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Tip revision: 2583b7f834f2012bc4a462a576b956cfca722a7c authored by Thomas Wiecki on 15 July 2022, 10:34:28 UTC
Bump version to 4.1.3
Tip revision: 2583b7f
#   Copyright 2020 The PyMC Developers
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
import aesara.tensor as at
import numpy as np

from aesara.scalar import Clip
from aesara.tensor import TensorVariable
from aesara.tensor.random.op import RandomVariable

from pymc.aesaraf import change_rv_size
from pymc.distributions.distribution import SymbolicDistribution, _moment
from pymc.util import check_dist_not_registered

class Censored(SymbolicDistribution):
    Censored distribution

    The pdf of a censored distribution is

    .. math::

            0 & \text{for } x < lower, \\
            \text{CDF}(lower, dist) & \text{for } x = lower, \\
            \text{PDF}(x, dist) & \text{for } lower < x < upper, \\
            1-\text{CDF}(upper, dist) & \text {for} x = upper, \\
            0 & \text{for } x > upper,

    dist: unnamed distribution
        Univariate distribution created via the `.dist()` API, which will be censored.
        This distribution must have a logcdf method implemented for sampling.

        .. warning:: dist will be cloned, rendering it independent of the one passed as input.

    lower: float or None
        Lower (left) censoring point. If `None` the distribution will not be left censored
    upper: float or None
        Upper (right) censoring point. If `None`, the distribution will not be right censored.

    Continuous censored distributions should only be used as likelihoods.
    Continuous censored distributions are a form of discrete-continuous mixture
    and as such cannot be sampled properly without a custom step sampler.
    If you wish to sample such a distribution, you can add the latent uncensored
    distribution to the model and then wrap it in a :class:`~pymc.Deterministic`

    .. code-block:: python

        with pm.Model():
            normal_dist = pm.Normal.dist(mu=0.0, sigma=1.0)
            censored_normal = pm.Censored("censored_normal", normal_dist, lower=-1, upper=1)

    def dist(cls, dist, lower, upper, **kwargs):
        if not isinstance(dist, TensorVariable) or not isinstance(dist.owner.op, RandomVariable):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Censoring dist must be a distribution created via the `.dist()` API, got {type(dist)}"
        if dist.owner.op.ndim_supp > 0:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Censoring of multivariate distributions has not been implemented yet"
        return super().dist([dist, lower, upper], **kwargs)

    def ndim_supp(cls, *dist_params):
        return 0

    def rv_op(cls, dist, lower=None, upper=None, size=None):

        lower = at.constant(-np.inf) if lower is None else at.as_tensor_variable(lower)
        upper = at.constant(np.inf) if upper is None else at.as_tensor_variable(upper)

        # When size is not specified, dist may have to be broadcasted according to lower/upper
        dist_shape = size if size is not None else at.broadcast_shape(dist, lower, upper)
        dist = change_rv_size(dist, dist_shape)

        # Censoring is achieved by clipping the base distribution between lower and upper
        rv_out = at.clip(dist, lower, upper)

        # Reference nodes to facilitate identification in other classmethods, without
        # worring about possible dimshuffles
        rv_out.tag.dist = dist
        rv_out.tag.lower = lower
        rv_out.tag.upper = upper

        return rv_out

    def change_size(cls, rv, new_size, expand=False):
        dist = rv.tag.dist
        lower = rv.tag.lower
        upper = rv.tag.upper
        new_dist = change_rv_size(dist, new_size, expand=expand)
        return cls.rv_op(new_dist, lower, upper)

def moment_censored(op, rv, dist, lower, upper):
    moment = at.switch(
        at.eq(lower, -np.inf),
            # lower = -inf, upper = inf
            # lower = -inf, upper = x
            upper - 1,
            at.eq(upper, np.inf),
            # lower = x, upper = inf
            lower + 1,
            # lower = x, upper = x
            (lower + upper) / 2,
    moment = at.full_like(dist, moment)
    return moment
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