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Tip revision: 49a1be0427f2f26a531eb468ba93eeb18d8a2edb authored by satijalab on 13 December 2019, 20:42:25 UTC
Merge pull request #2416 from satijalab/develop
Tip revision: 49a1be0
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% Please edit documentation in R/data.R
\title{A small example version of the PBMC dataset}
\format{A Seurat object with the following slots filled
  \itemize{Currently only contains one assay ("RNA" - scRNA-seq expression data)
  \item{counts - Raw expression data}
  \item{data - Normalized expression data}
  \item{ - Scaled expression data}
  \item{var.features - names of the current features selected as variable}
  \item{meta.features - Assay level metadata such as mean and variance}
  \item{}{Cell level metadata}
  \item{active.assay}{Current default assay}
  \item{active.ident}{Current default idents}
  \item{graphs}{Neighbor graphs computed, currently stores the SNN}
  \item{reductions}{Dimensional reductions: currently PCA and tSNE}
  \item{version}{Seurat version used to create the object}
  \item{commands}{Command history}
A subsetted version of 10X Genomics' 3k PBMC dataset
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