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Tip revision: 431599a4a2b2ff1c2020377fc90ab459240d9553 authored by ST John on 17 April 2018, 22:39:26 UTC
Tip revision: 431599a
# Copyright 2016 James Hensman, Valentine Svensson, alexggmatthews
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from functools import reduce
import itertools
import warnings

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from .param import Param, Parameterized, AutoFlow
from . import transforms
from ._settings import settings
from .quadrature import hermgauss, mvhermgauss, mvnquad
from . import kernels

float_type = settings.dtypes.float_type
int_type = settings.dtypes.int_type
np_float_type = np.float32 if float_type is tf.float32 else np.float64

class DifferentialObservationsKernelDynamic(kernels.Kern):
    Differential kernels
    These are kernels between observations of the function and
    observation of function derivatives. see eg:
    Solak, Ercan, et al. "Derivative observations in Gaussian process models of dynamic systems.
    " Advances in neural information processing systems. 2003.

    This particular kernel can work with dynamically defined observations. In other words one
    can define after building the graph the observations. Because TensorFlow has to have a static
    graph this class has to build the possible combinations of derivatives at compile time.
    A switch is then used to pick the correct portion of the graph to evaluate at run time.
    We have only defined the kernel to deal with upto second order derivatives.

    When feeding the data to the GP one must define an extra dimension. This defines
    the number of derivatives in this corresponding dimension direction the corresponding
    observation records.

    For instance the x tensor:
    x = [[a,b,0,1],

    would mean you have seen three observations at [a,b], [c,d] and [e,f].
    and these observations will be respectively
    and d^2f/(dx_1^2)|x=[e,f].
    (you have to pass into this class the variable obs_dims, which denotes the number of dimensions
    of the observations, in this case 2).

    Undefined behaviour if following condiitions not met:
        * gradient denotation should be positive integers
        * only can do up to second derivatives

    def __init__(self, input_dim, base_kernel, obs_dims, active_dims=None):
        kernels.Kern.__init__(self, input_dim, active_dims)
        self.obs_dims = obs_dims
        self.base_kernel = base_kernel

    def K(self, X, X2=None):
        # Split X up into two separate vectors (do this as when we do tf.gradients
        # we only actually want to differentiate
        if X2 is None:
            X2 = tf.identity(X)
            X = tf.identity(X)

        x1, d1 = self._split_x_into_locs_and_grad_information(X)
        x2, d2 = self._split_x_into_locs_and_grad_information(X2)

        d1 = self._convert_grad_info_into_indics(d1)
        d2 = self._convert_grad_info_into_indics(d2)

        # Compute the kernel assuming no gradient observations
        raw_kernel = self.base_kernel.K(x1, x2)

        new_k = self._k_correct_dynamic(raw_kernel, x1, x2, d1, d2)
        return new_k

    def Kdiag(self, X):
        k = self.K(X)
        # So we have to solve the diag going through the whole K matrix, as some of the Kdiag
        # implementations make simplifications which means that the gradients will not be correct.
        # For instance the stationary kernel returns just the variances so as X is ignored
        # it will not differentiate properly
        return tf.diag_part(k)

    def _split_x_into_locs_and_grad_information(self, x):
        locs = x[:, :self.obs_dims]
        grad_info = x[:, -self.obs_dims:]
        return locs, grad_info

    def _convert_grad_info_into_indics(self, grad_info_matrix):
        This function takes gradient information in the form given to the class -- ie an
        integer mask telling how many times the gradient has been taken in that direction and
        converts it to the derivative information matrix form.
        An example derivative information matrix
        [[2, 0, 1],
         [1, 1, 0],
         [0, 0, 0]]
         See that the unused entries are set to anything

        would mean the observations corresponding to these data points are:
        [ d^2f_1/(dx_a1 dx_a2), df_2/dx_b2, f_3].

        We assume that the maximum number of derivatives will be two but do not check this so
        undefined behaviour if you have given more than two.
        deriv_info_matrix = tf.to_int32(grad_info_matrix)
        number_grads = tf.reduce_sum(deriv_info_matrix, axis=1)

        first_index = tf.to_int32(tf.argmax(deriv_info_matrix, axis=1))
        # nb TF 1.3 has output_type so this cast is unnecessary but keeping backwards compatibility
        # with older versions.

        # Having worked out where the first derivative is taken from we
        #  now remove it from the records.
        remaining = deriv_info_matrix - tf.one_hot(first_index, depth=tf.shape(deriv_info_matrix)[1],

        second_index = tf.to_int32(tf.argmax(remaining, axis=1))

        deriv_info_matrix = tf.transpose(tf.stack((number_grads, first_index, second_index), axis=0))
        return deriv_info_matrix

    def _k_correct_dynamic(self, k, xl, xr, deriv_info_left, deriv_info_right):
        k_shape = tf.shape(k)
        k_orig = k

        indcs_x1 = tf.range(0, tf.shape(xl)[0])[:, None] + tf.zeros(tf.shape(k), dtype=tf.int32)
        indcs_x2 = tf.range(0, tf.shape(xr)[0])[None, :] + tf.zeros(tf.shape(k), dtype=tf.int32)

        elems = [tf.reshape(t, (-1,)) for t in (indcs_x1, indcs_x2)]

        def calc_derivs(tensor_in):
            idxl = tensor_in[0]
            idxr = tensor_in[1]

            k = k_orig[idxl, idxr]

            idx_i = deriv_info_left[idxl, 1]
            idx_j = deriv_info_left[idxl, 2]
            idx_k = deriv_info_right[idxr, 1]
            idx_m = deriv_info_right[idxr, 2]

            # First order derivatives
            dk__dxli = lambda: tf.gradients(k, xl)[0][idxl, idx_i]
            dk__dxrk = lambda: tf.gradients(k, xr)[0][idxr, idx_k]

            # Second order derivatives
            dk__dxlj_dxli_ = tf.gradients(dk__dxli(), xl)[0][idxl, idx_j]
            dk__dxli_dxrk_ = tf.gradients(dk__dxrk(), xl)[0][idxl, idx_i]
            dk__dxrm_dxrk_ = tf.gradients(dk__dxrk(), xr)[0][idxr, idx_m]
            dk__dxlj_dxli = lambda: dk__dxlj_dxli_
            dk__dxli_dxrk = lambda: dk__dxli_dxrk_
            dk__dxrm_dxrk = lambda: dk__dxrm_dxrk_

            # Third order derivatives
            dk__dxlj_dxli_dxrk = lambda: tf.gradients(dk__dxli_dxrk_, xl)[0][idxl, idx_j]
            dk__dxli_dxrm_dxrk = lambda: tf.gradients(dk__dxrm_dxrk_, xl)[0][idxl, idx_i]

            # Fourth order derivatives
            dk__dxlj_dxli_dxrm_dxrk = lambda: tf.gradients(dk__dxli_dxrm_dxrk(), xl)[0][idxl, idx_j]

            num_left_derivs = deriv_info_left[idxl, 0]
            num_right_derivs = deriv_info_right[idxr, 0]
            k_new =
                    # Zeroth order
                    # ... is done by default
                    # First order
                    (tf.logical_and(tf.equal(num_left_derivs, 1), tf.equal(num_right_derivs, 0)),
                    (tf.logical_and(tf.equal(num_left_derivs, 0), tf.equal(num_right_derivs, 1)),
                    # Second order
                    (tf.logical_and(tf.equal(num_left_derivs, 2), tf.equal(num_right_derivs, 0)),
                    (tf.logical_and(tf.equal(num_left_derivs, 1), tf.equal(num_right_derivs, 1)),
                    (tf.logical_and(tf.equal(num_left_derivs, 0), tf.equal(num_right_derivs, 2)),
                    # Third order
                    (tf.logical_and(tf.equal(num_left_derivs, 2), tf.equal(num_right_derivs, 1)),
                    (tf.logical_and(tf.equal(num_left_derivs, 1), tf.equal(num_right_derivs, 2)),
                    # Fourth order
                    (tf.logical_and(tf.equal(num_left_derivs, 2), tf.equal(num_right_derivs, 2)),
                ], default=lambda: k, exclusive=True

            return k_new

        new_kernel = tf.map_fn(calc_derivs, elems, dtype=tf.float64)
        # NB. could consider making faster by only doing the upper half and duplicating for the
        # bottom half.
        new_kernel_reshaped = tf.reshape(new_kernel, k_shape)
        return new_kernel_reshaped

class RBFDerivativeKern(DifferentialObservationsKernelDynamic):
    Have the analytical expressions for the RBF kernel. We hope that this allows for faster

    Like the base class only allows up to second order derivatives.
    def __init__(self, input_dim, obs_dims, active_dims=None, base_kernel=None):
        if base_kernel is None:
            base_kernel = kernels.RBF(input_dim, active_dims=active_dims)
            assert isinstance(base_kernel, kernels.RBF), "This derivative kernel is for RBF"
        DifferentialObservationsKernelDynamic.__init__(self, input_dim, base_kernel,
                                                       obs_dims, active_dims=active_dims)

    def _k_correct_dynamic(self, orig_kern, xl, xr, deriv_info_left, deriv_info_right):
        So for speed reasons we want this to be as vectorised as possible. Also due to static graph
        restrictions we will define all the possible routes through.
        See base class for indexes.
        # Note there are different ways to do this. One may try and do dynamic partition, do the
        # respective derivative calculations and then stitch everything back together at the end
        # using dynamic stitch. Instead we have decided to opt for calculating everything everywhere
        # and then selecting the correct result via gather_nd at the end. Done this as some of
        # the intermediate calculations actually come up again later on and so may gain speed by
        # computing them once in a large batch. We also thought that it probably would be slightly
        # easier to code. If this method is slow we could consider the dynamic partition and stitch
        # equivalent instead. Note also that naively this method works over the whole matrix.
        # However the kernel matrix is symmetric so we could maybe try to take advantage of this.

        # Pairwise distances
        xl_min_xr_for_idx_i = self._compute_pairwise_distances(xl, xr, deriv_info_left[:, 1], left=True)
        xl_min_xr_for_idx_j = self._compute_pairwise_distances(xl, xr, deriv_info_left[:, 2], left=True)
        xl_min_xr_for_idx_k = self._compute_pairwise_distances(xl, xr, deriv_info_right[:, 1], left=False)
        xl_min_xr_for_idx_m = self._compute_pairwise_distances(xl, xr, deriv_info_right[:, 2], left=False)

        # Lengthscales

        ell_full_dim = self.base_kernel.lengthscales

        def ard_kernel():
            ell_sq_i = tf.gather(ell_full_dim, deriv_info_left[:, 1])[:, None] ** (-2)
            ell_sq_j = tf.gather(ell_full_dim, deriv_info_left[:, 2])[:, None] ** (-2)
            ell_sq_k = tf.gather(ell_full_dim, deriv_info_right[:, 1])[None, :] ** (-2)
            ell_sq_m = tf.gather(ell_full_dim, deriv_info_right[:, 2])[None, :] ** (-2)
            return  ell_sq_i, ell_sq_j, ell_sq_k, ell_sq_m

        def not_ard():
            ell_sq_i = ell_full_dim[:, None] ** (-2)
            ell_sq_j = ell_full_dim[:, None] ** (-2)
            ell_sq_k = ell_full_dim[None, :] ** (-2)
            ell_sq_m = ell_full_dim[None, :] ** (-2)
            return ell_sq_i, ell_sq_j, ell_sq_k, ell_sq_m

        ell_sq_i, ell_sq_j, ell_sq_k, ell_sq_m = tf.cond(
            tf.greater(tf.shape(self.base_kernel.lengthscales)[0], 1),

        # First derivatives
        dk__dxli = - orig_kern * xl_min_xr_for_idx_i * ell_sq_i
        dk__dxrk = orig_kern * xl_min_xr_for_idx_k * ell_sq_k

        # Second derivatives
        where_i_equals_j = tf.cast(tf.equal(deriv_info_left[:, 1],
                                            deriv_info_left[:, 2])[:, None], float_type)
        dk__dxlj_dxli = (-where_i_equals_j * ell_sq_j * orig_kern
                         + -ell_sq_j* xl_min_xr_for_idx_j * dk__dxli)
        where_i_equals_k = tf.cast(tf.equal(deriv_info_left[:, 1][:, None],
                                            deriv_info_right[:, 1][None, :]), float_type)
        dk__dxli_dxrk = (where_i_equals_k * ell_sq_i * orig_kern
                         - ell_sq_i * xl_min_xr_for_idx_i * dk__dxrk)
        where_m_equals_k = tf.cast(tf.equal(deriv_info_right[:, 1],
                                            deriv_info_right[:, 2]), float_type)[None, :]
        dk__dxrm_dxrk = (-where_m_equals_k * ell_sq_m * orig_kern
                         + ell_sq_m * xl_min_xr_for_idx_m * dk__dxrk)

        # Third derivatives
        where_j_equals_k = tf.cast(tf.equal(deriv_info_left[:, 2][:, None],
                                            deriv_info_right[:, 1][None, :]), float_type)
        dk__dxlj_dxli_dxrk = (-where_i_equals_j * ell_sq_j * dk__dxrk
                              +where_j_equals_k * ell_sq_j * dk__dxli
                              + -ell_sq_j * xl_min_xr_for_idx_j * dk__dxli_dxrk)
        where_i_equals_m = tf.cast(tf.equal(deriv_info_left[:, 1][:, None],
                                            deriv_info_right[:, 2][None, :]), float_type)
        dk__dxrm_dxli_dxrk = (  where_i_equals_m * ell_sq_m * dk__dxrk
                              + - where_m_equals_k * ell_sq_m * dk__dxli +
                              ell_sq_m * xl_min_xr_for_idx_m * dk__dxli_dxrk)

        # Fourth derivative
        where_j_equals_m = tf.cast(tf.equal(deriv_info_left[:, 2][:, None],
                                            deriv_info_right[:, 2][None, :]), float_type)
        dk__dxlj_dxrk_ = (  where_j_equals_k * ell_sq_j * orig_kern
                          - ell_sq_j * xl_min_xr_for_idx_j * dk__dxrk)
        # ^ although this is a second derivative we only need this term
        # for calculating the fourth derivative
        dk__dxrm_dxlj_dxli_dxrk = ( where_j_equals_m * ell_sq_m * dk__dxli_dxrk
                                  + where_i_equals_m * ell_sq_m * dk__dxlj_dxrk_
                                  - where_m_equals_k * ell_sq_m * dk__dxlj_dxli
                                  + ell_sq_m * xl_min_xr_for_idx_m * dk__dxlj_dxli_dxrk)

        # We now stack the possible kernel matrices together
        stacked = tf.stack([orig_kern, dk__dxli, dk__dxlj_dxli,
                            dk__dxrk, dk__dxli_dxrk, dk__dxlj_dxli_dxrk,
                            dk__dxrm_dxrk, dk__dxrm_dxli_dxrk, dk__dxrm_dxlj_dxli_dxrk])
        reshaped = tf.reshape(stacked, [tf.shape(stacked)[0], -1])

        # Using the gradient matrix we choose the correct gradient kernel at each location.
        choice = tf.reshape(deriv_info_left[:, 0, None]
                            + 3*tf.expand_dims(deriv_info_right[:, 0], axis=0),  (-1,))
        arange = tf.range(tf.size(choice))
        coords = tf.stack((choice, arange), axis=1)

        new_k = tf.gather_nd(reshaped, coords)
        new_k_correct_shape = tf.reshape(new_k, tf.shape(orig_kern))
        return new_k_correct_shape

    def _compute_pairwise_distances(self, x1, x2, idx, left=True):
        eg say you have: x1 =  [x1_1, x1_2]^T, x2 = [x2_1, x2_2, x2_3]^T ,
                        idx=[3,2] and left=True
        then this will return:
                       | x1_13 - x2_13, x1_13 - x2_23, x1_13 - x2_33|
                       | x1_22 - x2_12, x1_22 - x2_22, x1_22 - x2_32|
        :param idx: the dimensions of each observation to use.
        :param left:  if true idx refers to the left item but if not then referes to right
        num_left = tf.shape(x1)[0]
        num_right = tf.shape(x2)[0]

        if left:
            ra = tf.range(num_left)
            idx_all = tf.stack((ra, idx), axis=1)
            x1s = tf.gather_nd(x1, idx_all)
            x1_full = tf.expand_dims(x1s, axis=1)

            rar = tf.range(num_right)
            rar_rep = tf.tile(rar, [num_left])
            idxr = tensorflow_repeats(idx, num_right)
            idx_all_r = tf.stack((rar_rep, idxr), axis=1)
            x2_full_flat = tf.gather_nd(x2, idx_all_r)
            x2_full = tf.reshape(x2_full_flat, (num_left, num_right))
            ra = tf.range(num_right)
            idx_all = tf.stack((ra, idx), axis=1)
            x2s = tf.gather_nd(x2, idx_all)
            x2_full = tf.expand_dims(x2s, axis=0)

            ral = tf.range(num_left)
            ral_rep = tensorflow_repeats(ral, num_right)
            idxl = tf.tile(idx, [num_left])
            idx_all_l = tf.stack((ral_rep, idxl), axis=1)
            x1_full_flat = tf.gather_nd(x1, idx_all_l)
            x1_full = tf.reshape(x1_full_flat, (num_left, num_right))

        diff = x1_full - x2_full
        return diff

def derivative_kernel_factory(input_dim, obs_dims, base_kernel, active_dims=None):
    This creates a derivative kernel from a base kernel. It selects the most efficient
    implementation in case a kernel with analytical derivatives exist.
    :param input_dim: see kern class
    :param obs_dims: indicates how many dimensions the observations take up. This is so the class
    knows where the derivative information starts. See the docstring of the
    DifferentialObservationsKernelDynamic class for further details.
    :param base_kernel: the kernel between fs.
    :param active_dims: see kern class
    :return: an appropriate derivative observation kernel for use in the GP

    if active_dims is not None:
        raise NotImplementedError("Not yet implemented the active dims slicing")

    if isinstance(base_kernel, kernels.RBF):
        kern = RBFDerivativeKern(input_dim, obs_dims,
                                 active_dims=active_dims, base_kernel=base_kernel)
        kern = DifferentialObservationsKernelDynamic(input_dim, base_kernel, obs_dims,
    return kern

def tensorflow_repeats(vec, num_repeats):
    This is TensorFlow version of numpy repeats.
    # for instance to repeat vec=[0,1,2] 3 times we want:
    # [0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2]
    :param vec: vec should be one dimensional. we'll say it has length N
    :param num_repeats: a scalar saying how many time to repeat. we'll call this R

    vec = tf.expand_dims(vec, axis=1)  # it is now a column vector (Nx1)
    vec = tf.tile(vec, [1, num_repeats])  # it is now a matrix (NxR)
    vec = tf.reshape(vec, (-1,))  # it is now the NR vector of the form we want.
    return vec
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