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Tip revision: f195c4a75081713d057e648430a4d288ca752835 authored by satijalab on 16 May 2019, 17:14:02 UTC
Merge pull request #1549 from satijalab/develop
Tip revision: f195c4a
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/generics.R, R/dimensional_reduction.R
\title{Run Independent Component Analysis on gene expression}
RunICA(object, ...)

\method{RunICA}{default}(object, assay = NULL, nics = 50,
  rev.ica = FALSE, ica.function = "icafast", verbose = TRUE,
  ndims.print = 1:5, nfeatures.print = 30, = "ica",
  reduction.key = "ica_", seed.use = 42, ...)

\method{RunICA}{Assay}(object, assay = NULL, features = NULL,
  nics = 50, rev.ica = FALSE, ica.function = "icafast",
  verbose = TRUE, ndims.print = 1:5, nfeatures.print = 30, = "ica", reduction.key = "ica_", seed.use = 42, ...)

\method{RunICA}{Seurat}(object, assay = NULL, features = NULL,
  nics = 50, rev.ica = FALSE, ica.function = "icafast",
  verbose = TRUE, ndims.print = 1:5, nfeatures.print = 30, = "ica", reduction.key = "IC_", seed.use = 42, ...)
\item{object}{Seurat object}

\item{\dots}{Additional arguments to be passed to fastica}

\item{assay}{Name of Assay ICA is being run on}

\item{nics}{Number of ICs to compute}

\item{rev.ica}{By default, computes the dimensional reduction on the cell x
feature matrix. Setting to true will compute it on the transpose (feature x cell

\item{ica.function}{ICA function from ica package to run (options: icafast,
icaimax, icajade)}

\item{verbose}{Print the top genes associated with high/low loadings for
the ICs}

\item{ndims.print}{ICs to print genes for}

\item{nfeatures.print}{Number of genes to print for each IC}

\item{}{dimensional reduction name}

\item{reduction.key}{dimensional reduction key, specifies the string before
the number for the dimension names.}

\item{seed.use}{Set a random seed.  Setting NULL will not set a seed.}

\item{features}{Features to compute ICA on}
Run fastica algorithm from the ica package for ICA dimensionality reduction.
For details about stored ICA calculation parameters, see
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