Raw File
Tip revision: 41eb73771a3df52d9feca78a462a32c806401115 authored by Thomas Wiecki on 26 May 2017, 11:35:46 UTC
Bump version to 3.1rc4
Tip revision: 41eb737
.. image::
    :alt: PyMC3 logo
    :align: center

|Gitter| |Build Status| |Coverage|

PyMC3 is a Python package for Bayesian statistical modeling and Probabilistic Machine Learning
which focuses on advanced Markov chain Monte Carlo and variational fitting
algorithms. Its flexibility and extensibility make it applicable to a
large suite of problems.

Check out the `getting started
guide <>`__!


-  Intuitive model specification syntax, for example, ``x ~ N(0,1)``
   translates to ``x = Normal('x',0,1)``
-  **Powerful sampling algorithms**, such as the `No U-Turn
   Sampler <>`__, allow complex models
   with thousands of parameters with little specialized knowledge of
   fitting algorithms.
-  **Variational inference**: `ADVI <>`__
   for fast approximate posterior estimation as well as mini-batch ADVI
   for large data sets.
-  Relies on `Theano <>`__ which provides:
    *  Computation optimization and dynamic C compilation
    *  Numpy broadcasting and advanced indexing
    *  Linear algebra operators
    *  Simple extensibility
-  Transparent support for missing value imputation

Getting started

If you already know about Bayesian statistics:

-  `API quickstart guide <>`__
-  The `PyMC3 tutorial <>`__
-  `PyMC3 examples <>`__
   and the `API reference <>`__

Learn Bayesian statistics with a book together with PyMC3:

-  `Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Methods for Hackers <>`__: Fantastic book with many applied code examples.
-  `PyMC3 port of the book "Doing Bayesian Data Analysis" by John Kruschke <>`__ as well as the `second edition <>`__: Principled introduction to Bayesian data analysis.
-  `PyMC3 port of the book "Statistical Rethinking A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan" by Richard McElreath <>`__
-  `PyMC3 port of the book "Bayesian Cognitive Modeling" by Michael Lee and EJ Wagenmakers <>`__: Focused on using Bayesian statistics in cognitive modeling.
-  `Bayesian Analysis with Python by Osvaldo Martin <>`__ (and `errata <>`__): Great introductory book.

PyMC3 talks

There are also several talks on PyMC3 which are gathered in this `YouTube playlist <>`__


The latest release of PyMC3 can be installed from PyPI using ``pip``:


    pip install pymc3

**Note:** Running ``pip install pymc`` will install PyMC 2.3, not PyMC3,
from PyPI.

Or via conda-forge:


    conda install -c conda-forge pymc3

The current development branch of PyMC3 can be installed from GitHub, also using ``pip``:


    pip install git+

To ensure the development branch of Theano is installed alongside PyMC3
(recommended), you can install PyMC3 using the ``requirements.txt``
file. This requires cloning the repository to your computer:


    git clone
    cd pymc3
    pip install -r requirements.txt

However, if a recent version of Theano has already been installed on
your system, you can install PyMC3 directly from GitHub.

Another option is to clone the repository and install PyMC3 using
``python install`` or ``python develop``.


PyMC3 is tested on Python 2.7 and 3.6 and depends on Theano, NumPy,
SciPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib (see ``requirements.txt`` for version


In addtion to the above dependencies, the GLM submodule relies on
`Patsy <>`__.

`scikits.sparse <>`__
enables sparse scaling matrices which are useful for large problems.

Citing PyMC3

Salvatier J, Wiecki TV, Fonnesbeck C. (2016) Probabilistic programming
in Python using PyMC3. PeerJ Computer Science 2:e55


To report an issue with PyMC3 or to suggest a feature please use the `issue tracker <>`__.

To ask a question regarding modeling or usage of PyMC3 we encourage posting to `StackOverflow using the "pymc" tag <>`__.

To interact with PyMC3 developers, visit the `pymc Gitter channel <>`__.

Finally, if you need to get in touch for non-technical information about the project, `send us an e-mail <>`__.


`Apache License, Version
2.0 <>`__

Software using PyMC3

 - `Bambi <>`__: BAyesian Model-Building Interface (BAMBI) in Python.
 - `gelato <>`__: Bayesian Neural Networks with PyMC3 and Lasagne.
 - `NiPyMC <>`__: Bayesian mixed-effects modeling of fMRI data in Python.
 - `beat <>`__: Bayesian Earthquake Analysis Tool.
 - `Edward <>`__: A library for probabilistic modeling, inference, and criticism.

Please contact us if your software is not listed here.

Papers citing PyMC3

See `Google Scholar <>`__ for a continuously updated list.


See the `GitHub contributor
page <>`__


PyMC3 is a non-profit project under NumFOCUS umbrella. If you want to support PyMC3 financially, you can donate `here <>`__.




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