Raw File
Tip revision: 8fa9aa3362a1caf24f0678cae3820421a6c07899 authored by Dan Brickley on 15 October 2019, 13:26:59 UTC
Fixed date for v4 release, linked github stub issue page.
Tip revision: 8fa9aa3
    "@context": {
        "@vocab": ""
    "@type": "DataFeed",
    "name": "",
    "prefix": "schema",
    "siteurl": "",
    "vocaburl": "",
    "atticurl": "",
    "dataFeedVar": [{"SCHEMAORGLOC": "."}],
    "include": "sdoconfigTermsData.json",
    "extensiondescription": [
           "@type": "VocabDescriptor",
           "id": "",
           "extension": "bib",
           "name": "Bibliographic Section",
           "softwareVersion": "1.0",
           "linktext": "Defined in the %s section.",
           "disambiguatingDescription": "terms relating to books and bibliography.",
           "comment": "The Bibliographic Section within []( defines terms such as [[Audiobook]], [[Thesis]], [[ComicStory]], and [[workTranslation]]. For more details see the W3C BibExtend Community Group's [wiki]("
           "@type": "VocabDescriptor",
           "id": "",
           "extension": "meta",
           "name": "Meta Section",
           "softwareVersion": "1.0",
           "linktext": "Defined in the %s section.",
           "disambiguatingDescription": "terms used within for schema definitions.",
           "comment": "The meta section contains terms primarily designed to support the implementation of the vocabulary itself. It includes terms such as [[Class]], [[Property]], [[domainIncludes]] and [[supersededBy]]. They are not currently advocated for widespread use across the web."
           "@type": "VocabDescriptor",
           "id": "",
           "extension": "attic",
           "name": "Attic Section",
           "linktext": "Defined in the %s archive area.<br/><strong>Use of this term is not advised</strong>.",
            "disambiguatingDescription": "these terms have been either deprecated from the core or sections, or removed from [pending](/docs/howwework.html#pending) as not accepted into the full vocabulary.",
           "comment": "The attic area is an archive area for terms which are no longer part of the core vocabulary or its extensions. _Attic_ terms are preserved here to satisfy previous links to them.\n\nImplementors and publishers are gently encouraged not to use terms in the attic area."
           "@type": "VocabDescriptor",
           "id": "",
           "extension": "pending",
           "name": "Pending Section",
           "linktext": "This term is proposed for full integration into, %s implementation feedback and adoption from applications and websites.",
           "disambiguatingDescription": "these terms are pending wider review. Feedback is welcomed!",
           "comment": "The Pending Section is a staging area for work-in-progress terms which have yet to be accepted into the core vocabulary. _Pending_ terms are subject to change and should be used with caution.\n\nImplementors and publishers are cautioned that terms in the pending extension may lack consensus and that terminology and definitions could still change significantly after community and steering group review. Consumers of data who encourage use of such terms are strongly encouraged to update implementations and documentation to track any evolving changes, and to share early implementation feedback with the wider community."
           "@type": "VocabDescriptor",
           "id": "",
           "extension": "auto",
           "name": "Auto Section",
           "softwareVersion": "1.0",
           "linktext": "Defined in the %s section.",
           "disambiguatingDescription": "terms relating to automobiles.",
           "comment": "You are viewing the Auto Section within []( It defines terms such as [[MotorizedBicycle]] and adds terms to [[Car]]. For more details see the W3C [Automotive Ontology Working Group]("
           "@type": "VocabDescriptor",
           "id": "",
           "extension": "health-lifesci",
           "name": "Health and Lifesciences Section",
           "softwareVersion": "0.8",
           "linktext": "Defined in the %s Section.",
           "disambiguatingDescription": "terms relating to healthcare, medicine and the life sciences.",
           "comment": "You are viewing the Health and Lifesciences Section within []( It defines many medical terms such as  [[MedicalCondition]], [[AnatomicalStructure]] and [[MedicalSpecialty]]. See full list below.  \n\nThe terms defined in this extension may be considered moderately stable, but some changes are still likely (including renaming and restructuring) through ongoing community collaboration. Organizations using this data are encouraged to join the community discussions linked here, and share their usage scenarios to help improve the schemas.\n\nThe [medical vocabulary](/docs/meddocs.html) was [originally created]( in collaboration with [WikiDoc]( and others. Recent improvements including the migration into the health-lifesci extension has been led by the Healthcare Schema ([schemed]( community group at W3C.  The health-lifesci extension is [available]( for other collaborative extensions in topics centred on healthcare, medicine and the lifesciences (e.g. see also [Bioschemas](, and the [pending]( proposals for describing [US healthcare insurance networks]("
    "dataFeedElement": [
            "@type": "DataDownload",
            "fileContent": "templates",
            "contentLocation": "[[SCHEMAORGLOC]]/templates"
            "@type": "DataDownload",
            "fileContent": "counts",
            "contentFile": "[[SCHEMAORGLOC]]/data/2015-04-vocab_counts.txt"
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