck) {
            var flags = ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(n);
            if (n.parent.kind !== 222 &&
                n.parent.kind !== 221 &&
                n.parent.kind !== 192 &&
                ts.isInAmbientContext(n)) {
                if (!(flags & 2)) {
                    flags |= 1;
                flags |= 2;
            return flags & flagsToCheck;
        function checkFunctionOrConstructorSymbol(symbol) {
            if (!produceDiagnostics) {
            function getCanonicalOverload(overloads, implementation) {
                var implementationSharesContainerWithFirstOverload = implementation !== undefined && implementation.parent === overloads[0].parent;
                return implementationSharesContainerWithFirstOverload ? implementation : overloads[0];
            function checkFlagAgreementBetweenOverloads(overloads, implementation, flagsToCheck, someOverloadFlags, allOverloadFlags) {
                var someButNotAllOverloadFlags = someOverloadFlags ^ allOverloadFlags;
                if (someButNotAllOverloadFlags !== 0) {
                    var canonicalFlags_1 = getEffectiveDeclarationFlags(getCanonicalOverload(overloads, implementation), flagsToCheck);
                    ts.forEach(overloads, function (o) {
                        var deviation = getEffectiveDeclarationFlags(o, flagsToCheck) ^ canonicalFlags_1;
                        if (deviation & 1) {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics.Overload_signatures_must_all_be_exported_or_non_exported);
                        else if (deviation & 2) {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics.Overload_signatures_must_all_be_ambient_or_non_ambient);
                        else if (deviation & (8 | 16)) {
                            error( || o, ts.Diagnostics.Overload_signatures_must_all_be_public_private_or_protected);
                        else if (deviation & 128) {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics.Overload_signatures_must_all_be_abstract_or_non_abstract);
            function checkQuestionTokenAgreementBetweenOverloads(overloads, implementation, someHaveQuestionToken, allHaveQuestionToken) {
                if (someHaveQuestionToken !== allHaveQuestionToken) {
                    var canonicalHasQuestionToken_1 = ts.hasQuestionToken(getCanonicalOverload(overloads, implementation));
                    ts.forEach(overloads, function (o) {
                        var deviation = ts.hasQuestionToken(o) !== canonicalHasQuestionToken_1;
                        if (deviation) {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics.Overload_signatures_must_all_be_optional_or_required);
            var flagsToCheck = 1 | 2 | 8 | 16 | 128;
            var someNodeFlags = 0;
            var allNodeFlags = flagsToCheck;
            var someHaveQuestionToken = false;
            var allHaveQuestionToken = true;
            var hasOverloads = false;
            var bodyDeclaration;
            var lastSeenNonAmbientDeclaration;
            var previousDeclaration;
            var declarations = symbol.declarations;
            var isConstructor = (symbol.flags & 16384) !== 0;
            function reportImplementationExpectedError(node) {
                if ( && ts.nodeIsMissing( {
                var seen = false;
                var subsequentNode = ts.forEachChild(node.parent, function (c) {
                    if (seen) {
                        return c;
                    else {
                        seen = c === node;
                if (subsequentNode && subsequentNode.pos === node.end) {
                    if (subsequentNode.kind === node.kind) {
                        var errorNode_1 = || subsequentNode;
                        if ( && && === {
                            var reportError = (node.kind === 147 || node.kind === 146) &&
                                (node.flags & 32) !== (subsequentNode.flags & 32);
                            if (reportError) {
                                var diagnostic = node.flags & 32 ? ts.Diagnostics.Function_overload_must_be_static : ts.Diagnostics.Function_overload_must_not_be_static;
                                error(errorNode_1, diagnostic);
                        else if (ts.nodeIsPresent(subsequentNode.body)) {
                            error(errorNode_1, ts.Diagnostics.Function_implementation_name_must_be_0, ts.declarationNameToString(;
                var errorNode = || node;
                if (isConstructor) {
                    error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.Constructor_implementation_is_missing);
                else {
                    if (node.flags & 128) {
                        error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.All_declarations_of_an_abstract_method_must_be_consecutive);
                    else {
                        error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.Function_implementation_is_missing_or_not_immediately_following_the_declaration);
            var duplicateFunctionDeclaration = false;
            var multipleConstructorImplementation = false;
            for (var _i = 0, declarations_4 = declarations; _i < declarations_4.length; _i++) {
                var current = declarations_4[_i];
                var node = current;
                var inAmbientContext = ts.isInAmbientContext(node);
                var inAmbientContextOrInterface = node.parent.kind === 222 || node.parent.kind === 159 || inAmbientContext;
                if (inAmbientContextOrInterface) {
                    previousDeclaration = undefined;
                if (node.kind === 220 || node.kind === 147 || node.kind === 146 || node.kind === 148) {
                    var currentNodeFlags = getEffectiveDeclarationFlags(node, flagsToCheck);
                    someNodeFlags |= currentNodeFlags;
                    allNodeFlags &= currentNodeFlags;
                    someHaveQuestionToken = someHaveQuestionToken || ts.hasQuestionToken(node);
                    allHaveQuestionToken = allHaveQuestionToken && ts.hasQuestionToken(node);
                    if (ts.nodeIsPresent(node.body) && bodyDeclaration) {
                        if (isConstructor) {
                            multipleConstructorImplementation = true;
                        else {
                            duplicateFunctionDeclaration = true;
                    else if (previousDeclaration && previousDeclaration.parent === node.parent && previousDeclaration.end !== node.pos) {
                    if (ts.nodeIsPresent(node.body)) {
                        if (!bodyDeclaration) {
                            bodyDeclaration = node;
                    else {
                        hasOverloads = true;
                    previousDeclaration = node;
                    if (!inAmbientContextOrInterface) {
                        lastSeenNonAmbientDeclaration = node;
            if (multipleConstructorImplementation) {
                ts.forEach(declarations, function (declaration) {
                    error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Multiple_constructor_implementations_are_not_allowed);
            if (duplicateFunctionDeclaration) {
                ts.forEach(declarations, function (declaration) {
                    error(, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_function_implementation);
            if (lastSeenNonAmbientDeclaration && !lastSeenNonAmbientDeclaration.body &&
                !(lastSeenNonAmbientDeclaration.flags & 128) && !lastSeenNonAmbientDeclaration.questionToken) {
            if (hasOverloads) {
                checkFlagAgreementBetweenOverloads(declarations, bodyDeclaration, flagsToCheck, someNodeFlags, allNodeFlags);
                checkQuestionTokenAgreementBetweenOverloads(declarations, bodyDeclaration, someHaveQuestionToken, allHaveQuestionToken);
                if (bodyDeclaration) {
                    var signatures = getSignaturesOfSymbol(symbol);
                    var bodySignature = getSignatureFromDeclaration(bodyDeclaration);
                    for (var _a = 0, signatures_3 = signatures; _a < signatures_3.length; _a++) {
                        var signature = signatures_3[_a];
                        if (!isImplementationCompatibleWithOverload(bodySignature, signature)) {
                            error(signature.declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Overload_signature_is_not_compatible_with_function_implementation);
        function checkExportsOnMergedDeclarations(node) {
            if (!produceDiagnostics) {
            var symbol = node.localSymbol;
            if (!symbol) {
                symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
                if (!(symbol.flags & 7340032)) {
            if (ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, node.kind) !== node) {
            var exportedDeclarationSpaces = 0;
            var nonExportedDeclarationSpaces = 0;
            var defaultExportedDeclarationSpaces = 0;
            for (var _i = 0, _a = symbol.declarations; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var d = _a[_i];
                var declarationSpaces = getDeclarationSpaces(d);
                var effectiveDeclarationFlags = getEffectiveDeclarationFlags(d, 1 | 512);
                if (effectiveDeclarationFlags & 1) {
                    if (effectiveDeclarationFlags & 512) {
                        defaultExportedDeclarationSpaces |= declarationSpaces;
                    else {
                        exportedDeclarationSpaces |= declarationSpaces;
                else {
                    nonExportedDeclarationSpaces |= declarationSpaces;
            var nonDefaultExportedDeclarationSpaces = exportedDeclarationSpaces | nonExportedDeclarationSpaces;
            var commonDeclarationSpacesForExportsAndLocals = exportedDeclarationSpaces & nonExportedDeclarationSpaces;
            var commonDeclarationSpacesForDefaultAndNonDefault = defaultExportedDeclarationSpaces & nonDefaultExportedDeclarationSpaces;
            if (commonDeclarationSpacesForExportsAndLocals || commonDeclarationSpacesForDefaultAndNonDefault) {
                for (var _b = 0, _c = symbol.declarations; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
                    var d = _c[_b];
                    var declarationSpaces = getDeclarationSpaces(d);
                    if (declarationSpaces & commonDeclarationSpacesForDefaultAndNonDefault) {
                        error(, ts.Diagnostics.Merged_declaration_0_cannot_include_a_default_export_declaration_Consider_adding_a_separate_export_default_0_declaration_instead, ts.declarationNameToString(;
                    else if (declarationSpaces & commonDeclarationSpacesForExportsAndLocals) {
                        error(, ts.Diagnostics.Individual_declarations_in_merged_declaration_0_must_be_all_exported_or_all_local, ts.declarationNameToString(;
            function getDeclarationSpaces(d) {
                switch (d.kind) {
                    case 222:
                        return 2097152;
                    case 225:
                        return ts.isAmbientModule(d) || ts.getModuleInstanceState(d) !== 0
                            ? 4194304 | 1048576
                            : 4194304;
                    case 221:
                    case 224:
                        return 2097152 | 1048576;
                    case 229:
                        var result_2 = 0;
                        var target = resolveAlias(getSymbolOfNode(d));
                        ts.forEach(target.declarations, function (d) { result_2 |= getDeclarationSpaces(d); });
                        return result_2;
                        return 1048576;
        function checkNonThenableType(type, location, message) {
            type = getWidenedType(type);
            if (!isTypeAny(type) && !isTypeNever(type) && isTypeAssignableTo(type, getGlobalThenableType())) {
                if (location) {
                    if (!message) {
                        message = ts.Diagnostics.Operand_for_await_does_not_have_a_valid_callable_then_member;
                    error(location, message);
                return unknownType;
            return type;
        function getPromisedType(promise) {
            if (isTypeAny(promise)) {
                return undefined;
            if (promise.flags & 131072) {
                if ( === tryGetGlobalPromiseType()
                    || === getGlobalPromiseLikeType()) {
                    return promise.typeArguments[0];
            var globalPromiseLikeType = getInstantiatedGlobalPromiseLikeType();
            if (globalPromiseLikeType === emptyObjectType || !isTypeAssignableTo(promise, globalPromiseLikeType)) {
                return undefined;
            var thenFunction = getTypeOfPropertyOfType(promise, "then");
            if (!thenFunction || isTypeAny(thenFunction)) {
                return undefined;
            var thenSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(thenFunction, 0);
            if (thenSignatures.length === 0) {
                return undefined;
            var onfulfilledParameterType = getTypeWithFacts(getUnionType(, getTypeOfFirstParameterOfSignature)), 131072);
            if (isTypeAny(onfulfilledParameterType)) {
                return undefined;
            var onfulfilledParameterSignatures = getSignaturesOfType(onfulfilledParameterType, 0);
            if (onfulfilledParameterSignatures.length === 0) {
                return undefined;
            return getUnionType(, getTypeOfFirstParameterOfSignature), true);
        function getTypeOfFirstParameterOfSignature(signature) {
            return signature.parameters.length > 0 ? getTypeAtPosition(signature, 0) : neverType;
        function getAwaitedType(type) {
            return checkAwaitedType(type, undefined, undefined);
        function checkAwaitedType(type, location, message) {
            return checkAwaitedTypeWorker(type);
            function checkAwaitedTypeWorker(type) {
                if (type.flags & 524288) {
                    var types = [];
                    for (var _i = 0, _a = type.types; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                        var constituentType = _a[_i];
                    return getUnionType(types, true);
                else {
                    var promisedType = getPromisedType(type);
                    if (promisedType === undefined) {
                        return checkNonThenableType(type, location, message);
                    else {
                        if ( === || ts.indexOf(awaitedTypeStack, >= 0) {
                            if (location) {
                                error(location, ts.Diagnostics._0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_the_fulfillment_callback_of_its_own_then_method, symbolToString(type.symbol));
                            return unknownType;
                        var awaitedType = checkAwaitedTypeWorker(promisedType);
                        return awaitedType;
        function checkCorrectPromiseType(returnType, location) {
            if (returnType === unknownType) {
                return unknownType;
            var globalPromiseType = getGlobalPromiseType();
            if (globalPromiseType === emptyGenericType
                || globalPromiseType === getTargetType(returnType)) {
                return checkAwaitedType(returnType, location, ts.Diagnostics.An_async_function_or_method_must_have_a_valid_awaitable_return_type);
            error(location, ts.Diagnostics.The_return_type_of_an_async_function_or_method_must_be_the_global_Promise_T_type);
            return unknownType;
        function checkAsyncFunctionReturnType(node) {
            if (languageVersion >= 2) {
                var returnType = getTypeFromTypeNode(node.type);
                return checkCorrectPromiseType(returnType, node.type);
            var globalPromiseConstructorLikeType = getGlobalPromiseConstructorLikeType();
            if (globalPromiseConstructorLikeType === emptyObjectType) {
                return unknownType;
            var promiseType = getTypeFromTypeNode(node.type);
            if (promiseType === unknownType && compilerOptions.isolatedModules) {
                return unknownType;
            var promiseConstructor = getNodeLinks(node.type).resolvedSymbol;
            if (!promiseConstructor || !symbolIsValue(promiseConstructor)) {
                var typeName = promiseConstructor
                    ? symbolToString(promiseConstructor)
                    : typeToString(promiseType);
                error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_is_not_a_valid_async_function_return_type, typeName);
                return unknownType;
            var promiseConstructorType = getTypeOfSymbol(promiseConstructor);
            if (!checkTypeAssignableTo(promiseConstructorType, globalPromiseConstructorLikeType, node, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_is_not_a_valid_async_function_return_type)) {
                return unknownType;
            var promiseName = ts.getEntityNameFromTypeNode(node.type);
            var promiseNameOrNamespaceRoot = getFirstIdentifier(promiseName);
            var rootSymbol = getSymbol(node.locals, promiseNameOrNamespaceRoot.text, 107455);
            if (rootSymbol) {
                error(rootSymbol.valueDeclaration, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_0_Compiler_uses_declaration_1_to_support_async_functions, promiseNameOrNamespaceRoot.text, getFullyQualifiedName(promiseConstructor));
                return unknownType;
            return checkAwaitedType(promiseType, node, ts.Diagnostics.An_async_function_or_method_must_have_a_valid_awaitable_return_type);
        function checkDecorator(node) {
            var signature = getResolvedSignature(node);
            var returnType = getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature);
            if (returnType.flags & 1) {
            var expectedReturnType;
            var headMessage = getDiagnosticHeadMessageForDecoratorResolution(node);
            var errorInfo;
            switch (node.parent.kind) {
                case 221:
                    var classSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(node.parent);
                    var classConstructorType = getTypeOfSymbol(classSymbol);
                    expectedReturnType = getUnionType([classConstructorType, voidType]);
                case 142:
                    expectedReturnType = voidType;
                    errorInfo = ts.chainDiagnosticMessages(errorInfo, ts.Diagnostics.The_return_type_of_a_parameter_decorator_function_must_be_either_void_or_any);
                case 145:
                    expectedReturnType = voidType;
                    errorInfo = ts.chainDiagnosticMessages(errorInfo, ts.Diagnostics.The_return_type_of_a_property_decorator_function_must_be_either_void_or_any);
                case 147:
                case 149:
                case 150:
                    var methodType = getTypeOfNode(node.parent);
                    var descriptorType = createTypedPropertyDescriptorType(methodType);
                    expectedReturnType = getUnionType([descriptorType, voidType]);
            checkTypeAssignableTo(returnType, expectedReturnType, node, headMessage, errorInfo);
        function checkTypeNodeAsExpression(node) {
            if (node && node.kind === 155) {
                var root = getFirstIdentifier(node.typeName);
                var meaning = root.parent.kind === 155 ? 793064 : 1920;
                var rootSymbol = resolveName(root, root.text, meaning | 8388608, undefined, undefined);
                if (rootSymbol && rootSymbol.flags & 8388608) {
                    var aliasTarget = resolveAlias(rootSymbol);
                    if (aliasTarget.flags & 107455 && !isConstEnumOrConstEnumOnlyModule(resolveAlias(rootSymbol))) {
        function checkTypeAnnotationAsExpression(node) {
        function checkReturnTypeAnnotationAsExpression(node) {
        function checkParameterTypeAnnotationsAsExpressions(node) {
            for (var _i = 0, _a = node.parameters; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var parameter = _a[_i];
        function checkDecorators(node) {
            if (!node.decorators) {
            if (!ts.nodeCanBeDecorated(node)) {
            if (!compilerOptions.experimentalDecorators) {
                error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Experimental_support_for_decorators_is_a_feature_that_is_subject_to_change_in_a_future_release_Set_the_experimentalDecorators_option_to_remove_this_warning);
            if (compilerOptions.emitDecoratorMetadata) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 221:
                        var constructor = ts.getFirstConstructorWithBody(node);
                        if (constructor) {
                    case 147:
                    case 149:
                    case 150:
                    case 145:
                    case 142:
            ts.forEach(node.decorators, checkDecorator);
        function checkFunctionDeclaration(node) {
            if (produceDiagnostics) {
                checkFunctionOrMethodDeclaration(node) || checkGrammarForGenerator(node);
        function checkFunctionOrMethodDeclaration(node) {
            var isAsync = ts.isAsyncFunctionLike(node);
            if ( && === 140) {
            if (!ts.hasDynamicName(node)) {
                var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
                var localSymbol = node.localSymbol || symbol;
                var firstDeclaration = ts.forEach(localSymbol.declarations, function (declaration) { return declaration.kind === node.kind && !ts.isSourceFileJavaScript(ts.getSourceFileOfNode(declaration)) ?
                    declaration : undefined; });
                if (node === firstDeclaration) {
                if (symbol.parent) {
                    if (ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, node.kind) === node) {
            if (!node.asteriskToken) {
                var returnOrPromisedType = node.type && (isAsync ? checkAsyncFunctionReturnType(node) : getTypeFromTypeNode(node.type));
                checkAllCodePathsInNonVoidFunctionReturnOrThrow(node, returnOrPromisedType);
            if (produceDiagnostics && !node.type) {
                if (compilerOptions.noImplicitAny && ts.nodeIsMissing(node.body) && !isPrivateWithinAmbient(node)) {
                    reportImplicitAnyError(node, anyType);
                if (node.asteriskToken && ts.nodeIsPresent(node.body)) {
        function registerForUnusedIdentifiersCheck(node) {
            if (deferredUnusedIdentifierNodes) {
        function checkUnusedIdentifiers() {
            if (deferredUnusedIdentifierNodes) {
                for (var _i = 0, deferredUnusedIdentifierNodes_1 = deferredUnusedIdentifierNodes; _i < deferredUnusedIdentifierNodes_1.length; _i++) {
                    var node = deferredUnusedIdentifierNodes_1[_i];
                    switch (node.kind) {
                        case 256:
                        case 225:
                        case 221:
                        case 192:
                        case 222:
                        case 199:
                        case 227:
                        case 206:
                        case 207:
                        case 208:
                        case 148:
                        case 179:
                        case 220:
                        case 180:
                        case 147:
                        case 149:
                        case 150:
                            if (node.body) {
                        case 146:
                        case 151:
                        case 152:
                        case 153:
                        case 156:
                        case 157:
        function checkUnusedLocalsAndParameters(node) {
            if (node.parent.kind !== 222 && noUnusedIdentifiers && !ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) {
                var _loop_1 = function(key) {
                    var local = node.locals[key];
                    if (!local.isReferenced) {
                        if (local.valueDeclaration && local.valueDeclaration.kind === 142) {
                            var parameter = local.valueDeclaration;
                            if (compilerOptions.noUnusedParameters &&
                                !ts.isParameterPropertyDeclaration(parameter) &&
                                !parameterIsThisKeyword(parameter) &&
                                !parameterNameStartsWithUnderscore(parameter)) {
                                error(, ts.Diagnostics._0_is_declared_but_never_used,;
                        else if (compilerOptions.noUnusedLocals) {
                            ts.forEach(local.declarations, function (d) { return error( || d, ts.Diagnostics._0_is_declared_but_never_used,; });
                for (var key in node.locals) {
        function parameterIsThisKeyword(parameter) {
            return && === 97;
        function parameterNameStartsWithUnderscore(parameter) {
            return && === 69 && === 95;
        function checkUnusedClassMembers(node) {
            if (compilerOptions.noUnusedLocals && !ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) {
                if (node.members) {
                    for (var _i = 0, _a = node.members; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                        var member = _a[_i];
                        if (member.kind === 147 || member.kind === 145) {
                            if (!member.symbol.isReferenced && member.flags & 8) {
                                error(, ts.Diagnostics._0_is_declared_but_never_used,;
                        else if (member.kind === 148) {
                            for (var _b = 0, _c = member.parameters; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
                                var parameter = _c[_b];
                                if (!parameter.symbol.isReferenced && parameter.flags & 8) {
                                    error(, ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_is_declared_but_never_used,;
        function checkUnusedTypeParameters(node) {
            if (compilerOptions.noUnusedLocals && !ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) {
                if (node.typeParameters) {
                    var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
                    var lastDeclaration = symbol && symbol.declarations && ts.lastOrUndefined(symbol.declarations);
                    if (lastDeclaration !== node) {
                    for (var _i = 0, _a = node.typeParameters; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                        var typeParameter = _a[_i];
                        if (!getMergedSymbol(typeParameter.symbol).isReferenced) {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics._0_is_declared_but_never_used,;
        function checkUnusedModuleMembers(node) {
            if (compilerOptions.noUnusedLocals && !ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) {
                for (var key in node.locals) {
                    var local = node.locals[key];
                    if (!local.isReferenced && !local.exportSymbol) {
                        for (var _i = 0, _a = local.declarations; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                            var declaration = _a[_i];
                            if (!ts.isAmbientModule(declaration)) {
                                error(, ts.Diagnostics._0_is_declared_but_never_used,;
        function checkBlock(node) {
            if (node.kind === 199) {
            ts.forEach(node.statements, checkSourceElement);
            if (node.locals) {
        function checkCollisionWithArgumentsInGeneratedCode(node) {
            if (!ts.hasDeclaredRestParameter(node) || ts.isInAmbientContext(node) || ts.nodeIsMissing(node.body)) {
            ts.forEach(node.parameters, function (p) {
                if ( && !ts.isBindingPattern( && === {
                    error(p, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_arguments_Compiler_uses_arguments_to_initialize_rest_parameters);
        function needCollisionCheckForIdentifier(node, identifier, name) {
            if (!(identifier && identifier.text === name)) {
                return false;
            if (node.kind === 145 ||
                node.kind === 144 ||
                node.kind === 147 ||
                node.kind === 146 ||
                node.kind === 149 ||
                node.kind === 150) {
                return false;
            if (ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) {
                return false;
            var root = ts.getRootDeclaration(node);
            if (root.kind === 142 && ts.nodeIsMissing(root.parent.body)) {
                return false;
            return true;
        function checkCollisionWithCapturedThisVariable(node, name) {
            if (needCollisionCheckForIdentifier(node, name, "_this")) {
        function checkIfThisIsCapturedInEnclosingScope(node) {
            var current = node;
            while (current) {
                if (getNodeCheckFlags(current) & 4) {
                    var isDeclaration_1 = node.kind !== 69;
                    if (isDeclaration_1) {
                        error(, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_this_Compiler_uses_variable_declaration_this_to_capture_this_reference);
                    else {
                        error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Expression_resolves_to_variable_declaration_this_that_compiler_uses_to_capture_this_reference);
                current = current.parent;
        function checkCollisionWithCapturedSuperVariable(node, name) {
            if (!needCollisionCheckForIdentifier(node, name, "_super")) {
            var enclosingClass = ts.getContainingClass(node);
            if (!enclosingClass || ts.isInAmbientContext(enclosingClass)) {
            if (ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(enclosingClass)) {
                var isDeclaration_2 = node.kind !== 69;
                if (isDeclaration_2) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_super_Compiler_uses_super_to_capture_base_class_reference);
                else {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Expression_resolves_to_super_that_compiler_uses_to_capture_base_class_reference);
        function checkCollisionWithRequireExportsInGeneratedCode(node, name) {
            if (!needCollisionCheckForIdentifier(node, name, "require") && !needCollisionCheckForIdentifier(node, name, "exports")) {
            if (node.kind === 225 && ts.getModuleInstanceState(node) !== 1) {
            var parent = getDeclarationContainer(node);
            if (parent.kind === 256 && ts.isExternalOrCommonJsModule(parent)) {
                error(name, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_0_Compiler_reserves_name_1_in_top_level_scope_of_a_module, ts.declarationNameToString(name), ts.declarationNameToString(name));
        function checkCollisionWithGlobalPromiseInGeneratedCode(node, name) {
            if (!needCollisionCheckForIdentifier(node, name, "Promise")) {
            if (node.kind === 225 && ts.getModuleInstanceState(node) !== 1) {
            var parent = getDeclarationContainer(node);
            if (parent.kind === 256 && ts.isExternalOrCommonJsModule(parent) && parent.flags & 2097152) {
                error(name, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_0_Compiler_reserves_name_1_in_top_level_scope_of_a_module_containing_async_functions, ts.declarationNameToString(name), ts.declarationNameToString(name));
        function checkVarDeclaredNamesNotShadowed(node) {
            if ((ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(node) & 3072) !== 0 || ts.isParameterDeclaration(node)) {
            if (node.kind === 218 && !node.initializer) {
            var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
            if (symbol.flags & 1) {
                var localDeclarationSymbol = resolveName(node,, 3, undefined, undefined);
                if (localDeclarationSymbol &&
                    localDeclarationSymbol !== symbol &&
                    localDeclarationSymbol.flags & 2) {
                    if (getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(localDeclarationSymbol) & 3072) {
                        var varDeclList = ts.getAncestor(localDeclarationSymbol.valueDeclaration, 219);
                        var container = varDeclList.parent.kind === 200 && varDeclList.parent.parent
                            ? varDeclList.parent.parent
                            : undefined;
                        var namesShareScope = container &&
                            (container.kind === 199 && ts.isFunctionLike(container.parent) ||
                                container.kind === 226 ||
                                container.kind === 225 ||
                                container.kind === 256);
                        if (!namesShareScope) {
                            var name_17 = symbolToString(localDeclarationSymbol);
                            error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_initialize_outer_scoped_variable_0_in_the_same_scope_as_block_scoped_declaration_1, name_17, name_17);
        function checkParameterInitializer(node) {
            if (ts.getRootDeclaration(node).kind !== 142) {
            var func = ts.getContainingFunction(node);
            function visit(n) {
                if (ts.isTypeNode(n) || ts.isDeclarationName(n)) {
                if (n.kind === 172) {
                    return visit(n.expression);
                else if (n.kind === 69) {
                    var symbol = resolveName(n, n.text, 107455 | 8388608, undefined, undefined);
                    if (!symbol || symbol === unknownSymbol || !symbol.valueDeclaration) {
                    if (symbol.valueDeclaration === node) {
                        error(n, ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_cannot_be_referenced_in_its_initializer, ts.declarationNameToString(;
                    var enclosingContainer = ts.getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer(symbol.valueDeclaration);
                    if (enclosingContainer === func) {
                        if (symbol.valueDeclaration.kind === 142) {
                            if (symbol.valueDeclaration.pos < node.pos) {
                            var current = n;
                            while (current !== node.initializer) {
                                if (ts.isFunctionLike(current.parent)) {
                                if (current.parent.kind === 145 &&
                                    !(current.parent.flags & 32) &&
                                    ts.isClassLike(current.parent.parent)) {
                                current = current.parent;
                        error(n, ts.Diagnostics.Initializer_of_parameter_0_cannot_reference_identifier_1_declared_after_it, ts.declarationNameToString(, ts.declarationNameToString(n));
                else {
                    return ts.forEachChild(n, visit);
        function checkVariableLikeDeclaration(node) {
            if ( === 140) {
                if (node.initializer) {
            if (node.kind === 169) {
                if (node.propertyName && node.propertyName.kind === 140) {
                var parent_11 = node.parent.parent;
                var parentType = getTypeForBindingElementParent(parent_11);
                var name_18 = node.propertyName ||;
                var property = getPropertyOfType(parentType, getTextOfPropertyName(name_18));
                if (parent_11.initializer && property && getParentOfSymbol(property)) {
                    checkClassPropertyAccess(parent_11, parent_11.initializer, parentType, property);
            if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                ts.forEach(, checkSourceElement);
            if (node.initializer && ts.getRootDeclaration(node).kind === 142 && ts.nodeIsMissing(ts.getContainingFunction(node).body)) {
                error(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_parameter_initializer_is_only_allowed_in_a_function_or_constructor_implementation);
            if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                if (node.initializer && node.parent.parent.kind !== 207) {
                    checkTypeAssignableTo(checkExpressionCached(node.initializer), getWidenedTypeForVariableLikeDeclaration(node), node, undefined);
            var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
            var type = getTypeOfVariableOrParameterOrProperty(symbol);
            if (node === symbol.valueDeclaration) {
                if (node.initializer && node.parent.parent.kind !== 207) {
                    checkTypeAssignableTo(checkExpressionCached(node.initializer), type, node, undefined);
            else {
                var declarationType = getWidenedTypeForVariableLikeDeclaration(node);
                if (type !== unknownType && declarationType !== unknownType && !isTypeIdenticalTo(type, declarationType)) {
                    error(, ts.Diagnostics.Subsequent_variable_declarations_must_have_the_same_type_Variable_0_must_be_of_type_1_but_here_has_type_2, ts.declarationNameToString(, typeToString(type), typeToString(declarationType));
                if (node.initializer) {
                    checkTypeAssignableTo(checkExpressionCached(node.initializer), declarationType, node, undefined);
                if (!areDeclarationFlagsIdentical(node, symbol.valueDeclaration)) {
                    error(, ts.Diagnostics.All_declarations_of_0_must_have_identical_modifiers, ts.declarationNameToString(;
                    error(, ts.Diagnostics.All_declarations_of_0_must_have_identical_modifiers, ts.declarationNameToString(;
            if (node.kind !== 145 && node.kind !== 144) {
                if (node.kind === 218 || node.kind === 169) {
        function areDeclarationFlagsIdentical(left, right) {
            if ((left.kind === 142 && right.kind === 218) ||
                (left.kind === 218 && right.kind === 142)) {
                return true;
            if (ts.hasQuestionToken(left) !== ts.hasQuestionToken(right)) {
                return false;
            var interestingFlags = 8 |
                16 |
                256 |
                128 |
                64 |
            return (left.flags & interestingFlags) === (right.flags & interestingFlags);
        function checkVariableDeclaration(node) {
            return checkVariableLikeDeclaration(node);
        function checkBindingElement(node) {
            return checkVariableLikeDeclaration(node);
        function checkVariableStatement(node) {
            checkGrammarDecorators(node) || checkGrammarModifiers(node) || checkGrammarVariableDeclarationList(node.declarationList) || checkGrammarForDisallowedLetOrConstStatement(node);
            ts.forEach(node.declarationList.declarations, checkSourceElement);
        function checkGrammarDisallowedModifiersOnObjectLiteralExpressionMethod(node) {
            if (node.modifiers && node.parent.kind === 171) {
                if (ts.isAsyncFunctionLike(node)) {
                    if (node.modifiers.length > 1) {
                        return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.Modifiers_cannot_appear_here);
                else {
                    return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.Modifiers_cannot_appear_here);
        function checkExpressionStatement(node) {
        function checkIfStatement(node) {
            if (node.thenStatement.kind === 201) {
                error(node.thenStatement, ts.Diagnostics.The_body_of_an_if_statement_cannot_be_the_empty_statement);
        function checkDoStatement(node) {
        function checkWhileStatement(node) {
        function checkForStatement(node) {
            if (!checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node)) {
                if (node.initializer && node.initializer.kind === 219) {
            if (node.initializer) {
                if (node.initializer.kind === 219) {
                    ts.forEach(node.initializer.declarations, checkVariableDeclaration);
                else {
            if (node.condition)
            if (node.incrementor)
            if (node.locals) {
        function checkForOfStatement(node) {
            if (node.initializer.kind === 219) {
            else {
                var varExpr = node.initializer;
                var iteratedType = checkRightHandSideOfForOf(node.expression);
                if (varExpr.kind === 170 || varExpr.kind === 171) {
                    checkDestructuringAssignment(varExpr, iteratedType || unknownType);
                else {
                    var leftType = checkExpression(varExpr);
                    checkReferenceExpression(varExpr, ts.Diagnostics.Invalid_left_hand_side_in_for_of_statement, ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_of_statement_cannot_be_a_constant_or_a_read_only_property);
                    if (iteratedType) {
                        checkTypeAssignableTo(iteratedType, leftType, varExpr, undefined);
            if (node.locals) {
        function checkForInStatement(node) {
            if (node.initializer.kind === 219) {
                var variable = node.initializer.declarations[0];
                if (variable && ts.isBindingPattern( {
                    error(, ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_be_a_destructuring_pattern);
            else {
                var varExpr = node.initializer;
                var leftType = checkExpression(varExpr);
                if (varExpr.kind === 170 || varExpr.kind === 171) {
                    error(varExpr, ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_be_a_destructuring_pattern);
                else if (!isTypeAnyOrAllConstituentTypesHaveKind(leftType, 34)) {
                    error(varExpr, ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_must_be_of_type_string_or_any);
                else {
                    checkReferenceExpression(varExpr, ts.Diagnostics.Invalid_left_hand_side_in_for_in_statement, ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_be_a_constant_or_a_read_only_property);
            var rightType = checkNonNullExpression(node.expression);
            if (!isTypeAnyOrAllConstituentTypesHaveKind(rightType, 2588672 | 16384)) {
                error(node.expression, ts.Diagnostics.The_right_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_must_be_of_type_any_an_object_type_or_a_type_parameter);
            if (node.locals) {
        function checkForInOrForOfVariableDeclaration(iterationStatement) {
            var variableDeclarationList = iterationStatement.initializer;
            if (variableDeclarationList.declarations.length >= 1) {
                var decl = variableDeclarationList.declarations[0];
        function checkRightHandSideOfForOf(rhsExpression) {
            var expressionType = checkNonNullExpression(rhsExpression);
            return checkIteratedTypeOrElementType(expressionType, rhsExpression, true);
        function checkIteratedTypeOrElementType(inputType, errorNode, allowStringInput) {
            if (isTypeAny(inputType)) {
                return inputType;
            if (languageVersion >= 2) {
                return checkElementTypeOfIterable(inputType, errorNode);
            if (allowStringInput) {
                return checkElementTypeOfArrayOrString(inputType, errorNode);
            if (isArrayLikeType(inputType)) {
                var indexType = getIndexTypeOfType(inputType, 1);
                if (indexType) {
                    return indexType;
            if (errorNode) {
                error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_is_not_an_array_type, typeToString(inputType));
            return unknownType;
        function checkElementTypeOfIterable(iterable, errorNode) {
            var elementType = getElementTypeOfIterable(iterable, errorNode);
            if (errorNode && elementType) {
                checkTypeAssignableTo(iterable, createIterableType(elementType), errorNode);
            return elementType || anyType;
        function getElementTypeOfIterable(type, errorNode) {
            if (isTypeAny(type)) {
                return undefined;
            var typeAsIterable = type;
            if (!typeAsIterable.iterableElementType) {
                if ((type.flags & 131072) && === getGlobalIterableType()) {
                    typeAsIterable.iterableElementType = type.typeArguments[0];
                else {
                    var iteratorFunction = getTypeOfPropertyOfType(type, ts.getPropertyNameForKnownSymbolName("iterator"));
                    if (isTypeAny(iteratorFunction)) {
                        return undefined;
                    var iteratorFunctionSignatures = iteratorFunction ? getSignaturesOfType(iteratorFunction, 0) : emptyArray;
                    if (iteratorFunctionSignatures.length === 0) {
                        if (errorNode) {
                            error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.Type_must_have_a_Symbol_iterator_method_that_returns_an_iterator);
                        return undefined;
                    typeAsIterable.iterableElementType = getElementTypeOfIterator(getUnionType(, getReturnTypeOfSignature), true), errorNode);
            return typeAsIterable.iterableElementType;
        function getElementTypeOfIterator(type, errorNode) {
            if (isTypeAny(type)) {
                return undefined;
            var typeAsIterator = type;
            if (!typeAsIterator.iteratorElementType) {
                if ((type.flags & 131072) && === getGlobalIteratorType()) {
                    typeAsIterator.iteratorElementType = type.typeArguments[0];
                else {
                    var iteratorNextFunction = getTypeOfPropertyOfType(type, "next");
                    if (isTypeAny(iteratorNextFunction)) {
                        return undefined;
                    var iteratorNextFunctionSignatures = iteratorNextFunction ? getSignaturesOfType(iteratorNextFunction, 0) : emptyArray;
                    if (iteratorNextFunctionSignatures.length === 0) {
                        if (errorNode) {
                            error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.An_iterator_must_have_a_next_method);
                        return undefined;
                    var iteratorNextResult = getUnionType(, getReturnTypeOfSignature), true);
                    if (isTypeAny(iteratorNextResult)) {
                        return undefined;
                    var iteratorNextValue = getTypeOfPropertyOfType(iteratorNextResult, "value");
                    if (!iteratorNextValue) {
                        if (errorNode) {
                            error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.The_type_returned_by_the_next_method_of_an_iterator_must_have_a_value_property);
                        return undefined;
                    typeAsIterator.iteratorElementType = iteratorNextValue;
            return typeAsIterator.iteratorElementType;
        function getElementTypeOfIterableIterator(type) {
            if (isTypeAny(type)) {
                return undefined;
            if ((type.flags & 131072) && === getGlobalIterableIteratorType()) {
                return type.typeArguments[0];
            return getElementTypeOfIterable(type, undefined) ||
                getElementTypeOfIterator(type, undefined);
        function checkElementTypeOfArrayOrString(arrayOrStringType, errorNode) {
            ts.Debug.assert(languageVersion < 2);
            var arrayType = arrayOrStringType;
            if (arrayOrStringType.flags & 524288) {
                arrayType = getUnionType(ts.filter(arrayOrStringType.types, function (t) { return !(t.flags & 34); }), true);
            else if (arrayOrStringType.flags & 34) {
                arrayType = neverType;
            var hasStringConstituent = arrayOrStringType !== arrayType;
            var reportedError = false;
            if (hasStringConstituent) {
                if (languageVersion < 1) {
                    error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.Using_a_string_in_a_for_of_statement_is_only_supported_in_ECMAScript_5_and_higher);
                    reportedError = true;
                if (arrayType === neverType) {
                    return stringType;
            if (!isArrayLikeType(arrayType)) {
                if (!reportedError) {
                    var diagnostic = hasStringConstituent
                        ? ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_is_not_an_array_type
                        : ts.Diagnostics.Type_0_is_not_an_array_type_or_a_string_type;
                    error(errorNode, diagnostic, typeToString(arrayType));
                return hasStringConstituent ? stringType : unknownType;
            var arrayElementType = getIndexTypeOfType(arrayType, 1) || unknownType;
            if (hasStringConstituent) {
                if (arrayElementType.flags & 34) {
                    return stringType;
                return getUnionType([arrayElementType, stringType], true);
            return arrayElementType;
        function checkBreakOrContinueStatement(node) {
            checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node) || checkGrammarBreakOrContinueStatement(node);
        function isGetAccessorWithAnnotatedSetAccessor(node) {
            return !!(node.kind === 149 && ts.getSetAccessorTypeAnnotationNode(ts.getDeclarationOfKind(node.symbol, 150)));
        function isUnwrappedReturnTypeVoidOrAny(func, returnType) {
            var unwrappedReturnType = ts.isAsyncFunctionLike(func) ? getPromisedType(returnType) : returnType;
            return unwrappedReturnType && maybeTypeOfKind(unwrappedReturnType, 1024 | 1);
        function checkReturnStatement(node) {
            if (!checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node)) {
                var functionBlock = ts.getContainingFunction(node);
                if (!functionBlock) {
                    grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_return_statement_can_only_be_used_within_a_function_body);
            var func = ts.getContainingFunction(node);
            if (func) {
                var signature = getSignatureFromDeclaration(func);
                var returnType = getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature);
                if (strictNullChecks || node.expression || returnType === neverType) {
                    var exprType = node.expression ? checkExpressionCached(node.expression) : undefinedType;
                    if (func.asteriskToken) {
                    if (func.kind === 150) {
                        if (node.expression) {
                            error(node.expression, ts.Diagnostics.Setters_cannot_return_a_value);
                    else if (func.kind === 148) {
                        if (node.expression && !checkTypeAssignableTo(exprType, returnType, node.expression)) {
                            error(node.expression, ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_constructor_signature_must_be_assignable_to_the_instance_type_of_the_class);
                    else if (func.type || isGetAccessorWithAnnotatedSetAccessor(func)) {
                        if (ts.isAsyncFunctionLike(func)) {
                            var promisedType = getPromisedType(returnType);
                            var awaitedType = checkAwaitedType(exprType, node.expression || node, ts.Diagnostics.Return_expression_in_async_function_does_not_have_a_valid_callable_then_member);
                            if (promisedType) {
                                checkTypeAssignableTo(awaitedType, promisedType, node.expression || node);
                        else {
                            checkTypeAssignableTo(exprType, returnType, node.expression || node);
                else if (func.kind !== 148 && compilerOptions.noImplicitReturns && !isUnwrappedReturnTypeVoidOrAny(func, returnType)) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Not_all_code_paths_return_a_value);
        function checkWithStatement(node) {
            if (!checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node)) {
                if (node.flags & 33554432) {
                    grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.with_statements_are_not_allowed_in_an_async_function_block);
            error(node.expression, ts.Diagnostics.All_symbols_within_a_with_block_will_be_resolved_to_any);
        function checkSwitchStatement(node) {
            var firstDefaultClause;
            var hasDuplicateDefaultClause = false;
            var expressionType = checkExpression(node.expression);
            ts.forEach(node.caseBlock.clauses, function (clause) {
                if (clause.kind === 250 && !hasDuplicateDefaultClause) {
                    if (firstDefaultClause === undefined) {
                        firstDefaultClause = clause;
                    else {
                        var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node);
                        var start = ts.skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, clause.pos);
                        var end = clause.statements.length > 0 ? clause.statements[0].pos : clause.end;
                        grammarErrorAtPos(sourceFile, start, end - start, ts.Diagnostics.A_default_clause_cannot_appear_more_than_once_in_a_switch_statement);
                        hasDuplicateDefaultClause = true;
                if (produceDiagnostics && clause.kind === 249) {
                    var caseClause = clause;
                    var caseType = checkExpression(caseClause.expression);
                    if (!isTypeEqualityComparableTo(expressionType, caseType)) {
                        checkTypeComparableTo(caseType, expressionType, caseClause.expression, undefined);
                ts.forEach(clause.statements, checkSourceElement);
            if (node.caseBlock.locals) {
        function checkLabeledStatement(node) {
            if (!checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node)) {
                var current = node.parent;
                while (current) {
                    if (ts.isFunctionLike(current)) {
                    if (current.kind === 214 && current.label.text === node.label.text) {
                        var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node);
                        grammarErrorOnNode(node.label, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_label_0, ts.getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(sourceFile.text, node.label));
                    current = current.parent;
        function checkThrowStatement(node) {
            if (!checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node)) {
                if (node.expression === undefined) {
                    grammarErrorAfterFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.Line_break_not_permitted_here);
            if (node.expression) {
        function checkTryStatement(node) {
            var catchClause = node.catchClause;
            if (catchClause) {
                if (catchClause.variableDeclaration) {
                    if ( !== 69) {
                        grammarErrorOnFirstToken(, ts.Diagnostics.Catch_clause_variable_name_must_be_an_identifier);
                    else if (catchClause.variableDeclaration.type) {
                        grammarErrorOnFirstToken(catchClause.variableDeclaration.type, ts.Diagnostics.Catch_clause_variable_cannot_have_a_type_annotation);
                    else if (catchClause.variableDeclaration.initializer) {
                        grammarErrorOnFirstToken(catchClause.variableDeclaration.initializer, ts.Diagnostics.Catch_clause_variable_cannot_have_an_initializer);
                    else {
                        var identifierName =;
                        var locals = catchClause.block.locals;
                        if (locals) {
                            var localSymbol = locals[identifierName];
                            if (localSymbol && (localSymbol.flags & 2) !== 0) {
                                grammarErrorOnNode(localSymbol.valueDeclaration, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_redeclare_identifier_0_in_catch_clause, identifierName);
            if (node.finallyBlock) {
        function checkIndexConstraints(type) {
            var declaredNumberIndexer = getIndexDeclarationOfSymbol(type.symbol, 1);
            var declaredStringIndexer = getIndexDeclarationOfSymbol(type.symbol, 0);
            var stringIndexType = getIndexTypeOfType(type, 0);
            var numberIndexType = getIndexTypeOfType(type, 1);
            if (stringIndexType || numberIndexType) {
                ts.forEach(getPropertiesOfObjectType(type), function (prop) {
                    var propType = getTypeOfSymbol(prop);
                    checkIndexConstraintForProperty(prop, propType, type, declaredStringIndexer, stringIndexType, 0);
                    checkIndexConstraintForProperty(prop, propType, type, declaredNumberIndexer, numberIndexType, 1);
                if (type.flags & 32768 && ts.isClassLike(type.symbol.valueDeclaration)) {
                    var classDeclaration = type.symbol.valueDeclaration;
                    for (var _i = 0, _a = classDeclaration.members; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                        var member = _a[_i];
                        if (!(member.flags & 32) && ts.hasDynamicName(member)) {
                            var propType = getTypeOfSymbol(member.symbol);
                            checkIndexConstraintForProperty(member.symbol, propType, type, declaredStringIndexer, stringIndexType, 0);
                            checkIndexConstraintForProperty(member.symbol, propType, type, declaredNumberIndexer, numberIndexType, 1);
            var errorNode;
            if (stringIndexType && numberIndexType) {
                errorNode = declaredNumberIndexer || declaredStringIndexer;
                if (!errorNode && (type.flags & 65536)) {
                    var someBaseTypeHasBothIndexers = ts.forEach(getBaseTypes(type), function (base) { return getIndexTypeOfType(base, 0) && getIndexTypeOfType(base, 1); });
                    errorNode = someBaseTypeHasBothIndexers ? undefined : type.symbol.declarations[0];
            if (errorNode && !isTypeAssignableTo(numberIndexType, stringIndexType)) {
                error(errorNode, ts.Diagnostics.Numeric_index_type_0_is_not_assignable_to_string_index_type_1, typeToString(numberIndexType), typeToString(stringIndexType));
            function checkIndexConstraintForProperty(prop, propertyType, containingType, indexDeclaration, indexType, indexKind) {
                if (!indexType) {
                if (indexKind === 1 && !isNumericName( {
                var errorNode;
                if ( === 140 || prop.parent === containingType.symbol) {
                    errorNode = prop.valueDeclaration;
                else if (indexDeclaration) {
                    errorNode = indexDeclaration;
                else if (containingType.flags & 65536) {
                    var someBaseClassHasBothPropertyAndIndexer = ts.forEach(getBaseTypes(containingType), function (base) { return getPropertyOfObjectType(base, && getIndexTypeOfType(base, indexKind); });
                    errorNode = someBaseClassHasBothPropertyAndIndexer ? undefined : containingType.symbol.declarations[0];
                if (errorNode && !isTypeAssignableTo(propertyType, indexType)) {
                    var errorMessage = indexKind === 0
                        ? ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_of_type_1_is_not_assignable_to_string_index_type_2
                        : ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_of_type_1_is_not_assignable_to_numeric_index_type_2;
                    error(errorNode, errorMessage, symbolToString(prop), typeToString(propertyType), typeToString(indexType));
        function checkTypeNameIsReserved(name, message) {
            switch (name.text) {
                case "any":
                case "number":
                case "boolean":
                case "string":
                case "symbol":
                case "void":
                    error(name, message, name.text);
        function checkTypeParameters(typeParameterDeclarations) {
            if (typeParameterDeclarations) {
                for (var i = 0, n = typeParameterDeclarations.length; i < n; i++) {
                    var node = typeParameterDeclarations[i];
                    if (produceDiagnostics) {
                        for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
                            if (typeParameterDeclarations[j].symbol === node.symbol) {
                                error(, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_0, ts.declarationNameToString(;
        function checkTypeParameterListsIdentical(node, symbol) {
            if (symbol.declarations.length === 1) {
            var firstDecl;
            for (var _i = 0, _a = symbol.declarations; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var declaration = _a[_i];
                if (declaration.kind === 221 || declaration.kind === 222) {
                    if (!firstDecl) {
                        firstDecl = declaration;
                    else if (!areTypeParametersIdentical(firstDecl.typeParameters, node.typeParameters)) {
                        error(, ts.Diagnostics.All_declarations_of_0_must_have_identical_type_parameters,;
        function checkClassExpression(node) {
            return getTypeOfSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(node));
        function checkClassExpressionDeferred(node) {
            ts.forEach(node.members, checkSourceElement);
        function checkClassDeclaration(node) {
            if (! && !(node.flags & 512)) {
                grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_class_declaration_without_the_default_modifier_must_have_a_name);
            ts.forEach(node.members, checkSourceElement);
        function checkClassLikeDeclaration(node) {
            if ( {
                checkTypeNameIsReserved(, ts.Diagnostics.Class_name_cannot_be_0);
            var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
            var type = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol);
            var typeWithThis = getTypeWithThisArgument(type);
            var staticType = getTypeOfSymbol(symbol);
            checkTypeParameterListsIdentical(node, symbol);
            var baseTypeNode = ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(node);
            if (baseTypeNode) {
                var baseTypes = getBaseTypes(type);
                if (baseTypes.length && produceDiagnostics) {
                    var baseType_1 = baseTypes[0];
                    var staticBaseType = getBaseConstructorTypeOfClass(type);
                    checkBaseTypeAccessibility(staticBaseType, baseTypeNode);
                    if (baseTypeNode.typeArguments) {
                        ts.forEach(baseTypeNode.typeArguments, checkSourceElement);
                        for (var _i = 0, _a = getConstructorsForTypeArguments(staticBaseType, baseTypeNode.typeArguments); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                            var constructor = _a[_i];
                            if (!checkTypeArgumentConstraints(constructor.typeParameters, baseTypeNode.typeArguments)) {
                    checkTypeAssignableTo(typeWithThis, getTypeWithThisArgument(baseType_1, type.thisType), || node, ts.Diagnostics.Class_0_incorrectly_extends_base_class_1);
                    checkTypeAssignableTo(staticType, getTypeWithoutSignatures(staticBaseType), || node, ts.Diagnostics.Class_static_side_0_incorrectly_extends_base_class_static_side_1);
                    if (baseType_1.symbol.valueDeclaration && !ts.isInAmbientContext(baseType_1.symbol.valueDeclaration)) {
                        if (!isBlockScopedNameDeclaredBeforeUse(baseType_1.symbol.valueDeclaration, node)) {
                            error(baseTypeNode, ts.Diagnostics.A_class_must_be_declared_after_its_base_class);
                    if (!(staticBaseType.symbol && staticBaseType.symbol.flags & 32)) {
                        var constructors = getInstantiatedConstructorsForTypeArguments(staticBaseType, baseTypeNode.typeArguments);
                        if (ts.forEach(constructors, function (sig) { return getReturnTypeOfSignature(sig) !== baseType_1; })) {
                            error(baseTypeNode.expression, ts.Diagnostics.Base_constructors_must_all_have_the_same_return_type);
                    checkKindsOfPropertyMemberOverrides(type, baseType_1);
            var implementedTypeNodes = ts.getClassImplementsHeritageClauseElements(node);
            if (implementedTypeNodes) {
                for (var _b = 0, implementedTypeNodes_1 = implementedTypeNodes; _b < implementedTypeNodes_1.length; _b++) {
                    var typeRefNode = implementedTypeNodes_1[_b];
                    if (!ts.isEntityNameExpression(typeRefNode.expression)) {
                        error(typeRefNode.expression, ts.Diagnostics.A_class_can_only_implement_an_identifier_Slashqualified_name_with_optional_type_arguments);
                    if (produceDiagnostics) {
                        var t = getTypeFromTypeNode(typeRefNode);
                        if (t !== unknownType) {
                            var declaredType = (t.flags & 131072) ? : t;
                            if (declaredType.flags & (32768 | 65536)) {
                                checkTypeAssignableTo(typeWithThis, getTypeWithThisArgument(t, type.thisType), || node, ts.Diagnostics.Class_0_incorrectly_implements_interface_1);
                            else {
                                error(typeRefNode, ts.Diagnostics.A_class_may_only_implement_another_class_or_interface);
            if (produceDiagnostics) {
        function checkBaseTypeAccessibility(type, node) {
            var signatures = getSignaturesOfType(type, 1);
            if (signatures.length) {
                var declaration = signatures[0].declaration;
                if (declaration && declaration.flags & 8) {
                    var typeClassDeclaration = getClassLikeDeclarationOfSymbol(type.symbol);
                    if (!isNodeWithinClass(node, typeClassDeclaration)) {
                        error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_extend_a_class_0_Class_constructor_is_marked_as_private, node.expression.text);
        function getTargetSymbol(s) {
            return s.flags & 16777216 ? getSymbolLinks(s).target : s;
        function getClassLikeDeclarationOfSymbol(symbol) {
            return ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, function (d) { return ts.isClassLike(d) ? d : undefined; });
        function checkKindsOfPropertyMemberOverrides(type, baseType) {
            var baseProperties = getPropertiesOfObjectType(baseType);
            for (var _i = 0, baseProperties_1 = baseProperties; _i < baseProperties_1.length; _i++) {
                var baseProperty = baseProperties_1[_i];
                var base = getTargetSymbol(baseProperty);
                if (base.flags & 134217728) {
                var derived = getTargetSymbol(getPropertyOfObjectType(type,;
                var baseDeclarationFlags = getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(base);
                ts.Debug.assert(!!derived, "derived should point to something, even if it is the base class' declaration.");
                if (derived) {
                    if (derived === base) {
                        var derivedClassDecl = getClassLikeDeclarationOfSymbol(type.symbol);
                        if (baseDeclarationFlags & 128 && (!derivedClassDecl || !(derivedClassDecl.flags & 128))) {
                            if (derivedClassDecl.kind === 192) {
                                error(derivedClassDecl, ts.Diagnostics.Non_abstract_class_expression_does_not_implement_inherited_abstract_member_0_from_class_1, symbolToString(baseProperty), typeToString(baseType));
                            else {
                                error(derivedClassDecl, ts.Diagnostics.Non_abstract_class_0_does_not_implement_inherited_abstract_member_1_from_class_2, typeToString(type), symbolToString(baseProperty), typeToString(baseType));
                    else {
                        var derivedDeclarationFlags = getDeclarationFlagsFromSymbol(derived);
                        if ((baseDeclarationFlags & 8) || (derivedDeclarationFlags & 8)) {
                        if ((baseDeclarationFlags & 32) !== (derivedDeclarationFlags & 32)) {
                        if ((base.flags & derived.flags & 8192) || ((base.flags & 98308) && (derived.flags & 98308))) {
                        var errorMessage = void 0;
                        if (base.flags & 8192) {
                            if (derived.flags & 98304) {
                                errorMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Class_0_defines_instance_member_function_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_accessor;
                            else {
                                ts.Debug.assert((derived.flags & 4) !== 0);
                                errorMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Class_0_defines_instance_member_function_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_property;
                        else if (base.flags & 4) {
                            ts.Debug.assert((derived.flags & 8192) !== 0);
                            errorMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Class_0_defines_instance_member_property_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_function;
                        else {
                            ts.Debug.assert((base.flags & 98304) !== 0);
                            ts.Debug.assert((derived.flags & 8192) !== 0);
                            errorMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Class_0_defines_instance_member_accessor_1_but_extended_class_2_defines_it_as_instance_member_function;
                        error(, errorMessage, typeToString(baseType), symbolToString(base), typeToString(type));
        function isAccessor(kind) {
            return kind === 149 || kind === 150;
        function areTypeParametersIdentical(list1, list2) {
            if (!list1 && !list2) {
                return true;
            if (!list1 || !list2 || list1.length !== list2.length) {
                return false;
            for (var i = 0, len = list1.length; i < len; i++) {
                var tp1 = list1[i];
                var tp2 = list2[i];
                if ( !== {
                    return false;
                if (!tp1.constraint && !tp2.constraint) {
                if (!tp1.constraint || !tp2.constraint) {
                    return false;
                if (!isTypeIdenticalTo(getTypeFromTypeNode(tp1.constraint), getTypeFromTypeNode(tp2.constraint))) {
                    return false;
            return true;
        function checkInheritedPropertiesAreIdentical(type, typeNode) {
            var baseTypes = getBaseTypes(type);
            if (baseTypes.length < 2) {
                return true;
            var seen = ts.createMap();
            ts.forEach(resolveDeclaredMembers(type).declaredProperties, function (p) { seen[] = { prop: p, containingType: type }; });
            var ok = true;
            for (var _i = 0, baseTypes_2 = baseTypes; _i < baseTypes_2.length; _i++) {
                var base = baseTypes_2[_i];
                var properties = getPropertiesOfObjectType(getTypeWithThisArgument(base, type.thisType));
                for (var _a = 0, properties_4 = properties; _a < properties_4.length; _a++) {
                    var prop = properties_4[_a];
                    var existing = seen[];
                    if (!existing) {
                        seen[] = { prop: prop, containingType: base };
                    else {
                        var isInheritedProperty = existing.containingType !== type;
                        if (isInheritedProperty && !isPropertyIdenticalTo(existing.prop, prop)) {
                            ok = false;
                            var typeName1 = typeToString(existing.containingType);
                            var typeName2 = typeToString(base);
                            var errorInfo = ts.chainDiagnosticMessages(undefined, ts.Diagnostics.Named_property_0_of_types_1_and_2_are_not_identical, symbolToString(prop), typeName1, typeName2);
                            errorInfo = ts.chainDiagnosticMessages(errorInfo, ts.Diagnostics.Interface_0_cannot_simultaneously_extend_types_1_and_2, typeToString(type), typeName1, typeName2);
                            diagnostics.add(ts.createDiagnosticForNodeFromMessageChain(typeNode, errorInfo));
            return ok;
        function checkInterfaceDeclaration(node) {
            checkGrammarDecorators(node) || checkGrammarModifiers(node) || checkGrammarInterfaceDeclaration(node);
            if (produceDiagnostics) {
                checkTypeNameIsReserved(, ts.Diagnostics.Interface_name_cannot_be_0);
                var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
                checkTypeParameterListsIdentical(node, symbol);
                var firstInterfaceDecl = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, 222);
                if (node === firstInterfaceDecl) {
                    var type = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol);
                    var typeWithThis = getTypeWithThisArgument(type);
                    if (checkInheritedPropertiesAreIdentical(type, {
                        for (var _i = 0, _a = getBaseTypes(type); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                            var baseType = _a[_i];
                            checkTypeAssignableTo(typeWithThis, getTypeWithThisArgument(baseType, type.thisType),, ts.Diagnostics.Interface_0_incorrectly_extends_interface_1);
            ts.forEach(ts.getInterfaceBaseTypeNodes(node), function (heritageElement) {
                if (!ts.isEntityNameExpression(heritageElement.expression)) {
                    error(heritageElement.expression, ts.Diagnostics.An_interface_can_only_extend_an_identifier_Slashqualified_name_with_optional_type_arguments);
            ts.forEach(node.members, checkSourceElement);
            if (produceDiagnostics) {
        function checkTypeAliasDeclaration(node) {
            checkGrammarDecorators(node) || checkGrammarModifiers(node);
            checkTypeNameIsReserved(, ts.Diagnostics.Type_alias_name_cannot_be_0);
        function computeEnumMemberValues(node) {
            var nodeLinks = getNodeLinks(node);
            if (!(nodeLinks.flags & 16384)) {
                var enumSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
                var enumType = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(enumSymbol);
                var autoValue = 0;
                var ambient = ts.isInAmbientContext(node);
                var enumIsConst = ts.isConst(node);
                for (var _i = 0, _a = node.members; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var member = _a[_i];
                    if (isComputedNonLiteralName( {
                        error(, ts.Diagnostics.Computed_property_names_are_not_allowed_in_enums);
                    else {
                        var text = getTextOfPropertyName(;
                        if (isNumericLiteralName(text)) {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics.An_enum_member_cannot_have_a_numeric_name);
                    var previousEnumMemberIsNonConstant = autoValue === undefined;
                    var initializer = member.initializer;
                    if (initializer) {
                        autoValue = computeConstantValueForEnumMemberInitializer(initializer, enumType, enumIsConst, ambient);
                    else if (ambient && !enumIsConst) {
                        autoValue = undefined;
                    else if (previousEnumMemberIsNonConstant) {
                        error(, ts.Diagnostics.Enum_member_must_have_initializer);
                    if (autoValue !== undefined) {
                        getNodeLinks(member).enumMemberValue = autoValue;
                nodeLinks.flags |= 16384;
            function computeConstantValueForEnumMemberInitializer(initializer, enumType, enumIsConst, ambient) {
                var reportError = true;
                var value = evalConstant(initializer);
                if (reportError) {
                    if (value === undefined) {
                        if (enumIsConst) {
                            error(initializer, ts.Diagnostics.In_const_enum_declarations_member_initializer_must_be_constant_expression);
                        else if (ambient) {
                            error(initializer, ts.Diagnostics.In_ambient_enum_declarations_member_initializer_must_be_constant_expression);
                        else {
                            checkTypeAssignableTo(checkExpression(initializer), enumType, initializer, undefined);
                    else if (enumIsConst) {
                        if (isNaN(value)) {
                            error(initializer, ts.Diagnostics.const_enum_member_initializer_was_evaluated_to_disallowed_value_NaN);
                        else if (!isFinite(value)) {
                            error(initializer, ts.Diagnostics.const_enum_member_initializer_was_evaluated_to_a_non_finite_value);
                return value;
                function evalConstant(e) {
                    switch (e.kind) {
                        case 185:
                            var value_1 = evalConstant(e.operand);
                            if (value_1 === undefined) {
                                return undefined;
                            switch (e.operator) {
                                case 35: return value_1;
                                case 36: return -value_1;
                                case 50: return ~value_1;
                            return undefined;
                        case 187:
                            var left = evalConstant(e.left);
                            if (left === undefined) {
                                return undefined;
                            var right = evalConstant(e.right);
                            if (right === undefined) {
                                return undefined;
                            switch (e.operatorToken.kind) {
                                case 47: return left | right;
                                case 46: return left & right;
                                case 44: return left >> right;
                                case 45: return left >>> right;
                                case 43: return left << right;
                                case 48: return left ^ right;
                                case 37: return left * right;
                                case 39: return left / right;
                                case 35: return left + right;
                                case 36: return left - right;
                                case 40: return left % right;
                            return undefined;
                        case 8:
                            return +e.text;
                        case 178:
                            return evalConstant(e.expression);
                        case 69:
                        case 173:
                        case 172:
                            var member = initializer.parent;
                            var currentType = getTypeOfSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(member.parent));
                            var enumType_1;
                            var propertyName = void 0;
                            if (e.kind === 69) {
                                enumType_1 = currentType;
                                propertyName = e.text;
                            else {
                                var expression = void 0;
                                if (e.kind === 173) {
                                    if (e.argumentExpression === undefined ||
                                        e.argumentExpression.kind !== 9) {
                                        return undefined;
                                    expression = e.expression;
                                    propertyName = e.argumentExpression.text;
                                else {
                                    expression = e.expression;
                                    propertyName =;
                                var current = expression;
                                while (current) {
                                    if (current.kind === 69) {
                                    else if (current.kind === 172) {
                                        current = current.expression;
                                    else {
                                        return undefined;
                                enumType_1 = checkExpression(expression);
                                if (!(enumType_1.symbol && (enumType_1.symbol.flags & 384))) {
                                    return undefined;
                            if (propertyName === undefined) {
                                return undefined;
                            var property = getPropertyOfObjectType(enumType_1, propertyName);
                            if (!property || !(property.flags & 8)) {
                                return undefined;
                            var propertyDecl = property.valueDeclaration;
                            if (member === propertyDecl) {
                                return undefined;
                            if (!isBlockScopedNameDeclaredBeforeUse(propertyDecl, member)) {
                                reportError = false;
                                error(e, ts.Diagnostics.A_member_initializer_in_a_enum_declaration_cannot_reference_members_declared_after_it_including_members_defined_in_other_enums);
                                return undefined;
                            return getNodeLinks(propertyDecl).enumMemberValue;
        function checkEnumDeclaration(node) {
            if (!produceDiagnostics) {
            checkGrammarDecorators(node) || checkGrammarModifiers(node);
            checkTypeNameIsReserved(, ts.Diagnostics.Enum_name_cannot_be_0);
            var enumIsConst = ts.isConst(node);
            if (compilerOptions.isolatedModules && enumIsConst && ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) {
                error(, ts.Diagnostics.Ambient_const_enums_are_not_allowed_when_the_isolatedModules_flag_is_provided);
            var enumSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
            var firstDeclaration = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(enumSymbol, node.kind);
            if (node === firstDeclaration) {
                if (enumSymbol.declarations.length > 1) {
                    ts.forEach(enumSymbol.declarations, function (decl) {
                        if (ts.isConstEnumDeclaration(decl) !== enumIsConst) {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics.Enum_declarations_must_all_be_const_or_non_const);
                var seenEnumMissingInitialInitializer_1 = false;
                ts.forEach(enumSymbol.declarations, function (declaration) {
                    if (declaration.kind !== 224) {
                        return false;
                    var enumDeclaration = declaration;
                    if (!enumDeclaration.members.length) {
                        return false;
                    var firstEnumMember = enumDeclaration.members[0];
                    if (!firstEnumMember.initializer) {
                        if (seenEnumMissingInitialInitializer_1) {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics.In_an_enum_with_multiple_declarations_only_one_declaration_can_omit_an_initializer_for_its_first_enum_element);
                        else {
                            seenEnumMissingInitialInitializer_1 = true;
        function getFirstNonAmbientClassOrFunctionDeclaration(symbol) {
            var declarations = symbol.declarations;
            for (var _i = 0, declarations_5 = declarations; _i < declarations_5.length; _i++) {
                var declaration = declarations_5[_i];
                if ((declaration.kind === 221 ||
                    (declaration.kind === 220 && ts.nodeIsPresent(declaration.body))) &&
                    !ts.isInAmbientContext(declaration)) {
                    return declaration;
            return undefined;
        function inSameLexicalScope(node1, node2) {
            var container1 = ts.getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer(node1);
            var container2 = ts.getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer(node2);
            if (isGlobalSourceFile(container1)) {
                return isGlobalSourceFile(container2);
            else if (isGlobalSourceFile(container2)) {
                return false;
            else {
                return container1 === container2;
        function checkModuleDeclaration(node) {
            if (produceDiagnostics) {
                var isGlobalAugmentation = ts.isGlobalScopeAugmentation(node);
                var inAmbientContext = ts.isInAmbientContext(node);
                if (isGlobalAugmentation && !inAmbientContext) {
                    error(, ts.Diagnostics.Augmentations_for_the_global_scope_should_have_declare_modifier_unless_they_appear_in_already_ambient_context);
                var isAmbientExternalModule = ts.isAmbientModule(node);
                var contextErrorMessage = isAmbientExternalModule
                    ? ts.Diagnostics.An_ambient_module_declaration_is_only_allowed_at_the_top_level_in_a_file
                    : ts.Diagnostics.A_namespace_declaration_is_only_allowed_in_a_namespace_or_module;
                if (checkGrammarModuleElementContext(node, contextErrorMessage)) {
                if (!checkGrammarDecorators(node) && !checkGrammarModifiers(node)) {
                    if (!inAmbientContext && === 9) {
                        grammarErrorOnNode(, ts.Diagnostics.Only_ambient_modules_can_use_quoted_names);
                var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
                if (symbol.flags & 512
                    && symbol.declarations.length > 1
                    && !inAmbientContext
                    && ts.isInstantiatedModule(node, compilerOptions.preserveConstEnums || compilerOptions.isolatedModules)) {
                    var firstNonAmbientClassOrFunc = getFirstNonAmbientClassOrFunctionDeclaration(symbol);
                    if (firstNonAmbientClassOrFunc) {
                        if (ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node) !== ts.getSourceFileOfNode(firstNonAmbientClassOrFunc)) {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics.A_namespace_declaration_cannot_be_in_a_different_file_from_a_class_or_function_with_which_it_is_merged);
                        else if (node.pos < firstNonAmbientClassOrFunc.pos) {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics.A_namespace_declaration_cannot_be_located_prior_to_a_class_or_function_with_which_it_is_merged);
                    var mergedClass = ts.getDeclarationOfKind(symbol, 221);
                    if (mergedClass &&
                        inSameLexicalScope(node, mergedClass)) {
                        getNodeLinks(node).flags |= 32768;
                if (isAmbientExternalModule) {
                    if (ts.isExternalModuleAugmentation(node)) {
                        var checkBody = isGlobalAugmentation || (getSymbolOfNode(node).flags & 33554432);
                        if (checkBody && node.body) {
                            for (var _i = 0, _a = node.body.statements; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                                var statement = _a[_i];
                                checkModuleAugmentationElement(statement, isGlobalAugmentation);
                    else if (isGlobalSourceFile(node.parent)) {
                        if (isGlobalAugmentation) {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics.Augmentations_for_the_global_scope_can_only_be_directly_nested_in_external_modules_or_ambient_module_declarations);
                        else if (ts.isExternalModuleNameRelative( {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics.Ambient_module_declaration_cannot_specify_relative_module_name);
                    else {
                        if (isGlobalAugmentation) {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics.Augmentations_for_the_global_scope_can_only_be_directly_nested_in_external_modules_or_ambient_module_declarations);
                        else {
                            error(, ts.Diagnostics.Ambient_modules_cannot_be_nested_in_other_modules_or_namespaces);
            if (node.body) {
                if (!ts.isGlobalScopeAugmentation(node)) {
        function checkModuleAugmentationElement(node, isGlobalAugmentation) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 200:
                    for (var _i = 0, _a = node.declarationList.declarations; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                        var decl = _a[_i];
                        checkModuleAugmentationElement(decl, isGlobalAugmentation);
                case 235:
                case 236:
                    grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.Exports_and_export_assignments_are_not_permitted_in_module_augmentations);
                case 229:
                case 230:
                    grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.Imports_are_not_permitted_in_module_augmentations_Consider_moving_them_to_the_enclosing_external_module);
                case 169:
                case 218:
                    var name_19 =;
                    if (ts.isBindingPattern(name_19)) {
                        for (var _b = 0, _c = name_19.elements; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
                            var el = _c[_b];
                            checkModuleAugmentationElement(el, isGlobalAugmentation);
                case 221:
                case 224:
                case 220:
                case 222:
                case 225:
                case 223:
                    if (isGlobalAugmentation) {
                    var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
                    if (symbol) {
                        var reportError = !(symbol.flags & 33554432);
                        if (!reportError) {
                            reportError = ts.isExternalModuleAugmentation(symbol.parent.declarations[0]);
        function getFirstIdentifier(node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 69:
                    return node;
                case 139:
                    do {
                        node = node.left;
                    } while (node.kind !== 69);
                    return node;
                case 172:
                    do {
                        node = node.expression;
                    } while (node.kind !== 69);
                    return node;
        function checkExternalImportOrExportDeclaration(node) {
            var moduleName = ts.getExternalModuleName(node);
            if (!ts.nodeIsMissing(moduleName) && moduleName.kind !== 9) {
                error(moduleName, ts.Diagnostics.String_literal_expected);
                return false;
            var inAmbientExternalModule = node.parent.kind === 226 && ts.isAmbientModule(node.parent.parent);
            if (node.parent.kind !== 256 && !inAmbientExternalModule) {
                error(moduleName, node.kind === 236 ?
                    ts.Diagnostics.Export_declarations_are_not_permitted_in_a_namespace :
                return false;
            if (inAmbientExternalModule && ts.isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleName.text)) {
                if (!isTopLevelInExternalModuleAugmentation(node)) {
                    error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Import_or_export_declaration_in_an_ambient_module_declaration_cannot_reference_module_through_relative_module_name);
                    return false;
            return true;
        function checkAliasSymbol(node) {
            var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
            var target = resolveAlias(symbol);
            if (target !== unknownSymbol) {
                var excludedMeanings = (symbol.flags & (107455 | 1048576) ? 107455 : 0) |
                    (symbol.flags & 793064 ? 793064 : 0) |
                    (symbol.flags & 1920 ? 1920 : 0);
                if (target.flags & excludedMeanings) {
                    var message = node.kind === 238 ?
                        ts.Diagnostics.Export_declaration_conflicts_with_exported_declaration_of_0 :
                    error(node, message, symbolToString(symbol));
        function checkImportBinding(node) {
        function checkImportDeclaration(node) {
            if (checkGrammarModuleElementContext(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_import_declaration_can_only_be_used_in_a_namespace_or_module)) {
            if (!checkGrammarDecorators(node) && !checkGrammarModifiers(node) && (node.flags & 1023)) {
                grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_import_declaration_cannot_have_modifiers);
            if (checkExternalImportOrExportDeclaration(node)) {
                var importClause = node.importClause;
                if (importClause) {
                    if ( {
                    if (importClause.namedBindings) {
                        if (importClause.namedBindings.kind === 232) {
                        else {
                            ts.forEach(importClause.namedBindings.elements, checkImportBinding);
        function checkImportEqualsDeclaration(node) {
            if (checkGrammarModuleElementContext(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_import_declaration_can_only_be_used_in_a_namespace_or_module)) {
            checkGrammarDecorators(node) || checkGrammarModifiers(node);
            if (ts.isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node) || checkExternalImportOrExportDeclaration(node)) {
                if (node.flags & 1) {
                if (ts.isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node)) {
                    var target = resolveAlias(getSymbolOfNode(node));
                    if (target !== unknownSymbol) {
                        if (target.flags & 107455) {
                            var moduleName = getFirstIdentifier(node.moduleReference);
                            if (!(resolveEntityName(moduleName, 107455 | 1920).flags & 1920)) {
                                error(moduleName, ts.Diagnostics.Module_0_is_hidden_by_a_local_declaration_with_the_same_name, ts.declarationNameToString(moduleName));
                        if (target.flags & 793064) {
                            checkTypeNameIsReserved(, ts.Diagnostics.Import_name_cannot_be_0);
                else {
                    if (modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.ES6 && !ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) {
                        grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Import_assignment_cannot_be_used_when_targeting_ECMAScript_2015_modules_Consider_using_import_Asterisk_as_ns_from_mod_import_a_from_mod_import_d_from_mod_or_another_module_format_instead);
        function checkExportDeclaration(node) {
            if (checkGrammarModuleElementContext(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_export_declaration_can_only_be_used_in_a_module)) {
            if (!checkGrammarDecorators(node) && !checkGrammarModifiers(node) && (node.flags & 1023)) {
                grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_export_declaration_cannot_have_modifiers);
            if (!node.moduleSpecifier || checkExternalImportOrExportDeclaration(node)) {
                if (node.exportClause) {
                    ts.forEach(node.exportClause.elements, checkExportSpecifier);
                    var inAmbientExternalModule = node.parent.kind === 226 && ts.isAmbientModule(node.parent.parent);
                    if (node.parent.kind !== 256 && !inAmbientExternalModule) {
                        error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Export_declarations_are_not_permitted_in_a_namespace);
                else {
                    var moduleSymbol = resolveExternalModuleName(node, node.moduleSpecifier);
                    if (moduleSymbol && hasExportAssignmentSymbol(moduleSymbol)) {
                        error(node.moduleSpecifier, ts.Diagnostics.Module_0_uses_export_and_cannot_be_used_with_export_Asterisk, symbolToString(moduleSymbol));
        function checkGrammarModuleElementContext(node, errorMessage) {
            var isInAppropriateContext = node.parent.kind === 256 || node.parent.kind === 226 || node.parent.kind === 225;
            if (!isInAppropriateContext) {
                grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, errorMessage);
            return !isInAppropriateContext;
        function checkExportSpecifier(node) {
            if (!node.parent.parent.moduleSpecifier) {
                var exportedName = node.propertyName ||;
                var symbol = resolveName(exportedName, exportedName.text, 107455 | 793064 | 1920 | 8388608, undefined, undefined);
                if (symbol && (symbol === undefinedSymbol || isGlobalSourceFile(getDeclarationContainer(symbol.declarations[0])))) {
                    error(exportedName, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_export_0_Only_local_declarations_can_be_exported_from_a_module, exportedName.text);
                else {
        function checkExportAssignment(node) {
            if (checkGrammarModuleElementContext(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_export_assignment_can_only_be_used_in_a_module)) {
            var container = node.parent.kind === 256 ? node.parent : node.parent.parent;
            if (container.kind === 225 && !ts.isAmbientModule(container)) {
                error(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_export_assignment_cannot_be_used_in_a_namespace);
            if (!checkGrammarDecorators(node) && !checkGrammarModifiers(node) && (node.flags & 1023)) {
                grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_export_assignment_cannot_have_modifiers);
            if (node.expression.kind === 69) {
            else {
            if (node.isExportEquals && !ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) {
                if (modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.ES6) {
                    grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Export_assignment_cannot_be_used_when_targeting_ECMAScript_2015_modules_Consider_using_export_default_or_another_module_format_instead);
                else if (modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.System) {
                    grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Export_assignment_is_not_supported_when_module_flag_is_system);
        function hasExportedMembers(moduleSymbol) {
            for (var id in moduleSymbol.exports) {
                if (id !== "export=") {
                    return true;
            return false;
        function checkExternalModuleExports(node) {
            var moduleSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
            var links = getSymbolLinks(moduleSymbol);
            if (!links.exportsChecked) {
                var exportEqualsSymbol = moduleSymbol.exports["export="];
                if (exportEqualsSymbol && hasExportedMembers(moduleSymbol)) {
                    var declaration = getDeclarationOfAliasSymbol(exportEqualsSymbol) || exportEqualsSymbol.valueDeclaration;
                    if (!isTopLevelInExternalModuleAugmentation(declaration)) {
                        error(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.An_export_assignment_cannot_be_used_in_a_module_with_other_exported_elements);
                var exports = getExportsOfModule(moduleSymbol);
                for (var id in exports) {
                    if (id === "__export") {
                    var _a = exports[id], declarations = _a.declarations, flags = _a.flags;
                    if (flags & (1920 | 64 | 384)) {
                    var exportedDeclarationsCount = ts.countWhere(declarations, isNotOverload);
                    if (flags & 524288 && exportedDeclarationsCount <= 2) {
                    if (exportedDeclarationsCount > 1) {
                        for (var _i = 0, declarations_6 = declarations; _i < declarations_6.length; _i++) {
                            var declaration = declarations_6[_i];
                            if (isNotOverload(declaration)) {
                                diagnostics.add(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(declaration, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_redeclare_exported_variable_0, id));
                links.exportsChecked = true;
            function isNotOverload(declaration) {
                return declaration.kind !== 220 || !!declaration.body;
        function checkSourceElement(node) {
            if (!node) {
            var kind = node.kind;
            if (cancellationToken) {
                switch (kind) {
                    case 225:
                    case 221:
                    case 222:
                    case 220:
            switch (kind) {
                case 141:
                    return checkTypeParameter(node);
                case 142:
                    return checkParameter(node);
                case 145:
                case 144:
                    return checkPropertyDeclaration(node);
                case 156:
                case 157:
                case 151:
                case 152:
                    return checkSignatureDeclaration(node);
                case 153:
                    return checkSignatureDeclaration(node);
                case 147:
                case 146:
                    return checkMethodDeclaration(node);
                case 148:
                    return checkConstructorDeclaration(node);
                case 149:
                case 150:
                    return checkAccessorDeclaration(node);
                case 155:
                    return checkTypeReferenceNode(node);
                case 154:
                    return checkTypePredicate(node);
                case 158:
                    return checkTypeQuery(node);
                case 159:
                    return checkTypeLiteral(node);
                case 160:
                    return checkArrayType(node);
                case 161:
                    return checkTupleType(node);
                case 162:
                case 163:
                    return checkUnionOrIntersectionType(node);
                case 164:
                    return checkSourceElement(node.type);
                case 220:
                    return checkFunctionDeclaration(node);
                case 199:
                case 226:
                    return checkBlock(node);
                case 200:
                    return checkVariableStatement(node);
                case 202:
                    return checkExpressionStatement(node);
                case 203:
                    return checkIfStatement(node);
                case 204:
                    return checkDoStatement(node);
                case 205:
                    return checkWhileStatement(node);
                case 206:
                    return checkForStatement(node);
                case 207:
                    return checkForInStatement(node);
                case 208:
                    return checkForOfStatement(node);
                case 209:
                case 210:
                    return checkBreakOrContinueStatement(node);
                case 211:
                    return checkReturnStatement(node);
                case 212:
                    return checkWithStatement(node);
                case 213:
                    return checkSwitchStatement(node);
                case 214:
                    return checkLabeledStatement(node);
                case 215:
                    return checkThrowStatement(node);
                case 216:
                    return checkTryStatement(node);
                case 218:
                    return checkVariableDeclaration(node);
                case 169:
                    return checkBindingElement(node);
                case 221:
                    return checkClassDeclaration(node);
                case 222:
                    return checkInterfaceDeclaration(node);
                case 223:
                    return checkTypeAliasDeclaration(node);
                case 224:
                    return checkEnumDeclaration(node);
                case 225:
                    return checkModuleDeclaration(node);
                case 230:
                    return checkImportDeclaration(node);
                case 229:
                    return checkImportEqualsDeclaration(node);
                case 236:
                    return checkExportDeclaration(node);
                case 235:
                    return checkExportAssignment(node);
                case 201:
                case 217:
                case 239:
                    return checkMissingDeclaration(node);
        function checkNodeDeferred(node) {
            if (deferredNodes) {
        function checkDeferredNodes() {
            for (var _i = 0, deferredNodes_1 = deferredNodes; _i < deferredNodes_1.length; _i++) {
                var node = deferredNodes_1[_i];
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 179:
                    case 180:
                    case 147:
                    case 146:
                    case 149:
                    case 150:
                    case 192:
        function checkSourceFile(node) {
            ts.performance.measure("Check", "beforeCheck", "afterCheck");
        function checkSourceFileWorker(node) {
            var links = getNodeLinks(node);
            if (!(links.flags & 1)) {
                if (compilerOptions.skipLibCheck && node.isDeclarationFile || compilerOptions.skipDefaultLibCheck && node.hasNoDefaultLib) {
                potentialThisCollisions.length = 0;
                deferredNodes = [];
                deferredUnusedIdentifierNodes = produceDiagnostics && noUnusedIdentifiers ? [] : undefined;
                ts.forEach(node.statements, checkSourceElement);
                if (ts.isExternalModule(node)) {
                if (!node.isDeclarationFile) {
                deferredNodes = undefined;
                deferredUnusedIdentifierNodes = undefined;
                if (ts.isExternalOrCommonJsModule(node)) {
                if (potentialThisCollisions.length) {
                    ts.forEach(potentialThisCollisions, checkIfThisIsCapturedInEnclosingScope);
                    potentialThisCollisions.length = 0;
                links.flags |= 1;
        function getDiagnostics(sourceFile, ct) {
            try {
                cancellationToken = ct;
                return getDiagnosticsWorker(sourceFile);
            finally {
                cancellationToken = undefined;
        function getDiagnosticsWorker(sourceFile) {
            if (sourceFile) {
                return diagnostics.getDiagnostics(sourceFile.fileName);
            ts.forEach(host.getSourceFiles(), checkSourceFile);
            return diagnostics.getDiagnostics();
        function getGlobalDiagnostics() {
            return diagnostics.getGlobalDiagnostics();
        function throwIfNonDiagnosticsProducing() {
            if (!produceDiagnostics) {
                throw new Error("Trying to get diagnostics from a type checker that does not produce them.");
        function isInsideWithStatementBody(node) {
            if (node) {
                while (node.parent) {
                    if (node.parent.kind === 212 && node.parent.statement === node) {
                        return true;
                    node = node.parent;
            return false;
        function getSymbolsInScope(location, meaning) {
            var symbols = ts.createMap();
            var memberFlags = 0;
            if (isInsideWithStatementBody(location)) {
                return [];
            return symbolsToArray(symbols);
            function populateSymbols() {
                while (location) {
                    if (location.locals && !isGlobalSourceFile(location)) {
                        copySymbols(location.locals, meaning);
                    switch (location.kind) {
                        case 256:
                            if (!ts.isExternalOrCommonJsModule(location)) {
                        case 225:
                            copySymbols(getSymbolOfNode(location).exports, meaning & 8914931);
                        case 224:
                            copySymbols(getSymbolOfNode(location).exports, meaning & 8);
                        case 192:
                            var className =;
                            if (className) {
                                copySymbol(location.symbol, meaning);
                        case 221:
                        case 222:
                            if (!(memberFlags & 32)) {
                                copySymbols(getSymbolOfNode(location).members, meaning & 793064);
                        case 179:
                            var funcName =;
                            if (funcName) {
                                copySymbol(location.symbol, meaning);
                    if (ts.introducesArgumentsExoticObject(location)) {
                        copySymbol(argumentsSymbol, meaning);
                    memberFlags = location.flags;
                    location = location.parent;
                copySymbols(globals, meaning);
            function copySymbol(symbol, meaning) {
                if (symbol.flags & meaning) {
                    var id =;
                    if (!symbols[id]) {
                        symbols[id] = symbol;
            function copySymbols(source, meaning) {
                if (meaning) {
                    for (var id in source) {
                        var symbol = source[id];
                        copySymbol(symbol, meaning);
        function isTypeDeclarationName(name) {
            return name.kind === 69 &&
                isTypeDeclaration(name.parent) &&
       === name;
        function isTypeDeclaration(node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 141:
                case 221:
                case 222:
                case 223:
                case 224:
                    return true;
        function isTypeReferenceIdentifier(entityName) {
            var node = entityName;
            while (node.parent && node.parent.kind === 139) {
                node = node.parent;
            return node.parent && (node.parent.kind === 155 || node.parent.kind === 267);
        function isHeritageClauseElementIdentifier(entityName) {
            var node = entityName;
            while (node.parent && node.parent.kind === 172) {
                node = node.parent;
            return node.parent && node.parent.kind === 194;
        function forEachEnclosingClass(node, callback) {
            var result;
            while (true) {
                node = ts.getContainingClass(node);
                if (!node)
                if (result = callback(node))
            return result;
        function isNodeWithinClass(node, classDeclaration) {
            return !!forEachEnclosingClass(node, function (n) { return n === classDeclaration; });
        function getLeftSideOfImportEqualsOrExportAssignment(nodeOnRightSide) {
            while (nodeOnRightSide.parent.kind === 139) {
                nodeOnRightSide = nodeOnRightSide.parent;
            if (nodeOnRightSide.parent.kind === 229) {
                return nodeOnRightSide.parent.moduleReference === nodeOnRightSide && nodeOnRightSide.parent;
            if (nodeOnRightSide.parent.kind === 235) {
                return nodeOnRightSide.parent.expression === nodeOnRightSide && nodeOnRightSide.parent;
            return undefined;
        function isInRightSideOfImportOrExportAssignment(node) {
            return getLeftSideOfImportEqualsOrExportAssignment(node) !== undefined;
        function getSymbolOfEntityNameOrPropertyAccessExpression(entityName) {
            if (ts.isDeclarationName(entityName)) {
                return getSymbolOfNode(entityName.parent);
            if (ts.isInJavaScriptFile(entityName) && entityName.parent.kind === 172) {
                var specialPropertyAssignmentKind = ts.getSpecialPropertyAssignmentKind(entityName.parent.parent);
                switch (specialPropertyAssignmentKind) {
                    case 1:
                    case 3:
                        return getSymbolOfNode(entityName.parent);
                    case 4:
                    case 2:
                        return getSymbolOfNode(entityName.parent.parent);
            if (entityName.parent.kind === 235 && ts.isEntityNameExpression(entityName)) {
                return resolveEntityName(entityName, 107455 | 793064 | 1920 | 8388608);
            if (entityName.kind !== 172 && isInRightSideOfImportOrExportAssignment(entityName)) {
                var importEqualsDeclaration = ts.getAncestor(entityName, 229);
                ts.Debug.assert(importEqualsDeclaration !== undefined);
                return getSymbolOfPartOfRightHandSideOfImportEquals(entityName, importEqualsDeclaration, true);
            if (ts.isRightSideOfQualifiedNameOrPropertyAccess(entityName)) {
                entityName = entityName.parent;
            if (isHeritageClauseElementIdentifier(entityName)) {
                var meaning = 0;
                if (entityName.parent.kind === 194) {
                    meaning = 793064;
                    if (ts.isExpressionWithTypeArgumentsInClassExtendsClause(entityName.parent)) {
                        meaning |= 107455;
                else {
                    meaning = 1920;
                meaning |= 8388608;
                return resolveEntityName(entityName, meaning);
            else if (ts.isExpression(entityName)) {
                if (ts.nodeIsMissing(entityName)) {
                    return undefined;
                if (entityName.kind === 69) {
                    if (ts.isJSXTagName(entityName) && isJsxIntrinsicIdentifier(entityName)) {
                        return getIntrinsicTagSymbol(entityName.parent);
                    return resolveEntityName(entityName, 107455, false, true);
                else if (entityName.kind === 172) {
                    var symbol = getNodeLinks(entityName).resolvedSymbol;
                    if (!symbol) {
                    return getNodeLinks(entityName).resolvedSymbol;
                else if (entityName.kind === 139) {
                    var symbol = getNodeLinks(entityName).resolvedSymbol;
                    if (!symbol) {
                    return getNodeLinks(entityName).resolvedSymbol;
            else if (isTypeReferenceIdentifier(entityName)) {
                var meaning = (entityName.parent.kind === 155 || entityName.parent.kind === 267) ? 793064 : 1920;
                return resolveEntityName(entityName, meaning, false, true);
            else if (entityName.parent.kind === 246) {
                return getJsxAttributePropertySymbol(entityName.parent);
            if (entityName.parent.kind === 154) {
                return resolveEntityName(entityName, 1);
            return undefined;
        function getSymbolAtLocation(node) {
            if (node.kind === 256) {
                return ts.isExternalModule(node) ? getMergedSymbol(node.symbol) : undefined;
            if (isInsideWithStatementBody(node)) {
                return undefined;
            if (ts.isDeclarationName(node)) {
                return getSymbolOfNode(node.parent);
            else if (ts.isLiteralComputedPropertyDeclarationName(node)) {
                return getSymbolOfNode(node.parent.parent);
            if (node.kind === 69) {
                if (isInRightSideOfImportOrExportAssignment(node)) {
                    return getSymbolOfEntityNameOrPropertyAccessExpression(node);
                else if (node.parent.kind === 169 &&
                    node.parent.parent.kind === 167 &&
                    node === node.parent.propertyName) {
                    var typeOfPattern = getTypeOfNode(node.parent.parent);
                    var propertyDeclaration = typeOfPattern && getPropertyOfType(typeOfPattern, node.text);
                    if (propertyDeclaration) {
                        return propertyDeclaration;
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 69:
                case 172:
                case 139:
                    return getSymbolOfEntityNameOrPropertyAccessExpression(node);
                case 97:
                    var container = ts.getThisContainer(node, false);
                    if (ts.isFunctionLike(container)) {
                        var sig = getSignatureFromDeclaration(container);
                        if (sig.thisParameter) {
                            return sig.thisParameter;
                case 95:
                    var type = ts.isExpression(node) ? checkExpression(node) : getTypeFromTypeNode(node);
                    return type.symbol;
                case 165:
                    return getTypeFromTypeNode(node).symbol;
                case 121:
                    var constructorDeclaration = node.parent;
                    if (constructorDeclaration && constructorDeclaration.kind === 148) {
                        return constructorDeclaration.parent.symbol;
                    return undefined;
                case 9:
                    if ((ts.isExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node.parent.parent) &&
                        ts.getExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclarationExpression(node.parent.parent) === node) ||
                        ((node.parent.kind === 230 || node.parent.kind === 236) &&
                            node.parent.moduleSpecifier === node)) {
                        return resolveExternalModuleName(node, node);
                    if (ts.isInJavaScriptFile(node) && ts.isRequireCall(node.parent, false)) {
                        return resolveExternalModuleName(node, node);
                case 8:
                    if (node.parent.kind === 173 && node.parent.argumentExpression === node) {
                        var objectType = checkExpression(node.parent.expression);
                        if (objectType === unknownType)
                            return undefined;
                        var apparentType = getApparentType(objectType);
                        if (apparentType === unknownType)
                            return undefined;
                        return getPropertyOfType(apparentType, node.text);
            return undefined;
        function getShorthandAssignmentValueSymbol(location) {
            if (location && location.kind === 254) {
                return resolveEntityName(, 107455 | 8388608);
            return undefined;
        function getExportSpecifierLocalTargetSymbol(node) {
            return node.parent.parent.moduleSpecifier ?
                getExternalModuleMember(node.parent.parent, node) :
                resolveEntityName(node.propertyName ||, 107455 | 793064 | 1920 | 8388608);
        function getTypeOfNode(node) {
            if (isInsideWithStatementBody(node)) {
                return unknownType;
            if (ts.isTypeNode(node)) {
                return getTypeFromTypeNode(node);
            if (ts.isExpression(node)) {
                return getTypeOfExpression(node);
            if (ts.isExpressionWithTypeArgumentsInClassExtendsClause(node)) {
                return getBaseTypes(getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(node.parent.parent)))[0];
            if (isTypeDeclaration(node)) {
                var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
                return getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol);
            if (isTypeDeclarationName(node)) {
                var symbol = getSymbolAtLocation(node);
                return symbol && getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol);
            if (ts.isDeclaration(node)) {
                var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
                return getTypeOfSymbol(symbol);
            if (ts.isDeclarationName(node)) {
                var symbol = getSymbolAtLocation(node);
                return symbol && getTypeOfSymbol(symbol);
            if (ts.isBindingPattern(node)) {
                return getTypeForVariableLikeDeclaration(node.parent, true);
            if (isInRightSideOfImportOrExportAssignment(node)) {
                var symbol = getSymbolAtLocation(node);
                var declaredType = symbol && getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol);
                return declaredType !== unknownType ? declaredType : getTypeOfSymbol(symbol);
            return unknownType;
        function getTypeOfArrayLiteralOrObjectLiteralDestructuringAssignment(expr) {
            ts.Debug.assert(expr.kind === 171 || expr.kind === 170);
            if (expr.parent.kind === 208) {
                var iteratedType = checkRightHandSideOfForOf(expr.parent.expression);
                return checkDestructuringAssignment(expr, iteratedType || unknownType);
            if (expr.parent.kind === 187) {
                var iteratedType = checkExpression(expr.parent.right);
                return checkDestructuringAssignment(expr, iteratedType || unknownType);
            if (expr.parent.kind === 253) {
                var typeOfParentObjectLiteral = getTypeOfArrayLiteralOrObjectLiteralDestructuringAssignment(expr.parent.parent);
                return checkObjectLiteralDestructuringPropertyAssignment(typeOfParentObjectLiteral || unknownType, expr.parent);
            ts.Debug.assert(expr.parent.kind === 170);
            var typeOfArrayLiteral = getTypeOfArrayLiteralOrObjectLiteralDestructuringAssignment(expr.parent);
            var elementType = checkIteratedTypeOrElementType(typeOfArrayLiteral || unknownType, expr.parent, false) || unknownType;
            return checkArrayLiteralDestructuringElementAssignment(expr.parent, typeOfArrayLiteral, ts.indexOf(expr.parent.elements, expr), elementType || unknownType);
        function getPropertySymbolOfDestructuringAssignment(location) {
            var typeOfObjectLiteral = getTypeOfArrayLiteralOrObjectLiteralDestructuringAssignment(location.parent.parent);
            return typeOfObjectLiteral && getPropertyOfType(typeOfObjectLiteral, location.text);
        function getTypeOfExpression(expr) {
            if (ts.isRightSideOfQualifiedNameOrPropertyAccess(expr)) {
                expr = expr.parent;
            return checkExpression(expr);
        function getParentTypeOfClassElement(node) {
            var classSymbol = getSymbolOfNode(node.parent);
            return node.flags & 32
                ? getTypeOfSymbol(classSymbol)
                : getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(classSymbol);
        function getAugmentedPropertiesOfType(type) {
            type = getApparentType(type);
            var propsByName = createSymbolTable(getPropertiesOfType(type));
            if (getSignaturesOfType(type, 0).length || getSignaturesOfType(type, 1).length) {
                ts.forEach(getPropertiesOfType(globalFunctionType), function (p) {
                    if (!propsByName[]) {
                        propsByName[] = p;
            return getNamedMembers(propsByName);
        function getRootSymbols(symbol) {
            if (symbol.flags & 268435456) {
                var symbols_3 = [];
                var name_20 =;
                ts.forEach(getSymbolLinks(symbol).containingType.types, function (t) {
                    var symbol = getPropertyOfType(t, name_20);
                    if (symbol) {
                return symbols_3;
            else if (symbol.flags & 67108864) {
                var target = void 0;
                var next = symbol;
                while (next = getSymbolLinks(next).target) {
                    target = next;
                if (target) {
                    return [target];
            return [symbol];
        function isArgumentsLocalBinding(node) {
            return getReferencedValueSymbol(node) === argumentsSymbol;
        function moduleExportsSomeValue(moduleReferenceExpression) {
            var moduleSymbol = resolveExternalModuleName(moduleReferenceExpression.parent, moduleReferenceExpression);
            if (!moduleSymbol || ts.isShorthandAmbientModuleSymbol(moduleSymbol)) {
                return true;
            var hasExportAssignment = hasExportAssignmentSymbol(moduleSymbol);
            moduleSymbol = resolveExternalModuleSymbol(moduleSymbol);
            var symbolLinks = getSymbolLinks(moduleSymbol);
            if (symbolLinks.exportsSomeValue === undefined) {
                symbolLinks.exportsSomeValue = hasExportAssignment
                    ? !!(moduleSymbol.flags & 107455)
                    : ts.forEachProperty(getExportsOfModule(moduleSymbol), isValue);
            return symbolLinks.exportsSomeValue;
            function isValue(s) {
                s = resolveSymbol(s);
                return s && !!(s.flags & 107455);
        function getReferencedExportContainer(node) {
            var symbol = getReferencedValueSymbol(node);
            if (symbol) {
                if (symbol.flags & 1048576) {
                    var exportSymbol = getMergedSymbol(symbol.exportSymbol);
                    if (exportSymbol.flags & 944) {
                        return undefined;
                    symbol = exportSymbol;
                var parentSymbol = getParentOfSymbol(symbol);
                if (parentSymbol) {
                    if (parentSymbol.flags & 512 && parentSymbol.valueDeclaration.kind === 256) {
                        if (parentSymbol.valueDeclaration === ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node)) {
                            return parentSymbol.valueDeclaration;
                    for (var n = node.parent; n; n = n.parent) {
                        if ((n.kind === 225 || n.kind === 224) && getSymbolOfNode(n) === parentSymbol) {
                            return n;
        function getReferencedImportDeclaration(node) {
            var symbol = getReferencedValueSymbol(node);
            return symbol && symbol.flags & 8388608 ? getDeclarationOfAliasSymbol(symbol) : undefined;
        function isSymbolOfDeclarationWithCollidingName(symbol) {
            if (symbol.flags & 418) {
                var links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
                if (links.isDeclarationWithCollidingName === undefined) {
                    var container = ts.getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer(symbol.valueDeclaration);
                    if (ts.isStatementWithLocals(container)) {
                        var nodeLinks_1 = getNodeLinks(symbol.valueDeclaration);
                        if (!!resolveName(container.parent,, 107455, undefined, undefined)) {
                            links.isDeclarationWithCollidingName = true;
                        else if (nodeLinks_1.flags & 131072) {
                            var isDeclaredInLoop = nodeLinks_1.flags & 262144;
                            var inLoopInitializer = ts.isIterationStatement(container, false);
                            var inLoopBodyBlock = container.kind === 199 && ts.isIterationStatement(container.parent, false);
                            links.isDeclarationWithCollidingName = !ts.isBlockScopedContainerTopLevel(container) && (!isDeclaredInLoop || (!inLoopInitializer && !inLoopBodyBlock));
                        else {
                            links.isDeclarationWithCollidingName = false;
                return links.isDeclarationWithCollidingName;
            return false;
        function getReferencedDeclarationWithCollidingName(node) {
            var symbol = getReferencedValueSymbol(node);
            return symbol && isSymbolOfDeclarationWithCollidingName(symbol) ? symbol.valueDeclaration : undefined;
        function isDeclarationWithCollidingName(node) {
            return isSymbolOfDeclarationWithCollidingName(getSymbolOfNode(node));
        function isValueAliasDeclaration(node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 229:
                case 231:
                case 232:
                case 234:
                case 238:
                    return isAliasResolvedToValue(getSymbolOfNode(node));
                case 236:
                    var exportClause = node.exportClause;
                    return exportClause && ts.forEach(exportClause.elements, isValueAliasDeclaration);
                case 235:
                    return node.expression && node.expression.kind === 69 ? isAliasResolvedToValue(getSymbolOfNode(node)) : true;
            return false;
        function isTopLevelValueImportEqualsWithEntityName(node) {
            if (node.parent.kind !== 256 || !ts.isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node)) {
                return false;
            var isValue = isAliasResolvedToValue(getSymbolOfNode(node));
            return isValue && node.moduleReference && !ts.nodeIsMissing(node.moduleReference);
        function isAliasResolvedToValue(symbol) {
            var target = resolveAlias(symbol);
            if (target === unknownSymbol) {
                return true;
            return target.flags & 107455 &&
                (compilerOptions.preserveConstEnums || !isConstEnumOrConstEnumOnlyModule(target));
        function isConstEnumOrConstEnumOnlyModule(s) {
            return isConstEnumSymbol(s) || s.constEnumOnlyModule;
        function isReferencedAliasDeclaration(node, checkChildren) {
            if (ts.isAliasSymbolDeclaration(node)) {
                var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
                if (getSymbolLinks(symbol).referenced) {
                    return true;
            if (checkChildren) {
                return ts.forEachChild(node, function (node) { return isReferencedAliasDeclaration(node, checkChildren); });
            return false;
        function isImplementationOfOverload(node) {
            if (ts.nodeIsPresent(node.body)) {
                var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(node);
                var signaturesOfSymbol = getSignaturesOfSymbol(symbol);
                return signaturesOfSymbol.length > 1 ||
                    (signaturesOfSymbol.length === 1 && signaturesOfSymbol[0].declaration !== node);
            return false;
        function getNodeCheckFlags(node) {
            return getNodeLinks(node).flags;
        function getEnumMemberValue(node) {
            return getNodeLinks(node).enumMemberValue;
        function getConstantValue(node) {
            if (node.kind === 255) {
                return getEnumMemberValue(node);
            var symbol = getNodeLinks(node).resolvedSymbol;
            if (symbol && (symbol.flags & 8)) {
                if (ts.isConstEnumDeclaration(symbol.valueDeclaration.parent)) {
                    return getEnumMemberValue(symbol.valueDeclaration);
            return undefined;
        function isFunctionType(type) {
            return type.flags & 2588672 && getSignaturesOfType(type, 0).length > 0;
        function getTypeReferenceSerializationKind(typeName) {
            var valueSymbol = resolveEntityName(typeName, 107455, true);
            var constructorType = valueSymbol ? getTypeOfSymbol(valueSymbol) : undefined;
            if (constructorType && isConstructorType(constructorType)) {
                return ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.TypeWithConstructSignatureAndValue;
            var typeSymbol = resolveEntityName(typeName, 793064, true);
            if (!typeSymbol) {
                return ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.ObjectType;
            var type = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(typeSymbol);
            if (type === unknownType) {
                return ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.Unknown;
            else if (type.flags & 1) {
                return ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.ObjectType;
            else if (isTypeOfKind(type, 1024)) {
                return ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.VoidType;
            else if (isTypeOfKind(type, 136)) {
                return ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.BooleanType;
            else if (isTypeOfKind(type, 340)) {
                return ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.NumberLikeType;
            else if (isTypeOfKind(type, 34)) {
                return ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.StringLikeType;
            else if (isTupleType(type)) {
                return ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.ArrayLikeType;
            else if (isTypeOfKind(type, 512)) {
                return ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.ESSymbolType;
            else if (isFunctionType(type)) {
                return ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.TypeWithCallSignature;
            else if (isArrayType(type)) {
                return ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.ArrayLikeType;
            else {
                return ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.ObjectType;
        function writeTypeOfDeclaration(declaration, enclosingDeclaration, flags, writer) {
            var symbol = getSymbolOfNode(declaration);
            var type = symbol && !(symbol.flags & (2048 | 131072))
                ? getTypeOfSymbol(symbol)
                : unknownType;
            getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildTypeDisplay(type, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags);
        function writeReturnTypeOfSignatureDeclaration(signatureDeclaration, enclosingDeclaration, flags, writer) {
            var signature = getSignatureFromDeclaration(signatureDeclaration);
            getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildTypeDisplay(getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature), writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags);
        function writeTypeOfExpression(expr, enclosingDeclaration, flags, writer) {
            var type = getWidenedType(getTypeOfExpression(expr));
            getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildTypeDisplay(type, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags);
        function writeBaseConstructorTypeOfClass(node, enclosingDeclaration, flags, writer) {
            var classType = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(getSymbolOfNode(node));
            var baseType = classType.resolvedBaseTypes.length ? classType.resolvedBaseTypes[0] : unknownType;
            getSymbolDisplayBuilder().buildTypeDisplay(baseType, writer, enclosingDeclaration, flags);
        function hasGlobalName(name) {
            return !!globals[name];
        function getReferencedValueSymbol(reference) {
            return getNodeLinks(reference).resolvedSymbol ||
                resolveName(reference, reference.text, 107455 | 1048576 | 8388608, undefined, undefined);
        function getReferencedValueDeclaration(reference) {
            var symbol = getReferencedValueSymbol(reference);
            return symbol && getExportSymbolOfValueSymbolIfExported(symbol).valueDeclaration;
        function createResolver() {
            var resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives = host.getResolvedTypeReferenceDirectives();
            var fileToDirective;
            if (resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives) {
                fileToDirective = ts.createFileMap();
                for (var key in resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives) {
                    var resolvedDirective = resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives[key];
                    if (!resolvedDirective) {
                    var file = host.getSourceFile(resolvedDirective.resolvedFileName);
                    if (!file) {
                    fileToDirective.set(file.path, key);
            return {
                getReferencedExportContainer: getReferencedExportContainer,
                getReferencedImportDeclaration: getReferencedImportDeclaration,
                getReferencedDeclarationWithCollidingName: getReferencedDeclarationWithCollidingName,
                isDeclarationWithCollidingName: isDeclarationWithCollidingName,
                isValueAliasDeclaration: isValueAliasDeclaration,
                hasGlobalName: hasGlobalName,
                isReferencedAliasDeclaration: isReferencedAliasDeclaration,
                getNodeCheckFlags: getNodeCheckFlags,
                isTopLevelValueImportEqualsWithEntityName: isTopLevelValueImportEqualsWithEntityName,
                isDeclarationVisible: isDeclarationVisible,
                isImplementationOfOverload: isImplementationOfOverload,
                writeTypeOfDeclaration: writeTypeOfDeclaration,
                writeReturnTypeOfSignatureDeclaration: writeReturnTypeOfSignatureDeclaration,
                writeTypeOfExpression: writeTypeOfExpression,
                writeBaseConstructorTypeOfClass: writeBaseConstructorTypeOfClass,
                isSymbolAccessible: isSymbolAccessible,
                isEntityNameVisible: isEntityNameVisible,
                getConstantValue: getConstantValue,
                collectLinkedAliases: collectLinkedAliases,
                getReferencedValueDeclaration: getReferencedValueDeclaration,
                getTypeReferenceSerializationKind: getTypeReferenceSerializationKind,
                isOptionalParameter: isOptionalParameter,
                moduleExportsSomeValue: moduleExportsSomeValue,
                isArgumentsLocalBinding: isArgumentsLocalBinding,
                getExternalModuleFileFromDeclaration: getExternalModuleFileFromDeclaration,
                getTypeReferenceDirectivesForEntityName: getTypeReferenceDirectivesForEntityName,
                getTypeReferenceDirectivesForSymbol: getTypeReferenceDirectivesForSymbol
            function getTypeReferenceDirectivesForEntityName(node) {
                if (!fileToDirective) {
                    return undefined;
                var meaning = (node.kind === 172) || (node.kind === 69 && isInTypeQuery(node))
                    ? 107455 | 1048576
                    : 793064 | 1920;
                var symbol = resolveEntityName(node, meaning, true);
                return symbol && symbol !== unknownSymbol ? getTypeReferenceDirectivesForSymbol(symbol, meaning) : undefined;
            function getTypeReferenceDirectivesForSymbol(symbol, meaning) {
                if (!fileToDirective) {
                    return undefined;
                if (!isSymbolFromTypeDeclarationFile(symbol)) {
                    return undefined;
                var typeReferenceDirectives;
                for (var _i = 0, _a = symbol.declarations; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var decl = _a[_i];
                    if (decl.symbol && decl.symbol.flags & meaning) {
                        var file = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(decl);
                        var typeReferenceDirective = fileToDirective.get(file.path);
                        if (typeReferenceDirective) {
                            (typeReferenceDirectives || (typeReferenceDirectives = [])).push(typeReferenceDirective);
                return typeReferenceDirectives;
            function isSymbolFromTypeDeclarationFile(symbol) {
                if (!symbol.declarations) {
                    return false;
                var current = symbol;
                while (true) {
                    var parent_12 = getParentOfSymbol(current);
                    if (parent_12) {
                        current = parent_12;
                    else {
                if (current.valueDeclaration && current.valueDeclaration.kind === 256 && current.flags & 512) {
                    return false;
                for (var _i = 0, _a = symbol.declarations; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var decl = _a[_i];
                    var file = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(decl);
                    if (fileToDirective.contains(file.path)) {
                        return true;
                return false;
        function getExternalModuleFileFromDeclaration(declaration) {
            var specifier = ts.getExternalModuleName(declaration);
            var moduleSymbol = resolveExternalModuleNameWorker(specifier, specifier, undefined);
            if (!moduleSymbol) {
                return undefined;
            return ts.getDeclarationOfKind(moduleSymbol, 256);
        function initializeTypeChecker() {
            ts.forEach(host.getSourceFiles(), function (file) {
                ts.bindSourceFile(file, compilerOptions);
            var augmentations;
            ts.forEach(host.getSourceFiles(), function (file) {
                if (!ts.isExternalOrCommonJsModule(file)) {
                    mergeSymbolTable(globals, file.locals);
                if (file.patternAmbientModules && file.patternAmbientModules.length) {
                    patternAmbientModules = ts.concatenate(patternAmbientModules, file.patternAmbientModules);
                if (file.moduleAugmentations.length) {
                    (augmentations || (augmentations = [])).push(file.moduleAugmentations);
                if (file.symbol && file.symbol.globalExports) {
                    var source = file.symbol.globalExports;
                    for (var id in source) {
                        if (!(id in globals)) {
                            globals[id] = source[id];
            if (augmentations) {
                for (var _i = 0, augmentations_1 = augmentations; _i < augmentations_1.length; _i++) {
                    var list = augmentations_1[_i];
                    for (var _a = 0, list_2 = list; _a < list_2.length; _a++) {
                        var augmentation = list_2[_a];
            addToSymbolTable(globals, builtinGlobals, ts.Diagnostics.Declaration_name_conflicts_with_built_in_global_identifier_0);
            getSymbolLinks(undefinedSymbol).type = undefinedWideningType;
            getSymbolLinks(argumentsSymbol).type = getGlobalType("IArguments");
            getSymbolLinks(unknownSymbol).type = unknownType;
            globalArrayType = getGlobalType("Array", 1);
            globalObjectType = getGlobalType("Object");
            globalFunctionType = getGlobalType("Function");
            globalStringType = getGlobalType("String");
            globalNumberType = getGlobalType("Number");
            globalBooleanType = getGlobalType("Boolean");
            globalRegExpType = getGlobalType("RegExp");
            jsxElementType = getExportedTypeFromNamespace("JSX", JsxNames.Element);
            getGlobalClassDecoratorType = ts.memoize(function () { return getGlobalType("ClassDecorator"); });
            getGlobalPropertyDecoratorType = ts.memoize(function () { return getGlobalType("PropertyDecorator"); });
            getGlobalMethodDecoratorType = ts.memoize(function () { return getGlobalType("MethodDecorator"); });
            getGlobalParameterDecoratorType = ts.memoize(function () { return getGlobalType("ParameterDecorator"); });
            getGlobalTypedPropertyDescriptorType = ts.memoize(function () { return getGlobalType("TypedPropertyDescriptor", 1); });
            getGlobalESSymbolConstructorSymbol = ts.memoize(function () { return getGlobalValueSymbol("Symbol"); });
            getGlobalPromiseType = ts.memoize(function () { return getGlobalType("Promise", 1); });
            tryGetGlobalPromiseType = ts.memoize(function () { return getGlobalSymbol("Promise", 793064, undefined) && getGlobalPromiseType(); });
            getGlobalPromiseLikeType = ts.memoize(function () { return getGlobalType("PromiseLike", 1); });
            getInstantiatedGlobalPromiseLikeType = ts.memoize(createInstantiatedPromiseLikeType);
            getGlobalPromiseConstructorSymbol = ts.memoize(function () { return getGlobalValueSymbol("Promise"); });
            getGlobalPromiseConstructorLikeType = ts.memoize(function () { return getGlobalType("PromiseConstructorLike"); });
            getGlobalThenableType = ts.memoize(createThenableType);
            getGlobalTemplateStringsArrayType = ts.memoize(function () { return getGlobalType("TemplateStringsArray"); });
            if (languageVersion >= 2) {
                getGlobalESSymbolType = ts.memoize(function () { return getGlobalType("Symbol"); });
                getGlobalIterableType = ts.memoize(function () { return getGlobalType("Iterable", 1); });
                getGlobalIteratorType = ts.memoize(function () { return getGlobalType("Iterator", 1); });
                getGlobalIterableIteratorType = ts.memoize(function () { return getGlobalType("IterableIterator", 1); });
            else {
                getGlobalESSymbolType = ts.memoize(function () { return emptyObjectType; });
                getGlobalIterableType = ts.memoize(function () { return emptyGenericType; });
                getGlobalIteratorType = ts.memoize(function () { return emptyGenericType; });
                getGlobalIterableIteratorType = ts.memoize(function () { return emptyGenericType; });
            anyArrayType = createArrayType(anyType);
            var symbol = getGlobalSymbol("ReadonlyArray", 793064, undefined);
            globalReadonlyArrayType = symbol && getTypeOfGlobalSymbol(symbol, 1);
            anyReadonlyArrayType = globalReadonlyArrayType ? createTypeFromGenericGlobalType(globalReadonlyArrayType, [anyType]) : anyArrayType;
        function createInstantiatedPromiseLikeType() {
            var promiseLikeType = getGlobalPromiseLikeType();
            if (promiseLikeType !== emptyGenericType) {
                return createTypeReference(promiseLikeType, [anyType]);
            return emptyObjectType;
        function createThenableType() {
            var thenPropertySymbol = createSymbol(67108864 | 4, "then");
            getSymbolLinks(thenPropertySymbol).type = globalFunctionType;
            var thenableType = createObjectType(2097152);
   = [thenPropertySymbol];
            thenableType.members = createSymbolTable(;
            thenableType.callSignatures = [];
            thenableType.constructSignatures = [];
            return thenableType;
        function checkGrammarDecorators(node) {
            if (!node.decorators) {
                return false;
            if (!ts.nodeCanBeDecorated(node)) {
                if (node.kind === 147 && !ts.nodeIsPresent(node.body)) {
                    return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_decorator_can_only_decorate_a_method_implementation_not_an_overload);
                else {
                    return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.Decorators_are_not_valid_here);
            else if (node.kind === 149 || node.kind === 150) {
                var accessors = ts.getAllAccessorDeclarations(node.parent.members, node);
                if (accessors.firstAccessor.decorators && node === accessors.secondAccessor) {
                    return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.Decorators_cannot_be_applied_to_multiple_get_Slashset_accessors_of_the_same_name);
            return false;
        function checkGrammarModifiers(node) {
            var quickResult = reportObviousModifierErrors(node);
            if (quickResult !== undefined) {
                return quickResult;
            var lastStatic, lastPrivate, lastProtected, lastDeclare, lastAsync, lastReadonly;
            var flags = 0;
            for (var _i = 0, _a = node.modifiers; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var modifier = _a[_i];
                if (modifier.kind !== 128) {
                    if (node.kind === 144 || node.kind === 146) {
                        return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_type_member, ts.tokenToString(modifier.kind));
                    if (node.kind === 153) {
                        return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_an_index_signature, ts.tokenToString(modifier.kind));
                switch (modifier.kind) {
                    case 74:
                        if (node.kind !== 224 && node.parent.kind === 221) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_class_member_cannot_have_the_0_keyword, ts.tokenToString(74));
                    case 112:
                    case 111:
                    case 110:
                        var text = visibilityToString(ts.modifierToFlag(modifier.kind));
                        if (modifier.kind === 111) {
                            lastProtected = modifier;
                        else if (modifier.kind === 110) {
                            lastPrivate = modifier;
                        if (flags & 28) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics.Accessibility_modifier_already_seen);
                        else if (flags & 32) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_must_precede_1_modifier, text, "static");
                        else if (flags & 64) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_must_precede_1_modifier, text, "readonly");
                        else if (flags & 256) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_must_precede_1_modifier, text, "async");
                        else if (node.parent.kind === 226 || node.parent.kind === 256) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_module_or_namespace_element, text);
                        else if (flags & 128) {
                            if (modifier.kind === 110) {
                                return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_1_modifier, text, "abstract");
                            else {
                                return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_must_precede_1_modifier, text, "abstract");
                        flags |= ts.modifierToFlag(modifier.kind);
                    case 113:
                        if (flags & 32) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_already_seen, "static");
                        else if (flags & 64) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_must_precede_1_modifier, "static", "readonly");
                        else if (flags & 256) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_must_precede_1_modifier, "static", "async");
                        else if (node.parent.kind === 226 || node.parent.kind === 256) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_module_or_namespace_element, "static");
                        else if (node.kind === 142) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_parameter, "static");
                        else if (flags & 128) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_1_modifier, "static", "abstract");
                        flags |= 32;
                        lastStatic = modifier;
                    case 128:
                        if (flags & 64) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_already_seen, "readonly");
                        else if (node.kind !== 145 && node.kind !== 144 && node.kind !== 153 && node.kind !== 142) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics.readonly_modifier_can_only_appear_on_a_property_declaration_or_index_signature);
                        flags |= 64;
                        lastReadonly = modifier;
                    case 82:
                        if (flags & 1) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_already_seen, "export");
                        else if (flags & 2) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_must_precede_1_modifier, "export", "declare");
                        else if (flags & 128) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_must_precede_1_modifier, "export", "abstract");
                        else if (flags & 256) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_must_precede_1_modifier, "export", "async");
                        else if (node.parent.kind === 221) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_class_element, "export");
                        else if (node.kind === 142) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_parameter, "export");
                        flags |= 1;
                    case 122:
                        if (flags & 2) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_already_seen, "declare");
                        else if (flags & 256) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_be_used_in_an_ambient_context, "async");
                        else if (node.parent.kind === 221) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_class_element, "declare");
                        else if (node.kind === 142) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_parameter, "declare");
                        else if (ts.isInAmbientContext(node.parent) && node.parent.kind === 226) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics.A_declare_modifier_cannot_be_used_in_an_already_ambient_context);
                        flags |= 2;
                        lastDeclare = modifier;
                    case 115:
                        if (flags & 128) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_already_seen, "abstract");
                        if (node.kind !== 221) {
                            if (node.kind !== 147 &&
                                node.kind !== 145 &&
                                node.kind !== 149 &&
                                node.kind !== 150) {
                                return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics.abstract_modifier_can_only_appear_on_a_class_method_or_property_declaration);
                            if (!(node.parent.kind === 221 && node.parent.flags & 128)) {
                                return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics.Abstract_methods_can_only_appear_within_an_abstract_class);
                            if (flags & 32) {
                                return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_1_modifier, "static", "abstract");
                            if (flags & 8) {
                                return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_1_modifier, "private", "abstract");
                        flags |= 128;
                    case 118:
                        if (flags & 256) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_already_seen, "async");
                        else if (flags & 2 || ts.isInAmbientContext(node.parent)) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_be_used_in_an_ambient_context, "async");
                        else if (node.kind === 142) {
                            return grammarErrorOnNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_parameter, "async");
                        flags |= 256;
                        lastAsync = modifier;
            if (node.kind === 148) {
                if (flags & 32) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(lastStatic, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration, "static");
                if (flags & 128) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(lastStatic, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration, "abstract");
                else if (flags & 256) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(lastAsync, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration, "async");
                else if (flags & 64) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(lastReadonly, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration, "readonly");
            else if ((node.kind === 230 || node.kind === 229) && flags & 2) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(lastDeclare, ts.Diagnostics.A_0_modifier_cannot_be_used_with_an_import_declaration, "declare");
            else if (node.kind === 142 && (flags & 92) && ts.isBindingPattern( {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_parameter_property_may_not_be_declared_using_a_binding_pattern);
            else if (node.kind === 142 && (flags & 92) && node.dotDotDotToken) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_parameter_property_cannot_be_declared_using_a_rest_parameter);
            if (flags & 256) {
                return checkGrammarAsyncModifier(node, lastAsync);
        function reportObviousModifierErrors(node) {
            return !node.modifiers
                ? false
                : shouldReportBadModifier(node)
                    ? grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.Modifiers_cannot_appear_here)
                    : undefined;
        function shouldReportBadModifier(node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 149:
                case 150:
                case 148:
                case 145:
                case 144:
                case 147:
                case 146:
                case 153:
                case 225:
                case 230:
                case 229:
                case 236:
                case 235:
                case 179:
                case 180:
                case 142:
                    return false;
                    if (node.parent.kind === 226 || node.parent.kind === 256) {
                        return false;
                    switch (node.kind) {
                        case 220:
                            return nodeHasAnyModifiersExcept(node, 118);
                        case 221:
                            return nodeHasAnyModifiersExcept(node, 115);
                        case 222:
                        case 200:
                        case 223:
                            return true;
                        case 224:
                            return nodeHasAnyModifiersExcept(node, 74);
                            return false;
        function nodeHasAnyModifiersExcept(node, allowedModifier) {
            return node.modifiers.length > 1 || node.modifiers[0].kind !== allowedModifier;
        function checkGrammarAsyncModifier(node, asyncModifier) {
            if (languageVersion < 2) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(asyncModifier, ts.Diagnostics.Async_functions_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_2015_or_higher);
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 147:
                case 220:
                case 179:
                case 180:
                    if (!node.asteriskToken) {
                        return false;
            return grammarErrorOnNode(asyncModifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_be_used_here, "async");
        function checkGrammarForDisallowedTrailingComma(list) {
            if (list && list.hasTrailingComma) {
                var start = list.end - ",".length;
                var end = list.end;
                var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(list[0]);
                return grammarErrorAtPos(sourceFile, start, end - start, ts.Diagnostics.Trailing_comma_not_allowed);
        function checkGrammarTypeParameterList(node, typeParameters, file) {
            if (checkGrammarForDisallowedTrailingComma(typeParameters)) {
                return true;
            if (typeParameters && typeParameters.length === 0) {
                var start = typeParameters.pos - "<".length;
                var end = ts.skipTrivia(file.text, typeParameters.end) + ">".length;
                return grammarErrorAtPos(file, start, end - start, ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_list_cannot_be_empty);
        function checkGrammarParameterList(parameters) {
            var seenOptionalParameter = false;
            var parameterCount = parameters.length;
            for (var i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) {
                var parameter = parameters[i];
                if (parameter.dotDotDotToken) {
                    if (i !== (parameterCount - 1)) {
                        return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.dotDotDotToken, ts.Diagnostics.A_rest_parameter_must_be_last_in_a_parameter_list);
                    if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                        return grammarErrorOnNode(, ts.Diagnostics.A_rest_element_cannot_contain_a_binding_pattern);
                    if (parameter.questionToken) {
                        return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.questionToken, ts.Diagnostics.A_rest_parameter_cannot_be_optional);
                    if (parameter.initializer) {
                        return grammarErrorOnNode(, ts.Diagnostics.A_rest_parameter_cannot_have_an_initializer);
                else if (parameter.questionToken) {
                    seenOptionalParameter = true;
                    if (parameter.initializer) {
                        return grammarErrorOnNode(, ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_cannot_have_question_mark_and_initializer);
                else if (seenOptionalParameter && !parameter.initializer) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(, ts.Diagnostics.A_required_parameter_cannot_follow_an_optional_parameter);
        function checkGrammarFunctionLikeDeclaration(node) {
            var file = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node);
            return checkGrammarDecorators(node) || checkGrammarModifiers(node) || checkGrammarTypeParameterList(node, node.typeParameters, file) ||
                checkGrammarParameterList(node.parameters) || checkGrammarArrowFunction(node, file);
        function checkGrammarArrowFunction(node, file) {
            if (node.kind === 180) {
                var arrowFunction = node;
                var startLine = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, arrowFunction.equalsGreaterThanToken.pos).line;
                var endLine = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, arrowFunction.equalsGreaterThanToken.end).line;
                if (startLine !== endLine) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(arrowFunction.equalsGreaterThanToken, ts.Diagnostics.Line_terminator_not_permitted_before_arrow);
            return false;
        function checkGrammarIndexSignatureParameters(node) {
            var parameter = node.parameters[0];
            if (node.parameters.length !== 1) {
                if (parameter) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_signature_must_have_exactly_one_parameter);
                else {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_signature_must_have_exactly_one_parameter);
            if (parameter.dotDotDotToken) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.dotDotDotToken, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_signature_cannot_have_a_rest_parameter);
            if (parameter.flags & 1023) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_signature_parameter_cannot_have_an_accessibility_modifier);
            if (parameter.questionToken) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.questionToken, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_signature_parameter_cannot_have_a_question_mark);
            if (parameter.initializer) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_signature_parameter_cannot_have_an_initializer);
            if (!parameter.type) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_signature_parameter_must_have_a_type_annotation);
            if (parameter.type.kind !== 132 && parameter.type.kind !== 130) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_signature_parameter_type_must_be_string_or_number);
            if (!node.type) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_index_signature_must_have_a_type_annotation);
        function checkGrammarIndexSignature(node) {
            return checkGrammarDecorators(node) || checkGrammarModifiers(node) || checkGrammarIndexSignatureParameters(node);
        function checkGrammarForAtLeastOneTypeArgument(node, typeArguments) {
            if (typeArguments && typeArguments.length === 0) {
                var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node);
                var start = typeArguments.pos - "<".length;
                var end = ts.skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, typeArguments.end) + ">".length;
                return grammarErrorAtPos(sourceFile, start, end - start, ts.Diagnostics.Type_argument_list_cannot_be_empty);
        function checkGrammarTypeArguments(node, typeArguments) {
            return checkGrammarForDisallowedTrailingComma(typeArguments) ||
                checkGrammarForAtLeastOneTypeArgument(node, typeArguments);
        function checkGrammarForOmittedArgument(node, args) {
            if (args) {
                var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node);
                for (var _i = 0, args_1 = args; _i < args_1.length; _i++) {
                    var arg = args_1[_i];
                    if (arg.kind === 193) {
                        return grammarErrorAtPos(sourceFile, arg.pos, 0, ts.Diagnostics.Argument_expression_expected);
        function checkGrammarArguments(node, args) {
            return checkGrammarForOmittedArgument(node, args);
        function checkGrammarHeritageClause(node) {
            var types = node.types;
            if (checkGrammarForDisallowedTrailingComma(types)) {
                return true;
            if (types && types.length === 0) {
                var listType = ts.tokenToString(node.token);
                var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node);
                return grammarErrorAtPos(sourceFile, types.pos, 0, ts.Diagnostics._0_list_cannot_be_empty, listType);
        function checkGrammarClassDeclarationHeritageClauses(node) {
            var seenExtendsClause = false;
            var seenImplementsClause = false;
            if (!checkGrammarDecorators(node) && !checkGrammarModifiers(node) && node.heritageClauses) {
                for (var _i = 0, _a = node.heritageClauses; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var heritageClause = _a[_i];
                    if (heritageClause.token === 83) {
                        if (seenExtendsClause) {
                            return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(heritageClause, ts.Diagnostics.extends_clause_already_seen);
                        if (seenImplementsClause) {
                            return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(heritageClause, ts.Diagnostics.extends_clause_must_precede_implements_clause);
                        if (heritageClause.types.length > 1) {
                            return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(heritageClause.types[1], ts.Diagnostics.Classes_can_only_extend_a_single_class);
                        seenExtendsClause = true;
                    else {
                        ts.Debug.assert(heritageClause.token === 106);
                        if (seenImplementsClause) {
                            return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(heritageClause, ts.Diagnostics.implements_clause_already_seen);
                        seenImplementsClause = true;
        function checkGrammarInterfaceDeclaration(node) {
            var seenExtendsClause = false;
            if (node.heritageClauses) {
                for (var _i = 0, _a = node.heritageClauses; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var heritageClause = _a[_i];
                    if (heritageClause.token === 83) {
                        if (seenExtendsClause) {
                            return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(heritageClause, ts.Diagnostics.extends_clause_already_seen);
                        seenExtendsClause = true;
                    else {
                        ts.Debug.assert(heritageClause.token === 106);
                        return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(heritageClause, ts.Diagnostics.Interface_declaration_cannot_have_implements_clause);
            return false;
        function checkGrammarComputedPropertyName(node) {
            if (node.kind !== 140) {
                return false;
            var computedPropertyName = node;
            if (computedPropertyName.expression.kind === 187 && computedPropertyName.expression.operatorToken.kind === 24) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(computedPropertyName.expression, ts.Diagnostics.A_comma_expression_is_not_allowed_in_a_computed_property_name);
        function checkGrammarForGenerator(node) {
            if (node.asteriskToken) {
                ts.Debug.assert(node.kind === 220 ||
                    node.kind === 179 ||
                    node.kind === 147);
                if (ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(node.asteriskToken, ts.Diagnostics.Generators_are_not_allowed_in_an_ambient_context);
                if (!node.body) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(node.asteriskToken, ts.Diagnostics.An_overload_signature_cannot_be_declared_as_a_generator);
                if (languageVersion < 2) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(node.asteriskToken, ts.Diagnostics.Generators_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_2015_or_higher);
        function checkGrammarForInvalidQuestionMark(node, questionToken, message) {
            if (questionToken) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(questionToken, message);
        function checkGrammarObjectLiteralExpression(node, inDestructuring) {
            var seen = ts.createMap();
            var Property = 1;
            var GetAccessor = 2;
            var SetAccessor = 4;
            var GetOrSetAccessor = GetAccessor | SetAccessor;
            var _loop_2 = function(prop) {
                var name_21 =;
                if (prop.kind === 193 ||
                    name_21.kind === 140) {
                if (prop.kind === 254 && !inDestructuring && prop.objectAssignmentInitializer) {
                    return { value: grammarErrorOnNode(prop.equalsToken, ts.Diagnostics.can_only_be_used_in_an_object_literal_property_inside_a_destructuring_assignment) };
                ts.forEach(prop.modifiers, function (mod) {
                    if (mod.kind !== 118 || prop.kind !== 147) {
                        grammarErrorOnNode(mod, ts.Diagnostics._0_modifier_cannot_be_used_here, ts.getTextOfNode(mod));
                var currentKind = void 0;
                if (prop.kind === 253 || prop.kind === 254) {
                    checkGrammarForInvalidQuestionMark(prop, prop.questionToken, ts.Diagnostics.An_object_member_cannot_be_declared_optional);
                    if (name_21.kind === 8) {
                    currentKind = Property;
                else if (prop.kind === 147) {
                    currentKind = Property;
                else if (prop.kind === 149) {
                    currentKind = GetAccessor;
                else if (prop.kind === 150) {
                    currentKind = SetAccessor;
                else {
          "Unexpected syntax kind:" + prop.kind);
                var effectiveName = ts.getPropertyNameForPropertyNameNode(name_21);
                if (effectiveName === undefined) {
                    return "continue";
                if (!seen[effectiveName]) {
                    seen[effectiveName] = currentKind;
                else {
                    var existingKind = seen[effectiveName];
                    if (currentKind === Property && existingKind === Property) {
                        grammarErrorOnNode(name_21, ts.Diagnostics.Duplicate_identifier_0, ts.getTextOfNode(name_21));
                    else if ((currentKind & GetOrSetAccessor) && (existingKind & GetOrSetAccessor)) {
                        if (existingKind !== GetOrSetAccessor && currentKind !== existingKind) {
                            seen[effectiveName] = currentKind | existingKind;
                        else {
                            return { value: grammarErrorOnNode(name_21, ts.Diagnostics.An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_get_Slashset_accessors_with_the_same_name) };
                    else {
                        return { value: grammarErrorOnNode(name_21, ts.Diagnostics.An_object_literal_cannot_have_property_and_accessor_with_the_same_name) };
            for (var _i = 0, _a =; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var prop = _a[_i];
                var state_3 = _loop_2(prop);
                if (typeof state_3 === "object") return state_3.value;
        function checkGrammarJsxElement(node) {
            var seen = ts.createMap();
            for (var _i = 0, _a = node.attributes; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var attr = _a[_i];
                if (attr.kind === 247) {
                var jsxAttr = attr;
                var name_22 =;
                if (!seen[name_22.text]) {
                    seen[name_22.text] = true;
                else {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(name_22, ts.Diagnostics.JSX_elements_cannot_have_multiple_attributes_with_the_same_name);
                var initializer = jsxAttr.initializer;
                if (initializer && initializer.kind === 248 && !initializer.expression) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(jsxAttr.initializer, ts.Diagnostics.JSX_attributes_must_only_be_assigned_a_non_empty_expression);
        function checkGrammarForInOrForOfStatement(forInOrOfStatement) {
            if (checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(forInOrOfStatement)) {
                return true;
            if (forInOrOfStatement.initializer.kind === 219) {
                var variableList = forInOrOfStatement.initializer;
                if (!checkGrammarVariableDeclarationList(variableList)) {
                    var declarations = variableList.declarations;
                    if (!declarations.length) {
                        return false;
                    if (declarations.length > 1) {
                        var diagnostic = forInOrOfStatement.kind === 207
                            ? ts.Diagnostics.Only_a_single_variable_declaration_is_allowed_in_a_for_in_statement
                            : ts.Diagnostics.Only_a_single_variable_declaration_is_allowed_in_a_for_of_statement;
                        return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(variableList.declarations[1], diagnostic);
                    var firstDeclaration = declarations[0];
                    if (firstDeclaration.initializer) {
                        var diagnostic = forInOrOfStatement.kind === 207
                            ? ts.Diagnostics.The_variable_declaration_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_have_an_initializer
                            : ts.Diagnostics.The_variable_declaration_of_a_for_of_statement_cannot_have_an_initializer;
                        return grammarErrorOnNode(, diagnostic);
                    if (firstDeclaration.type) {
                        var diagnostic = forInOrOfStatement.kind === 207
                            ? ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_use_a_type_annotation
                            : ts.Diagnostics.The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_of_statement_cannot_use_a_type_annotation;
                        return grammarErrorOnNode(firstDeclaration, diagnostic);
            return false;
        function checkGrammarAccessor(accessor) {
            var kind = accessor.kind;
            if (languageVersion < 1) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(, ts.Diagnostics.Accessors_are_only_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_5_and_higher);
            else if (ts.isInAmbientContext(accessor)) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(, ts.Diagnostics.An_accessor_cannot_be_declared_in_an_ambient_context);
            else if (accessor.body === undefined && !(accessor.flags & 128)) {
                return grammarErrorAtPos(ts.getSourceFileOfNode(accessor), accessor.end - 1, ";".length, ts.Diagnostics._0_expected, "{");
            else if (accessor.typeParameters) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(, ts.Diagnostics.An_accessor_cannot_have_type_parameters);
            else if (!doesAccessorHaveCorrectParameterCount(accessor)) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(, kind === 149 ?
                    ts.Diagnostics.A_get_accessor_cannot_have_parameters :
            else if (kind === 150) {
                if (accessor.type) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(, ts.Diagnostics.A_set_accessor_cannot_have_a_return_type_annotation);
                else {
                    var parameter = accessor.parameters[0];
                    if (parameter.dotDotDotToken) {
                        return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.dotDotDotToken, ts.Diagnostics.A_set_accessor_cannot_have_rest_parameter);
                    else if (parameter.questionToken) {
                        return grammarErrorOnNode(parameter.questionToken, ts.Diagnostics.A_set_accessor_cannot_have_an_optional_parameter);
                    else if (parameter.initializer) {
                        return grammarErrorOnNode(, ts.Diagnostics.A_set_accessor_parameter_cannot_have_an_initializer);
        function doesAccessorHaveCorrectParameterCount(accessor) {
            return getAccessorThisParameter(accessor) || accessor.parameters.length === (accessor.kind === 149 ? 0 : 1);
        function getAccessorThisParameter(accessor) {
            if (accessor.parameters.length === (accessor.kind === 149 ? 1 : 2) &&
                accessor.parameters[0].name.kind === 69 &&
                accessor.parameters[0].name.originalKeywordKind === 97) {
                return accessor.parameters[0];
        function getFunctionLikeThisParameter(func) {
            if (func.parameters.length &&
                func.parameters[0].name.kind === 69 &&
                func.parameters[0].name.originalKeywordKind === 97) {
                return func.parameters[0];
        function checkGrammarForNonSymbolComputedProperty(node, message) {
            if (ts.isDynamicName(node)) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(node, message);
        function checkGrammarMethod(node) {
            if (checkGrammarDisallowedModifiersOnObjectLiteralExpressionMethod(node) ||
                checkGrammarFunctionLikeDeclaration(node) ||
                checkGrammarForGenerator(node)) {
                return true;
            if (node.parent.kind === 171) {
                if (checkGrammarForInvalidQuestionMark(node, node.questionToken, ts.Diagnostics.An_object_member_cannot_be_declared_optional)) {
                    return true;
                else if (node.body === undefined) {
                    return grammarErrorAtPos(ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node), node.end - 1, ";".length, ts.Diagnostics._0_expected, "{");
            if (ts.isClassLike(node.parent)) {
                if (ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) {
                    return checkGrammarForNonSymbolComputedProperty(, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_in_an_ambient_context_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol);
                else if (!node.body) {
                    return checkGrammarForNonSymbolComputedProperty(, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_in_a_method_overload_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol);
            else if (node.parent.kind === 222) {
                return checkGrammarForNonSymbolComputedProperty(, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_in_an_interface_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol);
            else if (node.parent.kind === 159) {
                return checkGrammarForNonSymbolComputedProperty(, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_in_a_type_literal_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol);
        function checkGrammarBreakOrContinueStatement(node) {
            var current = node;
            while (current) {
                if (ts.isFunctionLike(current)) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Jump_target_cannot_cross_function_boundary);
                switch (current.kind) {
                    case 214:
                        if (node.label && current.label.text === node.label.text) {
                            var isMisplacedContinueLabel = node.kind === 209
                                && !ts.isIterationStatement(current.statement, true);
                            if (isMisplacedContinueLabel) {
                                return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_continue_statement_can_only_jump_to_a_label_of_an_enclosing_iteration_statement);
                            return false;
                    case 213:
                        if (node.kind === 210 && !node.label) {
                            return false;
                        if (ts.isIterationStatement(current, false) && !node.label) {
                            return false;
                current = current.parent;
            if (node.label) {
                var message = node.kind === 210
                    ? ts.Diagnostics.A_break_statement_can_only_jump_to_a_label_of_an_enclosing_statement
                    : ts.Diagnostics.A_continue_statement_can_only_jump_to_a_label_of_an_enclosing_iteration_statement;
                return grammarErrorOnNode(node, message);
            else {
                var message = node.kind === 210
                    ? ts.Diagnostics.A_break_statement_can_only_be_used_within_an_enclosing_iteration_or_switch_statement
                    : ts.Diagnostics.A_continue_statement_can_only_be_used_within_an_enclosing_iteration_statement;
                return grammarErrorOnNode(node, message);
        function checkGrammarBindingElement(node) {
            if (node.dotDotDotToken) {
                var elements = node.parent.elements;
                if (node !== ts.lastOrUndefined(elements)) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_rest_element_must_be_last_in_an_array_destructuring_pattern);
                if ( === 168 || === 167) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(, ts.Diagnostics.A_rest_element_cannot_contain_a_binding_pattern);
                if (node.initializer) {
                    return grammarErrorAtPos(ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node), node.initializer.pos - 1, 1, ts.Diagnostics.A_rest_element_cannot_have_an_initializer);
        function checkGrammarVariableDeclaration(node) {
            if (node.parent.parent.kind !== 207 && node.parent.parent.kind !== 208) {
                if (ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) {
                    if (node.initializer) {
                        var equalsTokenLength = "=".length;
                        return grammarErrorAtPos(ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node), node.initializer.pos - equalsTokenLength, equalsTokenLength, ts.Diagnostics.Initializers_are_not_allowed_in_ambient_contexts);
                else if (!node.initializer) {
                    if (ts.isBindingPattern( && !ts.isBindingPattern(node.parent)) {
                        return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_destructuring_declaration_must_have_an_initializer);
                    if (ts.isConst(node)) {
                        return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.const_declarations_must_be_initialized);
            var checkLetConstNames = (ts.isLet(node) || ts.isConst(node));
            return checkLetConstNames && checkGrammarNameInLetOrConstDeclarations(;
        function checkGrammarNameInLetOrConstDeclarations(name) {
            if (name.kind === 69) {
                if (name.originalKeywordKind === 108) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(name, ts.Diagnostics.let_is_not_allowed_to_be_used_as_a_name_in_let_or_const_declarations);
            else {
                var elements = name.elements;
                for (var _i = 0, elements_2 = elements; _i < elements_2.length; _i++) {
                    var element = elements_2[_i];
                    if (element.kind !== 193) {
        function checkGrammarVariableDeclarationList(declarationList) {
            var declarations = declarationList.declarations;
            if (checkGrammarForDisallowedTrailingComma(declarationList.declarations)) {
                return true;
            if (!declarationList.declarations.length) {
                return grammarErrorAtPos(ts.getSourceFileOfNode(declarationList), declarations.pos, declarations.end - declarations.pos, ts.Diagnostics.Variable_declaration_list_cannot_be_empty);
        function allowLetAndConstDeclarations(parent) {
            switch (parent.kind) {
                case 203:
                case 204:
                case 205:
                case 212:
                case 206:
                case 207:
                case 208:
                    return false;
                case 214:
                    return allowLetAndConstDeclarations(parent.parent);
            return true;
        function checkGrammarForDisallowedLetOrConstStatement(node) {
            if (!allowLetAndConstDeclarations(node.parent)) {
                if (ts.isLet(node.declarationList)) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.let_declarations_can_only_be_declared_inside_a_block);
                else if (ts.isConst(node.declarationList)) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.const_declarations_can_only_be_declared_inside_a_block);
        function hasParseDiagnostics(sourceFile) {
            return sourceFile.parseDiagnostics.length > 0;
        function grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, message, arg0, arg1, arg2) {
            var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node);
            if (!hasParseDiagnostics(sourceFile)) {
                var span = ts.getSpanOfTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, node.pos);
                diagnostics.add(ts.createFileDiagnostic(sourceFile, span.start, span.length, message, arg0, arg1, arg2));
                return true;
        function grammarErrorAtPos(sourceFile, start, length, message, arg0, arg1, arg2) {
            if (!hasParseDiagnostics(sourceFile)) {
                diagnostics.add(ts.createFileDiagnostic(sourceFile, start, length, message, arg0, arg1, arg2));
                return true;
        function grammarErrorOnNode(node, message, arg0, arg1, arg2) {
            var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node);
            if (!hasParseDiagnostics(sourceFile)) {
                diagnostics.add(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node, message, arg0, arg1, arg2));
                return true;
        function checkGrammarConstructorTypeParameters(node) {
            if (node.typeParameters) {
                return grammarErrorAtPos(ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node), node.typeParameters.pos, node.typeParameters.end - node.typeParameters.pos, ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameters_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration);
        function checkGrammarConstructorTypeAnnotation(node) {
            if (node.type) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(node.type, ts.Diagnostics.Type_annotation_cannot_appear_on_a_constructor_declaration);
        function checkGrammarProperty(node) {
            if (ts.isClassLike(node.parent)) {
                if (checkGrammarForNonSymbolComputedProperty(, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_in_a_class_property_declaration_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol)) {
                    return true;
            else if (node.parent.kind === 222) {
                if (checkGrammarForNonSymbolComputedProperty(, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_in_an_interface_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol)) {
                    return true;
                if (node.initializer) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(node.initializer, ts.Diagnostics.An_interface_property_cannot_have_an_initializer);
            else if (node.parent.kind === 159) {
                if (checkGrammarForNonSymbolComputedProperty(, ts.Diagnostics.A_computed_property_name_in_a_type_literal_must_directly_refer_to_a_built_in_symbol)) {
                    return true;
                if (node.initializer) {
                    return grammarErrorOnNode(node.initializer, ts.Diagnostics.A_type_literal_property_cannot_have_an_initializer);
            if (ts.isInAmbientContext(node) && node.initializer) {
                return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node.initializer, ts.Diagnostics.Initializers_are_not_allowed_in_ambient_contexts);
        function checkGrammarTopLevelElementForRequiredDeclareModifier(node) {
            if (node.kind === 222 ||
                node.kind === 223 ||
                node.kind === 230 ||
                node.kind === 229 ||
                node.kind === 236 ||
                node.kind === 235 ||
                node.kind === 228 ||
                (node.flags & 2) ||
                (node.flags & (1 | 512))) {
                return false;
            return grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.A_declare_modifier_is_required_for_a_top_level_declaration_in_a_d_ts_file);
        function checkGrammarTopLevelElementsForRequiredDeclareModifier(file) {
            for (var _i = 0, _a = file.statements; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var decl = _a[_i];
                if (ts.isDeclaration(decl) || decl.kind === 200) {
                    if (checkGrammarTopLevelElementForRequiredDeclareModifier(decl)) {
                        return true;
        function checkGrammarSourceFile(node) {
            return ts.isInAmbientContext(node) && checkGrammarTopLevelElementsForRequiredDeclareModifier(node);
        function checkGrammarStatementInAmbientContext(node) {
            if (ts.isInAmbientContext(node)) {
                if (isAccessor(node.parent.kind)) {
                    return getNodeLinks(node).hasReportedStatementInAmbientContext = true;
                var links = getNodeLinks(node);
                if (!links.hasReportedStatementInAmbientContext && ts.isFunctionLike(node.parent)) {
                    return getNodeLinks(node).hasReportedStatementInAmbientContext = grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.An_implementation_cannot_be_declared_in_ambient_contexts);
                if (node.parent.kind === 199 || node.parent.kind === 226 || node.parent.kind === 256) {
                    var links_1 = getNodeLinks(node.parent);
                    if (!links_1.hasReportedStatementInAmbientContext) {
                        return links_1.hasReportedStatementInAmbientContext = grammarErrorOnFirstToken(node, ts.Diagnostics.Statements_are_not_allowed_in_ambient_contexts);
                else {
        function checkGrammarNumericLiteral(node) {
            if (node.isOctalLiteral && languageVersion >= 1) {
                return grammarErrorOnNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Octal_literals_are_not_available_when_targeting_ECMAScript_5_and_higher);
        function grammarErrorAfterFirstToken(node, message, arg0, arg1, arg2) {
            var sourceFile = ts.getSourceFileOfNode(node);
            if (!hasParseDiagnostics(sourceFile)) {
                var span = ts.getSpanOfTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, node.pos);
                diagnostics.add(ts.createFileDiagnostic(sourceFile, ts.textSpanEnd(span), 0, message, arg0, arg1, arg2));
                return true;
        function getAmbientModules() {
            var result = [];
            for (var sym in globals) {
                if (ambientModuleSymbolRegex.test(sym)) {
            return result;
    ts.createTypeChecker = createTypeChecker;
})(ts || (ts = {}));
var ts;
(function (ts) {
    var nullSourceMapWriter;
    var defaultLastEncodedSourceMapSpan = {
        emittedLine: 1,
        emittedColumn: 1,
        sourceLine: 1,
        sourceColumn: 1,
        sourceIndex: 0
    function getNullSourceMapWriter() {
        if (nullSourceMapWriter === undefined) {
            nullSourceMapWriter = {
                getSourceMapData: function () { return undefined; },
                setSourceFile: function (sourceFile) { },
                emitStart: function (range) { },
                emitEnd: function (range, stopOverridingSpan) { },
                emitPos: function (pos) { },
                changeEmitSourcePos: function () { },
                getText: function () { return undefined; },
                getSourceMappingURL: function () { return undefined; },
                initialize: function (filePath, sourceMapFilePath, sourceFiles, isBundledEmit) { },
                reset: function () { }
        return nullSourceMapWriter;
    ts.getNullSourceMapWriter = getNullSourceMapWriter;
    function createSourceMapWriter(host, writer) {
        var compilerOptions = host.getCompilerOptions();
        var extendedDiagnostics = compilerOptions.extendedDiagnostics;
        var currentSourceFile;
        var sourceMapDir;
        var stopOverridingSpan = false;
        var modifyLastSourcePos = false;
        var sourceMapSourceIndex;
        var lastRecordedSourceMapSpan;
        var lastEncodedSourceMapSpan;
        var lastEncodedNameIndex;
        var sourceMapData;
        return {
            getSourceMapData: function () { return sourceMapData; },
            setSourceFile: setSourceFile,
            emitPos: emitPos,
            emitStart: emitStart,
            emitEnd: emitEnd,
            changeEmitSourcePos: changeEmitSourcePos,
            getText: getText,
            getSourceMappingURL: getSourceMappingURL,
            initialize: initialize,
            reset: reset
        function initialize(filePath, sourceMapFilePath, sourceFiles, isBundledEmit) {
            if (sourceMapData) {
            currentSourceFile = undefined;
            sourceMapSourceIndex = -1;
            lastRecordedSourceMapSpan = undefined;
            lastEncodedSourceMapSpan = defaultLastEncodedSourceMapSpan;
            lastEncodedNameIndex = 0;
            sourceMapData = {
                sourceMapFilePath: sourceMapFilePath,
                jsSourceMappingURL: !compilerOptions.inlineSourceMap ? ts.getBaseFileName(ts.normalizeSlashes(sourceMapFilePath)) : undefined,
                sourceMapFile: ts.getBaseFileName(ts.normalizeSlashes(filePath)),
                sourceMapSourceRoot: compilerOptions.sourceRoot || "",
                sourceMapSources: [],
                inputSourceFileNames: [],
                sourceMapNames: [],
                sourceMapMappings: "",
                sourceMapSourcesContent: compilerOptions.inlineSources ? [] : undefined,
                sourceMapDecodedMappings: []
            sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot = ts.normalizeSlashes(sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot);
            if (sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot.length && sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot.charCodeAt(sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot.length - 1) !== 47) {
                sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot += ts.directorySeparator;
            if (compilerOptions.mapRoot) {
                sourceMapDir = ts.normalizeSlashes(compilerOptions.mapRoot);
                if (!isBundledEmit) {
                    ts.Debug.assert(sourceFiles.length === 1);
                    sourceMapDir = ts.getDirectoryPath(ts.getSourceFilePathInNewDir(sourceFiles[0], host, sourceMapDir));
                if (!ts.isRootedDiskPath(sourceMapDir) && !ts.isUrl(sourceMapDir)) {
                    sourceMapDir = ts.combinePaths(host.getCommonSourceDirectory(), sourceMapDir);
                    sourceMapData.jsSourceMappingURL = ts.getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl(ts.getDirectoryPath(ts.normalizePath(filePath)), ts.combinePaths(sourceMapDir, sourceMapData.jsSourceMappingURL), host.getCurrentDirectory(), host.getCanonicalFileName, true);
                else {
                    sourceMapData.jsSourceMappingURL = ts.combinePaths(sourceMapDir, sourceMapData.jsSourceMappingURL);
            else {
                sourceMapDir = ts.getDirectoryPath(ts.normalizePath(filePath));
        function reset() {
            currentSourceFile = undefined;
            sourceMapDir = undefined;
            sourceMapSourceIndex = undefined;
            lastRecordedSourceMapSpan = undefined;
            lastEncodedSourceMapSpan = undefined;
            lastEncodedNameIndex = undefined;
            sourceMapData = undefined;
        function updateLastEncodedAndRecordedSpans() {
            if (modifyLastSourcePos) {
                modifyLastSourcePos = false;
                lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.emittedLine = lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.emittedLine;
                lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.emittedColumn = lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.emittedColumn;
                lastEncodedSourceMapSpan = sourceMapData.sourceMapDecodedMappings.length ?
                    sourceMapData.sourceMapDecodedMappings[sourceMapData.sourceMapDecodedMappings.length - 1] :
                var sourceMapMappings = sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings;
                var lenthToSet = sourceMapMappings.length - 1;
                for (; lenthToSet >= 0; lenthToSet--) {
                    var currentChar = sourceMapMappings.charAt(lenthToSet);
                    if (currentChar === ",") {
                    if (currentChar === ";" && lenthToSet !== 0 && sourceMapMappings.charAt(lenthToSet - 1) !== ";") {
                sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings = sourceMapMappings.substr(0, Math.max(0, lenthToSet));
        function encodeLastRecordedSourceMapSpan() {
            if (!lastRecordedSourceMapSpan || lastRecordedSourceMapSpan === lastEncodedSourceMapSpan) {
            var prevEncodedEmittedColumn = lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.emittedColumn;
            if (lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.emittedLine === lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.emittedLine) {
                if (sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings) {
                    sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += ",";
            else {
                for (var encodedLine = lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.emittedLine; encodedLine < lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.emittedLine; encodedLine++) {
                    sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += ";";
                prevEncodedEmittedColumn = 1;
            sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.emittedColumn - prevEncodedEmittedColumn);
            sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceIndex - lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.sourceIndex);
            sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceLine - lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.sourceLine);
            sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceColumn - lastEncodedSourceMapSpan.sourceColumn);
            if (lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.nameIndex >= 0) {
                ts.Debug.assert(false, "We do not support name index right now, Make sure to update updateLastEncodedAndRecordedSpans when we start using this");
                sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings += base64VLQFormatEncode(lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.nameIndex - lastEncodedNameIndex);
                lastEncodedNameIndex = lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.nameIndex;
            lastEncodedSourceMapSpan = lastRecordedSourceMapSpan;
        function emitPos(pos) {
            if (pos === -1) {
            if (extendedDiagnostics) {
            var sourceLinePos = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(currentSourceFile, pos);
            var emittedLine = writer.getLine();
            var emittedColumn = writer.getColumn();
            if (!lastRecordedSourceMapSpan ||
                lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.emittedLine !== emittedLine ||
                lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.emittedColumn !== emittedColumn ||
                (lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceIndex === sourceMapSourceIndex &&
                    (lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceLine > sourceLinePos.line ||
                        (lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceLine === sourceLinePos.line && lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceColumn > sourceLinePos.character)))) {
                lastRecordedSourceMapSpan = {
                    emittedLine: emittedLine,
                    emittedColumn: emittedColumn,
                    sourceLine: sourceLinePos.line,
                    sourceColumn: sourceLinePos.character,
                    sourceIndex: sourceMapSourceIndex
                stopOverridingSpan = false;
            else if (!stopOverridingSpan) {
                lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceLine = sourceLinePos.line;
                lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceColumn = sourceLinePos.character;
                lastRecordedSourceMapSpan.sourceIndex = sourceMapSourceIndex;
            if (extendedDiagnostics) {
                ts.performance.measure("Source Map", "beforeSourcemap", "afterSourcemap");
        function getStartPos(range) {
            var rangeHasDecorators = !!range.decorators;
            return range.pos !== -1 ? ts.skipTrivia(currentSourceFile.text, rangeHasDecorators ? range.decorators.end : range.pos) : -1;
        function emitStart(range) {
        function emitEnd(range, stopOverridingEnd) {
            stopOverridingSpan = stopOverridingEnd;
        function changeEmitSourcePos() {
            modifyLastSourcePos = true;
        function setSourceFile(sourceFile) {
            currentSourceFile = sourceFile;
            var sourcesDirectoryPath = compilerOptions.sourceRoot ? host.getCommonSourceDirectory() : sourceMapDir;
            var source = ts.getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl(sourcesDirectoryPath, currentSourceFile.fileName, host.getCurrentDirectory(), host.getCanonicalFileName, true);
            sourceMapSourceIndex = ts.indexOf(sourceMapData.sourceMapSources, source);
            if (sourceMapSourceIndex === -1) {
                sourceMapSourceIndex = sourceMapData.sourceMapSources.length;
                if (compilerOptions.inlineSources) {
        function getText() {
            return ts.stringify({
                version: 3,
                file: sourceMapData.sourceMapFile,
                sourceRoot: sourceMapData.sourceMapSourceRoot,
                sources: sourceMapData.sourceMapSources,
                names: sourceMapData.sourceMapNames,
                mappings: sourceMapData.sourceMapMappings,
                sourcesContent: sourceMapData.sourceMapSourcesContent
        function getSourceMappingURL() {
            if (compilerOptions.inlineSourceMap) {
                var base64SourceMapText = ts.convertToBase64(getText());
                return sourceMapData.jsSourceMappingURL = "data:application/json;base64," + base64SourceMapText;
            else {
                return sourceMapData.jsSourceMappingURL;
    ts.createSourceMapWriter = createSourceMapWriter;
    var base64Chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
    function base64FormatEncode(inValue) {
        if (inValue < 64) {
            return base64Chars.charAt(inValue);
        throw TypeError(inValue + ": not a 64 based value");
    function base64VLQFormatEncode(inValue) {
        if (inValue < 0) {
            inValue = ((-inValue) << 1) + 1;
        else {
            inValue = inValue << 1;
        var encodedStr = "";
        do {
            var currentDigit = inValue & 31;
            inValue = inValue >> 5;
            if (inValue > 0) {
                currentDigit = currentDigit | 32;
            encodedStr = encodedStr + base64FormatEncode(currentDigit);
        } while (inValue > 0);
        return encodedStr;
})(ts || (ts = {}));
var ts;
(function (ts) {
    function getDeclarationDiagnostics(host, resolver, targetSourceFile) {
        var declarationDiagnostics = ts.createDiagnosticCollection();
        ts.forEachExpectedEmitFile(host, getDeclarationDiagnosticsFromFile, targetSourceFile);
        return declarationDiagnostics.getDiagnostics(targetSourceFile ? targetSourceFile.fileName : undefined);
        function getDeclarationDiagnosticsFromFile(_a, sources, isBundledEmit) {
            var declarationFilePath = _a.declarationFilePath;
            emitDeclarations(host, resolver, declarationDiagnostics, declarationFilePath, sources, isBundledEmit, false);
    ts.getDeclarationDiagnostics = getDeclarationDiagnostics;
    function emitDeclarations(host, resolver, emitterDiagnostics, declarationFilePath, sourceFiles, isBundledEmit, emitOnlyDtsFiles) {
        var newLine = host.getNewLine();
        var compilerOptions = host.getCompilerOptions();
        var write;
        var writeLine;
        var increaseIndent;
        var decreaseIndent;
        var writeTextOfNode;
        var writer;
        var enclosingDeclaration;
        var resultHasExternalModuleIndicator;
        var currentText;
        var currentLineMap;
        var currentIdentifiers;
        var isCurrentFileExternalModule;
        var reportedDeclarationError = false;
        var errorNameNode;
        var emitJsDocComments = compilerOptions.removeComments ? function (declaration) { } : writeJsDocComments;
        var emit = compilerOptions.stripInternal ? stripInternal : emitNode;
        var noDeclare;
        var moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo = [];
        var asynchronousSubModuleDeclarationEmitInfo;
        var referencesOutput = "";
        var usedTypeDirectiveReferences;
        var emittedReferencedFiles = [];
        var addedGlobalFileReference = false;
        var allSourcesModuleElementDeclarationEmitInfo = [];
        ts.forEach(sourceFiles, function (sourceFile) {
            if (ts.isSourceFileJavaScript(sourceFile)) {
            if (!compilerOptions.noResolve) {
                ts.forEach(sourceFile.referencedFiles, function (fileReference) {
                    var referencedFile = ts.tryResolveScriptReference(host, sourceFile, fileReference);
                    if (referencedFile && !ts.contains(emittedReferencedFiles, referencedFile)) {
                        if (writeReferencePath(referencedFile, !isBundledEmit && !addedGlobalFileReference, emitOnlyDtsFiles)) {
                            addedGlobalFileReference = true;
            resultHasExternalModuleIndicator = false;
            if (!isBundledEmit || !ts.isExternalModule(sourceFile)) {
                noDeclare = false;
            else if (ts.isExternalModule(sourceFile)) {
                noDeclare = true;
                write("declare module \"" + ts.getResolvedExternalModuleName(host, sourceFile) + "\" {");
            if (moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo.length) {
                var oldWriter = writer;
                ts.forEach(moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo, function (aliasEmitInfo) {
                    if (aliasEmitInfo.isVisible && !aliasEmitInfo.asynchronousOutput) {
                        ts.Debug.assert(aliasEmitInfo.node.kind === 230);
                        ts.Debug.assert(aliasEmitInfo.indent === 0 || (aliasEmitInfo.indent === 1 && isBundledEmit));
                        for (var i = 0; i < aliasEmitInfo.indent; i++) {
                        aliasEmitInfo.asynchronousOutput = writer.getText();
                        for (var i = 0; i < aliasEmitInfo.indent; i++) {
                allSourcesModuleElementDeclarationEmitInfo = allSourcesModuleElementDeclarationEmitInfo.concat(moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo);
                moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo = [];
            if (!isBundledEmit && ts.isExternalModule(sourceFile) && sourceFile.moduleAugmentations.length && !resultHasExternalModuleIndicator) {
                write("export {};");
        if (usedTypeDirectiveReferences) {
            for (var directive in usedTypeDirectiveReferences) {
                referencesOutput += "/// <reference types=\"" + directive + "\" />" + newLine;
        return {
            reportedDeclarationError: reportedDeclarationError,
            moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo: allSourcesModuleElementDeclarationEmitInfo,
            synchronousDeclarationOutput: writer.getText(),
            referencesOutput: referencesOutput
        function hasInternalAnnotation(range) {
            var comment = currentText.substring(range.pos, range.end);
            return comment.indexOf("@internal") >= 0;
        function stripInternal(node) {
            if (node) {
                var leadingCommentRanges = ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(currentText, node.pos);
                if (ts.forEach(leadingCommentRanges, hasInternalAnnotation)) {
        function createAndSetNewTextWriterWithSymbolWriter() {
            var writer = ts.createTextWriter(newLine);
            writer.trackSymbol = trackSymbol;
            writer.reportInaccessibleThisError = reportInaccessibleThisError;
            writer.writeKeyword = writer.write;
            writer.writeOperator = writer.write;
            writer.writePunctuation = writer.write;
            writer.writeSpace = writer.write;
            writer.writeStringLiteral = writer.writeLiteral;
            writer.writeParameter = writer.write;
            writer.writeSymbol = writer.write;
        function setWriter(newWriter) {
            writer = newWriter;
            write = newWriter.write;
            writeTextOfNode = newWriter.writeTextOfNode;
            writeLine = newWriter.writeLine;
            increaseIndent = newWriter.increaseIndent;
            decreaseIndent = newWriter.decreaseIndent;
        function writeAsynchronousModuleElements(nodes) {
            var oldWriter = writer;
            ts.forEach(nodes, function (declaration) {
                var nodeToCheck;
                if (declaration.kind === 218) {
                    nodeToCheck = declaration.parent.parent;
                else if (declaration.kind === 233 || declaration.kind === 234 || declaration.kind === 231) {
          "We should be getting ImportDeclaration instead to write");
                else {
                    nodeToCheck = declaration;
                var moduleElementEmitInfo = ts.forEach(moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo, function (declEmitInfo) { return declEmitInfo.node === nodeToCheck ? declEmitInfo : undefined; });
                if (!moduleElementEmitInfo && asynchronousSubModuleDeclarationEmitInfo) {
                    moduleElementEmitInfo = ts.forEach(asynchronousSubModuleDeclarationEmitInfo, function (declEmitInfo) { return declEmitInfo.node === nodeToCheck ? declEmitInfo : undefined; });
                if (moduleElementEmitInfo) {
                    if (moduleElementEmitInfo.node.kind === 230) {
                        moduleElementEmitInfo.isVisible = true;
                    else {
                        for (var declarationIndent = moduleElementEmitInfo.indent; declarationIndent; declarationIndent--) {
                        if (nodeToCheck.kind === 225) {
                            ts.Debug.assert(asynchronousSubModuleDeclarationEmitInfo === undefined);
                            asynchronousSubModuleDeclarationEmitInfo = [];
                        if (nodeToCheck.kind === 225) {
                            moduleElementEmitInfo.subModuleElementDeclarationEmitInfo = asynchronousSubModuleDeclarationEmitInfo;
                            asynchronousSubModuleDeclarationEmitInfo = undefined;
                        moduleElementEmitInfo.asynchronousOutput = writer.getText();
        function recordTypeReferenceDirectivesIfNecessary(typeReferenceDirectives) {
            if (!typeReferenceDirectives) {
            if (!usedTypeDirectiveReferences) {
                usedTypeDirectiveReferences = ts.createMap();
            for (var _i = 0, typeReferenceDirectives_1 = typeReferenceDirectives; _i < typeReferenceDirectives_1.length; _i++) {
                var directive = typeReferenceDirectives_1[_i];
                if (!(directive in usedTypeDirectiveReferences)) {
                    usedTypeDirectiveReferences[directive] = directive;
        function handleSymbolAccessibilityError(symbolAccessibilityResult) {
            if (symbolAccessibilityResult.accessibility === 0) {
                if (symbolAccessibilityResult && symbolAccessibilityResult.aliasesToMakeVisible) {
            else {
                reportedDeclarationError = true;
                var errorInfo = writer.getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic(symbolAccessibilityResult);
                if (errorInfo) {
                    if (errorInfo.typeName) {
                        emitterDiagnostics.add(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(symbolAccessibilityResult.errorNode || errorInfo.errorNode, errorInfo.diagnosticMessage, ts.getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(currentText, errorInfo.typeName), symbolAccessibilityResult.errorSymbolName, symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName));
                    else {
                        emitterDiagnostics.add(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(symbolAccessibilityResult.errorNode || errorInfo.errorNode, errorInfo.diagnosticMessage, symbolAccessibilityResult.errorSymbolName, symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName));
        function trackSymbol(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning) {
            handleSymbolAccessibilityError(resolver.isSymbolAccessible(symbol, enclosingDeclaration, meaning, true));
            recordTypeReferenceDirectivesIfNecessary(resolver.getTypeReferenceDirectivesForSymbol(symbol, meaning));
        function reportInaccessibleThisError() {
            if (errorNameNode) {
                reportedDeclarationError = true;
                emitterDiagnostics.add(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(errorNameNode, ts.Diagnostics.The_inferred_type_of_0_references_an_inaccessible_this_type_A_type_annotation_is_necessary, ts.declarationNameToString(errorNameNode)));
        function writeTypeOfDeclaration(declaration, type, getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic) {
            writer.getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic = getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic;
            write(": ");
            if (type) {
            else {
                errorNameNode =;
                resolver.writeTypeOfDeclaration(declaration, enclosingDeclaration, 2, writer);
                errorNameNode = undefined;
        function writeReturnTypeAtSignature(signature, getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic) {
            writer.getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic = getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic;
            write(": ");
            if (signature.type) {
            else {
                errorNameNode =;
                resolver.writeReturnTypeOfSignatureDeclaration(signature, enclosingDeclaration, 2, writer);
                errorNameNode = undefined;
        function emitLines(nodes) {
            for (var _i = 0, nodes_2 = nodes; _i < nodes_2.length; _i++) {
                var node = nodes_2[_i];
        function emitSeparatedList(nodes, separator, eachNodeEmitFn, canEmitFn) {
            var currentWriterPos = writer.getTextPos();
            for (var _i = 0, nodes_3 = nodes; _i < nodes_3.length; _i++) {
                var node = nodes_3[_i];
                if (!canEmitFn || canEmitFn(node)) {
                    if (currentWriterPos !== writer.getTextPos()) {
                    currentWriterPos = writer.getTextPos();
        function emitCommaList(nodes, eachNodeEmitFn, canEmitFn) {
            emitSeparatedList(nodes, ", ", eachNodeEmitFn, canEmitFn);
        function writeJsDocComments(declaration) {
            if (declaration) {
                var jsDocComments = ts.getJsDocCommentsFromText(declaration, currentText);
                ts.emitNewLineBeforeLeadingComments(currentLineMap, writer, declaration, jsDocComments);
                ts.emitComments(currentText, currentLineMap, writer, jsDocComments, true, newLine, ts.writeCommentRange);
        function emitTypeWithNewGetSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic(type, getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic) {
            writer.getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic = getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic;
        function emitType(type) {
            switch (type.kind) {
                case 117:
                case 132:
                case 130:
                case 120:
                case 133:
                case 103:
                case 135:
                case 93:
                case 127:
                case 165:
                case 166:
                    return writeTextOfNode(currentText, type);
                case 194:
                    return emitExpressionWithTypeArguments(type);
                case 155:
                    return emitTypeReference(type);
                case 158:
                    return emitTypeQuery(type);
                case 160:
                    return emitArrayType(type);
                case 161:
                    return emitTupleType(type);
                case 162:
                    return emitUnionType(type);
                case 163:
                    return emitIntersectionType(type);
                case 164:
                    return emitParenType(type);
                case 156:
                case 157:
                    return emitSignatureDeclarationWithJsDocComments(type);
                case 159:
                    return emitTypeLiteral(type);
                case 69:
                    return emitEntityName(type);
                case 139:
                    return emitEntityName(type);
                case 154:
                    return emitTypePredicate(type);
            function writeEntityName(entityName) {
                if (entityName.kind === 69) {
                    writeTextOfNode(currentText, entityName);
                else {
                    var left = entityName.kind === 139 ? entityName.left : entityName.expression;
                    var right = entityName.kind === 139 ? entityName.right :;
                    writeTextOfNode(currentText, right);
            function emitEntityName(entityName) {
                var visibilityResult = resolver.isEntityNameVisible(entityName, entityName.parent.kind === 229 ? entityName.parent : enclosingDeclaration);
            function emitExpressionWithTypeArguments(node) {
                if (ts.isEntityNameExpression(node.expression)) {
                    ts.Debug.assert(node.expression.kind === 69 || node.expression.kind === 172);
                    if (node.typeArguments) {
                        emitCommaList(node.typeArguments, emitType);
            function emitTypeReference(type) {
                if (type.typeArguments) {
                    emitCommaList(type.typeArguments, emitType);
            function emitTypePredicate(type) {
                writeTextOfNode(currentText, type.parameterName);
                write(" is ");
            function emitTypeQuery(type) {
                write("typeof ");
            function emitArrayType(type) {
            function emitTupleType(type) {
                emitCommaList(type.elementTypes, emitType);
            function emitUnionType(type) {
                emitSeparatedList(type.types, " | ", emitType);
            function emitIntersectionType(type) {
                emitSeparatedList(type.types, " & ", emitType);
            function emitParenType(type) {
            function emitTypeLiteral(type) {
                if (type.members.length) {
        function emitSourceFile(node) {
            currentText = node.text;
            currentLineMap = ts.getLineStarts(node);
            currentIdentifiers = node.identifiers;
            isCurrentFileExternalModule = ts.isExternalModule(node);
            enclosingDeclaration = node;
            ts.emitDetachedComments(currentText, currentLineMap, writer, ts.writeCommentRange, node, newLine, true);
        function getExportDefaultTempVariableName() {
            var baseName = "_default";
            if (!(baseName in currentIdentifiers)) {
                return baseName;
            var count = 0;
            while (true) {
                var name_23 = baseName + "_" + count;
                if (!(name_23 in currentIdentifiers)) {
                    return name_23;
        function emitExportAssignment(node) {
            if (node.expression.kind === 69) {
                write(node.isExportEquals ? "export = " : "export default ");
                writeTextOfNode(currentText, node.expression);
            else {
                var tempVarName = getExportDefaultTempVariableName();
                if (!noDeclare) {
                    write("declare ");
                write("var ");
                write(": ");
                writer.getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic = getDefaultExportAccessibilityDiagnostic;
                resolver.writeTypeOfExpression(node.expression, enclosingDeclaration, 2, writer);
                write(node.isExportEquals ? "export = " : "export default ");
            if (node.expression.kind === 69) {
                var nodes = resolver.collectLinkedAliases(node.expression);
            function getDefaultExportAccessibilityDiagnostic(diagnostic) {
                return {
                    diagnosticMessage: ts.Diagnostics.Default_export_of_the_module_has_or_is_using_private_name_0,
                    errorNode: node
        function isModuleElementVisible(node) {
            return resolver.isDeclarationVisible(node);
        function emitModuleElement(node, isModuleElementVisible) {
            if (isModuleElementVisible) {
            else if (node.kind === 229 ||
                (node.parent.kind === 256 && isCurrentFileExternalModule)) {
                var isVisible = void 0;
                if (asynchronousSubModuleDeclarationEmitInfo && node.parent.kind !== 256) {
                        node: node,
                        outputPos: writer.getTextPos(),
                        indent: writer.getIndent(),
                        isVisible: isVisible
                else {
                    if (node.kind === 230) {
                        var importDeclaration = node;
                        if (importDeclaration.importClause) {
                            isVisible = ( && resolver.isDeclarationVisible(importDeclaration.importClause)) ||
                        node: node,
                        outputPos: writer.getTextPos(),
                        indent: writer.getIndent(),
                        isVisible: isVisible
        function writeModuleElement(node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 220:
                    return writeFunctionDeclaration(node);
                case 200:
                    return writeVariableStatement(node);
                case 222:
                    return writeInterfaceDeclaration(node);
                case 221:
                    return writeClassDeclaration(node);
                case 223:
                    return writeTypeAliasDeclaration(node);
                case 224:
                    return writeEnumDeclaration(node);
                case 225:
                    return writeModuleDeclaration(node);
                case 229:
                    return writeImportEqualsDeclaration(node);
                case 230:
                    return writeImportDeclaration(node);
          "Unknown symbol kind");
        function emitModuleElementDeclarationFlags(node) {
            if (node.parent.kind === 256) {
                if (node.flags & 1) {
                    write("export ");
                if (node.flags & 512) {
                    write("default ");
                else if (node.kind !== 222 && !noDeclare) {
                    write("declare ");
        function emitClassMemberDeclarationFlags(flags) {
            if (flags & 8) {
                write("private ");
            else if (flags & 16) {
                write("protected ");
            if (flags & 32) {
                write("static ");
            if (flags & 64) {
                write("readonly ");
            if (flags & 128) {
                write("abstract ");
        function writeImportEqualsDeclaration(node) {
            if (node.flags & 1) {
                write("export ");
            write("import ");
            write(" = ");
            if (ts.isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node)) {
                emitTypeWithNewGetSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic(node.moduleReference, getImportEntityNameVisibilityError);
            else {
            function getImportEntityNameVisibilityError(symbolAccessibilityResult) {
                return {
                    diagnosticMessage: ts.Diagnostics.Import_declaration_0_is_using_private_name_1,
                    errorNode: node,
        function isVisibleNamedBinding(namedBindings) {
            if (namedBindings) {
                if (namedBindings.kind === 232) {
                    return resolver.isDeclarationVisible(namedBindings);
                else {
                    return ts.forEach(namedBindings.elements, function (namedImport) { return resolver.isDeclarationVisible(namedImport); });
        function writeImportDeclaration(node) {
            if (node.flags & 1) {
                write("export ");
            write("import ");
            if (node.importClause) {
                var currentWriterPos = writer.getTextPos();
                if ( && resolver.isDeclarationVisible(node.importClause)) {
                if (node.importClause.namedBindings && isVisibleNamedBinding(node.importClause.namedBindings)) {
                    if (currentWriterPos !== writer.getTextPos()) {
                        write(", ");
                    if (node.importClause.namedBindings.kind === 232) {
                        write("* as ");
                    else {
                        write("{ ");
                        emitCommaList(node.importClause.namedBindings.elements, emitImportOrExportSpecifier, resolver.isDeclarationVisible);
                        write(" }");
                write(" from ");
        function emitExternalModuleSpecifier(parent) {
            resultHasExternalModuleIndicator = resultHasExternalModuleIndicator || parent.kind !== 225;
            var moduleSpecifier;
            if (parent.kind === 229) {
                var node = parent;
                moduleSpecifier = ts.getExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclarationExpression(node);
            else if (parent.kind === 225) {
                moduleSpecifier =;
            else {
                var node = parent;
                moduleSpecifier = node.moduleSpecifier;
            if (moduleSpecifier.kind === 9 && isBundledEmit && (compilerOptions.out || compilerOptions.outFile)) {
                var moduleName = ts.getExternalModuleNameFromDeclaration(host, resolver, parent);
                if (moduleName) {
            writeTextOfNode(currentText, moduleSpecifier);
        function emitImportOrExportSpecifier(node) {
            if (node.propertyName) {
                writeTextOfNode(currentText, node.propertyName);
                write(" as ");
        function emitExportSpecifier(node) {
            var nodes = resolver.collectLinkedAliases(node.propertyName ||;
        function emitExportDeclaration(node) {
            write("export ");
            if (node.exportClause) {
                write("{ ");
                emitCommaList(node.exportClause.elements, emitExportSpecifier);
                write(" }");
            else {
            if (node.moduleSpecifier) {
                write(" from ");
        function writeModuleDeclaration(node) {
            if (ts.isGlobalScopeAugmentation(node)) {
                write("global ");
            else {
                if (node.flags & 4096) {
                    write("namespace ");
                else {
                    write("module ");
                if (ts.isExternalModuleAugmentation(node)) {
                else {
            while (node.body && node.body.kind !== 226) {
                node = node.body;
            var prevEnclosingDeclaration = enclosingDeclaration;
            if (node.body) {
                enclosingDeclaration = node;
                write(" {");
                enclosingDeclaration = prevEnclosingDeclaration;
            else {
        function writeTypeAliasDeclaration(node) {
            var prevEnclosingDeclaration = enclosingDeclaration;
            enclosingDeclaration = node;
            write("type ");
            write(" = ");
            emitTypeWithNewGetSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic(node.type, getTypeAliasDeclarationVisibilityError);
            enclosingDeclaration = prevEnclosingDeclaration;
            function getTypeAliasDeclarationVisibilityError(symbolAccessibilityResult) {
                return {
                    diagnosticMessage: ts.Diagnostics.Exported_type_alias_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1,
                    errorNode: node.type,
        function writeEnumDeclaration(node) {
            if (ts.isConst(node)) {
                write("const ");
            write("enum ");
            write(" {");
        function emitEnumMemberDeclaration(node) {
            var enumMemberValue = resolver.getConstantValue(node);
            if (enumMemberValue !== undefined) {
                write(" = ");
        function isPrivateMethodTypeParameter(node) {
            return node.parent.kind === 147 && (node.parent.flags & 8);
        function emitTypeParameters(typeParameters) {
            function emitTypeParameter(node) {
                if (node.constraint && !isPrivateMethodTypeParameter(node)) {
                    write(" extends ");
                    if (node.parent.kind === 156 ||
                        node.parent.kind === 157 ||
                        (node.parent.parent && node.parent.parent.kind === 159)) {
                        ts.Debug.assert(node.parent.kind === 147 ||
                            node.parent.kind === 146 ||
                            node.parent.kind === 156 ||
                            node.parent.kind === 157 ||
                            node.parent.kind === 151 ||
                            node.parent.kind === 152);
                    else {
                        emitTypeWithNewGetSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic(node.constraint, getTypeParameterConstraintVisibilityError);
                function getTypeParameterConstraintVisibilityError(symbolAccessibilityResult) {
                    var diagnosticMessage;
                    switch (node.parent.kind) {
                        case 221:
                            diagnosticMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1;
                        case 222:
                            diagnosticMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_0_of_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1;
                        case 152:
                            diagnosticMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_0_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1;
                        case 151:
                            diagnosticMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_0_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1;
                        case 147:
                        case 146:
                            if (node.parent.flags & 32) {
                                diagnosticMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1;
                            else if (node.parent.parent.kind === 221) {
                                diagnosticMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_private_name_1;
                            else {
                                diagnosticMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_0_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_private_name_1;
                        case 220:
                            diagnosticMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Type_parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_private_name_1;
                  "This is unknown parent for type parameter: " + node.parent.kind);
                    return {
                        diagnosticMessage: diagnosticMessage,
                        errorNode: node,
            if (typeParameters) {
                emitCommaList(typeParameters, emitTypeParameter);
        function emitHeritageClause(typeReferences, isImplementsList) {
            if (typeReferences) {
                write(isImplementsList ? " implements " : " extends ");
                emitCommaList(typeReferences, emitTypeOfTypeReference);
            function emitTypeOfTypeReference(node) {
                if (ts.isEntityNameExpression(node.expression)) {
                    emitTypeWithNewGetSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic(node, getHeritageClauseVisibilityError);
                else if (!isImplementsList && node.expression.kind === 93) {
                else {
                    writer.getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic = getHeritageClauseVisibilityError;
                    resolver.writeBaseConstructorTypeOfClass(enclosingDeclaration, enclosingDeclaration, 2, writer);
                function getHeritageClauseVisibilityError(symbolAccessibilityResult) {
                    var diagnosticMessage;
                    if (node.parent.parent.kind === 221) {
                        diagnosticMessage = isImplementsList ?
                            ts.Diagnostics.Implements_clause_of_exported_class_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1 :
                    else {
                        diagnosticMessage = ts.Diagnostics.Extends_clause_of_exported_interface_0_has_or_is_using_private_name_1;
                    return {
                        diagnosticMessage: diagnosticMessage,
                        errorNode: node,
        function writeClassDeclaration(node) {
            function emitParameterProperties(constructorDeclaration) {
                if (constructorDeclaration) {
                    ts.forEach(constructorDeclaration.parameters, function (param) {
                        if (param.flags & 92) {
            if (node.flags & 128) {
                write("abstract ");
            write("class ");
            var prevEnclosingDeclaration = enclosingDeclaration;
            enclosingDeclaration = node;
            var baseTypeNode = ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(node);
            if (baseTypeNode) {
                emitHeritageClause([baseTypeNode], false);
            emitHeritageClause(ts.getClassImplementsHeritageClauseElements(node), true);
            write(" {");
            enclosingDeclaration = prevEnclosingDeclaration;
        function writeInterfaceDeclaration(node) {
            write("interface ");
            var prevEnclosingDeclaration = enclosingDeclaration;
            enclosingDeclaration = node;
            emitHeritageClause(ts.getInterfaceBaseTypeNodes(node), false);
            write(" {");
            enclosingDeclaration = prevEnclosingDeclaration;
        function emitPropertyDeclaration(node) {
            if (ts.hasDynamicName(node)) {
        function emitVariableDeclaration(node) {
            if (node.kind !== 218 || resolver.isDeclarationVisible(node)) {
                if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                else {
                    if ((node.kind === 145 || node.kind === 144 ||
                        (node.kind === 142 && !ts.isParameterPropertyDeclaration(node))) && ts.hasQuestionToken(node)) {
                    if ((node.kind === 145 || node.kind === 144) && node.parent.kind === 159) {
                    else if (!(node.flags & 8)) {
                        writeTypeOfDeclaration(node, node.type, getVariableDeclarationTypeVisibilityError);
            function getVariableDeclarationTypeVisibilityDiagnosticMessage(symbolAccessibilityResult) {
                if (node.kind === 218) {
                    return symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                        symbolAccessibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ?
                            ts.Diagnostics.Exported_variable_0_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named :
                            ts.Diagnostics.Exported_variable_0_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 :
                else if (node.kind === 145 || node.kind === 144) {
                    if (node.flags & 32) {
                        return symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                            symbolAccessibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ?
                                ts.Diagnostics.Public_static_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named :
                                ts.Diagnostics.Public_static_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 :
                    else if (node.parent.kind === 221) {
                        return symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                            symbolAccessibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ?
                                ts.Diagnostics.Public_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named :
                                ts.Diagnostics.Public_property_0_of_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 :
                    else {
                        return symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                            ts.Diagnostics.Property_0_of_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 :
            function getVariableDeclarationTypeVisibilityError(symbolAccessibilityResult) {
                var diagnosticMessage = getVariableDeclarationTypeVisibilityDiagnosticMessage(symbolAccessibilityResult);
                return diagnosticMessage !== undefined ? {
                    diagnosticMessage: diagnosticMessage,
                    errorNode: node,
                } : undefined;
            function emitBindingPattern(bindingPattern) {
                var elements = [];
                for (var _i = 0, _a = bindingPattern.elements; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var element = _a[_i];
                    if (element.kind !== 193) {
                emitCommaList(elements, emitBindingElement);
            function emitBindingElement(bindingElement) {
                function getBindingElementTypeVisibilityError(symbolAccessibilityResult) {
                    var diagnosticMessage = getVariableDeclarationTypeVisibilityDiagnosticMessage(symbolAccessibilityResult);
                    return diagnosticMessage !== undefined ? {
                        diagnosticMessage: diagnosticMessage,
                        errorNode: bindingElement,
                    } : undefined;
                if ( {
                    if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                    else {
                        writeTypeOfDeclaration(bindingElement, undefined, getBindingElementTypeVisibilityError);
        function emitTypeOfVariableDeclarationFromTypeLiteral(node) {
            if (node.type) {
                write(": ");
        function isVariableStatementVisible(node) {
            return ts.forEach(node.declarationList.declarations, function (varDeclaration) { return resolver.isDeclarationVisible(varDeclaration); });
        function writeVariableStatement(node) {
            if (ts.isLet(node.declarationList)) {
                write("let ");
            else if (ts.isConst(node.declarationList)) {
                write("const ");
            else {
                write("var ");
            emitCommaList(node.declarationList.declarations, emitVariableDeclaration, resolver.isDeclarationVisible);
        function emitAccessorDeclaration(node) {
            if (ts.hasDynamicName(node)) {
            var accessors = ts.getAllAccessorDeclarations(node.parent.members, node);
            var accessorWithTypeAnnotation;
            if (node === accessors.firstAccessor) {
                emitClassMemberDeclarationFlags(node.flags | (accessors.setAccessor ? 0 : 64));
                if (!(node.flags & 8)) {
                    accessorWithTypeAnnotation = node;
                    var type = getTypeAnnotationFromAccessor(node);
                    if (!type) {
                        var anotherAccessor = node.kind === 149 ? accessors.setAccessor : accessors.getAccessor;
                        type = getTypeAnnotationFromAccessor(anotherAccessor);
                        if (type) {
                            accessorWithTypeAnnotation = anotherAccessor;
                    writeTypeOfDeclaration(node, type, getAccessorDeclarationTypeVisibilityError);
            function getTypeAnnotationFromAccessor(accessor) {
                if (accessor) {
                    return accessor.kind === 149
                        ? accessor.type
                        : accessor.parameters.length > 0
                            ? accessor.parameters[0].type
                            : undefined;
            function getAccessorDeclarationTypeVisibilityError(symbolAccessibilityResult) {
                var diagnosticMessage;
                if (accessorWithTypeAnnotation.kind === 150) {
                    if (accessorWithTypeAnnotation.parent.flags & 32) {
                        diagnosticMessage = symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                            ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_public_static_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 :
                    else {
                        diagnosticMessage = symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                            ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_public_property_setter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 :
                    return {
                        diagnosticMessage: diagnosticMessage,
                        errorNode: accessorWithTypeAnnotation.parameters[0],
                else {
                    if (accessorWithTypeAnnotation.flags & 32) {
                        diagnosticMessage = symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                            symbolAccessibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ?
                                ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_static_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named :
                                ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_static_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1 :
                    else {
                        diagnosticMessage = symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                            symbolAccessibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ?
                                ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named :
                                ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_property_getter_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1 :
                    return {
                        diagnosticMessage: diagnosticMessage,
                        typeName: undefined
        function writeFunctionDeclaration(node) {
            if (ts.hasDynamicName(node)) {
            if (!resolver.isImplementationOfOverload(node)) {
                if (node.kind === 220) {
                else if (node.kind === 147 || node.kind === 148) {
                if (node.kind === 220) {
                    write("function ");
                else if (node.kind === 148) {
                else {
                    if (ts.hasQuestionToken(node)) {
        function emitSignatureDeclarationWithJsDocComments(node) {
        function emitSignatureDeclaration(node) {
            var prevEnclosingDeclaration = enclosingDeclaration;
            enclosingDeclaration = node;
            var closeParenthesizedFunctionType = false;
            if (node.kind === 153) {
            else {
                if (node.kind === 152 || node.kind === 157) {
                    write("new ");
                else if (node.kind === 156) {
                    var currentOutput = writer.getText();
                    if (node.typeParameters && currentOutput.charAt(currentOutput.length - 1) === "<") {
                        closeParenthesizedFunctionType = true;
            emitCommaList(node.parameters, emitParameterDeclaration);
            if (node.kind === 153) {
            else {
            var isFunctionTypeOrConstructorType = node.kind === 156 || node.kind === 157;
            if (isFunctionTypeOrConstructorType || node.parent.kind === 159) {
                if (node.type) {
                    write(isFunctionTypeOrConstructorType ? " => " : ": ");
            else if (node.kind !== 148 && !(node.flags & 8)) {
                writeReturnTypeAtSignature(node, getReturnTypeVisibilityError);
            enclosingDeclaration = prevEnclosingDeclaration;
            if (!isFunctionTypeOrConstructorType) {
            else if (closeParenthesizedFunctionType) {
            function getReturnTypeVisibilityError(symbolAccessibilityResult) {
                var diagnosticMessage;
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 152:
                        diagnosticMessage = symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                            ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1 :
                    case 151:
                        diagnosticMessage = symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                            ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1 :
                    case 153:
                        diagnosticMessage = symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                            ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_index_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1 :
                    case 147:
                    case 146:
                        if (node.flags & 32) {
                            diagnosticMessage = symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                                symbolAccessibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ?
                                    ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named :
                                    ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1 :
                        else if (node.parent.kind === 221) {
                            diagnosticMessage = symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                                symbolAccessibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ?
                                    ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named :
                                    ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1 :
                        else {
                            diagnosticMessage = symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                                ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1 :
                    case 220:
                        diagnosticMessage = symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                            symbolAccessibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ?
                                ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_external_module_1_but_cannot_be_named :
                                ts.Diagnostics.Return_type_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_0_from_private_module_1 :
              "This is unknown kind for signature: " + node.kind);
                return {
                    diagnosticMessage: diagnosticMessage,
                    errorNode: || node
        function emitParameterDeclaration(node) {
            if (node.dotDotDotToken) {
            if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
            else {
            if (resolver.isOptionalParameter(node)) {
            if (node.parent.kind === 156 ||
                node.parent.kind === 157 ||
                node.parent.parent.kind === 159) {
            else if (!(node.parent.flags & 8)) {
                writeTypeOfDeclaration(node, node.type, getParameterDeclarationTypeVisibilityError);
            function getParameterDeclarationTypeVisibilityError(symbolAccessibilityResult) {
                var diagnosticMessage = getParameterDeclarationTypeVisibilityDiagnosticMessage(symbolAccessibilityResult);
                return diagnosticMessage !== undefined ? {
                    diagnosticMessage: diagnosticMessage,
                    errorNode: node,
                } : undefined;
            function getParameterDeclarationTypeVisibilityDiagnosticMessage(symbolAccessibilityResult) {
                switch (node.parent.kind) {
                    case 148:
                        return symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                            symbolAccessibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ?
                                ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_constructor_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named :
                                ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_constructor_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 :
                    case 152:
                        return symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                            ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_constructor_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 :
                    case 151:
                        return symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                            ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_call_signature_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 :
                    case 147:
                    case 146:
                        if (node.parent.flags & 32) {
                            return symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                                symbolAccessibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ?
                                    ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named :
                                    ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_public_static_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 :
                        else if (node.parent.parent.kind === 221) {
                            return symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                                symbolAccessibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ?
                                    ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named :
                                    ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_public_method_from_exported_class_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 :
                        else {
                            return symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                                ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_method_from_exported_interface_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 :
                    case 220:
                        return symbolAccessibilityResult.errorModuleName ?
                            symbolAccessibilityResult.accessibility === 2 ?
                                ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_external_module_2_but_cannot_be_named :
                                ts.Diagnostics.Parameter_0_of_exported_function_has_or_is_using_name_1_from_private_module_2 :
              "This is unknown parent for parameter: " + node.parent.kind);
            function emitBindingPattern(bindingPattern) {
                if (bindingPattern.kind === 167) {
                    emitCommaList(bindingPattern.elements, emitBindingElement);
                else if (bindingPattern.kind === 168) {
                    var elements = bindingPattern.elements;
                    emitCommaList(elements, emitBindingElement);
                    if (elements && elements.hasTrailingComma) {
                        write(", ");
            function emitBindingElement(bindingElement) {
                if (bindingElement.kind === 193) {
                    write(" ");
                else if (bindingElement.kind === 169) {
                    if (bindingElement.propertyName) {
                        writeTextOfNode(currentText, bindingElement.propertyName);
                        write(": ");
                    if ( {
                        if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                        else {
                            ts.Debug.assert( === 69);
                            if (bindingElement.dotDotDotToken) {
        function emitNode(node) {
            switch (node.kind) {
                case 220:
                case 225:
                case 229:
                case 222:
                case 221:
                case 223:
                case 224:
                    return emitModuleElement(node, isModuleElementVisible(node));
                case 200:
                    return emitModuleElement(node, isVariableStatementVisible(node));
                case 230:
                    return emitModuleElement(node, !node.importClause);
                case 236:
                    return emitExportDeclaration(node);
                case 148:
                case 147:
                case 146:
                    return writeFunctionDeclaration(node);
                case 152:
                case 151:
                case 153:
                    return emitSignatureDeclarationWithJsDocComments(node);
                case 149:
                case 150:
                    return emitAccessorDeclaration(node);
                case 145:
                case 144:
                    return emitPropertyDeclaration(node);
                case 255:
                    return emitEnumMemberDeclaration(node);
                case 235:
                    return emitExportAssignment(node);
                case 256:
                    return emitSourceFile(node);
        function writeReferencePath(referencedFile, addBundledFileReference, emitOnlyDtsFiles) {
            var declFileName;
            var addedBundledEmitReference = false;
            if (ts.isDeclarationFile(referencedFile)) {
                declFileName = referencedFile.fileName;
            else {
                ts.forEachExpectedEmitFile(host, getDeclFileName, referencedFile, emitOnlyDtsFiles);
            if (declFileName) {
                declFileName = ts.getRelativePathToDirectoryOrUrl(ts.getDirectoryPath(ts.normalizeSlashes(declarationFilePath)), declFileName, host.getCurrentDirectory(), host.getCanonicalFileName, false);
                referencesOutput += "/// <reference path=\"" + declFileName + "\" />" + newLine;
            return addedBundledEmitReference;
            function getDeclFileName(emitFileNames, sourceFiles, isBundledEmit) {
                if (isBundledEmit && !addBundledFileReference) {
                ts.Debug.assert(!!emitFileNames.declarationFilePath || ts.isSourceFileJavaScript(referencedFile), "Declaration file is not present only for javascript files");
                declFileName = emitFileNames.declarationFilePath || emitFileNames.jsFilePath;
                addedBundledEmitReference = isBundledEmit;
    function writeDeclarationFile(declarationFilePath, sourceFiles, isBundledEmit, host, resolver, emitterDiagnostics, emitOnlyDtsFiles) {
        var emitDeclarationResult = emitDeclarations(host, resolver, emitterDiagnostics, declarationFilePath, sourceFiles, isBundledEmit, emitOnlyDtsFiles);
        var emitSkipped = emitDeclarationResult.reportedDeclarationError || host.isEmitBlocked(declarationFilePath) || host.getCompilerOptions().noEmit;
        if (!emitSkipped) {
            var declarationOutput = emitDeclarationResult.referencesOutput
                + getDeclarationOutput(emitDeclarationResult.synchronousDeclarationOutput, emitDeclarationResult.moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo);
            ts.writeFile(host, emitterDiagnostics, declarationFilePath, declarationOutput, host.getCompilerOptions().emitBOM, sourceFiles);
        return emitSkipped;
        function getDeclarationOutput(synchronousDeclarationOutput, moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo) {
            var appliedSyncOutputPos = 0;
            var declarationOutput = "";
            ts.forEach(moduleElementDeclarationEmitInfo, function (aliasEmitInfo) {
                if (aliasEmitInfo.asynchronousOutput) {
                    declarationOutput += synchronousDeclarationOutput.substring(appliedSyncOutputPos, aliasEmitInfo.outputPos);
                    declarationOutput += getDeclarationOutput(aliasEmitInfo.asynchronousOutput, aliasEmitInfo.subModuleElementDeclarationEmitInfo);
                    appliedSyncOutputPos = aliasEmitInfo.outputPos;
            declarationOutput += synchronousDeclarationOutput.substring(appliedSyncOutputPos);
            return declarationOutput;
    ts.writeDeclarationFile = writeDeclarationFile;
})(ts || (ts = {}));
var ts;
(function (ts) {
    function getResolvedExternalModuleName(host, file) {
        return file.moduleName || ts.getExternalModuleNameFromPath(host, file.fileName);
    ts.getResolvedExternalModuleName = getResolvedExternalModuleName;
    function getExternalModuleNameFromDeclaration(host, resolver, declaration) {
        var file = resolver.getExternalModuleFileFromDeclaration(declaration);
        if (!file || ts.isDeclarationFile(file)) {
            return undefined;
        return getResolvedExternalModuleName(host, file);
    ts.getExternalModuleNameFromDeclaration = getExternalModuleNameFromDeclaration;
    var entities = ts.createMap({
        "quot": 0x0022,
        "amp": 0x0026,
        "apos": 0x0027,
        "lt": 0x003C,
        "gt": 0x003E,
        "nbsp": 0x00A0,
        "iexcl": 0x00A1,
        "cent": 0x00A2,
        "pound": 0x00A3,
        "curren": 0x00A4,
        "yen": 0x00A5,
        "brvbar": 0x00A6,
        "sect": 0x00A7,
        "uml": 0x00A8,
        "copy": 0x00A9,
        "ordf": 0x00AA,
        "laquo": 0x00AB,
        "not": 0x00AC,
        "shy": 0x00AD,
        "reg": 0x00AE,
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        "sup3": 0x00B3,
        "acute": 0x00B4,
        "micro": 0x00B5,
        "para": 0x00B6,
        "middot": 0x00B7,
        "cedil": 0x00B8,
        "sup1": 0x00B9,
        "ordm": 0x00BA,
        "raquo": 0x00BB,
        "frac14": 0x00BC,
        "frac12": 0x00BD,
        "frac34": 0x00BE,
        "iquest": 0x00BF,
        "Agrave": 0x00C0,
        "Aacute": 0x00C1,
        "Acirc": 0x00C2,
        "Atilde": 0x00C3,
        "Auml": 0x00C4,
        "Aring": 0x00C5,
        "AElig": 0x00C6,
        "Ccedil": 0x00C7,
        "Egrave": 0x00C8,
        "Eacute": 0x00C9,
        "Ecirc": 0x00CA,
        "Euml": 0x00CB,
        "Igrave": 0x00CC,
        "Iacute": 0x00CD,
        "Icirc": 0x00CE,
        "Iuml": 0x00CF,
        "ETH": 0x00D0,
        "Ntilde": 0x00D1,
        "Ograve": 0x00D2,
        "Oacute": 0x00D3,
        "Ocirc": 0x00D4,
        "Otilde": 0x00D5,
        "Ouml": 0x00D6,
        "times": 0x00D7,
        "Oslash": 0x00D8,
        "Ugrave": 0x00D9,
        "Uacute": 0x00DA,
        "Ucirc": 0x00DB,
        "Uuml": 0x00DC,
        "Yacute": 0x00DD,
        "THORN": 0x00DE,
        "szlig": 0x00DF,
        "agrave": 0x00E0,
        "aacute": 0x00E1,
        "acirc": 0x00E2,
        "atilde": 0x00E3,
        "auml": 0x00E4,
        "aring": 0x00E5,
        "aelig": 0x00E6,
        "ccedil": 0x00E7,
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        "ograve": 0x00F2,
        "oacute": 0x00F3,
        "ocirc": 0x00F4,
        "otilde": 0x00F5,
        "ouml": 0x00F6,
        "divide": 0x00F7,
        "oslash": 0x00F8,
        "ugrave": 0x00F9,
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        "ucirc": 0x00FB,
        "uuml": 0x00FC,
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        "yuml": 0x00FF,
        "OElig": 0x0152,
        "oelig": 0x0153,
        "Scaron": 0x0160,
        "scaron": 0x0161,
        "Yuml": 0x0178,
        "fnof": 0x0192,
        "circ": 0x02C6,
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        "Alpha": 0x0391,
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        "Delta": 0x0394,
        "Epsilon": 0x0395,
        "Zeta": 0x0396,
        "Eta": 0x0397,
        "Theta": 0x0398,
        "Iota": 0x0399,
        "Kappa": 0x039A,
        "Lambda": 0x039B,
        "Mu": 0x039C,
        "Nu": 0x039D,
        "Xi": 0x039E,
        "Omicron": 0x039F,
        "Pi": 0x03A0,
        "Rho": 0x03A1,
        "Sigma": 0x03A3,
        "Tau": 0x03A4,
        "Upsilon": 0x03A5,
        "Phi": 0x03A6,
        "Chi": 0x03A7,
        "Psi": 0x03A8,
        "Omega": 0x03A9,
        "alpha": 0x03B1,
        "beta": 0x03B2,
        "gamma": 0x03B3,
        "delta": 0x03B4,
        "epsilon": 0x03B5,
        "zeta": 0x03B6,
        "eta": 0x03B7,
        "theta": 0x03B8,
        "iota": 0x03B9,
        "kappa": 0x03BA,
        "lambda": 0x03BB,
        "mu": 0x03BC,
        "nu": 0x03BD,
        "xi": 0x03BE,
        "omicron": 0x03BF,
        "pi": 0x03C0,
        "rho": 0x03C1,
        "sigmaf": 0x03C2,
        "sigma": 0x03C3,
        "tau": 0x03C4,
        "upsilon": 0x03C5,
        "phi": 0x03C6,
        "chi": 0x03C7,
        "psi": 0x03C8,
        "omega": 0x03C9,
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        "ldquo": 0x201C,
        "rdquo": 0x201D,
        "bdquo": 0x201E,
        "dagger": 0x2020,
        "Dagger": 0x2021,
        "bull": 0x2022,
        "hellip": 0x2026,
        "permil": 0x2030,
        "prime": 0x2032,
        "Prime": 0x2033,
        "lsaquo": 0x2039,
        "rsaquo": 0x203A,
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        "real": 0x211C,
        "trade": 0x2122,
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        "larr": 0x2190,
        "uarr": 0x2191,
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        "darr": 0x2193,
        "harr": 0x2194,
        "crarr": 0x21B5,
        "lArr": 0x21D0,
        "uArr": 0x21D1,
        "rArr": 0x21D2,
        "dArr": 0x21D3,
        "hArr": 0x21D4,
        "forall": 0x2200,
        "part": 0x2202,
        "exist": 0x2203,
        "empty": 0x2205,
        "nabla": 0x2207,
        "isin": 0x2208,
        "notin": 0x2209,
        "ni": 0x220B,
        "prod": 0x220F,
        "sum": 0x2211,
        "minus": 0x2212,
        "lowast": 0x2217,
        "radic": 0x221A,
        "prop": 0x221D,
        "infin": 0x221E,
        "ang": 0x2220,
        "and": 0x2227,
        "or": 0x2228,
        "cap": 0x2229,
        "cup": 0x222A,
        "int": 0x222B,
        "there4": 0x2234,
        "sim": 0x223C,
        "cong": 0x2245,
        "asymp": 0x2248,
        "ne": 0x2260,
        "equiv": 0x2261,
        "le": 0x2264,
        "ge": 0x2265,
        "sub": 0x2282,
        "sup": 0x2283,
        "nsub": 0x2284,
        "sube": 0x2286,
        "supe": 0x2287,
        "oplus": 0x2295,
        "otimes": 0x2297,
        "perp": 0x22A5,
        "sdot": 0x22C5,
        "lceil": 0x2308,
        "rceil": 0x2309,
        "lfloor": 0x230A,
        "rfloor": 0x230B,
        "lang": 0x2329,
        "rang": 0x232A,
        "loz": 0x25CA,
        "spades": 0x2660,
        "clubs": 0x2663,
        "hearts": 0x2665,
        "diams": 0x2666
    function emitFiles(resolver, host, targetSourceFile, emitOnlyDtsFiles) {
        var extendsHelper = "\nvar __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) {\n    for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];\n    function __() { this.constructor = d; }\n    d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\n};";
        var assignHelper = "\nvar __assign = (this && this.__assign) || Object.assign || function(t) {\n    for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {\n        s = arguments[i];\n        for (var p in s) if (, p))\n            t[p] = s[p];\n    }\n    return t;\n};";
        var decorateHelper = "\nvar __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {\n    var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;\n    if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.decorate === \"function\") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);\n    else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;\n    return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;\n};";
        var metadataHelper = "\nvar __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function (k, v) {\n    if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.metadata === \"function\") return Reflect.metadata(k, v);\n};";
        var paramHelper = "\nvar __param = (this && this.__param) || function (paramIndex, decorator) {\n    return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }\n};";
        var awaiterHelper = "\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\n    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\n        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\n        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator.throw(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\n        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\n        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments)).next());\n    });\n};";
        var compilerOptions = host.getCompilerOptions();
        var languageVersion = ts.getEmitScriptTarget(compilerOptions);
        var modulekind = ts.getEmitModuleKind(compilerOptions);
        var sourceMapDataList = compilerOptions.sourceMap || compilerOptions.inlineSourceMap ? [] : undefined;
        var emittedFilesList = compilerOptions.listEmittedFiles ? [] : undefined;
        var emitterDiagnostics = ts.createDiagnosticCollection();
        var emitSkipped = false;
        var newLine = host.getNewLine();
        var emitJavaScript = createFileEmitter();
        ts.forEachExpectedEmitFile(host, emitFile, targetSourceFile, emitOnlyDtsFiles);
        return {
            emitSkipped: emitSkipped,
            diagnostics: emitterDiagnostics.getDiagnostics(),
            emittedFiles: emittedFilesList,
            sourceMaps: sourceMapDataList
        function isUniqueLocalName(name, container) {
            for (var node = container; ts.isNodeDescendentOf(node, container); node = node.nextContainer) {
                if (node.locals && name in node.locals) {
                    if (node.locals[name].flags & (107455 | 1048576 | 8388608)) {
                        return false;
            return true;
        function setLabeledJump(state, isBreak, labelText, labelMarker) {
            if (isBreak) {
                if (!state.labeledNonLocalBreaks) {
                    state.labeledNonLocalBreaks = ts.createMap();
                state.labeledNonLocalBreaks[labelText] = labelMarker;
            else {
                if (!state.labeledNonLocalContinues) {
                    state.labeledNonLocalContinues = ts.createMap();
                state.labeledNonLocalContinues[labelText] = labelMarker;
        function hoistVariableDeclarationFromLoop(state, declaration) {
            if (!state.hoistedLocalVariables) {
                state.hoistedLocalVariables = [];
            function visit(node) {
                if (node.kind === 69) {
                else {
                    for (var _a = 0, _b = node.elements; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                        var element = _b[_a];
        function createFileEmitter() {
            var writer = ts.createTextWriter(newLine);
            var write = writer.write, writeTextOfNode = writer.writeTextOfNode, writeLine = writer.writeLine, increaseIndent = writer.increaseIndent, decreaseIndent = writer.decreaseIndent;
            var sourceMap = compilerOptions.sourceMap || compilerOptions.inlineSourceMap ? ts.createSourceMapWriter(host, writer) : ts.getNullSourceMapWriter();
            var setSourceFile = sourceMap.setSourceFile, emitStart = sourceMap.emitStart, emitEnd = sourceMap.emitEnd, emitPos = sourceMap.emitPos;
            var currentSourceFile;
            var currentText;
            var currentLineMap;
            var currentFileIdentifiers;
            var renamedDependencies;
            var isEs6Module;
            var isCurrentFileExternalModule;
            var exportFunctionForFile;
            var contextObjectForFile;
            var generatedNameSet;
            var nodeToGeneratedName;
            var computedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames;
            var decoratedClassAliases;
            var convertedLoopState;
            var extendsEmitted;
            var assignEmitted;
            var decorateEmitted;
            var paramEmitted;
            var awaiterEmitted;
            var tempFlags = 0;
            var tempVariables;
            var tempParameters;
            var externalImports;
            var exportSpecifiers;
            var exportEquals;
            var hasExportStarsToExportValues;
            var detachedCommentsInfo;
            var sourceMapData;
            var isOwnFileEmit;
            var emitLeadingCommentsOfPosition = compilerOptions.removeComments ? function (pos) { } : emitLeadingCommentsOfPositionWorker;
            var setSourceMapWriterEmit = compilerOptions.sourceMap || compilerOptions.inlineSourceMap ? changeSourceMapEmit : function (writer) { };
            var moduleEmitDelegates = ts.createMap((_a = {},
                _a[ts.ModuleKind.ES6] = emitES6Module,
                _a[ts.ModuleKind.AMD] = emitAMDModule,
                _a[ts.ModuleKind.System] = emitSystemModule,
                _a[ts.ModuleKind.UMD] = emitUMDModule,
                _a[ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS] = emitCommonJSModule,
            var bundleEmitDelegates = ts.createMap((_b = {},
                _b[ts.ModuleKind.ES6] = function () { },
                _b[ts.ModuleKind.AMD] = emitAMDModule,
                _b[ts.ModuleKind.System] = emitSystemModule,
                _b[ts.ModuleKind.UMD] = function () { },
                _b[ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS] = function () { },
            return doEmit;
            function doEmit(jsFilePath, sourceMapFilePath, sourceFiles, isBundledEmit) {
                sourceMap.initialize(jsFilePath, sourceMapFilePath, sourceFiles, isBundledEmit);
                generatedNameSet = ts.createMap();
                nodeToGeneratedName = [];
                decoratedClassAliases = [];
                isOwnFileEmit = !isBundledEmit;
                if (isBundledEmit && modulekind) {
                    ts.forEach(sourceFiles, emitEmitHelpers);
                ts.forEach(sourceFiles, emitSourceFile);
                var sourceMappingURL = sourceMap.getSourceMappingURL();
                if (sourceMappingURL) {
                    write("//# " + "sourceMappingURL" + "=" + sourceMappingURL);
                writeEmittedFiles(writer.getText(), jsFilePath, sourceMapFilePath, compilerOptions.emitBOM, sourceFiles);
                currentSourceFile = undefined;
                currentText = undefined;
                currentLineMap = undefined;
                exportFunctionForFile = undefined;
                contextObjectForFile = undefined;
                generatedNameSet = undefined;
                nodeToGeneratedName = undefined;
                decoratedClassAliases = undefined;
                computedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames = undefined;
                convertedLoopState = undefined;
                extendsEmitted = false;
                decorateEmitted = false;
                paramEmitted = false;
                awaiterEmitted = false;
                assignEmitted = false;
                tempFlags = 0;
                tempVariables = undefined;
                tempParameters = undefined;
                externalImports = undefined;
                exportSpecifiers = undefined;
                exportEquals = undefined;
                hasExportStarsToExportValues = undefined;
                detachedCommentsInfo = undefined;
                sourceMapData = undefined;
                isEs6Module = false;
                renamedDependencies = undefined;
                isCurrentFileExternalModule = false;
            function emitSourceFile(sourceFile) {
                currentSourceFile = sourceFile;
                currentText = sourceFile.text;
                currentLineMap = ts.getLineStarts(sourceFile);
                exportFunctionForFile = undefined;
                contextObjectForFile = undefined;
                isEs6Module = sourceFile.symbol && sourceFile.symbol.exports && !!sourceFile.symbol.exports["___esModule"];
                renamedDependencies = sourceFile.renamedDependencies;
                currentFileIdentifiers = sourceFile.identifiers;
                isCurrentFileExternalModule = ts.isExternalModule(sourceFile);
            function isUniqueName(name) {
                return !resolver.hasGlobalName(name) &&
                    !(name in currentFileIdentifiers) &&
                    !(name in generatedNameSet);
            function makeTempVariableName(flags) {
                if (flags && !(tempFlags & flags)) {
                    var name_24 = flags === 268435456 ? "_i" : "_n";
                    if (isUniqueName(name_24)) {
                        tempFlags |= flags;
                        return name_24;
                while (true) {
                    var count = tempFlags & 268435455;
                    if (count !== 8 && count !== 13) {
                        var name_25 = count < 26 ? "_" + String.fromCharCode(97 + count) : "_" + (count - 26);
                        if (isUniqueName(name_25)) {
                            return name_25;
            function makeUniqueName(baseName) {
                if (baseName.charCodeAt(baseName.length - 1) !== 95) {
                    baseName += "_";
                var i = 1;
                while (true) {
                    var generatedName = baseName + i;
                    if (isUniqueName(generatedName)) {
                        return generatedNameSet[generatedName] = generatedName;
            function generateNameForModuleOrEnum(node) {
                var name =;
                return isUniqueLocalName(name, node) ? name : makeUniqueName(name);
            function generateNameForImportOrExportDeclaration(node) {
                var expr = ts.getExternalModuleName(node);
                var baseName = expr.kind === 9 ?
                    ts.escapeIdentifier(ts.makeIdentifierFromModuleName(expr.text)) : "module";
                return makeUniqueName(baseName);
            function generateNameForExportDefault() {
                return makeUniqueName("default");
            function generateNameForClassExpression() {
                return makeUniqueName("class");
            function generateNameForNode(node) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 69:
                        return makeUniqueName(node.text);
                    case 225:
                    case 224:
                        return generateNameForModuleOrEnum(node);
                    case 230:
                    case 236:
                        return generateNameForImportOrExportDeclaration(node);
                    case 220:
                    case 221:
                    case 235:
                        return generateNameForExportDefault();
                    case 192:
                        return generateNameForClassExpression();
            function getGeneratedNameForNode(node) {
                var id = ts.getNodeId(node);
                return nodeToGeneratedName[id] || (nodeToGeneratedName[id] = ts.unescapeIdentifier(generateNameForNode(node)));
            function writeEmittedFiles(emitOutput, jsFilePath, sourceMapFilePath, writeByteOrderMark, sourceFiles) {
                if (compilerOptions.sourceMap && !compilerOptions.inlineSourceMap) {
                    ts.writeFile(host, emitterDiagnostics, sourceMapFilePath, sourceMap.getText(), false, sourceFiles);
                if (sourceMapDataList) {
                ts.writeFile(host, emitterDiagnostics, jsFilePath, emitOutput, writeByteOrderMark, sourceFiles);
            function createTempVariable(flags) {
                var result = ts.createSynthesizedNode(69);
                result.text = makeTempVariableName(flags);
                return result;
            function recordTempDeclaration(name) {
                if (!tempVariables) {
                    tempVariables = [];
            function createAndRecordTempVariable(flags) {
                var temp = createTempVariable(flags);
                return temp;
            function emitTempDeclarations(newLine) {
                if (tempVariables) {
                    if (newLine) {
                    else {
                        write(" ");
                    write("var ");
            function emitToken(tokenKind, startPos, emitFn) {
                var tokenStartPos = ts.skipTrivia(currentText, startPos);
                var tokenString = ts.tokenToString(tokenKind);
                if (emitFn) {
                else {
                var tokenEndPos = tokenStartPos + tokenString.length;
                return tokenEndPos;
            function emitOptional(prefix, node) {
                if (node) {
            function emitParenthesizedIf(node, parenthesized) {
                if (parenthesized) {
                if (parenthesized) {
            function emitLinePreservingList(parent, nodes, allowTrailingComma, spacesBetweenBraces) {
                ts.Debug.assert(nodes.length > 0);
                if (nodeStartPositionsAreOnSameLine(parent, nodes[0])) {
                    if (spacesBetweenBraces) {
                        write(" ");
                else {
                for (var i = 0, n = nodes.length; i < n; i++) {
                    if (i) {
                        if (nodeEndIsOnSameLineAsNodeStart(nodes[i - 1], nodes[i])) {
                            write(", ");
                        else {
                if (nodes.hasTrailingComma && allowTrailingComma) {
                if (nodeEndPositionsAreOnSameLine(parent, ts.lastOrUndefined(nodes))) {
                    if (spacesBetweenBraces) {
                        write(" ");
                else {
            function emitList(nodes, start, count, multiLine, trailingComma, leadingComma, noTrailingNewLine, emitNode) {
                if (!emitNode) {
                    emitNode = emit;
                for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                    if (multiLine) {
                        if (i || leadingComma) {
                    else {
                        if (i || leadingComma) {
                            write(", ");
                    var node = nodes[start + i];
                    leadingComma = true;
                if (trailingComma) {
                if (multiLine && !noTrailingNewLine) {
                return count;
            function emitCommaList(nodes) {
                if (nodes) {
                    emitList(nodes, 0, nodes.length, false, false);
            function emitLines(nodes) {
                emitLinesStartingAt(nodes, 0);
            function emitLinesStartingAt(nodes, startIndex) {
                for (var i = startIndex; i < nodes.length; i++) {
            function isBinaryOrOctalIntegerLiteral(node, text) {
                if (node.kind === 8 && text.length > 1) {
                    switch (text.charCodeAt(1)) {
                        case 98:
                        case 66:
                        case 111:
                        case 79:
                            return true;
                return false;
            function emitLiteral(node) {
                var text = getLiteralText(node);
                if ((compilerOptions.sourceMap || compilerOptions.inlineSourceMap) && (node.kind === 9 || ts.isTemplateLiteralKind(node.kind))) {
                else if (languageVersion < 2 && isBinaryOrOctalIntegerLiteral(node, text)) {
                else {
            function getLiteralText(node) {
                if (languageVersion < 2 && (ts.isTemplateLiteralKind(node.kind) || node.hasExtendedUnicodeEscape)) {
                    return getQuotedEscapedLiteralText('"', node.text, '"');
                if (node.parent) {
                    return ts.getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(currentText, node);
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 9:
                        return getQuotedEscapedLiteralText('"', node.text, '"');
                    case 11:
                        return getQuotedEscapedLiteralText("`", node.text, "`");
                    case 12:
                        return getQuotedEscapedLiteralText("`", node.text, "${");
                    case 13:
                        return getQuotedEscapedLiteralText("}", node.text, "${");
                    case 14:
                        return getQuotedEscapedLiteralText("}", node.text, "`");
                    case 8:
                        return node.text;
      "Literal kind '" + node.kind + "' not accounted for.");
            function getQuotedEscapedLiteralText(leftQuote, text, rightQuote) {
                return leftQuote + ts.escapeNonAsciiCharacters(ts.escapeString(text)) + rightQuote;
            function emitDownlevelRawTemplateLiteral(node) {
                var text = ts.getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(currentText, node);
                var isLast = node.kind === 11 || node.kind === 14;
                text = text.substring(1, text.length - (isLast ? 1 : 2));
                text = text.replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n");
                text = ts.escapeString(text);
                write("\"" + text + "\"");
            function emitDownlevelTaggedTemplateArray(node, literalEmitter) {
                if (node.template.kind === 11) {
                else {
                    ts.forEach(node.template.templateSpans, function (child) {
                        write(", ");
            function emitDownlevelTaggedTemplate(node) {
                var tempVariable = createAndRecordTempVariable(0);
                write(" = ");
                emitDownlevelTaggedTemplateArray(node, emit);
                write(", ");
                write(".raw = ");
                emitDownlevelTaggedTemplateArray(node, emitDownlevelRawTemplateLiteral);
                write(", ");
                emitParenthesizedIf(node.tag, needsParenthesisForPropertyAccessOrInvocation(node.tag));
                if (node.template.kind === 189) {
                    ts.forEach(node.template.templateSpans, function (templateSpan) {
                        write(", ");
                        var needsParens = templateSpan.expression.kind === 187
                            && templateSpan.expression.operatorToken.kind === 24;
                        emitParenthesizedIf(templateSpan.expression, needsParens);
            function emitTemplateExpression(node) {
                if (languageVersion >= 2) {
                    ts.forEachChild(node, emit);
                var emitOuterParens = ts.isExpression(node.parent)
                    && templateNeedsParens(node, node.parent);
                if (emitOuterParens) {
                var headEmitted = false;
                if (shouldEmitTemplateHead()) {
                    headEmitted = true;
                for (var i = 0, n = node.templateSpans.length; i < n; i++) {
                    var templateSpan = node.templateSpans[i];
                    var needsParens = templateSpan.expression.kind !== 178
                        && comparePrecedenceToBinaryPlus(templateSpan.expression) !== 1;
                    if (i > 0 || headEmitted) {
                        write(" + ");
                    emitParenthesizedIf(templateSpan.expression, needsParens);
                    if (templateSpan.literal.text.length !== 0) {
                        write(" + ");
                if (emitOuterParens) {
                function shouldEmitTemplateHead() {
                    ts.Debug.assert(node.templateSpans.length !== 0);
                    return node.head.text.length !== 0 || node.templateSpans[0].literal.text.length === 0;
                function templateNeedsParens(template, parent) {
                    switch (parent.kind) {
                        case 174:
                        case 175:
                            return parent.expression === template;
                        case 176:
                        case 178:
                            return false;
                            return comparePrecedenceToBinaryPlus(parent) !== -1;
                function comparePrecedenceToBinaryPlus(expression) {
                    switch (expression.kind) {
                        case 187:
                            switch (expression.operatorToken.kind) {
                                case 37:
                                case 39:
                                case 40:
                                    return 1;
                                case 35:
                                case 36:
                                    return 0;
                                    return -1;
                        case 190:
                        case 188:
                            return -1;
                            return 1;
            function emitTemplateSpan(span) {
            function jsxEmitReact(node) {
                function emitTagName(name) {
                    if (name.kind === 69 && ts.isIntrinsicJsxName(name.text)) {
                    else {
                function emitAttributeName(name) {
                    if (/^[A-Za-z_]\w*$/.test(name.text)) {
                    else {
                function emitJsxAttribute(node) {
                    write(": ");
                    if (node.initializer) {
                    else {
                function emitJsxElement(openingNode, children) {
                    var syntheticReactRef = ts.createSynthesizedNode(69);
                    syntheticReactRef.text = compilerOptions.reactNamespace ? compilerOptions.reactNamespace : "React";
                    syntheticReactRef.parent = openingNode;
                    write(", ");
                    if (openingNode.attributes.length === 0) {
                    else {
                        var attrs = openingNode.attributes;
                        if (ts.forEach(attrs, function (attr) { return attr.kind === 247; })) {
                            var haveOpenedObjectLiteral = false;
                            for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
                                if (attrs[i].kind === 247) {
                                    if (i === 0) {
                                        write("{}, ");
                                    if (haveOpenedObjectLiteral) {
                                        haveOpenedObjectLiteral = false;
                                    if (i > 0) {
                                        write(", ");
                                else {
                                    ts.Debug.assert(attrs[i].kind === 246);
                                    if (haveOpenedObjectLiteral) {
                                        write(", ");
                                    else {
                                        haveOpenedObjectLiteral = true;
                                        if (i > 0) {
                                            write(", ");
                            if (haveOpenedObjectLiteral)
                        else {
                            for (var i = 0, n = attrs.length; i < n; i++) {
                                if (i > 0) {
                                    write(", ");
                    if (children) {
                        var firstChild = void 0;
                        var multipleEmittableChildren = false;
                        for (var i = 0, n = children.length; i < n; i++) {
                            var jsxChild = children[i];
                            if (isJsxChildEmittable(jsxChild)) {
                                if (!firstChild) {
                                    write(", ");
                                    firstChild = jsxChild;
                                else {
                                    if (!multipleEmittableChildren) {
                                        multipleEmittableChildren = true;
                                    write(", ");
                        if (multipleEmittableChildren) {
                        else if (firstChild) {
                            if (firstChild.kind !== 241 && firstChild.kind !== 242) {
                            else {
                if (node.kind === 241) {
                    emitJsxElement(node.openingElement, node.children);
                else {
                    ts.Debug.assert(node.kind === 242);
            function jsxEmitPreserve(node) {
                function emitJsxAttribute(node) {
                    if (node.initializer) {
                function emitJsxSpreadAttribute(node) {
                function emitAttributes(attribs) {
                    for (var i = 0, n = attribs.length; i < n; i++) {
                        if (i > 0) {
                            write(" ");
                        if (attribs[i].kind === 247) {
                        else {
                            ts.Debug.assert(attribs[i].kind === 246);
                function emitJsxOpeningOrSelfClosingElement(node) {
                    if (node.attributes.length > 0 || (node.kind === 242)) {
                        write(" ");
                    if (node.kind === 242) {
                    else {
                function emitJsxClosingElement(node) {
                function emitJsxElement(node) {
                    for (var i = 0, n = node.children.length; i < n; i++) {
                if (node.kind === 241) {
                else {
                    ts.Debug.assert(node.kind === 242);
            function emitExpressionForPropertyName(node) {
                ts.Debug.assert(node.kind !== 169);
                if (node.kind === 9) {
                else if (node.kind === 140) {
                    if (ts.nodeIsDecorated(node.parent)) {
                        if (!computedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames) {
                            computedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames = [];
                        var generatedName = computedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames[ts.getNodeId(node)];
                        if (generatedName) {
                        generatedName = createAndRecordTempVariable(0).text;
                        computedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames[ts.getNodeId(node)] = generatedName;
                        write(" = ");
                else {
                    if (node.kind === 8) {
                    else {
                        writeTextOfNode(currentText, node);
            function isExpressionIdentifier(node) {
                var parent = node.parent;
                switch (parent.kind) {
                    case 170:
                    case 195:
                    case 184:
                    case 187:
                    case 174:
                    case 249:
                    case 140:
                    case 188:
                    case 143:
                    case 181:
                    case 204:
                    case 173:
                    case 235:
                    case 202:
                    case 194:
                    case 206:
                    case 207:
                    case 208:
                    case 203:
                    case 245:
                    case 242:
                    case 243:
                    case 247:
                    case 248:
                    case 175:
                    case 196:
                    case 178:
                    case 186:
                    case 185:
                    case 211:
                    case 254:
                    case 191:
                    case 213:
                    case 176:
                    case 197:
                    case 215:
                    case 177:
                    case 182:
                    case 183:
                    case 205:
                    case 212:
                    case 190:
                        return true;
                    case 169:
                    case 255:
                    case 142:
                    case 253:
                    case 145:
                    case 218:
                        return parent.initializer === node;
                    case 172:
                        return parent.expression === node;
                    case 180:
                    case 179:
                        return parent.body === node;
                    case 229:
                        return parent.moduleReference === node;
                    case 139:
                        return parent.left === node;
                return false;
            function emitExpressionIdentifier(node) {
                var container = resolver.getReferencedExportContainer(node);
                if (container) {
                    if (container.kind === 256) {
                        if (modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.ES6 && modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.System) {
                    else {
                else {
                    if (modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.ES6) {
                        var declaration = resolver.getReferencedImportDeclaration(node);
                        if (declaration) {
                            if (declaration.kind === 231) {
                                write(languageVersion === 0 ? '["default"]' : ".default");
                            else if (declaration.kind === 234) {
                                var name_26 = declaration.propertyName ||;
                                var identifier = ts.getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(currentText, name_26);
                                if (languageVersion === 0 && identifier === "default") {
                                else {
                    if (languageVersion < 2) {
                        var declaration = resolver.getReferencedDeclarationWithCollidingName(node);
                        if (declaration) {
                    else if (resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node) & 1048576) {
                        var declaration = resolver.getReferencedValueDeclaration(node);
                        if (declaration) {
                            var classAlias = decoratedClassAliases[ts.getNodeId(declaration)];
                            if (classAlias !== undefined) {
                if (ts.nodeIsSynthesized(node)) {
                else {
                    writeTextOfNode(currentText, node);
            function isNameOfNestedBlockScopedRedeclarationOrCapturedBinding(node) {
                if (languageVersion < 2) {
                    var parent_13 = node.parent;
                    switch (parent_13.kind) {
                        case 169:
                        case 221:
                        case 224:
                        case 218:
                            return === node && resolver.isDeclarationWithCollidingName(parent_13);
                return false;
            function getClassExpressionInPropertyAccessInStaticPropertyDeclaration(node) {
                if (languageVersion >= 2) {
                    var parent_14 = node.parent;
                    if (parent_14.kind === 172 && parent_14.expression === node) {
                        parent_14 = parent_14.parent;
                        while (parent_14 && parent_14.kind !== 145) {
                            parent_14 = parent_14.parent;
                        return parent_14 && parent_14.kind === 145 && (parent_14.flags & 32) !== 0 &&
                            parent_14.parent.kind === 192 ? parent_14.parent : undefined;
                return undefined;
            function emitIdentifier(node) {
                if (convertedLoopState) {
                    if (node.text == "arguments" && resolver.isArgumentsLocalBinding(node)) {
                        var name_27 = convertedLoopState.argumentsName || (convertedLoopState.argumentsName = makeUniqueName("arguments"));
                if (!node.parent) {
                else if (isExpressionIdentifier(node)) {
                    var classExpression = getClassExpressionInPropertyAccessInStaticPropertyDeclaration(node);
                    if (classExpression) {
                        var declaration = resolver.getReferencedValueDeclaration(node);
                        if (declaration === classExpression) {
                else if (isNameOfNestedBlockScopedRedeclarationOrCapturedBinding(node)) {
                else if (ts.nodeIsSynthesized(node)) {
                else {
                    writeTextOfNode(currentText, node);
            function emitThis(node) {
                if (resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node) & 2) {
                else if (convertedLoopState) {
                    write(convertedLoopState.thisName || (convertedLoopState.thisName = makeUniqueName("this")));
                else {
            function emitSuper(node) {
                if (languageVersion >= 2) {
                else {
                    var flags = resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node);
                    if (flags & 256) {
                    else {
            function emitObjectBindingPattern(node) {
                write("{ ");
                var elements = node.elements;
                emitList(elements, 0, elements.length, false, elements.hasTrailingComma);
                write(" }");
            function emitArrayBindingPattern(node) {
                var elements = node.elements;
                emitList(elements, 0, elements.length, false, elements.hasTrailingComma);
            function emitBindingElement(node) {
                if (node.propertyName) {
                    write(": ");
                if (node.dotDotDotToken) {
                if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                else {
                emitOptional(" = ", node.initializer);
            function emitSpreadElementExpression(node) {
            function emitYieldExpression(node) {
                if (node.asteriskToken) {
                if (node.expression) {
                    write(" ");
            function emitAwaitExpression(node) {
                var needsParenthesis = needsParenthesisForAwaitExpressionAsYield(node);
                if (needsParenthesis) {
                write(" ");
                if (needsParenthesis) {
            function needsParenthesisForAwaitExpressionAsYield(node) {
                if (node.parent.kind === 187 && !ts.isAssignmentOperator(node.parent.operatorToken.kind)) {
                    return true;
                else if (node.parent.kind === 188 && node.parent.condition === node) {
                    return true;
                else if (node.parent.kind === 185 || node.parent.kind === 181 ||
                    node.parent.kind === 182 || node.parent.kind === 183) {
                    return true;
                return false;
            function needsParenthesisForPropertyAccessOrInvocation(node) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 69:
                    case 170:
                    case 172:
                    case 173:
                    case 174:
                    case 178:
                        return false;
                return true;
            function emitListWithSpread(elements, needsUniqueCopy, multiLine, trailingComma, useConcat) {
                var pos = 0;
                var group = 0;
                var length = elements.length;
                while (pos < length) {
                    if (group === 1 && useConcat) {
                    else if (group > 0) {
                        write(", ");
                    var e = elements[pos];
                    if (e.kind === 191) {
                        e = e.expression;
                        emitParenthesizedIf(e, group === 0 && needsParenthesisForPropertyAccessOrInvocation(e));
                        if (pos === length && group === 0 && needsUniqueCopy && e.kind !== 170) {
                    else {
                        var i = pos;
                        while (i < length && elements[i].kind !== 191) {
                        if (multiLine) {
                        emitList(elements, pos, i - pos, multiLine, trailingComma && i === length);
                        if (multiLine) {
                        pos = i;
                if (group > 1) {
                    if (useConcat) {
            function isSpreadElementExpression(node) {
                return node.kind === 191;
            function emitArrayLiteral(node) {
                var elements = node.elements;
                if (elements.length === 0) {
                else if (languageVersion >= 2 || !ts.forEach(elements, isSpreadElementExpression)) {
                    emitLinePreservingList(node, node.elements, elements.hasTrailingComma, false);
                else {
                    emitListWithSpread(elements, true, node.multiLine, elements.hasTrailingComma, true);
            function emitObjectLiteralBody(node, numElements) {
                if (numElements === 0) {
                if (numElements > 0) {
                    var properties =;
                    if (numElements === properties.length) {
                        emitLinePreservingList(node, properties, languageVersion >= 1, true);
                    else {
                        var multiLine = node.multiLine;
                        if (!multiLine) {
                            write(" ");
                        else {
                        emitList(properties, 0, numElements, multiLine, false);
                        if (!multiLine) {
                            write(" ");
                        else {
            function emitDownlevelObjectLiteralWithComputedProperties(node, firstComputedPropertyIndex) {
                var multiLine = node.multiLine;
                var properties =;
                if (multiLine) {
                var tempVar = createAndRecordTempVariable(0);
                write(" = ");
                emitObjectLiteralBody(node, firstComputedPropertyIndex);
                for (var i = firstComputedPropertyIndex, n = properties.length; i < n; i++) {
                    var property = properties[i];
                    if (property.kind === 149 || property.kind === 150) {
                        var accessors = ts.getAllAccessorDeclarations(, property);
                        if (property !== accessors.firstAccessor) {
                        write(", ");
                        write(", {");
                        if (accessors.getAccessor) {
                            write("get: ");
                            write("function ");
                        if (accessors.setAccessor) {
                            write("set: ");
                            write("function ");
                        write("enumerable: true,");
                        write("configurable: true");
                    else {
                        write(" = ");
                        if (property.kind === 253) {
                        else if (property.kind === 254) {
                        else if (property.kind === 147) {
                        else {
                  "ObjectLiteralElement type not accounted for: " + property.kind);
                if (multiLine) {
                function writeComma() {
                    if (multiLine) {
                    else {
                        write(", ");
            function emitObjectLiteral(node) {
                var properties =;
                if (languageVersion < 2) {
                    var numProperties = properties.length;
                    var numInitialNonComputedProperties = numProperties;
                    for (var i = 0, n = properties.length; i < n; i++) {
                        if (properties[i].name.kind === 140) {
                            numInitialNonComputedProperties = i;
                    var hasComputedProperty = numInitialNonComputedProperties !== properties.length;
                    if (hasComputedProperty) {
                        emitDownlevelObjectLiteralWithComputedProperties(node, numInitialNonComputedProperties);
                emitObjectLiteralBody(node, properties.length);
            function createBinaryExpression(left, operator, right, startsOnNewLine) {
                var result = ts.createSynthesizedNode(187, startsOnNewLine);
                result.operatorToken = ts.createSynthesizedNode(operator);
                result.left = left;
                result.right = right;
                return result;
            function createPropertyAccessExpression(expression, name) {
                var result = ts.createSynthesizedNode(172);
                result.expression = parenthesizeForAccess(expression);
       = name;
                return result;
            function createElementAccessExpression(expression, argumentExpression) {
                var result = ts.createSynthesizedNode(173);
                result.expression = parenthesizeForAccess(expression);
                result.argumentExpression = argumentExpression;
                return result;
            function parenthesizeForAccess(expr) {
                while (expr.kind === 177 ||
                    expr.kind === 195 ||
                    expr.kind === 196) {
                    expr = expr.expression;
                if (ts.isLeftHandSideExpression(expr) &&
                    expr.kind !== 175 &&
                    expr.kind !== 8) {
                    return expr;
                var node = ts.createSynthesizedNode(178);
                node.expression = expr;
                return node;
            function emitComputedPropertyName(node) {
            function emitMethod(node) {
                if (languageVersion >= 2 && node.asteriskToken) {
                if (languageVersion < 2) {
                    write(": function ");
            function emitPropertyAssignment(node) {
                write(": ");
            function isExportReference(node) {
                var container = resolver.getReferencedExportContainer(node);
                return !!container;
            function isImportedReference(node) {
                var declaration = resolver.getReferencedImportDeclaration(node);
                return declaration && (declaration.kind === 231 || declaration.kind === 234);
            function emitShorthandPropertyAssignment(node) {
                if (languageVersion < 2 || (modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.ES6 && isImportedReference( || isExportReference( {
                    write(": ");
                if (languageVersion >= 2 && node.objectAssignmentInitializer) {
                    write(" = ");
            function tryEmitConstantValue(node) {
                var constantValue = tryGetConstEnumValue(node);
                if (constantValue !== undefined) {
                    if (!compilerOptions.removeComments) {
                        var propertyName = node.kind === 172 ? ts.declarationNameToString( : ts.getTextOfNode(node.argumentExpression);
                        write(" /* " + propertyName + " */");
                    return true;
                return false;
            function tryGetConstEnumValue(node) {
                if (compilerOptions.isolatedModules) {
                    return undefined;
                return node.kind === 172 || node.kind === 173
                    ? resolver.getConstantValue(node)
                    : undefined;
            function indentIfOnDifferentLines(parent, node1, node2, valueToWriteWhenNotIndenting) {
                var realNodesAreOnDifferentLines = !ts.nodeIsSynthesized(parent) && !nodeEndIsOnSameLineAsNodeStart(node1, node2);
                var synthesizedNodeIsOnDifferentLine = synthesizedNodeStartsOnNewLine(node2);
                if (realNodesAreOnDifferentLines || synthesizedNodeIsOnDifferentLine) {
                    return true;
                else {
                    if (valueToWriteWhenNotIndenting) {
                    return false;
            function emitPropertyAccess(node) {
                if (tryEmitConstantValue(node)) {
                if (languageVersion === 2 &&
                    node.expression.kind === 95 &&
                    isInAsyncMethodWithSuperInES6(node)) {
                    var name_28 = ts.createSynthesizedNode(9);
                    name_28.text =;
                    emitSuperAccessInAsyncMethod(node.expression, name_28);
                var dotRangeStart = ts.nodeIsSynthesized(node.expression) ? -1 : node.expression.end;
                var dotRangeEnd = ts.nodeIsSynthesized(node.expression) ? -1 : ts.skipTrivia(currentText, node.expression.end) + 1;
                var dotToken = { pos: dotRangeStart, end: dotRangeEnd };
                var indentedBeforeDot = indentIfOnDifferentLines(node, node.expression, dotToken);
                var shouldEmitSpace = false;
                if (!indentedBeforeDot) {
                    if (node.expression.kind === 8) {
                        var text = ts.getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(currentText, node.expression);
                        shouldEmitSpace = text.indexOf(ts.tokenToString(21)) < 0;
                    else {
                        var constantValue = tryGetConstEnumValue(node.expression);
                        shouldEmitSpace = isFinite(constantValue) && Math.floor(constantValue) === constantValue;
                if (shouldEmitSpace) {
                    write(" .");
                else {
                var indentedAfterDot = indentIfOnDifferentLines(node, dotToken,;
                decreaseIndentIf(indentedBeforeDot, indentedAfterDot);
            function emitQualifiedName(node) {
            function emitQualifiedNameAsExpression(node, useFallback) {
                if (node.left.kind === 69) {
                    emitEntityNameAsExpression(node.left, useFallback);
                else if (useFallback) {
                    var temp = createAndRecordTempVariable(0);
                    write(" = ");
                    emitEntityNameAsExpression(node.left, true);
                    write(") && ");
                else {
                    emitEntityNameAsExpression(node.left, false);
            function emitEntityNameAsExpression(node, useFallback) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 69:
                        if (useFallback) {
                            write("typeof ");
                            write(" !== 'undefined' && ");
                    case 139:
                        emitQualifiedNameAsExpression(node, useFallback);
            function emitIndexedAccess(node) {
                if (tryEmitConstantValue(node)) {
                if (languageVersion === 2 &&
                    node.expression.kind === 95 &&
                    isInAsyncMethodWithSuperInES6(node)) {
                    emitSuperAccessInAsyncMethod(node.expression, node.argumentExpression);
            function hasSpreadElement(elements) {
                return ts.forEach(elements, function (e) { return e.kind === 191; });
            function skipParentheses(node) {
                while (node.kind === 178 ||
                    node.kind === 177 ||
                    node.kind === 195 ||
                    node.kind === 196) {
                    node = node.expression;
                return node;
            function emitCallTarget(node) {
                if (node.kind === 69 || node.kind === 97 || node.kind === 95) {
                    return node;
                var temp = createAndRecordTempVariable(0);
                write(" = ");
                return temp;
            function emitCallWithSpread(node) {
                var target;
                var expr = skipParentheses(node.expression);
                if (expr.kind === 172) {
                    target = emitCallTarget(expr.expression);
                else if (expr.kind === 173) {
                    target = emitCallTarget(expr.expression);
                else if (expr.kind === 95) {
                    target = expr;
                else {
                if (target) {
                    if (target.kind === 95) {
                    else {
                else {
                    write("void 0");
                write(", ");
                emitListWithSpread(node.arguments, false, false, false, true);
            function isInAsyncMethodWithSuperInES6(node) {
                if (languageVersion === 2) {
                    var container = ts.getSuperContainer(node, false);
                    if (container && resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(container) & (2048 | 4096)) {
                        return true;
                return false;
            function emitSuperAccessInAsyncMethod(superNode, argumentExpression) {
                var container = ts.getSuperContainer(superNode, false);
                var isSuperBinding = resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(container) & 4096;
                write(isSuperBinding ? ").value" : ")");
            function emitCallExpression(node) {
                if (languageVersion < 2 && hasSpreadElement(node.arguments)) {
                var expression = node.expression;
                var superCall = false;
                var isAsyncMethodWithSuper = false;
                if (expression.kind === 95) {
                    superCall = true;
                else {
                    superCall = ts.isSuperPropertyOrElementAccess(expression);
                    isAsyncMethodWithSuper = superCall && isInAsyncMethodWithSuperInES6(node);
                if (superCall && (languageVersion < 2 || isAsyncMethodWithSuper)) {
                    if (node.arguments.length) {
                        write(", ");
                else {
            function emitNewExpression(node) {
                write("new ");
                if (languageVersion === 1 &&
                    node.arguments &&
                    hasSpreadElement(node.arguments)) {
                    var target = emitCallTarget(node.expression);
                    write(", [void 0].concat(");
                    emitListWithSpread(node.arguments, false, false, false, false);
                else {
                    if (node.arguments) {
            function emitTaggedTemplateExpression(node) {
                if (languageVersion >= 2) {
                    write(" ");
                else {
            function emitParenExpression(node) {
                if (!ts.nodeIsSynthesized(node) && node.parent.kind !== 180) {
                    if (node.expression.kind === 177 ||
                        node.expression.kind === 195 ||
                        node.expression.kind === 196) {
                        var operand = node.expression.expression;
                        while (operand.kind === 177 ||
                            operand.kind === 195 ||
                            operand.kind === 196) {
                            operand = operand.expression;
                        if (operand.kind !== 185 &&
                            operand.kind !== 183 &&
                            operand.kind !== 182 &&
                            operand.kind !== 181 &&
                            operand.kind !== 186 &&
                            operand.kind !== 175 &&
                            !(operand.kind === 187 && node.expression.kind === 195) &&
                            !(operand.kind === 174 && node.parent.kind === 175) &&
                            !(operand.kind === 179 && node.parent.kind === 174) &&
                            !(operand.kind === 8 && node.parent.kind === 172)) {
            function emitDeleteExpression(node) {
                write(" ");
            function emitVoidExpression(node) {
                write(" ");
            function emitTypeOfExpression(node) {
                write(" ");
            function isNameOfExportedSourceLevelDeclarationInSystemExternalModule(node) {
                if (!isCurrentFileSystemExternalModule() || node.kind !== 69 || ts.nodeIsSynthesized(node)) {
                    return false;
                var isVariableDeclarationOrBindingElement = node.parent && (node.parent.kind === 218 || node.parent.kind === 169);
                var targetDeclaration = isVariableDeclarationOrBindingElement
                    ? node.parent
                    : resolver.getReferencedValueDeclaration(node);
                return isSourceFileLevelDeclarationInSystemJsModule(targetDeclaration, true);
            function isNameOfExportedDeclarationInNonES6Module(node) {
                if (modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.System || node.kind !== 69 || ts.nodeIsSynthesized(node)) {
                    return false;
                if (exportEquals || !exportSpecifiers || !(node.text in exportSpecifiers)) {
                    return false;
                var declaration = resolver.getReferencedValueDeclaration(node);
                return declaration && ts.getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer(declaration).kind === 256;
            function emitPrefixUnaryExpression(node) {
                var isPlusPlusOrMinusMinus = (node.operator === 41
                    || node.operator === 42);
                var externalExportChanged = isPlusPlusOrMinusMinus &&
                if (externalExportChanged) {
                    write(exportFunctionForFile + "(\"");
                    write("\", ");
                var internalExportChanged = isPlusPlusOrMinusMinus &&
                if (internalExportChanged) {
                if (node.operand.kind === 185) {
                    var operand = node.operand;
                    if (node.operator === 35 && (operand.operator === 35 || operand.operator === 41)) {
                        write(" ");
                    else if (node.operator === 36 && (operand.operator === 36 || operand.operator === 42)) {
                        write(" ");
                if (externalExportChanged) {
            function emitPostfixUnaryExpression(node) {
                var externalExportChanged = isNameOfExportedSourceLevelDeclarationInSystemExternalModule(node.operand);
                var internalExportChanged = isNameOfExportedDeclarationInNonES6Module(node.operand);
                if (externalExportChanged) {
                    write("(" + exportFunctionForFile + "(\"");
                    write("\", ");
                    if (node.operator === 41) {
                        write(") - 1)");
                    else {
                        write(") + 1)");
                else if (internalExportChanged) {
                    if (node.operator === 41) {
                        write(" += 1");
                    else {
                        write(" -= 1");
                else {
            function shouldHoistDeclarationInSystemJsModule(node) {
                return isSourceFileLevelDeclarationInSystemJsModule(node, false);
            function isSourceFileLevelDeclarationInSystemJsModule(node, isExported) {
                if (!node || !isCurrentFileSystemExternalModule()) {
                    return false;
                var current = ts.getRootDeclaration(node).parent;
                while (current) {
                    if (current.kind === 256) {
                        return !isExported || ((ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(node) & 1) !== 0);
                    else if (ts.isDeclaration(current)) {
                        return false;
                    else {
                        current = current.parent;
            function emitExponentiationOperator(node) {
                var leftHandSideExpression = node.left;
                if (node.operatorToken.kind === 60) {
                    var synthesizedLHS = void 0;
                    var shouldEmitParentheses = false;
                    if (ts.isElementAccessExpression(leftHandSideExpression)) {
                        shouldEmitParentheses = true;
                        synthesizedLHS = ts.createSynthesizedNode(173, false);
                        var identifier = emitTempVariableAssignment(leftHandSideExpression.expression, false, false);
                        synthesizedLHS.expression = identifier;
                        if (leftHandSideExpression.argumentExpression.kind !== 8 &&
                            leftHandSideExpression.argumentExpression.kind !== 9) {
                            var tempArgumentExpression = createAndRecordTempVariable(268435456);
                            synthesizedLHS.argumentExpression = tempArgumentExpression;
                            emitAssignment(tempArgumentExpression, leftHandSideExpression.argumentExpression, true, leftHandSideExpression.expression);
                        else {
                            synthesizedLHS.argumentExpression = leftHandSideExpression.argumentExpression;
                        write(", ");
                    else if (ts.isPropertyAccessExpression(leftHandSideExpression)) {
                        shouldEmitParentheses = true;
                        synthesizedLHS = ts.createSynthesizedNode(172, false);
                        var identifier = emitTempVariableAssignment(leftHandSideExpression.expression, false, false);
                        synthesizedLHS.expression = identifier;
                        write(", ");
                    emit(synthesizedLHS || leftHandSideExpression);
                    write(" = ");
                    emit(synthesizedLHS || leftHandSideExpression);
                    write(", ");
                    if (shouldEmitParentheses) {
                else {
                    write(", ");
            function emitAliasEqual(name) {
                for (var _a = 0, _b = exportSpecifiers[name.text]; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                    var specifier = _b[_a];
                    if (languageVersion === 0 && name.text === "default") {
                    else {
                    write(" = ");
                return true;
            function emitBinaryExpression(node) {
                if (languageVersion < 2 && node.operatorToken.kind === 56 &&
                    (node.left.kind === 171 || node.left.kind === 170)) {
                    emitDestructuring(node, node.parent.kind === 202);
                else {
                    var isAssignment = ts.isAssignmentOperator(node.operatorToken.kind);
                    var externalExportChanged = isAssignment &&
                    if (externalExportChanged) {
                        write(exportFunctionForFile + "(\"");
                        write("\", ");
                    var internalExportChanged = isAssignment &&
                    if (internalExportChanged) {
                    if (node.operatorToken.kind === 38 || node.operatorToken.kind === 60) {
                    else {
                        var indentedBeforeOperator = indentIfOnDifferentLines(node, node.left, node.operatorToken, node.operatorToken.kind !== 24 ? " " : undefined);
                        var indentedAfterOperator = indentIfOnDifferentLines(node, node.operatorToken, node.right, " ");
                        decreaseIndentIf(indentedBeforeOperator, indentedAfterOperator);
                    if (externalExportChanged) {
            function synthesizedNodeStartsOnNewLine(node) {
                return ts.nodeIsSynthesized(node) && node.startsOnNewLine;
            function emitConditionalExpression(node) {
                var indentedBeforeQuestion = indentIfOnDifferentLines(node, node.condition, node.questionToken, " ");
                var indentedAfterQuestion = indentIfOnDifferentLines(node, node.questionToken, node.whenTrue, " ");
                decreaseIndentIf(indentedBeforeQuestion, indentedAfterQuestion);
                var indentedBeforeColon = indentIfOnDifferentLines(node, node.whenTrue, node.colonToken, " ");
                var indentedAfterColon = indentIfOnDifferentLines(node, node.colonToken, node.whenFalse, " ");
                decreaseIndentIf(indentedBeforeColon, indentedAfterColon);
            function decreaseIndentIf(value1, value2) {
                if (value1) {
                if (value2) {
            function isSingleLineEmptyBlock(node) {
                if (node && node.kind === 199) {
                    var block = node;
                    return block.statements.length === 0 && nodeEndIsOnSameLineAsNodeStart(block, block);
            function emitBlock(node) {
                if (isSingleLineEmptyBlock(node)) {
                    emitToken(15, node.pos);
                    write(" ");
                    emitToken(16, node.statements.end);
                emitToken(15, node.pos);
                if (node.kind === 226) {
                    ts.Debug.assert(node.parent.kind === 225);
                if (node.kind === 226) {
                emitToken(16, node.statements.end);
            function emitEmbeddedStatement(node) {
                if (node.kind === 199) {
                    write(" ");
                else {
            function emitExpressionStatement(node) {
                emitParenthesizedIf(node.expression, node.expression.kind === 180);
            function emitIfStatement(node) {
                var endPos = emitToken(88, node.pos);
                write(" ");
                endPos = emitToken(17, endPos);
                emitToken(18, node.expression.end);
                if (node.elseStatement) {
                    emitToken(80, node.thenStatement.end);
                    if (node.elseStatement.kind === 203) {
                        write(" ");
                    else {
            function emitDoStatement(node) {
                emitLoop(node, emitDoStatementWorker);
            function emitDoStatementWorker(node, loop) {
                if (loop) {
                    emitConvertedLoopCall(loop, true);
                else {
                    emitNormalLoopBody(node, true);
                if (node.statement.kind === 199) {
                    write(" ");
                else {
                write("while (");
            function emitWhileStatement(node) {
                emitLoop(node, emitWhileStatementWorker);
            function emitWhileStatementWorker(node, loop) {
                write("while (");
                if (loop) {
                    emitConvertedLoopCall(loop, true);
                else {
                    emitNormalLoopBody(node, true);
            function tryEmitStartOfVariableDeclarationList(decl) {
                if (shouldHoistVariable(decl, true)) {
                    return false;
                if (convertedLoopState && (ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(decl) & 3072) === 0) {
                    for (var _a = 0, _b = decl.declarations; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                        var varDecl = _b[_a];
                        hoistVariableDeclarationFromLoop(convertedLoopState, varDecl);
                    return false;
                if (decl && languageVersion >= 2) {
                    if (ts.isLet(decl)) {
                        write("let ");
                    else if (ts.isConst(decl)) {
                        write("const ");
                    else {
                        write("var ");
                else {
                    write("var ");
                return true;
            function emitVariableDeclarationListSkippingUninitializedEntries(list) {
                var started = false;
                for (var _a = 0, _b = list.declarations; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                    var decl = _b[_a];
                    if (!decl.initializer) {
                    if (!started) {
                        started = true;
                    else {
                        write(", ");
                return started;
            function shouldConvertLoopBody(node) {
                return languageVersion < 2 &&
                    (resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node) & 65536) !== 0;
            function emitLoop(node, loopEmitter) {
                var shouldConvert = shouldConvertLoopBody(node);
                if (!shouldConvert) {
                    loopEmitter(node, undefined);
                else {
                    var loop = convertLoopBody(node);
                    if (node.parent.kind === 214) {
                    loopEmitter(node, loop);
            function convertLoopBody(node) {
                var functionName = makeUniqueName("_loop");
                var loopInitializer;
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 206:
                    case 207:
                    case 208:
                        var initializer = node.initializer;
                        if (initializer && initializer.kind === 219) {
                            loopInitializer = node.initializer;
                var loopParameters;
                var loopOutParameters;
                if (loopInitializer && (ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(loopInitializer) & 3072)) {
                    loopParameters = [];
                    for (var _a = 0, _b = loopInitializer.declarations; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                        var varDeclaration = _b[_a];
                var bodyIsBlock = node.statement.kind === 199;
                var paramList = loopParameters ? loopParameters.join(", ") : "";
                write("var " + functionName + " = function(" + paramList + ")");
                var convertedOuterLoopState = convertedLoopState;
                convertedLoopState = { loopOutParameters: loopOutParameters };
                if (convertedOuterLoopState) {
                    if (convertedOuterLoopState.argumentsName) {
                        convertedLoopState.argumentsName = convertedOuterLoopState.argumentsName;
                    if (convertedOuterLoopState.thisName) {
                        convertedLoopState.thisName = convertedOuterLoopState.thisName;
                    if (convertedOuterLoopState.hoistedLocalVariables) {
                        convertedLoopState.hoistedLocalVariables = convertedOuterLoopState.hoistedLocalVariables;
                write(" {");
                if (bodyIsBlock) {
                else {
                copyLoopOutParameters(convertedLoopState, 1, true);
                if (loopOutParameters) {
                    write("var ");
                    for (var i = 0; i < loopOutParameters.length; i++) {
                        if (i !== 0) {
                            write(", ");
                if (convertedLoopState.argumentsName) {
                    if (convertedOuterLoopState) {
                        convertedOuterLoopState.argumentsName = convertedLoopState.argumentsName;
                    else {
                        write("var " + convertedLoopState.argumentsName + " = arguments;");
                if (convertedLoopState.thisName) {
                    if (convertedOuterLoopState) {
                        convertedOuterLoopState.thisName = convertedLoopState.thisName;
                    else {
                        write("var " + convertedLoopState.thisName + " = this;");
                if (convertedLoopState.hoistedLocalVariables) {
                    if (convertedOuterLoopState) {
                        convertedOuterLoopState.hoistedLocalVariables = convertedLoopState.hoistedLocalVariables;
                    else {
                        write("var ");
                        var seen = void 0;
                        for (var _c = 0, _d = convertedLoopState.hoistedLocalVariables; _c < _d.length; _c++) {
                            var id = _d[_c];
                            if (!seen) {
                                seen = ts.createMap();
                            else {
                                write(", ");
                            if (!(id.text in seen)) {
                                seen[id.text] = id.text;
                var currentLoopState = convertedLoopState;
                convertedLoopState = convertedOuterLoopState;
                return { functionName: functionName, paramList: paramList, state: currentLoopState };
                function processVariableDeclaration(name) {
                    if (name.kind === 69) {
                        var nameText = isNameOfNestedBlockScopedRedeclarationOrCapturedBinding(name)
                            ? getGeneratedNameForNode(name)
                            : name.text;
                        if (resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(name.parent) & 2097152) {
                            var reassignedVariable = { originalName: name, outParamName: makeUniqueName("out_" + nameText) };
                            (loopOutParameters || (loopOutParameters = [])).push(reassignedVariable);
                    else {
                        for (var _a = 0, _b = name.elements; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                            var element = _b[_a];
            function emitNormalLoopBody(node, emitAsEmbeddedStatement) {
                var saveAllowedNonLabeledJumps;
                if (convertedLoopState) {
                    saveAllowedNonLabeledJumps = convertedLoopState.allowedNonLabeledJumps;
                    convertedLoopState.allowedNonLabeledJumps = 2 | 4;
                if (emitAsEmbeddedStatement) {
                else if (node.statement.kind === 199) {
                else {
                if (convertedLoopState) {
                    convertedLoopState.allowedNonLabeledJumps = saveAllowedNonLabeledJumps;
            function copyLoopOutParameters(state, copyDirection, emitAsStatements) {
                if (state.loopOutParameters) {
                    for (var _a = 0, _b = state.loopOutParameters; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                        var outParam = _b[_a];
                        if (copyDirection === 0) {
                            write(" = " + outParam.outParamName);
                        else {
                            write(outParam.outParamName + " = ");
                        if (emitAsStatements) {
                        else {
                            write(", ");
            function emitConvertedLoopCall(loop, emitAsBlock) {
                if (emitAsBlock) {
                    write(" {");
                var isSimpleLoop = !(loop.state.nonLocalJumps & ~4) &&
                    !loop.state.labeledNonLocalBreaks &&
                var loopResult = makeUniqueName("state");
                if (!isSimpleLoop) {
                    write("var " + loopResult + " = ");
                write(loop.functionName + "(" + loop.paramList + ");");
                copyLoopOutParameters(loop.state, 0, true);
                if (!isSimpleLoop) {
                    if (loop.state.nonLocalJumps & 8) {
                        write("if (typeof " + loopResult + " === \"object\") ");
                        if (convertedLoopState) {
                            write("return " + loopResult + ";");
                            convertedLoopState.nonLocalJumps |= 8;
                        else {
                            write("return " + loopResult + ".value;");
                    if (loop.state.nonLocalJumps & 2) {
                        write("if (" + loopResult + " === \"break\") break;");
                    emitDispatchTableForLabeledJumps(loopResult, loop.state, convertedLoopState);
                if (emitAsBlock) {
                function emitDispatchTableForLabeledJumps(loopResultVariable, currentLoop, outerLoop) {
                    if (!currentLoop.labeledNonLocalBreaks && !currentLoop.labeledNonLocalContinues) {
                    write("switch(" + loopResultVariable + ") {");
                    emitDispatchEntriesForLabeledJumps(currentLoop.labeledNonLocalBreaks, true, loopResultVariable, outerLoop);
                    emitDispatchEntriesForLabeledJumps(currentLoop.labeledNonLocalContinues, false, loopResultVariable, outerLoop);
                function emitDispatchEntriesForLabeledJumps(table, isBreak, loopResultVariable, outerLoop) {
                    if (!table) {
                    for (var labelText in table) {
                        var labelMarker = table[labelText];
                        write("case \"" + labelMarker + "\": ");
                        if (!outerLoop || (outerLoop.labels && outerLoop.labels[labelText])) {
                            if (isBreak) {
                                write("break ");
                            else {
                                write("continue ");
                            write(labelText + ";");
                        else {
                            setLabeledJump(outerLoop, isBreak, labelText, labelMarker);
                            write("return " + loopResultVariable + ";");
            function emitForStatement(node) {
                emitLoop(node, emitForStatementWorker);
            function emitForStatementWorker(node, loop) {
                var endPos = emitToken(86, node.pos);
                write(" ");
                endPos = emitToken(17, endPos);
                if (node.initializer && node.initializer.kind === 219) {
                    var variableDeclarationList = node.initializer;
                    var startIsEmitted = tryEmitStartOfVariableDeclarationList(variableDeclarationList);
                    if (startIsEmitted) {
                    else {
                else if (node.initializer) {
                emitOptional(" ", node.condition);
                emitOptional(" ", node.incrementor);
                if (loop) {
                    emitConvertedLoopCall(loop, true);
                else {
                    emitNormalLoopBody(node, true);
            function emitForInOrForOfStatement(node) {
                if (languageVersion < 2 && node.kind === 208) {
                    emitLoop(node, emitDownLevelForOfStatementWorker);
                else {
                    emitLoop(node, emitForInOrForOfStatementWorker);
            function emitForInOrForOfStatementWorker(node, loop) {
                var endPos = emitToken(86, node.pos);
                write(" ");
                endPos = emitToken(17, endPos);
                if (node.initializer.kind === 219) {
                    var variableDeclarationList = node.initializer;
                    if (variableDeclarationList.declarations.length >= 1) {
                else {
                if (node.kind === 207) {
                    write(" in ");
                else {
                    write(" of ");
                emitToken(18, node.expression.end);
                if (loop) {
                    emitConvertedLoopCall(loop, true);
                else {
                    emitNormalLoopBody(node, true);
            function emitDownLevelForOfStatementWorker(node, loop) {
                var endPos = emitToken(86, node.pos);
                write(" ");
                endPos = emitToken(17, endPos);
                var counter = createTempVariable(268435456);
                var rhsReference = ts.createSynthesizedNode(69);
                rhsReference.text = node.expression.kind === 69 ?
                    makeUniqueName(node.expression.text) :
                write("var ");
                write(" = 0");
                write(", ");
                write(" = ");
                write("; ");
                write(" < ");
                write("; ");
                emitToken(18, node.expression.end);
                write(" {");
                var rhsIterationValue = createElementAccessExpression(rhsReference, counter);
                if (node.initializer.kind === 219) {
                    write("var ");
                    var variableDeclarationList = node.initializer;
                    if (variableDeclarationList.declarations.length > 0) {
                        var declaration = variableDeclarationList.declarations[0];
                        if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                            emitDestructuring(declaration, false, rhsIterationValue);
                        else {
                            write(" = ");
                    else {
                        write(" = ");
                else {
                    var assignmentExpression = createBinaryExpression(node.initializer, 56, rhsIterationValue, false);
                    if (node.initializer.kind === 170 || node.initializer.kind === 171) {
                        emitDestructuring(assignmentExpression, true, undefined);
                    else {
                if (loop) {
                    emitConvertedLoopCall(loop, false);
                else {
                    emitNormalLoopBody(node, false);
            function emitBreakOrContinueStatement(node) {
                if (convertedLoopState) {
                    var jump = node.kind === 210 ? 2 : 4;
                    var canUseBreakOrContinue = (node.label && convertedLoopState.labels && convertedLoopState.labels[node.label.text]) ||
                        (!node.label && (convertedLoopState.allowedNonLabeledJumps & jump));
                    if (!canUseBreakOrContinue) {
                        write("return ");
                        copyLoopOutParameters(convertedLoopState, 1, false);
                        if (!node.label) {
                            if (node.kind === 210) {
                                convertedLoopState.nonLocalJumps |= 2;
                            else {
                                convertedLoopState.nonLocalJumps |= 4;
                        else {
                            var labelMarker = void 0;
                            if (node.kind === 210) {
                                labelMarker = "break-" + node.label.text;
                                setLabeledJump(convertedLoopState, true, node.label.text, labelMarker);
                            else {
                                labelMarker = "continue-" + node.label.text;
                                setLabeledJump(convertedLoopState, false, node.label.text, labelMarker);
                            write("\"" + labelMarker + "\";");
                emitToken(node.kind === 210 ? 70 : 75, node.pos);
                emitOptional(" ", node.label);
            function emitReturnStatement(node) {
                if (convertedLoopState) {
                    convertedLoopState.nonLocalJumps |= 8;
                    write("return { value: ");
                    if (node.expression) {
                    else {
                        write("void 0");
                    write(" };");
                emitToken(94, node.pos);
                emitOptional(" ", node.expression);
            function emitWithStatement(node) {
                write("with (");
            function emitSwitchStatement(node) {
                var endPos = emitToken(96, node.pos);
                write(" ");
                emitToken(17, endPos);
                endPos = emitToken(18, node.expression.end);
                write(" ");
                var saveAllowedNonLabeledJumps;
                if (convertedLoopState) {
                    saveAllowedNonLabeledJumps = convertedLoopState.allowedNonLabeledJumps;
                    convertedLoopState.allowedNonLabeledJumps |= 2;
                emitCaseBlock(node.caseBlock, endPos);
                if (convertedLoopState) {
                    convertedLoopState.allowedNonLabeledJumps = saveAllowedNonLabeledJumps;
            function emitCaseBlock(node, startPos) {
                emitToken(15, startPos);
                emitToken(16, node.clauses.end);
            function nodeStartPositionsAreOnSameLine(node1, node2) {
                return ts.getLineOfLocalPositionFromLineMap(currentLineMap, ts.skipTrivia(currentText, node1.pos)) ===
                    ts.getLineOfLocalPositionFromLineMap(currentLineMap, ts.skipTrivia(currentText, node2.pos));
            function nodeEndPositionsAreOnSameLine(node1, node2) {
                return ts.getLineOfLocalPositionFromLineMap(currentLineMap, node1.end) ===
                    ts.getLineOfLocalPositionFromLineMap(currentLineMap, node2.end);
            function nodeEndIsOnSameLineAsNodeStart(node1, node2) {
                return ts.getLineOfLocalPositionFromLineMap(currentLineMap, node1.end) ===
                    ts.getLineOfLocalPositionFromLineMap(currentLineMap, ts.skipTrivia(currentText, node2.pos));
            function emitCaseOrDefaultClause(node) {
                if (node.kind === 249) {
                    write("case ");
                else {
                if (node.statements.length === 1 && nodeStartPositionsAreOnSameLine(node, node.statements[0])) {
                    write(" ");
                else {
            function emitThrowStatement(node) {
                write("throw ");
            function emitTryStatement(node) {
                write("try ");
                if (node.finallyBlock) {
                    write("finally ");
            function emitCatchClause(node) {
                var endPos = emitToken(72, node.pos);
                write(" ");
                emitToken(17, endPos);
                emitToken(18, node.variableDeclaration ? node.variableDeclaration.end : endPos);
                write(" ");
            function emitDebuggerStatement(node) {
                emitToken(76, node.pos);
            function emitLabelAndColon(node) {
                write(": ");
            function emitLabeledStatement(node) {
                if (!ts.isIterationStatement(node.statement, false) || !shouldConvertLoopBody(node.statement)) {
                if (convertedLoopState) {
                    if (!convertedLoopState.labels) {
                        convertedLoopState.labels = ts.createMap();
                    convertedLoopState.labels[node.label.text] = node.label.text;
                if (convertedLoopState) {
                    convertedLoopState.labels[node.label.text] = undefined;
            function getContainingModule(node) {
                do {
                    node = node.parent;
                } while (node && node.kind !== 225);
                return node;
            function emitContainingModuleName(node) {
                var container = getContainingModule(node);
                write(container ? getGeneratedNameForNode(container) : "exports");
            function emitModuleMemberName(node) {
                if (ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(node) & 1) {
                    var container = getContainingModule(node);
                    if (container) {
                    else if (modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.ES6 && modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.System) {
            function createVoidZero() {
                var zero = ts.createSynthesizedNode(8);
                zero.text = "0";
                var result = ts.createSynthesizedNode(183);
                result.expression = zero;
                return result;
            function emitEs6ExportDefaultCompat(node) {
                if (node.parent.kind === 256) {
                    ts.Debug.assert(!!(node.flags & 512) || node.kind === 235);
                    if (modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS || modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.AMD || modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.UMD) {
                        if (!isEs6Module) {
                            if (languageVersion !== 0) {
                                write('Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });');
                            else {
                                write("exports.__esModule = true;");
            function emitExportMemberAssignment(node) {
                if (node.flags & 1) {
                    if (modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.System && node.parent === currentSourceFile) {
                        write(exportFunctionForFile + "(\"");
                        if (node.flags & 512) {
                        else {
                        write("\", ");
                    else {
                        if (node.flags & 512) {
                            if (languageVersion === 0) {
                            else {
                        else {
                        write(" = ");
            function emitExportMemberAssignments(name) {
                if (modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.System) {
                if (!exportEquals && exportSpecifiers && name.text in exportSpecifiers) {
                    for (var _a = 0, _b = exportSpecifiers[name.text]; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                        var specifier = _b[_a];
                        write(" = ");
            function emitExportSpecifierInSystemModule(specifier) {
                ts.Debug.assert(modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.System);
                if (!resolver.getReferencedValueDeclaration(specifier.propertyName || && !resolver.isValueAliasDeclaration(specifier)) {
                write(exportFunctionForFile + "(\"");
                write("\", ");
                emitExpressionIdentifier(specifier.propertyName ||;
            function emitAssignment(name, value, shouldEmitCommaBeforeAssignment, nodeForSourceMap) {
                if (shouldEmitCommaBeforeAssignment) {
                    write(", ");
                var exportChanged = isNameOfExportedSourceLevelDeclarationInSystemExternalModule(name);
                if (exportChanged) {
                    write(exportFunctionForFile + "(\"");
                    write("\", ");
                var isVariableDeclarationOrBindingElement = name.parent && (name.parent.kind === 218 || name.parent.kind === 169);
                emitStart(isFirstVariableDeclaration(nodeForSourceMap) ? nodeForSourceMap.parent : nodeForSourceMap);
                withTemporaryNoSourceMap(function () {
                    if (isVariableDeclarationOrBindingElement) {
                    else {
                    write(" = ");
                emitEnd(nodeForSourceMap, true);
                if (exportChanged) {
            function emitTempVariableAssignment(expression, canDefineTempVariablesInPlace, shouldEmitCommaBeforeAssignment, sourceMapNode) {
                var identifier = createTempVariable(0);
                if (!canDefineTempVariablesInPlace) {
                emitAssignment(identifier, expression, shouldEmitCommaBeforeAssignment, sourceMapNode || expression.parent);
                return identifier;
            function isFirstVariableDeclaration(root) {
                return root.kind === 218 &&
                    root.parent.kind === 219 &&
                    root.parent.declarations[0] === root;
            function emitDestructuring(root, isAssignmentExpressionStatement, value) {
                var emitCount = 0;
                var canDefineTempVariablesInPlace = false;
                if (root.kind === 218) {
                    var isExported = ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(root) & 1;
                    var isSourceLevelForSystemModuleKind = shouldHoistDeclarationInSystemJsModule(root);
                    canDefineTempVariablesInPlace = !isExported && !isSourceLevelForSystemModuleKind;
                else if (root.kind === 142) {
                    canDefineTempVariablesInPlace = true;
                if (root.kind === 187) {
                else {
                    if (isFirstVariableDeclaration(root)) {
                    emitBindingElement(root, value);
                function ensureIdentifier(expr, reuseIdentifierExpressions, sourceMapNode) {
                    if (expr.kind === 69 && reuseIdentifierExpressions) {
                        return expr;
                    var identifier = emitTempVariableAssignment(expr, canDefineTempVariablesInPlace, emitCount > 0, sourceMapNode);
                    return identifier;
                function createDefaultValueCheck(value, defaultValue, sourceMapNode) {
                    value = ensureIdentifier(value, true, sourceMapNode);
                    var equals = ts.createSynthesizedNode(187);
                    equals.left = value;
                    equals.operatorToken = ts.createSynthesizedNode(32);
                    equals.right = createVoidZero();
                    return createConditionalExpression(equals, defaultValue, value);
                function createConditionalExpression(condition, whenTrue, whenFalse) {
                    var cond = ts.createSynthesizedNode(188);
                    cond.condition = condition;
                    cond.questionToken = ts.createSynthesizedNode(53);
                    cond.whenTrue = whenTrue;
                    cond.colonToken = ts.createSynthesizedNode(54);
                    cond.whenFalse = whenFalse;
                    return cond;
                function createNumericLiteral(value) {
                    var node = ts.createSynthesizedNode(8);
                    node.text = "" + value;
                    return node;
                function createPropertyAccessForDestructuringProperty(object, propName) {
                    var index;
                    var nameIsComputed = propName.kind === 140;
                    if (nameIsComputed) {
                        index = ensureIdentifier(propName.expression, false, propName);
                    else {
                        index = ts.createSynthesizedNode(propName.kind);
                        index.text = ts.unescapeIdentifier(propName.text);
                    return !nameIsComputed && index.kind === 69
                        ? createPropertyAccessExpression(object, index)
                        : createElementAccessExpression(object, index);
                function createSliceCall(value, sliceIndex) {
                    var call = ts.createSynthesizedNode(174);
                    var sliceIdentifier = ts.createSynthesizedNode(69);
                    sliceIdentifier.text = "slice";
                    call.expression = createPropertyAccessExpression(value, sliceIdentifier);
                    call.arguments = ts.createSynthesizedNodeArray();
                    call.arguments[0] = createNumericLiteral(sliceIndex);
                    return call;
                function emitObjectLiteralAssignment(target, value, sourceMapNode) {
                    var properties =;
                    if (properties.length !== 1) {
                        value = ensureIdentifier(value, true, sourceMapNode);
                    for (var _a = 0, properties_5 = properties; _a < properties_5.length; _a++) {
                        var p = properties_5[_a];
                        if (p.kind === 253 || p.kind === 254) {
                            var propName =;
                            var target_1 = p.kind === 254 ? p : p.initializer || propName;
                            emitDestructuringAssignment(target_1, createPropertyAccessForDestructuringProperty(value, propName), p);
                function emitArrayLiteralAssignment(target, value, sourceMapNode) {
                    var elements = target.elements;
                    if (elements.length !== 1) {
                        value = ensureIdentifier(value, true, sourceMapNode);
                    for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
                        var e = elements[i];
                        if (e.kind !== 193) {
                            if (e.kind !== 191) {
                                emitDestructuringAssignment(e, createElementAccessExpression(value, createNumericLiteral(i)), e);
                            else if (i === elements.length - 1) {
                                emitDestructuringAssignment(e.expression, createSliceCall(value, i), e);
                function emitDestructuringAssignment(target, value, sourceMapNode) {
                    if (target.kind === 254) {
                        if (target.objectAssignmentInitializer) {
                            value = createDefaultValueCheck(value, target.objectAssignmentInitializer, sourceMapNode);
                        target =;
                    else if (target.kind === 187 && target.operatorToken.kind === 56) {
                        value = createDefaultValueCheck(value, target.right, sourceMapNode);
                        target = target.left;
                    if (target.kind === 171) {
                        emitObjectLiteralAssignment(target, value, sourceMapNode);
                    else if (target.kind === 170) {
                        emitArrayLiteralAssignment(target, value, sourceMapNode);
                    else {
                        emitAssignment(target, value, emitCount > 0, sourceMapNode);
                function emitAssignmentExpression(root) {
                    var target = root.left;
                    var value = root.right;
                    if (ts.isEmptyObjectLiteralOrArrayLiteral(target)) {
                    else if (isAssignmentExpressionStatement) {
                        emitDestructuringAssignment(target, value, ts.nodeIsSynthesized(root) ? target : root);
                    else {
                        if (root.parent.kind !== 178) {
                        value = ensureIdentifier(value, true, root);
                        emitDestructuringAssignment(target, value, root);
                        write(", ");
                        if (root.parent.kind !== 178) {
                function emitBindingElement(target, value) {
                    if (target.initializer) {
                        value = value ? createDefaultValueCheck(value, target.initializer, target) : target.initializer;
                    else if (!value) {
                        value = createVoidZero();
                    if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                        var pattern =;
                        var elements = pattern.elements;
                        var numElements = elements.length;
                        if (numElements !== 1) {
                            value = ensureIdentifier(value, numElements !== 0, target);
                        for (var i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
                            var element = elements[i];
                            if (pattern.kind === 167) {
                                var propName = element.propertyName ||;
                                emitBindingElement(element, createPropertyAccessForDestructuringProperty(value, propName));
                            else if (element.kind !== 193) {
                                if (!element.dotDotDotToken) {
                                    emitBindingElement(element, createElementAccessExpression(value, createNumericLiteral(i)));
                                else if (i === numElements - 1) {
                                    emitBindingElement(element, createSliceCall(value, i));
                    else {
                        emitAssignment(, value, emitCount > 0, target);
            function emitVariableDeclaration(node) {
                if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                    var isExported = ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(node) & 1;
                    if (languageVersion >= 2 && (!isExported || modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.ES6)) {
                        var isTopLevelDeclarationInSystemModule = modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.System &&
                            shouldHoistVariable(node, true);
                        if (isTopLevelDeclarationInSystemModule) {
                        emitOptional(" = ", node.initializer);
                        if (isTopLevelDeclarationInSystemModule) {
                    else {
                        emitDestructuring(node, false);
                else {
                    var initializer = node.initializer;
                    if (!initializer &&
                        languageVersion < 2 &&
               === 69) {
                        var container = ts.getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer(node);
                        var flags = resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node);
                        var isCapturedInFunction = flags & 131072;
                        var isDeclaredInLoop = flags & 262144;
                        var emittedAsTopLevel = ts.isBlockScopedContainerTopLevel(container) ||
                            (isCapturedInFunction && isDeclaredInLoop && container.kind === 199 && ts.isIterationStatement(container.parent, false));
                        var emittedAsNestedLetDeclaration = ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(node) & 1024 &&
                        var emitExplicitInitializer = emittedAsNestedLetDeclaration &&
                            container.kind !== 207 &&
                            container.kind !== 208 &&
                            (!resolver.isDeclarationWithCollidingName(node) ||
                                (isDeclaredInLoop && !isCapturedInFunction && !ts.isIterationStatement(container, false)));
                        if (emitExplicitInitializer) {
                            initializer = createVoidZero();
                    var exportChanged = isNameOfExportedSourceLevelDeclarationInSystemExternalModule(;
                    if (exportChanged) {
                        write(exportFunctionForFile + "(\"");
                        write("\", ");
                    emitOptional(" = ", initializer);
                    if (exportChanged) {
            function emitExportVariableAssignments(node) {
                if (node.kind === 193) {
                var name =;
                if (name.kind === 69) {
                else if (ts.isBindingPattern(name)) {
                    ts.forEach(name.elements, emitExportVariableAssignments);
            function isES6ExportedDeclaration(node) {
                return !!(node.flags & 1) &&
                    modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.ES6 &&
                    node.parent.kind === 256;
            function emitVariableStatement(node) {
                var startIsEmitted = false;
                if (node.flags & 1) {
                    if (isES6ExportedDeclaration(node)) {
                        write("export ");
                        startIsEmitted = tryEmitStartOfVariableDeclarationList(node.declarationList);
                else {
                    startIsEmitted = tryEmitStartOfVariableDeclarationList(node.declarationList);
                if (startIsEmitted) {
                else {
                    var atLeastOneItem = emitVariableDeclarationListSkippingUninitializedEntries(node.declarationList);
                    if (atLeastOneItem) {
                if (modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.ES6 && node.parent === currentSourceFile) {
                    ts.forEach(node.declarationList.declarations, emitExportVariableAssignments);
            function shouldEmitLeadingAndTrailingCommentsForVariableStatement(node) {
                if (!(node.flags & 1)) {
                    return true;
                if (isES6ExportedDeclaration(node)) {
                    return true;
                for (var _a = 0, _b = node.declarationList.declarations; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                    var declaration = _b[_a];
                    if (declaration.initializer) {
                        return true;
                return false;
            function emitParameter(node) {
                if (languageVersion < 2) {
                    if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                        var name_29 = createTempVariable(0);
                        if (!tempParameters) {
                            tempParameters = [];
                    else {
                else {
                    if (node.dotDotDotToken) {
                    emitOptional(" = ", node.initializer);
            function emitDefaultValueAssignments(node) {
                if (languageVersion < 2) {
                    var tempIndex_1 = 0;
                    ts.forEach(node.parameters, function (parameter) {
                        if (parameter.dotDotDotToken) {
                        var paramName =, initializer = parameter.initializer;
                        if (ts.isBindingPattern(paramName)) {
                            var hasBindingElements = paramName.elements.length > 0;
                            if (hasBindingElements || initializer) {
                                write("var ");
                                if (hasBindingElements) {
                                    emitDestructuring(parameter, false, tempParameters[tempIndex_1]);
                                else {
                                    write(" = ");
                        else if (initializer) {
                            write("if (");
                            write(" === void 0)");
                            write(" { ");
                            write(" = ");
                            write("; }");
            function emitRestParameter(node) {
                if (languageVersion < 2 && ts.hasDeclaredRestParameter(node)) {
                    var restParam = node.parameters[node.parameters.length - 1];
                    if (ts.isBindingPattern( {
                    var skipThisCount = node.parameters.length && node.parameters[0].name.originalKeywordKind === 97 ? 1 : 0;
                    var restIndex = node.parameters.length - 1 - skipThisCount;
                    var tempName = createTempVariable(268435456).text;
                    write("var ");
                    write(" = [];");
                    write("for (");
                    write("var " + tempName + " = " + restIndex + ";");
                    write(" ");
                    write(tempName + " < arguments.length;");
                    write(" ");
                    write(tempName + "++");
                    write(") {");
                    write("[" + tempName + " - " + restIndex + "] = arguments[" + tempName + "];");
            function emitAccessor(node) {
                write(node.kind === 149 ? "get " : "set ");
            function shouldEmitAsArrowFunction(node) {
                return node.kind === 180 && languageVersion >= 2;
            function emitDeclarationName(node) {
                if ( {
                else {
            function shouldEmitFunctionName(node) {
                if (node.kind === 179) {
                    return !!;
                if (node.kind === 220) {
                    return !! || modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.ES6;
            function emitFunctionDeclaration(node) {
                if (ts.nodeIsMissing(node.body)) {
                    return emitCommentsOnNotEmittedNode(node);
                var kind = node.kind, parent = node.parent;
                if (kind !== 147 &&
                    kind !== 146 &&
                    parent &&
                    parent.kind !== 253 &&
                    parent.kind !== 174 &&
                    parent.kind !== 170) {
                if (!shouldEmitAsArrowFunction(node)) {
                    if (isES6ExportedDeclaration(node)) {
                        write("export ");
                        if (node.flags & 512) {
                            write("default ");
                    if (languageVersion >= 2 && node.asteriskToken) {
                    write(" ");
                if (shouldEmitFunctionName(node)) {
                if (modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.ES6 && kind === 220 && parent === currentSourceFile && {
                if (kind !== 147 &&
                    kind !== 146 &&
                    kind !== 180) {
            function emitCaptureThisForNodeIfNecessary(node) {
                if (resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node) & 4) {
                    write("var _this = this;");
            function emitSignatureParameters(node) {
                if (node) {
                    var parameters = node.parameters;
                    var skipCount = node.parameters.length && node.parameters[0].name.originalKeywordKind === 97 ? 1 : 0;
                    var omitCount = languageVersion < 2 && ts.hasDeclaredRestParameter(node) ? 1 : 0;
                    emitList(parameters, skipCount, parameters.length - omitCount - skipCount, false, false);
            function emitSignatureParametersForArrow(node) {
                if (node.parameters.length === 1 && node.pos === node.parameters[0].pos) {
            function emitAsyncFunctionBodyForES6(node) {
                var promiseConstructor = ts.getEntityNameFromTypeNode(node.type);
                var isArrowFunction = node.kind === 180;
                var hasLexicalArguments = (resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node) & 8192) !== 0;
                if (!isArrowFunction) {
                    write(" {");
                    if (resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node) & 4096) {
                        writeLines("\nconst _super = (function (geti, seti) {\n    const cache = Object.create(null);\n    return name => cache[name] || (cache[name] = { get value() { return geti(name); }, set value(v) { seti(name, v); } });\n})(name => super[name], (name, value) => super[name] = value);");
                    else if (resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node) & 2048) {
                        write("const _super = name => super[name];");
                write(" __awaiter(this");
                if (hasLexicalArguments) {
                    write(", arguments, ");
                else {
                    write(", void 0, ");
                if (languageVersion >= 2 || !promiseConstructor) {
                    write("void 0");
                else {
                    emitEntityNameAsExpression(promiseConstructor, false);
                write(", function* ()");
                if (!isArrowFunction) {
            function emitFunctionBody(node) {
                if (!node.body) {
                    write(" { }");
                else {
                    if (node.body.kind === 199) {
                        emitBlockFunctionBody(node, node.body);
                    else {
                        emitExpressionFunctionBody(node, node.body);
            function emitSignatureAndBody(node) {
                var saveConvertedLoopState = convertedLoopState;
                var saveTempFlags = tempFlags;
                var saveTempVariables = tempVariables;
                var saveTempParameters = tempParameters;
                convertedLoopState = undefined;
                tempFlags = 0;
                tempVariables = undefined;
                tempParameters = undefined;
                if (shouldEmitAsArrowFunction(node)) {
                    write(" =>");
                else {
                var isAsync = ts.isAsyncFunctionLike(node);
                if (isAsync) {
                else {
                if (!isES6ExportedDeclaration(node)) {
                ts.Debug.assert(convertedLoopState === undefined);
                convertedLoopState = saveConvertedLoopState;
                tempFlags = saveTempFlags;
                tempVariables = saveTempVariables;
                tempParameters = saveTempParameters;
            function emitFunctionBodyPreamble(node) {
            function emitExpressionFunctionBody(node, body) {
                if (languageVersion < 2 || node.flags & 256) {
                    emitDownLevelExpressionFunctionBody(node, body);
                write(" ");
                var current = body;
                while (current.kind === 177) {
                    current = current.expression;
                emitParenthesizedIf(body, current.kind === 171);
            function emitDownLevelExpressionFunctionBody(node, body) {
                write(" {");
                var outPos = writer.getTextPos();
                var preambleEmitted = writer.getTextPos() !== outPos;
                if (!preambleEmitted && nodeStartPositionsAreOnSameLine(node, body)) {
                    write(" ");
                    write("return ");
                    write(" ");
                else {
                    write("return ");
            function emitBlockFunctionBody(node, body) {
                write(" {");
                var initialTextPos = writer.getTextPos();
                var startIndex = emitDirectivePrologues(body.statements, true);
                var preambleEmitted = writer.getTextPos() !== initialTextPos;
                if (!preambleEmitted && nodeEndIsOnSameLineAsNodeStart(body, body)) {
                    for (var _a = 0, _b = body.statements; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                        var statement = _b[_a];
                        write(" ");
                    write(" ");
                else {
                    emitLinesStartingAt(body.statements, startIndex);
                emitToken(16, body.statements.end);
            function getSuperCallAtGivenIndex(ctor, index) {
                if (!ctor.body) {
                    return undefined;
                var statements = ctor.body.statements;
                if (!statements || index >= statements.length) {
                    return undefined;
                var statement = statements[index];
                if (statement.kind === 202) {
                    return ts.isSuperCallExpression(statement.expression) ? statement : undefined;
            function emitParameterPropertyAssignments(node) {
                ts.forEach(node.parameters, function (param) {
                    if (param.flags & 92) {
                        write(" = ");
            function emitMemberAccessForPropertyName(memberName) {
                if (memberName.kind === 9 || memberName.kind === 8) {
                else if (memberName.kind === 140) {
                else {
            function getInitializedProperties(node, isStatic) {
                var properties = [];
                for (var _a = 0, _b = node.members; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                    var member = _b[_a];
                    if (member.kind === 145 && isStatic === ((member.flags & 32) !== 0) && member.initializer) {
                return properties;
            function emitPropertyDeclarations(node, properties) {
                for (var _a = 0, properties_6 = properties; _a < properties_6.length; _a++) {
                    var property = properties_6[_a];
                    emitPropertyDeclaration(node, property);
            function emitPropertyDeclaration(node, property, receiver, isExpression) {
                if (receiver) {
                else {
                    if (property.flags & 32) {
                    else {
                write(" = ");
                if (!isExpression) {
            function emitMemberFunctionsForES5AndLower(node) {
                ts.forEach(node.members, function (member) {
                    if (member.kind === 198) {
                    else if (member.kind === 147 || node.kind === 146) {
                        if (!member.body) {
                            return emitCommentsOnNotEmittedNode(member);
                        emitClassMemberPrefix(node, member);
                        write(" = ");
                    else if (member.kind === 149 || member.kind === 150) {
                        var accessors = ts.getAllAccessorDeclarations(node.members, member);
                        if (member === accessors.firstAccessor) {
                            emitClassMemberPrefix(node, member);
                            write(", ");
                            write(", {");
                            if (accessors.getAccessor) {
                                write("get: ");
                                write("function ");
                            if (accessors.setAccessor) {
                                write("set: ");
                                write("function ");
                            write("enumerable: true,");
                            write("configurable: true");
            function emitMemberFunctionsForES6AndHigher(node) {
                for (var _a = 0, _b = node.members; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                    var member = _b[_a];
                    if ((member.kind === 147 || node.kind === 146) && !member.body) {
                    else if (member.kind === 147 ||
                        member.kind === 149 ||
                        member.kind === 150) {
                        if (member.flags & 32) {
                            write("static ");
                        if (member.kind === 149) {
                            write("get ");
                        else if (member.kind === 150) {
                            write("set ");
                        if (member.asteriskToken) {
                    else if (member.kind === 198) {
            function emitConstructor(node, baseTypeElement) {
                var saveConvertedLoopState = convertedLoopState;
                var saveTempFlags = tempFlags;
                var saveTempVariables = tempVariables;
                var saveTempParameters = tempParameters;
                convertedLoopState = undefined;
                tempFlags = 0;
                tempVariables = undefined;
                tempParameters = undefined;
                emitConstructorWorker(node, baseTypeElement);
                ts.Debug.assert(convertedLoopState === undefined);
                convertedLoopState = saveConvertedLoopState;
                tempFlags = saveTempFlags;
                tempVariables = saveTempVariables;
                tempParameters = saveTempParameters;
            function emitConstructorWorker(node, baseTypeElement) {
                var hasInstancePropertyWithInitializer = false;
                ts.forEach(node.members, function (member) {
                    if (member.kind === 148 && !member.body) {
                    if (member.kind === 145 && member.initializer && (member.flags & 32) === 0) {
                        hasInstancePropertyWithInitializer = true;
                var ctor = ts.getFirstConstructorWithBody(node);
                if (languageVersion >= 2 && !ctor && !hasInstancePropertyWithInitializer) {
                if (ctor) {
                emitStart(ctor || node);
                if (languageVersion < 2) {
                    write("function ");
                else {
                    if (ctor) {
                    else {
                var startIndex = 0;
                write(" {");
                if (ctor) {
                    startIndex = emitDirectivePrologues(ctor.body.statements, true);
                var superCall;
                if (ctor) {
                    if (baseTypeElement) {
                        superCall = getSuperCallAtGivenIndex(ctor, startIndex);
                        if (superCall) {
                else {
                    if (baseTypeElement) {
                        if (languageVersion < 2) {
                            write("_super.apply(this, arguments);");
                        else {
                emitPropertyDeclarations(node, getInitializedProperties(node, false));
                if (ctor) {
                    var statements = ctor.body.statements;
                    if (superCall) {
                        statements = statements.slice(1);
                    emitLinesStartingAt(statements, startIndex);
                if (ctor) {
                emitToken(16, ctor ? ctor.body.statements.end : node.members.end);
                emitEnd(ctor || node);
                if (ctor) {
            function emitClassExpression(node) {
                return emitClassLikeDeclaration(node);
            function emitClassDeclaration(node) {
                return emitClassLikeDeclaration(node);
            function emitClassLikeDeclaration(node) {
                if (languageVersion < 2) {
                else {
                if (modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.ES6 && node.parent === currentSourceFile && {
            function emitClassLikeDeclarationForES6AndHigher(node) {
                var decoratedClassAlias;
                var isHoistedDeclarationInSystemModule = shouldHoistDeclarationInSystemJsModule(node);
                var isDecorated = ts.nodeIsDecorated(node);
                var rewriteAsClassExpression = isDecorated || isHoistedDeclarationInSystemModule;
                if (node.kind === 221) {
                    if (rewriteAsClassExpression) {
                        if (isDecorated && resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node) & 524288) {
                            decoratedClassAlias = ts.unescapeIdentifier(makeUniqueName( ? : "default"));
                            decoratedClassAliases[ts.getNodeId(node)] = decoratedClassAlias;
                        if (isES6ExportedDeclaration(node) && !(node.flags & 512) && decoratedClassAlias === undefined) {
                            write("export ");
                        if (decoratedClassAlias !== undefined) {
                            write("let " + decoratedClassAlias);
                        else {
                            if (!isHoistedDeclarationInSystemModule) {
                                write("let ");
                        write(" = ");
                    else if (isES6ExportedDeclaration(node)) {
                        write("export ");
                        if (node.flags & 512) {
                            write("default ");
                var staticProperties = getInitializedProperties(node, true);
                var isClassExpressionWithStaticProperties = staticProperties.length > 0 && node.kind === 192;
                var generatedName;
                if (isClassExpressionWithStaticProperties) {
                    generatedName = ? getGeneratedNameForNode( : makeUniqueName("classExpression");
                    var synthesizedNode = ts.createSynthesizedNode(69);
                    synthesizedNode.text = generatedName;
                    write(" = ");
                if ( || (node.flags & 512 && (staticProperties.length > 0 || modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.ES6) && !rewriteAsClassExpression)) {
                    write(" ");
                var baseTypeNode = ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(node);
                if (baseTypeNode) {
                    write(" extends ");
                write(" {");
                emitConstructor(node, baseTypeNode);
                emitToken(16, node.members.end);
                if (rewriteAsClassExpression) {
                    if (decoratedClassAlias !== undefined) {
                        if (isES6ExportedDeclaration(node) && !(node.flags & 512)) {
                            write("export ");
                        write("let ");
                        write(" = " + decoratedClassAlias);
                    decoratedClassAliases[ts.getNodeId(node)] = undefined;
                if (isClassExpressionWithStaticProperties) {
                    for (var _a = 0, staticProperties_1 = staticProperties; _a < staticProperties_1.length; _a++) {
                        var property = staticProperties_1[_a];
                        emitPropertyDeclaration(node, property, generatedName, true);
                else {
                    emitPropertyDeclarations(node, staticProperties);
                    emitDecoratorsOfClass(node, decoratedClassAlias);
                if (!(node.flags & 1)) {
                if (modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.ES6) {
                else {
                    if (node.flags & 512) {
                        if (isDecorated) {
                            write("export default ");
                    else if (node.parent.kind !== 256) {
                        write(" = ");
            function emitClassLikeDeclarationBelowES6(node) {
                var isES6ExportedClass = isES6ExportedDeclaration(node);
                if (node.kind === 221) {
                    if (isES6ExportedClass && !(node.flags & 512)) {
                        write("export ");
                    if (!shouldHoistDeclarationInSystemJsModule(node)) {
                        write("var ");
                    write(" = ");
                write("(function (");
                var baseTypeNode = ts.getClassExtendsHeritageClauseElement(node);
                if (baseTypeNode) {
                write(") {");
                var saveTempFlags = tempFlags;
                var saveTempVariables = tempVariables;
                var saveTempParameters = tempParameters;
                var saveComputedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames = computedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames;
                var saveConvertedLoopState = convertedLoopState;
                convertedLoopState = undefined;
                tempFlags = 0;
                tempVariables = undefined;
                tempParameters = undefined;
                computedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames = undefined;
                if (baseTypeNode) {
                    write(", _super);");
                emitConstructor(node, baseTypeNode);
                emitPropertyDeclarations(node, getInitializedProperties(node, true));
                emitDecoratorsOfClass(node, undefined);
                emitToken(16, node.members.end, function () {
                    write("return ");
                ts.Debug.assert(convertedLoopState === undefined);
                convertedLoopState = saveConvertedLoopState;
                tempFlags = saveTempFlags;
                tempVariables = saveTempVariables;
                tempParameters = saveTempParameters;
                computedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames = saveComputedPropertyNamesToGeneratedNames;
                emitToken(16, node.members.end);
                if (baseTypeNode) {
                if (node.kind === 221) {
                if (node.kind === 221 && !isES6ExportedClass) {
                else if (isES6ExportedClass && (node.flags & 512)) {
                    write("export default ");
            function emitClassMemberPrefix(node, member) {
                if (!(member.flags & 32)) {
            function emitDecoratorsOfClass(node, decoratedClassAlias) {
                emitDecoratorsOfMembers(node, 0);
                emitDecoratorsOfMembers(node, 32);
                emitDecoratorsOfConstructor(node, decoratedClassAlias);
            function emitDecoratorsOfConstructor(node, decoratedClassAlias) {
                var decorators = node.decorators;
                var constructor = ts.getFirstConstructorWithBody(node);
                var firstParameterDecorator = constructor && ts.forEach(constructor.parameters, function (parameter) { return parameter.decorators; });
                if (!decorators && !firstParameterDecorator) {
                emitStart(node.decorators || firstParameterDecorator);
                if (decoratedClassAlias !== undefined) {
                    write(" = " + decoratedClassAlias);
                write(" = __decorate([");
                var decoratorCount = decorators ? decorators.length : 0;
                var argumentsWritten = emitList(decorators, 0, decoratorCount, true, false, false, true, function (decorator) { return emit(decorator.expression); });
                if (firstParameterDecorator) {
                    argumentsWritten += emitDecoratorsOfParameters(constructor, argumentsWritten > 0);
                emitSerializedTypeMetadata(node, argumentsWritten >= 0);
                write("], ");
                emitEnd(node.decorators || firstParameterDecorator);
            function emitDecoratorsOfMembers(node, staticFlag) {
                for (var _a = 0, _b = node.members; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                    var member = _b[_a];
                    if ((member.flags & 32) !== staticFlag) {
                    if (!ts.nodeCanBeDecorated(member)) {
                    var decorators = void 0;
                    var functionLikeMember = void 0;
                    if (ts.isAccessor(member)) {
                        var accessors = ts.getAllAccessorDeclarations(node.members, member);
                        if (member !== accessors.firstAccessor) {
                        decorators = accessors.firstAccessor.decorators;
                        if (!decorators && accessors.secondAccessor) {
                            decorators = accessors.secondAccessor.decorators;
                        functionLikeMember = accessors.setAccessor;
                    else {
                        decorators = member.decorators;
                        if (member.kind === 147) {
                            functionLikeMember = member;
                    var firstParameterDecorator = functionLikeMember && ts.forEach(functionLikeMember.parameters, function (parameter) { return parameter.decorators; });
                    if (!decorators && !firstParameterDecorator) {
                    emitStart(decorators || firstParameterDecorator);
                    var decoratorCount = decorators ? decorators.length : 0;
                    var argumentsWritten = emitList(decorators, 0, decoratorCount, true, false, false, true, function (decorator) { return emit(decorator.expression); });
                    if (firstParameterDecorator) {
                        argumentsWritten += emitDecoratorsOfParameters(functionLikeMember, argumentsWritten > 0);
                    emitSerializedTypeMetadata(member, argumentsWritten > 0);
                    write("], ");
                    emitClassMemberPrefix(node, member);
                    write(", ");
                    if (languageVersion > 0) {
                        if (member.kind !== 145) {
                            write(", null");
                        else {
                            write(", void 0");
                    emitEnd(decorators || firstParameterDecorator);
            function emitDecoratorsOfParameters(node, leadingComma) {
                var argumentsWritten = 0;
                if (node) {
                    var parameterIndex_1 = 0;
                    for (var _a = 0, _b = node.parameters; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                        var parameter = _b[_a];
                        if (ts.nodeIsDecorated(parameter)) {
                            var decorators = parameter.decorators;
                            argumentsWritten += emitList(decorators, 0, decorators.length, true, false, leadingComma, true, function (decorator) {
                                write("__param(" + parameterIndex_1 + ", ");
                            leadingComma = true;
                return argumentsWritten;
            function shouldEmitTypeMetadata(node) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 147:
                    case 149:
                    case 150:
                    case 145:
                        return true;
                return false;
            function shouldEmitReturnTypeMetadata(node) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 147:
                        return true;
                return false;
            function shouldEmitParamTypesMetadata(node) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 221:
                    case 147:
                    case 150:
                        return true;
                return false;
            function emitSerializedTypeOfNode(node) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 221:
                    case 145:
                    case 142:
                    case 149:
                    case 150:
                if (ts.isFunctionLike(node)) {
                write("void 0");
            function emitSerializedTypeNode(node) {
                if (node) {
                    switch (node.kind) {
                        case 103:
                            write("void 0");
                        case 164:
                        case 156:
                        case 157:
                        case 160:
                        case 161:
                        case 154:
                        case 120:
                        case 132:
                        case 166:
                        case 130:
                        case 133:
                        case 155:
                        case 158:
                        case 159:
                        case 162:
                        case 163:
                        case 117:
                        case 165:
                  "Cannot serialize unexpected type node.");
            function emitSerializedTypeReferenceNode(node) {
                var location = node.parent;
                while (ts.isDeclaration(location) || ts.isTypeNode(location)) {
                    location = location.parent;
                var typeName = ts.cloneEntityName(node.typeName, location);
                var result = resolver.getTypeReferenceSerializationKind(typeName);
                switch (result) {
                    case ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.Unknown:
                        var temp = createAndRecordTempVariable(0);
                        write("(typeof (");
                        write(" = ");
                        emitEntityNameAsExpression(typeName, true);
                        write(") === 'function' && ");
                        write(") || Object");
                    case ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.TypeWithConstructSignatureAndValue:
                        emitEntityNameAsExpression(typeName, false);
                    case ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.VoidType:
                        write("void 0");
                    case ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.BooleanType:
                    case ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.NumberLikeType:
                    case ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.StringLikeType:
                    case ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.ArrayLikeType:
                    case ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.ESSymbolType:
                        if (languageVersion < 2) {
                            write("typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol : Object");
                        else {
                    case ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.TypeWithCallSignature:
                    case ts.TypeReferenceSerializationKind.ObjectType:
            function emitSerializedParameterTypesOfNode(node) {
                if (node) {
                    var valueDeclaration = void 0;
                    if (node.kind === 221) {
                        valueDeclaration = ts.getFirstConstructorWithBody(node);
                    else if (ts.isFunctionLike(node) && ts.nodeIsPresent(node.body)) {
                        valueDeclaration = node;
                    if (valueDeclaration) {
                        var parameters = valueDeclaration.parameters;
                        var skipThisCount = parameters.length && parameters[0].name.originalKeywordKind === 97 ? 1 : 0;
                        var parameterCount = parameters.length;
                        if (parameterCount > skipThisCount) {
                            for (var i = skipThisCount; i < parameterCount; i++) {
                                if (i > skipThisCount) {
                                    write(", ");
                                if (parameters[i].dotDotDotToken) {
                                    var parameterType = parameters[i].type;
                                    if (parameterType && parameterType.kind === 160) {
                                        parameterType = parameterType.elementType;
                                    else if (parameterType && parameterType.kind === 155 && parameterType.typeArguments && parameterType.typeArguments.length === 1) {
                                        parameterType = parameterType.typeArguments[0];
                                    else {
                                        parameterType = undefined;
                                else {
            function emitSerializedReturnTypeOfNode(node) {
                if (node && ts.isFunctionLike(node)) {
                    if (node.type) {
                    else if (ts.isAsyncFunctionLike(node)) {
                write("void 0");
            function emitSerializedTypeMetadata(node, writeComma) {
                var argumentsWritten = 0;
                if (compilerOptions.emitDecoratorMetadata) {
                    if (shouldEmitTypeMetadata(node)) {
                        if (writeComma) {
                            write(", ");
                        write("__metadata('design:type', ");
                    if (shouldEmitParamTypesMetadata(node)) {
                        if (writeComma || argumentsWritten) {
                            write(", ");
                        write("__metadata('design:paramtypes', [");
                    if (shouldEmitReturnTypeMetadata(node)) {
                        if (writeComma || argumentsWritten) {
                            write(", ");
                        write("__metadata('design:returntype', ");
                return argumentsWritten;
            function emitInterfaceDeclaration(node) {
            function shouldEmitEnumDeclaration(node) {
                var isConstEnum = ts.isConst(node);
                return !isConstEnum || compilerOptions.preserveConstEnums || compilerOptions.isolatedModules;
            function emitEnumDeclaration(node) {
                if (!shouldEmitEnumDeclaration(node)) {
                if (!shouldHoistDeclarationInSystemJsModule(node)) {
                    var isES6ExportedEnum = isES6ExportedDeclaration(node);
                    if (!(node.flags & 1) || (isES6ExportedEnum && isFirstDeclarationOfKind(node, node.symbol && node.symbol.declarations, 224))) {
                        if (isES6ExportedEnum) {
                            write("export ");
                        write("var ");
                write("(function (");
                write(") {");
                emitToken(16, node.members.end);
                write(" || (");
                write(" = {}));");
                if (!isES6ExportedDeclaration(node) && node.flags & 1 && !shouldHoistDeclarationInSystemJsModule(node)) {
                    write("var ");
                    write(" = ");
                if (modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.ES6 && node.parent === currentSourceFile) {
                    if (modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.System && (node.flags & 1)) {
                        write(exportFunctionForFile + "(\"");
                        write("\", ");
            function emitEnumMember(node) {
                var enumParent = node.parent;
                write("] = ");
                write("] = ");
            function writeEnumMemberDeclarationValue(member) {
                var value = resolver.getConstantValue(member);
                if (value !== undefined) {
                else if (member.initializer) {
                else {
            function getInnerMostModuleDeclarationFromDottedModule(moduleDeclaration) {
                if (moduleDeclaration.body && moduleDeclaration.body.kind === 225) {
                    var recursiveInnerModule = getInnerMostModuleDeclarationFromDottedModule(moduleDeclaration.body);
                    return recursiveInnerModule || moduleDeclaration.body;
            function shouldEmitModuleDeclaration(node) {
                return ts.isInstantiatedModule(node, compilerOptions.preserveConstEnums || compilerOptions.isolatedModules);
            function isModuleMergedWithES6Class(node) {
                return languageVersion === 2 && !!(resolver.getNodeCheckFlags(node) & 32768);
            function isFirstDeclarationOfKind(node, declarations, kind) {
                return !ts.forEach(declarations, function (declaration) { return declaration.kind === kind && declaration.pos < node.pos; });
            function emitModuleDeclaration(node) {
                var shouldEmit = shouldEmitModuleDeclaration(node);
                if (!shouldEmit) {
                    return emitCommentsOnNotEmittedNode(node);
                var hoistedInDeclarationScope = shouldHoistDeclarationInSystemJsModule(node);
                var emitVarForModule = !hoistedInDeclarationScope && !isModuleMergedWithES6Class(node);
                if (emitVarForModule) {
                    var isES6ExportedNamespace = isES6ExportedDeclaration(node);
                    if (!isES6ExportedNamespace || isFirstDeclarationOfKind(node, node.symbol && node.symbol.declarations, 225)) {
                        if (isES6ExportedNamespace) {
                            write("export ");
                        write("var ");
                write("(function (");
                write(") ");
                ts.Debug.assert(node.body !== undefined);
                if (node.body.kind === 226) {
                    var saveConvertedLoopState = convertedLoopState;
                    var saveTempFlags = tempFlags;
                    var saveTempVariables = tempVariables;
                    convertedLoopState = undefined;
                    tempFlags = 0;
                    tempVariables = undefined;
                    ts.Debug.assert(convertedLoopState === undefined);
                    convertedLoopState = saveConvertedLoopState;
                    tempFlags = saveTempFlags;
                    tempVariables = saveTempVariables;
                else {
                    var moduleBlock = getInnerMostModuleDeclarationFromDottedModule(node).body;
                    emitToken(16, moduleBlock.statements.end);
                if ((node.flags & 1) && !isES6ExportedDeclaration(node)) {
                    write(" = ");
                write(" || (");
                write(" = {}));");
                if (!isES6ExportedDeclaration(node) && === 69 && node.parent === currentSourceFile) {
                    if (modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.System && (node.flags & 1)) {
                        write(exportFunctionForFile + "(\"");
                        write("\", ");
            function tryRenameExternalModule(moduleName) {
                if (renamedDependencies && moduleName.text in renamedDependencies) {
                    return "\"" + renamedDependencies[moduleName.text] + "\"";
                return undefined;
            function emitRequire(moduleName) {
                if (moduleName.kind === 9) {
                    var text = tryRenameExternalModule(moduleName);
                    if (text) {
                    else {
                    emitToken(18, moduleName.end);
                else {
            function getNamespaceDeclarationNode(node) {
                if (node.kind === 229) {
                    return node;
                var importClause = node.importClause;
                if (importClause && importClause.namedBindings && importClause.namedBindings.kind === 232) {
                    return importClause.namedBindings;
            function isDefaultImport(node) {
                return node.kind === 230 && node.importClause && !!;
            function emitExportImportAssignments(node) {
                if (ts.isAliasSymbolDeclaration(node) && resolver.isValueAliasDeclaration(node)) {
                ts.forEachChild(node, emitExportImportAssignments);
            function emitImportDeclaration(node) {
                if (modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.ES6) {
                    return emitExternalImportDeclaration(node);
                if (node.importClause) {
                    var shouldEmitDefaultBindings = resolver.isReferencedAliasDeclaration(node.importClause);
                    var shouldEmitNamedBindings = node.importClause.namedBindings && resolver.isReferencedAliasDeclaration(node.importClause.namedBindings, true);
                    if (shouldEmitDefaultBindings || shouldEmitNamedBindings) {
                        write("import ");
                        if (shouldEmitDefaultBindings) {
                            if (shouldEmitNamedBindings) {
                                write(", ");
                        if (shouldEmitNamedBindings) {
                            if (node.importClause.namedBindings.kind === 232) {
                                write("* as ");
                            else {
                                write("{ ");
                                emitExportOrImportSpecifierList(node.importClause.namedBindings.elements, resolver.isReferencedAliasDeclaration);
                                write(" }");
                        write(" from ");
                else {
                    write("import ");
            function emitExternalImportDeclaration(node) {
                if (ts.contains(externalImports, node)) {
                    var isExportedImport = node.kind === 229 && (node.flags & 1) !== 0;
                    var namespaceDeclaration = getNamespaceDeclarationNode(node);
                    var varOrConst = (languageVersion <= 1) ? "var " : "const ";
                    if (modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.AMD) {
                        if (namespaceDeclaration && !isDefaultImport(node)) {
                            if (!isExportedImport) {
                            write(" = ");
                        else {
                            var isNakedImport = node.kind === 230 && !node.importClause;
                            if (!isNakedImport) {
                                write(" = ");
                        if (namespaceDeclaration && isDefaultImport(node)) {
                            write(", ");
                            write(" = ");
                    else {
                        if (isExportedImport) {
                            write(" = ");
                        else if (namespaceDeclaration && isDefaultImport(node)) {
                            write(" = ");
            function emitImportEqualsDeclaration(node) {
                if (ts.isExternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node)) {
                if (resolver.isReferencedAliasDeclaration(node) ||
                    (!isCurrentFileExternalModule && resolver.isTopLevelValueImportEqualsWithEntityName(node))) {
                    var variableDeclarationIsHoisted = shouldHoistVariable(node, true);
                    var isExported = isSourceFileLevelDeclarationInSystemJsModule(node, true);
                    if (!variableDeclarationIsHoisted) {
                        if (isES6ExportedDeclaration(node)) {
                            write("export ");
                            write("var ");
                        else if (!(node.flags & 1)) {
                            write("var ");
                    if (isExported) {
                        write(exportFunctionForFile + "(\"");
                        write("\", ");
                    write(" = ");
                    if (isExported) {
            function emitExportDeclaration(node) {
                ts.Debug.assert(modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.System);
                if (modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.ES6) {
                    if (node.moduleSpecifier && (!node.exportClause || resolver.isValueAliasDeclaration(node))) {
                        var generatedName = getGeneratedNameForNode(node);
                        if (node.exportClause) {
                            if (modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.AMD) {
                                write("var ");
                                write(" = ");
                            for (var _a = 0, _b = node.exportClause.elements; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                                var specifier = _b[_a];
                                if (resolver.isValueAliasDeclaration(specifier)) {
                                    write(" = ");
                                    emitNodeWithCommentsAndWithoutSourcemap(specifier.propertyName ||;
                        else {
                            if (hasExportStarsToExportValues && resolver.moduleExportsSomeValue(node.moduleSpecifier)) {
                                if (modulekind !== ts.ModuleKind.AMD) {
                                else {
                else {
                    if (!node.exportClause || resolver.isValueAliasDeclaration(node)) {
                        write("export ");
                        if (node.exportClause) {
                            write("{ ");
                            emitExportOrImportSpecifierList(node.exportClause.elements, resolver.isValueAliasDeclaration);
                            write(" }");
                        else {
                        if (node.moduleSpecifier) {
                            write(" from ");
            function emitExportOrImportSpecifierList(specifiers, shouldEmit) {
                ts.Debug.assert(modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.ES6);
                var needsComma = false;
                for (var _a = 0, specifiers_1 = specifiers; _a < specifiers_1.length; _a++) {
                    var specifier = specifiers_1[_a];
                    if (shouldEmit(specifier)) {
                        if (needsComma) {
                            write(", ");
                        if (specifier.propertyName) {
                            write(" as ");
                        needsComma = true;
            function emitExportAssignment(node) {
                if (!node.isExportEquals && resolver.isValueAliasDeclaration(node)) {
                    if (modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.ES6) {
                        write("export default ");
                        var expression = node.expression;
                        if (expression.kind !== 220 &&
                            expression.kind !== 221) {
                    else {
                        if (modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.System) {
                            write(exportFunctionForFile + "(\"default\",");
                        else {
                            if (languageVersion === 0) {
                                write('["default"] = ');
                            else {
                                write(".default = ");
            function collectExternalModuleInfo(sourceFile) {
                externalImports = [];
                exportSpecifiers = ts.createMap();
                exportEquals = undefined;
                hasExportStarsToExportValues = false;
                for (var _a = 0, _b = sourceFile.statements; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                    var node = _b[_a];
                    switch (node.kind) {
                        case 230:
                            if (!node.importClause ||
                                resolver.isReferencedAliasDeclaration(node.importClause, true)) {
                        case 229:
                            if (node.moduleReference.kind === 240 && resolver.isReferencedAliasDeclaration(node)) {
                        case 236:
                            if (node.moduleSpecifier) {
                                if (!node.exportClause) {
                                    if (resolver.moduleExportsSomeValue(node.moduleSpecifier)) {
                                        hasExportStarsToExportValues = true;
                                else if (resolver.isValueAliasDeclaration(node)) {
                            else {
                                for (var _c = 0, _d = node.exportClause.elements; _c < _d.length; _c++) {
                                    var specifier = _d[_c];
                                    var name_30 = (specifier.propertyName ||;
                                    (exportSpecifiers[name_30] || (exportSpecifiers[name_30] = [])).push(specifier);
                        case 235:
                            if (node.isExportEquals && !exportEquals) {
                                exportEquals = node;
            function emitExportStarHelper() {
                if (hasExportStarsToExportValues) {
                    write("function __export(m) {");
                    write("for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];");
            function getLocalNameForExternalImport(node) {
                var namespaceDeclaration = getNamespaceDeclarationNode(node);
                if (namespaceDeclaration && !isDefaultImport(node)) {
                    return ts.getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(currentText,;
                if (node.kind === 230 && node.importClause) {
                    return getGeneratedNameForNode(node);
                if (node.kind === 236 && node.moduleSpecifier) {
                    return getGeneratedNameForNode(node);
            function getExternalModuleNameText(importNode, emitRelativePathAsModuleName) {
                if (emitRelativePathAsModuleName) {
                    var name_31 = getExternalModuleNameFromDeclaration(host, resolver, importNode);
                    if (name_31) {
                        return "\"" + name_31 + "\"";
                var moduleName = ts.getExternalModuleName(importNode);
                if (moduleName.kind === 9) {
                    return tryRenameExternalModule(moduleName) || getLiteralText(moduleName);
                return undefined;
            function emitVariableDeclarationsForImports() {
                if (externalImports.length === 0) {
                var started = false;
                for (var _a = 0, externalImports_1 = externalImports; _a < externalImports_1.length; _a++) {
                    var importNode = externalImports_1[_a];
                    var skipNode = importNode.kind === 236 ||
                        (importNode.kind === 230 && !importNode.importClause);
                    if (skipNode) {
                    if (!started) {
                        write("var ");
                        started = true;
                    else {
                        write(", ");
                if (started) {
            function emitLocalStorageForExportedNamesIfNecessary(exportedDeclarations) {
                if (!hasExportStarsToExportValues) {
                    return undefined;
                if (!exportedDeclarations && !ts.someProperties(exportSpecifiers)) {
                    var hasExportDeclarationWithExportClause = false;
                    for (var _a = 0, externalImports_2 = externalImports; _a < externalImports_2.length; _a++) {
                        var externalImport = externalImports_2[_a];
                        if (externalImport.kind === 236 && externalImport.exportClause) {
                            hasExportDeclarationWithExportClause = true;
                    if (!hasExportDeclarationWithExportClause) {
                        return emitExportStarFunction(undefined);
                var exportedNamesStorageRef = makeUniqueName("exportedNames");
                write("var " + exportedNamesStorageRef + " = {");
                var started = false;
                if (exportedDeclarations) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < exportedDeclarations.length; i++) {
                if (exportSpecifiers) {
                    for (var n in exportSpecifiers) {
                        for (var _b = 0, _c = exportSpecifiers[n]; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
                            var specifier = _c[_b];
                for (var _d = 0, externalImports_3 = externalImports; _d < externalImports_3.length; _d++) {
                    var externalImport = externalImports_3[_d];
                    if (externalImport.kind !== 236) {
                    var exportDecl = externalImport;
                    if (!exportDecl.exportClause) {
                    for (var _e = 0, _f = exportDecl.exportClause.elements; _e < _f.length; _e++) {
                        var element = _f[_e];
                        writeExportedName( || element.propertyName);
                return emitExportStarFunction(exportedNamesStorageRef);
                function emitExportStarFunction(localNames) {
                    var exportStarFunction = makeUniqueName("exportStar");
                    write("function " + exportStarFunction + "(m) {");
                    write("var exports = {};");
                    write("for(var n in m) {");
                    write("if (n !== \"default\"");
                    if (localNames) {
                        write("&& !" + localNames + ".hasOwnProperty(n)");
                    write(") exports[n] = m[n];");
                    write(exportFunctionForFile + "(exports);");
                    return exportStarFunction;
                function writeExportedName(node) {
                    if (node.kind !== 69 && node.flags & 512) {
                    if (started) {
                    else {
                        started = true;
                    if (node.kind === 69) {
                    else {
                    write("': true");
            function processTopLevelVariableAndFunctionDeclarations(node) {
                var hoistedVars;
                var hoistedFunctionDeclarations;
                var exportedDeclarations;
                if (hoistedVars) {
                    write("var ");
                    var seen = ts.createMap();
                    for (var i = 0; i < hoistedVars.length; i++) {
                        var local = hoistedVars[i];
                        var name_32 = local.kind === 69
                            ? local
                        if (name_32) {
                            var text = ts.unescapeIdentifier(name_32.text);
                            if (text in seen) {
                            else {
                                seen[text] = text;
                        if (i !== 0) {
                            write(", ");
                        if (local.kind === 221 || local.kind === 225 || local.kind === 224) {
                        else {
                        var flags = ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(local.kind === 69 ? local.parent : local);
                        if (flags & 1) {
                            if (!exportedDeclarations) {
                                exportedDeclarations = [];
                if (hoistedFunctionDeclarations) {
                    for (var _a = 0, hoistedFunctionDeclarations_1 = hoistedFunctionDeclarations; _a < hoistedFunctionDeclarations_1.length; _a++) {
                        var f = hoistedFunctionDeclarations_1[_a];
                        if (f.flags & 1) {
                            if (!exportedDeclarations) {
                                exportedDeclarations = [];
                return exportedDeclarations;
                function visit(node) {
                    if (node.flags & 2) {
                    if (node.kind === 220) {
                        if (!hoistedFunctionDeclarations) {
                            hoistedFunctionDeclarations = [];
                    if (node.kind === 221) {
                        if (!hoistedVars) {
                            hoistedVars = [];
                    if (node.kind === 224) {
                        if (shouldEmitEnumDeclaration(node)) {
                            if (!hoistedVars) {
                                hoistedVars = [];
                    if (node.kind === 225) {
                        if (shouldEmitModuleDeclaration(node)) {
                            if (!hoistedVars) {
                                hoistedVars = [];
                    if (node.kind === 218 || node.kind === 169) {
                        if (shouldHoistVariable(node, false)) {
                            var name_33 =;
                            if (name_33.kind === 69) {
                                if (!hoistedVars) {
                                    hoistedVars = [];
                            else {
                                ts.forEachChild(name_33, visit);
                    if (ts.isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(node) && resolver.isValueAliasDeclaration(node)) {
                        if (!hoistedVars) {
                            hoistedVars = [];
                    if (ts.isBindingPattern(node)) {
                        ts.forEach(node.elements, visit);
                    if (!ts.isDeclaration(node)) {
                        ts.forEachChild(node, visit);
            function shouldHoistVariable(node, checkIfSourceFileLevelDecl) {
                if (checkIfSourceFileLevelDecl && !shouldHoistDeclarationInSystemJsModule(node)) {
                    return false;
                return (ts.getCombinedNodeFlags(node) & 3072) === 0 ||
                    ts.getEnclosingBlockScopeContainer(node).kind === 256;
            function isCurrentFileSystemExternalModule() {
                return modulekind === ts.ModuleKind.System && isCurrentFileExternalModule;
            function emitSystemModuleBody(node, dependencyGroups, startIndex) {
                var exportedDeclarations = processTopLevelVariableAndFunctionDeclarations(node);
                var exportStarFunction = emitLocalStorageForExportedNamesIfNecessary(exportedDeclarations);
                write("return {");
                emitSetters(exportStarFunction, dependencyGroups);
                emitExecute(node, startIndex);
            function emitSetters(exportStarFunction, dependencyGroups) {
                for (var i = 0; i < dependencyGroups.length; i++) {
                    if (i !== 0) {
                    var group = dependencyGroups[i];
                    var parameterName = makeUniqueName(ts.forEach(group, getLocalNameForExternalImport) || "");
                    write("function (" + parameterName + ") {");
                    for (var _a = 0, group_1 = group; _a < group_1.length; _a++) {
                        var entry = group_1[_a];
                        var importVariableName = getLocalNameForExternalImport(entry) || "";
                        switch (entry.kind) {
                            case 230:
                                if (!entry.importClause) {
                            case 229:
                                ts.Debug.assert(importVariableName !== "");
                                write(importVariableName + " = " + parameterName + ";");
                            case 236:
                                ts.Debug.assert(importVariableName !== "");
                                if (entry.exportClause) {
                                    write(exportFunctionForFile + "({");
                                    for (var i_1 = 0, len = entry.exportClause.elements.length; i_1 < len; i_1++) {
                                        if (i_1 !== 0) {
                                        var e = entry.exportClause.elements[i_1];
                                        write("\": " + parameterName + "[\"");
                                        emitNodeWithCommentsAndWithoutSourcemap(e.propertyName ||;
                                else {
                                    write(exportStarFunction + "(" + parameterName + ");");
            function emitExecute(node, startIndex) {
                write("execute: function() {");
                for (var i = startIndex; i < node.statements.length; i++) {
                    var statement = node.statements[i];
                    switch (statement.kind) {
                        case 220:
                        case 230:
                        case 236:
                            if (!statement.moduleSpecifier) {
                                for (var _a = 0, _b = statement.exportClause.elements; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                                    var element = _b[_a];
                        case 229:
                            if (!ts.isInternalModuleImportEqualsDeclaration(statement)) {
            function writeModuleName(node, emitRelativePathAsModuleName) {
                var moduleName = node.moduleName;
                if (moduleName || (emitRelativePathAsModuleName && (moduleName = getResolvedExternalModuleName(host, node)))) {
                    write("\"" + moduleName + "\", ");
            function emitSystemModule(node, emitRelativePathAsModuleName) {
                exportFunctionForFile = makeUniqueName("exports");
                contextObjectForFile = makeUniqueName("context");
                writeModuleName(node, emitRelativePathAsModuleName);
                var groupIndices = ts.createMap();
                var dependencyGroups = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < externalImports.length; i++) {
                    var text = getExternalModuleNameText(externalImports[i], emitRelativePathAsModuleName);
                    if (text === undefined) {
                    var key = text.substr(1, text.length - 2);
                    if (key in groupIndices) {
                        var groupIndex = groupIndices[key];
                    else {
                        groupIndices[key] = dependencyGroups.length;
                    if (i !== 0) {
                        write(", ");
                write("], function(" + exportFunctionForFile + ", " + contextObjectForFile + ") {");
                var startIndex = emitDirectivePrologues(node.statements, true, !compilerOptions.noImplicitUseStrict);
                write("var __moduleName = " + contextObjectForFile + " && " + contextObjectForFile + ".id;");
                emitSystemModuleBody(node, dependencyGroups, startIndex);
            function getAMDDependencyNames(node, includeNonAmdDependencies, emitRelativePathAsModuleName) {
                var aliasedModuleNames = [];
                var unaliasedModuleNames = [];
                var importAliasNames = [];
                for (var _a = 0, _b = node.amdDependencies; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                    var amdDependency = _b[_a];
                    if ( {
                        aliasedModuleNames.push('"' + amdDependency.path + '"');
                    else {
                        unaliasedModuleNames.push('"' + amdDependency.path + '"');
                for (var _c = 0, externalImports_4 = externalImports; _c < externalImports_4.length; _c++) {
                    var importNode = externalImports_4[_c];
                    var externalModuleName = getExternalModuleNameText(importNode, emitRelativePathAsModuleName);
                    var importAliasName = getLocalNameForExternalImport(importNode);
                    if (includeNonAmdDependencies && importAliasName) {
                    else {
                return { aliasedModuleNames: aliasedModuleNames, unaliasedModuleNames: unaliasedModuleNames, importAliasNames: importAliasNames };
            function emitAMDDependencies(node, includeNonAmdDependencies, emitRelativePathAsModuleName) {
                var dependencyNames = getAMDDependencyNames(node, includeNonAmdDependencies, emitRelativePathAsModuleName);
                write(", ");
            function emitAMDDependencyList(_a) {
                var aliasedModuleNames = _a.aliasedModuleNames, unaliasedModuleNames = _a.unaliasedModuleNames;
                write('["require", "exports"');
                if (aliasedModuleNames.length) {
                    write(", ");
                    write(aliasedModuleNames.join(", "));
                if (unaliasedModuleNames.length) {
                    write(", ");
                    write(unaliasedModuleNames.join(", "));
            function emitAMDFactoryHeader(_a) {
                var importAliasNames = _a.importAliasNames;
                write("function (require, exports");
                if (importAliasNames.length) {
                    write(", ");
                    write(importAliasNames.join(", "));
                write(") {");
            function emitAMDModule(node, emitRelativePathAsModuleName) {
                writeModuleName(node, emitRelativePathAsModuleName);
                emitAMDDependencies(node, true, emitRelativePathAsModuleName);
                var startIndex = emitDirectivePrologues(node.statements, true, !compilerOptions.noImplicitUseStrict);
                emitLinesStartingAt(node.statements, startIndex);
            function emitCommonJSModule(node) {
                var startIndex = emitDirectivePrologues(node.statements, false, !compilerOptions.noImplicitUseStrict);
                emitLinesStartingAt(node.statements, startIndex);
            function emitUMDModule(node) {
                var dependencyNames = getAMDDependencyNames(node, false);
                writeLines("(function (factory) {\n    if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object') {\n        var v = factory(require, exports); if (v !== undefined) module.exports = v;\n    }\n    else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n        define(");
                write(", factory);");
                writeLines("    }\n})(");
                var startIndex = emitDirectivePrologues(node.statements, true, !compilerOptions.noImplicitUseStrict);
                emitLinesStartingAt(node.statements, startIndex);
            function emitES6Module(node) {
                externalImports = undefined;
                exportSpecifiers = undefined;
                exportEquals = undefined;
                hasExportStarsToExportValues = false;
                var startIndex = emitDirectivePrologues(node.statements, false);
                emitLinesStartingAt(node.statements, startIndex);
            function emitExportEquals(emitAsReturn) {
                if (exportEquals && resolver.isValueAliasDeclaration(exportEquals)) {
                    write(emitAsReturn ? "return " : "module.exports = ");
            function emitJsxElement(node) {
                switch (compilerOptions.jsx) {
                    case 2:
                    case 1:
            function trimReactWhitespaceAndApplyEntities(node) {
                var result = undefined;
                var text = ts.getTextOfNode(node, true);
                var firstNonWhitespace = 0;
                var lastNonWhitespace = -1;
                for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
                    var c = text.charCodeAt(i);
                    if (ts.isLineBreak(c)) {
                        if (firstNonWhitespace !== -1 && (lastNonWhitespace - firstNonWhitespace + 1 > 0)) {
                            var part = text.substr(firstNonWhitespace, lastNonWhitespace - firstNonWhitespace + 1);
                            result = (result ? result + "\" + ' ' + \"" : "") + ts.escapeString(part);
                        firstNonWhitespace = -1;
                    else if (!ts.isWhiteSpaceSingleLine(c)) {
                        lastNonWhitespace = i;
                        if (firstNonWhitespace === -1) {
                            firstNonWhitespace = i;
                if (firstNonWhitespace !== -1) {
                    var part = text.substr(firstNonWhitespace);
                    result = (result ? result + "\" + ' ' + \"" : "") + ts.escapeString(part);
                if (result) {
                    result = result.replace(/&(\w+);/g, function (s, m) {
                        if (entities[m] !== undefined) {
                            var ch = String.fromCharCode(entities[m]);
                            return ch === '"' ? "\\\"" : ch;
                        else {
                            return s;
                return result;
            function isJsxChildEmittable(child) {
                if (child.kind === 248) {
                    return !!child.expression;
                else if (child.kind === 244) {
                    return !!getTextToEmit(child);
                return true;
            function getTextToEmit(node) {
                switch (compilerOptions.jsx) {
                    case 2:
                        var text = trimReactWhitespaceAndApplyEntities(node);
                        if (text === undefined || text.length === 0) {
                            return undefined;
                        else {
                            return text;
                    case 1:
                        return ts.getTextOfNode(node, true);
            function emitJsxText(node) {
                switch (compilerOptions.jsx) {
                    case 2:
                    case 1:
                        writer.writeLiteral(ts.getTextOfNode(node, true));
            function emitJsxExpression(node) {
                if (node.expression) {
                    switch (compilerOptions.jsx) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
            function isUseStrictPrologue(node) {
                return node.expression.text === "use strict";
            function ensureUseStrictPrologue(startWithNewLine, writeUseStrict) {
                if (writeUseStrict) {
                    if (startWithNewLine) {
                    write("\"use strict\";");
            function emitDirectivePrologues(statements, startWithNewLine, ensureUseStrict) {
                var foundUseStrict = false;
                for (var i = 0; i < statements.length; i++) {
                    if (ts.isPrologueDirective(statements[i])) {
                        if (isUseStrictPrologue(statements[i])) {
                            foundUseStrict = true;
                        if (startWithNewLine || i > 0) {
                    else {
                        ensureUseStrictPrologue(startWithNewLine || i > 0, !foundUseStrict && ensureUseStrict);
                        return i;
                ensureUseStrictPrologue(startWithNewLine, !foundUseStrict && ensureUseStrict);
                return statements.length;
            function writeLines(text) {
                var lines = text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g);
                for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
                    var line = lines[i];
                    if (line.length) {
            function emitEmitHelpers(node) {
                if (!compilerOptions.noEmitHelpers) {
                    if (languageVersion < 2 && !extendsEmitted && node.flags & 262144) {
                        extendsEmitted = true;
                    if (compilerOptions.jsx !== 1 && !assignEmitted && (node.flags & 1073741824)) {
                        assignEmitted = true;
                    if (!decorateEmitted && node.flags & 524288) {
                        if (compilerOptions.emitDecoratorMetadata) {
                        decorateEmitted = true;
                    if (!paramEmitted && node.flags & 1048576) {
                        paramEmitted = true;
                    if (!awaiterEmitted && node.flags & 2097152) {
                        awaiterEmitted = true;
            function emitSourceFileNode(node) {
                if (ts.isExternalModule(node) || compilerOptions.isolatedModules) {
                    if (isOwnFileEmit || (!ts.isExternalModule(node) && compilerOptions.isolatedModules)) {
                        var emitModule = moduleEmitDelegates[modulekind] || moduleEmitDelegates[ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS];
                    else {
                        bundleEmitDelegates[modulekind](node, true);
                else {
                    var startIndex = emitDirectivePrologues(node.statements, false);
                    externalImports = undefined;
                    exportSpecifiers = undefined;
                    exportEquals = undefined;
                    hasExportStarsToExportValues = false;
                    emitLinesStartingAt(node.statements, startIndex);
            function emit(node) {
                emitNodeConsideringCommentsOption(node, emitNodeWithSourceMap);
            function emitNodeWithCommentsAndWithoutSourcemap(node) {
                emitNodeConsideringCommentsOption(node, emitNodeWithoutSourceMap);
            function emitNodeConsideringCommentsOption(node, emitNodeConsideringSourcemap) {
                if (node) {
                    if (node.flags & 2) {
                        return emitCommentsOnNotEmittedNode(node);
                    if (isSpecializedCommentHandling(node)) {
                        return emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(node);
                    var emitComments_1 = shouldEmitLeadingAndTrailingComments(node);
                    if (emitComments_1) {
                    if (emitComments_1) {
            function emitNodeWithSourceMap(node) {
                if (node) {
            function emitNodeWithoutSourceMap(node) {
                if (node) {
            function changeSourceMapEmit(writer) {
                sourceMap = writer;
                emitStart = writer.emitStart;
                emitEnd = writer.emitEnd;
                emitPos = writer.emitPos;
                setSourceFile = writer.setSourceFile;
            function withTemporaryNoSourceMap(callback) {
                var prevSourceMap = sourceMap;
            function isSpecializedCommentHandling(node) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 222:
                    case 220:
                    case 230:
                    case 229:
                    case 223:
                    case 235:
                        return true;
            function shouldEmitLeadingAndTrailingComments(node) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 200:
                        return shouldEmitLeadingAndTrailingCommentsForVariableStatement(node);
                    case 225:
                        return shouldEmitModuleDeclaration(node);
                    case 224:
                        return shouldEmitEnumDeclaration(node);
                if (node.kind !== 199 &&
                    node.parent &&
                    node.parent.kind === 180 &&
                    node.parent.body === node &&
                    languageVersion <= 1) {
                    return false;
                return true;
            function emitJavaScriptWorker(node) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 69:
                        return emitIdentifier(node);
                    case 142:
                        return emitParameter(node);
                    case 147:
                    case 146:
                        return emitMethod(node);
                    case 149:
                    case 150:
                        return emitAccessor(node);
                    case 97:
                        return emitThis(node);
                    case 95:
                        return emitSuper(node);
                    case 93:
                        return write("null");
                    case 99:
                        return write("true");
                    case 84:
                        return write("false");
                    case 8:
                    case 9:
                    case 10:
                    case 11:
                    case 12:
                    case 13:
                    case 14:
                        return emitLiteral(node);
                    case 189:
                        return emitTemplateExpression(node);
                    case 197:
                        return emitTemplateSpan(node);
                    case 241:
                    case 242:
                        return emitJsxElement(node);
                    case 244:
                        return emitJsxText(node);
                    case 248:
                        return emitJsxExpression(node);
                    case 139:
                        return emitQualifiedName(node);
                    case 167:
                        return emitObjectBindingPattern(node);
                    case 168:
                        return emitArrayBindingPattern(node);
                    case 169:
                        return emitBindingElement(node);
                    case 170:
                        return emitArrayLiteral(node);
                    case 171:
                        return emitObjectLiteral(node);
                    case 253:
                        return emitPropertyAssignment(node);
                    case 254:
                        return emitShorthandPropertyAssignment(node);
                    case 140:
                        return emitComputedPropertyName(node);
                    case 172:
                        return emitPropertyAccess(node);
                    case 173:
                        return emitIndexedAccess(node);
                    case 174:
                        return emitCallExpression(node);
                    case 175:
                        return emitNewExpression(node);
                    case 176:
                        return emitTaggedTemplateExpression(node);
                    case 177:
                    case 195:
                    case 196:
                        return emit(node.expression);
                    case 178:
                        return emitParenExpression(node);
                    case 220:
                    case 179:
                    case 180:
                        return emitFunctionDeclaration(node);
                    case 181:
                        return emitDeleteExpression(node);
                    case 182:
                        return emitTypeOfExpression(node);
                    case 183:
                        return emitVoidExpression(node);
                    case 184:
                        return emitAwaitExpression(node);
                    case 185:
                        return emitPrefixUnaryExpression(node);
                    case 186:
                        return emitPostfixUnaryExpression(node);
                    case 187:
                        return emitBinaryExpression(node);
                    case 188:
                        return emitConditionalExpression(node);
                    case 191:
                        return emitSpreadElementExpression(node);
                    case 190:
                        return emitYieldExpression(node);
                    case 193:
                    case 199:
                    case 226:
                        return emitBlock(node);
                    case 200:
                        return emitVariableStatement(node);
                    case 201:
                        return write(";");
                    case 202:
                        return emitExpressionStatement(node);
                    case 203:
                        return emitIfStatement(node);
                    case 204:
                        return emitDoStatement(node);
                    case 205:
                        return emitWhileStatement(node);
                    case 206:
                        return emitForStatement(node);
                    case 208:
                    case 207:
                        return emitForInOrForOfStatement(node);
                    case 209:
                    case 210:
                        return emitBreakOrContinueStatement(node);
                    case 211:
                        return emitReturnStatement(node);
                    case 212:
                        return emitWithStatement(node);
                    case 213:
                        return emitSwitchStatement(node);
                    case 249:
                    case 250:
                        return emitCaseOrDefaultClause(node);
                    case 214:
                        return emitLabeledStatement(node);
                    case 215:
                        return emitThrowStatement(node);
                    case 216:
                        return emitTryStatement(node);
                    case 252:
                        return emitCatchClause(node);
                    case 217:
                        return emitDebuggerStatement(node);
                    case 218:
                        return emitVariableDeclaration(node);
                    case 192:
                        return emitClassExpression(node);
                    case 221:
                        return emitClassDeclaration(node);
                    case 222:
                        return emitInterfaceDeclaration(node);
                    case 224:
                        return emitEnumDeclaration(node);
                    case 255:
                        return emitEnumMember(node);
                    case 225:
                        return emitModuleDeclaration(node);
                    case 230:
                        return emitImportDeclaration(node);
                    case 229:
                        return emitImportEqualsDeclaration(node);
                    case 236:
                        return emitExportDeclaration(node);
                    case 235:
                        return emitExportAssignment(node);
                    case 256:
                        return emitSourceFileNode(node);
            function hasDetachedComments(pos) {
                return detachedCommentsInfo !== undefined && ts.lastOrUndefined(detachedCommentsInfo).nodePos === pos;
            function getLeadingCommentsWithoutDetachedComments() {
                var leadingComments = ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(currentText, ts.lastOrUndefined(detachedCommentsInfo).detachedCommentEndPos);
                if (detachedCommentsInfo.length - 1) {
                else {
                    detachedCommentsInfo = undefined;
                return leadingComments;
            function isTripleSlashComment(comment) {
                if (currentText.charCodeAt(comment.pos + 1) === 47 &&
                    comment.pos + 2 < comment.end &&
                    currentText.charCodeAt(comment.pos + 2) === 47) {
                    var textSubStr = currentText.substring(comment.pos, comment.end);
                    return textSubStr.match(ts.fullTripleSlashReferencePathRegEx) ||
                        textSubStr.match(ts.fullTripleSlashAMDReferencePathRegEx) ?
                        true : false;
                return false;
            function getLeadingCommentsToEmit(node) {
                if (node.parent) {
                    if (node.parent.kind === 256 || node.pos !== node.parent.pos) {
                        if (hasDetachedComments(node.pos)) {
                            return getLeadingCommentsWithoutDetachedComments();
                        else {
                            return ts.getLeadingCommentRangesOfNodeFromText(node, currentText);
            function getTrailingCommentsToEmit(node) {
                if (node.parent) {
                    if (node.parent.kind === 256 || node.end !== node.parent.end) {
                        return ts.getTrailingCommentRanges(currentText, node.end);
            function emitCommentsOnNotEmittedNode(node) {
                emitLeadingCommentsWorker(node, false);
            function emitLeadingComments(node) {
                return emitLeadingCommentsWorker(node, true);
            function emitLeadingCommentsWorker(node, isEmittedNode) {
                if (compilerOptions.removeComments) {
                var leadingComments;
                if (isEmittedNode) {
                    leadingComments = getLeadingCommentsToEmit(node);
                else {
                    if (node.pos === 0) {
                        leadingComments = ts.filter(getLeadingCommentsToEmit(node), isTripleSlashComment);
                ts.emitNewLineBeforeLeadingComments(currentLineMap, writer, node, leadingComments);
                ts.emitComments(currentText, currentLineMap, writer, leadingComments, true, newLine, writeComment);
            function emitTrailingComments(node) {
                if (compilerOptions.removeComments) {
                var trailingComments = getTrailingCommentsToEmit(node);
                ts.emitComments(currentText, currentLineMap, writer, trailingComments, false, newLine, writeComment);
            function emitTrailingCommentsOfPosition(pos) {
                if (compilerOptions.removeComments) {
                var trailingComments = ts.getTrailingCommentRanges(currentText, pos);
                ts.emitComments(currentText, currentLineMap, writer, trailingComments, true, newLine, writeComment);
            function emitLeadingCommentsOfPositionWorker(pos) {
                if (compilerOptions.removeComments) {
                var leadingComments;
                if (hasDetachedComments(pos)) {
                    leadingComments = getLeadingCommentsWithoutDetachedComments();
                else {
                    leadingComments = ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(currentText, pos);
                ts.emitNewLineBeforeLeadingComments(currentLineMap, writer, { pos: pos, end: pos }, leadingComments);
                ts.emitComments(currentText, currentLineMap, writer, leadingComments, true, newLine, writeComment);
            function emitDetachedCommentsAndUpdateCommentsInfo(node) {
                var currentDetachedCommentInfo = ts.emitDetachedComments(currentText, currentLineMap, writer, writeComment, node, newLine, compilerOptions.removeComments);
                if (currentDetachedCommentInfo) {
                    if (detachedCommentsInfo) {
                    else {
                        detachedCommentsInfo = [currentDetachedCommentInfo];
            function writeComment(text, lineMap, writer, comment, newLine) {
                ts.writeCommentRange(text, lineMap, writer, comment, newLine);
            function emitShebang() {
                var shebang = ts.getShebang(currentText);
                if (shebang) {
            var _a, _b;
        function emitFile(_a, sourceFiles, isBundledEmit, emitOnlyDtsFiles) {
            var jsFilePath = _a.jsFilePath, sourceMapFilePath = _a.sourceMapFilePath, declarationFilePath = _a.declarationFilePath;
            if (!emitOnlyDtsFiles) {
                if (!host.isEmitBlocked(jsFilePath) && !compilerOptions.noEmit) {
                    emitJavaScript(jsFilePath, sourceMapFilePath, sourceFiles, isBundledEmit);
                else {
                    emitSkipped = true;
            if (declarationFilePath) {
                emitSkipped = ts.writeDeclarationFile(declarationFilePath, sourceFiles, isBundledEmit, host, resolver, emitterDiagnostics, emitOnlyDtsFiles) || emitSkipped;
            if (!emitSkipped && emittedFilesList) {
                if (!emitOnlyDtsFiles) {
                    if (sourceMapFilePath) {
                if (declarationFilePath) {
    ts.emitFiles = emitFiles;
})(ts || (ts = {}));
var ts;
(function (ts) {
    ts.version = "2.0.8";
    var emptyArray = [];
    function findConfigFile(searchPath, fileExists, configName) {
        if (configName === void 0) { configName = "tsconfig.json"; }
        while (true) {
            var fileName = ts.combinePaths(searchPath, configName);
            if (fileExists(fileName)) {
                return fileName;
            var parentPath = ts.getDirectoryPath(searchPath);
            if (parentPath === searchPath) {
            searchPath = parentPath;
        return undefined;
    ts.findConfigFile = findConfigFile;
    function resolveTripleslashReference(moduleName, containingFile) {
        var basePath = ts.getDirectoryPath(containingFile);
        var referencedFileName = ts.isRootedDiskPath(moduleName) ? moduleName : ts.combinePaths(basePath, moduleName);
        return ts.normalizePath(referencedFileName);
    ts.resolveTripleslashReference = resolveTripleslashReference;
    function computeCommonSourceDirectoryOfFilenames(fileNames, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName) {
        var commonPathComponents;
        var failed = ts.forEach(fileNames, function (sourceFile) {
            var sourcePathComponents = ts.getNormalizedPathComponents(sourceFile, currentDirectory);
            if (!commonPathComponents) {
                commonPathComponents = sourcePathComponents;
            for (var i = 0, n = Math.min(commonPathComponents.length, sourcePathComponents.length); i < n; i++) {
                if (getCanonicalFileName(commonPathComponents[i]) !== getCanonicalFileName(sourcePathComponents[i])) {
                    if (i === 0) {
                        return true;
                    commonPathComponents.length = i;
            if (sourcePathComponents.length < commonPathComponents.length) {
                commonPathComponents.length = sourcePathComponents.length;
        if (failed) {
            return "";
        if (!commonPathComponents) {
            return currentDirectory;
        return ts.getNormalizedPathFromPathComponents(commonPathComponents);
    ts.computeCommonSourceDirectoryOfFilenames = computeCommonSourceDirectoryOfFilenames;
    var typeReferenceExtensions = [".d.ts"];
    function getEffectiveTypeRoots(options, host) {
        if (options.typeRoots) {
            return options.typeRoots;
        var currentDirectory;
        if (options.configFilePath) {
            currentDirectory = ts.getDirectoryPath(options.configFilePath);
        else if (host.getCurrentDirectory) {
            currentDirectory = host.getCurrentDirectory();
        return currentDirectory && getDefaultTypeRoots(currentDirectory, host);
    ts.getEffectiveTypeRoots = getEffectiveTypeRoots;
    function getDefaultTypeRoots(currentDirectory, host) {
        if (!host.directoryExists) {
            return [ts.combinePaths(currentDirectory, nodeModulesAtTypes)];
        var typeRoots;
        while (true) {
            var atTypes = ts.combinePaths(currentDirectory, nodeModulesAtTypes);
            if (host.directoryExists(atTypes)) {
                (typeRoots || (typeRoots = [])).push(atTypes);
            var parent_15 = ts.getDirectoryPath(currentDirectory);
            if (parent_15 === currentDirectory) {
            currentDirectory = parent_15;
        return typeRoots;
    var nodeModulesAtTypes = ts.combinePaths("node_modules", "@types");
    function resolveTypeReferenceDirective(typeReferenceDirectiveName, containingFile, options, host) {
        var traceEnabled = ts.isTraceEnabled(options, host);
        var moduleResolutionState = {
            compilerOptions: options,
            host: host,
            skipTsx: true,
            traceEnabled: traceEnabled
        var typeRoots = getEffectiveTypeRoots(options, host);
        if (traceEnabled) {
            if (containingFile === undefined) {
                if (typeRoots === undefined) {
                    ts.trace(host, ts.Diagnostics.Resolving_type_reference_directive_0_containing_file_not_set_root_directory_not_set, typeReferenceDirectiveName);
                else {
                    ts.trace(host, ts.Diagnostics.Resolving_type_reference_directive_0_containing_file_not_set_root_directory_1, typeReferenceDirectiveName, typeRoots);
            else {
                if (typeRoots === undefined) {
                    ts.trace(host, ts.Diagnostics.Resolving_type_reference_directive_0_containing_file_1_root_directory_not_set, typeReferenceDirectiveName, containingFile);
                else {
                    ts.trace(host, ts.Diagnostics.Resolving_type_reference_directive_0_containing_file_1_root_directory_2, typeReferenceDirectiveName, containingFile, typeRoots);
        var failedLookupLocations = [];
        if (typeRoots && typeRoots.length) {
            if (traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(host, ts.Diagnostics.Resolving_with_primary_search_path_0, typeRoots.join(", "));
            var primarySearchPaths = typeRoots;
            for (var _i = 0, primarySearchPaths_1 = primarySearchPaths; _i < primarySearchPaths_1.length; _i++) {
                var typeRoot = primarySearchPaths_1[_i];
                var candidate = ts.combinePaths(typeRoot, typeReferenceDirectiveName);
                var candidateDirectory = ts.getDirectoryPath(candidate);
                var resolvedFile_1 = ts.loadNodeModuleFromDirectory(typeReferenceExtensions, candidate, failedLookupLocations, !ts.directoryProbablyExists(candidateDirectory, host), moduleResolutionState);
                if (resolvedFile_1) {
                    if (traceEnabled) {
                        ts.trace(host, ts.Diagnostics.Type_reference_directive_0_was_successfully_resolved_to_1_primary_Colon_2, typeReferenceDirectiveName, resolvedFile_1, true);
                    return {
                        resolvedTypeReferenceDirective: { primary: true, resolvedFileName: resolvedFile_1 },
                        failedLookupLocations: failedLookupLocations
        else {
            if (traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(host, ts.Diagnostics.Root_directory_cannot_be_determined_skipping_primary_search_paths);
        var resolvedFile;
        var initialLocationForSecondaryLookup;
        if (containingFile) {
            initialLocationForSecondaryLookup = ts.getDirectoryPath(containingFile);
        if (initialLocationForSecondaryLookup !== undefined) {
            if (traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(host, ts.Diagnostics.Looking_up_in_node_modules_folder_initial_location_0, initialLocationForSecondaryLookup);
            resolvedFile = ts.loadModuleFromNodeModules(typeReferenceDirectiveName, initialLocationForSecondaryLookup, failedLookupLocations, moduleResolutionState, false);
            if (traceEnabled) {
                if (resolvedFile) {
                    ts.trace(host, ts.Diagnostics.Type_reference_directive_0_was_successfully_resolved_to_1_primary_Colon_2, typeReferenceDirectiveName, resolvedFile, false);
                else {
                    ts.trace(host, ts.Diagnostics.Type_reference_directive_0_was_not_resolved, typeReferenceDirectiveName);
        else {
            if (traceEnabled) {
                ts.trace(host, ts.Diagnostics.Containing_file_is_not_specified_and_root_directory_cannot_be_determined_skipping_lookup_in_node_modules_folder);
        return {
            resolvedTypeReferenceDirective: resolvedFile
                ? { primary: false, resolvedFileName: resolvedFile }
                : undefined,
            failedLookupLocations: failedLookupLocations
    ts.resolveTypeReferenceDirective = resolveTypeReferenceDirective;
    function createCompilerHost(options, setParentNodes) {
        var existingDirectories = ts.createMap();
        function getCanonicalFileName(fileName) {
            return ts.sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames ? fileName : fileName.toLowerCase();
        var unsupportedFileEncodingErrorCode = -2147024809;
        function getSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion, onError) {
            var text;
            try {
                text = ts.sys.readFile(fileName, options.charset);
                ts.performance.measure("I/O Read", "beforeIORead", "afterIORead");
            catch (e) {
                if (onError) {
                    onError(e.number === unsupportedFileEncodingErrorCode
                        ? ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Unsupported_file_encoding).messageText
                        : e.message);
                text = "";
            return text !== undefined ? ts.createSourceFile(fileName, text, languageVersion, setParentNodes) : undefined;
        function directoryExists(directoryPath) {
            if (directoryPath in existingDirectories) {
                return true;
            if (ts.sys.directoryExists(directoryPath)) {
                existingDirectories[directoryPath] = true;
                return true;
            return false;
        function ensureDirectoriesExist(directoryPath) {
            if (directoryPath.length > ts.getRootLength(directoryPath) && !directoryExists(directoryPath)) {
                var parentDirectory = ts.getDirectoryPath(directoryPath);
        var outputFingerprints;
        function writeFileIfUpdated(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark) {
            if (!outputFingerprints) {
                outputFingerprints = ts.createMap();
            var hash = ts.sys.createHash(data);
            var mtimeBefore = ts.sys.getModifiedTime(fileName);
            if (mtimeBefore && fileName in outputFingerprints) {
                var fingerprint = outputFingerprints[fileName];
                if (fingerprint.byteOrderMark === writeByteOrderMark &&
                    fingerprint.hash === hash &&
                    fingerprint.mtime.getTime() === mtimeBefore.getTime()) {
            ts.sys.writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark);
            var mtimeAfter = ts.sys.getModifiedTime(fileName);
            outputFingerprints[fileName] = {
                hash: hash,
                byteOrderMark: writeByteOrderMark,
                mtime: mtimeAfter
        function writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError) {
            try {
                if (ts.isWatchSet(options) && ts.sys.createHash && ts.sys.getModifiedTime) {
                    writeFileIfUpdated(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark);
                else {
                    ts.sys.writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark);
                ts.performance.measure("I/O Write", "beforeIOWrite", "afterIOWrite");
            catch (e) {
                if (onError) {
        function getDefaultLibLocation() {
            return ts.getDirectoryPath(ts.normalizePath(ts.sys.getExecutingFilePath()));
        var newLine = ts.getNewLineCharacter(options);
        var realpath = ts.sys.realpath && (function (path) { return ts.sys.realpath(path); });
        return {
            getSourceFile: getSourceFile,
            getDefaultLibLocation: getDefaultLibLocation,
            getDefaultLibFileName: function (options) { return ts.combinePaths(getDefaultLibLocation(), ts.getDefaultLibFileName(options)); },
            writeFile: writeFile,
            getCurrentDirectory: ts.memoize(function () { return ts.sys.getCurrentDirectory(); }),
            useCaseSensitiveFileNames: function () { return ts.sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames; },
            getCanonicalFileName: getCanonicalFileName,
            getNewLine: function () { return newLine; },
            fileExists: function (fileName) { return ts.sys.fileExists(fileName); },
            readFile: function (fileName) { return ts.sys.readFile(fileName); },
            trace: function (s) { return ts.sys.write(s + newLine); },
            directoryExists: function (directoryName) { return ts.sys.directoryExists(directoryName); },
            getDirectories: function (path) { return ts.sys.getDirectories(path); },
            realpath: realpath
    ts.createCompilerHost = createCompilerHost;
    function getPreEmitDiagnostics(program, sourceFile, cancellationToken) {
        var diagnostics = program.getOptionsDiagnostics(cancellationToken).concat(program.getSyntacticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken), program.getGlobalDiagnostics(cancellationToken), program.getSemanticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken));
        if (program.getCompilerOptions().declaration) {
            diagnostics = diagnostics.concat(program.getDeclarationDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken));
        return ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(diagnostics);
    ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics = getPreEmitDiagnostics;
    function formatDiagnostics(diagnostics, host) {
        var output = "";
        for (var _i = 0, diagnostics_2 = diagnostics; _i < diagnostics_2.length; _i++) {
            var diagnostic = diagnostics_2[_i];
            if (diagnostic.file) {
                var _a = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.file, diagnostic.start), line = _a.line, character = _a.character;
                var fileName = diagnostic.file.fileName;
                var relativeFileName = ts.convertToRelativePath(fileName, host.getCurrentDirectory(), function (fileName) { return host.getCanonicalFileName(fileName); });
                output += relativeFileName + "(" + (line + 1) + "," + (character + 1) + "): ";
            var category = ts.DiagnosticCategory[diagnostic.category].toLowerCase();
            output += category + " TS" + diagnostic.code + ": " + flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, host.getNewLine()) + host.getNewLine();
        return output;
    ts.formatDiagnostics = formatDiagnostics;
    function flattenDiagnosticMessageText(messageText, newLine) {
        if (typeof messageText === "string") {
            return messageText;
        else {
            var diagnosticChain = messageText;
            var result = "";
            var indent = 0;
            while (diagnosticChain) {
                if (indent) {
                    result += newLine;
                    for (var i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
                        result += "  ";
                result += diagnosticChain.messageText;
                diagnosticChain =;
            return result;
    ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText = flattenDiagnosticMessageText;
    function loadWithLocalCache(names, containingFile, loader) {
        if (names.length === 0) {
            return [];
        var resolutions = [];
        var cache = ts.createMap();
        for (var _i = 0, names_1 = names; _i < names_1.length; _i++) {
            var name_34 = names_1[_i];
            var result = name_34 in cache
                ? cache[name_34]
                : cache[name_34] = loader(name_34, containingFile);
        return resolutions;
    function getAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames(options, host) {
        if (options.types) {
            return options.types;
        var result = [];
        if (host.directoryExists && host.getDirectories) {
            var typeRoots = getEffectiveTypeRoots(options, host);
            if (typeRoots) {
                for (var _i = 0, typeRoots_1 = typeRoots; _i < typeRoots_1.length; _i++) {
                    var root = typeRoots_1[_i];
                    if (host.directoryExists(root)) {
                        for (var _a = 0, _b = host.getDirectories(root); _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                            var typeDirectivePath = _b[_a];
                            var normalized = ts.normalizePath(typeDirectivePath);
                            var packageJsonPath = ts.pathToPackageJson(ts.combinePaths(root, normalized));
                            var isNotNeededPackage = host.fileExists(packageJsonPath) && ts.readJson(packageJsonPath, host).typings === null;
                            if (!isNotNeededPackage) {
        return result;
    ts.getAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames = getAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames;
    function createProgram(rootNames, options, host, oldProgram) {
        var program;
        var files = [];
        var commonSourceDirectory;
        var diagnosticsProducingTypeChecker;
        var noDiagnosticsTypeChecker;
        var classifiableNames;
        var resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives = ts.createMap();
        var fileProcessingDiagnostics = ts.createDiagnosticCollection();
        var maxNodeModulesJsDepth = typeof options.maxNodeModuleJsDepth === "number" ? options.maxNodeModuleJsDepth : 0;
        var currentNodeModulesDepth = 0;
        var modulesWithElidedImports = ts.createMap();
        var sourceFilesFoundSearchingNodeModules = ts.createMap();
        host = host || createCompilerHost(options);
        var skipDefaultLib = options.noLib;
        var programDiagnostics = ts.createDiagnosticCollection();
        var currentDirectory = host.getCurrentDirectory();
        var supportedExtensions = ts.getSupportedExtensions(options);
        var hasEmitBlockingDiagnostics = ts.createFileMap(getCanonicalFileName);
        var resolveModuleNamesWorker;
        if (host.resolveModuleNames) {
            resolveModuleNamesWorker = function (moduleNames, containingFile) { return host.resolveModuleNames(moduleNames, containingFile); };
        else {
            var loader_1 = function (moduleName, containingFile) { return ts.resolveModuleName(moduleName, containingFile, options, host).resolvedModule; };
            resolveModuleNamesWorker = function (moduleNames, containingFile) { return loadWithLocalCache(moduleNames, containingFile, loader_1); };
        var resolveTypeReferenceDirectiveNamesWorker;
        if (host.resolveTypeReferenceDirectives) {
            resolveTypeReferenceDirectiveNamesWorker = function (typeDirectiveNames, containingFile) { return host.resolveTypeReferenceDirectives(typeDirectiveNames, containingFile); };
        else {
            var loader_2 = function (typesRef, containingFile) { return resolveTypeReferenceDirective(typesRef, containingFile, options, host).resolvedTypeReferenceDirective; };
            resolveTypeReferenceDirectiveNamesWorker = function (typeReferenceDirectiveNames, containingFile) { return loadWithLocalCache(typeReferenceDirectiveNames, containingFile, loader_2); };
        var filesByName = ts.createFileMap();
        var filesByNameIgnoreCase = host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames() ? ts.createFileMap(function (fileName) { return fileName.toLowerCase(); }) : undefined;
        if (!tryReuseStructureFromOldProgram()) {
            ts.forEach(rootNames, function (name) { return processRootFile(name, false); });
            var typeReferences = getAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames(options, host);
            if (typeReferences) {
                var containingFilename = ts.combinePaths(host.getCurrentDirectory(), "__inferred type names__.ts");
                var resolutions = resolveTypeReferenceDirectiveNamesWorker(typeReferences, containingFilename);
                for (var i = 0; i < typeReferences.length; i++) {
                    processTypeReferenceDirective(typeReferences[i], resolutions[i]);
            if (!skipDefaultLib) {
                if (!options.lib) {
                    processRootFile(host.getDefaultLibFileName(options), true);
                else {
                    var libDirectory_1 = host.getDefaultLibLocation ? host.getDefaultLibLocation() : ts.getDirectoryPath(host.getDefaultLibFileName(options));
                    ts.forEach(options.lib, function (libFileName) {
                        processRootFile(ts.combinePaths(libDirectory_1, libFileName), true);
        oldProgram = undefined;
        program = {
            getRootFileNames: function () { return rootNames; },
            getSourceFile: getSourceFile,
            getSourceFileByPath: getSourceFileByPath,
            getSourceFiles: function () { return files; },
            getCompilerOptions: function () { return options; },
            getSyntacticDiagnostics: getSyntacticDiagnostics,
            getOptionsDiagnostics: getOptionsDiagnostics,
            getGlobalDiagnostics: getGlobalDiagnostics,
            getSemanticDiagnostics: getSemanticDiagnostics,
            getDeclarationDiagnostics: getDeclarationDiagnostics,
            getTypeChecker: getTypeChecker,
            getClassifiableNames: getClassifiableNames,
            getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker: getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker,
            getCommonSourceDirectory: getCommonSourceDirectory,
            emit: emit,
            getCurrentDirectory: function () { return currentDirectory; },
            getNodeCount: function () { return getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getNodeCount(); },
            getIdentifierCount: function () { return getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getIdentifierCount(); },
            getSymbolCount: function () { return getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getSymbolCount(); },
            getTypeCount: function () { return getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getTypeCount(); },
            getFileProcessingDiagnostics: function () { return fileProcessingDiagnostics; },
            getResolvedTypeReferenceDirectives: function () { return resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives; },
            isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary: isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary,
            dropDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker: dropDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker
        ts.performance.measure("Program", "beforeProgram", "afterProgram");
        return program;
        function getCommonSourceDirectory() {
            if (typeof commonSourceDirectory === "undefined") {
                if (options.rootDir && checkSourceFilesBelongToPath(files, options.rootDir)) {
                    commonSourceDirectory = ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(options.rootDir, currentDirectory);
                else {
                    commonSourceDirectory = computeCommonSourceDirectory(files);
                if (commonSourceDirectory && commonSourceDirectory[commonSourceDirectory.length - 1] !== ts.directorySeparator) {
                    commonSourceDirectory += ts.directorySeparator;
            return commonSourceDirectory;
        function getClassifiableNames() {
            if (!classifiableNames) {
                classifiableNames = ts.createMap();
                for (var _i = 0, files_2 = files; _i < files_2.length; _i++) {
                    var sourceFile = files_2[_i];
                    ts.copyProperties(sourceFile.classifiableNames, classifiableNames);
            return classifiableNames;
        function tryReuseStructureFromOldProgram() {
            if (!oldProgram) {
                return false;
            var oldOptions = oldProgram.getCompilerOptions();
            if ((oldOptions.module !== options.module) ||
                (oldOptions.moduleResolution !== options.moduleResolution) ||
                (oldOptions.noResolve !== options.noResolve) ||
                ( !== ||
                (oldOptions.noLib !== options.noLib) ||
                (oldOptions.jsx !== options.jsx) ||
                (oldOptions.allowJs !== options.allowJs) ||
                (oldOptions.rootDir !== options.rootDir) ||
                (oldOptions.configFilePath !== options.configFilePath) ||
                (oldOptions.baseUrl !== options.baseUrl) ||
                (oldOptions.maxNodeModuleJsDepth !== options.maxNodeModuleJsDepth) ||
                !ts.arrayIsEqualTo(oldOptions.typeRoots, oldOptions.typeRoots) ||
                !ts.arrayIsEqualTo(oldOptions.rootDirs, options.rootDirs) ||
                !ts.equalOwnProperties(oldOptions.paths, options.paths)) {
                return false;
            var oldRootNames = oldProgram.getRootFileNames();
            if (!ts.arrayIsEqualTo(oldRootNames, rootNames)) {
                return false;
            if (!ts.arrayIsEqualTo(options.types, oldOptions.types)) {
                return false;
            var newSourceFiles = [];
            var filePaths = [];
            var modifiedSourceFiles = [];
            for (var _i = 0, _a = oldProgram.getSourceFiles(); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var oldSourceFile = _a[_i];
                var newSourceFile = host.getSourceFileByPath
                    ? host.getSourceFileByPath(oldSourceFile.fileName, oldSourceFile.path,
                    : host.getSourceFile(oldSourceFile.fileName,;
                if (!newSourceFile) {
                    return false;
                newSourceFile.path = oldSourceFile.path;
                if (oldSourceFile !== newSourceFile) {
                    if (oldSourceFile.hasNoDefaultLib !== newSourceFile.hasNoDefaultLib) {
                        return false;
                    if (!ts.arrayIsEqualTo(oldSourceFile.referencedFiles, newSourceFile.referencedFiles, fileReferenceIsEqualTo)) {
                        return false;
                    if (!ts.arrayIsEqualTo(oldSourceFile.imports, newSourceFile.imports, moduleNameIsEqualTo)) {
                        return false;
                    if (!ts.arrayIsEqualTo(oldSourceFile.moduleAugmentations, newSourceFile.moduleAugmentations, moduleNameIsEqualTo)) {
                        return false;
                    if (!ts.arrayIsEqualTo(oldSourceFile.typeReferenceDirectives, newSourceFile.typeReferenceDirectives, fileReferenceIsEqualTo)) {
                        return false;
                    var newSourceFilePath = ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(newSourceFile.fileName, currentDirectory);
                    if (resolveModuleNamesWorker) {
                        var moduleNames =, newSourceFile.moduleAugmentations), getTextOfLiteral);
                        var resolutions = resolveModuleNamesWorker(moduleNames, newSourceFilePath);
                        var resolutionsChanged = ts.hasChangesInResolutions(moduleNames, resolutions, oldSourceFile.resolvedModules, ts.moduleResolutionIsEqualTo);
                        if (resolutionsChanged) {
                            return false;
                    if (resolveTypeReferenceDirectiveNamesWorker) {
                        var typesReferenceDirectives =, function (x) { return x.fileName; });
                        var resolutions = resolveTypeReferenceDirectiveNamesWorker(typesReferenceDirectives, newSourceFilePath);
                        var resolutionsChanged = ts.hasChangesInResolutions(typesReferenceDirectives, resolutions, oldSourceFile.resolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveNames, ts.typeDirectiveIsEqualTo);
                        if (resolutionsChanged) {
                            return false;
                    newSourceFile.resolvedModules = oldSourceFile.resolvedModules;
                    newSourceFile.resolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveNames = oldSourceFile.resolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveNames;
                else {
                    newSourceFile = oldSourceFile;
            for (var i = 0, len = newSourceFiles.length; i < len; i++) {
                filesByName.set(filePaths[i], newSourceFiles[i]);
            files = newSourceFiles;
            fileProcessingDiagnostics = oldProgram.getFileProcessingDiagnostics();
            for (var _b = 0, modifiedSourceFiles_1 = modifiedSourceFiles; _b < modifiedSourceFiles_1.length; _b++) {
                var modifiedFile = modifiedSourceFiles_1[_b];
            resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives = oldProgram.getResolvedTypeReferenceDirectives();
            oldProgram.structureIsReused = true;
            return true;
        function getEmitHost(writeFileCallback) {
            return {
                getCanonicalFileName: getCanonicalFileName,
                getCommonSourceDirectory: program.getCommonSourceDirectory,
                getCompilerOptions: program.getCompilerOptions,
                getCurrentDirectory: function () { return currentDirectory; },
                getNewLine: function () { return host.getNewLine(); },
                getSourceFile: program.getSourceFile,
                getSourceFileByPath: program.getSourceFileByPath,
                getSourceFiles: program.getSourceFiles,
                isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary: isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary,
                writeFile: writeFileCallback || (function (fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles) { return host.writeFile(fileName, data, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles); }),
                isEmitBlocked: isEmitBlocked
        function isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary(file) {
            return sourceFilesFoundSearchingNodeModules[file.path];
        function getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker() {
            return diagnosticsProducingTypeChecker || (diagnosticsProducingTypeChecker = ts.createTypeChecker(program, true));
        function dropDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker() {
            diagnosticsProducingTypeChecker = undefined;
        function getTypeChecker() {
            return noDiagnosticsTypeChecker || (noDiagnosticsTypeChecker = ts.createTypeChecker(program, false));
        function emit(sourceFile, writeFileCallback, cancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles) {
            return runWithCancellationToken(function () { return emitWorker(program, sourceFile, writeFileCallback, cancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles); });
        function isEmitBlocked(emitFileName) {
            return hasEmitBlockingDiagnostics.contains(ts.toPath(emitFileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName));
        function emitWorker(program, sourceFile, writeFileCallback, cancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles) {
            var declarationDiagnostics = [];
            if (options.noEmit) {
                return { diagnostics: declarationDiagnostics, sourceMaps: undefined, emittedFiles: undefined, emitSkipped: true };
            if (options.noEmitOnError) {
                var diagnostics = program.getOptionsDiagnostics(cancellationToken).concat(program.getSyntacticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken), program.getGlobalDiagnostics(cancellationToken), program.getSemanticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken));
                if (diagnostics.length === 0 && program.getCompilerOptions().declaration) {
                    declarationDiagnostics = program.getDeclarationDiagnostics(undefined, cancellationToken);
                if (diagnostics.length > 0 || declarationDiagnostics.length > 0) {
                    return {
                        diagnostics: ts.concatenate(diagnostics, declarationDiagnostics),
                        sourceMaps: undefined,
                        emittedFiles: undefined,
                        emitSkipped: true
            var emitResolver = getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getEmitResolver((options.outFile || options.out) ? undefined : sourceFile);
            var emitResult = ts.emitFiles(emitResolver, getEmitHost(writeFileCallback), sourceFile, emitOnlyDtsFiles);
            ts.performance.measure("Emit", "beforeEmit", "afterEmit");
            return emitResult;
        function getSourceFile(fileName) {
            return getSourceFileByPath(ts.toPath(fileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName));
        function getSourceFileByPath(path) {
            return filesByName.get(path);
        function getDiagnosticsHelper(sourceFile, getDiagnostics, cancellationToken) {
            if (sourceFile) {
                return getDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
            var allDiagnostics = [];
            ts.forEach(program.getSourceFiles(), function (sourceFile) {
                if (cancellationToken) {
                ts.addRange(allDiagnostics, getDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken));
            return ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(allDiagnostics);
        function getSyntacticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken) {
            return getDiagnosticsHelper(sourceFile, getSyntacticDiagnosticsForFile, cancellationToken);
        function getSemanticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken) {
            return getDiagnosticsHelper(sourceFile, getSemanticDiagnosticsForFile, cancellationToken);
        function getDeclarationDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken) {
            var options = program.getCompilerOptions();
            if (!sourceFile || options.out || options.outFile) {
                return getDeclarationDiagnosticsWorker(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
            else {
                return getDiagnosticsHelper(sourceFile, getDeclarationDiagnosticsForFile, cancellationToken);
        function getSyntacticDiagnosticsForFile(sourceFile, cancellationToken) {
            return sourceFile.parseDiagnostics;
        function runWithCancellationToken(func) {
            try {
                return func();
            catch (e) {
                if (e instanceof ts.OperationCanceledException) {
                    noDiagnosticsTypeChecker = undefined;
                    diagnosticsProducingTypeChecker = undefined;
                throw e;
        function getSemanticDiagnosticsForFile(sourceFile, cancellationToken) {
            return runWithCancellationToken(function () {
                var typeChecker = getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker();
                var bindDiagnostics = sourceFile.bindDiagnostics;
                var checkDiagnostics = ts.isSourceFileJavaScript(sourceFile) ?
                    getJavaScriptSemanticDiagnosticsForFile(sourceFile, cancellationToken) :
                    typeChecker.getDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
                var fileProcessingDiagnosticsInFile = fileProcessingDiagnostics.getDiagnostics(sourceFile.fileName);
                var programDiagnosticsInFile = programDiagnostics.getDiagnostics(sourceFile.fileName);
                return bindDiagnostics.concat(checkDiagnostics).concat(fileProcessingDiagnosticsInFile).concat(programDiagnosticsInFile);
        function getJavaScriptSemanticDiagnosticsForFile(sourceFile, cancellationToken) {
            return runWithCancellationToken(function () {
                var diagnostics = [];
                return diagnostics;
                function walk(node) {
                    if (!node) {
                        return false;
                    switch (node.kind) {
                        case 229:
                            diagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.import_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file));
                            return true;
                        case 235:
                            if (node.isExportEquals) {
                                diagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.export_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file));
                                return true;
                        case 221:
                            var classDeclaration = node;
                            if (checkModifiers(classDeclaration.modifiers) ||
                                checkTypeParameters(classDeclaration.typeParameters)) {
                                return true;
                        case 251:
                            var heritageClause = node;
                            if (heritageClause.token === 106) {
                                diagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.implements_clauses_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file));
                                return true;
                        case 222:
                            diagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.interface_declarations_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file));
                            return true;
                        case 225:
                            diagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.module_declarations_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file));
                            return true;
                        case 223:
                            diagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.type_aliases_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file));
                            return true;
                        case 147:
                        case 146:
                        case 148:
                        case 149:
                        case 150:
                        case 179:
                        case 220:
                        case 180:
                        case 220:
                            var functionDeclaration = node;
                            if (checkModifiers(functionDeclaration.modifiers) ||
                                checkTypeParameters(functionDeclaration.typeParameters) ||
                                checkTypeAnnotation(functionDeclaration.type)) {
                                return true;
                        case 200:
                            var variableStatement = node;
                            if (checkModifiers(variableStatement.modifiers)) {
                                return true;
                        case 218:
                            var variableDeclaration = node;
                            if (checkTypeAnnotation(variableDeclaration.type)) {
                                return true;
                        case 174:
                        case 175:
                            var expression = node;
                            if (expression.typeArguments && expression.typeArguments.length > 0) {
                                var start = expression.typeArguments.pos;
                                diagnostics.push(ts.createFileDiagnostic(sourceFile, start, expression.typeArguments.end - start, ts.Diagnostics.type_arguments_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file));
                                return true;
                        case 142:
                            var parameter = node;
                            if (parameter.modifiers) {
                                var start = parameter.modifiers.pos;
                                diagnostics.push(ts.createFileDiagnostic(sourceFile, start, parameter.modifiers.end - start, ts.Diagnostics.parameter_modifiers_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file));
                                return true;
                            if (parameter.questionToken) {
                                diagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(parameter.questionToken, ts.Diagnostics._0_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file, "?"));
                                return true;
                            if (parameter.type) {
                                diagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(parameter.type, ts.Diagnostics.types_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file));
                                return true;
                        case 145:
                            var propertyDeclaration = node;
                            if (propertyDeclaration.modifiers) {
                                for (var _i = 0, _a = propertyDeclaration.modifiers; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                                    var modifier = _a[_i];
                                    if (modifier.kind !== 113) {
                                        diagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file, ts.tokenToString(modifier.kind)));
                                        return true;
                            if (checkTypeAnnotation(node.type)) {
                                return true;
                        case 224:
                            diagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.enum_declarations_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file));
                            return true;
                        case 177:
                            var typeAssertionExpression = node;
                            diagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(typeAssertionExpression.type, ts.Diagnostics.type_assertion_expressions_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file));
                            return true;
                        case 143:
                            if (!options.experimentalDecorators) {
                                diagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(node, ts.Diagnostics.Experimental_support_for_decorators_is_a_feature_that_is_subject_to_change_in_a_future_release_Set_the_experimentalDecorators_option_to_remove_this_warning));
                            return true;
                    return ts.forEachChild(node, walk);
                function checkTypeParameters(typeParameters) {
                    if (typeParameters) {
                        var start = typeParameters.pos;
                        diagnostics.push(ts.createFileDiagnostic(sourceFile, start, typeParameters.end - start, ts.Diagnostics.type_parameter_declarations_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file));
                        return true;
                    return false;
                function checkTypeAnnotation(type) {
                    if (type) {
                        diagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(type, ts.Diagnostics.types_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file));
                        return true;
                    return false;
                function checkModifiers(modifiers) {
                    if (modifiers) {
                        for (var _i = 0, modifiers_1 = modifiers; _i < modifiers_1.length; _i++) {
                            var modifier = modifiers_1[_i];
                            switch (modifier.kind) {
                                case 112:
                                case 110:
                                case 111:
                                case 128:
                                case 122:
                                    diagnostics.push(ts.createDiagnosticForNode(modifier, ts.Diagnostics._0_can_only_be_used_in_a_ts_file, ts.tokenToString(modifier.kind)));
                                    return true;
                                case 113:
                                case 82:
                                case 74:
                                case 77:
                                case 115:
                    return false;
        function getDeclarationDiagnosticsWorker(sourceFile, cancellationToken) {
            return runWithCancellationToken(function () {
                var resolver = getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getEmitResolver(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
                var writeFile = function () { };
                return ts.getDeclarationDiagnostics(getEmitHost(writeFile), resolver, sourceFile);
        function getDeclarationDiagnosticsForFile(sourceFile, cancellationToken) {
            return ts.isDeclarationFile(sourceFile) ? [] : getDeclarationDiagnosticsWorker(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
        function getOptionsDiagnostics() {
            var allDiagnostics = [];
            ts.addRange(allDiagnostics, fileProcessingDiagnostics.getGlobalDiagnostics());
            ts.addRange(allDiagnostics, programDiagnostics.getGlobalDiagnostics());
            return ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(allDiagnostics);
        function getGlobalDiagnostics() {
            var allDiagnostics = [];
            ts.addRange(allDiagnostics, getDiagnosticsProducingTypeChecker().getGlobalDiagnostics());
            return ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(allDiagnostics);
        function hasExtension(fileName) {
            return ts.getBaseFileName(fileName).indexOf(".") >= 0;
        function processRootFile(fileName, isDefaultLib) {
            processSourceFile(ts.normalizePath(fileName), isDefaultLib, true);
        function fileReferenceIsEqualTo(a, b) {
            return a.fileName === b.fileName;
        function moduleNameIsEqualTo(a, b) {
            return a.text === b.text;
        function getTextOfLiteral(literal) {
            return literal.text;
        function collectExternalModuleReferences(file) {
            if (file.imports) {
            var isJavaScriptFile = ts.isSourceFileJavaScript(file);
            var isExternalModuleFile = ts.isExternalModule(file);
            var imports;
            var moduleAugmentations;
            for (var _i = 0, _a = file.statements; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var node = _a[_i];
                collectModuleReferences(node, false);
                if (isJavaScriptFile) {
            file.imports = imports || emptyArray;
            file.moduleAugmentations = moduleAugmentations || emptyArray;
            function collectModuleReferences(node, inAmbientModule) {
                switch (node.kind) {
                    case 230:
                    case 229:
                    case 236:
                        var moduleNameExpr = ts.getExternalModuleName(node);
                        if (!moduleNameExpr || moduleNameExpr.kind !== 9) {
                        if (!moduleNameExpr.text) {
                        if (!inAmbientModule || !ts.isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleNameExpr.text)) {
                            (imports || (imports = [])).push(moduleNameExpr);
                    case 225:
                        if (ts.isAmbientModule(node) && (inAmbientModule || node.flags & 2 || ts.isDeclarationFile(file))) {
                            var moduleName =;
                            if (isExternalModuleFile || (inAmbientModule && !ts.isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleName.text))) {
                                (moduleAugmentations || (moduleAugmentations = [])).push(moduleName);
                            else if (!inAmbientModule) {
                                var body = node.body;
                                if (body) {
                                    for (var _i = 0, _a = body.statements; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                                        var statement = _a[_i];
                                        collectModuleReferences(statement, true);
            function collectRequireCalls(node) {
                if (ts.isRequireCall(node, true)) {
                    (imports || (imports = [])).push(node.arguments[0]);
                else {
                    ts.forEachChild(node, collectRequireCalls);
        function processSourceFile(fileName, isDefaultLib, isReference, refFile, refPos, refEnd) {
            var diagnosticArgument;
            var diagnostic;
            if (hasExtension(fileName)) {
                if (!options.allowNonTsExtensions && !ts.forEach(supportedExtensions, function (extension) { return ts.fileExtensionIs(host.getCanonicalFileName(fileName), extension); })) {
                    diagnostic = ts.Diagnostics.File_0_has_unsupported_extension_The_only_supported_extensions_are_1;
                    diagnosticArgument = [fileName, "'" + supportedExtensions.join("', '") + "'"];
                else if (!findSourceFile(fileName, ts.toPath(fileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName), isDefaultLib, isReference, refFile, refPos, refEnd)) {
                    diagnostic = ts.Diagnostics.File_0_not_found;
                    diagnosticArgument = [fileName];
                else if (refFile && host.getCanonicalFileName(fileName) === host.getCanonicalFileName(refFile.fileName)) {
                    diagnostic = ts.Diagnostics.A_file_cannot_have_a_reference_to_itself;
                    diagnosticArgument = [fileName];
            else {
                var nonTsFile = options.allowNonTsExtensions && findSourceFile(fileName, ts.toPath(fileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName), isDefaultLib, isReference, refFile, refPos, refEnd);
                if (!nonTsFile) {
                    if (options.allowNonTsExtensions) {
                        diagnostic = ts.Diagnostics.File_0_not_found;
                        diagnosticArgument = [fileName];
                    else if (!ts.forEach(supportedExtensions, function (extension) { return findSourceFile(fileName + extension, ts.toPath(fileName + extension, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName), isDefaultLib, isReference, refFile, refPos, refEnd); })) {
                        diagnostic = ts.Diagnostics.File_0_not_found;
                        fileName += ".ts";
                        diagnosticArgument = [fileName];
            if (diagnostic) {
                if (refFile !== undefined && refEnd !== undefined && refPos !== undefined) {
                    fileProcessingDiagnostics.add(ts.createFileDiagnostic.apply(void 0, [refFile, refPos, refEnd - refPos, diagnostic].concat(diagnosticArgument)));
                else {
                    fileProcessingDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic.apply(void 0, [diagnostic].concat(diagnosticArgument)));
        function reportFileNamesDifferOnlyInCasingError(fileName, existingFileName, refFile, refPos, refEnd) {
            if (refFile !== undefined && refPos !== undefined && refEnd !== undefined) {
                fileProcessingDiagnostics.add(ts.createFileDiagnostic(refFile, refPos, refEnd - refPos, ts.Diagnostics.File_name_0_differs_from_already_included_file_name_1_only_in_casing, fileName, existingFileName));
            else {
                fileProcessingDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.File_name_0_differs_from_already_included_file_name_1_only_in_casing, fileName, existingFileName));
        function findSourceFile(fileName, path, isDefaultLib, isReference, refFile, refPos, refEnd) {
            if (filesByName.contains(path)) {
                var file_1 = filesByName.get(path);
                if (file_1 && options.forceConsistentCasingInFileNames && ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(file_1.fileName, currentDirectory) !== ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(fileName, currentDirectory)) {
                    reportFileNamesDifferOnlyInCasingError(fileName, file_1.fileName, refFile, refPos, refEnd);
                if (file_1 && sourceFilesFoundSearchingNodeModules[file_1.path] && currentNodeModulesDepth == 0) {
                    sourceFilesFoundSearchingNodeModules[file_1.path] = false;
                    if (!options.noResolve) {
                        processReferencedFiles(file_1, ts.getDirectoryPath(fileName), isDefaultLib);
                    modulesWithElidedImports[file_1.path] = false;
                    processImportedModules(file_1, ts.getDirectoryPath(fileName));
                else if (file_1 && modulesWithElidedImports[file_1.path]) {
                    if (currentNodeModulesDepth < maxNodeModulesJsDepth) {
                        modulesWithElidedImports[file_1.path] = false;
                        processImportedModules(file_1, ts.getDirectoryPath(fileName));
                return file_1;
            var file = host.getSourceFile(fileName,, function (hostErrorMessage) {
                if (refFile !== undefined && refPos !== undefined && refEnd !== undefined) {
                    fileProcessingDiagnostics.add(ts.createFileDiagnostic(refFile, refPos, refEnd - refPos, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_read_file_0_Colon_1, fileName, hostErrorMessage));
                else {
                    fileProcessingDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_read_file_0_Colon_1, fileName, hostErrorMessage));
            filesByName.set(path, file);
            if (file) {
                sourceFilesFoundSearchingNodeModules[path] = (currentNodeModulesDepth > 0);
                file.path = path;
                if (host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames()) {
                    var existingFile = filesByNameIgnoreCase.get(path);
                    if (existingFile) {
                        reportFileNamesDifferOnlyInCasingError(fileName, existingFile.fileName, refFile, refPos, refEnd);
                    else {
                        filesByNameIgnoreCase.set(path, file);
                skipDefaultLib = skipDefaultLib || file.hasNoDefaultLib;
                var basePath = ts.getDirectoryPath(fileName);
                if (!options.noResolve) {
                    processReferencedFiles(file, basePath, isDefaultLib);
                processImportedModules(file, basePath);
                if (isDefaultLib) {
                else {
            return file;
        function processReferencedFiles(file, basePath, isDefaultLib) {
            ts.forEach(file.referencedFiles, function (ref) {
                var referencedFileName = resolveTripleslashReference(ref.fileName, file.fileName);
                processSourceFile(referencedFileName, isDefaultLib, true, file, ref.pos, ref.end);
        function processTypeReferenceDirectives(file) {
            var typeDirectives =, function (ref) { return ref.fileName.toLocaleLowerCase(); });
            var resolutions = resolveTypeReferenceDirectiveNamesWorker(typeDirectives, file.fileName);
            for (var i = 0; i < typeDirectives.length; i++) {
                var ref = file.typeReferenceDirectives[i];
                var resolvedTypeReferenceDirective = resolutions[i];
                var fileName = ref.fileName.toLocaleLowerCase();
                ts.setResolvedTypeReferenceDirective(file, fileName, resolvedTypeReferenceDirective);
                processTypeReferenceDirective(fileName, resolvedTypeReferenceDirective, file, ref.pos, ref.end);
        function processTypeReferenceDirective(typeReferenceDirective, resolvedTypeReferenceDirective, refFile, refPos, refEnd) {
            var previousResolution = resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives[typeReferenceDirective];
            if (previousResolution && previousResolution.primary) {
            var saveResolution = true;
            if (resolvedTypeReferenceDirective) {
                if (resolvedTypeReferenceDirective.primary) {
                    processSourceFile(resolvedTypeReferenceDirective.resolvedFileName, false, true, refFile, refPos, refEnd);
                else {
                    if (previousResolution) {
                        var otherFileText = host.readFile(resolvedTypeReferenceDirective.resolvedFileName);
                        if (otherFileText !== getSourceFile(previousResolution.resolvedFileName).text) {
                            fileProcessingDiagnostics.add(createDiagnostic(refFile, refPos, refEnd, ts.Diagnostics.Conflicting_definitions_for_0_found_at_1_and_2_Consider_installing_a_specific_version_of_this_library_to_resolve_the_conflict, typeReferenceDirective, resolvedTypeReferenceDirective.resolvedFileName, previousResolution.resolvedFileName));
                        saveResolution = false;
                    else {
                        processSourceFile(resolvedTypeReferenceDirective.resolvedFileName, false, true, refFile, refPos, refEnd);
            else {
                fileProcessingDiagnostics.add(createDiagnostic(refFile, refPos, refEnd, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_type_definition_file_for_0, typeReferenceDirective));
            if (saveResolution) {
                resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives[typeReferenceDirective] = resolvedTypeReferenceDirective;
        function createDiagnostic(refFile, refPos, refEnd, message) {
            var args = [];
            for (var _i = 4; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                args[_i - 4] = arguments[_i];
            if (refFile === undefined || refPos === undefined || refEnd === undefined) {
                return ts.createCompilerDiagnostic.apply(void 0, [message].concat(args));
            else {
                return ts.createFileDiagnostic.apply(void 0, [refFile, refPos, refEnd - refPos, message].concat(args));
        function getCanonicalFileName(fileName) {
            return host.getCanonicalFileName(fileName);
        function processImportedModules(file, basePath) {
            if (file.imports.length || file.moduleAugmentations.length) {
                file.resolvedModules = ts.createMap();
                var moduleNames =, file.moduleAugmentations), getTextOfLiteral);
                var resolutions = resolveModuleNamesWorker(moduleNames, ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(file.fileName, currentDirectory));
                for (var i = 0; i < moduleNames.length; i++) {
                    var resolution = resolutions[i];
                    ts.setResolvedModule(file, moduleNames[i], resolution);
                    var resolvedPath = resolution ? ts.toPath(resolution.resolvedFileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName) : undefined;
                    var isFromNodeModulesSearch = resolution && resolution.isExternalLibraryImport;
                    var isJsFileFromNodeModules = isFromNodeModulesSearch && ts.hasJavaScriptFileExtension(resolution.resolvedFileName);
                    if (isFromNodeModulesSearch) {
                    var elideImport = isJsFileFromNodeModules && currentNodeModulesDepth > maxNodeModulesJsDepth;
                    var shouldAddFile = resolution && !options.noResolve && i < file.imports.length && !elideImport;
                    if (elideImport) {
                        modulesWithElidedImports[file.path] = true;
                    else if (shouldAddFile) {
                        findSourceFile(resolution.resolvedFileName, resolvedPath, false, false, file, ts.skipTrivia(file.text, file.imports[i].pos), file.imports[i].end);
                    if (isFromNodeModulesSearch) {
            else {
                file.resolvedModules = undefined;
        function computeCommonSourceDirectory(sourceFiles) {
            var fileNames = [];
            for (var _i = 0, sourceFiles_2 = sourceFiles; _i < sourceFiles_2.length; _i++) {
                var file = sourceFiles_2[_i];
                if (!file.isDeclarationFile) {
            return computeCommonSourceDirectoryOfFilenames(fileNames, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName);
        function checkSourceFilesBelongToPath(sourceFiles, rootDirectory) {
            var allFilesBelongToPath = true;
            if (sourceFiles) {
                var absoluteRootDirectoryPath = host.getCanonicalFileName(ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(rootDirectory, currentDirectory));
                for (var _i = 0, sourceFiles_3 = sourceFiles; _i < sourceFiles_3.length; _i++) {
                    var sourceFile = sourceFiles_3[_i];
                    if (!ts.isDeclarationFile(sourceFile)) {
                        var absoluteSourceFilePath = host.getCanonicalFileName(ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(sourceFile.fileName, currentDirectory));
                        if (absoluteSourceFilePath.indexOf(absoluteRootDirectoryPath) !== 0) {
                            programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.File_0_is_not_under_rootDir_1_rootDir_is_expected_to_contain_all_source_files, sourceFile.fileName, options.rootDir));
                            allFilesBelongToPath = false;
            return allFilesBelongToPath;
        function verifyCompilerOptions() {
            if (options.isolatedModules) {
                if (options.declaration) {
                    programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "declaration", "isolatedModules"));
                if (options.noEmitOnError) {
                    programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "noEmitOnError", "isolatedModules"));
                if (options.out) {
                    programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "out", "isolatedModules"));
                if (options.outFile) {
                    programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "outFile", "isolatedModules"));
            if (options.inlineSourceMap) {
                if (options.sourceMap) {
                    programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "sourceMap", "inlineSourceMap"));
                if (options.mapRoot) {
                    programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "mapRoot", "inlineSourceMap"));
            if (options.paths && options.baseUrl === undefined) {
            if (options.paths) {
                for (var key in options.paths) {
                    if (!ts.hasProperty(options.paths, key)) {
                    if (!ts.hasZeroOrOneAsteriskCharacter(key)) {
                        programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Pattern_0_can_have_at_most_one_Asterisk_character, key));
                    if (ts.isArray(options.paths[key])) {
                        if (options.paths[key].length === 0) {
                            programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Substitutions_for_pattern_0_shouldn_t_be_an_empty_array, key));
                        for (var _i = 0, _a = options.paths[key]; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                            var subst = _a[_i];
                            var typeOfSubst = typeof subst;
                            if (typeOfSubst === "string") {
                                if (!ts.hasZeroOrOneAsteriskCharacter(subst)) {
                                    programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Substitution_0_in_pattern_1_in_can_have_at_most_one_Asterisk_character, subst, key));
                            else {
                                programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Substitution_0_for_pattern_1_has_incorrect_type_expected_string_got_2, subst, key, typeOfSubst));
                    else {
                        programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Substitutions_for_pattern_0_should_be_an_array, key));
            if (!options.sourceMap && !options.inlineSourceMap) {
                if (options.inlineSources) {
                    programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_0_can_only_be_used_when_either_option_inlineSourceMap_or_option_sourceMap_is_provided, "inlineSources"));
                if (options.sourceRoot) {
                    programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_0_can_only_be_used_when_either_option_inlineSourceMap_or_option_sourceMap_is_provided, "sourceRoot"));
            if (options.out && options.outFile) {
                programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "out", "outFile"));
            if (options.mapRoot && !options.sourceMap) {
                programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_option_1, "mapRoot", "sourceMap"));
            if (options.declarationDir) {
                if (!options.declaration) {
                    programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_option_1, "declarationDir", "declaration"));
                if (options.out || options.outFile) {
                    programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "declarationDir", options.out ? "out" : "outFile"));
            if (options.lib && options.noLib) {
                programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "lib", "noLib"));
            var languageVersion = || 0;
            var outFile = options.outFile || options.out;
            var firstNonAmbientExternalModuleSourceFile = ts.forEach(files, function (f) { return ts.isExternalModule(f) && !ts.isDeclarationFile(f) ? f : undefined; });
            if (options.isolatedModules) {
                if (options.module === ts.ModuleKind.None && languageVersion < 2) {
                var firstNonExternalModuleSourceFile = ts.forEach(files, function (f) { return !ts.isExternalModule(f) && !ts.isDeclarationFile(f) ? f : undefined; });
                if (firstNonExternalModuleSourceFile) {
                    var span = ts.getErrorSpanForNode(firstNonExternalModuleSourceFile, firstNonExternalModuleSourceFile);
                    programDiagnostics.add(ts.createFileDiagnostic(firstNonExternalModuleSourceFile, span.start, span.length, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_compile_namespaces_when_the_isolatedModules_flag_is_provided));
            else if (firstNonAmbientExternalModuleSourceFile && languageVersion < 2 && options.module === ts.ModuleKind.None) {
                var span = ts.getErrorSpanForNode(firstNonAmbientExternalModuleSourceFile, firstNonAmbientExternalModuleSourceFile.externalModuleIndicator);
                programDiagnostics.add(ts.createFileDiagnostic(firstNonAmbientExternalModuleSourceFile, span.start, span.length, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_use_imports_exports_or_module_augmentations_when_module_is_none));
            if (outFile) {
                if (options.module && !(options.module === ts.ModuleKind.AMD || options.module === ts.ModuleKind.System)) {
                    programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Only_amd_and_system_modules_are_supported_alongside_0, options.out ? "out" : "outFile"));
                else if (options.module === undefined && firstNonAmbientExternalModuleSourceFile) {
                    var span = ts.getErrorSpanForNode(firstNonAmbientExternalModuleSourceFile, firstNonAmbientExternalModuleSourceFile.externalModuleIndicator);
                    programDiagnostics.add(ts.createFileDiagnostic(firstNonAmbientExternalModuleSourceFile, span.start, span.length, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_compile_modules_using_option_0_unless_the_module_flag_is_amd_or_system, options.out ? "out" : "outFile"));
            if (options.outDir ||
                options.sourceRoot ||
                options.mapRoot) {
                var dir = getCommonSourceDirectory();
                if (options.outDir && dir === "" && ts.forEach(files, function (file) { return ts.getRootLength(file.fileName) > 1; })) {
            if (!options.noEmit && options.allowJs && options.declaration) {
                programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_with_option_1, "allowJs", "declaration"));
            if (options.emitDecoratorMetadata &&
                !options.experimentalDecorators) {
                programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_0_cannot_be_specified_without_specifying_option_1, "emitDecoratorMetadata", "experimentalDecorators"));
            if (options.reactNamespace && !ts.isIdentifier(options.reactNamespace, languageVersion)) {
                programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Invalid_value_for_reactNamespace_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier, options.reactNamespace));
            if (!options.noEmit && !options.suppressOutputPathCheck) {
                var emitHost = getEmitHost();
                var emitFilesSeen_1 = ts.createFileMap(!host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames() ? function (key) { return key.toLocaleLowerCase(); } : undefined);
                ts.forEachExpectedEmitFile(emitHost, function (emitFileNames, sourceFiles, isBundledEmit) {
                    verifyEmitFilePath(emitFileNames.jsFilePath, emitFilesSeen_1);
                    verifyEmitFilePath(emitFileNames.declarationFilePath, emitFilesSeen_1);
            function verifyEmitFilePath(emitFileName, emitFilesSeen) {
                if (emitFileName) {
                    var emitFilePath = ts.toPath(emitFileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName);
                    if (filesByName.contains(emitFilePath)) {
                        createEmitBlockingDiagnostics(emitFileName, emitFilePath, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_write_file_0_because_it_would_overwrite_input_file);
                    if (emitFilesSeen.contains(emitFilePath)) {
                        createEmitBlockingDiagnostics(emitFileName, emitFilePath, ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_write_file_0_because_it_would_be_overwritten_by_multiple_input_files);
                    else {
                        emitFilesSeen.set(emitFilePath, true);
        function createEmitBlockingDiagnostics(emitFileName, emitFilePath, message) {
            hasEmitBlockingDiagnostics.set(ts.toPath(emitFileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName), true);
            programDiagnostics.add(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(message, emitFileName));
    ts.createProgram = createProgram;
})(ts || (ts = {}));
var ts;
(function (ts) {
    ts.compileOnSaveCommandLineOption = { name: "compileOnSave", type: "boolean" };
    ts.optionDeclarations = [
            name: "charset",
            type: "string"
            name: "declaration",
            shortName: "d",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Generates_corresponding_d_ts_file
            name: "declarationDir",
            type: "string",
            isFilePath: true,
            paramType: ts.Diagnostics.DIRECTORY
            name: "diagnostics",
            type: "boolean"
            name: "extendedDiagnostics",
            type: "boolean"
            name: "emitBOM",
            type: "boolean"
            name: "help",
            shortName: "h",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Print_this_message
            name: "help",
            shortName: "?",
            type: "boolean"
            name: "init",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Initializes_a_TypeScript_project_and_creates_a_tsconfig_json_file
            name: "inlineSourceMap",
            type: "boolean"
            name: "inlineSources",
            type: "boolean"
            name: "jsx",
            type: ts.createMap({
                "preserve": 1,
                "react": 2
            paramType: ts.Diagnostics.KIND,
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Specify_JSX_code_generation_Colon_preserve_or_react
            name: "reactNamespace",
            type: "string",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Specify_the_object_invoked_for_createElement_and_spread_when_targeting_react_JSX_emit
            name: "listFiles",
            type: "boolean"
            name: "locale",
            type: "string"
            name: "mapRoot",
            type: "string",
            isFilePath: true,
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Specify_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_map_files_instead_of_generated_locations,
            paramType: ts.Diagnostics.LOCATION
            name: "module",
            shortName: "m",
            type: ts.createMap({
                "none": ts.ModuleKind.None,
                "commonjs": ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS,
                "amd": ts.ModuleKind.AMD,
                "system": ts.ModuleKind.System,
                "umd": ts.ModuleKind.UMD,
                "es6": ts.ModuleKind.ES6,
                "es2015": ts.ModuleKind.ES2015
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Specify_module_code_generation_Colon_commonjs_amd_system_umd_or_es2015,
            paramType: ts.Diagnostics.KIND
            name: "newLine",
            type: ts.createMap({
                "crlf": 0,
                "lf": 1
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Specify_the_end_of_line_sequence_to_be_used_when_emitting_files_Colon_CRLF_dos_or_LF_unix,
            paramType: ts.Diagnostics.NEWLINE
            name: "noEmit",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Do_not_emit_outputs
            name: "noEmitHelpers",
            type: "boolean"
            name: "noEmitOnError",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Do_not_emit_outputs_if_any_errors_were_reported
            name: "noErrorTruncation",
            type: "boolean"
            name: "noImplicitAny",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Raise_error_on_expressions_and_declarations_with_an_implied_any_type
            name: "noImplicitThis",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Raise_error_on_this_expressions_with_an_implied_any_type
            name: "noUnusedLocals",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Report_errors_on_unused_locals
            name: "noUnusedParameters",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Report_errors_on_unused_parameters
            name: "noLib",
            type: "boolean"
            name: "noResolve",
            type: "boolean"
            name: "skipDefaultLibCheck",
            type: "boolean"
            name: "skipLibCheck",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Skip_type_checking_of_declaration_files
            name: "out",
            type: "string",
            isFilePath: false,
            paramType: ts.Diagnostics.FILE
            name: "outFile",
            type: "string",
            isFilePath: true,
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Concatenate_and_emit_output_to_single_file,
            paramType: ts.Diagnostics.FILE
            name: "outDir",
            type: "string",
            isFilePath: true,
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Redirect_output_structure_to_the_directory,
            paramType: ts.Diagnostics.DIRECTORY
            name: "preserveConstEnums",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Do_not_erase_const_enum_declarations_in_generated_code
            name: "pretty",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Stylize_errors_and_messages_using_color_and_context_experimental,
            type: "boolean"
            name: "project",
            shortName: "p",
            type: "string",
            isFilePath: true,
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Compile_the_project_in_the_given_directory,
            paramType: ts.Diagnostics.DIRECTORY
            name: "removeComments",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Do_not_emit_comments_to_output
            name: "rootDir",
            type: "string",
            isFilePath: true,
            paramType: ts.Diagnostics.LOCATION,
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Specify_the_root_directory_of_input_files_Use_to_control_the_output_directory_structure_with_outDir
            name: "isolatedModules",
            type: "boolean"
            name: "sourceMap",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Generates_corresponding_map_file
            name: "sourceRoot",
            type: "string",
            isFilePath: true,
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Specify_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_TypeScript_files_instead_of_source_locations,
            paramType: ts.Diagnostics.LOCATION
            name: "suppressExcessPropertyErrors",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Suppress_excess_property_checks_for_object_literals,
            experimental: true
            name: "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Suppress_noImplicitAny_errors_for_indexing_objects_lacking_index_signatures
            name: "stripInternal",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Do_not_emit_declarations_for_code_that_has_an_internal_annotation,
            experimental: true
            name: "target",
            shortName: "t",
            type: ts.createMap({
                "es3": 0,
                "es5": 1,
                "es6": 2,
                "es2015": 2
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Specify_ECMAScript_target_version_Colon_ES3_default_ES5_or_ES2015,
            paramType: ts.Diagnostics.VERSION
            name: "version",
            shortName: "v",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Print_the_compiler_s_version
            name: "watch",
            shortName: "w",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Watch_input_files
            name: "experimentalDecorators",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Enables_experimental_support_for_ES7_decorators
            name: "emitDecoratorMetadata",
            type: "boolean",
            experimental: true,
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Enables_experimental_support_for_emitting_type_metadata_for_decorators
            name: "moduleResolution",
            type: ts.createMap({
                "node": ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs,
                "classic": ts.ModuleResolutionKind.Classic
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Specify_module_resolution_strategy_Colon_node_Node_js_or_classic_TypeScript_pre_1_6
            name: "allowUnusedLabels",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Do_not_report_errors_on_unused_labels
            name: "noImplicitReturns",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Report_error_when_not_all_code_paths_in_function_return_a_value
            name: "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Report_errors_for_fallthrough_cases_in_switch_statement
            name: "allowUnreachableCode",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Do_not_report_errors_on_unreachable_code
            name: "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Disallow_inconsistently_cased_references_to_the_same_file
            name: "baseUrl",
            type: "string",
            isFilePath: true,
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Base_directory_to_resolve_non_absolute_module_names
            name: "paths",
            type: "object",
            isTSConfigOnly: true
            name: "rootDirs",
            type: "list",
            isTSConfigOnly: true,
            element: {
                name: "rootDirs",
                type: "string",
                isFilePath: true
            name: "typeRoots",
            type: "list",
            element: {
                name: "typeRoots",
                type: "string",
                isFilePath: true
            name: "types",
            type: "list",
            element: {
                name: "types",
                type: "string"
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Type_declaration_files_to_be_included_in_compilation
            name: "traceResolution",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Enable_tracing_of_the_name_resolution_process
            name: "allowJs",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Allow_javascript_files_to_be_compiled
            name: "allowSyntheticDefaultImports",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Allow_default_imports_from_modules_with_no_default_export_This_does_not_affect_code_emit_just_typechecking
            name: "noImplicitUseStrict",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Do_not_emit_use_strict_directives_in_module_output
            name: "maxNodeModuleJsDepth",
            type: "number",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.The_maximum_dependency_depth_to_search_under_node_modules_and_load_JavaScript_files
            name: "listEmittedFiles",
            type: "boolean"
            name: "lib",
            type: "list",
            element: {
                name: "lib",
                type: ts.createMap({
                    "es5": "lib.es5.d.ts",
                    "es6": "lib.es2015.d.ts",
                    "es2015": "lib.es2015.d.ts",
                    "es7": "lib.es2016.d.ts",
                    "es2016": "lib.es2016.d.ts",
                    "es2017": "lib.es2017.d.ts",
                    "dom": "lib.dom.d.ts",
                    "webworker": "lib.webworker.d.ts",
                    "scripthost": "lib.scripthost.d.ts",
                    "es2015.core": "lib.es2015.core.d.ts",
                    "es2015.collection": "lib.es2015.collection.d.ts",
                    "es2015.generator": "lib.es2015.generator.d.ts",
                    "es2015.iterable": "lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts",
                    "es2015.promise": "lib.es2015.promise.d.ts",
                    "es2015.proxy": "lib.es2015.proxy.d.ts",
                    "es2015.reflect": "lib.es2015.reflect.d.ts",
                    "es2015.symbol": "lib.es2015.symbol.d.ts",
                    "es2015.symbol.wellknown": "lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts",
                    "es2016.array.include": "lib.es2016.array.include.d.ts",
                    "es2017.object": "lib.es2017.object.d.ts",
                    "es2017.sharedmemory": "lib.es2017.sharedmemory.d.ts"
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Specify_library_files_to_be_included_in_the_compilation_Colon
            name: "disableSizeLimit",
            type: "boolean"
            name: "strictNullChecks",
            type: "boolean",
            description: ts.Diagnostics.Enable_strict_null_checks
    ts.typingOptionDeclarations = [
            name: "enableAutoDiscovery",
            type: "boolean"
            name: "include",
            type: "list",
            element: {
                name: "include",
                type: "string"
            name: "exclude",
            type: "list",
            element: {
                name: "exclude",
                type: "string"
    ts.defaultInitCompilerOptions = {
        module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS,
        target: 1,
        noImplicitAny: false,
        sourceMap: false
    var optionNameMapCache;
    function getOptionNameMap() {
        if (optionNameMapCache) {
            return optionNameMapCache;
        var optionNameMap = ts.createMap();
        var shortOptionNames = ts.createMap();
        ts.forEach(ts.optionDeclarations, function (option) {
            optionNameMap[] = option;
            if (option.shortName) {
                shortOptionNames[option.shortName] =;
        optionNameMapCache = { optionNameMap: optionNameMap, shortOptionNames: shortOptionNames };
        return optionNameMapCache;
    ts.getOptionNameMap = getOptionNameMap;
    function createCompilerDiagnosticForInvalidCustomType(opt) {
        var namesOfType = [];
        for (var key in opt.type) {
            namesOfType.push(" '" + key + "'");
        return ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Argument_for_0_option_must_be_Colon_1, "--" +, namesOfType);
    ts.createCompilerDiagnosticForInvalidCustomType = createCompilerDiagnosticForInvalidCustomType;
    function parseCustomTypeOption(opt, value, errors) {
        var key = trimString((value || "")).toLowerCase();
        var map = opt.type;
        if (key in map) {
            return map[key];
        else {
    ts.parseCustomTypeOption = parseCustomTypeOption;
    function parseListTypeOption(opt, value, errors) {
        if (value === void 0) { value = ""; }
        value = trimString(value);
        if (ts.startsWith(value, "-")) {
            return undefined;
        if (value === "") {
            return [];
        var values = value.split(",");
        switch (opt.element.type) {
            case "number":
                return, parseInt);
            case "string":
                return, function (v) { return v || ""; });
                return ts.filter(, function (v) { return parseCustomTypeOption(opt.element, v, errors); }), function (v) { return !!v; });
    ts.parseListTypeOption = parseListTypeOption;
    function parseCommandLine(commandLine, readFile) {
        var options = {};
        var fileNames = [];
        var errors = [];
        var _a = getOptionNameMap(), optionNameMap = _a.optionNameMap, shortOptionNames = _a.shortOptionNames;
        return {
            options: options,
            fileNames: fileNames,
            errors: errors
        function parseStrings(args) {
            var i = 0;
            while (i < args.length) {
                var s = args[i];
                if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 64) {
                else if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 45) {
                    s = s.slice(s.charCodeAt(1) === 45 ? 2 : 1).toLowerCase();
                    if (s in shortOptionNames) {
                        s = shortOptionNames[s];
                    if (s in optionNameMap) {
                        var opt = optionNameMap[s];
                        if (opt.isTSConfigOnly) {
                        else {
                            if (!args[i] && opt.type !== "boolean") {
                            switch (opt.type) {
                                case "number":
                                    options[] = parseInt(args[i]);
                                case "boolean":
                                    options[] = true;
                                case "string":
                                    options[] = args[i] || "";
                                case "list":
                                    var result = parseListTypeOption(opt, args[i], errors);
                                    options[] = result || [];
                                    if (result) {
                                    options[] = parseCustomTypeOption(opt, args[i], errors);
                    else {
                        errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Unknown_compiler_option_0, s));
                else {
        function parseResponseFile(fileName) {
            var text = readFile ? readFile(fileName) : ts.sys.readFile(fileName);
            if (!text) {
                errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.File_0_not_found, fileName));
            var args = [];
            var pos = 0;
            while (true) {
                while (pos < text.length && text.charCodeAt(pos) <= 32)
                if (pos >= text.length)
                var start = pos;
                if (text.charCodeAt(start) === 34) {
                    while (pos < text.length && text.charCodeAt(pos) !== 34)
                    if (pos < text.length) {
                        args.push(text.substring(start + 1, pos));
                    else {
                        errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Unterminated_quoted_string_in_response_file_0, fileName));
                else {
                    while (text.charCodeAt(pos) > 32)
                    args.push(text.substring(start, pos));
    ts.parseCommandLine = parseCommandLine;
    function readConfigFile(fileName, readFile) {
        var text = "";
        try {
            text = readFile(fileName);
        catch (e) {
            return { error: ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_read_file_0_Colon_1, fileName, e.message) };
        return parseConfigFileTextToJson(fileName, text);
    ts.readConfigFile = readConfigFile;
    function parseConfigFileTextToJson(fileName, jsonText, stripComments) {
        if (stripComments === void 0) { stripComments = true; }
        try {
            var jsonTextToParse = stripComments ? removeComments(jsonText) : jsonText;
            return { config: /\S/.test(jsonTextToParse) ? JSON.parse(jsonTextToParse) : {} };
        catch (e) {
            return { error: ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Failed_to_parse_file_0_Colon_1, fileName, e.message) };
    ts.parseConfigFileTextToJson = parseConfigFileTextToJson;
    function generateTSConfig(options, fileNames) {
        var compilerOptions = ts.extend(options, ts.defaultInitCompilerOptions);
        var configurations = {
            compilerOptions: serializeCompilerOptions(compilerOptions)
        if (fileNames && fileNames.length) {
            configurations.files = fileNames;
        return configurations;
        function getCustomTypeMapOfCommandLineOption(optionDefinition) {
            if (optionDefinition.type === "string" || optionDefinition.type === "number" || optionDefinition.type === "boolean") {
                return undefined;
            else if (optionDefinition.type === "list") {
                return getCustomTypeMapOfCommandLineOption(optionDefinition.element);
            else {
                return optionDefinition.type;
        function getNameOfCompilerOptionValue(value, customTypeMap) {
            for (var key in customTypeMap) {
                if (customTypeMap[key] === value) {
                    return key;
            return undefined;
        function serializeCompilerOptions(options) {
            var result = ts.createMap();
            var optionsNameMap = getOptionNameMap().optionNameMap;
            for (var name_35 in options) {
                if (ts.hasProperty(options, name_35)) {
                    switch (name_35) {
                        case "init":
                        case "watch":
                        case "version":
                        case "help":
                        case "project":
                            var value = options[name_35];
                            var optionDefinition = optionsNameMap[name_35.toLowerCase()];
                            if (optionDefinition) {
                                var customTypeMap = getCustomTypeMapOfCommandLineOption(optionDefinition);
                                if (!customTypeMap) {
                                    result[name_35] = value;
                                else {
                                    if (optionDefinition.type === "list") {
                                        var convertedValue = [];
                                        for (var _i = 0, _a = value; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                                            var element = _a[_i];
                                            convertedValue.push(getNameOfCompilerOptionValue(element, customTypeMap));
                                        result[name_35] = convertedValue;
                                    else {
                                        result[name_35] = getNameOfCompilerOptionValue(value, customTypeMap);
            return result;
    ts.generateTSConfig = generateTSConfig;
    function removeComments(jsonText) {
        var output = "";
        var scanner = ts.createScanner(1, false, 0, jsonText);
        var token;
        while ((token = scanner.scan()) !== 1) {
            switch (token) {
                case 2:
                case 3:
                    output += scanner.getTokenText().replace(/\S/g, " ");
                    output += scanner.getTokenText();
        return output;
    function parseJsonConfigFileContent(json, host, basePath, existingOptions, configFileName) {
        if (existingOptions === void 0) { existingOptions = {}; }
        var errors = [];
        var compilerOptions = convertCompilerOptionsFromJsonWorker(json["compilerOptions"], basePath, errors, configFileName);
        var options = ts.extend(existingOptions, compilerOptions);
        var typingOptions = convertTypingOptionsFromJsonWorker(json["typingOptions"], basePath, errors, configFileName);
        options.configFilePath = configFileName;
        var _a = getFileNames(errors), fileNames = _a.fileNames, wildcardDirectories = _a.wildcardDirectories;
        var compileOnSave = convertCompileOnSaveOptionFromJson(json, basePath, errors);
        return {
            options: options,
            fileNames: fileNames,
            typingOptions: typingOptions,
            raw: json,
            errors: errors,
            wildcardDirectories: wildcardDirectories,
            compileOnSave: compileOnSave
        function getFileNames(errors) {
            var fileNames;
            if (ts.hasProperty(json, "files")) {
                if (ts.isArray(json["files"])) {
                    fileNames = json["files"];
                else {
                    errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Compiler_option_0_requires_a_value_of_type_1, "files", "Array"));
            var includeSpecs;
            if (ts.hasProperty(json, "include")) {
                if (ts.isArray(json["include"])) {
                    includeSpecs = json["include"];
                else {
                    errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Compiler_option_0_requires_a_value_of_type_1, "include", "Array"));
            var excludeSpecs;
            if (ts.hasProperty(json, "exclude")) {
                if (ts.isArray(json["exclude"])) {
                    excludeSpecs = json["exclude"];
                else {
                    errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Compiler_option_0_requires_a_value_of_type_1, "exclude", "Array"));
            else if (ts.hasProperty(json, "excludes")) {
            else {
                excludeSpecs = ["node_modules", "bower_components", "jspm_packages"];
            var outDir = json["compilerOptions"] && json["compilerOptions"]["outDir"];
            if (outDir) {
            if (fileNames === undefined && includeSpecs === undefined) {
                includeSpecs = ["**/*"];
            return matchFileNames(fileNames, includeSpecs, excludeSpecs, basePath, options, host, errors);
    ts.parseJsonConfigFileContent = parseJsonConfigFileContent;
    function convertCompileOnSaveOptionFromJson(jsonOption, basePath, errors) {
        if (!ts.hasProperty(jsonOption, {
            return false;
        var result = convertJsonOption(ts.compileOnSaveCommandLineOption, jsonOption["compileOnSave"], basePath, errors);
        if (typeof result === "boolean" && result) {
            return result;
        return false;
    ts.convertCompileOnSaveOptionFromJson = convertCompileOnSaveOptionFromJson;
    function convertCompilerOptionsFromJson(jsonOptions, basePath, configFileName) {
        var errors = [];
        var options = convertCompilerOptionsFromJsonWorker(jsonOptions, basePath, errors, configFileName);
        return { options: options, errors: errors };
    ts.convertCompilerOptionsFromJson = convertCompilerOptionsFromJson;
    function convertTypingOptionsFromJson(jsonOptions, basePath, configFileName) {
        var errors = [];
        var options = convertTypingOptionsFromJsonWorker(jsonOptions, basePath, errors, configFileName);
        return { options: options, errors: errors };
    ts.convertTypingOptionsFromJson = convertTypingOptionsFromJson;
    function convertCompilerOptionsFromJsonWorker(jsonOptions, basePath, errors, configFileName) {
        var options = ts.getBaseFileName(configFileName) === "jsconfig.json"
            ? { allowJs: true, maxNodeModuleJsDepth: 2, allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true }
            : {};
        convertOptionsFromJson(ts.optionDeclarations, jsonOptions, basePath, options, ts.Diagnostics.Unknown_compiler_option_0, errors);
        return options;
    function convertTypingOptionsFromJsonWorker(jsonOptions, basePath, errors, configFileName) {
        var options = ts.getBaseFileName(configFileName) === "jsconfig.json"
            ? { enableAutoDiscovery: true, include: [], exclude: [] }
            : { enableAutoDiscovery: false, include: [], exclude: [] };
        convertOptionsFromJson(ts.typingOptionDeclarations, jsonOptions, basePath, options, ts.Diagnostics.Unknown_typing_option_0, errors);
        return options;
    function convertOptionsFromJson(optionDeclarations, jsonOptions, basePath, defaultOptions, diagnosticMessage, errors) {
        if (!jsonOptions) {
        var optionNameMap = ts.arrayToMap(optionDeclarations, function (opt) { return; });
        for (var id in jsonOptions) {
            if (id in optionNameMap) {
                var opt = optionNameMap[id];
                defaultOptions[] = convertJsonOption(opt, jsonOptions[id], basePath, errors);
            else {
                errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(diagnosticMessage, id));
    function convertJsonOption(opt, value, basePath, errors) {
        var optType = opt.type;
        var expectedType = typeof optType === "string" ? optType : "string";
        if (optType === "list" && ts.isArray(value)) {
            return convertJsonOptionOfListType(opt, value, basePath, errors);
        else if (typeof value === expectedType) {
            if (typeof optType !== "string") {
                return convertJsonOptionOfCustomType(opt, value, errors);
            else {
                if (opt.isFilePath) {
                    value = ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(basePath, value));
                    if (value === "") {
                        value = ".";
            return value;
        else {
            errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Compiler_option_0_requires_a_value_of_type_1,, expectedType));
    function convertJsonOptionOfCustomType(opt, value, errors) {
        var key = value.toLowerCase();
        if (key in opt.type) {
            return opt.type[key];
        else {
    function convertJsonOptionOfListType(option, values, basePath, errors) {
        return ts.filter(, function (v) { return convertJsonOption(option.element, v, basePath, errors); }), function (v) { return !!v; });
    function trimString(s) {
        return typeof s.trim === "function" ? s.trim() : s.replace(/^[\s]+|[\s]+$/g, "");
    var invalidTrailingRecursionPattern = /(^|\/)\*\*\/?$/;
    var invalidMultipleRecursionPatterns = /(^|\/)\*\*\/(.*\/)?\*\*($|\/)/;
    var invalidDotDotAfterRecursiveWildcardPattern = /(^|\/)\*\*\/(.*\/)?\.\.($|\/)/;
    var watchRecursivePattern = /\/[^/]*?[*?][^/]*\//;
    var wildcardDirectoryPattern = /^[^*?]*(?=\/[^/]*[*?])/;
    function matchFileNames(fileNames, include, exclude, basePath, options, host, errors) {
        basePath = ts.normalizePath(basePath);
        var keyMapper = host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames ? caseSensitiveKeyMapper : caseInsensitiveKeyMapper;
        var literalFileMap = ts.createMap();
        var wildcardFileMap = ts.createMap();
        if (include) {
            include = validateSpecs(include, errors, false);
        if (exclude) {
            exclude = validateSpecs(exclude, errors, true);
        var wildcardDirectories = getWildcardDirectories(include, exclude, basePath, host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames);
        var supportedExtensions = ts.getSupportedExtensions(options);
        if (fileNames) {
            for (var _i = 0, fileNames_1 = fileNames; _i < fileNames_1.length; _i++) {
                var fileName = fileNames_1[_i];
                var file = ts.combinePaths(basePath, fileName);
                literalFileMap[keyMapper(file)] = file;
        if (include && include.length > 0) {
            for (var _a = 0, _b = host.readDirectory(basePath, supportedExtensions, exclude, include); _a < _b.length; _a++) {
                var file = _b[_a];
                if (hasFileWithHigherPriorityExtension(file, literalFileMap, wildcardFileMap, supportedExtensions, keyMapper)) {
                removeWildcardFilesWithLowerPriorityExtension(file, wildcardFileMap, supportedExtensions, keyMapper);
                var key = keyMapper(file);
                if (!(key in literalFileMap) && !(key in wildcardFileMap)) {
                    wildcardFileMap[key] = file;
        var literalFiles = ts.reduceProperties(literalFileMap, addFileToOutput, []);
        var wildcardFiles = ts.reduceProperties(wildcardFileMap, addFileToOutput, []);
        wildcardFiles.sort(host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames ? ts.compareStrings : ts.compareStringsCaseInsensitive);
        return {
            fileNames: literalFiles.concat(wildcardFiles),
            wildcardDirectories: wildcardDirectories
    function validateSpecs(specs, errors, allowTrailingRecursion) {
        var validSpecs = [];
        for (var _i = 0, specs_2 = specs; _i < specs_2.length; _i++) {
            var spec = specs_2[_i];
            if (!allowTrailingRecursion && invalidTrailingRecursionPattern.test(spec)) {
                errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.File_specification_cannot_end_in_a_recursive_directory_wildcard_Asterisk_Asterisk_Colon_0, spec));
            else if (invalidMultipleRecursionPatterns.test(spec)) {
                errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.File_specification_cannot_contain_multiple_recursive_directory_wildcards_Asterisk_Asterisk_Colon_0, spec));
            else if (invalidDotDotAfterRecursiveWildcardPattern.test(spec)) {
                errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.File_specification_cannot_contain_a_parent_directory_that_appears_after_a_recursive_directory_wildcard_Asterisk_Asterisk_Colon_0, spec));
            else {
        return validSpecs;
    function getWildcardDirectories(include, exclude, path, useCaseSensitiveFileNames) {
        var rawExcludeRegex = ts.getRegularExpressionForWildcard(exclude, path, "exclude");
        var excludeRegex = rawExcludeRegex && new RegExp(rawExcludeRegex, useCaseSensitiveFileNames ? "" : "i");
        var wildcardDirectories = ts.createMap();
        if (include !== undefined) {
            var recursiveKeys = [];
            for (var _i = 0, include_1 = include; _i < include_1.length; _i++) {
                var file = include_1[_i];
                var name_36 = ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(path, file));
                if (excludeRegex && excludeRegex.test(name_36)) {
                var match = wildcardDirectoryPattern.exec(name_36);
                if (match) {
                    var key = useCaseSensitiveFileNames ? match[0] : match[0].toLowerCase();
                    var flags = watchRecursivePattern.test(name_36) ? 1 : 0;
                    var existingFlags = wildcardDirectories[key];
                    if (existingFlags === undefined || existingFlags < flags) {
                        wildcardDirectories[key] = flags;
                        if (flags === 1) {
            for (var key in wildcardDirectories) {
                for (var _a = 0, recursiveKeys_1 = recursiveKeys; _a < recursiveKeys_1.length; _a++) {
                    var recursiveKey = recursiveKeys_1[_a];
                    if (key !== recursiveKey && ts.containsPath(recursiveKey, key, path, !useCaseSensitiveFileNames)) {
                        delete wildcardDirectories[key];
        return wildcardDirectories;
    function hasFileWithHigherPriorityExtension(file, literalFiles, wildcardFiles, extensions, keyMapper) {
        var extensionPriority = ts.getExtensionPriority(file, extensions);
        var adjustedExtensionPriority = ts.adjustExtensionPriority(extensionPriority);
        for (var i = 0; i < adjustedExtensionPriority; i++) {
            var higherPriorityExtension = extensions[i];
            var higherPriorityPath = keyMapper(ts.changeExtension(file, higherPriorityExtension));
            if (higherPriorityPath in literalFiles || higherPriorityPath in wildcardFiles) {
                return true;
        return false;
    function removeWildcardFilesWithLowerPriorityExtension(file, wildcardFiles, extensions, keyMapper) {
        var extensionPriority = ts.getExtensionPriority(file, extensions);
        var nextExtensionPriority = ts.getNextLowestExtensionPriority(extensionPriority);
        for (var i = nextExtensionPriority; i < extensions.length; i++) {
            var lowerPriorityExtension = extensions[i];
            var lowerPriorityPath = keyMapper(ts.changeExtension(file, lowerPriorityExtension));
            delete wildcardFiles[lowerPriorityPath];
    function addFileToOutput(output, file) {
        return output;
    function caseSensitiveKeyMapper(key) {
        return key;
    function caseInsensitiveKeyMapper(key) {
        return key.toLowerCase();
})(ts || (ts = {}));
var ts;
(function (ts) {
    var defaultFormatDiagnosticsHost = {
        getCurrentDirectory: function () { return ts.sys.getCurrentDirectory(); },
        getNewLine: function () { return ts.sys.newLine; },
        getCanonicalFileName: ts.createGetCanonicalFileName(ts.sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames)
    var reportDiagnosticWorker = reportDiagnosticSimply;
    function reportDiagnostic(diagnostic, host) {
        reportDiagnosticWorker(diagnostic, host || defaultFormatDiagnosticsHost);
    function reportDiagnostics(diagnostics, host) {
        for (var _i = 0, diagnostics_3 = diagnostics; _i < diagnostics_3.length; _i++) {
            var diagnostic = diagnostics_3[_i];
            reportDiagnostic(diagnostic, host);
    function reportEmittedFiles(files, host) {
        if (!files || files.length == 0) {
        var currentDir = ts.sys.getCurrentDirectory();
        for (var _i = 0, files_3 = files; _i < files_3.length; _i++) {
            var file = files_3[_i];
            var filepath = ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(file, currentDir);
            ts.sys.write("TSFILE: " + filepath + ts.sys.newLine);
    function validateLocaleAndSetLanguage(locale, errors) {
        var matchResult = /^([a-z]+)([_\-]([a-z]+))?$/.exec(locale.toLowerCase());
        if (!matchResult) {
            errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Locale_must_be_of_the_form_language_or_language_territory_For_example_0_or_1, "en", "ja-jp"));
            return false;
        var language = matchResult[1];
        var territory = matchResult[3];
        if (!trySetLanguageAndTerritory(language, territory, errors)) {
            trySetLanguageAndTerritory(language, undefined, errors);
        return true;
    function trySetLanguageAndTerritory(language, territory, errors) {
        var compilerFilePath = ts.normalizePath(ts.sys.getExecutingFilePath());
        var containingDirectoryPath = ts.getDirectoryPath(compilerFilePath);
        var filePath = ts.combinePaths(containingDirectoryPath, language);
        if (territory) {
            filePath = filePath + "-" + territory;
        filePath = ts.sys.resolvePath(ts.combinePaths(filePath, "diagnosticMessages.generated.json"));
        if (!ts.sys.fileExists(filePath)) {
            return false;
        var fileContents = "";
        try {
            fileContents = ts.sys.readFile(filePath);
        catch (e) {
            errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Unable_to_open_file_0, filePath));
            return false;
        try {
            ts.localizedDiagnosticMessages = JSON.parse(fileContents);
        catch (e) {
            errors.push(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Corrupted_locale_file_0, filePath));
            return false;
        return true;
    function countLines(program) {
        var count = 0;
        ts.forEach(program.getSourceFiles(), function (file) {
            count += ts.getLineStarts(file).length;
        return count;
    function getDiagnosticText(message) {
        var args = [];
        for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
            args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
        var diagnostic = ts.createCompilerDiagnostic.apply(undefined, arguments);
        return diagnostic.messageText;
    function reportDiagnosticSimply(diagnostic, host) {
        ts.sys.write(ts.formatDiagnostics([diagnostic], host));
    var redForegroundEscapeSequence = "\u001b[91m";
    var yellowForegroundEscapeSequence = "\u001b[93m";
    var blueForegroundEscapeSequence = "\u001b[93m";
    var gutterStyleSequence = "\u001b[100;30m";
    var gutterSeparator = " ";
    var resetEscapeSequence = "\u001b[0m";
    var ellipsis = "...";
    var categoryFormatMap = ts.createMap((_a = {},
        _a[ts.DiagnosticCategory.Warning] = yellowForegroundEscapeSequence,
        _a[ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error] = redForegroundEscapeSequence,
        _a[ts.DiagnosticCategory.Message] = blueForegroundEscapeSequence,
    function formatAndReset(text, formatStyle) {
        return formatStyle + text + resetEscapeSequence;
    function reportDiagnosticWithColorAndContext(diagnostic, host) {
        var output = "";
        if (diagnostic.file) {
            var start = diagnostic.start, length_4 = diagnostic.length, file = diagnostic.file;
            var _a = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, start), firstLine = _a.line, firstLineChar = _a.character;
            var _b = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, start + length_4), lastLine = _b.line, lastLineChar = _b.character;
            var lastLineInFile = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, file.text.length).line;
            var relativeFileName = host ? ts.convertToRelativePath(file.fileName, host.getCurrentDirectory(), function (fileName) { return host.getCanonicalFileName(fileName); }) : file.fileName;
            var hasMoreThanFiveLines = (lastLine - firstLine) >= 4;
            var gutterWidth = (lastLine + 1 + "").length;
            if (hasMoreThanFiveLines) {
                gutterWidth = Math.max(ellipsis.length, gutterWidth);
            output += ts.sys.newLine;
            for (var i = firstLine; i <= lastLine; i++) {
                if (hasMoreThanFiveLines && firstLine + 1 < i && i < lastLine - 1) {
                    output += formatAndReset(padLeft(ellipsis, gutterWidth), gutterStyleSequence) + gutterSeparator + ts.sys.newLine;
                    i = lastLine - 1;
                var lineStart = ts.getPositionOfLineAndCharacter(file, i, 0);
                var lineEnd = i < lastLineInFile ? ts.getPositionOfLineAndCharacter(file, i + 1, 0) : file.text.length;
                var lineContent = file.text.slice(lineStart, lineEnd);
                lineContent = lineContent.replace(/\s+$/g, "");
                lineContent = lineContent.replace("\t", " ");
                output += formatAndReset(padLeft(i + 1 + "", gutterWidth), gutterStyleSequence) + gutterSeparator;
                output += lineContent + ts.sys.newLine;
                output += formatAndReset(padLeft("", gutterWidth), gutterStyleSequence) + gutterSeparator;
                output += redForegroundEscapeSequence;
                if (i === firstLine) {
                    var lastCharForLine = i === lastLine ? lastLineChar : undefined;
                    output += lineContent.slice(0, firstLineChar).replace(/\S/g, " ");
                    output += lineContent.slice(firstLineChar, lastCharForLine).replace(/./g, "~");
                else if (i === lastLine) {
                    output += lineContent.slice(0, lastLineChar).replace(/./g, "~");
                else {
                    output += lineContent.replace(/./g, "~");
                output += resetEscapeSequence;
                output += ts.sys.newLine;
            output += ts.sys.newLine;
            output += relativeFileName + "(" + (firstLine + 1) + "," + (firstLineChar + 1) + "): ";
        var categoryColor = categoryFormatMap[diagnostic.category];
        var category = ts.DiagnosticCategory[diagnostic.category].toLowerCase();
        output += formatAndReset(category, categoryColor) + " TS" + diagnostic.code + ": " + ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, ts.sys.newLine);
        output += ts.sys.newLine + ts.sys.newLine;
    function reportWatchDiagnostic(diagnostic) {
        var output = new Date().toLocaleTimeString() + " - ";
        if (diagnostic.file) {
            var loc = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.file, diagnostic.start);
            output += diagnostic.file.fileName + "(" + (loc.line + 1) + "," + (loc.character + 1) + "): ";
        output += "" + ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, ts.sys.newLine) + ts.sys.newLine;
    function padLeft(s, length) {
        while (s.length < length) {
            s = " " + s;
        return s;
    function padRight(s, length) {
        while (s.length < length) {
            s = s + " ";
        return s;
    function reportStatisticalValue(name, value) {
        ts.sys.write(padRight(name + ":", 12) + padLeft(value.toString(), 10) + ts.sys.newLine);
    function reportCountStatistic(name, count) {
        reportStatisticalValue(name, "" + count);
    function reportTimeStatistic(name, time) {
        reportStatisticalValue(name, (time / 1000).toFixed(2) + "s");
    function isJSONSupported() {
        return typeof JSON === "object" && typeof JSON.parse === "function";
    function executeCommandLine(args) {
        var commandLine = ts.parseCommandLine(args);
        var configFileName;
        var cachedConfigFileText;
        var configFileWatcher;
        var directoryWatcher;
        var cachedProgram;
        var rootFileNames;
        var compilerOptions;
        var compilerHost;
        var hostGetSourceFile;
        var timerHandleForRecompilation;
        var timerHandleForDirectoryChanges;
        var cachedExistingFiles;
        var hostFileExists;
        if (commandLine.options.locale) {
            if (!isJSONSupported()) {
                reportDiagnostic(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.The_current_host_does_not_support_the_0_option, "--locale"), undefined);
                return ts.sys.exit(ts.ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped);
            validateLocaleAndSetLanguage(commandLine.options.locale, commandLine.errors);
        if (commandLine.errors.length > 0) {
            reportDiagnostics(commandLine.errors, compilerHost);
            return ts.sys.exit(ts.ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped);
        if (commandLine.options.init) {
            writeConfigFile(commandLine.options, commandLine.fileNames);
            return ts.sys.exit(ts.ExitStatus.Success);
        if (commandLine.options.version) {
            return ts.sys.exit(ts.ExitStatus.Success);
        if ( {
            return ts.sys.exit(ts.ExitStatus.Success);
        if (commandLine.options.project) {
            if (!isJSONSupported()) {
                reportDiagnostic(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.The_current_host_does_not_support_the_0_option, "--project"), undefined);
                return ts.sys.exit(ts.ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped);
            if (commandLine.fileNames.length !== 0) {
                reportDiagnostic(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Option_project_cannot_be_mixed_with_source_files_on_a_command_line), undefined);
                return ts.sys.exit(ts.ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped);
            var fileOrDirectory = ts.normalizePath(commandLine.options.project);
            if (!fileOrDirectory || ts.sys.directoryExists(fileOrDirectory)) {
                configFileName = ts.combinePaths(fileOrDirectory, "tsconfig.json");
                if (!ts.sys.fileExists(configFileName)) {
                    reportDiagnostic(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_find_a_tsconfig_json_file_at_the_specified_directory_Colon_0, commandLine.options.project), undefined);
                    return ts.sys.exit(ts.ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped);
            else {
                configFileName = fileOrDirectory;
                if (!ts.sys.fileExists(configFileName)) {
                    reportDiagnostic(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.The_specified_path_does_not_exist_Colon_0, commandLine.options.project), undefined);
                    return ts.sys.exit(ts.ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped);
        else if (commandLine.fileNames.length === 0 && isJSONSupported()) {
            var searchPath = ts.normalizePath(ts.sys.getCurrentDirectory());
            configFileName = ts.findConfigFile(searchPath, ts.sys.fileExists);
        if (commandLine.fileNames.length === 0 && !configFileName) {
            return ts.sys.exit(ts.ExitStatus.Success);
        if (ts.isWatchSet(commandLine.options)) {
            if (!ts.sys.watchFile) {
                reportDiagnostic(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.The_current_host_does_not_support_the_0_option, "--watch"), undefined);
                return ts.sys.exit(ts.ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped);
            if (configFileName) {
                configFileWatcher = ts.sys.watchFile(configFileName, configFileChanged);
            if (ts.sys.watchDirectory && configFileName) {
                var directory = ts.getDirectoryPath(configFileName);
                directoryWatcher = ts.sys.watchDirectory(directory == "" ? "." : directory, watchedDirectoryChanged, true);
        function parseConfigFile() {
            if (!cachedConfigFileText) {
                try {
                    cachedConfigFileText = ts.sys.readFile(configFileName);
                catch (e) {
                    var error = ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Cannot_read_file_0_Colon_1, configFileName, e.message);
            if (!cachedConfigFileText) {
                var error = ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.File_0_not_found, configFileName);
                reportDiagnostics([error], undefined);
            var result = ts.parseConfigFileTextToJson(configFileName, cachedConfigFileText);
            var configObject = result.config;
            if (!configObject) {
                reportDiagnostics([result.error], undefined);
            var cwd = ts.sys.getCurrentDirectory();
            var configParseResult = ts.parseJsonConfigFileContent(configObject, ts.sys, ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(ts.getDirectoryPath(configFileName), cwd), commandLine.options, ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(configFileName, cwd));
            if (configParseResult.errors.length > 0) {
                reportDiagnostics(configParseResult.errors, undefined);
            if (ts.isWatchSet(configParseResult.options)) {
                if (!ts.sys.watchFile) {
                    reportDiagnostic(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.The_current_host_does_not_support_the_0_option, "--watch"), undefined);
                if (!directoryWatcher && ts.sys.watchDirectory && configFileName) {
                    var directory = ts.getDirectoryPath(configFileName);
                    directoryWatcher = ts.sys.watchDirectory(directory == "" ? "." : directory, watchedDirectoryChanged, true);
            return configParseResult;
        function performCompilation() {
            if (!cachedProgram) {
                if (configFileName) {
                    var configParseResult = parseConfigFile();
                    rootFileNames = configParseResult.fileNames;
                    compilerOptions = configParseResult.options;
                else {
                    rootFileNames = commandLine.fileNames;
                    compilerOptions = commandLine.options;
                compilerHost = ts.createCompilerHost(compilerOptions);
                hostGetSourceFile = compilerHost.getSourceFile;
                compilerHost.getSourceFile = getSourceFile;
                hostFileExists = compilerHost.fileExists;
                compilerHost.fileExists = cachedFileExists;
            if (compilerOptions.pretty) {
                reportDiagnosticWorker = reportDiagnosticWithColorAndContext;
            cachedExistingFiles = ts.createMap();
            var compileResult = compile(rootFileNames, compilerOptions, compilerHost);
            if (!ts.isWatchSet(compilerOptions)) {
                return ts.sys.exit(compileResult.exitStatus);
        function cachedFileExists(fileName) {
            return fileName in cachedExistingFiles
                ? cachedExistingFiles[fileName]
                : cachedExistingFiles[fileName] = hostFileExists(fileName);
        function getSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion, onError) {
            if (cachedProgram) {
                var sourceFile_1 = cachedProgram.getSourceFile(fileName);
                if (sourceFile_1 && sourceFile_1.fileWatcher) {
                    return sourceFile_1;
            var sourceFile = hostGetSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion, onError);
            if (sourceFile && ts.isWatchSet(compilerOptions) && ts.sys.watchFile) {
                sourceFile.fileWatcher = ts.sys.watchFile(sourceFile.fileName, function (fileName, removed) { return sourceFileChanged(sourceFile, removed); });
            return sourceFile;
        function setCachedProgram(program) {
            if (cachedProgram) {
                var newSourceFiles_1 = program ? program.getSourceFiles() : undefined;
                ts.forEach(cachedProgram.getSourceFiles(), function (sourceFile) {
                    if (!(newSourceFiles_1 && ts.contains(newSourceFiles_1, sourceFile))) {
                        if (sourceFile.fileWatcher) {
                            sourceFile.fileWatcher = undefined;
            cachedProgram = program;
        function sourceFileChanged(sourceFile, removed) {
            sourceFile.fileWatcher = undefined;
            if (removed) {
                var index = rootFileNames.indexOf(sourceFile.fileName);
                if (index >= 0) {
                    rootFileNames.splice(index, 1);
        function configFileChanged() {
            cachedConfigFileText = undefined;
        function watchedDirectoryChanged(fileName) {
            if (fileName && !ts.isSupportedSourceFileName(fileName, compilerOptions)) {
        function startTimerForHandlingDirectoryChanges() {
            if (timerHandleForDirectoryChanges) {
            timerHandleForDirectoryChanges = setTimeout(directoryChangeHandler, 250);
        function directoryChangeHandler() {
            var parsedCommandLine = parseConfigFile();
            var newFileNames =, compilerHost.getCanonicalFileName);
            var canonicalRootFileNames =, compilerHost.getCanonicalFileName);
            if (!ts.arrayIsEqualTo(newFileNames && newFileNames.sort(), canonicalRootFileNames && canonicalRootFileNames.sort())) {
        function startTimerForRecompilation() {
            if (timerHandleForRecompilation) {
            timerHandleForRecompilation = setTimeout(recompile, 250);
        function recompile() {
            timerHandleForRecompilation = undefined;
    ts.executeCommandLine = executeCommandLine;
    function compile(fileNames, compilerOptions, compilerHost) {
        var hasDiagnostics = compilerOptions.diagnostics || compilerOptions.extendedDiagnostics;
        if (hasDiagnostics)
        var program = ts.createProgram(fileNames, compilerOptions, compilerHost);
        var exitStatus = compileProgram();
        if (compilerOptions.listFiles) {
            ts.forEach(program.getSourceFiles(), function (file) {
                ts.sys.write(file.fileName + ts.sys.newLine);
        if (hasDiagnostics) {
            var memoryUsed = ts.sys.getMemoryUsage ? ts.sys.getMemoryUsage() : -1;
            reportCountStatistic("Files", program.getSourceFiles().length);
            reportCountStatistic("Lines", countLines(program));
            reportCountStatistic("Nodes", program.getNodeCount());
            reportCountStatistic("Identifiers", program.getIdentifierCount());
            reportCountStatistic("Symbols", program.getSymbolCount());
            reportCountStatistic("Types", program.getTypeCount());
            if (memoryUsed >= 0) {
                reportStatisticalValue("Memory used", Math.round(memoryUsed / 1000) + "K");
            var programTime = ts.performance.getDuration("Program");
            var bindTime = ts.performance.getDuration("Bind");
            var checkTime = ts.performance.getDuration("Check");
            var emitTime = ts.performance.getDuration("Emit");
            if (compilerOptions.extendedDiagnostics) {
                ts.performance.forEachMeasure(function (name, duration) { return reportTimeStatistic(name + " time", duration); });
            else {
                reportTimeStatistic("I/O read", ts.performance.getDuration("I/O Read"));
                reportTimeStatistic("I/O write", ts.performance.getDuration("I/O Write"));
                reportTimeStatistic("Parse time", programTime);
                reportTimeStatistic("Bind time", bindTime);
                reportTimeStatistic("Check time", checkTime);
                reportTimeStatistic("Emit time", emitTime);
            reportTimeStatistic("Total time", programTime + bindTime + checkTime + emitTime);
        return { program: program, exitStatus: exitStatus };
        function compileProgram() {
            var diagnostics;
            diagnostics = program.getSyntacticDiagnostics();
            if (diagnostics.length === 0) {
                diagnostics = program.getOptionsDiagnostics().concat(program.getGlobalDiagnostics());
                if (diagnostics.length === 0) {
                    diagnostics = program.getSemanticDiagnostics();
            var emitOutput = program.emit();
            diagnostics = diagnostics.concat(emitOutput.diagnostics);
            reportDiagnostics(ts.sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(diagnostics), compilerHost);
            reportEmittedFiles(emitOutput.emittedFiles, compilerHost);
            if (emitOutput.emitSkipped && diagnostics.length > 0) {
                return ts.ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped;
            else if (diagnostics.length > 0) {
                return ts.ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsGenerated;
            return ts.ExitStatus.Success;
    function printVersion() {
        ts.sys.write(getDiagnosticText(ts.Diagnostics.Version_0, ts.version) + ts.sys.newLine);
    function printHelp() {
        var output = "";
        var syntaxLength = getDiagnosticText(ts.Diagnostics.Syntax_Colon_0, "").length;
        var examplesLength = getDiagnosticText(ts.Diagnostics.Examples_Colon_0, "").length;
        var marginLength = Math.max(syntaxLength, examplesLength);
        var syntax = makePadding(marginLength - syntaxLength);
        syntax += "tsc [" + getDiagnosticText(ts.Diagnostics.options) + "] [" + getDiagnosticText(ts.Diagnostics.file) + " ...]";
        output += getDiagnosticText(ts.Diagnostics.Syntax_Colon_0, syntax);
        output += ts.sys.newLine + ts.sys.newLine;
        var padding = makePadding(marginLength);
        output += getDiagnosticText(ts.Diagnostics.Examples_Colon_0, makePadding(marginLength - examplesLength) + "tsc hello.ts") + ts.sys.newLine;
        output += padding + "tsc --outFile file.js file.ts" + ts.sys.newLine;
        output += padding + "tsc @args.txt" + ts.sys.newLine;
        output += ts.sys.newLine;
        output += getDiagnosticText(ts.Diagnostics.Options_Colon) + ts.sys.newLine;
        var optsList = ts.filter(ts.optionDeclarations.slice(), function (v) { return !v.experimental; });
        optsList.sort(function (a, b) { return ts.compareValues(,; });
        marginLength = 0;
        var usageColumn = [];
        var descriptionColumn = [];
        var optionsDescriptionMap = ts.createMap();
        for (var i = 0; i < optsList.length; i++) {
            var option = optsList[i];
            if (!option.description) {
            var usageText_1 = " ";
            if (option.shortName) {
                usageText_1 += "-" + option.shortName;
                usageText_1 += getParamType(option);
                usageText_1 += ", ";
            usageText_1 += "--" +;
            usageText_1 += getParamType(option);
            var description = void 0;
            if ( === "lib") {
                description = getDiagnosticText(option.description);
                var options = [];
                var element = option.element;
                var typeMap = element.type;
                for (var key in typeMap) {
                    options.push("'" + key + "'");
                optionsDescriptionMap[description] = options;
            else {
                description = getDiagnosticText(option.description);
            marginLength = Math.max(usageText_1.length, marginLength);
        var usageText = " @<" + getDiagnosticText(ts.Diagnostics.file) + ">";
        marginLength = Math.max(usageText.length, marginLength);
        for (var i = 0; i < usageColumn.length; i++) {
            var usage = usageColumn[i];
            var description = descriptionColumn[i];
            var kindsList = optionsDescriptionMap[description];
            output += usage + makePadding(marginLength - usage.length + 2) + description + ts.sys.newLine;
            if (kindsList) {
                output += makePadding(marginLength + 4);
                for (var _i = 0, kindsList_1 = kindsList; _i < kindsList_1.length; _i++) {
                    var kind = kindsList_1[_i];
                    output += kind + " ";
                output += ts.sys.newLine;
        function getParamType(option) {
            if (option.paramType !== undefined) {
                return " " + getDiagnosticText(option.paramType);
            return "";
        function makePadding(paddingLength) {
            return Array(paddingLength + 1).join(" ");
    function writeConfigFile(options, fileNames) {
        var currentDirectory = ts.sys.getCurrentDirectory();
        var file = ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(currentDirectory, "tsconfig.json"));
        if (ts.sys.fileExists(file)) {
            reportDiagnostic(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.A_tsconfig_json_file_is_already_defined_at_Colon_0, file), undefined);
        else {
            ts.sys.writeFile(file, JSON.stringify(ts.generateTSConfig(options, fileNames), undefined, 4));
            reportDiagnostic(ts.createCompilerDiagnostic(ts.Diagnostics.Successfully_created_a_tsconfig_json_file), undefined);
    var _a;
})(ts || (ts = {}));
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