Raw File
Tip revision: ddeedc6dd96060885edd207bd0772579438e9482 authored by Mark van der Wilk on 10 January 2018, 16:34:42 UTC
Added independent but distinct kernels for multi-output support in `conditional()`.
Tip revision: ddeedc6
tf_compile_verb = False
hmc_verb = True
optimisation_verb = False

float_type = float64
int_type = int32

jitter_level = 1e-6
# quadrature can be set to: allow, warn, error
ekern_quadrature = warn

dump_timeline = False
dump_tensorboard = False
output_file_name = timeline
output_directory = ./
each_time = False

intra_op_parallelism_threads = 0
inter_op_parallelism_threads = 0
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